#🧁-- drabbles
daisiescomelate · 24 days
A rose for a rose
Prompt: jjk characters buy you flowers 🌹
Characters: shoko, toji, gojo, nanami
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Shoko - 'The one that loves too much'
Shoko held her cigarette to her lips and looked sideways at the man sitting on a chair on the street with buckets filled with fresh flowers arranged in bouquets. He had a small variety of flowers, and the bouquets were simple but pretty.
She left the school to get to a nearby pharmacy to restock on bandages and ointment for the infirmary. She walked without a rush. It was a nice sunny day, and she wondered if she should pick up a snack for lunch at the convenience store she knew was right ahead on the next block.
The man sat in silence immerse on his own thoughts. He remained invisible to the crowd that didn't spared him a glance. The handwritten signs on cardboard boxes read the prices. "Big bouquet", "Small bouquet", "Small rose bouquet", "Single rose".
Shoko put out her cigarette and approached the nearest set of flowers. White, yellow, pink, red. She didn't actually know how to call the flowers by name. She bent her knees to her chest to give them a closer look, and reached out with a single finger to caress one of the petals.
"Flowers are a nice way to say 'thank you'." A soft voice said. Shoko lifted her eyes to see the man on the chair who pointed at one of the small bouquets. "Since sometimes it's a hard thing to say with words."
Shoko looked at the set of small bouquets on the bucket. She asked herself if it would be alright to take one with her. She considered it carefully, and then reconsidered to consider it some more.
It never escaped her how odd was the amount of time she had to ponder around this type of thing. It shouldn't be so hard to buy a gift for your partner. But there was this hesitation, faint but ever present around her heart, the fear of exposing herself as the type of person that loved too much. The fear of finding out to be the one that loved more.
She picked a set of flowers from the bucket. The plastic crinkled under the light weight of her fingers. Three light pink roses with small white flowers around them. How nice it would be to not be scared to buy them.
You would love them.
You would kiss her thank you and smile at her with your whole heart. 'I love you', you would whisper, the way you did every morning and every night.
Sometimes Shoko wondered why it was so hard for her to trust and let go, guessed she was too scarred.
Maybe not just yet.
She placed the flowers back into the bucket and stood up, putting her hands back into the pockets of her white coat.
"You don't look like you're hesitating because of the price", the man said.
Shoko debated with herself if she should make something up to avoid a salesman speech. She started to feel as if she was in the way of the walking crowd.
"They are quite cheap, actually. You should raise your prices." She decided to answer.
"Saying 'thank you' sometimes makes us feel too vulnerable, doesn't it?"
The man had an eccentric way to do sales.
Shoko looked back at the bouquet of flowers, picking at her nails inside the pockets of her coat. Just do it. It was normal to get gifts for your partner. You had done it multiple times for her.
If a bunch of flowers felt like too much... Did she really love you?
Her eyes flickered between the colors.
If a bunch of flowers was too much–
Shoko bent down and picked one of the single roses wrapped around clear plastic paper decorated with prints of white hearts and stars.
Small steps.
She reached for her pocket and took out a bill from her wallet.
"Keep the change." She said to the man.
"Have a good day, lady." He accepted the money.
Shoko carried the rose carefully in one hand and decided she would stop at the convenience store after all before getting back to the school.
Toji - 'Poor man with rich solutions'
Toji walked back home in the afternoon after work.
The road he usually took was cut due to a festival on the streets that would take place that night and for the following week, therefore he had to take a detour and move to one of the busy streets he usually avoided.
The crowd of busy office men and women in their tidy suits moved forward ready to get back to rest for the day.
His groceries hung on the tip of his fingers. His mind was elsewhere, pondering between his next gig and what he should make for dinner.
You were supposed to come by tonight. He went out for some ingredients for dessert, since he wanted tonight to be a little more fancy. He did have a rough moment at the store when he realized he didn't know about your ice cream preference, but everyone liked chocolate flavor, right?
That was a thing he should ask about tonight.
Lost in his thoughts, he caught himself on time before clashing with someone that came from the side at a hurried pace.
The man had come out from one of the stores that lined one against the other on the street. He carried a phone in one hand, and his wallet, a bouquet, a bag and a jacket in the other. He held everything with a deadly grip while trying to put the backpack's straps on his shoulders without dropping everything else. The bouquet flapped around and got caught under the jacket for a moment. A rose petal fell on the sidewalk.
"I'm on my way, baby. I stopped for a little surprise for you." The man said on the phone, "You'll see, you'll see..."
He had a dumb smile on his face and his eyes shined bright. He was so stupified by the voice on the other side of the phone he still didn't realize Toji was right behind him and he was close to hit him in his stupid little dance.
Toji raised an eyebrow at the anxious little man.
"I'm going to the train station right now, I'll be there in twenty minutes. Do you want me to pick something up from the store?"
He finally got to put his backpack on properly, and get his wallet in his pocket. He hung the jacket on one of the straps of his bag, and he stared at the yellow bouquet with a tender expression.
The person on the other side of the phone must have said something funny because next he was turning around while giggling like an idiot.
The man walked away jumping on his toes, blind to the pedestrians he barely avoided in his trance. His laugh lingered as he lost himself in the crowd.
Toji mumbled some not nice words under his breath and looked to the side to where the man had come from. The flower shop was a little hole in the wall. The front of the shop was almost completely glass so you could see the flower arrangements lined up for display.
Toji thought of how stupidly in love that person looked while looking at the bouquet he bought.
He wondered if you would like to receive some too.
He stepped closer to the window of the shop. He looked at the shades of pink, orange, blue, white and red. A bucket of red roses was set on the middle row to the left. The price of half a dozen roses was...
Toji scolded at the amount. It was ridiculous. What do they water these flowers with that got them to be this expensive? He pressed his jaw tight, doing some quick math on his brain. No. There was not enough on his wallet right now, and the money he had left on the bank was everything he had to work with until next month.
Whatever. You never mentioned flowers anyway.
He turned away from the flower shop and resumed his walk home.
A bitter feeling followed close behind him with every step as he left the busy streets and began walking into a residential area.
Toji thought of the men and his stupid smile again, and the feeling of frustration grew on his chest.
He sighed, thinking there was no reason to make such a big deal out of a simple idea that had flashed through his mind and you didn't even know about.
Still, there was a lingering feeling of having disappointed you-
Until a sudden idea struck.
Toji stopped on his feet one more time and looked at a house to his left. It was an old house like all the others in this particular neighborhood. Around this area the streets were quiet, and the rent was cheap. It was the kind of neighborhood that had many elderly people hanging around.
The type of people that had a lot of free time and enjoyed gardening.
The particular house he had spotted had a flower pot hanging by the window that faced the street.
Toji listened attentively and looked straight into the window for any sight of life. Then, he walked slowly to the pot. He left his grocery bags on the floor and drew a knife from his waist.
A few minutes and a few bad cuts by thorns later, Toji was walking down the sidewalk with his handmade bouquet.
If you think about it, handmade gifts are always more meaningful than something anyone could buy in a store.
The following morning a grandma cursed at the bandals that had massacred her roses and swore to one day get her revenge.
Gojo - 'Black Card in love'
Satoru was on his lazy hour after lunch scrolling on his phone. A new picture of you crossed his feed and he instantly liked it and opened it to read the comments. Friends, family and some random weirdos complimented your sweet smile hiding behind a wildflower you were holding on one hand.
Taking a break with friends at the park, the caption read. He smiled. He wanted to ditch work and teletransport next to you right then. He sighed dramatically.
"My beloved is out there being monopolized by a bunch of randos and I'm here rotting." He complained to no one in particular, or maybe to the entire Universe.
He clicked his tongue and shook his head, to then refocus his attention at the comment section of your post.
so cuteeeee
youre eyes are so pretty
Today is a sunny day lets enjoy it!
so pretty.. the flower too...
Satoru frowned at the screen. Vultures. And then he typed a comment of his own.
My partner is so beautiful!!
And filled it with an exuberant amount of red hearts so the comment would stand out to anyone who entered to leave their own.
Satoru knew he had nothing to be afraid of, there was nothing this people had that could match with him. Money, power and a good name. Gojo Satoru was one hell of a catch. He was exactly what everyone looked for in a partner. Exactly what you deserved. That was why those comments were so preposterous to him.
He tapped on your picture and looked at your profile, checking if there was any other photo he hadn't seen yet that you upload recently, but he was proud to say he was up to date.
He returned to his feed and the torment of the infinite scrolling, pausing every once in a while on some pictures not because he was interested but out of boredom, when a particular picture caught his attention.
It was the picture of one of your friends holding a big bouquet of roses that covered most of the frame with a wide smile on their face. The caption read, Happy birthday to me! Thank you to my one and only for this beautiful gift.
You had liked the picture and your comment was between the first few of the bunch.
happy birthday!! those flowers are so beautiful i wish someone did that for me some day too!!
Satoru took his feet off the table in front of him. He sat up, leaned his body forward and prompted his elbows over his knees, tapping his cheek with his finger.
You never said that you liked flowers? Silly you.
He closed social media and opened his browser. It took him a few minutes to find a place that spoke quality, but after that he was quick to get on the phone.
"La Boutique Florale, my name is Amy. How might I help you?"
"Amy! Hello~. I would like to order five hundred roses, please."
"Absolutely, sir. Is it for an event?"
"Just a bouquet." He said while playing with his nails.
"A bouquet, sir?"
"Yes. But add some of those tiny white flowers to make it look pretty..." He smiled already thinking of the picture you would post of it. He needed to be on them.
"The price of a five hundred bouquet of flowers would be–"
"Don't worry about that. I'll pay with credit." Any price she could name was not a struggle for him.
"Good, no problem. Would you like to add a note, sir?"
"A note? Mmm... write something like 'for my pretty bumblebee with love from your one and only' on a nice handwriting. Add a little heart to it. I'll tell you the address..."
As easy as that.
When everything was set and done he hung up the phone and stretched on his chair with a satisfied smile.
Gojo Satoru was one hell of a catch. He just liked to remind you of it once in a while, so you wouldn't be tempted by something less than you deserved.
Nanami - 'The ways of a gentleman'
Nanami parked his car in front of a tiny flower shop in the outskirts of the city on his way to school. It was early in the morning. The sunlight was still hushing away the cold of the night. It tickled his skin when he opened the car's door and as he walked the short distance to the shop.
A bell dinged as he opened the glass door. A nice lady offered him a ‘good morning’ and asked if he was looking for anything in particular.
Nanami brushed his gaze around the flowers on display. A line of flower arrangements on a table at the center of the room caught his eye. He walked to the table and pondered on the colors. He already had something in mind before coming in. One of the bouquets in particular seemed to be what he was looking for.
"That's a beautiful choice, is it meant for a special occasion?" The lady asked when he placed the roses over the counter.
"It's our anniversary today." He said, and took out his wallet to pay.
"Well, I'm sure your partner would love it. Small details are what makes a long lasting relationship."
Nanami slightly smiled for himself, agreeing with the lady but having nothing else to add.
The lady smiled too and reached under the counter for a piece of paper and a pen. She bent over to place the pen over the card. Nanami could guess what she was going to ask before she had the chance to do so, so he said instead,
"Do you mind if I write it?"
"Of course not, here you go.” She slided the pen to place it in front of him and accepted his card. The lady passed the payment while he scribbled a short message. It was straightforward, but in no way not less meaningful because of it, coming from Nanami.
For another year together. With love, Kento.
"Here you go..." Called the lady as she left his card over the counter.
Nanami thanked her and placed the card and his wallet back in his back pocket. He left the shop followed by a 'have a good day', and got to his car. He opened the driver's door and carefully placed the roses over the passenger seat.
As he started the engine, he thought if there was still time to pick up another treat for you or if he risked getting late for work. The thought only troubled him because he wanted to see you before you started your class with the first years.
He might as well rush, because truth be told, he was kind of excited to see you to give you your gift and a sweet 'i love you' kiss.
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katsumox · 1 year
something about jason todd with a touchy!reader s/o is literally so yummie.
You’ve got him on his stomach, regrettably, he thinks, as you watch the hills and divots of his muscles roll and flex as he gets comfortable. The scarred herculean expanse of his back is exposed to you as you sit on his butt.
“Dunno why I agreed to this,” he frowns, not bothering to move his head, unmuffling his musings.
He really doesn’t; ten minutes ago you two were having a very civil discussion (read: arguing) about something or other. Next thing he knew, he was in your bed, on his stomach, half naked and under you.
“Cause you like me,” you sing, breaking him from his thoughts, as you drag manicured fingers up his back, pressing into his taut muscle, deftly massaging each sore part of him.
“You like this. ‘S okay to admit it,” you add.
He gives a noncommittal noise that gets cut off by a strangled gasp when he feels your hands pressing into the upper muscles of his back.
There’s a deep discomfort that settles in his stomach; he’s never been touched so lovingly, not without hidden motives tainting said touch. He isn’t sure if he should push you off him or beg you to keep going.
You hum as you work his muscles, letting his inconsistent breathing and occasional gasps guide you.
You continue rubbing him down, occasionally pausing to apply more shea butter to your hands before resuming your work.
You reach up to his neck, as he sighs. You press just a hair harder, feeling a knot loosen at the pressure. Jason inhales, trying to steel himself from any possible reaction.
Regardless of his efforts, a low “Fuck,” reverberates through his chest. He internally frowns at the sound of his low whine, sounding like a wounded animal. He reddens as he hears himself, internally cringing at his neediness, at your willingness, and the intimacy of it all.
“That was pretty,” you murmur, teasing lilt in your voice. He’s fighting the urge to shut down this moment of vulnerability the two of you are sharing. You know he’s really pushing himself, so you try to keep the extra teases locked away for another day, another less intense moment.
You shut yourself up, instead focusing your attention to Jason’s expansive back. You press harder in the same spot, shameless in your attempt to illicit more noises from him as you whisper, “Give me another.”
He shudders, giving a shaky exhale as he composes himself.
“You’re evil,” he grumbles, despite almost leaning up into your touch.
“So evil,” You smile, “Totally evil.”
Not once does your touch on his back falter. He hums in agreement, softly smiling into a pillow.
“Incredibly evil,” Jason sighs. “Lucky I like your evil ass.”
“Aw,” you say, “Red’s finally going soft. I got you up under me and now you don’t know how to act. ”
Jason can hear the smile in your words. Choosing to ignore it, he closes his eyes and focuses solely on your touch.
“Yeah,” He mumbles, before pausing to consider his words, “Goin’ real soft, only for you.”
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coqvttes · 7 months
Hiiii! Congratulations!!! For the picnic event could I request Fairy Cakes for Keegan Russ and either reading together or people watching, which ever one you like!!! Thank you!!!! 🩵🥰🫶🏻
𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐓 hey, thank you for ur rq! yess, ofc u can, darlin! time for some fluffy keegannnn i hope u like it! :) xx
sfw : gn!reader, fluff.
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"keegan! you're not paying attention!" his gaze snaps back down on you upon hearing your complaint, and a cheeky smile adorns his features.
you look up at him from your place as you lay on his lap, legs lying flat on the grass as the sun peeks through the leaves of the big oak tree that keegan leans against.
"sorry, babe, i'm listening," he says, tucking the strand of hair that was bothering you behind your ear. you roll your eyes and continue reading the passage from the novel in your hands.
after a few minutes, you look up at keegan again; his attention is focused entirely on something else.
"keegan! you're doing it again, why won't you pay attention to me?" you swat his shoulder playfully, and he chuckles, leaning down to kiss your forehead as if to apologize.
"what were you looking at?" 
he points to a young couple about ten meters away from you, sitting on a picnic blanket, laughing and enjoying the summer breeze just as you two are.
"first date? or you think they're a couple?"
"hmm... i think it's their first date, he wouldn't be dressed so nicely if they're already a thing." he chuckles, and his grip on your hand tightens when he sees the smile on your face as you observe the people around you.
"what about...them?" 
he looks over to where you point, and he grins fondly upon seeing an old couple sharing some wine and a sandwich as they sit on an old wooden bench by the pond.
"that's us in 40 years," a rosy blush spreads across your cheeks as you giggle at his words. your hands, letting go of the book to cup his cheek above you.
"i love that!"
 keegan smiles as he gazes down at you, and he realizes that he lives for moments like this.
moments when he can let his guard down. moments when he can laugh and smile with you. moments when he can feel nothing but love. love for you.
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heartseungbin · 7 months
2 and 3 it chanieeeeee!! Cuddling and making him get some rest is DREAM. ☹️ My man needs some sleep ASAP!
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synopsis; Chan needs some tlc. who better to take care of him than you?
warnings; i got real sappy:( my baby channie needs a break fr, reader is a sap bc i am too mentions of exhaustion, im sorry this took literally a month 🧁 anonnie>:(
notes; none, gender neutral reader, listen to my kind of woman by mac demarco to set the mood for this fic.
As the soft glow of the moon cast shadows through the curtains, you couldn't help but let out a deep yawn, feeling the exhaustion from the long day finally catching up to you.
With a gentle stretch, you turn to glance at the clock, its bright red numbers brightening the dark room. It was three in the morning, and the stillness of the night seemed to amplify the ticking of the clock.
Your hand reached out to the other side of the bed, searching for the warmth of Chan. As your fingers grazed the cool sheets, a sense of emptiness washed over you. You sat up, the weight of the silence heavy on your shoulders, as you let out a tired groan.
It was moments like these that made you appreciate the comforting presence of your loved one, and you couldn't help but wonder where Chan could be at this late hour.
You slide on your house slippers, the memory of how you got them making you smile. You make your way through the halls of your shared house, slippered shoes scratching against the floor.
You make your way straight to Chan's studio, finding him with his head leaned on his palm and the other typing mindlessly on the computer. As you reach his side, you gently drape yourself against his back, feeling the warmth of his body and the tension in his muscles.
A small frown forms on your face as you take in the sight of him, lost in his work. His eyes are slightly red, but you know that has never detered him before. You can't help but wonder what he's working on and what thoughts are running through his mind.
With a soft sigh, you close your eyes and allow yourself to get lost in the moment, enjoying the peacefulness of being by Chan's side. "Cmon," you say, pulling at his hand softly.
"Time to get off of this," you say gently, quietly, not willing to be any louder. With a nod, he saves his work and spins around in his chair to face you. Your frown deepens, usually he'd attempt to put up a fight.
He must be especially tired. He let's you pull him up and all the way back to your bedroom, wiping a hand over his tired eyes. As you guide him towards your bedroom, you can't help but notice the exhaustion etched on his face.
His normally bright eyes are now dull and heavy-lidded, a clear indication of the long day he must have had. You can feel the weight of his tiredness as he leans on you for support, his steps slow and labored. Yet, despite his weariness, he doesn't complain or resist as you gently guide him towards your bedroom.
It's almost as if he trusts you without a doubt, letting you lead the way with his eyes practically shut. With a grateful sigh, he wipes a hand over his tired eyes, trying to shake off the fatigue that seems to have settled into his bones. You can't help but feel a sense of tenderness towards him, knowing that he must have pushed himself to the limit today.
But as you reach your bedroom and help him settle into bed, you can see the relief wash over his face, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips.
You lie down beside him, throwing an arm and leg over his body. He curls up like a child and you chuckle. He grabs your hand that's wrapped around him and brings it up to his plush lips and places a chaste kiss on them.
Your chest grows warm with love and your eyes water as you realize that you truly are his safe place, that your presence comforts him so much he can sleep. You kiss his clothed back and listened to the sound of his calming breathing slowly lulling you to sleep.
ugh,, im so soft and sappy for chan i love this man</3
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clownnotes-png · 3 months
Regressor Lyney & Fremi
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The sibling trip are all flips ! Lynette is the primary CG between all of them though
Which is why it was odd that she had been sent out on a mission for Father and both of the boys had dropped down.
Normally at least one could keep themselves in their big headspace when Sissy was out, yet here Freminet was a bit older than Lyney and trying to stop his tears
“Lyn, no more tears! We can umm,” Freminet paused and looked around their shared room, frantically trying to find something to distract his brother, “we can play with Quackers?”
Lyney hiccuped and blearily opened his eyes, the heel of his palms wiping away the tears clouding his vision. With that, there was Freminet holding a stuffed duck in front of his face.
Quackers was a duck that Freminet had dragged to the House with him when he arrived. The boy sobbed when anyone tried to touch it, so it stayed. The fur was well-loved and an eye had been sewn back in multiple times by Lynette, but both boys adored Quackers in headspace.
“Okie, we play.” The duck was pushed into Lyneys lap as Freminet got up to grab a few other animals that had been stashed around the room. Some were stuffed like Quackers while others the blond had created through mechanics. “Fremi, don go far!”
The separation anxiety all three suffered with was a challenge some days, but they made it through. Beaded bracelets from Lynette decorated each of their wrists, all of them had safety mechanics from Freminet, and Lyney wrote notes and letters for his younger siblings.
They managed and made sure to come home at the end of the day. They always promised.
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mikrokosmcs · 2 months
Cuando  las  noticias  de  que  Suyeong  había  muerto  comenzaron  a  llegar,  Yohan  no  podía  creerlo.  Era  como  ver  un  Dios,  una  criatura  omnipotente,  ser  destruida  por  aquello  que  tanto  odió  y  por  lo  que  él  mismo  juró  destruir.  Lo  que  fue  un  rumor  entre  los  rebeldes,  se  volvió  una  realidad  y  el  basurero  donde  el  sinónimo  de  deidad  para  él,  había  perecido,  se  convirtió  en  su  ultima  morada.  Yohan  nunca  tenía  arrepentimientos,  aseguraba  que  todas  sus  decisiones  malas  o  buenas,  aportaban  algo  a  su  crecimiento  como  humano.  Pero  esa  noche,  tuvo  la  primera  regresión  en  su  vida,  el  no  poderse  despedir.  El  luto  se  volvió  rabia,  contra  si  mismo  por  no  detenerlo  y  decirle  que  se  mantuviera  con  él,  separarlo  de  Karel  que  eran  solo  problemas  y  rabia  con  Suyeong,  porque  sabía  que  nada  ni  nadie  podría  separarlo  del  hombre  que  sostenía  su  corazón  en  sus  frías  y  robóticas  manos.  Pero  Karel  lo  soltó,  como  aquella  vez  en  el  pasado  y  como  ahora,  llevándolo  a  su  inminente  muerte.  Lo  que  fue  culpa  y  rabia,  se  convirtió  en  locura  cuando  viéndose  al  espejo,  se  dio  cuenta  de  que  él  tenía  el  poder  de  traerlo  de  regreso. 
Meses  de  búsqueda  y  cobrarse  miles  de  favores  de  las  personas  de  la  ciudad  Luminosa,  es  que  dio  con  el  laboratorio  donde  su  adorado  Suyeong  descansaba,  donde  las  luces  demasiado  blancas,  que  lo  mantenían  iluminado  en  su  féretro  de  cristal  y  agua  gelatinosa,  no  le  favorecían  para  nada  a  su  cuerpo  demacrado,  conectado  a  tubos  que  mantenían  sus  sistemas  funcionando.  Ah,  ahora  podía  entenderlo,  la  fragilidad  del  ser  humano  y  el  porque  todos  buscaban  la  inmortalidad.  El  cuerpo  orgánico  se  echaba  a  perder,  y  si  uno  de  los  órganos  se  detenía,  todos  los  sistemas  lo  harían.  Suyeong  dormía,  su  pecho  subía  y  bajaba  gracias  a  que  sus  pulmones  funcionaban  con  ayuda  de  máquinas,  pero  el  agujero  en  su  caja  torácica,  indicaba  la  falta  de  algo  muy  importante  y  la  razón  del  porque  estaba  ahora  en  esa  posición  más  cerca  de  la  muerte  que  la  vida,  del  porque  Yohan  y  muchos  más  habían  decidido  seguirlo  en  cuanto  a  sus  enseñanzas  y  lo  que  profesaba,  la  razón  del  porque  ese  humano  tan  simple  y  que  podría  ser  fácilmente  remplazado,  le  había  hecho  buscarle  por  mar  y  tierra  como  un  hombre  famélico  y  sediento.
Suyeong  había  perdido  el  corazón,  pero  Yohan  sabía  dónde  encontrar  uno…
                                      ❥ ❥ ❥
El  sonido  de  agua  recorre  las  tuberías  de  su  laboratorio  subterráneo,  el  féretro  de  cristal  está  abierto  pero  el  pecho  está  completamente  cerrado,  un  color  rojo  fuego  se  enciende  en  la  caja  cada  que  el  corazón  de  Lilith  bombea  en  el  pecho  de  su  mejor  amigo,  el  único  que  ha  tenido.  El  científico  limpia  la  piel  orgánica  con  una  solución  para  mantenerla  suave,  sin  que  se  agriete,  sin  que  el  cascaron  se  rompa  antes  de  que  el  cuerpo  vuelva  a  despertar.  Yohan  acaricia  la  prótesis  izquierda,  aquella  que  el  colocó  sobre  el  hombro  de  Suyeong  aquella  noche  cuando  apareció  en  su  laboratorio,  desangrado  y  con  un  brazo  arrancado.  Le  salvó  la  vida,  aun  y  cuando  el  pirata  odiase  no  ser  de  carne  y  hueso.  Y  otra  vez,  le  había  salvado  la  vida,  pero  dudaba  que  en  esta  ocasión  le  agradeciera  por  su  ardua  labor  de  conseguirle  un  corazón  que  nunca  se  detendría,  que  nunca  morirá.  Lilith  ya  no  existe,  Yohan  ha  perdido  el  interés  en  la  revolución  y  ahora  que  todos  habían  perdido  a  su  mártir,  Yohan  podía  tener  a  Suyeong  para  si  mismo,  mantenerlo  dormido  en  el  féretro  de  cristal  y  agua  por  toda  la  eternidad.
Yohan  eleva  su  mirada  desde  el  pecho  hasta  un  rostro,  donde  un  par  de  ojos  están  muy  abiertos  y  le  observan  fijamente.  No  tiene  temor  a  pesar  de  la  escena  macabra,  porque  Suyeong  no  está  exactamente  despierto,  solo  son  reacciones  de  un  cuerpo  que  pelea  contra  la  sangre  nueva  que  bombea  en  su  ser.  Es  como  un  muerto  en  vida,  una  criatura  que  carece  de  bondad.  El  científico  sonríe,  y  aquellos  ojos  que  antes  le  miraban  brillantes  y  con  cierta  diversión,  ahora  le  observar  con  un  deje  de  frialdad  y  rencor.  -  —Sé  que  siempre  quisiste  vivir  como  un  ser  humano  completo  y  morir  como  tal,  Sully.  Pero  no  podía  dejarte  marchar,  ¿lo  entiendes?  —  -es  su  ultimo  acto  egoísta,  aquel  que  debió  hacer  inclusive  antes  de  que  todo  aquello  iniciara,  antes  de  que  su  querido  y  adorado  amigo  perdiera  la  característica  más  grande  se  su  persona,  el  corazón.  Aquel  cuerpo  gruñe,  o  es  el  sonido  que  percibe,  pero  no  se  mueve,  la  maquinaría  sigue  incrustada  en  su  piel  y  el  órgano  vital  sigue  palpitando  en  contra  de  la  voluntad  del  ente.  Yohan  lleva  una  de  sus  manos  para  obligarlo  a  cerrar  los  parpados,  sosteniendo  la  cabeza  de  Suyeong  entre  ambas  palmas  y  se  inclina  para  besar  su  frente.  Hay  devoción,  pero  sobre  todo,  una  palpable  obsesión  con  mantener  con  vida  a  la  única  persona  que  lo  entiende.  -  —Descansa  por  ahora,  mi  buen  amigo.  Te  prometo  te  sentirás  mejor  después. 
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orbitaldeathwoomy · 4 months
spoilers for side order under the cut i guess
“No, we can’t—We have to go back! We have to bring her back!”
Cerrin’s cries echoed through the Memverse floor as Marina and Acht pulled him back into the elevator, its doors closing the second Pearlbot had entered behind them. None of them had seen him so desperate before, regardless of the struggles he’d faced. Even Acht, who had only known him for a short while, could tell just by the shocked look on Marina’s face and the way Pearl was hovering close to him that their own concern for the normally pink Octoling was more than warranted.
Tears streamed down Cerrin’s cheeks as he knelt on the ground, repeatedly slamming his tightly curled fist against the floor. His entire body was shaking, and he could barely breathe through his sobs. Why did they have to leave her behind? Surely they could have…
“Hey, Eight, are you—”
“Why didn’t you let me save her?!” he shouted, tears leaving his eyes feeling like they were on fire as his attention snapped to Acht. “We could have brought her back, and—” Cue a sob. “And we could have done something to help!”
“I don’t think it works like that.” the partially sanitized Octoling calmly replied, their gaze momentarily shifting to Marina before returning to Cerrin. “It looked like your friend was completely under Order’s control. Something bad could have happened if we brought her back with us.”
“How the hell would you know?!” he snapped as another sob escaped his throat, a moment passing before his voice fell to a mumble.
“Marina, she… Sh-She could have…”
“I’m so sorry, Cerrin…” Marina apologized, guilt evident in her eyes as she looked downward. “Order’s control over Ruby is too strong. Trying to brute force my will over its in this situation could have had a lot of unforeseen consequences, and I might have hurt her in the process…”
He fell silent again, gaze focused on the floor of the elevator the four of them were in. Was there really no way to save Ruby from Order’s control? What if he made it all the way up the spire, defeated Order, and he still couldn’t help her?
He didn’t want to think about it.
“Hey, c’mon, Cer! Don’t worry!” came Pearl’s voice, her drone body giving an enthusiastic mid-air twirl as she spoke. “We’ll kick that Order’s butt and save everyone it trapped in here! You’ll see!”
A heavy sigh passed Cerrin’s lips, before he wiped the remainder of his tears away with his forearm and moved to stand up. His body was still shaking, his breaths uneven as he took a few moments to calm down and collect his thoughts.
He wasn’t confident he could even reach the top, not with the Palettes he currently had access to — All the weapons were far too light for him to adjust to as quickly as he needed. Unless he managed to find a Palette with something heavier, he knew his chances of reaching Order were slim. Even a Palette with a charger would be better than anything he had right now.
Especially the one with those Dualies…
“Speaking of "kicking butt",” Acht said as they leaned back against the elevator wall. “Didn’t you find a key when you defeated your friend? Maybe the locker it opens will have a Palette you can work with better than the ones you already have.”
“Yeah!” Pearl exclaimed. “It’s hard to see you struggle, but if we find something you’re more used to, it’ll be smooth sailing!” Cue another mid-air twirl. “So, we just gotta keep pushing! The faster we get to Order, the faster we can save your friend and everyone else!”
Cerrin sighed again, but gave the others a nod. Everyone — Ruby, the others who had been sucked into the Memverse, and even the world as a whole — was counting on him, just like how it had been back when he escaped Kamabo Corp...
And if he hadn’t given up then, he wasn’t about to now.
“…Alright.” he said, finally looking up at the others. There was a small, determined glint in his blue eyes. “Let’s show that thing what happens when it messes with us.”
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read-weep-repeat · 2 years
Letter mc! Namjoon gets his first letter reaction
Namjoon pov? But also mc pov of writing and/sending it????
"He gonna love this." You whispered.
You threw the marker cap down onto the pink rug below you, the one you were kneeling on. You had on a shirt two sizes too big, a unicorn displayed proudly on the front. fuzzy pink socks covered your feet while you rubbed them together to soothe your buzzing nerves.
But what if he didn't like it? What if he threw it out? Sure, the stickers were pretty, the glitter sparkly, and the contents sweet, but what if that wasn't enough?
"He not gonna love it." You cried, fat tears welling in your eyes. You wrapped your hands around your legs, burying your head in between your knees. Your shoulders shook as you whimpered.
Suddenly, through your bleary sight, you saw a glimpse of pink beneath the table. You pulled your head out from between your knees and bent down to the floor.
An envelope! Small and pink, it stuck out from the pile of crafting supplies strewn haphazardly across the floor.
You pulled it from the pile and set it atop the coffee table proudly.
"He gonna love. Gotta love. Daddy."
You caught yourself as you stuffed the letter full of your sweet words.
"He not daddy. Don't have daddy."
You shook your head, trying to focus your thoughts as you licked the envelope.
"Don't need daddy." You grumbled, stumbling up to your front door.
You wobbled as you put on your slippers. The apartment complex had four floors, the mail drop off box being on the first.
"Ok," You whispered, "I can do this."
"I'm a big girl."
"Do you want to go through fan mail?" Hoseok asked, sipping a coffee as he slumped into the couch in Namjoon's office.
He looked up from his notebook. The lyrics weren't flowing like they needed to. Only a chorus had flowed from him in the 3 hours he'd been holed up. A break didn't sound so bad.
"As long as we go by the cafeteria."
Hobi gave him a slow nod and pulled himself up.
"Let's get going."
Hobi scoffed, tossing another letter in an pile of torn envelopes and thick pages.
"Some chicks are actually insane, man."
Namjoon hummed, fiddling with the half empty cup. he moved the latest letter to the side, his pile a neat stack compared to Hobi's maimed pile.
He grabbed the next without a glance, and brought it forward.
A pink letter.
"Interesting." He mumbled, twirling the letter forward to see the bubbly handwriting.
"What'd you say?" Hobi asked, only sparing a glance to his left.
"Oh, Nothing." Namjoon sputtered. He carefully opened the letter, trying his best not to rip into the handwriting.
He pulled the contents from the envelope, spraying pink glitter onto his sweatpants.
"Fuck." He whispered, brushing it away. Most of it fell to the floor, but pink sparkles still winked at him from his lap. He flipped the pages open. A scribble caught his eye.
Dear Mr. Joon!
the exclamation point was written in blue glitter pen.
Cute. He thought. Creative. I haven't heard Mr. Joon before.
He kept reading.
Your music really helps me be small. I make things too! Big me is a writer, and my company isnt always super nice about my ideas. But I really like listening to your music, hopefully your company is nice. I hope. Dont want you to be sad like I am sometimes. But its not like sad sad, being small makes it better. I get to watch cartoons and use a sippy and take a lot of naps. I even got special clothes!! Im wearin my unicorn shirt right now! I really like it.
Do you have things that make you feel better? I hope so. you deserve to feel nice! you seem like a real nice daddy man mr. joon. have a good day!
(y/n) (l/n)
He read it over. He read it over again.
I've never gotten a letter from a little. He mused, leaning froward in his seat. He put his chin in one of his hands and let his eyes wander to the sides of the page. Little stickers littered the edges. There were stars, pink flowers along the sides, with a small pink gemstone sticker in all four corners.
She's so sweet. He read it again. Daddy?
Does she not have a caregiver? He thought, eyes widening.
How sad. She seems like she'd be really nice and behaved. Not that brats are bad, I'd still take care of a little that was a brat. Only one as sweet as this though. He nodded to himself. Only one as sweet as this.
"You ready to go? I think I've had all I can take." Hobi groaned, leaning back in his chair as he yawned.
Namjoon's head shot up. "Uh.. Yeah." He cleared his throat. "Yeah, let's go."
As they made their way out, that pink letter crept into his pocket.
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sapphic-serenade · 8 months
ναηιℓℓα'ѕ тαgѕ
#vanilla rambles🍨/ #with [blank] = answering asks :3
#vanilla's drabbles🍧 = drabbles/short pieces
#vanilla's pieces🍰 = fics/oneshots
#vanilla's extracts🍦 = random character/writing thoughts
#vanilla's thoughts🍪 = random thoughts unrelated to the above
#not vanilla~ = anything NSFW
#vanilla reblogs🧁 = reblogs. lol
#vanilla's faves = stuff that i love <3
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daisiescomelate · 2 months
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Comfort kiss
Prompt: Suguru finds out that you're having a depressive episode and pretty much kicks open the door of your apartment.
Content: Suguru/Reader, comfort, drabble.
div. plutism - masterlist
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Even if you don't speak to him, even if you refuse to cooperate with him, Suguru always comes back with breakfast.
“Rise and shine, champion. Time to eat!”
He opens the curtains to let the sun shine through, walks to your bed and sits on one side, laying his weight over you— he's just trying to be annoying.
He stays there for as long as you need, or until you run out of air and have no other choice other than push him away to breathe again. He is heavy.
Once he gets you out from under the sheets he forces you to sit by pulling your arms up and hugs you in place. He kisses your face and what’s left of the bad thoughts in your tearful eyes on a particularly bad morning. His body is warm, his voice is soft. He doesn’t mind how long your morning hug has to be but he never allows you to go back to bed. 
His hands are firm and his breath is steady. If you need to, he would let you crawl into his lap and play with his hair. The smell of soap and his shampoo fills your lungs and makes you feel lighter.
Suguru whispers sweet things to your ear and complains about his day and tells you about the things he brought for you for today. He wipes away your tears if you start crying out the blue. He kisses your cheeks, your nose, the shell of your ear.
When it’s time, he takes you to the table and makes sure you eat your whole plate. He has sweet things for dessert for you and him to share.
After that comes the shower, but you always feel a little bit better at this point and doesn’t become that much of an issue as it usually is.
Suguru is always willing to listen to you when you feel like talking and doesn’t mind if you keep repeating yourself or start to talk on a loop. Eventually, with everything out of your chest your head doesn’t feel as foggy, things light up on a better perspective and what's yet to be decided doesn’t feel as overwhelming. Talking wasn’t your thing most of the time, but his company healed you just as much.
He knows it's dangerous for you to stay inside all day and always encourages you to go to the park with him and maybe bring something to do with you so you don’t feel as anxious.
Under the shadow of a summer day, surrounded by green and with Suguru napping at your side, it was hard for you to remember what was it about all those thoughts that made you so helpless and your body so heavy. The amount of problems you thought you faced were slimmer, those that stayed felt not as deadly, those that couldn’t be helped didn’t bruise your future as much, and in the far end, there was hope.
As many times as you need, Suguru comes back with breakfast every morning.
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katsumox · 11 months
boyfie texts with jason todd !!
in my head he’s such a dry texter…. but he picks up on emoticons and ur slang !! <3 he’s such a boyfriend like ugh i love him🤧😩🫶🏾🌸🎀
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tophsazulas · 9 months
Hi! If you take fanfic requests I was wondering if you could write something for me. So I was wondering perhaps if you would write a fanfiction (a short one) based off a prompt. But it can be whatever you feel you writing or whatever fandom your in the mood for writing. Anyways the prompt is... spraying whipped cream on the other's nose and kissing it off. It's a okay if you aren't taking requests or in the mood to write this I just thought it was a fun idea and I wanted to share it with ya! <3
Here's the link to where the prompt is from
"Minho, what are you doing?" Kitty asked with an eyeroll as her boyfriend was playing with the whipped cream bottle. All of a sudden, he sprayed some on her nose. The redhead mock gasped, trying to swipe the can away from him and failing.
Minho kissed the whipped cream off of Kitty's nose and kissed her softly. Right then she swiped it from him, spraying it into his nose. He mock gasped, "Oh, I'm gonna get you for that!" Kitty giggled and ran off, making Minho chase after her.
Also on AO3
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Big bonjour followed by a Big sigh.
Pretty and her Chris. Chris and his Pretty. Would adore to have more pre relationship stuff for them.
Yes, Moss and Hyunlix is my current fixation but these two. Our OC. So freaking adorbs. Chefs kiss. Ah oui oui!
Chris blushing when she eats anything phallic, or reacting to sighs when she eats something so yummy.
Seungmin laughing at our old man Alpha as he hides his boner with a cushion as Pretty essentially deep throats a slice of pizza (think about how IN shoves food in his mouth).
I do so hope that maybe Pretty and Chris now incorporate food play? Eating out, as it where. 😛😛😏🤤
SIGH Chris being flustered by anything pretty does is my favourite flavour of wereroomies!chris... like, i'm sure there were many moments throughout their friendship that he was like "dang, i should be the one feeding you that. you shouldn't have to do a damn thing...." you know???
i think our pack parents could definitely be into some form of food play 👀 wouldn't be surprised if they liked to get messy with it........
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owl127 · 1 year
Are you okay?
That's so sweet, anon! Yes, sorry I haven't posted in more than a week! Real life got busy, I got some kind of bug... But hopefully things are getting back on track 💜💚
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clownnotes-png · 1 year
Peter Parker who latches onto Steve and sobs for days on end after losing Tony, he’s the only one who can calm the boy down in times of utter despair. Gentle hands rub his back, soft comforting words that aren’t cliche mantras, everything about Steve screams comfort. And who is Steve to deny Peter that in these times?
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mikrokosmcs · 30 days
El  sonido  del  agua  recorre  las  tuberías  de  aquel  laboratorio,  sus  ojos  ahora  muy  abiertos  y  funcionales,  se  fijan  en  el  reflejo  que  un  espejo  le  devuelve.  Lleva  pantalones  holgados  y  va  descalzo,  la  camisa  blanca  sobre  su  piel  lo  cubre  de  la  total  desnudes,  pero  los  orbes  que  antes  brillaban  como  dos  perlas  muy  negras,  ahora  se  pasean  por  una  cicatriz  que  parece  un  ciempiés  recorriendo  su  torso  entero  y  carecen  de  real  vida.  Su  color  nunca  ha  sido  el  blanco,  tampoco  el  rojo,  pero  al  parecer  ahora  en  el  mundo  al  revés  ha  adoptado  todas  las  manías  de  su  doctor.  Yohan  era  blanco  y  prístino,  propio  de  la  ciudad  luminosa,  era  rojo  como  la  advertencia  de  que  algo  muy  malo  iba  a  suceder,  como  las  luces  de  neón  de  un  pasillo  donde  la  única  salida  estaba  al  final  y  el  doctor  Frankenstein  de  prótesis  en  los  ojos  que  los  hacen  brillar  como  una  liebre,  le  esperaba. 
Su  color  era  el  verde,  pero  todos  sus  tatuajes  en  la  prótesis  izquierda  y  especialmente  la  serpiente  que  antes  administraba  su  medicamento  para  el  oído,  carece  de  vida.  No  hay  brillo,  ninguno  se  ilumina  porque  todo  el  color  y  el  brillo,  se  lo  lleva  el  órgano  que  descansaba  en  su  pecho.  El  corazón  sangrante,  rojo  y  potente,  cada  palpitación  destellaba  un  color  muy  fuerte  y  tan  luminoso  que  muchas  veces  no  le  dejaba  dormir  en  oscuridad.  La  izquierda  se  alza  para  tocarse  la  cicatriz,  acariciando  las  suturas  y  los  puntos  ya  cerrados  y  tiene  el  pensamiento  intrusivo  de  utilizar  su  única  parte  robótica,  para  arrancarse  el  órgano  y  que  todo  terminara. 
Pero  con  ello,  acabaría  con  todos  alrededor  de  él
Es  una  bomba,  es  un  corazón  diseñado  para  un  cuerpo  perfecto  que  no  podría  morir.  Si  se  lo  arrancaba,  terminaría  asesinando  a  la  humanidad,  a  todos  los  sujetos  alrededor  de  él,  sus  padres  y  sus  amigos.  Nunca  podría  hacer  eso,  ni  aunque  el  desespero  de  vivir  como  un  monstruo,  le  haga  frustrarse.  ¿Qué  fue  de  Saem?  ¿Qué  sucedió  con  Taekyung  y  su  muñeca  asesina?  ¿todos  habían  simplemente  dejado  la  revolución  y  desaparecido  para  seguir  viviendo  en  el  sistema  que  conocían?  ¿Qué  sucedió  con  Hyewon  y  Mei?  Se  cuestiona  que  hizo  Yohan  con  Genesis,  como  es  que  “detuvo”  el  cerebro  y  no  lo  volvió  un  arma  de  destrucción  masiva.  Pero  nada  de  eso  puede  externar,  porque  a  quien  le  hubiese  cuestionado  todo  aquello,  no  existía.
Aquel  no  era  su  Yohan,  el  mismo  doctor  que  fascinado  le  explicaba  como  funcionaba  conectar  nervios  con  prótesis,  aquel  que  salvaba  animales  porque  eran  criaturas  indefensas  y  tristes  en  un  mundo  podrido  y  en  decadencia,  el  hombre  que  soñaba  con  conservar  la  humanidad  tanto  como  él.  Suyeong  alza  los  orbes  que  brillan  por  unos  segundos  para  encontrarse  con  el  Doctor  Frankenstein  a  través  del  espejo,  justo  como  solía  soñarlo,  parado  en  su  única  salida  y  deteniendo  cualquiera  de  sus  escapatorias.  Hay  una  sonrisa  en  su  faz,  siniestra,  carente  de  vida.  Ese  no  era  su  amigo.  Aguarda,  porque  siempre  tienen  la  misma  rutina,  cerrando  los  parpados  cuando  percibe  su  presencia  más  alta  y  más  ancha  detrás  de  él,  manos  quirúrgicamente  amputadas  y  cambiadas  por  prótesis  perfectas  que  no  tiemblan,  lo  rodean  para  alcanzar  los  botones  de  su  camisa  blanca,  Suyeong  nunca  gustó  del  blanco.  ❝  Debes  volver  a  aprender  a  vestirte,  Sully.  Somos  tu  y  yo,  en  esta  casa  de  muñecas,  pero  no  debes  carecer  de  decoro  ❞
Siente  el  aliento  golpearle  la  nuca,  erizando  los  vellos  de  un  cabello  recortado  casi  a  rapa  en  la  zona,  Suyeong  vuelve  a  abrir  los  parpados  para  revelar  un  par  de  ojos  que  brillan  en  carmín  para  encontrarse  con  unos  iguales,  ya  devolviéndole  la  mirada  detrás  de  unas  gafas  de  montura.  ❝  ¿Sin  hablar  de  nuevo,  mi  querido  amigo,  el  único  que  he  tenido?  Está  bien,  yo  puedo  hacer  toda  la  charla  ❞  A  Suyeong  nunca  le  gustó  el  rojo,  aunque  siempre  pensó  que  le  lucía  bien  a  Yohan.  Inclusive  si  aprendió  a  odiarlo  ahora. 
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