#[ v. Forever a hundred years ; main verse :: Morty ]
countlessrealities · 4 months
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@ladiesofhell ~ Morty & Octavia (platonic) for the Valentine's starter call
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Morty double-checked the coordinates he had marked down the last time he and Octavia had hung out together. The last thing he wanted was to accidentally end up in the wrong part of Hell, get lost and keep his friend waiting.
Not only he would have felt bad about it, since the princess was bailing him out of a day where he would have been lonely and miserable, but he was also looking forward to their platonic date.
Once he was absolutely sure of where he was going, he opened a portal and stepped through it, landing right in front of the main door of Stolas' mansion. He was supposed to knock, right?
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He did, clutching the wrapped box he had brought with him tightly. Excited or not, he was also a bit nervous. He really hoped that Octavia would have liked his gift, and that he would make an ass of himself.
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countlessrealities · 1 year
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Morty's Birthday asks || Accepting !
@petalsxfallen sent: There she goes, just bursting in the living room. Eager grins and several wrapped gifts in hand. “Happy fucking birthday, dude! I want you to open these and then we’re going on an adventure to celebrate.” Said presents were various video games and comic books. Along with a cool leather jacket and fingerless gloves (for Morty)
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Birthdays had never been a big thing in their family, especially when it came to the youngest Smith. Summer had actual friends, so she got to have a little party with them or, nowadays, to go out to celebrate with them. Morty usually just had cake and presents at the house after dinner (or in the afternoon if it was the weekend), and that had always been it.
Things had changed a little after Rick had entered their lives, since the scientist had picked up the habit of taking him to cool places the night that preceded the actual birthday and then out again somewhere chiller once the family nightly celebration was over. Morty usually got a present to go with the trips, even if it was just something small.
For these reasons, the teen hadn't expected that year to be any different. So, when Petal barged into the living room like a hurricane, interrupting his idly channel zapping and raining a bunch of present over his head, the boy found himself beyond startled.
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"W-What the...?" Morty stuttered out, obviously caught off guard, his eyes growing wide firstly in alarm and then in shocked wonder as his eyes locked on the gifts.
His mouth hung open for a few moments, as he was left speechless. Not only he hadn't expected Petal to do more than wishing him a happy birthday, but they were more presents than he had ever gotten, on any birthday, counting all the ones his family had given him.
His chest felt a little tight and he swallowed, sincerely touched by the gesture. He knew that the two of them were friends, but he also knew how hard it was for the pearl to show that she cared about people. It was the reason why he was usually the one who mostly performed displays of friendship between the two. So, seeing her trying so hard made the gesture even more special.
"Oh g-geez, man, I-I..." He tried again, but the words kept failing him, even if now it was for a very different reason.
He picked up one of the comics and one of the games, to have a closer look. They were exactly the kinds he loved and they were newer editions of the ones he already had. Lately, since he was always busy with Rick, his time to play and read had been limited, so spending money on more stuff had seemed a little pointless. However, now that they had been gifted to him...it was different.
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"Y-You didn't have to, uh, go this overboard an-and...I...Thank you, P-Petal. These are...all great. A-Amazing. I-I wasn't expecting...you know. U-Usually no one really cares this much." Cue to an awkward chuckle. "I...I-It means a lot than you did all this j-just for me. Really. I-I suck at expressing it with words, b-but...I appreciate it. A lot. An-And I appreciate you...even more."
Setting the presents down, he stood up, a flash of nervous hesitance crossing his features before a determined expression replaced it. As quickly as he could he stepped into the pearl's personal space, wrapping his arms around her torso and giving her a very brief, but very tight hug.
Then, he immediately moved backwards, making sure to be out of Petal's current arm's reach. She wasn't a fun of physical affection, so he didn't want to risk it.
"Uh, y-yeah, let's go! I-I have to be home for dinner, b-because Mom is going to make my, uh, birthday meal. A-And a cake. Y-You should really stay and eat with us," he hurried to ramble, wanting to steer the focus away from the embrace. "B-But we have the whole afternoon and, uh, i-if we leave now, we can easily make it back! L-Let me just..."
His voice trailed off as he picked up the leather jacket and the gloves, taking a moment to slip them on. Since it was their adventure, it made sense to have matching styles. He also had the first blade that the Gem had gifted him already on him, so he was definitely ready to go.
"S-So, what did you have in mind?"
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countlessrealities · 5 months
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@riiese - continued from HERE
Ingvar had always imagined that any sort of size-altering magic would be not only terribly dangerous (otherwise, wouldn't he see it in use more often, surely, for awful things such as warfare...?) but also horrifically painful, like his body were being stuffed into some little receptacle far too tiny to hold it, or vice versa if one were to try and cast themselves significantly taller. And while this was, in fact, true of the magic of this world, it was not true of the weapon that the boy took out and aimed at him — not that, mind you, Ingvar had the slightest idea at all what type of gun it was, and therefore he very reasonably assumed it was the kind of gun he was accustomed to, the kind with gunpowder, a terrible bang and a stinging pain as a bullet or a ball lodged itself far within skin and drew blood.
As he panicked and held up his arms to shield himself — far better he should be hit in the arms than in the chest, Goddess forbid anything should go near his heart, a giant's one weakness — he was surprised to see that approximately neither of those things he expected, both of them painful, happened. Instead, there was a flash of light, a brief feeling of falling and a lurch of his stomach, and then... then, what, exactly? Then he felt perfectly normal, and reluctantly lowered his arms and opened his eyes.
His jaw dropped at what he beheld. Everything was very suddenly to him far larger than it should have been, with the boy now up to his hips rather than able to fit into a hand. The little giant blinked several times, his jaw agape.
"You... are sorry? Then.... was this... This was... being your doing?" he asked, and though he frowned in thought, there was no malice in his voice; his hands didn't reach for the boy's throat and he drew no weapon.
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Morty shifted his weight on his feet, unsure of what to do next. The other's stunned surprise was the perfect chance for him to get away, not just from his unfortunate encounter, but from that dimension altogether. Rick would eventually notice that his portal gun was gone, so the sooner he headed back home, the more likely it would be for him to get away with it.
On the other hand, however, he couldn't bring himself to leave just like that. Not only fleeing with his metaphorical tail between his legs would mean proving that his grandfather was right about how he couldn't handle himself, but he also felt kind of bad. While he was glad that he hadn't truly wounded the giant, perhaps shrinking him down to a human size was even worse.
After having spent who know how long being bigger than everything around you, suddenly finding yourself being smaller couldn't be an easy change to handle.
The creature's voice snapped the teen out of his thoughts, causing his shoulders to tighten defensively. The way his grip tightened around thee gun betrayed that he was expecting to be attack, and so did his surprise when it did not happened. The giant looked confused, troubled, but there was no sign of hostility in his eyes nor in his body language.
Geez. He had attacked a peaceful inhabitant of those lands, hadn't he?
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"I-I...uh, yeah. I-I mean, I guess I did. W-Well, not me as in me, y-you know? It was the...this thing," he blurted out, waving the device as if it could explain everything. "I-I thought...I-It was self-defence! I saw...you know...t-this big thing heading towards me and I...usually t-they chase after me and want to...eat me or-or kill me or something, s-so I just...acted?"
That sounded like a bunch of lame excuses, didn't it? Most likely, and the fact that it was the honest truth just made everything worse.
"I can...I-I can fix it!" Morty like Rick could. "I-I just need...uh, y-you have to come back with me. I-I'm sure that...T-This thing doesn't have a, uh, reversing effects mode, b-but I'm sure there's something back home. I-I mean, Summer turned into a giant w-with her skin inside out once, s-so we definitely can make you bigger again!"
Hopefully without turning the other inside out too.
"S-So, uh, it's...w-would that be alright?"
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countlessrealities · 26 days
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@proximasmith - from HERE
Proxima has gentle dusty-pink waves hair down to the level of her chin, and aqua-colored eyes that one could consider kind and sympathetic in other scenarios. On her Earth, her home, the light dusting of freckles was indicative of her status as a warrior that fights in the Sun Arena.
But here, years later, she's all business, even dressed in her unassuming mauve sweater hanging fashionably off of one shoulder. She looks like she fits in, here, at least. To an outsider she'd look like just another (if odd-haired) preppy Summer out to eat with her Morty and Rick, perhaps.
The Reconnaissance Specialist tries very hard not to rely on intel from other members of the Smith-Sanchez community, many of which would see a place like Haven M-42 like just another government set up to regiment the family into tidy categories. With that perspective, they have every right to be hard-headed about divulging information. But she can only hope this pair will be different.
"I have intel that you can give me information on a certain Rick that's become a problem for our organization. Well... most organizations, I suppose. Rick Prime. He's more dangerous to us for the schematics he holds rather than his charming personality, of course."
Proxima folds her hands on the table, glancing at the Morty with a little smile, but she's careful not to direct her words to him. She doesn't want him to feel pressured to contribute to anything he doesn't want to contribute to.
"...the problem being, of course, that you'd have to name your own price. I'm not sure what a Rick of your caliber might want out of the deal. Rest assured you'd be owed at least a favor for any amount of information that could point us in the right direction."
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Rick doesn't much react when the name of the guy he has been hunting for forty years is mentioned, even if the gulps he takes out of his flask immediately after it is longer than the previous one. He's aware that this was what they would be discussing, so it doesn't catch him off guard. However, he can't help the revoltingly sour taste that fills his throat the mere mention of the man.
The same can't be said for Morty. If finding out that they were meeting a version of his sister has puzzled him, the mention of his biological Rick has him visibly tensing. The boy whips his head in the direction of the scientist, his expression both shocked and incensed. He can't believe that the old bastard hasn't given him heads up at least about that.
He opens his mouth, but no words leave his lips. Not just because Rick waves a hand in his direction, in a silent order for him to keep quiet, but also because he doesn't want the Summer to know about the ties he has with their shared target.
She seems nice and all, more than his original Summer and than his current one, but he can't help worrying that it would change, if she knew that, technically, he is Morty Prime.
"Y-Yeah, I know the guy," Rick speaks up, after having taken another mouthful of liquor. "W-We have...unfinished business." And what a huge understatement that is. "T-That fuckin' asshole has been More slippery than an eel covered in vaseline for too long. I-I've figure out a way to track him down, b-but the process is a pain in the ass. An-And it's taking fuckin' ages."
He puts his flask down on the table, ostentatiously setting it between his side of the table and Morty's. The teen shoots him a look, hesitates for a moment and then grabs it to get a swing himself. He's going to need some liquid courage to get through that discussion.
"Y-You wanna know my price? E-Easy. I don't work with you corporate drones as a rule, b-but I'm willing to make an exception for this." And that must say just how much he wants to find his alternate. "I-I know that the group your work with has resources. S-Shit that would make my work faster. S-So here's the deal. I-I share what I know an-and my tracking process, y-you help me find this guy s-so I can erase him from existence."
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countlessrealities · 4 months
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@diiistcntlcnds ~ Morty & Marsha (platonic) for the Valentine's starter call
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This is a bad idea. A stupid idea.
That thought kept bouncing around Morty's mind as he stood a step away from the door of Marsha's cabin. He wanted to do it properly, knock and all, because he refused to add a third break-in to the list. That would have been beyond awkward, not that he was feeling any better now, and he was sure that the princess' patience for that sort of stunts would have eventually run out. So, he had better not to push it, if he could avoid it.
Sucking in a breath, the teen steadied his grip on the small pot he was holding and rapped his knuckles against the wood before he could chicken out. A few seconds passed, his heartbeat speeding up with awkward anxiety.
Maybe she wasn't home. Maybe he could still turn around and leave, and she would have never known. Oh, wouldn't have that been easier?
But, of course, he wasn't so lucky...or maybe unlucky? It was hard to tell...and eventually the door was pulled open, revealing his friend.
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"Uh, h-hey, Marsha, I was...you know, i-in the neighbourhood and I thought to...stop by." That sentence would have been a blunt excuse even if they hadn't lived in two different dimensions. "I-I don't know if you have that stuff here, b-but...today it's...it's Valentine's Day on Earth an-and it can, uh, be celebrated with friends too, so...I-I got you something."
And with that, he thrust the pot towards the hybrid, offering her, perhaps with too much haste, the small, bonsai-like bush of yellow roses that grew inside it. He had figured that she might not have appreciated a normal bouquet, so he had gotten her something she could plant.
Also, yellow roses were a symbol of friendship...according to Google.
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countlessrealities · 5 months
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Unconventional first meetings
@muses-inn sent: [ MIXED ] : in a restaurant or cafe, both muses’ orders are swapped due to a mix up (Morty getting served the 3 cups of water that Ashton ordered for Creepy, Weepy and himself)
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In spite of what he might say while he and Rick were going through a fight, Morty doesn't make it a habit to go on adventures on his own. At most, he heads back to the places where Rick's drunk rampages have created more trouble than favour and fixes them, so that they don't have yet another piece of the multiverse hunting them down, but those trips don't count as adventures in his book. Not really.
After all, as his grandfather would say, adventures, to be called such, need four things: conflict, stakes, a way for Rick to benefit from them and, clearly, the two of them as a duo. Even if he wouldn't admit it, to avoid being mocked, the boy is extremely fond of this definition.
So, him sitting in a tavern in a world that's a mixture between high fantasy and sci-fi counts, as most, as an interdimensional trek. Not that it could have been more than that. He knows too well what the scientist thinks of that sort of planets.
Morty's thoughts are abruptly interrupted as three cups of water are set down in front of him, instead of the slightly alcoholic local drink he has ordered. The teen stares at the for a long moment, eyes wide with confusion, and then whips his head up to inform the server of the mishap...just to find out that they have already walked away.
Oh geez, this is really awkward.
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"...Uh..." He lets out, carefully looking around for a group who might have ordered the three cups of water.
Most of the patrons are alone or in pairs, so he has no luck until his eyes land on a guy who has two dragons' heads sprouting out of his back. Is that kind of thing normal around there?
Still, he seems to be the only one who counts as a "trio", so the teen gets up, balancing the three cups in his hands, and carries the drinks over to the man's table.
"H-Hey, sorry for bothering you, but...Uh, I-I think these were meant for you and your...friends?" Amber eyes skittishly glanced at the dragons. They don't seem particularly friendly or cheerful. "A-Anyway, here's your...water."
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countlessrealities · 5 months
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@galaxyinfinitum sent: Chandra is looming in the distance just watching the pair. They are curious! The Celestial finds them both veeery interesting. (for Rick & Morty)
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Morty is the first to notice the figure that has been following them. They have kept their distance so far, but their stare is so intense that it has been sending shivers running down the teen's spine, until he has given into the urge and turned around.
Or, maybe, Rick has known all along too and has just decided not to mention it. It wouldn't be the first time. The scientist has the bad habit of ignoring everything that's not his current focus, no matter how dangerous or important it might be.
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"Uh, R-Rick?" The teen calls out, with a hint of worry in his voice. "Did you see...T-There's a...There's someone staring at us. An-And I think they've been doing it for...a while."
He hesitates for a moment, unsure about whether or not voicing his concerns to his grandfather is worth the trouble. They will probably be dismissed, as per usual. However, since the creature doesn't seem to have any intention of leaving them alone, in the end he gives in.
"I-It's...it makes me nervous. S-Should we...I don't know, do something about it?"
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"An-And what the fuck do you want is to do? S-Start a fight? K-Kill them? Throw them into the Blender Dimension?" Rick oh-so-predictably replies, rolling his eyes. He's obviously unimpressed. "J-Just let them do whatever, Morty. F-For all you know, t-they can't really see us an-and are just chilling. O-Or maybe they think you're stupid and it amused them. O-Or maybe they think I'm hot an-and to enjoy the view."
A shrug follows as he returns his eyes on the scanner he's handling, showing that the subject is already closed for him.
Morty, on his part, can't stop himself from shooting their stalker one last cautious look, before he scoots closer to Rick as they keep walking. He'll do what he's been told, as much as he can, but he also wants to be sure not to keep the genius within his arm's reach. Just in case.
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countlessrealities · 11 months
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@dynamoprotocol sent:
“…Hey.” Chance’s fingers twitch within the cradle of Morty’s palms, before...with a little concerted effort...he manages to close his grip in turn around his young companion’s hand. Rather than a reassuring squeeze, the older man's scarred digits only manage a light press against Morty’s skin, which feels hot with teen boy heat and hormones and fear. Chance's own skin is clammy and cool, vacant of its usual aura of electric warmth.
His complexion, already pallid and drained of its usual vibrant tone, is dulled further by the film of cold sweat that sticks strands of Chance's wild blue hair to his forehead, the wisp of breath past his cracked lips slow and shallow. Chance doesn’t have to see himself to picture how he must look from Morty’s perspective, not when he can see it so clearly in the kid’s face.
“You’re still here? For fuck's sake, Morty. It's been hours.”
Fighting the heaviness in his limbs, Chance rolls onto his side. His lungs bristle and burn with the effort and for a second the nightmare sensation grips him with the threat that he’s going to start choking again...likely bloodying the sheets as the nanobots ravaging his system attack his chest wall. A tiny spasm of pain tweaks through him as another wave of his body’s electricity is immediately siphoned greedily away by the parasitic little bastards whose damage his body is spinning its wheels uselessly to heal, only making the invaders stronger.
He makes it onto one side without vomiting up a lung. Chance reaches across the bedsheets with his free hand, fighting the concrete heaviness of his body to embrace the back of Morty’s palm with the reassuring embrace of his own. It’s clear the kid hasn’t moved since Chance fell asleep with Morty holding his hand...carefully, so not to disturb the IV lines draping out from Chance’s arm.
Perhaps it was no surprise, really, that Morty had felt like he’d had to stay. Chance remembers the fuss he’d kicked up when the one of his partners had tried to get a needle into him. He’s too exhausted to feel embarrassed over Morty having had to watch a grown man refuse his arm and get angry to the point of tears when in the moment, in his own head, he’d been back upon a whole different medical gurney.
Managing a slightly stronger squeeze of Morty’s hands, Chance gives Morty a close lipped smile. “Get out of here and go rest already, will you? I’ll be alright. Let Rick and Rick handle things.”
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The hours had ticked away, more slowly than they normally would. Morty was no stranger to stressful waitings that left him wondering about the unpredictable outcome that laid ahead of him. Cruising the multiverse with Rick had taught him that existence was nothing but a chaos of equally likely possibilities. Even the ones that were unthinkable in one reality were normalcy in another.
When an infinite number of realities existed all at the same time, Schrödinger's cat was both alive and dead and everything in-between at the same time.
The teen rubbed his yes with his free hand, trying to chase away the tiredness that was making them sting. Once upon a time, that sort of reasoning would have confused the hell out of him. Nowadays? It was what his life was made of.
However, now none of it was of import. He didn't care about hypotheticals and alternative realities. All that mattered was the dimension he was currently him, in that specific moment, with that specific version of the man whose limp hand he had been holding for who knows how long. He couldn't have cared less of what was happening to other versions of Chance and other versions of himself.
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Morty's lips curled slightly downwards. He wasn't even sure that he knew everything about what the other was going through. The Ricks had sort of explained the general lines to him and his boyfriend but, between the chaotic way their grandfathers talked when they were agitated and the fact that the two old bastards were obviously hiding something, it had been impossible for him to fully wrap his head around the whole ordeal.
All he knew, and it was all he needed to know, was that Chance was really sick and really miserable, and that he was being forced in a situation that was triggering who knows what old, never healed trauma. He might be just a teenager, and a dumb one according to the most, but if there was one thing he knew that was what panic looked on the face of a person who had been scarred deeply by life.
He had seen it too often in the mirror not to recognise it.
The sudden light pressure around his fingers startled the boy out of his gloomy thoughts and hazel eyes quickly lifted, locking on Chance's sweaty, sickly pale face. Under other circumstances he might have felt a little embarrassed for having been caught like this, but all his worried was focus on the man. He had none to spare for himself.
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"I-I...It's not...I-I didn't have anything to do," Morty stuttered, not sure if he should make excuses for himself or apologise or whatnot. It had been a little creepy of him, to stay there staring for all that time. "I-I wanted...The Ricks are busy w-with...science stuff for the...treatment an-and you know how they get. I-I wanted to make sure that, uh, s-someone was here in case you needed something. O-Or if the IV needs to be replaced and...y-you know."
What he didn't say was that he hadn't felt like leaving, not with how terrified and pained Chance had looked. Even if he was sure that the Ricks were monitoring him assiduously, he would have felt like the biggest asshole ever to leave the other alone like that. He might not be sure of what role Chance had in his life, in his family, but the truth was that he had grown attached to that badass cool aunt figure turned into a badass cool uncle figure.
Not to mention that they were also friends, or at least that was what it felt like to him.
"An-And it's not like...I-I'm not that tired."
That was huge lie and Chance was probably as aware of it as Morty himself was. After all, it was the middle of the night and, while the teen was used to having a fucked up sleeping schedule thanks to his adventure partner, it didn't mean that he wasn't affected by it.
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"I-It's..." He started, but his voice trailed off and his expression turned troubled.
His eyes, which had been avoiding to look directly at the man's face as he struggled to lie on his side, finally met those electric blue globes. Even the colour of his irises looked spent, compared to the usual brilliance they had, as sunk and surrounded by dark circles as they were.
His lips drew in a thin line. Chance was trying to be strong so that he wouldn't worry, but Morty wasn't going to allow it. It was his turn to be strong and steady for the man's sake.
"I-I'll go...soon," he stated, in an adamant tone that showed that he had made up his mind and wouldn't change it. "FM...Uh, o-other me is coming here in a bit an-and he'll take my place, b-but...I'm still till he arrives. An-And yean, the Ricks are handling it an-and stuff, but they can't do their science properly i-if they are too worried about you. S-So, Morty and I will handle this part o-of the work for them."
His grip on Chance's hand tightened, to underline even more the fact that he wasn't going anywhere. No discussions allowed.
"G-Go back to sleep," he went on, in a softer tone. "I-If you can. Y-You're going to need all the strength y-you can get for the next round of...tests. W-We'll take care of you an-and everything will be fine."
At least, I hope.
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countlessrealities · 8 months
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@shctupmeg sent: "Morty, are you upset with me? Did I do or say something wrong?" for his reaction to that ask
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In the few days that had followed the friendly picnic turned mishap, Morty had made a great job at avoiding Meg. Mind you, the task was made very easy by the fact that she lived in the other timeline and not his own, but Summer had been creating way too many chances for the two of them to meet, forcing him into hasty retreats before he could be noticed.
The boy was incredibly annoyed at his sister's behaviour, but he hadn't dared to tell her to quit it after the first time he had confronted her. The redhead hadn't even raised her eyes from her phone and had just proceeded to call him out until he had stormed off.
Of all the times Summer could have chosen to butt her head in his business, this one was one of the worst.
So, since there was no persuading her to stop, Morty had resorted to running from the problem, even if, deep down, he knew that it couldn't have lasted. It was only a matter of time before Meg would manage to corner him and force him into talking to her, and the day had finally arrived.
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"W-What? No! I...That's not...I-I'm not upset with you. An-And you did nothing wrong. I-I promise," he hurried to say, waving his hands in front of himself for emphasis. "I-It's just...I-I've been really busy with...stuff, an-and you know how Rick is, and...uh, I just have a lot on my plate. I-It has nothing to do with you. I-It's a me problem. Y-You're fine. More than fine. Y-You're amazing!"
Just great, he was rambling. And, even if he meant his words, the way he was stumbling all over them probably made it all sound forced. He needed a change of subject, and quickly.
His mind blanked for a second, until one sort of reasonable idea popped in his mind.
"Oh, uh, I-I don't know if FM mentioned it, b-but...other Rick is organising a Halloween party! Y-You should come! I-It's gonna be fun an-and...It's okay if you don't have an invitation, y-you can be FM's plus one, s-since you two are...you know..."
He grimaced at the fact that he couldn't even say that she and his counterpart were dating, but he tried to cover it up with an awkward chuckle.
"I-I have to go now, R-Rick...we're still getting things ready for...for the party, b-but how about I text you the details later?"
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countlessrealities · 1 year
Icons Only: Morty getting caught reading one of Fish’s books 😂 @imprvdente
Icons only || Accepting !
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countlessrealities · 1 year
@ladiesofhell​ [[ from HERE]]
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"Aren't you two worried about dying? What if those chemicals are bad for you?"
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Summer glanced between Octavia and the fluorescent popsicle she was holding. Could it be toxic? Probably. But so was half of the stuff people normally ate, so it should have been fine.
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“Nah. I mean, it wouldn’t be the first I get food poisoning,” she answered with a casual shrug. “Do you know why most humans have no idea of what’s in their food? Because, if we knew, we’d refuse to eat almost all of it.”
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“G-Geez, Summer, you’re making it sound real bad,” Morty interjected, offering Octavia a nervous grin. “S-She’s exaggerating. A-A lot of food is safe. S-Sort of.”
He squinted down at his own popsicle, clearly not as unfazed by the demon’s question as his sister was.
“B-But we’ll be fine. W-We ate worse stuff. Me, especially. T-The food you find in outer space isn’t always compatible with, uh, human physiology. I-If you get what I mean.”
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countlessrealities · 9 months
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Send “Talk about” and a name for my muse to talk about that person || Accepting !
@imprvdente sent: “Talk about-” Morty about teen Fish!
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Morty's eyes go wide at the question. It's innocent enough, but his expression betrays that, for him, it's anything but. His thoughts rush, too quickly for him to fully keep on, and for a moment too long he's left speechless. And, worst of all, he's painfully aware that he shouldn't be.
Fish is his friend. His best friend...after Rick, obviously. No one can ever take the role that the scientist has in his life, also because the man wouldn't allow it. Morty has been pissed about it at first, but these days? He's fine with it. Rick is his number one, the person he will always go back to. And he knows that the same goes for his grandfather, no matter what the old bastard says or tries to prove.
...But this is not about Rick, is it? He's been asked about his friend Fish. His good friend Fish. The one who is his friend and nothing more. No matter what the traitorous voices in the back of his head say. He's is perfectly fine with them being just pals.
...Or, at least, that's what he constantly tells himself.
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"F-Fish? Oh, uh, she...she's great! Y-Yeah, she's really great!" He stammers, trying not to cringe at how lame he sounds to his own ears. "S-She's really smart an-and...you know. C-Charming? She has everyone wrapped around her fingers. B-But not in the same way popular girls do. S-She just...It's not her status or-or whatever that makes her that. S-She always know what to say an-and how to say it. I-I really wish I could be like her, a-at least from time to time."
She might not have Rick's silver tongue, but she also doesn't have his ego, which allows her to be sensible when she needs to be. The scientist, instead, has dug his own grave so many times that Morty has lost count.
"I-I'm very lucky to be her friend. I-I don't even know how that happened! S-She's so...so much...you know." He doesn't even know how to describe it. "Everything. S-She can be herself and people still like her. S-She's so good an-and has good grades an-and is really cute an-and she can do so much stuff and...She's the kind of person w-who shouldn't bother with the local weird. B-But she does and...I-I don't get why, but I'm really glad. An-And grateful."
And it's not just the case of making him into a minion. Fish is always happy to help and support him. She has defended him from some of his bullies. She has come and comfort him when shit has hit the fan. She has helped him studying. She has shared some of her secret passions with him. She trusts him. She likes him.
It's simply inconceivable.
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"I...I don't know what else to say. T-There's so much and...I-I don't know where to start from. I-I guess I can say that I...I hope that we can stay together...tha-that we can stay friends for a really long time. An-And I'd really like to take her on adventures, f-from time to time. B-But only the cool ones. I-I don't want to put her in danger or, uh, t-to expose her the really freaky weirdness R-Rick and I get involved in sometimes. T-That would be...uh...not ideal, y-you know?"
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countlessrealities · 1 year
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@aslyfcx sent: “You almost killed me, so no, it’s not nice to meet you.” (for Rick)
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Rick made a show of rolling his eyes at the fox’s protests. It wasn’t his fault if the other had chosen to freely walk in while he had been in the middle of fixing one of his weapons. And the fact that the creature was a brand new guest and unaware of how things worked in that house wasn’t an excuse. If the guy was expecting an apology from him, well...He would have to keep waiting till the end of the multiverse and still remain empty-handed.
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“I-I was being sarcastic,” he pointed out, lowering his goggles over his eyes once again, showing his intentions to want to go back to work. “N-Next time, fuckin’ knock before coming in. O-Or, even better, stay the fuck out of my garage. E-Especially when I’m inside it.”
The only one who came in without knocking was Morty, but the teen was so used to be around him that, no matter what Rick was doing, he could handle is almost as well as the scientist. So, he wouldn’t have gotten himself killed or hurt. Not too badly at least.
“W-Who the hell are you again?” He asked then, bending over the workbench, a thin soldering pen in hand.
In truth, he sort of knew already, even if he hadn’t bothered to ask for details. Summer had found and brought up some wounded stray from another dimension and it would be up to him to figure out where he had come from and how to send him back. That was all the information he needed.
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countlessrealities · 1 year
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@modestmuses​ sent: “You shouldn’t be out here all by yourself this late at night.” (for Morty from Singed :)) Terrible first meeting starters
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Morty visibly started as the foreign voice reached him out of the blue, spinning around so quickly that he almost tripped on his own feet. His hand moved to the waistband of his trousers, where the small laser gun Rick had left him with was hidden, but he didn’t pull out the weapon just yet. He and his grandfather had landed on that world just a little longer than a week before, but they had already learnt a few things. Among them, the fact that hostile behaviours and threats were met with violence, so he wanted to assess whom he was dealing with first.
Hazel eyes ran up and down the stranger’s tall figure, lingering just barely over the visible part of his disfigured face. Once upon a time the man’s looks would have intimidated him, but by now he had seen so many horrors around the multiverse that it took much more than a creepy vibe to intimidate him.
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“W-Who said that I’m alone?” He shot back, with more confidence than the one he was truly feeling. “An-And even if I were, w-why do...w-what’s to you?”
In truth, he knew that the other was right. He shouldn’t have been out there alone, especially in the middle of the night. Zaun, as the locals called it, was hardly a safe place where to take a stroll. Even now that he didn’t stand out as much as he had the first day because he and Rick had swapped their usual clothes with outfits that fitted the fashion of the Undercity, he still looked like an easy target. Short, scrawny, young.
While he could hold his ground in a fight better than most would expect looking at him, he was still just a fourteen-years-old human boy. His experience and the few skills he had learnt could make up for his lack of strength only up to a point.
Maybe a more honest approach would be better?
“...Uh. I-I mean,” he stuttered out, his shoulders slumping slightly, even if his hand remained near his belt. Just in case. “I-I know, but...I can’t go back to...uh, w-where I’m staying. N-Not yet. It’s...I needed some air, y-you know? I-I don’t have anything valuable on me, s-so if you want to rob me...d-don’t waste your time. Or-Or if you want to, uh, harvest my organs or...s-something, well, bad idea. Y-You don’t want to deal with the consequences of that, t-trust me.”
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countlessrealities · 10 months
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@petalsxfallen sent: “Can you guys take me to see the Barbie movie?” (rejuvenated Petal for Summer and Morty)
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This wasn't the first time Petal came to them with that sort of request. Since Summer had revealed to her the existence of movie theaters one afternoon during a trip at the mall, the pearl had quickly gotten enthusiastic about it, to the point that she had started to keep track of the upcoming titles.
The three of them had already gone to watch a movie together a couple of times and it had been fun, especially considering how easy to awe the Gem was in her current rejuvenated state.
So, Morty didn't have any problems with going to the movies, nor he had any with being in his sister's and his friend's company. What made him grimace a little was Petal's latest pick.
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"Uuuh, t-that's a great idea, Petal, b-but damn, I...I really can't because I need to...I-I mean, you know how Rick is," the boy started to stutter out, as his mind whirled to find a proper excuse. "W-We are in the middle of this...thing, a-a very important thing an-and I need to be...you know, around. I-In case he needs me?"
From her spot on the couch, Summer rolled her eyes. Maybe the pearl would have bought that lame ass excuse, but she knew better. As a matter of fact, she could easily guess where all that reluctance was coming from.
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"She didn't even say when she wants to go. How do you know that you'll be busy?" She stated in a flat tone. She knew that convincing him to come would have been impossible, but that didn't mean that she wasn't ready to call him out on his bullshit. "Just admit that you don't want to go because Barbie movies are, like, 'girls movies' and you don't want people to make fun of you for watching them.
Morty instantly shot her a glare, but it was unsurprisingly ignored. Why did Summer always have to be...well, Summer? Couldn't she let him get away with it at least from time to time?!
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"I-It's not that!" He shot back, even if he felt a little guilty for lying while Petal was right there. "I...I-It's...Do you want Rick to open a portal in the middle of the movie t-to take me away an-and disturb everyone in the room? A-As I said, we're busy. H-He could need me any time! An-And speaking of, I-I think I hear him calling, s-so, uh, I-I'm gonna...y-you know."
And with that he rushed towards the kitchen, heading for the garage, without waiting for an answer.
Summer let out a snort, shaking her head slightly, eyes still glued to her phone.
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"I'm going to see it with my girl friends Thursday night," she informed Petal with a little shrug. "You're welcome to join us, if you want."
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countlessrealities · 1 year
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Send 🫢 for my muse's reaction to yours walking in while they are changing / getting dressed || Accepting !
@imprvdente sent: oops! Fish @ Morty, so he can be morti-fied (pun intended)
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In hindsight, Morty had to admit that letting Rick take him on adventures the same day he was supposed to meet a friend wasn't the greatest ideas. It wasn't just because their "20-minutes adventures" tended to be much longer than that and consequently caused him to miss the date. Another big issue was that they left him so tired that he forgot about everything else, including the engagements he had been excited about until the moment the scientist had dragged him through a portal.
Also, it was about time that he got a proper lock for his door. His parents weren't fond of the idea, but he was tired of people walking in while he was...enjoying his private time. Or, as in that case, while he was changing.
He and Rick had come back covered in a smelly, sticky slime. His grandfather had handed him a concoction, claiming that it was the most effective way to remove the goo. What he had failed to mention, however, was that it would also leave him stinking of something akin to sulphur. Surely Rick, in all his genius, could have made the thing odourless, right? If he hadn't, it probably was because he had been waiting for the perfect excuse to force him to use it.
Or perhaps he had just been lazy. Both options were equally possible.
When the door opened after a too quick knock, it found him in his underwear, rubbing off the last of the stickiness from his back. His dirty clothes had were in a corner and the room was filled with both the stench of the slime and of Rick's detergent.
Morty froze on his spot, caught off guard, but having found himself in a similar position so often had honed his reflexes, so he quickly snapped out of it. Normally, he would have yelled at whoever had come in to get out, but this time he didn't find himself faced with one of his family members.
Staring at him from the threshold was Fish. His girl friend he might or might not have a crush on.
Morty let out a loud yelp and then had hurried to try and cover himself as much as he could with the towel.
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"Oh g-g-geez! W-What are you...Turn around!" He shouted in a rush, face burning bright red. "I-I'm not decent! ...I-I-I mean! TURN AROUND!"
Maybe he was making too much of a fuss about this, since this wasn't too different from being seeing in a swimming suit. However, the fact was that the teen would have preferred not being seen in one of those either.
Puberty had made him awkwardly lanky and, while he did plenty of exercise during adventures, he had inherited Rick's body type. Long limbs, too thin to be healthy, muscles barely visible, a little too pale. The way he held himself, shoulders hunched and looking uncomfortable in his own skin, didn't help making it better.
Then there were the scars. When they had firstly started to go adventuring together, Morty had insisted that Rick removed them, but nowadays, he used the serum his grandfather had given him only for the ones that were too ugly or too visible. All the others he kept, as a reminder of everything he had been through and of how much he had changed.
Still, he was more scarred than any 14-years-old should be and that left him feeling a little uneasy.
"I-I had...R-Rick and I just came back from, uh, a thing an-and I hadn't realised that...y-you know," he went on, talking too fast and stuttering too much, as he hurried to hop inside a pair of jeans and to grab a clean T-shirt. "J-Just one moment an-and..."
The rest of the sentence was muffled by the yellow cloth slipping over his head. Morty took the chance to take in a calming breath, trying to get a hold of himself and rid of the heat that still coloured his cheeks, before speaking up again.
"Uh, h-have you been waiting for long?"
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