#Anti beauty
awomen · 9 months
I suspect that men are attracted to the performance of femininity rather than the presentation itself. when my parents go to a party, my stepmom takes ages to put on her makeup and my dad just sits & watches. does he have any idea what kind of lipstick looks best? what eyebrow shape is in style? absolutely not. but he likes to see her prettying herself up while his ugly ass does nothing. she's signifying her place as an object to be looked at. women have to be dolls and their men get to be human
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Plastic surgeons should be stoned in public
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radi-cali · 2 years
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rehumanizewomen · 2 years
When advertisements for laser hair removal are like "Never shave again!" and I'm like... You literally do not have to shave ever. Here's my secret to never having to shave again:
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endpatriarch · 2 years
Women, don’t be soft.
In a world where men are the most dangerous risk to women, and said men want women who are styled in the patriarchy’s costume, feminists must reject this costume!
We must refuse to be soft. Refuse to be shy. Refuse to be quiet, over accommodating, cute, seductive, small. It’s only logical: don’t be what men want women to be. Don’t give them the satisfaction or opportunity. Don’t let men win. You must be tough, independent, loud, ugly, mean. Command your space.
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femaria · 6 months
I remember how worried I was about my eyebrows, struggling with plucking them...
I remember how worried I was about my acne, dreaming of getting rid of this ugly skin. I spent so much time looking at myself in the mirror... Now I looking much less often.
I no longer look out for every hair, and I don’t cry from the pain of plucking. I no longer search for blackheads or spend an hour in front of the mirror scrubbing my face until it turns red.
I am free.
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terfezis · 4 months
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actually at a loss for words. toe shortening surgery? toe shortening surgery????
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c4nonball · 1 year
The internal voyeur all women have that shapes every decision we make and every sentence we say and every hand movement and ear tuck and our gait and mannerisms and speech and thoughts and feelings; The constant never-ending feeling of being on watch, constantly on display, on a podium, performing for an audience. When you’re a woman there is always an audience. Even when you don’t cater in the big ways, there is still that little man in your head telling you you must be more, more, more attractive, you can always be more attractive, you should always be attractive, you must always be seen as attractive.
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anonymouswasfemale · 5 months
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My daughter is not even one but she will never have a phone and will never socialize with whatever abominations millennial parents are raising with their gen a kids. I'm sick of sephora 10 year Olds, my sister is literally one. It's sickening it's annoying you're not 25! Just stop stop stop
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Long nails are proof that women's beauty standards have always focused on frailty, rejecting any physical prowess exuded by women. Defining feminity with fragility connotations dissuades women from gaining strength and fighting for themselves. Long hair, Long nails and underweight bodies are all physically uncomfortable- they prevent the wearer from fighting back. Even when women excercise, it is focused on maintaining an aesthetic instead of gaining strength. Men are afraid of what we are capable of so they try their very best to suppress us.
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radi-cali · 2 years
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Imagine how much time, pain, energy, and money she could have saved if she just didn't do fake nails.
This is why beauty is nothing but a harmful waste.
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rehumanizewomen · 2 years
Beauty culture is contributing to the surrogacy industry.
More and more wealthy women indulged in beauty culture are considering surrogacy their only option for childbearing. These are women who want to be mothers, want to have biological offspring, but don’t want to “ruin their bodies”. Instead, they’d pay to have IVF done with a surrogate mother as the baby machine.
Why is this so normalized? Women dehumanize our own! Beauty indulgers regard their bodies as decor, hoping the poorer women won’t hold as much value to their bodies/lives in exchange for a sum if money.
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endpatriarch · 2 years
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Women are taught to maintain beauty, humility, and purity. When she defies this, she has lost her mind. What if we held men to the same standards?
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femaria · 6 months
Insults about appearance cannot hurt me.
Not just because I know that I'm much more than my body. Not just because I know that people simply have nothing to say. But also because I know that if I want I could conform to conventional standards. Anyone could. If I really wanted to, I could even do plastic surgery.
But I don't want to. I consciously refused this. I consciously refused to be “beautiful”.
I used to be much more conventional before, and could have become even more “ideal” in terms of standards. But I don't want to.
There is nothing difficult about spending your money and energy on shaving, styling, makeup, and clothes. No matter how much they deny it, anyone can be beautiful if they really want to.
I don't need to be beautiful. I don't need to be approved. I don't need to fit in. I know that this race for beauty is initially lost. And I freed myself.
I gave myself the opportunity to simply exist. To exist without chasing standards. I may face a lot of judgment for this. Because I am the way I was born. But I'm free.
Yes, I'm ugly. And what?
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jabveb · 1 year
Saw a video of a woman talking about the minimum requirements her boyfriend should have. Anyway, they were problematic not to say idiotic and lots of people were mad and saying she's not even good looking and that she said some aporophobic (recently coined term: negative actions and feelings towards the poor) stuff. The woman who reposted the video did so while captioning it, making a reference on how she's "mid looking". Many women (presumably feminists) responded saying that to call out someone they don't need to be misogynistic. Trying not to dwell so much on this occasion on the broad and incorrect use of the word misogyny, it made me think:
If ugliness is a label fabricated by man for men's benefit (broadly speaking). why when women call other women ugly is misogyny? (is not). Why are we so eager to tell our friends they are pretty or they 'slay' and dismiss the appearance of women we don't like? Isn't that in the end intra-sexual competition (even noncompetition, intra-sexual relief)? a pointless fight (or support) for us that only benefits men? That makes it possible for us to have an incentive to spend time on money on an attempt to be pretty? *Hurting* other women by using her looks is concluded by other women to be an act of misogyny, putting her down... but who's at the top, judging which woman is pretty and which is not? Why does it *hurt*?
Many points of view can answer this question, like saying a person needs to have a positive view of themselves in all realms and having not so can be detrimental to their self-esteem. You can go further.
But deconstruct the question within a feminist framework and see where you get.

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gnarlyyradical · 9 months
good evening lesbians and lesbians only
swerf / antinatalist / aspiring separatist / vegan
help me find my friends♀️💞
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