goodness i feel willypasta so deeply
5.4.2024 tor @ bos, round 1, game 7
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simmyfrobby · 28 days
☕️ 8888?
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i will never think about anything else ever again.
"we were children together" is such a good dynamic. it is SUCH a good dynamic. they're both such interesting personalities. the fashion interest is one thing, but the way they both behave just in general is so fun and interesting and different. pasta who's smiley and enthusiastic and bursting at the seams w joy, and willy who is laid back almost to a fault but can Turn It On on the ice and shows up in big moments. dominance. star quality. weird fucking vibes. they're interesting. they're kinda weird looking (hot). they're FUN. they both fill such interesting roles on their respective teams. pasta as the undeniable nr 1 in a hockey market that loves him without question (but then the only player on the team to get publicly called out by his coach) willy number 2? 3? on a team thats held to a high standard, under impossible scrutiny, having gained the reputation of "the only player who produces during the playoffs" (but then misses games because he has the audacity to be injured). the fact that the leafs hate the bruins and that pasta has said he enjoys beating the leafs more than any other team. the fact that willy's season ended with pasta's OT goal. the fact that they grew up together. the fact that pasta still spends his summers in Sweden. everything about them is so interesting to me i want to know everything there is to know about their friendship i want to study them like bugs.
add. notes.
pasta's active listening face in the last two gifs
Their Language Thing
"have you spent some time with William" "yeah" :)
weird guys weirder fashion
i just like them
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so mcuh
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nlndr · 22 days
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redflicker · 1 month
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stereax · 29 days
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is this anything?
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gaybroons · 12 days
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Fic Excerpt :
Infiltrating Toronto’s castle wasn’t as difficult as navigating its rooms, the winding halls and complex corridors, the doors that lead to dead ends and the gardens that are ought to be described as a mazes. David hears the other bruins complain, the rookies who had never seen such architecture before must be overwhelmed; but he can’t find it in himself to care.
He knows what he wants. What he’s here for. His heart is clutching at one thing, claws digging into the memory of his lover. His dirty, bloodied boots are thumping against the perfect marbled ground but he can’t hear them over the pounding in his ears. He’s so close. So close. He can taste Willy’s lips against his own.
He runs like a man possessed, making his way blind, as if pulled by an invisible string. Somehow he’s sure that William is— that he—
When their eyes meet, it’s almost as if time itself had stopped.
The willypasta AU in which Willy is a spoiled prince, Pasta is a barbarian warrior, their countries are at war but that doesn’t stop them from being helplessly, hopelessly in love with each other :)
Another scrumptious piece of art from the most talented @adelphenium , aided by my co-commissioner and enabler @patrice-bergerons i love you two to pieces 💝💗💞💕💞💗💖💖💖💕💞💘💘💓💝💗 I’ve been screaming about this for HOURS 😩
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Character pages of Hachibe and 8888. These were translated a while back, but the release for this was postponed until the proper chapter was released.
Story and artwork by sorobochi English translation by trisloshr Typesetting by merrodi
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spiderware · 1 month
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zorua puppy
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ultraviolence9999 · 1 year
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all hope is gone
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superlohozavr · 1 year
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my curiosity is ripping you apart
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phoenix----rising · 4 months
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𝑆𝑜 𝐼 𝑤𝑎𝑠 𝑗𝑢𝑠𝑡 𝑐𝑢𝑡𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑝𝑒𝑝𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑠 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑢𝑛𝑖𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑒 𝑖𝑠 𝑛𝑜𝑡 𝑘𝑖𝑑𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔... 𝐿𝑚𝑎𝑜...
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crisps-craft · 2 years
angel numbers
"Omnia in numeris sita sunt"- "Everything lies veiled in numbers."
what are the meanings behind synchronicities? - the universe communicates to us through numerical messages! when we see these numbers, the universe intends for them to be received as downloads of spiritual knowledge, wisdom, and guidance- seeing angel numbers are signs that your spirit guides are watching over you and guiding you through life!
how do i interpret these signs and numbers?
- angel numbers operate similar to tarot cards from my experience - yes, there are correlations and meanings attached, but you have to use your discernment to understand the specific message for you. Understand the overarching theme of the number and investigate what its personal meaning is to you (because there are many various interpretations of each number).
Keep in mind - these are just my personal interpretations. Take what resonates and leave what doesn't. Enjoy! :)
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Currently, your spirit guides want you to be aware of the unlimited potential that you possess. Your potential is waiting to become kinetic - it is determined by its relative position in your reality. You may feel like you are at a standstill, but your spirit guides are encouraging you to use this time to plant intentions into your future. This period of stagnancy allows for soul work and exploration right now (this time will help you recognize where and how your energy needs to be applied currently. I know it feels frustrating, but use this time to your advantage to regroup your sense of identity and direction). Recognize where your potential and power lie and go for it. 000 can empower other numbers that are attached to it, as well. You have completed a cycle and now you are starting a new chapter - be patient with yourself. Set intentions to help usher in this new cycle. New beginnings will help you connect to your fullest potential - where do you feel yourself being drawn right now? How and where is your energy being called to do? For better or for worse, you could be experiencing some sort of karmic reset where you are paying off karma. There could be energies attached to you that need to be cleansed.
111, 1:11, 1111, 11:11
Represents new beginnings and ventures that you are currently entering in your life. In the midst of crafting this new reality, you are being encouraged to use your creativity, innovation, and inventiveness! Think of the Magician tarot card. You may still be in the process of shifting to this desired reality - but nonetheless, your actions and perspective are absolutely critical right now. You create your own reality - so be aware of your standards, beliefs, intentions, and more. Where attention goes, energy flows. Trust in the universe and take leaps of faith. If you do face rejection, the remember that rejection is redirection and that it was not in your soul's best interest. Do not allow failure to knock you down - if you do not try, how can these new opportunities come to you? Be brave and courageous. Your sense of personal power is heightened right now - you are exercising the energy of pure will. Be intentional with this power in your hands. You are an alchemist who is experimenting with perspectives, actions, and intentions - you are brewing your own reality and the new opportunities that await. You have very potent spiritual energies supporting you right now. Your guides are very protective of you right now during this time of transformation and energy transmutation.
222, 2:22, 12:22
When the power of 2 is being emphasized to your soul, you are being reminded to realign yourself. Is anything setting you off balance? Your guides want you to realign so that you can achieve unification with whatever you are trying to come into contact with - whether this be love and relationships, dreams, careers, goals, etc. By realigning and readdressing what resonates with you, this newfound sense of balance will help detoxify your environment so you can surround yourself according to what best suits and resonates with your energy. You could be coming (or already) in contact with a soulmate or twin flame (can be romantic or platonic)! Overall, this number is very lucky and indicates that whatever you have been desiring is coming into contact with you soon. New opportunities for growth, discoveries, and beginnings are coming your way - but you need to allow them to come in. Take leaps of faith, keep your head held high, stand your ground and standards, and strive for balance balanced. Are there any codependent behaviors you need to release? Any attachments or blockages that are keeping you from aligning? Let go of them and realign.
333, 3:33
If you are seeing 3, then the Universe is telling you to reconnect your mind, body, and spirit. All of them are interrelated and determine the health and wellbeing of each other! This balance is absolutely necessary to be aware of. When you realign, you will find the ability to focus on your goals much easier. Your decision making abilities and clarity over your path will feel much more clear. You might be in the midst of a revelation or realization as well. You may have to rethink your values and determine what it is that brings you joy and balance in your life. Do you need to cut out negative influence? In a way, you are remodeling yourself and your reality right now- think of it like an update. 333 / 3:33 can come up before a glow up (or even afterwards as reassurance from Spirit to continue your progress) Any negative energies right now may be emphasized to be put under reflection - you may need to cut out toxic friends, substance abuse, escapism, procrastination, negative mindsets / self destructive tendencies - Spirit is telling you to remove those so you can move forward. Those things are the reason for your indecision and stagnancy at the moment. I see this number often when an achievement / big milestone is on the horizon and about to happen.
444, 4:44
If the number 4 is repeating on your path, then your spirit guides want to reassure you that you are protected right now. Right now, what you want the most is guidance. Sometimes the path that you are on can feel too heavy to take on and you wish that someone could take the load off and help you. Your guides are reassuring you of your abilities to move forward and persevere - your guides are trying to send you more protection through channeling emotional strength and intuitive downloads (so you may find yourself more intuitive and able to read between the lines right now). During this time, you could find yourself more nostalgic and wistful for the past - you may associate the past with comfort because of how secure, stable, and sturdy everything felt. Everything felt 'in control'- but that's only because you are looking at the past from a present perspective. In your present self, you know how the 'story' ends and you have awareness of the conclusion of such events - that is why that feeling of 'security' comes up. So, your guides are bringing up the past to remind yourself that if you can get through it once, you can get through it again. "Security is not in having things; it's in handling things." Instead of looking towards the external reality / environment to 'save' you, remember that you have the strength to save and regenerate yourself - time and time again. You are going to look back at yourself in this moment and feel so proud.
555, 5:55
One of my favorite numbers - this sequence comes up when some sort of change is coming. Your current phase in life is in the midst of transitioning to something completely new. You know how, when looking back on your life, you almost categorize the sequence of events in "phases" or "chapters"? Different versions of yourself being applied to various external environments generating new realities. You are in the midst of walking on a new path! This is exciting and fresh. Spirit is advocating for you to be honest with yourself. On this new endeavor of life, what do you want to bring with you and what do you want to leave behind? You are the driving force of yourself - have faith in your ability to decide how you want this new phase to be. If you are considering trying a new activity, project, or pursuing a goal, then this number is a good sign that you are on the brink of something. This number makes me think of experimenting - you may be trying on new identities, new life goals and purposes, new roles in this reality - don't be afraid to try new things and to go after what it is that truly resonates with you on your soul path (even if it is something completely new).
666, 6666
This number comes up when the Universe wants you to reexamine your values and if your current reality is reflective of that. Another interpretation calls to ask if there is anyone or anything that either, you are in debt to, or is in debt to you. I see this number when your life and relationships are out of balance or unfair in a way. There is some sort of inequality present - this could be a relationship with two people where one person is putting in more effort than the other. Maybe someone is putting in too much effort (which can also disrupt the balance of things). This number calls for you to examine how 'healthy' you feel certain influences in your life are. In some cases, this number shows up when there are toxic influences in your life but it has become so 'normal' that you look past it. Think of this number as a call for 'spring cleaning' - right now, you need to pay attention to what brings you the healthiest mental wellbeing. In achieving that, you must pay awareness to what is detrimental towards yourself. What relationships or things in your life are bringing you anxiety? Are you avoiding anything that really needs addressing? The Universe knows that this number is a difficult one to deal with, but this number is trying to set your life and health in order. Sometimes the hardest things to address are what will make our lives so much easier. Even cleaning your living space physically or catching up on chores or self care that you have been putting off can also be a message from this number - 6 is all about the maintenance of mental wellbeing and our physical health.
777, 7777
777 is often associated with luck, wish fulfillment, and spiritual growth / knowledge / connection. This number can also tell you to remember to have fun or that some sort of fun event is on the horizon. Now is a good time to enjoy yourself and life. Let go, relax, and soak up the present. You could be traveling or making plans, too. Abundance and prosperity is coming your way so make sure that your heart is open to these new experiences! An open heart and mind. You also may be very spiritually in tune right now and are enjoying the fruits of your labor. Your manifestations that you have worked so hard for are raining in! The rewards of your efforts are coming in. This important milestone is meant to be enjoyed and will help you navigate this life phase right now. "You've hit the jackpot!" Keep walking on your current path and have faith that things will work out.
888, 8888
This number to me is more indicative of the physical reality rather than the spiritual one. Wealth could be coming in or some sort of balance or due being paid off. 8 is in the shape of an infinity sign and represents balance. What needs to be balanced right now is currently being balanced. Justice and karma are currently being served as well. Any harsh or 'ugly' truths may see the light of day as well (meaning that justice may be coming your way). Everything is currently falling into its right place so have faith and trust the process - even if things seem chaotic or messy right now, just know that the worst of it is through. This transformation and period of rebalancing has been tough, but oh so worth it.
999, 9999
999 represents releasing that which no longer serves you. The vibration of this number carries forgiveness and acceptance with it as well. What do you need to forgive yourself for? You can stop the cycle of self guilt by releasing your pain and forgiving yourself. This number wants you to be gentle with yourself and allow yourself to feel your pain so you can release it. One door of your life is closing so that a new one can open. It may be time to shift your focus off of something that you may have found yourself obsessing over. It may be time to let go so that you can truly thrive and spend your energy where it needs to be applied. This number makes me think of spending time alone with yourself. You might find yourself wanting more quiet time away from the noisiness of life - and that's okay. This period will allow you to heal and reemerge with more energy for a new phase in your life.
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simmyfrobby · 28 days
Like what do you do when you love a guy so deeply but you love your team even more and always will
no but like!!! its not a tragedy!!! theyre both on the same page!!!! team first. always. that doesnt mean they love each other any less. they both know this.
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redflicker · 1 month
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POV: annoying ass hermit steals ur god phone and is insufferably smug about it.
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battyratt · 2 months
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gaybroons · 1 month
Warlord Pasta??? >:3c ?
Lari, babe. Do you remember this fucking thing???? and THIS moment???????
Ok. Imagine with me for an instance. In a royalty/fantasy AU, Princess (gender neutral) Willy Nylander, spoiled, beloved, pretty, and also delusionally in love with David Pastrnak whom he met when they were wee little boys, mildly injured on the edge of a running river at the border between leaf kingdom and bruins territory. Except it’s not delusion. They’re both instantly obsessed with each other.
When Pasta goes back, learns who that pretty little boy is, he vows to make him his. What better prize than the leaf’s princess after all? Studies the sword, the bow and the spear, rises in status until he gets a bearskin of his own; the highest honor.
And then they raid the kingdom’s capital. It’s been years, a decade almost, he doesn’t even know if willy remembers him but it doesn’t matter. This has been his goal for so long.
And he GETS HIM. Finds Willy’s room, driven by gut and instinct even though he’s never been in the castle, even though there’s no castles in Boston, no kings there. Kidnaps him (he actually comes along willingly) and takes him home.
Toronto loses its mind. Those barbarians TOOK our beautiful willy????? Our delicate princess??????? Saints know what they’ll do to him. We need to save him ASAP (cut to willy being doted on by everyone, barely clothed, hand fed fruits and wine in carved wooden cups laying on a feathered bed)
Also it’s like. Consider Toronto to be a classical monarchy, right, in a very centralized bureaucratic city, heavily influenced by their temple of Saints. Boston on the other hand is a lot less polished, doesn’t believe in the divine right of kings, with different gods and a different government and a different political and social structure. Both of them believes the other to be wrong and that’s how it’s been for centuries.
Honestly this plot needs to be polished and developed more, I have like 3 willypasta scenes in my head that I want to write but I gotta also figure out the buildup to them 😔 the horror
I don’t have much written but!!! Here it is !
The bearskin is menacing, as it’s meant to be.
And yet, despite it all, William can’t find it in him to be scared.
Under the bearskin a pair of eyes flash at him, bright and blue and striking, pinning him down in place. How can he be scared when it’s David wearing it? His face, striped with blood so dark it looks black, twists in a boyish smile, victorious.
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