#“he isn’t trying to manipulate me because he thinks I’m special’
carcrashscike · 7 months
how i wish scott and mike’s dynamic in tdas would’ve been written:
* note: this is given that the plot stays relatively the same, i would change a lot about this otherwise
mike is pissed at scott for what he did to him last season, and with this newfound control of himself and his headspace he isn’t as afraid to say it. he isn’t around scott much early on (being on different teams and generally avoiding each other like the plague) but in challenges mike, often alongside zoey who shares this vendetta to a lesser extent, gets super competitive when scott is around. scott plays this off in his scott fashion (“wow he’s really obsessed, must be in love with me or something”), and while he derives some surface level pleasure from getting mike’s niceness to crack deep deep deep down he feels guilty. he knows what he did last season was shitty, how could he not? it doesn’t help that it seems mike will never let him live it down, eyes burning into the back of scotts head at any and every given opportunity (a gesture reserved only for him). the early episodes show mike and scott generally staying away from each other, with only sparse moments of hatred from mike’s end.
their dynamic takes a turn once mal gets added to the mix. scott doesn’t realize that mike isn’t the one fronting anymore, but he quickly pieces together that “mike” has begun to sabotage others (including his friends), a revelation that fills him with pure glee. he’s been validated, mike wasn’t only mean to scott because he wronged him, rather mike was just as cruel and vindictive as he was all along and he was a hypocrite for pretending to be otherwise. scott misconstrues “mike’s” actions as him revealing his true self after playing the long con, rather then it not being mike at all. mal on the other hand is keeping an eye on scott, as while he isn’t his biggest threat at the moment he knows that he was able to make it far the previous season (that and he holds a tiny vendetta against scott for his previous actions… something something “no one will mess with us with me in charge”). scotts going down like the rest of them without a doubt, but he isn’t mal’s primary focus mid season.
scott sees through all of “mikes” subsequent actions of manipulation. oftentimes he chooses to say nothing as those actions rarely target him (he quietly prides himself on that, it’s their little secret even if “mike” doesn’t know he knows) and also often harm his competition. he begins to interpret “mikes” non focus on him as a sign of possible respect, putting the past animosity behind them like he knows scott is above such obvious manipulation tactics. while he’s still hurt by courtney’s chart when it’s revealed, he’s more curious as to how mike acquired it in the first place. he also doesn’t fall for mikes bid to get him angry at gwen, spinning the line of reasoning back on him again coyly (“you said it’s her fault, but weren’t you the one who exposed her chart?”).
with his newfound perspective on “mike” scott doesn’t expect himself to be a target until it’s too late and he’s dangling by his foot in front of a very hungry shark. maybe he taunts mike, comparing himself to him and finding similarities between their actions or maybe he proposes an alliance with the knowledge he believes he has. either way mal pushes him in front of his worst nightmare, paralleling scotts actions towards mike. its in this moment scott realizes what’s happening, the truth that the man in above him wasn’t mike at all. scott finds plenty of time to ruminate on this as he slips unconscious.
as he awakes he’s swept up into elimination. part of him holds out hope that zoey will do what should be the obviously smart choice, but the rest of him knows she would never betray mike, even if it isn’t really him. scott try’s to expose mal to zoey at this point, faking once it’s clear that zoey has already realized what’s up. scott’s final words curse out mal for wearing the skin of the man he wronged and for making him believe, for just a split second, that they would somehow get better.
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visenyaism · 3 months
correct me if i’m wrong cos i don’t watch dune.. but i’ve seen people call paul a tragic character. except isn’t he a whole white coloniser tricking indigenous poc into believing he’s a prophet to serve his own interests? that’s inherently evil that cannot be a tragic character imo
so yes that is correct that is what happens. the tragedy is that he is a sixteen year old boy who gets a vision of this happening and he is TERRIFIED and absolutely does not want this to happen at all. He does not want the holy war he does not want to be the chosen one he initially very much wants to fight alongside the fremen as equals trying to liberate themselves from their current colonizer without becoming the messiah because they have common political cause.
And then the entire second half of the first book (and the second movie) are about the concessions he makes to himself bit by bit by bit (well it’s the only way to save his mom and sister. well it’s the only way to prevent nuclear war. well he does want his revenge. well maybe he IS special.) Until by the end he has lost 100% of his humanity, fully wants to be the messiah and is willing to manipulate people into thinking so, and has declared himself duke of arrakis in his father’s name and made a play for the imperial throne.
you’re right that it’s evil. the book and these movies agree with you. the tragedy is watching a child who desperately wanted to avoid this slowly completely lose himself to it anyways. i don’t think “tragic” and “evil” are inherently mutually exclusive.
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augustinewrites · 8 months
satoru absolutely does not know how to ride a bike idk how i know this but i know cw: suggestive content, mdni
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“that was…good,” satoru settles on, still unable to properly articulate. he whines, still a little lightheaded and breathless as you roll off of him with a laugh, pressing a kiss to his shoulder before tucking yourself into his side.
“just good?” you tease, fingertips gliding over his chest. “if i’d known there was going to be a review, i’d have done that thing with my hips that you like.”
you roll your hips against his thigh, sending a warm chill down satoru’s spine. 
“don’t do that,” he warns, but his face is flushed and he can feel himself getting hard again. “unless you want to leave the kids at your dad’s for another night.”
“oh! speaking of the kids!” your sweet movements stop abruptly, causing him to peek one eye open to send you a long suffering look. “my father bought the kids bikes yesterday, and i told him you’d teach them how to ride them.”
now, it’s no secret that gojo satoru is good at a lot of things. 
he can manipulate the infinity around him and exorcise special grade curses with the flick of his wrist. he knows the words to every avicii song and can make mug cakes that don’t always explode in the microwave. 
there’s only one thing he can’t do. 
“i remember when my dad taught me,” you sigh. there’s a fondness in your eyes as you describe the memory. it’s something special and cherished, and satoru wants that for his kids. 
“this isn’t funny, shoko!” 
“you’re right.”
“thank you—”
“because it’s hilarious. gojo satoru, the strongest sorcerer of our time, never learned how to ride a bicycle.” 
she trails off in a fit of laughter. satoru hasn’t heard her laugh like this in a long time, and he’d be ecstatic if her amusement hadn’t come at his expense. 
“i didn’t have anyone willing to teach me!” he tells her, huffing. “it was all cursed technique this and cursed technique that. not to mention bikes are literal death traps on wheels.”
“motorcycles are death traps on wheels. bicycles are for babies,” she corrects, though he can still hear the laughter bubbling in her response. “why’d you even agree to teach them?”
“because she did this super hot thing with her hips, but focus!” he whispers harshly. “i can’t teach the kids how to ride a bike! what if i just bought a car—”
“only you would try to buy a car for an 11 year old.”
“not for megumi. tsumiki’s basically 13. she can start learning so when she’s old enough—”
“so tsumiki is going to learn how to drive before you learn how to ride a bike? you are so tragic,” she snickers. 
well, it sounds lame when she puts it like that.
he looks up when the sound of the shower running stops. “and you’re useless,” he growls into the phone. “i’ll ask nanami.” 
[shoko]: i heard gojo’s teaching the kids how to ride their bikes
[you]: yeah :) i’m so excited!
[shoko]: me too.
[shoko]: can you send videos?
[nanami]: I would also like to see videos. 
[you]: sure. but why the interest?
[shoko]: bcs i care about them and want to celebrate their achievements
[you]: you didn’t come to megumi’s violin recital because you said you valued your eardrums. 
[nanami]: It will be a fun moment to look back on when they’re older. 
[shoko] yeah that ^
[you]: fine i’ll send videos.
the sun is just beginning to set and the city beginning to settle when you take the kids to the park. 
“i really think—”
“satoru, we are not teaching megumi how to teleport to school.”
“but if he uses the shadows—”
you thrust a helmet into his hands, stern look shutting him up immediately. 
“fuck,” he mumbles once your back is turned to help the kids. he shoves the helmet onto his head and buckles it tightly.
the kids walk over to him with their little bikes, the huge helmets on their head making them look like bobble heads. 
you document his torture with a quick photo before giving him the floor. 
“riding a bike is…super simple,” he tells them, patting the seat of your bike. “you get on, put your feet on the pedals, and…pedal.”
the kids only stare at him, confused looks on their cute faces. 
“maybe you should just show them,” you suggest. 
“why don’t you show them?” he quickly deflects. please please please—
“no! i’m taking the video!” 
satoru grips the handles of the bike tightly. he’s faced the worst of the worst, died and come back to life. he could ride a stupid bike.
he kicks at the stand your bike is leaning on, getting it up on the fourth kick. he swings his right leg over so he’s straddling the seat, his feet planted firmly on the ground.
it can’t be that hard, can it?
“watch and learn, kids.”
he takes a breath, then pushes off and places his feet on the pedals.
the bike rolls forward slowly. it’s wobbly at best, but he’s doing it. he’s doing it! he picks up a little momentum, heading off into the sunset—
“satoru! don’t lead them downhill!”
sure enough, the path in front of him leads down a slight decline. he squeezes the brakes and jerks to the side, sending him toppling over the bike and into the grass.
as he lays in the grass, dazed, megumi and tsumiki bike right past him. he’s sure the former even rolls his eyes.
“they have training wheels,” he says when you run over to check on him. “they’re cheating—”
“do you not know how to ride a bike?!”
“i never learned,” he grumbles, cheeks blushing at the admission. 
“oh, honey,” you sigh, brushing some grass from his shirt. “why didn’t you just tell me?”
you kiss his brow, unable to hold back your laughter as he pouts. “you were so excited about me teaching them. didn’t want to disappoint anyone.”
“you could never disappoint us,” you tell him firmly. “now come on, i’ll teach all three of you.”
so you teach him, holding onto the back of his bike until he’s steady, until he’s confident enough to do it on his own. 
he’ll get the hang of it eventually.
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worldofkuro · 23 days
idk if it sounds selfish but i need more comfort in my life rn, so i wanna ask for help.
if it's not really a big deal, i wanna see some comfort between alastor and reader when they were teens. maybe after he already told her that he wants to marry her, and something made her feel insecure and bad about herself. so she called Marie and ask Alastor to come, so she could lie down in his arms and listen him telling her that he loves her anyway.
or any other plots because I'll be okay with everything if it's fluff. thank you.
Of course dearest, anything for you to feel better. For those who will notice it, their last sentence is from the song “ Follow You” by Bring me the Horizon. I love this song and I thought it was pretty fitting. So here ,my dear, this scenario isn’t very long but I hope it will make you feel better. 
Follow You
You were coming back from school, trying to contain your tears. 
You had told Alice about Alastor’s wedding proposal and she was excited for you but some other girls heard you and made fun of you. How could a man see you desirable enough to be his wife? Most of the time, you didn’t care about their vile words, but you didn’t know why, today it was hurtful. Of course, Alice had taken your side immediately swearing at them like a sailor.
You didn’t greet your parents as you went immediately into your bedroom, hiding yourself under the blankets. You couldn’t even look at yourself in the mirror. Were you even worth being Alastor’s wife? He would always say you were “endearingly stupid”, did it mean he saw you as a stupid girl? Was he manipulating you?
Were you worth being special to someone’s heart?
You jerked your head up as you heard a knock on your window. You wiped your eyes and saw Alastor, his fist against the glass, staring at you. You opened the window quickly, scared he would fall.
“ Alastor, what are you doing here?”
“ I heard my mother talking with yours through the telephone, saying you didn’t feel well, so I came to check on you.” he entered your room, looking at you. You saw his eyes stopped at your tearied one. You tried to look away but he gripped your face, making sure he could watch your expression. “ Who?”
“ What..?”
“ Who made you cry?” he said with a gentle smile but his eyes had a dark glint.
“ No one.. It’s just… Am I worth it , Alastor?”
You gasped as Alastor forced you to lay on your bed, pushing something soft in your arms. Looking down on it you almost cried some more as you saw Eamon staring back at you. You squeezed it against your chest as Alastor laid next to you, observing your face.
“ Dearest, you’re just like a jewel. Being desired by people and those who can't have you are jealous. You are like a fresh breeze in summer, so short and yet so welcomed. You are much more than how you perceive yourself.”
“ But.. I feel like I’m going to be a useless wife…”
“ Hah! You, my dear, a useless wife? You could be doing nothing at home, as long as you are waiting for me, I would feel the happiest. But why would you think that? You have always been to my side, always accepted me. Why would I choose someone else to be next to me for my entire life? How could I look at anyone else now that my eyes have seen you?”
“ Alastor.. Do you love me…?”
He looked perplexed but wrapped his arms around your body, staring at your eyes without blinking.
“ I don’t know what love is about. But if loving you is wanting to devour you all, to protect you, you have your attention on me all the time, then I guess.. that I love you. But please, dearest, remember that even though I adore you, more than anything, my love is tainted with darkness. No matter how much I’m obsessed with you, I’ll drag you down to hell with me. I'm telling you, you're all I need, I promise you, you're all I see. I’ll never leave.” he stared at you, waiting for your answer.
“ I’ll follow you.’ you breathed, staring at his chocolate eyes. “So dig two graves because when you die, I swear I'll be leaving by your side. So you can drag me through hell, I’ll follow you.” you smiled sweetly at him as he beamed at your words, his cheeks flushed. He squeezed you against his body, Eamon between the both of you. 
You would always be together, the both of you. Alastor would always be by your side, like a curse, clawing at you to keep you from leaving, even if you would never think such a thing.
Your love was twisted, tainted in dark obsession but it was perfect for the both of you. Maybe people wouldn’t consider it as love, but you knew deep inside, Alastor would always chase after you if you were to run away. If you were to run away because of your feelings, your fears, everything, the only person who would chase you would be Alastor. And you knew he would never stop.
He would follow you.
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buckybarnesb-tch · 3 months
Hybrids Mafia Princess Pt2
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HMP Part 1
Warning: Very sad dog/wolf death scene, it is traumatic and that’s coming from the person who wrote it and I’m very sorry ahead of time, Emotional and Relationship Manipulation
Translation: девочка means Babygirl and for anyone who speaks Russian, if this is not accurate let me know, it’s just the most accurate one I could find on multiple translators but please correct me if I’m wrong, I’m always happy to learn and fix mistakes like that
Tag-List: @a-beaverhausen @ranisingsnew @susannahmikaelson @skulliecadaver-blog
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To say that night had been hectic would be a massive understatement.
After Y/n’s mother had left the room it wasn’t 10 minutes before the door was kicked in and Y/n screamed, terrified immediately that someone was breaking in and Klaus was on his feet, growling at the 4 men that now stood in the room with guns. ‘What do you think you’re doing Rumlow?! Get Out! I was fucking sleeping you crazy assholes!’
‘That’s enough девочка, they’re here to get that animal out of my child’s bedroom.’ Klaus instantly recognized this man as Y/n’s father and he would have no matter what he had said, she looks like him in more ways than she does her mom.
‘No, he’s not going anywhere. He’s mine now, he hasn’t hurt anyone-‘
‘Yet! He’s a wild animal! It is time for him to go, I am not asking-‘
‘Of course not! You never do! You never even speak to me, let alone ask me how I feel about something! He’s not going anywhere!’ She snapped, moving to hug him and Klaus licked her face to try and comfort her, knowing this was not going to end well.
‘I’m going to give you a choice because I love you девочка. Either you take the animal outside and let it go or I get rid of it right now. It’s your choice, because I will not have a wolf in my house ready to hurt my child, it’s nice now but it’s a wild animal, it is not a pet!’ Y/n was glaring at her father but he refused to look at her. Klaus could see he didn’t want to upset her but he didn’t want to risk a wolf sleeping in his child’s bed, he can’t say it’s not logical but he sure isn’t going about it the right way. ‘Choose Y/n, or I will.’
Y/n turned to look back at him and pet him gently. ‘Come on Fenrir.’ He hopped off of the bed and followed her down the stairs and out the back door, kneeling in the grass beside him. ‘You go home, okay? I’ll bring you something special to eat tomorrow, does that sound good?’ He barked, enjoying her scratching behind his ears as always.
‘No Y/n, you will not go looking for him, you will leave him alone, no more going into the woods.’
‘What?! No! You don’t want him in the house? Fine, but he’s my friend! The only one I have in the world thanks to you! I don’t get to have friends, or boyfriends, or dates, and now I can’t even have a fucking pet?! I’ll come talk to him whenever I want and you can’t stop me!’
‘No! I’ve always done what you say, always, even when it means I can’t go to college or have a job or know any other human beings besides the people who you pay to be here but this isn’t fair! You don’t get to do this to me!’ She was hugging him around the neck tightly and he whined, not knowing how to comfort her.
Her father gestured to one of the men who moved to grab her and Klaus growled, lunging at him as he reached for her and biting his hand viciously. ‘Mother Fucker!’
‘He’s protecting me! That should prove that he’s good-‘
‘It proves that he’s dangerous!’ He shouted, his voice loud and pissed off as he moved to grab Y/n and haul her up. ‘Don’t look.’ He told her, trying to hold her face against him.
‘No…No! Let Go! Let Me Go! Fenrir Run!’
Klaus had to give James Barnes credit, he’s much more of an idiot than he expected. Klaus had been trying to figure out how to get Y/n to leave with him, and with how she had been raised he expected it to be difficult but no, her father was doing a fantastic job of driving her away all by himself. All this was doing was solidifying it for him, though he had always hated getting shot. Humans and their guns had gotten effective over the years and it seemed it got more painful every decade.
There was a loud gunshot which cut off Y/n’s screams and everything was silent, no one spoke, Y/n’s mother not even knowing what to say right now. ‘Clean it up.’ James demanded before pulling his daughter towards the house but she planted her feet and dug her teeth into his arm as hard as she could making him scream and let go.
A moment later she was knelt over her friends body, crying into his fur and willing him to wake up, even though she knew he wouldn’t. No one seemed to know what to do until her mother moved. ‘Honey…it’s time to go inside-‘
‘You let him do this…you’re the only person he’s ever listened to and you did nothing.’ Y/n’s voice was hollow, she didn’t have it in her to care anymore.
‘Honey, I couldn’t-‘
‘You didn’t want to. There’s a difference.’ It wasn’t until she was blaming her mother that Bucky spoke again.
‘Don’t talk to your mother like that-‘
‘Don’t you ever speak to me again.’ She cut him off, glaring up at him. ‘All you’ve done tonight is prove everything that I’ve been saying about you for years…you don’t care about me. Maybe you did when I was a kid, maybe it was all a lie, maybe once I got old enough you realized I wasn’t everything you wanted and you realized you hated me cause you can’t have any better kids. I don’t know and tonight was my last straw…I don’t care anymore. I hate you-‘
‘Y/n!’ Her mother scolded.
‘I Hate You…and not some teenage angst “I hate you” bullshit, I mean it. You were the only friend I had my entire life and for whatever reason you gave up on that and left me alone and now you couldn’t even let me have a pet as a friend. I’m done. I’m leaving, I don’t know how but I will find a way to get away from you and you will never find me again…I Hate You.’ Y/n released Fenrir’s fur and stood, pulling away from her mothers phony comfort and walking into the house without a glance back at anyone.
She knew her parents would never let her leave, they would see her as “in danger” every moment she was alone and maybe that’s true but she didn’t care, it had to be better than this lonely, painful life that she was living.
Y/n spent the rest of the night sobbing until she passed out, unable to keep her eyes open anymore.
Klaus truly felt awful for letting her believe him dead. He could see how much his wolf meant to her already and he couldn’t say he was shocked. This girl had been cut off from the outside world due to her fathers paranoia, she couldn’t leave the house and go to school or have a job or make friends and while her life with Klaus would be much the same (as he is also a paranoid bastard) he would never leave her alone to wonder if he loved her or not. She would never doubt his love. Plus she would have Fenrir to snuggle whenever she wanted.
Klaus knew that getting Y/n to trust him wouldn’t be hard and if it was any other situation he would find that funny but he loves her and he doesn’t care for how vulnerable her father has left his mate. If anyone else had gotten there before Klaus she could have been hurt and he would have had to kill her father for that, something he didn’t really want to do.
He knew that killing her parents would hurt her even if she says she hates them, therefore he wouldn’t be doing that but he also wanted James Barnes to know that his девочка was out there, alive…well…“Alive” and happy with another man and that he would never find her.
All Klaus needed to do now was create an environment that James would want or need to take his daughter to. He could compel someone to throw a party and depending on who it was he would have to bring his family or it would be insulting.
Having been invited into the house by his Princess, Klaus climbed his way through her open window and sat on her bed, stroking his fingers down her cheek. He was relieved to finally be able to touch her soft skin, even if he could only do so while she’s asleep, he would have her soon. It wouldn’t be hard to convince Y/n that he loved her and Klaus was thankful that she was his mate, he was saving her from getting hurt by a man in the future with much worse intentions and while Klaus’ intentions were to fuck her and keep her all for himself at least he knew that he would never cause her harm. He loves her. She is his mate, and he would care for his Princess for the rest of eternity.
Klaus would be her new Daddy.
And his little Baby would never be sad again.
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Hybrids Mafia Princess Masterlist
Klaus Mikaelson Masterlist
Part 3
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ryuichirou · 12 days
I wanna start with I love your blog sm and I’m not trying to jump on the train, in fact I don’t even mind if you just read this and don’t post or even just delete after you read, but I know where the “Rook gaslighter” thing comes from and wanted to explain (I also just LOVE talking about rook even if its negative). Im not explaining to change your mind but rather to inform!! Because I love spending hours analyzing the characters, pls don’t stop drawing rook!! Ever!!
ANYWAYS now that “please don’t hate me I have to uncontrollably explain everything about my favorite character(s) the second someone doesn’t know about one small detail 😭” is over, I will explain! During Vil’s lab wear vignette, Rook asks Vil when he’s going to start his new diet. Vil, confused, is like what??? Tf?? And rook is like “yeah :D you have put on 3 pounds exactly :)”. Vil is lowkey like wtf Rook I haven’t noticed shit and rook is like “okayyy but who do you believe? Me or literally anyone else?” And vil is like “yeah you’re right, I’ll adjust my diet, thank you rook”.
The ‘issue’ with the “rook is a gaslighter” is it’s SOLELY a fandom thing (and maybe with other characters, but still, like. Vil is a world class model he CANT put on weight like a normal person could because it’ll unfortunately affect his career. The beauty world is just like that, irl too. Plus, this is something he wants for himself, even if he admits to hating the diets during his overblot, it’s still a part of who he is). Vil, himself, views rook’s behavior as a helpful thing, he appreciates Rook’s supernaturally keen eye! He might be offended but ultimately he would not have Rook as his vice-prez if he didn’t respect or admire Rook in some way.
I adore the way you draw them together!! The one where vil is like “how dare you! Just because he’s strange doesn’t mean he’s like that!” And rook is behind him with blood on his face, he’s so cute! I recently found another blog that is similar to yours that I also wanted to see if you knew bc they draw rook out the same way you do! @/fadiesismin is so cool and I think you’d love their artwork!!! Also I’m very sorry for the long-winded ask, in my defense, I’m also a Sagittarius. Rook 🫶 Me, xoxoxoxoxo!!
Sagittarius Anon! I’m sorry it took this long to reply.
First of all, thank you for enjoying our stuff and for your support! I am very happy that you like the way we portray RookVil. Their relationship is very interesting and honestly quite nuanced; we don’t usually gravitate towards ships that have this strong of a “they’ve been dating for a while” vibe, but these two are just too charming. Probably because despite them deeply understanding each other and sharing a lot of values and passions, they really aren’t a perfect couple, and we get to see it in moments like the vignette you’ve mentioned, or Rook’s lab wear vignette, or on multiple other occasions. Rook isn’t the perfect boyfriend, in fact, he is quite a menace sometimes without really meaning harm (still, he technically made Vil cry at least once); but there also isn’t another person that would get Vil as deeply as Rook does and support him as well as Rook does. What they have is special, but isn’t perfect at all.
As you already know, we also love talking about characters a lot, so I even though I am late with this reply, I am happy to have an opportunity to talk about these two and Rook specifically. So thank you for sending this ask and waiting!
I’ve seen this vignette being used as an example of Rook being gaslighting/manipulative before, and to be honest, I don’t really get this argument. I understand that the reasoning is usually that Rook sounds similar to a man that lies to his girlfriend about her being fat because he wants her to be even skinnier or just to be an asshole about it, but here is the thing: this isn’t what Rook is doing though. Gaslighter always has ulterior motive behind their manipulations, even if it’s just to mess with someone else’s head for fun or to control this person. But with Rook (both in this vignette and in general), what you see is what you get: the man is brutally honest, sometimes even too honest. Vil himself is very aware of that and has mentioned it multiple times.
It’s just like you said! Vil never lets anyone forget that his looks are important to him (both because of his own standards and because he is a model), so of course Rook would comment on something that he noticed. This is the foundation of their relationship: Rook gives Vil his feedback because Rook sees things that other people don’t. Does it mean that this feedback is always 100% necessary and Vil should change things according to how Rook critiques him? Of course not. Maybe sometimes it would be better for Vil to just take it easy and relax instead of perfecting every single thing, but this isn’t what Vil wants for himself: he doesn’t want to be pampered, he wants to be appreciated for his hard work. Rook enables Vil’s perfectionism, but don’t forget that Rook is that force in Vil’s life that doesn’t let him forget what he is doing all that for (I’ve talked about Rook being protective of Vil’s “beauty” = love for art here). Vil having a toned body is something that Rook enjoys, but this is mainly something that Vil wants himself; I kind of think that as long as Vil’s passionate and unapologetic about things that he does, Rook would find beauty in him no matter how he looks. Remember him at the end of ch6 after Vil’s grandpafication? Yeah exactly.
Alright, I digress. The point I am trying to make is that Rook is very direct with Vil, sometimes even too direct, and this is the opposite of gaslighting. Even when he suggests things “lightly”, he is still upfront about them: he doesn’t try to plant any ideas in Vil’s head.
Rook sounds and acts like a jerk sometimes, but he means well, and it’s not an excuse, just a fact. In Rook’s head, Vil always takes his direct remarks and observations very well, what’s so different this time? Even if you’ve been with someone for years, fuckups are unavoidable, especially for someone who has problems with tact.
To reiterate: could this scene be triggering or upsetting? Absolutely. Are there people who comment on other’s weight to make them insecure or make them doubt themselves? Absolutely. Is this what Rook does? Absolutely not. It just isn’t true to his character: he wouldn’t gain anything if Vil started doubting himself, in fact, he would have hated it. He doesn’t want Vil to be insecure or unsure, this is literally what he confronted him about at the end of Ch5. He also doesn’t need to do anything for Vil to trust him more than others: Vil already does. When he was saying that he knew better than anyone or anything else, he stated the truth, and this is what so fucked up about Rook: he really does know better.
It’s very important to remember that these characters have their own circumstances and their own writing, and we are fucking blessed to have a cast of characters this interesting and complex.
By the way, I am saying all of this as someone who wouldn’t mind Rook being a gaslighter and could see fanon scenarios where it could work, but those need to be very well-written not to ruin his character, because honesty is an integral part of Rook Hunt. For better or worse.
Also, I know you haven’t mentioned Jade, Anon, but since this entire discussion started with comparing the two, I wanted to note that Jade’s Dorm Uniform vignette exists. Vil literally looked at him man and decided not to trust him for one moment, even scolded Rook for even humouring the idea that Jade was telling the truth. And this is just one instance; we are constantly being reminded by everyone in cast about the fact that Jade is shady and we shouldn’t take seriously the majority of things that he says (pretty much verbatim to what Floyd said about him in the Playful Land event). Jade doesn’t care about honesty, he doesn’t care about lying either: all he cares about is what to say to make the others react in the most interesting way possible. He loves messing with people, and the world is his playground….
(I am also pretty sure that he comments on Azul’s diet; this has nothing to do with gaslighting either, just thought I’d mention that since we’re talking about this)
Anyways, thank you again for your ask, Anon! I hope this wasn’t an exhausting read. I always feel like I haven’t said everything that I wanted to say, but fortunately I still have tons of replies to write, so I’ll have my chance..! Probably.
PS. @/fadiesismin’s works are very good!!
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the-witchhunter · 1 month
So a lot of what I’m about to say has to do with my preference for character driven storytelling and is pretty much just me putting down my thoughts. Feel free to leave your thoughts on this but don’t take this too seriously
I think a lot of the side characters from Danny Phantom are hard to incorporate into a DP x DC crossover, especially on their own
Because most of them are pretty normal teenagers and are harder to fit into a superhero story. They tend to be somewhat flat and their interesting traits tend to be how the relate to Danny or each other
Like, I’m not inherently interested in Paulina just being in DC because she’s a pretty shallow popular girl stereotype. There’s not a lot to her that makes her an interesting addition on her own to the setting, which is probably why a lot of people default to essentially make being from amity Park a superpower. I don’t think it adds a lot personally, but that’s a completely different rant
Dash being in DC on his own isn’t that interesting because he’s the archetype of a jock and a bully. So to compensate you see people make him insanely competent like the rest of Amity Park, or actually give him a superpower.
But the thing is, their actual character gets neglected to make that happen, which is kind of disappointing
I just think it would be nice to see who they are as a person matter more. Paulina, spoiled former popular girl now living in the real world on her own for the first time? Coming to terms with her popularity no longer mattering? Or chasing that high by trying to get famous because she needs that external validation
Dash, jock and former bully. He’s living a life where the fact he played high school football doesn’t matter, he doesn’t get the specialized treatment that it used to give him. Or he’s playing at a higher level and where he was really good before he now is dealing with the fact that everyone else is just as talented. He’s no longer THE star quarterback. Or he’s unpacking his baggage regarding his former bullying. Internalized homophobia and coming to terms with his own sexuality? Actively trying to change for the better? Seeing his old behaviors in others and trying to do the right thing?
I just think who they are should impact the story if they’re involved. If you could change the name and I wouldn’t be able to tell who it is, then why should it be this character? What about the character makes them different in this role than inserting any other character? How does who they are affect their situation for better or for worse?
Let’s take an example: Paulina becoming a reporter in metropolis. Regardless of how good she might be at the job, what character traits does she have that might affect how she does. Well, first, she was popular, that’s her big thing. She knows how to interact with people, make them like her when it suits her interests. This probably means she turns on the charm when doing interviews but is maybe a little bitchy the rest of the time. Based on her personality in the show she would probably gravitate to the society pages, wanting to cover stories involving the rich and famous, galas and all that.
See, in this example, she can still be good at her job but her character traits affect how she does things. She’s a more complicated character, and she might not handle things the same way Lois Lane does, but she can still use her abilities to get the job done through charm and manipulation. This could also lead to conflict because she can be rude to people she doesn’t need anything from, which if she does that to the wrong person, putting on the charm and batting her eyes at them isn’t going to work
Again this is largely based on my preference for character based storytelling. Characters and who they are matter and are what drives the plot. This is in contrast to plot based storytelling which is events happen to the character without their thoughts and decisions impacting the story. Plot based storytelling is an older style which you see a lot in old legends and fairytales, where things just kind of happen to the character. It’s not inherently better or worse but modern taste overall leans more towards character driven stories
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thecuriousquest · 8 months
Can I request a part 2 (more like a prequel) of this fic please:
Like their relationship and dynamic before this, how they got into this arrangement, their first sexual encounter, etc. NSFW please.
Little Pet (Prequel to The Favorite)
Tag List: @issamomma @repostingmyfavs @chickennugnugnug
Warnings: Yandere themes, NSFW, spanking punishment, finger fucking, vaginal sex, thigh riding, reader is a crass little thing, reader is 18 and short, Master/Pet, overstimulation, edging, manipulation, breaking reader down, dominance, sadism, submission
Master List here.
The Favorite here.
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It was your own fault really. You were just a puffy little mess, too big for your own britches. You declared wildly that you would be the one to kill more Titans than anyone in history. You were going to be the one to even END the Titan war!
Levi couldn’t contain his shock. Sure, he’s heard things like this before from young and strong men who could easily lift a boulder if needed. Yes, he’s heard these drunken ramblings on the nights where soldiers were allowed to drink.
Never has he heard it from a little slip of a thing like you, though. You, just about as short as him while lacking muscle and any sort of special abilities, think you can manage such a feat.
Oh, he’s going to enjoy breaking you down, and he does.
You have the loudest mouth in the squadron. Always shouting, always fighting, always leading to your inevitable punishments.
Levi really likes singling you out, letting the people you fought with get off lightly. He likes to give them one day of kitchen duty while you’re to report to his office for some…special attention.
And his ministrations aren’t light either. Oh, no, ma’am. He takes you in an iron grip, firm discipline delivered right to your door.
You end up ass up over his thigh while he relaxes on the couch, a hand on the middle of your back, keeping you from moving around too much.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing? This isn’t right, Captain! You can’t fucking do this to me! Oh, fuck, I’m gonna raise hell once I get off of your knee! I’m telling Commander Erwin about this! You can’t do this to cadets-”
And you go on and on and on. He listens to you like a child telling their parent a make believe story. He listens with little interest, still hearing your words, but not necessarily finding any meaning or bite in them.
How cute you are.
He lets you tire yourself out. “Are you done? Good. Let me tell you what’s going to happen. You’re going to settle down for a long night because I can’t imagine this will be a quick session. You’re going to take this spanking, brat, and then I’m going to break you down. I’m going to make sure that by the time you leave this office, you’ll barely be able to walk straight.”
You try to push up again. It’s futile. You can’t get past his heavy hand on the middle of your back.
The spanking, true to his word, is long because you make it that way. You fight tooth and nail, thrashing around, punching the couch. You scream volatile threats at him.
You’re like a feral animal, too wild for your own good.
Yes, this will be so much fun.
He strips you of your pants and panties, letting you lie bare over his thighs. You’re humiliated. Tempted to bite him and try to run.
What if he catches you? Will it be worse if he gets his hands on you before you get out the door?
The captain’s palm is heavy against your blazing rear, and you simply can’t stand it anymore. You buck, your hips squirming.
Your body slowly starts to slump from all of your exertion, all of your fighting. It’s too much to keep going, and you press your wet nose against the calf of Levi’s pants as he raises and spanks your bottom. Your thighs, oh, they’re so sensitive! He really takes the time to pay special attention to the curve of your bottom and the backs of your thighs. He even orders you to spread your legs so that he can smack, smack, smack the insides of you thighs, where they are somehow even more sensitive than the backs.
It’s excruciating, mortifying. You feel like a small child, helpless. You don’t like it. Don’t like it one bit.
“Please, I’ll be good, sir!” you sob.
And his hand stops. It takes you a few short seconds to register that his palm is no longer inflicting damage on your backside.
Instead, now, he’s rubbing your tenderized flesh, and this somehow doesn’t feel relaxing. No, it hurts still. You would like for him to stop rubbing your overworked and burning bottom.
You sniffle and wipe your eyes with the sleeve of your shirt. As he rubs the insides of your raw thighs, you hiss on a sharp note, trying to calm yourself so as not to stir your captain’s anger again.
And then you think to yourself that he wasn’t angry. He was calm, smirking devilishly at you when he took you over his knee. There was no disdain or disappointment in his eyes. It was almost like he wanted to do it this way for another reason.
You find out what that reason is quickly as he works his deft fingers all the way up to your slit, gathering juices on the tips as he plunges them inside of you.
Your eyes widen, widen so much that they might pop out if you open them anymore. You can’t help it.
And fuck, it just feels too good. His fingertips slip in and out, in and out against your walls which squeeze around his digits.
It’s slippery for him. Fuck, he likes that a lot. A little too much for a cadet maybe.
“You’re a loud mouth because you want attention. Just a fucking kid looking for someone to listen to them. Well, go on and cry, scream for me. I’m all ears.”
And he is. His cock pays extra close attention to every guttural moan falling from your wet lips. Your chest puffs up in a different way and you lie half naked over your captain’s lap.
For a moment, a singular moment, you attempt defiance.
It doesn’t work in your favor as he speeds up the pumping of his fingers, adding a third one, slipping in and out, in and out, in and out.
You squeeze and squeeze, a raspy cry paired with the shake of your head. There’s fingers on your little button with thousands of nerves which makes you feel so, so fucking good.
You pant heavily, chest heaving, spanked backside long forgotten with his nice feeling hands.
You swear upon the walls that this man is the creation of an angel making wild love to a demon.
Levi pulls you up on his knee, forcing you to straddle it, making you ride it.
Your clit rubs against the fabric of his white pants, and you can’t imagine the stain you’re going to leave.
Will he be upset? You know how much he likes to keep things clean.
You throw these thoughts away when your head snaps back, his hair tangled in the mess of your locks.
“You tell me when you’re about to come, cadet, or I’ll take you down to one of the classrooms and cane you.”
No, you don’t want a caning. A caning might mess everything up. You, especially, don’t want this to end, these sexual pleasantries.
You ride his thigh, ride it back and forth, hard with the intention of making yourself feel good.
“What a fucking bitch. Such a loud mouth when you came in here. Look at you now. You’re just a come hungry cocksleeve. Such a little thing. Could make you do anything I want. Wouldn’t you like that? Wouldn’t you like to please me, cadet?”
“Yes, sir! Oh, fuck!”
“Yes, sir?” he tuts. “No, you’ll call other captains and commanders that. You’ll call me ‘Master’.”
And you don’t even think about it. “Yes, Master! Please, Master! Anything you want, Master!”
You’re so greedy for a climax.
“I’m gonna, Master, I’m gonna!”
Nothing. He lifts you off of his thigh and places you next to him. It causes you to squirm on your battered and raw ass, but you also huff in frustration at him. You whine, blatantly whine right to his face. You bring your fingers down to your throbbing pussy, aching with the loss of an orgasm.
Your captain grabs your wrists and shakes his head at you, tsking at you for being such a naughty little girl.
It makes you embarrassed. It makes you blush.
“Oh, don’t look at me like that, cadet. I’m not done punishing you. Remember what I said? I’m going to break you. You won’t be able to walk out of here on your own when I’m done with you.”
He doesn’t know just how much of a submissive little thing you could be until he’s through punishing you, and true to his word, you’re unable to even walk alone.
He spanks you raw, fucks you with his fingers, lets you ride his thigh, punishes you with his cock in all sorts of ways, slaps your ass some more. He even threatens to shove his dick down your throat if you don’t settle down like a good girl.
Of course, you sharpen up and calm yourself. You like how good he is making you feel, don’t want to stop even for a single second. Don’t even like the thought of stopping. He edges you and overstimulates you, letting you build up orgasms just to rip them away, and then making you come too many times in a row afterwards.
You don’t get a break. Not for water, not to pee. Mean Captain Ackerman.
Levi fixes his own clothes and then dresses you, puts your clothes back on like a child would a doll. You’re too fucked out to do it yourself as you lie down on his couch while he buttons your pants and then your shirt.
So cute. Such a submissive little thing.
Where’s the rough edge? The bite to your threat and declarations? Where did all of that bravado go?
It went straight out the door with all of your orgasms.
Knowing you’re way too tired, he picks you up and lets you settle against his chest, watching you breathe through your nose, your hair falling into your eyes.
You look softer now that you’re asleep. Less feral. More vulnerable in a sense. He chuckles to himself, and you stir, hearing the thunderous rumble in his chest.
You quickly still and continue your soft snooze as Levi takes you to your quarters. He’s quiet, slipping you into bed.
He doesn’t exactly want to leave you. He feels something stirring his insides as he watches the steady rise and fall of your chest.
His. You’re his and his alone. He’ll make sure of it, make sure you know it deep down. He’ll fucking break that lesson into you, punish it into you hard. You’ll call him “Master”, and you’ll be his little pet.
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teddy-bear-queen · 1 year
Bro I have to say this I swear-
I see people trying everything to make it seem like Wukong is a lot worse then he is. I understand you like Macaque, I do too! But the entire point of their relationship is that they’re both in the wrong. The difference is, Wukong got, well, character development. It just feels super annoying to discredit Wukongs hard work in JTTW because of things he did prior.
I’m not saying Wukong is some saint, or an amazing person even while the story is taking place, but he is NOT as bad as some of the people in the LMK fandom make him out to be. I assume it’s because Macaque is the goth shy boy (/hj? /lh), but Macaque literally comes out just to manipulate MK and steal his powers. He’s making the exact same mistakes Wukong did, fighting for power so that he can protect himself. Get stronger. Etc.
Season 4 Special Spoilers:
I don’t think Wukong was ignorant in saying that Macaque doesn’t come to help him. I mean, he got beaten by the Jade Emperor and presumably everyone just left him there and ran off. I’d be pretty mad too. Of course, Macaque was hesitant to begin with, and that’s fair. But he was already there, he could’ve tried. But Macaque has a habit of shying away from fights, only really fighting others to settle a score (S1 E9) or if he has to (LBD arc - both working for and against her, but the S1 E9 relates here, too.) I’m not saying this as an insult, more of an observation. He’s not a coward by any means, a coward would be Peng, who leaves mid-battle in fear of being hurt or losing. Macaque finishes his fights (still knowing when it’s reasonable to retreat), but more often then not prefers to prevent them in the first place. (WHICH IS WHY THE DIVORCE SCENE HITS SO HARD, you know he’s been bottling that up ;v;)
ANYWAY back on topic. I definitely think everything Wukong said there was true. I don’t think he was trying to lie or manipulate Macaque by saying “everything I did was for us”. This is further confirmed when we see him later, tired and completely defeated.
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He has nothing to hide here. He’s at his lowest point, stuck in a mountain, tensions high from being abandoned by his sworn brothers, being abandoned by people he held dear. Macaque was trying to be nice, but if I were stuck in a mountain and offered food from someone who left me in such a vulnerable state? I probably wouldn’t take the it either. ALSO. We still have NOT seen these things from Wukongs perspective! Every single time something is revealed from his past, it’s narrated by Tang, Azure, Macaque, etc. Wukong has never (from my memory) spoken about his trials first-hand. This is why I love the guy so much!! What’s going on in his head? How does he feel about these things?
These are such complex characters who have been through so much, so it really bothers me when people look at Sun Wukong and decide to demonise him because of the past which, not only has he moved on from, but we have never even seen his side of the story on. Why did he kill Macaque? Did he kill Macaque? (I’ve seen theories he didn’t, we don’t know rn tho)
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Wukong went through a lot of pain to change. Wukong is haunted by his past and in genuine distress over it. You can’t tell me this isn’t a man filled with deep remorse for his actions.
He’s not perfect, but he’s a hell of a lot better. It just really frustrates me that people disregard and discredit the work he put in to get to this point.
This is really disorganised I’m sorry, I just keep seeing people act like Wukong is the scum of the earth and I honestly just do not get it.
Please don’t send asks about this post, just reblog or comment.
I don’t want to deal with passive aggressive (or just straight up aggressive) people.
As a final note: No, Wukong is not perfect. He’s still a deeply flawed character even with his development. No, Macaque isn’t the scum of the earth. They both have their own problems and they both fucked up. They both did something wrong. That’s the point.
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blessedbucky · 4 months
Spoilers for the Suguru ending of my "choose your own ending" story! This is a special treat since Tumblr has helped get the story up to almost 900 hits! I'm so grateful for you all that I'm dishing out some porn! I might post Satoru and Nanami, if anyone is interested. Also, it's Suguru's birthday and he deserves a happy fucking ending, damn it!
warnings: it's porn, canon suguru so he's got his cult, lil' bit of self-consciousness while a plus-size girlie rides it, breeding kink (is it truly a taylor fic if that's not in there), suguru getting off on his normally chill waifu getting jealous
︵‿︵‿୨♡୧‿︵‿︵ ︵‿︵‿୨♡୧‿︵‿︵
“Seriously?! What’s gotten into you?!”
“Your dick, if you’re amendable to that, my lord husband.” The title is something you’ve never used with him before. You feel his dick twitch in his pants, so he obviously likes it. “Then, your come. I’d really like lots of that.” You stretch out, playing with the belt of your fancy yukata but not completely tugging it free yet. You’re feeling a little high off seeing him so flustered and red. “Can I have some now?”
Suguru sputters, “Here?!”
“What’s got you acting like such a virgin? Haven’t we done nastier shit?”
He scrubs a hand across his face, growling in frustration. “It’s not about the act. It’s the location. This is where I meet with all the monkeys that follow me. I’m already going to struggle to keep a straight face as it is, hearing you talk like that.” And yet…the hands that he’d put on your thick thighs to support you slowly inch up. “I have an image that I have to maintain when I’m here. Me daydreaming about all the come that’ll be dripping out of you on this very floor won’t exactly help with that.”
“Pick a different room, then.” You’re pouting, you know. Then, because you can be just as manipulative as him, you offer, “I can ride you.” You finally tug the belt of your yukata away. It loosens, not completely falling away, but the front of it pops open enough to give a tantalizing view of the valley of your breasts. “Suguru,” you whine playfully. You think you can physically see his brain stuttering to a stop, melting, and just straight up leaking out of his ears. “My pussy feels really empty right now. Aren’t you going to help me with that?”
“You are the fucking worst,” Suguru snarls before he’s ripping at your yukata.
You have to admit that this position isn’t exactly a favorite. It’s being done with Suguru, and that simple fact alone means that you love any position. And while you’re admitting things, this is one of the best for getting deep. Depth is a craving of yours, easier to handle than underused nerves firing off. So, seriously, you’re not complaining. There are some other positions that you prefer more, is all.
But Suguru fucking loves it.
You know why. He’s told you as much. It puts you and the body that he adores so much on full display. These days, you are…a little bit better about accepting your body. You can’t hate it as much anymore. That said, you think you’re allowed to feel awkward when it’s just…jiggling so much. There’s no different way to position yourself, no way to somewhat hide it—every move makes every single thing jiggle.
Fuck it.
You’ll put on a show.
Tilting back, you reach around to brace yourself on his knees. The place where you two are connected is clear, his thick cock sliding in and out of your wet pussy. His hands are out of reach now, so you pick up where he left off with one of yours, pinching at your nipple. It’s harder to move fast this way, but you’re grinding down, trying to get him deeper, deeper, deeper. All your muscles are burning, trying to hold and lift yourself up enough to slam back down.
That familiar heat is building in your gut. If you fall over the edge right now, he’s sure to follow right after. “I—ah!” Words, words, words. “Ugh, why are you so sexy, Suguru?” You slam down on him, body rippling all over. If you move any more, you are going to lose this train of thought. “You drive me nuts. Just make me forget everything. I needed to tell you that I got so busy that I forgot to take it yesterday and today.” You huff. “It probably won’t take, but…if you don’t want to take the risk…just…just pull out, okay?”
Suguru barks out a hoarse laugh. “And again, I say, you’re really just the fucking worst.” He’s reaching out, gripping your wrists, hauling you down so your chests thump together. “Do you know what a menace you’ve been today, hmm?” You’re cradled against him while he rolls over to get you on your back. “Greeting me at the door like that—like my perfect little wife. The way you terrorized that woman. What was it, my love? Hmm? It wasn’t only the tea, I know. Did she look at me the wrong way? You looked like you wanted to claw her eyes out.”
“Don’t use the past tense—ah!” This is your favorite way to do it. To have his massive body blanketing yours, blocking out the entire world. “I actually thought about slipping some poison in her stupid fucking tea.” That feral thing inside him is awake now, his own eyes crazed as he tries to mark out a spot inside your body for himself.
Suguru’s breath is hot on the shell of your ear. “You have tested my patience and restraint today. Doing all you’ve done like you didn’t plan on seducing me. You beg me so beautifully for my seed and now you want me to think twice?” You dig your nails in the meat of his ass and lock your ankles around his, your body desperate to keep him inside you. Every snap of his hips makes you cry out. “You’ll get it. You’ll get as much as I can stuff in this lovely pussy.”
“Please, please, please—”
Suguru’s hand snakes up, draping loosely around your throat. “You better not spill a fucking drop,” he warns huskily. “Or else you’ll be the one licking it up off the floor. I won’t take the chance of some filthy monkey prostrating themselves to me tasting my love for you.”
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morganalatina21 · 2 years
Manipulating Death
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(not my gif but i don’t know how to give credits, soo....
(Series?) Summary: When Harry discovers he has a twin sister that was hiding for years, he wants to know all about her, specially about her ability to bring people back to life.
Warnings: possible trigger for Sirius death (but it will pass, trust the process), tiny angst and my trash writing
a/n: So I decided to write a story abt Harry having a sister and her having a special connection with Regulus so I just decided to do it and transform it into a possible series cause I don’t think it would fit in a one shot.
(Also, english isn’t my first language so I’m sorry in advance lol)
Solely one pair continued to fight, apparently not noticing Dumbledore's arrival. Harry watched Sirius dodging a red lightning coming from Bellatrix's wand: he was laughing at her.
"Come on, you can do better than this!" He screamed, the voice echoing through the cavernous room.
The second jet of light hit him right on the chest. The smile still didn't vanish from his face, but the eyes were wide open.
Harry let go of Neville, even though he had no conscious what he was doing. Yet again started to jump down the steps, pulling the wand, at the same time Dumbledore was also looking at the bed frame.
Sirius took an eternity to fall, it seemed; his body described a gracious arc and he dived with his back in the ragged veil. Harry saw the fearful and surprised expression on his devastated and once pretty face when he went through the arc and disappeared beyond the veil, that fluttered for a moment like a strong wind was blowing, and then became static once more.
Harry continued looking at the arc, ignoring Bellatrix's exaggerated screams, waiting for his figure to come back triumphant, a playful smile on his lips.
What finally got him out of that state was the shoving that almost led him to the ground; someone came running and pushed him out of the way, desperately trying to get to the arc and leaned forward, one hand only on the outside, but the body was fully taken by the veil.
"What the..." Harry heard, very close, only then realizing he only didn't fell because Lupin's hands stopped him.
With one big thrust, two people came out. The one that shoved him, carrying the heavy and pale body of his godfather.
The boy felt like he could finally breathe again, stumbling to get closer to Sirius, being followed by Remus.
Making sure that the Black was there, he really came back, now he could finally look at the person that had dived into the veil to save him. It was a girl, with dark clothing and shaky hands that adjusted Sirius on the floor.
Throwing himself right by the man's side, Harry tried to pronunciante a thankful sentence, anything, but the words were choked on his throat.
Looking back, the girl noticed Bellatrix became angry, so she put a hand on Sirius shoulder and held out the other one in Lupin's direction, which he took by reflex, and they were transported.
Harry fell on his knees on a carpet, in an ample but dark living room that reminded him of the house on Grimmauld Place, with upholstered chairs and paintings in the walls.
"Are you... Who I think you are?" Lupin asked, taking two steps behind and looking at the girl with a question mark on his face.
"Now's not the time, Remus." She answered simply, taking off Sirius' coat. "I need you to get me that second drawer." She instructed, pointing at a small closet in the corner of the room.
"Will he be okay?" Harry questioned, noticing how pale he looked like. Plus, he hadn't moved since.
"Yes. But I need to act quick, he came back from the dead way too fast, his body didn't had time to get used to it."
The boy felt his stomach drop, he really would've died. And he couldn't have done anything to stop it.
Lupin came back with a drawer full of potions glasses for the girl that, without even looking, pulled three different and layed them right beside her.
"How are you alive?" The professor asked, kneeling down and looking at her like she was the one that resurrected.
"I could ask you the same thing, godfather." Commented, looking at him with a sided smirk while opening one bottle and pouring half its content inside Sirius' nostrils with the help of a medicine dropper.
"Nice to meet you, Harry." She said, her smile expanding. "I'm your twin sister."
His eyes went wide. She did, actually, looked like the pictures he'd seen from his mother..
But still...
The girl kept herself nonchalant with her own words and continued the process of healing Sirius, whispering spells she knew like the back of her hand and using potions whenever was needed.
"My... what?"
"It's a really long story." She shrugged, cupping Sirius' face, fingers touching his temples, shaking ans murmuring phrases in Latin the boy did not knew.
After a few seconds in silence, where the two of them tried to understand what was happening, Sirius started squirming, his body trying to raise from the floor but giving up right on cue.
The Black's eyes started rolling and his mouth hanged open in a silent scream, the lights started flashing and the entire house seemed to shake.
The glasses in the drawer jingled and the windows knocking, making Harry feel like he was in one of those thrillers Dudley used to watch and wasn't able to sleep after.
The girl held his shoulders, making the spasms stop and got him to lay on his sides, opening his mouth and keeping his hair away from the face. Sirius started forcing his throat, choking and spitting as if he was about to throw up.
Harry expected some sort of sticky liquid to come out of his mouth, the normal in times like this; however nothing til that point seemed normal, so why would that?
What looked like the longs and dark legs of a huge spiders started so stretch out of Sirius lips, as if he had swallowed Aragorn. A black and fluttering form came out his body and stood up, one pair of red glowing eyes looking at Harry.
"Don't worry, it won't hurt you." The girl assured. "Just can't let it escape."
Right on schedule, the figure trotted off the door and the Potter grunted in frustration.
"Let it be." Sighed, nesting Sirius on her lap as he was catching his breath. "The house is sealed anyway."
"What was that?"
"A death possessor." Explained, gesturing Harry into handing her another bottle. "When someone dies very suddenly, a possessor invades their body and it has to do quickly turn off the five senses from when you're alive to when you're dead." Continued, opening the orange glass from her brother.
"After some time it starts do bend to your soul, so you can't return to the living layer of the world, cause it will be completely attached to you and won't let you have your life back. That's why most resurrection plans don't work out." She concluded, holding Sirius chin to make him drink, when the man started to mumble.
Remus held his breath, the Black was still very shaken and couldn't realize that wasn't his friend.
"Hey Sirius."
"Is it really you? Where's- Where's James?"
"James' busy right now." She replied, keeping her face slightly turned so he couldn't really see her. "But come on, speak to me. It's been quite some time. Remember that time we talked by the Black Lake?"
Sirius' breath hitched and everyone in the room could see the tears staring to run from the corner of his eyes to his ears.
"I was trying to convince you to give James a chance." He told, a faint smile on the lips. "That he had sheltered me from my parents, and that he's a good person." His voice was just above a whisper, choking mid-sentence because of the crying.
"And you remember what I answered?"
Remus frowned. Why was she doing that? Leading Sirius to believe he was really talking to Lily, instead of bringing him back to reality?
"You said it made sense. And a week later said yes to a date with him." Sirius sniffed and coughed, his body shaking weakly. "That's why you two started dating."
"And I owe you for that one, Sirius." The man smiled through the tears. "But now you need to wake up." And turned the bottle on his mouth, the fluid escaping on the edges and the Black's eyes shut at the same time.
His body went numb on her arms, but the chest still rising and lowering lightly, indicating he as alive.
"Why did you do that?" The marauder asked, having the girl's eyes on him. "You're not Lily."
"I know" She nodded, carefully living Sirius asleep on the carpet with a pillow on his head and started standing. "But it's easier for him to believe he almost died and then saw his childhood friend than that he died and his best friend's daughter who is supposed to be dead saved him and now he's here."
Harry shook his head. Even he still didn't knew what was going on.
"He'll have a lot of things to get used to, and his body need some rest. So many changes in short time can cause damage. Last time something like this happened, he spent twelve years in Azkaban, so..."
A loud banging was heard coming from above and she sighed.
"You really couldn't handle that for me?" Questioned out loud, looking at the stairs.
"I'm busy." Someone replied, muffled because of the distance and a door closed.
Remus and Harry stared at each other, there was someone else?
"Well so am I, saving your brother by the way, you little fop." Countered, rolling her eyes.
A latch noise and hurried steps coming downstairs led to the reveal of a slender man, a little older than both Harry and the girl, black curls falling on his forehead leading to dark but pretty eyes.
Looking between the man lying on the floor and the new figure, the resemblance was clear, but if Sirius was the last Black alive...?
"Regulus Black?"
The man's eyes lifted from the sleeping human and finally took in the other two in the room, nodding to the older one. "Lupin."
"Seems like today's the day of coming back from the dead..." He spoke slowly, one brow arched at the younger Black while viewing every inch of him.
"Well, now that you're here I can go and deal with the possessor and you can deal with this." The girl said, gesturing in circles to them before sprinting upstairs.
"She was never really good at handling people." Regulus said after some time, trying to break the ice between them.
Harry took a step forward, for what his godfather had said, his little brother was a Death Eater and even though, allegedly he had died trying to leave the Dark Lord, there was no guarantee he would be gentle.
"Sirius said you were dead." He pronounced, his hand itching to reach for his wand. "Murdered on Voldemort's orders."
"You died." Lupin added, but the boy remained silent. "I remember it. It was right after Lily and James got married."
"That's... a long story." Regulus sighed, looking with the corner of his eyes to the stairs, almost wishing the girl would be done soon so he wouldn't have to explain it all by himself, but he knew better.
Then, an idea popped on his mind.
"And I think Sirius would like to hear it." Watched his brother sleeping, perhaps peacefully for the first time in the last fifteen years. "So why don't you tell Harry about his sister, I'm pretty sure you have no clue what's going on."
The boy looked at his professor, but spoke before him.
"Why would I trust anything you say? You were a Death Eater last time I checked."
"You're not trusting me by staying here or listening to me, you're trusting your sister." Regulus replied, his hands were on his back, standing up straight and looking nonchalant. "And if you think Y/n Potter would be evil, she wouldn't have saved Sirius in the first place."
"But she saved you." Remus countered. "I'm assuming you didn't faked your death to escape Voldemort, otherwise you would've asked for Dumbledore's help when he returned. And I don't see any reason why choosing to raise James' daughter would be good to you. Plus, she having saved you before explains why she seemed so calm handling Sirius."
The Black boy sighed, "Would you like a cup of tea so we can talk about it? I'm pretty sure you're tired. And when he wakes up, he will need some food." And without letting room for response, he started leading the way to the kitchen.
Harry breathed deeply, what the hell was happening?
Next Chapter
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ventiswampwater · 1 year
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@pretty-possum​​ cynth, ur mind. ur fuckin MIND. thank u for sending me this electric idea bc it rlly had me spooning out my brain!! here’s some filthnasty for u in which he has way too much fun and it’s ickyweird
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catching flies with honey (if the killing’s what you like, make it sweet)
bo sinclair x afab!reader
rating: explicit
wordcount: 4.8k
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Reader POV. You keep telling him how much you hate him. You little spitfire! It's real cute. Anyway, he’s got something special to show you. He’s sure you’ll love it. 
Also posted on AO3 here.
⚠️ Canon typical violence and fuckery. We’re in Bo’s hell basement for the first bit of this, so that means many references to past noncon. When we get to the wax museum nasty, it's dubcon under EXTREME duress. Reader dislikes Bo immensely and makes this clear to him multiple times. Bo finds this endlessly entertaining and adapts his approach to make her even more miserable. He's on his brat-taming shit. Sugary sweet, full of bullshit compliments, contrived as hell. He’s very smug and manipulative and slimy in this fic. HEAVY praise kink. Deviating from my other Bo fics, he doesn’t call you any awful names! Whoa! But he might as well! Because this really isn’t any better! Praise kink as degradation.  A wax sculpture is destroyed, and the resulting viscera and nastiness is described in vivid detail. Some suspension of disbelief is necessary for the decomposition described, but that’s basically a warning for the original movie lmao. Mind break elements. He talks you through it (unfortunately). Multiple orgasms with a heavy focus on overstimulation.  ⚠️
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He’s red on the inside, same as you. It’s about time that somebody reminded him.
“I’m gettin’ sloppy.” Bo clicks his tongue. “Ain’t your fault, darlin’.”
“Don’t call me that.” You spit out, tugging at the restraints on the chair.
“What? You don’t like me bein’ sweet to you?”
He hums a tune as he clips your fingernails. You expect a sting of pain—want one, even—each time he lifts another finger. It never comes. He’s uncharacteristically gentle, pinching his tongue between his teeth and tilting his head as he studies your hands.
“Ain’t been takin’ care of you like I should, baby.” He murmurs.
Your lip trembles with indignation. You wear enough marks on your skin to know that his version of care isn’t something you want. Your eyes dart back to the scratch on his neck. You wish you could’ve done more, cut deeper—but you’ll take this small victory. It’s a reminder that he’s nothing more than human, shackled by the same mortality you are. You can see that in the pinpricks of blood blooming on his neck.
He bleeds like you and he can die just the same.
“I hope it scars.” You mutter.
Leveling his gaze to meet yours, Bo tips his head towards your bound wrists.
“Hope yours do to.” He chuckles. “You keep yankin’ on those things and we’re ‘bout to have a matchin’ set.”
The smile he gives you is warm and soft, crinkling at the corners of his eyes. It’s as counterfeit as the rest of his persona and just as paper-thin. You wonder who he stole that expression from. He only seems to have things that he’s taken from others.
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You count the days with scratches on his Polaroids.
He keeps your nails short now, so you can’t dig into them like you used to. Despite that, you try your best, pressing a crescent moon of a cut into the glossy surface. He’s got enough of them hanging up that you doubt he’ll notice. If you know one thing for certain, it’s that he seems to have a remarkably one-track mind.
He comes down here for you. Everything else is as consequential as the dirt and rust that line the shelves. A product of years of neglect, just another piece of the background. When you think about it, even you are one of those incidental things. The previous occupants of this room watch you from the wall, a constant reminder that this has all happened before. Down here, you are not an anomaly. The technicalities of your self are really just that, technicalities.
It’s necessary to give him things (your body, your time, all that rust) because that’s how you stay alive. You can’t feel bad for that. It’s a hunger like anything else and you swallow it down like any of the other tasteless meals he brings you. It slides down your gullet and with every mouthful, the pang lessens. When the hunger is gone, all you’re left with is the way he sits in your stomach.
You have to be careful. If you’re not, there’ll come a point where there won’t be anything more to pry away. You have to stay awake.
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You’re screaming. Bo’s yawning.
“Figured ya’ woulda gotten that outta your system by now.”
You ignore him.
“Want me to try and holler with ya’? Might help that sound carry.”
“Where’s everybody else?” You wheel around to face him, hands balled into tight fists. He’s sitting on the edge of the mattress, leaning back on his elbows.
“Dunno.” Scrunching his face up in thought, he purses his lips. “Haven’t seen nobody ‘round here in a minute. Just you.”
“Just me?” You chew on your bottom lip, searching his face. “You’re not a good liar.”
“I’m not lyin’.” He smirks at you.
“They’re all dead, aren’t they?” Your voice warbles a bit around the question, but you manage to steady your voice. You hope he doesn’t notice.
He does.
“Look darlin’, I know you’re real worried ‘bout those friends of yours.” He frowns at you, brow creased in a poor attempt at sympathy. “And I don’t wanna scare ya’ baby. I really don’t. But you gotta know. My brother…he ain’t right. If he got to ‘em first…can’t tell ya’ what could’ve happened.”
“What do you mean?”
“He’s got this, uh—this compulsion.” He shakes his head slowly, letting out a low whistle. “Bad stuff. Gotta keep ya’ away from him.”
“Oh, ‘cuz you’re somethin’ special.” He drags the last word out, letting it pop in his mouth. “But you know that, don’tcha, baby?”
His praise might as well have been spat into your face with a wad of saliva.
Getting to his feet with a groan, he glances over his shoulder. He stands there for a beat too long, eying the Polaroids. Leaning over, he tugs one off the wall. You haven’t exactly been subtle with your date-keeping. He scans over the damage, his lips curling into a sneer.
“I’m gonna say this once.” His face twists into a scowl. “All this? It’s real cute—until it ain’t.”
There’s an eagerness to your breath as you watch him, your eyes darting from the ruined picture back to his face. It’s an odd, confusing thing, but part of you prefers him like this. The cruelty makes him predictable. You’re so sick of the platitudes, the sugary pet names. You know what he wants to call you, what he really thinks of you as. He may as well have branded those words deep into your skin.
You used to make him so angry. It almost felt like your encounters were equal parts punishment doled out to both of you, wrapped up around the callous bite of his voice. This recent change in demeanor frustrates you, it feels like it was born out of something you did. Nothing bothers you more than that. When you were a slut, or a whore, or a nasty little bitch, that was all him.
You ready yourself for what’s coming, knowing that it’ll hurt, but pleased to know that you managed to break his composure. Unable to hide behind thinly veiled niceties, he can’t pretend to be kind.
To your dismay, his face relaxes.
“Reckon it ain’t nice to tease ya’ with pictures when ya’ want the real thing.” He sighs, crumpling the picture in his hand. Your shoulders sag. “I’ll make it up to you, baby.”
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You start your count back up on a new Polaroid. It feels less satisfying, but that’s routine for you.
You’re six notches deep into your new calender when Bo comes downstairs jangling his keys.
“Got somethin’ to show ya’ today.”
“…What is it?”
“Don’t wanna spoil the surprise.” He shrugs, shooting you a smile. “Can’t bring it here, so…how ya’ feel ‘bout takin’ a walk, darlin’?”
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Outside the gas station, you shield your eyes from the sun.
Rustling in his pocket, Bo pulls out a crumpled box of cigarettes. You peer around as he flicks his lighter open, your heart stuttering in your chest. You’re not bound. There’s nothing preventing you from taking off down the street. But this is his test, and you know that.
The limits of the town are further than you’d thought. Even if you could make it to the mouth of the town without him at your heels, that’s only part of it. The momentum you’d need to sustain to get down the road means nothing if you lose it there, face-down in the gravel.
Bo’s taking a drag of his cigarette when you glance back at him, a smirk playing at the ends of his lips. He looks at you like he can tell what you’re thinking, as if he’s run through the same scenario a thousand times in his mind. He’s come out the winner every time. You’re sure he’d love for you to prove him right.
“You want one?” He gestures toward the cigarette.
In place of an answer, you glare at him.
“Suit yourself, sweetness.” He grins.
“Waste of money.” You murmur.
“You might be right. But I never buy any of ‘em.” There’s an edge of manic glee in his voice. “Not once.”
Keeping your eyes on him, you press your lips together. You can tell he wants you to ask what he means by that. He’s all but bouncing on his heels, eyes twinkling. He hasn’t fucked you in days, has barely seemed to have time to touch you. It felt like a reprieve at the time, but this barely-contained excitement worries you.
You don’t respond.
He finishes his cigarette, flicking it away.
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Bo leads you up the hill to the wax museum. Reaching out, he closes his hand around the door handle. It opens with a creak.  
“Go on. Ladies first.”
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Inside, it’s quiet, but there’s no peace.
Sun reflects out through green panes, bathing everything in unnatural light. It feels wrong to stand here in the gloom, surrounded by an assortment of shadowy wax figures, their faces frozen in placid contentment. Nervousness gnaws at your chest, leaving your palms clammy.
“What are we doing here?” Your throat feels tight.
He doesn’t answer, just leads you deeper into the room. Your eyes land on a mirror against the far wall. In its dusty cloudiness, you both are shadowy blobs of shapes, completely insubstantial.
“Keep goin’. ‘S in the other room.”
He beckons you through an open doorway and dust tickles your nose. Following his gaze, your eyes land on another group of wax sculptures. Their clothes are just as dated as the others, all crushed velvet and strings of pearls. Despite this, they look newer, no tendrils of dust hanging off of their outstretched arms.
There’s something familiar about them, but it’s hard to tell in this light. You take a step closer, narrowing your eyes.
“Ya’ know, my brother likes projects.” You hear Bo say. “Guess that’s somethin’ we got in common.”
You blink in confusion, your mouth falling open. Of course they look familiar—you’d recognize those faces anywhere. Standing in front of you are wax replicas of your friends, leering at you with painted-on smiles.
“What is this?” Your hands are shaking. “Where are they?”
“Right in front of you, darlin’.” Bo exclaims. “Now, don’t they look good? I think they clean up real nice, don’t you?”
It’s nothing more than a cruel joke.
The anger that grips you is sudden, thoughtless. You reel around, your hand clenching into a fist. The punch you throw at him is a pitiful thing. He avoids it easily, catching your wrist in his hand and shoving you away. You back up frantically as he closes in on you, your heart skipping in your chest. Losing your footing, you smack into one of the figures.
“What, you ain’t thankful for the reunion? Thought you’d appreciate it.”
The sculpture totters behind you. You flail wildly as you try to steady yourself, but it’s no use—your feet slip out from under you. As you fall, it falls with you, hitting the floor with a shatter that sprays chips of paint and wax over the ground.
“Hate to say it, but I’m a bit disappointed in ya’, sweet thing.”
Wrenching your head back to look at the damage, your mouth falls open. The impact of the fall bisected the sculpture’s face, cracking it wide open. A scream bubbles up in your throat as you realize that it isn’t hollow. There’s something bloated and dead inside it, staring back at you with milky eyes.
You’d know that face anywhere.
“Dunno how I’m gonna explain this to Vincent, baby. He spent a lot of time on that one.”
You scramble to your feet with a shriek, backpedaling wildly until you run into him. His hands are quick to close around you, pinning your arms behind your back. You try your best to twist out of his grip, but he holds you still, pulling you against his chest.
“Figure he’ll need a replacement.” Bo leans down to murmur in your ear, his tone sickly and apologetic. “I’m gonna have a hell of a time tryin’ to convince him that it ain’t gonna be you.”
Your eyes dart between the figures, hardly registering his words. It’s impossible to make sense of what’s in front of you. Everything seems doused in unreality, tilted on its side. Your friends stand frozen, lips peeled away from their teeth in twisted imitations of smiles. It’s been so long that you can hardly remember what their voices sound like. You won’t hear them again. The people they used to be live on only in your head, spiraling into a mass of memory. The realization has your throat tightening, your eyes blurring with tears.
You feel his lips against your hair and a broken wail tips out of your mouth. You’ve walked straight into the gaping maw of an open grave. They’re here and they’re rotting and there’s nothing to be done because you’re too late. This is no museum—it’s a mausoleum, and you paid your respects through a splattering of viscera on the floor.
“It ain’t that bad. We’ll set somethin’ up real nice for ya’, sweetness. Right by the door.”
You shudder, yanking against his hands.
“Whatcha wanna wear, darlin’? I’ll getcha whatever ya’ want.”
“Don’t tell him!” Your voice comes out shrill, rushing out of you in a high-pitched whine. “Don’t, please, don’t—”
“Well, I gotta tell him, baby.” He sighs.
“No, no, no. Please—”
“You want me to lie to him?” He tugs at your ear with his teeth. “Dunno. Thought I wasn’t a good liar.”
“You can’t, you—” Your breath escapes you in shallow gulps.
Abruptly, he lets go of your arms, shoving you off him. You pitch forward onto the ground, blinking away tears. He pounces on you with a laugh, flipping you onto your back. His hands paw at your breasts, sliding down your stomach. He moves closer, positioning himself between your thighs to force your knees up, yanking your legs open. Your dress rides up, bunching around your hips.
“This ain’t somethin’ I take lightly.” He shakes his head, sighing. “I’d miss ya’.”
“Fuck you.” You squirm underneath him.
“There’s that mouth.” He grins down at you, wrapping a hand around your throat. “That’s my girl.”
You scrabble at his grip, twisting underneath him. Bo’s hand doesn’t budge, his fingers closing tighter around your neck.
“Fuck. You.” You wheeze, unable to muster the venom you intend.
If you’re going to die, you want him to bruise you, to mark you up in such a way that the person responsible for the macabre mannequins in the other room would notice. You want the signs of a fight clear upon your skin. Anything to make them rethink dressing you up in satin and costume jewelry; kept on display to be gawked at, locked in someone’s imagined view of you.
Leave that one to rot on the side of the road, she’s sick of being looked at.
“Well, since you’re askin’ so nicely…” He grins down at you, his eyes glinting. “How you want it?”
His fingers brush between your legs, cupping your pussy through the cotton. You let out a sputtered yelp as he pulls your panties to the side. His thumb begins to rub at your clit and you buck your hips up, making a desperate move to wrench yourself away from him.
“Right there, baby?”
His grip on your throat is rhythmic, tightening and loosening and tightening again. Helpless darkness grips you as your throat constricts, only to be met with the shuddering relief of air filling your lungs. Head spinning, you oscillate wildly between the two unyielding extremes. You gasp when he pushes his finger into you, horrified to find yourself wet enough that it slides in easily. Your pussy clenches around the intrusion involuntarily, making you squeal.
"Guess all that death don't bother you. You're a trooper, baby." He pumps a second finger in, stretching you open. Your thighs shake and you can’t help the desperate little mewl that escapes your mouth.
“Got yourself an audience and now you’re purrin’ like a kitten.” He smirks, amusement plain in his voice. “That’s all ya’ needed, huh?”
“No.” You hiss out.
“Mmm-hmm. I hear ya’, darlin’.” His voice drips with honey, warm and throaty above you. “Don’tchu worry.”
You twist your head to the side, forcing your eyes to focus on the unnatural poses held by the corpses of your friends. Maybe it would be better to be like they were, immobile in their grotesque funeral clothes. They wouldn’t know what it felt like to lose all this, to die while you still breathed. Your eyes fall on the shattered carnage that covers the floor a few feet away. The hopelessness numbs you, making it easier to ignore the distracting warmth between your thighs. You’ll look at all that death and he won’t be able to make you feel anything.
“Eyes up here, beautiful.” He forces your head back. “Don’t like you lookin’ at ‘em when I’m touchin’ you. Makes me jealous.”
The room is warm and you’re warmer still, uglier than you’ve ever felt, sweat beading on your brow and dripping down the side of your face. He works another finger into you, humming under his breath. You gasp around the added pressure, squeezing your eyes tightly shut.
“Just like that, baby.” He readjusts his grip on your throat, stroking a finger up the thundering beat of your pulse. “Make yourself feel good. You need it.”
You realize with a whimper that you’re doing just that, rocking down on his fingers. Your body is traitorous and so is that hunger, demanding to be full, to take in as much as it could. Like a whore, your mind offers up bitterly. Just like a whore. You bite back a moan, twisting under him. You wish that he’d call you that, that his hand was digging harder into your skin. You need this to hurt so you can focus on the poison that drips off his words. If you could manage that, you’d make it out of here.
This is about survival. That’s what you’re trying to do.
He shifts the angle of his hand slightly and you tense up, unable to muffle the moan that spills out of your mouth. Your orgasm is a shivery, unexpected thing, clambering up your spine and washing over you in a traitorous burst. It tastes like betrayal, shuddering its way through you with a shock, stealing the words from your tongue and leaving you gasping for air. Your eyes are watering when he finally lets go of your throat, tugging your underwear off.
"You got over that fast. Nothin’ brings you down, huh?” You hear the jingle of his belt as he undoes it. With a grunt, he nudges your legs wider apart with his knee, pulling you towards him. “You're a wonder, baby."
You jolt away with a gasp when you feel the head of his cock rub against your clit, your mouth falling open. He flashes a smile down at you, dragging his length through your folds.
“How’s that, baby?”
“It’s too much, it’s—” You take a ragged gasp as he presses against your entrance, screwing your eyes tightly shut.
“’S okay.” He murmurs, rocking the head of his cock slowly into your pussy with shallow thrusts. You grit your teeth together, hissing a shaky breath through your nose.
When he eases into you, you let out a watery sob. Pressing into you slow, you’re acutely aware of every inch of him. He’s usually too impatient to let you feel this gradual stretch, the way your walls clench helplessly around his cock.
“Feels good, huh?” He sinks deeper into you, and you tremble. “You like it?”
You shake your head sharply. You wiggle your hips down, anxious for him to fill you completely. You need it done so you can forget the way that this feels. There are things you shouldn’t see and things you shouldn’t feel, and today has been full of both.
“C’mon now, baby.” His tone is sugary sweet and patronizing. Each word plods out slow, as if he’s talking to a child. “If it feels good, you gotta like it.” 
You feel a flicker of embarrassment, but it’s not enough to push past the fog of euphoria that’s coiling low in your belly. Your breath stutters out of you in uneven bursts, almost as if his hand is still around your throat. That’s how this pleasure feels—it’s a choking, inescapable thing, pinning you against the ground.
“You’re takin’ me so well, baby. You wanna know how good that feels ‘round my dick?”
He rocks into you, slow and deep, dragging a pitiful moan from your lips.
“Be careful, angel.” Bo lets out a breathless laugh. “You’re gonna wake up ya’ friends.”
A sharp bolt of revulsion thrums through you, tugging you out from under the throb of sensation. The shame twists in your stomach, rotten and sickly. Before it can stick, he reaches down and slips his hands under your waist. With hardly any effort, he lifts you off the floor, tilting your pelvis up to meet him. Your mouth is pooling with saliva, tears pricking at your eyes. At this angle, he’s so deep that it’s as if you can feel him everywhere, pushing at the back of your throat. You let out a desperate whine, locking your legs around his waist. Without his hands to hold you up, you feel like you’d melt away into the floor.
He rolls his hips and you stutter out a sob, tremors of desperate pleasure wracking your body. You’re shaking, hands reaching up to tremble uselessly at your chest.
“What am I doin’, baby?”
“You’re—” You slur out, panting. “You’re fucking me.”
“Uh-huh. Ya’ like it?”
You keen out an unintelligible reply, nodding up at him desperately. He rewards your answer with a brush to your clit and your mouth falls open.
“Good, baby. Gettin’ a little hard to talk, yeah?” His words are coated in self-congratulatory smugness that can’t manage to hide behind sweetness. It taunts you, clawing under your skin and tearing through you in a way that only serves to make you wetter. “You ain’t gotta care ‘bout nothin’ other than how that feels.”
He fucks down into you, his cock kissing something deep in you that has you gaping up at him, stuttering out a moan. He’s pushing deep, impossibly so, then pulling out to press back in. Here, in this desperate haze of feeling that has you arching your back on the ground, it all feels so unavoidable.
Distantly, you can hear him murmuring above you. You’re so good, aren’t you? Say yes, sweetheart, but only if you want to. Only if it feels right. A distant part of your brain reminds you that the last thing you want to be is good. Trying desperately to catch onto that thought only has it fading away into that all-consuming pressure building up between your legs.
“Whose girl are you?”
“Yours.” You hiccup out. You’re disloyal and fickle and weak—and you aren’t lying, you can’t lie.
“That’s right.”
It feels like you’re losing something, your thoughts unspooling and picking up momentum as they roll away, getting further and further from you with every thrust of his hips.
Everything you give him is nothing he deserves.
“You wanna show me what a good girl you are and cum?”
The pleasure is a knife in your gut, splitting you open from the base of your belly all the way up to the shuddering flesh of your throat. It feels like honey, like his voice above you—eviscerating, cruel because it isn’t cruel. Hurting because it doesn’t, because all you wanted was him and he gave it to you. You arch up desperately, chasing after more of that sensation.
“Oh, angel. That’s perfect.”
He holds you suspended in the rolling thrum of your orgasm, thrusting deeper into you. Your orgasm burns at the back of your eyes, a blinding thing, gouging you open with white-hot light. Unlike the first, this one seems to wash over you with no end. You cry out, thrashing under the unrelenting waves, his cock pulsing inside you. His breathing is labored as he works his hips, sweat plastering his hair to his brow.
You look up at him and you don’t hate him—and that’s the worst thing, dragging another woozy ripple of pleasure out of your core. Your heart hammers away in your chest, pounding hot and loud in your ears. He spills inside you with a groan, his hands digging tightly into your thighs. Your body seems to throb with warmth, rolling waves of it leaving your limbs numb and useless.
With an embarrassingly wet squelch, he pulls out of you. You close your eyes and the world spins inside your head, making your eyelids heavy. Dimly, you can hear him zipping up the fly of his pants, refastening his belt. He clears his throat, huffing out a tired laugh.
“Like I told ya’, baby. You’re somethin’ special.”
He says something else and you nod. You’re not sure what he might have asked you—but he likes agreement. You’ve never cared much for what he liked, never had a desire to give whatever that was to him. But it’s easier to say yes. You can’t pin down what part of you has decided that’s true, but it’s pulsing between your legs and sitting on your tongue like it belongs there.
“Think I’d let him get his hands on you? That’s crazy talk, girl.”
Your thighs spasm a bit and you gulp. He lowers himself over you, sinking onto his elbows to press a kiss onto your trembling mouth. You can feel his spend leaking out of you, running down between your legs and puddling underneath you. The ache is coming, you can feel it, throbbing deep in your cunt.
When you were little, you couldn’t swallow pills. You needed them ground up and mixed in with sugar, served up on a spoon for you to swallow. Even then, you knew it was there, felt like you could taste it. But it made it easier, didn’t it? You couldn’t tell then and you can’t tell now. You whimper and he smiles against your lips, teasing your mouth open with his tongue.
Seems like you can take anything if it’s hidden under sugar.
As the haze of pleasure begins to lift, the room starts to come back into focus. You’re remembering that you can’t be here, that death is familiar and close. You have to leave, you have to run. With a shaky sob, you feel the fear begin to hitch up in your throat again, crawling out of the pocket of your insides that it’s been hiding in.
You yelp as you feel him circle around your clit again. Thrashing underneath him, you shake your head wildly.
“Nice and sensitive now, yeah? Look at that.”
You whimper helplessly, the words forming on your tongue only to disappear a moment later. Your clit feels swollen between your legs, delivering a snap of electricity to your core with every unrelenting stroke of his fingers. You teeter on the razor-edge of pain and pleasure—ratcheted too high, past the point of enjoyment. There’s nowhere left for the feeling to go. You’ll need to claw your way out of your skin to alleviate it, you’ll need him to take you apart.
“Sto—” The word’s swallowed up by a series of high-pitched vocalizations, spilling from your lips, one tripping over the other. Your grasp on language feels as sloppy as your cunt. Slippery, needy things. What good were they now?
“Ya’ know what I think?” He murmurs. “I think this pussy’s got one more.”
Dizzily, you think about the cigarette he’d offered you earlier. You could use it now.
“I can’t, I can’t—”
“Pretty girl.” He reaches up with his free hand to wipe away the tears spilling down the side of your face. “It’s hard, I know.”
If you had any energy, you’d bite him, you’d take out as many chunks as you could. Are you sure? That version of you feels far away now. He sinks his fingers back into your pussy and you whine. There’s no resistance to be found inside you, just a quivering hole fucked wide, greedily squeezing around his fingers.
“You wanna know somethin’, baby? I’ve always been selfish. Got told that a lot, and I reckon they were right.” His voice is as soft as his hands, rumbling into your head. “Can’t help it.”
“Bo, please—” You’re wound too tight to cum again, each touch a shivery spike of feeling that leaves you wanting to vacate your body. You need to tell him that, you need to—
“Name sounds real good in that mouth.” You can hear the smile in his voice. “Say it again, would ya’?”
“Bo. Bo.” You let out a broken sob, a fresh wave of tears glazing over your eyes. “Bo…”
“Hush now, angel. Third times the charm.”
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honeyjars-sims · 3 months
2.29 Support System
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David: How’s Johnny been?
Chantal: A lot better. He blocked Mom’s number and has been trying to focus on other things.
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Solomon: I can’t believe Jimmy was out of prison and she didn’t even say anything.
Chantal: Yeah, I’m pretty pissed off about it myself. I’ve been so stressed worrying about Johnny on top of everything else.
David: Is work still giving you trouble?
Chantal: Yeah.
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Solomon: Just talk to us about it, honey. You don’t have to go through this alone.
David: Yeah, we’re here for you. That’s how things work in this family.
Chantal: Okay, I think I’m in over my head at this point anyway. So the CEO has gotten herself into some legal trouble. She was purchasing ingredients through third party sellers that don’t meet government standards. The ingredients caused some bad reactions and now people are taking legal action.
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Solomon: Sounds like she’s gotten herself into quite the mess. Are you going to quit?
Chantal: Well, it’s not that simple. I’ve been helping gather evidence against her for the opposition that they couldn't get. They needed my help because I have connections at the company.
David: What kind of connections?
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Chantal: I don’t want to say.
Solomon: Chan, you know you can tell us anything. We’re here to help.
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Chantal: I…kind of had a relationship with my boss. But I found out he knows about the ingredients, and he’s just using me.
David: Oh, Chan, I wish you’d told us about all of this.
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Chantal: I just feel so ashamed. I knew it was wrong, but he just kept telling me all of these good things and I just wanted to feel special.
Solomon: Honey, you are special. You don’t need a man to tell you that. 
Chantal: I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I started that job with the intention of working hard and proving myself, and I ended up almost ruining my life for a man.
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David: No, this isn’t your fault. That man manipulated someone vulnerable for his own benefit.    
Solomon: People like that know how to seek out people’s insecurities and use them against them.
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Chantal: I guess I didn’t realize I was so insecure. I’ve always thought I was strong and self-assured. I just don’t know how I got myself into this position.
David: You don’t have to be strong all of the time. 
Chantal: I know. I just hate feeling like I don’t have it together. I don’t want to have to rely on other people.
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Solomon: That’s what we’re here for, to give you a safe place to come to when you need help.
David: We’re really proud of you for opening up about this. I know it’s hard to ask for help, but everyone needs other people sometimes. Is there anything we can do?
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Chantal: Could you guys come with me to talk to the prosecutor? I’m supposed to be a witness for the prosecution, but my bosses think I’m going to help them out. I’m worried about what they’ll do when they realize what I’m doing. 
Solomon: Of course, honey. We’ll be there when you speak with the lawyer and we’ll come to the trial. What’s the lawyer’s name?
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Chantal: It’s Lou DiMarco. From what I could find online, he seems like a decent guy.
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noe-pri08 · 11 months
Loki x Y/n
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Summary: You are the new recruit living in the tower and you have your first interaction with Loki, what he doesn’t know is that you have a… special personality
Your powers are that you can control the elements and you can control and read minds
I'm sorry If there are any mistakes, English isn't my first language
 You were in the library reading a book that Thor recommended me about The Avengers when Loki enters
Loki seems slightly surprised to see you there “The elemental, you’re reading?”
“No, I just like hold books. You’re Loki right?” you say sarcastically, making a grin
He nods “Indeed I am. I’m the God of Mischief, and you are the elemental?
“Yeah but I prefer Y/n”
He chuckles “My apologies Y/n. But it is a mighty name isn’t it? Elemental” He says the word as if it were some riddle “Well, Y/n why not follow me and we can talk in somewhere more private?” Loki has a sly smile on his face
“Okay” you follow him, being a bit suspicious because of his background and what not. He seems a bit much enthusiast about being in private. Some minutes later you get to a quiet room. He smiles and closes the door behind the both of you
“So…elemental. What can you do” he says while looking you up and down
“I control the elements and minds, but I also can read them” you are alert for whatever might happen
“Read mind you say?” He looks at you chuckles “Well that should come in handy for spying and stuff” he smiles
“Yeah, that’s why I’m here”
“And do you control all the elements too?” he asks with curiosity
“Yeah. Fire, water, wind and earth” you answer
He smiles at you and nods “Maybe you could demonstrate them?”
You agree and make fire come out of your hand while you summon a burst of wind
He chuckles and smiles “That should be enough proof” he looks at you a bit more and then speaks softly “I like your powers elemental, they could be very useful. I wonder what I could do with you as an advantage”
“What do you mean?” you say suspicious and prepared to fight in case you need to causing to smirk
“You think I’m going to attack you? Me? I would never do such a thing. What I am going to do is offer you a deal…”
“Well you see Loki, you attacked New York and I’m sorry but I’m not that kind of things you know” you smile at him with irony
He looks at you annoyed “Not that again! Let’s forget that” he waves dismissively “You can help me with my future plans. Together we could accomplish things you wouldn’t expect. The gods themselves would bow before us!” Loki seems to get more and more excited while talking about this
You look surprised “But I don’t want that , I just want help the innocent people, I wanna defend them. Besides, I’ve heard your plans are lead the Earth and I’m not interested” you say, refusing to help him
He laughs a bit “So what? I could make things better for Earth if I led it. If I controlled it…I could achieve better things then this so called Avengers group ever could”
“But, like I said, I don’t want to”
Loki starts to get annoyed “Look, let me explain to you what you do don understand elemental. I am the master of mind manipulation, I could make you do things you would never dream of doing. I have this gift. I could change the world…And I could start by making you into being on my side and achieving my plans” Loki smirks “You may not want to join me. But as I will show you…You don’t have a choice” he thinks he’s the best, but I’m here to demonstrate him that his wrong
“I do have a choice, you know why? Because I can also manipulate minds, including yours”
He chuckles “You think I would be affected by your powers?” Loki smirks even more “Elemental… I am a God. I would laugh at your pitiful attempts”
“You sure? Let’s try” I control his mind, making him feel hurt
He starts to feel pain and his eyes widen “What have you done elemental?!” he stumbles back holding his head in
“You think I can’t control you, that I’m not strong enough, so I’m showing you otherwise. I think you underestimated me and my powers” you say looking at him angry due to he didn’t think you were capable of have power over him
He kneels down on the floor holding his head in pain “Aghh…you are not going to give me much choice with this are you elemental?” Loki looks at you
“Say I can control you, say that you’ll stop your stupid plans, and then I’ll stop” you say, looking down on him
“Okay, okay. You have a small edge over me elemental. But what if I told you that I can give you something that you’ve never felt before?” he says struggling to talk
“What?” you ask, still angry and faking interest about what he says
He stands up straight and smirks “If you work with me elemental, you’ll learn things. Knowledge that normal humans, and even other gods wouldn’t dare know. What do you say elemental?” Loki is still in pain but it’s going away. He looks at you with a serious face
“I don’t think I need to learn anything more” you say bored
He chuckles “But knowledge is the most powerful weapon that one can wield. I have the knowledge… and I can unlock your potential that you’ve never realised you had” Loki’s face turns from serious to a more calm tone. And I’m offering all of this to you elemental” he is still recovering from your mind manipulation and you think it has affected him more than you expected, because everything he says is more and more stupid
“I won’t collaborate in such plans as yours” you firmly and tired of his perseveration
He laughs slightly “Why don’t you trust me elemental? Don’t I seem like a nice and caring person?” Loki smiles “I am offering you the chance to unlock the most powerful version of yourself. Just take my hand elemental…just accept my deal”
You chuckle “First, did you really have to ask that? Let’s see, you attacked an entire town just because you wanted to, now you’re saying stupid things about Gods bowing before us and you’re the God of Mischief, that’s why I don’t trust you” you smile sarcastically at him “second, no you don’t exactly look like a nice and caring person, but I’ll accept” you are curious so you take his hand
He smiles triumphantly “You’ll see, I am the God of Mischief after all…I’ll treat you like royalty. You’ll enjoy the knowledge that I give you”
“I am warning you, as soon as you say something I don’t wanna do I’ll go, understood?”
He nods and smiles “Understood. I’ll be fair with you elemental”
“You’ll have to do something more, I can’t accept just your word, you’re the God of Mischief after all” you say, not trusting him
He smirks and leans in “Look elemental, if I wanted to make you do something you don’t want to, I would’ve done so already. But I respect your choices for now”
“Okay, I guess that will have to be enough” you nod
Loki’s smirk grows wider and wider “That’s right elemental. Now come with me and I shall show you things you’ve never seen before” Loki smiles and starts walking to the door and you follow him. Loki is leading both of you across the base until he stops infront of the door and the opens it. When he opens you see something that surprises you. Loki smiles and beckons you to come inside with him “Just come in elemental, there is something I wanna show you”
You enter the room, looking amazed at everything. There are lots of computers and scientific equipment. He has made a fully advanced lab. There are even weapons that are all laid out. He turns to you and smiles
“What do you think elemental?” he asks
“What are the weapons for” you say
He chuckles “Well we never know when a problem happens right elemental? So it’s best to be prepared. What if another Loki came to this universe? Wouldn’t we have to be prepared for that” Loki chuckles as he speaks, but he is being serious though
“We have to be prepared for you, I don’t wanna even think about two of you” you say absent as you keep looking around
He laughs “You see my point right elemental. I am a God after all so we better prepare for that” Loki smiles. He then gestures for you to come with him to another part of the lab “Come elemental, I have a present for you”
We walk over to some sort of weapon “Now elemental, you do not only have the ability to control the elements right? You can also read minds…what if…” he turns to you and smirks “I took away that ability?” Loki chuckles “What if I showed you how to not only boost your powers… but to make your mind control a lot stronger, what do you think elemental” he starts to grin widely
“Are you insane? You’re not gonna take my powers away. And even if you try to, you know what I’m capable of to defend myself” you threaten him
Loki seems slightly irritated at your remark “So hostile aren’t you elemental? “ he smiles “And how do you know that that I don’t  have the power to take it?” he starts walking towards you slightly
“I don’t know, and I don’t trust you either” it makes him laugh
“I don’t think that you have any choice elemental…if you do not do what I ask you to I’ll simple take it from you” he smirks and walks over to you. You can feel the presence of his mind control powers growing
You smile widely “You sure about that?” you askand start manipulating him again, but this time stronger
He falls to the ground in pain “Agh!! What… are you… doing elemental? Stop!!” Loki seems in a lot more pain this time
“This is nothing compared to what I could do to you if you try to take my powers, and don’t think I don’t have the ability to” you say to him, your jaw clenching
He touches his head in pain “S-s-stop it!!” Loki struggles to try and speak as you still had control of his mind. He seems to be in a huge amount of pain, this was a lot more intense than before
I stop it “Do you get my point Loki?”
He starts feeling a bit better, but seems very irritated at you. Then he gets up and dusts himself off and smile “How about we get to your present?”
I nod, waiting for him to tell something, hoping it’s not something stupid
“Okay elemental, now that you know I have some special technology here. Loki smirks and walks over to…a strange looking collar
“What is that?”  you say suspiciously
He giggles a bit “This, elemental, that will revolutionize your powers. This collar will boost your mind control abilities with a boost of your elemental powers” Loki smiles “I just need you to wear this collar and your powers will grow”
“Well, we have a problem now” I make a grin “Cause I’m not gonna put that on” I smile at him
He sighs and smiles “I’ll make sure you put it on elemental. Don’t you want your powers to increase in strength? I know you do”
“No, I don’t. I’m okay with my powers being like this” I smile at him
He smiles and comes closer to you “Elemental, you have to trust me. I am giving you the chance of a lifetime. To boost your powers and even to help you control your powers fully. I’ll help you achieve things that you never thought were possible”
“That’s another problem, I don’t trust you, besides if it isn’t dangerous put it on you neck”
He grins “Me? Why should I? I’m a God, my powers are as strong as they can get. It is safe, just put in on and I’ll give the key” he seems very eager to have you put the collar on
“No, I’m sorry but I’ll go. Thanks for showing me…this” you say and then start walking to the door, wanting to get the hell out of there
He reaches out and puts his hand on your shoulder gently “Elemental, I can’t let you go, you could tell someone or the avengers could see it. I cannot risk it” his grip turns tighter holding you in place. You can feel the presence of his powers over your shoulder
“I won’t tell, let me go” your eyes turn purple because of your powers
He senses your powers as they flare up “I’m sorry elemental, I’ve tried to be fair with you… but I can’t let you go. You will be wearing that collar and you will serve me” he seems to be getting mad
“I said no” you control Loki, making it impossible for him to move
He tries to move but he can’t. He looks surprised and horrified. He seems to be trying to get your mind control off. A few moments later you stop it
He is very angry “What are you doing elemental??!! Don’t you dare do that again. Loki grabs your arm tightly and looks at you serious. I need that collar on you elemental, I need it “ his grip in your arm get tighter
“Well, I would prefer that it was your hand what is on my neck” you seductively, kind of controlling him
He blushes slightly “Oh…well if you insist elemental” he smiles slightly and puts his hand gently on your neck. Then leans in closer and whispers in your ear “You know Elemental…you have a lot more power than you think” he leans closer to you
“I know” you whisper in his ear and with your powers you push him, making his back crash on a wall
“What are you doing elemental” His mood changes “Oh, what would you do if I did something much more intimate with you?” Loki smirks as he speaks seductively
“You really think that you’re…seductive voice was gonna work on me?
He smiles “Maybe, but I bet there are other ways to seduce you. I know that your body…is as beautiful as the gods” he says while looking at you up and down “What if I tried getting a bit more…intimate with you in other ways elemental? Would that get you to comply with me?”
“No, for that I would go with your brother, lo looks nicer than you” you say teasing him
He smirks “Oh, I’m hurt. I see, you are sucker for the nicer gods” you nod “Well elemental you aren’t going to escape my grasp. I need you, I need your powers to achieve my future plans” Loki stares at you. He gets closer to you again and leans next to your ear “I know a lot of ways to seduce you elemental and I know for certain that there is a way to do it”
“ You don’t know everything Loki, and I can assure you that I won’t let you use my powers to achieve your little stupid plans” you say to him
He chuckles and leans in “Oh but I know there is a way…I just have to find it. All you need is…a little temptation to bring out your true nature” Loki smirks and leans back, he looks at you with a smile
“Really?” you say innocent “and what is that?”
He walks closer and whispers “Oh elemental…all I need to do is find your weakness, your true desires. Then I’ll have under my control” Loki seems to be having fun talking to you in like this and you’re starting to like it too
“Well, I assure you, that you won’t find them” you raise a mental shield
His smirk grows wider, making you a bit nervous, but you hide it “If I find your weakness you will be mine, and I will find it elemental. You are a unique one elemental, even I can’t understand you completely, you are a mysterious one. When I find your weakness this little shield will be nothing”
“You’re not the God of Magic, your powers were taught to you, I was born with them, they’re more powerful”
“I know elemental, I know your magic is more…natural but you do not realize how powerful I am. I may not be the God of Magic but I am a god of the same tier” he leans in again and whispers to you “You know, I’ve been wanting to tell you this, but you are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen”
“I know, and you know what Loki?” you say charmingly and put your hands on his chest “I am also very clever and there is no way I would fall in your little games”
He smiles and looks at you “You’re much more intelligent than I thought, and I know that you won’t fall in my games, but do you wanna know why I keep trying to seduce you? Do you wanna know why I find you so tempting?”
You chuckle and smile at him softly “Why?”
“You may be beautiful and very clever, but I like something else too more than your beauty and intelligence” he whispers seductively in your ear “wanna know what are they?”
“Yes, that would only boost my ego” you say smiling
“Let me tell you…your hair, your eyes, your lips. They all fascinate me. I go mad over you. This outfit you’re wearing? I fucking love it, so tight so it embraces your curves, you breasts and your hips so amazingly, you’re absolutely beautiful elemental” Loki stares at your outfit a bit too long
“Everything you said? I already knew it, I’ve heard so many times, I have so many men on their knees for me. But I admit that it sounds so much better from your lips” you touch his lip with the of your fingers, making him feel nervous
He leans even more “You have men on their knees for you?” he chuckles “And how do you make them kneel before you?”
“I do nothing, they just kneel, I don’t even need to use my powers”
“I must confess elemental…I think I’m on my knees now” Loki is looking at you with an attractive smile. He gets closer to you and whispers “What would you have me do y/n?
I smile at him “First I would have to see you on your knees to believe it���
He chuckles and then gets down on his knees while his gaze is focused on you “Is this okay y/n?”
“More than okay Loki” you say and put your hands in his hair
He looks up to you “Is this what you wanted elemental? To have me kneeled for you? What do I get out of this darling?”
You are enjoying this a lot “You get this view of me, isn’t it enough for you?” you said innocent and take his chin making him look at you
“Oh believe me, I love this view, you can watch me being in my knees all day, but you know…I want something in return my dear” he says while he stares at you like a puppy
I smile at him “And what that would be Loki?”
He looks you up and down “you know…a little treat”
I giggle “You have to say what you want, ask for it” you caress his face
“I want a kiss y/n. Is that much to ask for? Will you give me a kiss?” he bites his lip as he stares at you, waiting for an answer
“Umm, you’ll have to earn it Loki” I say teasing him
He chuckles “You confidence is so attractive” he gets up moves closer to you “you know what? I accept your challenge. What do I have to do to earn that kiss?” His eyes are fixed on you
I laugh a bit “I’m not gonna tell you, that wouldn’t be fair don’t you think?”
“Oh such a cruel game you’re playing. What am I gonna do to get that kiss?” you smile at him “I know you’d like to play the dominant, but don’t forget who the real god is y/n, the chase is on, I’ll play if you will”
“I’ll play, and I may not be a goddess but you were the one who kneeled” I chuckle
“You have a very high self worth, but I can change that. Do you know what I could do to make you feel more…submissive?” your bodies are touching and his arms wrapped around you
“I’m telling you right now, the idea of being the submissive one is not very attractive to me you know” I put my hands on his chest
He smirks “But do you know how it feels? It is very appealing my dear” he rubs your arm “I can teach, I can teach you the beauty of it”
“Well, I guess I’ll never know what it feels will I?” I smile widely
“I guess not” Loki continues rubbing your arm, but it turns into a grip “I could teach you so much, so many things elemental” Loki smirks
“I don’t have to learn anything from you Loki” you take his hands off you
“Oh, are you gonna finally submitted to me darling” he says while tucking a strand of hair behind your ear
“Me?” I chuckle “Never”
Loki whispers “If only you would let me” he seems to not wanna give up, he’s still trying to seduce you
“Not gonna work” you say in a singsong voice, smiling
“Elemental, it isn’t the seduction what it’s difficult, it’s you. You’re making it difficult. You are just making me want you even more”
“Good, it’s my specialty” you smile
“You’re like a game to me. And I love games. And I will win this game, you’ll see” he puts his hands on your hips
You lean till your noses are almost touching “You seem so sure about it” then you step back, making him flustered “but that won’t happen”
“Please darling, don’t leave, don’t leave me like this. My desire for you is much bigger now. Please allow me to get to know you better”
You put your arms around his neck “I don’t think that’s a good idea, you know why? Because it will give you advantage, and we don’t that do we?” you touch his nose
“You’re such a mean one. But I like it, I like it a lot” Loki grabs you from behind “You can’t go anywhere elemental, you aren’t going to leave me like this” Loki’s grip tightens a bit
“Oh, but I absolutely will” you get off his grip, now I’m gonna work, I have things to do” you say walking to the door
“Ok, you win. But I won’t give up, I will have you and you will be mine”
“Yeah sure, by the way, I always win” you say and you go, leaving him looking at the window, feeling frustrated
“You can’t escape me y/n, I’ll see you again” he says looking at the window, and he seems to be planning something…
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multifanrae · 4 months
Maybe I’m reading into this because I haven’t seen anyone talking about it, but Alice seems so Spiral coded. The “time isn’t real” and the personification of technology and the milk line and honestly everything she says seems to have something underneath it. Which leads into my idea that she’s also web aligned. This one is much less based in actual evidence and is possibly due to confirmation bias, but I’ve seen a lot of ideas discussing how she seems to know more than she lets on. And I’d say that’s pretty likely. But I can’t for certain tell if the things she says to Sam are a genuine warning, or reverse psychology. Here’s my argument for the latter: she and Sam have known each other for a very long time and she appears to have a decent understanding of him so she would probably know about his apparent proclivity for questions and mystery. So did she know that immediately warning him away from the Magnus Institute would make him more likely to look into it? And she’s the one who got him the job, knowing the type of shit they work with and how dangerous it is and how much Sam would be drawn to solving any puzzle or mystery (like how he tried to “solve” the organization system, she has to know about Sam’s compulsion to understand) even with the cases, did she emphatically warn against them because she knew it would make him more likely to listen to them? I want to believe she’s innocent because I love her, but making her evil also sounds like something Jonny and Alex would do, and also I want her to be evil because I love her.
Also her relationship with Colin I think furthers my point of her being spiral aligned. This might be reaching way too far, but the way she talks about the computers with Carl, does kinda seem like she’s trying to convince him he’s the one who doesn’t know what he’s doing, and that there isn’t actually anything wrong with Freddie. Also come on you can’t tell me her general vibe doesn’t just scream spiral. It’s probably just a crack theory with confirmation bias, but I swear since I thought of this, every time I hear her speak, all I hear is the spiral and the web.
So maybe (because I don’t think they’re going with the same 14-15 fears classification and maybe the fears haven’t separated or whatever) this all make her essentially predominately web and secondarily spiral aligned? Like instead of manipulating the way Annabelle did, maybe she’s using a bit more of a direct approach like the spiral tends to?? Because the web usually likes to be behind the scenes, but the spiral seems to really enjoy being up close and personal and doesn’t have much of an issue (not even with ‘special people’, Helen and the woman from “insomnia” both saw Michael in person) because it seems like she uses the tactics of the spiral with the intelligence and foresight of the web. That’s my theory anyway
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commando-rogers · 10 months
ok I’m sorry if this seems mean but the lack of media literacy and critical thinking that is necessary to look at this season and hate aziraphale and think he wanted to hurt crowley is astounding. like. is it not clear that aziraphale has been in an abusive relationship with heaven for millennia? that heaven has groomed him to want to be a good little angel who does their bidding??? is it not clear that aziraphale has been made to think heaven is good at its core simply because it is heaven and heaven must be good because hell is bad simply because it’s bad because that’s what we were told? that throughout both seasons he keeps trying to get crowley to do the “bad” “harmful” “evil” things because that’s what demons do, not angels, because demons are bad and evil because that’s what god said but not really god just heaven wielding this ambiguous “god’s will” as a means of gaining power?????
like. there was literally a parallel of an actual abusive relationship in this season in order to make it clearer to us. somebody who has affection for someone else but thinks they can’t act on it because they have an obligation to their controlling partner who won’t let them step out of line???? Nina’s journey was RIGHT THERE as a parallel to aziraphale’s.
some hallmarks of abusive relationships are when you are gaslit and fed lies in order to separate you from others. when you are promised something great to get you to comply, when really they just want to use you for their own means. “your friends can’t love you as much as I do, you should stay with me because I’m the only one who loves you and can make you happy. others are evil and must have evil intent because they’re not me. and you want to do what I say is best because if I don’t love you you’ll be alone.” and after the abuse, the cycle becomes love-bombing, being kind and gentle again, making you feel special. like. it’s right there guys.
Aziraphale didn’t go with metatron because he wanted to take this job and say fuck you to earth and crowley. of course, that’s the collateral damage, but aziraphale can’t see that!!! and heaven KNOWS that if aziraphale stays with crowley they could present too big an obstacle. so they need to alienate aziraphale from him. and what better way to do that than to manipulate him and promise him this incredible opportunity that can’t possibly be bad because it’s heaven and we’re good see!!! we know you’ve been having doubts and are becoming happier without us than with, so we want to give you this to pull you back. you’re so special, you’re so smart, nobody could do this except you. but they know they can exploit aziraphale’s eagerness to please and use him as a puppet to execute their plans.
aziraphale isn’t going to have an ounce of authority in heaven. they’ll make him feel special, yes, but they won’t let him do anything that doesn’t serve their interests. look at Gabriel!!!! that wasn’t some cutesy side plot, that was a demonstration of what happens when the most powerful angel in the universe finds something that matters more to them than heaven’s agenda. Gabriel wasn’t abiding and stood in the way of their plans, so they eliminated him. and they let him go off with beelzebub because they know how formidable Gabriel can be, and letting him go posed less of a risk than trying to fight him on it. but they think aziraphale is soft. so to fill Gabriel’s vacancy they used the path of least resistance.
aziraphale is a victim of heaven. he’s been kept in the dark and lied to so much. he WANTED crowley to come with him SO badly, but he was so afraid of losing his abusive partner/parent/anything because he’s been made to think he’s nothing without them. so he hurts crowley. he insults Crowley’s very nature by implying crowley could ever be happy being an angel again. the very essence of crowley is questioning authority, he could never be an angel, he’d never want to. but aziraphale can’t understand that yet, because he’s caught in this cycle of abuse.
the entire Edinburgh storyline shows aziraphale unable to recognize that sometimes doing the “bad” thing is the right thing. even when he realizes crowley was right and he was wrong; he still has to spin it as “well, this is actually benefitting humanity so it’s still something heaven would approve of.” everything has to be twisted to fit the narrative he’s been force-fed, otherwise he is bad and evil and worthless and he’s been groomed to think those are the worst things he could be.
as Maggie and Nina said, even though crowley and aziraphale talk, they never say what matters. they both hide so much from each other. aziraphale spends the better part of season 1 lying to crowley and pretending he doesn’t know where the antichrist is, because he believes heaven actually wants to avert Armageddon. if he can do good and help stop this with heaven, then everything will be good in the end, right???
but crowley also hides things. he hid what Gabriel said to him before the hellfire. he tried to hide his holy water heist. he hid the book of life. he thinks he’s protecting aziraphale, but they both struggle so much to realize in order to have Their Side, they need to be completely open and vulnerable, and both of them have learned to never ever do that as a coping mechanism from their respective abusers.
we literally saw hell do this same thing to crowley!!!! they said find Gabriel and we’ll forgive everything you did wrong and make you a Duke of hell. and crowley went “lol yeah ok sure.” he was offered the same deal but he’s the one who’s always questioned things, it’s in his very nature. he’s seen how demons work, he knows better. and he’s seen how heaven works and how evil they can be, but aziraphale hasn’t, and can’t see past his nature of wanting to be capital G Good. so when he’s offered the same thing, he can’t see heaven may have ulterior motives, because that’s not holy or good, and that’s what heaven is supposed to be, right? questioning them would make me Bad and that’s the worst thing I can be.
obviously there’s more nuance to this that I can’t elaborate on right now. of course they hurt each other and that’s awful. of course they both have trauma, and there’s a million reasons crowley is rightfully insulted and devastated. but it goes So Much Deeper than “he chose heaven over him how mean!!!!!!!” both seasons of this show work to show us that the “good” guys are actually evil. that we need to question what we’ve been told is “good”. that heaven doesn’t give a damn about good. they are controlling and all they want to do is win. and they’ll use aziraphale for that in order to eliminate the threat that he and crowley pose together.
if you think that aziraphale is the bad guy here, you clearly missed the entire point of the show.
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