tripleaxeldiaz · 2 days
you’re laughing. marisol didn’t get a kitchen convo or a phone call or an actual break up, she just disappeared, and you’re laughing. i am also laughing. because i thought about it again and it’s fucking hilarious
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feelsforsterek · 2 days
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dangerpronebuddie · 3 days
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We've still got each other, which means we're gonna be okay.
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reachingforaspark · 2 days
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tommykiinard · 2 days
y'all, dumbasses, buck brought up the damn daddy kink, not tommy
tommy matched buck's vulnerability, matched his tone, match even his cadence. and when buck brought it up to lighten the mood, he matched it too
and if you don't see that, then i guess you're not watching the same show, huh
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jackwhiteprophetic · 2 days
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okay okay okay okay
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lvcashael · 2 days
everyone's storyline is so tragic and then buck and tommy's scenes are like yeah we fuck btw. and we fuck nasty too 😭😭
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tommykinard6 · 2 days
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Meme template credit to @leandra-winchester
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bellabrady · 16 hours
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incorrect buddie quotes part idk
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fuck-911 · 2 days
The bucktommy scene being the prelude to buck getting the dicking down of his life immediately followed by eddie fighting for his life while receiving earth-shattering life-atering news about his son
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goldenhand9107 · 2 days
the 118 when Gerrard tells them he's the new captain
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9-1-1-polls · 7 hours
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littlerosetrove · 2 days
Full acknowledgement that this is a first initial reaction, and I am in my Feelings about it. I may change my mind on some of this later, as I’m allowed, but as it stands right now? …..Do these writers even like Eddie? A bit of hyperbole, but hear me out. 
What. Was the POINT. of Eddie cheating with a doppelgänger of his dead wife when, I’m sorry, but it amounted to nothing. Not for Eddie at least. I THOUGHT the point of this soap opera stuff was that Eddie was going to start learning and healing from his trauma surrounding Shannon, but after this episode? That’s not what we got, not that I could tell. Honestly, I feel like Eddie is in the same place with his issues with Shannon if not potentially worse. Like jfc will these writers not allow Eddie, after five years, to move on from Shannon in any way? 
This is TV land, not reality. Things will not play out as they do in the real world. As a viewer this is super frustrating to see this issue be dragged out for five seasons, and what will now be beyond that. I’m sorry, but I’m So Tired of Shannon and Eddie being perpetually on this hamster wheel with her. Unless I’m sorely mistaken, but Eddie has learned nothing and dealt with nothing when it comes to Shannon, and now this show is going to drag it out into a SIXTH season of this particular issue.
The ONLY thing we got from the doppelgänger stuff was a traumatized Chris who, frankly, while he’s allowed to be upset, didn’t talk about WHY he’s even upset, not really. He at the very least said to Buck that he thought his mom was back, but she wasn’t. That’s something, but even that was not relayed to Eddie from Buck. 
So Chris is mad and called his grandparents and is going to stay with them indefinitely??? The writers had No One really communicating when it came to Chris, Eddie, his parents, or even Buck. There was some acknowledgment that Chris needs space, but idk…. Right now this feels like drama for drama's sake. I could have understood Chris wanting space for the summer, but there being no timeline to this??? That’s just unnecessarily cruel to Eddie. 
Bringing Eddie’s parents into this. I’ve seen people say “but Eddie has worked on rebuilding things with his parents, and now it’s all regressing.” That’s only partly true. Eddie has never started to work on his issues with his mom. He only worked on rebuilding something with his dad in season 5. There has been zero work to reconcile with his mom. So Helena was in character for being perfectly fine (happy) to take Chris. She may have not meant it cruelly, but her saying “if Chris forgets anything we’ll buy it for him or replace it” was mean. To me anyway.
The two good things for Eddie this season have been his new friendship with Tommy, and a consistent and strong relationship/friendship with Buck. Other that that this season has just: → made Eddie feel like he’s perpetually failing as a father → Eddie has been given no real closure or growth when it comes to Shannon, not that I could tell → continual mother issues, because Helena was happy to take Chris away from Eddie for an undisclosed amount of time
To break it all down even further, this season gave Eddie a relationship with a woman that, let’s be so for real, was pointless. Marisol was never a character. Eddie may at the very beginning gone into this relationship looking for the “magic” he had with Shannon, but that fizzled real fucking quick. There was nothing to this relationship. More than once Eddie “joked” about breaking up with Marisol, and he clearly showed disinterest in her early on. Then she was kept around to In The Background be cheated on. To tie it up the nothing burger of a relationship, there was a less than 10 second mention of an off screen breakup. Marisol had no weight in all this. Was the point of Marisol to show Chris, again, that “people don’t stick around”? Chris’s commitment issues come from his mom. Perhaps Ana leaving didn’t help matters (although we never got any insight into what Chris felt about that), but so what. We needed a third woman to leave to just compound Chris’s abandonment/commitment issues?? Nah. Just like Buck’s abandonment issues always come back to his parents, so do Chris’s (his mom). That’s the root of the issue, which means that Chris needs to go to therapy about it and Talk to his dad (although Eddie needs a ton of his own therapy first, since Eddie has Still not dealt with his Shannon issues). 
We got Chris in 7x1 maybe starting to work through his issues with his mom. Then we jump to the last episode where now Chris is angry and traumatized at seeing a clone of his mom…. For what purpose? Really. Eddie doesn’t seem to have gotten anything remotely positive out of the doppelgänger stuff, and clearly neither has Chris. So… So what was the point? To just create a rift between Eddie and Chris? To make Chris not trust his dad? Idk, pick a different method, ‘cause this was not it for me. 
When it comes to Eddie the only thing that the mess of the doppelgänger stuff has, apparently, taught Eddie is that when he does anything for himself, it will hurt Chris. Eddie, as far as I can tell, didn’t really get any kind of closure when it comes to Shannon, not based on this episode (7x10). No, instead we just have the recurring theme of Eddie feeling like he’s a failure of a father, and that all he does is hurt Chris. That’s what we’ve been given is Eddie feeling really fucking low, feeling like all his worst fears about himself are true, and now his son is gone for an indefinite amount of time. 
Eddie is left miserable, and for what? Well it damn well better be to build him back up in season 8. I know this is a drama, but come on.  Season 8 better give Eddie the time and respect he deserves. He has so many unresolved issues to work on and work through. - His issues with Shannon because apparently this show is still not fucking done with it. At this point I may accept season 8 starting with Eddie saying he went to therapy (off screen) and has worked through his Shannon issues just so that can be finally put to rest. - Eddie’s massive self worth issues especially when it comes to him being a father. His constant thought - compounded by his mom who has only ever seen Eddie as a failure - that he’s failing as a dad. - Eddie and his mom issues. Will those ever be addressed? - Eddie and Chris will need to rebuild a bridge together and heal. - Eddie is having an identity crisis because he does not even know what he wants (brought up in 7x9). He’s never been given the time or space to think about who he, just Eddie, even is. - Here’s to hoping this show sticks with the hints they’ve given, and that is Eddie going on his own queer journey. It clearly won’t be as smooth sailing as Buck because nothing is ever easy for Eddie.
EDIT: Some will miss this because it's been reblogged, but in short? Um. Eddie had no growth this season... Superb.
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dangerpronebuddie · 3 days
The way the door thing now extends to Christopher is making me super emotional.
The thing about the doors for them is there's always a purpose to show them. Because there are scenes where Buck or Eddie/ Chris are at each other's places without a scene of them showing up.
But we see Eddie bring Chris over after the tsunami, asking Buck to care for his heart again and to assure him he hasn't lost Eddie's trust.
We see Buck opening the door to Eddie's house when he brings him home after the shooting, bringing Eddie home to his heart after the will reveal.
We see Buck not only entering Eddie's house, but breaking down his door- his last defense- during the breakdown.
We see Buck choosing Eddie's space for solace after the lightning.
We see Buck choosing to ask to be let in through the kitchen door, the kitchen where so much love is stored, and Eddie being confused Buck even has to ask. Of course you can come in. You belong here. In my space. In my home. In my heart.
And there's more examples that convey the same message. One is asking to step inside with the other or, if they don't ask, then it shows they know they can step in. It depends on the circumstances.
But extending that to Christopher, and having Buck be the one to try and be let in, is beautiful. And Eddie himself is asking. His heart is locked away from him and he doesn't want to break down the door and get him back. He wants to give Chris whatever he needs, he just wants to know he'll be okay. And he's asking Buck to get that door open. Because he's done it before for Eddie.
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reachingforaspark · 2 days
One thing about Maddie and Chimney is they WILL immediately tell each other everything so don't involve them in your secret missions unless you also want the entire 118 to know. Chief tattletales and I love them for it.
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tommykiinard · 2 days
also btw, it's still on sight when it comes to helena diaz. she was way too eager to take chris away. and while i think chris was acting in character (this is the same kid that dropped a salad bowl on purpose and ubered to buck's when he was mad at eddie), i think the part that sucks the most and made it extra horrible is the fact that helena was too eager to enable it, without any semblance of care on how it'd affect eddie
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