#radical feminists do touch
kkoffin · 2 days
yall my “feminist” (female) uni lecturer used the word “hysteria” TWICE to refer to women being afraid of being raped or assaulted by men in women’s bathrooms and prisons are we cooked?
at this point liberal feminism is anti-feminist
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f1ghtsoftly · 1 day
I would like us all to collectively chill out about rooting out fake lesbians. Many lesbians have sexual or personal trauma/addictions that led them to sleeping with men or were simply put in a position, by force or otherwise, that they could not refuse a man.
I do believe women misidentify as lesbians and sometimes, you can catch a vibe about someone, but I really want to caution women to weigh the risk of regarding another sister with suspicion or wasting too much energy on rooting out “fakes”. When we do that, we risk attacking or isolating lesbians who’ve already been through an ordeal, whether it’s time in the sex industry, sexual assault or religious trauma etc…they’re probably the ones who need our community and support the most.
So just make sure you’re sure in your suspicion and you’ve already explored other alternative explanations for why someone would be acting funny or have a history with men before you suggest they’re a fake.
I feel like I write this on all my posts but, if you aren’t someone who’s dealt with sexual, religious, physical abuse, homelessness, drug addiction etc…I can’t encourage you enough to read up on how situations like that effect people because sometimes surviving those situations turns you into a person you thought you could never be and you would do anything to survive it and not lose your mind. So please, have some compassion, be a little skeptical and be grateful if you’ve never been in a situation like that! But also keep your mind open that you can be a lesbian and have slept with men, sometimes not even through direct physical coercion but because you need money or you believe you’re going to hell or a million other completely valid, horrific things society does to try to convince women they’re better of being raped and hating themselves then being who they are.
And if you see this post and say wow! No one in my circle is like this please send me some of your favorite blogs ahaha because this post is inspired by someone who acted like this and they’re not necessarily representative of the lesbian community writ large, but they’re enough of an irritating minority that I’ve encountered them before and wanted to write this post.
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mold-girl · 2 days
tw weird male behaviour
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what the actual fuck is this
why do you guys think that sending people shit like this will achieve anything other than making people grossed out for a sec and then forgetting about you
stop being pathetic, this isnt even 10% of the whole thing, he really typed out his fantasies while jerking off
fucking gross males begone please
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sexisdisgusting · 3 days
my fav thing abt tras spamming our tags is theyre unintentionally making it so hard to find terf blocklists for other tras
this is the "block and stay safe" crowd, mind you
guess "safety" doesnt count as much as spite to them... how very childish
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iamlessierad · 1 day
?!? how can you be sick of it? You can hate your can hate your style, your taste in clothes, but this.. it’s literally like an accessories for you..
“today I feel like dressing in this yellow dress”
“today I feel like a girl”
or how does it work?
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Men will call women's fear of men irrational but will turn around and tell women that they have no idea how vile men are 💀
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“Did he pick you yet?”
”it’s giving pick me girl” I CANNOT stand my generation of girls or women,you can’t have an opinion without being called a “pick me” (that has lost its WHOLE MEANING) and wym “did he pick you?” See how somehow women/girls always center things aroun men and boys? We will never be free lmao💀 these comments just pissed me off coming at this girl for a freaking question,mind you women get butt hurt from opinions when it comes from other women and girls,and then a guy basically was saying “when did we ask for this” or whatever and a girl immediately went after his looks,the guy didn’t even look bad just be saying anything…women are sad as hell
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marblecakemix · 1 day
I remember that when I was maybe 12-13 y/o, when the trans thing wasn't well known and the internet wasn't my second world, I was so proud of my female body. I was happy to start having curves and it brought me joy to feel my breasts grow and shape. I was so proud of my body for having a period at the age of 11, that meant I was completely healthy and I had little to worry about. I was proud of my first pubic hair. I saw myself as a very attractive woman to be. I loved everything about my body.
The thing that broke that pride in me was boys laughing at my armpit hair and teachers saying I better cut it to stop the bullying and to be more hygienic. It was the gender roles my family tried to mold me into that apparently made you a boy or a girl. It was the influx of gender ideology in every day setting and the slogans that said "it's okay to hate your body! You'll just bend it to your will". It was my biology teacher saying that a person's brain gender is biological and equally real to first, second and third sex characteristic, feeding me the false idea of who I might be. It was trans content made for kids that encouraged me to "explore" gender, furthermore deepening taught hatred I started to feel forward my body. It was the cancellation of sapphic and wlw creators I followed, they were bad and transphobic and it only showed me that the love I felt for women as a woman was also flawed.
So I hated my body. I wanted to cut off my breasts, speak in the lower octave, take testosterone I didn't need, use different grammatical forms for myself. All of that so I could be a female without being oppressed for being one. Cut all of the things that made me one, so I can finally be happy again.
But that happiness was false and not lasting. I was depressed, anxious, and rarely happy. It wasn't who I was even if I thought this was me. I told myself "I'm just born in the wrong body, that's why I feel that way" ignoring the clear signs of my mind longing for the connection to my authentic self. That dissociation from my physical body let me into the most miserable time in my life so far.
I could never be happy with a body that wasn't mine. I understand it now and I'm once again proud of who I am and how I look. I hope that little 12 y/o me is proud of me too.
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catticalfeminism · 2 days
hi! my name is✨ vera ✨
im detrans ftm (trans for 2 years, detrans for 1)
this blog is mostly gonna be cats and feminism!
lets be friends!
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lorynna · 2 days
a terf once raped me, she kept humping me and licked my pussy, she kept rubbing my clit until i came and when i did, she told me i could never be straigth because i came to her, then she stripped down my clothes, revealing my huge tits she kept licking and sucking them and held my huge pillowy breasts until i became very sensetive, then she opened my legs wide putting her fingers in me violently, i screamed with pain, she took a picture of me like as blackmail that so i would never tell anything about her to anyone, she stripped and got on top of me to forcefully scissored with me and she kept riding me, until we both came, i was 13 and she was 25 btw, she called me her little loli and sat on my face, i was forced to eat her out
then she used her blackmail to lure me into a forest where she tied me up to a tree naked and raped me all day, took a pic of me there and sent it to 4chan so i would get raped by multiple pedophilic men, i was left in that forest for weeks getting all my holes used and abused, my cunt was soaked by 50 year old male cum and absulutaly abused and raped like the fucktoy i was, then right when i was about to die, she came in with 5 differant men and got my used, disgusting cum soaked body in a werehouse somewhere, where they made hours of childporn, i was used in all of my holes, she got naked with me and got fucked by all these old men, i got taugth my place as a female, my only purpose is to serve men just as they want,
she demanded to fuck my 8 year old sister so i called her to have sex with us too, she was an innocent virgin cutie with an unused adorable pink cunny that got raped by multiple men, i made her suck my huge tits as i rubbed her cute flat chest, she had hot incest sex and scissoreed for hours, making the most viewed sex tape in the world, my dad upon seeing that his daugthers are fucking slutty cunts stopped holding himself back and finally raped us, we had more sex and make more child porn using our cute loli bodied to make a revolution to show the world that little girls and female cunts that should be used by men <3 after that it was legal to rape any cute girl outside and little cute lolis were being raped left and rigth <33 cute sounds of little girls moaning made me really horny and i was a cute girl with huge tits always walking naked bc of it!! and i kept raping little kids whenever i saw them
i pimped out my babies to porn studios bc that females purpose to be cute sex toys, all the cum that was used to soak me in cum was reused to fuck more little girls <3
little girls are sexy
lolis and hot
having sex with little girls is normal,
fuck little girls, little girls need to be raped by men
their cute cunnies should get used and their mouths used until they cant scream from the cum in it anymroe<3
it's kind of sad that asks like this don't trigger anything in me anymore. not sadness, not disbelief, not anger. I'm kind of numb against these kind of texts if it makes sense.
The only thing I am is being deeply disgusted with this paragraph and I hope this perverted, mentally sick male who wrote this does not pose a real threat to anyone who is in their lives. the only thing that makes me sad is wondering if this male has any friends or even a partner that does not know about the kind of shit he puts out on the internet. that's the only thing I'm truly concerned about. receiving this does not make a difference in my life, altho I do wonder what the intention was behind writing and pasting this in my inbox.
is this the hate you get from males because you're a woman speaking out in the name of feminism? do you want me to be triggered by this? do you think this is the worst I've seen?
This is deeply evil and you should rot in hell for this, Anon.
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kkoffin · 3 days
PLEASE i am once again asking for tumblr's assistance does anyone have that study which found that something like 30% of homosexuals don't want to be called "queer"????? it said that that 30% is exclusionists or whatever but idc
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mold-girl · 3 days
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im so tired of people being this proud of their own ignorance like this
this is the result of not knowing radical feminism, you support the oppression of an entire class of people without even thinking about it once. "female" is a body type, not a gender. gender are collective stereotypes that was made to hurt us, and "female people" are humans who have been the victim of of that rhetoric, you claiming that "female" is a gendered word, not only do you refuse to understand that anyone despite gender can be female and be oppressed for being female, you make "having the gender woman" an integral part of being female, basically justifying patriarchal violence agaist female people, i beg of you before tagging your posts as "tw radfem" actually learn what the ideology is about, you are supporting the place "abortion stigma" comes from.
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feliaes · 4 months
men be like "if women are really that intelligent, why are all major discoveries made by men? 🤓" as if they didn’t quite literally burn women alive if they were smart back in the day
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iamlessierad · 2 days
it doesn’t depend on whether you’re trans or not😭😭it depends on your uniqueness and just what you like..
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recycled-cotton-knit · 2 months
I think more people on radblr should be talking about sweatshops, especially in the garment industry.
• Around 80% of sweatshop workers are women. Some employers force them to take birth control and pregnancy tests to avoid having to pay for maternity leave. Pregnant women are routinely denied sick leave to visit doctors, terminated from their contracts early, or left without any maternity leave when their short-term contracts are not renewed.
• Women are more likely than men to experience minimum wage violations. According to one study, "30 percent of the women workers in our sample experienced minimum wage violations, compared to 20 percent of the men". [Source: https://www.nelp.org/publication/broken-laws-unprotected-workers-violations-of-employment-and-labor-laws-in-americas-cities/ ]
• Indonesian women employees report that “girls in the factory are harassed by male managers. They come on to the girls, call them into their offices, whisper into their ears, touch them, bribe them with money and threaten them with firing if they don’t have sex with them.” [source: cleanclothes.org]
• "Toilet breaks are monitored, and some workers said they were flat out denied them, even when sick. The same goes for water and lunch breaks, both necessary to stay healthy when working 12+ hour days in a stuffy, overcrowded factory." 20% of women in sweatshops report experiencing sexual violence. [https://iwda.org.au/three-ways-garment-factories-violate-the-rights-of-women-and-how-its-allowed-to-happen/ ]
It's easy not to support this kind of abuse. Do not buy clothes first-hand. Only buy from thrift shops and second-hand apps, or find ethical brands and investigate where and how they make their clothing (hint: if a t-shirt costs $3, it's not ethical). Patch your old clothes. Consider learning basic sewing (it's not as difficult as it seems!)
I don't care how cheap Shein and Temu are. I don't care how much you think you need that specific Zara coat. Buying clothes directly harms women and avoiding it is a very easy way to help.
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revengebian · 2 months
sometimes i just brood about how i can't walk around shirtless in public, which is such a simple privilege males have over females that really shouldn't mean much. however, it's impossible for me to rebel against this expectation on my own; the reason i don't just say "fuck it" and walk out shirtless is because i would become a sexual object to every man i see. the intent i had would be hijacked by the male gaze, if that makes sense.
i also see this hijacking thing happen with sexual liberation, where women were/are trying to reclaim their agency and right to have sed with whoever, but many men don't see it like that. they just see women they can have sex with, and the meaning is lost on them.
this observation has always frustrated me and it just sucks that you can see the pattern in a lot of aspects of feminism, where men will pick out parts that benefit them and THEN support those parts for their own benefit.
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