#— lily's brainrot ! ☆
allaboutlov3 · 21 days
The amount of people who started as Jily shippers only to discover Jegulus is astounding. It’s me. I’m people.
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hannaxjo · 5 months
Alan Rickman, David Thewlis, Gary Oldman and all those are iconic in their roles in Harry Potter, but I’ll always be a bit sad about that casting, because having that ‘Marauders era’ cast be age appropriate would’ve just been so much better for the story.
Sirius wasn’t this old man who spent 12 years in Azkaban, no he got locked up at 21. He spent almost third of his life in a cell. He wasn’t this wise father figure to Harry, he was a reckless thirty-something who never really got the chance to mature past 21.
Remus was an exhausted, bone deep tired man carrying both physical and mental scars from the suffering he went through. Because he’s a werewolf, because of the war, because he lost all of his friends. And he’s only 33 when first introduced.
And Snape. Snape wasn’t an old bitter man who just hated everyone and enjoyed being antagonistic. He was 31 in Harry’s first year. He began to work for Voldemort as a teen, and as a double agent at 20. He’s a thirty-something bitter man, who never got to really live or make real connections. From Harry’s perspective he’s scary and intimidating, but really he’s just kinda…sad and pathetic. And then especially that scene where Snape is begging Dumbledore to help save Lily, and promising anything in return. (Because apparently Dumbledore needs something in return…for saving people.) He’s twenty. Barely out of his teens. Rickman was good in that scene, but having someone who actually looks twenty, would better show how scared, young, guilty and just desperate he was. That might not put Dumbledore in such a good light, though.
And then, the characters I think would’ve been the most important to cast age appropriately. And most people probably already agree and know who I’m talking about. James and Lily. They were 21 when they died. When Harry sees them in the mirror of Erised, they’re 10 years older than him. That’s the age difference Ron has with Bill. In that scene I might understand somewhat them being in their thirties, because that’s what Harry wants. He wants his life with his parents, he wants to have been raised by them. Though, I don’t know if the mirror could know what they might’ve looked like in their thirties, since they didn’t live that long. But then, in the cemetery when Voldemort’s wand spits the last spells cast, we see Lily and James as they were. 21. They’re telling their son to hold on just a moment longer. And they are 7 years older than him. In Deathly Hallows, Harry sees Voldemort kill them. They’re not this happy couple who’s got to love each other for a long time, only to have that happiness torn from them, no they started at Hogwarts ten years ago. They’re 21, and they’ve barely tasted that happiness. At the end of the book Harry talks to his parents. They comfort him and promise to stay with him, as he goes to die. Harry’s seventeen. James and Lily are four years older than him.
It wouldn’t have felt as nice. Harry being comforted by someone who looks almost his age. But it wasn’t nice. It was pretty tragic. Casting people who look 21, would’ve really made it land on the audience. It was a tragedy. They were barely adults.
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shares-a-vest · 11 months
Eddie leans down, dipping Steve just so. Steve goes limp in his arms, as a new-found steel strength holds him effortlessly.
His other hand moves to Steve's neck and his boyfriend lolls his head to the side, eyes fluttering shut. Steve parts his plush, kiss-stained lips and lets out a faint sigh.
Eddie squeezes ever so gently and runs his index finger over the two moles on the left side of Steve's neck. He presses his fingertip to each of them, digging in just enough that when he moves away, a pale ring forms around each one.
He leans down further, baring his teeth as he draws closer.
Steve's heart skips with excitement. His breath quickens.
"And so the lion fell in love with the lamb," Eddie whispers against the warmth radiating from Steve's skin.
Steve's eyes snap open and his lip curls up in disgust.
"I'm sorry," Eddie recoils, leaning back just as Steve pushes himself up to a standing position.
He tsks, detaching from him completely. Steve folds his arms with a huff.
"You promised you wouldn't keep saying stupid vampire shit."
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paper-lilypie · 1 year
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they’re getting there
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lilywastaken · 1 year
now hear me out: witch hunter!ghost x witch!reader...
he's visiting a town with the rest of his team to investigate a claim that there might be witches running rampant around the small countryside village, only to fall victim to a resident's charm while they conduct interviews.
she's a sweet woman who insists on curing the scratches that he's gathered across their travels, using tonics and herbs from her cute little garden and letting him pet her pet cat, who seems to have taken liking to the dark and imposing man, rubbing it's little black body against his boots and purring when he leans down to scratch under its chin.
it doesn't even clock in his mind how every single detail about you and your life correlates exactly with the obvious signs of a witch, but he's too spellbound with you to even realise.
he informs the others that none of the people he's talked to seem to have made the infamous deal with the devil, but due to the panicked way the leader of the community had written to them, they decide to stay to investigate further, staying in the small inn near the outskirts of town and luckily for simon, near your cottage.
despite the clear liking he's taken to you, he's still as emotionless and snarky as he would be with anyone else, and his chest tightens every time you laugh or giggle out loud at one of his dark jokes, most unladylike for any other woman, but you don't seem to care to hide your snorts or amusement around him, something he completely adores.
he insists on helping you with your garden, claiming you have no need to get your hands dirty when he's used to doing dirty work (both taking lives and tending to his own garden back home), sitting at your kitchen and watching you make the tonics and medicine you help treating anyone who has fallen ill in the village, standing close by whenever someone comes in with an injury, absolutely in awe at how they're cured almost immediately, thanking you gratefully before leaving. although, he does not miss the dirty glares some of your neighbours send you when they think you're not watching, making him grow confused, not understanding why they would harbour such feelings towards someone as kind and helpful as you.
it's not until he's taking a break at the pub, listening to gaz drawl on about some thing or another, when he catches wind of two women's conversation, frowning beneath the leather mask he wears in distaste has he takes in their poisioned words.
"-making moves on my poor husband. i swear, she's put some type of spell on him, that vile witch."
"oh, i know! my brother told her off last monday and guess what!? the next day, he fell off the roof and broke his leg! bloody bitch probably cursed him!"
"gosh, i cannot wait until those hunters finally get her! i have no idea how she's managed to evade their suspicions, she's done nothing to hide herself!"
"well, by the way that masked man has been loitering around her home, we'll be lucky to have a burning at the end of the week!"
they both laugh, the high pitch shrieks that they let out enough to make the glass in simon's hand shatter, shoving his seat back and leaving a dumfounded gaz in the pub alone as he walked away.
the splintering wooden door slams open as he shoves himself into your cottage, dark eyes landing on your crouched figure and then the second one, body freezing as he makes eye contact with his captain.
"simon." the man grunts, alerting you of your favourite visitor's presence as you pull back from the wound on his leg you were treating, a sweet smile on your lips.
"simon!" you repeat, cleaning your hands with the bucket of water next to you, wiping away the dried blood in the rags as price sends a warning look to his subordinate, the blond furrowing his brows in confusion, before the conversation he'd overheard before came to mind.
no, price didn't know.
and, god, no, you weren't one of them.
you... no. no.
"let's get going. thank you for the help, miss." his whole body went into autopilot as price pushes him out of the cottage, the short wave and caring smile you sent his way the last thing he saw before the door was slammed shut.
neither of the men spoke on their trek back to the inn, and simon did not sleep a wink that night, terrified of what would happen in the coming days.
surprisingly, there was nothing. no finding of stakes, no gathering of firewood, no detainment of you.
so maybe, price hadn't picked up on you. even though simon was still convinced you were not one of those.
until after a few days of pouring rain, simon wakes up to a cold room and the absence of johnny, who he knows for a fact that never woke up before him unless forced to, something he'd learned after years of sharing the same room with the scot.
and as he walks out into the muddy roads, that oh-so familiar smell hits his nose.
the burning of wood, of grass, of cloth, of human.
his heart dropped into his stomach, following the trail of ashes that had blown across the roads until he arrives at the town square, the burning piece of wood in Gaz's hand along with the flames consuming the hay and grass that lay across the ground of the plaza, the fire slowly consuming your beautiful white dress he'd seen you sew barely days ago.
simon barely takes notice of price coming towards him, attempting to hold him back from rushing into the crowd simply staring up at you, your eyes falling down upon his struggling body, your face going from the calm expression it had been in to shock, pulling at your tied up wrists instinctively in a frail attempt to rush towards him.
"simon...!" you breathe out, soot entering your lungs as you inhale, tears filling your eyes from the burn as you watch him wrestle out of his captain's grip, his boots stomping against the rocky ground as he shoved past the gawkers, leather slamming against the kindle, ignoring his team's shouts and the fire burning his clothes and skin, reaching the stake you were tied to, his face out in the open due to the way he'd rushed out of his room, dark eyes reflecting the flames that were taking you both.
his shaky hands come behind you to untie the ropes around your arms, caging you with his body and allowing you to rest your head against his shoulder, tears streaming down your cheeks as you look down at the burns forming across his legs.
"stop." you pleade, trying to push him away with your chest. "stop, simon, stop...!"
"shut up!" he snaps, throwing the ropes into the fire as they came undone, letting you collapse into his arms as you were let free, your hands gripping his dress shirt. "you're going to be okay, we need to-"
his voice broke as he looks down at your sunken eyes, your lips dry and cracked as if you'd just ran a marathon, but looking down at your intact legs and burning dress, he realises where all your energy had gone.
"please, stop-"
no. you....
"you're going to die, simon, please!"
you couldn't be...
"i won't be able to save you, simon, listen to me!"
you were wailing at this point, trying to push his body down the small burning hill, but his body doesn't budge.
"simon!" his captain's grating voice pulls him out of his stupor, his hands growing tighter around your waist as he locks gazes with the furious looking man, your wails becoming static in his ears as he doesn't think twice as his now blistering hands pulled your legs up, letting you grasp onto his neck instinctively as he holds you bridal style, ignoring the searing pain rushing through his body.
"simon, don't, don't you dare!" you scream, the first time he's heard you raise your voice at him. "please, i'm not worth saving, you know what i am! i don't deserve to live!"
liar. you... you were worth everything.
you were worth the burns on his body, the destruction of his ideals and the pain the mere sight of you in tears gave him.
he doesn't care what you are.
you're... a witch. what he swore to destroy and what he has been hunting for over a decade.
but you're not... you're... not evil.
maybe none of them were, maybe if he'd taken the time to get to know the women they'd burnt before he'd have realised sooner, that you were just people.
and he wasn't going to let you get hurt. maybe it was a bit selfish or ironic, but he didn't care. he'd take you away from this town, from his colleagues, from the pain, let you live in peace somewhere were no one would bother you.
and if you let him, he'd come with you too.
he ignores price's shouts about the so called spell you'd put on him and as he looks down at your shivering body in his arms, the way you're curling into him, the way you were wailing for him to save himself moments ago, he couldn't...
even if you had put some type of spell on him, he didn't care. never had he felt like this. and yes, he'd deal with the consequences of this later, but for now, as he runs through the forest with your trembling body in his arms, he couldn't care less.
he isn't going to let anyone hurt you any more than they have.
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(brainrot for this idea is open please 🗣️)
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black-regs · 27 days
supressing the urge to talk about the marauders 24/7 to all my friends and family who clearly don't give a fuck is my greatest skill 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
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elystelleven · 4 months
A Midsummer Night's Tragicomedy <3
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(+ bonus doodle and w/o lighting)
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catxolotlquoise · 2 months
Shadow milk: "I'm going to kidnap white lily and hold her at ransom, then silly vanilly will HAVE to obey me words!~"
**few years later**
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Shadow milk: "...this did not go as planned..."
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nordiccowboy · 11 months
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i mean they’re both from warner bros. so deadites and barbies exist in the same universe right??
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crowlixcx · 5 months
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I'll be gone In a day
Take On Me by A-ha - The Brainrot Series
(requested by @dontbotheraziraphale)
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sunchasingstar · 1 year
I need a fic where Regulus oblivates James during his seventh year because Regulus knows he’s going to be forced into the de, so then James feels like he’s missing something he can’t even remember and then he gets w Lily etc. flash forward a couple years, Regulus survives to the other side of the war, James and Lily do too, except they’re no longer together because James could never really be in the relationship because it seemed like his heart was mourning for something. This leads to James and Regulus meeting again ( Regulus starts working at Monty’s shop)(Monty and Effie did not die) and James falls for him all over again and their first kiss makes all his memories come back and ofc makes him so sad and break down etc
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stars4sole · 2 months
the finding out about secret relationship trope is my favourite. ESPECIALLY if it's not from their povs. Add a little 5+1 in there and I'm booked for the afternoon.
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lilywastaken · 1 year
ménage reader meeting könig for the first time after ghost introduces them or something and he's immediately so infatuated with her :(( könig's got the biggest breeding kink and watching her with Tommy does not help at all 🥺 Simon notices and lets könig fuck her or something 🤭
Nah but fr I think König would be more giggly and blushy than turned on, because come on, you're such a sweet woman holding such a cute toddler and talking to him and smiling at him so beautifully, he's falling for you in a matter of fucking MINUTES. And ghosts so mean about it too once he lets könig join you, I'm talking grabbing the poor man and hissing in his ear that this is just a one time thing, that this doesn't mean anything for you two because you are Ghost's,you belong to him, and könig's nodding, tears staining his hood as he desperately tries to reach his high inside of you :((
Even better if König cums inside despite Ghost's warnings just to spite him ❗❗
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bklily · 9 months
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they'll be kissing in the next 10 minutes probably
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ttpd songs as fictional characters
Fortnight: Adam and Juliette (Shatter Me)
The Tortured Poets Department: Remus Lupin (Harry Potter, All the Young Dudes)
My Boy Only Breaks His Favorite Toys: The Darkling (Grishaverse)
Down Bad: Kenji and Nazeera (Shatter Me)
So Long, London: Marauders after the war (All The Young Dudes)
But Daddy I Love Him: Sophie and Keefe (KOTLC)
Fresh Out The Slammer: Nina and Matthias (SoC)
Florida!!!: Katniss Everdeen (Hunger Games)
Guilty as Sin?: insert your fav "she fell first, he fell harder" here
Who's Afraid of Little Old Me?: Juilette Ferrars (Shatter Me)
I Can Fix Him (No Really I Can): Inej and Kaz (Six of Crows)
loml: Jo and Laurie (Little Women)
I Can Do It With A Broken Heart: Finnick Odair (Hunger Games)
The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived: literally every woman in the grishaverse to the darkling
The Alchemy: David and Genya (Grishverse)
Clara Bow: Addie LaRue (The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue)
The Black Dog: Sirius Black (Harry Potter, All The Young Dudes)
imgonnagetyouback: James and Lily (All the Young Dudes, Harry Potter)
The Albatross: Zoya (Grishaverse)
Chloe or Sam or Sophia or Marcus: Young Donna (Mamma Mia 2)
How Did It End?: Mia and Sebastian (La La Land)
So High School: Kate and Patrick (10 Things I Hate About You)
I Hate It Here: Belly Conklin (TSITP) Luna Lovegood (Harry Potter)
thanK you aIMee: Sophie Foster (KOTLC)
I Look In People's Windows: Lily and Snape (Harry Potter, All The Young Dudes)
The Prophecy: Rachel Dare (PJO)
Cassandra: Baghra (Shadow and Bone)
Peter: Jo and Laurie (Little Women)
The Bolter: Amy March (Little Women)
Robin: Biana Vacker (KOTLC)
The Manuscript: Mary MacDonald (All the Young Dudes)
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catxolotlquoise · 2 months
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the beginning of a most likely chaotic Parent!JesterLily AU
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