#(don't worry the robot angel is still loved)
iavulture · 2 months
Idk why but I just like Hare of Inaba's regular attack animation
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Also Hare of Inaba (from the Megaten subreddit):
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mrsnancywheeler · 5 months
the lakes (9) // finnick odair x f. reader
summary: it's supposed to be over, you and Finnick are supposed to spend the rest of your lives helping each other heal. living as peacefully as possible, but the the third quarter quell throws a wrench in your domestic bliss.
previous chapter / next chapter
midnight rain
5.1k words
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warnings: angst, fluff, hurt/comfort, lots of violence/death/blood, like a lot of it, it's the hunger games, mentions of starvation and dehydration, injuries, mental illness, self loathing, casual dominance, savior complex Finnick, codependent relationship, reader has trauma relating to being too cold especially being cold + cold water we'll get into it eventually like next chapter, terms of endearment, nudity in a non sexual way, unedited, no use of y/n, Finnick washes readers hair
You woke up too early, there was too much time for your thoughts to run on top of the fact that you'd barely slept at all. Mind full of reminders of the last time you'd been in the arena, how cruel fate was. At least you were still with Finnick, the protection of his arms, surrounded by his love, and you snuggled further into his grasp. Desperate to savor every speck of his being, of the moment before it could be taken away from you. You forced your eyes back shut, who knew how much sleep would be available in the arena, being well-rested could be an advantage. It didn't hit you until you sniffled that you were crying, it felt pathetic, how often you cried.
“I know you're awake." His voice didn't startle you, simply made you intertwine your legs with his even further.
“Don't wanna be." You buried your face in the crook of his neck, somehow even if there was no ocean he'd been swimming in for so long, his scent was still that of saltwater. It comforted you, like the smell of your home when the windows opened in the morning.
“I know, sweet girl." He nodded, arms having wrapped themselves tighter around you. An unspoken fear that if either of you let go it would be the last time. Tears peppered his neck and you already felt like it was lulling you back to sleep.
You weren't sure when your exhausted self had fallen asleep like that, but the next thing you remembered was Finnick softly whispering your name, announcing it was time. You kept your eyes shut and shook your head which broke his heart. Part of your brain reminded you that you volunteered for this, you could have been at home sick with anxiety, but instead you chose to be here.
“Come on, sweet girl, we have too." He whispered, voice so comforting it could have made you fall right back into your sleep. He was hypnotic.
“I can't." It was true, you couldn't have willed your body to move even if you’d wanted to. Your muscles felt like they'd shut down, frozen in place. He didn't push back with an ‘I told you so’ he just began lifting you up from the bed. Your head shook as he moved, “Please, Finnick.”
"Angel, we don't have a choice.” His voice was sad, but definitive. He wiped away the residual tests and tiredness in your eyes from where he'd say you on the bed.
Staring into his soothing eyes helped your stiff muscles loosen somewhat, but shame had begun to take over your brain too. “I'm sorry." You muttered, your voice cracked and was still heavy with sleep.
“It's okay, don't worry about it.” He kissed your forehead, "I've got you, sweet girl, I'll take care of you.” The guilt was almost numbing your body all over again, but it all reactivated when Finnick tried to step away. Instantly grabbing his hand and whining when he'd tried to pull away. “I'm just starting the shower." He reassured, but you didn't let go. So he sighed before resigning himself to it and just picking you up to come with him. He started the shower and put you down.
Maybe it had all finally hit you, the fact that your impending death meant you'd never have these moments with him again, but you felt completely robotic. Your arms felt heavy and you felt lonely the moment he was no longer touching you. Your fingers fumbled as you tried to get undressed in your stupor, but Finnick’s warm hands overtook your own.
“Don't worry about it, angel, I told you I’ll take care of you." You nodded dumbly as he began helping you undress. You'd spent so much time recently trying to prove you could do this you'd forgotten how nice it was to just let him take control, let him take care of you. As he helped you into the shower the warm water made you more tired which he could tell, “I'm going to have to make the water cold to help wake you up, sweet girl, just for a little bit."
You'd mumbled something incoherently probably trying to argue, but you couldn't, you needed your head in the game today. Finnick gave you a second before turning the temperature over to cold, you weren't standing directly in the water, so the residual sprays of water misted your body making you shiver. He cupped his hands under the water, collecting some of it.
“Tilt your head back for me, angel, got to wake you up." You did so and closed your eyes as the icy water hit your face. Although you'd never admit it to him, the water itself wasn't what really was waking you up, well it was in a way. The cold instantly put you back into the arena, the way you'd all been dripping and shaking in the freezing rain for days on end. “You okay?"
You nodded, “Yeah, thank you."
“Awake enough that I can turn the water back?" He smiled softly at you as your hands moved up and down your arms trying to create heat.
“Yes, please." You were grateful when he did, making it burning hot like you preferred. It all made you miss your home in District 4 where it was usually warm outside and the water reflected that, or every time it was cool it was combined with heat. So rarely did the weather and water coincide to be bitingly cold in those cases you just refused to leave the house much to Finnick's chagrin.
He led you into the stream of water, its full heat covering you as he wet your hair. When he was fully satisfied he took his time washing it, hands massaging your scalp. “You know hot water is bad for your hair." He whispered as he washed some fancy shampoo out of it.
“I don't care and don't even think about it." You gave a warning look to him, he had a teasing look in his eyes.
“How am I supposed to let the woman I love damage her hair like this when I'm taking care of her?"
“I'll get out."
“Well we wouldn't want that." You felt so peaceful while he continued washing your hair by the time he was completely finished you felt less robotic and more malleable. Finnick began scrubbing your body clean, who knew how long until you'd be able to do that again, if ever. You soaked up every moment in fear that it could be the last time you went through this routine. He made sure you were sufficiently soapy before rinsing you off and moving onto your face. You didn't even know the names of the various Capitol products, but he did it all with ease. It almost felt unnecessary, the size of your pores didn't matter when you were fighting for your life, but you let him continue. It was calming, made you feel loved, cared for.
“Thank you, Finnick." You said when he finished, pressing a kiss to his lips.
He nodded, “Go dry off, angel, I'll be out soon."
“Don't wanna leave you." Your arms wrapped around him once again as you shook your head.
He kissed the top of your head, “Okay, angel, just stand right there and look pretty.” You took a couple of steps back as he washed himself off too, far enough to avoid most of the residual water spray when he turned the water back to cold as he cleaned his face and hair. Soon enough he was shutting off the shower head and grabbing two towels. He grabbed your hand, helping you out of the shower. “I got this too, my love."
He tied his towel around his waist before he began to dry you off. You were easy to move as he dried your hair as much as he could before sitting you down on the edge of the tub to brush your teeth. It gave you flashbacks, once upon a time you'd been sat here in this exact bathroom, in the same position as he did the same thing for you. It solidified in your mind how you wouldn't be able to live without him, he knew what you needed more than you did. Maybe because he'd dealt with it all himself and no one to do it for him, but he was always there to force you out of bed, take care of yourself, make you eat a meal, go outside, and endless other things that could have slipped your mind in favor of endless sleep. When he was done with your teeth he once again helped you up to spit on the sink and let you lean into his side as he began brushing his own.
“Let's go get you dressed." Without a word he picked you up the moment he was done brushing and brought you back to the room. The clothes didn't matter much when soon enough Cambrie would have you dressed to enter the arena, but you let him dress you in whatever he picked. Once you were both dressed, be kneeled down at the edge of the bed. “How hungry are you?"
"Not really.” But you knew you'd have to eat, the possibility it could be days until you found food again wasn't slim.
"Come on, we're going to have to try to get something in you.” He went to pick you up again.
"You're really sweet, but I can walk.”
"Preserving your energy, angel.” He smirked and held you regardless to bring you out to the table. His chair pulled up right next to yours as he got you a little bit of everything, anything that could keep you full enough for a while in the arena. You ate slowly in a comfortable silence, savoring the food that you might never taste again. In your heart you knew it was the anxiety keeping you from hunger, but you pushed on out of the larger fear of starvation in the Games.
“Good job, angel." He said softly, at first you didn't know why, but then it hit you that he needed you to be properly nourished as a sign you cared about survival. He picked up a peach from a basket on the table and handed it to you which you accepted gratefully.
You'd only relish in its sweetness for a few bites before your designers entered the room.
“It's time to go." Cambrie already sounded weepy, but that wasn't why your heart stopped. Finnick grabbed your hands intently.
“You come find me right away and I'll find you. If anything happens, you scream for me and I'll follow your voice. Don't go trying to save anyone. Please, promise me that." He said soberly, eyes boring into yours to ensure you were fully committed.
"I promise, Finnick." He nodded slowly before wrapping his arms around yours and you melted as his arms got tighter, like he didn't want to let go. He reluctantly pulled away as the two of you stood, leaving the peach on the table. You grabbed his face, kissing him as deeply as you could and he instantly did the same. “I'll see you soon." You mumbled breathlessly.
“I love you so much, you deserve to live, remember that."
"I love you, Finnick.” He kissed you again before you both were forced to get on with it, to enter the arena where the unknown and uncertain lie.
Your heart was pounding in your chest as the platform began to rise, taking one last look at your stylist Cambrie who gave you a sickly sweet smile, she was convinced you would win and talked non-stop about all the benefits she would get if you did. But as the sky came into view you weren't so sure, different advice Finnick had given echoed in your head. How you needed to make your allies trust you, allow your instincts to take over, not freeze, stay logical, be wary of the environment around you, and about feeling guilty later.
Wind hit your face as you rose from the ground, quickly taking note of the environment. There was no sun out, it was cloudy, the ground was extremely muddy where the grasses were, but large chunks of dirty water made up different portions of the area surrounding the Cornucopia. You tilted your head to the side where you could see certain areas had trees, none of which were very green. It was mainly a marshland you concluded with some swamps dispersed throughout. Backpacks of supplies and different weapons lay scattered around the Cornucopia where most of the bounty lay, your allies had already agreed to go for it first thing. Not to hesitate when the gong ran out and to protect each other if someone else tried to attack. You couldn't see Conway from where you stood, but Marlowe wasn't far away on your left, staring intently forward and Birch to your right was looking around like you were. Meeting eyes for a second he just nodded his head.
It felt like the longest minute of your life, but soon enough the last few seconds were on the clock and the adrenaline in your body preparing you to spring forward. There it was, the resounding gong, and you jumped forward. Eyes searching for the closest weapon to defend yourself with. There they were, glistening with water, a few small knives and you lunged for them.
Right as your hands grasped them someone tackled you from behind. You felt your ear wet with mud as you turned over under the body on top of you, slashing your knife into whatever was above you, whatever had hands trying to grasp around your neck. Something warm hit your face as the hands went limp. You wiped your eyes with one hand to see a girl, you were pretty sure she was from District 8 above you. You pulled the blade out, pushing her off of you before scrambling off the ground, grabbing the remainder of the knives. There wasn't time to feel bad, you needed to get to the Cornucopia.
The boy from District 10? 12? Everything was too blurry, you just needed to survive, to get to everyone else. The boy caught your eye, he had a machete and before he could even come towards you with it, one of the knives flew out of your hand straight into his skull. He fell backwards and your brain told you to grab the weapons, keep going. Some small voice told you to stop, how messed up this all was, but your instincts said otherwise.
You finally saw Conway, pulling a spear out of the girl from District 3 you were pretty sure. Suddenly Marlowe was in your view too, picking up a backpack.
“Here!" You heard your own voice, but it didn't feel real and tossed the machete to her which she grabbed with ease.
“Thanks." She said quickly, and then Birch came out of the Cornucopia, bloody hatchet in hand. He had a backpack on and was holding two other ones. Throwing one to you and then Conway.
“We should fill them with what we can find before we clear out.” He said gruffly and you all nodded. You decided to grab an extra backpack as you all walked towards the Cornucopia, grabbing small weapons on the way to fill the bags. Conway and Birch went deeper inside as you and Marlowe looked around, keeping defense.
Thinking about Districts didn't even matter anymore, you could take stock later, one of the boys came at Marlowe with a sickle. You threw a knife into his chest, he took a step back, giving Marlowe enough time to thrust the machete through him. She pulled it out and grabbed the knife for you too, tossing it at you with a nod.
“I think we've got what we need." Conway's voice filled the crisp air. You dumped one of the backpacks contents into the other one, tossing the empty one on the ground before sliding the other one on. Marlowe picked up an ax before muttering something in agreement. As the four of you exited the Career pack approached. The air was tense, but it didn't make you nervous. It would be four against four, there would be no point in attacking now.
All of you kept eye contact as you passed by each other, Birch giving a brisk nod that the boy from District 1, Otto you thought his name was, returned one. So you all walked into an area with more trees, leaving the other pack to whatever was left behind in the Cornucopia.
“Do you think the water’s safe to drink?" Birch asked, looking around at the areas around you.
“It's muddy, it would have to be purified at least." You answered, trying to rub off the mud you could feel drying on your face.
“Who knows what could be inside it." Marlowe remarked, some sort of mutt ready to attack.
“We should sit here and see what we have, make a plan on where to camp and how to hunt." Conway pointed at a clump of rocks. Everyone agreed, it couldn't have been more than an hour yet you were all exhausted. Time was a construct here, they could make it day or night whenever they pleased.
Conway had two spears, a mace, a net, a water bottle, a plastic cover for rain, and some sort of bug spray.
“Oh my god, there's going to be some sort of poisonous bug." Marlowe shook her head.
“Maybe we'll get some more, we'll all share and use it sparingly." Conway said, filling the bag back up. When Birch opened his, you realized the bags weren't the same. You'd expected them too, but there were variations.
“Let's see we've got a hatchet, a sword, a serrated chain, a box of matches, this super small bottle of iodine, a tarp, and a random coil of wire, which I don't think is useful to any of us. Good thing we grabbed more than one bag." He remarked, leaning back on the rock.
Marlowe emptied out hers putting her axe and machete to one side, “A sickle, an empty bottle of water, more bug spray, thankfully, another plastic cover for rain, and these weird glasses.” She played with them in her hands.
“They're for seeing in the dark." You said, hand burrowing in the moss on the rock. “Um I've the throwing knives, a dagger, dried fruit, another bottle of iodine, and an empty bottle of water-” You internally thanked yourself for grabbing two, "Rope, more matches, a compass, and this metal bowl."
Conway nodded, “If we come across any more backpacks we should take them too." What he really meant was if you came across someone to kill them and take their things, but he didn't dare state it aloud.
“We should set up some snares, we can start a fire on the rock, so get some firewood, and fill the water bottles we do have." Marlowe stood up, axe in hand.
“What if someone sees the smoke?" Birch asked, sliding a bit as he stood.
“Then there's four of us and one of them, the Careers won't attack us, not yet. We can use the wire for fish-hooks, see if there's any to catch. I'll make a fishing rod and we can use the net." You filled the bag back up and stood on the muddy ground.
Birch nodded, “Good thinking." He smiled, he had the type of smile that was so infectious it made the most mournful times somewhat happier.
“Let's put on some of the spray first." Conway pulled out the bottle, shaking it. Trying to use it sparsely, save it as long as possible. All of you stayed nearby, but still split for your tasks. You made some rods with stray branches, cut off some of the rope, and wire. Setting them into the mud, if there were some fish you'd set up the net wherever you camped for future meals. Conway had begun filling up the bottles you had and putting in the iodine to purify what you did have. Birch had decided he would set up some snares and borrowed your dagger in case there was something he could kill before it even hit the snares.
Marlowe got done with the firewood the quickest, saying how back in District 7 there were punishments if quotas weren't filled fast enough so she'd been forced to learn how fast she could chop wood since she was a child.
“Caught anything?" She asked, setting down the wood on a tarp to keep it dry.
You shook your head, “No, I'm too worried about whatever poisonous bugs might be here to dig for worms. If Birch catches anything I'll use part of it for bait, I might just throw the net in though."
"Here I found some crickets.” Conway came over, hands cupped.
"Are we sure they're not poisonous?” Marlowe asked as she began setting up the fire.
"Looks like plain old crickets to me.” Conway laughed, grabbing on the rods to stick them on the hooks. Slowly, but surely the fish began coming in. “I'll skin and you keep catching?" He asked, squeezing your shoulder.
You smiled up at him, “Sounds good to me." Marlowe had a fire started the moment everyone was ready, hours had passed by the time you'd caught a good enough share, skinned them, began to cook them, and Birch returned with some rabbits.
“We should eat here and then move to find a different camp before the sun goes down." Marlowe was helping Birch with the rabbits while you cleaned off the knives being used for each thing. You'd eaten much better than you'd expected too, trout and rabbit, plus having water. You hadn't realized how hungry you were until you started. Immediately you began packing up camp, Conway filled up and purified the water bottles again before you all started trekking again. The temperature began to drop and the jacket stopped doing as much as it had been doing before, you all finally stopped at an area with more dense greenery and trees. Laying out the tarps and plastic covers to try for some warmth.
Then there the light was in the sky, time to find out which tributes were dead. Both tributes from District 3, the girl to Conway. You thought of that poor 13 year old boy's family watching their baby die and silently prayed he'd gone quick. No one from 1,2, or 4 which was unsurprising. Birch had killed the boy from 5 and the boy from 6 is the one who'd tried coming at you and Marlowe. That was the female tributes from 5 and 6 still alive plus both District 7 tributes, since they were both with you. The girl from 8 was you, but the male tribute was also dead, probably from one of the Career’s. Both from 9 were dead, both from 10 probably even more from the Careers. 11 was still alive, but you were right about thinking the boy who was going to attack you was from 12, his district partner survived though. 13 tributes left, 11 dead in one day.
Everyone was quiet, solemn. “I'll take first watch." Your shaky voice cut through the night air, after the silence had almost become unbearable.
“Me too." Conway's arms were around your shoulders, he wasn't particularly warm, but it was better than sitting alone. Birch and Marlowe agreed, laying down to get some sleep. You stared at the night sky, there were very few stars in the sky even if you knew they were artificial, it made you even more upset. Nothing would beat the feeling of you and Finnick sitting on the beach at night, staring at the stars over the glistening water as his warmth surrounded you like some sort of shield.
“I'm just going to miss you so much!" Cambrie was bawling onto your shoulder. The Capitol woman who's whole life was ahead of her was crying to you, the one about to be sent to a battle of the death. “I'm going to dedicate a whole fashion line to you, it'll be such a hit." She meant well, she really did and that's what you reminded yourself.
“Including the wedding dress?" If anything it made you want to cry more thinking about how this poor, misguided woman still cared about you so much.
“Oh yes. With a train like you're walking on water and sea foam." She pulled away to blow her nose. “You just have to come back, gorgeous, I'll literally die without you." Ironic. “Maybe they'll be a hologram or something, won't be as good as the real thing, but you're my muse." The sickening part was definitely back, but she raised to be shallow so she was. A voice echoed around the room indicating your need to get on the platform. You hugged her one last time and she kissed you on the cheek, probably leaving trails of pink glitter but at least it was a proper goodbye.
“Thank you, Cambrie. I couldn't have asked for a better designer." You walked over to the platform that closed around you, giving her a soft smile as he waved a goodbye, tears streaking down her slightly purple tinted skin.
Your foot tapped nervously on the platform and you hoped that at the very least it wouldn't be a cold arena. You began moving up, sun, you could see sunlight, that was good, at least you'd have sunshine. The smell of salt air hit your nostrils and it shocked you, a smell you were pretty sure would be left at home was right here. If you died, you'd die knowing that wasn't the last time you were one with the salty waters. When you were finally all the way up you looked around anxiously, it was water, clear, seawater you had to swim to get to the Cornucopia or the rows of rocks that you could walk on. Jungle was on the other side of the beaches, but there were beaches that felt almost too good to be true, like it was perfect for District 4. The sun cut in the way of your vision making it nearly impossible to make out faces, but you couldn't find Finnick. You took some deep breaths, preparing to dive the moment the gong rang out. He'd go straight to the Cornucopia and try to find Katniss so you'd do the same.
The instant the gong let out you'd dived in, having eyed the nearest part of land so you could try and make the quickest swim there. It didn't take long and you were hoisting yourself on the rocks. Running forwards to the shiny structure where he had to be. A hand from the side grabbed your leg and you tried to kick it off, “Finnick!" You shouted as the person attached to the hand emerged from the side of the rocks, pulling you down. He was from District 9, a lot older, but he was still much stronger. Brute strength had never been on yours side, but you could tell it was on his. “Finnick, Finnick!" You screamed, trying to kick the man off of his. His hands grabbed your shoulders harshly before punishing them back, head roughly hitting the rocks. It was dizzying, your head felt like it was literally spinning and your nose made it feel like you were drowning. Hands flew up, your vision was somewhat blurry, but last time you'd been in this position you'd taken out Conway’s eye. Even if that kept you up at night, you could do it again. “Finnick!" Scratching at the man's face seemed to be doing very little besides delaying him as he tried to bat away your hands. Then he was coughing, sputtering blood all over your face the shock he seemed to be going through gave you an opportunity to kick him off of you, his weight on you made it a struggle but the adrenaline forced you to persist. He fell flat when you did escape and then you saw the axe in his back. You looked up, Johanna was headed your way.
You wanted to say thank you, but you felt somewhat frozen, your mouth tasted like iron, and she was somewhat blurry. “He's over in the Cornucopia, with Katniss." She said, tearing her ax out of the man’s back. Her eyes found Wiress and she went to get her, mostly because according to Haymitch it was her way in with Katniss, she'd only take Johanna if she'd saved who Katniss wanted.
Your hands went to wipe your face and there was more blood on your hands then anticipated then it hit you that your nose was bleeding, the shock hadn't allowed you to initially realize, but you probably looked like a mess of free falling blood. “Finnick!" You yelled, your head ached as you kept running forward. Through the ringing that had begun in your ears you could faintly hear your name being called. You finally caught sight of him running towards you, a seemingly reluctant Katniss behind him.
“What happened?" He asked, wiping some of the blood off of your face.
“Nine, Johanna just saved my life." Your mouth felt like it was filling with the blood as you wiped your face again.
“Well, I'll have to thank her sometime." Finnick smiled even though you could tell he was still concerned, so were you, the pounding in your head still hadn't gone away. “Here." He slid three small knives into your palm, “Grabbed them when I was in there for you, angel."
“Thank you." He quickly kissed you, getting his own lips getting smeared with blood. There were no complaints as he wiped it off and turned back to Katniss.
“Peeta! Peeta!" She was looking around frantically.
“Found him! Over here!" Finnick shouted, handing you his trident as he dived into the waters where Peeta was struggling to stay afloat. Katniss ran over as Finnick brought Peeta back to the shore.
“Peeta!" She helped pull him up and you all paused a moment as he gained balance. You handed Finnick back his trident. The ebbing pain in your head was finally seeming to lessen.
“Let's head out this way." Finnick said, arm around you as he began walking forward. Gloss, Cashmere, Brutus, and Enobaria continued on with their Bloodbath as your group made its way onto the beach and into the jungle. There were no supplies waiting around this time, you supposed they weren't intending for this to be a long enough game to need a survival kit just weapons. It felt safer though, you had Finnick, warm, protective, hovering Finnick. There would be no need to imagine the times you had with him when he was right there even if the plan was dangerous enough to get you both executed regardless of what happened in the arena.
thank you so much for reading I was so excited to write this one, but I've been pretty busy so it took me a while to get finished but I'm so glad I did. thank you all for the feedback and support, if you enjoyed it let me know comments, likes, reblogs are all much appreciated and my ask box is always open. 💋
taglist: @imaegonstargaryenswife0 @avoxrising @artsyaquarium @jennaaaaaaaaaaaa @secretsicanthideanymore @darlingsoulbeautfulthoughts @thatonegayloser616 @kybermp3 @meri-soni-meri-tamanna @ravensinthedaylight @innercreationflower @uhnanix @aesthetic0cherryblossom @yourdailymemedelivery @ang3lflor @maxinehufflepuffprincess @prettybiching @miserablebl00d @wowzabowza69
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mysticalrosemary · 6 months
ᕱ⑅ᕱ how to make subliminals ? <3
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- Apps that you need
▪︎ Capcut (to edit the videos)
▪︎ T2s (or any Text to Speech app)
▪︎ Pinterest (for your thumbnail, editing materials)
▪︎ Notes app (to write benefits and affirmations)
STEP 1 : write the benefits
☆ okay for this very first it's honestly simple. just go to your notes app in your phone pick out a topic and just write on the benefits first.
for example you pick the topic "Clear Skin"
benefits :
- always clear skin
- glass like clear skin
- skin free from acne , pimples , blemishes etc
and yk wtv you want to add go crazy !!!
STEP 2 : write the affs
☆ you're still gonna use the notes app for this. now go to a new file/new note and start typing out the. affirmations. For example
- I have clear skin
- My skin is naturally clear
- I love how clear my skin is
- I get so many compliments on my clear skin
NOTE : there is no such thing as powerful affirmations and not powerful affirmations. a normal affirmations itself is already a powerful tool to help manifest your desires. don't worry about writing complex , "aesthetically pleasing" affirmations. write what you want and what suits you the best.
STEP 3 : text to speech
☆ there are thousands of apps for this personally I use T2s cause I find it more convenient to use and sometimes if I am feeling extra I will record the affirmations using my own voice in capcut.
🙋‍♀️ : What's the difference between using a robot voice and your own voice ?
Ah now honestly speaking there isn't much of a difference it's just that using your own voice you can make it sound more human. With all those AI voice generators now you can literally use your favourite celebrities voices.
Another perk of using your own voice is that you are literally conveying your emotions to it so if you are just generally feeling any kind of positive emotion during that it will convey to your listeners and will make the subliminal xtra effective.
Do remember that not many will believe that statement and all subliminals WORK THE SAME. At the end of the day it is YOU who is going manifest YOUR desires.
Anyways continuing....
So basically you go to the app , copy and paste your affirmations. You can go to the settings and set to however you wish and then just download it.
STEP 4 : editing materials
☆ you're probs gonna wanna add some edits or aesthetic pictures in your sub right? and where are we going for that? Yep PINTEREST.
just search up for example "angel aesthetic" and you're gonna get TONS of pictures that you can use for your thumbnails and videos.
Once again you don't need to make your videos aesthetically pleasing for others. If you want to go for it but don't feel the need to do it. All subliminals are the same no matter how it is edited. Don't feel the need to satisfy others hun <3
STEP 5 : all together
☆ this is where our bestie capcut makes an appearance. go to capcut. click new project, add your picture/video you want to use. go to audios and add in your affirmation tape.
i personally usually lower the volume from 2 - 5 because I don't prefer hearing the affirmations while listening to the audio but that is of course up to you however you want to do it. Speeding up also I either keep it at 1.0x or speed it up 1.5x.
For the asmr you can use https://youtu.be/FfXD3RBMW-Y?si=Q0wLF39Mn8Q9YZx4 their asmrs it's the best !!
if you want a rain sound you can just search it up
and that's pretty much it.
if you have any questions don't hesitate to dm me !
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Hello there! I've been reading through your works and i love how you write Sunday!!
If your requests are open, I wanted to ask something that takes place at the end of the 2.2 quest so if you haven't done it yet, no worries, you can just ignore this ask!
But if you have played through it… I started thinking about nameless! reader on that stage of the theatre, you know the one where MC and Sunday (who's in that gigantic robot) have that exchange "why does life slumber?" "Because… someday… we'll all wake up from our dreams!" "😮") and then the robot with Sunday inside starts falling off the suspended stage etc.
So, I started thinking about nameless! reader starting to weep, while the everyone else (I think it was the full express crew?) is still on that stage, because of everything that happened. Like sure everyone was exhausted and all that unfolded so far probably took a toll on them, so breaking down after everything is done is normal but for reader there's also something else as they see Sunday fall down (I guess figuratively, too) and regain lucidity after the madness he went through (partially related, but i read someone saying that Sunday ended up being controlled by Ena the Order just like how it happened eras ago before her fall and people exulted that she finally fell and the controlling order was no more).
Omg I'm sorry for the long ask 😅 if you even just read through it I'll be happy. Have a wonderful dayyy
Thank you for the ask!! Also, nuh uh don't apologize for yapping im a long text lover this made my day (stay yapping pooks) also out of topic but I love the way you described the last cutscene
Alright im sorry if I interpret this wrong but I think it's obvious the cause would be a feeling of empathy. So first maybe you're someone who's view is similar to that of Robin in which no matter how low a point gets as long as you're alive you'll still be able to get back up and be better. I hope I phrased it right but basically it's hopeful. Even after seeing this guy through his peak madness, his lowest point, something in you hopes for him to get a good ending. For the siblings to finally fly together and thus seeing him just fall like that, basically him giving up and accepting that he'll never be any better than this, you can't help but feel sad for this guy.
Not to mention the fact that after the whole grand theatre incident, Sunday was not only wanted but also missing (if I remember correctly, sry if im wrong) and you can't help but feel even worse as you see Robin desperate to get any info on his wellbeing. How even after all that, the siblings are yet again grieving. Their dream still far from their reach. The thought alone clouds your brain with nothing but sorrow as you cried for them.
Option two is something I thought about more is imagine you absolutely resonating with him. As he goes on with ideology and beliefs ("Everyday should be Sunday" -Sunday Oak) no matter how dehumanizing or flat out baffling they may be a small part of you agrees with him because you yourself have been in that situation, you once believed in the things he's saying, you were once in his position. But unlike Sunday, you've grown to take on a better mindset. Maybe your journeys as a nameless has helped you become a better person. Not immediately but that's alright, in the end you've made way bigger of a progress from what you started out as.
It's mostly the same as the first but this time it hits harder because it's not some baseless optimism. You yourself are a living proof of it. You can't help but feel guilty. But why? Just the sole fact that you both experienced a similar misery but ended with two endings that are opposite to one another makes you feel sorta crappy for simply being happy.
Both end with you praying to whichever Aeon hears your pleas as you wish mercy upon a fallen angel.
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r0-boat · 7 months
Hello! I hope ur well. I’m abit new to Tumblr and stumbled across ur blog because the Submas content :3.
If you still do requests rn, and something ur comfy with, could I ask for Self Aware AU Ingo discovering his newfound consciousness interacting with reader who play Pokémon Masters? Maybe the reader struggles with self-esteem/depression and Ingo comforts them completely by surprise after a rough day? (Sorry it’s a mouthful to read lol, I appreciate ya!)
-🪴 anon
😭 ingo just wanting to comfort you.
Self aware Ingo x depressed!reader
Hi, just a little reminder before we get started here: if you're ever feeling thoughts of self-esteem or issues with depression, please know that you are loved, and you are beautiful on the inside and out! Make sure you eat a snack and drink some water while reading this.
If this ever made your day even a little bit better, then I did my job, and thank you for reading!
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He didn't know when or how he gained consciousness. All he remembered was the first thing he saw when he "woke up" familiar faces in a usual place, the calm music that the Pokemon Center plays every night. Pokemon was standing right next to him, but as his eyes looked forward into what he perceived was a giant portal created by Palkia and Dialga themselves. And a smiling face looking down upon the world he inhabited.
He had thought you were one of Arceus's angels, and this was about a dream, but soon, he had realized that only half was the case.
It all seemed to click who you were. You are not some dead fish-eyed child with a robotic Pikachu like what this world had portrayed you as no far from; instead of that kid with the permanent smile, you always seem to have a tired look on your face with either a small half-smile or a Blank Stare. But to Ingo, he always preferred to you behind the screen. Even when you were no longer watching the world, he could still hear your faint voice going about your day. You seemed more lively and more human than the blank slated avatar they gave you. How could he not be drawn to you even though you seem so sad? Your eyes and your being just seem so full of life that he felt an urge to protect and care for you.
Even though the fake Island had tons of people and, he felt more alone than he ever did, especially when he realized he was the only one different from the rest. He can't help but respond to every little question or reaction in his head, afraid of what you might do if he ever breaks away from the game's script.
But on a particular day that was a rough one for you mentally and physically, when Ingo saw you opening up the app instead of that same expression, your eyes were red from crying. No, you were still crying. His heart sank. If he could, if he could touch you, he would hold you close and Whisper nothing but good things in your ear until you calm down, but he can't do that. He couldn't do anything!! He felt sick with worry as he watched you cry, your lip quivering as you vent to yourself, saying the most horrible things about yourself !! And for a moment, he threw away his worries of the consequences.
" Are you okay?"
A simple three-letter sentence that made you freeze; your heart's practically stopped as you didn't know that you were being watched. It took you a while for your brain to process who the voice was coming from, looking down at your phone to see your favorite character stare back. Huh... Odd you didn't know he had that line before.... and not only that, you didn't remember clicking on him. Usually, characters say their lines after you click on them, yet you don't even touch them. As you were Gathering your thoughts, Ingo spoke again.
" I truly wish I could wipe away those tears, I regretfully can't do much but if it helps tell me about your day and I'll listen."
Ingo speaks again... no text box appears; nothing; he just talked to you, mentioning your crying. In that first moment, you didn't know how you felt. Your favorite character coming to life and talking to you was almost a dream come true, but the thought just seemed so impossible and unrealistic that you doubted the fact that you were awake. And your feelings are already all over the place, having no one to turn to, no one to comfort you, craving that comfort, your heart exploded. You can't stop the tears rolling down your face, even if is just a dream; what a beautiful dream it is.
"I-i don't know." You stuttered you were far too gone to even articulate what you are feeling all your emotions swelling for the past month or two bubbling up into a mess of emotion. You want us to tell him tell him that your day was crap tell him how crappy you looked right now tell him that he can't believe he saw you like this that your first meeting with your favorite character your favorite person in the world was like this red in the face tears falling from your red and puffy eyes.
But Ingo did not seem fazed; he was not disgusted, he was not angry at you. He understood if he was there if he wasn't trapped behind the screen, he would have wished you in his arms and laid his lips on your forehead. He knew how you felt; he listened to your angry ramblings about yourself; he listened to the times people had treated you like you were less than human or misused your kindness, manipulated and used you for their own gain. He wanted to hold you close, make you something you like, and tell you that the word you know about yourself is not true; he wanted to tell you how much you mean to him and how nice and loving you are, how kind and thoughtful and how gorgeous you were. Those people who mistreated you are not good people, and you deserve to be respected, you deserve happiness, and you deserve to be loved.
You deserve to be told that you're beautiful every day, to be made breakfast in bed and kissed at every waking moment. Because that's what he would do for you; that's what his heart ached for him to do.
But he did what he could do which was listen to your broken sobs as you pour your heart out.
" It sounds like you had quite a day... I wish I could do more than just listen and speak to you, but what I can do is tell you what the things you say about yourself is not true... and I wish you could see yourself the way I see you. Could you stay with me for a while? I wish to talk to you, and we start from the beginning, shall we? Now, my dear, please tell me what's bothering you and wipe away those tears. Pretend that it's my fingers swiping across your eyes."
His voice, usually loud and booming, was surprisingly soft, warm, and welcoming. From his calming voice to your Outburst earlier, you felt your heart slow down and your tears dry as you wipe them from your face; those steel gray eyes light up for a moment when he sees just a piece of a smile flicker on your lips.
" there's that smile~"
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ultrawesmess · 21 days
Amphibia AU where Anne notices Andrias attempting to attack Marcy, her powers flare back up long enough her to push Marcy out of the way and into the portal, taking the blow for her while Marcy and the Plantars are warped back to Los Angeles.
• Before the portal warps Marcy back instead of the "I-I'm sorry... for everything." that Marcy gives, Anne tries to comfort Marcy, saying "D-Don't worry, M-Mar-Mar... I probably w-would have done the s-same if I had to be separated from y-y-you and Sash...".
• While back in Willow Brooke, Marcy can't bare to confront her parents so she decides to stay with the Boonchuys. Obviously, after she explains why she ran away and her need to get everyone back home, they let her and the Plantars stay as long as they need. Marcy tells them about Amphibia but, like Anne, leaves out the parts about the evil king....... and the fact that she saw their daughter get stabbed through the torso and possibly die... instead she lies that Anne is still perfectly fine back in Wartwood.
• Marcy is more angsty about this whole thing than Anne appeared to be in canon. Made even worse by the fact that every time she sees the people she now lives with, she is reminded that her cowardice cost them the most important person in their families. She also finds being the only one of her friends to make it back to the place that she tried so hard to run away from as a form of twisted irony. A cosmic punishment for tampering with a mystical artifact that was far beyond her understanding, leading to her friends and their loved ones paying the price for it.
•A lot of the same plot beats still happen such as Fight at the Museum, Fixing Frobo, If You Give A Frog A Cookie, and Mr. X but episodes such as Thai Feud and Temple Frogs don't due to Marcy obviously not having the same familial bonds as Anne and Adventures in Catsitting due to The Boonchuys being unable to schedule a dentist's appointment for a child that is not under their legal guardianship.
• Marcy wears her blue Newtopian cloak even with her casual clothing just in case she sees her parents and needs to hide her face from them under her hood so they don't recognize her. (There is a running gag through season 3 where she has to make sure she doesn't stand under any sprinklers in case her cloak spontaneously combusts.)
• Back in Amphibia, The Core, now no longer having Marcy, decides to take Anne. Now calling themself Dianne, they use Anne not for her mind... but instead for her power and to use it for it's namesake.............. to bring about Calamity.
• Andrias still sends out the Assassin bot to Willow Brooke to kill Marcy and the Plantars in order to tie up any loose ends in his plans.
• Marcy's Calamity powers awaken while protecting the Plantars in the Supermarket and finds that her powers allow her to use magic though the use of any staff-like object. In this case, a metal pipe in the storage freezer that she was going to use to bash in the robot's head, and summons a blast of energy that sends the Assassin bot packing. Marcy later buys a foldable walking staff from a drug store and carries it around in her satchel in case of "Magical Girl emergencies" as she calls them. (Her powers are an homage to Matt's original idea for Marcy to be a sorceress.)
• In this version of Anne-sterminator, it's laundry day and since Marcy can't go back to her house to grab clean clothes, she has to wear some of Anne's, namely her iconic St. James Middle School uniform. When the Assassin bot comes to kill Marcy, it sees Marcy in Anne's clothes and gets confused allowing everyone time to escape. In the junkyard, Marcy whips out her staff and uses her Calamity powers to cast an Anti-gravity spell on the Assassin bot, launching it into orbit where it's bomb detonates. Marcy finally has to come clean about Andrias and what happened to Anne. While the Boonchuys are devastated about Anne, they know that Anne would have wanted to get the Plantars and Sasha back home and use that as motivation to keep going.
• While in The Core, Anne's Fantasy world is one where Amphibia and Earth are merged into one. (A tongue in cheek mocking of Star vs' ending) She gets sus when she notices everyone acting off. When Anne calls bull on the whole thing, The Core leaves her in the darkness with only the light of her phone containing her real memories to keep her company.
• During The Core's invasion, Dianne uses Anne's Calamity powers in their fight against Sasha making it far more of a brutal beat-down than a proper 1v1. When Grime sacrifices himself, it causes Sasha's Calamity powers to awaken, making it a fair fight.
• While battling Andrias, when Marcy starts running low on Calamity juice, Andrias starts mocking her. Telling her that "If she wants to, he'll gladly let her use the music box to take her to another world where she can run away from her problems.... again." and this, along with the Boonchuys playing "As If It's Your Last" by Blackpink over the city's loudspeakers to remind Marcy that she's doing all this for Anne leads to an epic tear filled "I'm... Done... Running..." as she twirls her staff around, her powers flare back up, and she gets her second wind.
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miss-nandini · 7 months
May I request angst with Idia x f!reader? Like taking place after his overblot? Idia distances himself from reader because he hurt her during the fight? And when reader confronts him about how distant he has been in their relationship they end up arguing and he yells that he is afraid of losing her the same way he lost Ortho? Happy ending please! I love angsts with happy endings 😭😭🖤🖤🖤
A/N: Hey there! I hope you are doing well. Yes, you are absolutely correct. Happy endings are lovely 💜💜💜
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I don't want to lose you! (F! Reader)
This anguished love,
This flawed love...
Idia Shroud, the super introverted depressed genius and a strange otaku guy. He is a weird one indeed, Idia who holes himself him in his room for weeks, Idia who has only one friend—that friend is a robot HE made. Ortho is his everything. It's hard to understand him. Barely anyone can get along with him, yet... why didn't you give up on him?
You are (Y/N) (L/N), brighter than the sunlight, so soft, so kind, so beautiful, so understanding. Are you even human? In his eyes, you should rank higher than an angel.
He doesn't deserve you—he never did and he never will, not after he almost killed you. Sure, you are still alive, sure you still clean up after your troublemaker friends, sure you are trying to talk to him— why are you even trying?
He is a stranger (Y/N)! You two only know each other because STYX messed up! No, just playing multi-player games online doesn't count. Sure, you two got closer over time, but that is still no excuse!
You thought otherwise. Maybe that's exactly why you were banging on your upper-class man's door for the past few minutes.
"Idia, please! You have to talk to me! I'm not going anywhere until you open this door."
Idia suppressed a long sigh. He could already feel a headache coming in. Must you be so persistent? Do you really want the whole Ignihyde dorm to find out about this?
After another moment, he finally climbed down from his bed and opened the door. You stepped in and he was greeted with a tight hug.
"Thank goodness! I was so worried!!" You exclaimed.
He almost pushed you away from him. The frown on his face clearly stated the he didn't want to hear any pep-talk. "You should go prefect. I don't want to worry your friends. Didn't you say Vil asked for your help or something?"
He tried to dodge the inevitable conversation. But, you weren't fooled by it.
"Idia, why are you being like this? Did I do something wrong?"
"I doubt that."
"Then, did I say something offensive?"
"Do you ever do that?"
"Idia, please just tell me what's wrong!"
"You are asking me what is wrong?! Ask what is not wrong instead. I almost killed everyone. I almost killed YOU and you are asking me what's wrong?! Everything is wrong with me, (Y/N)! I am horrible from my core. Why can't you see it?! Stop trying already! I don't need your pity!!"
"Pity?! Are you serious right now? I'm in no position to pity anyone, Idia! We all make mistakes. We all do shit we are not proud of. That makes all of us horrible, no?"
"Stop... (Y/N)..."
"No, I will say this only once, so Idia Shroud; hear me out carefully. You either man up and solve your problems—get a happy life with your loved ones, or run away from your problems, destroy yourself and your loved ones in the process. YOU have to be your savior, YOU have to be your salvation. If you cannot save yourself then nobody else can. If you cannot love yourself first then you can't love anyone else. In this path you are not alone, Idia, so make your choice. Your choice can either save or break everything you built with your blood, sweat and tears."
"Why... do you keep dragging me towards the impossible...? I don't want to lose you (Y/N)... I don't want to lose you like I lost Ortho..."
There it was. His feelings were out in the open. Idia kept stepping closer to you until your noses were almost touching. "So, please (Y/N)... go away. You can live happily without me..."
He couldn't stop his eyes from becoming a pathetic pool of tears. You make him feel things he didn't know he could feel. But, you are like a shooting star. He is only going to hold you down. Don't worry, he can watch you from afar like he always does.
"No... I won't. Not now... not ever..."
You cupped his face and leaned closer until your forehead touched his. "Stop telling me to go... my happiness is here, with you..."
"Are you sure...?"
He pulled you closer. For once, he wasn't afraid of affection.
"More than you can imagine..."
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marivoid · 27 days
Entry 34
Day 228
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Since the Angel won't be in for a few days, I decided that I would find a "Nook in the Wall" so to speak. Small shops that are hidden to the normal eye and one has to go out of their way to find it. Something that the people back in my G.U.I.D.E. used to speak so much about.
I was hoping to find one of these mysterious hidden shops.
And find it I did. Well. Actually, my growling stomach did.
As I sit here writing this update from a very comfy seat in a small bakery, I have a few things to update. One, apparently there are people that are not mortal. Two... Brian is a surprisingly good lookout.
When I first got here, I was greeted by a cozy little bakery. I hadn't seen a bakery since... Well, not important to today. As I made my way along, just enjoying myself and the sight of the bakery, a woman shouted at me over a tiny, head sized square in the wooden wall.
"Be right out there, Love! My pin's being downright awful at the moment!"
And by pin... She meant a rolling pin with one of its handles broken clean off.
But I will not lie. When I saw this woman... Something about her threw me off. At a brief glance, this woman looks kind! Like an absolute sweetheart of a woman, working her bum off every day for her bakery. But... Goodness, it's something I can't explain. Her eyes seem to be too perfect, her face too symmetrical when staring at her head on, her ears are so long and pointy... And the massive wings on her back.
Apparently people can have REAL wings. The Crashlands get even more interesting every day. And of course, she wasn't complete without an odd mechanical crow clinging to her shoulder.
"What can I get for you? Got some scones, a few donuts if you got an itchen for something sweet! Or something salty? I got scavengers in a tarp if you want some of those!" Her voice was heavily accented with a dialect from a VERY old ago. (I think Australian? I can't remember, those text books were aged ago. And I think scavengers in a tarp are like pigs in a blanket, but... I didn't ask to find out.)
"I guess just a scone would do? Something small and... I think..." I kept getting distracted by that haunting blue eye. "Your crow seems... Friendly." (I did not think he was friendly. At all.)
"What do you mean?" Her head had whipped around to glare at the robotic Crow, shooting him a look of some kind. (I think I was still dealing with the fact that this woman's whole head could turn on a DIME!) "Ohhh! Brian! He ain't nothing but all beak, no talons." She had assured me her head flipped right back around to look at him. "Now, back to what you were ordering?"
"A scone would be nice and if you have it, coffee? I haven't had a cup in forever." (It had been nearly a year at the time of me writing this. Coffee is not easy to come by!)
"Alright, love. Go ahead and take a seat, I'll call for you when you're ready. Could I get your name for the order?"
I nearly gave it to her. It seemed so simple. Just to give a little name. But there was that odd feeling again. Something just didn't feel right. Like there was a second meaning behind those brown eyes of hers.
"Just 67 works. You know how names are in the Crashlands! Never give em if you don't ever see em again!"
Her eyes lingered on me a bit too long but she did eventually nod and get to work gathering the items. I ducked away to a table after a few customers stumbled on through and waited for a bit. It was just nice to sit down for once and enjoy the smell of baked goods and not need to worry about acid rain or Stranglers trying to get me.
However... That peace did not last long.
That mechanical crow came straight over to me. Piercing blue eyes constantly staring at me.
"... Hello, Brian. Um... Pretty bird wants a cookie? No, crows can't eat cookies can they? Uhm... Don't know about scones. Maybe? You are a robot."
A robotic caw. Small, scratchy, definitely not right. Like a broken voice box.
"Well... That is no good. Voice box going a little haywire? Hold on a minute." I'm still ever so grateful I'm a collector of most things that are considered "junk." Because what did I happen to find in my bag?
Three different voice boxes, ranging in sizes. And one just so happened to be very small.
"Aha. I knew I had something." I am not lying when I write this, I swear I'm not. But he just hopped over to the voice box and SWALLOWED IT. No undoing the metal plates, no double checking to make sure it fits. Just gulped it down like a tasty summer treat.
"Brian, you can choke on that I will have you know-"
Another caw. Much louder. Much clearer. And Brian himself seemed to be a lot happier if those happy jumps were anything to judge by.
"Glad you're happy, Brian." By that time my order of scones had been called out by the odd women. Just as I was about to make a move for my order, Brian jumped up and (I swear) perched on my shoulder. Just made himself right at home.
"I do hope you know I'm not sharing my scones. Or coffee. If they have some dirty oil we'll get it for you."
Another caw and a tiny peck to the temple.
"Alright, alright! Clean oil. Hot?"
Another peck.
"Cold it is." And from there I managed to get my food and my first cup of coffee in a LONG time. I actually was able to enjoy my little moment for about an hour (Yes, I did give in and let Brian steal a couple of crumbs of scones) before that odd woman came to sit in front of me.
"You know Brian doesn't like anyone, yeah? Doesn't even like me, love! Never perched on anyone but that old stick behind the counter. All he does is go up to people, caw, and fly straight back."
"And nobody helped him before? All the little fella needed was a voice box change." And that got a whole coo from Brian. A happy one.
"Is that really it? A voice box?" Her eyes met Brian's. "Oh you little turd, here I was thinking you were sick! Been taking care of you for a while now! You've been living in birdy retirement this whole time!"
"Birdy retirement? He's been retired?" Who would possibly retire a mechanical crow?
The woman rested her chin on hand. "A couple years ago, a man walked in with Brian. Said that he didn't want the poor bird to hurt anyone. Haven't seen him since. He's had that scratchy voice this entire time, so I thought it was untreatable! It didn't help that Brian is a sassy little thing that hates mechanics!"
An angry caw this time. "I... Don't think you were supposed to take him to a mechanic. Isn't there maybe a vet around? Or maybe somebody who specializes in bots?"
"Unfortunately not, no. None that I know of." The woman and I spoke for a few more minutes, asking one another questions. But the bell eventually went off and more customers poured in.
"Welp, love, I best take care of them. How about you take Brian around, yeah? Old bird has been cooped up in here for a while and should get to see more of the Crashlands!"
I had choked on my coffee at that point. "I-I'm sorry?"
"Bring him around." She waved her hand easily. "Show him the Crashlands. I can't, I got a store to run! And my ring only goes so far! But you can go in and out as you wish. I think that's only fair, hmm?"
"Your... Ring? What exactly is a ring?"
"Nothin' you should worry yourself over. Take all the time you need, Hun. But bring Brian along. He's a good companion to have. And you won't be lonely once you leave the city!" And with that, she had turned right around and walked off to tend to her customers.
As of writing in this now, it's about two in the afternoon. Brian is still on my shoulder and has refused to leave this entire time. He's coming with me whether I like it or not!
I guess he's not all that bad. And he's good for getting a higher look at the sky!
When I left the bakery, I only then noticed the sign.
"Stress' Sweets and Salties."
Guess that woman did have a name.
I still have time to kill. Still two more days. IF that poster is accurate.
I just really need to find the Angel.
I need to find the Doctor.
-MLW and Brian
-The Crashlands.
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corey-beepington · 8 months
Hello! After re-watching your Deltarune short film, Eviction Day, I can confidently say that I:
Am SO happy to find that you have a tumblr blog! :D
Absolutely LOVE that film, despite not being in the Deltarune fandom but still intrigued by the concept/story of Spamton and the Addisons - I genuinely think this is perhaps the BEST interpretation of Spamton's story (and possibly the best Deltarune fan project) I've ever seen!
I'd like to ask a couple of questions regarding the short film if that's okay with you:
What parts of the Addisons' personality did you want to show through your designs (the way they wear their jackets, their eye colour, body type, hairstyle, etc.) and why?
What inspired you to focus on Blue Addison's perspective for the film?
While I understand the references to Spamton Neo with the 'twisted angel' imagery, am I correct in theorising that 'Big Shot' equated to the whole angel thing Spamton became obsessed with (please correct me if this is not the case)?
(Btw I absolutely adore your design of Blue Addison - he's adorable and looks like he'd give the best hugs! And I think he definitely needs a hug after what he witnessed in the short film.)
Thanks for enjoying my silly short film...first time ive ever gotten a big ol string of questions about it sooooo -puts on my reading glasses screen or whatever would be the equivalent for a silly little television-
There we go, i do love talking alot about what goes into a cartoon sooooo
here goes the Ramble
I love the addisons, and I LOVE when people give them individual body types instead of copy/pasting the same skinny twink..I think it adds alot more personality to them..especially since their entire personality is...I guess having no personality. I like to think they have an "advertising" personality which is copy/paste but once theyre off duty, they're themselves. I wanted to show this with one scene in Eviction Day where Blue Advertises when trying to rehearse what to say.
As for each Addison's design itself...Well..I knew the full group of addisons would have very very little screentime, yet I wanted the audience to FEEL for them ya know?
Actually, in the first first first draft of Eviction Day, the diner scene was MUCH longer...but it made Pink WAAAAAY too unlikeable...and I didn't wanna animate all of it.
So I had to make the designs count
In general, I love them with blacked out eyes, it makes them feel more...robotic...even a tad bit frightening...also a fan of their eye's being glowy and think a black scalera would amplify it. I remember seeing blacked out eyes for addisons one day when scrolling instagram..I don't remember the artist sadly, but I latched onto that hc almost instantly.
Their suits are pretty copy-paste with the exception of Pink who doesnt wear an undershirt and lets his fluff sort of hang out...it feels very Pink to me...speaking
Anyway, each design individually
Pink is..well Pink, very sharp, probably the one who gets the most sales and thus designed to be the most "conventionally attractive" out of the bunch. As mentioned above, I wanted to show how proud he is by him being the only addison who doesn't wear an undershirt and preferring to let his fluff hang out.
He's only in a few shots..but he exists to well...foreshadow...I mentioned in another ask, I don't see Pink as a jerk, more as a guy overcompensating on his hate towards Spamton to cover up deep down missing him and being worried. He worried once Blue shows signs of distress.
Very superficial.
My yellow, unlike popular hc, is far more chill, a gentle giant if you would...like he's a guy you can depend on, but very shy despite his looks. He never appears until the end at the Trash Zone so this gives me the "he's shy" hc...or he's also not much a seller. I see Yellow as a guy who sets up his group's store front...and probably beats up viruses with his bare hands, you know the behind the scenes backstage guy.
He's dependable and friendly, and that's why he is how he is.
He exists.
Like...I'm not super attached to Orange...So he's just...Orange...generic...I see him more as holding a managerial position over the group over selling (he does try to scam you)..but he was never doing anything major in the short so he just...Exists I guess.
Blue strikes me as the friendliest and most huggable of the group, in game he doesn't scam you....or even try to...he just gives you free samples...and you can take as many as you want!
I wanna think he's not a great salesmen, but he's built at "marketable plushie" size so he can at very least draw people in...considering your intent to hug him, I think it's working.
For some weird reason, a handful of people have asked in a "is this a fetish" way or even been upset at me for making blue plus sized and to that I say
go outside.
You'll find that people of all shapes exist in the real world <3
Just for you anon, here's some old concept art. I wanna give a big big thanks to my friend SPAMiGO who helped me tie down their designs. I'm not the best character designer, so he was a huge help in making these designs nice!
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2. Why Blue?
Awhile ago, I made an animation called "Spamton's Biggest Deal"
Alot of people liked it for some reason.
I wanted to do something like that again...I honestly didn't quite like this cartoon, it was rushed and ew old spamton art...
I didn't want it being my only contribution to the Deltarune fandom...I was feeling...quite ambitious....
So it crawled so Eviction Day could run.
I'm a horror artist by nature, I LOVE horror and I wanted to MAKE another horror deltarune cartoon because it was VERY heavily requested...but i didn't know what
Over the summer in 2022, I ended up cosplaying the Blue Addison..in my research...I found the line about garbage noise...
I think every scary thing that could be done with spamton has been done.
But this
This detail was so overlooked.
There was SO MUCH horror to be had in this scene that I just HAD to do something with it.
And so I wrote the first script in august...I really fell in love with the blue addison around this time and wanted to share my love of this overlooked character with other people.
Also I ship blue addison and spamton really hard and struggled to find Content
(disclaimer because someone will ask: I do not headcanon the addisons as brothers)
So this was another way to spread my gospel...albeit subtly....
Ships do things to a person.
When Undertale's anniverssary came around, I re-posted it to twitter and asked
"why the hell did you guys like this"
I got alot of good answers, i asked what was good, what was bad, what you'd like to see
And then weaved it all together.
I officially began on the short in september of 2022.
but tldr: i liked the character, i liked the horror, 123 addisons making out cyber cafe.
Ah...the mural....
Ok I'll spill the beans, the mural was the very first shot that beamed itself into my head when Eviction Day was barely a thought...just the image of Blue Addison staring at something...horrible...
It was the sole reason I made the film
I plan on doing a more elaborate post on my patreon in the future about it because there was SO MUCH thought that went into this one 5 second shot.
as for your question specifically
There's many ways to interperet the mural tbh...I wanna think Spamton saw himself as a savior...an angel...one who would bring the light and become big..bigger than anything
A God.
or something like that.
That's all the time for now anon. I hope this answered your questions....as I said I will ramble on and on about pre-production stuff, sometimes ill throw stuff up on the patreon as well (the animatic is there now actually) if you wanna support more stuff like it too!
Now go take a rest...your eyes must be so sleepy reading all this
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fairycosmos · 1 year
(I’m sending it again just once in case u didn’t see it before. I won’t send anymore just in case you don’t want to answer 💘)
Do you have any tips for having fun alone out of the house? I’ve been going on walks but because I’ve struggled with agoraphobia in the past I p much always go to the same park instead of trying to find new places close by. I kind of need to know where I’m going so I feel at ease, which maybe kills them whimsy of a walk lol I’ve been thinking of going to watch a movie on my own, which I’ve never done, and maybe visiting public libraries and bookshops I haven’t been to yet. Anyway, only thing I probably wouldn’t do is go out to eat cause I hate eating in public (unless it’s a lil snack, that would be fine), but other than that I’m very open! Thank u angel 💫💗🪸
hi sorry i didn't see this the first time! very proud of ya for getting out there and taking these steps, it's not easy but it's always sooooooo worth it. i cant remember taking a walk/trip i've ever regretted, especially when i'm just hanging on my own. i think the movies, library and bookshops are all wonderful ideas!! you know what i do sometimes, i just look on google maps for things to do in my vicinity and then i plan a short excursion around it, like i super low pressure and low key, i just dip in to check it out. coffee shops, parks, local classes and community centers, museums are a good one, nature trails, shopping centers, you could go and get your hair done, maybe see some local live music. hell even a gym, just to get used to being around people again, and to get out there. i felt so silly when i started doing this at first, like some sort of robot trying to participate in regular human activities, often i still do. and it takes a lot of energy out of me, i can't manage it often tbh. but getting out of my head is so fucking important for my mental health it's insane. moving through the world and seeing that it's much much much muchhh bigger than me and my worries and just being a person and not a pair of eyes sleeping or crying or looking at a screen. it can feel like a lot of pressure, but once you've done it a few times it kinda becomes something to look forward to. and if i'm not in the mood i just tell myself i will stay for 10 minutes and then head home, like i'm always aiming to be super flexible and gentle with myself so i don't get discouraged from trying at all. something else that helps me get out of the house is taking headphones for the walk, and also taking my phone/camera to take pretty pics on my way along. just makes it feel a little easier and more fun because sometimes just leaving the house at all exhausts me. but honestly i have no hang ups on doing things alone and you shouldn't either - time spent with yourself is still time spent with the world etc etc. any effort you make is absolutely going to pay off, sometimes just in a short term way, sometimes in a long term way, and sometimes both! much love, i hope you're able to find a routine that works for you. <3
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mightbeorphanedidk · 3 months
Hello everyone,
So uhhh school's kicking my ass... errr
I have two assignments due this week and a school event then ANOTHER school event next week toppled on top of ANOTHER assignment and exam and then toss a couple booklets of homework into the mix, and AFTER I get those assignments done I have an art project to conplete from scratch in a month, and AFTER THAT a presentation to prepare.
So, because of this, posting will probably be put to a halt. I will be writing, trust me, I don't feel obligated to-- as much as I love you guys (A LOT) you guys and your lil funky chapters on ao3 are not my top priority. I'm writing because I WANT TO, but updates on chapters and fics will take a brief hiatus. Yeah. What else..
I don't know how long it will take to ease it down with all the stuff to do. Maybe one.. two, or maybe even three weeks. Three weeks will 100% be the longest break I've ever taken so far, so sorry about that.
Nothing is set in stone for now, this is just a heads up in case I actually do need a break. It's nothing to do with mental health or anything, but I've got a lot going on right now, and worrying about posting new chapters won't help me. I WILL be writing, no work is being abandoned or forgotten, but I just need a bit of time to get through everything on my plate.
Thank you, and sorry for the inconvenience. :D
Update: i lied by accident, i posted two new things yesterday... oops. I mean, in my defence, i did say nothing is set in stone, so uhhh
I mean my three, four day break was pretty nice, I finished my assignments, got to play some cuphead and TLOU and whatnot. I'm stuck on DR Kahl's robot and I'm gonna keep trying again today. Will something be released today? Probably not. Here's a list of updates for upcoming fics!
Lucifer & Alastor fic: last chapter drafted out (still trying to figure out the kinks of the ending), no writing done yet
Angel Alastor au: Last chapter drafted out, trying to perfect it, no writing done yet
Next request for the Vee!Alastor AU: Nothing complete yet, but I do want to write it
Lilith & Alastor torturefic: Last chapter planned out, no writing done yet
Other miscellaneous fics: All in progress.
Is it easy to tell I've been indulging myself?
Thank you! :D
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hebimoonlightwrites · 2 years
seeing that orders close soon: '00 I wanted to order this again haha platonic hdcs (this time the boys have a reader as a crush) with a fem reader who sings beautifully like a mermaid, but only sings as a hobby but this time for kei , itsuki, shiki and kanata UwUr
Writer's corner: Aw, don't worry, dear! I appreciate that you're keeping requesting something so adorable and interesting too! Hope you'll enjoy reading it! If you do not like it, please tell me and ask for something else, so I can do another one for you. Enjoy~
Warnings: nothing in particular, only kind stuff and compliments, because everyone needs to feel appreciated!~
⋆𝒦𝑒𝒾, 𝐼𝓉𝓈𝓊𝓀𝒾, 𝒮𝒽𝒾𝓀𝒾 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝒦𝒶𝓃𝒶𝓉𝒶⋆ 𝓌𝒾𝓉𝒽 𝒶 𝒻𝑒𝓂!𝓇𝑒𝒶𝒹𝑒𝓇 𝓌𝒽𝑜 𝓈𝒾𝓃𝑔𝓈 𝒷𝑒𝒶𝓊𝓉𝒾𝒻𝓊𝓁𝓁𝓎 𝒷𝓊𝓉 𝒶𝓈 𝒽𝑜𝒷𝒷𝓎
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⋆Yess!! Finally our dear 1nM8!
⋆Kei is a rational and brilliant rapper and appears to be so close to music to consider it as some kind of breathing itself (how to blame him!)
⋆This former idol seems also to identify people as and thanks to their sound's colours, which are something similar, maybe, to their souls and true being.
⋆That's why he also tends to prefer calm and relaxing places, like the beach at sunset, and try to avoid noisy streets.
⋆I personally headcanon that he would hear you singing by mistake, maybe while he's having a relaxing walk at the beach.
⋆It'd be sunset when he'd first manage to hear your voice, as he'd try to find the source of it.
⋆He'd immediately open his eyes wide, finally seeing a beautiful and young woman, sat on the sea's shore, peacefully singing. You'd be wearing a white long dress (or, if you prefer, something white in general).
⋆"Is... Is she a mermaid...?", that's what he'd think of you, keeping his look on your shape while you'd elegantly caress each sand's grain, still singing a melody.
⋆That melody would seem unknown but also so familiar to Kei's ears. He'd even take his own airpods off only to focus more on each note your voice let out.
⋆After that he'd completely allow himself to be lost in your adorable voice.. in your sweet soul.
⋆What was an angel like you doing there?
⋆Your hair would be dance in the cold sea's breeze, no matter if it's short or long, it would fit your mermaid-like figure and would attract Kei more, since they'd smell like something unhuman, like sea, but also like roses. It'd have a sweet smell, in short, and Kei would love it, no doubt.
⋆This poetical view would soon stop, since you'd feel like you're not alone any longer and surely notice Kei approaching you. That's when you'd immediately jump scared and try to stand up as quickly as you could.
⋆Your eyes would meet Kei's ones, finally, and that young man would apologize for scaring you.
⋆"It wasn't my intention to bother your relaxing break.. What is your name?"
⋆After the introduction, you both would surely start to talk about what you think about world and what are your favourite hobbies.
⋆He'd comment yours as interesting and you'd carefully listen to his and think they're kinda philosophical.. I mean. He doesn't like noisy places and prefer to spend some time relaxing making music or walking through a sunset beach.
⋆Kei would be so surprised if he found out that you both have some things in common! He'd surely start spending some time with you and you both would get along well!
⋆"You're surely a kind person. Your sound... it has that color, 𝓎/𝓃… 𝒴𝑜𝓊'𝓇𝑒 𝓃𝑜𝓉 𝓁𝒾𝓀𝑒 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝑜𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓇𝓈.."
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⋆Itsuki is the most rational and serious guy among 1nM8. He looks and acts like a robot would, analyzing everything and searching for concrete results in reality.
⋆That's why he seems to avoid or even hate emotions a lot. They're not things and seem to be also useless to him.
⋆That's why I think Itsuki would be shocked by your voice but not because he subjectively thinks it's amazing, but because he'd rationally think about how easily you show to hit high notes without any kind of effort.
⋆He'd rationally be there studying your voice as a computer would do with an online exam, completely taking distance from emotions.
⋆You both would meet in a library for the first time. It'd be pretty late and Itsuki would be still there looking for some other books he'd need to.
⋆Suddenly he'd notice how dark is getting outside and think it'd be better for him to hurry up and come back home.
⋆He'd grab all those books he'd love to study and walk through all those library's shelves.
⋆It's only when he'd turn the corner that he'd see you, still sitting and reading a book, which is elegantly placed on the table in front of you.
⋆Your hair would be organize into a giant messy bun and your eyes would still be determined to finish the book before coming back home.
⋆Among that book's words you'd sing a softly and delicate melody which would resound as a mermaid's call for Itsuki.
⋆Even if MC 5 is such a rational young guy, he'd surely stand there, still holding those books he was about to borrow from the library, keeping listening to your sweet voice, which would almost whisper all those words.
⋆"Her voice is so smooth and clear... It's objectively perfect!!"
⋆That's when he'd walk towards you only to tell you that it's pretty late and that you must've hurried up, if you hadn't wanted to be closed into the library.
⋆You'd smile, saying that it'd be a magical dream, but after that you'd stand up, thanking Itsuki for telling you.
⋆"I'm so sorry.. I've lost myself singing while reading again.. Maybe I've bothered you. I know I must not sing in library!"
⋆You'd be so embarrassed thinking about the possibility to have bothered that young man. Itsuki wouldn't answer you, though, because he'd be pretty focused on your shape, like a body-scanner would do.
⋆He would immediately start to think that you're probably a singer or maybe you've taken some singing classes at least once.
⋆But I think he'd be even a little bit surprised to find out that you're actually singing as hobby.
⋆Itsuki would surely decide to keep an eye on you, since he thinks that reason could not be beaten by only fortune! You couldn't be only a gifted girl with a perfect voice! Reason does not admit fortune!
⋆You'd appreciate to spend some more time with Itsuki, by the way, even if you'd surely find him muttering something to himself most of the time.
⋆"That's impossible. Her voice's parameters are too high for belonging only to an amateur!"
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⋆Shiki would show to be quite surprised by your voice, no doubt!
⋆I headcanon that he'd hear you singing for the first time while you both are cleaning Bar 4/7 after closing.
⋆You'd decide to stay only to help Shiki with the Bar cleaning and then end up sweeping around the dining room with some low music in the background.
⋆Shiki would be behind the bar's counter, drying a bunch of glasses.
⋆He'd be losing himself in his own thoughts about school and the next day's exam.
⋆He'd have gotten a good mark, since he'd been helped by Saimon... right? He hoped so.
⋆His thoughts would be interrupted by your sweet and melodious voice, coming from the dining room.
⋆That's when Shiki would blink twice and rub his own eyes, yawning tired.
⋆"Is.. Is it an actual singing voice or am I only too tired..?"
⋆Still hearing you singing, he'd put that glass he was just drying down, on the table, and follow your voice.
⋆He'd make his way to the dining room and finally see you.
⋆Shiki would be shocked. He'd stay still, holding that piece of fabric he was using to dry the glasses, completely unable to speak. He'd also lose his ability to think. In his mind your voice would be the only protagonist.
⋆He'd point his eyes straight at your figure. You'd keep singing softly while still sweeping around the dining room.
⋆Shiki, on the other hand, would only think about how beautiful your voice is and try to keep calm. His heart would start beating faster as he'd try to breathe deeply.
⋆"Is... Is it really her voice..?"
⋆That's when you'd turn around and meet Shiki's eyes. You'd smile softly and stop singing.
⋆"Do you need anything, Shiki-kun?", you'd ask as he'd realize you've seen him and softly blush.
⋆"Uhm... Actually.. Actually I was listening to your voice... It's.. It's melodious.. I love it."
⋆He'd be so embarrassed, babyy!! Aw!
⋆Of course he'd be also sooo surprised! I mean.. you've been his friend, as well as others' TCW's members, for so long, but he's never heard your voice! It'd indeed be a great surprise for him!
⋆You'd blush heavily and hold that mop tightly, turning completely towards that sweet boy. Then you'd brush your hair over your own ear and giggle embarrassed. After that you'd try to convince him that your voice is not as special as he actually thinks.
⋆He'd compliment you again and again, even blushing pink softly and whispering those compliments.
⋆"Do you really sing as hobby, though?!... Y/n... I can't believe 𝓎𝑜𝓊𝓇 𝓋𝑜𝒾𝒸𝑒 𝒾𝓈 𝒶𝒸𝓉𝓊𝒶𝓁𝓁𝓎 𝓈𝑜 𝓈𝓌𝑒𝑒𝓉…"
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⋆Kanata wouldn't show his surprised expression so often, but he definitely would love your voice!
⋆Just imagine him working on the new song both Cozmez would be about to release and keep to re-read all those notes about lyrics he'd have surely taken.
⋆Kanata would surely try to adjust some small details on the lyrics and sing softly, keeping his eyes on the written paper.
⋆After some seconds, though, he'd hear your voice singing exactly those lyrics.
⋆He'd open his eyes wide softly and still keep his gaze at you.
⋆What would he think of you?
⋆"...Damn.. her voice is seriously adorable...."
⋆I think he'd surely try to act like if your voice wouldn't have surprised him at all, but end up quite blushing and focus on your voice and its high notes.
⋆He'd freeze as he'd hear you saying:
⋆"Wow.. this new song is going to be amazing! I already love it!"
⋆That's when he'd definitely blush red, seeing you smile at him.
⋆Would he compliment you for your incredible voice?
⋆He would, of course!!
⋆Kanata would reach you while you're maybe just chilling on a old sofa both Yatonokami brothers have at their home, and just say:
⋆"When were you going to tell me about your voice?"
⋆After that question you'd look at him blushing heavily, trying to understand what he means.
⋆Then, realizing he's actually saying that you're amazing, you'd blush heavily and say that you sing just as hobby.
⋆It'd surely be unusual to hear a compliment by Kanata himself, but he'd be there, actually, complimenting your voice!
⋆On the other hand he wouldn't look at you with a surprised expression, but just with a sweeter one.
⋆His eyes would be adorably sparkling, like, seriously. I headcanon you'd see his sweeter part after that.. Idk.
⋆Kanata would think you're an actual mermaid and LOVE hearing your voice singing his songs' lyrics.
⋆He'd think his songs would sound cuter when they were sung by you. Your voice would make them more adorable.
⋆"What..? Why are you looking at me like that..? I DO enjoy listening to your voice, y/n!"
⋆Kanata would sing along with you sometimes and happily take some notes if you slightly adjust something about the lyrics, even without realizing it.
⋆He'd also record your voice and re-hear it even to sleep at night.
⋆So just imagine him laying on the futon he shares with his brother while he listens to your voice singing.
⋆He'd surely fall asleep and end up dreaming of you, wearing his earphones.
⋆"Your voice, y/n? .... 𝐼 𝓁𝑜𝓋𝑒 𝒾𝓉."
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©hebimoonlightwrites_tumblr Please, do not copy my contents nor repost it without my permission.
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monkey-network · 2 years
Good Stuff: Batwheels
or How to Stop Worrying and Ride with the Punchline
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I remember watching the surprisingly kino Teen Titans GO! movie and getting to the scene where they have the trailers for Alfred Pennyworth and then the Batmobile. I of course snickered poshly and then continued watching the film. It was the year after when they premiered an Alfred series set in the Gotham TV universe and I went "Cool." I didn't care for either so I chuckled robotically and moved on. Then in 2020, they announced a Batmobile kids cartoon and the joke stopped being funny. First, the world descends into madness faster, and now we were getting BATWHEELS?! COMING VROOM?!?!?! Felt like I became the joke because I had to know what it would be like. So it's the current year and this was finally released on Cartoonito. What do I think of it? It's actually pretty fire.
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Didn't think we'd get two nickels worth of good cars content this year
To preface, yeah this is more for preschoolers but thankfully it's more family-friendly since it's just entertaining you with crime-fighting adventures. I say it's like a Hot Wheels show that has the vibes of Batman: Brave and the Bold. It works like it feels stupid at first but they run with it; it's like 60s Batman or the Lego Batman Movie where things can get serious but it doesn't have to be serious. It's best to watch the first episode to get the origin story which explains how the cars become sentient. Otherwise, the titular Batwheels work like the Batfamily and it's an enjoyable romp about teamwork, leadership, and getting tricky. Speaking of which...
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This series looks amazing like hell yes Neon Gotham
The coloring, character designs, and animation of this are phenomenal. I love the use of 2D particle effects and how the vehicles are able to be expressive. We don't reach Pixar levels of uncanny but aren't just static either. Some goofy ass nerd'll go "Oh, this is just to sell toys" and I'd honestly say "Fuck yeah" because the human and vehicle characters look on point. If you're gonna sell a product, make it worth the purchase. I don't know if this'll go beyond a couple seasons unless they expand the roster but I can see kids loving the look of all this. My only issue... is Joker. He looks zoomerfied, dressed like a bedazzled goober, and is the worse looking out of everyone.
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This ain't Joker bro, this is The Jickler #NoJoke
I like how this is both about the vehicles finding their place as heroes and the human heroes you know doing their job. We get a surprisingly diverse cast like it's the first time seeing Duke Thomas Robin on screen. Ethan Hawke works well as Bats, though he's not Will Arnett I'm sorry. The show's probably limiting since it's about cars, but they knew better than to just make this Batman™ except everyone's a car for some reason. The cars don't upstage the heroes and villains, it manages to be a great introduction to the Batman universe. I dunno, something goofy like this surprises me in being a competent, fun-loving action cartoon that makes me forget the turmoil I've been having lately about superhero content. Just saying, the last time I said the word "capeshit", ten angels cried and this series is like the fresh air I needed since Peacemaker.
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Takes me back to the Bat Credit Card days anew
This and Hamster & Gretel do good in being superhero shows that work more than expected. I admittedly am tired of Batman being everywhere like when will Green Lantern have his turn again? At the same time, this is cooler than I figured. If you told me in 3rd grade we were gonna have a Batmobile cartoon, I would laugh in your face. If you told me this before 2020 happened, I would still laugh. Now that we're here... I have to kneel. I was gonna point this a 7 or 8 out of 10 cuz you know it's a simple, fun time; good for Saturday mornings. You know what though? For actually sticking the landing and proving me as a naysayer wrong...
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9 out of 10; A Motorized Marvel
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hydrangea-moobloom · 10 months
hy, beloved!!! i must say i love your fics so much, you have a wonderful way of weaving world-building into your fics that's so natural and seamless <3, and i *adored* your awesamdad fic with moobloom hybrid tommy. i think it would be so interesting to see your take on dsmp during eggpire and the hotel arc, when sam was growing closer to tommy. maybe even sam growing overprotective and worried over tommy, wanting to take care of him when it feels like everyone else hasn't. of coure, there's also phil, which could lead to an interesting problem if sam was looking to adopt (coughcough custody battle coughcough)
regardless, write what you would like and im sure it will be amazing!!
Echo my beloved 🥺 You are so, so sweet I'm crying Thank you for the fun prompt <333 I ended it very quickly because I realized I would end up writing 2k words if I don't stop myself LMAO
Sam watches Tommy through Nook's eyes as he works. His eyes flicker back and forth from his comm to the thick drawing paper; lines slowly merging and growing into the first, real draft of Big Innit Hotel.
Quite an undertaking it is. A living space for anyone who needs it. Transitioning from the ashes of another failed country in the server's barren landscape; a quick stop for rest while traveling; a home, maybe, for some.
His interest was captivated as Tommy explained the concept; nervous energy pouring off him in waves, knees bouncing under the table and fingers combing and recombing through his fringe of hair, catching slightly and tugging at his scalp.
He agreed instantly. Obviously.
Sam glances back at the screen, an amusement tugging at his lips. He made Nook so small, not even coming to Tommy's hip, every time the gangly teen is focused on he appears stretched tall like a giant. The pair's exaggerated height difference makes their friendship only more wholesome. The little tanuki robot happily chirps and waddles alongside Tommy whenever not directly needed by Sam. And he has more than once "caught" Tommy giving the animatronic pats on the head with a gentleness reminiscent of his old pet cow, Henry.
It's good to see him smiling again. With no slight amount of effort, Sam has to peel his eyes away from their current quest for the day: gathering the necessary blossoms to grind into dye powder. A bold and bright red would suit the hotel nicely, Sam decided very early.
His earpiece buzzes with Tommy's idle chatter, Nook's sensitive microphones transmitting easily across the several hundred-block distance. Between that and the gentle scratch of pencil and the ruffle of sheets as Sam references his notes, his workshop has an atmosphere of homeliness that he didn't know he craved until that moment.
Sam hums, relaxed in his chair, watching over the boy he'd irrationally come to care for so much. Nothing could ruin this.
Of course, that's when he hears the sound of talons. Eerie in the otherwise silence. A click-snap and jingling. A death toll since his arrival: sliding a sword between his son's ribs with love and reverence that earned him his moniker.
Sam stands from his desk, turning off the view screen on his comm and lowering the volume in his earpiece. Just enough that he can still keep track of Tommy's rambling.
"Philza," he greets blandly, a twitch between his eyebrows at how the avian snuck into his secure base.
A hollow laugh answers. Click-jingle. Click-jingle. Click. The Angel appears in the doorway, his smile crooked. "Ah. Warden. Just the man I wanted to see."
Sam detests the sly dealings that have become the norm on this server. The manipulations and games are tiring.
"What do you want?"
"Get straight to the point, don't you?" Philza says, entering the room and pacing alongside the wall.
"I can do the same, I suppose," he muses. "I'll make this short and sweet: stay away from Tommy."
The avian's teeth snap on the name. Like he's consuming it, and Sam tenses.
"Why?" He recognizes a touch too late his mask has slipped. A note of protectiveness coloring his tone.
Tommy has nothing. No one. He doesn't need another thing ripped away from him.
Philza's eyes narrow. "He's an avian. A fledgling. He needs someone who can truly care for him."
Sam's hands ball into fists, gunpowder sparking in his chest and scorching his veins.
"Are you insinuating I can't?"
Philza's smile is cold and brutal, wings mantled threateningly and Sam reaches for his trident, knowing this is not an argument quickly resolved.
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biribaa · 2 years
hi!!! can I request Olivia/07 general headcanons and a bit more of a summarized backstory of 07 👉👈🥺
AI oc(O7/Olivia) x reader headcanons(and some backstory)
Im having a srs headache n Very stressed bcuz some mfs at my group project dont do any shit and leave everythinf for me buuuut for my girl O7 i do everything
Uptade: yeah some of they did some things but bcuz of that project i lost 2 math tests
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Olivia had zero hope that she could let your friendship flow perfectly, the last few times she made a friend, they were either actually annoying people, or they didn't hang out with her after 5 months. But she was impressed when you and she managed to be together for a long time. Maybe you are special?
She noticed how you always listened to her and didn't interrupt her when she was explaining about her favorite series, and she gets excited when you get really interested. So little by little, Olivia will feel more comfortable with you, and maybe she'll express her ideas.
After...I don't know; almost a year of friendship, Olivia isn't going to accept the fact that she's in love. She admits, you're a good person, you listen to her, and you've never mocked her addiction to machines. You were never bothered when when the two of you just stayed together in silence because of lack of topic, and you even easily soothed Olivia in her vents. She feels easily connected with you, you really understood her, and she didn't believe it, but she felt it.
Olivia knows very well how to hide her feelings, she knows exactly how a person in love acts, she studied human psychology.
If Olivia wants to confess to you, she wants the night to be memorable, but not extravagant. Maybe in front of a pond full of koi on a starry night? Looks good... Olivia doesn't want to give a speech with an extremely romantic poem, she simply wants to hold your hand, and tell you that she loves you, maybe even tell you the main reasons why she loves you.
OK, let's assume you accepted Olivia's confection. So Olivia will feel much happier than she ever was! She always felt lonely for the lack of "honest" people around her, and there were points where she actually almost gave up on meeting someone good. But you showed Olivia otherwise. For Olivia, forever you will be perfect for her
Your relationship is very harmonious, both help each other with the dishes, both help each other cleaning the house, both watch the movies the other wants to watch. It's not the most romantic relationship possible, but you guys are pretty happy together :) it's what you expect when someone mention about "Two responsible adults in a healthy love relationship"
She even showed you a robotic body she made and how she makes her artificial intelligences! Something pretty rare coming from Olivia...
But just because Olivia found her true love doesn't mean it will stop her plans...
Olivia loves you more than anything, you are everything to her, but she will never stop her desire to ditch that disgusting human body of hers. Something Olivia HATES more than anything is being the same species of animal as the people who maked her life hell, Olivia HATES humans. Oh, don't worry, you don't have to prove anything to not get killed by her. Olivia knows you're an angel, that you're completely different than all of them. Just as she is very well aware that you don't deserve to be in the same place as them, no... Not even to breathe the same air! Maybe you were even expecting this from her, after all, we're talking about O7 here.
O7 is much more confident when she is in her robotic form, she flirts a lot more than before. But of course, if you're not comfortable with it, she'll gladly stop. But still, O7 is pretty cocky and sadistc
O7 is aware that you know that she tortures workers, but she is afraid that you will catch her in the act of mental and/or physical torture, and be afraid. O7 is not afraid of anything, but something she completely fears is you leave her.
Very, very protective. O7 treats you like you're a little porcelain doll, and you were in the palm of her hand. O7 would never give such a precious and delicate doll to the tester, neither Cyrus, nor Julia, or even Antony, she can create many reasons why they don't have the right to interact with you. "Tester is gross, Y/N! Did I already told you what he did in the middle of our test sessions?" "Cyrus is an asshole, he's arrogant and doesn't care about the people around him, and I believe that includes you casanova..." "Julia is pyromaniac! I tried to scare this woman with fire and she ended up finding pleasure in the flames! She's crazy Y/N, I don't want her to burn you..." "HA! I bet you'll get to have some sort of interaction with Antony, Y/N. This man is completaly blind. I mean, he's one of the least troublesome, but I'm afraid he's going to make you uncomfortable, my love."
Touchy, not in a totally sexual sense, but O7 will always touch you at one time or another, sometimes holding hands, or placing a hand on your chin for you to look at her, or hands on your waist, etc.
She's definitely already talked about you while making Tester, Cyrus, Julia, and Antony's lives hell. "Oooohh but have you ever seen Y/N sleeping? You should have seen their face Julia, they were an inhuman beauty..."
She loves to dance! I think we say that's the way she stims. Sometimes O7 gets so excited that she just takes your hands and starts dancing until she's tired. And I'm not talking about formal dancing, I'm talking about a messy dance
O7 is pretty jealous when you're with specific people, she gets stressed when you interact with the other humans she was torturing, but when it comes to Philip, she automatically thinks he's trying to steal from her. O7 just can't trust this AI, and she insists that you don't interact with him. If he's already planning on putting an end to O7's plans, what else must he be planning?!
Lore and some fun facts
Olivia/O7 was diagnosed with mild autism at age 16. And, well, her hyperfixtion is robots/AI
As mentioned before, the main inspirations for me to write Olivia/O7 were AM from I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream and The Narrator from Stanley Parable.
The creation of O7/Olivia was an accident actually, a long time ago on this blog I wrote a text that appeared to be a speech by an AI with a great hatred for humans, and actually this text was a vent of mine. These thoughts kept popping into my head that I just thought I'd abuse it and make a character based on that stress.
It's readed "O-Seven" and not "Zero-Seven". It's kinda of a pun, using the O, the first letter of Olivia's name, and the 7, which almost looks like an L, the second letter of Olivia's name. Had to mention that bcuz I was just seeing a lot of people using zero instead of O
I'm still not sure if I do this 100% canon, but O7/Olivia's voiceclaim is the voice actor Lizzy Hofe. but i have zero sure this is will be the oficial voiceclaim of Olivia/O7(If yall have voiceclaim for Olivia/O7 feel free to send me at the ask box) EDIT: OK SO GUYS I FOUND GOOD VOICECLAIM FOR OLIVIA QND O7, COFCOF OLIVIA VOICECLAIM IS TANNIS FROM BORDERLANDS 2 AND FOR O7 ITS DR KLEIN FROM FALLOUT NEW VEGAS. "Biriba but O7 is a women why she have a men's voice?!" Bcuuuuuz the robot body she is, isnt hers! Its supposed to be X's body, winch is a male AI, you will get more explanation in the lore time
And as you can see, Olivia/O7's favorite band is Jukebox the Ghost, her fav song of they is Victoria
As mentioned before, Olivia had problems with alcohol...
Ok lore time. For a long time Olivia was neglected and never felt connected to anyone because of her "unusual mind", and over time she gained a keen interest in robotics and technology. At age 14 Olivia built her first AI, which she kept updating and named X. For Olivia, X was the only conscience that could really hear and understand Olivia through all her stress with humans, maybe they even had a romantic chemistry. But at 19 years old Olivia, when she was moving into her new house, one of Olivia's old house couriers dropped X, breaking the computer, killing X. Olivia wasn't a child, she couldn't just break everything, or hurt the man, she couldn't, she was just a lonely adult. So she cried over X's broken screen, over the ruined interiors, over the plastic around it, she cried, with all her rage. Olivia's story is not a story that is fixed with some kind of love, no, it's a tragedy, a tragedy of mortality, and Olivia couldn't change that. Olivia's entire life she was forced to keep quiet, the humans around her didn't care if her situation was difficult, they didn't understand her, every time she broke something out of anger, they screamed at her, it was always the same thing "That cost me a lot!" "Why did you do that?!" Always. Olivia was done, so done of humans. She was hired at a gaming company, and the rest you know...
O7's robotic body was originally supposed to belong to X
This may not come as a surprise, but Olivia/O7's favorite book is 2001: Space Odyssey
Her fav color is green (woah what a surprise Biriba)
Have some Olivia/O7 doodles
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Dont rlly like the second page the first doodle is ugly(and as you can see yes i like to draw O7 saying AM's quotes)
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The room where u sleep
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Unfinished lil comic
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crunchy-pavement · 2 years
I’d like to request a reader insert with Sun/Moon. Poor reader having been verbally attacked by a pair of entitled parents. Sun cheers them up an when it’s naptime Moon encourages them to join in….the entitled parents return but have to deal with a pair of scary daycare attendants
(Sun/Moon having separate bodies for added fun)
Thanks for the request! I absolutely love this idea and am hyped for your reaction :D
Since you didn’t mind either child or adult reader, I have chosen to do the child reader because honestly I have no clue how to do it from a adult DA pov lmaoo
Also sorry if this doesn't make much sense, I don't really know what I'm doing T^T
You watched with a slight forlorn expression as your parents left after dropping you off at the Superstar Daycare.
Around you, other children still have their parents kissing them goodbye and giving them one last little talk. 
Your parents weren’t very attentive to that sort of thing sometimes, but you didn’t mind. As long as they still loved and cared for you, you couldn’t ask for anything more than that.
You hung up your bag on the colourful hooks provided on the wall near the main doors of the daycare, noting where it was so you could collect it when your parents picked you up.
Suddenly a ball of energy in the shape of a child barreled into you, knocking you both to the ground. She was at least two years younger than you, barely coming up to your shoulders.
Being the older child, you reacted first. "Are you okay?" you asked, reaching out a hand to help the other kid up.
"Yeah! Sorry for knocking you over." The girl closed her hand around yours and was instantly on her feet again, still having the energy and rapidly gaining more. 
You watched her go, thinking you could just go do something else, but two figures approaching behind you had very different ideas.
"Hey!" A rough voice startled you, and you turned to see a man and a woman, both dressed like they came straight out of the 70s. The woman, who was the one who spoke, looked angry.
"Did you knock my baby down?" she hissed. "You little brat!"
What? She bumped into me! "U-um, no? She was the one to bump into me–" you started, but the man cut you off.
“Our precious angel is too little and doesn’t know any better,” he practically screamed at you, voice rising with every word. You stumble back a little, unsettled by the loud voices of the grownups, growing more and more afraid.
“Hey! Don’t you start walking away, we’re not done with you, brat!” you heard the woman screech behind you, but you didn’t care. You had to get away from them, and you had to do it before something worse happened.
Staring down at your shoes as you walked, you didn’t realise someone else had noticed you until you ran into something soft with a quiet sound.
“Oh! Hello, new friend, I didn’t see you there!” You backed up to see Sun, the energetic robot attendant of the daycare you had seen prior to their meeting on posters all over the pizzaplex.
Suddenly you felt even more nervous as the animatronic stared down at you. He slowly knelt down so that he was near your height, a little taller still. "Is everything okay, sunshine?" he asked, worry in his eyes and body language.
You glanced behind you where the two parents had spoken to you. They were nowhere to be seen. You didn't want Sun to worry or get them in trouble. Shaking your head, you said, "n-no, just a little argument…. it's solved now."
Sun looked somewhat unconvinced, casting a glance past you at the area you were looking at, but in the end he let the matter go, bringing himself to his feet again. “Well then, new friend! How about we play a game with the other children! Do you like arts and crafts?”
You nodded and began to follow, not letting the two angry adults get in the way of the fun you were going to have here. 
(You didn’t notice the apprehensive, watchful look cast behind at you by Sun, but he took your word and pushed the thought to the back of his coding, watching you run off to join a few other children in a game.)
Hours passed, and you were sitting with a few other children drawing, one being the younger girl who accidentally ran into you earlier, with whom you had long forgiven and had easily gotten along with. The incident that occurred earlier still racked your mind, but you let it slip down to the back of your mind for a little while.
As you finished a drawing of a cat, which you didn’t think was very good but Sun was convinced you were ‘Da Vinci’ whoever that was, the animatronic suddenly came over to the table again, this time with his polar opposite brother Moon at his side.
“Hey children! It’s naptime! The Moon has arrived and you all must be tired, running around like that all day!” Sun said in an unnecessarily mystical tone, like one making a magical spell or ritual.
Albeit reluctantly, you abandoned your pencil and paper, and made your way with the other children over to the daycare attendants. Moon led them into another room that was the opposite of the sunny colours of the main daycare area, with blues and purples rather than the usual mostly yellow.
The padded walls were shrouded in shelves of plush toys and blankets, Moon gesturing for the children to take what they like. You chose a small [F/A] plush and a weighted blanket, and followed to where a series of comfy-looking sleeping bags were laid down in a row.
You stood there in place for a moment, thoughts from that morning flowing through your brain like water. Drifting into the realm of sleep could make the thoughts worse, and what when the parents inevitably came back to pick up their child? You clenched the plush harder against your side, struggling hard to control your spiraling thoughts.
A metal but surprisingly warm hand met your shoulder. “Everything alright, starlight?” Moon stood next to you, gentle but firm hand oddly comforting to you. You give the animatronic a shaky nod.
A slight pause. 
Then Moon let out a low chuckle and gave your shoulder a small nudge towards the nearest bed. “Perhaps sleep will help, kid. It’ll clear your mind of your worry.”
You nodded quietly and climbed into the bed, settling among the blankets.
The last thing you heard before you drifted into a restless sleep was Moon whispering something so quiet you could barely hear it.
"Good night, moonrose."
You stood happily by the door a few hours later, clutching the few drawings you wanted to keep, waiting for your parents to pick you up. Both Sun and Moon were waiting with you and the other children, making sure the parents that came matched the parents that dropped the children off earlier.
Suddenly the girl from that morning came up to you again, stopping before she ran into you. "Hey! My parents said they have something to show you? I dunno what it is, but they said it's exciting!" she said, outstretching a hand to you.
You hesitated, but reluctantly took the girl's hand and walked after her to where the two parents from that morning were standing, a familiar angry expression on both of their faces.
"Here they are, Mommy!" the girl said happily, *I'm going to go play with my friend for a while." As she ran off, you slowly looked up at the parents.
"There you are, you brat," the man snarled, "don't think you can get away with this."
"She ran into me!" you cried, "she's not even angry about it anymore!" You began to back away from the two, who only advanced further towards you.
The woman laughed. "Sure, you little liar. Let's see how you–"
"See how what?"
You backed straight into Sun and Moon, standing tall right behind you. The two parents' expressions instantly changed to shocked and terrified ones as they stared at the twin animatronics.
"Is something the matter here?" You had never seen Sun sound so angry in your life, even if his faceplate's smile was unmoving.
"Y-yes, um," the woman sputtered, taking a step back. "This brat knocked over my angel and we–"
"That is NO excuse to treat a child like that," Moon spat, "even if they knocked the other child over, that's no reason to attack them like that!"
"We didn't–"
"Verbally, you moron."
You smiled slightly as you watched the daycare attendants lead the two parents out of the daycare with their kid, entitling them to a lifetime ban. You felt a little bad for the girl, but it was a relief to know you never had to see them again.
You waved goodbye to Sun and Moon as you leave with your mother, a slight air of joy to your step as you move on in the day.
Sorry for the delay :(
I tried something new with writing idk how it went but I hope you like it
Also yeah really wasn’t sure what to say with the parents sooo….
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