#(I think the scariest part is that these aren't even all my ideas. just my favorites)
dirtytransmasc · 5 months
I haven't posted about Avatar in a *hot* minute, but, I have been infected with the hyperfixation again and the incessant urge to just hit Spider with the projection/trauma stick is driving me feral.
I just want to give him a shit ton of issues man. I want to make my sweet baby boy baby miserable. I love him so I have to make his life as hard as possible.
like making him absolutely unwell and giving him a list of chronic illness/disabilities (on top of the ones he already has from being human on Pandora) wouldn't fix me, but it'd do something that'd make my brain feel a little less implode-y 🤷🏻
Edit: small disclaimer for anyone who doesn't know me, I am disabled, hence why I said projection, I just feel like I should mention that, or the tone of this post feels a little uncomfy
#I think spider has earned some chronic pain#and tummy problems#and migraines#and insomnia#and a fucked immune system (cause I think living amongst Aliens and having little to no exposure to a large germ/people pool to form-#immunity from and then being forcibly dragged from his little bubble to Bridgehead and then out with the recoms and then to the SeaDragon-#through the tainui villages and then finally the metkayina village. I just *know* his immune system is one sniffle away from crapping out)#and like. he was tortured. with a brain machine. so he can have a hand tremor and absence seizures or something.#and light sensitivity. he can have that too.#and he's probably super dissociative and/or maladaptive to cope (both is good. both is very good)#and give him a rolled ankle thats like 8 years old that he never let properly heal and just acts up constantly#and nasty scars from tending his own wounds as a kid#and give him a complex with hygiene from being neglected as a kid and constantly feeling dirty but literally not knowing how to make-#himself feel clean cause no one taught him basic life skills#also. give him autism. just cause.#all on top of his massive guilt complex that makes him feel like his unworthy of life/feel like a monster 25/8#just for funsies#y'know you in a *great* place when you do this to your favorite little guys 😃🤗🫶👍#(this may be a cry for help)#(I think the scariest part is that these aren't even all my ideas. just my favorites)#spider socorro#miles spider socorro#miles socorro#avatar#atwow#I love how this is my first post back into this fandom. it says greta things about me
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yanderes-galore · 2 months
And maybe a Gojo concept? Or a oneshot of him with a darling that is like horrified of him because of his abilities? (Which makes them try to doge and not talk to him)
I can probably write down some ideas I have of him for a concept :) It'll probably be like some of the other stuff I did for him but at least it will get down my ideas for him properly!
Yandere! Satoru Gojo Concept
Pairing: Romantic/Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Overprotective behavior, Stalking, Manipulation, Kidnapping briefly mentioned, Violence, Murder mention/implied, Clingy behavior, Fear of loss, Forced companionship/relationship.
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Gojo at first seems like he'd be a laid-back and casual yandere.
One who is silly with you and wants to make you laugh.
He wants you to smile and be happy... and he just seems like a good guy at first.
But underneath the surface? Gojo is a man plagued with traumatic experiences and losses... he may be the strongest but it's awfully lonely at the top.
He's a yandere fully capable of protecting his obsession.
In his eyes doing such a thing is making up for not being able to save others he's cared about, such as Geto and Riko.
Which is why I doubt Gojo would have many rivals as a yandere.
After all, he is the strongest Sorcerer.
The only competitor I can think of would be Sukuna... but thankfully those odds are low... right?
For the most part, Gojo really is happy and casual with you.
He is goofy and silly, acting really playful with you when he greets you.
He doesn't like showing the full extent of his emotions often.
There's times he gets overly worried about your safety, but he reassures himself with his abilities.
You'll never be as strong as him, he doesn't think anyone will be, which means he feels he has to be the one to protect you if no one else can.
Gojo can see you as a student, friend, or lover.
He acts very similar, although you could argue he'd be more flirty while romantic.
Gojo probably doesn't need to resort to kidnapping, but he could do it easily.
I say he doesn't have to because Gojo could already stalk you and protect you whenever he wants.
Gojo probably never leaves you alone for long.
Not when he's mastered his techniques, including teleportation, and his Infinity technique.
There aren't many who are going to mess with the guy who has Hollow Purple in his arsenal.
Not unless they have an ego or are trying to seal him.
Point is, you are probably the most protected person while simultaneously being the most smothered person in the world.
Gojo has a lot of unmentioned trauma, everything from the burden of being the strongest to the entirety of his arc with Geto and Riko.
He tries not to burden you with it, but the pain from said events still shows in his obsession.
After all, the man hates leaving you alone.
To the point he'll be childish and cling to you at times or just be a brat.
I also imagine Gojo is petty and childish when it comes to being jealous most of the time... he'd probably whine about it.
Gojo hates the idea of getting attached at first.
He fears he'll just lose you, so he would definitely try to suffocate his feelings.
Until he eventually snaps and realizes he doesn't have to hide such feelings.
He won't lose you, he just won't let it happen.
After all... he is the strongest, right?
Anyone who tried to hurt you is probably going to be "nuked from orbit" by his techniques, be the Curse or Curse User.
Normal humans will just be redirected by him.
Gojo adores his obsession and promises to them and himself that that he won't let anyone hurt them
You can bet when the Shibuya Arc happens he would have a panic attack in the Prisoner Realm until he gets out.
Then after that he'd just be worse?
I think the scariest part of Gojo is not his personality during his obsession.
It's the fact he's so damn strong.
Even Sukuna is strong but his personality lets you know what you're expecting.
Gojo? He's nice, caring, overprotective, but can obliterate anyone near you if he wanted to.
He can be manipulative but does try to listen to you.
Even if he did kidnap you then he'd make sure all your needs are met, you're comfortable, there's a seal somewhere in the room to prevent curses from coming in...
You could call him paranoid, but you can't entirely blame him.
He carries a lot on his back.
If he lost someone else he cared about again, Gojo may snap.
Do we really want to see a man as strong as that snap?
You soothe Gojo, but his obsession also curses him.
Gojo is a yandere who would sacrifice anything for his obsession.
As one of, if not the, strongest out there...
How much can a man like him sacrifice just to keep the one he adores the most safe?
Would it just be your happiness... or if he snaps... would it be the lives of those around you and himself? All in an effort to prove to you and the world that he's not only strong... but can protect you.
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kyezone · 2 months
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﹐﹕ first kisses with you
ʚ synopsis : atsumu and kiyoomi kiss for the first time. sort of.
pairings — sakusa kiyoomi & miya atsumu, haikyuu
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author's note — sakuatsu my beloved :[ this is basically just a short drabble of how i think their first kiss went. i like to think they already knew each other since middle school and went to the same summer volleyball class. this is just self-indulgent and based off of this skts piece! (it's my favorite fr). enjoy !
— © kyezone ‘24 ﹕ do not steal, copy, repost.
"This is stupid," Kiyoomi (14) grumbles, shaking his head. Sitting across him on the bed in the same cross-legged position is none other than that cocky setter, Miya Atsumu (15).
Kiyoomi, for the life of him, has no idea how he got swept up into this current predicament. Trust Atsumu to make someone like Sakusa Kiyoomi lose all sense of rationality.
Atsumu pouts at him. " 'S not stupid!" He retorts. "Aren't ya curious, Omi-Omi?" Kiyoomi grimaces at the nickname, ignores how it makes his heart flutter ever so slightly.
"I'd be lying if I said I wasn't" He admits, ever the truthful boy. "But I'd rather give my first kiss to a frog than you," He says flatly. It's true, call Kiyoomi old-fashioned but he wants to save his first kiss for the person he's going to spend the rest of his life with. He wasn't going to give it to just anyone, let alone someone like Miya freaking Atsumu.
Atsumu gasps like dramatic slob he is, a hand clutching at his chest as if to better show his hurt. "Well, 'scuse me I don't fit inta yer standards, Omi!"
Kiyoomi rolls his eyes. "Why don't you find someone else to do this with?" He asks, head tilting to the side. Atsumu remains quiets for a moment and Kiyoomi can see the exact moment a faint blush colors his skin. He suddenly hopes he isn't doing the same.
"I ... I don' wan' it ta be someone else ..." Atsumu's voice is small and shy and not at all what Kiyoomi has come to expect of this arrogant and loud guy. For once, Kiyoomi thinks, Atsumu is acting like boys his age usually would when in the presence of their crush.
Kiyoomi shakes away the thought. He shudders. Yeah right. It's quiet between them for a moment. Kiyoomi takes the oppurtunity to sneak glances at Atsumu. Brown hair and chocolate eyes, slightly tanned skin sprinkled with freckles.
Atsumu's fiddling with the volleyball between his legs, tapping on it slightly. It's obvious that he has no idea what to do now so Kiyoomi brings it upon himself to slice through the silence. "Fine," He says, and it's enough for Atsumu who's eyes glow with excitement.
"A'ight!" He exclaims, but he doesn't make a move.
They aren't exactly sure how to go about this. Atsumu studies Kiyoomi like an exam and Kiyoomi can't help but squirm uncomfortablly under his gaze. He watches with batted breath as Atsumu inhales sharply, squeezes his eyes shut, and leans in.
Kiyoomi does the same, eyes screwing closed as he anticipates, lips are pursed awkwardly. He can feel Atsumu invading his personal space and his hand goes flying into Atsumu's arm (Atsumu isn't any better, gripping onto Kiyoomi's shirt and undoubtedly crumpling it in the process), trying to calm himself as Atsumu's lips finally meet his.
Neither of them move, too scared to even do anything to fix the awkward position they're in. They don't open their eyes either and Kiyoomi can feel Atsumu's hand quiver, trying his best to keep himself steady and not fall into Kiyoomi's lap. Comedically, it takes them an entire minute before they finally break apart.
Atsumu is flushed red, but there's a big, toothy grin splayed across his face, perfectly encapsulating his joy and excitement. While he's over the moon, Kiyoomi is mortified. He sits there, completely dumbfounded.
He wipes at his mouth vigorously, suddenly able to think clearly again. He just kissed Miya Atsumu. His first kiss. Was with Miya. Atsumu. He's petrified.
The scariest part of all this? He wants to do it again. He shivers.
Oh god!
"Ya don't gotta be so dramatic 'bout it," Atsumu scoffs, pouting childishly. He leans forward teasingly and Kiyoomi can see his cockiness coming back as he does. He hates how he can feel his cheeks start to warm. "I know ya liked it," He teases, winking cheekily. Kiyoomi is unimpressed by this; leave it to Atsumu to be proud of his kiss with zero technique and zero experience.
Kiyoomi shoves him off the bed and Atsumu yelps when his bottom hits the tiled floors. "What the hell!" He cries.
"Don't flatter yourself," Kiyoomi grumbles, scurrying under his blanket. He tunes out Atsumu's rambling and complaints, instead focusing on trying to will his heart to calm down.
Gah, he can't believe it. He wasted his first kiss on Miya Atsumu. It wasn't like he was going to marry Atsumu, he wasn't going to spend the rest of his life with this snobby idiot. Over his dead body!
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Kiyoomi stirs awake, eyes heavy with sleep. He looks around the room, the sun just now beginning to rise, bathing the room in a purple and dreamy glow. His eyes land on a patch of blonde hair next to him, snorting softly as Atsumu snored.
He yawns, laying back down and pulling the blanket over them. He pulls Atsumu's sleeping form closer to him, enjoying his warmth as he pressed a chaste kiss on the ring on his finger.
His 15-year-old self would go insane if he told him he would indeed marry the person he gave his first kiss to.
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t4llhum4n · 8 months
Yes, Blake is scary because hubris makes him blind to any sort of reason. But REGULUS --
I have words. Starting with the fact that, to me, Regulus is the scariest Redacted villain.
Let me explain.
I'm going to preface this by saying that no, Regulus does not scare me. It's the idea and dynamic between Regulus and his listener, who I will be dubbing "Mine," that's legitimately unsettling.
Let's break this down. "Mine" is an uninformed, unempowered human. Regulus is a cloaked Empathy Daemon of unknown age. Already, we have an insane power imbalance. I think this is the most imbalance we've seen in terms of power and knowledge from any Prime Redacted couple (if I'm wrong, please let me know). And it's only made worse by what Regulus does with his power over "Mine."
Can you imagine having an invisible stalker? Being watched at all hours of the day and never even knowing until they reveal themselves? That's chilling. Beyond that, you can't even see them when they do eventually reveal themselves, and you have no context as to why that might be. Magic doesn't exist to you -- there's no possible way for this to be happening. But it is.
And when this stalker finally speaks to you and confesses that they've been watching your every move, it's unnatural. They're speaking in your mind. That shouldn't be possible. You can't see them, you hear them in your mind -- could it all be in your head? Is this all just a really bad dream?
You aren't able to move. You can feel them on you, but even the parts of you that aren't touching them are paralyzed in place.
They tell you that they're going to fill in the gaps. They're going to "pour themselves into your mind like water." You're told that "you won't get a moment of respite." The invisible stalker's voice is bouncing around your brain, reverberating and echoing in your mind. And you're helpless.
You don't understand what's happening, and you're clearly completely at the mercy of whoever or whatever this being is. Who knows? Maybe if it really is a dream, then you'll just wake up from it all. Sitting up in bed, walking to the kitchen, and making breakfast, getting back to your old routine. Maybe if you just ride this out, it'll all end soon..
And that's the thing. It DOES. "Mine" is saved by the Department, gets their memories wiped, and they start a new relationship. They're happy. Regulus gets taken to containment to be rehabilitated, and it's all over.
Until it's not.
I'm gonna be honest, I low-key was a little "meh" about Regulus being more open with "Mine." It took away the intimidation of their difference in knowledge and made the relationship a little less interesting to me. That is, of course, until that most recent Regulus video came out.
Pardon my southern, but Y'ALL. That shit was insane. That audio put me on edge the entire time. The distortions, the off-putting atmosphere of the dream, the transition from "they are safe in my grasp" to "I'm going to crush the stars between my fingers and make new ones" -- all of it. Chef's kiss. Him saying that he knows it's going to hurt, but that it'll be worth it? Because they'll finally be perfect? It's so insane.
He wants to mold "Mine." That's what makes him so interesting to me. Other yanderes will be all, "oh, you're perfect the way you are, and no one will ever touch you." Regulus? Nah. To him, "Mine" is almost perfect. In every sense except for one: They're still thinking about the outside world. And it drives him crazy.
Overwhelming their thoughts with his voice and presence at all hours of every day (which, as someone who can hardly stand being in a packed grocery store for too long, is a terrifying prospect) wasn't enough. He has to make his reality their reality. That's the only way that they'll finally be perfect.
"I'll make myself so much a part of you that they wouldn't be able to separate us no matter how hard they tried."
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rookie-critic · 7 months
Rookie-Critic's Halloween Horror-thon: Part 2 - #6-10
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#6: Doctor Sleep: The Director's Cut (2019, dir. Mike Flanagan)
I have, of course, seen Doctor Sleep before, but I am not labeling this as a re-watch because the Director's Cut of this film, while not really that different from a plotting/through line perspective, is a wholly unique experience to the theatrical version of the film from a character perspective. This version of the movie gives you much more context around the its antagonists, The True Knot, and it's secondary protagonist, Abra Stone, that those major story beats existing in both versions hit with much more impact in the director's cut. It bumped this particular work of Flanagan's up in my ranking of his stuff all the way to third behind Hill House and, now, Usher.
Score: 9/10
Not currently available on streaming.
#7: Gemini (1999, dir. Shinya Tsukamoto)
This one surprised me by not being the kind of film I was anticipating it to be (this happened a handful of times this month). Gemini is the story of three characters plagued by their circumstances/upbringings, and a look at classism and people's desire to give and receive love, shot and told in a frenetic, gonzo style that only Japanese cult-director Shinya Tsukamoto can make work. Tear down the walls of your expectations for this one, it's a great watch.
Score: 8/10
Not currently available on streaming.
#8: Nightmare Detective 2 (2008, dir. Shinya Tsukamoto)
The sequel to Tsukamoto's lukewarmly received 2006 film Nightmare Detective (which you will see further down on this list), this one makes the original look like a litmus test for the concept. A much more restrained and patient film compared to just about all of Tsukamoto's prior efforts, Nightmare Detective 2 sits in the corner, quietly analyzing its core cast in a story about misfits and generational trauma. Really, a lot of the themes and ideas presented here would be honed in on and presented again, albeit from a different viewpoint, in Kotoko. This one really feels like a turning point for Tsukamoto in terms of tone and approach. Not to say that his earlier, more frantic films aren't sometimes just as good, it's just the mark of a talent that's willing to evolve.
Score: 8/10
Not currently available on streaming (this film has actually never seen any kind of official release in the States at all, so unless you're willing to do a little swashbuckling, this one's out of your reach).
#9: The Bird with the Crystal Plumage (1970, dir. Dario Argento)
Horror icon Dario Argento's (Suspiria, Deep Red) debut feature is an unrivaled "whodunit" mystery thriller with that hallmark giallo flair that Argento would become known for. There isn't a whole lot to say about this one other than this was one of the most singularly entertaining of my October viewings, and that I highly recommend it for just about anyone.
Score: 8/10
Currently streaming on Amazon Prime Video.
#10: Noroi: The Curse (2005, dir. Koji Shiraishi)
This is the best Japanese found footage horror has to offer. Noroi is told in a documentary style, acting as the discovered footage of the final film made by a supernatural investigator that has disappeared without a trace. This was my final watch of the Horror-thon and I couldn't think of a better way to send off the spooky month, because this was one of, if not the scariest watch of the entire month. It had me wanting to turn the lights on and sleep with one eye open, and certain images from the film's final moments will be burned into my retinas until I die. If I had any complaints, it's that I honestly could have used even more, although I guess an argument could be made that that's actually one of the film's good qualities.
Score: 8/10
Currently streaming on AMC+/Shudder.
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You know I like to think of myself as a pretty open-minded person. Fanfiction, in my opinion, has always been about exploring whatever you find interesting within your fandom. You're allowed to write about anything that you want and if someone doesn't like it then they don't have to read it. But let me tell you, this mindset has been severely tested by some of the Quaritch content I've seen. I'm totally fine with fics that portray him as a villain and person at the same time because even bad guys brush their teeth and all that, but guys. He is not a good person. I want people exploring him as a villain, not as some redeemable or misunderstood person. That's not what anyone working on the movie intended for him. The way he destroyed Hometree without a second thought? The way he obeys a horrible corporation mindlessly? The way he rubbed Neteyam's death in Jake's face? The way he had literally no problem killing and hurting those around him in order to find Jake and his family? The deaths of hundreds of people both na'vi and human rest on his shoulders! You don't get to justify that with "oh, well he's just misunderstood".
I try and find the good in everyone but I just can't see anything good in this man. Anyone who causes the type of pain he caused and feels no guilt (or even worse: thinks that they're justified in their acts of hatred or that the other party are the people deserving of punishment) has no good in them. And that's okay! People are allowed to acknowledge a good bad guy, and I think Quaritch is pretty interesting as far as bad guys go and there is a lot of fic potential for that very focal point. But that's it. There is no excuse for his actions and no redemption in his future and the day karma finally catches up with him (again) will be the best day in movie history.
I am very curious as to what fandoms you've been a part of before if this is the first time you've seen this phenomenon. By that, I mean the phenomenon of a fandom excusing the actions of a (typically white and male) villain. I find it to be pretty common. To me, it's one of the scariest things in media and fandom today. I've made a ton of posts about it, but I like to call it the Darth Vader trope. The idea that one good act or one scene of past trauma can wipe a slate clean, with no regard for the systematic harm caused, no reparations, and no work done to actually change and evolve as a character. I find it to be a really dangerous thing to show. The idea that so many people can rally around these actions just being swept under the rug, that they will get mad at you for even reminding them they occurred, is really terrifying to me. Media does not exist in a vacuum, and if so many people are that eager to move past genocide in fiction? It is for parallel reasons so many do in real life.
Trauma is not an excuse, it is an explanation. Change is a long process, and with serious, real world issues such as the ones Quaritch represents, time and effort are owed to the marginalized groups affected. If Avatar is really supposed to be a movie inspired by the beauty of indigenous cultures and the horror of what happened and is still happening to them, then I think fans excusing Quaritch are really doing something quite disgusting in ignoring that.
(If you want to spend as much time freaked out by genocide as I do, Genocide Watch is the place for you! They don't have the US on alert rn, but they fucking should! Also they're a lOT Pro-Israel in their alert on that, but there aren't many places to keep up on current genocides sorry).
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z-iridest · 5 months
My Hero Academia- I am Phoenix
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Chapter 14: The Sports Festival- Part Six
After the match against Todoroki and Midoriya, the arena had to be fixed before the next match, so I had gone straight to Recovery Girl's office to see my idiot of a friend. I had half a mind to kick his ass for hurting himself as much as he did. But, it got Todoroki literally fired up... He had used his left side, even if it was just for a brief moment, but Midoriya shouldn't have damaged himself that badly to get to that point. But, I stopped dead in my tracks when I heard Recovery Girl say how bad the injuries really were...
"The bones in your right arm were shattered. I'm afraid it'll never be the same as it was before." I heard my Dad gasp before Recovery Girl continued. "I need to remove the bone fragments or they'll get stuck in your joints. I'll heal you afterward." She sighed softly, looking at Dad. "You lit a fire under this child and pushed him too hard. Look at what he's done to make you proud. I don't like it one bit, you're going too hear, you hear? You and the boy."
"I raised Hinotori and she turned out all right..."
"Raising a child and mentoring a child are two different things, and quite frankly, her knowledge of her limits and careful nature was what Asuka instilled in her, not you. But, I don't doubt that she also inherited your recklessness. Your daughter did sacrifice herself to protect her friends multiple times during the USJ incident if I remember correctly. You're lucky you haven't lost her yet..." 
"Hino? Shouldn't you be preparing for the next match?" Midoriya asked, diverting my attention away from the adults at the moment. I shook my head.
"They gotta fix it first. It did get blown up quite a bit." I pointed out. "But, putting that aside, I think it would be a good idea to figure out a different way of harnessing One For All. Once Recovery Girl stops healing injuries like this, I can't help."
"But, your healing tears..."
"They have a limit, Izuku. They won't be strong enough to heal broken bones until I turn 16, and if you end up with a fatal wound, they won't work if you've lost too much blood. I care about you, damn it, which is why you have to find another way. Because if this happens again, I can't do shit about it and I don't feel like losing someone else I care about." I interrupted. Midoriya looked at me, silent for a minute.
"You're not going to lose me, Hino. I promise, I'll be more careful." He told me. I wanted to believe him, I really did... But, I saw the look in his eyes. The next time we were in trouble, he was going to do this again, especially if it meant protecting everyone. Besides, Recovery Girl was right.... I was just as reckless when the situation proved dangerous to those I care about, so I couldn't really talk.
"You better, I'll kick your ass if you aren't, ya little shit." I told him, which caused a bit of a smile despite the pain he looked like he was in. That was when I noticed that my Dad and Recovery Girl had gotten dead silent, watching us. Before anyone could say anything, the door slammed open.
"MIDORIYA!" Tsu, Ochaco, Mineta and Iida were all at the door, worried as hell. Both Dad and I jumped, and I grimaced a bit when Dad coughed up blood.��
"You scared the crap outta me..." He trailed off as Ochaco approached Midoriya.
"Are you okay?" She asked the same time Dad mumbled under his breath. That's when she noticed him. Oh, right, she hasn't met Dad in his normal form... I thought.
"Oh, it's nice to meet you, sir." She said, bowing a bit in greeting.
"Uh, yeah." He waved a bit, making me cover my face with my hand. Seriously, Dad? 
"He's in no state for visitors." Recovery Girl told them.
"Hey, you guys... Shouldn't you be watching the matches?" Izuku asked.
"The stage was far too damaged, they're taking a quick break to repair it now." Iida was the one who answered while I looked at him. Didn't we just have this conversation?
"That match was the scariest thing I've ever seen in my life, Midoriya. What pro's gonna want a sidekick that hurts himself?" Mineta asked, shaking as he pointed at Midoriya until Tsu smacked him with her tongue again. Good thing she did it before I could...
"Now you're just rubbing salt in his wounds, probably not a good time." She told him.
"Seriously, learn to keep your mouth shut, Mineta." I added on.
"Hey! I'm just speaking the truth!" Mineta snapped.
"You're much too noisy! I know you're worried, but I got to focus on surgery now." Recovery Girl started shooting them out, but her words only make them panic more.
"SURGERY?!" They all cried. I shoved them out.
"Come on, idiots, he'll be fine." I pushed them out of the room with Recovery Girl helping me shoo them out. I looked at her as she looked at me. "Anything I can do to help?"
"I'd like to say yes, but you need to focus on the next match. Go and get ready, dear and I'll handle things here." Recovery Girl told me. I nodded and left for the waiting room, even though I wanted to talk to Dad and my friend more. I sighed softly. Mom would be scolding both Midoriya and Dad right along with Recovery Girl if she were here. Maybe she'd even have some pointers for him... I took out my phone, looking at the last picture of my Mom that I had on my phone. It was a picture of her and I smiling with ice cream cones in our hands and laughing.
"I wish you were here, Mom." I didn't know why I had been thinking about her so much lately, but I missed her...
The next few rounds flew by for everyone. I used my wings to take Shiozaki out of bounds before she knew what was happening, and with Tokoyami using Dark Shadow to do the same thing to Mina, his match ended in about the same amount of time that mine did. "Whoa, he won that battle super fast!" Mineta commented.
"Tokoyami's Dark Shadow is so amazing, ribbit." She noticed Ochaco looking downcast. I knew she was worried about Midoriya, she had been since Recovery Girl had told her and the others that she needed to do surgery. 
"She said she had to perform surgery." She replied.
"Recovery Girl's the best, you've got nothing to worry about." Mineta tried to reassure her. Least he wasn't being a perv at the moment... 
"He's right." Tsu reaffirmed. She gave a small smile at them. 
"Sure." We continued watching the matches, though I worried about Midoriya. After a bit, I went to go find my friend and my Dad. That was when I heard the conversation between the two.
"Hey, All Might... You remember when you told me you came to UA in the first place? To find a worth successor to inherit One For All."
"Yeah?" I hid behind the wall they were walking toward.
"I put everything I had into the sports festival. But, still... There were other competitors, including Hino, who fought for the victory harder than I did. So.. Maybe..."
"You're thinking if it might be better for someone else to be my successor, yes?" He asked. I blinked in shock. No matter who Dad had originally intended to inherit One For All, I couldn't have imagined anyone else but Midoriya being Dad's successor! Much as I had thought about it in the past, I knew my body would have probably fallen apart years ago if I had inherited One For All...
"Yes..." Midoriya trailed off.
"You're not wrong... This place is full of incredible potential heroes. One For All is a crystallization of power. It bolsters Quirks. For example, if Young Todoroki were to inherit it, the strength added to his own quirk would probably make him an unbeatable superhero."
"But, you know, I was Quirkless too as a kid." Well, that was news to me. Dad was Quirkless when he was younger? I mean, I probably should have expected that considering he had said he got his Quirk from the user before him, but...
"Quirkless? Seriously?" Midoriya sounded just as surprised.
"Back then, it wasn't as rare of a thing, but it was still out of the ordinary. Even though I didn't have a power of my own, I had someone who believed in my potential. My master gave me One For All and raised me to become a hero." 
"You never told me that!" Midoriya exclaimed. Bro, he didn't even tell me!
"It's not my fault you never asked, which is honestly surprising." 
"I just can't believe the number one hero was Quirkless."
"It's true. When we first met, I saw a little of the old me in you. But, kid, you've gone beyond my expectations time and time again. One day, you're gonna do incredible things with One For All. That's something I truly believe." He told him. I smiled a bit.
"While I agree with you, Dad, that doesn't mean he should mess up his entire body like he did in the match against Todoroki." I showed myself.
"Hino, how long have you been listening?!" Izuku asked.
"Long enough, and you two shouldn't talk about One For All in the open like this. There's too many spots for people to eavesdrop and listen in." I pointed out.
"You worry too much, Hino." Dad told me.
"I worry just enough, thank you, especially when you two have the same mindset." Dad chuckled a bit at that. "Dad, it's not funny!"
"You know, I've been thinking about your Mom lately, and that's exactly what I imagined her saying if she were here." Dad told me. I blinked a bit, falling silent. He'd been thinking about her lately too? "Now, the Sports Festival isn't over yet. Get out there, both of you don't want to miss the end." Dad ushered us along. I saw Iida as we passed, and went over to him.
"Hey, everything okay?" I asked. 
"Oh, Yagi. I was just trying to call my brother, and... Well..."
"Still no answer?" I questioned, already knowing the answer. He nodded. "Patrols do take a while, he'll call back once he's done." I smiled a bit, trying to give my friend hope. He looked uncertain, and I remembered the feeling of dread that had washed over me as a 6 year old kid that day. It was all over Iida's face... When I returned to the stands with Iida, we watched as Kirishima and Bakugo fought against each other. I looked at the board as Iida talked to Midoriya. My next match was against Todoroki... I had watched the match Midoriya had against him. He would probably stick to just using his ice powers, since he still looked conflicted with the end of that match. Whatever he had left to do to sort it out, it wasn't something he could do here or now... It would be an endurance match as to who would outlast the other, Todoroki with frostbite or me with burns? I could use the torches around the stadium until that fire ran out, but how long could I go? We would find out sooner or later...
Present Mic's yell of excitement brought me out of my thoughts. "BAKUGO IS COUNTERING AGAIN! BUT WHAT'S THIS?! IT SEEMS TO BE WORKING THIS TIME!" 
"Kirishima's at his limit now." I observed.
"You've been straining to keep your body rock hard this whole fight, right? But, that means, you're overusing your Quirk. And sooner or later, you'll fall apart." Bakugo began a barrage of attacks, explosion after explosion while Kirishima struggled to keep his body solid. After a few minutes of explosions, Kirishima toppled to the ground and collapsed, exhausted. 
"Wish me luck, guys." I told them before leaving the boys' sides. I waited in the entrance to the arena as Present Mic announced the match. 
"THE FIRST MATCH OF THE SEMI FINALS! BOTH COME FROM HERO FAMILIES, MAKING THIS A BATTLE OF THE ELITES! FROM THE HERO COURSE, OUR GIRL ON FIRE, HINOTORI YAGI! VERSUS... HER COOL CLASSMATE, SHOTO TODOROKI!" I'm not able to negate his attacks like Izuku did, but I don't have to. I'll melt the ice as many times as I have to to get in close. As much as I want him to go all out, it took a while for him to even do it against Mid. I can win this no matter what! I thought as I tied my jacket around my waist again. I got into a ready stance, staring down my opponent as he got into a ready stance as well. "START!" Just as Present Mic called for the beginning of the match, Todoroki used his ice powers. I ran forward, holding out my hand and willing the fire from the torches to come to me, just like I did in the fire zone back at the USJ.
"THAT WON'T WORK ON ME AND YOU KNOW IT!" I shouted as I jumped into the air, giving a yell as I landed, adding my own flames to the mix and creating a firewall that melted the ice as I flew toward him, using my wings for speed. The look on his face was priceless as he sent a blast of ice toward me and I used a huge blast of flames to cut through it. "SHOW ME WHAT YOU'VE GOT!" I exclaimed before I got close enough to where he couldn't use his ice the way he wanted to. We fought with our fists, and every time he tried to use his ice to freeze me, I used my flames to counter. We were slowly making our way to the boundary line behind him. I used kicks of flames from my feet to break his stance and eventually got to a point where I could throw him. But, once I did, he used his ice to surf around the ring and back toward me. I flew toward him, charging him. We were opposites with our powers when he was using his ice. But, I started seeing the frost, started seeing his movements slow down. "What's the matter?! Too tired?!" I was being cocky and I knew it. Just as the words left my mouth, he caught one of my fists, ice beginning to cover my entire body. Before I could even react, I was frozen in place. Goddamn it, I hate karma...
"Good thing you forgot I can do precision moves too. I've only been showing off ranged attacks today." Todoroki sounded almost relieved. I struggled for a minute before hanging my head to focus, closing my eyes.
"Hinotori, be honest. Can you move at all?" Midnight asked me. I grit my teeth, concentrating my body heat and bringing the fire from the last two pillars toward me.
"HELL YEAH!" I let out a loud yell as my eyes snapped open before letting out a huge blast of fire from my body, melting the ice wall around me completely. "Thanks for the cool down, Todoroki, it was getting a little too hot!" I charged toward Todoroki again, using punches and kicks to melt the ice heading my way. I was down to my own flames, which meant I had limited time before my body started burning to ashes from overuse. I punched him as hard as I could in his jaw. He stumbled back, using his ice behind him to steady himself as I charged for him again. That was when his left side ignited. I smirked. As soon as he blasted flames at me, I flipped over his head, twisting in the air as I absorbed his flames. I saw his eyes widen, realizing what I was about to do. "PHOENIX HEATBLAST!" I shouted as I blasted as hard as I could, shattering the ice wall in front of him and creating an explosion that sent Todoroki flying through the air. Todoroki barely managed to catch himself on his ice, but there was no more frost on him. "About time you got more serious! LET'S GO!" I shot forward again as Todoroki did the same, using his ice on his feet and his flames to propel himself. When we collided, it caused an explosion, smoke filling the ring. I panted, my arms red and burning, half hoping that the fight would be over now. 
"I don't get either of you!" I heard Todoroki's voice before I saw him. He was panting, just as tired by the looks of things. "Both of you are trying to get me to use my flames! Why are you fighting so hard?! If my father..."
"YOUR OLD MAN DOESN'T HAVE A DAMN THING TO DO WITH THIS! IF YOU WANNA BE A HERO, BE THE HERO YOU WANT TO BE! FIGHT ME AND PROVE THAT THE HERO YOU ARE CAN BEAT ME AT FULL STRENGTH!" I wasn't stupid. I saw the apologetic look in his eyes as I charged him for the third time. He was still conflicted, proven by the way he let his fire go out at the last second. I couldn't get through to him, and Midoriya's words had made him conflicted. I hated accepting a victory like this, but I wasn't going to lose to him half assing everything. With a final blow, smoke was kicked up once again.
"WHOA, WHAT JUST HAPPENED?! SMOKE'S FILLED THE WHOLE STADIUM FOR A THIRD TIME!" Present Mic exclaimed. My eyes looked for Todoroki, and when I found him through the smoke, he'd been knocked out of bounds by the blast.
"Todoroki is out of bounds! Yagi wins!" Midnight announced. I collapsed to my knees from exhaustion. I was half surprised I hadn't heard Endeavor's old, stupid ass yelling the entire fight, but then again, I hadn't even been focusing on anything outside of our fight. I didn't listen to anything else Present Mic or Midnight had to say, I just healed Todoroki's injuries and left the arena so Recovery Girl wouldn't have much to do but wait for Todoroki to wake up and heal any injuries I might have missed. I happened to look up at the stands as I left the arena, spotting Endeavor. He looked absolutely pissed and he was glaring right at me. I glared right back as I entered the hall. I wasn't about to let him intimidate me...
"You won... Whoa, hey, what's wrong?" I looked at my Dad.
"It doesn't feel like a victory, Dad. He didn't go all out" I sighed. "Which, I honestly shouldn't have expected him to considering he looked conflicted about using his flames the entire fight, but still..." 
"It would have been more fulfilling to you if he did go all out." He finished. I nodded. "I know." He pulled me into a hug. "But, I think both you and Young Midoriya both hammered the point home and given him a lot to think about. It may take some time for him to show it, but I think you and Young Midoriya have sparked a changed in him, whether or not he knows it right now." I hugged back. It wasn't just Todoroki holding back that bothered me, though I didn't say that to my Dad. I couldn't really do much to help him, and I knew Mom would try to show him that his flames were his own, that he could be a strong hero with both sides of his Quirk and not let his Dad define him. After a while, he let go. "I should let you get ready for the finals. I'll see you afterwards." I nodded and let go of my Dad, giving him a small thank you. I couldn't act like I knew what Todoroki had gone through, and it wasn't like he'd talk to me about it as if we were old friends...
"Meddling where you don't technically have to is part of being a hero. Remember that, my little bird." I remembered when my Mom told me about being a hero.
"What does that mean, Mama?" I'd asked. She'd had me on her lap.
"It means that part of a hero isn't just saving their bodies, it's saving their hearts too. True heroes save people in every way, but words don't always work. You have to let your actions do the talking."
"Like fulfilling a promise you make?" I had asked. She'd smiled, gently tapping my nose as I giggled.
"Exactly." I clenched my fists, determined to follow my Mom's example for what hero I wanted to be. I just hoped everyone would be okay... Above me, I could hear Present Mic commenting on Bakugo's fight against Tokoyami, a match that went pretty damn quick in my opinion. The match up couldn't have been any worse for Tokoyami, which means that the final match... Was me against Bakugo... I would only have a few minutes to prepare in the waiting room, so good thing I was already headed over there... That was when I saw Iida on the phone.
"Hello, Mom? I hate to tell you this, but I lost." As I walked closer, I watched as Iida's face went from normal to completely pale. All alarms went off in my head as I hurried over to him as his arm went limp at his side.
"Iida, what's wrong?" I asked worriedly. He leaned against the wall behind him, looking at me.
"Tensei... My brother... He was attacked by a villain..." My blood ran cold with his answer. 
"Go tell Mr. Aizawa and get your ass on the next train there."
"But, Yagi-"
"But nothing, your family needs you right now, Iida. Yayorozu and I can take care of our classmates, just go." I interrupted him.
"I'll call you once I figure out what's going on."
"Iida, go." I shooed him, but my heart was pounding against my chest as he used his Quirk to speed to Mr Aizawa. It almost felt like my Mom's death all over again, but this time, I wasn't the one directly impacted. I texted Midoriya what was happening before heading to the waiting room. Before I could have time to keep it from entering my mind, the memory of my Mom's death, of that day, came back to me.
It was raining that day, almost as if foreshadowing the sadness of the situation. I had been in my classroom, playing with Tsukihara at the time with the news on in the background when my teacher had called out to me. I still remembered the look on her face as I hurried over, beaming up at her before noticing she looked upset. "Miss Matsuko?" I questioned before I noticed the pro hero next to her. My mom's sidekick, Ember, was standing by her. At the time, she'd been barely 18, with vibrant red hair with an orange streak on the right side, dressed in an ensemble of red, orange and yellow for her hero costume. I'd waved at her. "Hello, Miss Ember." I saw the look of sadness on her face crack for a brief moment as a smile replaced the frown for a brief moment.
"Hi, little Spark." She greeted.
"Where's Mama?" I asked, which made the smile drop from her face.
"I'm afraid that's why I'm here, kiddo. Your Mom went up against a really tough villain and she..." Ember's golden eyes had filled with tears and I remembered my teacher placing a gentle hand on my back. The news filled in the rest of the blanks, saying that against a fight against a villain, Ace had been severely injured, and the news reported that she had passed away just minutes prior to them coming. I had started crying in the hallway and Ember had picked me up. I remembered clinging to her, not able to make out what the adults were saying before Ember carried me out of the school. Once we got to the hospital, he had met up with All Might, and he looked like he'd been crying too. The minute I saw him, I'd reached for him, crying into him as he held me close, trying to comfort me... Months later, the adoption for him becoming my Dad officially was finalized, but I had already started training by that point...
I wiped my eyes at the memory. I'd been only six years old, and as stupid as I felt for remembering that moment right before the Sports Festival finals, I could only hope that Iida's brother wouldn't be a similar case... The door blasting open startled me out of my thoughts, and when I looked, Bakugo's dumbass had kicked the door open. "Hey, what the hell are you doing in here? This is my place to- Crap! This is waiting room number 2?!" I stared at him for a minute before rolling my eyes at his stupidity and ignoring him. That only seemed to piss him off since I could practically feel the irritation radiating off him in waves. "All right, fine, so I may have walked into the wrong room. But don't think that means I'm not gonna be on top a my game, ya got that?!" He raised his hand before slamming it onto the table. "You better bring all ya got to this, Flame Hair!" He exploded the spot his hand was on.
"The victory I got from Todoroki was half assed. He didn't bring his best against me, so I'm going to make this shit clear." My voice was cold as I stood up, looking at him. "If you hold back against me once, I'm going to burn your ass." I glared. He grinned as if spurred on by the threat of what would happen if he held back.
"Yeah, I got it, just like I'll explode your ass if you so much as think about half assing it against me." Bakugo replied before I left the room for the entrance to the arena. God, that boy...
"LET'S GO!" I shouted before we collided, using our Quirks as we fought. As he used his explosions on me, I manipulated one of them to hit him square in the face. He stumbled back, looking confused as hell. I was half tempted to laugh in his face. "What's the matter? Can't take it as well as you dish it?!" He charged me, but threw a right hook instead of trying to use an explosion on me. I sidestepped it, grabbing his arm and doing the same shoulder throw on him that Midoriya did. "You're getting predictable!" I shouted as I threw him to the ground.
"What was that about not holding back against me?! What? You think I can't take it?!" I was taunting Bakugo as he caught his breath. He got up after a second, glaring at me, but grinning like a Cheshire. 
"Oh, it's on, Flame Hair!" He shouted, using his explosions to blast forward before we went all out trading blows. I was careful to not manipulate the explosions as much so it hit hard and out of nowhere. It only served to piss him off even more, and it was honestly hilarious. The more we moved the bigger the explosions got, just like Midoriya had explained to me. After a minute, he launched himself in the air, his body twisting and turning. I smirked.
"Hell yeah, now you're getting fired up!" I ignited the arm facing him, ready for whatever he had to throw at me. Smoke kicked up as a cyclone of wind made itself visible to the naked eye. I saw Midoriya shoot to his feet out of the corner of my eye, but I was focused on my opponent.
"BRING IT ON!" I shouted as I blasted myself into the air with my wings, able to feel my hair coming lose out of its braid with the force of the jump and as I did the same thing, creating a tornado of my own.
"IMPACT!" A huge explosion came my way, and I absorbed it. The look on his face when he realized what I was about to do... I winked at him before the impact hit and we both got knocked backwards from the force of the blast. I used my wings to stay within range of the arena as I landed on the stage again. I cleared the smoke, only to see that Bakugo had been knocked the hell out and out of bounds.
"BAKUGO IS OUT OF BOUNDS! YAGI IS THE WINNER!" Midnight held her hand up, announcing the end of the final match. I'd won...
"AND WITH THAT, THE FINAL MATCH IS OFFICIALLY OVER! THE FIRST YEAR CHAMPION OF THE UA SPORTS FESTIVAL IS OUR GIRL ON FIRE.... HINOTORI YAGI FROM CLASS 1-A!" Present Mic announced. I looked up toward the stands, seeing Dad grinning proudly. I smiled back at my Dad, raising my left hand just like Dad had against the slime monster. The crowd cheered louder. I was tired, but I'd done what I said I would do...
"The first year students have completed all of the events for the UA Sports Festival. Now, it's time to relax and enjoy the awards ceremony!" A little while later, I heard Midnight announce the beginning of the awards ceremony. The platform I was standing on began to rise, putting the top three in the center of it all, with me being on the highest part since I was in first place. In second, looking pissed off that he lost to me, was Bakugo and third was Todoroki and Tokoyami. Fireworks ignited the sky above us, cameras flashed as they took pictures of the three of us, but all I could think about was Iida. Was his brother doing okay? Would Iida be okay? I had no idea. I had told Midoriya and Uraraka the news, and they were just as worried as I was..."Now, let's break out the hardware! Of course, there's only one person worth of distributing the awards." Dad's boisterous laughter from in his muscle form came from above us before he landed in front of the stage. 
"Oh, for the love God, Dad..." I mumbled under my breath. Did he have to use his catchphrase for everything?!
"All Might, the number one hero!" Midnight announced at the same time. She sweat dropped. "Ruined that, didn't I? So, now that you're here, All Might, why don't you start the presentation?"
"Young Tokoyami and Todoroki, congratulations to you both." My Dad placed the bronze medals around their necks. "You both showed amazing strength out there."
"Your words humble me, sir." Tokoyami replied before Dad hugged him and I couldn't hear what else he said. He then turned to Todoroki.
"I'm assuming there's a reason you didn't use your left side that much, all though it cost you the semi final battle." 
"Midoriya opened my eyes during our match, but then I started to doubt myself. I think I now understand a little about why you're so interested in him. I want to be the kind of hero you are, but my path isn't as clear as I thought it was. I have a lot to think about, and I still need to settle some things with someone. Very soon."
"I've never seen this sort of look on your face before..." Dad then embraced Todoroki, and I couldn't hear the rest of his wisdom. "Young Bakugo, congratulations." He placed the silver medal around Bakugo's neck. "You fought well, but the final match was lost to you." 
"I didn't account for her being able to manipulate my explosions. I won't make the same mistake." He grumbled. Dad embraced him, imparting some words of wisdom to him that I couldn't hear before he turned to me.
"And finally, Young Yagi, congratulations. You did what you said you'd do in the pledge. You're true to your word." I bowed my head as my Dad placed the gold medal around my neck.
"I have a lot more to learn, but my aim is to be the best hero I can be. The road's just beginning." I looked up at him. He smiled, and I swear, I could see a glint of pride in his eyes before he embraced me the way he did with the boys.
"THANKS EVERYONE FOR YOUR HARD WORK!" Dad shouted the same time the crowd said the school motto. It went dead silent before the crowd booed.
"Well... Yeah, I guess, but everyone did such a good job!" I swear to God, Dad.... But anyways, the Sports Festival showed that our friends could also be a worth opponent. We learned a lot about each other and ourselves...
"Nice work. You have the next two days off of school to recuperate. I'm sure pros who watched the festival will wanna recruit some of you. We'll look over the draft forms and update you when you return. Get some rest, you still have a lot of training." Aizawa told the class. I glanced at Iida's seat as the class acknowledged his words, still worried about our Class Rep. After that, the atmosphere around school started to change, though it was gradual at first...
Later that night, I got a call from Iida, and he was really upset. He'd made it safely to Hosu City, his brother having just gotten out of surgery when he'd arrived, in stable condition, but in and out of consciousness. There was no word on if he'd be able to return to hero work or not, at least not yet...
(Tag list: @euphorical-angel @qweenexplosionmurder13 )
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ms-scarletwings · 7 months
Exclusion Zone Makes My Eyes Sweat
KHS, it seems, possesses such an uncanny talent for writing the most underrated and downright raw narratives in general, but there's just something so specifically emotionally wrenching about what you could probably call the "climax" of Exclusion Zone- aka, my second favorite of the twisted tales within Haunted Cities, vol 4.
And therein Exclusion Zone lies an event that makes it stand out so far from the rest. There is a moment very, very far from the scariest experience I had in Haunted Cities, and yet this is still the one that haunts me most of all, and maybe that was the way it was meant. You simply enter the ruins of a long abandoned tower, and you recover a note written by a deceased researcher.
It's not a moment that puts the player inside the jaws of a hungry house. It's not a scene where dark angels are coming to gnaw off your skin, you aren't swallowed by any ravenous gardens, and if anything, the music in that tower makes it almost a calming moment. The atmosphere is serene and comforting, like a temple, or any sacred ground should be. You are, true enough, being bombarded with lethal amounts of radiation, seemingly to no immediate consequence, though.
And like that, it happens, and then you leave the site once you finish your exploration. You show up, do your job, and head back. Yet here I am still trying to put together what exactly about this game's conclusion makes me so deeply... sad and disturbed, in a way games have rarely managed to do, and I have my best guess:
“She was wronged."
As extreme and surreal as the story unfolded is, the feelings it immerses you in are something so grounded and relatable, to me- The sympathy and sheer powerlessness of being an observer in the aftermath of a great tragedy.
To stand there in the epicenter of so much death and sorrow, which happened all and only because everyone was trying the best that they ever could, and it just… wasn't enough. And no matter how much you can mourn for their fate, or wish you could even just say how sorry you are, maybe for them, or maybe for how cruel of a world it is at all, but there's nothing you can do yourself but just.. feel that empathy for them. So you do.
And the revelation itself is a jarring, shocking thing, especially if you save the tower for the last to visit on your run. These gentle, final words pouring with so much humanity in a setting that’s so lifeless and cold. I already had an idea of what was coming, I got the games purely because of the Jacob Geller review, and I don’t think my enjoyment was any bit lessened by the spoilers.
There’s no villain to blame for the tragedy of the fallen goddess and those people who built the tower, save those nameless sisters some unfathomable, untouchable worlds away. There’s no implication to some fruitful lesson or honoring of the disaster’s victims. If anything, your closure is only in the assumption that the pitiful girl will be demonized and remembered in infamy for her suffering. What became of her, whether a final peace or an eternity left to her pain, no one can even know. Your discovery of the truth? As ultimately meaningless as that of the corpse left behind in that cursed ruin. What could you be left to do?
You silently grieve, probably just because no one else will. Probably because of a strongly felt connection for the wrongs you've faced yourself, whatever times you wished someone had been there with the same message, as little as it would have changed. It's a very unique and specific thing to invoke in an audience and I guess I'm appreciative and impressed such a game did so in such a short and potent fashion. It's part of what makes Exclusion Zone one of my favorites of the collection. It vaguely reminds me of Looming, too, which is another indie game built around a similar theme of retelling a story through archeology. I just really found that neatly powerful, and powerfully neat, and I hope I'm not the only one that did.
“I'm sorry, sister. You deserved better. This was not your fault."
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elminx · 1 year
On Astrology, "The Universe", and my ideas about free will
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image credit: https://www.instagram.com/tinysnekcomics
I'll admit that my thoughts on the overlap of free will and astrology are complicated and ever-evolving. But I want to talk about where my ideas lie RIGHT MEOW.
(did she just say right meow?!?)
I think that every one of us has the ability to exercise free will and actually make choices in our lives but very few of us truly do it. The reason for this bold statement is that I think that in order to truly make choices you need to know what your choices ARE and that involves a huge amount of self-awareness and here-ness. The one thing that I have found is that most people do not seem to be here - like, actually present and in their own bodies.
We are playing and replaying these programs that we've created for ourselves. They come from a lot of places - certainly from our childhood and the upbringing that we experienced (both from what we were taught in our childhood homes, in school, and by the types of media that we were exposed to) and then later from the trajectory that our lives have taken - our adult learned experiences, if you will. But astrology plays a part to, of that I am quite certain. I have found that through a careful study of the natal birth chart, you can predict with a highly likelihood of success what types of problems that the astrological native (the person for whom the chart was pulled) will encounter over and over again in their lives. You can even predict whether the native would be likely to embrace or hide from the problems that they encounter in their lives.
But the choice, when encountering each problem, still lies in the hands of that person. In this way, the "Universe" lays the blueprint which says "Suzy will have relationship issues" and it can often be used to predict what TYPE of relationship issues Suzy has -but it doesn't show whether Suzy will meet the girl of her dreams who wants to work through every single issue together and then live happily ever after. Or if Suzy will meet this perfect girl, and due to said issues, runs away from her in utter terror.
As I said, it's all up to Suzy. But I strongly believe that only one of those two choices is being made consciously. The theoretical Suzy that goes "wow, I really seem to have relationship issues - what's that all about" and starts to dig into who she is; that Suzy might make the choice to stay with this amazing girl (in my head she has a quirky grin and the most stunning hazel eyes) even though its the scariest thing that she has ever done. The Suzy that can't face herself and can't look at the cause of her relationship problems, that Suzy isn't actually making her own decisions. She's just running.
A lot of us are just running. Most of us even. We aren't given a lot of framework for how to stop. Part of that is likely that the answer is different for every single one of us. But if you need help recognizing your patterns, your natal birth chart can be a powerful tool for self-reflection. Of course, you need to be ready to look in that mirror. It's not for the faint of heart. It will show you where the "universe" has been up your ass (sorry had to follow through with that metaphor) and pulling your strings.
Once you know that, making informed choices will become easier. Eventually.
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yuhi-san · 2 years
How do you think Digimon Frontier might have gone if the Spirits of Steel, Wood, and Earth had been bequeathed to Ophanimon, the Spirits of Darkness and Water had been bequeathed to Seraphimon, the Spirits of Flame, Light, Ice, Wind, and Thunder had been bequeathed to Cherubimon, and the protagonists had been Katsuharu, Teppei, Chiaki, Teruo, and Koichi (with Kouji joining later)?
i saw you(?) ask others this so i guess you are hoping for some cool reverse au or something.
sorry to say that this or swapped places and such was never my jam. not to mention with how little we know about katsuharu and co, it might easily have gone nearly the same except for different digimon forms.
though it brings the question:
was one of the others unwillingly pushed on the train or did they still go after pushing tommy?
does kouichi make it on the train here or does he still fall.
or is kouji the one that falls and misses the train? who is the clueless twin in this version?
these things would change the course of the story more than just making katsuharu and co the protagonist. because sadly they aren't really established all that much
since i'm on a roll, i can at least give you one 'what if places were switched?' scenario that i think would be cool
i would switch kouichi and takuya. they still get their original spirits and kouichis situation with kouji remains the same. (though honestly you could also give the fire spirit to kouichi and have kouji get the ice spirit as opposite. would fit his cool and sometimes frosty personality haha. so many 'showing us the could shoulder' jokes. it would give innocent young tommy the spirit of light instead)
it switched when they both miss the elevator and take the stairs. except kouichi doesnt fall and makes it down in time. he can't see kouji on a platform but doesn't know which train he took si he takes the closest one on a whim. there he meets zoe, j.p and tommy. they ask him if he also followed the messages. kouichi knew he got messages earlier but didn't check them. he was kinda preoccupied. of course he still says 'yes' because let's face it, would you tell strangers you just met on a train that no, actually i was stalking my twin brother who does not even know i exist. don't think so.
they end up in the digiworld, it's terrifying and wild and before they know it they are under attack. just like takuya, kouichi gets his spirit first. it's amazing and crazy all at once and like an hour ago kouichi thought actually going up to kouji and talking to him was the scariest thing he could do. now he is suddenly involved in all of this and he has completely lost track of kouji. is he even here as well?
the voice in his D-tector tells him he will find what he is looking for if he continues towards the forest terminal. so going on it is. zoe wants to see whatever this through and tommy is now excited. j.p just kinda tags along at first.
speaking of tommy, kouichi doesn't actually know anything about having a brother but he liked the idea way before he knew kouji existed. he is very dedicated to look after tommy the best he can.
this group dynamic makes them butt head and argue far less since kouichi is rather mellow. it does, however, make them way more indecisive.
to make sure the cat is not out of the bag too early, let's say kouji gets his spirit by saving katsuharu and co instead. also congrats, now they think that was amazing & let's find more of these spirits for ourselves!
and maybe kouichis group, or part of them, cross path wit kouji once or twice. but it's always in spirit form so they have no clue what he looks like. also in true kouji fashion, he never bothers to introduce himself and fucks off still as lobomon.
sure, you could say that maybe kouichi thinks 'hey could be kouji' but he never talked to him & lobomons voice is different and there was a whole bunch of ther kids. would be quite the coincident. also the voice says he will find what he is looking for (kouji) at the forest terminal. so.
there is a reason why he is less likely to join the group in this version but let's see what's up with takuya, shall we?
takuya misses the elevator and after like ten seconds of having a mini meltdown about it he realizes he can take the stairs. except takuya trips and falls & ends up as a very confused spirit in the digiworld. he's obviously not quite right and in a haze. but unlike kouichi he lacks any bitterness that cherubimon can use to manipulate him. so he needs something else. instead he applies to takuyas righteousness. makes him believe they are the good ones.
the story goes like this: cherubimon tries to collect all the data to purify from a virus that ophanimon has infested it with. but of course ophanimon tries to stop that so the virus can spread and fester & eventually destroy everything. now she has tricked other kids to believe her.
to eliminate the 'if they just talked about it' solution, we have this: cherubimon makes sure takuya cannot really talk in his twisted digimon form. he managed to save takuya when he came here but not before ophanimon could do a lot of damage. his spirit form is all that keeps him strong enough.
being way less passive than kouichi, takuya gets involved almost right away. so he and kouji start crossing blades a lot and early on. which kinda brings us back to why kouji stays away from the group longer.
you see, he too was asked to go to the forest terminal but the voice also told him he will eventually understand the mystery that surrounds him. when uh… evil!agunimon starts showing up and clearly is targeting him personally, kouji understandably but wrongly assumes this has something to do with it. thanks to ophanimon being so cryptic he has no context to know better.
the truth is, takuya isn't a complete idiot. kouji, who is alone, is easier to take on than a group of four. he also appears to be less loyal/inclined to follow ophanimons orders so takuya might get him to understand better.
this almost rivalry gets kinda personal so kouji is more interested in handling this and less inclined to agree to a team up with the others.
while kouichi and co have their first terrifying encounter with grottmon, kouji gets his b-spirit while fighting with evil!agunimon (also gotsumon gets to go with kouji cause i say so)
while they deal with the horror of the tv forest, kouji ends up with the kindergarten (look, he tries his best, alright)
like takuya, kouichi loses control over his b-spirit (its less animalistic instinct taking over than evil/impure stuff). kouji as lobomon comes to help but gets intercepted and driven away by evil!agunimon.
kouichi and the others go on. they manage to free qeraphimon (since they could do that without kouichi i guess it's enough if at least half the chosen children are there, so). kouichi hasn't told them about kouji. at first it was because he thought this whole thing would be resolved quickly and he didn't really wanna involve the others. it's awkward and he is very insecure about the whole thing as it is. not to mention he has no idea how to explain this without sounding like a weirdo at best or a creepy stalker at worst.
while kouichi and the others have this tucanmon mess at hands, kouji has to figure out how the frick to make a hamburger (again he really tries his best but this is somehow even worse than him trying to handle a bunch of kindergartener)
they are all at the trailmon race (which takes place after the burger episode). but this version requires digimon drivers so they don’t see each others human form here.
(actually in this version kouji might spend most his time as a digimon. he only travels with a digimon and others are way more likely to take him serious as a digimon rather than a human)
it goes on and on and then so much is happening. it gets crazier and more dangerous. the stakes are getting higher and higher and they are expected to be these great saviors and what not. there is never time or a good moment for kouichi to tell them about kouji. the longer it goes on, the harder it becomes to say something. they are looked at as heroes to save the day and kouichi has it not on him to tell anyone he never even bothered with the messages, he just came here and stayed to find his brother.
 the fallout happens on the dark continent. kouichi and co see light and fighting in the distance and hurry to check things out. they find lobomon and evil!agunimon (who they also fought before but less often than kouji). takuya got his b-spirit and things don’t look good for lobomon so they all rush in to help.
during the fight, when kouji and takuya clash, they see each others face. it throws kouji off because not only is there a kid in there (unlike with the other warriors) but he's seen him before! i mean you probably won’t forget the weirdo kid that has been talking/shouting to himself you saw on the train just before you came here.
koujis face is also pretty much the only thing familiar to takuya in this world. he took special note of him in the train after all and tried to follow him in shibuya station. once kouji points out 'i know you! you were on the same train as me!' takuya loses his crap like duskmon did.
(it wasn't the first time he felt off about himself or questioned cherubimons story but whenever he did cherubimon would worsen the fog in his mind & tighten his control like he did with kouichi)
the others are bruised and confused af. unlike the other times, kouji is exhausted enough to transform back in front of the others and they realize he looks a lot like kouichi. like way too much.
clearly they are in shock and except for kouichi they lose their minds very loudly about hey what the heck? kouji probably can tell he opened some kind of can of worms but its not like he cares too much what they are japing about. he had no idea his look alike twin is with them after all. between not having really seen kouichi yet and the new revelation about takuya, kouji has no reason to think the mystery surrounding him is not connected to takuya. so of course without a thought of the others he runs off after evil!agunimon (evil!burninggreymon?)
look, he has a bad habit of doing that as it is but the circumstances in this version have him not at all grown out of it yet.
the others are too flabbergasted to follow right away. with so many questions they look at kouichi, who in turn is frozen in place with, well, a lot of emotions. after a lot of questions and some yelling he begrudgingly tells them everything. (he might have told them before he is an only child or at least that he grew up without siblings. cause again, the stalking your unsuspecting twin thing).
zoe, j.p and tommy are initially mad at kouichi for lying and not saying anything after all they went through together. it does not get resolved right away cause they have to deal with ranamon and mercurymon. its them trying to evade capture instead of trying to get free like after takuya went back to the real world.
i guess instead of takuyas heroic bsod  we get kouichi feeling really guilty and despairing over how he 'lead them on' by having them thinking he was a hero following the call when he is really not (he very much did become the hero that was needed, he just can't see that right then). the darkness bad side nearly overcomes him but he can pull himself together with the help of his friends. they come around pretty quickly. all they needed was a couple hours to wrap their head around all the layers of crazy. they get why kouichi handled things the way he did and assure him he is alright. (he gets to hear the occasional jab about his stalking, mostly from j.p, but it's in good spirit)
eventually they end up and get  inside of sephirotmon alongside evil!agunimon and kouji & gotsumon. not only do they need to fight and regroup but also find kouji and have him sick around for more than 10 minutes to have, like, number of important conversations.
i guess in this version kouji gets to double spirit to fight evil!agunimon and kouichi double evolves to finish sephirotmon. here though evil!agunimon gets away and all the kids get to regroup, including kouji. this version has the not fight sephirotmon in the dark and all but tell kouji to chill the fuck out for a second so they can ask what the deal is with evil!agunimon (not that he really knows anything beyond this is a kid he met on the train when coming to the digiworld). Also kouji should know about kouichi, one way or another, but especially since they really should be working together – period.
It does not go very well. its difficult for kouichi to explain properly & he is worried how kouji will take it. Which is to say not very well. he has a lot of emotions about it, mostly confusion and anger (not really at kouichi but at the fact that this whole situation is a thing in the first place)
It’s obviously quite the shock. There isn’t the additional problem of kouichi being a bad guy but t comes out of left field even more to kouji here. Between what ophanimon said and the takuya situation, he had no reason to think he was anyhow connected to loewemon (sure spirit of darkness, but since that is A Thing someone was going to get it. He does not think zoes wind and grottmons earth are specially connected either). So yeah, it’s a lot.
Since now they are all after evil!agunimon and heading to the rose morning star, kouji and gotusumon very, very reluctantly agree to go with the others (they all find the funny german trailmon together and fix him up). the mood is really tense and its super awkward all around. Kouji is stand-offish as ever and keeps away from them as much as he can & stick with gotsumon.
They didn’t get to know kouji much in this version so they can’t really tell that he is not being a cold prick on purpose but is in reality just very overwhelmed with everything. Learning his mom is alive, he has a brother that is here and crossed paths with before and still the whole evil!agunimon/takuya situation that is even less clear now. That is a lot at once to handle and honestly kouji has never been particularly good in dealing with his own emotions, let alone verbalizing them. Gotsumon is there for kouji but having a lot of similar issues as him and having little to no context for what brothers let alone mothers are, he can’t really help him all that much.
Kouichi isn’t doing much better. He is worrying and second guessing how he handled this, if he even knows how to go forward now, if he even knows how to do this or if kouji would want to talk to him now at all. He is very insecure about all of this.
j.p initially thinks they should leave them to it and just give them time. Who would want strangers that are not involved or affected by this at all tell them how to properly handle it? Certainly not j.p.
tommy is the first to go up to kouichi to cheer him up. he’s sure him and kouji will be fine with some time. Also as someone who has a brother, he is certified to assure kouichi that he is doing a pretty good job at being a brother. Of course j.p comes to cheer him up too, because no matter what he says he is a big old softie.
Zoe then is the one to go up to kouji. They don’t know him very well but they know kouichi. I think he initially wouldn’t have told kouji that he kept this a secret from his friends before or voice how emotionally difficult this all was to him. He’s got a bad habit of being self deprecating and probably would feel that this was just him making excuses. But zoe really wants kouji to know that this isn’t easy for kouichi either and he worries and cares a lot.
Probably takes some pushing from gotsumon for kouji to admit that he doesn’t mean to be harsh to kouichi, he just does not know how to handle all the news he just got. Not to mention the whole mystery surrounding him that he thought related to evil!agunimon who seemed to be after him in particular, might not be that. Now he is back to square one or worse. Like all of this at once seems like too much of a coincident.
It’s still awkward but they have to go on towards the rose morning star where they fight evil!agunimon.
(unlike with kouichi, kouji needs no encouragement to slap some sense into takuya lol)
Once takuya is defeated, he is understandably distraught and confused. Like in the original, once he sees takuya kouichi realizes that he too saw him in the real world where he followed kouji (a stalker caught another stalker, huh – not the time for jokes j.p!)
Nothing makes sense and once kouji confronts takuya about what the hell is going on, things just get wilder. Takuyas mind is still a little jumbled and all but he wastes and launches in a spiel of how they need to understand that ophanimon is evil and tricking them (you know now that he gets to talk). Which of course has the other be like what the frick you talking about?
Now that takuya is no longer under cherubimons control and the fog in his mind has lifted it doesn’t take much for him to realize what is really going on. needless to say takuya is devastated. He also won’t remember much of anything when kouji ask him about being on the train together so there is that.
They have sympathy for takuyas situation and like with kouichi he is easily forgiven. They encourage him to stay with them and come to the rose morning star with them. It’s fine, cant get more awkward than it is already. Takuya also gets his real spirits fighting the fake cherubimon.
 After that uff… I don’t like how especially unbalanced frontiers is so lets say they fight cherubimon while trying to save ophanimpn. And instead of being saved by ophanimon, zoe gets to also double spirit evolve. Actually I would like them to all double evolve to beat cheruubimon. So maybe cuase takuya was in possession of both spirits and evolved so long he got the double evo right away against fake cherubimon.
Then when they have weirdo icedevimon to deal with tommy gets his double evo and j.p gets it in the very last fight against cherubimon. I guess. The order of these three really doesn’t matter that much.
Either way during the icedevimon fiasco kouichi and kouji are the ones to get their d-tectors frozen. They warm up more to each other when kouji is intent on protecting Kouichi despite initially appearing to be cold and uncaring towards him. Also takuya gets to make up his past ‘mistakes’, either by getting double evo here or buying tommy enough time for his, depending on what order the double evos are, as it does not matter that much.
 Anyway they get their butts kicked by the royal knights and still end up on the moon where they get to goof off a bit. Here too it’s takuya who comes too first and is determined to do all he can for the other kids.
So eventually they get back to earth. I think they should do the 6 double evo vs two royal knights & minions for longer. I’d even have tommy double evolve when meeting katsuharu and co if it weren’t for the ‘all spirits at once against cherubimon’, so. The katsuharu and co & tommy situation plays out pretty similarly except the knights have knightmon with them already and all six of the kids are fighting.
 So I’m actually not sure who would do the unity evo eventually. Either we stick with the original light and fire spirit, which would be kouji and takuya. In this case I think takuya would somewhat take over not necessarily as a leader but the front man if you know what I mean. Because kouichi is very kind and caring and he did step up to the challenge they faced but he is not the naturally born hero type that takuya is and now that takuya is no longer controlled he could finally grow into his actual destiny.
On the other hand if the switcheroo stuck like before, now it would be kouji and kouichi doing the unity evo which is also kinda cool with the twins and dark and light theme. Then again, in this version kouji is only just learning to work with others and has not yet really matured emotionally the way he did in the original. He is only getting started with all this. So maybe unifying anything is not really in the card for him yet.
Anyway the episodes with katsuharu and co, the village of beginnings and the one with bokomon and neemons hometown stays pretty much the same plotwise, if now with multiple double evos instead of the two unity ones.
It may differ a little with takuya being more reckless because he feels he needs to make up for his past mistakes & really wanting to be a hero that can save others. Also in this version kouji met katsuharu and co so he would probably be like why the frick are you still here??
I guess him knowing them would also surprise tommy and maybe they would be a little more inclined to be jealous of tommy getting a spirit and they don’t? either way they still get around to it and realize they were pricks to tommy and also that they need to go home because there isn’t much they can do.
Since gotsumon is already with kouji and co, the episode where they return to seraphimons castle starts out a bit different but otherwise stays similar to before. Of course gotsumon still gets to evolve to help kouji fight but yeah losing his home is not easy on him. So I guess we can still have Kouji and gotsumon run distraction while they others get in.
Then again since they are all still able to evolve kouichi might stay with them. Him and Kouji get to work together more and takuya gets to go with the others
 When they are at autumnleafe fair  it’s gotsumon and the other digimon that build the snow catapult to help the others fight. Here It’s takuya that gets to realize he is actually a only a spirit here. That’s really not helping his situation at all. What does this mean? He can’t remember how he got here. What if this is the punishment for falling on the evil side?  
 So once they are in the library and all takuya is weirdly quiet and out of it. They still split up to look for the key the same way. Except they can all tell there is something fishy going on with takuya so they get zoe to go with him and probe him for what’s going on. Because she is by far the most subtle and tactful really. Instead of this interrupted almost love confession(??) takuya nearly tells her what’s up but then decides he has to handle that on his own.
Maybe in the library they find some more stuff about the legendary warriors and figure out there must be a way to, uh, unify the spirits more strongly or whatever. Except how do figure out how to do that exactly or with whom? They don’t really get a chance to figure it out with crusadermon and dynasmon showing up and all.
Takuya is being extra recless. This is their last chance and knowing he is only a spirit there is nothing for him to lose actually. So when it’s looking really bad for them & they are forced back into human form and takuya is about to be killed the d-tectors react. Because I think no matter what version, doing things be sheer determination is just ingrained into takuyas being. So they figure out to give him the right spirits so takuya still gets to be emperorgreymon.
Hmm I guess kouichi is the other one in a similar position to takuya and is given the other spirits by the rest of his friends to unity evolve into whatever as well (which I guess makes this some kind of triangle switch or something). I just think since kouji has been lone wolfing it so much longer & was for a long time more focused on the mystery surrounding him than anything in this version it might be neat twist to see kouichi fight and think: he spent most his time doing what he could to help others regardless of what he personally wanted. If anyone would handle this right, its him.
 Anyway once kouichi and takuya unity evolve they manage to finally win against the royal knights. But things suck and lucemon is powerful enough now to destroy the last key from his prison. So they face lucemon and end up on the moon pretty much the same way as before.
 Kouichi and kouji still get to have a heart to heart talk on the moon about their mom. When patamon, loopmon and salomon tell them about how darkness and light need to be in balance to win they think that makes sense but is also weird. Because why did takuya then get to unity evolve instead of kouji? Not to mention how weird he has been acting super weird recently. Of course they get bokomon to spill the beans once takuya is out of earshot for like a minute. Not that they are given the time to figure out what any of that really means thanks to lucemon
 The fight happens still pretty much the same. Except instead of kouichi, kouji is the one that sacrifices himself by taking a hit. That boy has a real habit of doing so as it is. Also the fact that it has to be kouichi and the darkness might be explained by the fact that lucemon is an angle digimon & more light based (look I’m just making up some lore at that point). Anyway everyone is understandably shocked and kouichi is so very distraught. But takuya is pissed, like for real. They do become Susanoomon and fight lucemon and all into the real world. Everything is kinda jumbled there anyway so what difference does it make if I switch the kouichi/kouji/takuya thing even more.
I guess its ok for spirit! Takuya to be in the real world as since he is first in the inbetween (the destroyed train station) and then in digimon form with the others.
 Anyway of course both him and kouichi are in despair when it seems they lost kouji & failed to save either word. Takuya feels like a failure. He was supposed to be a hero and first he was tricked into helping the bad guys and even now he can’t get it right no matter what. Kouichi isn’t handling it much better. He just lost the brother he only really got to know recently and while he had started to think he was actually doing this hero thing right despite not really having followed the call initially, it still seems not to matter how hard he tries.
Of course in the end they all pull through and defeat lucemon.
 With the digiworld saved and all, they get to say goodbye. Kinda. Since the portal between the worlds is still open and takuya is more than aware now that he is a ghost (and likely death in the real world) he decides to have his soul trade place with koujis… wherever souls go (digimon 02 clearly shows there are more worlds than two, so. Also don’t ask me how that works, if digimon gets to be big on artistic license in their own story so do I). besides, that’s what a real hero does, give his life to save others. Besides it’s fine since his body is okayish in the real world and this does not end like church in the season 13 finale of rvb
 So kouji comes back, pretty confused and out of it but now they lost takuya. Its all very emotional for everyone and before they can really understand what happened, they barely have time to say bye to the spirits and the digimon that were with them before they are thrown back into their world. But agunimon manages to tell them Takuya can still be saved.
Once back kouichi realizes that if takuya too missed the elevator, he might also had the same idea and taken the stairs, so off they go. Of course at the end of the day, they get to save takuya in a similar manner than they did with kouichi thanks to the power of friendship and love. (and totally freak out the hospital staff by doing so lol)
 But all is well in the end.
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eolewyn1010 · 2 years
This is my 666th tumblr post
That has nothing to do with anything, I just enjoyed the idea of ending my blog year on that number. So, because I don't give half a damn on what the numbers in my so-called tumblr year rewiew say, I'll just babble out my own thoughts a bit:
This was not an easy year. There's still Corona, always and everywhere. There were elections over here in Germany, and the results are kind of durchwachsen. There were troubles, and anger, and resignation, and unsolved crises... and yet, looking back on it, it wasn't a wasted year for me personally. The previous year felt like a bit of a stand-still. 2021 felt like things were in motion. Like, in spite of the situation, there was a lot of new stuff for me.
I tried out drawing, sewing, even a LARP, and I found that things I've never done before, or never done with much effort, can be really fun when I bother. That, even when I'm not initially good at them, I can get better by pointed self-criticism instead of just going "I suck". I don't suck. I work hard for getting somewhere, and it takes time, and I'm still on it. Drawing was a big thing for me this year; I've drawn 154 human figures altogether - only practice makes perfect. And there were so many things to repeat, eyes, facial features, musculature, hands, hair... (One of the reasons I didn't wanna post the tumblr year review; it doesn't reference my drawings or any of my own work at all.) And above all that, writing, ever again writing. I had to take a longer break, but right now, I'm in a mood for small stories - I'm gonna begin the new year by posting a few one-shots.
Besides that, university is going much better now. Still not ideal because plagues, but I'm getting forward. It's not treading on the spot anymore.
Nevermind that I feel much better and more at rest in my current home than in the one I left last autumn. Moving was hell, but I'm happier where I live now. My housemates now aren't nearly as much a strain on my nerves as the previous.
I also learned that gaslighting, especially emotional gaslighting with an emphasis on disregarding my feelings and perceptions, happens just as much in non-romantic relationships as in romantic ones. And that I don't enjoy trying to explain my thoughts and feelings to someone who thinks they know better anyway and just prefer to work with their own assumptions because they're friggin above all else and the judge of Everything There Is. I'm always striving to explain myself in detail because I'm no good in expressing myself clearly, but when I expect not to be listened to, and to be snapped at for uttering my perceptions, then I don't know why I should still bother. I just want that person to stop having expectations of me to still engage in very one-sided, unpleasant interaction. Need to put on my big-girl pants and either learn to ignore them or tell them to fuck off with their poor attitude.
Finally and most importantly: I made some great friends this year. I haven't had really good friends, those that I didn't feel like I constantly had to put in a high effort for or be on tip-toes about, in a long-ass time, and now there are a few people who will just... listen. And tell me of their lives. And be upfront about it when I've said something shitty because I'm dense as a brick that way. And be supportive when I'm scared. And talking to them is fun and I feel like it's fun for them to talk to me. So, I'm getting way emotional over this, but that was a really big thing for me in 2021, and perhaps the scariest and most rewarding part of that "trying out the unknown" matter. Oof. I'm still socially incompetent, but also, I kinda love a few more people than I did a year ago. And that really made the year worth it, in spite of all.
As for what's to come, let's hope for the best and be prepared for the worst. *puts on crash helmet and protective goggles, buckles up, grabs pickaxe and torch* 2022, come at me!
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stickswrites · 4 years
Free Lunch! Helps The Fear (Her Shadows, Ch. 5)
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I woke up to my alarm and, thankfully, not a nightmare. I turned the alarm off and laid back in bed. I knew I should probably get up to work out, but after last night's nightmare, I was drained. I scratched Yuzuki's head as I sighed and got out of bed. I changed into a tank top and yoga pants before walking out of my room and to the kitchen to eat something before working out.
"Good morning," Dad said from his seat at the table, sipping his coffee. "How did you sleep?"
"Not well," I responded. "I had a nightmare."
Immediately Dad's coffee cup was abandoned on the table as he stood up and rushed over to me. He wrapped me up in a tight hug and held me close. Tears started to prick at my eyes as I hugged him back just as tightly. We stood in the kitchen, hugging, for a few minutes before Dad let go of me.
"I'm sorry I wasn't there," Dad said softly. "I didn't hear you."
"It's alright, Dad," I responded with a small smile. "Besides, it wasn't that bad. I was able to go back to sleep afterward."
"That's good," he responded.
After getting that conversation out of the way, we dropped the topic entirely. He knew that I would tell him what it was about when I was ready and that trying to force it out of me would only make things worse, and I knew that he would be there when I needed to talk.
I grabbed a granola bar from the counter to eat for breakfast. I ate it quickly so that I could work out and clear my mind for the day.
"You gonna use the training room this morning?" Dad asked.
"Yeah," I responded. "I think it'll be good after last night."
He hummed in agreement and continued to drink his coffee. I finished eating my granola bar and threw the wrapper away. I quickly fed the cats and then went back to my room to finish getting ready to workout. I put my sneakers on and took my medicine, putting the now empty pill bottle in my bag to remind me to see Recovery Girl today.
"Did you take your meds yet?" Dad called from the table.
"Just did," I called back. "I'm gonna need to stop by Gran's office today for a refill."
"Sounds good!"
Since I'd been on the U.A. campus for years, the staff was basically my family. Recovery Girl was essentially my grandma, so I usually just called her Gran. She loved it and considered me her granddaughter, which I loved. She's always there when I need advice on anything I don't want to talk to Dad about.
I groaned as I rubbed my eyes again, still a little tired from not sleeping well the night before. Making sure my bangs were pinned back, I walked down the hall to the training room. I turned on the speaker and connected my phone to it so I could play music while working out. I clicked shuffle and went over to the cabinet that had my gear in it. I wrapped my wrists for support and put my gloves on before walking over to the punching bag in the middle of the room.
The music was loud, but not loud enough to drown out my thoughts. Images of my nightmare flashed in my mind, making me hit the punching bag harder every time, not worried about what hitting harder could do to my wrists. My parents were the reason I had to wear arm braces and wrap my wrists for support every time I worked out or trained. They'd ruined me in so many ways that I knew I would never fully recover from. The image of Amaya tightly gripping my wrist flashed in front of me and I shook my head to get rid of it. A moment later, Takumi kicking me relentlessly appeared in front of me. I shook my head again, but it didn't go away. Letting out a yell, I put all of my power into the next punch, some of the shadows in the room even reinforcing my arm for more power. My fist made contact with the punching bag and it flew off of the chain connecting it to the ceiling and across the room, the seam splitting a bit and sand pouring out. I huffed as I stared it down, the replay of my nightmare finally stopping.
It took a few seconds for the pain to register, but once it did I let out a loud groan and sank to the floor, holding my wrist close to me. I heard the door to the training room open and my music stopped playing. Dad came up behind me and helped lift me from the ground. He turned me around and looked at my right wrist that I was cradling. He grabbed it lightly and started taking off my glove and wrappings.
"Are you okay?" he asked sternly.
"Yeah," I responded. "But I think I may need to see Gran before school today."
"I think you're right," he said while sighing. "Come on. You're done with training until class later. Let's ice your wrist."
I nodded and followed him out of the training room and into the kitchen where he pulled a bag of frozen vegetables out of the freezer. He grabbed a paper towel and brought them both over to me as I sat on a stool at the counter. I put the paper towel that he handed me on my wrist and the vegetables on top of it, the paper towel keeping my wrist from freezing. I sat silently, trying to avoid Dad's stare. Finally, I looked up at him. He had his arms crossed and was standing on the opposite side of the counter.
"We need to talk about what happened in there."
It wasn't a question anymore. I knew I needed to talk about it. What I did wasn't healthy and hadn't happened in over a year. I sighed and rubbed my face with my free hand. I looked at Dad and nodded.
"It was about my biological parents," I started, looking back down at my hands. "I was back in that tiny apartment. They were there too." Dad didn't say anything so I kept talking. "I was the same. It wasn't a memory at all. It was as if I had gone back to the past or something, but I was still me from the present." I paused for a second to take a shaky breath. "My quirk wasn't working either. That was the scariest part. It was like back then. I was defenseless."
I didn't have to continue with what else had happened. Dad knew.
"I'm really sorry I wasn't there to wake you up," he said, leaning forward on the counter. "And I'm sorry you had a nightmare." There was a pause as I waited for him to start talking again. "But, you should be more careful when training."
"I know," I said. "And I'm sorry I wasn't."
"You know what will happen if you hurt your wrists too much when you aren't wearing the arm braces," Dad told me. I nodded silently, understanding what he was talking about. "Alright." Dad stood up from leaning on the counter and grabbed the vegetables and paper towel off of my arm. "Go get ready for school. We're going to be leaving in about an hour."
I nodded and stood up from my seat. I walked around the counter and gave Dad a hug before walking back to the training room to grab my phone. I took off the glove and wrappings on my left hand before grabbing my phone and going to my room to shower and get dressed for school. After I got out of the shower, I got dressed in my school uniform and pulled my hair back into a half-up half-down ponytail. I left my tie undone around my neck, my wrist protesting every time I tried to tie it myself. I looked myself over in the mirror to make sure I looked presentable before grabbing my backpack with my good arm, giving Yuzuki, who was laying on my bed again, a kiss on the head. I walked out of my room, slinging my bag over my shoulder.
"Dad?" I asked as I walked down the hallway. "Can you tie my tie for me today?"
"Sure," he said, setting his bag down to tie it for me before we walked out of the house.
He expertly tied my tie before grabbing his bag again and his car keys. We walked out of the house to see Makoto already standing in the driveway, waiting for us.
"You guys are a little later today," he noted with a smirk.
"Little Miss Shadows over here hurt her wrist during her workout this morning," Dad joked.
Makoto shot me a teasing smile as I let out a small laugh. I didn't say anything as we got in the car and drove to school. It wasn't a long drive and we soon got to the school. Dad parked and the three of us got out of the car, grabbing our bags as we did so. We walked into the school through the back door and, once inside, Dad stopped us from walking down the hall.
"Make sure she sees Recovery Girl before class, Makoto," Dad told Makoto. "I don't trust her to actually go if she doesn't have someone to make her go."
"Come on, Dad," I said, crossing my arms. "Am I really that bad about my injuries?"
"Yes," Makoto and my Dad said at the same time.
I laughed and shook my head at them.
"Whatever," I said, giving my Dad a hug. "We'll see you later, Dad."
"See you, Shota!" Makoto said as he wrapped an arm around my shoulder and steered me toward Gran's office.
"I'm really fine though," I said, trying to reason with Makoto.
"Your dad told me to take you, so I'm gonna take you," he replied with a laugh.
I grumbled about how Gran was gonna scold me for being an idiot. It was true, but that doesn't mean I want to be told that. Once Makoto decided I had given up on the idea of avoiding Gran's office, he took his arm off of my shoulders and we continued walking toward her office.
"Did you have nightmares again?" Makoto asked. "You usually only lose control during your workouts when that happens."
"Yeah," I said. "It wasn't even that bad, but I guess it had just been so long since I'd had one that it affected me pretty badly."
"Makes sense," he responded. "You know I'm here if you ever want to talk."
"I know."
We made it to Gran's office and walked in. I took my backpack off my shoulder, pulled out the empty pill bottle, and set my bag by the door as we walked in.
"Hey, Gran," I said as I walked over to the bed.
"Hello, Keiko," she said. "Good morning, Saeki."
"Good morning, Recovery Girl," he responded happily.
"Now," she said, turning to me. "What seems to be the problem?"
"Well," I started. "I hurt my wrist pretty badly during my workout this morning. That, and I need a refill."
"Why did you hurt your wrist?" Gran berated. "You know that if you injure your wrists much more, you may lose the ability to use them!"
"I know that, Gran," I said as she took my right arm in her hands, inspecting it. "But I had my first nightmare in a while and it affected me more than I thought it would."
Gran didn't say anything in response, instead focusing on my injury. She kissed it and I felt the pain subside a good amount. There were a few seconds of delay before I felt the fatigue hit me. I stifled a yawn as Gran wrapped my wrist to make sure it actually healed properly. She patted my arm when she was done and I pat her hand in response.
"Thanks, Gran," I said with a smile. "I promise I'll be more careful in the future."
"You better be," she said. "I already have a feeling I'm going to be seeing that Midoriya kid in here a lot. I don't need you in here too." The three of us shared a laugh. "Alright now, you two. Get going. Keiko, I'll have your meds ready by the end of the day."
"Thanks, Gran," I said, hopping off the bed and giving her a hug. "I'll see you later. Love you!"
"Love you too," she responded as she turned back to her computer.
Makoto waved goodbye as I put my blazer back on and grabbed my bag. Saying goodbye one more time, the two of us walked out. We didn't really talk to each other as we headed toward the teachers' lounge to bother some of the teachers again. When we walked into the lounge, we were greeted by Midnight and Present Mic. The two of them were like the crazy aunt and uncle of the family, but we loved them. I made a coffee before the two of us walked over to All Might, hoping to have another conversation with him.
"Ah, if it isn't young Keiko and young Saeki!" he said as we sat down on the couch.
"Hi, All Might," Makoto said. "How are you today?"
"I'm doing alright," he said. "I'll be teaching your class today you know!'
"Really?" I asked, excited about what a class with him would entail. "That's awesome! What will we be doing?"
"Now I can't tell you that, Keiko!" he said with a laugh. "That wouldn't be fair to the other students."
I laughed in response before the three of us continued talking. All Might was quickly becoming one of my favorite teachers to talk to. He had so many interesting stories and experiences and it was a lot of fun to be able to hear all about them. He also gave good advice, which I shouldn't be surprised by I guess. During our conversation, Makoto nudged my arm and nodded toward the clock on the wall. We had about 15 minutes before class started. I nodded and stood up from the couch, grabbing my bag and slinging it over my shoulder.
"Thank you for talking with us," I said to All Might. Makoto and I bowed in thanks.
"Anytime you two," he said with a closed eye smile. "I'll see you later in class."
Makoto and I smiled before saying a general goodbye to everyone in the teachers' lounge and walking out. The coffee that I had in the lounge was starting to kick in and I had more energy in my step. The walk to our classroom was relatively quiet, occasionally one of us cracking a joke that we thought was hilarious. We made it to the classroom and there was a lot of noise on the other side of the closed door. I took a deep breath and gripped my backpack strap tighter.
"Hey," Makoto said softly, getting my attention. "You shouldn't be worried about what they think, especially that Mineta guy."
"Thanks, Mako," I said with a soft smile, loosening my death grip on my bag. He always seemed to know how to calm me down. "What would I do without you?"
"Crash and burn probably," he joked.
"That was a rhetorical question, idiot," I chuckled as I lightly punched Makoto in the shoulder. "Let's go."
He nodded and the grin that was on my face shrank to a small smile as Makoto slid the classroom door open. He gestured for me to walk in first and I did so, but not without rolling my eyes at him first.
"Hey!" The red-haired boy, I think his name is Kirishima, said as soon as I stepped into the classroom. "You're the girl that got the highest score besides Uraraka in the ball toss yesterday!"
"Yeah," I said, rubbing the back of my neck. "Guess that's me."
"Keiko, right?" he asked. I nodded curtly before starting to walk past him. "I'm Eijirou Kirishima! It's nice to meet you!"
He stuck his hand out for me to shake and I took it, offering a very small smile.
"Nice to meet you too," I said in response.
He looked like he was going to say something else, but he was called back to his conversation, and, in his moment of distraction, I quickly walked over to my desk and sat down. I sighed as I put my arms on the desk and laid my head down on them. The coffee could only do so much to help me feel more energetic.
"Are you alright, Koko?" Makoto asked as he turned around in his seat in front of me.
"I'm fine, Mako," I responded. "Just tired. You know I didn't get a lot of sleep last night."
He nodded in understanding and turned back around in his chair, pulling his phone out to mess around on it. I was nearly asleep until Present Mic burst into the room, yelling at full volume. I groaned and tried to bury my head deeper in my arms.
"Come on, Keiko!" he yelled, singling me out. "Look alive! We're talking about grammar today!"
I rolled my eyes as I sat up in my chair and saw everyone's eyes on me. I kept my face blank as I pulled out my notebook so that I could take notes during class, not like I would really need them. English was something I was good at. Thankfully, all of our normal classes went by quickly and as soon as the bell rang, signaling lunchtime, I grabbed my wallet and was out the door. Lunch Rush's food was the best and I couldn't wait to eat.
"Someone's in a hurry," Makoto laughed as he and I quickly walked to the cafeteria.
"You're not one to talk," I pointed out with a smile. "Besides, who wouldn't be in a hurry to eat Lunch Rush's food?"
"You make a good point," he responded.
When we got to the cafeteria, it was still pretty empty because everyone had only just got out of classes. Makoto and I walked up to Lunch Rush and pulled out our student id's to pay.
"Hey you two!" he said cheerfully. "I haven't seen you guys in a while! Welcome!"
"Hi, it's good to see you!" I said with a smile.
"The usual?" he asked.
Makoto and I both nodded vigorously as Lunch Rush turned around to get our meals. When he handed the trays to us, we both went to hand him our id's to pay.
"There's no need for that today," he said, waving our cards away. "Today's meal is on the house!"
"Thank you!" Makoto and I said in unison, bowing before saying goodbye and walking to a table.
The two of us started to eat our lunches, exchanging a few words here and there, when a group of kids from our class came up to our table and sat down with us. I looked up at Makoto with wide eyes and noodles in my mouth as Kirishima, Kaminari, Ashido, and Sero all sat down with us. Makoto looked back at me, looking just as confused as I was.
"Oh, sorry we didn't ask!" Ashido said. "Is it alright if we sit here?"
I gave a tight-lipped smile and nod as I went back to eating my noodles. The four seemed satisfied with this response and relaxed in their seats as they started eating and continued the conversation they were having before. I blocked it out, becoming very interested in my food.
"What do you guys think?" Kirishima asked Makoto and I.
My head snapped up as Makoto asked what they were talking about. Apparently he hadn't been paying attention either.
"What do you guys think we'll be doing in the hero training today?" Kaminari asked excitedly. "I think that we'll be doing some super awesome fights!"
He punched an invisible enemy to show what he meant. I glanced at Makoto out of the corner of my eye and bit back a smile.
"I think we're going to be doing some other quirk assessment thing," Ashido said, taking another bite of her lunch.
"I'm honestly not sure what we're going to be doing," Kirishima said with a laugh.
"I think they're going to pit us against each other to do something like what Mr. Aizawa did yesterday with our quirk assessment," Sero said. "Although I guess that's kind of like Mina's idea."
"So," Ashido said. "What do you two think we'll be doing?"
"I'm not sure," Makoto said, poking his food with his chopsticks. "All I know is that it's gonna be tough and we're going to have to give it our all."
I nodded, agreeing with what he said as I took another bite. I looked back up to see everyone at the table staring at me, waiting to see what I had to say. Swallowing the food I had in my mouth, I put my chopsticks in the empty bowl on my tray.
"I think it's going to be a combination of what you've all said," I said. "But again, I don't know either."
The attention was off of me as the four started talking about who they thought would be teaching us. Ashido and Kirishima thought it would be Dad, but Sero and Kaminari were throwing all sorts of pro hero names out. I listened to their conversation with masked amusement. Once I finished my lunch, I slipped away from the table without them noticing. Makoto followed a few seconds after and the two of us cleaned up our stuff and walked out of the cafeteria.
"So that was... interesting," Makoto said with a small smile.
"You can say that again," I responded.
"You seemed to be friendly with them," he teased. "Already breaking your rule of 'no friends'?"
"Not even close," I scoffed. "Just because I act friendly with someone doesn't mean we're friends."
"Whatever you say."
I shoved Makoto to the side with a laugh and he shoved back, sending me across the hall. I righted myself before I could fall over and laughed as I looked over at Makoto, who had a grin on his face.
"You're a jerk," I joked.
"I know," he responded with that huge smile on his face still.
The two of us joked as we walked down the hall to our classroom. We arrived at the door and walked inside. The room was empty because everyone else was still at lunch. We walked to our seats and sat down, passing the time until class started by playing games on our phones. Everyone started to come back into the classroom and, by the time the bell rang to signal the start of class, everyone was sitting down and ready to learn. We were all excited about what the exercise today would be.
"I AM HERE! Coming through the door like a hero!"
The door to the classroom slammed open to reveal All Might in his Silver Age costume. Everyone started chattering about how awesome it was that All Might was teaching us today and about how cool he was. All Might walked to the front of the classroom and stood at the podium to get class started.
"Welcome to the most important class at UA High!" he said proudly. "Think of it as 'hero-ing' 101! Here you will learn the basics of being a pro, and what it means to fight in the name of good!" Everyone watched him, excitement shining in their eyes. "Let's get into it! Today's lesson will pull no punches!" He pulled a card out of his pocket that said 'battle' on it.
"Fight training!" Bakugo said excitedly.
It makes sense he would be excited about it. His quirk was perfect for battle.
"Real combat?" Midoriya said worriedly.
"But one of the keys of being a hero is," All Might gave a dramatic pause as he pointed to the wall on his right. "Looking good!"
The cases holding our hero costumes came out of the wall and even I was having a hard time containing my excitement. I couldn't wait to put on my hero costume.
"These were designed for you based on your quirk registration forms and the requests you sent in before school started!" All Might explained as the final case finished coming out of the wall.
Everyone started to cheer at the idea of finally being able to do real hero training and wear their costumes.
"Get yourselves suited up and then meet me at Training Ground Beta!" All Might instructed.
"Yes sir!" everyone said in unison.
We all grabbed our cases that had our hero suits and went to the locker rooms where we put them on. The girls were all super excited about their suits, but Uraraka seemed to be a bit self-conscious about how tight-fitting hers was. Seeing her discomfort, I walked up to her as I adjusted my arm bracer.
"What do you think of your suit, Uraraka?" I asked.
She looked at me, surprised that I was even talking to her. I offered a small smile and she grinned in response, loosening up a bit.
"I like it!" she said. "Although I do wish it wasn't so tight."
"I get it," I responded with a small laugh. I started to put my hair up into a ponytail as I continued to talk to her. "But with it being as tight as it is, it'll make it harder for someone to grab you. If you had looser clothing someone might be able to grab a piece of it and that could mean trouble for you."
"You know what? You're right!" Uraraka said, perking up a bit more. "Thanks, Keiko!"
"No problem, Uraraka," I said as I walked away.
I pinned my bangs back as I walked out of the locker room, seeing a few of the boys hanging out in the hall.
"Looking good, Keiko!" Kaminari said, shooting finger guns at me.
I gave him a small smile in thanks as I walked past the group to get to the Training Ground. I met Makoto outside of the building. He turned to me with a smile.
"Look at you!" he said excitedly. "Koko you look so good!"
"Thanks!" I said with a genuine smile. "You look great too!"
"You like the logo?"
I looked at his sweatshirt and saw that he had put the logo I designed for him when we were kids in the middle of his sweatshirt.
"Dude that's awesome!" I said excitedly.
"Nice goggles," he pointed out. "I bet he appreciates that."
My hand went up to my neck where a pair of yellow goggles, identical to Dad's, laid. They helped me see better when I used my quirk to shadow travel and helped me focus when the shadows surrounded me. I smiled as my hand gripped them.
"He actually doesn't know yet," I responded.
"Sneaky, sneaky," Makoto said with a smile.
The two of us started walking toward the training grounds when the rest of our class, all in their hero suits, caught up to us. We all walked to the grounds together and when we went through the entrance to the training ground, All Might was waiting for us.
"They say the clothes make the pros, young ladies and gentlemen," he said. "And behold! You are the proof! Take this to heart: from now on, you are all heroes in training!"
I could almost hear the dramatic music as we walked toward All Might and stopped in front of him, the sun shining down on everyone.
"This is getting me all ramped up!" All Might boomed. "You look so cool! Now, shall we get started? You bunch of newbies!"
Midoriya came out of the entrance after we'd all gotten ourselves lined up in front of All Might. Uraraka immediately went over to him and they started talking. It was easy to see that Midoriya had a crush on Uraraka. I looked to my left and saw Makoto looking at their interaction. I saw something click and I was pretty sure he was going to give up on his interest in pursuing a romantic relationship with Uraraka. Unfortunately, that's the kind of person he is. If he sees someone else that is interested in the same person he is, he'll back off. I'd have to have a chat with him about it later.
"Now that you're ready, it's time for combat training!" All Might boomed.
"Sir," Iida said, raising his hand. "This is the fake city from our entrance exam. Does that mean that we'll be conducting urban battles again?"
"Not quite!" All Might said, holding up two fingers. "I'm going to move you two steps ahead! Most of the villain fights you see on the news take place outside. However, statistically speaking, run-ins with the most dastardly evildoers take place indoors. Think about it! Backroom deals, home invasions, secret underground lairs. Truly intelligent criminals stay hidden in the shadows." All Might stood back up to his full height as he continued talking. "For this training exercise, you're going to be split into teams of good guys and bad guys and fight two on two indoor battles!"
"Isn't this a little advanced?" Asui asked.
I was inclined to agree with her. A lot of the students in this course didn't have much experience with using their quirk in combat, so this could be dangerous for them.
"The best training is what you get on the battlefield!" All Might explained. "But remember, you can't just punch a robot this time. You're dealing with actual people now!"
"Sir," Yaoyorozu started. "Will you be the one deciding who wins?"
"How much can we hurt the other team?" Bakugo asked.
"Do we need to worry about the losers getting expelled like earlier?" Uraraka asked, sounding a little worried.
"Will you be splitting us up based on chance or comparative skill?" Iida asked, his hand raised.
"Isn't this cape tres chic?" Aoyama asked, holding a corner of his sparkly cape up for everyone to see.
"I wasn't finished talking," All Might complained.
We all stood silent as he pulled out a notebook that likely told him what he should say. I let out a small laugh at this, but I also understood that no matter who you are, teaching for the first time must be pretty nerve-wracking.
"Listen up!" he yelled, opening the book. "The situation is this: the villains have hidden a nuclear missile somewhere in their hideout! The heroes must try to foil their plans! To do that, the good guys have to either catch the evildoers or recover the weapon. Likewise, the bad guys succeed if they protect their payload or capture the heroes." All Might pulled a yellow box with the word 'lots' on it. I assumed that's how we would get our teammates. "Time is limited and we'll choose teams by drawing lots!"
"Isn't there a better way?" Iida asked.
"Think about it," Midoriya started. "Pros often have to team up with heroes from other agencies on the spot. So maybe that's the reason we're seeing that here!"
"Yes, I see," Iida said. "Life is a random series of events." He bowed to All Might as he apologized. "Excuse my rudeness!"
"No sweat!" All Might responded.
I have to give it to him, Midoriya's smart. He has an impractical quirk, but he's smart. All Might was about to have people start drawing lots, but then I realized something.
"Wait," I said, raising my hand. "There's an odd number of pairs. One team won't have an opponent to face!"
"Right you are, young Keiko!" All Might boomed. "That's why I'll randomly pick two names to form an extra team so that there will be an opponent for everyone. So be prepared because you may be fighting twice!"
I nodded, satisfied with the answer, and put my hand down.
"Now," All Might started. "Let's draw!"
We all drew lots and I was extremely surprised, but also extremely happy, that I was paired up with Makoto on Team K.
"It's meant to be I guess," he told me when we found out we were on the same team.
I laughed and lightly shoved him.
"Now then!" All Might said. "I'll draw two names to see who will be fighting twice on Team L!"
All Might reached into the box and pulled out two pieces of paper. He set the box down before telling us the names.
"Looks like the two that will be fighting twice are Young Bakugo and Young Kirishima," All Might told us.
After putting all of the teams into boxes labeled Hero and Villain, All Might stood between the two boxes.
"I declare that the first two teams to fight will be," All Might put his hands in the boxes, shuffling them around to find the two teams. He pulled two pieces of paper out. "Teams K and L!"
Makoto and I looked at each other. Looks like we'd be facing off against Bakugo and Kirishima. We already had a good idea of what Bakugo's quirk was, but I don't think either of us had a good idea of Kirishima's quirk or his limits.
"Team K will be our heroes and Team L are the villains," All Might explained.
"Perfect," I heard Bakugo say.
I looked over at him to see him already glaring at me, small explosions popping in his hands. I steeled my gaze as I stared him down and he seemed surprised I wasn't backing down from his intimidation tactic. I looked to my left and saw Makoto with a serious look on his face. He looked at me and we both nodded, acknowledging that we had to win.
"Now, everyone else can head to the monitoring rooms to watch," All Might said.
"Yes sir," everyone said as they walked to the monitoring room.
Once everyone had cleared the street with the exception of the two teams, All Might gave us our instructions.
"Bad guys," he started. "You can go in and get set up. In five minutes, the good guys will be let loose and the battle will start."
"Yes sir," the four of us said.
Bakugo and Kirishima started walking in before Bakugo paused. He stood in front of the door and turned back to Makoto and I.
"Don't think for a second I'm going to go easy on you just because you're a girl," he told me.
"Come on, man," Kirishima said. "That's not very manly of you."
"I would be offended if you did go easy on me," I told him. "So if I catch either of you holding back because I'm a girl." I paused. My stare turned into a cold glare. "I will make you regret it."
Kirishima visibly gulped, clearly intimidated, and Bakugo looked surprised that I had the guts to stand up to him. He scoffed and walked into the building. I let out a breath when they both disappeared into the building and turned to Makoto.
"That was badass," he said.
"Thanks," I responded with a laugh. "Now, we need a plan."
"Your quirk is better suited for combat," Makoto said. "So I think it would be better if you distracted both of them while I find and secure the missile. Unless you've suddenly gained the ability to shadow travel somewhere you can't see, that is."
"That's a negative," I said with a chuckle. "Even if I could, traveling with someone else is extremely taxing and I would be pretty much useless if a fight breaks out."
"Okay, so we're going with my first plan?" he asked.
"Sounds good to me," I responded.
"Alright, villains," I heard All Might say in the earpiece I had been given. "Your five minutes are up! Heroes you may enter the building!"
A/N: So the picture at the top is what Keiko and Makoto's hero costumes look like. The art was done by me, so I own that! I hope you guys liked this chapter and are excited for the next one!
Word Count: 6073 words
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My mum's reactions to 9-1-1 episode 3, Next of Kin
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Opening scene, dad attempts to look cool getting into bouncy house: Mum: "There's a reason adults shouldn't jump around in those."
The wind picks up taking the bouncy house with it: "Oh god it went flying! How strong are the winds in L.A.? Shit!"
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The team arrive, hen and buck rescue the kids from the cliff:  "Oh thank God the kids are fine. Although I wasn't actually expecting them to kill off little kids this isn't game of thrones, sex scenes aren't nearly naked enough." Omg mum 😂
Athena finds May has overdosed: "Probably the scariest thing that a parent could ever go through." These scenes are very hard on my mum.
I don't feel comfortable writing what she says about this part of the episode because of how personal it is.
Chimney pretending to cook take out got made her laugh. Which is good since the last scenes made her cry. Mum already doesn't like Tatiana:
"Why does Chimney lie about his job to his girlfriend? Oh, to impress her that's sad."
Chimney purposes: "Oh no he's not is he, oh dear."
Buck and Hen playing video games at the station: "I used to love watching you and it brother play games together. Until you started fight of course."
She says "fight" like I had a chance against my brother who's been bigger and heavier than me since I was 10 and he was 8. He used to push me off the sofa and sit on my back until I'd give him the controller, the cheat!
Bobby's ranting to Chimney about faking himself for Tatiana: mum nodding along to what Bobby says, "He's right."
Chimney storms off: "That is not going to end well." My mum is clearly psychic 😉
Chimney driving angry down the motorway, dodging cars and overtaking the truck: "There is going to be in an accident isn't he?"
The truck runs straight into the back of Chimney's car: "Ha I knew it." 😅
The team arrive on scene and the camera pans out to show Chimney pinned to his seat with the rebar through his head: Jesus! WTF!? That so gross ugh."
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Chimney's brain surgery: a lot of grossed out noises.
You'd think having been a nurse and career my mum would be unfazed by blood and gore, she's dealt with the care of dead bodies, all the bodily fluids, broken bones and still even small cuts make her squeamish. I'll admit I'm having a lot of fun watching her gross out. I'm evil I know 😈
The families locked in the back of the truck storage unit and slowly dying in the heat: Some very choice swear words. This scene made her (and me) super mad.
Unfortunately last year in the UK around 39 migrants died in a truck like this after being left in an over crowded in an refrigerated trailer, the driver and several others have arrested for 39 counts of manslaughter.
Just the idea someone would leave people to die like that disgusts the both of us so much.
Hen taking down the driver when he tries to make a run for it had my mum cheering.
Abby phones Buck: "Why does he keep picking up on calls? Why doesn't Abby wait until he's not at work. Shouldn't she know it's potentially dangerous for him to get distracted whenever his phone goes off."
This gets me as well, like clearly in this scene he's not in the middle of a rescue but still, I think my mum's point stands.
Abby's brother trying to get her to put their mom in a care facility and abby talking to Carla later about wanting to keep her mum with her: As mentioned before my mum has worked with patients who have Alzheimer's and their families. She doesn't have much to say about Abby and her mum this episode only that both siblings have very valid arguments over their mother's care.
Final scene, the team visiting Chimney at the hospital: After the surgery scene mum's pretty relieved that Chimney didn't die and chokes up a little when Bobby takes Chimney's hand.
Final thoughts: pretty good episode and happy to see that the May and Athena cliffhanger from 1x02 didn't end tragically.
Mum is still pretty excited to keep watching so more reactions to come soon😊
(All GIFs above our my own)
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ask-chef-teruteru · 5 years
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"Oh, you poor dear... I know very well how awful that whole experience is. Bad enough that your mama has some kind of affliction and worser still the thought that it could wind up bein' hereditary too. I understand how difficult things are right now, but you need to wait to hear what the official diagnosis is. Yes, there's the possibility that it could be somethin' on the far bad side of the scale, but there's the possibility it could be minor too. Worryin' over people you love is natural and hoo boy don't I know it ain't easy to just stop, but my best advice right now is to wait and see before you assume the worst. Sometimes the scariest thing is not knowing, and it's my hope that that'll be the case here too.
Try to be there for your mama much as you can, okay? She's probably scared too, and while I don't know the details of her ailment, there's a good chance that she ain't feelin' quite right considerin' I'm assumin' y'all went to the doctor to find out it's a thyroid thing in the first place.
I'm gonna apologize now ahead of time because I'm no expert by any means and what with how the thyroid produces hormones, it can potentially affect different things dependin' on what's wrong and if it's under or over producin' or what the exact deal is.
If her problem is manifestin' as pain, maybe do more help around the house so she has less to take care of herself, run errands for her if you're able, maybe make sure your medicine cabinet is stocked up on painkillers that won't interact negatively with any other meds she might be on.
If it's more of a mental change, just try talkin' it through with her, see how best you can help. Fatigue no matter how much rest she's gettin', depression, absent-mindedness, anxiety-- those can all happen too and it's more of a "different strokes for different folks" type thing when it comes to what will or won't help. Showin' her your support and how much you care is never a bad idea though.
Whether it turns out to be somethin' minor or somethin' scarier though, knowing for sure will get y'all started on a way to deal with it how it needs dealt with. This time beforehand, this not knowin' and bein' scared and not knowing how to go about treatin' it may well be the worst part. Even if it turns out to be on the worse end of the scale, it'll still be better than not knowin'. She'll get prescribed up somethin' to help with whatever symptoms she has, and quite possibly somethin' that'll treat what's wrong so it'll be like she's got no ailment at all.
It may be beneficial for you to get tested too for your own peace of mind, though I think you should keep in mind that it ain't guaranteed to be a thing that'll get passed on to you and even if you technically "have" it, you may never get symptoms for yourself.
Unfortunately, I think that's the best advice I can offer until y'all know more. Until that point, I recommend doin' things you think are fun to try to keep your mind off it because worryin' yourself sick is only gonna make you miserable and won't change a thing. Watch movies, read, play games, draw, write, whatever it is you enjoy. It's okay to be upset and panic a while and cry if you need to, but do your best to try to think positive. Chances are good that it won't be worst case scenario, and even at the very worst, there's still things to do about it once a diagnosis is reached.
I hope that helps you at least a little bit, and I want you to know I'll be here for you if you need to talk, okay? I'd appreciate if you kept me updated, though you don't got to if you don't want to. While thyroid afflictions aren't ones I know much about, I do have experience with havin' very, very dear loved ones who've gotten some bleak diagnoses. If nothin' else, know you ain't alone and I'll help you through this as best I can."
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ongames · 7 years
Trump Wants To Roll Back Birth Control Access. Women Aren't Having It.
function onPlayerReadyVidible(e){'undefined'!=typeof HPTrack&&HPTrack.Vid.Vidible_track(e)}!function(e,i){if(e.vdb_Player){if('object'==typeof commercial_video){var a='',o='m.fwsitesection='+commercial_video.site_and_category;if(a+=o,commercial_video['package']){var c='&m.fwkeyvalues=sponsorship%3D'+commercial_video['package'];a+=c}e.setAttribute('vdb_params',a)}i(e.vdb_Player)}else{var t=arguments.callee;setTimeout(function(){t(e,i)},0)}}(document.getElementById('vidible_1'),onPlayerReadyVidible);
The Trump administration is poised to roll back an Obamacare mandate that requires employers to cover birth control for female employees, according to a draft rule released this week.
Democratic leaders have called the move “sickening.” The American Civil Liberties Union said it would fight the rule in court. And women across the country who have come to count on being able to access a broad range of contraceptive options without a copay were outraged, taking to Twitter to share their personal stories.
Used to pay roughly $1200 a year for the pill. Now I pay nothing. Would love for it to remain the case. *smh* https://t.co/hwRWqPd4xH
— Hugh Madson (@sweet_epiphany) May 31, 2017
ACA meant I could afford my long term implanted bc (implanon!) and let my husband and I focus on paying off our debt before having kids. https://t.co/XVWwEXaRfe
— Meagan Lopez (@MeaganMCrowe) May 31, 2017
HuffPost Women spoke to 12 women about how the Affordable Care Act’s birth control mandate has affected their lives, and the many reasons why they rely on birth control. Here are their powerful stories.
  Alexandra, 31, got an IUD after being raped:
“I wasn’t on birth control when I was raped at 19. It was the scariest six weeks of my life as I waited for my next cycle. I have an IUD now, which I got 10 years after my rape when I was a staff member at Planned Parenthood. I’m on medication to treat several autoimmune disorders and cannot get pregnant. 
Birth control is more than a contraceptive to me; it helped me regain control of my body after someone robbed it from me. I was able to get my IUD covered through the mandate. In three years, when I need a new one put in, I know I will not be able to afford to pay out of pocket. It would be a financial burden, but my Mirena is part of my medical treatment—just like the other medications I take.” —Alexandra Dukat, 31, New York
  Anonymous, 23, needs birth control to help manage her PCOS:
“I have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, which is an endocrine disorder that causes a host of problems, like painful cysts, weight gain, insulin resistance and diabetes, acne, exhaustion, brain fog, vitamin deficiencies, depression, anxiety, and trouble getting pregnant, just to name few. My birth control prescription not only helps keep all of those symptoms at bay, it allowed me to finish a bachelor’s degree in three years because I was able to actually function.
The day that the Obamacare birth control mandate went into effect, I cried at the pharmacy counter. I wasn’t really aware of what was happening ― I was in college, still on my mother’s insurance and was accustomed to forking over $20 of my $100 monthly grocery budget for the pill. It was such a huge relief to know I would be covered at no cost. I am worried now, knowing that as I search for jobs in the post-grad world, that I could wind up in a similar situation ― or worse. I hear people say, ‘Well, you shouldn’t go to work for a company that wouldn’t cover your birth control at 100 percent.’ As if every person in the country gets a million options for employment. As if this won’t turn into a slippery slope of non-religious employers opting out of the mandate just to cut costs.” —Anonymous, 23, Texas
  Danielle, 26, needs birth control to get out of bed and function: 
“I have been on birth control since age 16 due to incredibly painful heavy periods and ovarian cysts. The pain was so terrible that a couple days every month I would be bedridden. The paramedics even had to come to my home because I would often hyperventilate from the electrifying pain and pass out. 
With birth control pills, my pain is almost entirely gone, and so are my cysts. I can participate in life. Birth control lets me rock my career, explore and try new activities and travel the world with my love—plus, I don’t want kids. Not now, not ever.”—Danielle Chandler, 26, California
  Anne, 40, needs her birth control to be covered or she’ll have to have a hysterectomy: 
“I was grateful for the coverage mandate when I began taking birth control pills while undergoing infertility treatment. Before two separate egg retrieval operations, I needed to take the pill to prevent natural egg release. Infertility treatment is extremely expensive, and we were desperate just for that little bit of financial relief. We were already extended, and it was just a bit more that we didn’t have to take out in a loan. 
While our attempts to have a baby were ultimately unsuccessful, my doctor is currently considering birth control pills to help manage an issue with recurring uterine fibroids. Without coverage, I will likely have to resort to a hysterectomy as I cannot afford additional monthly medical expenses.” —Anne Hunter, 40, Illinois
  Katrina, 35, takes birth control to lower her cancer risk:
“I’m a BRCA carrier, like Angelina Jolie, who lives in fear of ovarian cancer. If a pill means that I can lower the chances of meeting the fate of my family members, I want that pill. I took it for 10 years and have also used an IUD. I also recently had my tubes removed. All of my birth control choices, from the pill to surgery, were covered by my insurance. 
The idea that my BRCA mutation, which I may have passed on to my three daughters, could already be considered a preexisting condition is stressful enough without knowing that the one thing that is non-invasive and can help reduce their risk can be taken away as well.” —Katrina, 35, New Jersey
  Kelsey, 24, needs birth control to function and she can’t afford $100 a month:
“I’ve been on birth control since I was in 8th grade. When I got my period, I bled for almost two whole weeks every month and remember having constant spotting. Schools only were allowed to administer so much ibuprofen, Tylenol before I was turned away and was eventually sent home because I couldn’t sit upright in my desk chair.
I’m now 24 years old and have never stopped taking birth control. I have an active sex life with my long-term boyfriend. We are both college grads with crippling amounts of student debt and rely on my birth control being free every month. We don’t want to have to decide between $100 for a prescription or $100 for food for the month. I’m scared. I don’t want my coverage of birth control to disappear. Will I be able to continue working if the unbearable cramps return with the two-week periods? I don’t know—and I don’t want to find out.” —Kelsey, 24, Kansas
  Lynnsey, 25, needs the NuvaRing to manage her endometriosis: 
“I rely on contraceptives to manage my endometriosis. After complications and a surgery to remove an ovary, I’ve finally found a doctor who knows how to keep my symptoms at bay, and that includes taking birth control.
Without the coverage mandate, I wouldn’t be able to afford the medication that prevents my endometriosis from getting worse and damaging other organs. I currently use the NuvaRing, which would cost around $130. I would not be able to swing that much each month.” —Lynnsey, 25, Wisconsin
  Devina, 23, uses birth control because she never wants kids:
“I’m 23 years old and have always known I never wanted kids. The free birth control my employer’s health insurance provides makes that happen. My mother, who was not so fortunate to have easily accessible birth control, had me at a young age and raised me on her own and went through struggles I will never know to ensure she could not only provide a promising future for me, but for herself as well (she got a Ph.D. in math).
With the current contraceptive mandate, I know my reproductive future will go exactly the way I want it to, and that I can stay as happy in life as I am right now. Before, I had to pay a $40 co-pay every month. I could afford that, but other women cannot.” —Devina Alvarado-Rodela, 23, Arizona
  Nicole, 28, worries she won’t be able to afford another IUD: 
“I started taking pills I believe when I was 13 to track my periods and make sure they didn’t interfere with swim meets. My periods meant horrible cramps, so knowing what meets had conflicting dates with my cycle was really, really helpful.
Eventually, I switched to an IUD, which was paid for in full by my insurance. I need to replace it next year, and I’ll admit I’m a little nervous—I’m not sure how much a replacement will run me. My fiance and I have talked about it and I’ve agreed to go back on the pill if that’s more within our price range. While I’m sure we can afford some form of birth control, I’m sad that price might mean limiting some of our options.” —Nicole, 28, Florida
  Anonymous, 23, got better birth control through the ACA:
“I’m young. I work three jobs and can barely make ends meet. Having a baby now would ruin me financially, probably for the rest of my life—not to mention how it would impact that child. I rely on birth control because I don’t think I should have to take a vow of celibacy just because I’m not financially stable yet.
Before the ACA, I was on the cheapest generic birth control I could get—it cost me about $10 a month out of pocket. After the election, I scheduled an appointment to get an IUD and it’s looking more and more like I made the right decision.”—Anonymous, 27, Missouri
  Mandie, 31, needs birth control to help with PMDD:
“I depend on birth control to help with my acne, to combat PMDD (which is an awful, super-sized version of PMS) and to curb cramps. I already pay about $30 a month out-of-pocket on other prescriptions, so it’s really nice that this has been free and available to me. The kind I take isn’t cheap—well over $50 a month without coverage. Without insurance, I’d never be able to afford it.” —Mandie, 31, Wisconsin
  Sarah, 29, already has three kids and doesn’t want another: 
“I choose to use an oral birth control pill because I currently do not want to have another baby (I recently had my third child) and I do not want to get an abortion, though I am pro-choice. I’m fortunate that the contraceptive coverage mandate doesn’t affect me, because my medications are fully covered under military health care. Unfortunately, that is not an option for everyone.” —Sarah Peachey, 29, currently based in Germany 
  Accounts have been edited and condensed. 
-- This feed and its contents are the property of The Huffington Post, and use is subject to our terms. It may be used for personal consumption, but may not be distributed on a website.
Trump Wants To Roll Back Birth Control Access. Women Aren't Having It. published first on http://ift.tt/2lnpciY
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yes-dal456 · 7 years
Trump Wants To Roll Back Birth Control Access. Women Aren't Having It.
//<![CDATA[ function onPlayerReadyVidible(e){'undefined'!=typeof HPTrack&&HPTrack.Vid.Vidible_track(e)}!function(e,i){if(e.vdb_Player){if('object'==typeof commercial_video){var a='',o='m.fwsitesection='+commercial_video.site_and_category;if(a+=o,commercial_video['package']){var c='&m.fwkeyvalues=sponsorship%3D'+commercial_video['package'];a+=c}e.setAttribute('vdb_params',a)}i(e.vdb_Player)}else{var t=arguments.callee;setTimeout(function(){t(e,i)},0)}}(document.getElementById('vidible_1'),onPlayerReadyVidible); //]]>
The Trump administration is poised to roll back an Obamacare mandate that requires employers to cover birth control for female employees, according to a draft rule released this week.
Democratic leaders have called the move “sickening.” The American Civil Liberties Union said it would fight the rule in court. And women across the country who have come to count on being able to access a broad range of contraceptive options without a copay were outraged, taking to Twitter to share their personal stories.
Used to pay roughly $1200 a year for the pill. Now I pay nothing. Would love for it to remain the case. *smh* https://t.co/hwRWqPd4xH
— Hugh Madson (@sweet_epiphany) May 31, 2017
ACA meant I could afford my long term implanted bc (implanon!) and let my husband and I focus on paying off our debt before having kids. https://t.co/XVWwEXaRfe
— Meagan Lopez (@MeaganMCrowe) May 31, 2017
HuffPost Women spoke to 12 women about how the Affordable Care Act’s birth control mandate has affected their lives, and the many reasons why they rely on birth control. Here are their powerful stories.
  Alexandra, 31, got an IUD after being raped:
“I wasn’t on birth control when I was raped at 19. It was the scariest six weeks of my life as I waited for my next cycle. I have an IUD now, which I got 10 years after my rape when I was a staff member at Planned Parenthood. I’m on medication to treat several autoimmune disorders and cannot get pregnant. 
Birth control is more than a contraceptive to me; it helped me regain control of my body after someone robbed it from me. I was able to get my IUD covered through the mandate. In three years, when I need a new one put in, I know I will not be able to afford to pay out of pocket. It would be a financial burden, but my Mirena is part of my medical treatment—just like the other medications I take.” —Alexandra Dukat, 31, New York
  Anonymous, 23, needs birth control to help manage her PCOS:
“I have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, which is an endocrine disorder that causes a host of problems, like painful cysts, weight gain, insulin resistance and diabetes, acne, exhaustion, brain fog, vitamin deficiencies, depression, anxiety, and trouble getting pregnant, just to name few. My birth control prescription not only helps keep all of those symptoms at bay, it allowed me to finish a bachelor’s degree in three years because I was able to actually function.
The day that the Obamacare birth control mandate went into effect, I cried at the pharmacy counter. I wasn’t really aware of what was happening ― I was in college, still on my mother’s insurance and was accustomed to forking over $20 of my $100 monthly grocery budget for the pill. It was such a huge relief to know I would be covered at no cost. I am worried now, knowing that as I search for jobs in the post-grad world, that I could wind up in a similar situation ― or worse. I hear people say, ‘Well, you shouldn’t go to work for a company that wouldn’t cover your birth control at 100 percent.’ As if every person in the country gets a million options for employment. As if this won’t turn into a slippery slope of non-religious employers opting out of the mandate just to cut costs.” —Anonymous, 23, Texas
  Danielle, 26, needs birth control to get out of bed and function: 
“I have been on birth control since age 16 due to incredibly painful heavy periods and ovarian cysts. The pain was so terrible that a couple days every month I would be bedridden. The paramedics even had to come to my home because I would often hyperventilate from the electrifying pain and pass out. 
With birth control pills, my pain is almost entirely gone, and so are my cysts. I can participate in life. Birth control lets me rock my career, explore and try new activities and travel the world with my love—plus, I don’t want kids. Not now, not ever.”—Danielle Chandler, 26, California
  Anne, 40, needs her birth control to be covered or she’ll have to have a hysterectomy: 
“I was grateful for the coverage mandate when I began taking birth control pills while undergoing infertility treatment. Before two separate egg retrieval operations, I needed to take the pill to prevent natural egg release. Infertility treatment is extremely expensive, and we were desperate just for that little bit of financial relief. We were already extended, and it was just a bit more that we didn’t have to take out in a loan. 
While our attempts to have a baby were ultimately unsuccessful, my doctor is currently considering birth control pills to help manage an issue with recurring uterine fibroids. Without coverage, I will likely have to resort to a hysterectomy as I cannot afford additional monthly medical expenses.” —Anne Hunter, 40, Illinois
  Katrina, 35, takes birth control to lower her cancer risk:
“I’m a BRCA carrier, like Angelina Jolie, who lives in fear of ovarian cancer. If a pill means that I can lower the chances of meeting the fate of my family members, I want that pill. I took it for 10 years and have also used an IUD. I also recently had my tubes tied. All of my birth control choices, from the pill to surgery, were covered by my insurance. 
The idea that my BRCA mutation, which I may have passed on to my three daughters, could already be considered a preexisting condition is stressful enough without knowing that the one thing that is non-invasive and can help reduce their risk can be taken away as well.” —Katrina, 35, New Jersey
  Kelsey, 24, needs birth control to function and she can’t afford $100 a month:
“I’ve been on birth control since I was in 8th grade. When I got my period, I bled for almost two whole weeks every month and remember having constant spotting. Schools only were allowed to administer so much ibuprofen, Tylenol before I was turned away and was eventually sent home because I couldn’t sit upright in my desk chair.
I’m now 24 years old and have never stopped taking birth control. I have an active sex life with my long-term boyfriend. We are both college grads with crippling amounts of student debt and rely on my birth control being free every month. We don’t want to have to decide between $100 in a prescription or a $100 of food for the month. I’m scared. I don’t want my coverage of birth control to disappear. Will I be able to continue working if the unbearable cramps return with the two-week periods? I don’t know—and I don’t want to find out.” —Kelsey, 24, Kansas
  Lynnsey, 25, needs the NuvaRing to manage her endometriosis: 
“I rely on contraceptives to manage my endometriosis. After complications and a surgery to remove an ovary, I’ve finally found a doctor who knows how to keep my symptoms at bay, and that includes taking birth control.
Without the coverage mandate, I wouldn’t be able to afford the medication that prevents my endometriosis from getting worse and damaging other organs. I currently use the NuvaRing, which would cost around $130. I would not be able to swing that much each month.” —Lynnsey, 25, Wisconsin
  Devina, 23, uses birth control because she never wants kids:
“I’m 23 years old and have always known I never wanted kids. The free birth control my employer’s health insurance provides makes that happen. My mother, who was not so fortunate to have easily accessible birth control, had me at a young age and raised me on her own and went through struggles I will never know to ensure she could not only provide a promising future for me, but for herself as well (she got a Ph.D. in math).
With the current contraceptive mandate, I know my reproductive future will go exactly the way I want it to, and that I can stay as happy in life as I am right now. Before, I had to pay a $40 co-pay every month. I could afford that, but other women cannot.” —Devina Alvarado-Rodela, 23, Arizona
  Nicole, 28, worries she won’t be able to afford another IUD: 
“I started taking pills I believe when I was 13 to track my periods and make sure they didn’t interfere with swim meets. My periods meant horrible cramps, so knowing what meets had conflicting dates with my cycle was really, really helpful.
Eventually, I switched to an IUD, which was paid for in full by my insurance. I need to replace it next year, and I’ll admit I’m a little nervous—I’m not sure how much a replacement will run me. My fiance and I have talked about it and I’ve agreed to go back on the pill if that’s more within our price range. While I’m sure we can afford some form of birth control, I’m sad that price might mean limiting some of our options.” —Nicole, 28, Florida
  Anonymous, 23, got better birth control through the ACA:
“I’m young. I work three jobs and can barely make ends meet. Having a baby now would ruin me financially, probably for the rest of my life—not to mention how it would impact that child. I rely on birth control because I don’t think I should have to take a vow of celibacy just because I’m not financially stable yet.
Before the ACA, I was on the cheapest generic birth control I could get—it cost me about $10 a month out of pocket. After the election, I scheduled an appointment to get an IUD and it’s looking more and more like I made the right decision.”—Anonymous, 27, Missouri
  Mandie, 31, needs birth control to help with PMDD:
“I depend on birth control to help with my acne, to combat PMDD (which is an awful, super-sized version of PMS) and to curb cramps. I already pay about $30 a month out-of-pocket on other prescriptions, so it’s really nice that this has been free and available to me. The kind I take isn’t cheap—well over $50 a month without coverage. Without insurance, I’d never be able to afford it.” —Mandie, 31, Wisconsin
  Sarah, 29, already has three kids and doesn’t want another: 
“I choose to use an oral birth control pill because I currently do not want to have another baby (I recently had my third child) and I do not want to get an abortion, though I am pro-choice. I’m fortunate that the contraceptive coverage mandate doesn’t affect me, because my medications are fully covered under military health care. Unfortunately, that is not an option for everyone.” —Sarah Peachey, 29, currently based in Germany 
-- This feed and its contents are the property of The Huffington Post, and use is subject to our terms. It may be used for personal consumption, but may not be distributed on a website.
from http://ift.tt/2rv1szV from Blogger http://ift.tt/2rZ5GAf
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