#πŸ˜”πŸ˜£πŸ˜£πŸ˜”πŸ˜”πŸ˜£πŸ˜£πŸ˜£πŸ˜£πŸ˜£πŸ˜”πŸ˜”πŸ˜” i suffer like no one else
nyxi-pixie Β· 25 days
heartbreaking: someone tagged the ship you hate for no reason on one of your posts
i apologise its 3am im just filled with irritation
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misfithive Β· 8 months
Not going to lie, I’m a bit annoyed and I really am hoping the depressing part is related to the fact that it’s the last season.
But I’m really scared and it doesn’t help that we got a video from set in June (so either ep5 or 6) that did not look good at all…
I don’t want another season that is 90% angst and 10% happiness for Wille and Simon.
I really hope he is playing with us but idk I don’t trust lisa not to create drama out of nowhere to make them suffer and feel bad. I need s3 to be released tomorrow.
I dont think he is joking 😩😩😩😩😭😭😭
I really dont want the depressing part to be about Wilmon tho. It can be the most depressing thing ever as long as Wilmon go through it together like seriously what is the point of anything if not πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜©πŸ˜©πŸ˜©πŸ˜©πŸ˜©πŸ˜©πŸ˜©πŸ˜”πŸ˜”πŸ˜”πŸ˜£πŸ˜£πŸ˜£πŸ˜£
I’m not sure what video you are talking about tho :/
Im low key scared someone else is gonna d*e or there will be an overdose or something. I really thought Omar had said no one is gonna die tho? Or did he just say Simon’s not gonna die
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saintobio Β· 3 years
i was really holding on to hope that gojo could be redeemable, but after reading her interactions with toji, a decent human being, FUCK satoru. i hate gojo and sera for victimizing themselves like he didn’t agree to this marriage. me being a toji fucker aside, i want him to take y/n from gojo. i want them to start working as business partners for her designs and gojo getting pissed off bc his wife is finally doing something she enjoys with another man. none of your characters have pissed me off more than hoejo and i just want him to suffer. he doesn’t deserve y/n AT ALL, and she doesn’t deserve the pain that he puts her through. i want her to ruin his plans of becoming the heir of the company and get a divorce. i hope she can learn to put herself and her feelings before gojo’s, bc he doesn’t deserve her love.
also, i love you!!! i hope you’re doing well and taking care of yourself πŸ’• thank you for writing this incredible story! you’re the best!
Anonymous said
omg hi!!! I just wanted to say that the latest chapter especially the ending had me raging 😀. The fact that gojo was literally the one who initiated seggs and has the AUDACITY to get mad at mc is so infuriating kandisnsjjdisjs. Nonetheless, IT’S SUCH A GOOD CHAPTER! Can we just run away with Toji πŸ˜”.
Ohhh nd btw your series really changed how I look at Gojo that I literally rewatched jjk and watch clips of him on yt to remind me he isn’t actually like that 😩 but pls don’t take this negatively! It’s really good how you wrote Gojo in this and manage to change our perspective on him HAHHAHAHA I can just slander him more πŸ‘‰πŸ»πŸ‘ˆπŸ»
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Anonymous said
I just re-read chapter 5 and I’m absolutely disgusted by Gojo. I wanna rip his head off. What the hell?! Its not like the mc forced him to have sex with him and ditch sera for it. and Sera? When she called mc a liar i almost threw my phone all the way to north korea. If someone deserves to be accused for being a liar it’s gojo and no one else. Both sera and gojo are disgusting individuals and I hope they rot in hell for putting the mc in such situations because she doesn’t deserve it she deserves the whole world and more. I’m so glad that Toji appeared because he is such a gentleman and a nice person I’m happy that at least he understood her pain and was able to listen to her and when he mentioned his wife? I almost teared up. I absolutely love your writing and I hope that you’ll be able to bless us with it for a long long time ❀️
P.S i hope you are doing well. Sending many kithes😘
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Anonymous said
Okay I think I get what heavy angst anon to an extent. I'm good with heavy angst (I thrive on it actually uwu) but in this particular case all the stuff that makes it heavy angst also makes it really hard to root for the main pairing bc at this point I (personally) think Gojo is like, irredeemable.
On the other hand tho I also thought that about Suna in wasteland and ended up getting hit in the feels bc of the ending so who knows. u have a weird talent for making me feel bad for assholes lmao
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Anonymous said
SATORU WHAT THE FUCK?! she's clearly is in pain and all you could think of was that she's faking it????? *googling how to enter fanfiction so i could smack tf outta him*
No hate on canon gojou tho i love that man he's powerful but SN gojou is very...... emotionally weak 😭 idc if ppl tryna defend him abt his wrecked family but he really didn't think about his children's future. Man be like: I wanna have an heir and raised them the way my dad raised me lol, have a mistress and hates on my father's mistress. Ironic, satoru. Very ironic.
And Sera... *sigh* no words on that girl. Acting like a victim as if she's not a homewrecker.
Thank you for the update 😭😭❀ can't wait for the next crying session but pls take your time πŸ™
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Anonymous said
I’m one of these people that know they shouldn’t have started reading sn cause they are too sensitive (and kin Gojo) but I just couldn’t help myself and now I’m hooked 😣 I haven’t lost all hope for a happy ending yet but if it’s gonna end in a sad way it’s also ok, I’ll be here till the end anyway. Your writing is so good, please keep going πŸ™πŸΌ
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omg aaaa i’m sorry i cannot respond to each of u individually but i have enjoyed reading all of these!! to those who are saying that gojo is irredeemable, i get why you would think so!! i personally think he isn’t redeemable too so i’ll just do a break down of his character’s psychology
psychoanalyzing gojo 101: underneath gojo’s superiority complex is a highly insecure man with abandonment issues, an abusive father, and a lover that he couldn’t freely show to the world. this makes him think that it’s β€œacceptable” to put y/n through pain bc she is always granted of everything she wanted and has a loving dad and sister, while he has to constantly prove himself to get what he wants and is disconnected with his own family. they have the same status but they didn’t live the same life. he both hates and loves that he feels powerful next to y/n and is insecure without her, thinking that his worth would not be twice as important if he didn’t marry an heiress that would make him successful. he is trying to utilize y/n the same way his dad uses him as a pawn which is why he frequently shows signs of manipulation to get what he wants. but as one anon pointed out, he only wants sera but he needs y/n. sera is a luxury, y/n is a necessity. he does not understand the true meaning of love beyond pleasures and fantasies. he rejects the idea of caring for someone who is willing to understand his darkest days. gojo, as simply put, is a selfish, stubborn, and complex individual who looks powerful and independent on the outside when in truth, he is dependent on the people he loves and is vulnerable on the inside β€” his dad sees through him that’s why he’s able to mess with his son’s mind.
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