#[ v. My generation gets traumatized for breakfast ; main verse :: Summer ]
countlessrealities · 2 months
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@riiese sent:
Ingvar felt his heart leap into his throat, and with the young woman's screaming, he wanted more than anything in the world to cover his ears. The trouble was, the human occupied his hands, so he could not move them. Instead, he flinched, and shook his head quickly.
"Shh— do not be screaming...! I shan't harm you!" the giant stammered, hoping his near-whisper was even audible to the poor teen.
(—Ingvar, for Summer, who's likely gotten herself quite literally caught, be it because of one of Rick's inventions unceremoniously sending her there or otherwise? I know you mentioned they might be neat so I figured what the heck why not)
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By now Summer knew better than to mess around with Rick's inventions. She had learnt how to operate a good number of them, but there were some that were either too dangerous or too weird to be worth the trouble. Not to mention that her grandfather was constantly building new stuff and never bothered to explain what it was and what it did.
The safest, wisest move in those cases was to steer clear of them. Unfortunately, there was still someone in the family who refused to follow that simple rule. Namely, her father.
And, of course, Jerry was the reason why she had ended up where she was now. After the mishap with the portal fluid, Rick had started to experiment with in, trying new blends with the aim of finding a version that could last longer or that could be easier to produce. Useless to say, some of the attempts had gone disastrously, but the scientist had still kept samples of each one of them. They were stepping stones towards the final result, after all.
At times, Summer wondered if her grandfather did it on purpose. Leave unsafe things lying around, knowing that his son-in-law might try to mess with them. It was a concrete possibility. And an extremely annoying one.
Long story short, Jerry had had the brilliant idea of trying to use one of aforementioned samples because he hadn't wanted to walk his way to who-knows-where and the portal it had opened had sucked in half of the living furniture. Including the couch the girl had been curled up on.
At first, Summer had started to scream because she had abruptly found herself free falling, the rapidly approaching ground far away enough to promise that, upon hitting it, she would be turned into a mess of blood and minced organs.
When her plunge was interrupted without warning the yelling momentarily turned into a stunned oooof!. She wasn't sure of what was confusing her more, if the fact that she wasn't dead, even if she was remarkably sore, or that she had landed on something that felt creepily like callous skin.
Holy shit, were those hands?!
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"AAAAAAAH!!!" She screeched once again, as emerald green eyes locked on the owner of the palms who had caught her. "What are...What the fuck?!"
Of course, she had seen much freakier things than a giant. Size aside, he looked very much human, while most of the creatures she had dealt with did not. However, in her defence, the last few minutes had been one hell of a rollercoaster for her, so she was entitled to be a little out of her mind.
She couldn't really make out the giant's words with her heart beating so loudly in her eyes, but her mind registered his tone. In all honesty, he sounded more distressed than she was and that was enough to give her a pause.
Her screaming died down and Summer finally started to catch her breath, her head light from the lack of oxygen.
"...Shit," was the next word that left her lips, this time at a normal volume. "Did you just...? Woah, you, like, saved my life!"
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countlessrealities · 5 months
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@hclluvahctel - continued from HERE
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THE OWLETTE FLINCHED AT THE LOUDNESS of the new voice, and she spun her head to look towards the girl. It was RARE that Octavia managed to sneak away from home to be out on her own- but when she'd found out about the new drop at Hell Topic she knew she'd have to get there.
What she certainly hadn't expected was for a HUMAN to be in the same line. She blinks, and her brows furrow in confusion before she realised she had yet to respond. "Uh- who are you? How- did you get here?"
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If there was something Summer had learnt hanging at the shops and malls all around the multiverse, it was that competitive crowds were a universal constant, especially when new hot merch was dropped. Luckily for her, sales seasons on Earth had allowed her to be prepared for any sort of shopping rush.
The version of hell she currently was in was no exception to that rule. And, maybe, she had been using the fact that she was human as an advantage. It was easy to get the upper hand when the other person was too stunned to react.
The last demon she sneaked past, an owl-like creature who, as far as she could tell, had to be in her teen years too, proved to be a little more responsive than the other, since she manages to question her before Summer could fully walk past her.
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"You know that there are, like, nicer ways to ask someone their name, right?" She shot back with an eyeroll, acting like she belonged there just as much as everyone else. "And I walked through the mall entrance, duh."
She was playing dumb, of course, because she knew what the owlette was truly asking. She had been visiting that dimension for long enough to know that humans were not supposed to have access to it.
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countlessrealities · 1 year
@ladiesofhell​ [[ from HERE]]
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"Aren't you two worried about dying? What if those chemicals are bad for you?"
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Summer glanced between Octavia and the fluorescent popsicle she was holding. Could it be toxic? Probably. But so was half of the stuff people normally ate, so it should have been fine.
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“Nah. I mean, it wouldn’t be the first I get food poisoning,” she answered with a casual shrug. “Do you know why most humans have no idea of what’s in their food? Because, if we knew, we’d refuse to eat almost all of it.”
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“G-Geez, Summer, you’re making it sound real bad,” Morty interjected, offering Octavia a nervous grin. “S-She’s exaggerating. A-A lot of food is safe. S-Sort of.”
He squinted down at his own popsicle, clearly not as unfazed by the demon’s question as his sister was.
“B-But we’ll be fine. W-We ate worse stuff. Me, especially. T-The food you find in outer space isn’t always compatible with, uh, human physiology. I-If you get what I mean.”
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countlessrealities · 10 months
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@petalsxfallen sent: “Can you guys take me to see the Barbie movie?” (rejuvenated Petal for Summer and Morty)
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This wasn't the first time Petal came to them with that sort of request. Since Summer had revealed to her the existence of movie theaters one afternoon during a trip at the mall, the pearl had quickly gotten enthusiastic about it, to the point that she had started to keep track of the upcoming titles.
The three of them had already gone to watch a movie together a couple of times and it had been fun, especially considering how easy to awe the Gem was in her current rejuvenated state.
So, Morty didn't have any problems with going to the movies, nor he had any with being in his sister's and his friend's company. What made him grimace a little was Petal's latest pick.
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"Uuuh, t-that's a great idea, Petal, b-but damn, I...I really can't because I need to...I-I mean, you know how Rick is," the boy started to stutter out, as his mind whirled to find a proper excuse. "W-We are in the middle of this...thing, a-a very important thing an-and I need to be...you know, around. I-In case he needs me?"
From her spot on the couch, Summer rolled her eyes. Maybe the pearl would have bought that lame ass excuse, but she knew better. As a matter of fact, she could easily guess where all that reluctance was coming from.
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"She didn't even say when she wants to go. How do you know that you'll be busy?" She stated in a flat tone. She knew that convincing him to come would have been impossible, but that didn't mean that she wasn't ready to call him out on his bullshit. "Just admit that you don't want to go because Barbie movies are, like, 'girls movies' and you don't want people to make fun of you for watching them.
Morty instantly shot her a glare, but it was unsurprisingly ignored. Why did Summer always have to be...well, Summer? Couldn't she let him get away with it at least from time to time?!
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"I-It's not that!" He shot back, even if he felt a little guilty for lying while Petal was right there. "I...I-It's...Do you want Rick to open a portal in the middle of the movie t-to take me away an-and disturb everyone in the room? A-As I said, we're busy. H-He could need me any time! An-And speaking of, I-I think I hear him calling, s-so, uh, I-I'm gonna...y-you know."
And with that he rushed towards the kitchen, heading for the garage, without waiting for an answer.
Summer let out a snort, shaking her head slightly, eyes still glued to her phone.
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"I'm going to see it with my girl friends Thursday night," she informed Petal with a little shrug. "You're welcome to join us, if you want."
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countlessrealities · 11 months
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@petalsxfallen sent: "Why the fuck would you guys let me hookup with a frat boy?! Now I have to get rid of this guy!" for Rick, Morty and Summer
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The short outburst elicits different reactions from the three occupants of the room. Rick rolls his eyes with a scoff, Morty rubs the back of his head with a nervous smile and Summer...well, she barely rises her eyes from the screen of her phone, obviously not really interested in what's happening.
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"H-Hey, don't fuckin' blame us," the scientist shoots back, with a hint of annoyance. Yet there's also a spark of amusement in his eyes. "T-That was all you. F-For the fuckin' record, I told you more than once tha-that keep seeing that idiot was a goddamn stupid idea, b-but you didn't listen. I-I'm not your babysitter. Y-You made your choice, d-deal with it."
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"I-I mean, it's not like...W-We didn't even know that you went to that party!" the boy joins in, in a more pacifying tone. "Y-You told us after it had already happened, s-so, uh, there wasn't much to do about it? Y-You insisted on wanting to see him, an-and it's...we can't choose for you, i-it wouldn't have been fair, y-you know?"
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"And it's not like we could have locked you or something," the redhead finishes, with a shrug. "Just, like, dump his dumb ass or something. It's not that hard."
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countlessrealities · 1 year
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@petalsxfallen sent: "I think I really like this outfit!" (rejuvenated Petal for Summer for her official makeover at the mall)
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Green eyes run up and down Petal's figure, as Summer studies the outfit she has helped the Gem select. It's a little too girlish for her tastes and she can't imagine the other Petal wearing it, but on this Petal? It looks pretty good.
The laces of the top let a hint of the pinkish skin of her stomach be visible and it follows the shape of her torso in a way that it's definitely flattering. The skit, on the other hand, has a much simpler design, not stealing the attention, but the colours are well coordinated. And then the sandals, so very different from the ballerina shoes Petal has been wearing since reforming after her rejuvenation. They are a little showy, but they go with the general vibe.
Once her examination is finished, the girl nods in approval. "Yeah, I think we've found a really good one for you," she agrees with a little grin. "And since there's, like, no makeover without makeup, that's our next stop!"
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countlessrealities · 1 year
{ @npcharacters from HERE ~ Summer & Brewster }
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Summer's shoulders relax a little at the sight of the cup. She would have preferred a glass of strong liquor, but she doesn't know what the legal drinking age is on that planet and the last thing she needs is more trouble.
"Thanks," she says quietly, picking up the cup to give it a sniff.
The rich, sharp scent of coffee fills her nostrils and she has to admit that it smells amazingly. Much better than any other she has ever had. The idea of taking a sip right away is tempting, but she doesn't want to burn her tongue.
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"Neither," she speaks up instead, returning her gaze on the barista. The annoyance is back in her voice, but it's clearly not directed at him. "I was forgotten here."
Her lips curl in a scowl and she shoots a glare in the direction of the door, as if it could have somehow delivered her anger to Rick and Morty.
"I was on a trip with my Grandpa and my brother and I was, like, happy to be? They almost never take me along on their adventures." An eyeroll. "Grandpa wanted this plant for...well, he didn't tell us, but knowing him? It's probably, like, drugs."
She waves a dismissive hand. It doesn't matter, she is used watching the scientist getting fucked up with the weirdest stuff.
"We split up to look for it, but when I got to the meeting point, the car...the spaceship wasn't there. They obviously found what Grandpa wanted and took off. 'Cause adventures are a 'Rick and Morty thing'," she air-quotes the words, " and everyone else is, like, negligible."
She brings the cup to her mouth with a disgruntled noise. "Now I'm, like, stuck here until they remember and come get me. Like the other times."
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countlessrealities · 1 year
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@sassyparrot sent: "The name is Iago, not Polly! Do I look like a Polly to you?!" (Little random thingy for Summer)
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Summer shrugs, obviously unimpressed with the screeching retort her quip has earned her. What has caught her attention, instead, is who has throw out that comeback. Sure, she knows that some parrots can talk, to an extent, but this one? He's not just repeating things he has been taught. He's speaking actual sentences, just as any other sentient being would do.
It's not the weirdest thing she has witnessed, not by far, but it's still a bit surprising. After all, she isn't in some alien bazaar, she is on Earth. Even if not her own.
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"I don't know, you tell me," she shoots back, with maybe just a second too many of delay. "Do I look like a 'hey girlie' to you? Because if I do, then you're a Polly. It would be, like, fair, don't you think?"
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countlessrealities · 1 year
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@petalsxfallen sent: "Look what I bought today!" (just rejuvenated Petal showing Rick, Morty and Summer a brick of cocaine she bought XD)
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The silence stretches in the room for several long moments. Rick isstaring at the batch of cocaine, an eyebrow raised and a skeptical look on his face, while Morty and Summer share a quick perplexed look.
This new Petal has been incredibly quick at picking up bad habits and reckless behaviours, and the worst part is that she doesn't seem to be aware that they aren't something people on Earth normally do.
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"This is, like, all your fault, Grandpa," Summer finally speak up, breaking the awkward silence, before returning her attention on the screen of her phone. "I'm so not dealing with it."
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"Aw geez..." Morty echoes. For a moment, it looks like he is going to add something else, but at the end he changes his mind and merely shakes his hands.
The teens' reactions cause Rick to scowl, but the glares he shoots them are thoroughly ignored. Are those two little shits seriously pinning all that crap on him? Well, they can if they want, but he refuses to properly deal with it.
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"G-Gimme that," he orders and snatches the cocaine out of Petal's hands without waiting for a reply. "N-Never buy drugs again on your own. N-Never fuckin' ever. C-Capiche? Good. N-Now...I have better things to do."
And with that, he marches past the other three, heading for the garage.
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countlessrealities · 1 month
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@questionablemuses sent: "Do you always wear pink?" ( -casually slips in Lydia for Summer- c: )
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Summer glared at the question. The other girl's tone hadn't been openly judging, but having a stranger walking up to you and questioning your fashion choices? Call her paranoid, but it felt a little like an attack.
Her lips pursed for a moment, as she tried to make up her mind on how she wanted to respond. Her first impulse had been to straight out act as the bitch she could be, but that might have come off as a little too defensive. Not the best look to offer, even more if the other had meant to insult her.
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"It's one of my favourite colours, so duh? Why wouldn't I want to wear it?" She ended up saying, with a condescending eyeroll. "Don't tell me that you don't, like, try to wear your favourite colour as often as possible. 'Cause yeah, not gonna buy that."
...So much for not sounding defensive.
"But no, I don't always wear pink. I do, like, super often, but not all the time. Is that a problem or something?"
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countlessrealities · 8 months
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@shctupmeg sent: “Wanna hang out at my new house? Well, I guess a more accurate term would be mansion. They have their own pool so that’s pretty cool.” for Summer
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Summer lifted her gaze from the screen of her phone at Meg's offer. Her green eyes scanned her friend's face for a moment before dropping back on the text she had been typing. If it had been anyone else, she would have assumed that they were rubbing in her face their wealth and cool house, but this was Meg. The girl didn't have a single arrogant bone in her body.
On the contrary, she was in desperate need of one, considering how low her self-esteem could get.
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"A pool, hm?" She echoed and you could see by the way her lips curled into a sly grin that she was already planning something. "You know what mansions and pools are great for? Rad parties! You should totally throw a party. That's gonna be, like, a first class ticket to become one of the popular kids! Nothing gets you up the high school hierarchy faster than money."
She waved her phone a little, showing Meg the screen, where her Instagram profile was open.
"Okay, this is what we're going to do," she started to explain, looking like someone who had already thought of everything. "I'll come to your new place, we'll have a fuckin' amazing pool day, take lots of pictures and post them online. Then, I'll tell my girl friends about the super cool house you're living in and mention that you're thinking about throwing a party."
She could already picture it, the students whispering to each other and watching Meg whenever they ran into her in the corridors.
"Word will spread like wild fire and you'll have, like, everyone trying to kiss your ass in no time. Cool, right?"
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countlessrealities · 10 months
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@petalsxfallen sent: "Ruby's not my girlfriend. I told you guys, I don't date, period." for Rick, Morty and Summer
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The claim is welcome with a group eyeroll. This isn't the first time that Petal insists on correcting them whenever someone slips and imply that she and Cherry Blossom are in a relationship, not by far. If any of them had cared to keep count of how many times it had happened, by now they would have surely lost it.
At first, seeing the pearl getting all worked up over it had been funny, so Summer and Rick had teased her on purpose, but it had gotten old pretty fast. No surprise there, since the Gem repeats every time the same things.
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"H-Hey, I call it like I see it," Rick says with a brief shrug, and that's all he has to say on the subject. "D-Do whatever with it. O-Or don't do shit."
Petal is welcome to remain in her denial, if she wants. It's not like it will affect anyone. Aside from her not-girlfriend or whatever, but the ruby doesn't seem to mind either way, so no harm done there either.
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"If you don't want people to, like, think that you two are together, maybe you shouldn't act like you're together?" Summers points out, shooting Petal a look from above her phone screen. Where Rick has been completely neutral, her ton holds a hint of judgement. "You can't say 'not my girlfriend' and then treat her like she is and expect people to believe you." Green eyes drop back on the screen. "Like, make up your mind."
Morty, on his part, remains quiet for a few more moments after his sister has spoken, before letting out a small sigh.
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"Uh, s-sorry, Petal, but I'm with Rick an-and Summer on this," he admits, with just a hint of hesitance. He doesn't want to upset his friend, but he can't just stand there and lie to her face either. "M-Maybe you and Cherry should...you know. T-Talk it out. About your relationship, I-I mean."
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countlessrealities · 10 months
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@petalsxfallen sent: "Hope you guys don't mind I brought Ruby." Cherry Blossom is just tucked underneath her arm like one would a football. "Hello." The smaller gem gives for a greeting. (for Rick, Morty and Summer)
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Rick and Morty stare at the duo for a moment, the scientist with a raised brow and the boy biting his lips in the attempt to prevent himself from laughing. It's hard not to find amusing how the pearl is carrying around the ruby, as if she was some sort of package.
Summer, on her part, doesn't even look up from her phone.
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"Uh, y-yeah? I mean, i-it's okay, we don't mind," Morty speaks up first, once the urge to snicker has passed, "I-It's a movie night, s-so of course you can bring your...uh..." He hesitates, knowing very well that Petal doesn't like it when they label her relationship with Cherry Blossom. "Y-Your partner...?"
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"Y-Yeah, whatever. J-Just don't fuckin' makeout too much, lovebirds. J-Jerry picked the goddamn movie, s-so it's probably gonna suck, an-and I don't want to deal with him bitching b-because no one is paying attention." And eyeroll. "I-I know that rekindling a relationship comes with a lot of excitement, b-but we don't want to have to put up with the consequences."
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"Fore future references, you can always, like, bring your girlfriend for movie night. She's part of the package."
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countlessrealities · 11 months
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@petalsxfallen sent: "It's freedom day, bitch!" Petal once again burst into the Smith household with no warning whatsoever. Taking her place on the couch next to Morty. "Hope you guys don't have any plans today 'cause we are gonna fuck shit up!" (for Morty, Summer and Rick)
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When Petal barged in with her announcement, Morty visibly started, caught off guard by her sudden appearance, even if he probably shouldn't have been. The pearl had already mentioned her "birthday" to him and Summer, so he should have expected her to want to share it with them and Rick.
His sister, on her part, didn't even flinch and merely detached on hand from her phone to give the Gem a wave, before returning it to its previous spot. Her handbag was already set on the floor, by the side of the armchair she was curled up in, ready to go wherever Petal wanted to take them.
As for the scientist, he shot the pearl a confused look from where he was sitting at the kitchen table, tinkering with yet another small robot. He didn't say anything, but his expression spelled his thoughts very clearly. What the fuck is freedom day?
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"O-Oh, hey, Petal!" Morty spoke up, once he had recovered a little from the surprise. "S-Sure, I mean, we kept ourselves free s-since, you know, you had mentioned that y-you might want to do something for your...freedom day. B-But, uh, fuck shit up meaning...? L-Like destroying stuff?"
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"There's better be, like, an actual party at some point," Summer interjected, looking up from the screen of her phone and landing her green eyes on the the Gem. "Fucking shit up can be fun...but it's not a real celebration if we don't get to have a dozen drinks. And maybe some fancy food."
After all, those were the only occasions when she could drink freely without getting scolded. And food always tasted better when someone else was paying for it.
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"I-I have not fuckin' idea of w-what this shit is all about, b-but if there's booze and fun, I-I'm in."
With a shrug, Rick set down his tools, ignoring the exasperated look that Morty shot him. Judging from the teenager's expression, the little shit had to have told him what all this was supposed to be about, but he probably hadn't considered it worth remembering or he had simply not listened to a word of it.
"S-So, what's the plan?"
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countlessrealities · 1 year
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@petalsxfallen sent: “So basically pebble means you’re nothing or a little shit. While clod is like the gem version of calling someone a bitch.” for Morty and Summer (Petal teaching them gem swears lol)
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If there was something Morty had never expected to be taken, it was cursing lessons. He knew how to swear in a few alien languages, but it was something that he had learnt by himself during his and Rick's adventures. No one has ever literally taught them to him.
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"T-This is so weird," the boy commented, making a face. "I-I mean, those are...English words? O-Or, well, they mean something else in English. H-Hearing them used as insults is...uh, yeah, weird."
He couldn't imagine himself calling someone "a small rock" or "lump of soil" while keeping a straight face. And yes, he was aware that English swearing had to sound just as nonsensical in literal translations, but he still couldn't wrap his head around the whole concept.
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"Who cares if it's weird, Morty," Summer stepped in, barely refraining from rolling her eyes. "We get to insult them in a way they can understand. I doubt that they get it when you call them, like, 'asshole' or 'dickhead'. And the words track with the intended meaning. Sorta."
If she had to be honest, she wouldn't have cared even if the curses had been some weird, hard to pronounce words. As long as she had the instruments to assert her dominance verbally too, she would be satisfied.
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countlessrealities · 1 year
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@petalsxfallen sent: “You guys wanna see me and Cherry Blossom fuse?” for Morty & Summer (after the rejuvenation arc)
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Morty blinks at the question and even Summer stops, even if just for a moment, her typing. They know, in theory, that fusion isn't the Gem equivalent of sex, but from how it's been described it still sounds like something intimate, so it's feels a little weird to be asked to watch it.
On the other hand, though, they can't deny that they are curious. Besides, seeing it happening might dispel their awkward doubts towards the whole thing.
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"Uh, y-yeah? Why now? I-I mean, if it's okay with both you guys," Morty eventually speaks up, since it seems like Summer has decided to leave the task to him. "B-But shouldn't we ask your...I-I mean, Cherry Blossom first?"
His sister snorts from her seat at him almost calling the ruby Petal's "girlfriend". They still haven't approached that subject, so the boy always finds himself tiptoeing around it. He knows that he should just ask, but it still feels like he'd be prying in something that's none of his business.
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"I don't think that Cherry will have issues with it, right? Just let's make sure that she doesn't, like, set the house on fire or something if she gets too embarrassed," Summer finally speaks up with a shrug. "Next time you both come to visit, we can do it. I'm curious to see what your personalities mixed up are like."
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