siriusfelis ยท 12 days
The funny elevator
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Still unsure of the Dr. Retro design but yknow
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invizz ยท 6 months
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โ˜ฝ๐ŸŽƒ did a little thingy!๐ŸŽƒโ˜พ
down below are the single pictures (but with a special kick (not really, but it sounds more fancy))
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danceofepithets ยท 1 year
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skinamarink (2022) // when buildings kill
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spicycinnabun ยท 3 months
pt. 1 2 3 4 5 6 ๐Ÿ’
When Steve got home, Robin had soup waiting for him. He was beyond grateful for a nice warm meal at the end of the day. He had been short with her during their shiftโ€”Steve could be a real grump when he was sickโ€”so he apologized for being a dingus.
While they ate, Steve put on their favorite show: Head of the Class. Robin told him he'd make a good teacher every time they watched it. Maybe he would've considered becoming one if he had gotten into college.
The next day was Sunday, and the store was closed. Finally, a much-needed day off. Steveโ€™s plan was to stay in and help Robin pack up her entire lifeโ€”again. Heโ€™d helped her move into his apartment after sheโ€™d graduated in the spring.
They both knew living together was temporary, but that hadnโ€™t stopped Steve from getting used to how things were and not wanting them to change.
Robin had spent most of the time they were living and working together trying to convince him to come with her. Instead of living in the dorms, she suggested they get an apartment in the city together. That way, theyโ€™d still be there to support each other and could afford it by continuing to split the rent.
If only Steve wasnโ€™t running his motherโ€™s dream business. He couldnโ€™t bring himself to commit to Robinโ€™s plan. He wanted to, but mostly because it would feel even more like hell in Hawkins without her. Besides her, all Steve had left were the kids, and they would eventually go off to college, too.
When it was official that he wasnโ€™t going to go, Steve put up a flier to find another roommate.
Heโ€™d been relying on Robin too much. With her and Nancy gone that fall, maybe he could get a life of his own. As much as heโ€™d miss them, he was in too deep to abandon the shop and his mom.
Heโ€™d come to love his job. He never thought heโ€™d love anything about working, but heโ€™d found something he was good atโ€”something that most days didn't even feel like work. He was helping people and bringing joy to others. He liked taking care of flowers, too; seeing them grow and bloom and then go off to finish their purpose.
Back in Robinโ€™s room, she was going through her bookshelf, contemplating every single book she had and throwing most of them in a box that would go with her. Steve didnโ€™t know how he was going to lift it to his car on moving day.
โ€œRobs, Iโ€™m pretty sure you wonโ€™t need any of your books. Youโ€™re going to a big school full of nerdy, smart people just like you. Of course the place is gonna have a library. Althoughโ€ฆ Iโ€™m not sure that theyโ€™re going to have this book.โ€ Steve looked at it, brows raising suspiciously. There was a muscular man standing proudly on the cover. Kinda feminine, with long flowing hair. He was embracing a woman with a very ample bosom.
Robin snatched the book from him, face flushing, and dropped it in the box. Steve didnโ€™t get an explanation, but they continued to chit-chat.
Random objects kept triggering Robinโ€™s memory, sparking tales that Steve listened to intently. He laughed when she read out loud from her diary the passage about her massive crush on Tammy Thompson.
Steve sang like a muppet, interrupting her just to get her to laugh with him while he arranged her clothes so neatly it was like they were the most complicated flower arrangement heโ€™d ever crafted. Getting every piece of clothing into her suitcase almost felt like Tetris. It was satisfying when he got it closed. Luckily, Robin wasnโ€™t a stereotypical girl with a lot of clothing anyway.
When she went to pack up the bathroom, Steve was so focused that he nearly missed the phone ringing. There was one in his bedroom that was closer than the one in the kitchen, so he got up and ran into his room to catch the call.
Still being sick, Steve was breathless by the time he was able to grab the phone. He sat down on his bed and took a deep breath before he answered. He wasnโ€™t sure who it could be, but his eyes widened as he listened to the person on the other end. The name made him pause: Eddie. Oh.
That was familiar, wasnโ€™t it?
He was about to speak when a sneeze snuck up on him. He pulled out the hanky heโ€™d been favoring ever since it had been given to him. He blocked the receiver, cursed softly, and blotted his nose as it hit him: it was the hanky giver himself on the other end.
โ€œHey, Eddie! Yes, this is Steve from Harrington Floral,โ€ he replied, smiling a bit. He was chomping at the bit to find out if Eddieโ€™s uncle had gotten engaged. โ€œDid your uncle pop the question last night?โ€
Forget that Eddie was calling him to find out about his roommate vacancyโ€”he had to know if there was any good news. Steve laughed excitedly when Eddie confirmed that it did indeed happen and that his uncle had visited the flower shop that morning.
โ€œOh! Your uncle is Wayne? He is the sweetest guy! I didnโ€™t know he was going to propose. He damn near cleared us out of roses! At least now I know it was for a very good reason!โ€
If Eddie had a nickel for every time heโ€™d heard someone call his uncle sweet, he wouldโ€™ve been broke. Most people judged Wayne by his surly exterior, just like they judged Eddie by his style and taste in music.
It made Eddie like Steve more, and he could feel a genuine smile stretch across his face. โ€œHis fiancรฉe loved them, man. I can pretty much guarantee theyโ€™ll choose you to flowerise their wedding. And heโ€™ll be back to buy another bouquet from you as soon as those roses wilt.โ€
Heโ€™d seen the determination in his uncleโ€™s eyes. Wayne wasnโ€™t the type to back down from his words. Kathleen was going to be getting bouquets for the rest of her life. They wouldnโ€™t all be as extravagant as the first one, sure, but she would be spoiled as much as Wayne was able.
โ€œI really appreciate the business,โ€ Steve said, โ€œand because you came on the same day, it just shows that youโ€™re both equally sweet and thoughtful. Happy to hear that heโ€™ll be a repeat customer. Maybe you will be, too?โ€
Eddie ducked his head. If he had a nickel for every time someone had called him sweet, he would be double broke. It was likely just a salesmanโ€™s tactic, but the flattery was pleasurable regardless.
He wondered if Steve would be put off by him if he knew Eddie hadnโ€™t given the flowers to anyone and had kept them for himself like a loser.
โ€œIโ€™ll be back,โ€ he confirmed. And not just because he had a quickly escalating crush on the man in charge. Those Black-eyed Susans on his motherโ€™s grave still looked as fresh as the day heโ€™d bought them. Eddie coiled the phone cord around his finger. โ€œSo, turns out I really didnโ€™t need that free bouquet.โ€
โ€œGuess you didnโ€™t.โ€ Steve was giddy about the news. He loved that the shop's flowers were a big part of the proposal. โ€œEven better that you didnโ€™t pay for them.โ€
Steve wondered if Eddie had given them to the bride. Given how impressive the ones his uncle bought were, probably not. Maybe Eddie had someone else to give them to.
Steve had nearly forgotten why Eddie had called until Robin appeared in his doorway. He gave her a glum look at the reminder. โ€œYou called about the room, though, right?โ€
Despite having the flier up for almost two weeks, Steve hadnโ€™t had a prospect for a roommate until then. It was kind of a relief to get an inquiry from someone heโ€™d at least seen in person.
โ€œYeah. I live with Wayne right now, so Iโ€™m going to be cramping his style pretty soon if I donโ€™t skedaddle, what with his new bride and all.โ€ Eddie laughed quietly, tapping his fingers on the table.
Steve made a noise of understanding. โ€œMy roommate is moving out next weekend. Sheโ€™s going off to college... Youโ€™re the first person whoโ€™s called me about it, so if youโ€™re free today, you can come see the place?โ€
Eddieโ€™s fingers tapped harder. The prospect of being in constant close quarters with a guy he was into was somewhat dangerous. It would either be fun or complete torture.
Or both. Probably both. Eddie had to go for it.
โ€œI can come see it today. What time and where?โ€
He remembered what area the apartment was located in from the ad, but he couldnโ€™t remember the street name.
Eddie stood up, spinning in a circle to try and find a pen and paper. Of course, there was nothing close by, and he ended up getting tangled in the phone cord instead and had to spin in the opposite direction to unwind himself. Idiot. โ€œHang on, just let me grab something to write down the address.โ€
โ€œNo problem.โ€ Steve waited patiently, chuckling a little when he heard noises on the other end of the line. Sounded kinda chaotic.
It took way too long, but Eddie eventually found a ballpoint pen in one of Wayneโ€™s jackets. He rushed to grab the phone again. โ€œSorry, sorry, Iโ€™m ready now.โ€ He uncapped the pen with his teeth, using his arm as a notepad to scribble the address down. โ€œAlright, got it. Iโ€™ll see you soon.โ€
co-writing this with @batty4steddie ๐Ÿ’•
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doorbel ยท 1 year
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The tumblr emergency alert system is working well I see
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emojiturtledaily ยท 1 year
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Day 760: ๐Ÿข & ๐Ÿšช
Ko-Fi | Patreon
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insert-apt-title-here ยท 16 days
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proselytizing graffiti or distortion threat? Whoโ€™s to say?
36 notes ยท View notes
ciccerone ยท 11 months
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Don't read Purah's diary
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ze0wlartist ยท 3 months
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Ik im late on the fandom but whatever
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likhopinetree ยท 7 months
throat of delusion incarnate be like
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halloween-sweets ยท 2 years
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siriusfelis ยท 3 months
uaughhhh ouuooohougg
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short-boii ยท 1 year
Ik this rlly isnโ€™t my usual content but here
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this a just a silly little idea
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doorbel ยท 10 months
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61 notes ยท View notes
your-local-friendly-door ยท 7 months
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glitchysquidd ยท 1 year
I literally had a dream about one of your stories. Do you see what youโ€™ve done to us??? ;-;
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