#12th house synastry
myun-saidthoughts · 4 months
🥀 Astrology Observations 🥀
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🦋 Water house synastry increases or creates co-dependent behaviors
🦋 When dealing with 12th house synastry and unrequited love/dismissive behavior from one person (as the planet person or the person who has more Pisces/12H/Neptune influence) often times, they may struggle with over emphasizing "synchronicities."
Example: Their name randomly pops up on your FYP/Twitter or what not and even though they haven't spoken to you in weeks or months even, falling into a dilemma where you tell yourself this is a "sign" to text them or that they are thinking of you may occur.
Example: If you find yourself constantly checking their social media, you might start interpreting their story posts as covert expressions of their feelings for you. In turn, you might even resort to dropping subtle hints on your own social media, hoping they'll notice and reciprocate the attention.
Example: You may accept the fact that this person no longer thinks of you but they could post one (1) vague story, comment, picture, tweet and if that said post could have *any* relation to you, then a part of you (or all of you) may believe that it's confirmation that they like you again or that they are thinking of you again, regardless of outside or external factors that have happened.
Falling into a delusional hole is likely and unless there are consistent clear and prominent signs or words that they are not thinking of you or that they are interested in someone else, a part of you will fixate and wonder if what they are posting is for you, about you or to you.
🦋 Virgo Moon criticize's themself harder than they criticize others
🦋 Sagittarius Sun + Taurus rising creates a very optimistic, grounding, and stable individual regardless of trauma or hurt. (Needless to say everyone has their breaking point)
🦋 Capricorn Moon men with a water rising + have polarized emotional feelings. They become extremely uncomfortable with feelings yet emotions run high and they could have outburts
🦋 Capricorn Moon individuals have a very harsh relationship with their mother, either she was cold, dismissive, strict or uncommunicative. A part of their soul felt un-nurtured or cared for in a way that they needed.
🦋 Moon square Neptune in a birth chart indicates a mother who struggled(s) with addiction, reality, or with mental health. The tighter the orb the more severe or prominent the mother's behavior was towards the child.
🦋 People with natal 4th/8th/12th or have prominent Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces placements that have harsh aspects towards Neptune/Pluto/Chiron/Lilith may prefer intense water house synastry
🦋 Sagittarius, Virgo + Aquarius in a birth chart can indicate a highly intellectual and intelligent soul. They may have a gift of photographic memory.
🦋 Heavy Libra/Leo/5H placements all give off the same aesthetic in my opinion, very feminine, they attract more than they chase
🦋 Mars oppose/conjunct (sometimes square) Moon + Venus synastry creates intense and obvious attraction between one another, you may experience a heightened desire for intimacy with them, possibly leading to an increase in your usual level of sexual expression; especially if you are objectively very attracted to them.
🦋 Mars conjunct/oppose ascendant synastry can create jealousy or dislike towards the ascendant person if both parties are the same sex. (Especially if there has been one awkward encounter where Mars's confidence was affected because of Mars's own personal core wounds)
🦋 Leo Moon/Venus need their partner to show them off. Their partner has to openly and loudly claim them, not in an annoying or suffocating way but in a way where they feel instantly validated or wanted; to the point where everyone naturally notices
🦋 Scorpio/Pisces + Neptune aspecting the MC/ASC) rising's have similar facial features
I've noticed that Scorpio + Neptune aspecting the MC/ASC can creates that emo aesthetic (also heavy Pisces individuals as well can fall into that aesthetic too)
🦋 Jupiter in the 8H indicates your family (or others around you, people/partners) has or have had wealth, whether that be from your/their parents, grandparents, and so forth.
🦋 Malefic planets like Pluto's or benefic planets like Jupiter placed in the 2H/8H house showcases dealing with an extreme theme when it comes to money; in some point of life
Pluto in the 2H/8H showcases extremities of having money then losing it all, becoming obsessed with money, or receiving high sums of money and becoming careless with it; power trips could occur where you can't be given your money because of higher authorities or officials (2H) or because of family issues with tax documents and trusts (8H) etc. Truly the themes here that can manifest are endless and as always aspects/full natal charts paint the better picture.
🦋 11H Moon individual's give so much to their friendships, it's as if no matter how many times they get burned by someone, their soul still asks and searches for a the kind of friend they are.
(Bonus if they have 12H placements too then the search for authentic, considerate and kind souls feel like a never ending battle that they keep losing too and no matter how many times they feel burned they still keep searching)
🦋 Moon conjunct Pluto in a composite chart creates the same intensity as 8th House/Pluto synastry; the relationship can't be light.
🦋 5H synastry increases the chances of partying with one another. You may see them out often or make plans that involve the night life/parties. Childlike fun behaviors can also occur and with one another energies are lifted and there is no negativity.
🦋 With past life connections: when you are with them, 1 hour feels like 10 minutes; before you know it 6 hours pass and you don't even realize it.
🦋 Heavy Aries placements (especially Sun or rising + chart ruler) tend to prioritize the gym and their body. Working out comes so natural to them.
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celestialscatterbrain · 7 months
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1. personal synastry and composite experiences and observations
Do not interact if you are a minor. (18+)
Sun in 8th house synastry: I was the house person they were the sun. I definitely developed insecurities I never had before as a result of this connection. With the sun shining brightly on my insecurities, they were hard to ignore and even harder to not project them entirely on the sun. A lot of “you did this to me!” energy. I didn’t consider myself a jealous person until this relationship and a lot of it came from wanting to be “good enough” in the eyes of the sun person. It’s like knowing you have these darker aspects in common and wanting them to see you can bond this way and see them in a way no one can. You also end up pushing limits together. You liked this? Now WE love this. You’re addicted to that? Now WE are addicted to it. Moderation is hard to achieve with sun in the 8th house synastry. It can also bring up insecurities surrounding sex with that person specifically, if poorly aspected. Explosive reactions and emotional outbursts aren’t foreign here. The house person can feel like a vampire being sunburned, with all its ugliness revealing itself from its body because of its interaction with this person. The 8H person wants a full, in-depth analysis of the sun person’s thoughts, intentions, and motivations. The plutonic energy wants to completely envelop the sun, compulsively in some cases, to know WHY they are the way they are, and why the sun presents themselves in certain ways. This is especially true if the sun person did something to hurt the 8H person, who can feel it more than is rational. The 8H person can really struggle with getting over any emotional harm or feelings of abandonment that come from the sun person. The 8H person can potentially resent the sun person for not being able to read them as intently as they could read the sun person. The sex, if and once insecurities are worked through, can bring you so much closer to one another and to yourself. I also feel like any disturbances or intimacy problems between you two can easily be felt by others or there can be blow ups in front of people you know, because the sun is a planet that illuminates wherever the light lands, whether you like it or not. Avoid public fights, because you will kiss and makeup but the damage in other people’s eyes will be done and opinions will be made. The 8H person might be able to see through any facade the sun person puts up, and this could lead to deep discussions that could be extremely healing for the Sun who might have to work through some things. The 8H person can also teach the sun person how to make more money and maybe even encourage them to start their own business. They can be known as a couple that makes a lot of money together. The sun person can also give sugar daddy/mommy vibes and the 8H the sugar baby, even if it neither one of the people involved are rich-rich. This is a highly binding placement. You two might find it difficult or even impossible to separate from each other even if the relationship has run its natural course. You guys are known as the couple that is “stuck” to one another.
Moon in 5th house synastry: *weird* but, for those who have this placement with a significant other, do you love to smell their body odor? I think in the house of children and fertility, it makes sense to love your partner’s pheromones. Something as weird as the smell of their armpits or stinky feet becomes comforting, idk?? This house is also really fun, and you can get a lot of emotional fulfillment out of acting like children together. 5H is ruled by Leo, so I also found that we had a lot of fun putting on “shows” for one another, and sort of making up our own characters and accents to make the other giggle. People are also really excited for the prospect of us having children together, and you’ll have friends volunteering to babysit or be the godparent of your unborn children LOL. Dressing up nice and going out on dates to somewhere with a great ambiance can be a great way to feel connected. Sharing perfume, or gifting each other perfumes or colognes. Loving the scents they wear. Same taste in candles? Candles as gifts. Lots of watching TV together? Having “shows” that feel wrong to watch without the other. Being called pretty by the other means a lot, and being pretty in each other’s eyes makes you feel good.
Moon in 12th house synastry: 12H synastry tends to have an awful reputation, and I get it when it’s a relationship that isn’t meant for you. However, my moon falls in my best friend’s 12H, and it is one of my favorite placements of ours. We have a telepathic connection where we can just look at the other and know what’s up. You preemptively know what will bother the other person and find it hard to understand how other people wouldn’t have assumed that thing would annoy your person. You understand each other’s motives, and can provide the ultimate shoulder to cry on or ear to listen with. When it’s a new interaction it can feel a bit intense, because how are you in my head!!! I feel like you can read my thoughts! It was like that for the both of us. It’s like, when together, both our consciousnesses transported to another realm where we are mutually perceiving something and our thoughts are being put on a radio for the other to listen to. Very spiritual relationship. You KNOW the vibes, and those feelings will be verified through the other person who already felt the same. She will never be wrong in my eyes and I will defend her to the death. We don’t even have to speak on certain days, but we can feel whatever mood the other one is in and check-up on each other accordingly. Whenever we have a strange dream or nightmare, the first thing we do is text each other and try to analyze what it could mean. I as the 12H person also dreamt of us becoming best friends before we formally met. The dreams i would have of her would always be loaded with spiritual symbolism. We also grew up with the same level of emotional attachment to our personal spiritualities and shared religion, which plays a large role in our understandings of one another. Most people just won’t get it, but she always will. She could read my crazy journal entries if she wanted to. 12H moon synastry is just unconditional love. Between friends at least, it feels like a long-lost twin connection. Also, her and I had gotten matching tattoos before we even knew of each other, both of them being for the same spiritual meaning!
Composite Mars in 3rd house: Lots of talking during sex, and lots of car sex— It might sometimes feel like that’s the easiest thing to talk about, or the conversation always steers to that direction. Sending nudes? Sexting. Maybe the only way you two could engage your sexual desire for one another is through sexting, because distance might not permit the full physical expression. If you don’t have a lot of experience knowing the other’s communication style, it can lead to a bit of random defensiveness or perceiving the other as communicating abrasively. I think it can lead to one trying to get reactions out of the other by saying something out of pocket.
Composite Mercury in 12th house: Pay attention to the dreams you have of this person! They will seriously tell you a lot about your dynamic, but don’t take them at face value! Lots of mystical elements to your dreams about them specifically, so maybe reviewing tarot card meanings and astrology concepts can help you decipher the meanings of your dreams. You might find it easier than expected to confide in each other or rant about your brain’s inner workings together. “I don’t know why I’m saying all that-“ or psychoanalyzing each other for fun. Talking about your less-than-desirable attributes. Being honest about your deceptive tendencies or specific lies you’ve told and why. Oversharing things that will usually make other people uncomfortable in the same context (like talking about your exes or failed situationships on a first date). Difficulties communicating when it’s not in person because it leaves too much room for confusion. Deceit is a real possibility though, with someone voluntarily “leaving out details” about their life outside of the relationship to avoid ruining the flow of energy or the dynamic. Having each other saved on your phones under fake names. Having to hide that you’re talking to this person from other people. One of you withdrawing communication to manipulatively make the other think about you more. Taking turns being each other’s therapist. Thinking about each other often but never expressing that, or the extent to which you think of one another. Thinking about the other at night before going to bed. “I started catching feelings for the girl that I’m currently having sex with, so it’s safe to say we don’t talk anymore, unless of course we’re having sex” in Sasquatch .22 by Bay Faction.
Composite Venus in 12th house: There really is a secretive component to this interaction that can feel impossible to bypass. Your family, friends, or society might not “approve” of you two together. One or both of you can be cheating on someone with this person. Only being able to meet up or be affectionate at night or in extremely private settings. The privacy of the relationship can help you open up a lot more than you’d expect to, because there’s no one but you two to perceive the other in this context. No judgments on how you two should behave with one another, so “let’s fully enjoy the moment while it lasts.” No one understanding your interaction or it’s purpose, and you probably don’t understand it either. Sending telepathic love notes. Longing. Intimate and romantic sex that haunts you or catches you off guard. Never wanting to be the first one to admit you’ve caught feelings. Ruining your sleep schedule to spend time with one another. Dreaming about romantically linking with them before it ever happens. Withdrawing once feelings start feeling real. The song “Lips of Angel” by Hinder reminds me of Composite Venus in 12H. “Illicit Affairs,” “August,” and “False God” by Taylor Swift. “Why Can’t I?” by Liz Phair. Gato de Noche by Bad Bunny. Sex by The 1975.
Lilith in 8th house synastry: Wanting to try things sexually with this person that wasn’t necessarily exciting with other partners. “You can do whatever you want to me, and I’ll let you.” Possibly experimenting with or preferring BDSM with one another. That Lana lyric that’s like: You fucked me so good that I almost said “I love you.” It might also be controversial if people knew you’ve had sex with one another. Revenge sex? As in, you two having sex might indirectly be spiting someone else, and it kind of feels like you’re dishing out delicious karma on a surprising silver platter— “lol if only they knew” You two might have fun misbehaving together. Doing what you both know you’re not supposed to be doing can make everything feel better, and even more reason to keep doing what you’re doing. Lana Del Rey in Diet Mountain Dew: “you’re no good for me, but baby I want you.” Wanting to be dangerous together. “Leave me bruised so I can’t forget you.” “Seeing you tonight is a bad idea, right?” This placement somewhat reminds me of a union between the death card and the devil card in tarot, with an emphasis on risk-stained sexual liberation. You can become symbolic of temptation in each other’s lives, so it’s hard to deny your impulses. Toxic by Britney Spears.
-D 🖤🕯
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azaria777 · 1 month
synastry observations pt. 1 🩵
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🦋 venus in the 3rd house synastry is honestly so so underrated. The venus person could want to constantly talk to the house person because they just GET them yk?😭 it’s so cute to see them interact. They’re in their little bubble, cracking jokes, laughing at things and the banter they have is chef’s kiss😋😌.
🦋 Another underrated placement is most definitely sun in the 4th house synastry. The immediate connection between these people ? like wow. Another placement where y’all just GET each other 💕.
🦋something weird I’ve noticed is when I have 12th house synastry with someone, I ALWAYS listen to music and make fake scenarios about them in my head😭 (I mean I do this with every guy I like but when 12th house synastry is involved it becomes excessive…). Especially with their venus/mars in my 12th house💀. Do y’all do this too? lmk
🦋moon-mars harsh aspects is honestly something else…❤️‍🔥. you don’t know if you wanna rip their head off or rip their shirt off (lmao with consent ofc)😭💀. They just KNOW what to say to PISS YOU OFF, especially the square. Despite them being the most aggravating person you know there’s something appealing about them that just draws you in😳😋.
🦋I feel like when you have mercury in the 1st house with someone, there’s always some sort of subtle or not so subtle physical touch taking place. Either they bump into you or touch you by mistake or they just tend to be extremely close to you…🤔 lmk if any of y’all have experienced this.
🦋 The way I have a love/hate relationship with mars in the 1st house synastry😭. Especially when a guy’s mars falls in my 1st house, I literally cannot help but physically react to whatever he says or does. Oh and you best believe the mars person wants to be physically near you or touch you in some shape or form. They literally can’t keep their hands to themselves ❤️‍🔥😋.
🦋if sun-venus/mars and moon-mars hard aspects (esp the squares) were a trope, it’d for sure be ‘enemies to lovers’😌❤️‍🔥. The countless “you’re so annoying”’s and the “I hate you”’s 😳❤️‍🔥. The tension is palpable hehe.
🦋something I’ve noticed with sun in the 8th house synastry is that there is a lot of insecurity from the house person’s side😬. The house person feels overshadowed by the sun person and in return tries to copy or mimic the sun person’s mannerisms in order to become more like the sun person 💀. On a more positive note, the house person genuinely admires the sun person’s personality and looks at them as sort of an inspiration 💕(ofc it depends on how self- confident the house person is and how good their self esteem is).
Please do not copy or steal any of my work <3. These are just personal observations so don’t take any of them too seriously 🧿😙♥️.
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cosmicplexus · 3 months
Random Synastry Observations
🌸Mars conjunct Ascendant or Mars in 1st house can be one of those relationships where you aren't too sure if someone likes you genuinely or just for your looks.
🌸Venus in 5th house has an easy going atmosphere helped by a shared sense of humor and playfulness regardless of other aspects in synastry.
🌸It can be very difficult to end a relationship with someone with their Mars in your 8th house as they will persist to make sure the relationship continues.
🌸Having your natal Moon or Venus conjunct/opposite/square Pluto makes your relationships with people close to your age very intense for better or worse.
🌸People with Venus in 12th house synastry tend to dream about each other a lot.
🌸Relationships have a better chance of surviving if 4th house,5th house and 8th house synastry are all present.
🌸People with Venus in 10th house synastry most likely met or connected through work or school and tend to bond over career related matters.
🌸If Moon conjunct Mars synastry has no strong aspects to aid the relationship, the Mars person may view the Moon person as merely someone to procreate with, this is especially true if Mars is a man and Moon is a woman.
🌸Venus-Saturn strong aspects tend to be present in age-gap relationships.
🌸Strong uranus aspects to personal plantets in synastry may create an element of uncertainty or instability to the relationship
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sapionic · 2 months
Venus Synastry ASTROLOGY
When your Venus falls in someone's house. Houses 1-7.
When your Venus falls in someone's 1st house, you are likely attracted to them or you are likely to be very hands on with them. Same with the 2nd house, but they would provide you with valuable things and even money. They are the house person which means they are providing you something. Your venus being in their 2nd house can make it easy for them to do things for you and they can even enjoy doing things for you.
When your Venus falls in someone's 3rd house, they are someone you are comfortable with. They may always have things to share with you socially and in other ways as well. This can be a person you value having close.
When your Venus falls in someone's 4th house, this can be someone likely to have a familiar connection with. This can result in partnerships of any kind that feels safe.
When your Venus falls in someone's 5th house, they are probably a good romantic partner towards you on a romantic tip. As a friend, they provide you with fun experiences. This could be a good person to party with. You are likely to enjoy this person.
When your Venus falls in someone's 6th house, they can be someone you wouldn't mind doing everyday things with. You probably would enjoy seeing them everyday. Could be someone you like running around with in general. They can be very supportive/helpful towards you. Very good synastry for family.
When your Venus falls in someone's 7th house, they are a partner you see value and longevity with. They likely embody certain qualities you love. Your Venus being in their 7th house makes them ideal or close to ideal for you whether romantically or generally. You likely enjoy their company.
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lavndrmy · 11 months
Astro Observations ❤️‍🔥✨
Side note: Again, don’t take this seriously this is only based on my opinion. Enjoy 🌻
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✨ Leo women with earth or water venus are literally the sweetest people they are the ones who are very considerate of other people’s feelings (you guys are sweethearts 🥹)
✨ Water suns with water mars are literally the most sensitive and short tempered people like I am actually scared for you guys 💀
✨ Virgo with libra placements or Libra with virgo placements are very very picky on aesthetic and are perfectionist the struggle is real (and yes I am one of them 🥴)
✨ Sagittarius men with capricorn placements are really the player like they always got girls flocking to them like birds they always get girls attentions and yes they are charming 🥵
✨ Scorpio mars with another scorpio mars don’t get along unless theres other good placement between them (I’ve experienced this so many times)
✨ Libra mars are actually problematic they always have bone to pick with someone and yes they tend to manipulate people to get what they want 💀
✨ People with sun opposite/square mars are very competitive and always the one to pick fights with somebody (they are the bullies)
✨ While people with sun conjunct mars are very transparent and have anger issues they really need to put their energy into a good use
✨ Yes gemini venus are players but only the smart and interesting people can keep them for longer 🤷🏻‍♀️
✨ Taurus venus aren’t loyal as they seem because I’ve seen people with this placement with so many partners and a cheater 🚩🚩
✨ Women with cancer mars are the most temperamental compare to men with cancer mars
✨ Taurus moons love them virgo suns yes they like them maybe we give them comfort? 🥹
✨ Yes its true Taurus men are really into other earth women especially capricorn women they always in a long lasting relationship together
✨ 12th house synastry is real guys dreaming about the person you have in the 12th house is real you always will dream about them at some point 🪐
✨ 9th house synastry is actually good for traveling together and yes also spiritual awakening
✨I know a scorpio rising when I see one they eyes are so dark and pitch black and they appearance can look scary too 👀
✨ as a Libra venus I’m always attracted to men with cancer mars like they is always sexual tension or hatred going on 😮‍💨
✨and yes Libra moon/venus wants a pretty or handsome partner so if you not good enough for them they don’t care about you
✨People with 8th house in personal planet are literally the sweetest people I know they been through alot 🤍🤍
✨Gemini suns with cancer venus/mars are literally the most caring and sweetest people around
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mercurianthing · 1 month
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🥀 Venus in the 12h synastry is when the venus person is secretly and deeply in love with the house person but does not want to admit his love to the house person and the house person denies his love to the venus person but in his thoughts and feelings he knows that he feels something for the venus person but is simply afraid of it and continues to deny it.
🥀 And this is how venus in the 12h synastry can fall from actually happening in real life, but only in the thoughts and dreams of both, the venus person and the house person.
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synastry observations (5/07/23)
💌 moon conjunct vesta 🥺🥺🥺🥺. as the vesta person, you have soooo much love & pure devotion for the moon person. & the moon person feels it so heavily & really appreciates that. they (moon) will really miss that love & care if they ever part ways. & vesta, also, will heavily grieve that connection
💌 sun square mercury : the sun person can feel very wounded by any critiques the mercury may have on them. the mercury person can say something about them jokingly & not think much about it but it may linger on the sun persons mind
💌 moon square mercury : as the mercury person, you’ll most likely have to handle conversations with the moon person with a lottt of care and watch not only what you say, but your delivery as well. this is a placement for conversations to blow up & get emotional for moon person very quickly, leaving mercury extremely frustrated. i have this with BOTH of my parents 😬😬😬. not to mention it’s my WATER moon vs. their AIR mercuries. yes, i’ve suffered.
💌 venus in the 3rd or 11th house is a friends to lovers placement
💌 i’m experiencing one sided 12th house synastry romantically for the first time. i have 12th house synastry with literally all of my romantic interests but it’s always a double whammy. this time it’s just my stellium (including my sun) in his 12th house & i feel soo exposed. i feel like he’s always psycho analyzing me & it feels so weird because that’s usually MY role. i also feel very hesitant to express how i feel about him which is also weird to me because i usually don’t have a really hard time with that. so it’s just interesting to observe
💌 6th house synastry is honestly such extreme devotion to another person. talking every single day, always considerate of the other persons feelings. always wanting to help better them & their habits/health. it just feels like you’re meant to be on a journey with this person where you both help each other evolve. one of the best synastry houses in my opinion
💌 with 12th house synastry, there’s always someone else in the picture. you’re likely to be involved in a love triangle when you have 12th house synastry with someone. or you might still be close with an ex when you meet that new person you have this synastry with. or they might be. i’ve seen this so many times, it’s crazy. i suspect that this is maybe because the 12th house is our past, so when you encounter someone you have this synastry with, you just happen to be still carrying baggage from your past or they are
i should make a whole separate post with 12th house synastry observations because i’ve had it with every single person i’ve been involved with romantically 🌚🌚
💌 i feel like also with 12th house synastry, you’ll literally think about this person forever. what they taught you, what could’ve been, where they are now, etc ..
💌 ppl who have planets in your 2nd house realllyyyy effect your self esteem.
thanks so much for reading, let me know what you think. & check out my new astro observations post as well <3
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444shayyy · 1 month
12h synastry
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astrologyvas · 1 month
mars in the 12th house overlay/synastry
please do not copy or repeat my work anywhere
mars in the 12th house is a mystical, alluring and beautifully contradicting synastry placement.
in this overlay, we have mars, the fiery and confrontational celestial body. when you mix that with the 12th house, being an elusive, murky swamp of reminiscence, there is a lot of conflicting energies. on one hand, the fieriness of mars has the potential to boil out the impurities of the watery house and cleanse them of tainted habits. on the other hand, water can extinguish fire completely.
the first glimpse of this person ignites a spiritual pull towards one another. both, but typically the mars, feel an insatiable curiosity towards the other. it's like a dark, faint-lighted party where they can't take their eyes off each other.
mars in this connection wants to untwine the soul of the house, diving head first into their whirling and opaque waters. however, they quickly realize they need to slow down and restrain their impulsivity in order to be abundant in this connection. the house is cautious of mars, and may be scared away if mars does not tread carefully. trust is very blurred in this overlay, both wanting to be in control of the vulnerability shown to each other.
the house is an oasis of water that mars stumbled upon. mars will need to relinquish its aggressive nature in order to penetrate the shy and mysterious aura the house emanates. mars frantically texting "why are you ignoring me?" while the house is asleep vibes.
how aware one is of their subconscious will be how aware they are of what's going on beneath the surface of this overlay. there is a very passive energy when it comes to disputes and arguments. hidden conflict is a theme because of the timidity of both parties. there is potential for destruction if open & honest communication is not at the forefront of this connection.
mars is almost drowned in the dim haze of the house, causing a tendency for delusion and false impressions. both mars and the house feel like a piece of the puzzle is missing, because of their preconceived notion of who this person is.
this linkage will be a sensual and otherworldly bond. sex feels like you are traveling to astral planes through each other. like you are pulling their walls away, and reaching into the depths of their soul.
it is a powerful coming-together, but if either parties aren't looking or prepared for 12th house activation, it can be just as powerfully draining and cataclysmic.
mars can reach parts of the house that they may not be used to, especially if the house person has an inactive or empty 12th house. it can have the energy of "wait, you noticed that?" after the mars pointed out something the house only ever thought to themselves.
12th house connections are notoriously tragic, as the 12th house itself is a very impenetrable retreat in the natal chart. the house person may initially be full of lust for the mars person, which in time bleeds into insecurity or resentment. this is due to the nature of the 12th house bringing unconscious wounds and trauma to the surface when triggered by someone like mars.
however, this synastry is spiritually elevated and beautifully transcending if the challenging energies are balanced and nurtured. these bonds are meant to trigger change and emotional discomfort.
songs that may resonate:
like a tattoo - sade she - harry styles how to disappear - lana del rey rose blood - mazzy star
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myun-saidthoughts · 1 month
Reasons Why Water House Synastry Is Karmic and Intense:
In this post, I want to address some reasons why water house (4th, 8th, and 12th) synastry can be very intense, very transformational and create/increase codependency.
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(the basis of this thread is the fact that there is attraction and desire within the romantic connection, and the depth of feeling will run more true if you share multiple other intense synastry aspects/past life connections. Friendships/family relations that have heavy 8th/12th house synastry overlays manifest *very* differently)
Each water house has one common factor, and that's with these type of synastry overlays; you will feel seen or accepted. In some way, some form, the severity of it depends (as usual), but
if you struggle with:
4TH House:
Showing your true character to others without the fear of being judged.
Sharing your inner thoughts to others with ease and safeness.
The fact that you never felt/had a safe home, so now you long for that feeling (of being at ease/comfortable with someones presence).
Feeling ease and comfortability within your environment or within yourself, instead you experienced that those feelings came at a cost.
8TH House: If you struggle with:
Self acceptance.
Self worth.
Self love.
Self confidence.
Accepting/receiving love.
Having low respect for yourself (meaning how others treat you may be hurtful but because of lack of validation within, you allow or accept that behavior).
Having a pattern where the way others treat you either gives or takes away validation your inner wounds need.
Deeply craving emotional closeness yet fearing it at the same time.
Allowing yourself to desire love.
The fact you're emotionally unavailable; so you're unsure with how to deal with romance, and yet a part of you still deeply desires a partner.
These also may resonate if you have 8H, Pluto aspecting inner planets/Scorpio placements
12TH House: If you struggle with:
Emotionally availability/allowing someone to see you, all of you.
Receiving tangible, stable, harmonious, love.
Having a habit to/find it easier to fix or save someone in hopes of changing their self destructive habits or mental health issues. This type of tendency creates an avoidance within yourself especially if you don't focus on your own needs or problems. (it's easier to focus on someone else's pain rather than your own)
Feeling safe with the idea of not being needed, instead you choose to be the giver or other woman since it subconsciously keeps you at a distance of being openly loved (which is something you subconsciously fear)
Holding the deep desire to feel seen past the physical 3D.
Allowing yourself to receive the type of love you're able to give/shower another.
Wanting to fix or heal someone's mental health wounds or problems, you find it safer to be their savior rather than have a true give and take partnership.
(These also may resonate if you have 12H, Neptune aspecting inner planets/Pisces placements)
These are a few examples of how intense these synastry overlays may manifest if you are struggling with the above statements. I briefly mentioned a few indicators, needless to say they are more and each synastry chart or even natal chart will always paint the picture better of how deep these relationships can manifest.
then 4th, 8th, and 12th house synastry will cause internal shift within, whether you want it to or not.
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4th House: With the 4th house and when someone walks into your life and they ignite your IC, the part of your character that you readily hide becomes unlocked. If you personally have struggled with being comfortable in your skin, or have struggled with feeling secure with who you are as you are, then this person to you will feel like a comfort blanket. Their presence will shift you into a mood where all you feel is safe, present, and in the moment. With them, you will feel complete in showcasing your inner world and your inner thoughts. Their presence will become this key that you didn't even knew you need. It'll feel easy with them, and there is no hesitation, confusion or worry. You can't feel worry, and it's not because they insistently tell you not to feel anxious, you just naturally won't. You guys will likely share the same humor or communication style, and if there is a Venus conjunct IC then the IC person will feel this romantic pull with showcasing their personality outwardly that they won't be able to shake towards the Venus person. Overall these feelings are especially true if you struggle with letting someone in, if it takes some time for you to allow someone else to see your personality or thoughts, then they will feel like a cure for allowing to let that side of you out and when you're next to them; you'll feel like you're finally home.
Example: you walk into a bar and they make eye contact with you, you instantly smile, they instantly smile, and the conversation that ignites feels as if you just spoke to them. It could be weeks, months even since you last saw them but the comfortability between the two of you oozes out in a way where it feels like they just came back home to you.
The reason why this type of connection can be hard to let go of is because their presence might cause or create a codependent need in you for them in order to feel "safe." All their presence is doing is igniting the secure feeling in you that you wish you had, you finally can look into another's eyes and feel that type of comfortability you've always been scared enough to unlock or accept. Your private thoughts and characteristics feel safe next to them, and because of that, they create this security within you won't know how to let go of. So, all they are doing is unleashing your wish of being your truest self without fearing the consequences of being seen for who you are.
In some cases, 4th house synastry may not run as intense, and some say it can be 'mundane' or boring, especially if you don't struggle with the listed wounds I stated, or if you don't share other intense or cute attraction synastry aspects with them; but in essence this individual will feel like a grounding force.
The bond you can form with them is tangible, it's secure, and it feels real. So, letting them go will feel as though you're letting go the one desire of ever revealing your private inner self with ease, especially if this is a part of you that you've been too afraid to openly show or even accept.
Songs That Relate
Look After You - The Fray
Chasing Cars - Snow Patrol
Control - Zoe Wees
Hey Stranger - Billie Flynn
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8th House: With the 8th house, these type of connections are more intense, and naturally so. With this type of synastry, and if you struggle with self acceptance especially with self love or self worth, then letting go of this connection will feel near to impossible. It will feel like life or death if they walk away from you, and it will feel like a part of you dies every time they don't give you the reassurance or acknowledgment your soul wishes for. Their eyes alone, tell you it's time to let that wall down and without effort your wall crumbles. You know that if they leave, a part of you will leave with them but if your wound of wishing to be accepted runs so deep within, you can't help but take that risk. You're aware that the unavoidable low following their absence will cut deep, yet instead of walking away, you prepare yourself for its inevitable arrival.
You allow that pain to embody you because that pain hurts less than not feeling those moments of acceptance that they are able to give you, especially if it's what you've always reluctantly wished for.
With their presence that void of wanting emotional closeness that you've always longed for will feel like it has vanished, their eyes alleviate the long-ignored half-empty feeling, and so the part of you that wishes to been seen, the part of you that wishes to feel accepted, the part of you that wants to be vulnerable won't know how to let go.
You could run into them and it could be weeks, months even and if you still struggle with loving yourself in the way you wish they would, their presence will create this upheaval that will shake within you, this synastry holds cycles, loops, ups and down to the point of where if you don't hate them, a part of you will still want them.
This synastry creates a dynamic where this soul that entered your life is only igniting the parts of you that you, yourself don't accept, love or acknowledge. Their presence becomes this band-aid that somehow soothes the deepest parts of you that have been abandoned, and their presence soothes the part of you that you yourself believe you can't heal. This fear then creates a scarcity mindset that can cause you to become someone you're not, and even if you logically know what is objectively best to do in situations to not create more intensity within the connection; there's just a part of you that can't care.
The reason why this type of connection can be hard to let go of is because their presence might cause or create a codependent need in you to have them in order to feel "seen." Their presence gives you a sense of acceptance where you allow yourself to accept love in. If you struggle with emotional abandonment, or fear love, then their presence will feel like a "skip the line" pass with inner healing the parts of you that feel broken.
The reason why 8th house synastry is discussed so promptly and openly is because these feelings that persist (when dealing with inner wounds) become such catalysts of growth and ego deaths; but that is only because this connection allows in the hope for love you've been wishing for all your life. You want to be held, you want to be cared for and loved in a way that you've never received, and this person presences grants that sole wish. They bring you that one solace feeling that you've never felt and because of that, letting them go is letting go the one key that makes you feel worthy, seen, and accepted.
Their presence creates this codependent need within because they become this one "thing" that you think you need in order to fulfill that self love wound you keep repressing. You'll start to rely on them for emotional clarity or serenity, you'll start to "need them" in order to feel good, and you'll expect them to make you feel "better" emotionally and if they fail to meet those expectations, all you'd be faced with is the unwavering feeling of the lack of self love or worth you're too afraid to self develop.
The love you're so readily able to give them, is what your soul is asking you to give yourself.
*Those who have prominent natal Scorpio or 8th house placements as well as having Pluto aspecting harshly their inner planets or ascendant will feel these trials and errors more*
Songs That Relate:
Locksmith - Sadie Jean
Addicted - Kelly Clarkson
Im Yours/Haunted/Heartbeat - Isabel LaRose
Just a Little Bit of Your Heart - Ariana Grand
Heavenly - Cigarettes After Sex
Is There Somewhere - Halsey
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12th house: With the 12th house, this synastry unlocks so many different routes and experiences. Many factors influence how each individual can feel towards this ethereal connection. One way this synastry can manifest is through the tendency for the 12th house to cloud, confuse, and bring hesitancy into the connection. In some cases, Person A will feel as though they can read Person B in such a deep and subconscious way; this type of knowing may even be hidden from Person B to the extent that they are unaware of their own subconscious emotional needs, thoughts or feelings, and yet (especially if there's care or desire on their end) Person A can read Person B like a book. 12th house synastry can be so thought provoking because of the absolute depth and surreal feeling it can add into the connection. The planet person (or the person who has heavy Neptune/Pisces/12th house placements) will feel this innate drive to be with the house person (or the other partner who isn't as spiritual adept). It's as if one partner, driven by an innate need to give endlessly, is profusely tossing their sole bucket of water into the vast ocean of the other partner's needs. The giver (or the person who has heavy Neptune/Pisces/12th house placements) is so focused on giving that they overlook the importance of receiving, while the receiver remains oblivious.
If Person B remains unaware of the deep spiritual bond between them that can manifest, they may perceive Person A's actions as invasive or unnecessary. Person A, recognizing wounds in Person B that they may not be aware of can evoke a sense of fear in Person B, this has to deal with the issue of them not allowing or accepting a form of love that they believe (Person B) doesn't serve them.
If this scenario resonates with you, then this individual is provoking a wound within yourself that deals with the acceptance of receiving authentic love. This innate need to only give highlights your own fear of receiving real tangible love.
In this scenario where one party wants to save, fix, heal or give highlights that fearful nature in you where you allow to stay in shallow waters. You subconsciously know that you have such passionate love to give, but that thought of giving to someone who in turn might be willing to give back evokes fear and uncertainty within you.
This subconscious block holds more comfortability within you since it allows you to never accept a love where your soul will fully be fulfilled. It's self sabotaging and self written, you naturally already know how the story will end between you two, and so you subconsciously will find a character who perfectly embodies the story you yourself say you try to run from.
On the other hand this synastry (when desired and when it's dealing with highly evolved individuals) can unlock such deep soulfulness between both partners. Between the two parties, it'll feel as if they have found someone that can finally understand them better than anyone ever has, it'll feel dreamy and mystical. It'll feel as if their body language writes stories that you could only read.
In a pure sense, one partner that desires the other very deeply and whole heartedly wants to make sure that their partner is seen, and understood. And this comes from a very sincere place and if the other receiving partner allows that kind of love in while being okay with giving that same love back, that is when this type of connection can be ideal.
Now in this scenario, this type of codependent nature deals with over emphasizing redemption with no boundaries. If there is solid exchangeable love, a part of you may believe there is always more good than bad within them or within the relationship, and so their wrongdoings or unacceptable behavior to you or to others somehow receives justification or more understanding than he or she should receive. (especially if you also share 8th house synastry with them). As well as it's important to understand that if there is this innate understanding given by one partner that's always present when there shouldn't be, that's when the relationship can become overwhelming, or draining. Just because you know, understand or empathize with the other partner's actions or patterns doesn't make their actions okay.
This type of dynamic receives interchanging parts, with the 12th house things can lack a solid foundation and lack crystal clear communication, some days you both won't deal with struggling dynamics, then one say Partner 1 acts out, to which Partner 2 cuirasses and holds, then a few weeks later Partner 2 acts out and Partner 1 comes to their aid.
Truly the amount of stories, experiences, how Person 1 will feel vs Person 2 is genuinely so intercomplicated and nuanced. Each story lies within the two parties involved, with this house they are just so many different routes and avenues it can uphold so in this particular post may not cover every ounce of information on 12th house synastry. If you are curious to learn more only about this synastry I have a long updated post titled "Understanding 12th House Synastry" and it's far more in-depth.
In essence, how the other partner receives this type of boundless understanding calls for them to be a very kind and open individual. It's important to understand and recognize red flags or self undoing patterns. Staying aware of the actual real situation instead of sitting in bed thinking of the "What if's" are key. Their posts may not be about you, that song on their story can be just a song, remember that. Especially if the individual lacks self awareness or care on their end.
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Finally, I don't believe water house synastry holds malicious energy or serves as a dictatorship with stating how the relationship will fail. Not every synastry overlay is set for such intense energy or uncomfortable experiences, each planet in a natal chart holds different themes. What truly matters at the end of the day are the two souls involved within the connection. Desire, care, love, and acceptance are all foundational keys for any relationship to last even those with or without water house synastry. Accepting yourself in the purest form when it comes each water house theme (4,8,12) is key.
Your natal chart when it comes to synastry serves as a mirror within yourself, everything you are feeling for someone else is already sitting within you.
Don't forget that.
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scorpiohive · 26 days
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marchoftimes · 1 month
12h mars synastry doesn’t always mean that the mars person will stab your back or that they’re a hidden enemy. It could literally just mean that they’re stimulating a very sensitive part of your mind that is the subconscious. It’s having someone do things (mars is action) that causes you to have a knee jolt reaction; it’s almost instinctive. They could actively push your buttons you may not even know you had. Sometimes it’s hard to understand the mars person’s motives as well, but overall this overlay helps you get to know yourself better; sometimes the parts of yourself you’re not so proud/aware of become highlighted. You may not realize the effect they have on you until they themselves or another points it out.
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cyberstrangerballoon · 5 months
12TH SYNASTRY BE LIKE: Having a hole ass date in a dream, and then you wake up and you're still blocked by him??? Like, no one can tell me that astrology isn't real. I am living proof of that.
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sun-pluto · 1 month
one thing i will say about 12h synastry with friends that is neither positive nor negative is the fact that the planet person will see the house person as a totally new landscape to explore and discover basically. and the house person will feel it, and either feel unseen/“objectified” or appreciated and showered with attention.
i’ve realised depending on the planet person, they can either be totally delusional about this and project their own beliefs and assumptions onto the house person, or they can be endlessly curious and grateful to have the house person in their lives.
besides knowing this from experience, it’s because the 12th house is a very worldly, universal, yet unknown and subconscious house. it can be how the world seems like to you and also how the world projects its own beliefs onto you from young. having people with planets in your 12th house can either seem like they’re constantly getting things wrong about you and make you feel misunderstood, or make you feel appreciated, grateful and abundant. because the planet person will constantly be learning about you, and being grateful you’re a complex being while treasuring you in their lives.
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angelwurdz · 1 year
Astrology observations n6
favorite Synastry houses
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4th House synastry
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The fourth house is ruled by cancer and the moon. It’s about childhood, family and home. If someone’s has their planets on your forth house this relationship is mostly going to make you feel safe and secure. There will be a sense of comfort and mutual caring. You both deeply care about each other’s needs, listen and nurture each other. Your partner blends well with your family members they may share many interests and qualities. It also indicates a long term and lasting relationship. Fourth house synastry is a warm pumpkin soup in a cold winter day.
5th house synastry
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The house of romance, children and entertainment. It’s playful and fiery just like Leo energy. A relationship with strong 5th synastry feels like becoming a teenager or a curious child again.It feels innocent, spontaneous and fun. You will be more vibrant. Since it’s also the house of creativity boredom will be rare, you and your partner always get creative when it comes to dates and doing fun things together. You also enjoy doing simple tasks together like doing groceries, playing video games, stargazing even making troubles!
8th house synastry
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They say the forbidden fruit tastes the sweetest. That’s what’s 8th synastry is all about. In this kind of relationship it’s usually taboo, secretive and too intense. My favorite placements are Mars and Moon in the 8th house, the physical and emotional bond is usually very strong. It’s you and your partner can read each other’s minds and know your deepest desires. The chemistry is truly undeniable. Since it is also the house of death, you can see the dark parts of your partner and accept them too. You can also start a business together , work successfully on a project and share things.
12th house synastry
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When it comes to 12th house synastry people have different experiences. For some it is a bless and a fairytale, for others it is a curse and a nightmare. In my opinion it’s one of the best and most misunderstood synastry, it’s not just the house of enemies but also soulmates, subconscious, hospitals, fantasies, secrets. This synastry can show you your weakness, trigger your trauma and takes you to places you didn’t want to go. It will break you just to rebuild you stronger again . It is a spiritual journey. 12th house synastry may indicate love from the first sight you may have thought «  I feel like I have known this person before » the feeling of familiarity is so strong because it can indicate karmic and past life relationships. 12th house is ruled by Neptune so it explains if you have many dreams about the person. Like a magnet pulling you towards the person, it’s inescapable, unavoidable and unearthly.
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