#nct jaemin x reader
neochan · 4 months
straight out a romance novel (m) – teaser
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𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 ➪ bookshop keeper!jaemin x author!reader
𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐑𝐄 & 𝐓𝐑𝐎𝐏𝐄𝐒 ➪ meet cute (read:awkward), sunshine x sunshine, strangers to something, love triangle, jealousy, best friends to rivals, found family in a way, smut, fluff, minor angst, including barista!jeno, ice cream shop worker!mark, barista!haechan, day care worker!renjun.
𝐖𝐂 ➪ teaser is 1.1k & fic is 20-25k est.
𝐀𝐔𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐑𝐒 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄 ➪ i've had this idea in the drafts since 2021 when i saw this note on a bookshop door. ever since then, i've been dreaming about telling this story. today i put fingers to keyboard and wrote a little something.
𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 ➪ comment or send an ask!
A brightly-colored yellow paper clings to the door, its message hastily scrawled in ink: "we're open!" beckoning with a number underneath. You reach for the handle, but it refuses to budge, the lock catching you off guard. If they truly were open, why wasn't the door unlocked? You ponder for a moment whether to dial the number, then with a resigned sigh, you retrieve your phone and punch in the digits.
After a brief moment, the phone rings just once before a cheery voice fills your ear.
"Hello, Jaemin speaking."
You hesitated for a moment before responding, your heart fluttering for what seemed like no reason at all.
"Hey. I saw the note on the door. Mind letting me in?" Your voice wavered slightly, "The door is locked."
There's a shuffling on the other end of the line, and then a long slew of slightly muffled curse words.
You can't help but stifle a chuckle at the colorful language. It definitely wasn't what you were expecting from the boy who answered the phone so joyfully.
Moments later, you hear the click of the lock, and the door creaks open. The boy – Jaemin – stands there, phone pressed to his ear, a sheepish smile playing on his lips.
"Hello," he says, his voice slightly louder than expected, the proximity causes a feedback loop that makes your ears sting.
You wince at the sudden noise, but the discomfort is overshadowed by the way he jumps nearly ten feet in the air. He fumbles to hang up the call, hands trembling.
"Sorry about that," Jaemin says, his cheeks flushing pink. "I forgot I was still on the phone."
Jaemin stands in the doorway, caught in a moment of stunned admiration as he gazes at you. His eyes trace the gentle curve of your lips, the way sunlight dances in your hair, and the subtle grace in your movements. He sways slightly, his heart thumping rapidly in his chest.
For a moment, the world seems to slow down as you both stand there looking at each other. It's only when you shift your weight that he realizes he's been staring, hand coming up to scratch the back of his neck sheepishly.
Just as the silence begins to stretch uncomfortably, you clear your throat, "Um, can I come in?" you ask, voice soft yet filled with a hint of amusement.
The sound of your voice snaps Jaemin out of his reverie, and he blinks, his cheeks reddening even further at his own awkwardness.
"Oh! Yes, of course!" Jaemin steps back hastily, gesturing for you to enter the cozy bookshop.
You offer him a gracious smile as you pass by, feeling a flutter of excitement at the unexpected boyish charm that radiated off him. As you step inside, the scent of old books and ink envelops you, wrapping you in a comforting embrace. This was familiar. This was home.
Jaemin shuts the door and follows you inside, his heart still pounding with the exhilaration of your presence. He can't help but steal glances at you as you explore the shelves, his cheeks flushing anew with each fleeting moment of eye contact.
Realizations seem to come slow to him today, because as you pick up a tattered book, avoiding his gaze in the dimly lit aisle, Jaemin becomes acutely aware of how his lingering presence might be perceived as stalkerish. In an attempt to ease the tension, he crosses his arms and leans against the shelf.
"So, what brings you to Seaside Stories?"
You glance up from the worn pages of the book, meeting Jaemin's gaze with a hint of curiosity in your eyes.
"Seaside Stories," you repeat, the name rolling off your tongue as you gesture around the cozy bookstore. "It's a lovely name. Is there a story behind it?"
Jaemin scratches the back of his head again, another sheepish grin gracing his lips. "Yeah, it's, um, the name of the store," he admits, his tone tinged with a touch of embarrassment.
Your brow furrows in confusion as you glance towards the entrance. "But the sign outside just says bookstore," you remark.
The boy shifts awkwardly. "Right, about that... I, uh, I haven't gotten around to changing it yet," he confesses.
You can't help but chuckle at his honesty. "Well, Seaside Stories suits it perfectly," you assure him.
"Thanks," he murmurs, his voice bashful. "I'm glad you think so."
You nod, feeling a gentle warmth spreading through the air between you. The moment hangs suspended, the soft rustle of pages and the faint scent of old books enveloping you both in a cocoon of quiet intimacy.
As Jaemin stands, slightly uncomfortable by the wooden shelf that dug into his shoulder, he clears his throat, breaking the silence. "So..." he begins tentatively, his voice trailing off as he searches for the right words.
You meet his gaze, "So... what's on your mind?" you prompt, a smirk teasing the corners of your lips.
A faint flush colors Jaemin's cheeks as he gathers his thoughts, his eyes flickering. "You never answered my question... What brings you here today?" he asks.
"Just exploring," you reply with a shrug, "I have a soft spot for bookshops, especially ones with charming yellow notes on the door," you add playfully.
As if his face could get any deeper shade of red, Jaemin's face grows hot again. He nods, excitment lighting up his features. "It's always nice to meet fellow book lovers," he remarks.
Another wave of silence passes between the both of you as you continue to fumble through the pages of the tattered book in your hands. The cover depicted what looked like a blue haired pirate aboard a rickety wooden boat. Definitely not what you'd read on a normal day. And absolutely nothing like what you write.
Suddenly aware of the lingering silence for the upteenth time, he attempts to clear his throat, but it comes out in a cackle that sounded like a dying cat. "So, uh, can I help you find anything specific?" he asks, his words stumbling over each other in his eagerness to fill the void.
You shake your head, a soft chuckle escaping your lips. "No, I'm just browsing, thank you."
"Right, of course," he mumbles, his gaze darting nervously around the room. "Well, um, let me know if you need anything. I'll just... be around."
With an awkward half-wave, Jaemin retreats down the aisle, leaving you to explore the shelves in peace. As you watch him go, a smile tugs at the corners of your lips.
This boy was weird, but in a good way, you think.
Now come to think of it, so was the boy in the coffee shop.
Must be something in the water.
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757 notes · View notes
ofjunemoment · 1 year
work it | na jaemin
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Jaemin can’t quite keep a part time job; every time he gets hired, he somehow fucks up enough to be fired straight away. But he just can’t get fired from his job with you, not until he successfully asks you out on a date, anyway.
OR: How many times can your cover Jaemin’s mistakes before you blow up, or him. 
pairing — jaemin x fem!reader
genre — restaurant!au, slowburn, fluff, humour, smut (MDNI)
wc — 20k 
content — profanity, both jaemin and reader work at a chinese restaurant, kun, jaehyun, mark and shotaro mentioned, waitressing dynamics (im gonna be honest most of this is just me throwing words together and hoping for the best), smut tags below the cut :)
a/n —  *sniff* my baby.... i loved writing this so much because the dynamics is something i truly enjoy ^^ there were times i wanted to strngle myself because i just couldn’t think of how to but the scenarios into words but here it is <3 hope you guys have fun reading!!!! 
smut tags — making out, boob/nipple play, fingering, pet names, just the slightest bit of a dom/sub dynamic, lmk if i missed anything <3
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Jaemin is in the back room of the pet store, looking at a big bag of dog food and a laminated paper with the number of servings needed for each pet section when he hears his boss call for him.
“Jaemin? You doing okay here?” He turns around to look at Mr Choi, showing a light smile and a thumbs up.
“All good sir, just trying to familiarise myself with each serving of the pet food before I try feeding them.” He waves the card around, the lanyard attached to it swishing around. Today was his third time coming in with a shift at the pet store, and although the place isn’t near his house, it wasn’t far from his campus either, which ultimately makes his travel easier. If he can go all this way to a lecture he won’t even remember, he can go again and again to make some cash and help his sobbing wallet.
Mr Choi grins, plump fingers clapping together in delight. “I knew I could trust you. You’ve worked in so many places so you must have adapted quicker.” At this, Jaemin’s smile strains a bit as he lays his hand on one of the food packets to seem normal. He’s not wrong, Mr Choi— Jaemin has worked at a lot of places. He started when he was fourteen at his uncle's small business in the night markets, looking after keychains and phone cases while his uncle would try to sell items with his marketing voice. His task was to answer customers when they asked for the price, and to find out the price he just had to remember the prices — and if he was really struggling, his uncle quips, you can look behind each sections name tag, where the prices are written in vibrant red.
But he was confident with the prices, who would forget that the key chains cost 500 won and the cases cost 1000 won?
Of course he wouldn’t forget, but he wasn’t correct either. The five and fifteen behind those items were actually 5,000 won and 10,000 won. And throughout the entire day when he would receive coins instead of the colourful notes his uncle was collecting, he didn’t even question it; he just thought his uncle was a top-tier marketer. Needless to say, he was ‘fired’ (he’s not sure if he was even supposed to be paid for his labour) and his parents took out the money he credited to his uncle from his savings.
You would think that the brutal action of taking someone's hard-earned pocket money would deter them from trying another job again until they were fully prepared to take on such professionalism. But Jaemin was devastated at the fact that he had lost his chore money while sitting down on a plastic stool in the hot summer's night market. And so he tried to get another job to attain back the money.
At age fifteen, for his birthday present, he had asked for a job opportunity from his parents. Reluctantly, they had asked one of their neighbours if they’d like to get their lawn mowed. After seeing Jaemin in the backyard a few times doing the gardening, they weren’t abhorred by the idea of paying him a small fee to clean their lawns. Excited, he set to work with the mowing, which was something he would do, but he didn’t remember if it was the growing bush on his left side or right that he was to avoid at all costs. Turns out it was both, which attained Mrs Choi’s sacred tea sprouts that she’d imported from one of the islands in between Malaysia and Indonesia, and it costs an arm and a leg, he recalls her saying. The horror on her face, when she saw the shaved-down plot of land, was something Jaemin never wishes on his worst enemy and all the while desires to draw frame to frame.
But of course, it didn’t end there. He worked at a convenience store and a local retail store when he was sixteen, but was fired from the first and never received his roster from the latter. He thought that maybe local stores were just too picky with their quality of work due to having to compete against monopoly businesses, and so he opted to turn to chain businesses instead. He worked at McDonald’s and almost deep-fried his instructor's hand when being taught how to work the fries, and barely batted an eye when a few teenagers shoplifted the stores’ display clothes when he was working the chain clothing store at the mall near his house. To his defence, he’d thought that they were his coworkers changing the clothes on display with their casual dress code of the workplace, and so naturally, he didn’t think much of it. His longest-lasting job was at a general retail store he was hired for during Christmas, where he lasted for three weeks due to his supervisor being too busy to catch Jaemin’s mistake.
It’s a miracle really that he’s lasted three solid days at this place, but there isn’t much he can screw up in a pet shop; so far all he’s tasked to do is feed the fishes, as they’re the easiest to feed, and discard the box with hamster and rabbit poop for compost. Surprisingly, they’re both placed in the same corner of the room, but they’re kept in different storage boxes. Jaemin remembers how green means compost, and blue means fish; it makes sense, so he just goes to the blue one and scoops one full scoop into a mini bucket, before going into the store and feeding the fish. With the compost bin, he simply fits it onto a wheeler before going out to the back and dumping it into the designated compost area.
Jaemin sniffles a bit, before placing the laminated poster back on the shelf, checking his watch for the time. “Oh,” He exclaims, “It’s lunchtime for the fishes,” His smile towards his boss might just be pushing it, but it seems like he’s doing a great job at, well, keeping this job; anything resembling ass-kissing, he’ll try. As long as it guarantees a longer stay for him of course.
Mr Choi laughs heartily, sending Jaemin a thumbs up as he slowly filters out of the back room while Jaemin heads to the blue tin. What he misses is how the relief from Mr Choi’s face turns into sheer horror, as he sees Jaemin scoop into the blue tin and drop the pendant-like substances into the fish’s designated feeder.
“Stop!” Jaemin drops the scooper into the tin as his boss yells out, his blood running cold at the sudden shout. “Jaemin..have you been using—” Mr Choi’s eyes widen as he cuts himself off, going back to the store with hurried steps. Jaemin is very confused, as he has his hand midway in the air from Mr Choi’s exclaim, standing in the backroom like an NPC only activated when a main character comes to him for a quest.
But, miraculously, he can move his feet as he hears another shout of— a woman? Or maybe it was just Mr Choi’s sheer…excitement of Jaemin’s dedication to his job? But what he sees when he gets out of the back room and into the main store isn’t a surprise party held for Jaemin and his efforts (okay, he thought that maybe this was all a ploy to just show his new staff some appreciation; he’s still sceptical about the horror in Mr Choi’s voice, can you blame him?). What he’s instead met with is his boss’ and how his hands are clenched on his already thinning scalp — Jaemin winces when he sees a strand slowly descend to the floor— as he skids left and right around the aquariums.
It isn’t until Jaemin takes a closer look and sees that the fishes he thought were sleeping are now, well, permanently sleeping; on the floor of the aquariums, save with a few floating slowly, hanging on for Mr Choi’s happiness or the longevity of Jaemin’s work streak. He later finds out that fish float when sleeping.
“Jaemin, oh my god— the blue tin is the compost bin, and the green one is the fish food! I’ve told you about this two times, there’s even a fish sign on the green tin, how could you not tell?!” Jaemin might be tripping, but he swears he can see the bald patch on his boss’ head growing steadily.
Of course, now wouldn’t be the best time for him to point out scalp care remedies, and so he settles for the next best thing; “I thought the fish sign meant that they just…smell really bad…” Mr Choi now has his hand splayed across his face before he slowly goes to rub at his eyes, and nose bridge next, probably preventing a stress-induced nosebleed.
He points towards the front of the store, where the counter sits next to the door, finger jabbing up and down. Jaemin takes this as a sign to get some tissues from behind the counter, or his boss’ water bottle that always seems to have unlimited tea; but before he can even get back to him, with his eyes still close, in the softest tone Mr Choi says “... Out.”
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He would’ve stopped his job hunting there, to be honest; but he’s in the last year of his course and is living with a roommate in a separate flat from his parents, which means he has to have at least some money to buy some necessities like groceries, much less pay rent.
He tells this much to Mark when he asks why Jaemin decided to work at a gym straight after working at a pet shop, and also what his resume looks like for people to still be keen to hire someone like him. He completely evades the second question, happily confiding in his friend about the job at a gym he picked up a week after being fired from sending the fishes into a food coma.
(“…Too soon?”
“Yeah, maybe a little bit.”)
And when Mark asks how Jaemin’s day was as a conversation starter, he vulnerably confides in him about losing his job again. This time working at a gym, he was assigned the task of giving out flyers and talking to people about why they would benefit from going to the gym, according to the outline he was provided in this big binder, the corner of the cover peeling off with age. While he was trying to promote the gym and give the discount flyers, he got into a long-winded conversation with this one old man who was talking about how the treadmill ‘fucked his knee up’, which had Jaemin thinking if treadmills existed in the 1980s.
They were five minutes into Jaemin searching the creation of gyms on Naver and the old man scolding him for not listening to a customer even though he was ‘not yet a customer because you haven’t accepted the flyer, now have you?’  when his supervisor comes out and yanks on Jaemin’s ‘employee in training’ lanyard from around his neck. Jaemin wasn’t sure what factor was the tipping point, but Mark thinks it was because he was on his phone during work hours.
“Or maybe the fact that you were stuck talking to someone likely to be the last person to ever sign up to a gym?” Mark is spinning his pen as he says this, looking up from his laptop screen towards Jaemin. Mark doesn’t even write his notes by hand, so it’s truly beyond him why he’s brought a high-class fountain pen to their study session at Jaemin’s, but that should be the last of his worries.
“Actually, they did have yoga and treadmill training for those aged sixty-five and above, so I wasn’t even targeting the wrong market.”
“Are you saying you’ve been wrongfully fired?” Mark sports an amused smile at Jaemin as if he’s laughing along with his joke; but that’s the problem, he wasn’t joking.
“Don’t laugh at my demise,” Jaemin smacks Mark’s arm, and he would feel bad at the wince that the latter lets out if he hadn’t been on the receiving end of his brutal laugh-hitting habit five out of seven times in the past week. Mark slowly halts his laughing fit when he sees Jaemin sulking, suddenly turning soft.
“Alright, you know what, here,” Mark fishes out his wallet as he says this, twisting and turning his bag on Jaemin’s bed. He gives the latter 10,000 won, waving his hand out towards Jaemin’s window. “Go ahead and get some snacks, my treat. And get me the watermelon-flavoured ice cream too?”
Jaemin scoffs. “You’re only doing this because you’re too lazy to get it yourself.” Mark’s smile is sheepish.
“Well, do you have 10,000 won to spare?” That shuts Jaemin up, as he snatches the notes out of Mark’s hand with a glare.
“When I do get 10,000 won, I’m making you eat the note,” Mark’s laugh is nervous as Jaemin marches out.
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The cold hold of the ice cream contrasts the warmth in Jaemin’s hand, as the walk back to his unit proves to be a good remedy for taking a mental break from studying, as he decides to take a long way back; partially because the walk through Central parks is nice, but mainly because he wants Mark’s ice cream to have melted into a gross mush when he gets back.
Walking through the park, the rustle of the plastic bag and the tree branches are the only sounds echoing throughout, with Jaemin swinging his arm leisurely. The park is a circle shapen thread of grass with benches and pathways swirling around it, adorned with a children's playground in one corner, and the park's famous Yoshino cherry tree sitting right in the middle of the whole scene. The walk from the ice cream store back to his unit, the long way, requires Jaemin to walk through the park and the line of stores and restaurants in company with the park’s facilities. For as long as he’s lived here, three out of four of the store slots have been busy with business and traffic; all but one.
Unit store 1279 is infamous for dooming local businesses whenever someone applies for its lease. Jaemin has seen two restaurants and at least three cafes open and close, all with varying reasons for closing; the landlord is a nightmare to deal with, a corner of the store leaks something green but only when no one pays attention, and lastly about how there’s a ghost that lingers near the back door, sending cold shivers down staff and patrons alike when they pass through the door.
Out of all these rumours, Jaemin truly has yet to see one of them be proven true, the landlord was friendly enough to send welcoming flowers when each business would open; and close. He was keen to feel the shiver of the ghost's presence course through his body when he visited two openings ago but to no avail.
However, the reason why he finds the store so intriguing today is related to neither of those rumours; right on the glass door of the supposed vacant spot is an estate-sealed sticker adorned with bold letters spelling out “SOLD”. Not leased, but sold, with just below the official sticker being a recruitment post, a single slip of the business's phone number flapping in the light breeze.
We are looking for part-time staff. Starting rate at 25,000 won per hour. No prior experience is required.
Jaemin shifts from one foot to another as he eyes the piece of A4 paper taped to the door. Isn't this fate? A store opening right near where he lives, willing to accept someone with no experience, and the last slip of number is left? All while Mark’s ice cream is melting in his bag. This is the universe's calling if he knows of any.
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Jaemin paces around the living room while Shotaro sits on the couch, head tilting left and right to the opposite rhythm of Jaemin’s paces as he tries to look past his whizzing figure and to the TV. If Shotaro had even a single mean bone in his body, he would ever so kindly tell Jaemin to stop pacing and maybe instead stand in one place, if he’s comfortable to of course. But as far as Jaemin is aware, he flinches at the sight of a fly, and is much less able to hurt one, so, of course, he doesn’t tell Jaemin to stop obscuring his vision, and instead turns to look at him, ignoring his show.
“Are you okay?” He asks, and Jaemin finally deflates, seeing this as an invitation to rant to his roommate. Plopping himself right next to Shotaro on the three-seated couch, he links their arms together by the elbow, needing something to ground himself.
“I wanna call this place and see if I can get a job, but I don��t know how to go about it; is there such a thing as a verbal resume?”
“You mean, an interview?” Shotaro provides, hand hovering slightly in the air as he contemplates patting Jaemin’s hand in comfort, but not for long as Jaemin separates them with a look of shock on his face.
“So that’s the word I was looking for?” He frowns to himself in contemplation, before sulking right back into Shotaro’s bicep. He doesn’t think they’ve passed the phases required to get this close to his former, but he’s too stressed about fucking up another job, and Shotaro seems to not mind this sort of interaction.
“If you find it so stressful to call them and have a phone interview, why don’t you send them a text?” Jaemin doesn’t know if this is truly coming from the goodness in his heart or if this is just something that everyone knows. Either way, the words put him at ease as he stands from the couch, patting Shotaro on the shoulder in thanks.
“You’re right! They didn’t specify their expectations; they just had phone number slips and a recruitment notice. You’re a genius Shotaro,” To that, the boy flushes with a shy smile on his face, but before Jaemin can hear him say something about how he didn’t do anything, and that he would love to help you even a little bit, Jaemin has headed off to his room and is curating a message to send.
To: +82 10-7854-4793
Hello, My name is Jaemin and I am interested in working in your establishment. When can I come in for an interview?
From: +82 10-7854-4793
Hello Jaemin. We are grateful for your enthusiasm, could you stop by next Thursday at 12 p.m at the Tao Village restaurant? Please bring a copy of your resume and provide a USB of a soft copy of said resume. We look forward to hearing from you.
To: Tao Village HR person (I think)
Yes I am available :) Thank you
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Jaemin was not quite sure what is an appropriate outfit for when you want to be interviewed for a job as a waitress, but Shotaro’s eyes had dimmed just the slightest when he saw Jaemin step out of his room with jeans and a hoodie.
“Is that what you’re gonna wear?” His tone was far from condescending, even with the smile on his face, he looked more like a proud mom, but Jaemin could tell when his roommate may be slightly disappointed with a poor choice, so he had gone back and dressed up in some slacks he had and a polo shirt tucked in. he hopes he doesn’t see people he knows, or worse, Mark, because he knows he wouldn’t hear the end of it.
Now he’s situated in front of the store, the ‘sold’ sticker now nowhere to be seen and a light glow shining through from the glass door, but the sun shinning from outside obscures any other view Jaemin could peak from the inside, as he sees more of his own reflection instead. Hand clasped on a clear folder and a USB with his resume, he pats his head one last time before opening the door and stepping in.
He’s been inside this store a few times over the past few cafes and restaurants, and so he’s not surprised to be met with a whole new interior. On the contrary, he’s quite pleased with the choices that the current owner of the store has made, with the walls now an even slate with ivory-coloured paint instead of the rundown orange brick that the last restaurant had. There are tables and chairs fit for two, and a last one for six people uninformed from left to right, with a counter and a curtain obscuring what he assumes is the kitchen towards the end of the restaurant.
Jaemin was too enamoured with taking in the whole place that he had completely missed the mini counter situated a bit to his left, with you standing behind, confused as to why someone has came in to simply look at the interior design and not, well, the menu.
A clear of your throat startles Jaemin out of his daze, as he looks towards you with the initial look of annoyance before his expression melts.
She’s so pretty. What the fuck? Does she work here? Is this a needed requirement? Maybe Jaemin should’ve topped up with a bit of cologne or something to truly seal his spot, but before he could embarrass himself by very subtly going to smell his shirt, you start.
“Hi, welcome to Tao Village, how can I help you?” He’s not sure if you’re using a customer service voice on him but it proves to work as he immediately thinks of how sweet your voice sounds. But Jaemin doesn’t want you to think he’s a creep who follows pretty women around and ask for their number the minute they open their mouth (he was so, so, tempted to ask for yours), so he tries a better way to ease in.
“I need to…speak to your manager.” His strong voice startles you both, as your eyes widen a bit before you lean back from the counter, now wary.
‘Is…is everything okay? My manager is unavailable at the moment.” Your eyes flit back to the curtain, where Jaemin assumes the head of this whole place is at the moment. His brows furrow further as he looks down at his watch. Twelve p.m., on the dot like the person he had texted requested. There must be a mistake.
“No, I’m sure they’re here. Maybe somewhere at the back? I need to speak to them,” he’s not sure why he’s suddenly being so demanding (he suspects that it's the polo shirt he’s wearing) but he’s nervous and he doesn’t want to be rejected before he was even given a chance to prove himself.
“I’m sorry if I offended you in any way, sir,” You voice out, now leaning back with your hand situated on the ring button placed below the counter, in case of emergencies or to be able to call for backup from the back of the kitchen. You didn’t think that you’d use it this early, “Can I make it up to you or help you in any form?”
Before you get to ring the button or Jaemin gets to backtrack, the curtains pull back and out comes a man in his mid-twenties, wearing an apron and holding a… paintbrush?
“Is everything alright?” He drops the paintbrush into its respective tray before he steps closer towards the two of you. You point at a faint smear of paint that’s caught on his cheek, mentioning silently to rub it off. Still, when he gets the memo and goes to wipe it off, he ends up smearing it further into his skin, his expression not wavering from its seriousness. It’s when he does a one-over at Jaemin that it all clicks.
“Oh! You must be here for the interview.” He pats down on his apron as if checking his bearings. “Kun said he’ll be back by now; that’s alright, have a seat.” He offers one of the two-seater tables, as Jaemin shuffles his way onward to take a seat, plopping himself on the opposite side of who he assumes is the boss of this place, as he takes his apron off and goes to brush at his clothes, before taking a look at his stained hands and deciding otherwise.
“Thank you for coming, my name is Jaehyun and I’ll just give you a brief breakdown of this place,” Jaemin nods as he rubs his palms against his jeans, thinking about how much he truly knew about this job. Come to think of it, he has no clue what the job he’s applying for even entails, just that they need staff who don’t necessarily need any experience (Jaemin does have some experience, maybe not the right kind) and were willing to pay enough for him to be able to pay his rent and only eat instant noodles two times a week, instead of the standard eight.
“We’re called Tao Village, and we offer a range of Chinese cuisines. I run this place with Kun, who was the one that got in contact with you. Both he and I cook, so we’re always in the kitchen. I have my niece,” That’s when Jaehyun points at you, which you don’t hear as you set up cutlery on tables with your earphones in, completely tuned out. “But she needs help for when we get a bit busier, or when it’s closing time; I can’t stay back because I have to wake up early the next day for the stores' essentials. We can show you the ropes but so far I just need you to work from Friday till Sunday.” Jaemin does his best to listen and store the information, but he realises that Jaehyun’s waiting for his reply.
“Yes, that should be okay,” He gave a thumbs up and a tight-lipped smile, which he slowly brings down when he sees Jaehyun’s stare on his hand.
“Great,” Jaehyun claps, standing up and reaching for the apron he placed on his lap before wrapping it around himself. “Well, the official opening of this place is on Saturday. Come in on Friday and we’ll try to acquaint you with the basics.” With a clap on the shoulder and a grimace of a smile - can it even be considered one? -  Jaehyun hands him a brochure-like menu of the restaurant, telling him that if he can memorise it as soon as possible it will be helpful.
You’re wiping down the counter when Jaemin stands to leave, and when he shoots you a barely-there smile, all you do is look away.
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“You got another job?” Mark sounds surprised when he says this, and that puts Jaemin off, because, of course, he got another job.
“What was I supposed to do? Stay jobless and have Shotaro pay all the rent and food expenses?” Jaemin’s on laundry duty this week, and is being mindful of what colours are supposed to go together according to the laminated piece of paper Shotaro taped above the washing machine.
“Knowing him, he probably would offer to pay your uni fee too.” Mark tosses up a pair of bundled-up socks as he says this. “Wait, so where do you work now?”
“At the new restaurant, you know the haunted place just past the park?” Mark hums as he says this. “I’m a waitress, er, waiter there now. From Friday to Sunday. Which is good because I only have classes throughout the weekday.”
“And you barely get invited out during the weekends anyways,” Mark snickers as he says this, but misses catching the sock as Jaemin grabs a pair of used underwear and throws it directly at the boy, barely missing the undergarment as he looks at him wide-eyed. Words of ‘ew dude’ and ‘that’s gross’ goes into one ear and out the other as he picks the briefs back up and shoves them in the washing machine, closing its door and starting it off.
“Well, I have a good feeling about it this time,”
“Are you gonna blame the ghost for your- wait, did you put any detergent in?”
“ …Does it not come with detergent already?”
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Jaemin picks a lint off of his shoulder, before smoothing his hand down his shirt and his pants next. He was told to wear an all-black attire, not sweatpants or hoods, so he stuck with a simple t-shirt and some black jeans.  He doesn’t know why he’s exceptionally nervous this time when all the other times he was only caught praying to last more than a weeks worth of paycheck. For some reason, he’s not keen on crossing his boss this time - Jaehyun seems scary.
Stepping forward, his hands find the handle and with one deep breath, he pushes the door. Except it doesn’t budge.
He steps back and looks through the glass of the door, seeing if anyone is inside. When he doesn’t find anyone, he pushes once more, and one more time with all his body weight; yet it doesn’t budge.
“I swear they asked me to come in at four,” He fishes his phone out of his pocket, looking at the time while his face stays squished against the door. Not even a second later, he hears the click of the door unlocking, and before his reflex could take over and help him step back, he’s launched forward and onto the ground.
“Oh my god, are you okay? Why would you cling to the door like that?” Your voice reaches his ears as he’s situated on the floor, and he then realises that his fingers were latched onto the door handle when you pulled the door to let him in.
Your slack-covered knees come into his vision first, before your face enters his view, albeit upside down.
“You didn’t get a concussion from that alone, did you?” Sounding so serious, Jaemin couldn’t help but laugh slightly at your words as he pushes himself up to his elbows, brushing at his shirt before inspecting it for any dirt. So much for looking wanting to look presentable.
“Jaehyun’s not here yet, and Kun’s stepped out just then,” Jaemin realises this is the most he’s heard you speak since the first time he’s seen you, as he sees your standing figure reaches a hand out to him, offering to help him up. He gladly accepts it, but is mindful to not pull all his weight.
“Oh,” Is all he can muster, now sheepish at the fact that your second impression of him is not any better than the first. His eyes scan around the place as he finds new additions since last week, such as a few ink-wash paintings on the wall and paper lanterns lining down the ceiling instead of the LED lamps that Jaemin saw last. Even the staff counter looks more lived in compared to the glimpse he caught before, with what looks like a brand new electric kettle and two mugs with silicone lids, one with a peach and another with a bear as their handles.
Not knowing what else to say, his eyes seek yours for any sort of initiative; hoping that you will catch his gaze and give a smile, all while explaining to him the in’s and out of this place, like how should he take orders, if there’s a particular way to fold the tissues that are placed on the tables, and if the Fujian fried rice of this restaurant is the one with or without pumpkin. Simple details.
But you all but look back at him, instead you drop your gaze away from him entirely and go to the staff counter at the back of the restaurant, picking up and taking a look at the kettle before you go behind the curtains that lead to the kitchen, out of Jaemin’s sight. He’s not sure if he’s even allowed there as a rookie staff, so he doesn’t play with his luck and instead trudges behind the counter at the door. After a few minutes of poking and prodding at things like the card reader and a pen cup, the front door swings open and in comes a tall man with red hair, holding plastic bags full of an assortment of things from food to cutlery.
“Oh, you must be Jaemin,” Jaemin straightens his back at the mention of his name, nodding his head and bowing in lieu of a greeting. The man trudges through the restaurant, the bursting plastic bags bumping into the chairs every now and then, and not long after the door swings open once more to reveal Jaehyun.
“Jaemin! You’re,” He gives his watch a glance, “On time! How pleasant, come, have you met Kun? Let’s go into the kitchen first.” Jaehyun manages to say this all with an expressionless face, but Jaemin does not feel like he’s being condescending, following his now-boss silently through the restaurant, past the main staff counter and the curtains and into the kitchen. Boxes are perched on the metal counters of the restaurant’s kitchen, filled with what Jaemin guesses are the containers for the ingredients of the dishes, and some restaurant plates, as well as takeaway boxes and bags. You’re taking out the abundance of takeaway container lids from boxes that take up two-thirds of your height, stocking them up on the top shelf.
“Kun, have you met Jaemin? I’m not sure we’ve given him a proper tour of the place,” Jaemin doesn’t think he’s gotten any sort of tour of the whole place, so all he does is politely shake his head.
Kun grunts as he places another big box next to your unpacking figure, the impact of it barely making you flinch. He looks at Jaehyun before his gaze falls on Jaemin, and with a smile and a wave of his hand, he goes through the backdoor of the kitchen without looking back.
Jaemin is guided through the whole place, with Kun showing him the storage room and the cold room, which conveniently has a sliding door; the singular bathroom of the whole place, and the main part of the restaurant.
“You don’t need to prepare much for tomorrow, it says in your resume that you’ve worked in a lot of places for short amounts of time, which gives me the impression that you can pick up traits easily,” Jaemin delivers a stiff smile as he feels Kun clasp a friendly hand on his shoulder. “Me and Jaehyun will just tell you the way we work, but first I need you to help with the unpacking. Any questions?”
Jaemin nods his head, taking the chance to now ask his burning question. “Will I get paid for today?”
Kun just laughs and pats him twice on the shoulder, shaking his head and heading to the kitchen, shoulders bunching up now and then.
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Tasked with the job of organising the cutlery, Jaemin places the metal spoons and forks into the cutlery tray placed next to the plates and bowls for setting up the tables. You’re here too, wiping down the window and the glass door, emitting any sort of stain. Jaemin tries his best to not let his gaze wander on for too long, wanting to be in your good books. From what it seems, you seem just as important as both Kun and Jaehyun, so he doesn’t want to risk doing anything wrong, or piss you off. He also thinks you’re really pretty and would like to ask you out, but that’s beside the point.
It’s when you’re getting up from wiping the bottom of the window when you hear the clatter of plastic. Turning around, your eyes widen when you see Jaemin and the plastic forks he was supposed to put away at his feet.
“I…” There goes Jaemin’s one and only chance. He isn’t even being paid for this and he’s gonna get fired, right in front of the person he was trying to rizz up, too. Before he can say anymore and save his reputation, you whizz past him and into the kitchen, the curtains flying around you but you’re mindful enough to shut them back, not letting the sight of Jaemin with a bunch of forks splayed around him like he’s being sacrificed to the fast-food culinary Gods. He hears Kun and Jaehyun’s voices coming through the curtains, variations of them asking if everything is alright, to which you answer with the clutter of pots and pans.
Coming back with a big metal bowl, Jaemin’s eyes widen as you kneel — for the second time today — at his legs, picking up the forks frantically and placing them in the metal basin.
“Are you gonna help?”
And now he’s on his knees too. Scooping up the forks and placing them in the bowl, once every single fork is off the floor, you rush towards the undermount sink at the corner of the staff counter just as footsteps echo from the kitchen and Jaheyun’s figure emerges.
“Is everything good?” Jaemin feels paralysed, unable to decipher anything since the doom he felt spilling all the single-use forks onto the floor.
“Yup,” You answer nonchalantly, filling up the basin full of forks with water and a few drops of dish soap. “Just thought to rinse these clean first before…” You pause for a second as you look at Jaemin, before trailing your gaze to Jaehyun with a smile. “Before Jaemin organises them.”
Jaehyun simply nods his head before he trudges back to the kitchen, and Jaemin barely gets to utter a ‘thank you’ before you walk past him and into the kitchen.
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“So she just helped you? That simply?” Jaemin’s smile is all but smug, as he cracks open his beer and clinks it against Marks, both taking generous sips.
“What can I say? I charmed her with my natural skills,”
“The natural skills of messing things up,” Mark scoffs at him before leaning over to get a piece of fried chicken out of the takeout box. “She probably pitied you for making a rookie mistake.” He starts munching on the chicken and hums in delight, following it with a sip of his beer. Jaemin reaches to pick up a pickled radish.
“Well, rookie mistake or not, she likes me enough to help me. You should come to work tomorrow for the grand opening, and while you’re at it bring everyone else too; I swear she doesn’t even like people,” Mark laughs in delight at Jaemin’s invitation, promising to come up with something.
Mouth full, he asks, “How long do you think you’ll last?”
“Swallow your fucking food first before jetting all your spit at me dude,”
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In the same black polo shirt, Jaemin steps in at noon, just like his boss number one (Kun) asked him to, while boss number two (Jaehyun) had emphasised that calling him this early is to ease him in easier into the culinary business. Jaemin doesn’t mind, he’s just glad that he’s being paid for today's work.
He greets you with a wave as soon as he gets in, to which you wave back before going to the kitchen and announcing his presence.
“Jaemin’s here now,” You come back out and stand at the staff counter, taking the kettle and filling it up with water to boil. Going behind the counter, he places his phone and earbuds into his pocket, remembering that they were prohibited unless he’s on his break. Once the water is boiled, you pour it into the two mugs Jaemin remembers seeing yesterday, before putting it back on its stand and taking the mugs back into the kitchen.
Jaemin simply fiddles around, not knowing what to do. It looks like his presence on Friday was needed to set things up, but now that it’s all done, he can only wait for a customer to walk or call in, or either one of you to give him a command; he’s weary this time ‘round to not fuck anything up.
Coming back out right behind Kun, you busy yourself at the counter next to the door while Kun comes up to Jaemin, patting him on the back.
“Don’t worry about doing much today, it’s just a soft opening and not a lot of people know about our business anyways. I’m just expecting maybe two or three takeaway orders and just a handful of tables. This could be a good chance for you to bond with each other, yeah?” But before Jaemin could take in the fact that Kun had wanted some sort of bonding to happen, his mind got caught on the words ‘soft opening’.
“Wait, so today’s only the …soft opening.” Careful with his tone, Jaemin tries to make it sound like he’s just restating a fact rather than being surprised. Kun is too busy drinking from his hot water to notice Jaemin’s nervous front.
“Yup, Jaehyun and I decided it would be best to have a grand opening maybe after we got to test the waters out.” He places the silicon lid with the bear cover back on his cup to retain the heat, and Jaemin really can’t help but feel like something bad is brewing. But before he could even voice out a word, the door to the restaurant opens with a bell resounding, and in swarm a pack of ten or so customers, and a blob that looks like Mark.
“Yoo, this place is quite neat,” Apparently it talks like Mark too.
Both shocked still with wide eyes, trying to make sense of where and how this many people all came together into the restaurant just minutes after the soft opening, Jaemin just hopes that nothing about Mark and what seems like a club he gathered from the university can be somehow linked back to him. It doesn’t seem like the universe is keen on taking his side, however, as he sees Mark’s eyes squint and searches around the restaurant, knowingly searching for him. Jaemin doesn’t know why he hasn’t tried looking at where the general staff area would be, like at the door or where he’s currently situated, but before he could duck to hide or face his impending doom, you miraculously step in.
“Hello, welcome to Tao Village, how can I help you?” You sport a kind but mute smile, hands clasped together politely.
“Yeah, can I have, like, a table or something?”
“Sure, for how many people?”
“Ooh! Good question… I think there’s like, ten of us at the moment.”
“Is it alright if I were to ask you to sit separately? Since you’re walking in, we didn’t have the opportunity to set up. Just in two groups of three and one table for four maybe?” Jaemin doesn’t know how you do it, but his shoulders sag when Mark gives you a thumbs up, going back to the group of people all loitering around the entrance, telling them that they will just break into subunits.
Kun has somehow slipped away without any notice, which left just Jaemin behind the counter for you to encounter when you head towards the bottled water in the fridge. “Can you help me with the water? I’ll take their orders and you can just follow along first,” With a nod of his head, you press the bottle into his hands, waving him off as you reach for a server notepad, writing down table numbers and heading to the tables.
With your presence and the two chefs busy in the kitchen, Jaemin doesn’t do much but avoid eye contact with Mark and listen to you pick up the scarce phone orders that come through; trying his best to learn how to pick up such skill. After the third time of the phone ringing and Jaemin staying in place, simply looking at you to pick up the phone, you pick it up and press the answer button, before pressing it against his ear and giving an encouraging nod.
It turns out to be a scam call, with the person on the other end attempting to sell Jaemin a double-doored fridge with a touch screen and dual ice and water dispenser, all while Jaemin tries to promote the restaurant.
“With the dual dispenser, you can fill your glass up with both water and ice at the same time so your water doesn’t go too cold on the first si-“
“The mapo tofu is a great dish to order, as tofu proves to be a primary source of iron, easily accessible and cheap with the rising price of meat.”
“…It’s a Samsung model which has been on limited release—“
“Do you want the food or not?”
(The telemarketer hesitates just a bit before stating that they’ll call another time.)
Nothing else happens, you two go to the kitchen whenever a sound of the bell ringing resounds, signalling that a dish is ready to be served, and Jaemin uses all of his brain power and logic skills to pick up dishes that are for tables that Mark isn't seated at.
He successfully gets to do all that is required of him and stealthily avoids Mark, silently celebrating as he sees you place fortune cookies at every table, signalling that it’s time for them to pay the bill and leave.
But of course, nothing good ever lasts.
“Jaemin, bro,” Mark must’ve been some assassin in his past life because Jaemin barely notices him creeping up to him until he’s already wrapped in a handshake and a bro hug. “Well done dude, you barely made a mistake today. Yo, the food was good too, you should bring back some of the Mongolian lambs every now and then, yeah? I’ll see you later,” And with two claps on his back, he’s fishing his pockets for spare change as he heads towards the front counter and near the door, finding a singular coin before placing it in your palm, smiling as if he’s single-handedly pulled you out of poverty.
“Your friend?” You murmur towards him, looking at the coin in distaste.
“Yeah, unfortunately so.”
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“I can’t do it,” Jaemin is shaking his head and hands vehemently; making him feel even more sick than he was.
You roll your eyes at him, holding the restaurant's phone in your hand. “You have to start somewhere, you can’t just avoid it now and expect to be miraculously good one day. I swear once you learn how to pick up phone orders you’ll only want to do that.” You explain, before putting your free hand out, palm facing up, encouraging Jaemin to do the same. Once he follows, not without a lot of hesitation, of course, you gently place the phone in his hand, closing his fingers around it with two hands before giving it a light pat.
“Now,” You pick up Jaehyun's phone that's placed on the counter, dialling the restaurant's number before placing yourself on the other side of the restaurant to cease any echoes. “I’m gonna call and act like a customer, you try writing down the order details.” With a nod of his head, you press the dial and turn the other way around, opting to look away to make Jaemin less nervous.
With a deep breath in, he picks up. “Hi, welcome to Tao Village,” He pauses, looking at you for any sign of motivation, but continues when he notices you waiting. “What would you like to order?”
“Jaemin,” Your voice sounds in the dining area and not through the phone, as you turn slightly to look at him with the phone tucked into your chest. “Some customers might not order food straight away. Maybe try asking how you can be of assistance,”
“Hello, welcome to Tao Village restaurant. Uh, how can I help?” Jaemin tries again, to which you reply with a bunch of dish names, asking for the different types of sauces that come with the mixed vegetables, as he tries his best to answer with what he remembers and writes down the prices of each dish from the takeaway menu.
“Uh, okay. Is that, did you want anything else?”
“Nope, I’m good. What's the total?” Jaemin fumbles with the calculator, shoulders hunched over the counter, punching in the numbers and writing down the total on the piece of paper. “That would be around 38,000 won.”
“Are you sure?” This time your voice is right by his ear without the phone pressed against it, your arm brushing against his side. Jaemin doesn’t even have the time to be scared, distracted by the proximity of you two as you reach over and use the calculator.
“It came up to 42,000 won. Did you forget to calculate the buns?”
“Oh,” Jaemin splutters. “Maybe, my bad.” Although this all sounds so new to Jaemin, he doesn’t feel as overwhelmed as he thought he would; with every other job he had, there would be someone assigned to help Jaemin understand the ropes of the place, but everyone else would add something on too, like how folding clothes the ‘Marie Kondo way’ was is even more efficient, even if that defeats the whole purpose of displaying a t-shirt at a department store.
You coach him through the quirks one by one, not moving on until Jaemin shows that he’s somewhat picked up the action. It all feels like a dream come true, with you guiding him as if you know that he couldn’t last a week into his job without actually knowing that. He’s just not sure how effective it will be in the long run. And it turns out that he doesn’t need to wait long to find out, as the ringing of the phone echoes in the restaurant devoid of any noise except for the soft piano background music.
Nodding your head at him, Jaemin picks up the phone and only hesitates for half a ring before he presses accept, bringing the phone to his ear and repeating the welcome phrase. It all goes well, with the customer asking if they can make a phone order for pick up, to which Jaemin replies ‘Why yes, of course you may’, and the sound of a car door closing sounds through the phones speakers, and suddenly the quality of the customers' voice sounds like hot garbage as their phone connects to their cars’ bluetooth.
“Sorry, did you say you wanted mixed vegetables in rooster sauce? Sorry, we don’t offer— oh. Oyster sauce. Yup,” You look at him with a confused look on your face, curious as to why Jaemin can’t understand the person when everything was good. The furrow of your eyebrows and the scratching sound from the phone sets Jaemin off, as the customer mutters something about ‘how many times do I have to repeat myself?’.
Jaemin writes down what he can understand, writing down the name ‘Kai’ and giving the customer the estimated waiting time, before hanging up the phone.
“See, that wasn’t so bad,” You give him a pat on the shoulder, taking the slip of paper from his hand, wincing as you take a look at the scribbles writing of the dish names and their prices. “It’ll just go up from here. Hey, tell you what, why don’t you try remembering the ingredients of our fried rice, and see if you can differentiate between which one is the normal one and the special one without looking at the names, yeah? I’ll go help set up the ingredients for cooking these dishes,” And with one last tap, you disappear behind the curtains, taking a pen with you and correcting the mistakes before providing it to the two chefs.
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You’re busy talking at a table of customers when the door swings open and in walks a customer, which leaves Jaemin to tend to them instead. With a customer service smile, he clears his throat and greets them.
“How can I help you?”
“Oh, I’m here to pick up an order. Under the name Kim I think? Sorry, I didn’t place the order but my dad did.” The woman scrolls through her phone as she says this, looking at what Jaemin guesses to be an exchange of texts between her and her dad. He ducks a bit to look at the dock under the table, where all the takeaways are brought and placed with the order slip attached to them with a piece of tape. He sees one with the name Kim and picks it up, removing the attached slip and placing it on top of the counter while the lady reaches for her wallet.
“Okay, uh, did you order the sweet and sour pork, with a large fried rice?” Jaemin reads off the food, a procedure you emphasised was important when dealing with takeaway orders. The lady nods, impatient as she swings her card around. He looks at the price at the end of the paper before punching it into the machine. Once the transaction goes through successfully and a receipt is printed, the woman quickly snatches the handle of the takeaway plastic bag and nods her head goodbye. Jaemin senses that something is wrong, off maybe even, and so he looks at the copy of the receipt and the contents of the order slip, looking at the other orders waiting at the dock and their contents and seeing that they all match their slips, and so with a shrug, he sets off to go back to the staff counter.
It isn’t until ten minutes pass that his wrongdoing was confirmed, as you call for his name from across the restaurant while sifting through the takeaway orders, a customer patiently looking over to see your interaction. He pulls up beside you, squatting down eye-level to the dock like you are before he whispers, “Did I do something wrong?”
“Where is the order for Kim? The one with the fried rice and sweet and sour pork? I remember bringing it here when it was packed at the back.” Jaemin feels his blood run cold at the mention of the order, a clear replay of his interaction with the woman coming in full blast.
“Oh… that…” At this, you pause your search and look at Jaemin, whose breath hitches at the short distance between your faces, courtesy of your crouched figures. You close your eyes, breathing in deeply to calm your nerves, before straightening up at lightning speed, knocking Jaemin over and onto the ground with an ‘oof’.
“Your order is still not ready yet, sorry for the inconvenience. I’ll go and check up on the progress, did you want to take a seat while you wait?” You smile at the customer, who nods back and says something about not minding the wait. You walk over Jaemin’s bent knees on the ground, going past him and into the kitchen.
He picks himself up quickly, making brief eye contact with the customer before looking at the curtains which you walked into. He’s doomed, you’re gonna tell Jaehyun and Kun about the mistake you made, and they’re gonna come out mad with their sleeves pulled up, ready to beat the shit out of him. He should’ve taken the self-defence class his mom recommended to him when he was twelve, maybe then he could do something to make the pain afterwards not hurt as much.
But before he could think about running out of the place with the bowl of fortune cookies (compensation for the beating that is due… possibly), you come back out, heading for the sink and filling up a glass of water while you place it on the table that the real Kim sits at.
“Shouldn’t be too long, they’re just finishing up on the sweet and sour pork. Here some water while you wait.” And now Jaemin is confused. He’s still on the floor of the restaurant with his brows furrowed and mouth hung open as if he’s gonna start throwing a temper tantrum. Your eyes widen ever so slightly when you catch a glimpse of him still on the ground where you left him, but your professionalism pushes through as you widen the smile on your face with a hum, before shuffling away towards his direction when the customer looks away. Pulling him up, Jaemin is only able to offer you a few murmurs of random words to voice his confusion.
“They’re making a new batch, I figured that someone provided a similar name and didn’t know the order details, which is why they accepted it. Don’t worry, they don’t know that you mixed it up,” Jaemin feels a sense of relief wash over him, looking at you with what he knows to be his puppy eyes; you make sure to look away.
“Isn’t it like, against the rules to not tell them?”
“Well, if you like rules so much, you can go ahead and take this takeaway order to the back and confess. Or you can split its payment with me and take what you like home. While you decide what to do, I’ll call the customer you gave the wrong order to and offer some apology coupon.” If it was professional to, Jaemin would give you the biggest head; but unfortunately, this isn’t the film industry, and so he sticks to the next best thing, which is to just look at you longingly.
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In hindsight, five weeks have passed and Jaemin is still an employee of Tao Village, surpassing his longest streak of two weeks and five days at the retail store. Which calls for a celebration.
“To Jaemin,” Shotaro opens a can of beer with one hand, which truly impresses Jaemin, because he didn’t think that he knew what alcohol was, let alone drink it. “Who can finally pay his half of the rent on time,”
“You’re too nice, Shotaro,” Mark clinks his can against his and Jaemin’s at the toast, taking a sip. “I would’ve kicked him out as soon as he somehow disconnected the house's water system. You guys had to shower at the campus locker rooms for a week.”
Shotaro simply laughs as Jaemin lunges at Mark. “You don’t even live here, why do you keep coming? You should pay rent at this point too, fucker,”
Mark shoves at Jaemin’s face, which was really close to biting his shoulder, effectively avoiding a months-long bruise. He scooches away on the couch, leaning against the handle and sipping his beer. Jaemin picks up a piece of takeaway fried chicken, and it’s with his mouthful when Shotaro asks how he’s liking the place.
“It’s okay, it’s not too busy since it just opened and no one really knows of its existence. Except for when Mark brought a shitton of people on its soft opening day,”
“You told me it was the gran-”
“Anyway, thankfully I didn’t get into trouble for that. But I was close all the other times…”
Mark snorts while Shotaro mumbles something about how well Jaemin is doing. “What, did you do all the cliche mistakes?”
“Define cliche,” Jaemin speaks after taking another bite of the chicken, making Mark kick at his thigh lightly.  “Like, did you spill red wine on a customer? Or break a plate, or write down the wrong order. You know, restaurant waiter cliches.” Jaemin ponders for a second at this, thinking back to his five weeks of employment at the place.
“Not quite…” He tilts his head in thought, but before he could follow it up with anything, Shotaro and Mark clink their drinks together from opposite sides of the couch.
“Then that means you’ve finally healed! Let’s celebrate while we can,” Mark and Shotaro both chug at their drinks, and Jaemin would be ecstatic to join if it weren’t for the fact that it’s only three pm in the afternoon. But also because he doesn’t think he can celebrate yet.
“Shotaro, did you know about this person Jaemin’s working with as well? He has a massive boner for her but like, they barely interact.” Shotaro chuckles at this, glancing at Jaemin whose face is now red as he stumbles for an excuse.
“She must be really nice if you like her; does she help you around a lot?” Shotaro questions, making Jaemin flush even more.
“If only you knew,”
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He picks up a carton of Sprite from the ground of the cold room, goosebumps erupt all over his forearms as Jaemin hurries out of the place, closing the door shut with his foot. Shuffling past the two chefs cooking and back into the dining area, he briefly searches for you before he finds you at the basin at the staff counter, washing the used cups.
“I brought the carton,” He announces, making you turn around.
“Thanks, do you mind placing it here? You can open the carton but be careful when you put it at the edge, it can spill out.” Your fingers are covered in sud as you point at the counter next to you. With a nod of his head, he perches the carton on the counter, half of it hanging out with the cluster of items placed, not providing enough room. As he gently prods open the cardboard packaging, he glances at you, back facing him as you lather the cups in soap one by one. Before he could continue with his task with his newfound motivation (your existence), you lean over and open the door to the mini glasswasher, backing up against him as you place the cups in.
He averts his gaze quickly, eyes wide from seeing you bend over like that, not wanting to lose his feminist streak from letting his mind wander so easily. As he continues to prod at the Sprite container, he feels the briefest brush of your legs against his, and he completely splutters, accidentally hooking his finger at the opening of the carton and ripping it open, making all the cans stacked against each other topple out and over the edge of the counter, one by one making an impact with the floor.
With a screech and a poor attempt of stopping the cans in motion, he squats to make it to the cans before they fully fall to the floor. But it seems like, yet again, the universe is not on his side, because not only does he fail to catch most of the descending drinks, the bridge of his nose makes contact with the edge of the counter, making him join the cans on the floor.
“Oh my god,” You’re shocked by the view in front of you, like some sort of twisted Renaissance painting. You reach down, and just as Jaemin is about to tell you not to worry about him, and that he can just die a beautiful death with the cans surrounding him, you pick up the fallen cans, inspecting them for any damage.
“You’re lucky none of these popped open, the floor would be sticky for days,” You mutter as you place the cans back on top of the counter, separating the ones that turned out fine and the dented ones. All the while Jaemin lies there, his nose throbbing, contemplating how he’s lasted here so far.
“Aren’t you gonna tell them?” He closes his eyes as he gently presses his cold fingers against his nose bridge, soothing the pain. The answer seems to be an obvious ‘yes’ if your lack of reply is anything to go by. A few seconds pass and he feels the cold contact of a can replacing where his hands were on his features, and when he opens his eyes, he sees your face above his, inspecting him.
“What is there to say? That you’re on the ground fighting against a nosebleed?” You taunt, removing the can and inspecting the spot with the gentle press of your fingers. Grabbing his hand and opening his palm, you place the dented can you used gesturing to his face.
“You can drink it once you’re done, they won’t notice,” Jaemin sits up as you say this, bringing the can up to his nose, pressing the cold against it as he watches you go back to turning on the machine and walking away, tending to other restaurant responsibilities.
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Notepad and pen in hand, Jaemin walks to the table that raised their hand at him and delivers his best customer service smile. “Hello, welcome back to Tao. Would you like to order?” You had given Jaemin the heads up to look after this table exclusively.
“They’re this group of ladies that have nothing to do but spend their significant others’ money. They come like, almost every second day; something about wanting to support local businesses. And they give generous tips. No one does that.” You sigh. “I wish I had that much free time.”
The women smile at him, seemingly charmed. Jaemin knows the power he holds, and he also knows that if he bunches up his cheeks just right, he can have any woman over the age of fifty want to pinch them.
“What a charismatic boy,” one of them comments, and he blinks his eyes and tilts his head, smile still on his face feeling just slightly strained as he politely rejects the compliment, feigning humility.
“Okay, well can we start our entrees with a set of fried dim sims and spring rolls, and for the main course we’ll have the mapo tofu, fried rice— did you say you wanted Hokkien mee? One of those too please, and a serving of mixed vegetables with oyster sauce and chicken chow mien. No mushrooms for either, please. And for drinks, we’ll just have three tsingtao’s and one glass of Shiraz.” The woman drones, and Jaemin has a bit of difficulty catching up and writing down all the dishes she’s named, and so he repeats it all back once it’s done; a practice heavily encouraged by you.
When Jaemin finishes listing the dishes back and receives four nodding heads, he smiles in thanks and head’s to the kitchen, yelling out ‘New order!’ for the chefs to be aware of. Coming back out and placing a copy of the notepad at the staff counter, his smile turns genuine when he sees you, showcasing two thumbs up.
Now bashful, he says “I think I’ve replaced you as ‘favourite waiter’ now.” His smile is cheeky as he says this, with you rolling your eyes, pointing at the fridge near the counter instead. “Stop spewing bullshit and get the drinks ready. I’ll write down the prices of each dish.” With a salute and nod of his head, he goes to fetch the drinks from the fridge and the bottle of red wine nearby, as well as an empty wine glass. Preparing the drinks, your shoulders brush against each other in the tight space of the staff counter, with you looking back and forth between the menu and the order slip. Jaemin misses when your eyebrows furrow together, inspecting the slip for something.
“Uhm, Jaemin,” He hums back in response, eyes still focused on pouring no more than one standard drink of the wine. “Did you tell the kitchen that this is the table with a mushroom allergy?”
Jaemin’s heart drops to his ass.
His posture straightens immediately, vision zeroing in on the table he just took the order of, as his head slowly turns to you, a million thoughts run around in his head. With the expression he sports, you quickly grab a pen and a highlighter, running back into the kitchen as quickly as possible. Scanning the restaurant, when he sees all the customers occupied, he slowly slips away and into the kitchen, leaving them unattended to somehow save his ass, and from a possible murder case.
“—do you mean there’s a mushroom allergy? And why did none of you tell us? Of course the mixed vegetables and chow mien have vegetables in them.” Kun speaks as he cooks on the wok, lifting it every now and then as the clang of his wok’s spatula echoes out, mixing around the satay chicken.
“He wrote it down but just forgot to say it out loud,” You bluff, pointing at the copy of the slip that Jaemin brought back into the kitchen, now adorning the words ‘NO MUSHROOM’ in bold, highlighted letters at the top. Your other hand is clasped behind your back, holding the pen and highlighter. Jaehyun momentarily stops making his fried rice, coming up to the counter, and looking at you over it before snatching the slip, his aggressive manner making Jaemin wince slightly.
With a poor squint of his eyes, you and Jaemin wait with bated breaths for him to somehow finish reading the two words. When his eyes stop squinting, he spares a look at both you and Jaemin, placing the slip back down onto the counter before reaching into the bowl containing the ingredients for the dishes, fishing out the mushrooms and putting them back from where he originally picked them up, waving you both off. And you barely waste any time, muttering a sorry and going towards the curtains, pushing Jaemin out with you.
“Sorry. Thank you.” He doesn’t know what else to say, looking at you while you ignore his gaze so close to your face, centring him back to the staff counter. You shake your head and hand at him as if to say that he has nothing to be sorry about.
“Mistakes happen. Now can you put the puppy eyes away? We have a new customer to serve.”
“I’m not that stupid to bel— Hi, welcome to Tao Village. How can I help you?”
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“Jaemin, do you think you could give the Chardonnay to table three? It’s for the man with the glasses,” You ask as you calculate the total of a takeaway order you just took, glancing at him to see if he’s available.
“Sure,” It turns out that you’ve already set out the glass and the bottle, as he opens the cap and pours it in, before taking a tray and placing the glass on it. You’ve taught him a few times to hold the tray with one hand, but he’s taking it slow and only using a single hand with drinks and sauces that he’s asked to deliver, not wanting to be too ambitious. Balancing it, he eyes for table number three and said man with glasses, strategically planning to swiftly arrive and deliver the drink.
As he waltz’s his way through, with his vision zeroed in on the customer, he completely misses the lady at the table before wanting to get out of her chair, completely skidding it across the floor and making an impact on Jaemin’s side.
Everything is suddenly carried out in slow motion, as he sees the fright on the woman's face, the tilt of his body and tray towards the customer settled on the table, the white wine toppling over the rim of the glass. If he retains his focus, maybe he can slow-mo recover and balance himself, only causing the wine to spill on the ground and maybe himself. He is willing to sacrifice his (Shotaro’s) black t-shirt.
Then he blinks.
A groan echoes and silent gasps are spilt, as he opens his eyes and sees first the man drenched in white wine, and Jaemin’s hand on his arm, balancing himself. Before he could even separate himself and apologise profusely, he is suddenly grabbed by the collar, and in his head, he’s already commemorating the lovely memories he’s made here with you and mourns how quickly he has to abandon the delusion that you two will end up together.
With one eye squeezed close, he’s not sure if it’s better to expect a punch or a slap against his face, but before he can anticipate either, he hears someone say “Excuse me, sir,”
“What do you want,” The man snarls at you, as you make eye contact with him, a silent customer-service-smile sported on your face as always.
“Apologies sir, but we don’t accept this sort of behaviour in our restaurant. Violence is not part of our values. I do ask of you to let out staff member go, you’re scaring him.” Jaemin can’t help but nod his head at the man, who glares at him before letting him go and jamming a finger into Jaemin’s chest.
“This boy spilt my drink all over me, how is that a part of your values?” He yells, making Jaemin wince at the loud volume, but you merely blink, stepping forward and closer to the customer, lowering your voice in an attempt to get him to soften his, too.
“I’m sorry for the inconvenience caused sir, but this sort of behaviour is not tolerated. If you would allow our staff to apologise and we’ll-”
The customer scoffs, “Apologise? An apology isn’t gonna fix the stain caused on my shirt. Isn’t the customer always right? Who the fuck are you to speak to me like this,” He shoves you at your shoulder as he says this, causing you to stumble back into Jaemin’s figure, whose arms shoot out and hold you by the waist.
The curtains leading to the kitchen skid aside, and out steps Jaehyun. It all feels so dramatic if Jaemin were to look at it from a perspective of an outsider, as Jaehyun walks over to you three, his figure looming over all of you.
His smile is blinding, dimples forming on both his cheeks as he clasps his hands together. “Out,” Is all he says, hand now facing the door of the restaurant.
The man blanches. “But—”
Jaehyun merely shakes his head in a stern manner, smile suddenly dropping, pursing his lips as if taunting a child. Without making contact with the customer, he guides him gently towards the door, before the man gets the memo and stomps his way out. Jaehyun turns to the remaining customers at the table, providing a formal apology and confiding in them that they simply don’t tolerate this sort of behaviour towards their staff.
“Would you like to pack away your remaining food? You can pay at the counter just at the front, thank you for your understanding and apologies for the inconvenience,” And with that, he steps back into the kitchen, curtains shutting close as if they barely jostled. As you and Jaemin pick up the plates and pack the food into takeaway containers, Jaemin slowly approaches you, his arm brushing against yours.
“Are you okay,” He asks, voice solemn. It never feels nice to get yelled at by a customer, Jaemin’s just used to it, but he forgets that it can take a toll on different people.
Your smile is shy, barely looking in his direction as you click to close the lid of the container, grabbing both of your containers before placing them in a takeaway bag. “Yeah, I’m okay.” without a second glance, you walk to the front counter, giving the bag to the customer as well as the receipt.
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“Can you two close up? Kun and I have to get up early tomorrow to make it to the fish market before the good quality scallops all sell out.” Jaehyun says this later in the day, as he folds his apron and places it on the staff counter. “I’ve already mopped the back. Do you have the keys?” He looks at you as he says this, to which you nod and give a thumbs up. With a nod of his head, he goes through the back door of the restaurant, leaving you two alone. Jaemin mops as you wipe the tables clean, preparing them to be set up once again tomorrow. Silence engulfs you two, with the only sounds being the slosh of the mop in the bucket and the scrape of chairs as you manoeuvre around them.
Jaemin decides that this is a good time to speak up. “Thank you for doing that,” He continues pumping the mop into the drainer part of the bucket, removing all excess water before plopping it back down. “I wouldn’t have minded if he had smacked me,” At this you laugh, cheeks bunching up cutely making Jaemin’s heart flutter.
“Did you want him to smack you?” You look into his eyes this time, the lights of the restaurant reflecting in your iris’. Jaemin thinks he could get used to this.
“Are you kink-shaming me? I doubt that’s allowed within the Tao VIllage values,”
“I’m not too sure. Hey, why don't we talk to the boss about it tomorrow?”
Jaemin’s grin is cheshire-like, “Wouldn't be the worst conversation I’d have,” At that you raise an eyebrow, to which he throws a wink. A comfortable silence engulfs the two of you, as you continue with your tasks, working around one another and you avoid the places Jaemin has freshly mopped while he manoeuvres himself around you.
It’s when you’re outside of the place and locking the doors, sizing up and down the door to put all the locks in place when you speak up. “You don’t have to thank me, by the way. People make mistakes, and Jaehyun would be less mad at me than at you. Plus, Kun doesn’t care like that either, as long as he can run this business, you can break as many cartons of drinks as you desire,” Looking over your shoulder, you catch Jaemin gazing at you, the same puppy eyes leering at you. Looking away, you pick up your stuff from the ground, wanting to bid him goodbye and completely disappear, maybe quit this job and move countries and settle down with a farming family of seven that don’t mind an additional one person to work their fields and pet their cows as a form of cattle therapy. Anything but face Jaemin’s face abd his ridiculously handsome features.
But before you could begin your progress, Jaemin calls out your name, making you turn around to face him once more. Thankfully, there’s no sign of the puppy eyes, but he is smiling.
“Since it’s a Sunday and we have a day off tomorrow, do you want to grab some food with me?”
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The warmth from the broth and fishcake in your cup seeps into your hand, preventing them from getting too cold in the Autumn breeze. Jaemin counts his notes under the red and yellow haze of the fishcake stall, handing them to the old lady once he collects the right amount. The woman snatches the notes once Jaemin presents them and counts them twice, nodding her head in dismissal when she’s done.
Picking up his cup, the two of you manoeuvre yourself around the park and settle on a free bench, looking out into the lit-up park, with parents and kids at the playground while adults settle their picnic mats and huddle around near the fairy-lit trees; the Central park seems to be teeming with more people with the sudden shift of seasons, as people embrace the coming cold by celebrating in their own ways. Kids scream at the top of their lungs when sliding down a steep slide, and adults teem with laughter as they swish their wine in their plastic glasses.
Picking out a stick of fishcake from the cup full of broth, you blow on it a few times before biting into it, settling into the park bench more comfortably as the warmth of the food engulfs you. Excluding the bustle of people, you and Jaemin sit quietly as you indulge in your food.
But the silence doesn’t last long. “I don’t know how kids are so agile at such a young age. Like, aren’t their bones basically jelly?” Jaemin points at the few kids climbing up ropes at the playground, taking them to a tall slide as a reward.
“It doesn’t look too hard,” You quip, head leaning closer to Jaemin as you look at the kids climbing up vicariously. Jaemin turns to look at you, making you realise just how close you leaned in. “You think you could climb that?”
“At my age? Easy,” You scoff, leaning back and away, now feeling more flustered. If Jaemin catches on to your behaviour, he doesn’t make it obvious, sipping on the broth in his cup and opting to ask you about your favourite playground equipment.
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“Thank you for the fishcakes,” You pat your stomach, smiling at your coworker.
“Of course,” He rocks back and forth on his heels the two of you standing at the edge of the park, ready to part ways. “I can never have a pretty girl like you be deprived of such Autumn goodness,” Jaemin teems at you as he says this, ready to receive some sort of backlash for his behaviour.
Imagine his surprise when you slightly guffaw, before stopping yourself with a hand to your mouth and a straight face. “If you think I’m so pretty,” You start as you turn around, slowly beginning the walk back to your house. “You would do more than just buy me a 3,000 won snack; I think pretty girls like me deserve more. No?” And with a wave, you continue your walk, leaving Jaemin with wide eyes and a slightly concerning grip on his cup.
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It’s been eight weeks since Jaemin started working at Tao Village as a waiter, and he hasn’t known peace throughout.
It’s not that the pay is bad, or that the people around him treat him terribly. The pay is generous enough and as rarely as he sees Kun and Jaehyun on his shift, even if they’re a curtain width away from him, they’re nice and give him a container of food after every shift. And you’re an angel on earth, helping him whenever he fucks something up, and saving his ass nearly six times since he’s started working here.
The problem is that he makes those mistakes. And he has to go out of his way to not make these mistakes, and after every shift he feels like he’s worked five days with no break when in reality he just had a five-hour shift and a very generous thirty-minute break, eating hot and sour soup while you tell him about the weird customers you’ve encountered, asking him to rank them from most to least smashable with the details given from your anecdote.
Speaking of you, he thinks you're the epitome of his worries. Ever since he slipped up and basically confessed to thinking you’re attractive, you’ve been tormenting him, torturing even. If he were to tell you this, you would deny it all. And of course you would, because—
“I’m not doing anything,” You reply when Jaemin asks what you’re doing with the order slip that he’s just written down on. With a pen in your hand and a separate order slip, you’re copying down everything word for word instead of just taking Jaemin’s one to the back like normal.
“Yes, you are. Why are you making a copy of my slip— Are you ripping it to pieces?!” Jaemin shrieks, which catches the attention of the patrons in the restaurant, earning him a light smack against his arm.
You sigh, “Look, Jaehyun doesn’t like it sometimes when the slip looks too messy. There’s already a lot of oil and water being splattered on these poor things the minute they go past the curtain.” You shake the paper in your hand. Not wanting to hurt his feelings, you grab Jaemin’s hand, not looking at his face in case he’s flashing those eyes again. Jokes on you, because he’s also blushing, so you’re doing him a favour.
“Your handwriting isn’t messy, they’re just used to mine. I don’t want them to make a fuss over nothing,” You pat his hand and head to the back, not before reminding him to check on table number seven.
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Looking at his left hand, the hand which you grasped hours ago, he holds it to his chest and prays to whatever holds power to keep him strong. He doesn’t know if you’re doing these things on purpose, or if he just has a weak heart.
“You barely go out of your room, so I’d say the second option is more likely.” Mark quips, tilting his body to the same side that his kart skids in the game. Jaemin lies down on his bed arm slung over his eyes as Mark plays on his console.
“Am I just due for a good fuck? Is that why I’m basically busting whenever she brushes past me?”
“Yo,” Mark sounds concerned now. “Brushes past you? Like, it’s just the accidental skinship that makes you horny?”
Jaemin sits up now, wanting to prove himself innocent despite the words he uttered just seconds ago. “You have to understand, I think she’s doing it on purpose.”
“I’ve seen your place Jaemin. The staff counter seems like a tight fit, I don’t know how she can be doing these things on purpose.” Jaemin huffs at that, falling back onto his bed again. He doesn’t know how to explain to his best friend that he isn’t delusional, so he just mutters a ‘whatever’ and tries tickling him, wanting him to lose the game and get last place.
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“Yup, your order is just right here. So it’s just the large special frie—” His voice gets stuck in his throat repeating back the order to the customer when he feels a figure pressed up against his back, and with a glance to the side he sees you leering over, looking at the slip he holds in his hand. When he makes eye contact with you, you barely give back a nod of your head, encouraging him to continue reading.
“Sorry. Uhm, just the large special fried rice, and two servings of the spring rolls,” You lean in even more, and Jaemin can only thank the great heavens above for the bit of privacy that the takeaway counter provides. He feels the plush of your breasts pressing against him, leaning against him while you reach over below the counter to some pens, opening the notebook of table reservations and writing in a new booking.
He only messes up putting in the total price of the order twice on the machine, before the customer picks up his food, leaving you two behind the counter. Just as he’s about to turn around and say something, you separate yourself from him, patting him on his shoulder and closing the notebook shut.
The first thing he does is find his bearings, as he clutches a hand at his chest, then his neck, and lastly his ears, feeling how hot they were. Next, he has to somehow find a way to see if he just made that whole scenario up. Looking at where you now were, which was at a table, conversing with a customer, he was a few seconds away from losing his mind. But his thoughts were confirmed when you glanced a look at him, the corner of your lips lifting ever so slightly before you continue speaking to the table.
Jaemin doesn’t know how long he can last.
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He now knows how long he can last.
Unsurprisingly, it’s not long at all. He doesn’t know if what you’re doing is on purpose, or he’s just infatuated with you enough to now notice these things, but all he can blame it on is the fact that it’s been some time since he last got laid, and so that’s why he’s getting flustered by your proximity these days.
But he also thinks that you might be doing some things on purpose; like squeezing past him in the tight margin of the staff counter to wipe some inconspicuous water stain, bodies brushing against each other in a tight squeeze, or inspecting his hand for too long after he’s delivered a sizzling plate of Mongolian lamb to the table, in search for an injury you both know is not there if he hasn’t already blatantly dropped the whole dish onto the table. Or that one time when you both went to the cold room, with him reaching up for the carton of beers while you kneel to get the soft drinks, side to side. You had momentarily lost your balance while pulling out the boxes from the back, resulting in your hand clutching at his pants, wanting to regain your balance.
“Oh, sorry,” Your words are a clear contrast between your actions, as your hands linger on for longer, lashes fluttering when you look up at him, the light of the cold room twinkling in your eyes. Jaemin swears he feels your hands squeeze ever so slightly before you let go, shuffling out of the room with a carton tucked by your side.
He doesn’t know how to confront you about it; it’s not that he doesn’t enjoy the sudden burst of attention he’s receiving from you, it’s just that it’s both not enough and too much. He wants more but he doesn’t want to risk popping a boner while taking a sixty-year-old woman’s order.
Every time he thinks he’s got you cornered, something always comes along to save you, like the call of a customer, or Kun coming through the curtains to get some hot water, even though his sightings are as common as blue moons.
So when Jaehyun asks you two to restock some of the items into the storage room as a part of your closing shift, Jaemin thinks the opportunity is basically being graced into the palm of his hands.
“The stuff might be a bit heavy, so be careful with your posture when picking up the boxes,” Jaehyun tuts, scrubbing his wok clean. “And remember to lodge something between the door, it still gets stuck from the inside. Don’t go home too late, but also don’t half-ass things as well.” Jaemin almost shivers when he hears her mom echoing back the same things to him in his head.
“Jaemin, do you know that door wedge we have at the back? You can use that, sometimes even I forget. Kun’s trying his best with the handle.” He steps over the freshly mopped places, going past and at the cashier, placing your tips in your dedicated storage boxes.
“Okay we get it Jaehyun, but if you keep speaking we won’t be done unti—” The front door shuts before you can finish what you were saying, but you only let out a light sigh before finishing up with the mopping, with Jaemin drying the cutlery with a towel.
“I’m gonna start with the boxes first,” Jaemin nods his head at you, seeing you go through the back door and towards the storage room. Jaehyun and Kun were kind enough to place a few boxes inside, but there were some still littered outside.
When a few minutes pass and Jaemin is all done, he still sees the extra boxes outside, not having moved a bit. He calls for your name, just to see if you’re back there.
“Yeah, I’m here, just—” You grunt, balancing the box on your knee as you take its contents out, placing them on the shelf. “Trying to sort this. Can you help me with the boxes outside? Be careful with the door, I have my shoe lodged there.” Jaemin rolls his eyes at the third reminder of the day, before shutting the lights off from inside the restaurant and picking up the boxes near the door, stacking them on top to only use one trip to the storage room. The light from within shines a silver lining across the now dimmed restaurant, as Jaemin nudges the door open with his leg, careful to avoid your shoe as you had advised.
He places the boxes down with a groan, straightening up and stretching his back. “That was a piece of cake,” He smiles cheekily at you, to which you barely react, handing him the box you were balancing, opting to take the items out from his hands, making the process more efficient.
“Are you having fun?” Jaemin speaks again, not letting the silence between you two stretch out for too long.
“With putting these things away? Not exactly my definition of fun,” You look at him questioningly, picking up another item while glancing at him.
“Not with the packages,” He shakes the one in his hand for emphasis. “I meant ever since that night at the park, where I called you cute—”
“Pretty,” You mutter, and the word slightly shocks you both, as Jaemin sees your shoulders stiffen. You have been doing everything on purpose, because you, too, put some meaning into his attempts.
“You keeping tally on how I compliment you?” putting the box down, he opts to look at your face as he says this. It’s not every day that he gets to tease you like this, so he uses this opportunity to rile you up a bit as you do to him, body inching closer to yours.
You feel the heat radiating off of him and onto your back, as you place down the last item in your hand on the shelf and turn around, only to be startled at the proximity of you two, Jaemin inching closer with the box discarded at the side. This close to him, your eyes tilt up to look at his, mischievous iris’ grinning back at you.
“I don’t…” Jaemin’s eyes glance at your lips as you start, parted open now as your mind blanks on what to say next. The distance between your bodies shortens, and you feel yourself craving for something. A simple touch of his hand at your sides, the heat of his breath at your cheek, the soft push of his lips against yours.
Your tongue brushes the corner of your lip at that thought, an action Jaemin can’t miss with how close you two are.
“You don’t? Don’t what, don’t know what I’m talking about? Finish your sentence pretty,” Jaemin’s hand raises, and your chest flutters at the anticipation of his touch, only for it to deplete when he places it on the wall beside your shoulder, getting closer and closer.
You want to scream, needing him to just do something, anything, but your body still inches back, wanting to see how far either of you can prolong this. Jaemin notices your game, leaning his head in and bringing his lips to your ear.
“Tell me what you want. I’ll do anything for you, just gotta have you use your words, baby.” At this your eyes flutter, fists clenching at your sides to gather up the courage as his warm breath fans against your neck.
“Can you kiss me?” Your eyes look at his as you push his body back by his shoulders, wanting to look at him as you ask for him, for more. Smile slowly softening, he leans in and places a peck onto your lips, plush skin pressed against you, both of your eyes closing shut. Before you get to do anything else, he parts back slowly, seemingly done. But you’ve barely even started.
“More,” You mutter before placing your arms around his shoulders, pushing both of you closer to one another as you lean in, kissing his lips once again, catching him by surprise. His lips are only still for a split second, before he reciprocates, pushing against you, giving you exactly what you asked for.
“Your hands, please,” You mutter in between as they slowly turn from innocent pecks to open-mouthed kisses, your own hands coming to his biceps, wanting him to touch you.
“Where, baby?” He sighs against you, hands grasping yours, ready to be guided.
“Everywhere,” You clasp your hands together, before grabbing his wrists, placing one at your waist and the other underneath your boob, arching your back in encouragement and contempt of finally having him closer. And Jaemin listens well, hands squeezing and thumbing at your body over your clothes skin, before roaming them around. Slithering one behind your back, pushing your body flush against his, chests brushing as he rushes to kiss you more, lips pressing against you feverishly. Your arms wrap around his neck and shoulders, wanting your boobs to be pressed against him fully, nipples perked with arousal from him, having the both of you pushed back and against the wall as he follows your lead of wanting to be all over each other.
Except walls don’t click shut.
But Jaemin either doesn’t notice or pays it no mind, continuing his quest of ravaging your lips, not that you mind, as he squeezes the flesh of your boob and brushes a finger over your clothed nipples, biting lightly onto your bottom lip as your mouth parts slightly from the pleasure, soothing it with a swipe of his tongue.
“Jaemin,” You try calling for him, voice coming out a bit hoarse as you pull back slightly. He takes that as a sign to venture more.
“What is it, hmm? Want me to go lower?” He doesn’t wait for your reply as he angles his head down towards your neck, breath tickling against your skin as he nips at it lightly.
“No, Jaemin. There’s—” He chuckles at you, looking into your eyes with a smirk now adorning his face. He raises his eyebrows at you while he scans your body pressed against his, and that shouldn’t affect you as much as it did.
“What, does my pretty baby want more?” his smile now turns slightly giddy, placing a sweet kiss on your lips before bringing both hands to your sides, squeezing slightly making you react to the sensitive spot being handled. “I can’t fuck you here, as much as I’d love to. But I don’t wanna be looking at a box of fortune cookies—”
“Jaemin, we just closed the door.” And you physically see Jaemin react to this, as he processes your words with a confused look, before the light in his eyes dims and his face falls, looking frantically between you and the door behind you. He searches at the bottom of the door where you had lodged your shoe, only to see it past the frame, squeezed from the pressure of your bodies against the door.
He’s about to apologise profusely, mind scrambling to think of a way he can get you two out. But before he can get too far, you plant a kiss on his cheek, and another one on his lips when he turns his head to look at you. You let out a light sigh as his hands find themselves back onto your body, pushing your hands towards his jacket, wanting it off. He shucks it off and throws it behind, hands grabbing at you again as you bring your fingers to rake at the hair at his neck.
“But—” Jaemin cuts himself off with a whimper when your hand grazes under his shirt, the cold press of your fingers against his warm stomach, fingers splaying themselves against his taut muscles, grazing your nails lightly making his body flush even further.
“Fuck, the door,” He tries again, but falls short as his head falls against your shoulder when your fingers linger past the seam of his pants.
“Later, I need to feel you,” You mutter. “Someone will come by tomorrow morning anyway,”
“Oh, fuck.” Jaemin curses as you palm his dick over his pants, his hips bucking up and into your touch, wanting more of you against him. His hand pushes your shirt up, tucking it before he slips his fingers behind your back, reaching for your bra and taking it off once the hooks are undone. His hands cup at your boobs, vision glazed over you as he squeezes them together. He leans in with his mouth parted, looking up at you and making eye contact, whining slightly in lieu of asking for your permission. It’s hard to wait for your word when he’s just as desperate, wanting your touch and scent all over him.
“Jaemin, please,” You pant, hand flying to his hair and gripping softly, scratching your fingers against his scalp as an initiative. “Make me feel good, I want your mouth on me,”
He swipes his tongue against your perked bud, before blowing lightly and saying “Anything for my doll,” mouthing at your breast, before closing his lips around your nipple, sucking in as his free hand occupies itself with your other boob, slightly scraping his nail against you before pinching your tit. The pain and pleasure shoots through your body, as you moan his name, nails scratching his head.
Your whimpers and whines turn Jaemin on even more, as he swipes at your bud one last time before pulling back, tipping your face back towards him and kissing you again.
“Want your fingers…been thinking about this so much,” You reach for one of his hands, guiding him to the apex of your thighs, looking at him as you press his fingers against where you want him the most. Even through the thick fabric of your pants, the push of his fingers against your core has you whining, happy for some friction but wanting, needing more.
As his hand goes to unzip your pants, he replaces them deftly with his leg instead, pressing his knee against you.
“Fuck,” You sigh, as he presses himself closer to you, body now flushed against yours, thigh stimulating your pussy through your pants, mouth at your cheek, jaw, neck. Jaemin is completely overpowering your senses, yet you want more.
“Pretty doll, letting me do all of this to you.” he pushes your pants down, leaving you in your underwear and your shirt tucked up, fixing it every now and then to pinch at your tits, loving when you keen against him. “Wanting me to do all of this to you. Have you thought about me a lot? Bet you thought about us sneaking off right here so you could suck me off, or maybe thinking about me taking you right behind the counter, forcing yourself to act normal with my cock in you,” He hums against your ear, swiping his tongue against the shell before biting lightly on your lobe, wanting you to remember his touch all over you.
You’re not entirely sure what he's saying, yet you nod your head up and down, moan slipping past your lips at the light swipe of his fingers against your clothed core, doing anything to get him to give you more.
Jaemin chuckles, “Is your mind going blank already? I barely did anything to you baby, do I have to dumb it down for you and remind you?” His condescending tone is the only thing that registers in your head; that and the fact that he’s not doing anything, hands splayed still at your sides, his knee not pressing hard enough against you, with no signs of more.
He leans in and presses a sweet peck against you, before his hand squeezes your cheeks together, an attempt of garnering your attention back.
“If you want something,” He leans in, just a breath away, but moves back when your eyes lock on his lips and lean in. “You gotta tell me. I’ll only do what you want me to, got it?”
Nodding your head, you add a breathy ‘yes’ when Jaemin raises his eyebrows at you.
“Good girl,” He smiles, and it only makes your head just the slightest bit dizzy. But you’re brought back when you feel the press of his thigh against you once more, a friendly reminder of what you’re missing out on.
“I want your fingers,” You start, voice wavering a bit, getting shy from having to voice your dirty thoughts. But the press of his finger pads against you edges you on even more, encouraging you to continue. “Always look so good doing the most mundane things. Want you to fuck me with your fingers, fuck,” Jaemin proves to be a great listener, as he quickly makes work of shoving your underwear aside, commenting how you’ve ‘soaked through your panties and my pants, messy girl’. He rubs against your clit, building up a rhythm, before rubbing his fingers against your folds, soaking them in your juices thoroughly before the pad of his fingers press against your hole, making quick work.
“Fuck, you’re so tight,” Jaemin grunts at the squeeze of your walls against his two fingers, filling you to the hilt and shallowly pushing. “Bet you would feel so good around my cock,” You moan at his words, eyes falling shut as you rest your forehead against his shoulder, giving him better access to whisper such filthy words to you.
“So fucking dirty, getting off of my fingers in public like this. You’re lucky it’s late, no one gets to see you like this,” His fingers quicken their pace, the hot feeling in your stomach tightening as the palm of his hand smacks against your clit, other hand occupying itself with gripping your ass or tweaking your nipples. “Only I get to see you like this, messy and undone. All mine for the taking.”
“All yours,” You echo back, head burrowing further into his neck. As you feel another finger push into you, his pace making you clench tighter and tighter, you let out a high-pitched whine when his other hand comes down to stimulate your clit. Mockingly, Jaemin repeats back your moan in the same high-pitched voice, twisting the end of it to sound like a question.
“Is my baby close?” He pecks at the side of your forehead, a sweet gesture contrasting the pressure of his fingers against you.
“Please, Jaemin. Don’t stop,” You feel yourself grow hot, storage room now feeling stuffy as you separate from his shoulder, head tilted back against the door as your senses are overwhelmed.
“You’re so hot, fuck.” He smothers the pool of drool gathering at the corner of your lips, spreading it onto your cheek before leaning in for a kiss. It’s all tongue and teeth, too close and fucked out to makeout steadily, just wanting to feel him against you. Curling his fingers against you, you feel yourself ripping over the edge as he presses his other hand against your stomach and swipes his tongue over yours, sucking at the tip of your muscle before finishing it off with a peck.
“Let go, pretty. Show me how messy your cunt can get,” Fingers fucking into you, with a final rub and pinch of your clit you break off into a silent moan, hands clutching at his shoulders as you tense up, finally reaching your high. Jaemin’s fingers keep a steady pace as he helps you ride off your high, now going slower than before. But his fingers don’t stop even when you calm down, seeing how far you can go as he overstimulates you.
“Hurts,” You cry, but don’t make a move to stop his ministrations, hips pushing up into his touch, panting against his mouth when he kisses you again, pushing his fingers in and out of you. After a few more seconds though, your whine lilts painfully and you weakly push at his hand, to which he relents as he slows down the pace, before pulling them out carefully.
“It’s gonna feel icky for a bit, so bear with me,” Jaemin softly murmurs, reaching above to a shelf that conveniently holds paper towel rolls. The emptiness that is left emphasises the tiredness you feel, as your shoulders slump and you lean back against the door for further support. Jaemin folds the towel and dabs at your core, cleaning you up to the best of his abilities before he wraps his clean hand around your waist, manoeuvring you to lean against the wall, carefully pulling your shirt down and underwear and slacks back up. He slides the two of you down slowly, and you open your eyes to look at him, tiredness slowly wearing away as your heart flutters at his gestures.
“You okay?” He hums, his back now pressed against the wall, shoulder to shoulder with you as he gently smoothens his hand down your scalp, before cupping your face gently. You nod your head, leaning in and pressing a kiss against him.
“More than okay, that was so hot.” He chuckles at your words, poorly concealing the smug look that overtakes his features.
“I’m glad at least one of us had fun,” He teases, which makes you feel shy, as you spare a glance down to see a chub at the zip of his pants. He waves you off, adjusting himself a bit before sliding his hand into yours, lacing your fingers together.
“With what we did just then? I’ll be able to come for days even just thinking about you,” He laughs softly as you squeeze his hand in warning, before resting your head against his shoulder, with Jaemin reaching over for his jacket discarded earlier on, tugging it over your legs to provide warmth.
“You haven’t made a mistake today,” You mutter, breaking the silence that had settled as you play with his fingers with both your hands. Jaemin can only look at the side of your face as you say this, before getting comfortable and pressing his cheek against your head. “How could I when you have such high standards to meet? I need to be on your good side,” Your scoff holds no mean intentions, glancing at him briefly over your shoulder.
“You’re already on my good side,” He faux gasps.
“You’re telling me you liked me this whole time? I didn’t have to prove myself to you?” Jaemin squeals as he sways side to side, before wrapping himself around you and swaying you along with him.
You’re shy when you speak up again, muttering “I’ve already told you how I thought.. about you,” He tsks as he meets your eyes again, eyes going down to look at your lips that you bite nervously.
“Don’t even think about talking about that, I don’t know how long I can stay working here and pining after you.”
“But… I like— wait. Do you not like working at the restaurant?” Feeling like a deer caught in headlights, Jaemin tenses a bit at the information he let slip. He doesn’t want you to think that he’s ungrateful for your efforts, but the soft gaze that you give to him only soothes him.
“Okay, I’ll be honest. I think you’ve noticed by now that I’m not the most, flawless, person ever.”
“You’re telling me that you’ve made a few mistakes? No way,” He whines at your tease, as you bite your lip to contain your laughter, nodding your head to get him to continue.
“I’m just not really good at keeping part-time jobs like this. Things that need me to physically and actively do things. I once got fired from a scouts guidance group because I would give badges to the kids when they asked.”
“…Aren’t scout leaders there by volunteer? How can they fire you?”
“That’s my point!” He grumbles against you, bringing your head back down to his shoulder when you lift yourself to look at him, not wanting to look at you directly in your eyes. “And working as a waiter is definitely not easy, because I have to guess when a customer wants to order before they actually call me, and help with food and dietary needs and advice, and be smiling and happy all the time even when the old ladies pinch at my cheek and call me handsome like I’m some three-year-old golden child.” You pat at his bicep soothingly, fingers squeezing as he rambles on, letting him pour it all out.
“Well,” You bring your hands up to your lips, pressing a light kiss at the back of his hand before settling it back against your legs. “If you hate the job so much, why not quit and find something better?”
He stills as you ask this, thinking about your question. He hasn’t ventured far from the initial annoyance of having the job, not thinking of the reasons why he’s staying in contrast with the million reasons why he doesn’t want to. But the tingling feeling left at the back of his hand seems to be enough of an answer.
“Because I get to spend my time with you,” You squeeze your lips together as he says this, not knowing if you should cringe or swell at his words. You giggle lightly when you see him fall shy, hiding his face into your shoulder.
“Okay, then don’t quit,” You quip when you realise he’s not going to come out of hiding anytime soon, opting to play with your laced fingers instead. “Stay with me. You can deal with customers who ask if we have duck on our menu even when we clearly don’t, and try your best to not burn your finger on the sizzling plates, or get locked in the storage room overnight.” Jaemin feels bittersweet at the scenarios you provide, torn between what he should do.
“Or you can ask me out and then quit,” You shrug, conveniently avoiding his sudden gaze on you as he sits up. “Up to you,”
“I can do that?” You glare at him.
“I’m gonna blow up, Jaemin. I can’t believe you haven’t—” He stops you with a peck to your lips, now grinning like a maniac. “Can I be your boyfriend?”
“What will I gain?”
“Uhm… unlimited head?” You clench your grip on his hand harder. “...And a very deep and meaningful emotional connection where we fill each other's gaps and lift our—”
“Unlimited? Can you promise?” He’s about to agree without a second thought, before he sees you raise a suspicious eyebrow at him.
“Then yes, you can be mine.” He sighs contentedly now, cuddling himself back into you.
“I can’t wait to quit.”
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You’re not sure when you fell asleep, but you’re woken up by the sound of a door hinge and a sudden shine of light. You try to bring your hand up to shield the onslaught of the sunshine, but the weight on your hand reminds you of your position, with Jaemins head tucked on your shoulder and yours stacked on top, hands still laced and legs slightly tangled into each other. With a squint of your eyes, you look up at the figure standing at the door.
Jaehyun’s facial expression doesn’t change much, other than the slight parting of his mouth. To you, this means that not only is he shocked still, but also somehow angry and maybe … confused? If the left side of his lip is slightly tilted down; you’re still trying to learn.
“Jaemin,” Your hoarse voice calls, shaking the boy next to you lightly to wake him up. He whines, lips mumbling gibberish into your shoulder.
“The doors open, Jaem,” That wakes him up a bit more, as he squints towards the open door.
“Oh,” He says, and then Jaehyun clears his throat. “...Oh,” The two of you rise slowly, as Jaemin places his jacket over your shoulders.
“So,” Jaehyun starts when the three of you step out of the room, the two of you now standing like students being punished for their wrongdoings. It takes all his willpower for Jaemin to not raise his hands in fists over his head.
“Funny you ask, boss. Remember when you told me not to close the door?” Jaemin thought he started off strong before he saw you looking at him with wide eyes. Jaehyun’s lip tilts to the left.
“How could you ignore the only warning I gave you? Not only did you lock yourself in that room, but her too? You know how dangerous that is, what if we didn’t have a Sunday shift to open for? This liability costs you, Jaemin.” At that, the boy feels his posture straighten.
“Am I..?” Jaehyun's frown is the strongest expression Jaemin has ever seen. He feels like doing a backflip right now.
“Fired? Of course—” And it probably is rude for him to whoop as loud as he did, but Jaemin is on cloud nine, having bagged a person like you and being liberated from having to mop the floors like clockwork. He cups your cheeks and kisses you square on your lips, laughing at the surprised squeak you let out and the bliss he feels. Taking and shaking Jaehyun’s hand, he turns and walks out of the place.
Jaehyun sighs. “This is who you were rooting for?”
Your cheeks feel hot from the sudden public display of affection, before shrugging. “He’s cute. And he’s always trying his best.” You try as your hand clutches at the sleeve of the jacket he’s lent you.
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Ever since being fired from the restaurant, Jaemin feels like he now has the best of both worlds, going to the restaurant after your shift to pick you up, or spending time with you as your boyfriend throughout the week, not feeling like he only has to look forward to a shift to see your face. You’re also happy with this shift in your relationship, spending your time with him freely.
But Mark isn’t.
“I don’t know why you couldn’t have asked her out and kept your job. You don’t even get to use your twenty percent employee discount.”
“I mean, if I’m an ex-employee then I can’t see why I couldn’t.” Mark grunts as he smacks at Jaemin, leaving the latter with a pout on his lip as he rubs at his shoulder.
“I miss the Mongolian lamb, man. Can we not go back at all?” Jaemin thinks about it briefly, his mind going back to the restaurant and how you’re probably working your Friday shift at the moment. “I don’t see why not,” he hums, thinking about planning a day when both he and Mark can drop by, but he is dragged to his feet and is being pushed to wear his shoes and shrug on a jacket, before he is out the door with Mark guiding him through it all.
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“Welcome to Tao Village. Oh, hi,” You look up from the slip of the phone order you just took, seeing Jaemin and Mark standing at the door. Jaemin’s lips break into a smile as he sees you, already enamoured even when you’re in your work uniform. Mark merely smiles and nods his head as a greeting, before lifting up two fingers, gesturing for a table for them.
As the boys take their seats, you go up to them with a bottle of water and ask Mark if he wants his Mongolian lamb dish for today. He clasps a hand to his chest, touched. “I can’t believe you remembered.”
“It’s all you order, really.” You write down his order into the slip in your hand, before looking at your boyfriend, who’s been gazing at you fondly, barely concealing adoration. You tap at the menu in front of him, encouraging him to voice his order.
“I want you,” Jaemin’s smile is menacing as he says this. Mark visibly shrinks in his seat, but you barely blink. “Gross, dude,”
“A dish's name, Jaem. Or I’ll tell Jaehyun that you’re here.” At that he pouts, leaning back before asking for fried rice, and a glass of red wine.
Mark gets his dish on the sizzling plate, and Jaemin spends two whole minutes trying to make sure that your fingers didn’t get caught on to the hot pan. You smack at his hand to get him back to his food, to which he flings his hand back, making impact with his glass and conveniently spilling the red drink all over. Mark blinks twice at the scene unfolding, pausing when he almost shoved a piece of lamb into his mouth, before continuing when he sees the wine only seep into the tablecloth and not anywhere near him.
Jaemin looks between the cloth and your expression. “Look at what you did,”
“What I did? Your hand was the one that smacked into the glass. You didn’t even try to catch it?” Jaemin ignores your words, waving at your words as if they’re merely pesky flies.
“It’s okay, I can forgive you but you have to compensate in another way,” He smirks at you, before his fingers slowly inch towards your waitress' apron wrapped around your waist, thumbing at the fabric tied around you. “Maybe a pretty girl like you can go out with me?”
You smile sweetly, clasping his hands into yours and rubbing your thumb into the back of his hand. You place it down on the table, your smile not dimming as you shake your head. “You have to pay for that, kind sir,” You nod your head in mock shame and guilt. Jaemin’s smile dims as he looks at the red-stained tablecloth.
“It’s part of the Tao Village policy.”
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OKAY the part where jaemin *mocks.. u hehe was completely inspired by @/sunpopz haechan fic called ‘free falling’ !! give that a read bc its soso good
thank you for reading! let me know if you enjoyed it &lt;3
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yeoosaangg · 8 months
Church || Kinktober - Day 15
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pairing ▸ na jaemin × f!reader
now playing ▸ church - chase atlantic
⤷ ❝and i'll keep leading you on if you keep leading me into your room.❞
genre ▸ non-idol au, situationship, smut, angst
warnings ▸ mirror sex, fingering, marking, praise, choking, breeding kink
── ⋆ ⋆ ── 𔘓 ── ⋆ ⋆ ──
Everyone in your new town warned you - do not get involved with Na Jaemin.
It was odd to be told that right out the gate, but you complied. It was a small town, with one university for the locals to attend if they wish to remain in familiar territory.
You chose this college because it's where your mom grew up. She passed away last year and you wanted to fulfill her wishes of seeing the place.
Your dad wasn't enthusiastic in moving there, but he'll do what your mom said because he still loves her.
And when you met a few people, they'd tell you about everyone's business. Literally.
The head cheeleader? Sleeping with the football coach.
The football captain? Sleeping with the music teacher.
Na Jaemin? Stay away from him.
You listened to your new friends for a while; you did not want to be a part of the drama. But because you were "fresh", you had caught his attention next.
Jaemin: One date. I swear you won't regret it.
Y/n: No thanks. Have a nice day.
He didn't give up until you finally cracked. He took the opportunity to approach you when he found out your friends didn't have classes for the day.
Jaemin: I'm serious, let me take you on a date.
This time around, you caved - only to get him to back off!
But after the one date, you both couldn't stay away from each other. You, because he made you feel alive. Him, because you're the perfect little fuckdoll.
Every other girl in that town was so eager to sleep with him, he did it to shut them up and never go back.
But you, wow you couldn't have been more perfect. A virgin willing to let him teach you how to please him? Why would he ever say no to that?
And then the inevitable happened - you fell in love with him.
You knew, by the caution of others, that he wasn't one for commitment. He'll fuck a girl once and never go back. But you felt special because he did come back. Multiple times, in fact.
Everytime you'd bring up a possible relationship, he shuts it down and distracts you with his kisses.
You couldn't take it anymore and decided cut him off if he wasn't going to take you seriously.
Jaemin: C'mon, angel. Don't throw us away.
Y/n: There is no us, Jaemin. You made sure of that.
And you kept your word. You stopped seeing him in secrecy, occupying yourself with your studies. You even met a guy who makes you laugh and feel important.
And Jaemin made a fool of himself by picking a fight with him during one of the lunch breaks.
Juyeon: What the fuck is your problem, dude?
Jaemin: You're my fucking problem, Lee Juyeon. Stay the fuck away from Y/n.
Juyeon: Why should I? Because she agreed to go on a date with me after rejecting you for months?
Jaemin: She's mine. I don't fucking share.
Juyeon: She's no one's property, Na. No wonder she hates you.
That set Jaemin off. He doesn't even know what he's doing, all he knows is he's angry and Juyeon's his target. Lefts and rights collide onto his jaw, drawing blood.
It wasn't until he heard your voice that he finally stops beating the man to a pulp.
Y/n: What the fuck is wrong with you?
Jaemin: Baby, I can expl-
Y/n: Shut up. Just stay the fuck away from me.
You crouch down, helping Juyeon to his feet. You were going to accompany him to the infirmary, but Jaemin wasn't having it.
You yelp when he lifts you off the ground, making his way out of the dining hall and out to the student parking lot. He opens his car and makes sure to put your seatbelt on.
You try to get out, but the door stays locked. Did he child proof it? Such an asshole.
All your friends were in distress as they saw you trying to get out. Jaemin drives off in the direction of his apartment that no one knew belongs to him.
No one except you.
Y/n: Jaemin, please. Just forget about me.
Jaemin: You're fucking crazy if you think I'll listen to that stupid request. I don't want other men touching what's mine.
Y/n: I'm not yours.
Jaemin: Why do you keep saying that? I'm the one that took your virginity, first kiss, first everything! That makes you mine.
Y/n: No, it doesn't. It just means I trusted you at the time.
Jaemin: You don't trust me now?
Y/n: Not with the way you're acting.
If you weren't looking at him, you'd miss the tears streaming down his face.
He never cries.
Jaemin: Baby, please don't say things like that. It hurts to hear you say you don't trust me.
Y/n: Why are you crying? You don't even care about me the way I needed you to.
Jaemin: I want to.
Jaemin: I want to care about you that way, but I don't know how. You're the first girl I've ever felt something more with than just lust. And it fucking terrifies me. But when you left? I felt like I was dying, angel.
This can't be happening right now.
He pulls into the apartment complex's parking garage, and both of you just sit in silence until he speaks up.
Jaemin: Please don't leave me.
Y/n: I can't keep doimg this with you, Jaemin.
Jaemin: Why not?
He looks so sad, an emotion he never displays. You don't want to give in, in case it's all an act.
Y/n: You don't like me that way, Jaemin.
Jaemin: And how would you know that?
You don't, but if he did he would've asked you out when you voiced your affection.
Jaemin: Come upstairs with me. I'll show you that I'm serious about this.
You should've known better than to listen because now he has you on our knees in front of a large, full length mirror.
Jaemin: Remember that conversation we had when we started this?
Y/n: How could I forget?
He asked you what your biggest fantasy in bed was, so you naturally replied with the truth - to be fucked in front of a mirror.
He never gave you that fantasy back then, just stored the information for later.
Your breath hitches when he starts to undress you.
He pauses a bit when he senses your hesitation. Despite his past actions, he meant everything he said on the way there.
Jaemin: Do you want this?
Y/n: Yes.
Jaemin: Are you sure?
Y/n: I want to see if you're telling the truth.
He tries to smile, but it just falls.
He knows it's going to take a lot more than just fucking you to show that he's serious about you. He'll gladly spend months, even years, proving himself to you.
Jaemin continues to undress you, touching everywhere with such tenderness. He usually gets straight to the point and fucks you dumb.
But this wasn't just any rendezvous hookup, you're his everything. And he wants to show you that.
He starts fondling your breasts, using his fingers to stimulate your nipples.
You hate how his touch instantly relaxes you. You don't want to admit it, but you've missed him.
Jaemin: I've never had someone consume every part of my mind, body, and soul the way you have, princess. But, fuck, I don't want that to stop.
Y/n: Really?
Jaemin: Mhm. I can't lose you again, baby. I was already feeling crazy this time around. Next time, I fear I'll do something reckless.
Y/n: You think there'll be a next time?
Jaemin: I have to be realistic. This is all new to me, and I'm bound to make mistakes. But I hope you can find it in your heart to see that I'm trying. For you.
You lay your head against his shoulder, grinding down on his clothed erection.
Y/n: We'll figure it out if the time comes. For now, show me that you mean what you're saying.
He nods, kissing you deeply as his hand travels down to your clit. A moan falls passed your lips - right next to his ear - from finally being touched.
He slides his finger up and down your folds, loving the way your eyes are trained at the mirror. He can see you biting your bottom lip at the sight.
He shoves two fingers inside, making you choke on your moan. He just pumps his fingers rapidly, eventually adding another.
Jaemin: Keep looking, baby. Want you to see how gorgeous you look when you cum for me.
He starts painting your neck with lots of dark marks, staring at you through the mirror. You cum all over his fingers and the floor.
Jaemin: Beautiful.
You watch yourself catch your breath, a smile curling at the corners of your lips. That was so hot, you want more.
He undresses himself, and then positions himself right behind you. He hooks his arm to both of yours, lining his hard cock to your pussy.
Jaemin: Do not look away. Want you to see just how much of a goddess you are when I fuck you. Can you do that for me, angel?
You nod, wiggling your ass so he can put it in already.
He chuckles, bottoming out with no hesitation. He knows you can take his big size perfectly.
You watch yourself ceumble as his thrusts get rougher and slower. He wants you to feel his cock stretching your gummy walls - and, fuck, do you feel it.
Jaemin: You look so pretty taking all of my cock, princess.
He reaches around to hold you by the throat, letting go of your arms in the process. You scream, cumming again from the sensitivity.
He doesn't stop ramming his dick into you, loving the way your face is contorting to one of pure pleasure.
The way he's choking you forces the eye contact you have to make through the mirror. You love the way he's also moaning along with you - usually he grunts quietly.
Jaemin: You're doing so good, baby. Love the way your cunt begs for my cock. Did you miss me, too?
Y/n: So much!
It was hard to speak with his hand around your throat, so a short and simple answer will suffice. He didn't mind, though - your eyes tell him everything.
Jaemin: You want to cum again, don't you? Go ahead, love. Cum all over my cock.
It was like his words activated another orgasm. You can feel your essence dripping down your thighs and onto his.
You feel him fill you up, moaning as the warm liquid paints your gummy walls.
But he still wasn't done.
He pushes your head down onto the ground, chin up so you can still see yourselves.
Jaemin: Gonna get you pregnant, angel. Fill you up so no other man thinks he has a chance with you. They're gonna see how happy we are and get jealous.
You moan, clenching around his cock. You honestly love that idea more than you should.
Jaemin: You like that, don't you princess? Then I'll make it happen.
He continues to pound your pussy, the position allowing him to fuck you deeper than ever. He just abuses your hole until you're filled with three loads of his kids.
He kisses your shoulders, winking at you while his hips smack against your ass.
Jaemin: Look at you falling apart, baby. Think you can cum for me one more time?
Y/n: Mhm.
You can't even speak anymore with how good his cock is opening you up. You both cum one last time, staying in the position until he can properly pull out.
Jaemin: Keep your ass up. Don't want to watch anymore cum escape.
All you could do was listen because your body was twitching from getting fucked dumb by him.
He comes back and gently inserts a plug in your cunt, kissing in between your thighs to help distract you.
Jaemin: I'm running a bath. I'll take good care of you, my princess.
You just let him carry you into the bathroom.
He doesn't get in the tub with you, choosing to focus on you instead. He washes your hair and body so delicately, you'd think he was handling glass.
Y/n: Is it too soon to say the L word?
He freezes for a moment before he smiles at you.
Jaemin: Yeah. But I'll let you know when we can, okay?
Y/n: Okay.
a/n: yeah, i jinxed myself. gonna go sleep (,,•﹏•,,) thanks for reading ‹𝟹
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moonjella · 2 years
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pairing || 00 line x fem!reader
synopsis || it's your first halloween at this prestigious school and with it is your first annual halloween masquerade. it's elegance and classiness mixed with the spirits of the young and drunk — a party like no other. but there is one rule : do not remove your mask. easy enough in theory, but in practise you find yourself to be the only prey in a room full of predators.
content || mature, minors do not interact! alcohol consumption. explicit smut — gangbang, unprotected sex, pulling out, cumming inside, cunningulus, fingering, blowjob, doggy style, riding, double penetration (spitroasting), anal play, multiple orgasms, overstimulation, petplay, petnames, degradation and praise, dom/sub dynamics.
word count || 6.9k
author's note || for @underworldnet’s halloween event — day eight : costume.
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“A bunny?” you scoff. “Really?”
“It was the only thing left in your size.” Shotaro explains. And in all honesty, it looks like the dress is two times smaller than anything you’ve worn before.
“I’m sure the fancy dress store would have had something better.”
“And I’m sure you know that this isn’t a party for five–year–olds. This isn’t fancy dress, it’s fancy dress. As a member of the committee, I can’t allow you into the party with me if you don’t follow the rules.”
“Maybe that’s the point,” you snatch the dress from his hands and throw it onto the bed. But you pick up the glamorous mask from the box he’d opened for you. This, at least, was something to admire.
A bunny mask, white with gems and lace dotted delicately across it with two white feathers poking from the top to act as ears.
“Come on,” he whines. “You promised you’d come this year.”
“I know I did but now that it’s a few hours away, I’m beginning to think it’s okay to break some promises.”
“You’d really break a promise with your best friend?” he gasps. It sounds like he’s only kidding when he fake sobs but it’s Shotaro and you know it means something to him deep down.
He’s your best friend, after all.
You tut and let out a quiet exhale.
“I’ll go,” you say to him. “But is there really nothing else I can wear?”
“I spent all day shopping to find your costume…” he pouts.
“Fine,” you huff. “Is there a reason I’m bunny?”
“Didn’t I tell you this year’s theme is animals?”
“I thought it was masquerade.”
“Every year is masquerade, dummie. But the theme changes every year, not many people go with the theme anyway. But I thought it would be fun for us to do it, since it’s your first time.”
“What’s your animal?” you ask him.
“I’m an otter.” He says with the biggest, dorkiest smile ever.
“An otter?”
“Yeah!” his eyes close up from how much he’s smiling and you can’t find it in yourself to question his choice further.
“This party’s a big deal, huh?” you mutter to yourself.
“I’ll pick you up at nine, ‘kay?”
You nod and wave him goodbye while he runs out of your room. You know in the few hours until the party, he’ll barely have enough time to get ready himself since he’s part of the committee.
Neither you or Shotaro were party people, but the annual Halloween masquerade is something he takes pride in — mainly because him and a bunch of his friends host it every year, but also because he loves the spooky season.
Though, you can imagine there’d be little festivities happening tonight.
With the kind of crowd at your college — a prestigious and expensive kind — the partygoers only care about drinking overpriced champagne and showing off their designer outfits.
It’s not that you never attended by your own choice. Shotaro invited you every year but last year you fell sick and the year before you were behind with assignments.
You feel worried, in a way. Sure, you’ve been to your share of parties. But this is the biggest party of the year. And your outfit seemed lame.
Tonnes of people go as bunnies, and the number of bunnies would be higher since the theme is animals. Oh well, you trust Shotaro’s choice.
You sigh as you look over the items on your bed.
The white dress, the embellished mask and a pair of white kitten heels — Shotaro knows you wouldn’t be able to handle stilettos for an entire night and you silently thank him for taking note.
You remind yourself to pay him in return for going shopping on your behalf as you get in the shower. Playing your favourite songs, you get ready with a bit of a lighter mood.
Since you’re wearing a mask, you don’t go too heavy on the eyes and instead focus on picking out the perfect shade of lipstick. And then you move onto your hair.
When you’re done, you slip into your dress, fumbling with the zipper as your arms reach around your back to pull it up. You put on your shoes and straighten yourself out in the mirror.
You look… beautiful.
White never looked so good on you.
No one in the entire campus has seen you show so much skin and you begin to tremble with bad nerves but a knock on your room door grounds you.
“You look amazing!” Shotaro looks you up and down with a huge smile.
He is donned in a brown tweed suit. His hair is slicked back and the upper half of his face is covered with a mask — rounded eyes and rounded ears and brown fur.
“Mr. Otter,” you greet him. “You’re late.”
“Only by two minutes,” he grins and picks up your mask before tying the ribbons around your head, making sure to not spoil your perfectly styled hair. “How are you feeling?”
“A little nervous, but I’m starting to feel excited.”
Although the pit of your stomach is a little wobbly, there is a thrilling sensation in your chest that outweighs it. it’s safe to say you’re not as reluctant as before now that Shotaro is here. He’s so happy to see you.
You can only imagine how excited he is for you to finally attend his party.
Maybe it’s the excitement of Shotaro escorting you, or the fact that it’s your first time going, but when you look in the mirror while he fixes your mask, you feel like a completely different person. And you like it.
Maybe just for one night, you could be someone else.
“Ready to go?” he asks.
Your hand slips into his naturally. “Yeah.”
“You remember the rule, right?”
“Don’t take off your mask.”
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The party is everything you imagined it to be, and everything you didn’t imagine it to be.
You’re in awe at the sheer elegance of it.
Sure, you’ve heard many stories about it. You never attended but it was no doubt a hot topic of conversation for days afterwards and people began looking forward to next year’s party immediately.
As you stepped into the hall, it feels like a new age ballroom for modern teens.
Like the old days of high society somehow met with drunken teen spirit of the twenty–first century.
You would be lying to say you aren’t impressed when Shotaro asks you.
Staring up at the dazzling chandeliers, Shotaro’s arm slips from your hold as he hugs some random guy. You don’t recognise him because of the mask he’s wearing, but he’s all green. His suit a dark shade of emerald velvet while his mask is a few shades lighter with textured snake skin.
His smile, on the other hand, is charming and completely unalike to a snake.
They exchange chatter and you don’t pay attention to their words until Mr. Snake lays his eyes on you. His pretty smile widens to show a perfect set of teeth.
Before he can introduce himself, you’re met with a handful of girls who’ve been excited to see you since you announced to them you’d be at the party. They whisk you away and you give a sorry wave to Shotaro.
You didn’t want to leave him so early but he cheers you on with raised fists.
You’re rushed onto the dance floor but you want nothing more than to peel away from the crammed bodies. For a few moments, you blend in on the border of enjoying dancing but you’d need a few drinks to loosen up first.
You escape the grasp of sweaty bodies wrapped in expensive clothes and slip away to the side.
If the party is this hyper right now, you certainly don’t feel excited for how much louder it will get in a few hours.
But then again… tonight’s all about letting go, right?
It wouldn’t hurt to join in with the chaos for one night.
Everyone’s wearing masks and you can barely recognise who is who unless you know them personally.
There’s a hint of fun among all of this.
The hairs on the back of your neck stand up and a gentle shiver runs down your spine. It’s thrilling. And you feel like everyone is watching — your body grows a little to elated to what you’re used to.
Backing away from the crowd, you walk over to the punch table.
You sniff it before drinking, registering a hint of alcohol hidden among the fruity taste.
If you wanted to get completely wasted, you’d have started with the champagne on the other side of the room but you settle with some surprisingly good punch for now.
You just needed easing up a little.
And it works pretty fast. Your shoulders slowly relax and the dancefloor doesn’t seem so daunting now.
You feel a timid buzz in your body and it becomes stronger when someone joins you at the punch table.
He leans his butt against it after pouring a cup and sips it while looking you up and down.
You feel yourself burst into flames under the gaze of… a bear?
You nod.
“Nice,” he smirks. “You’re missing a tail, though.”
You roll your eyes and sip your own drink while his eyes slip down your back to your butt where he would expect to see a plush ball of white fur. You didn’t think about it until now, but your mask and ears are enough to let others know what animal you are. A missing tail isn’t a big deal.
But the way Mr. Bear looks at your body is.
It’s a new feeling; you like it, but you also don’t.
Discomfort floods your body but at the same time, you don’t want the feeling to go away. You can feel the walls of your comfort zone breaking away little by little.
You sigh at the thought. You’re doing this for Shotaro, remember?
Speaking of, you glance around the room and spot him surrounded by a group of people. Always the social butterfly. You feel proud of him in a way, but it didn’t help that you’re too awkward to speak to anybody else in the room.
Small talk has never been your expertise.
“Enjoying the party?” Mr. Bear asks.
“Just sure? Not this is the best party you’ve ever been to?”
“It’s not the worst,” you shrug.
He chuckles and takes another sip of his drink.
“You look like you don’t go to many parties.”
“I don’t.”
“Then why are you here?”
Now, who does he think he is interrogating you for no reason, hm? His bear mask is less than intimidating, but the smirk on his face when he sees you firing up is enough to unsettle your nerves.
He’s here to piss you off on purpose.
There’s no need to give him what he wants.
Just finish your drink and go to the dance floor, maybe find Shotaro and dance with him for a bit before leaving.
“It’s rude to ignore people. It would be a shame to see a cute, little bunny get into trouble with the big, bad bear.”
He scoots over to you as he says it and he makes sure to whisper it right into your ear.
You swallow, ignoring the way his breath floats over your skin and causes goosebumps to rise. You curse the dress for not being long enough to hide how your body reacts to him.
“Big and bad, my ass,” you scoff, hiding your nervousness with an attitude. “You’re as intimidating as my little toe.”
You roll your eyes. When is this loser going to leave?
“You here with anyone?”
“Did you come here with a date or are you alone?”
“Why do you want to know?”
“Just curious if you had an invite.”
“First of all, I was invited. And secondly, if I didn’t, I wouldn’t choose to spend my night breaking into some dumb party.”
“You sound angry,” he hisses. “Maybe you should leave if you don’t like it.”
“I would but some asshole bear keeps trying to talk to me.”
He’s silent for a moment before asking, “Who did you come with?”
Your grit your teeth. All the work the alcohol had done to relax you had failed the moment this pretentious ass came along.
“I came with Shotaro,” you tell him.
“Shotaro?” he laughs. “You gotta be kidding. Do you really expect me to believe that?”
“Why not? Is it so hard to believe?”
“A little,” he admits, clearly becoming agitated with you. “How about I call him over so you can say it to him?”
“What are you—”
“Relax, Haechan” Mr. Snake appears in true snake fashion. He attempts to rub away the tension in Mr. Bear’s shoulders. “She’s with Taro. I saw them come in together.”
The bear bites back a remark and finally shuts up.
With the snake dude is another guy — dark hair and piercing eyes. It takes you a while but you realise his mask depicts a wolf.
“You’re YN, right?” he says. “Taro talks about you a lot.”
You nod silently.
“Shit… you’re YN?” Haechan brings his fist up to cover his mouth. You don’t know why he’s so shocked but him being stunned to silence works for you.
“I’m Jeno.” Mr. Wolf holds out his hand but you don’t take it.
He retracts it slowly and you look to Mr. Snake again.
“Jaemin,” he introduces himself. “And you know Haechan already, I see.”
The four of you fall into silence. After learning their names, you can’t say you know them. You don’t recall ever having classes with any of them.
“Are you enjoying the party?” Mr. Snake slash Jaemin asks.
“It’s fine,” you say plainly. “The company, however, is not.”
Your words cut through the air between you like a knife and you can tell they’re all taken aback. You’re not sure where this fieriness has come from but it feels exhilarating. Seeing them all look at you in surprise while at the same time, their eyes travel up and down your body.
Being set on fire by three different gazes is new but addicting.
You direct your attention to tracing the shape of the pumpkin on your cup of punch while they begin chattering to one another. It’s a little awkward and you’re about to leave before you’re knocked into.
Thankfully, your white dress doesn’t get stained but the white shirt of a tux turns red with the punch.
“Aww, man, my shirt!”
You step back immediately, not wanting any of the stains on you.
“I told you to watch it,” a familiar voice whines. Renjun appears donning a fox mask while patting down YangYang with some napkins. “Oh, hey YN. You look… good.”
You don’t miss the way his eyes stick on your body before looking away.
“Th–thanks…” you mutter.
Renjun is a quiet friend, but he always goes out of his way to speak with you. You have a few classes together and you get along well. But one thing you’ve always wanted to ask him is why he hangs out with YangYang so much.
Renjun is a sweet, calm and mature guy. YangYang is nothing but trouble. He’s loud and grabs attention wherever he goes. You try not to question their friendship much but as Renjun tries to clean the stain on the latter’s suit, you really wonder how their friendship came to be.
YangYang wears a mask with a pointed nose and eyes — an eagle.
Interesting choice.
Being surrounded by them all — all of whom are taller than you — makes you feel intimidated. They share glances between themselves; it’s awkward but no one says anything.
Renjun continues to help YangYang clean himself, Haechan starts whining again and thankfully, it’s not to you. And the other two, Jeno and Jaemin, deal with both Haechan’s annoyance and YangYang’s carelessness.
While they’re distracted, you take the opportunity to slip away and scour the floor for Shotaro. He’s further away now and you don’t look forward to fighting your way through the dancefloor to get to him.
You pull your phone from your purse and send him a quick text message. He checks his phone straight away and his eyes search for you as soon as he sees it and you give him a little wave. He smiles back in acknowledgement before his attention is stolen again.
The message reads: gonna head to the private room for a bit. I’ll come back soon
You head to the said room, looking back to ensure nobody saw you slipping through the back door of the hall and down the empty corridors of the building.
When you reach the room, you close the door quietly behind you.
The lights are already turned on, albeit dim. Somebody probably forgot to switch them off, maybe Shotaro.
He showed you his “secret” room a long time ago but you never visited it frequently until recently. He used it to plan for the party while you studied sitting next to him. No one else ever came when you were alone so you assume it’s an unused room.
Shotaro told you he sometimes comes here alone when he feels stressed, and asked for you to use it freely.
You collapse onto the soft couch; the plush, velvety material drags you deeper while you take off your mask and fling it onto the coffee table.
“So much for getting out of my comfort zone.”
You scroll through your phone until you’re bored and then spend the rest of your time laying in silence staring at the decorated ceiling.
Shotaro probably won’t have much time to come see you away from the party so you decide to head back.
But as soon as you stand, you hear voices growing louder. You stop a few feet away from the door, waiting for them to pass so you can leave only for the door to your room to swing wide open.
You jolt slightly, heart racing for some reason.
“Another shirt ruined. My mom’s going to kill me.” YangYang says as he enters first but stops in his tracks right in front of you.
The others bump into him subsequently.
“YN,” the wolf — Jeno — says. “What are you doing here?”
“I… I was just leaving.” You duck to the side to make a narrow escape but a big, tall bear stands in your way.
“Not so fast, little bunny. You know this is our room, right?”
You clench your jaw. What is it with this guy and trying to cause you problems?
“I didn’t know.”
“So you just go wandering into any room you like?”
“I…, no. Shotaro brought me here. He said I can use it whenever.”
“Oh, he did now?”
“Yes, he did.”
“Now, now children. Let’s not start getting into it again.” Jaemin says.
The others step further into the room and you try to leave again but Haechan still stands in your way.
“You gonna move or what?”
“Would you look at that?” he scoffs. “Bunny’s got a bite.”
If he doesn’t stop, you might actually bite him.
He steps closer and you stand up straighter when he looks down at you. He’s only inches away; he feels… addicting.
“Don’t act so brave, little bunny. Or the big, bad bear might gobble you up whole.”
You scoff.
“Not likely. The majority of a bear’s diet consists of vegetation.”
“Bunny’s got a brain, too.” Jaemin says from the couch. Your back is facing him so you don’t see him picking up the bunny mask you left on the table and waving it to the others. “But not a big one, apparently.”
The rest of them have settled comfortably in the room and before you know it, Haechan is grabbing you by the wrist and dragging you to sit with them.
“What are you doing?!”
“Can’t let you go back out there when you’ve broken the rule. The little bunny needs to be punished.”
“What rule?” you huff. “Let go of me.”
You’re more than surprised when he places you in his lap. Freezing up immediately, your eyes widen but the rest of them act like this is just a normal day.
“Did Taro forget to tell you?” Renjun asks, and then explains, “You’re not allowed to take off your mask.”
“Be quiet. You’re annoying me.” Haechan says.
And that’s exactly why he has you in his lap, isn’t it? Being stuck here is definitely a punishment.
They begin yet another conversation, complaining about how exhausted they all are from organising the party.
“Wait, you guys are on the committee?”
“Duh.” Haechan mutters beneath you.
“We all host the party with Shotaro,” Jeno explains. “Every year.”
You take in the information slowly. Maybe you should have thought twice before dissing the party to them earlier. No wonder the man beneath you got so pressed.
Stuck in your thoughts, you fall into silence again before a tickle against your leg stirs you. Jaemin’s fingers trace little patterns into your skin. He meets your eyes briefly before giving his attention back to the others as if nothing happened.
They continue talking but you feel both Haechan and Jaemin growing closer to you.
Haechan’s breath flutters over your skin. He places his chin on your shoulder and teases you ear with his lips. Your too stunned to comprehend his whispers and Jaemin snakes his way closer to you.
The others are watching as the two slowly break down your walls and every nerve in your body is on high alert.
Jaemin’s hand travels past the hem of your dress and you gasp as Haechan’s lips finally touch your skin. He’s soft, gently breathing onto the skin of your neck before biting down.
“Ah!” you yelp.
Your body is hot while the others watch Jaemin rubbing your thighs and Haechan leaving marks all along your shoulder.
“What are you doing?” you whisper.
“Hm? Don’t you like this?”
You bite your lips. You do, but it feels so wrong to admit it.
The desperation takes over, and you nod eagerly. This punishment doesn’t seem bad at all.
“Use your words, bunny. Tell us you want it.”
“I want it.”
“What do you want?”
“You. I want all of you.”
“Fuck…” you hear Jeno chuckle behind you. “Who knew Taro’s girl was this desperate?”
“I…I’m not…”
“Don’t give us that crap,” YangYang butts in. His legs are spread wide on the couch and his arms across the back of it. “Why don’t you come over here?”
“Hey, I had her first!” Haechan whines.
“Fuck you. You’ve had her all this time. You wanna know how hard my dick is from watching?”
“Not my problem.” Haechan says and grabs you by the cheeks, slamming his lips onto yours.
Your mouth opens to his immediately, letting him inside and you feel warmth in every part of you, especially in your core. You rub your thighs together, fidgeting in his lap and ensuring you rock your ass against his hardening cock.
Jaemin is exploring you with him. His hands have snuck under your dress, cupping your ass while he attacks your neck with his lips.
His mask grazes against your jaw and his dark eyes look to you through narrow slits.
There’s something exhilarating about his face being hidden, all of theirs. Maybe it was a good thing you were the only one to break the rule.
Haechan lifts your hips and situates you exactly how he wants.
Your ass presses right onto his dick while Jaemin helps him spread your legs wide on either side of him. He drops to his knees, kissing his way up from your ankles to your inner thighs.
His lips tickle you and your core tenses.
“Mind if I take ‘em off?” He notions towards your white, lacey panties.
You nod, swallowing nervously as he peels them away. You can feel the arousal on the material when it parts from you.
“Fuck, you’re so wet…”
“Of course, she is,” Haechan kisses your neck. “She’s a slutty little bunny. Ain’t that right?”
He nudges you and you nod quickly.
One of his hands cups your breast while the other pulls your dress up, holding it against your stomach so no obstacles are left for Jaemin.
“You sure you want this?” Jaemin asks. You appreciate his sentiment but you’re too desperate for his niceties.
“Yes, please…just touch me!”
A filthy grin finds its way to his face before he dips his head and attaches his lips to your pussy.
“Ah!” you whimper.
Your back presses into Haechan as it arches and your ass grinds against his cock while you rock your hips back and forth against Jaemin’s face. He grabs your thighs, holding them tight around his neck while he licks and sucks.
He drags his teeth over your clit gently, causing you to cry out from the feeling. And then he rubs his tongue up and down, electrifying your entire body.
You feel your orgasm approaching when he shoves two fingers into your pussy with ease. You’re so fucking wet and he spreads you open while tasting your sweet essence.
Pleasure hits you, blinding your senses and your body trembles in Haechan’s embrace. You’re gasping and crying, begging for Jaemin to not stop and finally your hips stop moving.
You collapse onto Haechan and catch your breath. Upon opening your eyes, you see them all staring at you with mouths wide open.
“You sound so pretty…” Renjun mutters.
Some of them stroke their boners over their slacks, others watch quietly, waiting for the next move.
“My turn.” Haechan flips you onto the couch. Your shoulders meet the cushions while your ass bends upwards. You shuffle into a more comfortable version while Haechan rips off his belt and pulls out his cock.
He hisses when he strokes it a few times.
“God, you’re so hot…” he whispers. “Gonna fuck you so good.”
You moan into the cushions while he prods your entrance.
“Wait,” Jeno calls.
“The fuck do you want?”
You turn your head to see Mr. Wolf reaching into his pocket and making his way to you. He talks directly to you, ignoring Haechan completely.
“Now’s a good time to tell you about the little gift Shotaro bought you.”
He reveals a fluffy white ball. You’re not sure of its purpose at first until you see the rounded metal hidden beneath all the fur.
Your eyes widen in shock.
“Shotaro got me that?!”
“He pussied out last minute and gave it to me instead. But it was meant for you.”
“Why the hell would he give it to you?” Renjun asks and Jeno shrugs while the others laugh.
You swallow grimly, eyes not leaving the toy.
“How about we give our bunny a tail?” Haechan grins.
His voice is so sickeningly annoying but you can’t get enough of it.
“What do you say?”
You purse your lips in thought.
Did Taro really get you that?
What did he mean by it?
Does he… want to have sex with you? Or was it only meant to as an accessory to your costume?
You don’t have time to think about it and you brush the notions away quickly with a nod.
“Bunny wants a tail.” You whine cutely, pouting your lips as you look up at him.
You hear one of them groan and Haechan grabs handfuls of your ass, spreading your cheeks and spitting between them. His fingers rub gently, spreading his spit.
Meanwhile, Jeno bends down to your level.
“Open wide.”
You part your lips and stick out your tongue, letting the saliva dribble. He rubs the metal part of the ball up and down, coating it in saliva before ordering you to suck on it. Whispers of curses fill the room as you make the most needy face you can while sucking on the toy.
“Good girl,” Jeno strokes your hair, tickling your scalp with his fingers.
The plug pops from your mouth Haechan holds you open while Jeno slips it in your ass.
“Relax, baby,” he rubs your body to ease. “There we go. Almost there.”
He teases it in and out of your hole until you’re ready to take it fully and then he pushes it in. You whine from the sensation but the feeling of being filled is incredible. You shake your ass teasingly and both of them grab it, leaving a red mark from a slap.
Haechan wastes no time in fucking you. He pushes into your pussy, guiding your hips onto him with eagerness. His cock spreads you open and he stutters vocally.
“Ah, you’re so fucking tight…”
You whine in response and push your hips back and forth with him, allowing him to dive in deeper. Your walls wrap around him and he stills for a moment when he’s fully situated.
“Fuck, Haechan!” you cry. “Feels so good.”
“Baby, I’m not even doing anything.” He chuckles and the others laugh with him. “You’re such a little bunnywhore, ain’t ya? So desperate for my cock.”
“Yes!” you cry out. “Please, Haechan, want you to fuck me so good.”
“What was that? I don’t think the others heard you.”
“Please! Fuck me real good, Haechan. Wanna be fucked like a little whore!”
He drags his cock out slowly before slamming back in.
“What a slutty little bunny.”
You moan into the cushions, not caring if they become covered with your drool and makeup. You can only feel Haechan’s cock driving in and out of you and the heated gaze of everyone else on the two of your bodies.
“Fuck, I’m gonna cum already.” Haechan says and you clench around him. “Fuck, fuck, fuck!”
He thrusts a few more times before pulling out and jerking his cock over your ass. His hot cum hits you in spurts and you wiggle your hips side to side while he groans and empties his load on you.
“Fucking perfect…” he whispers and falls onto the couch.
“Who’s next?” Jeno asks.
You rise up on trembling arms and all of them are silent, but expectant. You crawl over to the one closest to you, Renjun.
He seems nervous, swallowing loudly when you touch him.
“You… you don’t have to YN.”
“But I want to.”
You kiss his ears, his neck, his lips. Your hands sneak under his blazer and trace his hard body over his shirt. He nods shyly.
“What do you want me to do?” you ask softly.
“You…” he gasps and throws his head back when you squeeze his cock. “Your mouth. Use your mouth.”
You fall to the floor immediately, held warmly between his legs and he helps you remove his cock from his boxers and pants.
You stroke him gently, feeling him harden even more.
An experimental lick swipes its way up his cock and you eye him, watching him unravel from the warmth of your tongue. When you reach the tip, you take him past your lips. Little by little, teasing him and admiring the way his chest rises and falls rapidly.
You make sure to stick out your ass for the others while you suck Renjun’s cock and in no time, his cock hits the back of your throat from his hips thrusting up.
“God, YN!” he moans.
You suck tighter, bob your head faster and when you see his fists tightening by his side, you remove him from your mouth completely.
“Ah!” he gasps loudly. He reaches for his cock to reach his high but you hold them back. “YN, please!”
“Don’t you want to cum inside your little bunny?” you whisper.
He stares at you, mesmerised.
“Renjunnie… cum inside me… please?””
He nods gently.
“Are you sure it’s okay?”
You bite your lips, telling him that it’s more than fine. You want nothing more than to be filled up with him, with all of them.
To your side, YangYang has his cock out, stroking it up and down while his head rests on the back of the couch watching you. Haechan is still blissed out but watching intensely and the other two sit quietly, waiting for you to finish with their friend.
You climb onto his lap, a thigh on either side and press your lips to his while sinking down in his cock. He moans into your mouth and you mix them with your own. He holds you nervously, unsure where to touch you as you rock back and forth on his cock.
His fingers dig into your side and you reach a hand between your bodies, meeting with your needy clit. You rub circles, causing you to clench around his cock and the feeling of his cum spurting into you tosses you over the edge.
You bounce quickly, not wanting to slow down the orgasm anymore and allow yourself to be taken over with another. All the while, Renjun moans and moans until he’s fully spent inside of you.
You feel your ass clenching around the tail and you feel so full being stuffed again and again.
Renjun is on the border of passing out and you jump from him.
YangYang reaches his arm out to grab you but you find it entertaining to tease him and you slip from his grasp, making your way to Jaemin and Jeno.
“Hey, bunny,” Jeno smiles.
You smile sweetly, wobbling on your weak legs and he pulls you into his lap.
“How about we take her together?” he asks Jaemin.
“Sounds good to me.”
He lifts you with ease and lays you gently on the couch they were sitting on. He gives your tail a little tug, causing you to yelp but you all giggle together after.
“Has anyone ever told you how cute you are tonight?” Jaemins strokes your cheeks.
You shake your head, melting into his touch.
“Hm, we could tell her,” Jeno suggests. “Or we could show her.”
You whine, feeling your pussy flutter with excitement as if it hadn’t already had enough.
“I think she wants us to show her.” Jaemin smiles and you feel yourself drift to cloud nine when they both look down at you between them.
Jeno places himself between your legs, pressing a long kiss to your ankles before placing them on his shoulder. Jaemin, on the other hand, unbuckles his belt and pulls out his cock. He lets it hang freely, waiting for you to grab it.
A groan escapes him and his knees tremble when you begin stroking. You pull him closer, letting your tongue taste his precum.
“Ah! Fuck, bunny. You’re such a good girl.”
You squeal when you feel Jeno pressing his cock into your sopping hole. Your pussy flutters around him as he pushes his way in. You’re so overwhelmed yet you keep wanting more.
You take all of Jaemin into your mouth, moving your head as much as you could in this position and Jeno thrusts deeper, slow and hard.
You moan around Jaemin’s cock, vibrations running through his body and when he can’t take it anymore, he grabs a handful of your hair before thrusting into your mouth.
His cock hits the back of your throat, bringing tears to your eyes but you blink them away, not wanting to distort the image of the two men using you like their personal fleshtoy.
Fuck, you feel so hot.
Your core is so tense and you can feel every ridge of Jeno’s cock in your pussy. He slams harder, faster, pace picking up and rhythm growing messy. He’s close.
“Fuck!” you mumble around Jaemin’s cock.
They both groan, griping onto anything they can and you’re about to cum all over Jeno’s cock when he pulls out. You whine but he uses his fist to empty his load all over your pussy.
Your muscles twitch endlessly and Jaemin pulls out of your mouth only to push Jeno out of the way and replace him inside of you.
“Fuck, you’re so dirty,” he groans. “But so fucking cute.”
He thrusts into you and you let your entire body relax in his hold. His arms wrap around your waist and he kisses the exposed skin of your chest and neck, using his hands to grope your tits.
Your walls flutter around him and you feel the sting of pleasure once again.
“Harder!” you cry.
He heeds your demand and fucks you relentlessly, letting his cum spill freely in your pussy.
“Oh my god!”
You cum together and everyone groans with you. Your head digs into the couch and your hips rise up to meet Jaemin’s until he holds you both still together, brushing your hair away from your sweaty face.
He shushes you and guides your breathing until you’ve come down from your high once more.
Then he takes your hand and lifts you into an upright position, placing a gentle kiss on you’re forehead.
“Did so well, bunny. You okay?” he asks gently.
You nod, slowly and completely exhausted.
Everyone has collapsed onto their backs, letting the couches swallow them whole.
It must have been quite the show.
For all but one.
“Got one more for me?” YangYang smirks.
You crawl over to him, collapsing on his lap with your thighs on either side. His cock is already out and he’s lining it up with your entrance immediately.
He leaves a small kiss in the crook of your neck before sinking you down on his cock.
You rest your head on his shoulder while he lifts your hips up and down on his lap.
“Oh, my god!” he groans. “Waited so fucking long but it was worth it.”
You don’t register how fast he’s slamming you on his cock, nor how hard his fingers dig into your flesh but you use whatever energy still existing in your body to move your thighs.
“That’s right, bunny. Show me how good you can bounce.”
His words spur you on and the raspiness in his voice elates your heartbeat despite it being impossible to beat any faster.
You feel yourself clench one more time and you spill all of your juices onto him. It’s too much, you can’t hold anything back despite having nothing left to give.
“Fuck, she’s squirting!”
YangYang lifts his hips up when he brings you down on him and you feel him reaching even deeper.
“Ah!” you cry. “Too much!”
“Finally had enough?” he growls into your ear.
You nod desperately.
“Can’t take my cock anymore?”
“It’s too good!”
“Fuck, do you want me to stop or not?”
“No! Don’t stop! Please, don’t stop!”
YangYang thrusts harder and he bites into your shoulder. You’re amazed at how your dress was able to stay on this whole time but it slips down further and further, not exposing your chest fully but showing just enough of your tits to drive them all crazy.
One look at them bouncing is enough make YangYang lose all of his control.
“Ah! I’m cumming!” you cry, letting one more, and hopefully the last, orgasm wash over you.
“Fuck! Me too!”
His hips tremor when he pushes himself balls deep in you. They remain flush against your pussy until you feel his cum stop pouring out.
And when he pulls out, his cum drips out of your pussy and back onto his softening cock.
They all groan as you fall to the side, spreading your legs to show them how all of their cum decorates your body.
You’re so fucking messy, sweaty and covered in cum but you don’t care.
All of you sit quietly for a while, not a word spared between you until you’ve caught your breath and attempt to sit upright.
Jaemin and YangYang aid you and help you stand on wobbling legs.
“Are you okay?”
“I think so…” you gasp as you feel the cum dribble down your legs.
“That was fucking amazing…” Haechan says.
And the others agree with him. Renjun just hums in his blissed out state while YangYang strokes your thighs from behind.
“You were amazing. How did you even handle all of that?”
“Because she’s such a good bunny.” Jeno teased but leaves a sweet kiss on your cheek, and Jaemin beings you some tissues and helps you start wiping yourself.
Only now do they remove their masks and it feels refreshing to finally see their handsome faces.
Your entire body trembles gently while they take care of you, making sure to compliment you at any second they get. But a loud click catches everyone’s attention and your body jolts when the door opens.
Terrified of being caught, you grab onto Jaemin and pull him in front of you, but you freeze upon seeing who entered the room.
“Shotaro…” you gasp and pull down your dress as if it would hide the fact that you just fucked all of his friends.
He looks somewhat disheartened as he walks deeper into the room. Music still beats through the walls and your heart hammers with it.
As he gets closer, you see his eyes swim with emotion. And to your surprise, his entire demeanour changes from his usual softness to something dark and dominating. You’ve never seen him like this before but the numbness in your body slowly fades, replacing itself with excitement.
The room is silent as he guides your chin upwards to look him in the eyes.
His warm fingers caress your cheeks and as he stares deep into your soul, his hands slide down to your hips, pulling you so close to him that you can’t escape.
“Looks like someone’s been a bad bunny.”
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marvelous-llama · 4 months
NCT recs
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<<original book
most of the mentioned works is 18+ NSFW, MINORS DNI
pls don´t hesitate to hmu, if any of mentioned links doesn´t work or you have suggestions for more fics... thank you so much for all the love and comments
one shots
top of the world by @hannie-dul-set
Jaemin x fem!reader (wc - 15.6k) enemies to lovers, rich!Jaemin, fake dating - angst, suggestive/smut(ish), fluff, romance things had always been the same in the world of na jaemin— him sitting on a throne above everyone else. that was the natural order. but the world as jaemin knew it began to shake after a few fated encounters with someone at the bottom of the food chain.
Can´t Handle This by @hannie-dul-set
Jaemin x fem!reader (wc - 16k) strangers to lovers, university AU - romance, humour, angst, fluff how are you supposed to explain that you and na jaemin started dating just to prove each other wrong and ended up catching feelings.
Mine by @ihavethedreamies
Jaemin x fem!reader (wc - 9.1k) friends to lovers - angst, fluff, smut
The Way Life Goes by @mrkis
Jaemin x fem!reader friends > fwb > lovers, slowburn - angst, fluff, smut, crack for three months, after a hard breakup with your ex, you refuse to let another man worm his way into your life even if it was for love or pleasure to avoid that ugly feeling of heartbreak… but then you bump into jaemin
Lost & Wayward by @lowkeychenle
Jaemin x fem!reader strangers to lovers - fluff, angst, smut After the worst couple weeks of your life, you finally break down in the middle of an alleyway. Jaemin hears you and comes to comfort you, and little do you know, he's about to change your life--in more ways than one.
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ppumeonae-bigvibe · 4 months
"i know you best."
↖ navigation: nct masterlist || main masterlist
pairing: best friend! jaemin x gn! reader
↬ tags: 3+1 friends to lovers, best friend knows best troupe, jaemin and reader are both pining idiots (respectfully), mentions of jeno + a small portion written in his pov in part 3,, mentions of someone getting handsy with reader but not explicit, a hinge to jealousy
summary: jaemin does know best, and that's you for him.
word count: 1.6k words
a/n: you know WHAT i think something sparked in me to be writing this much,, mayhaps this "lovesick" fool wants a go at romance, or it could just be that i'm trying to improve as a writer lol! please keep supporting me!
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"ah!" you yelped, a chilling sensation on your right cheek jolting you wide awake. there stood jaemin, a cheeky grin on his face as he pulls the cup of beverage away from your face. he watched as your eyes sparkled, entire being lit up as he hands you the drink.
"i got you your favorite drink. iced matcha latte. and also, your favorite muffin." jaemin holds up another bag and laughs at how your eyes seemed to nearly pop out of your head at his actions. his heart stutters rapidly in his chest at the thought of you specially waiting for him to end school.
"you did?" you gave him the biggest smile, and jaemin couldn't help but reach out to squish your cheeks, "yes i did."
shoulder to shoulder, you two walked out of school, jaemin standing protectively on your left as he guides you on the inside of the lane. "jaem, how did you know i wanted these?"
jaemin rolls his eyes as he sheepishly rubs the back of his neck, "hey, if i were to reveal all these things, then it wouldn't be a surprise right?" he chuckles as you seem to seriously consider his words.
truth be told, you had mentioned wanting a treat at the beginning of the day, before you two parted for class. jaemin remembered you had wistfully pouted, before sighing when the bell rung and you headed off in the opposite direction. he also remembered how lovingly silly you looked, hair a little mused because you didn't have time to comb it, how you seemed to be a little more clingy because the sleep has not left your system. he sprinted to the cafe nearer to his block and got your favorites he knew by heart.
"you know what? keep your secrets!" you huffed, but still held out the drink in his face while urging him to try. jaemin purses his lips, grimacing at how sweet it was. you burst out laughing, fully expecting him to react that way. he wrinkles his nose at the overwhelmingly sugary taste--he thinks you're way sweeter, but doesn't tell you that.
"ugh, no thanks. i'd rather stick to my ice americano." he shakes his own cup, earning another round of giggles that wormed its way into his heart. "i'll treat you to something next time!" you promised, a skip in your steps as you bumped shoulders with him. he hums, satisfied with your answer.
jaemin feels you move closer to him, the pitter patter sound of the rain soothing to his ears. the club leader droned on, over-explaining the upcoming events that were completely unnecessary. everyone was seated on the floor, you two purposely sitting at the back for a quick escape as soon as it ends. you lightly poked jaemin's side and he turns his head, mumbling a soft "what is it?" under his breath. he focuses on your sparkly eyes, seeming to always radiate warmth no matter the season.
"it's cold..." you gripped onto his sleeve, an embarrassed smile on your face. jaemin rolls his eyes: he had forewarned you today might be chilly, but you wanted to forgo comfort for fashion, hence the apologetic face. (jaemin does think you look really good in whatever you wore; you always looked stunning in his eyes.) he easily shrugs off his jacket, placing it on your shoulders, "i told you so."
jeno, jaemin and your good friend, softly mock gags beside him and jaemin smacks his good friend on the back.
he returns his attention to you and smiles when you slip your arms through them, relishing in the warmth left behind by pressing your sweater paws to your face, "much better. thanks, jaem."
the beam on jaemin's face grows wider as you huddled closer to him, hooking your arm around his and threading your cold hands through his warm ones. his chest puffs up in pride knowing that once again, you were relying on him.
"you're sure that the two of you aren't dating? because it seems to me that you are. both of you are practically attached at the hip, you know." jeno, jaemin's classmate and good friend, mentions off-handedly and jaemin rolls his eyes in response. the mere thought of you could easily cause butterflies to erupt from within him, but he chose not to do anything about it.
a crush will remain just a crush to him. he doesn't even know if you saw him the same as he sees you.
"we're just friends, remember? two different peas in one pod?" jaemin shakes his head, but as soon as he sees you enter the lecture hall, the atmosphere turns electrifying and he sits straighter in his seat. you were running late, and as soon as you stepped foot into the room, you apologized profusely to the professor. you were dismissed with a wave of her hand and you made your way up the steps.
your eyes landed on the pair seated at the back of the hall and you perked up, quickening your pace. you slid into the seat on the left of jaemin, whispering under your breath, "hey you two. thanks for saving me a seat, jaemin." you hurriedly open the relevant textbooks, bending down to grab your pencil case from your bag.
wordlessly, jaemin flips it open and scribbles down the information mentioned when you weren't around. jeno watched this entire exchange go down and he really wishes he wasn't here at all.
"prof's at this part now." jaemin helpfully supplied and you thanked him silently with a pat to his head, finally settling down to take notes.
jeno stares in disbelief at the way you two were being chummy.
how could you not see it? and how could his good friend not come to terms with it?
jeno sighs in exasperation and out of good humor, choosing to ignore the way jaemin's seemed to be softer around the edges with an oblivious you beside him.
-- bonus
"get your hands off my person." jaemin glares, pulling you by the wrist closer to him. he protectively brings you behind him, his low threats to the junior became a buzzing sound in your ears as you tried to shake away that sensation that was overwhelming your senses.
dragging you out of the mansion where the party was at, he leads you away from the crowd, hand gripping yours tightly. jaemin stood in front of you, gently brushing away the hairs that were obscuring your vision. after the initial shock wore off, you squatted down at the porch, arms hugging your middle and jaemin knelt down too, worry painted across his features.
"tell me, did he try anything funny with you?" you shook your head. jaemin sighs, relief evident in the way his tensed shoulders finally sagged. he remained at your eye level, never once looking away from you. the night's event replayed in your head:
jeno was hosting a party for a select group of people, so of course jaemin was going. you weren't exactly keen and you didn't know anyone there, but knowing that he was invited made you feel a little left out. when jaemin brought up the plus-one offer to you, you greedily accepted it with no remorse. fast-forward to when you were left alone--nursing a badly mixed fruit punch--drowning that jealously bubbling within you. a junior had approached you and started chatting you up, but he didn't quite catch the context from your one-worded replies, and started getting handsy with you. jaemin who was across the living room had suddenly materialized before you, his fist hurtling into the junior's face.
"you're okay. you're with me now." jaemin softly stroked the crown of your head. shock was still in your system, and you shivered from the cool breeze of the night. he shrugged off his jacket and covers you with it. you let out a shaky sigh: you didn't want to be around him right now. you couldn't really be with him right now because of the consequences he might face. because of you.
"whatever you're thinking, don't." jaemin's voice dropped to a whisper, and you shook your head, willing this sinking feeling to go away. you sniffled and he hugs you tighter.
"i'm sorry."
you remembered that exact moment you felt your skin go cold and your hair stand on end when you saw jaemin talk to someone else, laughing heartily at something they said.
does he look like that at you, smile that much around you? why did it sting?
you glanced back up at him, and wondered if he could see the internal conflict happening all in your head. jaemin easily reads your discomfort and tilts his head to try and meet your gaze. "you can tell me anything, you know?"
"who was that person you were with?" you blurted out, the unease in your heart growing. he has been a little distant from you these days, not responding as fast on text, or skipping out on you two's usual weekly hang-outs. maybe it was that person that he was with...
"oh. them?" jaemin burst out laughing, earning him a weak punch from you. he exhales after awhile, gaze cast to the ground beneath you two, "can i confess something to you? i've been talking to them...about you because...i like you a lot and i needed some moral encouragement. i wasn't...expecting now to be the time and this wasn't my ideal situation where i'd tell you i like you, but i do."
your heart raced so rapidly, you found it so difficult to breathe in this moment.
"you like...me?"
jaemin nodded confidently despite your hesitance, his signature smirk replacing worry, "i know you best, and i know too that i want you very much. so...will you go out with me?"
in that instance, you felt like home with him.
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@ppumeonae-bigvibe 's work ; likes and reblogs are appreciated <3
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Secret Room. Jaemin
"What happened that night, should stay between us. I don't know you and you don't know me. Got it?"
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PAIRING. husband!Na Jaemin x detective intern!Reader
SUMMARY. Na Jaemin. A decent young respectable business man, husband, father and family affair man. He's idolized, admired, and highly praised with high esteem within his social circle. However, his morally perfect world falls apart when getting entangled with you in a one night stand. One lustfully pleasing night together doesn’t prepare you for the chaos that soon follows when Jaemin is accused of murdering his daughter. The crazy thing, is that you know he didn't do it, because he was with you that night, but now you’re tasked with writing a report on his innocence guilt.
WARNINGS. Mentions of: Death (both minor and heavy), Smut (including and not limited to cheating, heavy/soft intercourses, pussy eating kink, foreplay, dry humping, dom and sub con, consensual etc.) And Cursing (minor use)
GENRE. Longshot! Side chick and husband romance. Cheating scandal. Strangers to lovers(?) Angst yet lively. Gore but only towards the end. Twisted cheating romance.
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You've been an intern detective writer for more over 9 months now and you're extremely prideful in the work you do. Being able to 'have eyes at the back of your head' or being known as 'sharp’ is an esteemed word and/or phrase that your higher executives prefer to use when describing you. Maybe you're selfish and tend to be heavily guarded, and perhaps even self centered, however- as you see everything and nothing gets past you, you're surprised how you let a man slip right through your rib cage and straight into your soul.
With that title in head, you should've known from the moment you stumbled through the unfamiliar door, that the man you were about to fuck was a father, a husband. Of course the signs weren't there when you entered the dark house, when you began making out radically and bumping left and right into things. The signs weren't there, however the wall you pushed him against had a framed picture of him wearing an adorned suit and a lady dressed in heavenly white. You could only make out her smile as it was too dark, but something in you told you she was his. You should've stopped, but the need to satisfy your craving was so strong. You continued to suck his face off as he ran his hands up your waist to unzip the zipper of your tightened leather black dress. You laughed into the kiss as he gripped your flesh underneath your thigh and sat your body up onto a dresser which made you slightly elevated- you aligned yourself in a position where your lips would still be attached as your hands roamed his dark hair while he began pulling your strapless dress down. His eyes, star gaze with a black hole of lust, looked up into your own thirsty sinister eyes after taking in the view of your nudity, of you not wearing underwear.
"Very naughty," he laughed instantly diving for your thighs with sloppy and hungry kiss bites. "Can I?"
"Anything you want Mr Big Shot,"
As his slippery tongue meets up with your heated core you buck up into his face moaning out aloud, your whole body radiating with pleasure. Your arms shoot back trying to maintain your balance against the dresser- that you don't notice when you knock over more framed pictures. The framed pictures consists of a young girl being held tightly and wrapped in the arms of her loving parents, another photo is of the man and his wife smiling after a graduation they had attended for their daughter finishing pre school and the last two of the man's daughter starting out in her first grade and winning an award. The shattering sounds of the frames are covered by the loud gasping moan that leave your lips. You're groaning out the married man's name.
A name which you've only learnt an hour ago, yet someone else who's learnt it for a far longer period- tries as hardest as they can to scream it out. Trying to scream out (without a clue of how) for help. Tears spread across the eyes of the watcher as blood drips from their forehead, and clogs the person's throat, while they still try so hard to scream out the name. "Abah-"
"Ahh~" However, you, eluded with pleasure passionately yell out his name only making him laugh and the vibration coursing all around your body. "Jaemin don't stop," You breathe, gasping out when your legs begin to shake. Although he pulls his moist lips and tongue away from your core, they travel up your navel to your breast before finally getting to your neck just as he unfastens his belt and prepares his hard shaft for your entrance. He picks you up by your thighs again, balancing your body weight against the dresser. His hips are hard and fast paced when slamming straight into you. You arch your back just as his teeth grunt out by how warm and soft you feel inside of him, his eyes erotically shut by how good you feel against him while he continues placing sweet bites on your chest. Being overwhelmed by pleasure you shut your eyes tightly as his eyes roam down your figure. His thumbs playing with your nipples at the same time trying to ravage the dress off your body.
"Feels good, doesn't it?" You pant out. "I still don't believe this is your first time. You're a professional,"
"Not my first time," Jaemin breaks s smile from his pleasured erotic face. "But I've never had it like this, you feel so good,"
"I know," You moan out, straining your eyes to stay open and fixed on his sensational gaze, but your eyes shut in ecstasy.
His voice raspy and hot rhetorically edging you on, fucking you dumb and senseless that you can barely open up your eyes. His eyes are all over your face, his hands patting your head gently running his fingers through your hair. "You're so warm."
Jaemin thrusts hard into you, sweat dripping down the middle of his back and forming on patches of his forehead. The last time he went this hard, was probably too far into his past to collect, (too far and way back) however tonight, being balls deep into your core and feeling his own heart emulate with so much pleasure. His lips press onto the side of your neck, while burying himself deeply into your throbbing and clinching core as his hand grip hard onto your skin.
Your eyes flatter open, but all you can see are stars in the darkened room before your eyes roll to the back of your head. "Oh my soul," you pant out, still feeling him, squeezing him, the surge of pleasure coating your entire being.
When meeting him at the bar, you immediately wanted to fuck him. However, he intrigued you by his way of talking and you ended up... indulging into the conversation, sharing and actually getting to know him. That's why, as he's thrusting with layers of passion, and you feel just how much he wants you, you know just how much he needs this. He mentioned his life being surrounded by doing things for others, that he never got to do anything for himself. You couldn't relate, however after engaging with him and sorta trying to to understand him (which was out of character for you) you really wanted to satisfy him especially since it's what he wanted.
His whole body is attentive to you and you can absolutely feel just how concentrated he is. Him caring for you and solely taking time to please you- especially after getting to know him, only makes you want to treasure his heart. It's not everyday a random stranger pours out their soul and actually gets you to listen. Most of the time, if someone didn't give you what you wanted, you wouldn't spare a second on them. Yet somehow you feel open to this man...
He feels so good to you. It's so good that you lose your mind when you're suddenly picked up and placed carefully against the couch and he's in you once again.
He takes his time, not fast as before, yet with the same passion his lips kiss every part of your body. He carefully calls out your name, whispering how good you feel, how soft your body is, how inviting you are and how glad he is to have met you. He's so engrossed in praising you, and it's so contagious that you pass on the same praises as you get down on your knees taking your turn in making him feel special.
He deserves an award. You make sure that as you suck him off, that your eyes are on his gorgeous ones, blessing him with the sight of how good you feel sucking him off. He bites his lips panting out softly. You watch as the pleasure builds up in his face. His hand passes through your hair when you go deeper on his shaft and your tongue glaze over his balls. His toes are clinching together and his teeth are so tight on his lip that he throws his neck back in ecstasy when feeling the blood. You're taking him in so well that it takes everything in him not to bust in your mouth- your warm mouth that salivates as you gag onto him using your hand as well to pump him up and down as you start choking yourself on his dick.
His grip that's on your hair gets tighter that he lets go afraid of hurting you- instead his hips have a mind of their own especially when thrusting up into your mouth a bit more faster then your original pace. He squeezes onto the chair but you take a hold of his hand allowing him to squeeze you instead. With one hand in his and the other supporting you in stroking him, you're sure that he's holding himself in to not let go yet. You go faster and faster, his timid groans growing louder and deeper and his grip gets tighter and harder, the pressure rising and creating tight knots that-
He squirts out in plentiful flows of passion. His eyes adjust to the new found bliss, his body relaxes into the new sensation of pleasure and his dick moves on its own with happiness- jolting and twitching. It leaves his dick in streams and long strokes that makes him shocked by his own cum. Or maybe he's so shocked by how well you open up your mouth and stick out your tongue, not allowing a single sperm to leave your mouth. His wife would never. You swallow down the salty flavored goo and laugh out by his worn out appearance.
"Have you never been sucked before?" He shakes his head with stars still in his eyes as he tries to catch his breath. You smile and rub his knees as the desire and urge takes over you to take over him when his member comes to life again. "Well Jaemin, I'm gonna make you feel so good tonight. Do you wanna feel good?"
He doesn't even know how to respond, but with the way his member jolts forward again you read his excited eyes and go on.
Another round of his passion oozing out of him and dropping onto you, has you feeling really special and lucky. You've gratefully caught a big pot of gold with Jaemin. You both can't stop moaning out each other's name. Your bodies merging so well and instantly that you feel almost delusional and believe you've found the one. You can't help it, you've never experienced a one night stand like this. It started out as talking and then fucking for pleasure, but now you're joined and connected on the couch as if you were blissfully talking as you were in the bar. You feel as though you are carved for him, that your body was carved for him alone. You both explore different positions and even have him eat you out again- it's something he really wanted to try and you told him to do as he pleased because truly he deserved all the pleasure. After all, you both wanted to benefit something from this one night stand. If you were being honest, it was more then a one night stand. You felt joint t him.
With the way you both aligned, you can't help but want to give him your number, just so that he can hit you up whenever. You'd surely fall on your knees for him again. And you can't say that for everybody.
After half an hour of going down on each other and filling each other up with your fluids, you're resting on the long couch against Jaemin's chest with his arms wrapped around you- securing you.
The lights are on. They're slightly dimmed down.
Your arms hold him around his torso as you bask in the silence and soft lullaby of your breaths. Your warm bodies heating each other up. Your legs tangle again with his, loving the feel of having him so close to you. His eyes are shut drifting in and out of sleep, while yours are open. He wants to compliment you at how great you were without sounding too strange or being delusional, so he tries his best to look for the words.
Meanwhile your eyes are suddenly dead open and panned to a photo frame on the wall. You were simply staring at the photo thinking of how great Jaemin was that you didn't pay mind to the photo... until you saw the smile of the woman in the photo.
The photo... he's happily looking down at the petite shining woman with beautiful short brown hair. Like you stated, you knew he was married because of the photos that kept looking at you while you both fucked. But you didn't really think he was married!
You're absolutely gutted upon seeing the photos. Your eyes roam around to see what else you can find, and surely the living room is packed with photos on different sides. Not only of the lady that seems to be his wife, but of a young girl. Your lips tremble in anger and you close your eyes.
You hate the feeling you're feeling for only now realizing that he is a married man and you've slept with him. A married man with a child. It's only now that you feel an odd object on his left hand. It must be his ring. Fuck. The feeling of guilt, shame and deception wash over you that you slowly retreat your hands from his torso.
You hate being in this position. The position of being a middle woman.
You aren't a middle woman- yet you've been in this position one too many times. But unlike the other times, you don't leave right away. You want to know why. Why he'd cheat?
Well... assuming his wife isn't dead or he didn't divorce. You'd feel so much more better that he's single, but with the pictures around and the ring on his finger, you don't want to fool yourself. His warm chest and bulging arms have you in a state of warmth feeling safe, yet his deceitful nature makes you feel dirty and raw. Does he hold his wife like this, or is it only you?
"Jaemin," You call softly onto his name, hearing him hum out in the same silk like voice as yours. He's surely feeling too peaceful around you, because the second he hums out, his hands trace your back again and he plants a kiss on the top of your head.
"Did you enjoy it?"
His low chuckle is from the inside, it gurgles out of him and you can tell there's a smile on his face- a large one that is. He nods his head, licking his lips. He still doesn't have any words for how satisfied he is feeling, but since you've brought it up, his lips are running even before he can think. "I really did. It felt so good- in fact you felt so good. I can't explain it in words, but I.... The best I've had in years, actually,"
You're left speechless. Completely speechless. If you didn't know about his wife, you'd feel good that you did a go job, you'd even take it a step further and ask if he wanted to hook up more with you- because surely tonight, a bond was made.
Except you don't want any part of him, knowing he's got his own.
"Where's your wife?"
Your question forces his eyes to stop wondering and to snap back into a distressed reality. He isn't expecting that.
Your tone isn't even sharp, but when it leaves your lips you're sure he feels it too. He feels how disappointed and disgusted you are in him. "I get that we’re both grown adults and can do whatever the fuck we want, but was this really necessary? Are you kidding me? Fuck,” You roll your eyes.
Jaemin stays silent. Shame. A disappointing reality where he can't have what he wants. His arms try to rest around you a little longer but you're already turning and shifting, which makes him uncomfortable.
"I was transparent with you. So why lie to me?" You utter out. Trying to let him know that you made him an exception into your heart.
He seemed so true and good. Someone you wouldn't mind meeting again. But now, you've just stained him. He stained you too, yet you wonder why you're feeling upset instead of angry. Maybe because you feel betrayed again...and not by him...but by your ex. Your ex who was everything but faithful to you.
"A guy like you seems so loyal. So why?" You ask.
"You wouldn’t have agreed to sleep with me if you knew I was married.” Jaemin sits up detaching his arms from your body making you feel cold. His tone is monotone. As if he's shut down. “I too was transparent when I said I only want sex."
"Do you honestly think this was only sex?"
"Thanks for tonight." Jaemin avoids the question, you feel angry when he wears his pants with no shame or remorse within his tone.
You don't even waste another second in his presence as you begin to dress up as well. Feeling dirty as if you cheated on yourself. You clean yourself up with the tissue handkerchief in your purse and throw it in the bin. You walk over to the door (that you first stumbled into with Jaemin) and you sigh out. You fish for your phone, calling on a taxi cab.
Once you make the call waiting for the taxi to come, your eyes are latched onto Jaemin who moves around the living room (where you two were intimate) and cleans up all the traces of shame making sure that everything is cleaned up neatly and back into place. He cleans up the house and sweeps the broken glass pieces before finishing and standing by the door, nervously watching you as you impatiently wait for your ride.
His eyes are soft and keep still on you. His hands fidgeting not knowing where to be, on his hair, pocket, fixing his shirt- you wonder why he's nervous, but you ignore him.
"Thank you for the night. I enjoyed it." His little smile flatters his face upon looking at your upset face. “Do you think we could meet up again?”
You roll your eyes glaring in his direction. "You're such an asshole. Do you not feel guilty?"
"Can we please not talk about that? Can we just... ignore it?" He's backsliding again. Creating a smoke screen, as if what he did won't come into light. "Did I make you feel good?" He goes on.
You feel guilty watching him do that, watching him watch you with eyes of excitement. How does he feel no shame for what he did?
Upon the arrival of your taxi, the guilt washes away and you slam his door making sure to leave the shame behind. You didn't want any of that. You don't want any of that. You don't want to be reminded of how good it felt, because by doing that you're only cheating again in your mind to a poor woman who most likely didn't deserve it.
You clinch your jaw the whole drive, thinking of how perfect Jaemin felt. You're angry at yourself for letting your pussy feel things, for letting your heart feel attached. If you knew he was a father, a husband- you wouldn't even have slept with him- so then why did you continue even after seeing the pictures of him and his wife?
Pussy over brain?
Perhaps because of how much he put into it?
Maybe because, you know that he looked at you, but his attention was in your heart.
Love at first sight? Lust at first sight? Which was it?
He literally made love to you...that wasn't fucking, that was love making. You know the pain of being cheated on, so for you to be feeling this- just makes you wonder if Haechan, your ex, was just as into it as Jaemin.
You caught Haechan, sleeping in bed with the girl. You don't know whether she forgot to leave or if he wanted her to stay (the same way Jaemin asked you), but one thing you do know is that she stayed with him and cuddled up so close to him. He looked so peaceful. You got in the room and even had enough time to sit and watch them wake up together. They kissed until they noticed your presence. In an instant Haechan with unknown speed and adrenaline- he jolted with such worry on his face and begged for your forgiveness in hopes that you'd forgive him.
That stupid fucker forgot he was butt naked when apologizing to you.
Is Jaemin feeling like he's on top of the clouds because he didn't get caught? Maybe he is. But you know how this whole cheating thing ends. Although you and Haechan broke up years ago, it still stung, as it left a dirty impact on you. It the reason you started sleeping around, to avoid the pain. It's also the reason you focused on getting ahead in your workplace. Anything and everything to make yourself by dwell.
And now thinking of Jaemin's wife, you can't help but harden your heart.
Stupid men.
Jaemin will get caught one day.
You just hope that you'll never ever be in a position that'll ever make you look like a middle woman. Again.
Of course, over the years after your break up, you slept around and the guilt came from sleeping with other men who were in relationships and the women had caught you sleeping with their significant other.
It's traumatic and you're refusing to experience or relive those moments again. All because of what happened tonight.
Love is dying because of people like you.
So when you get back home laying down on your bed you close your eyes and force yourself to sleep. Although your body is tired and wants to sleep, your soul is awake and reliving the moments you spent in Jaemin's arms. The way he held you and made you feel his all was absolutely something new for you. Usually on your day off from the Police Academy, you'd spend your full day and night in the house resting up your body from the intense police training. However whenever you'd feel spontaneous and a bit horny, you'd walk out your house in the most eye catching outfit and make your way to the bar. Most of the guys you'd meet were not talkers and just went straight for the gist of fucking you. However Jaemin...
"Why can't I stop thinking about him?" You stuff your head on the pillow.
He initiated such an intriguing conversation, capturing your attention for the whole night. Very soft spoken with his raspy voice, had hooking eyes and a mesmerizing smile. You thought he was drunk out of his mind, turns out that's when he's the most functional when trying to hide his stress. The burning lust was behind those sluttery words he'd use to describe how 'so sexy' you were. The sex talk sorta just happened when you put your desires aside to talk and engage with him. You spent your night talking in sexy and tried your hardest to not pounce on his handsome self.
Your conversations involved smut talk, erotica fantasy thoughts and flirtatious touches here and there. He was so dignified and interesting that when he asked you to go back to his place with him, you didn't hesitate to accept. The moment you got close to the door he said he wanted to kiss you, to make sure he wasn't going to regret his choice- and then right outside that bar, you began making out with him. And my oh my was he impeccable. He was a fine young looking man with the sex drive of a demon and you had expectations. He met them for sure- but at what cost?
Hurting his wife and kid while trying to please himself.
You drift off to sleep, ending your Sunday night...pre Monday morning with thoughts over the man Jaemin and how you've landed yourself another mark on being a middle woman.
This has to stop.
So when you wake up Monday morning with determination, you make sure to be set and focused and not think about the night you had. You want to do good today, to make up for the bad of the previous night.
And luckily for you, the moment you get there's a case ready and prepared to be investigated on.
"You'll go with Detective Jaehyun." Your eyes widen when you hear your name paired with the fast paced senior of your entire company district, Detective Jung Jaehyun.
Without wasting a second you get off the discussion table and run behind Jung Jaehyun when his long legs are already walking out the door. You've been on the field for about 13 months now, and you know which ways to go prior to your previous supervisors. It's due to discipline, priority, hard work and dedication why you were the remaining intern out of a set of 10 who you came in with. Each month, you kept pushing yourself and redeeming your qualities to prove yourself worthy to be a full working member of the KPS detectives.
So setting on your game face, you follow Jaehyun who's already outside the building looking at his clock while leaning on his car.
"3 minutes late." He says when looking up at you with a stern gaze.
You point your hand backwards. "The elevator was-"
"That's not my business. Are there no stairs? Exactly." Jaehyun opens his door inserting his foot inside and getting in.
You quickly follow, not wanting to set a bad impression of yourself, after all if you're paired with him it must mean that they've finally recognized your skill set and are (probably) ready to have you in their company.  And what better way to know if you're ready then to send you off on a serious case mission with one of the most toughest trooper alive.
"Once dismissed and sent on field, you should be in the car within a minute. Child murder cases are one of the most toughest, as families expect the police to quote on quote do something. As if it's somehow our fault that these things happen."
You say nothing as Jaehyun retaliates and communicates all by himself somehow having an issue with the case- but from his words you can tell that he also has a problem being paired (or stuck on babysitter mode as he said) with you. Without even a single breath from your end, he drives and follows the GPS coordinates for the house you're supposed to meet the family. Being time sensitive, Jaehyun is already driving into the drive through by the 15 minute mark and walking up the stairs with you following behind grumpily- not long after a minute, other police cars begin to show up.
"I don't want a word from your corner. Zip it until you're spoken to." Jaehyun states as he knocks on the door of the family. "However, what you can do, is what you're interned here for. Write. Write as much as you can about the scene and when we get back to the office, you leave it on my desk. I'll go over it and see if you're needed on the case or not. Tip of advice, make it good because if it were up to me, you'd be gone 4 months ago with the other rookies. There's no room for selfish and standoffish personalities in crime and investigation. Hate to cut it to you, but you don't belong here. Your continuation with our department all depends on the report you'll leave on my desk. Got it?"
Sucking in a breath, you nod your head just in time for the door to swing open with a teary eyed woman.
Only been on the scene a few times, you've managed to always keep a poker face to conceal all your emotions, yet when the broken mother breaks down with every word she tells the officer and investigators you can't help but show just a little bit of emotion.
Sincerely hoping that perhaps you can sympathies with her. Okay...maybe you also did it for selfish reasons being that if she warms up to you, she may prefer to talk to you a lot and that would mean Jaehyun would need to back off. After all, your job is suddenly on the line again.
You walk around the house taking down note of the scenery presented wondering from where you'll start. According to the mother, she has reason to believe that her daughter was killed. Even though there's no body present, the bloody scene of the child's room and even the corridor that has a trail of blood is evidential enough to back up her theory. In the process of writing down and paying close attention to detail and conversation, your mind slowly starts to divert...
Especially after walking into the living room...
There's a long couch. A fireplace. Some dressers with pictures on top. There's also an entry that leads to a long hallway before the front door.
Your lips get dry when your full focus is brought upon one large picture hanging on the hall.
It's a wedding canvas of a woman and man happily linked together.
Jaehyun scoffs. "To think, a murder case occuring to an infamous business man."
"It's too early to suspect anyone, but we're strongly leaning on the husband." An investigator states lowly while entering the living room with Jaehyun. "His side of the story doesn't add up or make any sense. He claims he wasn't at home yet his wife says otherwise. And then he said he came home for a little while but went out again, because he received a work call. But when we asked again he said he went to a club. His narrative gradually became harder to follow, he mentioned that the child went for a sleep over but the wife said something else, but he kept pushing out different stories until he said he'd go out to clear his head."
"How many months is she pregnant?” Jaehyun asks casually seeing you frozen in the living room.
“Hasn’t said a word, seems to be in her prime months so perhaps 4 or 5, fuck me even 2, who knows?” The investigator states.
“Let’s be careful to not start out with a bang." Jaehyun mentions after following your gaze, taking one look at the enlarged photo on the wall. "After all they are public figures." He sighs upon recognizing the face of the man, or rather the already proclaimed suspect. "Owner of Cyberport Cultured Neo Hotels. We need to make sure we’ve got solid and hard proof to pin him down, otherwise this will be a case the media will intrude in. We don’t want that. Got it?"
"Yes sir," The investigator nods his head.
"Well were is he?" Jaehyun sighs while stuffing his hands in his pockets.
Your ears are alert when hearing a door shut. Your eyes divert to the figure emerging from the hall way and it feels like deja vu all over again. Suddenly the hallway where you passionately made out seems to be so clear and vivid in your mind. You can see yourself moaning out his name and him carrying you and placing you on the dresser with pictures. You blink your eyes, hoping that the man that you see now is not the man that you were with hours ago. He's dressed in a black leather jacket. The same leather jacket you set your eyes on at the late night club, the same leather jacket you helped to remove while in your prime thirst of lustful need, that same jacket that fitted and adorned the man who made you feel all sorts of wild emotions of ecstasy and bliss, the man who kissed and called your name like you were making love in heaven...that same man is now looking back at you.
But instead of pure need and lust- his face is struck with horror.
"Jaemin?" You whisper out.
Your name leaves his lips barely above a whisper and he can't help but be frozen in place when remembering your features. He wanted to meet you again...but he didn't think it'd be this soon...in this circumstance. Here you are in the light of his house, wearing a black uniform with a local departments badge on your shoulder, looking just as crazed as he is.
It feels like you've been caught. “Shit.”
It feels like you can’t breath, and if matters can’t get any worse, his wife walks in the living room. Her petite frame looms below him and in her dried out and tear stained face, she wraps her arms around his neck placing a light peck on his lips muttering words of encouragement and asking if he’s feeling any better. As she brings his frozen head down to peck his lips, his eyes are dead locked on your own- even when his wife’s lips touch his, his eyes are only on you. Your chest rises up and down before you spin around rapidly blinking and clearing your throat ignoring the daunting look of Jaehyun. 
Jaehyun leans over his desk folding his arms. Ever since the crime scene log, you were very spaced out and Jaehyun wondered why is it that you’ve been on edge. 
Your legs anxiously shake as you grip the material of your trousers, eyes long zoned out with your appearance resembling a corpse. Jaehyun picks up the report again, peeking up from your printed out report feedback sheet taking in your distraught face trying to get your attention, which is far gone. He reads over the last paragraph again before setting the papers on the desk calmly. You don’t budge.
“I’ll get straight to the point.” Jaehyun speaks just as you find yourself jumping in your seat upon hearing his voice. “Do you know Mr. Na Jaemin?”
Jaehyun’s question forces you to grow alert and anxious. Your freaking job is on the line, and you’ve been partnered up with a bulldozer official detective who will not hesitate to send you home- one wrong move and your whole career is gone. You hesitantly nod your head pursing your dry lips together before answering. “He’s a pioneer working in the most sought out for hotels. He’s infamous. Why would I not know him?”
“Valid.” Jaehyun nods his head, yet lifts up the report as if proving an unknown point. “Then what is this report? Out of everyone in the house, you only saw it fit to interview or rather lay out your facts on him? Was he the only person in the house? Aside from that, regarding the report, it seems that you’re exclusively trying to defend him.”
“What?” Your eyes widen. “No.”
“He’s the only name on this report, alongside the other mindless information you put in.”
Your lips stutter before the words come out. “That’s b-because you and the investigators are adamant on locking him up as if he’s the culprit. We’ve barely had enough time to investigate yet you’re already pinning him-”
“Is there anything wrong with claiming he’s a suspect?”
“No there isn’t, but-”
“But what?” Jaehyun leans on his desk his gaze going over your stressed out face. “What is it? Why are you eyes set on him?”
Your head itches and you so desperately want to scratch it without looking like an idiot. Did you really only write about Jaemin? “I’m sorry sir, but he’s a well-known figure. His daughter got murdered-”
“He was in the house at the time it happened.” Jaehyun interrupts. “Is that not suspicious to you?”
You breathe out knowing your argument is weak and could get you removed off premises effective immediately. “It’s not. The whole scene is too clean and the way it’s playing out with Jaemin being a suspect is already suspicious! H-how sure are we that he was the only one in the house? I’m telling you that there has to be someone else behind this. We didn’t even investigate. Have you ever been in a situation where a crime is happening and you have no idea that it’s taking place- yet coincidentally you’re at the place and happen to be a victim but everyone is pointing you out to be a culprit? I strongly believe that this is the position in which Na Jaemin is in. There are many rooms in that house specifically 4. One for him and his...wife and the other was for his child. He could’ve been in his study while the crime was taking place, more over he could’ve been doing something else, who knows, he doesn’t want to expose what he was doing, however in his eyes I can tell that he didn’t do it. Maybe he forgot to close the door and an intruder entered and he couldn’t hear a thing because the intruder was quick. Perhaps the intruder was already in the house when he claimed that he got back, or even the intruder could be someone that works in the house. Who knows? Maybe-"
"You're an intern right?" His question completely stops you. You realized that you've gone overboard in Jaemin's defense. However that's not what the Detective Jaehyun says, because his next words are so sharp that you wished you never even opened up your mouth. "Prove his innocence. I want to know where he was, what he was doing and most importantly how he didn't know his daughter was in the next room being killed. Full report, facts, witnesses and most importantly and effective is evidence."
You breathe.
"If you wish to be a detective writer and want to keep your job here, show me that fire." He gets up picking his black leather jacket on his chair. "I've got cartel, intel and speculations, I usually work alone yet for your intern benefits I'll be trusting you with the victim slash but not comfortable suspect. Try not to mess up. That fire in your eyes right now is what I want to see in your report. Get working."
You feel like your heart has stopped.
Because you knew exactly were Jaemin was out through the night of the murder, you thought that you had some leverage and could easily persuade the expecting heart of Detective Jung Jaehyun. However your entire world falls apart when a portion of the evidence you'd use was already tainted with your presence. You had gone to the club where you met Jaemin and with your badge of authority demanded the tapes for analysis.
The owner gave you the section part you asked for (22:00-00:00), with all the relevant angles of the outside area as well as inside. Sitting by your assigned desk going through the video, you felt a peak of satisfaction watching over you as Jaemin's figure entered the bar and the camera caught it in 4k- heck you could even say 5k because of how clear the footage was. He sat on the bar stool that was close to the entrance and the timestamp was within the hours of the murder. He spent a long time in there continuously drinking. Your smile enlightened your face and you couldn't help but already begin on your report.
Everything came crashing down the moment you stupidly realized that you were also there! It didn't help that when you looked at the screen you saw a feminine figure with jet black long hair and a leather black body con dress sit close to Jaemin. At first you're confused of seeing the lady...until you realize IT'S YOU!
Right there in 4k- heck 5K, your back is to the camera yet when you get up and turn around your face can be seen clearly. You and Jaemin share a drink and although your convo is muted, you spend a long time with Jaemin and the timestamp draws nearer to the predicted hour of the incident. You physically shy away and frail like a lizard when Jaemin in the footage moves close to your seemingly expectant self and his lips attach to yours. His kiss - as you remember - was slow yet passionate. He's someone who kisses with his all. Seeing his lips against yours- you can't help but feel an intense amount of guilt wash over you when thinking of his pregnant sweet wife. She didn't deserve this but for some reason a cruel master above has set you up for defamation.
Jaemin takes a hold of your hand and pays for the half finished drinks before leading you to the back. You follow with the security camera and when Jaemin makes it to the backdoor- your eyes pop out when the heavy make out session between the two of you turns wild. You're brought back to that night, how badly you wanted to take him in, make him cum in you right there and didn't care for whoever's watching.
You instantly get out of the security camera footage sending all the files to a little USB drive. You quietly sit in your seat with your head pressed up against your palms. What the hell were you going to do now? Your thoughts are all over the place and you lose track of time not realizing that the sky slowly changes colour; from a sky blue to an almost faded pink-orange hue.
"Fuck." You lowly curse. "What am I going to do now?"
After a moment of thought and moment of silence you get up from your seat and head out. As an intern, you aren't allowed to have a company car and any forms of transportation you'd need, you would need to go with Detective Jung Jaehyun. But with what you were going to do, there's no way you'd want him to tag along. You stand by the lift while sending in a request for an Uber driver.
The thought of an Uber driver makes you think about the night prior when you ordered an Uber driver home... Could it be possible that there was any surveillance outside while you left? If so, that could really help.
Once you're outside and notice the sky color you wonder if you should just clock out instead, but with the driver already outside you don't think twice and just go. The street area is quiet, vacant and you wonder if any houses have security camera as there are no poles of cameras around. You mentally note in your head to check the surrounding blocks and houses nearby if they've got outside cams just in case there aren't any security cams.
As expected some police car departments are present. Cautiously announcing your presence, you're met with only the usual yellow tape surrounding the house with a cleanup team. However the small family of mother and father.....actually the husband and wife, aren't there. With the investigation going on and their daughters blood stains everywhere, they thought it would be best to leave the house vacant so they're staying at a hotel. Thankfully you're given the address, the address of the infamous hotel in which Jaemin owns, but when you catch the sight of the backyard and the sight of black hair with an infamous jacket you sigh out in relief.
It hasn't even yet been a day. You came to work, introduced to your partner, met the family of whom you were to investigate their daughters murder, got appointed to Jaemin, went to the club to get tapes, came back to work to watch the taped and finally being met here...in Jaemin's house, where everything began. You can't help but sigh. It's already been such a long day and afternoon and all you want is get the case over and done with. You didn't like that your private life was on the line of a murder investigation. The faster your prove Jaemin's innocence, the faster you can redeem your position at work and actually be assigned an intern role where you can prove yourself and skills.
This case, with Jaemin in it, isn't proving your skills, it's dangerous and could tarnish your reputation and adding a black stamp and disapproval. You truly need this job, and the faster your finish it, the faster you can move on from this whole mess.
Walking down the backyard stairs and across the little garden where you see Jaemin's eyes fixed on the something in his hand. As you get closer, you see it's a little beige wrist band. "Listen," you start out, probably alarming him because his head sharply snaps to you. Ignoring his tired face, you breathe out. "We need to talk about us."
Jaemin blinks and his jaw clinches. He wipes on his red eyes with back of his hand before they disappear in the pockets of his black leather jacket.
"I found the security-"
"My fucking daughter just died."
Are the first words to leave his lips. They're quiet, yet they were sharp to silence you.
He tilts his head to the side, while his eyes shimmer with disappear. "And you're here wanting to talk about us?"
Your mouth closes feeling your heart shrink by your insensitivity. Jaemin's eyes scrunch up with such distaste, before they're remorseful and turn away.
"She died in my house while I was fucking you and you want to talk about us right now? You came all the way to..."
He can't even look at you, and inside your soul you break by his will to hold himself together while he terribly struggles as the tears leave his eyes. He's quick to use his back hand to wipe the tears but they're already apparent to you.
"My daughter... my little girl...my healthy precious gem, my princess is dead somewhere out there and missing. Fucking missing...and you..." Jaemin's lips tremble. And his tired eyes, exhausted red eyes get watery and your heart stops. He exhales and closes his eyes stuffing his hand with that little beige wrist band in his pocket before glaring up at you. "Don't you dare think that just because we slept together makes us official. What happened that night should stay between us. I don't know you and you don't know me. Got it?"
You're so wrapped up in not getting your ass fired that you forget that something so sensitive had happened. Despite him cheating, he has...had a daughter who he cared for. You see it in his eyes when he blinks and a tear falls down from his eye. He's quick to wiping it away, but it's enough to cause a vain to bulge from his forward and for his face to furrow while looking down.
Your heart aches.
You've always loved the idea of starting a family. You remember that when you were still with Haechan all the conversations you'd had about kids. You both wanted kids. So to see someone who had a kid be in mourning, makes you feel so insensitive.
Did you even care to see the face of the child who was killed?
Even a picture?
All you thought about, was your one night stand with the father of the child.
Your eyes pane down to your clasped hands. "I'm so sorry. I really am." You try to look for the words but you're speechless. You don't have your own kids, so you wouldn't know what he's feeling. But you gulp down and turn back to him, who had taken out the band again to simply look at it. "How old was she?"
It was already in your report briefing file, but after being so insensitive you figure that you could at least pay your respects.
Jaemin sniffs back and you can hear just how much he's holding back. "E-eight." The word alone gets Jaemin in a slump mode. He shuts his eyes tightly. "I'm such a terrible parent, she was in the house and I was with-" he stops himself sucking in a sharp breath.
"Jaemin." You gulp, feeling a different feel to when calling his name. As much as you hate being the middle woman, something about being present with him during that moment makes you feel thankful that you were with him. The fact that you know he's innocent makes you thankful. "You're innocent. You didn't do anything-"
"And because I didn't do anything she was killed. She tried to call for me, but I mistook it to be your moan." He gasps out. "I was in...the house when my...I should've listened to my gutt."
He grunts out and you can hear just how frustrated and gloomy he is at himself. "The reports said she was mute," you quietly add trying to understand what he meant by heard. Surely you would've heard, but she's...she was mute.
"She's deaf. Can't hear anything. Not mute. She's been trying to talk, while wearing hearing aids of course. But, she was still learning." Jaemin scratches the back of his neck shaking his head, the tears making an appearance yet again. "They think I killed her, but can you just imagine how scared she might've felt? Possibly trying to scream with her lungs without a clue how? Or even gasping for air while frantically trying to move her hands? She was scared...my baby, alone in her room, her father in the living room." He sniffs back maintaining a deep breath, cooling himself down. "And now her body is nowhere to be found. At first I thought she could be alive, but after seeing all that blood, her missing body and all these police, ambulance, detectives...you... I just.."
Jaemin slowly crumbles forcing his tears back. Your hand hesitantly lands on his back. Sucking in a cold breath you calmly move your hand along his back in a soothing manner. "We'll find her. I know it's not comforting but we'll find her for you. I'm sorry that this has happened."
"I just can't get out of my head how much she tried to do something. I even think she tried to call for help. Her blood shows how she struggled. There's a messy beeline from her bed to the hallway. It stops right by the bar of stairs." Jaemin runs his hands through his hair, looking into the air. "I swear I heard her voice, I know now that it was her. She tried to call me..."
You hum out quietly. "What does she call you?"
To that, he shuts his eyes tilting his head in agony. He whispers out. "She calls me Abahbah when wearing her hearing aid.. I heard it...she blabbed it out and I ignored it, thinking it was..."
The sounds that leave his lips are one of despair and disappointment.
"She hates wearing it, but she loves hearing my voice." Jaemin scoffs in pity. "If she was wearing her hearing aid, it would be such horrible sounds to hear. Her father moaning out and having the time of his life with someone who's not even his wife..."
All you can do is stand and listen, hearing your heart break every time he reveals a piece about his daughter. His daughter.
"I'm sorry to ask this," His head train to the beige wrist band again. "Can you stay?"
You don't know why that makes you feel relieved, however you feel warm inside knowing he needs...no...he wants you to stay. "Of course,"
"I mean you don't have to but-"
"I'll stay as long as I can," You tell him. "Do you need me to make you some tea? Something to drink?"
While being with him, you realize that it doesn't always have to be about you.
Getting back home that night, you can't fall asleep.
A part of you already knew that you'll most likely not fall asleep until this case is done. But now instead of dread, your head is driven to actually assisting the case in finding out what really happened. It kind of brings you back to you past self who was adamant and selfless.
Although Jaemin was in his feels and rambling out his thoughts, he assisted you with Intel to the case. And truly speaking when you entered back in the house, you got out your own camera to take the pictures of the child's blood line from her bed to the hallway. Such a pitiful sight to see. Her father and some random woman. The guilt washes away when you think of it as helping her to find out who took her body.
You want to believe that she's alive, but by the third day upon entering the office you know that her tiny 8 year old body that was in serious drainage of blood and lack of water, couldn't survive. Within three days, you visited Jaemin's wife, Chae and spent a lot of time with her. You learnt just how much Jaemin was a family man as well as well respected and loved because his friends and parents where at the hotel with Chae. They comforted and cried together with her. You helped around a bit with making tea and making sure you weren't sticking out like a sore thumb.
You only saw Jaemin briefly, he locked himself up in their room balling his eyes out and it's where you got to see his father and friends console him. He looked disheveled and so blue. His family were his support. You couldn't stay around the first day because you thought they should bond with their family. You ended up going back to work and working on the case there, where Jaehyun gave you some information of the neighbors and what they heard or possibly heard. Jaehyun also requested for a neighborhood footage, which he would get in a week's time.
You digged a little more deep into potential suspects. Outside of the family, Jaemin was a public figure and was well greatly admired for having managed and maintained a luxurious mansion hotel, Neo Hotels, with a rating of 7 out 10 in Korea. He was a young, aim driven businessman with a handful of competitors. None of which he was friends with, so with no personal interaction you believe that none of his competitors had anything against him aside from business. You go on to checking his close friends as well as Chae, those who were constantly around the family. And opt for interviews with the few. Surprisingly theirs a decrease of people Jaemin and Chae know and you're even more shocked when seeing Haechan as a part of friends that Jaemin knows. Sending him an email as well as a text message, your brain works in hyper mode. Could it have been his friends, someone he worked with or someone in the family?
The only family he stays with is his wife, Chae.
It was hard looking at her in the eye knowing fully well that you slept with her husband, but conversation was eased in when talking about her daughter; Na Daejun. Which you slowly learnt (around the second day) that Daejun was actually not her child but Jaemin's child...well his sisters child. His sister had been pregnant but was induced by a chronic illness which led to giving birth to her child prematurely and eventually taking her lasts breath before dying.
When you asked about the father of the child, Chae briefly mentioned that Jaemin's sister had been raped. With all the new information piling up on top of you, you can't help but feel even more depressed at the fact that Jaemin could be mourning over his sister again. Again, you've never had siblings of your own so you can't imagine what Jaemin is going through. Upon looking at Daejun's baby pictures, you instantly can tell how close Jaemin was to her.
Around the third day 6 out of the 7 friends you messaged agreed to have a chat interview with you. The fourth who rejected the interview was actually overseas, so you ruled him out. You ended up speaking to 6 people separately. Two cooperated and were ready to help with the investigation in anyway that they could, because they were torn and weren't even aware of the struggle their poor friend, Chae had gone through. Three of them, (Jaemin's friends) who you already met in the hotel when visiting Chae, where hands down literally doing their own digging without the investigators and we're of big help to you. They gave you news on where Daejun went to school, which parents didn't like her because of her hearing difficulties and how the teachers would favour her over their own kids- it's as though they were Daejun's big brothers.
The love they have for Jaemin is unfathomable and you're relieved with all the information you got, thanks to Jungwoo, Mark and Kun. You don't even want to suspect them because of how protective they were with her, however Mark stood out most to you because on that day he mentioned that Jaemin asked him if he could drop Daejun home from school. He said he stayed with her until Jaemin came home. Warning signs because according to Jaemin he never came home around he afternoon- only at night and night you were with him.
The last person you talk to is Haechan.
As much as it pissed you off to engage with your ex of more than 3 years, you are tongue tied seeing him. For some reason, for some odd reason the mere thoughts of: Why did he cheat on you? Surface in your brain.
The thoughts keep you from greeting him or even making eye contact with him. In a tense silence you both drink your cups of tea, because coffee is too strong. Not only do you pick up the cup simultaneously but you also take a sip equally before placing it down. You feel nothing from common similarity, however Haechan smiles at how old habits die hard. He tries to not pay mind to the silence, hoping that he'll get his chance to speak to you. After all it's been 3 years.
"I don't think you're of any use to me, or this case." Your sudden open-ended question comes out rigid and you bring out your mini notepad and pen to jot down his words (or give you a distraction) instead of thinking and looking at him. "So I'll make this quick."
His scoff emits the same palpable tension in the air. So much for hoping he could speak to you. You didn't change. Your name leaves his lips naturally, just like when he used to call you to come back to the present and away from work. You don't look at him. You don't give him the power to gaze into your eyes and make you feel like shit.
The day you broke up with him, seemed like the most easiest days of your life. However the crawling yearning belittling emotions in you weren't at ease. You were in constant reminder, by all the small things, that he left you for someone else.
You thought you were a good girlfriend, who gave him space and allowed him to do his job, who was present and attended to his needs...most of the time, but you had no argument that you were a stable girlfriend who didn't give him any headaches (unlike Jaemin who managed to swiftly get into your mind, Haechan was simply by chance why you still stayed with, so he should've felt honoured)- but then why would he do what he did?
Why did he do what he did?
You were physically attached to him, he gave you safety and the best comfort after each and every case. You were emotionally attached to him, especially when he'd listen to everything you had to say, in fact the communication was the strongest point and unit in your whole relationship-
"You're gone again."
Blinking several times you inhale and click on your pen writing scribbles on you paper pretending to write something important when nothing but the thoughts of him cloud up in your head.
"You haven't looked at me once since you walked i-"
It begins. His way of trying to apologize.
"I heard you're friends with Jaemin."
He rolls his eyes. "Can we please talk about us before we get into-"
"We can't talk about us, when there's a murder case that has to be closed. You know I don't work like that. My time is moving."
"Oh my god. Y/n. I really thought you changed." He shares his thoughts. "But you're still the same. Come on please,"
"I'm not off." You're distaste can be heard and you try not to look at him in disgust. You simply try to carry on with what you came here to do. "What do you think of Jaemin?"
You will not give him the privilege.
"I get that this is a case and you're questioning me-"
"How would you describe Jaemin during college, assuming you go way back?"
"-We'll talk for a moment about the case but can we just-"
"How come you're listed as his friend when you have minimum contact with him-"
"-hell Y/n, can we just tal-"
The constant back and forth and talking over each other creates such an imbalance that a few cafe seaters turn to look at you two, but you digress and continue asking all your questions - cutting him off just as he wants to speak. It goes on for a really long 2 minutes, the questions continuously pouring out of you, until he stops talking and sighs leaning back frustrated on his seat.
"Has he ever evoked suspicious details?"
His mouth twists in anger and he waits for you to look at him but you don't. "Y/n-"
Roughly you get up from your seat clicking your pen and shoving it back in your pocket. Not even looking at him, you take some steps away from the table, your back is turned and you walk away, while speaking up for him to hear. "Thank you Mr. Lee for your time and lack of answers. I'll cross you off the list now."
"It was you, wasn't it? The girl he slept with."
Dramatically that makes you pause for some seconds, before breathing in avoiding his eyes and continuing to leave.
"Or should I say it like him? Death in the seductive form of a lady with spectacular eyes,"
You ignore him getting your hand on the door.
Banging the table whilst scrapping his chair back as he sprints up- draws your attention forcing you to stop.
"C'mon Y/n don't leave again! For hell's sake just listen to me. Are you really going to be so wrapped up in your own head ignoring that you're just as guilty in this matter?"
You hesitate with your next step but brush it off continuing and getting closer to the door.
"Fine. You wanna be that way? Okay." Donghyuck grumbles, clearing his throat to prepare his next words. "You fucked him in his house while his kid was being murdered. Admit it-"
Your neck sprains from the heavy lifting words that spoil out of his mouth, as you glare at him. Your breath hitches in your throat.
"He thought you were an assistant to an assassin." Donghyuck seriously trudges. "Keeping him distracted while his kid was being murdered. Is this seriously what you've become? You leave me and go on to spreading your legs for-"
"Shut the fuck up!" You storm to the table with a befuddlement. "Have you fucking lost your mind? I didn't sleep with anyone-"
His eyes give light to an emotion of desperation, until you realize it's not desperation in his eyes but hurt. Oddly, you feel satisfied when you assume he's hurt that you slept with someone, but your emotions are crushed by his next words and the look of hurt shifts into mocking and belittling.
"I'm surprised you're trying to help him when all you care about is yourself." What he really means, is how on earth Jaemin got you so invested in him. Because the you he knows, would never not once put in everything for a person. You were selfish. "In fact, I'm willing to bet you don't even care about him. You're trying to save your ass. I can't blame you. You slept with him on the day his kid died-"
"I'm not trying to save myself-"
"He cleaned up and thought about you all night long. And here you are actually trying to save him. But you can't even take a minute to listen to me to try and understand-"
"Understand what? It's not about you!" You snap.
"It's not about you either! But still, till this day your head won't allow you to think about others. It's always you!"
"I'm so sick of this- just tell me where you heard what you heard and I'll fucking leave you alone. And stop speculating about me. I'm literally still in this case because he's innocent-"
He scoffs. "You know he's innocent because you slept with him. I bet you if you never did, you would've locked him up."
"You know what. I'm not here to play your stupid games and listen to you blabber." You point out. "I don't have time for this, or for you."
"That's why I slept with her." Haechan burns out, making your breath halt just a your eyes squint. "You never had any time for me. You kept me around as some form of item instead of a person. So now I'm finding it hard to believe that you're actually defending this man. Even besides the fact that you slept with him, you would've still locked him up. But you're still helping him? Why? You couldn't spare time for me to talk, but you initially stayed and spoke to Jaemin the whole night before going to fuck him."
Your tongue pokes your cheek. "You're even stressing on his behalf. But you never ever cared on my behalf. He's a good person and you used him. He's sex deprived, and like the being he is, he stroked off to you, balls deep and eyes shut in ecstasy as he thought about you. He didn't get to finish as his wife came back home with a tired gaze. She passed him and went straight for her room when she yelled out. He stopped thinking about you, got his hands out his sweats and attended to his wife only to be mortified at what he saw. What the fuck did you guys talk about that also has him thinking deeply about you? I used to think about you do much, hoping you'd think of me to. But you never did." A long pause rests in the air. Your eyes hollow and evident of your guilt as you hear him. His eyes gaze back into your eyes, there's a strong aura of overwhelming heat of guilt upon the room, mostly upon you, Haechan is just glad that he has you back and this time you're listening. "Am I still going to be scratched from the list?"
Glaring to the side, you catch pairs of eyes that quickly look away. Groaning out by your unprofessional manner you pull out your badge long enough for all the on lookers to grasp where you're from. No use getting random phone calls to the station of two people discussing a serious matter in bursts of anger.
You take a seat and fold your arms, your eyes on Haechan, firm and serious never blinking. He takes a seat too. You don't even speak, giving him the floor as he desperately wanted it. "Y/n I'm sorry for-"
You breathe out in heaps of anger.
"I know an apology isn't what you want to hear, especially from me," Haechan continues regardless of your eye roll and bouncing leg of anxiety.
"However it's what you're gonna get if you want the full story. I'm sorry Y/n. I really am." He voices out, trying to look sincere, but he looks more guilty then sincere. Not only was he nervous for actually talking back to you in the manner he did, but he felt bad for demanding your attention only to state his cheating ways again. So knowing that you won't listen to his one way apology (he knows you're only interested in Jaemin) he tries to play the victim card. "On that morning you caught me with that her, you didn't give me a chance to explain myself-"
"Oh please. As if what you did needed explanation." You roll your eyes.
Haechan sighs quietly and nods his head. "You're right. That night you had just called that you were gonna be working over time. Again. I was mad and angry that you stood me up, again. I was at the restaurant by myself. Looking like a fool while watching people come, eat and go. Should I say 'again'? Because really I've watched people arrive, eat and go in every restaurant all by myself because you never had time for me. In fact, not only in restaurants, but generally you never ever just sat down next to me asking me anything about myself, or how my day was. That night, I was beyond mad. I watched, I waited for you and all you could do was send a short text saying, sorry I'm tired. I worked overtime, I won't be home tonight, I'll be in the office. I'll never ever forget that night. I can say all the things I wanted from you that night, but it won't change anything now. It wasn't even the first time you had left me, so I got used to you not showing up when I needed you. Heck even the chef... The chef, she knew me specifically because you'd never show up and I'd always eat by myself...sometimes with her. But-"
"If you're trying to guilt trip me, then it's not going to work. You're the one who cheated." You point him sharply refraining yourself from getting worked up and angry. But you're already so heated. How dare he blame you for an action be did? Although you said his guilt trip wouldn't work on you, you admit that you were kind of unfair towards him in some ways. But you won't give him the satisfaction to know it actually wounded your ego, because despite everything, it still hurts being cheated on. "Don't forget it. Don't forget that you cheated. Not me."
"And that's why I understand why Jaemin did it. Why he fucked- no. Let me use his words." Haechan bites back on his lip while balling his fists. "Why he made love to you that night. I understand why, after years of cancelling his premium therapy membership, that he called me up just so he could talk about what had happened. He doesn't know that I know you, he doesn't even know that you know me, in fact I didn't even know that he was talking about you fully. He mentioned your name, but the words he said afterwards shocked me because I know you. The you that I know, only thinks of herself. You're selfish. Not selfless. All he knows is that he slept with someone who was not only purely satisfying and selfless. When he said that while saying your name, I was perplexed because that's not you. He's confused and mourning and the only person who can believe him is someone who he cheated with. That's you by the way."
You're attentive to his words, but feel so guilty just like him and you hate that he's putting you in his shoes and then putting you back in your own shoes.
"When I slept with the chef, it was to feel love. I know now that it was stupid of me to do that, but what assurance could I have gotten when every time I set up an appointment on your free day, you decided to work?" Haechan questions himself as if he's back to that day. "Same with Jaemin, his motive was simply because he needed to be fucked to forget. H-he's a man who's been sex deprived from his wife, who he's convinced is lying about her pregnancy. Honestly loyalty lasts long when everything's alright within the relationship. But the moment something snaps, you begin to wonder why you were loyal in the first place. And that's Jaemin, his motive for being with you was because his wife was dishonest somewhere and somehow. Unfortunately for Jaemin, the one time he chose to be disloyal... he happened to choose to be disloyal not knowing the aftermath. Unfortunately for you, you're entangled in this messy situation with him. Why did you sleep with him?"
Your lips are sealed. But your thoughts are bouncing off the wall. "You mentioned his premium therapy membership before he cancelled. How did you meet him?"
"We go way back since college because he was amongst my first clients. I'm his therapist. He ended his membership the moment his sister died. The night he found out about his daughter, he called me, on a private phone with a private line, and tried to explain everything that happened. Unfortunately that's all I know. He now calls me from time to time to ask for methods he can use to mourn peacefully while being under the watchful eyes of the police. I'm sharing this confidential information with you because we both know he's innocent. I'm sharing this with you, because if there's still a way for me to get back into your heart, the I'll glady take it. I've been-"
You roll your eyes coming close and cutting him off while muttering. "I don't care what you've been up to. Go fuck someone else until you forget me. It's been working for me, hopefully it'll work for you." You don't care if it's harsh, you don't care if you're being rude by walking out the cafe without another word. All you know is that he gave you all the information he knows.
Before leaving the store, you look back once, seeing him run his hands through his hair.
The next days are filled with you cramping up your brain with investigation. You barely sleep, looking at the case at every second to prove Jaemin's innocence. Being in Jaehyun's team, consisting of you, some other man known as Taeil (Jaehyun tasked him with the main focus to locate the body) and Jaehyun himself- you guys are task force 3, faced with dealing with the child and her location. While other units and forces are tasked heavily on finding the killer. However as you're trying to prove Jaemin's Innocence, from time to time you're cooperative with the other units in order to receive information.
Aside from that, your unit is pretty eccentric and busy all the time, even in ways that you've never been busy before, to the extent that even when you wash your dishes you only see the blood of the poor child.
With Jaemin being a primary suspect, and Mark being a secondary suspect, you're surprised that they both have alibis.
Haechan (despite you excluding and hiding everything he said) served as an alibi for Jaemin (as proven in the short text he sent you, that he'll keep his mouth shut if you needed him too. And you did). While Jaemin's wife Chae served as an alibi for Mark saying she was the one who was present and that Marked made a small innocent mistake by switching up the names.
Being in a meeting right now you're not expecting your phone to buzz. But it does causing you to react quickly. Ever since sending an email to meet up with Haechan, he's been using the email platform to engage into conversation with you.
Mr Lee Haechan:
Don't forget to drink water
Have a good day!
Aside from trying to work on the Jaemin case, your phone's been pretty scattered with emails from Haechan.
Go fuck someone else until you forget about me.
Is what you told Haechan, and its still what you're telling him. Frankly speaking...
There's absolutely no reason to defend Jaemin, except your job being on the line, but aside from that, you free willingly put yourself in a dangerous mission to save him, especially when everyone is against him. Haechan's constant messaging got you to a deep pot of realization.
You'll never admit it to yourself, but consciously you know why you slept with him. And the person who helped you realize it, was non other than Haechan. You always knew why, you just could never admit it. While you were always busy for Haechan, for Jaemin you felt available. It's bizarre because you only spoke to him that night, but you were hooked onto him so strangely.
You wanna apologize to Haechan. But apologizing would mean giving him another chance. And you don't want that.
The break up, even before the cheating scandal, was already in motion. You loved Haechan for the person he was and always being ready to put you first, but, you hated how busy you were and how free he was. He just wanted to be with you, but you had to focus on your work and yourself. He's someone who's selfless and always puts others needs before his own, hence him always saying it's okay even when it's not. The outcome of being selfless is hurting alone inside and causing an unbalanced outburst of emotions. You both studied psychology, him for his work in therapy and you for insight on criminal behavior. You both know how an outburst of emotions can be deadly. In your case, and his case, it resorted to him cheating.
It's good to finally get the answer that you've been looking for of why he cheated on you, but it hurts knowing that your prediction of him not being happy in the relationship was true. You wish you could give him all your time, but you can't forsake yourself just to make him happy.
But now why is it different with Jaemin? In a way, he's almost similar to Haechan by being selfless. However why is it that you want to give him your time. You don't have to save yourself, you can lock him up just as all the evidence proven is already on him. Yet... You're trying to save your ass by helping him prove his innocence.
You know the answer, but you refuse to let it sink in.
So you're working, day and night to get him out your head and out your heart.
He's grieving and cares about nothing else. His world is falling apart, just like the way it was when he was in the bar making fun of all his problems (except for his wife which he refused to mention), only except this time, you want to be by his side. He doesn't deserve this. You're being selfless for him.
"Intern." You jump and blink upwards towards Jaehyun. "If I see you spacing out once more, you're off the case. I can't have you day dreaming every quarter of the day."
Jaehyun stares at you, long enough for you to feel uncomfortable and change your seating position. "Pay attention. Taeil thinks he's got a lead. Taeil, you may continue."
Taeil, in his black jeans and buttoned down black shirt moves over to the white board which is adorned with all our findings and possible clues. "We've always thought that the body might've been carried out through the girl's window. But we spotted something yesterday." Taeil pins onto the board two images of grassland as well as road tracks. "Drops of blood."
You lean in your seat paying close attention. Any information is information for your ears, the D.A is already at your neck about locking up Jaemin and you can't let that happen.
"We found the blood on the doorstep of the backdoor and on the road in the back alley. Coincidence that it might've been for a stray or passer, we disagree because we tested the blood and it's a match to the girl." Taeil runs a hand through his hair. "Meaning, the body was carried, but it was wrapped in something sealed tight that only drops of blood could be let out. Right now, we've got 6 search dogs on different routes, searching for another possible droplet."
"Why not use the security camera on the block? Have you not yet received it?" You enquire.
"Honestly getting the fucker on cam and closing this case would be the best thing right now." Taeil turns his head in your direction. "The security camera footage has been stolen. My guess, the person who hid the body has the tape. We opted for a copy of the tape, they told us it's already been sent to the prospects. We ask Jaemin if he received any tape, he lyingly said no feigning crocodile tears. It's obvious that he has it and is lying. I'm strongly leaning on Jaemin."
"Not only that, he has barely been to his house. Something's off-putting about him, and he's starting to slip." Jaehyun inputs.
"Why not Chae?" You surprise yourself as well as Jaehyun and Taeil. But you roll on with the dice you threw. "They live in a hotel, a hotel that he owns. Jaemin hasn't been to his house in 4 good days and has spent it in his office grieving for his child. Meanwhile Chae is constantly on sight despite being pregnant. Why suspect Jaemin of stealing the tape when he hasn't been around, for all we know it could've been another detective. He's a simple man grieving now because he just lost his fucking child. I'm not trying to disrespect you or your words, but I think we should still keep our options open on who we think the suspect is."
"We can't keep the line open because it's goddamn self explanatory of who the killer is." Taeil rebuts. "Besides, that's not our department."
"It's not Jaemin-"
"Look if you wanna be a lawyer and prove his innocence you're in the wrong department-"
"You said you found droplets of blood on the backdoor exit and back alley, you asked for a tape and they claimed that they gave it to the prospects. I'm not complaining, my problem is why would he hide the tape?"
"Because he's the killer." Taeil deadpans, his head so wrapped around Jaemin being the killer.
"No. Listen to yourself. If he's the killer, you mean to tell me, he killed his child in her room, had a chance to escape the house and go wherever with the child and return back to the house, with no print? I strongly disagree. He said he was in the house all through out the night, even when the police were called, he was in the house. He never left the house-"
"I don't trust a word that guy says. His narrative kept changing whenever we asked him were he was."
"That doesn't mean you get to-"
"You weren't kidding when you said she's hell bent on taking his side." Taeil peers to Jaehyun tiredly cutting you off. "Why'd they pair her up with you? Listen here intern. We're not going to do things your way. When evidence is present we stay on it until we have the person confess or behind bars."
The rest of the discussion goes on with Taeil and you bickering about Jaemin's innocence before Jaehyun calls it progress getting us to end the meeting due to our endless back and forth comments.
"You argue like a kid. An illiterate kid might I add. All the facts are laid out in front of you, the defense attorney general is already filing up a lawsuit and you're still asking for more time on Mr Na Jaemin." Jaehyun rephrases out your whole situation in a nutshell. But everything is far from being in a nutshell. "Why? I'll keep asking this question until the end of this case, so get used to it. I'm really curious as to why you're pushing every moral you learnt in your years and months of training, for Mr Na. What did you see? Did you see something? What is it? Tell me, because I'm a second away from handcuffing him myself."
"Sir, please just give me, more time-"
"We don't have that time you're looking for. Other units have already closed in on Jaemin, his own family is already suspecting him and on top of that the faster we get him in and interrogate him, the faster we can find his child and where he hid her body."
You stand firm giving your best determination stare. "Sir. Give me just 3 days."
"3 fucking weeks have passed since we started this case. It's not looking good if we keep this open for a month, the prosecutors will take over the case and we'll be underneath their control. I don't work like that. We need to pack up and lock up now."
"Fine. Give me a day. Please." You beg.
Jaehyun folds his arms running his tongue against his lips. His eyes, hollow and deep, show how much he's neglected sleep for this case. If you think you've been working hard, then you certainly haven't seen how strained Jaehyun has worked and how easily he found all the clues to close in on Jaemin. However Jaehyun is no fool. With your compartment and the way you've been acting around the whole case, his active brain worked out that you may have had some kind of entanglement with Jaemin. It wasn't only him, Taeil questioned your motive on multiple occasions, however today he asked if you were Jaemin's lover of the past or else it made no sense why you defended him when all the ways were pointing to him.
Holding back his tongue from what he believes, he simply eyes you, and with the way you don't back down, your eyes pleading for some more time. Your eyes urge him to investigate you and Jaemin's relationship. It's why he nods his head when he says: "You've got the rest of this day and tomorrow. No more chances. Get going."
You don't have time to express your contentment when you're already picking up your phone and ordering a ride-
You stop by the elevator when Jaehyun calls you back. "Yes sir?"
"I'm locking him up tomorrow if you have nothing."
You thought that you'd be fueled up and eager to get moving, however once you get inside your ride and give the address of the hotel, you're drained, frustrated and overwhelmed. It's not fair. Jaemin is innocent. He didn't do anything, but surprisingly all the evidence has been pointing to him. The neighbors claim that they last saw him taking her to school in the morning as usual, the parents at school claimed that a male picked her up (most likely Mark) but the team of detectives are hell bent on making it all about Jaemin. His wife claims that she wasn't well and went to the clinic the whole day (she's got a doctor's note to prove it). However she claims that Jaemin took the child to the sleepover centre- to which Jaemin strongly denied but nobody listened to him. It's even worse when the sleepover centre mentions that the child hadn't come. So officers are leaning on the fact that Jaemin could've killed her since the afternoon and he hid her body and feigned ignorance.
The case runs all over your head when you enter the prestigious hotel, which has slightly been affected by the situation in which Jaemin is a main suspect. It's really alarming how the media gets it's sources and are always ready to twist and manipulate facts.
You walk past the guard giving him a tight smile as he knows who you are and opens up the door for you letting you pass. You're about to head on to their top leveled apartment until your eyes latch onto a familiar black leather jacket, black drenched hair and dispirited Jaemin making his way through. Your eyes narrow a bit when following his direction with your eyes. Your legs are no stranger to stalking as you walk up following him and where ever he's going. He enters through a door entitled staff only. You get your badge ready just in case you have to use it. Its not until you open up the door to an empty white lit corridor leading in one direction.
You carefully walk along the path until you spot some stairs that lead to an underground basement filled with (assumedly) residents cars. The parking area is darkly dim, with no sign of staff members to watch over the cars.
You freeze in your step, when your eyes catch a figure standing by a grey door. It's Jaemin. Your breath hitches in your throat when he leaves the door open and enters inside...
Your legs take in the invitation as you climb down the rest of the stairs passing by the parking set of expensive cars before following the passage way until you reach the door that's blending in with the wall. The door is already open, so you enter inside- with your eyes slightly straining from the brightness of the pure white light in the room- office....private parking?
The office is large, with a clear see though desk holding up a laptop and some documents. By the side of the office there's some frames of photo certificates of different deals. Jaemin's handsomely in some pictures shaking hands while at the same time, other photos are simply signed certificates. However, what throws you off the most is the sleeked back, navy blue, extravagantly catching the light by its posh outline.
Seeing as Jaemin is nowhere in the office, you most likely think he's in the car. And strangely enough he's inside the car, drinking from a whine glass sophisticatedly. Trying your luck, seeing as though he knew you where following him and wanted you to follow him, you pull open the door that's unlocked.
Not even hesitating, your leg steps inside the posh car and you comfortably situate yourself before closing the door.
Inside the car, there's light air conditioning, music swaying gracefully along the speakers softly and a carefree and unbothered male sitting on the driver's seat while drinking from his wine glass. Aside from the music playing, it's silent in the car as you listen to Jaemin adorn himself in the drink and the air condition leak out cool streams of air. Behind the gear stick, there's a little presentable set of a tray with the darling red whine bottle.
Jaemin leans towards your side opening up the compartment lid and taking out a wine glass with a handkerchief. Cleaning the glass and setting it down on the tray next to his empty glass, he begins to fill up the glasses and smoothly tilts a filled glass towards you.
Silently you take the glass from it's steam and chuckle, which delightfully gets him to smile despite the darkness underneath his eyes. Feeling like you're in the bar again, you take a small sip of your drink before turning your gaze to him. With flattery, you catch his attention when you speak.
"Wine," You smile, teasingly, imitating the way you first spoke when you were in the bar. "That isn't a drink to drink alone. Mind if I join?"
Jaemin's lips quivers revealing a little smile. He picks up on his own glass meeting yours half way as you both clink on it. He takes one big gulp, finishing the whole glass, while you take another sip, letting the flavour and the taste swirl around your taste buds. "So, what's the occasion? A fine lady like yourself shouldn't be in a place like this," He perfectly recalls your conversation, causing you to engage and pursue the way you did.
"I could say the same for you," you giggle, crossing your legs and leaning back on your seat. Just like when you were at the bar, he looks nervous and a bit hesitant. "It's not everyday, I come across a distressed man drowning wine instead of alcohol," You try to tone down a bit.
However, he sharply intakes a deep breath also leaning back on his seat. "What can I say," He surprisingly turns his head into your direction. Your breath hitches in your throat when his enduring dark brown eyes take in your being. He literally looks at you, causing the pits of your stomach to flutter. "I'm merely a god. I'm simply a man with problems, sitting next to a goddess with the most spectacular eyes,"
You nervously laugh, your inability to make eye contact for a long period dawns on you and you turn away. However Jaemin's eyes are still on you, analyzing your neck sinking and the coats on cheeks lightly changing colour.
That makes him smile, relaxed and free. Just like the first time he laid his eyes into your own enchanting soul. He sets his empty glass down on the tray, his fingers moving along his own while he constantly fumbles on deciding whether to continue drinking as planned or...draw into this conversation and see where it leads to.
You drink your drink avoiding eye contact, but your lips tugging upwards brightens your face. Jaemin's fingers itches to feel how warm your face is yet he refrains himself.
"How are you?" You ask, when noticing he's lost a bit of weight and a lot of his charming smile.
Jaemin blinks away the stars before focusing back on you.
"I heard you had a service of burial last week Saturday... without her body," You mention, your eyes finding his again. "It must've been hard."
Jaemin takes in a breath nodding his head, consciously aware of who you are now. A detective. Instead of answering you, he takes out his phone unlocking it and instantly seeing his little girl, Daejun's eyes.
You lean in when he brings his phone close to you, showing you a picture. In such a pretty beige dress with white hems, Jaemin crouches down beside her with his arms wrapped around her. Your eyes find his again (which are tenderly already on you) for a second before you both make it back to the pictures. He nudges his phone towards you and you take it in your hands, sliding to the next picture and next and next. There's even a picture and video were he's doing her hair. Jaemin's approximation with his child only mourns into your heart, as you think of your own parents and the day you were mourning over them.
Jaemin was an ideal father figure for the little girl. If you didn't know that it was his sisters child, you would seriously believe that it was his child. Then again, he took the child in as his own. He built a bond with her from the very beginning. You even tear up a bit when seeing that he had a picture of her at birth inside of the incubator breathing chamber for premature babies. You see Jaemin everywhere with little Daejun, she was his own daughter.
"My parents..." You sniff when releasing that it does hurt. "I never...they both died after giving birth to me. My mum in labour and my dad in a car accident while driving to the hospital." You smile tightly and shut your eyes afraid of letting the tears out. "She's...really lucky to have had a dad like you. I'm sorry for your loss,"
Jaemin's eyes are glued to the picture and he nods his head. "I'm sorry about your parents,"
"It's okay, I never really knew them," You hum out. "But, thank you. Honestly, you reminded me of my childhood. These pictures, brought back those times I spent at the orphanage home. And that day when I came by to your house, and spoke as though your child meant nothing, really reminded me that it's not easy to lose someone dear to your hear."
"Can I share something with you too?" He asks meekly. You give him your attention, allowing him to take refuge in your silence as he speaks. "I'm sorry for that night. That night I...asked you to sleep with me. I should've been fully honest that I was married and had a kid. Maybe if I was honest.."
You breath out and nod your head. "Are you blaming yourself again?"
Jaemin doesn't say anything, and when you look at him, he's deep in himself looking tired. "I should've been there." His tears are unintentional but when they're by the brim of his eyes and he blinks, your hand mindlessly cups his cheeks as your thumb wipe gently under his eye. Your hand goes underneath his other eye before landing back against his cheek. "If only I paid close attention to her that day, then I wouldn't have lost her..."
You have no words to say, no words of comfort, no words to shake off how useless he was feeling. You also felt like shit after finding out he had a child and a wife. Your hand does the talking, allowing him to cry as your touch brushes underneath his ear to massage his hair. Careful not to accidentally knock over the glasses, your other hand sets the glasses on the empty cupholder closer to your seat, and the wine bottle down and finally removing the tray placing it down. Fixing your position you allow yourself to lean close just to run your fingers into his hair and onto his scalp.
Jaemin's eyes blissfully close by the sensation your fingers bring and by the feeling you provide. He leans into your touch while leaning back on his seat, simply watching you. To think you were an orphan. It would make sense on your views and why you were sensitive. At the bar, you came with full intent to get laid, but when he started to speak to you and you considered a conversation, he noticed that you seemed hurt and afraid to open.
You both barely spoke about yourselves yet you seemed to understand and know each other just by the way your eyes were on each other.
"For the past couple of months, my wife and I were rocky with each other. Avoiding each other because of a misunderstanding and this growing dislike to one another. She was getting a bit too comfortable with going behind my back and making deals, and having this idea of sending Daejun overseas to finish her studies. I mean, it's not a bad idea, but Daejun's deaf and from the beginning I've been with her. Heck, I vowed to always be there for her," He sighs.
Staying quiet for a bit allowing himself to recall the days before this incident.
"I've always been there with her and for her. I didn't like the idea of her being far at such a young age. I mean, was it wrong for me to want to be close to her until maybe the day she graduated? I just wanted to protect her and be with her, teach her things, learn with her, watch her grow, see her smile, care for her, comfort her, help her whenever she needed me...I just wanted to be there for her. Its all I want.." Jaemin's eyes lower. "It's all I wanted,"
"After stating that I didn't agree, that I didn't want to let her go, Chae got so furious." Jaemin continues. "She signed Daejun for aftercare and day-care services, and registering her to live at a dormitory home for mute and deaf kids. Anything concerning Daejun, Chae would take it upon herself to make final decisions without my consent."
You frown, whilst still patting his head. "How come?"
"I don't know. And whenever I ask, she'd tell me Daejun went for sleepover at her friends place. Only to find out that Daejun had been going to aftercare after school and straight to the dormitory. I cancelled that immediately, only to find out that Chae, as my wife, opted that all matters concerning Daejun should be informed only to her because I, as Daejun's father was too busy. She changed it all," Jaemin shakes his head slowly. "I thought they had a good relationship, but when Daejun asked me to start taking her to school, because she didn't want to be around Chae, I understood that Chae really did a number on her. I spoke to Chae, and that's where the arguments began. It got to the point where I wanted to leave with Daejun. Chae got too controlling of Daejun, or rather just trying to get Daejun out the house. So I warned her that I'd leave her if she kept doing what she was doing." Jaemin scoffs.
As a middle person, you have no right to enter into their relationship problems. But as a detective, this is all news to your ears. However, right now, as he himself is confiding in you, you gradually engage with him. "So why didn't you leave her?" You feel 'botchy' for asking that kind of question, however the gears in your head are turning. Leaving Chae or resolving the matter back then, could've probably not led up to this.
Not to say you were suspecting Chae, but...Chae's pursuit to get rid of Daejun has kind of worked. Except Daejun's dead.
"She told me that I can't leave because she's got a child." Jaemin answers."
"Her pregnancy right now?" You ask. Recalling Haechan's words and how he said Jaemin thinks she's faking it, or that she's not really pregnant- you can't remember it well, but Haechan's words come to mind.
"I couldn't leave her, because I had to take responsibility for what I did. That's until I found out." Although he looks indifferent to Chae's distaste for Daejun, you notice his face changes when talking about Chae's pregnancy. He looks almost disappointed and ashamed. "Stillborn."
Your eyes widen by his words. Making your busy thoughts halt. Stillborn? Chae's baby. Chae has a stillborn baby? The baby...is dead?
"There's a doctor's report somewhere in the house." Jaemin shuts his eyes, and you can only imagine that he's pouring in anguish as his jaw trembles and tongue pokes his cheek. "On that same day that Daejun disappeared Prior. Early in the morning. After dropping Daejun. After Chae went to the hospital. I found the report and read it. I tried to confront her about it... But...the thought of saying it out loud. That my first actual child was sitting dead in that womb. That my first unborn child was no longer living. That maybe, because of the stress in the house, I caused Chae to lose our child. A child which I hadn't even laid eyes on...my child was dead. The responsibility that I stayed for, was no longer there. I couldn't... I don't know why you she didn't tell me. Why she kept carrying it while knowing that it was dead? On the other hand, she kept trying to push Daejun out the house, as if it was Daejun's fault.... I know it's stupid to think that. But the fact that my child had died months ago, and she kept making life harder for my little gem filled me with frustration, pain, but most of all regret. For so many things. I don't even remember where I went. I was limbo. All I know is that I was tired. The thought of leaving her crossed my mind, but after finding out about my stillborn baby... I just wanted to comfort her until she would be okay. I even thought staying with her, along with Daejun would make up for her loss...our loss. I wanna say that, we did that to the baby, but in me deep down I keep blaming myself. I remember just trying to get rid of everything I was feeling. But on that day, I don't even remember my thoughts. They were too much. I... Chae's been keeping secrets from me, acting strange with Daejun- now that I think of it, Daejun would ask...would sign to me, if Chae was angry with her. I was... To be vague, sleeping with you made me wonder why I put up with her in the first place. Why I let myself be trapped and lost in this predicament?"
He stayed with her because of her new growing baby in her womb. But that morning he found out that the baby was actually dead. It set him off character. It's on that same night he went out to the bar and slept with another woman...with you.
Your brain begins to work in detective mode. While your ears are sincerely open to everything he saye, your mind was piecing pieces together. This could be the key to his innocence. It makes sense why he never spoke up during his confession statement. He was in and out of it that he didn't want to hurt Chae, nor let his mind wander to the drastic and sudden present reality. Not to mention he slept with you and you showed up as a detective.
"You know...I had a sister... Daejun's mother- I didn't sleep with my sister if that's what you're thinking. My sister passed away, and left Daejun behind. But before that, when she was still alive, she really wanted to make sure that her child would be in good hands just in case she'd go. Of course she trusted me, however she believed that a mother would know best. A woman with a good heart, who'd look after her child. At the time, I was betrothed to Chae since childhood and assumed she wouldn't mind looking after Daejun with me if my sister had to pass." Jaemin's somber eyes reveal such a deep emotion of sadness that it makes you- literally- want to embrace him until everything would be okay.
"Jaemin, no. Please don't do this to yourself." You plead, running your hand gently across his cheek, using your thumb to caress his skin. "It's not your fault," You whisper out, maintaining a firm, and strongly positive attitude. "It's not anybody's fault of why this happened. Don't blame yourself please. You know, somethings in life, need to happen for a bigger picture to be revealed. For a brighter future, for joy and peace to come. I... I don't have the answers, but I'm speaking from experience. Things happen for a reason. We can't see it now, but I'm certain that they'll eventually make sense and make the pain go away. It felt really good being with you that night, but I felt like complete shit after sleeping with you knowing you were married. Yet, I don't know how or why, but after that day and continuously investing myself in this case, a lot of things that were unclear in my life became clear again. And I'm not saying this to disregard that Daejun was being brutally hurt while we were together, but I'm saying that... you don't have to blame yourself. The pain of losing Daejun will never go away as you're her father, but I want you to simply picture her in a good light. You gave her a lot of security and assurance that you were always there for her. You were her abahbah, and she loved you so much so that you shared a special bond, despite not being her real dad- she considered you so much. And from everything I've seen when being with you, you care a lot for everyone around you. You genuinely take responsibility with determination and you put your all into everything. I promise you, one day, it'll make sense. Just don't blame yourself please."
Jaemin nods his head smiling meekly at you. You smile back, still running your fingers over his scalp.
"Would you..." Jaemin breathes out. "I mean, if Daejun were still alive...I'm not asking anything weird, but...would you look after her?"
The sudden question shocks you out of your train thought and you have to bring your thoughts back to the present conversation. "Honestly, when I was growing up in the orphanage and would go to school seeing all these parents loving their children and buying all sorts of gifts and snakes and toys, there was nothing more I wanted them being adopted by two loving people who wouldn't mind giving me the world." You smile at your child thought coming to light. "Sadly I was never adopted. But I was filled with the urge to comfort families who lost their kids. And sadly, yet again, I feel like I had lost my main motive for why I wanted to be a detective when it became all about forgetting my ex and just getting this job, that I didn't care as much about the families and who they lost. As long as it kept me busy, then I didn't care. But, in regards to your question and this case. I adjusted my character a lot, I mean...you've even got me fighting for your innocence with the passion I had before. So, I'm not saying I would, but if D-Daejun felt comfortable with me, I think I'd be comfortable with her too. But I can't really say that, it's been a real struggle to allow myself to be selfless. But for you... I think I'd try."
Jaemin's warm hand circles around your wrist and by the contact of his soft hand on your skin, you bite the inside of your cheek with anticipation. Although his eyes gaze deeply into yours, his lips travel along the insides of your palm, just as he intertwines your fingers together. His lips slide from your palm to your wrist before he turns your hand around planting light kisses on your backhand. His eyes shut as he gatherers both his hands to engulf your own planting little kisses, yet meekly playing with your fingers. He doesn't open his eyes, but his lips move. "I never even thought about that. If Daejun would be comfortable... I think she would've been comfortable with you. And besides, when we met at the bar, you were very much selfless when paying attention to me sincerely. When finding out that she... disappeared, I lost hope in leaving Chae. Leaving her will pin me out to be the real culprit. But you need to believe me,"
His eyes open, peering into yours, hopefully and faithfully. The stars that twinkled on that night you together, are shining brightly in his eyes again right now. Your eyes latch onto his hidden lips as he continues to kiss your hand, before he stops for a second and says your name. Your stomach twirls inside and you can't help but suck in a breath, especially when his long lashes pane upwards filling you up with his soul.
"No matter what they say," He shakes his head whispering. "I didn't kill her,"
"I know,"
And just like the last time, your hand that's securely in his manages to get back on his face just as he draws near and you both meet half way in crashing your lips against each other. It's like a magnetic force keeping you in bound within his reach, your hand that's on his face gets tangled within the depths of his hair, just as his soft hands grasp onto your face while his other hand moves down your side lifting you up.
From your seat your leg eagerly shifts when you plant them on either side of him sitting up on his lap. Your lips gasp out when his mouth departs from yours and straight to your neck. His mouth leaving open kisses just as his hands roam around your back, down to your butt. Mumbling between your neck he asks: "You have no idea how much I missed you. Do you want me to make you feel good?"
Jaemin watched as you climbed on top of his lap, and his brain was just so deeply filled with the idea that he wanted you. You hum out in response, but it's muffled by your moan when his lips suck on your neck again bringing your body down. Your hand taps above, turning on the lights in the car.
"God, | missed you so much," he whispers in your ear again, trailing kisses down your neck. “Gonna make you feel so good."
"Jaemin, please,” you whimper at his words. You truly missed him too, missed this. You missed everything about him. Just by the touch of his fingers, that weren't too fast neither too slow in discarding your clothes, piece by piece, while still maintaining a perfectly steamy kiss as he takes your breath away. You let him remove your clothes, your tongue focused on his own as you fight for dominance- which he's clearly winning. Your blazer, your pullover, he unbottons your shirt sliding them off your shoulders moaning out when feeling your hot skin.
You pull your tight vest, as well as your sports bra over your head once, your boobs falling out and Jaemin instantly catching them mounting his lips on them and making it a mission to please both of them.
While you moan out by his kisses, his charming laugh while fanboying over your boobs and tongue action only edge you to unbotton your jeans as quick as possible. He laughs and stops your hands. "You're in such a hurry let me do it." He chuckles lovely again, shifting his reclining chair smoothly back until it hits the back seat before he makes the seat alignment slanted to make him laying down easier.
Meanwhile your hands slide underneath his white shirt, getting over his chest and slightly squeezing his man nipples. You smile when he bites his lip emitting a low groan. "You like that?" You smirk.
You laugh at his meek behavior and holding his shoulders down to the lowered seat, you grind your hips on his hard growing member. Dry humping him exactly like a dog in heat. The car is filled with sounds of ecstasy, with Jaemin groaning out as you moaning out when feeling his bulge pulsating underneath you. His hands finding your boobs and squeezing them and spreading his hands over them bringing them together, minding how soft they are, how perky your nipples are, how warm they are and how he can feel your heart beat while squeezing.
"Rock paper scissors for who gets to start," his needy eyes looking into your own, just as he bucks his hips upwards his hands leaving your boobs by gripping your hips continuing his motion. He bucks his hips up roughly again. He presses you harder into him while he moves his hips up trying to reach his high.
"Jaemin I just want you now,"
"| know baby, | know, it'll be faster if you play rock." He positions his fist forward and you roll your eyes playfully doing the same thing. The motion of his hips stop with him panting out, however you continue circling your hands over the hard materials trying to feel him.
"Rock paper scissors!" You play a rock as instructed and he plays a scissor.
"Yes!" You cheer, while fumbling with your pants again, going back to your seat to remove and kick off your trousers remaining in your black laced thong. Similar to Jaemin who unfastens his belt and brings down his pants and boxers leaving them at his knees. Your eyes marvel when his hard rocking cock shoots up and slaps his abdomen. "So hard," you coo biting your lip.
He lets out a low curse when you climb on top of him again, your clit already moist over your thong as you slide over his dick instead of allowing it inside you. "Are you really teasing me with your wet pussy? Tease." he grunts yet looking pleased to the extreme. "Shit." You hold onto his shoulders slippery grinding your hips back and forth on his shaft that's still over his stomach. Your wetness only lubricating over his. "Fuck," he holds onto your hips following your movement and the way your hips roll.
You throw your head back as your hands are placed over your boobs, fumbling and folding and feeling the warmth and softness. Jaemin's back gets off the lowered seat going up to kiss your lips as his hands drift to your ass. "Up," you let out in between the tongue deep kiss.
Jaemin grips your ass holding you up while you move your panties to the side and slid onto him. You both moan out even with your lips sealed together. Your muffled moans continue as you push yourself all the way down till you met his hood.
"Shit." Jaemin moans out when you push him back down the seat having your way. The windows of the car already giving the foggy appearance. Jaemin proudly let's out his grunts watching as you bounced up and down, your boobs bouncing in his face making him flustered.
You laugh placing your hand on the roof of the car at Jaemin's red face when he places a hand over to cover. Your walls clench around him, and he bit his lip. You lean forward moving his hand gripping his jaw making him look at you. "I love your face looking like this," you moan, as Jaemin tries to maintain contact but when you begin to suck and kiss on his neck he loses it. His hands grip your ass hard as he holds you in place making you go faster, thrashing you up and down over his rock hard cock.
You stop kissing his neck to cry out in ecstasy when his hips begin to play into action while smashing you furiously and with such unknown speed. Your bodies colliding together as your eyes tightly shut feeling his thrusts going deeper and deeper. You moan out as you and Jaemin both cum at the same time falling on the seat with you on top of him. You can feel his liquids in you swimming together with your own wetness, you both don't move. You keep yourself deeper feeling the pulsating of his cock and you roll your eyes back riding out your high by moving on his dick back and forth. To hush your moans you kiss him, passionately. You feel Jaemin continue to fill you up completely and his breathing matching yours as you pant out heavily.
"My turn," Jaemin simply says and with one hand he presses you onto his body as his other hand slides down your spine to your hips, lifting you off his shaft. Gathering your wetness with his fingers, he slowly slips his digits inside of you making you squeal by his three fingers. He works his fingers in you, dying by that quenching sound and your heat closing up on him. Making that beautiful curl motion with his fingers that you love so much. He starts hitting your spot just as his thumb rubs evenly fast over your bud- making you immediately shake.
"Jaemin," you cryingly moan out in pleasure, your fluids getting louder and louder as your eyes struggle to remain open. He laughs deeply at your shaking legs, his hand on you back sliding down to grip your ass. You groan, already sickeningly close to another orgasm. "Jaemin," you whine, rocking against his fingers with fervor and need. You gasp trying to lift yourself up, only for his large hand to find your back again placing you down over to chest. As he places you down again, you can feel his throbbing cock give warmth over your body. Feeling yourself flutter around Jaemin's fingers, you arch your back outwards and gasp as you harshly cum again, and your legs and butt lift up by themselves still shaking. Jaemin's fingers continue to work, but now with two fingers. He rides them into your sensitive swollen pussy and you ride his fingers in the air through your high- your eyes animatedly rolled back. You fall back on Jaemin's chest panting out in ecstasy when your thong is slapped back into pussy
This is pussy drunk.
Jaemin adjusts his position to be on top of you, as you lay back on the lowered seat. He frees one of his legs from his pants, as he goes down on his knee ready to taste you. His kisses start at your lowered stomach making your moan as he goes lower and lower.
His wet, cold hair slightly touching your ribs making you shiver at the sudden contact. He places kisses to your inner thighs, glancing up at you from time to time to make sure you're alright.
"Are you still strong?"
"Jaemin just give it to me," you whimper at his words. You truly missed this. You missed everything about him. How he made you feel. Jaemin kisses your wet clit, pulling your thong aside and slowly adding his tongue to the mix, lapping at your pussy, his tongue spelling out his name on your heat, before sucking and deeply inserting his tongue. When you hips shake again, Jaemin holds onto your rising legs and gets on top of you.
He leans into your ear moaning out. "I wanna feel you in me, but slowly."
He wastes no time in diving inside you with his risen dick pulling sweet moans out of your throat. He takes his time with you, going from just the tip gripping in and out of you to fucking you slowly and passionate while leaving wet kisses all over your neck. When your moans grow louder and your hips start thrusting back, he knows you're close. He really just wanted to enjoy you with a free mind. He picks up his pace, going faster now, his own orgasm approaching. His thrusts practically getting animalistic not a sense of empathy or corcern for your wellbeing- however contradicting being there as he kisses your forehead eery once in a while, running his hand over your sweaty damp hair. You loved him really, really loved it, you craved him more than you did the sex but this love making is even better with him.
Your muscles are tight, your legs were shaking erratically and you don't know if there's tears of pleasure falling out your eyes. Whatever it is, you know that you never wanna leave him and that you always want to be there with him.
"I'm cl-close-" your words get cut off by your moans. He grabs your waist with one hand, moving with the same passion. His other hand moves to rub at your clit, slow, tight circles. He buries his face in your neck as his own moans and groans grow louder and finally-
"Ahhhh!" You both cum again, looking straight into each others eyes taking in the look of pure pleasure combined with a heavy thirst for each other. Your lips find their place again when you both suck deeply feeling your body moulded together. He was definitely made for you. And you hate that his got a wife. But you can't help it when your hands go around his neck allowing him to be embraced into you as you savor this moment. You're even awestruck when he whispers into your ear: "Your mine."
His cock slips almost completely out of your pussy before it sinks back in the girth, having you feeling like you are being stuffed full even though it's just the tip. Your puffy pussy wraps around his cock like warm, wet, and tight glove. And he can't get enough of it trying to maintain his breathing. You feel so good around him, he's never felt like this before when having sex. Your body aligns with him so perfect that he just wants you in him forever.
"I would selfishly ask you to stay for tonight," Harsh breaths leave his lips as he groans. "I need you all night long.. but you have to go to work, right?"
You sigh, but it turns into arousal when he speeds up his movements earning a pathetic pornographic moan from your mumbling lips. "Jaemin," You pout. "Your dick is too big, I can feel it in my chest,"
"Chest?" He laughs lightly looking all over your face. "Is that so?" He whispers going out again and full loading in again causing your back to arch into his, making him chuckle.
He grunts, loving your expression and eyes that tenderly gaze at him. "But you love it, yeah? You love me don't you?"
Instead of answering him, your hands go from his hair to being placed underneath his neck. You look into his eyes, straight into his brown wanders and smile. You don't answer and neither does he expect an answer because you both dive in to feel each other's lips again. To feel the warmth of his own tongue against yours. Pulling away, your eyes take him in. Strands of his black hair stuck to his sweaty forehead. "I love you," you moan out when he thrusts in you. "I love the way you fuck my pussy, Na Jaemin. Meeting you is the best thing that's ever happened to me,"
"I love you too," He kisses your neck hiding his smile. "I love the way your pussy and body takes me in." Maybe it's a hidden rule to never say the big three words during sex, but right now during the heat of the moment you both feel something that's undescribable- and the only way to describe it, is simply love. You both can't resist the dawning attraction that you both get into another session of slow yet long strokes of nasty yet passionate car sex.
Breathlessly while riding him from the back and allowing him to roam his hands on your ass, you thrust yourself inside of him while twirling your hips and rounding him with speed. You moan out aloud while holding onto the steering wheel gasping for air when he takes over in pumping inside of a you a few long strokes before releasing. In sheer ecstasy you throw your head back as you both combine your voice to let out your vocals of pleasure.
Your eyes are drawn to a little red light flickering on and of. It's a dashboard camera. You smile and turn to him just as he slaps your ass. He chuckles looking flustered and fucked out of his mind. "You've got yourself a sex tape,"
"Sex tape?" You point to the camera and a look of recognition crosses his face. "I should probably remove that. Probably would need to replace the memory card," he chuckles a little. "Come on," Getting off his shaft and sneaking next to him, your lips attach themselves onto each other again. You both can't get enough of each other, desperately needing him close to you.
Both losing track of time, you stare into each other's eyes with admiration taking in your boldness and fierce approval of each other. You're pleasing to his eyes and he's perfect for you. A smile grows on your lips and you rest your head on his.
You stay with him in the car, as he wraps his black leather jacket around yours shoulders, while you wrap your own blazer over his and your waist allowing sleep to consume the both of you. And for the first time in a long while, you feel like you can actually sleep and take rest.
Because thirty minutes later, you're awakened by your ringing phone. With your leg draped over Jaemin and his arm securely around yours you can't help but wish this case was already over.
Cleaning up with the hand wipes he has in his car, you dress up quickly leaving him still rested in the car smiling and looking peaceful when you kiss him in departing. Your lips not having enough of him, and neither he having enough of you when he tries to get you to stay again.
Patting your wet hair down as you tie it in a low bun, you make your way outside the car and out the office. There's an off smell that you smell, but you brush it off thinking it's the congested air from within the car. Walking out the dark parking lot and up the stairs getting back to the main lobby, you're stunned and stopped in place when seeing Chae by the elevator.
Upon seeing you, she smiles sadly and waves you over. Shit. You whisper to yourself getting in the elevator with her.
"I didn't know you were coming,"
"Oh," You nervously adjust your blazer, feeling as though she's got x-ray vision and can spot Jaemin's hands on your body. You smile looking away from her. "Wanted to check on you actually. Uhm... I had questions I wanted to ask, but if you're busy-"
"No, I'm available. I just went for a walk with Mark,"
You nod your head purposely avoiding her eyes until you can get the guilt out your system. When the elevator stops and you both walk out the lift going over to the apartment door. You wonder whether you should question her based off of what Jaemin revealed to you about her, or if you should just go with the flow of your initial reason of stepping in.
Entering into the apartment, your eyes take in the massive amount of space when there are no people. There's already set furniture, all matching with the cleanliness of the space. The curtains are open revealing the beautiful pent view of the sunset and the city outline. You move forward in the apartment looking outside. "It's crazy how we still haven't found her e body,"
Chae who's in the kitchen boiling some water looks through the open kitchen view to you standing by the floor to top ceiling window. She remains silent and continues preparing the tea. Once she's finished, she walks over with the tray of tea and sets it down on the table taking a seat on the long white couch looking at you.
Turning your head away from the cyberspace city and all the lights coming on, you politely join her on the couch. "Thanks,"
"Have you seen Jaemin since?"
Trying not to be panicked you breath in and nod your head. "Here and there." You quickly drink on your tea avoiding eye contact.
Chae however scoffs and shakes her head. "It must be nice being an officer. You get to see him. Meanwhile I haven't seen him since the burial. I don't know what's going on with us anymore. He's avoiding me,"
You stop pretending to drink, looking down at her hands over her pregnant stomach. Stillborn. You remember Jaemin saying. "He must be grieving,"
She huffs and leans back. "Grieving? I think he wants to leave me."
You gulp tightening your lip. "That's a heavy accusation."
"But it's true," Chae sadly says breathing out. "Even before his daughter to go missing, we were starting to get rocky. I don't know, but I keep getting the feeling he knows," You drink on your tea trying not to speak but urging her to speak, peeking in her direction seeing her looking at her stomach circling it slowly with a saddened face. "Marriage. A fucking tool to create babies and a legacy. I wanted my own kids, but he already had her, that little deaf girl. Wasn't even his. I thought he wanted kids, since he loved her so much. So I wanted to give him a child, so that he could be happy. But... We weren't having any time together because of her. I slept with Mark."
You completely halt in your thoughts when she says her last phrase. Your head blank when looking at her. Suddenly the guilt weighs off your shoulders, the guilt of making Jaemin cheat on his wife. It doesn't mean what you did is good, if anything it shows how really marriage is a tool to keep couples together and imbalances happen when women like you invade a home, or even worse, when women inside a marriage seek help outside in order to fix and adjust a problem in their marriage. Sleeping in the marriage and making it bitter, is what you can kind of feel has happened to Jaemin and Chae.
Him already having a child. And Chae simply wanting her husband to focus on her, instead of the outsider.
She shakes her head. "And even that went wrong. I'm supposed to be due next month, but....my baby's dead. And I feel so fucking sad." She sniffs. "I don't know how to look at Mark and tell him his baby is dead, and I don't know how to look to Jaemin and tell him what I've done and that the baby I had for him has passed."
"Chae," You set your tea down gently and open your arms allowing her to lay her head on you.
"Is it so wrong that I just wanted him to love me? I tried everything to get her into another good home, or to study abroad and even get means to make her independent and an individualist, but Jaemin refused all that and just wanted to watch over her. For crying out loud, he married me. Did he just wants to use me? If he can love a child that's not his in that way, then he can most certainly love a child that's not his. Right?" She questions. "Getting into marriage I thought I'd be able to cope looking after his sisters child, but I couldn't. He just used me, he didn't really need me or love me. Only that deaf girl. I didn't even mean to sleep with Mark. It was by accident. But when I was knocked up and saw Jaemin attach himself deeper to the girl and wanting to leave me, I told him that I had his child."
The fact that Chae, herself is opening up sends you into therapy mode. At the end of the day, she's still a person who's lost her child. She ended up telling you that the baby is dead inside here womb and that she slept with Mark - in other words the baby wasn't even for Jaemin.. making it saddening that he cried for a baby that wasn't even his and feeling guilty over a baby that wasn't his.
"I think he already knew a long time ago that I cheated on him. Otherwise he wouldn't have brought an unknown lady into our house and fucked her while his daughter was being killed." She sniffs again.
Your hands freeze completely. How does she know that? It freaks you out, how you're the unknown lady and so far Haechan and surprisingly Chae know the details of what Jaemin was doing that night. You don't think she knows it's you. "He brought an unknown lady while his daughter was being killed?"
Chae nods her head again. "I saw it with my own two eyes."
"Wait Chae. You're not making sense." You try to piece her words together. "You were home while he was fucking another lady?"
At that, Chae tenses up. Did she just accidently tell you that she was home?
"So that means you knew that Jaemin wasn't the killer. You could've backed him up with your statement." You say being shocked. "Wait, did you just say while his daughter was being killed you saw him fucking another lady? That means it's either you saw the killer and did nothing or..."
"You've got it all wrong Detective." Chae gets off your arms and shakes her head. "I was at Mark's house-"
"No you-"
You hear the apartment door make a beeping sound before he opens up like a chamber door revealing Jaemin. His hair messy and eyes hallow and empty when looking at Chae until his ers move over to you. You're still too stunned at Chae's comment but take in his appearance with flustered cheeks, considering that you both consciously fucked each other raw in the car a while ago.
"Jaemin you're home," You're expecting him to ignore Chae, the way she claimed that he would, but he moves closer to the wall with his hands in his leather pocket looking down at her and talking to her. Your heart filled with guilt again. You slept with a married man again. Even if he's not happy in his relationship, you still feel so bad. Chae seems to really want his attention in her life. Your phone rings and you snap out of your shock.
You get up answering the call seeing it's Taeil's contact. "What?"
"We've got the neighborhood surveillance cameras. I've been trying to get a hold of you-"
"I'm on my way."
You cut the call not wanting to let your thoughts fly by. Just as you're about to go, you spot Jaemin in the kitchen and Chae nervously squeezing her hands standing next to the door. It's either she's hiding something from you, or Jaemin, or she's nervous about something deeper. "Uhm do you have to go? Jaemin....wanted to-"
"Have you eaten Detective?" Jaemin's raspy voice gets your attention to divert back to him- as well as Chae who turns to face him in shock. Jaemin looks up to you when removing his black leather jacket, his tongue flickering down to moist his lips. "I could make you something before you go," If Chae was shocked before, then right now she's trying to maintain her agitation. She looks angry.
"I haven't eaten, but I really have to go," You sympathetically say walking slowly. But instead of walking towards the door where Chae is, you stop within Jaemin's direction. "Thanks for your offer,"
It's not tension that lingers in the air when you both look into each others eyes. The longing need to go, suddenly moved away from your mind as you peer at him. It's silently pleasing to gaze into his eyes and have him attentively minding you, especially when he says. "Can you stay a while?" His voice dangerously low forgetting that Chae is still in the room.
A temptation crawls over you to kiss his lips again, and you know he feels it too when his eyes plead and beg for you the same way he did when he was expressing himself. Your lips open up, but Chae beats you to it bitterly. "What do you mean can she stay? She has to work." The ulterior anger in her voice can be heard. "Right."
That wasn't even a question, it was her basically opening up the door for you to leave. You're not even surprised when she grudgingly holds the door open for you. Taking one last look at Jaemin, you walk out towards the door only for it to be slammed once you're out. She's furious and is gonna take it out on Jaemin.. Perhaps.
Not even a few steps forward- the yelling that you predicted happens. Chae yelling at Jaemin. "Just tell me the fucking truth! You fucked her! It's her right? You fucked her right?; Fucking talk you asshole! She smells like you, even the way she looks at you tells me everything I need to know- that you fucked her! Don't touch me! Don't even- You offered to cook for her? You- you-" Her voice turns into a struggle whimper and angered roar and just like that, you hear such a loud smack which jolts you to jerk on forward and start moving when you hear their house door open. You hide behind a wall hearing the footsteps quicken. It's Chae running down the steps while pulling on her jacket and adjusting her bag.
Unconsciously you find yourself carefully walking back to their apartment -only for you to collide into Jaemin in shock.
He's rubbing his cheek, yet upon seeing you he pulls his hand away slowly and simply smiles. He's tired. His eyes weigh heavily on the eye bags, but you can see he's trying to be brief. First his daughter disappeared while he was sleeping with you and now his wife losing her mind because of you. You're in such a hot seat and guilt and shame, however when you open your lips, it's like not even an ounce of regret passed through you.
"Is it okay, if I can take you up on your offer again?" You briefly smile.
His eyes, although tired, light up and he nods his head. He looks around calmly and opens the door widely for you to enter. "Make yourself comfortable," he says.
"Make myself comfortable?" You smirk and turn to him. "You don't need me to help you in the kitchen,"
"It's okay, I wanna make you something to eat, as well as myself. I'm a good cook." He politely shakes his head smiling at you. His hand nuzzles your cheek and chin- pinching it slightly letting out a little laugh. "Besides, it's been a while since I've eaten too,"
Your eyes widen. "You haven't eaten?" It makes sense why you saw that he also lost some weight. "Even when mourning you need to eat," you tell him softly.
He sharply takes in a breath looking away for a second before resting his hands back in his pocket. "Yeah, that's why I want you to eat with me. Chae's gone out. Uhm. Y..you can stay...if you want..." He rubs the back of his neck.
You smile decently removing your blazer and walking towards the long couch again.
"Uh, I just wanted to go and get the wine in the car. Please don't go, I promise I'll be right back." He mentions warmly and clears his throat before going out.
Smiling at the door even when closed, in your heart you feel content and happy that this is where you're supposed to be. With him. You take in the view of the city again by the large window and smile to yourself.
Why you're smiling and fantasizing about Jaemin- is beyond your control. But you do know that within these few hours of being together elevated you soul.
You just have to be able to prove him innocent before hopefully starting out anything with you.
You stand and look around the house simply waiting for Jaemin and sending a haste text message to Taeil that you'll only be coming in tomorrow. For now, you just want a break. And standing while day dreaming about a man who's not even yours, yet, seems to give you the relaxation you need.
You sigh out when wondering why he's taking so long. You decide to go after him hoping to help him if he needs help. After closing the apartment door and using the lift to go down, you're unaware of Chae using the stairs to go back up to the apartment.
To her surprise instead of seeing Jaemin, she sees your black jacket and pounds every room door open trying to 'catch' you and Jaemin in the act. Meanwhile you find your way through the secret hall pass and finally in the underground/parking hidden office space.
Luckily you find Jaemin.
You smile when entering the office seeing him close the back door holding onto a full bottle of wine. His face is a bit twisted as if in disgust, but smiles when seeing you. "Hey," he says and moves to you with the wine bottle. "Uh, I'm sorry for taking time. There's just a weird smell itching my nose,"
You recall smelling the odd smell before you left and nod your head. "I smelt it too when leaving. Do you often use this car? Do you take it for car washes?" You ask as you move towards the desk with the wine bottle and begin opening it with a twister. Placing the red wine within the two glasses already set.
Jaemin who's already opening up all the doors of the car hums out. "I use to take it for a wash every 3 days, although I haven't been, or rather I don't use this car as much anymore." He mentions looking puzzled and disgusted again.
"It's a sign you should take it for a wash," You smile and drink on the wine. He opens up the boot and you sadly sigh. "I'm sorry that things aren't going your way,"
"It's alright. I've been a bit-"
You pick up his wine glass and navigate yourself to him, whose behind the car. You're confused when he suddenly stops talking and remains frozen with his hands still on the lid of the hood. "What, you found the source?"
You go behind the car but instantly get hit by a wave of a wreaking air. You cough out covering your nose and shaking your head. "Oh my god," You try not to breath through your mouth by the foul sewerage air.
Standing next to him, your face is scrunched up and morphed in similar actions as him. There's a black duffle bag and Jaemin grunts.
"Is that your gym b-"
You freeze for a second when he opens up the black duffle bag seeing a black plastic. Just as much as you're confused, you quickly panic and jump back when Jaemin curses a loud and falls backwards cursing out repeatedly. "Fuck-fuck-fuck-fuck-fuck-fuck-fuck-no-no-no-no-please-no-please-please-please-say it's not real-fuck-no-"
Jaemin erupts hysterically in tears. Your eyes move from his crying botched agonizing face to the duffle bag and plastic wondering what could possibly-
Your hand quickly drops the glass as you dash to the boot and rip open the plastic suffocating within the wreaking dead rotting air of his child. "No.." you tremble seeing a bloodied head with patches of wet dark hair sticking against the plastic. Your eyes are brimming tears and you can't even see when Jaemin crawls back and with shaking hands terrifyingly holds onto the head - wailing out in sheer agonizing torture.
Yu're shocked out of your mind when you see the rotting corpse of the little girl. Jaemin begins crying and you stumble back by the stench. Your trembling hands reach for your pocket and you pull out your phone hearing it ring. You can't even hear the caller as you stutter out in distress. "We found the body. We found the body. Please- come quick-" you cry out trembling dropping the phone immediately running to Jaemin when he gets up and ravages the plastic and duffle bag open. He places his head on the bloodied chest trying to hear a heartbeat but you scamper him away. Trying to compose yourself at the gruesome sight of the both of you covered in blood- the blood of Jaemin's daughter.
"Jaemin don't touch the body, Jaemin don't-"
Jaemin can't even hear you as he drops to the ground screeching out in weasels of trauma pain. He attempts to lunge at the body again claiming that she could be alive- but already the sight and clear evidence of her dead body shakes you up. You end up handcuffing Jaemin with your safety cuffs telling him not to move.
In a blur you maintain your balance or you try to maintain your balance as you rush out the door and run out the office to the outside. Not only are the people stunned and avoiding your bloody and tear stained state but they rush on and begin dialing for any sort of help when you call out for help.
A few minutes seem to pass with sirens trailing and tailing on each other. Jaehyun and the rest of the detective forces are on full command and control when bashing in and following you as you lead them to the scene. Jaemin's wails can be heard - when entering the office you're shocked again in pain when you see Jaemin's body on the floor cradling the dead body which is still half in the duffle bag, but instead of it being in the car it's now on the floor within the gap of Jaemin's cuffed hands.
Soon enough the hotel, parking lot and secret office is flooded with police and an ambulance and the whole crew.
In your weary and distorted state you see Jaemin being taken away from the body and is brought to his feet- and for some reason, while in holding, his wife, Chae in tears is outraged and slaps him.
"I didn't do it-" you can hear Jaemin say before he's dragged away by the officers.
It's an ongoing nightmare in your head. From the terrible scene to the muffled voices of anger, to Jaemin's face and his eyes starring at you pleading telling you that he didn't do it.
A week has passed. Thankfully you were frantically frantic as before. But you sit idle in your seat with your whole trembling body wondering what to do.
The security footage of the neighborhood indeed reveals a black vehicle pulling up- but instead of the front yard, the car is on another street behind the house. It's impressive how the footage was taken, as it clearly shows someone carrying that big duffle bag across a street and a car suddenly appearing and both the person and the duffle bag disappear in the car as it speeds away. What's more crazy, is that the same footage also captured another car pulling up but instead at the front yard at the same time. However only one person leaves.
You know for certain, that one person leaving is you. As you called on an Uber late at night after you refused to stay with Jaemin. Later on, by foot- a person is seen treading slowly to the house. The person identified as Chae.
With all that information and footage, you'd think the detectives would try to rationalize everything.
They put Jaemin behind bars, saying he orchestrated the whole thing and what's worse is that he had hitmans who helped him. It sat well with everybody except you.
You spoke to Jaehyun repeatedly trying to tell him that they've got it all wrong. You could tell he was irritated by you, but you also could tell that he felt something wasn't right. You pressed on the matter even going as far as claiming yet again that Chae mentioned he was in the house with a hooker. Excluding that you were the hooker.
To no avail, it's been 9 full days that Jaemin was locked up and awaiting his trial which would be in a months time after the detectives, DA and court settled down and placed all the information together.
Another reason you sit idle on your work chair trembling, is because you took the dash bored memory card from Jaemin's car without permission from the investigation team and have been hiding it. Reason being, because yet again as you're caught in the camera making love with Jaemin, if reversed and rewinded back a couple of weeks it shows the culprits of the little girl's killer... You still don't know what happened, but you have proof that Jaemin is innocent. Which is why as you walk to Jaehyun's office with both USB and memory stick of the club footage as well as the car dash memory card, you know that justice will be served for Jaemin's innocence.
"Intern. You're getting on my last nerve." Jaehyun grumbles out. He gets back to typing ignoring you. You don't mind him as you set both the stick and memory card on top of his table with a written report of the whole case. "What's this?" He looks at the report file reading the title page with a confused look. He groans and leans back on his seat. "We've already closed the case and sent it off to the DA. You've been positioned as an official member and Detective Writer of our police force. Why is it that you can't let this case fucking go?" He complains but you cut him off.
"Because I was involved sir." You blink your eyes, breathing out and maintaining an emotionless face. Your try to stay still hoping your tears won't fall by your selfless act. You train your eyes on the clock instead of his heavy eyes. "An innocent man is in jail. And even though it'll cost me my job and dignity, I'm prepared to risk it all. In the account and accord that he's innocent and set free." You gulp when removing your new shiny official badge and placing it on the table next to the evidences. "The proof is all there."
You bow your head and walk out his office. Instead of going back to your desk you find yourself going to the department canteen. You wanted to go to the police station to see him...to see Jaemin. But the guilt of letting him rot inside especially since you knew that he was innocent was killing you.
So as you idle sit on one of the lounge chairs staring into the abyss of your mind, your thoughts begin to wonder.
You're seated for what seems to be like the whole day with the sun setting and you having not moved from your position. You're broken out of your trance when your phone rings. As usual it's Haechan. Your moral support in letting you know that you shouldn't be pining on yourself. This time, you ignore his call and sigh out heading back to the office.
You're met by Taeil who stops you with a disappointed look as well as paper. "Just to let you know what it's about, you're suspended. Jaehyun's waiting for you in his office."
You don't know what Taeil thinks of you or what he knows. You don't even care what he thinks of you.
You've been an intern detective writer for more over 9 months now, but now you're an official Detective Writer....or rather you were. You were extremely prideful in the work you do. Being able to 'have eyes at the back of your head' or being known as 'sharp’ is an esteemed word and/or phrase that your higher executives prefer to use when they were describing you. Maybe you're selfish and tend to be heavily guarded, and perhaps even self centered, however- as you've been on this case, your moral values and center core routes have returned. Even though, you're not so sure what your hidden and secrecy actions will let your executives and higher-ups call you, but one thing you do know is that you've earned an honesty medal. As you see everything and nothing gets past you, you're surprised how you let a man slip right through your rib cage and straight into your soul.
The first thing you hear when entering Jaehyun's office is your high erratic moan. You feel embarrassed and you shrink back in embarrassment. When Jaehyun pauses the video and glares at you, you know you're done for.
In your head you're hoping for the story to end. That Jaemin is released. His wife is cuffed and the truth is all out. But it's not that easy.
Jaehyun pauses the video and looks up to you. "You were among the top 10 interns to have found favour in the executives eyes. By default, I assumed you slept with him, as you're the only female intern. I was proven wrong when seeing your work ethic and drive. All the values and morals that we as detectives have, you embodied them. Working with you, I was astound as well as amazed by your surging drive to prove us all wrong. Now I'm not quite sure whether your drive to work was for the right reasons. I'm honestly disappointed in you." Jaehyun mentions and you don't know why, but your pride sinks. Thinking back to how you started this case with conviction that truly you were going to get into his good book. But now you've disappointed him. *I've heard so many good critics about you. And working with you, my judgement based off of you was wrong, you are not only a hard worker but you pay close attention to detail. Which brings me to this evidence. Taking this new evidence to the directors and DA will tarnish your reputation, ruin your resume and deem you untrustworthy, it'll evict you from working in any other force team again. However, not taking it, allows for the man behind bars to be sentenced for a crime he didn't commit. I'm conflicted in between two options. The first, suspending you and closing off this case myself with the right person behind bars, and the second, allowing you to redeem yourself and prove yourself to me again by getting another form of evidence, a verbal confession preferably from Mrs Na herself."
Hearing his words and hearing that perhaps you have a chance you're baffled by his generosity. Leaning into faith and his words you stand slightly straight. "How would I get a verbal confession?"
He turns to his compute screen and types some things on his keyboard before turning the screen to me, while pressing play on a layer footage. It's the car footage.
Your eyes widen when you see Mark's face in the dark. He waits alone and a second later theirs a knock on the door. Mark rolls down the window and you can hear a brief: "Can you open the boot?"
Mark is quick in pressing a button. He turns his head back before smiling as the door opens and someone gets in the car. Removing the black hood over the head- your eyes widen when seeing Chae.
She looks nervous and is evidently shaking while gasping and trying to catch her breath. "Mark please drive."
"But Jaemin-"
"Yeah sure," he looks uncertain and puzzled. He turns his head around facing the road before starting the car and driving. "You okay Chae?"
Chae is shaking and holding tightly onto the black jersey she's wearing nodding her head. "Yes I'm fine. You're going back to the office right?"
"Uh," Mark looks ahead for a second. "Yes. Jaemin sent me a text to pick him up from home-"
"I have his phone. It was me. He's occupied right now." Her lips tremble. "Mark I did something terrible." She breaks into sudden tears and cries out. "Mark-"
Mark looking panicked he pulls over the car and attends to Chae hugging her. "Hey," he softly calls patting her head. "It's going to be okay,"
"Mark, it's not," She trembles and continues crying. "I didn't mean to do it. She wanted her dad and started crying and he suddenly came home and- and just came in and she- she wanted to see him- Mark I hit her- I didn't mean to- to- he came home with another woman and - and- she started crying and I hit her- Mark- Mark-"
"Don't worry Chae. Chae calm down, please calm down. Crying and stressing isn't good for the baby," Mark informs and tenderly wipes on her tears looking into her eyes. His hands move in her hair and he brings her close placing a kiss on her forehead. Before looking at her. "Let's first get this car back in the office and then we can talk,"
"Okay," Chae still has worry in her eyes but complies with Mark.
He returns to driving the car with one hand and assume the other hand is one her hand or thigh. They eventually go along in silence. Jaehyun stops the video. "From here on, they're quiet. I assume they spoke outside of the car. I don't know what she told Mark, and I don't know what Mark knows. In the car, she was a bit tongue tied and a mess, so her words aren't clear enough for them to be pinned. All I know is that she said she hit her and that he, being Jaemin, brought in another woman, that being you. With that said, she never enters in the car again. The next encounter in the car, is of you and him. From the likeness of your conversation Chae's baby is still born, her and Jaemin have been rocky, she didn't have a good connection with the little girl, and most importantly she wasn't at the hospital the whole day. If you're willing, I want you to get a confession out of her. I'm sure it won't be easy, but it's all I have as an idea. It's either that or your pride. I'm willing to let this slide off because it looks like an honest mistake. You sleeping with him was probably meant to be a one night stand. Considering you slept with him again, knowing what you know is beyond me, however that's not my business nor does it involve me. I didn't appreciate your dishonesty or hiding the bar footage, but I appreciate your courage in speaking up, even if it's at the very end." He stands up with a file in hand. "I'm sure riling her up about her cheating husband will egg her into cracking and confessing. And upon watching the car footage, his wife and Mark seemed to have a really strong bond. He seemed the least suspicious. But if he could hide and cover up for Chae, how much more is he hiding. Would you be up for it?"
You don't think Jaehyun has any other alternative motives other then wanting to get Chae to confess. You don't think it's because he wants to help you. "Yes." As long as you were keeping your job and he was allowing you to continue the case, you didn't care.
Right when he lets you leave his office, you go to your contacts book and find yourself dialing up Mark as well as Chae opting for them to come in to give their last closing statements. You prepare yourself by thinking of what questions to ask, you think deeply of triggering questions for both Mark and Chae.
Considering that Mark doesn't know that he was the one who impregnated Chae you think of how to bring it into the equation.
Mark is seated in the interrogation room seemingly calmly. You doubt he knows what Chae has done, but based off what Jaehyun said about him being close with Chae, you still have to make sure. Besides, if he knew that Chae was the killer (assuming she's the killer), why would he go on to helping the investigation.
Jaehyun looks through the one way glass mirror watching Mark, he sits down and hits the recording recorder tape. He nods in your direction and you walk in.
"Hi," You smile, causing him to look up and sitting up in his seat looking welcoming with his big eager eyes.
"Thank you for coming in on such short notice. Uh, I'm not gonna take up much of your time, I just need one last sentence from you."
"No problem," He nods his head before clearing his throat and leans in. "I actually wanted to come to the station myself,"
"Really?" You question tilting your head a little. "What for?"
He shakes his head leaning back on his seat folding his arms. "It doesn't add up or make any sense that Jaemin murdered Daejun. He loved her with all his heart more than anything else in this world. I'm finding it really hard to believe that he would do that. Look, I may have lied in the beginning of the case,"
You nod your head allowing yourself to look open, making it calming for him to speak. He removes the beanie on his head, and presses his hands together cracking his knuckles. "If it's possible, I would really need you to be honest."
"Yeah, yeah." He nods his head. "Uhm, first of. I'm the one who dropped Daejun home from school that day..." He sighs out. "I really didn't do anything to her. According to the school she was feeling sick and Jaemin sent me a text to get her. I did as told and stayed with her, making sure she ate and was warm. I covered her and wrapped her in a blanket. In the report, I said, I waited till Jaemin came home but I lied. I waited till Chae came home. She came back from the doctors office. That's what I wanted to be honest about, and also.... This was late at night, but I picked up Chae from her house. Please don't think it's her or me, or even Jaemin." He sighs and scratches his head. "I really wish I knew who did it."
"You said you picked up Chae late at night,"
"Yeah," Mark briefly nods his head. "Uhm, she was crying a lot. Uhm." He sighs. "Look man, it's not my place but apparently he was home with another woman. That's why I'm certain that....okay, I don't know but he was with another woman and Chae wanted to go anywhere but home."
You nod your head, feeling thrilled that the words are rolling out his mouth. "You picked her up with what?" You open up your file pulling out a print out. "When looking at the neighborhood footage, we were unable to capture who brought Chae home because their were trucks and trucks of movers. A new person was entering the neighborhood so lots of people where moving in and out and the trucks blocked the view of the house. So I want to ask, what car you drove?"
"I remember that, uh. Picking up Daejun from school, I walked with her until home. And picking up Chae at night, I drove with Jaemin's company car. Uhm, if it helps, I don't think Jaemin had his phone with him. Chae had it, seems like he forgot it since morning. So accordingly she's the one who sent messages, using his phone."
Your heart elevates in joy by Mark freely confessing. He's words edge you on and are back up for the case. "Thank you Mark for your honesty. We'll keep this in the record. Uhm, you said you drove with Jaemin's company car. How did you have possession to it?"
"I drive Jaemin around sometimes. So I've got a spare key."
"On what occasions do you drive him around?"
"Business meetings or say maybe he wants to go to the club, or he's tired. It's a job but I don't mind helping out, it's the least I can do,"
"Hm, interesting." It's not an opening, but you slide in your question. "Why do you do it? Out of gratitude or because you're guilty of something?"
He visibly looks stunned. "What?" He mumbles.
"I'm not implying anything bad, I'm just asking. You're helping out him, Chae and even Daejun as a friend or..."
He blinks his eyes and shifts in his seat. "As a friend of course,"
"As a friend?" You question while nodding your head. "It's just you said that it the least you could do. And I'm wondering, why you said that. Is their something you did that you feel guilty of- I'm not including Daejun here but, maybe your wronged Jaemin and want to make up for it...or you possibly had a misunderstanding with Chae or-" he looks uncomfortable when you mention Chae and he looks down squeezing his hands together.
"As a friend." He states out.
"Why did you pick up Chae late at night?"
He scratches his head. "Uhm. Like I said, she messaged me using Jaemin's phone. And she saw Jaemin with another woman-"
"No, no, I get the part. But why call you with Jaemin's phone. At first, we were suspicious of you because of his call records but we dropped you when Chae came to your defense. So I'm wondering, why did Chae defend you...why she holds you in high regards, especially since you're more of Jaemin's friend then her. I'm not implying anything malicious. But, I had a chat with her....about her baby. Unfortunately, the baby is stillborn." You gulp sadly when Mark halts and looks up quickly with big eyes. "She's known for months now, but she's been finding it hard to open up. I'm not sure if she's planning to give birth to it being still or not, but I'm worried that she might not get the chance to speak to you."
"T...to me?" Mark's lip trembles and he closes his eyes looking saddened. His hands run down his hair and he sniffs. "It's mine...right?" He whispers. "My baby,"
You stay quiet, feeling sad. You empathize with him in the sense of him being a middle man. "Mark..."
He sniffs again, slowly picking up his head and wiping his eyes. "So is that what you wanted a statement for? What do you wanna know? That I slept with my best friend's wife and knocked he up? Or that I took her to my place to forget about him while he fucked some other woman?" He heavily pants out, seemingly struggling to hold in his emotions. "Fuck. Are you sure it's mine? That I....I'm responsible?"
"That's something Chae can answer." You say quietly surprised that he took her to his place. You're even surprised that he admits to sleeping with her. "As for what I want to know, I want to know your relationship with her?" You say out in a soft tone, hoping to not evoke anger.
But he's not angry. He's disheartened and looks broken. "It was a mistake okay. She... I... Look," he sits forward. "I slept with her once. We both agreed to never talking about it again. By that time, things with her and Jaemin were getting rough. I don't now what was going on, but I didn't like seeing he upset. So I just started helping out. Or rather, trying to get Jaemin and her to avoid each other. She was pregnant and I didn't want her to stress. I didn't even know...that it was mine. I just wanted her to be...." He looks down and sighs out rubbing his face.
You feel bad for Mark, so getting the information you needed, plus the additional information he let out, you thank him. Jaehyun calmly leads him to the canteen telling him to drink and eat something or even rest a bit. You follow behind Jaehyun waiting to hear his verdict.
Before you can head on back Jaehyun sees Chae entering the canteen. "Wait, there's Chae," he points out. "Come."
"Mrs Na." Jaehyun starts and goes on to shaking her hand. She has a soft smile before her eyes see you.
"Hi Chae," You nervously greet, seeing her smile disappear.
"Hi." She stiffly smiles. "I got your message. What statement did you want to get from me?"
"Uh, if you could just follow us to the interrogation office-"
"I wanted to buy some milk before we can start." She cuts off. You look to Jaehyun and he nods his head.
"Oh, ohkay." Judging from her tone, you're reminded of when she yelled and slapped Jaemin for wanting you to stay. She's probably onto you. You step back yet jump a little when you bump into someone. Mark. He holds onto Chae's arm and looks in between his eyes.
"Mr Lee, I think it's best you to rest up for now." Jaehyun speaks up yet backs down when seeing the strong eyes Mark has towards Chae. On instinct, he gets out his phone setting the voice record on.
"Mark?" Chae's tone softens. "What are you doing here?"
Mark turns to you and looks back to Chae. "Can I please talk to her for a minute?"
"Of course yeah," You nod your head, but Jaehyun nudges you shoulder. You don't know why, but looking down at your watch and thinking of whether Mark wants to let her know what he told you so that she can perhaps lie to you- is what goes on in your mind and it's what you think Jaehyun stopped you for. You can't let them talk. "But can it be after? I won't take up her ti-"
Mark doesn't even wait for you to finish before turning back to Chae and speaking up. "Was it mine?"
Your eyes enlarge not only by him talking over and ignoring you, but by his question. Chae's equally stunned and confused. "Yours?"
"The baby." Mark starts looking down at her bloated stomach. "Was it mine?"
"Was?" She questions, her chest rising and falling. "What do you mean was?" Her eyes watering. "I don't know what you're talking about-"
"Chae tell me right now. Tell me the truth. Is this the reason why Jaemin's been upset with you?" He lets go of her while stepping back, but she quickly holds onto both his arms.
"Mark no-"
"Chae," his eyes water a little yet hers are pouring already. "I told you to leave him. I told you that you shouldn't stress yourself. I said come with me- Chae I care for you more than he does! Chae why did you stay with him- now look what you've done!" Mark bursts out, the tears running down his eyes. "My baby....our baby....our baby's dead-"
"Mark please don't stay that! He's still alive! He's still alive! He's not dead!" Chae frantically pulls on his clothes crying out. "Please-" she cries. "I'm sorry-"
"Chae why did you stay with him? I told you I could look after you, Chae..." He whispers and wipes his eyes moving back and away from Chae's hands that try to reach to him. "What did you do that night?" Mark ends up asking. "While he was fucking that woman, what did you do?"
Chae's trembling and hiccuping still crying. "I didn't do- I called you Mark- please Mark, please help me- it was an accident- I swear I didn't mean it-"
Mark steps back running his hands through his hair. His jaw clinches as the tears fall out. "You left my place to go back home- so you had nothing to do with Daejun's disappearance right?"
"Mark-" She chokes out. "Please don't do this-"
"Chae-" his voice trembles. "I told you leave him. I begged you to leave him- but you... You didn't touch Daejun right?"
Chae's hyperventilating at this point, the tears falling onto her clothes. Sh clutches her stomach and shakes her head. "She was hitting me-" She whispers. "She was hitting my baby-" She struggles to breathe but continues. "Mark I didn't mean to- Jaemin came in with that lady and Daejun was-" she stops herself and cries on. "Daejun was screaming- Mark please-"
"Fucking tell me the truth Chae!" Mark shakes his head and pants out. "Jaemin was preoccupied with the woman to notice you- what did you do? While he fucked that woman on your couch- Goddamn Chae don't tell me you laid your hands on Daejun- don't tell me you took out your frustration on-"
"I hit her okay!" Chae bursts out and shakes her head taking two heated steps forward grabbing Mark's shirt. "It was his fault! He made me do it! Mark that bitch was moaning out my husband's name! So I hit his precious daughter!"
She pushes Mark back with full furry and rage. You try to intervene but Jaehyun holds you back.
"And then she started crying and I threw her on the bed telling her to shut up- but she fucking wouldn't shut up! He was going to leave me! He was going to leave me if he saw that I hit her, so I covered her face with a pillow." Chae gasps out and moves back looking down at her hands. "But that stupid brat, hit me. She punched my stomach and I.....I didn't mean to hurt her, but I took her clock and hit her with it through the pillow. But she kept trying to escape and she kept hitting me and my baby- Mark-"
Chae bends down holding her stomach.
"Mark she was the one who killed my baby and tried to make a run for it- I couldn't let her tell on me and I couldn't let her get away with killing my baby- and then I saw the blood- I don't know if it was from me...my baby... I snapped. I threw the clock at the back of her head and she fell. She was about to scream again but I covered her mouth and took her back to the room. Mark- I.... I didn't mean it ...and there was a stupid bitch moaning out my husband's name. He didn't even care- he fucked that lady and I got so angry. I don't know what came over me when I grabbed the clock and kept hitting D-D-Daejun over the head.. I just wanted her to be quiet,"
Jaehyun stops the recording by the end of Chae's frantic crying. Mark draws closer to her on the floor and he gently wraps his arms around her, as she bursts out crying while holding onto him tightly.. Your heart aches for Daejun... the little girl who was caught up in the whole mess and drama.
"Mrs Na Chae," Jaehyun gets out his handcuffs, not even minding the couple that's securely holding onto each other. "You are arrested for the murder and missing case of the persons of Na Daejun. Anything you say this point on will be used against you. You have no right to a lawyer, and you are to remain silent within the next hour."
7 months later..
The days following after Chae's arrest were frightening. You had never seen a court case as such. Aside from the palpable tension between Jaemin, Chae and Mark, you found yourself in a sticky situation when Jaemin had to come clean and admit to what he did in the house that night. He briefly laced out that he was in an unfaithful entanglement with another woman- and while he said that, at some point in the court room Chae screeched in anger pointing at you with pure hatred blaming you for pushing her to the limit.
You don't really know if Chae knows you to be the woman Jaemin slept with, all you know is that she suspects you a lot for having an affair with her husband.
Speaking of husband, as soon as the court case was settled and Chae was sentenced on the account of first degree murder 8 to 10 years- Jaemin decided to put quits to their relationship with a divorce following.
You haven't known Jaemin for long, but within the weeks of the trial, you hardly saw him with an expression on his face. He was extemly quiet with this repeated gloomy face stuck on loop. Not only was it heart breaking seeing him that way, but you couldn't help it when comforting him. All you did was give him a comforting hug.
A hug which you thought would rekindle your 'love' to him again. But instead you got a little head nod after you asked if he was okay, and that was it.
You never saw Na Jaemin again.
His business suffered collateral damages. His public image of the perfect man was ruined because of the cheating scandal as well as false publicity of him bribing the judges to get away with killing his own daughter.
According to reports, even though he had lost quite a number of ratings (due to the events of the past), he continued to run his business for some months before shutting it down altogether because of the lingering discomfort he had in running a business after knowing that a child, his child, had died and was prematurely buried in his own hotel. After closing down his hotel and removing his license, you honestly thought he would find his way to you...
You have no words to describe the whole incident, but when Jaemin paid you no mind after the court case, you felt incredibly stupid for falling in love with him.
You could only say it is what is is. While you humbly thrived and diligently worked in your new role and position, you constantly got reminded of Jaemin whenever you'd go to the club with your colleagues, or when you'd sit in Haechan's passenger seat being reminded of your hot steamy make out with Jaemin in his car, or even the simplicity of looking at kids with their fathers. You wanted a relationship with Jaemin.
You wanted him, needed him, so desperately that you stopped going clubbing and got yourself a rebound in Haechan. You thought you could forget Jaemin, if you kissed, touched, fucked somebody else. Unfortunately, you were engraved with into Jaemin so much that nothing and nobody else came close or even compared to him.
Nothing compares to the way he made you feel by your touch deprived self. You'd secretly touch yourself behind Haechan's back at the thought of Jaemin and his skilled tongue eating you out, you'd moan out whenever Haechan kissed you because in your head you only thought of Jaemin. You only saw Jaemin. A soft hand touch, an unexpected hug, warm handshakes where you could feel Haechan's entire hand in yours, the texture of his skin- everything Haechan did, you only allowed your mind to see Jaemin in everything.
You wondered how your life would be with Jaemin. Unfortunately, your Na Jaemin was Lee Donghyuck.
That's why you're not too sure if you're imagining things.
You're out with Haechan on your monthly date night at a beach side restaurant sitting outside facing each other... and you see him.
You feel like you're losing your mind.
Haechan sits across from you talking about logistics or something along those lines, looking at passionate as ever that he doesn't even mind if you pay attention or not.
You really don't know if you're going crazy or not..or if you're imagining it.
But there's a man, in a black long sleeved shirt, with jet black styled hair, sitting all alone looking lavish and mysterious, drinking what looks like red wine...with his gaze on you from time to time.
The eye gaze where you feel as though the nerves in your face that go down your spine and chest are attracted toward his gaze. He's sitting two meters away from you, yet there's such a strong hold he has on you, that your legs cross over each other to slightly squeeze your needy core. The intimacy of... Eye contact. Smirks across a crowded room. Raised eyebrows. Knowing glances. Witty banter.
You gulp and try to focus on Haechan and his deviating topic but your mind wanders onto how you cannot kiss him but you really wish you could.
"Are you listening?" Haechan snaps you out of your dazed eyes and you hum nodding your head. From the corner of your eyes, you see Jaemin smirk.
For some reason, you can already tell that tonight you won't be leaving this restaurant with Lee Donghyuck as Na Jaemin, but that you will leave the restaurant with Na Jaemin being in between your legs. With the way he's looking at you, and the way your needy eyes plead with him, there's no way this won't be another 'secret' locked up in a room.
As you're about to leave, you tell Haechan that you'll meet him by the car.
You pay the finest attention to smallest details when you're touch deprived; such as someone's shoulder brushing against yours, someone starring at you too long or even your own hand brushing against your clit at night when you're by yourself. That's why walking towards Jaemin table, you know what you want and this time you're going to do it the right way.
You just hope this time that there's no dead body around.
I think the word count was 29k something.. lol...if you made it all the way to the end, thank you so much for reading. it took months writing this and i enjoyed every bit of it- which is why I'm even happier that you've finished everything- thank you for taking your time to give this a shot and reading it <3
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vkooksupremacy · 10 months
Here for you
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Jaemin x Jisung x Male Reader
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"There's an urgent call for you." A staff whispered to Y/N. The said boy grabbed his phone and walked out of the practice room. Biting his lip, he pressed answer.
"Hi, this isn't Mrs Lee. I'm sorry, sir, your parents got into a car accident."
"I'm really sorry. This is Seoul Hospital calling."
"T-thank you." Y/N shakily pressed the end call button, feeling his heart in his throat and unable to breathe.
He made a beeline for the practice room, grabbing his bag and dashing out the door, pulling on a jacket, cap, and mask.
Getting into the nearest idol car, he quickly asked to go to Seoul Hospital, the driver going as soon as Y/N closed the door.
Y/N got there fifteen minutes later. He rushed to the front desk and asked hurriedly for his parents, heading down the hallway to the waiting room.
Hours passed, with no sign of his parents name. He switched on his phone only to see multiple messages from Jaemin and Jisung, coupled with over a hundred missed calls form each.
He called Jaemin, the latter picking up on the first ring.
"Y/N, where are you?"
"I'm at the hospital." Y/N said softly. "My parents got into a car accident."
"Wait for us, wer ecoming." Jaemin said, and hung up.
With Jaemin and Jisung by his side, the hours ticked by faster.
"Family of Lee Su-Hyeong?"
"Is he okay?" Y/N blurted, worry washing over him.
"Your father will be perfectly fine." The doctor informed with a warm smile. "Your mother is doing great too, we expect to see a full recovery."
"Thank you, doctor." Y/N bowed gratefully. They went up to the ward and Y/N cautiously knocked, pushing the door open.
"Eomma, what happened? Why did you yget into an accident? Did you let Appa drive again?"
"No. No." Mrs Lee said. "Another car was in the wrong lane."
"Oh, well... I'm glad you're fine. The doctors said you'd make a full recovery."
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ethereal-engene · 1 year
from home | jaemin
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pairing: bf!jaemin x gn!reader
genre: non-idol!au + university!au, fluff, comfort, and slice-of-life  // warnings: brief mentions of food and use of cuss words & not-proof read
summary: Stay-at-home dates are where it’s at sometimes but especially for you and Jaemin. // word count: 1212 words
note: this is for anyone who’s an introvert and I am in love with jaemin. that’s it. that’s the tweet.
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You were going to head over to your place after today but Jaemin and Jeno’s place is so much closer so that’s where you decide to go for tonight. Driving to school was already a pain in the ass and if you had to be in the car any longer, you might as well go crazy. Luckily they lived around 15 minutes from school and upon arrival, you wanted nothing more than to just cuddle with your boyfriend.
It was finals season again and it takes you everything not to crash and burn due to the deadlines you have to meet. However, you do your best to take care of yourself and Jaemin helps as well. A lot of people think he’s just a goofball but if they really knew him, he’s more than just a goofball. Anyways, you had texted him that you were going to crash at his place and he responded with let me know when you’re there so I can walk you in.
This was another sweet thing he always does for you. Walking with you and out despite being tired. The only times he didn’t do this was, of course, when he was out already or etc. You’ve tried to wave him off but he won’t hear it.
You can recite what says and it goes a little something like “I won’t be able to sleep easy knowing I didn’t walk you back safely. Your safety and well-being is important to me, so this isn’t up for debate.” After he says it, he opens the door for you and holds out his arm waiting for you to loop around his. His way of ensuring that no one can take you from him if you’re linked like this.
You don’t hate him for doing it though, I mean who could hate someone for being so caring about you? Fast forward to you finally parking your car, you text him and it only takes about a minute for him to knock on your car window to let you know he’s there. Unlocking your car and getting your stuff before looping your arm with his. Just as you’re about to start walking, you get pulled back and wonder why he hasn’t started walking with you. He doesn’t say anything, instead he grabs your backpack and wears it.
For how long you guys have been dating, Nana’s been quite good at picking up when you’re tired in whichever way that may be. Similarly, you notice when he wants to go home from an event even if he doesn’t say anything. Perhaps its just the introvert in y’all that makes it work so well. Having either you or his social battery dying is not the funniest thing to deal with. It looks like today is another one of those days except this time both of you have drained your social battery and are in need of a re-charge.
As a thanks, you softly plant a kiss on his cheek and lean into his shoulder while y’all both walk. His face can’t help but smile as he receives a kiss from you. Opening the door, there’s already food on the table and a favorite movie on the TV that you two have re-watched it enough times to recite every line.
“You know something, Nana? I’ll always ask myself if I saved a country in my previous life because I got hella lucky with you. Thank you for making us dinner and putting on our favorite movie. I love you so much and I hope you never forget it.”  Your mouth is practically watering and he kisses you to shut up because he can just tell that you’re hungry and that if you say anymore, he’ll never hear the end of it. After that, he nudges you to go eat but you’re stubborn and want to eat with him.
“Y/nnie, I love you too and hope you never forget it either. Even if you didn’t save a country in your past life, I still would have loved you just as I do right now. Come on, let’s go eat now or else it’s gonna get cold.” Finally taking your seats and y’all start to eat. For a few minutes, it’s silent and as the universe would have it, you both are about to start talking. His joyous laughter and yours blend into one.
You decide to hear him off first after exchanges of “you go first” and “no, you go first”. A game of paper-rock-scissors was used to decide who would go first. The winner would be the one to go first. Anyhow, he talks one of his finals went out today along with mentioning that the guys invited y’all out to go drinking but he turned it down.
Quite frankly, his social battery was drained from having to meet with his group mates for a final group project and needed some time either with you or by himself to recharge. The latter would be have fine but he’s glad that he gets to be with you. The thing about recharging though, whether it be alone or with another, it’s nice to just be around someone who understands the value in silence or simply being there with you. You two don’t always talk to each other or do things together. It sounds a little odd but sometimes that’s all we need to get back up on our feet and socialize.
They say silence is golden but so is being around someone who doesn’t take away your energy but rather energize you with their presence when needed. A healing effect if we can call it that. To add onto that, on the days where you do spend time together to recharge, it brings so much comfort and happiness. You’re always grateful for Jaemin for being there for you and being straight-forward with you & others when he doesn’t want to got out simply because he would much rather stay at home.
It reminds you that it’s okay to say no. Going back to the present, you guys finish dinner and decide to wash them later. Making your way to couch to cuddle and start the movie. You’ve forgotten just how much you miss being in his arms and feeling his warmth. After today, this was the best way to end it.
Not too long after the movie starts, you mumble a quick thanks to Jaemin for always saying yes to at-home dates. He reminds that this isn’t anything you have to be saying thank you to because it’s the bare minimum.
“I know this sounds cliche but because of you, I found the place where I can feel comfortable, you are my home. I can love you anywhere but I prefer to can love you more from home.” As these words leave his mouth to fill your ears, they wrap around you like a cozy blanket. You’re far too tired to respond with words so you respond with a heartfelt smile. He looks for your face and smiles back. Giving you a forehead kiss before turning back to the movie. Before he knows it, you’ve fallen asleep with a smile on your face.
He wonders what you’re dreaming about but he can only hope it’s about him.
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thank you so much for reading this! I also wanted to make this longer but wasn’t too sure how. Honestly I want a Na Jaemin in my life. He’s out here raising my standards for men exponentially and I don’t think I’ll find a lover like him.
Anyways, to any of my college or students taking their finals right now! I wish you the best of luck and let’s finish strong!! I believe in you & we’re almost there.
Please look forward to my upcoming fics! Thank you and take care
signing off with love
- ash
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neochan · 5 months
dreamie texts where u call them by their full name 🤍
i hope you enjoy it anon <33
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flwrshwr-chenji · 2 years
Hopeless Romantics
Jaemin waking up to his alarm, and pulling you out of bed. “Get ready. We’re gonna go do something… and wear your swimsuit under.” He says, giving no other explanation. Deciding against fighting your boyfriend’s antics, you silently search for your swim suit, and something light to put over it. You glance over to the corner of your room, and Jaemin crouched down, packing a beach bag. You shake your head, and yawn, too tired to question the odd man across from you. 
You turn your back to him, slipping into your swimsuit. Spotting Jaemin’s discarded hoodie, and basketball shorts on the bed as he changed into his swim shorts, you quickly snatch the clothes, and pull them on before he can get to them again. Instead of acknowledging the blatant theft of his clothes, he simply grabs a different hoodie, and a pair of sweatpants to put on instead. You let out a small huff of disappointment, and walk off to the bathroom to brush your teeth, and figure out how you’re going to style your hair. As you’re doing so, you feel the presence of your boyfriend behind you. “I’m gonna head to the car, come down when you’re ready my love.” He said softly, placing a gentle kiss at the base of your neck, before walking off. “And I packed the cover up you put on the bed.” He said, as he walked out of the room.
You reached the car a few minutes after Jaemin. The car was already warmed up, and a blanket folded on the dashboard for you. A small smile settled on Jaemin’s face as you took your place in this passenger seat of his car. “It’s a long drive so you can go to sleep baby.” He says, unfolding the blanket, and placing it on your lap. “Thank you baby.” You say softly, getting cozy in your seat, before pulling the blanket up to your chin, and resting your head against the window. Jaemin started the car, and began the 2 hour drive to the beach. You thought you’d be able to stay awake at least half the car ride, but you were asleep within 30 minutes. Jaemin took the opportunity to quickly snap a few pictures of you sleeping, whenever he was stopping at a red light.
“Y/N wake up babe.” He said, gently shaking your leg, once he was parked at the beach. “We’re here already?” You mumbled between yawns, as you slowly lifted your head and rubbed your eyes. “Yeah, we’re here. C’mon let’s go.” Jaemin said, getting out of the car, and grabbing the beach bag he packed out of the backseat. You soon followed after, climbing out of the car, and made your way to your boyfriend. “You have a good nap?” He asked as he slid his arm around your waist, walking towards the sand with you. You nodded silently, still trying to fully wake up again. He held you close, and you kept your head rested against his arm for as long as possible. “Why’d you want to come here?” You finally ask him once you were a little more awake, as he lets go of you to set up your beach blanket and towels, not that it mattered much, considering the sun had only just begun to peak over the horizon. “I wanted to watch the sunrise with you, and take some pictures.” He said, a wide grin on his face. “Na Jaemin, you are a hopeless romantic.” You smiled softly  at him as you sat down on the blanket, next to him. “Shhhh. Don’t say anything. Just watch the sun.” He said, pulling out his camera, and starting to snap pictures once he got it set up.
By the time the sun was fully risen, Jaemin had taken over 80 pictures of you, the ocean, and the sky. “Take off the hoodie, and stuff. The lighting is good now, I want to get some even better pictures of you.” He said, to which you complied. He hopped to his feet, immediately starting to take pictures of you. The smiles never left either of your faces as you spent the whole day at the beach, taking pictures of each other, and simply enjoying this beautiful day together as hopeless romantics on the beach.
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dejunectar · 2 years
Sorry Would Go A Long Way | Lucas
[PART 4]
[read part 3]
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«« genre »» breakup/betrayal
«« pairings »» lucas, jaemin x reader(y/n)
«« warnings »» shit ton of angst, arguing
«« summary »» the day following jaemin's homecoming party.
«« song/inspiration »» Sorry Would Go a Long Way by Tori Kelly
Silence filled the air as you breathed and opened the door to your house. Once in, you gently put your keys and phone on the kitchen counter.
You could feel your heavy heart beat against your chest as you made your way up the stairs to your bedroom. Though the memories of last night were blissful, reality had become too big to hide from.
You passed pictures of you and Lucas, once in love and happy. It deeply saddened you. Regret ran through your body, but you didn't let it stop you from opening the bedroom door.
There Lucas lay, in the sheets you once slept with him in. He was sleeping peacefully with his hair tousled and his arms stretched across both sides of the bed. His lips were parted as he snored lightly.
"Lu," you spoke softly before gently running a hand down his back, "wake up."
In mere seconds, his eyelids peeled open, and a look of realization painted his face. "Baby? Oh my God—"
You quickly took a step back as he reached for you. Your eyes suddenly found the wooden panels beneath you more intriguing than the oncoming sufferable conversation.
"We need to break up, Yukhei."
Silence followed your words, and he sat up upon hearing them. "Y/N, listen, I know I messed up, and I shouldn't have kissed her! I was drunk, and I wasn't thinking and—"
"I slept with Jaemin." Your eyes looked up to his own finally. Heartbreak and hurt immediately clouded his eyes; you felt your heart start to crack.
"You... why?"
It was your turn to start fumbling for words. Your throat tightened up, tears welling in your eyes.
"I didn't even wanna go to the party! And I went to look for you, and you just had her all over you, and I couldn't!"
"So you go and sleep with your ex?! How is that even remotely close to the same thing!" You watched as Lucas' body tensed up with every word.
"It's not, Yukhei, it's not! That's why we need to break up," you hiccuped as tears began to spill, "You don't deserve to be cheated on after you've been so good to me!" You reached for his shaking fists, but he snatched them away, walking around the bed.
"How could you? Have the past 5 months meant nothing to you?" he nearly shouted.
In general, this question made you seriously contemplate it all. You stood quietly for too long, making Lucas scoff at your silence. "I should've known this would happen. Ten said to be careful about Jaemin being back in town. Fuck this," he spat out, grabbing his shirt and shoes off of the ground.
You began to sob quietly as you watched him pack a few items he had at your place.
"I'm so sorry, Luc—"
"Don't fucking say my name." He refused to look in your eyes as he shoved his shoes onto his feet.
Though your hands trembled, you walked to him and grabbed the bag out of his hands. He huffed, snatching away from you again.
"Y/N, let me go."
"No, I just need–!"
"I don't care what the fuck you need; get away from me!" he yelled, voice shaking.
You began to break down before him, still holding onto his clenched fists. "Please, I just- I need one last thing, please!" you cried, trying to look into his eyes. It was selfish. You'd broken his heart, and now you were asking for requests.
A tear finally escaped his eye as he gave in and looked down at you.
"I love you, Y/N. Why did you have to sleep with him? Was I not good enough?" he whimpered, dropping his bag.
You shook your head and pulled him closer to you, searching his eyes for an opening. "I was hurt, and I wanted you to hurt too. I'm so sorry, Xuxi. I thought it was all behind me because he wasn't here! And y'know, now he is, and I just don't know how to stop going back to him. It's not an excuse, and you're right to hate me for it, but please," you swallowed hard and cupped his face in your hands, "please don't think you aren't good enough. You're so good, and I just fuck things up. It's what I do. I'm so sorry."
He breathed heavily into your hand and nodded before taking your hand away from his face.
"I'm not the victim in this either. I still kissed her, and if this is the end then I need to be honest." His words made your heart sink.
"After you left the party, I took her upstairs and—"
You shook your head, "Lucas, you don't-”
"She sucked me off. I came on her, and I almost had sex with her. I almost did, and I really wanted to. She told me she could give me things you couldn't, and I almost jumped at the opportunity." His face turned hard, and his eyes were emotionless.
Why was he saying this? Why was he telling you these things?
"I'm sorry." He looked down at you again; the hurt returned to his eyes this time. "Do you see how meaningless your apology seems now?"
Finally, he picked up his bag and pushed past you to walk out of the bedroom. Tears streamed down your face rapidly as your chest caved in with heartbreak. You had no one to blame but yourself for how things turned out.
After hearing the front door slam shut, you broke out into an uncontrollable sob. You clawed at your chest as you cradled yourself on the cold wooden floor. What else could you do? You cheated on someone you could've had a great future with for a night of pleasure with Jaemin, someone you had an unhealthy pattern with for years. You made your own bed, and now you had to sleep in it.
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moonjella · 2 years
23 : 59 PM — NA JAEMIN
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pairing || bad boy!jaemin x good girl!reader
synopsis || the best way to scare people this halloween is to make everyone afraid of their deepest secrets being revealed. that's exactly what the anonymous gossip column is doing. every night at 23 : 59 PM, a huge secret is exposed to all, starting with the notorious bad boy, na jaemin. you can only hope you'll get through the month safely, but halloween fast approaches, and so does jaemin.
content || female reader, reader is a virgin, mild bullying, the setting is pretty unrealistic, no smut but sexual references.
word count || 6.2k
author's note || for @underworldnet’s halloween event — day five : midnight.
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Happy Halloween!
Or should we say unhappy?
It looks like this month is going to be the most frightful you’ve ever seen!
What better way to scare your sorry souls this Halloween than to reveal all of your deepest and darkest secrets?
That’s right! Every night at exactly 23:59PM, we’ll reveal a secret that will wreck the body of this sorrowful campus and cover its walls with the blood of rage.
No one is safe from our watchful eyes.
So, you best watch your behaviour or you might find yourself in the headlines, starting with our notorious bad boy, Na Jaemin.
Turns out, the bad boy isn’t as bad as he seems. A little bridie tells us that he’s never dropped his pants for anyone despite what he likes to make you all believe. The truth is: Na Jaemin is, in fact, still a virgin.
You didn’t pay much attention to the message before you went to bed last night, but it’s a hot topic as soon as you step outside of your room.
Paying attention to the anonymous gossip column was something you rarely find yourself doing but you’d be lying if you say it didn’t spark your interest now.
Especially when the campus has turned into a hotspot for chaos overnight.
You never doubted that Na Jaemin is the most talked about student on campus but this really surprised you.
His name falls from the lips of every person you pass.
“Can you believe it?”
“What a fake!”
“I don’t blame him for lying but did he really want that kind of reputation?”
“I don’t know, I kind of like the fact that he’s still a virgin under all those layers.”
“Please, you actually believe that crap? The column is just looking for attention. There’s no way he’s still a virgin.”
There they are again.
People are always judging others for things that had nothing to do with them. So what if he’s a virgin? So what if he isn’t?
It’s not anyone’s business but his own.
But you know pretty well how much the people on this campus love to get involved in other people’s business.
And you blame the gossip column for it.
It existed since you arrived at this institution and long before that. Some rumours even said it was part of the school newspaper in its early days before technology had advanced.
It held no purpose other than to entertain, to keep people talking and gain numbers.
It had its rises and falls but it somewhat frustrates you that to this day, the majority of students and faculty here are more concerned about meaningless gossip than grades.
You sigh and shove your earphones in. A random song plays as an attempt to avoid the gossip. It’s not that you’re immune to gossip, you enjoy your share of it but what was the point in revolving all of your attention around gossip?
Now is the time to focus on studying, not on so–called secrets which likely have no evidence to back them.
Most of the nonsense the anonymous column came up with is either hearsay or exaggerated truths for the sake of attention. And the audience are dumb enough to buy into it.
Countless couples broke up, staff members lost their livelihoods, students failed their classes.
Gossip reaches every nook and cranny of this campus and it ruins lives, whether the gossip is true or not.
You enter your classroom and everyone is buzzing.
It doesn’t take you long to realise why.
At this point in the semester, attendance is always at its lowest but the room seems fuller than you’ve seen before.
Because he is in this class.
Not that he attends every lesson like you do. Na Jaemin is far from a diligent student but even you see him every now and then.
Because unfortunately, he sits next to you.
You settle into your seat and pull out your textbooks. The teacher still hasn’t arrived but you prepare while pulling out your earphones. And you regret it immediately.
“The two virgins are sitting together.” A classmate says, and a large number of the rest burst out into laughter.
A chill comes from the blood running in your veins. Yet, at the same time, your body feels hot.
“I bet he’ll drop out. I’d never show my face again if I was him.”
Do they ever stop talking?
It wouldn’t surprise you if those people are the same people running the column, finding joy in ruining the lives of others.
And what’s worse is that you’re sure the people saying these things are the same people who acted all buddy with Jaemin the week before.
Is being a virgin really that bad?
“I have nothing against virgins but don’t lie about it,” one of them says, and the voice belongs to someone who’s tormented you in the past for what they supposedly have nothing against. The hypocrisy stirs a fire in your belly. “What are you going to do if he comes in?”
The thought provokes you.
What exactly can they do other than talk about him?
You doubt he’d turn up at all but even if he did, they’d all cower at the sight of him.
Virgin or not, he’s still a guy to be weary of.
They could call you names and throw paper with insults written on it at you, but would they dare do it to him?
You don’t want to be here to find out if they do. God knows what would happen to them.
“Alright, settle down!” your professor enters. “Enough of the chatting and more of the opening books.”
The first half hour of the class flies by.
It’s quiet save for the nonstop whispering at the back of the room. It irritates you that they’re still talking but at least you can no longer make out their words.
You’re busy scribbling notes to keep up with your professor who is a little too fast for your liking but you can always fix your notes in your free time.
You’re so invested that you’re only pulled from your focus when the room turns completely silent.
If it was quiet before, it’s a complete void now.
A pin would be too afraid to drop in this silence and it’s as if everyone stopped breathing.
You realise why when you look up.
Na Jaemin has entered the room.
The whispers start up again when he meets his chair, the chair right next to you and you almost cringe when he drops into it.
He doesn’t even get out his textbooks or a notepad or even a pen.
He just… sits.
The professor notices but he doesn’t say anything and you’re glad. Just get the lesson over with and get out of here before it blows like a ticking time bomb.
Like always, the whispers turn to chatters towards the end of the lesson. Only a few people are paying attention and Jaemin is still staring daggers into the chalkboard.
You shift in your seat as discreetly as you can before finishing up your notes. And when the class is done, you’re about to pack your things away when you feel something hit your shoulder.
The crumpled piece of paper bounces onto the desk in front of you.
It’s been a while since you receive one of these and you know you should pick it up and toss it straight in the bin. But as much as you want to avoid the shitty things people say, you still open it up.
In bright red, it reads: VIRGINS.
Along with other curses and vulgar comments.
Well, there’s no avoiding it anymore.
You’re now lumped in with Na Jaemin.
Or is it the other way around?
You don’t have time to process your feelings before they are snatched away by Jaemin along with the piece of paper. He doesn’t hurt you when he does, but he certainly startles you.
Whipping around, you follow his tall frame as he marches to the back and shoves it into some random guys chest. The face that was previously riddled with a menacing smile is now filled with fear as Jaemin towers above him.
“The fuck are you playing at?”
“Hey!” someone else shouts, catching the attention of the professor. “You just hit him!”
“I barely touched him,” Jaemin laughs. “Wanna explain why you wrote this?”
“It’s true, isn’t it?”
Jaemin swallows silently.
“Enough of that!” The professor finally arrives at the commotion. He yanks at Jaemin who gives in and lets go of the guy.
Everyone else pours out of the room for the sake of avoiding being in the firing line.
Your professor looks at both guys expectantly, waiting for an explanation. When he gets nothing from them, he turns to you, who probably should have left by now.
“YN, care to explain what happened?”
“They… they threw a ball of paper at us.”
“Fucking snitch!” the guy starts but Jaemin is shoving him against the wall again, and the professor is prying him off.
His words hit you like an arrow. You’re not a snitch. You’re simply telling the truth. And telling the truth will get you out of this mess.
Or so you thought.
“I want you all back here at the end of the day.”
“What for?” the guy huffs.
“Punishment. You can clean out my cabinets for almost causing me a heart attack.”
You’re certain school violence is supposed to go through proper procedure but you don’t say anything. You don’t want to be called a snitch again.
“Back here at the end of the day. All three of you.”
“W–why me?” you ask. “I didn’t do anything.”
Jaemin has grabbed his bag and storms out of the classroom, leaving a waft of his cologne travelling up your nose. And the other guy is ready to leave, too.
He mutters another snitch on his way out.
The look on your professor’s face makes you too afraid to protest further so you swallow grimly and leave the classroom with the reminder to come back.
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As expected, you’re the only one who turns up.
And your professor left you to spend his free time in the faculty room while you clean out the old cupboard and reorganise his bookshelves. You don’t know how long it’s been but you quickly feel exhausted and take a break.
When you check the time, you inwardly groan upon realising only twenty minutes have passed.
If only the other two were here, then the job would get done much quicker. But having them together again doesn’t seem like the best idea. You heard they got into it again at lunch.
You’re about to attack the dusty pile of books with a feathery duster when you hear the door open.
“Did you want these moving to the cabinet at the back? I figured since they don’t get used it might be good to move them and free up some… space.”
You trail off when you see Jaemin entering the room instead of your professor.
Biting your lip, you quietly turn around and continue cleaning them. You hear him drop his bag on a random desk and his scent hits you before the sight of him does.
He could probably tell you’re avoiding him but it doesn’t seem like he cares.
You carry on, not letting his presence shake you. Picking up a pile of books, you start walking to the back of the classroom but the dark–haired boy steps in front of you. You heart skips a beat — is he going to confront you about what happened this morning?
Is he going to call you a snitch, too?
You wince slightly as he moves closer but to your surprise, he simply takes the pile of books from you.
And you, being too nervous to comprehend what he’s doing, hold on to them tightly.
“Give me the books.” He says, simply and effortlessly.
You’d be lying if you said his voice alone doesn’t make you quiver.
“I… I can carry them myself.” You pull them back to you, feeling the spines hit your stomach a little too eagerly. But he doesn’t let up.
“Just give them to me.”
A scoff escapes you before you can stop it and he’s taken aback. You don’t think you’ve ever scoffed so loud before. And it would be your luck exactly to have done it at Na Jaemin.
You think he might scream at you, or even hit you.
But when you look up at him, you can’t find it in you to be scared. Even with a bruise blooming on his cheekbone, his face is too calm, too pretty to feel afraid.
He’s somewhat…relaxing.
Is the boy in front of you really him?
You shake your head a little too obviously and he passes you a weird luck.
The thoughts escape from you. You’ve never been on friendly terms with him and you’re not planning on starting now.
He pulls at the books one more time and your hands slip from the bottom of the pile. Your apparent inability to pass books to someone leads to them falling out of Jaemin’s loose grip and onto the floor between you.
You’re not looking at him but you can feel the way his eyes roll to the back of his head in annoyance.
You sigh and immediately start piling them up again, straightening the pages that got bent.
There’s a little vigour in your efforts, slamming them one on top of the other. You hope he can tell you’re frustrated. If only he didn’t get involved, you would be on your knees picking them up and inspecting their damage.
He left earlier. There was no need for him to come back.
But still, he crouches next to you with a deadpan face and helps you pick them up again.
It’s silent and awkward, but he breaks the tension.
“You can say something, you know.” He sighs, almost as if he was expecting you to speak.
“I have nothing to say.”
“Everyone has something to say.”
You’re quiet for a moment. “You mean about the gossip column?”
His silence is your answer. And your confirmation that what they said is true.
“I guess it’s a little frustrating,” you confess after a while. “All the times you used to tease me for being a virgin when you were one all along.”
He stops and remain silent with his head hung low.
“I’m sorry.”
It’s your turn to be taken aback. The last thing you expected from him was an apology.
“I was an ass. I still am. I shouldn’t have said all those things to you. I’m sorry.”
He looks up at you and you feel enamoured by his gaze. His black hair makes his eyes darker. But you find some warmth in them.
“Why?” you blurt out.
“Why… what?”
“Why did you say those things?”
He shrugs. “They say the things you hate in others are the things you hate in yourself.”
He’s taken the books and places them at the back of the room while you dwell in thought.
Jaemin hates you?
Because you’re a virgin, just like him?
It doesn’t make sense.
“You know, there’s nothing wrong with being a virgin.” You say.
“Maybe not in principle. But reality is a whole different story.”
He’s not wrong. There’s nothing wrong in the essence of being a virgin, but at this kind of school with this kind of campus, every single trait about a person can and will be picked at.
Even the most precious thing a person can have can become a fatal flaw.
You both continue to clean quietly, finishing quicker than you expected with little chatter between you.
“You shouldn’t listen to what others are saying,” you tell him as you leave together. “They only care about making others feel bad just so they can feel better about themselves. They’ll have forgotten about you tomorrow.”
“I don’t take it to heart,” he explains. “I don’t feel hurt or anything. But I feel angry. And when that happens, I can’t keep my hands to myself.”
“Maybe you should try therapy.” You suggest. “There are lots of ways to overcome anger issues.”
“Are you diagnosing me, Doctor YN?”
“No,” you grin. “It was just a suggestion.”
He chuckles quietly, so quiet that you only just catch it and it causes a flutter in your chest.
You never thought you and Jaemin would be smiling together but here you are.
“Shall I… walk you back to your house or something?” he asks awkwardly.
“No, it’s fine,” you say.
“You sure? It’s getting dark.”
“It’s not far, I promise.”
“Which way are you walking?” you point in your direction. “Me, too. Come on.”
He’s already speeding ahead of you and your calves begin to burn from catching up to him but he keeps the speed up all the way to your house.
“Hm, we live pretty close.” He says.
You thank him for walking you home safely, but not for the unexpected leg and cardio workout. Waving goodbye, you close the door and run to the nearest window, hiding behind the curtain as to not show you’re watching him.
He’s already set off on his own path, disappearing into the dull evening.
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As you expected, the talk of Jaemin has since disappeared and everyone is now talking about the janitor who was caught having sex with a member of staff in the storage closet.
Evidence was provided to the faculty and they were both sacked by the time you arrived.
It’s only day two of the month. To think there are twenty–nine more days of this…
Jaemin enters the class late as usual, but also a little earlier than usual.
The class goes by as normal but you’re distracted the entire time. You can’t stop thinking about yesterday.
When you look, his bruise has faded a little bit but when he catches you staring, you bury your head in a book again.
The hour passes by in a second and you feel you’re about to explode from embarrassment so as soon as the bell sounds, you’re running out of the classroom away from him.
But to your dismay, he follows you with eagerness.
“YN, wait up!”
You have no choice but to slow down now that everyone is looking. He catches up and you look at him expectantly.
“Is there something you need?”
He’s wordless for a minute, rubbing the back of his neck as if it would push the words out of his throat.
“I, uuhh… I was thinking, maybe you could help me with some work?”
“Oh… what work is it?”
“A lot of it, actually.”
“I mean, I spend most of my time studying so I don’t know if I’d have a lot of time to help you.”
“We… we could study together.”
You sigh. “You can always ask your professors.”
“They don’t give me the time of day,” he says. “Besides, it’s not for long. It’s just so I can start getting the hang of things and then I’ll leave you alone.”
“I…” can’t say no.
“Please,” he urges you. “Just for a few weeks.”
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The weeks passed and you find yourself spending more and more time with Jaemin. And although people give you weird looks, no one is saying anything anymore.
He’s a lot less frivolous that you imagined. He started turning up to classes more punctually and met with you on time for each of your sessions. There isn’t much to it other than revising the content from the classes you share together.
He’s a quiet person. He doesn’t have a lot to say but he likes to ask a lot of questions. You wonder why he doesn’t do the same during class.
And most nights, when he doesn’t have other commitments, he takes it upon himself to walk you home.
Upon getting to know him, Jaemin is far from the person you once knew him to be.
Meanwhile, the gossip column stood true to its word — be it members of staff having affairs or students giving indecent favours to teachers for good grades or even someone secretly being a millionaire, there’s something new to talk about every day.
Some of the stuff turns out to be true, the rest of it laughable. You wonder if one day your name will appear in the headlines. It’s a distasteful thought — you can’t think of anything you’ve kept a secret that would be notable to the column but still, no one is safe.
Even you and Jaemin had fallen into the habit of discussing them at the end of your study sessions. While you walk out of the library together, a rumble sounds from your belly. A really big one.
He snorts with laughter and you could melt into the ground from embarrassment.
“Hungry?” he asks.
“I feel like my stomach is about to grow arms and legs just to find some food.”
“Good. I know the perfect place.”
And that is how you end up with Jaemin dragging you by the hand into a cosy diner.
The woman behind the counter smiles upon seeing him.
“The usual?” she asks.
Jaemin holds up two fingers. “Two.”
She nods upon spotting you with him and glances down to where your hands are connected. As if by force, you unclasp your hands and follow Jaemin to an empty booth.
“Do you come here often?”
He nods while collapsing on the other side of the table.
“I used to come in here, shouting and trashing the place for years.”
“She must be fond of you.” you say with a hint of sarcasm.
“Not until I stopped doing all that. Now I come here every weekend with my mom.”
He tells you more about his mom and how she used to come to this diner all the time when she was younger. Jaemin felt ashamed to have disrespected a person his mother loved, and so began his journey of change.
He fascinates you in every way imaginable.
“Good to see you getting your head down, Jaem.” The owner says as she delivers two plates of burgers with fries and two chocolate milkshakes and she winks at you. “Don’t let him get out of line.”
“Thank you.”
She returns behind the counter and you can’t hold back from eating any longer.
“Is there a reason for it? The way you acted?” you ask with a mouthful of burger.
“People said it from the beginning. They labelled me as the bad boy when I was just a kid doing stupid things. And being the kind of kid I was, I kept on doing those stupid things. It got worse. I needed to live up to that name. I needed attention so I forced people to pay attention to me. I called them names, I stole their money, I even hit them.
But it was never enough.”
You chew on your fries slowly.
“But my mom changed jobs a while ago, so she had more time to spend with me. She realised how bad I actually was and she’s helping me to be better. I stopped fighting people. Well…I tried to. I stopped taking money, I stopped the namecalling. And I realised, it’s not so bad when people don’t pay attention.”
“How do you mean?”
“I’m sure you know. Life is so much easier when people don’t look at you, when they don’t talk about you.”
You know that all too well.
All these months, Jaemin was trying. He was getting better and you didn’t notice. No one did.
You can’t imagine how difficult it must have been for him when the gossip column posted. He must have felt so at peace until everyone was paying attention to him all over again.
“It feels weird saying this but I’m proud of you, Jaemin.”
“What for?” he chuckles.
“I don’t know. It must have been difficult for you all this time.”
“I can’t always be the bad person.”
He bites into his burger quietly. It seems this is as far as he’s going so you continue eating with him.
“Can I ask you something else?”
He nods.
“Why are you telling me this? It all sound so… personal. And we’ve only known each for a few weeks.”
He pouts his lips in thought and sips his milkshake.
“I’ve never had any real friends,” he says. “But I always thought, if I ever had a friend, I’d want it to be you.”
“Why?” you giggle. “I’m sure there are many better candidates.”
“There isn’t.” he says simply.
He’s not a man of many words, as you can tell. But it feels comfortable.
You’ve finished your meals and are lost in a completely different conversation. Now you’re talking and giggling about the dumb things some teachers have said.
You’re clutching your stomach when a group of loud customers come in. You recognise them immediately.
Jaemin’s demeanour also changes with yours as he looks over your shoulder and spots them.
It’s the same group of people who threw that ball of paper at you and Jaemin.
And they’re making their way towards you.
“Look who it is! The two virgins are on a date.”
They burst out into laughter and you feel your skin burn.
Jaemin is seething but it’s nothing compared to you.
Bothering you in school is one thing, but humiliating you in public?
You can’t stand it.
You were having such a nice time.
You’re half–expecting them to piss off Jaemin to the point where he’ll attack them again but he remains calm. He looks you in the eyes with a softness you’ve never seen before.
“Are you ready to go?” he asks.
You nod and begin scooting out of your seat but when you do, you turn around to a loud commotion.
The other guy has Jaemin by the collar.
“Where ya going, buddy? Leaving so soon?”
Jaemin doesn’t say anything, but his fists are gripping tightly onto the other guy. You can tell he’s trying to not lash out, his limbs are trembling ever–so–slightly.
You can hear the owner shouting, there’s a waiter heading over to stop it from escalating but before you know it, you’re grabbing your half–finished milkshake and tossing it onto the guys back.
Everyone gasps, you included and Jaemin stares at you in what look like awe, but also shock.
“What the hell?” the guy flails around trying to get the cold, thick liquid off of him.
Before anyone can tell him it was you, you grab Jaemin’s hand and run out of the diner.
“I’m sorry!” you yell.
To the guy, to Jaemin, to the owner? You’re not quite sure but you’re running fast and Jaemin keeps up with you easily.
You don’t stop until your lungs are about to give out.
Both of you bend over, heaving until you catch your breaths.
“Didn’t know you were the type to hit and run.” Jaemin says.
“Oh, god,” your entire body cringes. But you also feel like you’re floating. “I think I’m having an adrenaline rush.”
Your heart is elated and there’s a strange spring of pleasure surging through your body.
As terrifying as it was, you could do it all over again.
“You’re good,” Jaemin rubs your back and you wonder how many times he’s done something like this before. He must be used to the rush of excitement. “It’ll pass soon.”
When your limbs begin to relax, he places his jacket over your shoulders and guides your lower back to start walking.
It’s dark and he doesn’t move his hand until you arrive at your door.
“Feel better now?”
You nod. “I can’t believe I did that.”
“Trust me, it’s not the worst thing you could have done.”
“It sure feels like it, though.”
He passes you a gentle smile.
“Why did you do that?”
You bite your lips. “It just felt like the right thing to do…”
And you didn’t want Jaemin to end up in another fight.
“Thanks… for saving me, I guess.”
“If running away is what a saviour does, then I will proudly wear my badge of honour.” You grin.
“I’m serious. It must have taken guts for you to do that. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you stand up to someone.”
“I can’t always be the good person.”
He smiles a charming smile, one that is also filled with pride.
“I’m becoming good, you’re becoming bad. It feels like the world is turning upside down.”
“It does,” you grin. “But I like it.”
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“Let’s crash their party.” You say as soon as you sit in your seat.
The classroom is empty save for Jaemin who arrived before you.
“You want to crash the halloween party?” you nod eagerly. “Who are you and what have you done with YN?”
“I’m serious,” you whine, crossing your arms and pouting. “They deserve it after last night. We should teach them not to mess with us.”
You almost feel like a bad influence on him which is ironic because anyone would think it would be the other way around.
“Okay. Say we crash do their party, what’s the plan?”
“I don’t know… pour salt into their punch and steal all of their snacks?”
His head drops as he laughs and you feel disheartened that you can’t see him smiling when he covers his lips.
“I can still hear you laughing even when you try to hide it, you know?”
“I’m sorry,” he says. “But…wow… salty punch and no snacks… that will definitely ruin their party.”
“Then what’s your plan?”
“I never said I was on board with this plan.”
“Come on,” you pull at his arm playfully. “We don’t need to hurt them. Just ruin the party. We can even wear masks so no one knows it’s us.”
He inspects your face and you take advantage of him by employing your puppy eyes.
“…Fine. But I’m choosing our costumes.”
“Great! Let’s make a list of all the things we can do.”
You about to scribble down your plan but Jaemin’s warm hand encompasses yours.
“Not now,” you follow his eyes to the group of students entering. “Meet up after school?”
“I’m studying tonight.”
“Meet me at the diner? We can study and make the plan after.”
You nod with a huge smile.
“It’s a date.”
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Very little studying had taken place in the following days. Your main efforts were spent avoiding the group of bullies with Jaemin and the rest went into your incredible plan to crash the party.
It feels so rebellious. Simply walking into the house of the people who want to beat you and Jaemin to a pulp.
But no one knows who you are thanks to the inconspicuous costumes Jaemin chose.
You’re wearing matching white sheets with black sunglasses. You didn’t have the heart to tell him the outfits weren’t the best choice for all the tasks you had tonight but you feel a sense of pride walking around with him like this.
Everyone looks your way, mutters a cute and turns the other away. Thankfully, nobody asks who you are and even the guy you threw a milkshake on is tipsy and wanders over to the two of you to say “cool costumes.”
You try to blend in while sticking together. The costumes definitely stand out but it’s Halloween so no one questions it.
The two of you make it to the kitchen safely and wait for the few partygoers in the to disperse before heading over to the punch.
Jaemin is on lookout while you pull the bag of salt from under your costume and empty it into the bowl of punch.
You use the ladle to stir it in until no one would be able to question the fact that there’s a distasteful amount of salt in there.
“Done?” Jaemin asks, body towering over you.
“Yeah,” you whisper. “Now the snacks?”
He nods curtly and you grab a bowl before stuffing it under the whisp of your white sheet. Jaemin does the same and you both scurry out in a fashionable manner. The plan had changed since you would have easily been caught walking out of the house with huge bowls of pretzels and chips so instead you find a dark broom closet and hide them in there.
You make two more rounds before all the snacks are gone completely.
Now onto Jaemin’s part of the plan.
You quickly grab a carton of milk from the fridge and toss it to him and he slips out into the garden. You weren’t sure this part of the plan was necessary but he said it would work.
He’s back inside and walking towards you emptyhanded.
“We are going to get killed if anyone finds out it was us.”
“Relax. Nobody saw, right?”
You shake your head. “I still don’t see the point in it. It’s October. No one will go outside, let alone in the pool.”
“Not yet.” he mutters and you can hear him grinning under his sheet.
He waltzes over to the wall with the thermostat, jamming to the music and when you’re sure nobody is watching, you nudge him as a signal.
He’s dragging you away a second later.
After successfully increasing the temperature, you continue with the last few items on your list to make the party all the less enjoyable.
The temperature rises and so does your heart rate.
Any minute now, somebody could notice things going wrong.
You hear people complaining about the temperature and somebody goes to turn it back down. But it’s not enough. The door to the garden is open and everyone spills out. You even hear people splashing into the pool and then—
“Hey! Who poured milk into my fucking pool?!”
You and Jaemin glance at each other, seeing your reflection in the sunglasses.
He grabs your hand, connecting you sheets and you’re pushing through the crowds of drunk partygoers. It’s hot and sweaty and you can barely breathe under the sheet.
You think you’re heading for the door but Jaemin leads you upstairs.
It feels even hotter when he pulls you into a bedroom and locks the door.
“They would have known it was us if we walked out straight away,” he explains. “You don’t mind, do you?”
You pull off your sheet and shake your head.
“it’s fine.”
You collapse onto the bed and Jaemin joins you.
“Are you okay?” he asks.
You nod. “A little scared but tonight’s been fun. Thank you for doing this with me, Jaemin.”
“I couldn’t let you do it by yourself.”
You hum in response, letting your body succumb to the exhaustion. Who knew causing trouble could be so draining?
Jaemin’s hand slips into yours naturally and you both lie there. It’s quiet at first, the only sounds coming from the party downstairs and the ruckus in the garden.
But after a while, you begin talking. Gasping and giggling at all the things you did tonight and making an escape plan. An hour passes and you decide it’s time to finally leave.
Jaemin helps you put your sheet back on, and your sunglasses and you do the same with him.
You stick your heads out of the door at the same time, looking both ways to ensure nobody would catch you. And then you’re speeding down the stairs to the front door.
Only, when you get there, it’s guarded by a buff guy inspecting everyone as they pass through.
“It’s fine,” he assures you and pulls you the other way when you reach the bottom of the stairs. “I’ll find a way out.”
You’ve entered the living room where a crowd of people are dancing. As you look around, you notice people are looking at you.
“We need to blend in,” you say. “We look too suspicious.”
Jaemin’s covered head darts in every direction and notices the attention on the two of you.
He slowly starts moving his body and you do too.
“I don’t know how to dance!” you hiss.
“Neither do I,” he whispers, body close to you. “Just keep moving, it’ll look like we’re dancing.”
You do as he says and wiggle your limbs awkwardly to the beat of the music.
Minutes pass and your muscles ache but it feels quite fun. You can hear Jaemin chuckling at your terrible moves and you poke him for laughing to which he laughs even harder.
You’re lost in the moves and laughter until you feel a vibration in your pocket. As does Jaemin. And everyone else in the room.
You check your phone and Jaemin checks his. It’s hard to read when you’re peering through two slits in a sheet and sunglasses but your heart skips a beat upon reading the message:
While our props go to the worst party of the year — seriously, who made that punch? — the most shocking about it is not the salty punch, nor the absence of snacks, nor the godawful playlist.
You may have spotted two adorable little ghosts floating around the party all night and while they’re far from terrifying, it seems they’ve been up to nothing but trouble. Especially in the bedroom.
Looks like our two virgins aren’t virgins anymore.
What a way to end the month! Make sure to pat their backs on they way out ;)
Happy Halloween, ladies and gents. We’ll be back soon.
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taexoxosgf · 5 months
s, smut | f, fluff | a, angst
This list is a compilation of some of my fave jaemin ff <3 a lot were on my old recs so feel free to reread!
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after you [ fuckboy!jaemin x fem!reader ] s,f,a
cat & mouse [ na jaemin x jaehyun's sister!reader ] s,f
cherry girl! [ twitch streamer!jaemin x fem!reader ] s,f
talk to my skin [ friends with benefits au ] s
unforgettable [ bassist!jaemin x fem!reader ] s,a
by the window [ voyeurism, neighbor au ] s
strawberry cough , (pt.2) sour tangie [ plug!jaemin x fem!reader] s,f,a
on the rebound [ shooting guard!jaemin x fem!reader, college au] s,f,a
subtle [ established relationship, summer vacation au ] s,f
besties (gone sexual) [ best friends to lovers ] s,f,a
upon your invitation [friend!jaemin x fem!reader, ft. nct dream, vacation au ] s,f
rock me [ fuckboy!jaemin x hairstylist!reader ] s,f,a
backseat chronicles [ streetracer!jaemin x fem!reader ] s,f,a
persimmon problems [ fratboy!jaemin x fem!reader ] f,a
veni, vidi, vici [ popular!jaemin x mark's sister!reader ] s,f
blur. [ exboyfriend's bestfriend!jaemin x fem!reader ] s
two nights, one you [fuckboy!jaemin, one night stand au] s,f
the walls are thin [ roommate!jaemin x fem!reader x roommate!jeno ] s
hush. [jaemin,haechan, jeno x fem!reader ] s
that '90's show [actor!jaemin x pa fem!reader ] s,f,a
pretty girl. [ alpha!jaemin x fem!reader ] s,f
thin walls. [ roommate!jaemin x fem!reader ] s
cookie jar [ stepbrother!jaemin x fem!reader x stepbrother!jeno ] s
one of a kind [strangers to lovers au ] s,f,a
go there with you [ roommate!jaemin x fem!reader ] s
34+35 [ established relationship ] s
parents are home [ secret freak!jaemin ? ] s
memories bring back you [ ex!jaemin x fem!reader ] s
into you [ friends to lovers au ] s,f
what she doesn't know [ mom's boyfriend!jaemin x fem!reader] s
worth it. [ first sleepover au ] s,f
quiet down [ established relationship, semi-exhibitionism ] s
6K notes · View notes
leejenowrld · 5 months
nct dream reactions, them fucking you dumb/you riding them
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(00 line + mark)
requests are open
☆ mark lee
mark loves to bring you to the studio, it’s always a late night and it’s a time where he can spend time with the two things he loves most in the world. you and music. you’re sitting in his lap, more specifically his cock, bouncing up and down as he plays you the songs he only shows you. the song is background noise, he's focused on the pretty little noises spilling from your lips, the moans and the cries of pleasure. he’s 100% used your moans in the background of his raps.
you quite simply fuck yourself dumb on his cock. you ride him at such a rapid and fast pace, you’re screaming into his ear, moaning his name so loudly, your sounds blend in so beautifully to the music he’s made, it has him in awe.
“fuck, i love you.” his mouth is wide open as he admires the view above him. your screwing your face in pleasure, the steady rise and fall on his cock, how tight your pussy feels. it’s driving him crazy.
but all of a sudden the tone shifts. you’re moving faster, harder, your volume increases by 100%. he can feel you becoming limp against him and it only makes his adoration for you grow. he cups your face softly in his hands, pecking your lips, looking down to where you connect with a heavy moan.
“you’re seriously getting tired already?” mark tuts in your ear, his dark tone causing you to clench around him. he calls you his slut, his whore, he tuts at your need for his cock cock that you’re riding it whilst fucked dumb. he says all this with a sheepish grin on his face.
☆ renjun
renjun is pounding into you from the back, he’s fucking you dumb, the only thing holding your body up is his strong grip on the sides of your hips as he pounds into you. he goes faster every time you scream. filth leaves your lips, you’re begging for him to go faster even though you can’t take it and you’re screaming his name at the top of your lungs.
this all eggs him on even more. his hand squeezes around your throat so tightly. you’ve become sensitive and numb, you’re overstimulated and you cannot feel your thighs but this doesn’t evoke any sympathy from renjun. if anything, he fucks you harder. when you try to move away, he spanks you, a strict warning to stay in place for him.
you’re at a point of no return, he’s fucked you so dumb that you feel breathless. words don’t leave you. only the incoherent moaning of his name slips from your tongue. he moans about how you’re his cum dump and that he’ll keep going for the entire night.
he loves fucking you until you can’t move. his rythmn is messy and rapid, he moves even faster when your walls suck him in and when your pussy clenches around him. the bedsheets are stained and you’re panting in his ear, begging him to stop but your grip around his shoulders as you pull him closer tells him otherwise.
☆ jeno
jeno fucks you dumb once a week, it’s a ritual at this point. he slams his cock into you, your walls tighten around him as you pull him in, he’s moving so fast, the headboard is banging, you’re moaning into each others mouth, your body is shaking against his, flush against flush and his hips rut against yours. he puts your leg over his shoulders and fucks your harder, his cock keeps hitting deeper and deeper.
his stamina exceeds yours and he knows you can’t take it anymore, he’s made you cum four times already. but he doesn’t stop, he knows you’re gonna fuck pout out of sadness if he does. he fucks you harder. he applies pleasure on your neck area, his hands encircle your neck so easily and he closes the grip, giving you no room to breathe as you start choking in his hold. he puts his fingers into your mouth, gagging you with a smirk of satisfaction.
your jaw becomes slack, your moans barely coherent so he brings his fingers to the two sides of your jaw, roughly tugging your mouth open and spitting into you. you’re so dumb fucked that you forgot to swallow, your own saliva mixes with his and you’re a drooling mess, it goes down your chin and leaves a mess
he spanks you hard that it leaves marks and your ass cheeks sting for a while. or is it the feeling of his cock pounding into you? “baby, can you feel me here?” he whispers in a seductive tone, licking his lips as he points out the bulge in your stomach. he speaks in heavy moans, grunts and growls
you become lifeless against him and limp, it turns him on, he has a strength kink, he loves the idea that he’s stronger than you, he loves that he can manhandle you. he throws you around and throws you to whatever position he pleases.
you’re talking nonense and gibberish. he’s fucked so dumb that you can’t even speak properly. “use your fucking words” he growls. poking fun at how you can’t speak because he's choking you. “what? what do you want to do? you wanna ride me?”
you’re so cock hungry that you wanna ride him even after he’s made you cum 4 times. but your body fails you. you’re lucky he loves you because he controls it. he lets you ride him, he holds you up, sitting against the headboard as you’re sitting on his cock, his hands resting on your back to hold you against him. he brings you as close to him as possible, he kisses and moans into your mouth.
his hands grip the sides of your hips to help you move up and down his cock, he wipes all your tears and smiles at you, a rare sight because of how rough he usually is to you in bed. “i love you so much”
☆ donghyuck
donghyuck eats you out like a starved man, he has the ability to fuck you dumb by just using his big, plump and juicy lips. he smooches your pussy, he sucks on your clit, he bites it, his tongue continuously stripes between your folds, he’s lapping until you can’t feel your thighs, until you’re thighs shake around his head and you’re tugging onto his hair, trying to pull him away but this only makes him eat you out faster. he lands one slap to your pussy, a warning to not move him away.
he loves how loud you are for him, screaming his name and letting everyone hear how good he’s fucking you. if you keep screaming like that than you’re sure to get rewarded later. he’s whispering against your pussy and you feel his voice vibrate against your folds. causing your pussy to overcome with sensitivity.
suddenly he rewards you with his cock. you’re still riding the high of your orgasm as he slams into you. he throws one leg over his shoulder and fucks you hard and deeply. he fucks you through every orgasm you have and that’s what has you fucked dumb.
your body becomes clammy and sweaty, you’re painted in his cum and you’re crying, the sound of your cries turns him on. your eyes roll to the back of your head, your toes curling at every thrust and every time his cock hits deep inside of you.
☆ jaemin
jaemin fucks you dumb with a sweet, innocent smile on his face to hide all the dirty things he whispers in your ear. he’s all about the build up, he kisses every inch of your body, he makes you cum the first time by sucking and licking your titties, his tongues lapping at the bud and then releasing his grip with a loud ‘pop’ he makes you cum the next two times by only using his fingers. you’re already an overstimulated, shaking mess and his cock hasn’t even been inside of you yet.
he savours every last piece of you. your taste, the wetness that builds in between your thighs. your touch, your fingernails that dig into his biceps as he drives his cock into your hole. he’ll always look down, loving the sight of his cock in your pussy, he doesn’t know where he starts or ends. he embraces your thighs shaking around him, pulling one leg to loop it over his shoulder.
he loves whorshipping you as you’re fucked dumb and cock hungry. he praises and kisses every inch of your body, he doesn’t fail to tell you how beautiful you are and he makes you feel pretty and loved. he coos into your ear, “you’re doing so well for me” “tight little cunt all for me”
he pulls out and hovers over you for a bit, forearms either side of your body as he leans up, grinning as he admires what a mess you look when you’re fucked dumb. he’ll tease you with the sweetest smile of his face, telling you that you can’t take him anymore and that he should run you a bath but when you shut him up by smashing your lips down on his, he slams back into you, moaning against your lips, his hips moving at a more rapid pace
he laughs when you start uttering nonsense. he tuts, seeing how drunk you can truly become from his cock. he calls you his cum slut, his baby, his bunny, his angel. he fucks you dumb softer than any of the other guys would.
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Among Us. Jaemin
“I wonder how you taste,”
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PAIRING. Jaemin x Reader
SUMMARY. You don’t know whether you’re going crazy or have officially lost your mind. Years have passed since you’ve seen another human being. So when an old figure, of a familiar face comes by your line of vision, you feel like you’re dreaming...too bad he feels like he’s about to have a nightmare.
WARNING. Dark themes. Gore. Gruesome. Twisted. Cannibalisms 
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The Earth became uninhabitable. You could no longer see the vibrant colors in the sky when the sun rose in the morning and set in the night. The temperatures skyrocketed above the average to the point where if you stepped outside, your skin would fry in a few minutes. Fires tore through forests and demolished farms. The roads were littered with animal carcasses, sometimes even humans.
Humanity was forced to leave, forced to live in space for hundreds of years. Billions were left behind to die on Earth. Only the lucky ones were able to escape into space, but really, nobody was lucky in the end. The survivors in the space station were never happy and were always waiting for the day when they would be allowed back on Earth.
That day finally came after four hundred years. A completely new generation of humans had been born, still longing to go to Earth. The government officials had gathered everyone together and announced they would be sending one trainee to Earth to check the conditions. Doubtful whispered passed through the crowd, some claiming it was a “suicide mission.”
The officials hushed the crowd till their voices became whispers. Then they spoke. “Na Jaemin has been assigned the mission by the President.”
A cry rang out among the mass of people. All eyes turned to a woman standing in the back. Her eyes were glossy and her face was thin, framed by short black hair. It was Na Chung, Jaemin’s mother.
“He’s just a boy!” She cried out, clenching her fists.
“Jaemin is the right one for the job, ma’am,” the official responded, his voice monotone.
Chung shoved her way through the crowd, tears sliding down her cheeks, till she reached the front. “He’s all I have! Please, you can’t do this—”
“I’m afraid we can,” the officer said, a light mocking in his tone. He raised one gloved hand in the air and two officials joined Chung at her side, grabbing her by each arm. They coaxed her from the room, ignoring her cries of desperation. The crowd was deathly silent.
“It has been settled. Na Jaemin will go to Earth this coming full moon.”
The second week of October had passed and the moon was shining through the space station windows. Jaemin was getting ready in the boarding deck after he had said his goodbyes to his friends and family. He felt quite honored to have been chosen for this position. Five years ago, the love of his life, you were chosen to visit Earth. You haven’t come back since, and the authorities kept saying that life form had been established and maintained. He was glad that he would be among the first people ever to see the world that had been abandoned- to see you and how you’ve maintained it.
Random people would pat his shoulder or give a slight nod in his direction as he passed by. He didn’t understand why everyone had been so emotional saying goodbye. He was coming back, wasn’t he?
As the general handed him his instructions for when he arrived on Earth, he adjusted Jaemin’s helmet on his head. “Try to get as much information as you can,” the general said.
Jaemin nodded, and then said, “Should I bring back Earth samples? Maybe I could collect some dirt, or maybe a plant, if there are any.”
The general laughed bitterly, “‘Bring back?’ There’s no way back up from the Transport Pod, Na.”
“What do you mean?”
“You’re staying down there.”
“For how long?”
“However long it takes for you to die. Days, hours, or seconds, who knows?”
Jaemin’s eyes widened as he took a step back in surprise. “I don’t understand, sir. This wasn’t part of my training.”
The general gripped his shoulder and pulled him toward two metal doors that slid open when they got near. “Don’t forget to keep us updated. You have that intercom in your suit for a reason.”
Before Jaemin could reply, he was pushed into the Transport Pod and the doors closed behind him. He stood, unmoving, for a moment, his thoughts running through his brain. He turned to the metal doors and pounded his fists on them.
“Please let me out! Anyone!” he cried, but got no response.
After a minute of silence, he let out a sigh and sat down in the fresh leather chair in the center of the pod. He ran his fingers across the dashboard, tapping buttons and flicking switches with blurry eyesight until the pod began to rumble. Jaemin clenched the armrests and pressed himself into the back of his chair. The Transport Pod slowly detached from the space station. Blinking his watery eyes away, Jaemin braced himself for what was about to come.
A sharp pain in Jaemin’s head and the smell of smoke woke him. Ever so slightly, he regained his vision. His head was rested across the dashboard of the pod, his body barely hanging onto the edge of the chair. Wires had fallen from the roof, the front window was cracked and glass was scattered everywhere. Once he became aware of the situation, he wondered how he had survived. Jaemin quickly realized that something was dripping down his uncovered forehead. He looked around the pod for his helmet and found it lying in the back, broken and splattered with thick red liquid.
He wiped his forehead and looked at his hand. He let out a little yelp of surprise, seeing that his hand was completely drenched in blood. Jaemin quickly stood up and leaned against the wall. He pried open the door and squinted as the harsh sunlight hit his face.
Earth wasn’t how Jaemin imagined it. The air was thick and cloudy. The sky was a deathly crimson color and the sun looked huge, bigger than it ever had from the space station. Jaemin figured whatever was on the ground was once grass, but it didn’t look like the grass in the station’s greenhouse. It was shriveled and dry and the ground underneath it was cracked and dusty. He seemed to have landed in an open field, but he could see the outline of barren trees in the distance. Everything seemed so different then what Jaemin had seen in pictures, but for some reason, he couldn’t help but smile.
He raised his finger to tap the intercom button on his suit, but then stopped. The government sent him here to die just so they could get some information about Earth. They knew Earth was still dangerous.
His smile disappeared quickly and he began to slowly walk away from the pod and towards the trees. He reached the top of a small hill and discovered a measly broken-down hut on the other side.
As the sun scorched his skin and head pounding, he descended the hill and made his way towards it.
When Jaemin reached for the door handle, the door completely fell off its hinges and into the hut. Dust flew up from every corner of the one-room house, sending Jaemin into a coughing fit and a sharp pain to his forehead. Inside the hut, there was a little cot in the corner and a desk beside it. Mold had taken over almost every part of the floor and parts of the walls.
Jaemin stepped inside and sat down on the old cot. He pulled open a few drawers in the desk until he found something.
A small, rectangular object was placed in the very back of the bottom drawer. He gently picked it up and held it close to his face, blinking sweat and blood off his eyelashes. There was a piece of tape stuck to it, and written on the tape were the words “goodbye to a world.” He studied the six buttons on the object, recognizing the symbols. He pressed the button that had a triangle on it, assuming it was the “play” button. As soon as he pressed it, two little wheels started to turn inside and a voice came from the device.
“Thank you,” It was a woman. A voice he remembered all too well. His eyes form tears as he slumps to the ground. Listening to your voice. He never thought he’d hear it again. But right now more than anything, it was the only voice he wanted to hear. Your voice sounded shaky. You were scared. “Though it's the end of the world, I’m glad that I’ve been here. I’m grateful to die here.”
You stopped speaking for a moment to take a strangled breath.
“And if it's true, that this is the end, I will surround this earth and hope that my bones may give way for a new generation.”
The recording ended too soon for Jaemin’s own liking. Jaemin hugged it to his chest and sighed. He wondered if you were still alive. He wondered how long the device had been sitting in the hut. He wiped some blood off of his neck and pressed play again. This time, your voice was slightly static.
He listened to the recording again, but he couldn’t hold back his tears this time.
Then a fourth time.
Jaemin had lost count of how many times he replayed your voice. When he pressed the play button again, he could no longer make out your words, but he knew them. Your voice no longer sounded like a woman. It was staticky and distorted, like a robot’s voice.
Jaemin tried to press play, but nothing happened. He clenched the recorder in his hand and stood up abruptly, throwing it against the wall in a fit of anger. The recorder shattered into pieces, shards of plastic flying across the room.
He sighed, falling to his knees. Images of you, his family, friends, and their goodbyes flickered through his mind. He wanted to go back.
But he couldn’t.
He brought his hands up to his face and clutched his head. He heard the sound of his hair squish when he touched it. It was blood.
Jaemin collapsed onto the floor. Overcome with exhaustion, he decided to rest. With your voice replaying in his head, his eyes closed as he muttered your words.
When he woke up the first thing his eyes latched to was a bottle near a window. The sun was setting, creating a hue of space voiding light. Being attracted to it, he awoke and made a move for the bottle. He picked it up noticing that it was stuffed with old worn out papers. After breaking it and assembling the papers together- he realized that they were journal entries. Most of them readable, others slightly damp by the ink, regardless their was only a few of the entries that were perfectly readable- and just from the first line alone, they seemed extraordinary. 
The entries expressed anxious worries of the writer. The writer with limited supplies. The writer in question was female, but Jaemin refuses to believe it was you. Because the entries got darker and darker with mentions of blood shed and cannibalism. The writer, wrote in detail how she first started with the insects that crawled up her brother’s corpse. Somehow, he had gone out to look for food while she was sat in the cabin. When he arrived, a meaningless fight broke out. In frustration of the situation and their lack of supplies, her brother tried to force himself into her almost raping her. But then in a quick move she violently pushed him and he hit the back of his head on a desk and stopped moving. Along the lines as Jaemin reads, his eyes see the little brown wooden desk on the floor, and right there does he notice the stains on the wooden floors. The spot near the table is a dark shade of maroon while the rest of the floor is a thick brown color. He continues reading the disturbing detailed entry, finding it nerve wrecking. The female writer goes on to how she ate the grubs that crawled all over his dead body, she also drank a portion of his metallic blood when she couldn’t find water. After some days his blood became bitter, but the more bitter, the better it tasted. At some point, she would go out of her cabin in the daylight and search for water- she would mix the water with his blood and drank it. 
Jaemin was disgusted and felt nausea every time she’d mention blood. She’d use the water to clean her brother’s face (mentioning as well how his skin felt more cold by the day). Everyday she’d go out in search for something to eat, encountering wandering animals. To Jaemin’s surprise, nothing seemed to scare her anymore. In the entries he read, she would describe the fight and taste of the animals she would kill. Jaemin hated, that in his head he could vividly see you killing the poor defenseless animals all because you were starving. He hated that you expressed your growing desire to eat your brother’s body. He hated how he moved to the next entry, only for you to express the craving for physical touch. 
He was uncomfortable when he read how you humped onto your dead brother’s limp body. He was struck with unease and was paralyzed at how detailed everything was. Not only did you relieve yourself of pleasure using his dead body, but you would start mentioning how he came back to life. Jaemin didn’t want to say it out loud, neither did he want to believe it- but you had gone insane. Thea authorities lied when they said you found life form. What you found, was madness.
As each entry passes, as his eyes read over every word of your writing, he’s put to his limit when the revolting sight of you cutting up your brother’s arm... you cut pieces of his flesh and engulf them, upon reading how satisfied you were- he got up. He threw up on his empty stomach. He stumbled out the hut cabin and began running. There was no way he’d stay there.
A total of 4 days had passed by. Jaemin walked with yearning and longing in his heart, to go back home. He traversed by foot with a water bottle that was half full. His mission was simple trying to find any place to stay, live in the distorted land. The days felt like long hours and he couldn’t comprehend whether he was in control of his body- or his body was in control of him. It got hotter and hotter, and even at night, it was hot. Sweat plastered on his hair and he felt sharp headaches filling his head every time. Scorching gusts of wind kicked up, blowing sand on his face. The dry air swayed the sweat away, crusted his hair with grit, but nothing could take him away from the headache’s he’d feel constantly- and it didn’t help that he had a major cut scar and his head.
He drank much more water then expected and finished the entire bottle on the fourth day. There was nothing to see. He somehow ended up on dry lands. The cities were far behind, yet he continued in the dried wilderness of nothing. Twisted brittle shrubs looked exactly the same as the next. The empty homogeny lulled him into different sorts of daze. The will to live, long gone from his head. Night came faster then expected and Jaemin was so far gone and tired that it was hard for him to concentrate. There was more pain then he though there would be. All the muscles in his body rioted, cramping and spasming as he fought death.
He didn’t fight, but he kept getting that same sharp headache like pain. It was unbearable. He drifted and waited, his thoughts dripping in and out of memories without a pattern. He hummed a little lullaby while he was still lucid. A lullaby that surprisingly came from you- when you were still on the ship. 
Upon thinking of you, he tries to erase the memory of the images he saw in his head of you slowly turning into an animal. He focused on thinking of how you were once, the love of his life. You and your brother, Jeno, had grown up on the same floor. You were practically neighbors. Jaemin remembered your beautiful voice and how you’d sing a lot on the ship. He recalled how your voice used to calm down the elders who still had the trauma of leaving earth. Your voice was the key to peace on the ship. On top of that, your voice, was the only thing he loved to hear when the two of you would sneak out of your rooms and head to the artificial dock. From there, the both of you could see a spectacular view of the universe.
You were only 16 years old when you disappeared. But he remembered how you pressed your head on the side of his shoulder as you hummed quietly to the view of stars.
The both of you were feeling so in love, that the idea came out natural. You looked into his eyes and he looked into yours. When you removed your clothes and he did so as well, you both knew that it’s what you wanted. Even though you were younger than him by two years, you both knew it was love when he put himself in you. 
There were so many things he wanted to tell you that night. 
Later on, after a satisfying lust and exchange of body fluids, you laid in bed together, your hands stroking his hair with your head on his chest and his hand fumbling with your boob just playing with the soft nipple bud. He wanted to kiss you, to tell you he loved you yet nothing was said, you could both feel it. 5 years have passed. You would’ve been 21, the perfect age to start a life together. He would’ve been more than pleased to be by your side.
Even though the disturbing entries he read days ago had your name imprinted on all the pages, he still wanted to see you. To know if you were alive. But so  far, in the quiet places he was on, he knew that you were far gone.
As his thoughts ramble on thinking about you in the dark and silent timeless space, he hears a sound.
Not sure if he was imagining it, he kept his eyes closed, feeling the lids too heavy to open up. In fact, his whole body was weak and he couldn’t even bring up a sing muscle. His throat dry as fuck. Something shook him and pulled his numb arms and dragged him. He was sure it was Death, or even an animal. He waited. Waited for the teeth cuts to claw into his skin, or for the slobbering to drip down his face. However, when he felt that he was still being pulled, he was stunned that the pulling soon turned to pushing before his face was away from the sand and inclined upwards. Something poured over his face- it was wet and cool and...impossible. It dribbled over his eyes washing the grit away. At this point, his eyes flattered, blinking against the dripping. He didn’t care about the grit that got into his eyes. 
His chin arched up, desperately searching , his mouth opening and closing to get the source. The water flowed into his mouth before he gulped on it and choked on it. It really is impossible for their to be water from the sky. Is it rain? Although he carried on choking on the water- the moment it stopped flowing his arms shot up like the speed of light and grasped out for the source. 
A flat, heavy hand pounded his back until he could breathe, his hand still clutching the air looking the water.
This time, when he hears a sound, he knows it’s a sound.
Something presses to his cracked lips and the water flowed again. He takes his time to drink it- afraid that it might get taken away again. He drank and drank until his belly stretched and ached. His sure that the bottle is empty but that doesn’t stop him from hoarsely crying in protest. Thankfully another rim is pressed to his lips. He gulped it down until it was empty too.
Another mouthful would erupt his stomach. He blinked slowly and tried to focus, to see if he could find more. It was too dark, he could not see a single star. And then he blinked again and realized that the darkness was much closer then the sky- but it wasn’t the darkness it was a figure hovering over him.
Was that... Is that... You?
Your lips... they’re moving but he can’t hear anything. Weakly stretching his hand out, they lightly touch out to your face. Your lips crack into a little smile, sighing out when you notice he’s not dead. 
“Jaemin... You’re really alive?”
“I’m alive?” Jaemin’s croaked voice voices out in a confused manner. “You’re alive,” His lips try to form a smile, but with so much draining energy he ends up letting his eyes do the expression of how happy he is.
You chuckle, the sound of your voice sends tingles to his ears. “It’s been a while since they’ve sent down another person...” You giggle biting your lip. This time, Jaemin’s ears catch on to how eerie it sounds. “I’ve been so hungry.” Your voice fades off just as his eyes notice your hand slowly rising with a knife. You lean in close and with your bad breath you dive in for his lips. 
He begins to struggle, unable to break free from your tight lips on his. Only when a tight knot enters his stomach does he feel the pain all over his body react to the new founding pain over his abdomen. Jaemin would do absolutely anything, to have you look at him with love again, but the crazy look in your eyes right now- is far from what he wants. You’re sad, happy, lost, confused, distressed, but the look above all is want... you want him.
You want him so badly, that this hallucination that your kissing seems so real and it is all that you want. You’ll probably regret it later, but the hunger takes over you. 
“Jaemin,” You breath out breaking away from the kiss. “I’m so hungry. If you’re really real, please forgive me. I’m just so hungry, and you look so delicious right now. I wonder how you taste. Forgive me.”
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