#✧ jella's fics
moonjella · 2 years
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pairing || 00 line x fem!reader
synopsis || it's your first halloween at this prestigious school and with it is your first annual halloween masquerade. it's elegance and classiness mixed with the spirits of the young and drunk — a party like no other. but there is one rule : do not remove your mask. easy enough in theory, but in practise you find yourself to be the only prey in a room full of predators.
content || mature, minors do not interact! alcohol consumption. explicit smut — gangbang, unprotected sex, pulling out, cumming inside, cunningulus, fingering, blowjob, doggy style, riding, double penetration (spitroasting), anal play, multiple orgasms, overstimulation, petplay, petnames, degradation and praise, dom/sub dynamics.
word count || 6.9k
author's note || for @underworldnet’s halloween event — day eight : costume.
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“A bunny?” you scoff. “Really?”
“It was the only thing left in your size.” Shotaro explains. And in all honesty, it looks like the dress is two times smaller than anything you’ve worn before.
“I’m sure the fancy dress store would have had something better.”
“And I’m sure you know that this isn’t a party for five–year–olds. This isn’t fancy dress, it’s fancy dress. As a member of the committee, I can’t allow you into the party with me if you don’t follow the rules.”
“Maybe that’s the point,” you snatch the dress from his hands and throw it onto the bed. But you pick up the glamorous mask from the box he’d opened for you. This, at least, was something to admire.
A bunny mask, white with gems and lace dotted delicately across it with two white feathers poking from the top to act as ears.
“Come on,” he whines. “You promised you’d come this year.”
“I know I did but now that it’s a few hours away, I’m beginning to think it’s okay to break some promises.”
“You’d really break a promise with your best friend?” he gasps. It sounds like he’s only kidding when he fake sobs but it’s Shotaro and you know it means something to him deep down.
He’s your best friend, after all.
You tut and let out a quiet exhale.
“I’ll go,” you say to him. “But is there really nothing else I can wear?”
“I spent all day shopping to find your costume…” he pouts.
“Fine,” you huff. “Is there a reason I’m bunny?”
“Didn’t I tell you this year’s theme is animals?”
“I thought it was masquerade.”
“Every year is masquerade, dummie. But the theme changes every year, not many people go with the theme anyway. But I thought it would be fun for us to do it, since it’s your first time.”
“What’s your animal?” you ask him.
“I’m an otter.” He says with the biggest, dorkiest smile ever.
“An otter?”
“Yeah!” his eyes close up from how much he’s smiling and you can’t find it in yourself to question his choice further.
“This party’s a big deal, huh?” you mutter to yourself.
“I’ll pick you up at nine, ‘kay?”
You nod and wave him goodbye while he runs out of your room. You know in the few hours until the party, he’ll barely have enough time to get ready himself since he’s part of the committee.
Neither you or Shotaro were party people, but the annual Halloween masquerade is something he takes pride in — mainly because him and a bunch of his friends host it every year, but also because he loves the spooky season.
Though, you can imagine there’d be little festivities happening tonight.
With the kind of crowd at your college — a prestigious and expensive kind — the partygoers only care about drinking overpriced champagne and showing off their designer outfits.
It’s not that you never attended by your own choice. Shotaro invited you every year but last year you fell sick and the year before you were behind with assignments.
You feel worried, in a way. Sure, you’ve been to your share of parties. But this is the biggest party of the year. And your outfit seemed lame.
Tonnes of people go as bunnies, and the number of bunnies would be higher since the theme is animals. Oh well, you trust Shotaro’s choice.
You sigh as you look over the items on your bed.
The white dress, the embellished mask and a pair of white kitten heels — Shotaro knows you wouldn’t be able to handle stilettos for an entire night and you silently thank him for taking note.
You remind yourself to pay him in return for going shopping on your behalf as you get in the shower. Playing your favourite songs, you get ready with a bit of a lighter mood.
Since you’re wearing a mask, you don’t go too heavy on the eyes and instead focus on picking out the perfect shade of lipstick. And then you move onto your hair.
When you’re done, you slip into your dress, fumbling with the zipper as your arms reach around your back to pull it up. You put on your shoes and straighten yourself out in the mirror.
You look… beautiful.
White never looked so good on you.
No one in the entire campus has seen you show so much skin and you begin to tremble with bad nerves but a knock on your room door grounds you.
“You look amazing!” Shotaro looks you up and down with a huge smile.
He is donned in a brown tweed suit. His hair is slicked back and the upper half of his face is covered with a mask — rounded eyes and rounded ears and brown fur.
“Mr. Otter,” you greet him. “You’re late.”
“Only by two minutes,” he grins and picks up your mask before tying the ribbons around your head, making sure to not spoil your perfectly styled hair. “How are you feeling?”
“A little nervous, but I’m starting to feel excited.”
Although the pit of your stomach is a little wobbly, there is a thrilling sensation in your chest that outweighs it. it’s safe to say you’re not as reluctant as before now that Shotaro is here. He’s so happy to see you.
You can only imagine how excited he is for you to finally attend his party.
Maybe it’s the excitement of Shotaro escorting you, or the fact that it’s your first time going, but when you look in the mirror while he fixes your mask, you feel like a completely different person. And you like it.
Maybe just for one night, you could be someone else.
“Ready to go?” he asks.
Your hand slips into his naturally. “Yeah.”
“You remember the rule, right?”
“Don’t take off your mask.”
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The party is everything you imagined it to be, and everything you didn’t imagine it to be.
You’re in awe at the sheer elegance of it.
Sure, you’ve heard many stories about it. You never attended but it was no doubt a hot topic of conversation for days afterwards and people began looking forward to next year’s party immediately.
As you stepped into the hall, it feels like a new age ballroom for modern teens.
Like the old days of high society somehow met with drunken teen spirit of the twenty–first century.
You would be lying to say you aren’t impressed when Shotaro asks you.
Staring up at the dazzling chandeliers, Shotaro’s arm slips from your hold as he hugs some random guy. You don’t recognise him because of the mask he’s wearing, but he’s all green. His suit a dark shade of emerald velvet while his mask is a few shades lighter with textured snake skin.
His smile, on the other hand, is charming and completely unalike to a snake.
They exchange chatter and you don’t pay attention to their words until Mr. Snake lays his eyes on you. His pretty smile widens to show a perfect set of teeth.
Before he can introduce himself, you’re met with a handful of girls who’ve been excited to see you since you announced to them you’d be at the party. They whisk you away and you give a sorry wave to Shotaro.
You didn’t want to leave him so early but he cheers you on with raised fists.
You’re rushed onto the dance floor but you want nothing more than to peel away from the crammed bodies. For a few moments, you blend in on the border of enjoying dancing but you’d need a few drinks to loosen up first.
You escape the grasp of sweaty bodies wrapped in expensive clothes and slip away to the side.
If the party is this hyper right now, you certainly don’t feel excited for how much louder it will get in a few hours.
But then again… tonight’s all about letting go, right?
It wouldn’t hurt to join in with the chaos for one night.
Everyone’s wearing masks and you can barely recognise who is who unless you know them personally.
There’s a hint of fun among all of this.
The hairs on the back of your neck stand up and a gentle shiver runs down your spine. It’s thrilling. And you feel like everyone is watching — your body grows a little to elated to what you’re used to.
Backing away from the crowd, you walk over to the punch table.
You sniff it before drinking, registering a hint of alcohol hidden among the fruity taste.
If you wanted to get completely wasted, you’d have started with the champagne on the other side of the room but you settle with some surprisingly good punch for now.
You just needed easing up a little.
And it works pretty fast. Your shoulders slowly relax and the dancefloor doesn’t seem so daunting now.
You feel a timid buzz in your body and it becomes stronger when someone joins you at the punch table.
He leans his butt against it after pouring a cup and sips it while looking you up and down.
You feel yourself burst into flames under the gaze of… a bear?
You nod.
“Nice,” he smirks. “You’re missing a tail, though.”
You roll your eyes and sip your own drink while his eyes slip down your back to your butt where he would expect to see a plush ball of white fur. You didn’t think about it until now, but your mask and ears are enough to let others know what animal you are. A missing tail isn’t a big deal.
But the way Mr. Bear looks at your body is.
It’s a new feeling; you like it, but you also don’t.
Discomfort floods your body but at the same time, you don’t want the feeling to go away. You can feel the walls of your comfort zone breaking away little by little.
You sigh at the thought. You’re doing this for Shotaro, remember?
Speaking of, you glance around the room and spot him surrounded by a group of people. Always the social butterfly. You feel proud of him in a way, but it didn’t help that you’re too awkward to speak to anybody else in the room.
Small talk has never been your expertise.
“Enjoying the party?” Mr. Bear asks.
“Just sure? Not this is the best party you’ve ever been to?”
“It’s not the worst,” you shrug.
He chuckles and takes another sip of his drink.
“You look like you don’t go to many parties.”
“I don’t.”
“Then why are you here?”
Now, who does he think he is interrogating you for no reason, hm? His bear mask is less than intimidating, but the smirk on his face when he sees you firing up is enough to unsettle your nerves.
He’s here to piss you off on purpose.
There’s no need to give him what he wants.
Just finish your drink and go to the dance floor, maybe find Shotaro and dance with him for a bit before leaving.
“It’s rude to ignore people. It would be a shame to see a cute, little bunny get into trouble with the big, bad bear.”
He scoots over to you as he says it and he makes sure to whisper it right into your ear.
You swallow, ignoring the way his breath floats over your skin and causes goosebumps to rise. You curse the dress for not being long enough to hide how your body reacts to him.
“Big and bad, my ass,” you scoff, hiding your nervousness with an attitude. “You’re as intimidating as my little toe.”
You roll your eyes. When is this loser going to leave?
“You here with anyone?”
“Did you come here with a date or are you alone?”
“Why do you want to know?”
“Just curious if you had an invite.”
“First of all, I was invited. And secondly, if I didn’t, I wouldn’t choose to spend my night breaking into some dumb party.”
“You sound angry,” he hisses. “Maybe you should leave if you don’t like it.”
“I would but some asshole bear keeps trying to talk to me.”
He’s silent for a moment before asking, “Who did you come with?”
Your grit your teeth. All the work the alcohol had done to relax you had failed the moment this pretentious ass came along.
“I came with Shotaro,” you tell him.
“Shotaro?” he laughs. “You gotta be kidding. Do you really expect me to believe that?”
“Why not? Is it so hard to believe?”
“A little,” he admits, clearly becoming agitated with you. “How about I call him over so you can say it to him?”
“What are you—”
“Relax, Haechan” Mr. Snake appears in true snake fashion. He attempts to rub away the tension in Mr. Bear’s shoulders. “She’s with Taro. I saw them come in together.”
The bear bites back a remark and finally shuts up.
With the snake dude is another guy — dark hair and piercing eyes. It takes you a while but you realise his mask depicts a wolf.
“You’re YN, right?” he says. “Taro talks about you a lot.”
You nod silently.
“Shit… you’re YN?” Haechan brings his fist up to cover his mouth. You don’t know why he’s so shocked but him being stunned to silence works for you.
“I’m Jeno.” Mr. Wolf holds out his hand but you don’t take it.
He retracts it slowly and you look to Mr. Snake again.
“Jaemin,” he introduces himself. “And you know Haechan already, I see.”
The four of you fall into silence. After learning their names, you can’t say you know them. You don’t recall ever having classes with any of them.
“Are you enjoying the party?” Mr. Snake slash Jaemin asks.
“It’s fine,” you say plainly. “The company, however, is not.”
Your words cut through the air between you like a knife and you can tell they’re all taken aback. You’re not sure where this fieriness has come from but it feels exhilarating. Seeing them all look at you in surprise while at the same time, their eyes travel up and down your body.
Being set on fire by three different gazes is new but addicting.
You direct your attention to tracing the shape of the pumpkin on your cup of punch while they begin chattering to one another. It’s a little awkward and you’re about to leave before you’re knocked into.
Thankfully, your white dress doesn’t get stained but the white shirt of a tux turns red with the punch.
“Aww, man, my shirt!”
You step back immediately, not wanting any of the stains on you.
“I told you to watch it,” a familiar voice whines. Renjun appears donning a fox mask while patting down YangYang with some napkins. “Oh, hey YN. You look… good.”
You don’t miss the way his eyes stick on your body before looking away.
“Th–thanks…” you mutter.
Renjun is a quiet friend, but he always goes out of his way to speak with you. You have a few classes together and you get along well. But one thing you’ve always wanted to ask him is why he hangs out with YangYang so much.
Renjun is a sweet, calm and mature guy. YangYang is nothing but trouble. He’s loud and grabs attention wherever he goes. You try not to question their friendship much but as Renjun tries to clean the stain on the latter’s suit, you really wonder how their friendship came to be.
YangYang wears a mask with a pointed nose and eyes — an eagle.
Interesting choice.
Being surrounded by them all — all of whom are taller than you — makes you feel intimidated. They share glances between themselves; it’s awkward but no one says anything.
Renjun continues to help YangYang clean himself, Haechan starts whining again and thankfully, it’s not to you. And the other two, Jeno and Jaemin, deal with both Haechan’s annoyance and YangYang’s carelessness.
While they’re distracted, you take the opportunity to slip away and scour the floor for Shotaro. He’s further away now and you don’t look forward to fighting your way through the dancefloor to get to him.
You pull your phone from your purse and send him a quick text message. He checks his phone straight away and his eyes search for you as soon as he sees it and you give him a little wave. He smiles back in acknowledgement before his attention is stolen again.
The message reads: gonna head to the private room for a bit. I’ll come back soon
You head to the said room, looking back to ensure nobody saw you slipping through the back door of the hall and down the empty corridors of the building.
When you reach the room, you close the door quietly behind you.
The lights are already turned on, albeit dim. Somebody probably forgot to switch them off, maybe Shotaro.
He showed you his “secret” room a long time ago but you never visited it frequently until recently. He used it to plan for the party while you studied sitting next to him. No one else ever came when you were alone so you assume it’s an unused room.
Shotaro told you he sometimes comes here alone when he feels stressed, and asked for you to use it freely.
You collapse onto the soft couch; the plush, velvety material drags you deeper while you take off your mask and fling it onto the coffee table.
“So much for getting out of my comfort zone.”
You scroll through your phone until you’re bored and then spend the rest of your time laying in silence staring at the decorated ceiling.
Shotaro probably won’t have much time to come see you away from the party so you decide to head back.
But as soon as you stand, you hear voices growing louder. You stop a few feet away from the door, waiting for them to pass so you can leave only for the door to your room to swing wide open.
You jolt slightly, heart racing for some reason.
“Another shirt ruined. My mom’s going to kill me.” YangYang says as he enters first but stops in his tracks right in front of you.
The others bump into him subsequently.
“YN,” the wolf — Jeno — says. “What are you doing here?”
“I… I was just leaving.” You duck to the side to make a narrow escape but a big, tall bear stands in your way.
“Not so fast, little bunny. You know this is our room, right?”
You clench your jaw. What is it with this guy and trying to cause you problems?
“I didn’t know.”
“So you just go wandering into any room you like?”
“I…, no. Shotaro brought me here. He said I can use it whenever.”
“Oh, he did now?”
“Yes, he did.”
“Now, now children. Let’s not start getting into it again.” Jaemin says.
The others step further into the room and you try to leave again but Haechan still stands in your way.
“You gonna move or what?”
“Would you look at that?” he scoffs. “Bunny’s got a bite.”
If he doesn’t stop, you might actually bite him.
He steps closer and you stand up straighter when he looks down at you. He’s only inches away; he feels… addicting.
“Don’t act so brave, little bunny. Or the big, bad bear might gobble you up whole.”
You scoff.
“Not likely. The majority of a bear’s diet consists of vegetation.”
“Bunny’s got a brain, too.” Jaemin says from the couch. Your back is facing him so you don’t see him picking up the bunny mask you left on the table and waving it to the others. “But not a big one, apparently.”
The rest of them have settled comfortably in the room and before you know it, Haechan is grabbing you by the wrist and dragging you to sit with them.
“What are you doing?!”
“Can’t let you go back out there when you’ve broken the rule. The little bunny needs to be punished.”
“What rule?” you huff. “Let go of me.”
You’re more than surprised when he places you in his lap. Freezing up immediately, your eyes widen but the rest of them act like this is just a normal day.
“Did Taro forget to tell you?” Renjun asks, and then explains, “You’re not allowed to take off your mask.”
“Be quiet. You’re annoying me.” Haechan says.
And that’s exactly why he has you in his lap, isn’t it? Being stuck here is definitely a punishment.
They begin yet another conversation, complaining about how exhausted they all are from organising the party.
“Wait, you guys are on the committee?”
“Duh.” Haechan mutters beneath you.
“We all host the party with Shotaro,” Jeno explains. “Every year.”
You take in the information slowly. Maybe you should have thought twice before dissing the party to them earlier. No wonder the man beneath you got so pressed.
Stuck in your thoughts, you fall into silence again before a tickle against your leg stirs you. Jaemin’s fingers trace little patterns into your skin. He meets your eyes briefly before giving his attention back to the others as if nothing happened.
They continue talking but you feel both Haechan and Jaemin growing closer to you.
Haechan’s breath flutters over your skin. He places his chin on your shoulder and teases you ear with his lips. Your too stunned to comprehend his whispers and Jaemin snakes his way closer to you.
The others are watching as the two slowly break down your walls and every nerve in your body is on high alert.
Jaemin’s hand travels past the hem of your dress and you gasp as Haechan’s lips finally touch your skin. He’s soft, gently breathing onto the skin of your neck before biting down.
“Ah!” you yelp.
Your body is hot while the others watch Jaemin rubbing your thighs and Haechan leaving marks all along your shoulder.
“What are you doing?” you whisper.
“Hm? Don’t you like this?”
You bite your lips. You do, but it feels so wrong to admit it.
The desperation takes over, and you nod eagerly. This punishment doesn’t seem bad at all.
“Use your words, bunny. Tell us you want it.”
“I want it.”
“What do you want?”
“You. I want all of you.”
“Fuck…” you hear Jeno chuckle behind you. “Who knew Taro’s girl was this desperate?”
“I…I’m not…”
“Don’t give us that crap,” YangYang butts in. His legs are spread wide on the couch and his arms across the back of it. “Why don’t you come over here?”
“Hey, I had her first!” Haechan whines.
“Fuck you. You’ve had her all this time. You wanna know how hard my dick is from watching?”
“Not my problem.” Haechan says and grabs you by the cheeks, slamming his lips onto yours.
Your mouth opens to his immediately, letting him inside and you feel warmth in every part of you, especially in your core. You rub your thighs together, fidgeting in his lap and ensuring you rock your ass against his hardening cock.
Jaemin is exploring you with him. His hands have snuck under your dress, cupping your ass while he attacks your neck with his lips.
His mask grazes against your jaw and his dark eyes look to you through narrow slits.
There’s something exhilarating about his face being hidden, all of theirs. Maybe it was a good thing you were the only one to break the rule.
Haechan lifts your hips and situates you exactly how he wants.
Your ass presses right onto his dick while Jaemin helps him spread your legs wide on either side of him. He drops to his knees, kissing his way up from your ankles to your inner thighs.
His lips tickle you and your core tenses.
“Mind if I take ‘em off?” He notions towards your white, lacey panties.
You nod, swallowing nervously as he peels them away. You can feel the arousal on the material when it parts from you.
“Fuck, you’re so wet…”
“Of course, she is,” Haechan kisses your neck. “She’s a slutty little bunny. Ain’t that right?”
He nudges you and you nod quickly.
One of his hands cups your breast while the other pulls your dress up, holding it against your stomach so no obstacles are left for Jaemin.
“You sure you want this?” Jaemin asks. You appreciate his sentiment but you’re too desperate for his niceties.
“Yes, please…just touch me!”
A filthy grin finds its way to his face before he dips his head and attaches his lips to your pussy.
“Ah!” you whimper.
Your back presses into Haechan as it arches and your ass grinds against his cock while you rock your hips back and forth against Jaemin’s face. He grabs your thighs, holding them tight around his neck while he licks and sucks.
He drags his teeth over your clit gently, causing you to cry out from the feeling. And then he rubs his tongue up and down, electrifying your entire body.
You feel your orgasm approaching when he shoves two fingers into your pussy with ease. You’re so fucking wet and he spreads you open while tasting your sweet essence.
Pleasure hits you, blinding your senses and your body trembles in Haechan’s embrace. You’re gasping and crying, begging for Jaemin to not stop and finally your hips stop moving.
You collapse onto Haechan and catch your breath. Upon opening your eyes, you see them all staring at you with mouths wide open.
“You sound so pretty…” Renjun mutters.
Some of them stroke their boners over their slacks, others watch quietly, waiting for the next move.
“My turn.” Haechan flips you onto the couch. Your shoulders meet the cushions while your ass bends upwards. You shuffle into a more comfortable version while Haechan rips off his belt and pulls out his cock.
He hisses when he strokes it a few times.
“God, you’re so hot…” he whispers. “Gonna fuck you so good.”
You moan into the cushions while he prods your entrance.
“Wait,” Jeno calls.
“The fuck do you want?”
You turn your head to see Mr. Wolf reaching into his pocket and making his way to you. He talks directly to you, ignoring Haechan completely.
“Now’s a good time to tell you about the little gift Shotaro bought you.”
He reveals a fluffy white ball. You’re not sure of its purpose at first until you see the rounded metal hidden beneath all the fur.
Your eyes widen in shock.
“Shotaro got me that?!”
“He pussied out last minute and gave it to me instead. But it was meant for you.”
“Why the hell would he give it to you?” Renjun asks and Jeno shrugs while the others laugh.
You swallow grimly, eyes not leaving the toy.
“How about we give our bunny a tail?” Haechan grins.
His voice is so sickeningly annoying but you can’t get enough of it.
“What do you say?”
You purse your lips in thought.
Did Taro really get you that?
What did he mean by it?
Does he… want to have sex with you? Or was it only meant to as an accessory to your costume?
You don’t have time to think about it and you brush the notions away quickly with a nod.
“Bunny wants a tail.” You whine cutely, pouting your lips as you look up at him.
You hear one of them groan and Haechan grabs handfuls of your ass, spreading your cheeks and spitting between them. His fingers rub gently, spreading his spit.
Meanwhile, Jeno bends down to your level.
“Open wide.”
You part your lips and stick out your tongue, letting the saliva dribble. He rubs the metal part of the ball up and down, coating it in saliva before ordering you to suck on it. Whispers of curses fill the room as you make the most needy face you can while sucking on the toy.
“Good girl,” Jeno strokes your hair, tickling your scalp with his fingers.
The plug pops from your mouth Haechan holds you open while Jeno slips it in your ass.
“Relax, baby,” he rubs your body to ease. “There we go. Almost there.”
He teases it in and out of your hole until you’re ready to take it fully and then he pushes it in. You whine from the sensation but the feeling of being filled is incredible. You shake your ass teasingly and both of them grab it, leaving a red mark from a slap.
Haechan wastes no time in fucking you. He pushes into your pussy, guiding your hips onto him with eagerness. His cock spreads you open and he stutters vocally.
“Ah, you’re so fucking tight…”
You whine in response and push your hips back and forth with him, allowing him to dive in deeper. Your walls wrap around him and he stills for a moment when he’s fully situated.
“Fuck, Haechan!” you cry. “Feels so good.”
“Baby, I’m not even doing anything.” He chuckles and the others laugh with him. “You’re such a little bunnywhore, ain’t ya? So desperate for my cock.”
“Yes!” you cry out. “Please, Haechan, want you to fuck me so good.”
“What was that? I don’t think the others heard you.”
“Please! Fuck me real good, Haechan. Wanna be fucked like a little whore!”
He drags his cock out slowly before slamming back in.
“What a slutty little bunny.”
You moan into the cushions, not caring if they become covered with your drool and makeup. You can only feel Haechan’s cock driving in and out of you and the heated gaze of everyone else on the two of your bodies.
“Fuck, I’m gonna cum already.” Haechan says and you clench around him. “Fuck, fuck, fuck!”
He thrusts a few more times before pulling out and jerking his cock over your ass. His hot cum hits you in spurts and you wiggle your hips side to side while he groans and empties his load on you.
“Fucking perfect…” he whispers and falls onto the couch.
“Who’s next?” Jeno asks.
You rise up on trembling arms and all of them are silent, but expectant. You crawl over to the one closest to you, Renjun.
He seems nervous, swallowing loudly when you touch him.
“You… you don’t have to YN.”
“But I want to.”
You kiss his ears, his neck, his lips. Your hands sneak under his blazer and trace his hard body over his shirt. He nods shyly.
“What do you want me to do?” you ask softly.
“You…” he gasps and throws his head back when you squeeze his cock. “Your mouth. Use your mouth.”
You fall to the floor immediately, held warmly between his legs and he helps you remove his cock from his boxers and pants.
You stroke him gently, feeling him harden even more.
An experimental lick swipes its way up his cock and you eye him, watching him unravel from the warmth of your tongue. When you reach the tip, you take him past your lips. Little by little, teasing him and admiring the way his chest rises and falls rapidly.
You make sure to stick out your ass for the others while you suck Renjun’s cock and in no time, his cock hits the back of your throat from his hips thrusting up.
“God, YN!” he moans.
You suck tighter, bob your head faster and when you see his fists tightening by his side, you remove him from your mouth completely.
“Ah!” he gasps loudly. He reaches for his cock to reach his high but you hold them back. “YN, please!”
“Don’t you want to cum inside your little bunny?” you whisper.
He stares at you, mesmerised.
“Renjunnie… cum inside me… please?””
He nods gently.
“Are you sure it’s okay?”
You bite your lips, telling him that it’s more than fine. You want nothing more than to be filled up with him, with all of them.
To your side, YangYang has his cock out, stroking it up and down while his head rests on the back of the couch watching you. Haechan is still blissed out but watching intensely and the other two sit quietly, waiting for you to finish with their friend.
You climb onto his lap, a thigh on either side and press your lips to his while sinking down in his cock. He moans into your mouth and you mix them with your own. He holds you nervously, unsure where to touch you as you rock back and forth on his cock.
His fingers dig into your side and you reach a hand between your bodies, meeting with your needy clit. You rub circles, causing you to clench around his cock and the feeling of his cum spurting into you tosses you over the edge.
You bounce quickly, not wanting to slow down the orgasm anymore and allow yourself to be taken over with another. All the while, Renjun moans and moans until he’s fully spent inside of you.
You feel your ass clenching around the tail and you feel so full being stuffed again and again.
Renjun is on the border of passing out and you jump from him.
YangYang reaches his arm out to grab you but you find it entertaining to tease him and you slip from his grasp, making your way to Jaemin and Jeno.
“Hey, bunny,” Jeno smiles.
You smile sweetly, wobbling on your weak legs and he pulls you into his lap.
“How about we take her together?” he asks Jaemin.
“Sounds good to me.”
He lifts you with ease and lays you gently on the couch they were sitting on. He gives your tail a little tug, causing you to yelp but you all giggle together after.
“Has anyone ever told you how cute you are tonight?” Jaemins strokes your cheeks.
You shake your head, melting into his touch.
“Hm, we could tell her,” Jeno suggests. “Or we could show her.”
You whine, feeling your pussy flutter with excitement as if it hadn’t already had enough.
“I think she wants us to show her.” Jaemin smiles and you feel yourself drift to cloud nine when they both look down at you between them.
Jeno places himself between your legs, pressing a long kiss to your ankles before placing them on his shoulder. Jaemin, on the other hand, unbuckles his belt and pulls out his cock. He lets it hang freely, waiting for you to grab it.
A groan escapes him and his knees tremble when you begin stroking. You pull him closer, letting your tongue taste his precum.
“Ah! Fuck, bunny. You’re such a good girl.”
You squeal when you feel Jeno pressing his cock into your sopping hole. Your pussy flutters around him as he pushes his way in. You’re so overwhelmed yet you keep wanting more.
You take all of Jaemin into your mouth, moving your head as much as you could in this position and Jeno thrusts deeper, slow and hard.
You moan around Jaemin’s cock, vibrations running through his body and when he can’t take it anymore, he grabs a handful of your hair before thrusting into your mouth.
His cock hits the back of your throat, bringing tears to your eyes but you blink them away, not wanting to distort the image of the two men using you like their personal fleshtoy.
Fuck, you feel so hot.
Your core is so tense and you can feel every ridge of Jeno’s cock in your pussy. He slams harder, faster, pace picking up and rhythm growing messy. He’s close.
“Fuck!” you mumble around Jaemin’s cock.
They both groan, griping onto anything they can and you’re about to cum all over Jeno’s cock when he pulls out. You whine but he uses his fist to empty his load all over your pussy.
Your muscles twitch endlessly and Jaemin pulls out of your mouth only to push Jeno out of the way and replace him inside of you.
“Fuck, you’re so dirty,” he groans. “But so fucking cute.”
He thrusts into you and you let your entire body relax in his hold. His arms wrap around your waist and he kisses the exposed skin of your chest and neck, using his hands to grope your tits.
Your walls flutter around him and you feel the sting of pleasure once again.
“Harder!” you cry.
He heeds your demand and fucks you relentlessly, letting his cum spill freely in your pussy.
“Oh my god!”
You cum together and everyone groans with you. Your head digs into the couch and your hips rise up to meet Jaemin’s until he holds you both still together, brushing your hair away from your sweaty face.
He shushes you and guides your breathing until you’ve come down from your high once more.
Then he takes your hand and lifts you into an upright position, placing a gentle kiss on you’re forehead.
“Did so well, bunny. You okay?” he asks gently.
You nod, slowly and completely exhausted.
Everyone has collapsed onto their backs, letting the couches swallow them whole.
It must have been quite the show.
For all but one.
“Got one more for me?” YangYang smirks.
You crawl over to him, collapsing on his lap with your thighs on either side. His cock is already out and he’s lining it up with your entrance immediately.
He leaves a small kiss in the crook of your neck before sinking you down on his cock.
You rest your head on his shoulder while he lifts your hips up and down on his lap.
“Oh, my god!” he groans. “Waited so fucking long but it was worth it.”
You don’t register how fast he’s slamming you on his cock, nor how hard his fingers dig into your flesh but you use whatever energy still existing in your body to move your thighs.
“That’s right, bunny. Show me how good you can bounce.”
His words spur you on and the raspiness in his voice elates your heartbeat despite it being impossible to beat any faster.
You feel yourself clench one more time and you spill all of your juices onto him. It’s too much, you can’t hold anything back despite having nothing left to give.
“Fuck, she’s squirting!”
YangYang lifts his hips up when he brings you down on him and you feel him reaching even deeper.
“Ah!” you cry. “Too much!”
“Finally had enough?” he growls into your ear.
You nod desperately.
“Can’t take my cock anymore?”
“It’s too good!”
“Fuck, do you want me to stop or not?”
“No! Don’t stop! Please, don’t stop!”
YangYang thrusts harder and he bites into your shoulder. You’re amazed at how your dress was able to stay on this whole time but it slips down further and further, not exposing your chest fully but showing just enough of your tits to drive them all crazy.
One look at them bouncing is enough make YangYang lose all of his control.
“Ah! I’m cumming!” you cry, letting one more, and hopefully the last, orgasm wash over you.
“Fuck! Me too!”
His hips tremor when he pushes himself balls deep in you. They remain flush against your pussy until you feel his cum stop pouring out.
And when he pulls out, his cum drips out of your pussy and back onto his softening cock.
They all groan as you fall to the side, spreading your legs to show them how all of their cum decorates your body.
You’re so fucking messy, sweaty and covered in cum but you don’t care.
All of you sit quietly for a while, not a word spared between you until you’ve caught your breath and attempt to sit upright.
Jaemin and YangYang aid you and help you stand on wobbling legs.
“Are you okay?”
“I think so…” you gasp as you feel the cum dribble down your legs.
“That was fucking amazing…” Haechan says.
And the others agree with him. Renjun just hums in his blissed out state while YangYang strokes your thighs from behind.
“You were amazing. How did you even handle all of that?”
“Because she’s such a good bunny.” Jeno teased but leaves a sweet kiss on your cheek, and Jaemin beings you some tissues and helps you start wiping yourself.
Only now do they remove their masks and it feels refreshing to finally see their handsome faces.
Your entire body trembles gently while they take care of you, making sure to compliment you at any second they get. But a loud click catches everyone’s attention and your body jolts when the door opens.
Terrified of being caught, you grab onto Jaemin and pull him in front of you, but you freeze upon seeing who entered the room.
“Shotaro…” you gasp and pull down your dress as if it would hide the fact that you just fucked all of his friends.
He looks somewhat disheartened as he walks deeper into the room. Music still beats through the walls and your heart hammers with it.
As he gets closer, you see his eyes swim with emotion. And to your surprise, his entire demeanour changes from his usual softness to something dark and dominating. You’ve never seen him like this before but the numbness in your body slowly fades, replacing itself with excitement.
The room is silent as he guides your chin upwards to look him in the eyes.
His warm fingers caress your cheeks and as he stares deep into your soul, his hands slide down to your hips, pulling you so close to him that you can’t escape.
“Looks like someone’s been a bad bunny.”
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I was tagged by @dykewithamashobsession for a thingy so let's do it!
Last song: Breakfast - Dove Cameron
Currently Reading: the M*A*S*H Novel, Once and Forever - The Tales of Kenji Miyazawa, and The Makioka Sisters by Junichirou Tanizaki
Last Film: does it count if I was sitting in the room while my parents watched A New Hope? No? Well then... Uh... Twilight Breaking Dawn: Part 2. Yeah, yeah, I know. I'd never seen it though so I watched it when my fam did. The last movie I sat and intentionally watched was called Role Play, it had Kaley Cuoco in it. It literally just came out on Prime.
Currently Craving: chocolate of some sort. Or a grape rockstar... I have a problem
Three Ships: Hawkcahy, AtsuJuni, and KyouKen (1 MASH, 2 BSD). Didn't think I could include my OC ship w Mulcahy lmao. Do they even have a ship name...? Jella? :/
First Ship: the first ship I remember being hardcore for was Newtmas (Thomas and Newt from The Maze Runner). Oh wow that's some nostalgia...
Favourite Colour: I like to joke that it's tie dye bc I wear it so much but in all seriousness I like blue and yellow. Pink is up there, too.
Currently Working On: Oh God so many things. So so many. The next chapter of my BSD fic, the second Blood in the Water chapter, some prompts leftover from Whumptober... so many things.
Tagging: @cptn-nash @panic-sl0th @chaoticgremlinwholikescheese
Thanks for the tag, this was fun!! :)
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greenhikingboots · 10 months
Ship Game. Answer with a GIF. No repeats. 1. First Ship I thought long and hard about it, and I think my first ship must have been Mulan and Li from Disney’s Mulan. The movie came out when I was just old enough to start thinking critically about movies, noticing what I liked and didn’t like. And I realized I really, really liked Mulan and Li as individual characters, but I didn’t like that we didn’t get to see them fall in love — just the spark of something starting at the end of the movie. I think it was the first time I daydreamed about different scenarios that could have played out between them, which is basically the foundation of fanfiction, right? So…. count it!
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2. First OTP This has to be Draco and Hermione (Dramione) from Harry Potter. This is the ship that got me into reading fanfiction and actually engaging in fandom spaces. Unfinished fics still haunt my Google Docs, and I hope one day I’m going to come back to this ship and finish them. Basically, I love thinking about Draco’s possible redemption arc and I love that a relationship with Hermione helps explore and enhance it. Oh, and the angst!
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3. Current Favorite Sydney and Carmen from The Bear. It took until the end of the most recent season for the appeal to sink in, and I’d like to see more positive moments between them before romantic feelings solidify. But I think they’ve got a great foundation. Plenty of conflict, sure, but relationship experts say the frequency of conflicts and the subject matter of conflicts aren’t what indicate success in relationships. It’s all about how conflicts are repaired. And I LOVE the way they do repairs together. So vulnerable. So willing to accept responsibility and try to change. Looking forward to their development in future seasons.
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4. Shipped From the First Minute Josh and Donna from The West Wing. I watched this show way after it ended and found myself just wanting more and more of them. Like, they could have been the main characters instead of having an ensemble cast and I would have been perfectly content. Playful banter right off the bat. She keeps him in line. He’d be lost without her. They’re both smitten but dammit they work at the White House and that means they have to keep things professional. The pining! Do yourself a favor and go watch YouTube videos of just them. You won’t regret it.
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5. Wish They’d Been Endgame I’m putting Jon and Sansa (Jonsa) here so that I have a sensible spot left for other ships. I do believe they’ll be endgame in the books, if we ever get them, so this answer is for Game of Thrones specifically. We’ve all read, reblogged, and probably written a few of our own posts about how many different ways the show went sideways. I have nothing new to say here and to recap previous thoughts would take way too many paragraphs. Jon, Sansa, and the Stark legacy all deserved so much better. That’s the short of it.
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6. Wish They’d Been Canon As some other answers hint at, I typically empathize with writers’ choices even if they don’t fit my personal preference. So it was hard to think of a couple that wasn’t canon but I truly thought should have been from a cohesive narrative perspective. Maybe Caleb and Maeve from Westworld? This show went more and more off the rails with each season, so a lot more than ship dynamics would have to change to redeem it in my opinion. And I definitely wouldn’t want Caleb to have been unfaithful to his wife. But they showed us such a stronger bond between him and his daughter and between him and Maeve compared to him and his wife that, like…. maybe his wife shouldn’t have even been a character? Write her out completely, as early as possible? And then that strong partnership between Caleb and Maeve could have been something even more? Yep, that would have been better.
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7. You Like But Most of Fandom Hates Do people *hate* Jacob and Bella (Jella) from Twilight? I don’t know, but I like it 100 times more than Bella and Edward, and I think that’s probably pretty uncommon. Actually, in my college public speaking class, we had an assignment where we had to have a partner and write persuasive speeches from opposing views. And I was like, “Who wants to be my partner and have fun with this by debating Twilight ships?” I compared Jella against serious research about successful relationships and ACED IT. My instructor liked my speech so much she asked me to give it a second time to another class she taught while she recorded it. I would pay money to be able to track down a copy of that. A+ work.
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8. Don’t Even Watch But Ship Them Anyway Eddie and Chrissy (HellCheer) from Stranger Things. Opposites attract? Grumpy sunshine appearing but maybe not really? Outcast boy and popular girl? A ship name that isn’t about their names? DOOMED BY THE NARRATIVE? What’s not to love, you know? Plus, this ship’s fans make amazing art! And if I remember correctly, it loosely inspired a Jonsa AU fic I really enjoyed, lounge act.
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9. Wish They’d Had a Different Storyline Stefan and Caroline (Steroline) from the Vampire Diaries. I’ve only dabbled in this fandom, but it seems like Klaus and Caroline (Klaroline) is a much more popular ship. They had great chemistry, so I get the appeal. But the surface-level unrequited crush to reluctant mentor/mentee to genuine friends to platonic soulmates to lovers slow burn of Steroline is just chef's kiss. But then — spoiler alert — right after they get married, Stefan sacrifices himself so his brother and ex-girlfriend can be together? From a writer’s perspective, I get that ending. Full circle, brotherly love, blah blah blah. But I liked Stefan and Caroline so much more than Damon and Elena and would have rather seen the former couple get the happy ending.
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10. Favorite that was Endgame Coach Eric Taylor and his wife Tami Taylor from Friday Night Lights. Do they count? They were together the entire series and had few serious marital conflicts. So there was never any threat of being something other than endgame. But I’m picking them anyway. I love their classic bickering like an old married couple and the way they still lust for each other after so many years. And I love, love, love that the series finale ended with them making a move that was more for her career than his. Relationship goals.
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lances-wormhole · 3 years
I hope the FKBU/DaiHaru fandom knows that I am still continuously refreshing all tags throughout all social media platforms for any new news or fan content.
That’s at least one person still kicking…. That’s guaranteed to be something I hope.
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alicenthiightower · 3 years
I wanna see the Bella x Jade ficccc
inspired by this fanart by @jashtah
i never was ready so i watch you go
Lou Wright had said there was no time for goodbyes, but Jade breaks that rule for Bella. It is not the first time and it will not be the last. She skips the rest of class, runs right past Amaya and straight after Bella.
In another world, Jade might find that funny, because nothing is straight about her. But she doesn’t.
Jade finds Bella in their dorm room, packing her bags. When Bella looks up to see her, Jade can see her trying to force a smile on her otherwise perfect face but it doesn’t work. The plaster white walls feel sterile and hostile in the harsh light of this news. Bella had wanted to paint the walls rainbow colours like a set, but at Rainbow High, you cannot mare their walls.
“I actually did it. I’ve lost everything,” Bella whispers. “I should have listened to you—“
“Bella, I’m so sorry—“
“You have nothing to apologise for. Anyway, this expulsion is gonna do great for my permanent record.” Bella mutters. It’s like she can’t even tell Jade is there, not really, she’s staring off into some unknown point Jade can’t see. Bella usually packs light and neat but Jade can see her clothes are messily shoved into her suitcases, streaked with mascara. “Didn’t you say you liked a bad girl?”
She’s trying to make Jade laugh to avoid the topic of her expulsion. Jade sits beside her, puts a hand on her arm. “You haven’t lost everything. You still have me. You’ll always have me, B.”
Bella stands, defiant almost. She puts a hand on her suitcase, her fist closed. Bella is confidence and caffeine; Jade is daring and dauntless. Jade does not want her to go. She’s never even considered it.
“Ramona Barnes won’t care,” Jade promises, even though she can’t. “And if she does, I dunno, I’ll punch her. Or write her a bad review. Whatever it takes.”
Bella sighs, tucks a strand of her soft pink hair behind her ear. “You’re amazing, Jade. Don’t tell the others but I’ll miss you most.”
Jade wants to say I’ll go with you or Ms Morton will fix this or Don’t go. But she can’t. She can’t. She wishes this were all some horrible nightmare but it isn’t.
Jade looks away, as if she’s about to pull away, but Bella takes her by the shoulders the way she had the night before. Bella stares into her eyes. Bella looks as though she’s considering something impulsive, something she’s wanted to do for a long time.
Bella kisses her and Jade feels herself begin to cry.
“Sorry. I had to do that, just once.” Bella puts a hand on her check. “Try and graduate for me, Jade. And hire me, after. Promise?”
Jade kisses her again. “Promise. Don’t be a stranger. Keep in touch. I wanna see your sets, I want updates every day, you hear?”
“I’ll try,” Bella bites her lip. “Walk me out, will you?”
Jade nods. She holds Bella’s hand all the way through the halls of Rainbow High and doesn’t care who sees, who comments, what anyone has to say about it.
It’s Bella lets go first, kisses Jade on the forehead and climbs into the car. Jade watches the car until she can’t anymore and takes the rest of the day off. She lies on her bed and waits for Bella’s texts, staring at the ceiling, trying desperately not to think about their kiss.
Ramona Barnes posts a selfie of her and Bella a few days later and it’s the first time Jade has smiled all week.
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min-uwungi · 6 years
pairing ▹ hoseok x yoongi, some future vmin
genre ▹ fluff and angst; mermaid au
warnings ▹ none
chapter ▹ 1/?
words ▹5107
summary ▹ “You shouldn’t go down to the lake at night,” Uncle Jaesun says and Yoongi shivers. There’s no way he'd would know what passing ideas Yoongi has, right? “And if you were to do so, do not ever walk to the end of the pier. Do not look down at your reflection. Because what you’ll see, the shining silver gaze looking back, it does not belong to you. It belongs to Them."
Min Yoongi is a grumpy 17 year old that has his summer plans destroyed. He expects a summer of sorrow and loneliness but instead finds something else, lurking just below the surface.
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laladellakang · 3 years
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kang della (강델라) is a fictional member of the co-ed group enhypen. this fic contains polyamory where the main character is romantically involved with all seven members of the group. what i write doesn't intend any malice and does not reflect enhypen in real life. also available on wattpad || nsfw blog located in @dellalalakang
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kang della
kprofile // more on della // della with the members // the units  // dark moon-lore // della's closest idol friends // della's phone(s) 2022 | 2020-2021 // della in dark blood // asks from readers || asks for the boys
social media
birthday tweets : della // the boys weverse bonus : anniversary posts
della's style // border: day one // border: carnival // dimension: dilemma // dimension: answer // 365 fresh // manifesto: day one  // dark blood
entrance // signal song // into the i-land // teamwork test // fire // representative unit // navillera // the final fourteen
one & two // three // four // five // six // seven // eight, nine & ten // eleven, twelve & thirteen
lives : self-revised profile cuts (yjw, sjy, psh, ksn) // calladella: first (psh)
enha's youtube : in my bag // mv reactions: 365 fresh [TYD]
en–log : part one (sjy, mild pjs) // vlog: della's multilog
enhypen & hi : special season
hybe's youtube : txt & en- playground // TYD teaser 
third party videos : weekly idol 491 & 511 // IDDP // hybe caterers // hello82 w/ kids // the willben show (pjs, sjy) // youngji’s show
fanmade videos (fmv) : enhypen's della once said // della's non-stop flirting with engenes // jella jealous moments but it's literally only jay (pjs) // della kang and her ✨seven boyfriends✨ // enhypen's della once said/did pt. II // della and jungwon (AYEz): the softest duo (yjw) // dellice is the most iconic duo [AU] (sohn alice)
dark moon
webtoon: 1-12  13-17(?)
cuttoon: one
scenarios, long asks, drabbles, soft hours, mini chapters, episodes
located in masterlist (2)
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fangirl-writes · 3 years
Who/What I Write & Masterlists
Hi, I’m the writer here at fangirl-writes and this is a little masterpost/list for the fandoms and ships and people I write for. Some of them don’t have any content yet, but if you want to request a fic for said ship or person, feel free.
Requests Are Always Open, how fast I get to your request depends on how inspired I am by it and how much time I have in my personal life.
I write: X Readers, Poly Relationship X Readers, Ship Fics, Ot3 fics, Ot4 fics, etc. Friendship Fics, Fluff, Angst.
I WILL NOT WRITE: Smut (can get a little suggestive), Self-Harm, Suicide, Gore, Mental Illnesses (I don’t feel comfortable writing about what I don’t experience), Abuse, Dark Fics, Sexual Assault, Rape, Pedophilia
All X Readers Female Unless Otherwise Stated Or Requested.
I don’t do transgender reader because I do not feel I could do that justice, as I am not trans. Thank you!
If you don’t see a ship or character you want me to write for, shoot me an ask and I’ll let you know if I feel I can write for them or not!
Who/What I Will Write For:
MBAV: Masterlist
- No Longer Writing For This Series
Outer Banks: Masterlist (not yet)
X Readers -
Boys: John B. Routledge, JJ Maybank, Pope Hayward
Girls: Kiara Carrera, Sarah Cameron
Jarah, JJPope, KieSarah, CleoPope, KieCleo
Maybe others if requested
Cloak and Dagger: Masterlist
- No Longer Writing For This Series
Stranger Things: Masterlist (not yet)
X Readers -
Boys: Steve Harrington, Johnathan Byers, Eddie Munson, Argyle
Girls: Nancy Wheeler, Robin Buckley
Ships -
Joncy, Stonathan, Stoncy, Ronance, Steddie, Jargyle, Buckingham
Mileven, Lumax, Byler, Greatwise
Teen Wolf: Masterlist (not yet)
X Readers - 
Boys: Scott McCall, Stiles Stilinski, Isaac Lahey, Liam Dunbar, Theo Raken
Girls: Lydia Martin, Allison Argent, Kira Yukimira, Malia Tate
Scallison, Stydia, Sciles, Scira, Scisaac, Malira, Allydia, Thiam
Twilight: Masterlist (not yet)
NOTE: Movie or Fanon verse only because we hate Stephanie Meyer
X Readers -
Boys: Edward Cullen, Jacob Black, Jasper Hale, Emmett Cullen, Seth Clearwater, Embry Call, Quil Ateara, Jared Cameron, Paul Lahote
Girls: Bella Swan, Alice Cullen, Rosalie Hale, Leah Clearwater
Bedward, Jella, Jalice, Rosemett, Carlesme, Blackwater, Rosella, Jaspella, Balice, Jakeward, Belliciper, Jacobelaward
Dead Poets Society: Masterlist (not yet)
X Readers - 
Neil Perry, Todd Anderson, Charlie Dalton, Knox Overstreet, Steven Meeks, Gerard Pitts
Anderperry, Cheeks, Knarlie, Mitts, Daltonperry
The Outsiders: Masterlist (not yet)
X Reader -
Darry Curtis, Sodapop Curtis, Keith “Two-Bit” Matthews, Steve Randle, Dallas Winston
The Breakfast Club: Masterlist (not yet)
X Readers -
John Bender, Claire Standish, Andrew “Andy” Clark, Allison Reynolds, Brian Johnson
Any pairing between the main five or maybe a crossover ship if you’re into that.
Footloose: Masterlist (nah)
Note: Not really a fan of the remake but I’ll do it. Requests for the original are much appreciated though 🥰
X Readers -
Ren McCormack, Ariel Moore, Willard Hewitt, Rusty Rodriguez, Woody (no last name for this guy, apparently)
Any within the canon or a crossover if you’re into that
Hunger Games: Masterlist (not yet)
X Readers -
Katniss Everdeen, Peeta Mellark, Finnick Odair, Johanna Mason, Annie Cresta
Everlark, Gadge, Odesta, Hayffie
The Maze Runner: Masterlist (not yet)
X Readers -
Thomas, Newt, Minho, Frypan, Winston, Gally, Teresa, Brenda, Aris
Newtmas, Thominho, Minewt, Thominewt, Brederesa
Descendants: Masterlist
- No Longer Writing For This Series
Merlin: Masterlist (not yet)
X Readers -
Merlin, Arthur Pendragon, Gwaine, Lancelot, Guinevere, Leon, Eleon, Percival, Morgana, Mordred
Merthur, Arwen, Mergwen, Gwencelot, Morgwen, Perwaine
Julie and the Phantoms: Masterlist (not yet)
X Readers -
Julie Molina, Luke Patterson (pansexual king 👑), Reggie Peters
Male Reader or Platonic only: Alex Mercer, Willie
Juke, Willex, Ruke, Lalex, Julie x Nick
Request others and we’ll see 
Avatar the Last Airbender: Masterlist (not yet)
X Readers -
Boys: Aang, Sokka, Zuko, Jet, Haru, Teo
Girls: Katara, Toph, Suki, Mai, Ty Lee, Azula
Zutara, Taang, Sukka, Yukka, Mailee , Yueki, Teoaang, On jaang, Jinko, Yuetara, Yueko, Ty Luko
Maybe others if you request them
Big Hero 6: Masterlist (not yet)
X Readers:
Hiro Hamada, Tadashi Hamada, Gogo Tomago, Honey Lemon, Wasabi No-Ginger, Fred Frederickson
Tadahoney, Gogodashi, Gogozilla (Fred x Gogo), Honeysabi, Honeyfred, Fredsabi, Honeygogo, Gogosabi
Hiro x his age appropriate love interests
Crossovers if that’s something you’re into.
5 Seconds Of Summer: Masterlist (not yet)
X Readers
Luke Hemmings, Michael Clifford, Calum Hood, Ashton Irwin
Ships: Real People. No shipping.
Queen/BoRhap: Masterlist
- No Longer Writing For This Series
Smosh: Masterlist (nope)
X Readers -
Boys: Anthony Padilla, Ian Hecox, Shayne Topp, Damien Haas, Keith Leak Jr., Noah Grossman, Chanse McCrary, Spencer Agnew
Girls: Courtney Miller, Angela Giarratana, Arasha Lalani
Ships: Real People. No shipping.
X Readers - 
Tom Holland, Andrew Garfield, Ben Barnes, Harry Styles, Niall Horan, Timothee Chalamet, Indiana Jones, Trevor Spengler (Ghostbusters: Afterlife), Jack Frost (Rise of the Guardians), Howl Pendragon (Howl’s Moving Castle)
Maybe other actors/musicians/characters if you request them
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moonjella · 2 years
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pairing || husband!jaehyun x wife!reader
synopsis || it's halloween and all you want is to spend a quiet night with your husband watching scary movies. but the constant ringing of the doorbell is more horrifying than whatever's playing on the tv. you've had enough of the trick or treaters and decide to play a trick of your own on your husband, to which he returns with a very special treat.
content || mature, minors do not interact! female reader, talk of pregnancy/impregnation, reader wants to have children. explicit smut — dry humping, unprotected sex, cumming inside, breeding kink, praise.
word count || 2.9k
author's note || for @underworldnet's halloween event — day one : trick or treat.
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“Trick or treat!”
“Aren’t you guys adorable?” Jaehyun beams at the little ones.
A pumpkin, a witch and a… well, you don’t know what the last one is but the costume was spooky enough.
And the grin of excitement on the child’s face makes your heart swell.
You reach behind the door to pull out the bowl of candy and their smiles reach their eyes at the sight of it.
“Once each, okay?”
“Thank you!” they chime while taking their favourite chocolate bars. You and Jaehyun remain at the door until their tiny bodies waddled onto the next house.
They were the first trick–or–treaters of the night. Though, the streets looked a little empty. Maybe this year would be quiet and you could watch your scary movies in peace.
You’re warmed by Jaehyun’s arm wrapping around your waist.
“I can’t wait for our kids to go trick–or–treating.”
“Me too,” you press a kiss to his cheek and he leads you both back to the kitchen to finish cleaning the dishes together. But a small sigh escapes you.
You’ve wanted kids for a while now. Motherhood is a terrifying thought at times but the thought of seeing your child’s smile on a daily basis makes you long for them now more than ever.
And you know Jaehyun feels the same way. The way he stops to wave and smile at kids every chance he gets, and when he crouches down to their level to hear what their tiny voices are saying — needless to say, you couldn’t wait to have children together.
Most of your friends and family expected the news of pregnancy immediately after your marriage, but two years later there’s still no sign of them.
“What are you moping about?” Jaehyun wanders over as you place the last bowl away. His arms snake around you, trapping you in his hold.
“Nothing much,” you breathe in his scent. “just feeling a bit tired, that’s all.”
“You’ve worked so hard today,” he kisses the crook of your neck as he speaks, his lips tickling your sensitive spot. “How about we put on a movie and relax?”
“Sounds good.”
You already know which movie to watch. In true Halloween essence, you choose the scariest film on your streaming service and settle down next to Jaehyun, who throws a blanket over both of you.
“Let’s get this over with.” He grumbles.
“Don’t be a scaredy–cat,” you snigger. “I bet it’s not even scary.”
“And I bet you’ll be the one hiding under the blanket.”
“Oh, shush.” You shut him up with a chaste kiss and press play only for you both to jump in your seats a few seconds in.
The second round of trick–or–treaters had arrived with a jumpscare. Your doorbell has never been so terrifying.
Breaking into a fit of nervous laughter, you both make your way to the door.
“Trick or treat!”
“You guys scared us,” Jae tells them and your hands wander to his waist, pulling him into a backhug while the children eye up the sweets. “Only one. Gotta save some for the other kids.”
They wave you goodbyes with cheery thanks and goosebumps erupt on your skin from the chilly air. In no time, you’re back under the blankets next to Jaehyun’s hot body. His heat warms you like it always does and the hand tracing up and down your thigh warms you in another way.
His small habit never fails to make you blush. Jaehyun is always touching your body, in one way or another but it’s the times like this when he finds comforts in rubbing your thighs.
When he’s nervous, or when he’s scared, it puts him at ease knowing you’re right beside him. And it seems the movie is getting to a good part because his fingertips dig into your flesh slightly. His chest rises and falls quickly which stirs the same reaction in you.
But yours is due to something else entirely.
His hand jumps higher and you bite your lips. Any higher and you’d be in trouble.
It feels silly getting turned on by such a simple and innocent action, but the thrill of the horror movie somehow adds to the sensation.
After all, the adrenaline a horror movie gives you isn’t so different to the adrenaline Jaehyun fills you with.
Ding dong!
You both jump again and this time Jaehyun lets out a tiny squeak. He tears his wide eyes away from the screen and to the door seriously.
“It’s just the trick–or–treater, Jae. You’re not afraid of some kids, are you?” you tease.
He gulps.
“No. Not at all.”
You both rise again, heading over the door to hand out some more candy. As much as you love seeing the children excited, it’s starting to feel like a chore.
The scold yourself for the thought. As someone who can’t wait to have children, you sure as hell grow sick of children quickly.
Maybe it’s a good thing it hadn’t happened yet.
Jae closes the door and you both crash on the couch again. Although you settle into his arms nicely, it feels odd for some reason.
You and Jaehyun never really talked about the issue properly. You’re on the same page in wanting to have children but neither of you never put it into action.
The only time you had sex without protection was on your wedding night. Other than that, you always had protected sex.
For a long time, you’ve wanted to bring it up to him. You know he wouldn’t react badly to your request for unprotected sex. But then again, maybe there’s a reason he hasn’t brought it up either. Maybe he’s not quite ready to be a father yet. Maybe he has doubts too.
As daunting as the thoughts are, you decide to brush them away and enjoy the movie. And Jaehyun’s reaction to the movie.
He’s a lot more scared than he’d like to admit.
Time passes and you’re onto the second movie. And the trick–or–treaters became much more frequent. At this point, Jae is answering the door every five minutes.
And here you were thinking it was going to be a quiet night.
You’d given up on answering the door with your husband and instead watched him from the couch. He’s trudging his way back to you, him too growing tired of it. While you admire his efforts, you can’t stand the cold you feel every time he leaves.
So this time, you pull him down with you, letting him lay on your chest and locking his hips between your legs. Hopefully no more trick–or–treaters would ring the doorbell because Jae’s body on top of you is like the comfiest blanket in the world.
You focus on the movie again, but it’s only a matter of time before Jae is up at the door complimenting another child’s costume.
You hold back a groan, growing frustrated. All you wanted was a quiet night, but this is getting too much. Jae’s attention is either on the children or the movie and a sting of jealousy flutters in your chest.
It’s petty, but you have a plan. One that will be sure of Jaehyun giving you his attention. And maybe you’ll finally satisfy your neediness.
He sits down and you climb into his lap, straddling him and successfully blocking his view of the television. Dark eyes flutter to you and his lips are wettened by the slip of his tongue.
Children aren’t the only ones who can play tricks tonight.
“Hey, baby,” he mutters. His hands find their place on your hips. “What are you doing?”
“Nothing,” you say while nuzzling into his neck, lips grazing over the spot he likes the most. He shudders beneath you, immediately turned to putty in your hands.
You kiss your way up his neck, along his jawline and meet his lips in a frenzy of warmth.
To your surprise, he’s just as hungry. He sucks you in, fighting your tongue for dominance with a groan that rumbles through both bodies. You grind down and you clit finally finds some relief.
“Ah… Jae…”
His hands make their way around your neck, cusping your jaw and holding your head back so he can attack your neck.
“Thought you wanted to watch the movie, babe.”
“I want you instead,” you smirk, knowing your plan is working. His cock grows beneath you and you throw away the blanket which was acting as an obstruction to your grinding. “I always want you.”
“Fuck,” he gasped as his cock twitches to life. “Want you too, baby.”
Your lips meet again, wet and messy. The horrors of a cheesy thriller long forgotten and replaced with the desperate need to fulfil each other’s desires.
A moan is caught in your throat when he pulls your hips tighter against him and your chest hits his, breasts rubbing against him. There’s no way to escape his strong hold as his guides you back and forth in his lap.
You move faster, friction from the clothes heating you up and adding stimulation to both of your parts. It’s only a matter of time before you’re close to your high, so close…
Ding dong!
You still immediately, Jaehyun’s eyes also growing wide at the surprise. Of all the times to be interrupted…
This is far from the quiet night you imagined.
“Baby, I can’t answer the door like this.” He looks pretty beneath you, red cheeks and a sheen of sweat. And desperate, needy eyes.
“Let’s just ignore them.” You say and get back to stealing his breath away but the doorbell persists.
He pushes you for a moment and you part again. Speaking with his longing eyes only, he persuades you to answer the door.
“Fine.” You grumble and march over. You grab the bowl and swing open the door.
The children don’t even have a chance to finish their “trick or treat” before you shove the bowl at them.
“Take as many as you want.”
The door is slammed shut before you know it and you grab Jaehyun who is stunned by your actions, leading him up the stairs.
“Our bowl…”
“Fuck the bowl.” You say and kick open the bedroom door. You yank him down by the collars, crashing his lips onto yours while unbuttoning his shirt.
“You’re right,” he grins. “I’ll fuck you instead.”
Large hands encompass your ass and your gently thrown on the bed. You’re pleasured with the view of him slipping off his shirt before he moves to your pants, pulling them down by your ankles.
You whip off your shirt, exposed in your lacey underwear.
Jaehyun crawls between your legs and your hands trace over his muscular chest and toned abs. Your head hits the pillow while your husband attacks your chest. He pulls down the thin fabric and takes your nipple in his mouth.
“Fuck, Jae!” you whine.
“Feel good, baby?”
You can only moan in response as his hand finds its way between your legs, teasing up and down and discovering the wet patch you made.
“So wet, baby. All for me?”
You nod timidly while biting your lip. You know he loves it because his eyes don’t move from them for a while.
“Need you so bad, Jae.”
You knock him out of his trance and he removes his pants, revealing his hardened cock.
You reach for him nimbly and take it in your palm, pushing yourself up to kiss him while you stroke his dick.
“You like that?”
He groans in response, eyes fluttering shut for a few moments before flying open when you tease his leaking tip. You trace circles around his slit making him shudder under your teasing touch.
His forehead hit yours as he takes your lips hungrily in his, noses nudging and tongues diving deep. You don’t cease your strokes, allowing him to rut gently into your hand until he pulls away with desperation.
“Jae…” you whine as he puts distance between your naked bodies.
“Need a condom, baby.” He mutters while reaching into the nightstand.
He’s fumbling with the box, his eagerness obvious with the way his fingers ravage the packets. You bite your lip, swallowing nervously.
You don’t want him to use one.
You want him to fuck you raw and fill you with his cum until he’s sure you’re knocked up.
“Jae,” you say softly, catching his attention. He’s over you in a second, stroking your heated cheeks and adoring your beautiful eyes as you lay your head on the pillow.
“What is it, baby?”
“Could you fuck me without a condom… please?”
His thumb stills on your cheek and you can almost feel the cold from his expression. If your racing heart is telling you anything, it’s that you’re terrified of what he’ll say.
You brace yourself for the rejection, but instead you receive warmth on your lips.
You’re engrossed in him as he explores all of you, lips not leaving yours for a second while his hands trace your skin. Your panties slip away with ease and he throws them away, now forgotten just like the box of condoms.
“You know what this means, right?” he finally asks.
You nod breathlessly.
“I want it, Jae. I want you to put a baby in me.”
“Fuck,” he hisses, grabbing his raging cock and rubbing the tip up and down your slit, spreading your arousal before lining up to your entrance. “I’ve waited so long for this, baby.”
You whimper, shuddering from the excitement growing in your core. His thumb teases your throbbing clit causing you to clench over nothing. But that would soon change.
“Say it again, baby. Tell me what you want me to do.”
You rest your hands on the back of his neck, wrists lying on his shoulder. Just a simple touch of him grounds you from drifting away in pleasure.
“Please, Jae. Want you to fuck me so good, want you to cum inside me.”
Your sentence ends with a high–pitched whine as he pushes into you, groaning with surreal bliss.
You squeal his name excitedly. It’s been so long since you’ve felt him like this, so long that it feels entirely new. Like something you’ve never experienced before.
Every bit of his cock nudges against your walls. You’re tight around him, feeling every single thing. From his hot tip to the vein wrapped around his dick, you feel it all.
Your eyes roll back, head burying into the pillow while Jaehyun rocks back and forth allowing you to adjust to him.
When he’s fully seated in you, sweat dresses his forehead and you brush back his bangs. He smiles at you so tenderly and this feeling, all of these feelings… it’s like like falling in love all over again.
“Move,” you whisper to him. “please.”
He heeds your words and pulls out gently before shoving his cock back inside. His groan is loud against your ear and it stirs your insides, making them messy and distressed from the anticipation.
Your nipples rub against his chest sparking flames all across your body and your body is set alight when he quickens his pace. His arms wrap around your body, holding you impossibly close as his thrusts become harder.
You can only imagine how incredible he must be feeling from fucking you raw, from knowing the state he’ll leave you in.
“Fuck, Jae!”
“This what you wanted?”
You scream yes.
“Want me to cum in you? Want me to fuck you so good, like my pretty wife deserves?”
You mumble incoherently, whines and words becoming a mix of slurs.
“You’re so desperate for my cum, aren’t you?” his tone is almost condescending but you don’t care. You’re so fucking desperate.
“Cum inside me! Please!”
His rhythm quickens to the point where it feels there is no rhythm at all and you feel your own orgasm approaching.
“Ah… ah! I’m close!”
“Fuck,” he grunts. “Finally get to put a baby in you. Gonna cum inside you, baby, and you’re not gonna waste a single drop.”
He emphasises each word with a particularly hard thrust and you can’t hold yourself back any longer. Your arms wrap fully around him, nails etching patterns into his skin and he cries into your neck, stuttering from his own pleasure.
Ropes of cum spurt into you and he lets out a loud groan. His hips shake as he pushes his cock in deeper than ever before. You feel it twitch inside you and you feel so full.
He rides you gently through your high, making only slight movements as to not shake you too much from your dazed state.
Your mind is abuzz, your skin aflame and you can’t help but collapse entirely when he finally lifts up.
There he is again, admiring your blissed out face and when his eyes spot the cum leaking out from your pussy around his cock, he feels himself growing hard again.
He’s waited so long to do this with you, to finally make a baby with you.
“You’re so beautiful,” he whispers against your skin. “And you’re gonna be even more beautiful when you’re all knocked up. Gonna look so pretty carrying our baby.”
Our baby.
Your body shivers with excitement.
He hisses down your arm, reaching your palm, kissing every fingertip before placing your warm hand against his face.
Rubbing his cheeks into it, he closes his eyes and breathes in. You wish this moment could last forever.
“You’re going to be such a good father, Jae.” You smile.
And his lips grown wide with satisfaction.
“And you’ll be an amazing mother,” he kisses you. “But I gotta make sure I did the job properly first.”
He strokes your cheeks, brushing your hair away from your sweaty face as he begins moving his hips again.
“Gonna fill you up until you can’t take any more.”
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jellantria · 7 years
Look who's back in Tumblr! And in writing tbh.
Soooo, I am currently working on a multi-chapter fic but it's not DC/Marvel related. It's "Attack on Titan" related and more specifically about Jean Kirschtein and Marco Bodt. Would any of you be interested in reading it?
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So I saw an anon do this a little while ago and I kinda wanted to try it too! Ok so what would be your top 2 tropes or scenarios you’d want to read in a Jella fic? Like an idea that could be turned into a whole length fic kinda thing 😸 I’m in desperate need of some Jella after that emotional trauma we went through on Friday lol
Oh boy, ya'll really suck all my creativity out. Okay so:
1 - I think it would be reallyyy cute if Bella came to the runway-thingy. And jade being just super excited to see her and they just gave some really cute moments. <3 We could go even further and Jade is like sooo unmotivated for the runway, but then Bella shows up and she's like "We need to make this perfect so she can be proud"
2 - Both Jade and Bella basically never meet anymore because they both have absolutely no time, Jade with finishing school and Bella working with Ramona Barnes. Jade invites Bella to prom, but Bella isn't sure if she can make it. In the end Bella managed to show up at prom, and they are like, THE couple. And, you know fluff. <3
If I'm honest I already considerd writing a Rh fanfic (mainly with the focus on Bella), but I'm not sure if I'll do it, we'll see...
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emixion · 4 years
So who’s gonna write the first jella fic. Is it gonna have to be me
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My fellow Jasperella, Bellsper, Jella, Jasper/Bella, Bella/Jasper or whatever-else-you-might-call-them shippers, we need to step up our game. I demand someone write me a fic! I need angst, fluff, smut and a happy ending! And for the love of fuck, do not make Jasper appreciate or fondly remember his Conferderate background, it’s gross 🤢!!!! I demand GROWTH!!!!
I’m currently working on a fic like this but I don’t know how to do anything but write. Wtf is a beta read?
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sasskarian · 4 years
@systlin can I offer you some inane Din/Cara pining fic in this trying time?
Edit: now on Ao3, because why not - >>link<<
“So. Let me get this straight.” Greef lifts his bad knee with a groan, settling it over his other leg so he can sprawl a little more indolently. Din’s HUD focuses in, shows the elevated temperature in the joint in a dark red, and he turns it off with a flicker of his eye. Greef lifts his glass again, takes a sip, and gestures with it before continuing. “You two. Not together?”
Greef isn’t precisely a friend, but they’d been shot at by Moffs and droids and troopers all the same, which, in Din’s line of work, made for something close enough to friends for a drink now and again.
Besides. Greef had never shorted him on a bounty or passed up choice ones for sordid favors, and aside from trying to kill him that one time, had never really treated him all that badly. And what mando didn’t have an ally turn on him now and again? That hadn’t been personal; just business is a phrase that gets a lot of legwork on The Way.
“Definitely not together,” Cara hisses, slamming her own tankard down and sloshing the oily-looking ale over her white-knuckled hands.
Under the beskar, Din’s neck warms. While true, she didn’t have to sound quite that offended by the notion, did she?
A new notice pops on the HUD: the kid—he never had settled on a name for him, had he?—gurgles sleepily, pulling the thin blanket over his head with a vague hand-wave. Ever since the little womp-rat had tried stealing the Crest for the second time, Din counts the pricey motion sensor security system as one of his best purchases to date, and it lets him keep an eye on his kid while he’s out.
He tunes back into the not-so-friendly argument in time to hear Greef splutter. “You trash talked while holding hands! If that’s not flirting, I’m a kowakian monkey lizard.”
“It was arm wrestling, not holding hands,” Din points out mildly. His own drink sits in front of him, untouched since sitting down; neither of his companions seems to find the mostly-symbolic tank odd in the slightest.
“And there was nothing flirty about it!” Cara says, and she is some shade of magnificent, with her eyes flashing dark brown fire and a flush riding high on her cheeks. She looks about one more teasing jab away from throwing a fist in Greef’s face and for one amused moment, Din entertains himself with how that fight would play out:
Cara has the speed and raw strength to take Greef to the floor, and with her economical, no-punches-pulled style, she’d have him begging for air or death inside of forty-two seconds. If that. She doesn’t so much fight as simply brawl her way through whatever obstacle dares set foot in her path, and damn if it isn’t some sort of fascinating. There’s a joy in Cara Dune when she fights that calls to the manda inside him, a flash and sizzle that tells him if Cara put her mind to it, she’d make a hell of a mandalorian.
He might kind of like that, if she'd ever stop running long enough to actually look at him.
But she hasn’t, and probably won’t, and Din isn’t exactly in the habit of making himself so vulnerable to every strong, capable fighter that stumbles across him. He definitely has never pined in his entire life, and isn’t about to start now. Even if Carasynthia Dune is as mandokarla as beings come.
“Sure,” Greef says. He salutes Cara with his glass. “I’ll believe that when you aren’t helping him raise a kid and getting all chummy with the mandos.”
The sound that comes out of Cara’s mouth is about fifty percent outrage and fifty percent embarrassed horror, and completely entertaining. Din laughs to himself as Cara doesn’t, as he’d thought, launch herself over the table but aims a vicious kick at Greef’s chair that sends him skittering backwards on two legs. Even after he falls to the ground with a painful thud, Greef shoots her a smirk and says something about going native that has Cara hauling him up by his jacket to snarl in his face.
“Little shit still sleeping?”
Din doesn’t jump when Cara looms out of the shadows, blending into the moonless Nevarran night; his HUD has 360 degree motion detection, and he’s usually got an eye on her anyway.
“Growing fast,” he replies softly, one nerve-simulated gloved fingertip stroking along the little one’s ear. “And eating everything in sight.”
“So I see.” Cara arches a brow at the small, furious imprints of baby teeth on the metal crib. For all her I don’t do babies talk right before things went to shit with Gideon, the strong lines of her face soften when the kid turns over and snuggles into a baby-sized pillow. “Maybe you should try some flash-frozen meat to keep him from gnawing on your ship. One’s gotta be cheaper than the other.”
Din points behind him at a chest that easily reaches his waist: Fresh Naboo Jella Gorgs; flash frozen for that perfect crunch!
“Huh. Don’t you just think of everything.” She reaches down, brushing a knuckle across the kid’s cheek, and a knot of tension Din refused to pay attention to in the depths of his stomach loosens. Most people wouldn’t forgive someone for choke-holding them, especially when she was almost two full meters and the kid was maybe a fifth of her size. But there was nothing but baffled affection in her face and Din settles his newest purchase—a small, raggedy stuffed doll with armor loosely, and inaccurately, based on mando designs—in the corner of the crib before nodding to the galley.
They’ve done this half a dozen times or more since Gideon and IG-11. Whiling away long hours while the Crest diagnostics run, while Din cleans his guns and Cara sharpens a knife with a wicked curve. While they wait, even still, for the other shoe to drop, for Stormtroopers to rush the ship or Gideon to rise from his grave yet again.
Din doesn’t look at the angled lightsaber hilt tucked in the bottom of his weapons cache, and Cara knows better than to ask about it, when she stops pretending to not see it. Until he decides what to do with the Darksaber, it’s just going to sit there and be patient.
The silence that falls between them in these slow, lazy hours is usually companionable, sometimes holy, and only broken by the sounds of bodies in chairs and a sleeping baby. Tonight, though, there’s a wire of tension strung between them, plucked taut with every overly-aware breath and movement. He wonders, idly, who’s going to break it first.
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moonjella · 2 years
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pairing || witch!haechan x fem!witch reader
synopsis || to get back at your ex who cheated on you, you decide to take vengeance by employing the help of your potions classmate, haechan, who also happens to be your ex's arch nemesis. the goal is to make a breakup potion and slip it into their drinks. but the potion goes wrong and turns into a cloud of lust which you both inhale. it seems there is another, more simple way to get back at your ex.
content || mature, minors do not interact! female reader, reader is cheated on, mild angst to fluff. explicit smut — semi–public sex, unprotected sex, sort of magic sex, aphrodisiac.
word count || 4.5k
author's note || for @underworldnet’s halloween event — day four : potions.
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You’ve never been so humiliated in your life.
And the way everyone is looking at you, the crowds parting to let you through as they ogle knowingly pisses you off even more.
Fuck this shit! 
Your jaw is clenched, attempting to hide how much you’re seething right now. Every ounce of your blood is bubbling with rage.
But as angry as you are, you swallow the shame and hold your head high. You’ve never been the type of person to let others bring you down.
Even when your boyfriend, now ex, kissed another girl in front of the whole school less than five minutes ago, there isn’t a single part of you which feels hurt.
Embarrassed, sure.
But hurt?
No way.
The second you saw it, all of your feelings for him immediately dissipated. You’d die before you ever had your heart broken by a cheating sleezebag.
But that didn’t mean you couldn’t feel angry.
The potions classroom is empty by the time you slip through the door, making sure to close it behind you. Arriving a few minutes earlier means you can have a short–lived moment alone to breathe.
You dump your bag on the floor and collapse onto your stool with a heavy sigh, head in hands and you stay like that until the door opens and chatter floods the room.
Straightening your back, you pull out your books and prepare for the lesson before you.
Potions is your least favourite lesson, but even you could enjoy it in this situation.
The seat beside you remains empty while the room files into action. You begin scribbling down notes until the professor mentions test results.
Your heart drops all over again but for an entirely different reason.
You aren’t the best at potions. Arguably the worst.
A bad test result is the last thing you need today.
The professor passes them out with a scowl, and when he places your paper upside down, you know for a fact that it’s bad.
The only thing that provides comfort is your professor also placing your absent seatmates paper upside down.
It’s not news that you and Haechan are the worst in the class but you’d feel a little better if he was here to experience the disappointment with you.
As if he heard your mind calling to him, the door swings open and in struts Haechan with his bag slung over his shoulder.
He walks lazily to his place next to you and bumps into your shoulder while settling in, like always. It wouldn’t feel like potions class without him doing that.
As soon as he looks at you, his face is somewhat clueless, yet curious.
“Why is it so tense in here?” he asks and you nod towards the paper on his desk. “Nah, it doesn’t feel like a bad test kind of tense.”
He looks around, meeting eyes with everyone who dares to look at him and they immediately avert their eyes, pretending like they weren’t whispering about the two of you the whole time.
“Why is everyone looking at us?”
You shrug nonchalantly despite knowing exactly why.
You, who was cheated on, are now sitting with your ex-boyfriend’s number one rival. His arch nemesis in the making.
Any other day, no one would have given either of you a second glance. But since the atmosphere is a little sore around you, the air feels electric, especially with the way Haechan looks at you.
You gulp nervously.
“What did you get?” you ask, finally flipping over the paper.
Your entire body grimaces from the low number. With practise, one is supposed to improve but it seems you only decline with potions class.
And the same with Haechan, since he slams his paper back onto the desk.
“Dammit,” he hisses.
You hum in acknowledgement.
“I really thought I did well this time.”
Oh well, you think. A bad grade isn’t the worst thing that happened today.
The class continues as normal, albeit the awkward atmosphere and the shivers Haechan sends up your spine every time his thigh knocks into yours. At one point, he leaves it there, letting it rest against you and his heat travels deep inside you.
This sensation isn’t new, but it suddenly feels all the more precious knowing that Haechan is the only one you can relate to. You’ve felt that way for a long time.
Before the class ends, your professor manages to scold you and Haechan for the bad grades and orders you both to return to his classroom at lunchtime to clean as punishment.
Despite that making no sense whatsoever, you take it silently while Haechan complains until the professor leaves. You just want today to be over.
Thankfully, it’s a big school with many places to hide so you avoid most people for the rest of the day, save for your lessons. And in those lessons, you heard from the gossipers that your ex-boyfriend is looking for you.
Not that you care or anything.
Or that you’re already planning your revenge.
Access to an empty potions classroom is the perfect opportunity to practise your potion making skills, and although your knowledge in the field isn’t the most extravagant, you’re already jotting down messy notes in your book.
And when lunchtime rolls around, you’re practically skipping to the classroom. Your professor already told you what needs to be cleaned so he won’t be there, and Haechan will undoubtedly be a no show.
But when you walk in with a devilish smile on your face, it turns to a look of shock when you see his familiar body hunched over the desk.
“Finally,” he groans as he sits upright. “Took you long enough. I was starting to think you were going to make me clean everything myself.”
“What are you doing here?” you ask while putting down your bag.
“Got a bad grade, remember?”
“I didn’t think you’d actually show.”
His presence does put a dent in your plans, but if anyone in the school doesn’t care about a single thing, it’s Haechan.
He’d keep his mouth shut, right?
Haechan starts stacking stools before grabbing the broom while you dig around in the cupboard for what you need.
“I don’t remember him saying they needed cleaning.” He nods to the glasses in your hand.
“Just keep cleaning,” you tell him. “Pretend I’m not even here.”
You set up your test tubes and cauldron, measuring each ingredient and mixing them all together as preparation. Meanwhile, Haechan edges closer and closer to you and when you’re scouring a textbook for the spell you need, you feel his heated presence on your back.
You sit up immediately and your back gently nudges his front, but he doesn’t put space between you. Instead, he places his arms on either side of you, successfully capturing you between the desk and his body.
“Breakup spell?” he mumbles while reading the open page. “I’m guessing it’s for your ex?”
“You know?” you gulp. Everyone knows.
“I didn’t know this morning but word sure gets around quick. Heard the fucker cheated on you and made out with the other girl in front of the whole school.”
Well, he’s not wrong but the way he said it so plainly rubbed you in the wrong way.
You push him away, not with any strength so to speak. As much as you want to avoid speaking about it, you also don’t hate his presence, and how addicting the feeling of being embraced by him is.
You clear your throat.
“Petty, right?”
“It’s the opposite, actually,” he says. “Give those fuckers what they deserve.”
“What?” your brows quirk and you turn to face him, only to freeze when your lips are inches away from each other.
His gentle breaths ghost the skin of your lips and you inhale his scent. His dark eyes bore into yours like they want something, and you like it.
Was he always this attractive to you?
Or are you simply attracted to him because your feelings were hurt?
After staring silently, he takes a deep breath and finally moves back. He settles into the seat next to you and begins mixing the liquids in the flask.
“Cheating is one thing,” he says. “But flaunting it without a care in the world…his balls must be really big to do that.”
“They’re not, trust me.” You scoff and Haechan, while first was shocked by your remark, laughs with you.
“I always knew it. Asshole was always acting too big for his boots.”
“I guess that’s why I liked him. His confidence, his bravery. He could do anything. I never thought he’d look twice at a girl like me. And I was dumb enough to think he actually cared.”
“You’re not dumb,” he says but bends his neck back in deep thought. “I mean, you are dumb.”
“Did I lie?”
“No…” you pout and give your attention back to the potion. “But you’re dumber. You score less than me in potions all the time.”
“That may be true but what I’m trying to say is, you’re dumb because you’re dumb, not because some loser doesn’t know how to be loyal.”
Your shoulders fall and you watch quietly as Haechan uses a pipette to measure out the liquid before placing it in another test tube and sprinkling some magic powder into it.
You didn’t realise when he’d rolled his sleeves up, probably when he was sweeping, but you watch his forearms flex as he twirls the test tube. He continues with the potion without checking the guidelines in the textbook once and it stirs your curiosity.
“You seem to know this potion well. Have you done it before?”
He shakes his head.
“First time.”
“Then how are you so good at it?”
He shrugs and carries on like you never asked leaving you to your own thoughts.
Now that you think about it, Haechan, like you, is pretty average in all of the other subjects. It’s just potions that you both struggle with.
But he never actually showed signs of struggling the way you did.
He just never puts in the effort in this class for some reason.
Watching him now, he knows his stuff. And he has the confidence to do a spell fully by himself given that he’s completely taken over from you.
You wonder why he doesn’t try; he’d do well if he put in the effort.
Or maybe he’s just so motivated because he knows this spell in particular will hurt his rival in some way.
Yeah, it’s probably that.
Haechan doesn’t care about anything until his rival is brought into the conversation, and then he will go to all lengths to make your ex-boyfriend’s life a misery.
“Almost done,” he hums and pours the liquid into the cauldron. “Now we just need to say the spell.”
“Oh, shit.” You murmer, flicking through your notes to find the corresponding spell.
“Hurry. It’ll explode if you take too long and I don’t think you’ll like what happens when this spell goes wrong.”
“Hold on a minute,” you hiss. “Okay, got it! Bubble, bubble, toil and trouble…”
“Isn’t it double, double, toil and trouble?”
“No, it says bubble.”
“Bubble is on the second line: fire burn and cauldron bubble.”
“But is says bubble in my notes.”
Haechan scratches his head irritably but you can almost laugh at how ridiculous this is. Of course the two students with the lowest scores wouldn’t successfully make a potion.
“Quick, what do we say?”
“Too late now,” he says, eyes watching the pot bubble over carefully. He places his arm in front of you, guiding you backwards. “Whatever happens, don’t breathe it in.”
With his warning, the cauldron explodes with sparks, filling the air with a white cloud. It bubbles over until it covers the entire desk and you watch as the mist miraculously changes from white to a delicate pink, do a darker shade which becomes hotter and hotter by the second.
“Oh no,” you gasp, recognising the hot pink colour. A breakup spell should be grey. And hot pink is the colour of the type of spell you’ve been warned to stay away from: a lust spell.
You stumble backwards as it approaches you, as does Haechan but his heel lands on your toes causing you both to launch backwards. He grabs your arms as he falls, bringing you down with him.
You both groan as you land on the ground and you don’t have much time to balance your bearing because the pink mist is surrounding you both.
And because the air knocked the air out of your lungs, you reluctantly breath in the coloured smoke. You realise Haechan has too after he starts choking. You waft it away with your arms, heaving as an attempt to get it out of you but it’s too late.
You can already feel the effects in action.
Tingles arise in your lungs and you feel them disperse through your body, sending shiver through you from the inside out.
Your breaths quicken without your consent and your skin itches with the need to be touched.
Having to swallow from the way you were salivating more than usual, you reach back to push yourself upright but your hands meet his thighs and Haechan grunts loudly, darting up himself. His body presses into you which only worsens the sensations in your body.
He fidgets while realising what has happened and while you scramble away from him, your ass brushes against his crotch. He jolts and freezes entirely. Usually, he’d have much more control over his lustful feelings but the botched potion is reacting in his body in the same way it is with you.
And there’s just something about you that drives him the littlest bit further with his craziness.
He’s giving everything he’s got to hold back.
He pants heavily, trying to distract his mind. “The most important thing to know about a breakup spell… is that there’s so much bitterness in it, so it can easily backfire and turn into a lust spell instead.”
“Fuck,” you whisper, digging your nails in your palm to direct your mind somewhere other than the blossoming feeling between your legs. “I forgot this spell was a vengeful spell…”
“Karma… or a better solution to whatever you were trying to do.”
You’re too occupied with the flaring up of your body and mind to understand what he’s saying but when he scoots over to you on his knees and his body hovers above you, you feel shivers running races up your spine nonstop.
His dark eyes and hot breaths are addictive and you hate how easily your body is failing to resist the spell.
But you also don’t mind it.
The thought of Haechan ravaging you until you had nothing left to give was never a boring thought. But now it holds meaning and you’re not sure what to make of it.
But your body does.
It inches closer and closer to him.
Your hands reach up and he winces under your touch; from his face you can see that it’s not from pain, but pleasure.
He returns the gesture by wrapping his hands around your waist and you can’t help the whimper that escapes you.
You’re straddling him, a thigh on either side and his hands move up and down your sides and down to your thighs, squeezing them with eagerness and his lips are attached to you in an instant.
He attacks your neck first, pulling your robe down your shoulders to expose your skin and you melt into him, already a mess of gasps and breaths as he marks your neckline with his sucks and nibbles.
“Haechan… we shouldn’t… not here.”
“Want me to stop?” he asks, and it’s as if all his cockiness has left him, replaced with genuine concern. He doesn’t care if it would kill him to walk away from you right now, he’d still do it simply because you asked.
“No,” you pant. “Please… don’t stop. I need you so bad.”
With that, he groans and pushes your hips down on him. The bulge in his pants his growing bigger and harder, rubbing against your pussy in all the wrong ways, and all the right ways.
His robe is pushed off his shoulders by your needy hands and you root your fingers in his hair, yanking his head back to have full access to his neck. And it’s now your turn to taste his sweet honey skin.
His gripping you tightly, surely enough to leave bruises but you don’t care.
Your mind is filled with a haze of lust, focusing only on the thrilling sensations in your body and on Haechan below you.
His hands creep up your skirt, eagerly skimming the line of your panties before he presses his thumb against your clothed pussy. He rubs small circles at the top of your slit while you grind harder, moaning louder and you finally connect your lips with his.
You can almost taste the neediness seeping from each other’s tongue.
You’re greedy and you explore his mouth but he takes control in the end, making a moaning mess of you. When you pull away for air, a string of saliva connects you both until your lips meet again.
His hips push upwards and a hand snakes under your butt, while the other wraps gently around your neck and he lays you on the floor.
Now both hands are on your neck, cupping your face as he devours your lips.
Your hands travel down his body, pulling open a few buttons but skipping the rest and going straight to his pants.
You stroke his bulge and his groan travels from his throat to yours. You swallow it with pride and unzip his pants, pushing them down and you hand sneaks into his boxers.
His hot cock twitches between your fingers and his hips rut into you for any form of relief.
Your lips part and you look at each other silently for a few moments, officially taking in what happened, and what is about to happen.
“Is this okay?” he brushes your hair back and you nod.
“Are you sure you want this?”
“Fuck, I’ve wanted this since the moment I saw you.” His lips are on yours again and he lines his cock with your entrance, coating his tip with your excessive arousal.
Your rub your labia with two fingers in the shape of a V, spreading your wetness while teasing his cock as he pushes into you.
Your walls immediately make room for him while, at the same time, they latch onto his cock.
He stutters, both his body and his moans, as he becomes encompassed by your warmth. With a little bit of pressure, he fits into you like you were made for him. He fills you up, his cock rocking back and forth slightly so he can fit himself all the way in.
You feel like you could burst when his balls are flush with your pussy. His entire cock is in you and your walls clench around him; the twitches of his cock ignite a fiery rage in the pit of your stomach and you slam your lips on his again.
He finally moves.
Back and forth, his cock drags in and out and your pussy flutters around him.
“Fuck! Haechan… feels so good!”
“Quiet, baby,” he whispers between your lips. “Don’t want us to get caught now, do you?”
You shake your head desperately and try your best to hide your moans but he feels too fucking good.
“Oh… Haechan…”
“You like it, baby?”
You nod fervently.
One of his hands takes yours and your fingers interlock. With the gesture, you clench around him tighter, wanting every bit of him to take over you completely.
“Fucking me so good, Haechan.”
“Yeah,” he pants and ruts into you harder, to which you cover your mouth to muffle your squeal. “Bet he never fucked you this good, did he?”
You shake your head. Some could say it’s the effects of the spell making him feel so good, but there’s something about how his cock fits perfectly inside you, how he rubs against all of your favourite spots and how he holds you so delicately while fucking your pussy like it’s his personally.
There’s something about being his.
And you’ve thought so for a long time now.
You bring his hand down to your pussy and guide his fingers to rub circles on your clit. Once he knows what to do, you cover your mouth again. But it does little to stop your moans from escaping.
Your head digs into the hard floor and your back arches into Haechan’s body. He’s also at his limit, hips ramming into you with a messy rhythm but it still works wonders on your body.
He’s kissing you, begging you to let him show paradise to you both.
“Gonna cum…” you whine.
“Can I… finish inside…?”
“Yes!” you squeal and wrap your arms around his shoulders. You bury your face into his neck, rocking your hips are much as you could against his and you squeeze him so tightly.
Pleasure blinds all of your senses, your pulse is like a beating flame and your orgasm washes over you at the same time Haechan empties his load inside your pussy.
The room fills with breathy moans and whines, stutters and hiccups caused by immense levels of greed and pleasure.
You take all of him while he basks in all of you.
You stay like that for a while, his cock buried in you until he pulls out and collapses by your side.
“You know, as soon as I heard what the asshole did, I tried to find you. I waited in this classroom for an hour before you showed up,” Haechan says. “And when you did, you started making your dumb potion before I could even suggest my plan to get back at him.”
“What plan?” you whisper.
“I was going to ask you out. I thought nothing would piss him off more than making you mine. But in my heart, I knew it would hurt you if I used you like that. I’ve wanted you for a long time, YN. But I didn’t want to hurt you so I went along with your plan to make the potion and well… it turned out like this.”
You stare at him wordlessly, part admiring his face and part processing what he said. He nudges your cheek with his nose gently, breaking you from your trance.
“Say something…”
“I… I don’t know what to say…”
“Anything, please. Just say something so I don’t regret any of this.”
Your hearts swirls in your chest.
“You… you really want me?”
He nods, kissing your neck with warm lips. “I’ve always wanted you.  ”
“I think… I always wanted you, too.”
His eyes flash open, lips agape as he stares. His eyes gloss over ever–so–slightly.
“He always told me to stay away from you but I didn’t want to let him control me like that. I guess, in a way, I was always rebelling against him. He would nag me over the silliest things and call me names over the smallest of mistakes. I tried to be better but in the end it wasn’t enough. He still cheated. But… you… whenever I made a mistake, you always laughed with me, not at me. Sure, you call me dumb but you don’t say it the way he does. As much as I despise potions class, I always looked forward to it because I knew you’d be here. Late most of the time, but it’s been bearable up until this point because of you.”
His lips capture yours once again and you feel so stupid for not having realised your feelings sooner, or noticed all the things Haechan has done for you thus far.
“You mean it?” he asks and you nod.
“But don’t you need to confess something to me now?”
“I already did,” he says quizzically.
“I’m talking about the potion.”
“What about it?”
“You’re not as bad at potions as your scores say, are you?”
He swallows nervously, averting your gaze with something akin to shame.
“I wanted to help you,” he blurts. “When I knew you were so bad at potions, I wanted to help you learn, maybe even tutor you. But I also didn’t want to cause problems for you and that asshole. I hated seeing you so sad when you did awful in the tests, so I started doing bad on purpose… so you wouldn’t have the lowest scores anymore. I would.”
“Haechan…” your eyes tear up. “All this time… you didn’t need to do that.”
“I know. But I wanted to. Even if you never knew, it still felt good seeing you smile and laugh when my score was lower.”
You can’t help but burst into giggles.
“We’re both so dumb!”
For the first time today, you feel all of your weight dissipate. All the heaviness and shame had gone, now replaced with a light feeling. One that feels like falling in love again.
You giggle into a kiss together and continue the light-heartedness until you are both dressed again. The effects of the magic hasn’t fully faded, but the fucking had dulled most of it.
You’re thankful everyone was in the cafeteria and not roaming the halls of the school to have heard you, but when you leave the classroom to make a quick trip to the bathroom, you meet eyes with the person you least want to see.
But all of your anger has gone now.
Instead, you feel pride when your ex’s eyes flit from yours to your hand which is clasped in Haechan’s. His face grows red with rage, or embarrassment seeing that it is clear he knows what just happened between you and Haechan.
“Let’s go, babe,” Haechan says with a devilish smirk, eyeing your ex up and down and you’ve never felt you heart flutter the way it did when Haechan calls you that.
Your ex is stunned but still manages to humiliate himself even more. You flinch when he calls your name and tries to grab you, but the asshole doesn’t deserve another second of your time.
“Back off, asshole,” Haechan pulls you into his side. “She’s mine now.”
You proudly walk away with Haechan, leaving your ex and all of your previous feelings behind.
Always have been.
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2K notes · View notes
moonjella · 2 years
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pairing || werewolf!jisung x fem!reader
synopsis || your boyfriend, jisung has his rut and has been avoiding you all day. for the first time his rut has aligned with a full moon making it much more powerful than usual. he's afraid of hurting you, but you show him just how strong you can be and how much of him you can take.
content || mature, minors do not interact. female reader, possessiveness. explicit smut — rough sex, unprotected sex, fingering, deepthroating, manhandling, multiple orgasms, overstimulation, passing out.
word count || 3k
author's note || for @underworldnet's halloween event — day two : full moon.
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You’ve had enough of this.
Jisung is never the type to avoid you. Especially when you’ve been dating for so long.
It reminds you of the times before he became your boyfriend, when he was so nervous to even be around you.
And the time after you started dating when you realised he was hiding something from you the whole time.
And when you found out he’s a werewolf. You thought there’d be nothing more to be kept between you after learning his deepest secret.
But now he’s gone so far as to avoid coming to classes so he doesn’t see you.
Communication is key, you always say to him. I always want to know what you’re feeling.
And he agrees with you despite it being difficult for him to do so.
Yet, here you are clicking on Jisung’s contact again and again just to see that he’s still ignoring your messages. For the last three days, Jisung’s been leaving your texts on read and at the same time, he’s ignoring your calls.
When you asked Renjun, he said Jisung is simply unwell. But Jisung always answers your calls when he’s sick because, as he likes too say, your voice speeds up his recovery.
It certainly didn’t settle your doubts when the others — Jaemin and Haechan — shared weird glances between that made you sure something else was and is at hand.
And that’s why, at the turn of the evening when you’re done with your classes and studying, you march your way to his house.
You’re tempted to turn back at the door. Surely, something is being hidden from you and there must be a reason for it. Are you really sure you want to find out?
Even if it’s something bad?
No, you chide yourself in your mind. Jisung would never betray me.
You look up to the glowing full moon for comfort. It’s warm yellow embraces you and you feel a stir of confidence.
There’s movement inside seconds after knocking on the door to his house. He shares it with his friends — Renjun, Jeno, Jaemin, Haechan, Chenle and Mark, who opens the door.
“YN!” he exclaims, eyes flashing wide for a second. “What are you doing here?”
You notice he’s hiding behind the door, eyes scouring the darkened sky for scattered clouds.
You let yourself inside quickly after realising he’s hiding from the moon. But Mark is a little bit hesitant about your presence.
“I don’t think it’s a good idea for you to be here,” he says. “Jisung’s not well.”
“Then let me see him,” you step in further and he has no choice but to shut the door. “He hasn’t answered my calls.”
The house is doused in darkness. Blackout curtains cover the windows from floor to ceiling; the only light comes from dimmed lamps.
It’s not as loud as it usually is and you figure the others must be out with the full moon, leaving just Mark and Jisung at home.
“You guys aren’t turning this month?” you ask him.
Mark shakes his head, content with stalling you in the hallway. “The others left yesterday but I stayed to look after Jisung.”
“What’s wrong with him?” you ask. Mark’s mouth opens, but he closes it again, fuelling your suspicions. “I’m going to find out, even if you don’t tell me, Mark. What is he hiding? Is it someone else?”
“What? No!” Mark shouts. “I promise you, there is no way that’s the case. He’s just sick. That’s all.”
“Then why is he avoiding my calls?”
You storm up the stairs like it’s your own home, which Jisung and many of the others had asked you to treat it like so, but Mark’s hand around your wrist stops you as you make it to Jisung’s closed door.
“YN, please,” Mark pants. “I can’t let you in there.”
“Why not?”
“He… he asked us not to let you see him. Not like this.”
“Is… is it that bad?” your eyes threaten to tear up at the thought of him being so sick but you want to see him regardless. You need to know the truth.
But before you can say anything else, Jisung’s door swings open.
His tall figure hunches over, hands gripping the door frame to hold himself upright.
He pants heavily; small rumbles erupt from his chest and your body begins to shake. Mark pulls you back little by little and you use what little light there is in the house to take in the sight of Jisung.
He’s sweating from head to toe, hair clumped and hanging over his forehead and his entire body trembles, like he’s in pain from the sight of you.
“Get your hand off her…” he growls. Although his voice is quiet, strained even, the aggression in it is enough to make both you and Mark shiver.
“Jisung,” Mark warns, pulling you behind him. “I’ll take her, okay? Just go back in your room and I’ll get her out of here.”
“I said… get your hands off her.”
Your shielded by Mark’s back so you can’t see the animosity in his eyes, but you can feel it. Tensed and worried, you peek over Mark to look at your boyfriend.
What could he possibly be sick with?
Excessive sweating, heavy panting, trembling limbs…and possessiveness.
Those are all signs of his rut, which you’ve been through with him before, but they’ve never been so extreme.
His rut was always something special to share together and you’re no stranger to letting him have his way with you until he’s satisfied.
But right now, he’s a completely different person.
Like he’s lost all control.
Jisung trudges towards Mark with dark eyes and a dark aura all around him.
“Jisung…” Mark warns again. “Go back in your room.”
“Give her to me.”
For a moment, it’s silent enough to hear a pin drop. You don’t even breathe, to afraid to set off whatever has control over Jisung.
“YN, you need to leave.”
“No buts. He told us to not let you see him. I shouldn’t have let you in, I’m sorry.”
“Is it his rut?”
Mark nods slowly, edging you towards the stairs. “He’s never had it with a full moon before.”
He doesn’t have time to explain but you figure the full moon somehow amplifies the effect of a werewolf’s rut. And especially when Jisung has a hard time turning, you can’t imagine the extent of pain he’s having with this rut whilst stuck in his human body.
He claws at his chest, whining deeply.
“YN, please!” he cries. His grating voice is so desperate, enough to make you freeze on the spot. Mark tries to push you again but you fight against him.
“Let me help him.”
“Hell no!” Mark looks to you, and for a split second you see a primal glare in Jisung’s eyes, like he’s ready to pounce on Mark and tear him apart before he does the same to you.
“I’ve done it before, I can help him, Mark.”
“I know, YN. But it’s different this time. He could hurt you.”
“He won’t,” you state. But looking at him, you’re not convinced either.
“It’s not a good idea,” Mark warns in a singsong tone as Jisung finally grounds himself and stalks towards you. “This is your last chance to leave before someone gets hurt.”
You gulp, meeting the eyes of your boyfriend. He’s hungry.
Really hungry.
“It’s fine. I can take him.”
Mark is about to spin around and hit you with a “are you freaking insane?” but you push him away.
What hurts more is seeing Jisung like this.
You’ve helped him every time he feels this pain, so why stop now? You’re his girlfriend, after all. You know he’d stop at nothing to help you when you needed it most.
Jisung latches onto you the second there is distance between you and Mark and you realise that even in this state, Jisung was still afraid of Mark. They all were. You never saw that side of Mark but you were sure it was something werewolves could only tell between themselves, that Mark had the most power and authority.
And that means if he tries to stop you again, Jisung will truly have to back down and suffer alone.
“It’s okay, Mark,” you convince him. “I’ll be okay.”
Jisung’s arms hold you tight to him, you can already feel his bulging cock rubbing against your hips. His head is in your neck rubbing all over your skin, inhaling your aroma whilst leaving his own scent behind.
Your cheeks burn and you avoid Mark’s eyes as he finally gives in.
“You still have that necklace?” he asks as one last reassurance.
You nod, and when he sighs in both relief and defeat you push Jisung’s hot, heavy body back into his room letting your back close the door.
Jisung drives you up it immediately, grinding his hips into your crotch and one of your legs wrap around his waist while the other holds your balance in this awkward position. Though, Jisung’s inhuman strength does a better job of holding you up.
You gasp as he bites your neck and you’re afraid he might tear a chunk off. But he soothes your worries by licking over the sore spot before moving onto the next.
“Need you,” he’s muttering. “Need you, YN. I need you so bad.”
“I’m here, Sungie,” you whisper in a high–pitched voice, the voice he loves so much. “I’m right here.”
He hoists you up further while making sure your clothed cunt is pressed right against him. You can feel the wetness growing.
You know he loves having your arousal on him so you roll your hips to ensure he gets his share. You grind harder until you can feel the fabric cling to your pussy and he groans loudly when he realises what you’ve done.
“Sungie, ah!” you cry. “I’m gonna cum!”
He doesn’t register your words and continues his movements, only harder and rougher and you’re sure the door will break through from how hard and fast he’s rutting against your clothed body.
You can’t hold it in anymore. the friction is too much and you feel your orgasm rush over you. From the way Jisung stutters, you realise he came with you. But he’s far from finished.
Before you know it, he’s thrown you on the bed and he’s tearing off his own clothes. While he takes a short moment of not looking at you, you take the chance to grab the necklace from your pocket.
It’s in a velvet pouch for extra protection; the last thing you want is to accidentally hurt Jisung or the others with it. You crawl up the bed and quickly slip it under the pillow before he can realise.
He gifted you it the first time you helped him with his rut. A plain silver chain necklace. You never wear it, simply keeping it in your pocket or bag as a precaution.
You know he’d never hurt you but he felt comforted knowing you’d use it for protection if he or the others ever tried to hurt you.
You’re not planning on using it, but given his state, it’s good to have measures in place.
He’s none the wiser as he pulls your ankle and tears away your pants and shirt. His lips latch onto the skin of your belly, devouring the flesh like it’s his last meal.
You fumble with your bra while he rips off your panties and you’re both fully naked.
His entire body is flushed, shaking with desperation. In the dim light, you take a moment to admire his incredible body and your eyes drift down to his cock. The sheer size of it always makes your heart pump ten times harder.
It’s covered in his cum from the previous orgasm and he’s immediately poking at your entrance with the tip of his cock.
Your feet hit his abs as soon as he tries to push in.
“Fingers first, Jisung,” you cry. “Fingers first!”
You’re not used to going straight in; Jisung always eases you slowly by fingering first but he must be so out of his mind to have forgotten.
“I need to be inside you, YN.” He growls.
His fingers are like long claws, stretched and ready to dig into your flesh. You’re supposed to make him feel better but he seems like he’s getting worse.
The closer he comes to having you, the more impatient he grows.
You dart up immediately, dropping to the floor so your back rests against the bed and you take him in your mouth.
You spend no time playing around and edge him in as quickly as you can. His cock is hitting the back of your throat and his hand roots itself in your hair.
Everything becomes a blur as he thrusts into you.
Your hands on his thighs do nothing to slow him down so you squeeze your eyes shut and let him have his way. Meanwhile, you spread your legs and slowly slip two fingers into your leaking hole.
You can barely breathe, let alone moan but the feeling of your sopping cunt has your eyes rolling back.
There’s just something about how animalistic it feels that thrills you.
You push your fingers in an out, focusing on easing your muscles so you can handle Jisung after, and he finishes quickly. His cum spills down your throat and he keeps thrusting, your head hitting the mattress again and again and even when he pulls out, his cum spurts onto your naked body.
You let it dribble down your skin as you stand on shaky limbs. Jisung pushes you flat against the mattress and lines his raging cock with your pussy.
“I missed you,” he growls into a kiss. “I missed you so much.”
“Missed you too, Sungie,” you whine. “I was so worried.”
His cock enters you and you gasp, legs flying in the air without warning. He takes your hand and shoves your fingers in his mouth, licking every drop of your arousal from them.
A groan erupts from deep in your gut.
His animalistic tendencies shouldn’t be so riveting but he still has a hold on you.
When he’s done with your fingers, he yanks your hair back from behind, exposing your neck to him perfectly.
He litters your skin with bites, harsh and painful bites.
But he blesses each one of them with a hungry kiss, lips breaking apart for his tongue to lick over with care, as if each one is an apology for hurting you.
He licks a stripe up the length of your neck. And then another. And another.
You squeal from the sensation, unsure whether you like it or not but the way your pussy quivers around his cock tells you the answer.
You have no qualms with him scenting you, but this is entirely new.
And you’re sure the others will be keeping their distance from you for a very long time.
He grabs your hands and pins them down before slamming into you. Then he’s forcing your leg onto his shoulder, opening you up in ways he’s never done before, exploring and reaching deeper than he’s ever tried.
He pounds into you without a care. The mix of his cum and your arousal spreads on both of you and the noises it makes when he slams in and out drives you insane.
Jisung cums again, hips slowing for just a moment before he flips you over. You can’t keep yourself up by your legs but he holds your hips up at the perfect level.
And when he’s done with you like that, he holds you in another position. He orders you and pushes you with such meanness, but kisses and holds you with tenderness.
And before long, you’re on your back again, cupping his face while he batters his cock into you with such fierceness and hunger in the same position you started in.
You know it’s his favourite. He loves seeing your face.
Little by little, you’re edged up the bed with his thrusts to the point where you hold your hands up against the headboard so you don’t crash into it.
“Fuck! Jisung!” your cry is long and loud — surely the entire neighbourhood could hear you.
He keeps going, hard and fast and even when he feels your walls clenching incredibly tight around him, even when he feels his own cock twitching and leaking cum inside you, he doesn’t stop.
You don’t know how long he goes on for and you lost count of how many times you orgasmed. In the end, they all begin to blur into one as your body becomes numb with an overload of sensations.
The cries escaping from your throat make it sore; your voice turns raspy but he keeps going.
Your limbs lose their hold and you become a mindless doll simply for him to use until he’s satisfied.
But tonight, he’s completely insatiable.
With the little energy you have after hours of relentless fucking, you sneak your hand under the pillow. The pouch is still there and you fiddle with it for a second, attempting to reveal the silver necklace.
But something comes over you.
Maybe an epiphany.
Maybe another orgasm.
Whatever it is, your hand retracts from the necklace and reaches into Jisung’s soaked hair.
Little by little, he regains his sanity as he empties load after load inside you. The immense pleasure comes and fades away, bringing him back to reality and his expression isn’t so fierce anymore.
He’s getting better. He just needs to work himself to exhaustion and hopefully he’ll be finished at last.
His entire body is covered in heaps of sweat and you give him one last kiss before you allow fatigue to take over your body.
You’re covered in bruises and engulfed in soreness, whilst at the same time, you struggle to feel anything but his beating heart.
He’s taken over you completely.
“You’re mine,” he whispers as you drift away. “You’re mine.”
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