#✧°. marie answears
soullessdianthus · 10 months
just read “forbidden fruit” and i’m OBSESSED. Also, it got me thinking on this, hear me out; Ghost notices the way König looks at you after that little encounter, so AND IF THIS IS TOO MUCH PLA IGNORE IT for some reason Kortac and TF141 have to share base, meaning König sleeps on the bedroom next to yours and Ghosts and hears how you absolutely get railed into next dimension bc poor baby Ghost was jealous someone else was looking at his girl the wrong way, so he makes sure to cover you in marks to let everyone know you’re very much taken and YOU CAN TAKE IT FROM THERE BUT LIKE I SAID IGNORE IT IF YOURE NOT COMFORTABLE WRITING NSFW
✧°. Boyfriend!Ghost would absoluetly make sure other people from your surrounding know you're his girl. He'd leave purple hickeys in a visible place and while normally it would be probably your neck, this time (when you're wearing a military clothes, covering your skin) Ghost would go as far as leaving his marks behind your ear or on your jawline.
✧°. Which, of course, was a subjects of your latest argument, because it was vulgar to mark your lover in such an obvious way. But silently you loved it, let's be honest.
✧°. If you happened to share some accommodations with KorTac and SOMEHOW were placed on the other side of König's room ─ Ghost would absolutely abuse that coincidence.
✧°. He'd be in a worse mood, acting more grumpy than usual, but when you two finally happened to get comfy in your shared room (or just his private quarters), Ghost would be all over you ─ almost tearing your clothes off, kissing so desperatly, his tongue inviding your pretty mouth.
✧°. Boyfriend!Ghost would fuck the daylights out of you on the creaking bed, making sure you're not holding back any noises. Where normally he wants to keep all of you to himself, during that mission he had a point to make.
✧°. While you and lieutenant were sharing an intimate moment, König would lie in a bed too small for him, listening to the awfully salacious noises coming from the other side of the wall. Mostly of you.
✧°. Austrian soldier tried to ignore your little whimpers and sweet moans, but just couldn't. He sneaked one of his palms under his cargo pants and below the boxers. König would fuck his fist, bucking his hips upwards, thinking of you bouncing on his fat cock. He knew he shouldn't be imagining this, like at all. But your sweet gaze haunted him when he closed his blue eyes. He would take such a good care of you. <3
✧°. König would imagine that you were with him that night, that it was him who made you whimper from pleasure. Colonel would thrust into his own hand until he came hard, knowing he should be more careful next time when around you. The thought alone about you made him a perv.
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macabresymphonies · 4 months
Who are the major players in The Magnus Protocol?
The more we delve into the season, the more it, becomes apparent that alchemy is a big theme this season. If you haven't already, read more on my theory how The Magnus Protocol is about a race between alchemists if you want more context on what I will be talking about in the post.
It's all speculation, but cross referencing the Klaus sheet from the ARG, which is an excel sheet containing other incidents we don't know much about (it's also all in german, so that's fun), there seems to be three major "named" players in the sheet Lady M., Mr M. and Mr B.
They are only attributed few incidents, but combining historical data and few times location is mentioned we can speculate on their identity assuming they are all supposed to be famous alchemists.
I will also mention, the idea that alchemists gainied immortality and are living up to today is not new, Nicolas Flamel and John Dee are both told to have gained immortality and hiding among us today.
Lady M.
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There isn't many female achemists throughout history (because if men play with chemicals it's called "alchemical pursuit" while if a woman does so it's suddenly "witchcraft" am I right?), but one of the most prominent ones is also one of the oldest ones out there: Mary the Prophetess.
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She's basically the grandmother of all alchemy. Ancient, as even in the oldest sources of alchemy from the 4th century she's described as have been living in the past. Her being involved in an incident in London is not as weird considering that her home is probably long gone anyway. She's also only one where date of incident was mentioned and it's only few months before the events of the podcast begun.
Mr M.
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Involved in an incident in Berlin he's to be assumed of German origin and crossreferencing famous alchemists I think I've got an absolutely perfect fit: Albertus Magnus.
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Literally named "Doctor universalis" for being a German scholar knowledgable about and cataloguing basically everything. Many people think Magnus Institue is related to Jonah Magnus, but let's remember this universe is much more similar to ours. Maybe Magnus Institute and Magnus Protocol aren't about Jonah Magnus, but relate to Albertus Magnus instead. Category number in the incident is 2, which by my previous theory would mean it involved the matters of The Mind.
Mr B.
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Based on Somerset and the fact this person deals with The Soul (1) and to less of a degree The Mind (2) I think the pick is pretty apparent: Roger Bacon
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Named Doctor Mirabilis, "the wonderful teacher", born near Ilchester, Somerset, outside of being one the great English alchemists he's well known for two things - he has placed considerable emphasis on the study of nature through empiricism (and many experiments) and that he was involved in creation of the brazen head, a necromantic device that would answear questions, supposedly through an entraped human soul. Both of these align well and to me, him being born in Somerset basically confirms it.
It's worth mentioning, Mr B. was the only person mentioned to have created a project with a rank S, meaing he's probably in posession of the most powerful item in The Magnus Protocol universe.
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maddiesbookshelves · 2 years
In honor of pride month, here are my favorite queer books of all time (in no particular order)
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I Wish You All the Best
When Ben comes out as nonbinary, their parents kick them out. They are forced to go live with their estranged sister and her husband in a new town and enroll into a new school. Their plan to lay low and finish their senior year unnoticed flies out the window when they meet kind and charismatic Nathan. As their friendship grows, so do their feelings for each other...
nb MC
bi black love interest
mental illness
just beacause they're family doesn't mean they're good for you
Me, My Dad and the End of the Rainbow
Things haven't been the same for Archie recently: his parents are fighting and his dad is acting weird, but no one is telling him anything. When he sees a colourful, crumpled paper fall out of his dad's pocket, Archie thinks he might have found the answear. Only problem? The answer might just lie at the end of the rainbow, an adventure away. Archie enlists the help of his best friends and, tohether, they set off to London to try and fix his family.
communicate with your kids dammit
coming out as gay when you have a family
gay teens
drag queens
end set during the London Pride
Beyond the Black Door
Kamai and her mother are Soulwalkers ― they can journey into people's souls when they sleep. And in each soul she visits, Kamai sees a black door. When she gets close to it, it is warm and seems to be calling her name. Her mother has always warned her: never open the black door. But when tragedy strikes, Kamai feels like she has no other choice and opens it.
really cool ways of explaining queerness in-universe
trans rep
gay rep
ace rep
bi rep
it almost has it all, y'all
Georgia has never been in love or kissed anyone, but she's sure she'll find her person one day. As she moves to another town for her first year of university, she thinks her romance dreams might just be within her reach. But when her plan wreacks havoc into her friend group, she starts wondering why love seems so easy for other people. With new terms thrown at her ― asexual, aromantic ― Georgia is more uncertain about her feelings than ever.
aro ace rep
leabian latina rep
pan rep
he/them nb + romantic ace non-white character
Iron Widow
The boys of Huaxia dream of piloting the Chrysalises to battle the aliens that lurk beyond the Great Wall while the girls they are partnered with die from the mental strain. When her sister dies under suspicious circumstances, Wu Zetian offers herself up as a concubine-pilot to the culprit in order to kill him. But she gets her vengeance in an unexpected way — she kills him through the psychic link between pilots and emerges from the cockpit unscathed. To tame her unnerving yet invaluable mental strength, she is paired up with Li Shimin, the strongest and most controversial male pilot in Huaxia​. But now that Zetian has had a taste of power, she will not cower so easily.
bi rep
feminist rage
poly rep
French version under the cut
I Wish You All the Best
Quand Ben annonce à ses parents qu'iel est non-binaire, ses parents lae mettent à la porte. Iel n'a d'autre choix que d'aller vivre chez sa sœur, avec qui iel n'a plus eu contact depuis des années et son mari, puis de s'inscrire dans une nouvelle école. Son plan de finir sa dernière année de lycée en faisant profile bas vole en éclats lorsqu'iel rencontre le gentil et charismatique Nathan. Alors que leur amitié s'épanoui, leurs sentiments l'un pour l'autre en font de même...
nb protag
love interest noir et bi
santé mentale
juste parce que c'est la famille ça veut pas dire qu'ils sont bons pour toi
Me, My Dad and the End of the Rainbow
Rien n'est plus pareil pour Archie ces derniers temps : ses parents sont en froid et son père agit bizarrement, mais personne ne lui explique rien. Lorsqu'il aperçoit un papier coloré froissé tomber de la poche de son père, Archie pense avoir trouvé les réponses à ses questions. Le problème ? Les réponses se trouvent peut-être au bout de l'arc-en-ciel, à la fin d'une aventure. Archie demande l'aide de ses meilleurs amis et, ensemble, ils mettent le cap sur Londres pour essayer de réconcilier sa famille.
parlez à vos enfants bordel
annoncer qu'on est gay quand on a une famille
des ados gay
des drag queen
la fin se passe à la London Pride
Beyond the Black Door
Kamai et sa mère sont des Marcheuses d'Âmes ― elles peuvent visiter les âmes des gens lorsqu'ils sont endormis. Et, dans chaque âme que Kamai visite, elle voit une porte noire. Lorsqu'elle s'approche, elle est chaude et semble appeler son nom. La mère de Kamai l'a toujours mise en garde ; ne jamais ouvrir la porte noire. Seulement, une tragédie se produit et Kamai ne voit pas d'autre solution que d'ouvrir la porte.
une manière super cool d'expliquer les identités queer dans l'univers
rep trans
rep gay
rep ace
rep bi
ils y sont presque tous les gars
Georgia n'est jamais tombée amoureuse et n'a jamais embrassé personne, mais elle est sûre qu'elle trouvera sa moitié un jour. Lorsqu'elle emménage dans une autre ville pour sa première année de fac, elle est persuadée que ses rêves de romance sont à portée de main. Mais quand ses plans sèment la pagaille dans son groupe d'amis, elle commence à se demander pourquoi l'amour a l'air si simple pour les autres. Assaillie par de nouveaux mots ― asexuelle, aromantique ― Georgia n'a jamais été aussi incertaine de ses sentiments.
rep aro ace
lesbienne latina
rep pan
personnage il/iel nb + romantique ace de couleur
Iron Widow
Les garçons de Huaxia rêvent de piloter les Chrysalides pour combattre les aliens qui rôdent au-delà de la Grande Muraille tandis que les filles avec qui ils font équipe meurent de l'effort mental. Lorsque sa sœur meurt dans des circonstances suspectes, Wu Zetian se porte volontaire pour être la concubine du coupable dans le but de le tuer. Elle obtient cependant sa vengeance d'une manière inattendue : elle le tue grâce au lien mental qu'ils partagent en pilotant et émerge du cockpit saine et sauve. Pour contrôler sa force psychique aussi précieuse que dérangeante, elle est associée à Li Shimin, le pilote le plus dangereux et le plus controversé de Huaxia. Mais maintenant que Zetian a goûté au pouvoir, elle ne se soumettra pas si facilement.
rep bi
rage féministe
rep poly
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I absolutely adore ur artwork! Especially the way u draw hair strands and eyes. I can already tell ur a pro at gesture drawing from how fluid ur line work looks and everything has a curvy soft quality to it it's almost reminiscent of Disney or art noveau. I would love to know wat type of art style u took inspiration from
OMG I'm extremely honored, thank you so much!💙💙🥺 You're so kind, I'm gonna cry <3
I Have to work more on gesture drawings, I really want to achieve that fluid, loose feeling in my art. I've been paying more attention to it lately and I am so flattered you think so!
To answear your question, I'm taking inspiration from artists I love, just to name a few on here: @roguerigatoni @oftennix @sweepy-stringbean @mary-venom @thekeythief
And a couple from instagram: Doodle_traffic, aokkun, gretlusky, floballestra, lo.key.bo, minemikomali, jelarts. There are so many amazing artists, I love observing everyone's unique way of drawing and self expression.
Thank you for taking the time to write such a lovely message, I appreciate it more then you can imagine. I hope you'll have a great day💕✨️
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kinslayersadvocate · 1 year
"well, Brazil. In some twenty or thirty years?" Sorry I'm really stupid and know nothing of history, but who married in whom in Brazil? And Brazil wasn't a colony?
Don't worry, the way they teach story for us is confusing, and if you are brazilian or portuguese I don't think they would teach about this at all.
Short answear: Brazil went from colony to united kingdom to empire to republic in the span of 74 years.
Long answear: Portugal refused to join the continental blockade that Napoleon imposed on England. To escape the invasion of Napoleonic troops, the prince-regent Dom Pedro VI transferred the seat of the court to Brazil, then a colony, and the royal family and the court fled en masse.
The troops were expelled from Portugal by the British just under a year later, but the court remained in Brazil.
At the end of the war, in 1815, Brazil ceased to be a colony when the United Kingdom of Portugal, Brazil and the Algarves was created, so that Dom João could have his autority recognized without having to return to Europe.
Five years later Dom João, now king, returned to Portugal on account of the Liberal Revolution of Porto (I'm not sure what it's called in English); in short, they wanted the royal family to return and for Brazil to become a colony again, which would benefit Portuguese merchants.
The son and heir of Dom João, Dom Pedro*, remained in Brazil and allied with the agrarian elites here, who feared precisely the changes that the Portuguese elite were asking for.
The political scene was tense, divided into two parties, and this culminated in the declaration of independence in 1822, when Brazil became an empire, with Dom Pedro as emperor.
With Dom João's death, Dom Pedro I abdicated and returned to Portugal to reclaim the Portuguese throne, being succeeded in Brazil by his 5 years old son, Dom Pedro II, who took the throne aged 14 after a regency period.
He would have been succeeded by his eldest daughter, Princess Isabel, but the republic was declared in 1889 while he was still alive.
Regarding marriages:
Dom João married the spanish princess Carlota Joaquina de Bourbon.
Dom Pedro I married the archduchess Maria Leopoldina da Áustria (Marie Antoinette's niece!) and Amélia de Leuchtenberg, a franco-bavarian princess.
Dom Pedro II married the princess Teresa Cristina das Duas Sicílias (a kingdom comprising Sicily and Naples).
Princess Isabel married Gaston de Orléans, Count d'Eu, a french prince.
I hope this is not too long or confusing, I tried to get all the necessary info to explain why and how this anomaly happened.
*He was Dom Pedro IV in Portugal and Dom Pedro I in Brazil.
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crazy-deals · 9 days
Summer Bestsellers | Promotie Answear cu pana la -30%* la 100.000 de produse
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Cele mai hot colecții de vară la reducere pe Answear! Ai cel puțin 30% OFF pentru 100.000 de produse menite să-ți ducă garderoba la următorul nivel. Ce mai aștepți? O vară memorabilă începe cu un outfit pe măsură. Promoția durează până pe 5.06.2024, ora 23:59. Nu uita de la fiecare data când cumperi online sa cauți pe Crazy-Deals.ro ce promoții sau coduri reducere Answear sunt Active pentru a fi la zi cele mai mari reduceri si discount-uri posibile. Read the full article
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HAPPY MARY DAY FOR YOU TOO!!! (Sorry for answearing like 2 or more weeks after you asked XD)
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zdezintegracja · 7 months
What it takes to be a goth?
So recently I’ve seen a rise of popularity of the goth subculture. Mainly bc of the wednesday netflix series. Many prople think taht its just the style and clothes you wear and ignore all the history behind it. I’ve seen a lot o pozers and so called goths who just wear long black skirts and corsets proudly. And man im tired of that. So heres some basics you should know about this subculture.
1. You must listen to goth music
Goths are listening mostly to post-punk, waves that came after (new wave, dark wave, cold wave etc.), goth-rock (which is very controversial to mention bc many goths dont agree that such thing exists), ebm. Of course if you are goth you can listen to other genres such as punk, metal and rock, but to call yourself a goth you should enjoy mentioned earlier genres the most. The most popular bands that are goth are: bauhaus, alien sex fiend, horror vacui, sisters of mercy (they werent identifying as a goth band and didint wanted to be seen as one, but the music is perfect example of what goths listen to), the cure, joy division, voodoo church, specimen, christian death, new order, scarlets remains, death cult, depeche mode, siouxsie and the banshees, clan of xymox etc. Personaly i dont take people who tell me that they are listening to post punk and kpop for example seriously. Mixing genres is ok, but things like kpop arent related to what goths listen at all. Mixing it with punk music is resonable bc it is from what it all came, but it depends of person.
2. Clothes
Many people will tell you that you dont need to dress as a goth to be one, wich i dont find true. Clothes are a big part of this subculture. You dont have to look like trad goth everyday, band shirts, some black pants, maybe ankh jewlery and you are good to go. There are many different type of goths and thier clothes that you will for sure find something for you. Some people are mixing goth subculture with metal for example. And thats okay. You can look more gothly one day and one day more like a metalhead, you dont have to close yourself for only one and can enjoy whatever you like!
3. Concerts
Concerts and events are a big part of goth subculture and to be a real goth you should attend these. Of course it can be kind of hard at the beginning, these can be expensive sometimes or happen not frequently, but if you search good enough you will find something eventually. You dont need of course to rush to the castle party at the beggining of your goth journey but try to attend as much as you can to the local concerts, and events.
4. Literature and movies
There are a lot of goth movies with this specific dark atmosphere. You should watch some of them to really sink in that subculture. The most popular are of course tim burtons movies, „the crow”, „the craft”, „only lovers left alive”, „let the right one in”, „the addams family” etc. It is really easy to find them so i wont write down all. It would be nice if you watch some of bands documentaries as well. For the literature edgar allan poe is the most basic and popular goth author, besides him you can also read mary shelley, lovecraft, bictor hugo. These are only some of the most popular, as before there are a lot of more authors you can find. I recommend also to get to know about goth athors from your country or more local community. Its nice to know them.
5. History
To really call yourself a goth you should know from where the whole subculture came from. Read about this or watch some videos, it is a really interesting topic and its important to know.
Of course these are some basics i will be talking more about these things in the next posts. This is to get a bit of a view what it takes to be a real goth. If you have any questions i will answear to them happily.
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multitoyheadcanons · 5 years
Why the hell would you make a child abuser who drugged and forcibly hospitalized her own son a "goddess of parenthood love"
That's why. She fucking suck at her job. I using Greek mitology as a base for this and they all sucked at their job, all of them were fucking assholes who belived they were making a good job. Same here with Mary, when she became a Goddess of Parenthood Love and did all that stuff to Milo so he also become a Semi-God instead of a Protector, in her eyes she was doing alright and neither Cursor or Slenderman told her she was wrong so that's it.
She sucks at her job, she believe she was doing alright but SPOILER: She didn't.
Don't think I won't do something to her. I'm going to fuck her up in this AU.
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kathanisharmaa · 2 years
Foe me it was too much that Eswina actually haf feelings for Anthony and the wedding was organized. I kept thinking- how the heck will they come out of this corner? And tbh they tried, but they didn‘t really manage to convince me that the sister relationship is not permanently tainted by the whole mess. They could have added more scenes of the sisters building a positive dynamic afterwards. (And a little more caress flirting overall). After that monumental conflict I needed more healing.
heyo anon! i feel like i'm in a emotional hangover since friday and i'm in need of therapy asap because this season left me broken. how tf cvd made 8 episodes and gaves only 33 minutes of kate and anthony? this is so disrespectful!!! after watching the whole season i'm sure now that cvd or whoever wrote that scritpt hates anthony and kate and no one can change my mind.
edwina was a litle brat (wihch made me very upset since i've always liked her to the point i played her in a rpg), she was spoield, mean, childish and so frivolous. at the very beginning of the season she says she trusts kate entirely, than kate says "do not get close to viscount bridgerton" but as the season goes on she decides to go against kate judgment and even starts to put her sister in unconfortable situations so she can live her litte girl dreams of playing house. and when the shit hits the fan she blames kate for her own mistake??? like, kate told you since the beginning her opinions about anthony and you went against her advice and now you're blaming kate???? just fuck off, edwina...
we watched a lot o interviews and everyone talked about the love between the sharmas but all i saw was mary and edwina using kate, ignoring kate, being mean to kate. my baby was so alone, she was trying so hard to protect and please mary and edwina. she gave up her life, her dreams to make sure those two spoiled women would live a comfortable life and yet and things get out of control kate was asked to leave the room as she was not part of the family, as she was responsible to the fact anthony loved her and that broke my heart in a million of pieces. i can't stand edwina or mary and i'm happy the bridgertons loved kate and embraced her so quickly (even asked if she was moving in when anthony married edwina 😂
anyways, the time we could see the sisters bonding was spent on edwina talking about the viscount and then edwina giving kate silence treatment. and when we should see anthony and kate talking, knowing more of each other we're seen the featheringtons boring af plot, or will mondrich and his gentleman's club where nothing important to the show happened. and after six episodes putting up with edwina's bullshit i was expecting to be knockout with kathony but no, they gave us five (AMAZING, PERFECT, UNTOUCHABLE) minutes of hea and that's it. i'm so upset and so hurt about how mistreated kathony was in their own season.
sorry for this long ass answear but i needed to take this out of my chest...
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fedonciadale · 3 years
How is you Sansa Stans doesnt consider Sansa Mary Sue in book. Self righteous girlie that can't do no wrong, is sooo perfect and doesn't have to answear for her wrongdoings, have to suffer to later flash her trauma at not interested people. I beg you, check what Mary Sue is, because we can change of this fenomen to Sansa Stark and nothing would have changed.
Hi anon,
I did some work for you (well not really, looking up things in wikipedia is so easy, isn't it?)
A Mary Sue is a type of fictional character, usually a young woman, who is portrayed as unrealistically free of weaknesses.[1]​ Originating in fan fiction, a Mary Sue is often an author's idealized self-insertion. Mary Sue stories are often written by adolescent authors.[2]​
A protagonist (from Ancient Greek πρωταγωνιστής, prōtagōnistḗs 'one who plays the first part, chief actor')[1][2][3] is the main character of a story. The protagonist makes key decisions that affect the plot, primarily influencing the story and propelling it forward and is often the character who faces the most significant obstacles. If a story contains a subplot, or is a narrative made up of several stories, then each subplot may have its own protagonist.[4]
So, I beg you to read these two definitions very closely and educate yourself. Then you can write to GRRM and tell him that a) ASOIAF is fanfiction that b) Sansa is his self-insert and that c) he is an adolescent author.
Good luck with getting a positive answer to that letter.
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soullessdianthus · 9 months
have you written anything for a perv!gromsko? he is my favorite and i would love to see you write for him!
A/N: I decided to write him in the most stereotypical way which is misogynistic (men in Poland are like this fr *COUGHS*). Just because I gave myself a pass to do that bc I'm Polish, okay? *Muah* to this anon for Polish reference! (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
Warnings: misogyny, sabotage in workplace, nsfw (overstimulation, darcyphilia, cockwarming, throat training, dumbification maybe?)
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✧°. Gromsko is a misogynistic kind of pervert. Born and raised in a traditional Polish family he grew unaware of his deepest, darkest desires. Until.
✧°. When you enrolled into the SpecGru forces, he couldn’t believe something as delicate as a girl found herself here, within the private military company. Of course Sobiesław knew women were stronger than it seemed, but not in a fucking battlefield. In his opinion they should worry about hearth and home not a bloodshed. 
✧°. Obviously he had been working with some scary women before, but never with someone like you – still young, perhaps naive even. Your pretty body untouched with little to no scars. You were definitely a description of a delicate flower in his eyes.
✧°. His mother and grandmother raised him well – he would never risk the life of a devoted woman in a place like this. So since the first day Kościuszko saw you enter the gym hall, he couldn’t stop thinking about you.
✧°. Perv!Gromsko would stare from his spot, surrounded by his friends, yet it was you who got his full attention. How your body flexes and muscles stretch while working out or how your breasts bounce as you run on the treadmill. Dear God, don’t give him ideas.
✧°. He was already dreaming of you riding his cock into oblivion, naked while he was in full uniform. Sobiesław’s coarse hands pressing down onto your hips, making you sink further against him and his girl mewling from pleasure.
✧°. Sneaking behind everyone’s back Perv!Gromsko would do everything to be assigned with you while on a mission. Sobiesław very carefully sabotaged your work just for the superiors to punish you. 
✧°. Why? Because he would defend you in front of them, telling them you need another chance, that he would guide you. And since he was an honored soldier within the company, they made him your temporary superior as he had a higher rank than you. From now on, he was responsible for you and your doings. 
✧°. Gromsko had you where he wanted to since the very beginning – vulnerable and dependent. 
✧°. Perv!Sobiesław believed it was meant that way, because women should listen to their husbands, right? First thing he wanted to change in your training routine was cardio. 
✧°. Your comrade told you to show up at his dorm’s door in the evening. Without much thinking of it, you came straight to him, thinking he would take you to gym – how foolish.
✧°. A loud gasp escaped your mouth, when the man that was supposed to help you with your training session was pressing your face into the bedroom’s wall as his huge hands were groping your breasts! Perv!Gromsko would correct your stamina by relentlessly thrusting into your tight cunt, causing you to beg for a break with tears streaming down your eyes. 
✧°. Evening sessions with Sobiesław became an almost daily occurrence. The man would bend you in different positions on his bed, thrusting deep into your pretty pussy until you couldn’t cum anymore. Perv!Gromsko would mock your lack of stamina and threaten he would not allow you to go on a mission if you hadn’t tried harder.
✧°. So he began training your throat breath by telling you to keep his cock in your wet mouth for a good while, sucking gently from time to time. Of course your tears and sobs were causing him to feel pity for you, but Sobiesław was doing this to help you become better! :( 
✧°. He was reading a book, the one from his grandma, while you were laying between his toned legs, keeping his throbbing member warm. You would whine from time to time from the lack of enough oxygen. But then Gromsko would simply caress your pretty, silly head and tell you how good job you’re doing. <3
✧°. “Such a good girl f’me.”
✧°. “No dalej, dasz radę, Mała [pol.: Come on, you can do this, little one].”
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rgedgwe · 3 years
The fact is we have implemented various strategies that were carefully
I also think the overall film, the Peeta character, the friendship and the relationship that they develop, the chemistry outside of it is so great. Kenneth "Ken" Kemp, 78, a resident of Albuquerque for 26 years, died Wednesday, October 10, 2001. Instead our mice stole letters, ledgers, charts … later, they would read them and leave them where they lay. She stumbled and went down to one knee, so hard she bit her tongue.. All you need is an idea and great friends. The fact of the
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nicksreadingblog · 3 years
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In this blog I will be writing about “Frankenstein” the famous an old story  written by English author Mary Shelley.
This story is truly amazing, and I strongly recomend watching, or reading it.
I will be covering, and answearing some of the topic related questions in the upcoming posts, and explain a little bit what the story is all about; Beware, spoilers ahead...
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pancsaa · 4 years
After all the bs that went down during the TROS press tour I have to say I’m happy it’s finally over, but I loved watching Naomi Ackie and Kelly Marie Tran do interviews together, they were a lot of fun and had pretty great and interesting answears, they were pretty much the only saving grace of this press circuit for me. So thanks girls. :)
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ohmycait-blog · 6 years
My experience meeting Cait ( something possitive to greet you all )
I have heard that Caitriona Mary Balfe took her suitcase once and went in France, without even knowing the language. She has never travelled abroad since she was 17. And here I am...My first trip abroad happened when I became 17 with my dad & my sis in Scotland and then again in my country. I lived a lot but I needed a new start, or something can change all the bad luck was following me. And finally I made the decession, I spent all my economies and I bought some tickets for visiting France. I have won a free pass access for the Land Con 2, after 2 and half years it was my time to meet Cait. I took my suitcase and all alone at my 18 I travelled. Lets be honest I was scared to death. I didnt know the language - french - , I understand only some words and Paris was bigger than my whole country. So so so many people where there. Hopefully I met some internet friends and I wasnt alone as I thought in the beginning...And yes, I took the risk, I had a really bad fight with some close people for that trip but my life changed on Saturday 6.30.2018. I was in the hall talking with a friend when Caitriona passed us and said "Hi" before came in the photoshoot room...She was stunning...So tall, so freaking beautiful... And she was wearing my fave red skirt...I was hoping she was wearing something red and YES SHE DID THAT (Oh god)...When she looked at me with her crystal, blue eyes, I almost fainted...It was the first time I saw her eyes in real life, I heard her voice and felt attacked from her smile. Our first meeting was too quickly but enough to make me cry for 10 maybe more minutes. Literally I was shaking & I was happy, ready to jump in the 9th cloud...All my friends were sure I will be crying, even I am not the crying type but nobody has imagined that this would happen so fast and early (😂)...Anyway after my frist heart attack and when I calmed down they called us to take a photo with Cait...Hopefully I had a friend in my side and my jelly feet didnt melt when I realised we will be the first one in the row...Of course when we came in the room we saw more excited fans waiting to take their photo with the Queen... Only two girls left and I saw Cait with a huge smile in her face, being the kindest person ever...I felt so comfortable to be next to her...And after a minute or two WAS MY TURN...but I wasnt shaking!! I have no idea how this happened... I always shaking, even when I am calm and okay...When Cait saw me was like " Hiii ", she came to greet me with the most beautiful smile... I was in shock , I admit it but I did say " Hi I am Lexi..." and before finished my phrase, Cait said loudly " LEXI, OH LITTLE LEXI FROM TWITTER "...Then she became a bit serious, she hugged me tight and with a really honest voice she said again " So nice to meet you"...And she was keep talking and talking... I dont remember all the things she said to me cause Cait told me so many things to me in that moment... However I remember when she asked me if I am okay now and I answeared that I am fine thanks to her. Then she thanked me about wearing her tshirt ( I am not the meek and Obedient type tshirt) and she thanked me about World Child Cancer too... Suddenly she raised her hand and she said "Study hard Lexi"... Oh my god she remembered that I had my finals exams...She hasnt noticed my tweet but definitely has read on twitter that I had my finals and I had a really hard time...Unfortunately (😅) a stuff member has to stop her and I realised that was the time to talk her about our photo...I asked her if we can just hold hands...Immediately she held my hands and before we took the photo was like " No come closer" and she push me in her side...Believe me she seemed so excited... She has the biggest smile and in the picture she is looking at me so different...When the photo has been taken, I didnt have the strength to even good bye her...My eyes were burning...I was feeling my thousands tears...I almost run hearing people asking me how I was feeling, if I was okay and seeing some people smiling me so different as well...After meeting Cait EVERYTHING has been changed ( except me crying 😂 )...Of course I cried again (for the last time hopefully)... All these were too much for Little Lexi... The day almost was coming to an end but for me this was a beginning...Due to Caits flight the autographs have to be very quickly... Actually we run a lot to be in her line for the autographs... I wanted so bad to talk to her, to give her my letter ( poor Cait, it was a big letter ) and of course to get my fave drawing signed...Suddenly I was in front of her, super happy...And she was like again " Hi Lexi "...I wanted to scream, jump but of course I couldnt...I gave her my letter quickly and I asked her if she could write my name in the drawing...After she thanking me for the letter, she took me the drawing and she started writing non stop a small text in my drawing, while writing my name right without showing it to her :")... I found the time to thank her for being my savior and she asked me if I travelled from Greece just to meet her ( YES CAIT NOT ONLY REMEMBERED ME FROM TWITTER BUT SHE KNEW MY COUNTRY )...More butterflies in my stomach, more tears in my eyes but nooo I didnt cry...I said that I loveeee her and I will always support her. And at the end Cait started advicing me...I remembered when Cait said everything is gonna be fine and to take care...How kind of her...Seriously this was the best time in my whole life!!!!! I never thought that after watching outlander, after loving Claire and making twitter just to express all my admirarion for Caitriona Balfe, at the end Caitriona Mary Balfe will remember me, will be extremely kind to me and she will make me so strong and happy....I know that Caitriona for some people is Claire, a patron of World Child Cancer, an actess, a co-star, a sister, a friend... for me is my Savior and the person who means even the world to me.
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