#radical feminists do interact
icarus-phaethon · 3 days
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I want women who enjoy their rights rn oblivious to history and to everything going around them to see this. You can not take a backseat that you're safe now forever. You have to stay active, or this happens. Men will choose to oppress women instead of addressing their complaints. Out of all the proposed solutions like maternity leave, shorter work days, egalitarian house chores, etc, they choose to reduce women back to incubators.
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kkoffin · 2 days
yall my “feminist” (female) uni lecturer used the word “hysteria” TWICE to refer to women being afraid of being raped or assaulted by men in women’s bathrooms and prisons are we cooked?
at this point liberal feminism is anti-feminist
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revengebian · 2 days
i feel like, ultimately, the trans movement will destroy itself. it will make the parameters of transgenderism vaguer and vaguer until a smart person can't possibly call it a real state of being. remember when saying that you need dysphoria to be trans was a normal stance? now transmeds are hated. they supported neurosexism, now gender is just a magical fake thing that somehow can also impact every facet of your life if you don't live by its fake rules. also, not all trans people condone therians and transracials, but they probably will have to soon. after all race is another construct, and it isn't binary. what about the white passing mixed people?? and humans share a bunch of dna with rats, so being a rat kin is TOTALLY valid! the movement is like a time bomb to me.
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kanelia · 2 days
I used to follow a Finnish libfem who fell hard into the 'sex work is empowering for women' rabbit hole. Her posts pretty quickly changed from defending women into complaining about 'swerfs'. The only subject she complained more about than swerfs was her clients. Not a week went by without her telling how little respect men had for her. If they did not stand her up, they tried to haggle, ignored her terms of service, or attempted to pressure her into sex acts she had already told she would not provide. Quite often, men attempted to talk her into giving up safe sex or tried to remove the condom without her consent (rape). Once, a client removed the condom and rubbed his sperm on her genitals before she could intervene (rape again). She had to go to a preventative HIV medication and said she is relieved sex work makes enough money so that she does not need to take more than one client a week.
Through all this, she still complained about swerfs. She said it was the fault of the Nordic model that she could not go to work in a brothel where 'she would have been safer'. It was the fault of our anti-pimp laws that she could not get herself a bodyguard to keep her safe from her clients. She even went as far as to give interviews to media where she bashed the Nordic model and told (aka lied considering her experiences) how great sex work was. She said sex work was no worse than working as a barista, waiter, or massage therapist, but in her private posts, she constantly lamented the abuse she received. Not at any point did she consider that maybe sex work was not good for women after all. Maybe sex work was just an extension of patriarchy. No. It had to be the fault of those prudish swerfs that were anti-prostitution.
After the HIV scare, she pretty much quit sex work and instead started to make lesbian porn (she was straight) with her libfem friends. She said that they did not want any men around when making porn. Once again, she failed to consider the power stuctures that might have explained why making porn with men was so much more uncomfortable and unsafe than making porn with women.
I don't know what she does nowadays. She was also a tra, and after I peaked, she blocked me everywhere. I assume she still sells porn to men while thinking herself detached from patriarchy.
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sexisdisgusting · 3 days
my fav thing abt tras spamming our tags is theyre unintentionally making it so hard to find terf blocklists for other tras
this is the "block and stay safe" crowd, mind you
guess "safety" doesnt count as much as spite to them... how very childish
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kianavi · 2 days
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Can I put you in a cage in my room and call you my good boy / girl 🥹?
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aleutianofclean · 2 days
There is nothing--not a single thing--that a random strange man would need from me, a random strange woman he sees out in the street. You don't need me to help you find an address, or your dog or your car or your child.
I am not that kind or caring.
Go practice your predation skills elsewhere.
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a-sculpture · 2 days
I don't care how trans-identifying people present themselves. Get all the safe surgeries you want, wear any clothes and act any way, even use different (reasonable) pronouns! It's all just customization, I can acknowledge that.
But you cannot force your way into a category you don't, and can never, belong to. Do not enter spaces or take awards that are not meant for your body. "Woman" is a biological reality, by definition, an adult female human. That's literally all it is. There is no female brain, and there is no inherent way to act or look like a woman. They simply are.
A man cannot be a woman any more than a ram can be an ewe.
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iamlessierad · 14 hours
?!? how can you be sick of it? You can hate your can hate your style, your taste in clothes, but this.. it’s literally like an accessories for you..
“today I feel like dressing in this yellow dress”
“today I feel like a girl”
or how does it work?
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icarus-phaethon · 2 days
"You achieved equal rights why do you need feminism anymore" idk bro you tell me, who is fighting against rape cultute, porn, sex work, human trafficking, for maternity leave, better healthcare for women, against pedophilia, male honour belief system, male supremacy, female infanticide, women's labour paid n unpaid to be honoured, mothers and wives to be honoured, fighting for animals, fighting for women who are being raped, abused, killed, domestic violence, eve teasing, fighting for female only spaces, against climate change that impacts women much worse, safety of women [trad women] who dedicate their lives to their husbands through alimony, equal pay, shared household responsibility that you don't have to raise a 30yo manchild you married, for widows, single mothers, homeless women, etc
If it wasn't for feminism we weren't even being considered for voting rights, until feminists fought for our inclusion in universities we were killed for studying, until feminists fought to be included in medical trials women were fed doses of meds catered for men and poisoned, until feminism fought for mothers there was no maternity leave[we are still the frontrunners in this fight], until feminists fought for us we couldn't have bank accounts, men have never stood up or fought for our rights, we were ignored. They were righting about capitalism, racism and more, but no issues that impacted women.
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revengebian · 8 hours
as fed up as i am and ever will be with men's actions, i refuse to go down the rabbit hole that they are biologically evil. like, come on. you know that cant be true. we're the same species; all humans are capable of "evil" but it's men who are allowed to externalize it because they hold power in sexist systems ("power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely"). i hate people getting worked up over misandry and "man hating" because women have the right to get angry + critical, and saying men are being "evil by choice" sucks, but i also think it's important to point out.
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redberryterf · 3 days
I've been accused of "oppressing men of color" and I am pleased to inform you that this is true.
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raspberryfem · 2 days
hello fandom blogger. your saw trap is to go through your favorite ship tag without seeing any art where your blorbo has mastectomy scars. this is an impossible task. die
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vouam · 2 days
Those tiktokers that are like “I got misgendered!! I literally look so feminine today they obviously did it on purpose!!”
They’re genuinely so confused because I thought they preached that gender doesn’t have a look or body parts etc it’s a ‘social’ thing.. so how is anyone meant to assume you’re a woman? Men can wear dresses too yknow!! 🤓
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withcrafts · 3 days
Truly there is nothing more feminist than reducing women to our breasts and genitals
Um or how about the fact that literally every single part of a woman is female and you are still a woman if you don't have those. If a human is born without a leg, is it no longer human? No, it's someone with one leg. A woman with no breasts or uterus is still female because every single cell in her body is programmed with that super special XX that makes us who we are. A woman is not suddenly going to have the same symptoms of cardiac arrest as a male because she doesn't have all of her primary sex characteristics, she will have the symptoms of a woman because her entire body is FEMALE. It's dumb of you to say we reduce women to their parts when we celebrate the whole woman as she is and however she may appear, because women are humans and we don't just picture genitals when thinking of what a woman is. Seek help because you need it.
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redditreceipts · 21 hours
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