#Alex Mullner
eemamminy-art · 6 hours
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It feels good for him to finally be himself 🥰🌼🌈💕
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wrightingdungeon · 3 days
The Past Reborn
I was re-reading  “Dear Diary”  and this wicked angst popped into my head…. I'm not sorry I like making people cry! I'm just sorry Alex, Mee Maw, and Pop Pop are a angst farm some how
Warnings: Farmer go boom, I kinda blow up the ASS trio, Alex punches Sam, Cursing, ANGST, its 3 am ill come fix any errors later
Alex had always hated that you used bombs. The first time he found out was when you used some to clear out boulders on your property. That caused a few arguments, but he just wanted you safe. I mean, look at his grandfather.  Though Alex wasn't born when his grandfather had his dynamite accident, the story was a haunting family legend. The accident was a constant reminder of the dangers of explosives. George narrowly escaped with his life but was left wheelchair-bound. For Alex, the story was a cautionary tale. Even without witnessing it, the vivid descriptions from his grandparents painted a clear picture. It instilled in him a deep-seated fear and aversion to using any explosives. 
Every time you mentioned using explosives, Alex felt a surge of anxiety. He knew you were careful, but the inherent risk always loomed large in his mind. The fear of a repeat of his grandfather's fate was a constant source of stress. Ultimately, Alex's concerns were rooted in love and a deep desire to see you safe. He couldn't bear the thought of losing you to an avoidable accident. 
Today was one of the many arguments over your use of explosives. “I don't care if it's faster! I don't want you using them, Farmer!” He grabbed the back of the couch, his head held low. “Please.” He begged shaking the couch slightly, looking over at you, tears welling up in his eyes. "Please..." He was scared that he'd lose you; he had already lost his parents, and his grandparents weren't getting any younger. You are his rock.
“Alex, baby.” He watched as you walked over and carefully took his face in one hand, taking his hand in the other, pulling him into a hug. “Ok… I'll stop, ok,” you said, kissing his cheek and holding him close. Alex sighed out brokenly, warm tears still falling as he held you tightly. “Thank you, babe, thank you,” he said, kissing the top of your head as he rocked you slowly, so happy he had gotten you to listen. The weight of his fear seemed to lift slightly, knowing you understood the depth of his concern. You could feel his body shaking as he clung to you, each sob making your heartache. 
You had sold some but Abigail, Sam, and Sebastian had bought some. He observed as they excitedly packed their bags with the tools for their next mining expedition. Abigail carefully tucked the cherry bombs into her pouch, while Sam and Sebastian joked about blowing up rocks. It gnawed at him, this uneasy feeling, watching his friends prepare to venture into the depths armed with explosives. Yet, he remained silent, conflicted between his concern for their safety and his respect for their autonomy as adults. He also didn't think any amount of begging would get the Three Stooges to listen to him like it worked for you.
Alex remembered it was a warm Wednesday afternoon. Haley, Emily and Him hanging outside with Dusty before Emily's shift started. “Where's your lover today?” Haley teased poking Alex in the side. Rolling his eyes he pushed her hand away chuckling at her. “They said they needed something from the mines.” He said crossing his arms and watching Emily play tug of war with Dusty. “Oh, I think Abigail and the boys headed down as well.” Emily piped up as she pulled the dog toy back and forth. “I asked Abby if she had any crystals and she said she was going to get more.” Alex nodded and shrugged. 
“More people the better, no one will get snuck up o-” Suddenly screams filled the air, Abigail and Sebastian’s. “HARVEY!!!! HARVEY!!!” The two were a blur as they ran down the steps booking it to Harvey's Clinic. As the screams pierced the air, Alex's mind raced, grappling with the stark reality of the situation. His heart pounded against his chest, each beat echoing the urgency of the moment. He struggled to control his breathing, feeling the panic rise within him like a tidal wave threatening to engulf him.
 The sight of Sebastian's anguish-stricken face, his arms wrapped protectively around the injured figure of the Farmer, seared into Alex's consciousness, leaving an indelible mark of despair. It was a moment frozen in time, one that would haunt him for days to come, his heart sinks at the sight of your limp body, covered in burns that blister and ooze, and bruises that mar your once flawless skin. Your head bounces limply against his chest, a painful reminder of the violence you endured. Sebastian and Abigail, though also bruised, seem almost untouched compared to the severity of your injuries. Sweat beads on Alex's forehead as he struggles to comprehend the horror before him, his mind racing with fear and desperation, searching for help in the midst of the chaos.
His eyes remained fixated on the Clinic. Despite Haley and Emily's attempts to draw his attention, his focus was unwavering, ears ringing with a deafening silence. Haley and Emily have to physically make him look at them their mouths moving silently open and shut to Alex. As Haley and Emily exchanged glances looking behind him, his dread intensified, compelling him to turn and face whatever awaited. Sam came limping down the steps after his friends, his limp was more severe than Abigail or Sebastian's injuries. Sam glanced towards Harvey's before meeting the gaze of Alex, Emily, and Haley, guilt etched across his features.
The dull ringing in his ears was replaced with a buzzing anger that drowned out everything else as he glared at Sam, who looked guilty, fully aware of what had transpired. Without realizing it, Alex found himself confronting Sam, pinning him against the wall of Pierre's shop, his forearm pressing into Sam's chest. “WHAT DID YOU DO!”  Alex bellowed, ready to knock Sam's head off, his emotions teetering on the edge, tears threatening to spill. Sam, trembling with fear, raised his hands defensively. “I-Im sorry! I-I did-didn't know!” he stammered, meeting Alex's gaze with a mixture of dread and remorse. “KNOW WHAT!” Alex demanded, slamming Sam into the wall again, ignoring the attempts of Haley and Emily to restrain him. "They... they just came down the ladder! There was no one around, and they just... came down!" Sam explained amidst sobs, offering a fragmented account of how they all ended up injured while trying to fend off the unexpected onslaught. “We tried to stop it!” He sobbed his body shaking with fear and pain from his own burns.
Amidst Alex's growing fury, the truth began to emerge. Sam's actions had set off an explosive chain of events, and Farmer happened to be descending the ladder at that precise moment. Sam, Abigail, and Sebastian sprang into action, attempting to stop the impending disaster, but the Farmer bore the brunt of the blast, followed by Sam, then Sebastian and Abigail, in their desperate but futile attempts to intervene.
Alex's scream pierced the air, raw and primal. Tears streamed down his contorted face, blending with sweat. Fury burned in his eyes, but behind it, terror loomed large. His body trembled, muscles taut, veins bulging. He snapped and decked Sam in the jaw. He had told Farmer to be careful, he let them sell the stupid bombs to these morons, it was his fault…. It was all his fucking fault. You got hurt because of him.
Haley and Emily grabbed Alex pulling him back. “ALEX! STOP IT!” Haley yelled hugging his arm close to her and pulling him back. “Come on, just come on!” Emily said ash she pulled at his other arm. She motioned to Sam with her head as she and her sister pulled Alex off Sam. Pierre and Caroline had come out of their shop during the commotion, having heard Sam's body hit their outer wall, they grabbed Sam and pulled him away as the girls dragged Alex back home.
Evelyn was heading outside and met the trio at the door. “What is going on? Who is screaming like that?” She asked, her eyes landing on her grandson. “Alex, sweetheart…” She said carefully, taking the boy into her arms, and wiping his tears with her thumbs. “What's all the yelling about!” George hollered out as he wheeled himself to the entryway. “Alex punched Sam…” Haley said softly. “What! Alex baby?” Evelyn asked, looking up at him, her eyes full of worry. “He… He blew up Farmer!” Alex cried and sobbed out falling to his knees hugging his grandmother, his sobs loud, his whole body shaking with each sound. Evelyn gasped covering her mouth before hugging Alex back. “Oh Yoba…” 
“What happened?!” George barked out looking at the girls his face contorted in anger. “We… don't know,” Haley said softly as she rubbed circles in Alex's back. “Abby and Sebastian came running yelling for Harvey… The Farmer… uhh.” Emily looked at Alex not knowing what to say not wanting to upset him further. “Sam said it was an accident though, you know he'd never do that on purpose,” Emily said, looking at George. Evelyn and George shared a look that only time could read. “Help me get him up, sweetheart.” Evelyn with Haley's help got Alex to his feet and led him into the living room.
Sitting him down on the couch his body shaking, tears and heavy sobs racking his body. Evelyn held him close, petting his hair and letting him sob into her, quietly shushing him. “We have him, girls,” George said softly as he looked back at his wife and grandson. “Thank you, and please, apologize for us.” He said as he led the girls out of the house.
The town had a different heavy atmosphere that day. Three families have to bandage and care for their children, one family has flashbacks to days long past brought to the present, and one life is held in limbo.
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taileaves · 3 months
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an interaction/dynamic I never thought abt till now
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peko-peko-pekun · 2 months
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havev you ever wantd more alex stardwe valley in your life ? me too. (featuring: my littl e farmer guy. )
(shitty sketchbook sketches warning) ↓
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im gonna be real w u guys i have never done oc x canon until now . an d i usd to be like very weirded out by it so uhhhh how the fuck did i get her e.
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louxn · 2 months
I love Alex dialogues they r so cute
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isagaiia · 3 months
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ash and alex's first meeting 🧑🏾‍🌾🏈
(click for better quality !)
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kennyswurvegurl · 10 months
headcanon I shat out during a co-op game
Alex: Sebastian, that emo punk. What the hell is up with that dude anyway? Who wears just black all the time? I could probably take him in a fight. I just know it's mutual from the way he side-eyes me. He'll get what's his one day, heh.
Sebastian: Yeah, uhhh..... Alan? Who lives with his grandparents? Yeah, I haven't ever spoken to him much. He seems like an ok guy though.
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smoochbro · 11 months
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ok im late to the train but i kind of love them
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fishnchip3011 · 7 days
How do we feel about Alex apparently eating eggs raw and straight from the shell
he's a freak of nature and needs to be put down!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wren hates gooey foods so when he sees alex eat eggs raw he's like. Can't you just eat them normally... while giving him an incredibly judgmental grimace. and after that alex is automatically assigned to eat everything wren dislikes or picks off his plate Even if it's not even something alex likes LOL its a good thing alex probably eats virtually everything... he's the designated food vacuum <3
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actuallysaiyan · 1 year
I Feel Fine, I Feel Good(Alex SDV x Fem!Reader)
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warnings: smut, unprotected sex, vaginal fingering, dirty talk, semi-public sex word count: 1.6k pairings: Alex x Fem!Reader a/n: So I guess I had Alex on the brain all damn day, so I decided to write something smutty for him!
The two of you decided to meet in the bath house around eleven that night. You were so giddy just thinking about it as you finished your dishes from dinner. Alex can be spontaneous sometimes and he loves to include you into his shenanigans. He usually likes to give you enough time to prepare, but he sprung this on you this afternoon on your way in to run errands in town. It was a quiet proposal as he grabbed you and pinned you up against the wall of his grandparents house. Anyone could have seen you, but he kept it brief. 
“Bath house, eleven tonight.”
Your heart skipped a beat as he left you with a sweet kiss. The two of you had gone your separate ways, yet all you could think about all day was going to meet Alex at the bathhouse. The thrill of meeting up alone at such a secluded area at such a late time at night was enough to make your heart race.
You went into the bathroom, taking a quick shower to freshen up. You made sure to keep your private bits clean and you even touched up on your pubic hair grooming. Then in the bedroom, you put on your skimpiest little swimsuit and you threw on some comfortable clothes on top. After that, you packed a bag with a towel and few other necessities you deemed important for after your dalliance.
The walk to the bathhouse was simple and quick. You took the path the closest to your home and headed towards the carpenter’s shop. It was late enough that you were pretty sure that even Sebastian wouldn’t be awake. You looked once more behind you before you walk towards the bath house.
Alex is waiting for you, a bright smile on his face. When he sees you, it turns into a playful smirk. You walk over to him, wrapping your arms around him as soon as you get close enough. He picks you up with ease, twirling you around a bit.
“So glad you’re here, baby.”
You kiss his lips, “Me too, Alex.”
He helps you to your feet before he opens the door for you. You  both enter and he giggles to himself for a moment. He’s got that mischievous look on his face once more, and you wonder what he’s going to suggest now. Alex looks at the door, and he procures a piece of plywood from the corner of the room. He places the plywood under the knob, making sure nobody will be able to interrupt you.
“Come on,” he takes your hand in his and leads you into the male locker room.
Once the two of you are in there, he begins undressing you. His kisses are frantic and needy, and he’s breathless as he pulls away. In a sweet voice, he begs you to undress him as well. Your eyes widen a little and your hands are shaking with excitement as you begin taking off his jacket and shirt. Then it’s his pants and underneath you can see the bulge straining against his swimming trunks.
“Fuck, you make me so hard.”
It’s your turn to take him by the hand and lead him somewhere. He’s thinking you’re about to bring him to the hot spring, but you surprise him when you take him to the weight bench. You’ve been so excited all day, you can’t wait to get into the bath. You need him right here and right now.
Alex gets the hint, pulling down the bottoms to your bathing suit. His eyes glaze over with lust when he sees your glistening pussy on display for him. He groans softly, mumbling something under his breath about you being so heavenly. Then his large hands spread your thighs, making you moan at the sudden action. His long fingers begin brushing through your pubic hair before he parts your soaked folds.
“You been excited for me, huh?” he teases.
“Y-yeah, baby. I’ve been thinking about this all day.”
He doesn’t need to hear anymore. Alex is always good to give you pleasure when you’re just begging for it. He has a hard time teasing you, mostly because he loves giving you pleasure like nobody else can. Slowly, his fingers rub up and down your folds, spreading your juices everywhere. Then he lets one of his fingers slip into you, making you gasp.
“Such a good little pussy.”
Alex leans in to kiss you, his lips capturing yours in a frenzied and hungry kiss. He’s feeling so needy and while he usually would try to tone it back, he just can’t seem to do that this time. He can tell you’re feeling the same way, so he knows it’s okay to be a little more than excited.
Your eyes are heavy and full of lust as you look up at him. It doesn’t take long for you to be drenching the weight bench in your juices, and for once, Alex is happy he’s about the only person in this town who uses the workout equipment in here. He reaches down to begin fisting his cock, making it leak more precum as he begins to get even more excited.
“P-please, ‘Lix. Need you so badly.”
It’s when you start begging like this that Alex knows he wouldn’t  be able to say no even if he had wanted to. He settles on the weight bench, making sure the weight of the two of you won’t make it collapse. He spreads your thighs even more, then he begins stroking his cock once again. His fingers rub your clit a few more times before he spits into the palm of his hand and rubs it on your dripping hole.
“Ready for me, baby?” he questions, looking deeply in your eyes to look for signs of discomfort.
“Please please, I’m ready.”
He doesn’t need much more coaxing than that. Slowly, he begins pumping into you. His eyes roll back as he bottoms out and he shudders when he gets the full sensation of your little walls clamping down on him. He swears he has a hard time not blowing his load quickly whenever he fucks you.
“Shit,” he moans. “S’too fucking good.”
You moan in reply, reaching out to cling to him. He starts with a steady but sensual pace. Your lips meet in a passionate kiss that turns sloppy within seconds. As your tongues rub together, you feel your wetness soaking his cock even more. 
“Baby, you’re grippin’ onto me so good,”
You whine as he pumps into you even deeper, “Fuck you feel amazing, ‘Lix.”
He’s not sure how he’s going to keep holding on. Your walls keep squeezing him so tightly, trying to milk him for everything he’s got. Alex leans in to you, kissing your lips before letting his lips trail down to your jaw then your neck. He’s a big fan of leaving hickies on your body, making sure that everyone knows you’re not available. You cry out when he bites into your tender flesh, and he sucks on it until the skin is a reddy purple color.
“Fuck, you’re gorgeous.” He compliments you breathlessly before diving right back in for another kiss.
His hips begin rocking faster and harder, making the weight bench glide around the slippery floor. But Alex trusts that he’s got enough control over the thing that it won’t get too crazy. Though his control starts to dwindle as you begin begging for him to go faster and to fuck you even harder. Nothing matters to him more than making you cum.
Loud whines and whimpers fall from your pretty plump lips, and he knows you’re so close now. As he continues to pound into you, his hand slides down your body to your clit. He rubs it in sloppy fast circles, making you clench around him even harder. Curses fall from his lips as he feels just how tight and wet you are now, and he leans in to whisper dirty things in your ear.
“Cum for me, baby. Come on, soak my cock. Make a fuckin’ mess for me,”
Your eyes roll back as you feel the coil in your stomach tighten. Your breath comes out in ragged pants until your orgasm hits you hard. With a loud cry, you begin gushing all over Alex. He’s grunting as his own peak is so imminent. His hands grip onto your hips, pulling you down with every hard and sloppy thrust that follows your earth-shattering orgasm.
“Fuck that’s it! Fuck yes! I’m cumming!”
A loud grunt rumbles through his chest as his cock begins throbbing, spraying your insides white with his thick seed. His body trembles and shudders with each throb, and he’s moaning and whining as the pleasure continues to wash over him. As he rides out his high, he takes measures to hold onto you even tighter. He realizes that the two of you are on a pretty rickety piece of equipment, and he’s very happy it didn’t break through all of that.
“Damn,” you breathe out. “That was amazing,”
Alex leans in to kiss you, “Heh, we aren’t done.”
He helps you to your feet, then he picks you up in his arms. With a disregard to everything else, he strips the both of you completely and makes his way into the hotspring. You both sigh happily as the hot water caresses and soothes your muscles.
“We should do this again soon,”
Alex laughs, “I told you, we aren’t done baby.”
Your eyes widen as you feel his cock prodding your abused hole. Maybe you were already ready for round two.
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yuuki-mishima · 24 days
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Alex x Sebastian brain rot is killing me
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eemamminy-art · 3 months
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I love that they added these new bits of dialog about how much he likes eggs—
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ethanparfait · 22 days
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i've been playing stardew valley lately and rekindled my love for him
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spencerkeg · 7 months
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Stardew valley… but if the roles were all swapped around
I'll do some gals next... Eventually -w-
Character traits and relationships under the cut!
As it says on his sheet, Dr Alex Mullner was an aspiring gridball star that suffered a major injury. I think that experience humbled him in a way and he's a lot less arrogant now. He's still charming and a bit smug at times be he has the same sensitive side deep down.
I couldn't BEAR for evelyn and George to be swapped with anyone else or for them to not be his grandparents... So I just decided that whoever the NEW Alex is- is his cousin lol
He's got most of his original personality but I think he has a lot of Harvey's intelligence as well. Of course being a doctor he would need that- but harvey is also considerate of other's feelings and I think Dr Alex would be just as sweet.
In terms of.... Lurv 💕. He feels like he's missed his prime. He doesn't regret becoming a doctor but he can't deny that this was never the plan. He's a little dense in terms of who could possibly be interested in him (like harvey lol). He just needs a farmer to come pay him some special attention and listen to him geek out about football and excersize ❤️
Think of samuel as one of those musicians on the internet that likes making sick mashups. But also he'll try and combine way too many and then make them all v electronic and synthy so it can be wild to listen too. But it makes sense to him at least!
Of course he's a gamer... He has to be. I think it's more things like shooters or bizarre indie games than strategy rpgs like og sebby likes. Also duh guitar hero.
He's way less anxious than the typical sebastian but he's just as stoic, if not more so. He hardly reacts to anything but his words are always very kind. Getting to know him means you can tell when he's happy or upset even when he gives you the same blank stare.
He's not even thinking about love. It never even crossed his mind the farmer would be into him until they ask him out. He probably turns them down at first while still thinking and figuring out how he feels lol only to realize at like 1am that he does in fact like them back ❤️
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peko-peko-pekun · 2 months
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louxn · 1 year
my comfort Stardew Valley character (and Alex :b)
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