#Astarion x Reader
Can't stop thinking about the small gasps of breath Astarion makes as he's kissing us for the first time in that forest clearing.
I don't think he expected those kisses to feel so right. He couldn't help himself from letting out little breaths of relief and pleasure. Your lips are so soft. Your skin so warm. Soft moans escape him as he realises he can feel everything. There's no control. No puppetry. No master. Just you and him with the company of trees and soft grass. The look he gives you as your lips part. Pure softness mixed with a little hunger. Not for blood. But for closeness.
The internal battle he was facing during that time must have been enormous. If this was just a transaction, just manipulation, why did he feel so much?
He picks you up and pushes you against a tree. Kissing more and more. Almost as if he can't stop. Then finally he looks into your eyes. Signaling you to decide how to proceed.
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citruswriter · 2 days
Orange/Lemonish Reader x Astarion
Imagine Astarion with a Reader who will immediately fold for him any time he says please. He doesn't notice it at first. He only says please to small things in the beginning. An extra hour of sleep, one more slab of meat, maybe that semi pricey jacket that would just look fabulous on him.
It's not until the githyanki patrol does he realize just the effect he has on you. You trying to remain civil and keep both sides calm, the githyanki scowling and throwing dirty looks, and then "can we kill them? Please? Pretty please?" He's already crouched into a fighting position, he looks into your eyes and he picks up on just how quickly your resolve went out the window at his little plea. Biting your lip, you grant him permission, turning away so you don't see the blood shed.
Please then becomes his favorite word. Please let him feed on you. Please let him take you out on a date. Please let him ascend. Please let him take your hand in marriage. Please let him fuck you all night. Please just cum on his cock. Please? Pretty please? He's asking so nicely, how could you deny him?
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vampiresfromxenon · 2 days
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Wine About It, Then.
Astarion x nonbinary! Reader/Tav
Around 3.7K words 
Tags: Drunk individuals, p in v, tiniest bit of breeding kink (i -lovingly- blame Ruby fangswithbenefits), smut, literally just so smutty smut smut (Not dubcon! Clear consent only!!), aftercare :)
Summary: At the night of the tiefling party, after quite some time celebrating with your friends, you notice that Astarion has gone missing. Not wanting to leave him out of the fun, you set off into the woods, hoping to find him in his favorite little spot. Not only do you find him, you suggest you both experiment with something new… Something about your blood and the alcohol that has tainted your system. Wipe off your glasses, it’s steamy in here! 
Pre-fic Author’s note: This is my first time writing smut ever- it was really strange and I’m obviously not familiar with writing it, but I really admire a lot of the writers whose smut I've read and enjoyed. Shout out to the many of you who inspired me to write this, I hope that everyone who reads it enjoys it :) As a gentle reminder, please be kind! I am just a tiny little guy who wanted to have a goofy romance with the charming video game vampire!!
It’s a night to celebrate, given you and your party have just made a clear and safe path for the tieflings of the grove to head to Moonrise Inn. Zevlor has thanked you countless times for this great gift, and to your surprise, even Rolan said something with a hint of gratitude. In order to give proper thanks, a party was organized in your honor as a way of sending off the Tieflings.
As the sun begins to set, corks pop, and dancing begins. Not wanting to waste a second with your companions, you set off on a mission to speak to everyone about your perilous adventures. Starting off with Karlach, your favorite fireball. The two of you chat about your time together, and how she really wishes she could give you a hug. Realizing just how impossible it is for the time being, you both settle for the next best form of affection she would accept: a beer chugging challenge.
…It’s no surprise that Karlach immediately out drunk you, but she applauded your trying efforts and was sure to let you know that she thought your wretched belch was nothing short of adorable. 
Lae’zel was not one for the party, though she did find some enjoyment in the amount of tieflings approaching her to thank her and tell her how brave they thought she was. While she is prone to speaking her mind, and that is something you are very used to, you nearly spit out your drink when she admitted that she wanted to bed you on this night. With a smile, you politely declined. It wasn’t her feelings you were necessarily worried about, it was more so the knife she went on to sharpen that really gave you goosebumps. 
Wyll was off by the coastline, admiring the view. He felt a bit self conscious about his looks and his troubles with Mizora that he thought it would be better if he avoided the party for the night. Not wanting to leave your friend feeling left out, you offered him a dance. He happily obliged, dancing with you in the sand for a few minutes before he begged you to leave him be and not let him ruin your night. While you insisted he wasn’t, you still left him to his privacy. 
Gale was more than delighted to see you, especially since he wanted to show you just how many tiefling children he was impressing with minor magic tricks. When you joined in, his face lit up. It had become quite obvious just how drunk the wizard really was, and while you thought to maybe stop letting him light things on fire, you knew that things would be alright… Hopefully. 
Shadowheart was off in her little tent area, enjoying the party from afar. She claimed she wasn’t really one for big parties, but deep down you know she’d throw ass if just enough alcohol was involved. After some time chatting, she invited you to enjoy a bottle of wine with her, and though you were about to agree, you realized exactly what that meant. You were flattered, to say the least, and it’s not to say that it hasn’t crossed your mind from time to time, but you already had someone else you felt connected to. 
While you were sheepishly trying to turn her down, you looked behind you and noticed that Astarion was not outside his tent. In fact, he was nowhere to be seen. Before your drunk thoughts could connect, Shadowheart rolled her eyes and connected them for you. 
“While you may not want to share a bottle of wine with me, it seems that someone else really wanted to. I saw him sauntering off into the woods with a couple bottles less than an hour ago.”
Connections began to form by the ton, and your face was overcome with a hot blush. Shadowheart, slightly tired of the two of you now, urges you to go after him, or at least stop being awkward in front of her. You head off between the trees, trying to find your lover. 
Normally you’d find his normal hiding spot with ease, but being a little drunk makes things challenging. Was it the tree with the owlbear shaped moss that you turned left at? Or was that the jagged looking rock…? Before you can make a decision, you trip on an unseen root and nearly eat shit. You’re hero material, you are. 
Luckily for you, a strong set of pale arms grabs you just before your face becomes one with nature. Before you can even react, you are scooped up and carried away, though it’s not more than a minute before you are set down to stand on your own. 
Standing before you in the clearing is the gorgeous pale elf you’ve devoted all your passionate dreams to. He stands on a pile of soft blankets and pillows, a basket of assorted wines and cheeses accompanying him. 
“Here’s my little treat with their cheeks all flushed. I see you’ve spared no expense with the booze tonight, my dear.”
You let out a flustered giggle when you feel his hand still lingering on your waist. “You’ve been missing out on the party, everyone there wanted to see you.” Your words slightly slurred. 
“You and I both know that isn’t true, why else would only you be here, and neither of us out there.” 
Before you can think of a clever response, he notices how much you’re swaying and guides you down to his makeshift bed. “I believe you may have had too much to drink, my sweet.” He smiles, trying to hide his disgust when he catches a whiff of your alcohol stained breath. 
“I’m barely even tipsy, I can’t believe you think I’m a lightweight!” You chuckle before reaching up and booping his nose. He laughs but not before quickly removing your hand from his face. 
“Perhaps we should just relax here for a bit, no? I had some wine and cheese planned for you, but I think the… uh… cheese, may be too much for you in this state.” 
“I’m fine, really!” You hiccup before a slightly demanding voice leaves your lips as you sink into the bedding, your body relaxing next to his. “Oh, you’re really showing me now…” He teasingly whispers as he holds you, both of you bathing in the glow of the moon. After a few minutes of peace, you come up with an idea. It may be bold, brilliant you may even call it, or it may be downright stupid. Better to ask than rot in a pit of unanswered curiosity, right?
“If you were to drink from me, if I were hypothetically extremely drunk, would that also get you really drunk? What would that even taste like for you?” Staring up at the moon, you get lost in thought imagining the possibilities. He lies there for a moment, considering your question.
“I-I’m actually not sure. I’ve never done something like that before. I can imagine that the alcohol would impact me, but I’m not quite sure to what effect…” That was all he needed to say before you sat straight up, clumsily crawling over him to the basket of wine that you could only assume he stole. 
“I vote we find out! What do you think, judge?” His eyes flash you a daring look at your sudden interest and his sarcastic nickname, but his smile reads otherwise. 
“I suppose a few drops wouldn’t hurt. All in the name of experimentation, eh?” You crack open a bottle of wine and dismiss the glasses, drinking straight from the bottle. Given your already extremely drunk nature, this wine was more than enough to keep you feeling drunk for a while. Eager to see how this all plays out, you expose your neck to him the second you drop the empty bottle on the silky blankets. 
“Perhaps we should get a bit more comfortable?” His voice is dripping with desire as he leans you back, allowing you to relax before he bites. 
As your head hits the pillow, his nose lingers on your neck. Tilting your neck further to allow even more access, he takes his time with you. One hand on your hip, the other cradling your head as his nose brushes against the sensitive skin of your neck. His cold breath lingers on your skin, sending goosebumps through your whole body as he continues on. 
You can’t help but shutter as his cold lips make contact next, gentle kisses plastered along the artery in your neck. The heat in your face only grows, an insatiable need rumbling in your stomach as he teases your nerves. 
Just before you can begin to protest, his fangs pierces your neck, a strangled moan escaping your lips. The icy, sharp feeling in your neck returns, a familiar and welcomed sensation from all the other nights he’s fed on you. Your skin stings for a short time, a tear staining your face as the pain begins to subside and warm again. 
You can’t tell if it’s the alcohol, loss of blood, or the fact that he’s ravenously sucking at your neck like a starving animal, but you begin to feel slightly light-headed. Gods forbid you halt your experiment early, you couldn’t live with yourself knowing that you stopped this… science. So early into its testing. 
As he continues to drink, his skin grows warmer and warmer, much to the point where his face is a flushed pink color. His drinking becomes more desperate as it begins to slow; small moans and whimpers escape his throat as he holds on for as long as he can. As his fangs begin to slide out, they are quickly replaced by his tongue gently swiping away the stray drops of blood that were determined to drip down your body. While he was intensely interested in licking your entire body clean of blood, tonight was not that night. 
You watch through half-lidded eyes as he sits up, his hand on his cheek as he feels just how fiery his face is. For the first time he can ever remember, he is impressed by how warm his body is. “So… How do you feel? Did it work?” 
“S’fine. Feels good. So warm.” His voice wobbles as he speaks. Both of you burst out laughing at how drunk he became. “It worked!” You cheered, giggling at the sight of your drunk boyfriend swaying in his seat from his sudden intoxication. 
Without any hesitation, he leans forward and kisses you, an intense amount of fire and passion behind it. He nearly smacks his face into yours as he pushes you down into the pillows, the fresh alcohol coursing through his body already impacting his motions. You’d be a fool to not give in though, your hands quickly finding purchase in his curly white hair. All of this is quite literally intoxicating, a fire beginning to brew in your lower half. 
In his drunken state, his kisses become sloppy, his tongue pressing against your lower lip before his fangs nip at it. By accident, he nipped it enough to draw blood, but you were too drunk and aroused to care or truly even notice. He loudly whines, his mouth consuming yours as he laps at the small amount of blood leaving your lips.
You part your lips, allowing his tongue entry. In all his excitement, a moan rumbles from his throat when your tongue playfully meets his. He pushes his body harder against yours, climbing on top of you to close any and all gaps that could be found between your bodies. His leg hooks under your knee, lazily tossing it to the side to make even more room for him. 
Desperate hands grasp your body as your legs spread, his hips filling that void. His body shakes with excitement as you moan from the feeling of his bulge against your clothed cunt. 
The blood you’ve given him has always made him hard to a certain extent, but never this hard. Heavily enjoying this new feeling, he grinds his hips into yours, his lips still secured to yours. Panting, moaning, desperate whining fills the surrounding area as you two drunk idiots makeout, your bodies intertwined as he continues to grind his hardness into your arousal. 
He tears his shirt off, tossing it to the side, his bare chest covered in sweat, a new and unfamiliar sensation for him. His lips stray from yours, his tongue tracing your jaw before finding your neck once more. Sucking, biting, teasing your neck, you continue to pant, your body on fire from his touch.
He begins to unlace your shirt, his warm hands exploring the soft skin underneath. One hand clumsily untucks it from your pants, grasping your bare waist with a strong desire as he lifts the shirt over your head and throws it with his shirt. Teeth and tongue make their way to your chest, quickly latching on to a nipple. A pathetic whine leaves your mouth as he sucks on one, his hand teasing the other. 
Strong hands continue to grip his hair, pulling hard enough to encourage him, but not enough to get him off of you. Switching to the next nipple, he is sure to give you as much attention as his lazy, drunk tongue can provide. His tongue begins to lick down your body, taking in each and every curve as he heads towards your throbbing cunt. 
Before he can make any progress, he sits up, a strained look on his face. Frantic hands begin to untie the laces of his pants, a large bulge making the fabric look quite tight. As he frees his twitching cock, he tosses his head back, a sigh of relief expelled. It’s clear that he leaked quite a bit of pre-cum in his pants, and more drips on his hand as he grips it, his body trembling. 
“Let me help you with that-” Your voice wavering, yet seductive. Sitting up, you reach for his hands, wanting to take over, but it seems he has other plans for you. His hand grabs yours, squeezing it around his cock, causing him to groan. 
“Do you feel just how hard you make me? I’ve never wanted to be inside you more, I want- need to be buried in you, I need to share this warmth with you.” He growls, your clit throbbing with excitement. Your jaw drops; he’s never left you this speechless before. He takes this opportunity to remove both his pants and your own, climbing on top of you and caging you in. Once again, his leg hooks yours, and you can’t help but feel thrilled by his sudden domination over you. 
It takes him several moments to line up his cock with your slick folds, grunting as he grinds it against them, mixing slick with pre-cum. As he desperately ruts against you, both of you let out impatient sighs, craving so much more friction. At one point he thrusts and definitely misses your entrance, and you can’t help but laugh at how bad this is going thus far. He shoots you a dirty look but all you can do is flash him a cheeky smile, enjoying every moment with him, even if you know the sex will probably be pretty bad. In his newfound drunken frustration, it’s not long before he’s sloppily lining up the head of his cock with your opening, pushing in slightly faster than he normally would. He bottoms out, his balls slapping your ass. 
“Gods…” He slurs out, his head pressed against your shoulder. “Fuck!” You whine, tossing your head back. His cock throbs as you squeeze around him, trying to adjust to how large and hard he feels this time around. “I- *huf* darling- If you keep squeezing like that *hahh~ mmm-* I won’t last much longer.” 
“You gonna come too quick?” You tilt your face towards his, smiling at him. “Drunk you is so needy and desperate, i like him…” He pushes his cock harder into you in response, slamming into that spot that craves so much attention.
All of this was so overstimulating for your body that all you could reply with was a muffled moan. Lightly biting your shoulder, he pulls almost all the way out before harshly thrusting back into you. Your body tingles with electricity, this new side of him bringing so much unexpected pleasure. However, since both of you are wasted beyond belief, his thrusts follow a very sloppy rhythm. 
Strings of curses, moans, whimpers and whines float into your ear as he continues to snap his hips into yours, his balls smacking your ass with each movement. This act resulted in loud, wet, lewd slapping sounds echoing throughout the trees, coupled with desperate, drunken moans. 
Still gripping his hair, you pull his head from your shoulder to see just how strained he looked at this moment. His face is pinker than ever before, sweat beading on his skin as he grits his teeth, his fangs shining in the moonlight. 
As if he just rediscovered you, his lips crash back onto yours, his tongue fighting yours for dominance. Completely surrendering to him, you sink even further into the pillows as he pounds your cunt, his cock sending bursts of pleasure up your spine each time he hits your cervix. 
“I’m- I’m gonna-” He slurs against your lips before he covers your cheeks in wet kisses. 
“N-not yet- *mMm* hold it. Keep going, please~” you whine, not ready for this to end. He lets out the neediest whine against your shoulder. 
“I don’t know if I can- *fuck* darling, I’m so- so close-“ His rhythm gets even sloppier, his legs trembling, his voice wavering. His eyes are clenched shut as he tries his hardest to not come just yet. 
“Please-“ You’ve never seen him quite this desperate, crying out this loudly. This is enough for you to nearly climax on your own, and you realize you’re not as far behind him anymore.
“Inside-” Is all you can muster, your breath catching in your throat as you feel yourself getting closer and closer. 
Hitting the most delicious spot, your back arches, eyes rolling back as you cry out his name, gasping. Your hands claw at his back, holding on for dear life as your orgasm rips through you like a bolt of lighting. Your body’s contractions are always enough to break him sober, so it’s no shock that this absolutely shatters him while massively intoxicated. 
A few more strong, desperate, sloppy thrusts and he’s gasping for air, his body shuttering against yours. Your abdomen feels warm as his spend fills you up, not a single drop wasted, his cock stopping any from leaking out. 
He collapses on top of you, his head resting on your chest. A few moments pass before you run your fingers through his slightly damp hair, pushing the wet strands off of his forehead before leaning up to kiss it. 
“You’re perfect every time, my dear,” he mutters as he rests his eyes, his hands around your back to hold you closely. “We should get you drunk a little more often,” You quietly laugh, his head bobbing as your chest vibrates from the laughter. 
His eyes open as he turns to look up at you, the moon reflecting in his red irises. It’s clear that he’s not as intoxicated as you started, and that’s also proven when he starts to speak like himself again. “I’ve never felt that level of pleasure before… It’s not to say that I don’t feel great bouts of pleasure with you, but this was just so… different.” 
“Did you enjoy it, though?” You check in on him. He takes a moment to analyze what you’ve just asked him. 
“I did- quite a bit, I must add.” He quietly adds “Thank you, this was a gift. I won’t forget it.” You lovingly kiss him on the cheek before he softly kisses your lips, the hunger from earlier fading away. 
He slowly begins to pull out of you, both of you still extremely sensitive. You shutter from the emptiness, as well as his cum leaking out of your swollenness. “Uh, uh, uh. Tsk. This should never go to waste.” He uses two fingers to collect his spend, shoving it back into your still overly sensitive cunt. 
A smirk spreads across his face when he feels you clench around his fingers, but he removes them, abandoning all hope for a round two. However, your heart races at the sight of him licking his fingers, all while maintaining eye contact with you. 
“We taste delightfully sweet.” A growl laced laugh erupts from his throat; he clearly enjoys teasing you and watching you squirm from just how aroused he makes you. 
“Stay here a moment, my love.” Grabbing a small cloth, he dresses in his pants before wandering off into the woods. Nothing more than a moment later, just like he promised, he returns with the slightly damp cloth. Kneeling before you, he spreads your legs in a kinder, less sexual but still romantic way as he cleans up the mess the two of you made. Returning your underwear to you, he offers you a blanket as he snuggles up with you under the stars. 
“Shall we remain here for the night?” He whispers, though his actions have made his choice clear. “Anywhere is perfect, so long as it’s with you.” You sigh, resting your head on his bare chest.
A deep sense of love can be found in your eyes as you gaze at him. He holds you tighter, tilting your head up to kiss the corner of your mouth, sharing in the same level of fondness. 
“Sweetest of dreams, my dear.” 
“Goodnight, Astarion.”
Post-fic scene honorable mention:
Astarion suddenly remembering that large intakes of alcohol can lead to hangovers, and he is certainly a ‘ray of sunshine’ when waking up extremely hungover with Tav feeling the same way. Safe to say that when he gets back to camp, he is not lifting a finger that day- He is going to rest for a bit with cucumber slices over his eyes, as well as something over his ears since ‘the world is skull crushingly loud’. 
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Could I request Astarion with an s/o who can prolong their lifespan by kissing people who're attractive (in their eyes)? It doesn't have to be a kiss on the lips, however.
This is such a stupid request.
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Wow, a real life succubus. In every sense of the word.
No matter what their gender is, it's a joke Astarion can't help but make. And one he makes frequently.
He's heard about this of course. Those that absorb the lives of others to extend their own. But he thought it was just old stories about Hags. Matter of fact, are they a Hag?
Astarion doesn't really judge. His life is prolonged by an "eternal kiss" and sucking the blood from others. That's sort of a life force, isn't it?
Lucky for them, Astarion will be beautiful and eternal forever (no matter which path you chose for him). So he has all the life force in the world to offer to them when they need a refresh.
In return, he gets a nibble now and then. The perfect symbiotic couple.
He'll also never admit it but Astarion would actually be really angry if they pulled from someone else. He would pout, be very cold for a while, and probably let them age or not heal for a considerably longer time than usual to be petty.
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grapesplease · 13 hours
currently up and thinking about astarion braiding hair (yes, this is because my tav has long hair)
it's the intimacy of it, another way for him to express love without sex. the simple act of sitting with him as he threads gentle fingers through your hair, as you two talk about what to buy at the market- or what your next adventure will be. astarion getting to choose a hairstyle for the day, or matching with him for formal events. sweet little things like that reaffirm to him that this relationship is more than sex, that it's something real.
i am a sucker for domestic astarion and you can pry him from my cold, dead hands.
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ancuninfiles · 19 hours
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GIF by @ishaslife
3.4k words - F/M - Astarion x F! Reader - 18+
Work summary: Three days of relentless arousal toward the opposite sex were the result of confusing purslane with euphorbia—an error unbecoming of even a novice druid, as well as a self-taught one like yourself. Naturally, with your luck, those three days couldn’t be spent quietly in seclusion. Instead, you were abducted by a Mindflayer ship and infected with one of their parasites.
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You were panting, squirming, and nearly whining—it surprised you that he hadn’t killed you yet with the fuss you made. You couldn't help it, though, and you felt horrible for subjecting a stranger to such behaviour, whether he was murderous or not.
“You're quite the feral thing, aren't you? Perhaps I should just put you out of your misery—hm?” He quipped, and you felt a light brushing of what felt like his lips on your throat.
˖⁺‧₊˚ ˚₊‧⁺˖✮•:•☾☼☽•:•✮˖⁺‧₊˚ ˚₊‧⁺˖
Tags: shameless smut, aphrodisiacs, sex pollen vibes, outdoor sex, cunnilingus, P in V sex, praise kink, blink and you'll miss it degradation, astarion has a big dick, mildly dubious consent, fingering, creampie, vampire bites, no beta
MASTERLIST (Other works)
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Three days of relentless arousal toward the opposite sex were the result of confusing purslane with euphorbia—an error unbecoming of even a novice druid, as well as a self-taught one like yourself. Naturally, with your luck, those three days couldn’t be spent quietly in seclusion. Instead, you were abducted by a Mindflayer ship and infected with one of their parasites.
Fortunately, the nautiloid primarily housed women among the living, except for a cambion who was easy enough to avoid.
Now that the ship had crashed, you could only pray to the gods that you didn't encounter a man, for fear of embarrassing yourself in these unfamiliar Faerünian lands. From the dead fishermen and barrels on the beach, you suspected there was a settlement nearby, but you decided to stay away for a few days to be safe. After all, you knew how to live off the land and could all but hope that you wouldn't turn into a Mindflayer.
It was unfortunate that the cleric had been knocked out cold on the beach; otherwise, you would have asked her for help. The gods had not been kind to you in the past two days.
So, you fought the intellect devourers on your own, an easy feat in which you were left with only one scratch; perhaps your luck was beginning to change.
You waltzed through the nautiloid, looting what you could and staying vigilant to avoid any more unwanted encounters. Exiting the crashed ship, you headed up a dirt hill, watching the ground and trying not to trip as you went.
“Ah, at last, another soul.”
The voice, likely a man's judging by the tenor, stopped you in your tracks. A primal heat lanced through you as you hesitantly raised your eyes to meet his—though you weren't sure if it was solely the euphorbia or perhaps trepidation. 
Oh no, this wasn’t just any man; it was a beautiful man with perfectly groomed hair and an alluring, herbaceous scent. His jawline was sharp and his eyes, piercing—all ingredients in a dangerously intoxicating and irresistible recipe.
“Hurry, I've got one of those brain things cornered,” he said, requesting your assistance. “You can kill it, can't you? Like you killed the others?”
As desire surged through your lower abdomen, you knew you had to leave—now. You spun on your heel and, without a word, started walking away from the gorgeous elven man, using every bit of willpower within you.
In your mind, you pictured what his length might look like, and how it would feel if he released inside you—depraved thoughts that you ought to keep to yourself. You had to get far away from this man, as quickly as possible.
“I was hoping for a kind soul, but, not to worry,” was all you heard before he grabbed your waist, and you toppled to the ground with him at your back as he held a dagger to your throat. His groin was surreptitiously pressed against your bottom, and he held your body firmly against his, hooking an arm under and around both your upper limbs and ribcage—effectively immobilizing you
Surely, this was the worst-case scenario. Though, if he killed you, it would at least relieve the shameful yearning in your nethers—a yearning that was becoming stronger the tighter he grasped.
You clenched your teeth as you panted, attempting to stifle any salacious sounds that might come unbidden. However, you couldn't help but squirm under his grasp, causing his arresting grip to tighten and, consequently, your hole to quiver. Whether it was to escape or to attain friction where you needed it most, you didn't know, as you were irrevocably enthralled by the plant medicine coursing through your veins.
“Shh—not a word, not if you want to keep that darling neck of yours,” he purred, the low timbre of his voice oscillating through your core.
“Please—let me go. I'm not myself, and you don't want to be around me when I’m like this,” you protested, your nipples hardening as your breasts rested above his forearm.
“Don’t lie—I saw you on the ship, didn't I? Nod,” he argued, his breath brushing on your ear causing you to crane your head back in the dirt and onto his shoulder.
You were panting, squirming, and nearly whining—it surprised you that he hadn’t killed you yet with the fuss you made. You couldn't help it, though, and you felt horrible for subjecting a stranger to such behaviour, whether he was murderous or not.
“You're quite the feral thing, aren't you? Perhaps I should just put you out of your misery—hm?” He quipped, and you felt a light brushing of what felt like his lips on your throat before a sudden painful violet aura encapsulated you both, halting all actions and demanding attention.
Visions of dark alleyways and the Baldurian nightlife flooded your mind. These were the memories of the elven man who held you to his chest—memories of hiding in the shadows.
The aura died down, leaving you confused as you tried to catch your breath in the stranger's arms.
“What was that?” He asked.
“I think it was the parasite, it—connected us,” you guessed, panting as your hips shot back against his groin unbidden. To your surprise, he was hard. 
Fuck, when did that happen?
“Hm.” He pressed his pelvis into your bottom experimentally, “I saw your naughty little thoughts, my dear,” he whispered directly in your ear.
You tried to stifle a moan but you were unsuccessful, as your will was whittling away, bit by bit. 
He dropped his blade to place his hand on the inside of your upper thigh, where he gripped sensually. You tipped your head forward as your face contorted in pleasure and your eyes began to water—you were vehemently craving this man's merciful touch.
“Shh— I've got you. I only need your name and your permission. Let us help each other find release—hm?” He crooned, as he moved his hand from your thigh to your waistband where he teased his fingers under it.
Gods, this was a horrible idea, dangerous even—but he smelt so fresh and his sonorous voice felt as if it were caressing you inside and out. Your will was faltering, and if you died on this endeavour, you thought you might at least die while having fun.
“My name's—hm—Tav,” you spoke, a needy whine breaking your sentence. 
“Astarion, pleasure to meet you.” He pushed his hard, clothed cock between your bottom cheeks, eliciting a moan from you. “Now, darling, tell me what you want, and it shall be yours.”
Your mind was racing, the only thing you could think of was how big his member felt as he pressed it to your backside, and how you wanted to be completely taken by him here and now—nothing else mattered.
“I want to be ravished, here—on the cliffside,” you admitted, uninhibitedly, a sweat forming on your brow.
Astarion clicked his tongue. “You poor, sweet thing. You want to be filled by a stranger so desperately. Not to worry, I can help you—if you're a very good girl.”
He released his grip at last, and you couldn't help but whine in dissent. His grasp was soothing, after all.
“Tut tut—how else are we going to get undressed?” He chastised before standing to lift his shirt above his head, his muscles rippling with the movement.
His scent became stronger as he folded his shirt and placed it on a patch of grass. He put his thumbs under his waistband and started pulling down his strays.
You watched him raptly as you began tugging down your own, along with your underwear as you sat on the ground. His glistening hardness sprang free and it was most definitely going to be the largest you'd taken before. Perhaps the gods were going to spare you, after all. 
He cavalierly folded his pants and placed them with his shirt before removing his shoes. He knelt to you and slid his hand down your shin before removing one shoe and then the other.
You came up to your elbows as you simultaneously watched and felt him snake his hands up your thighs in tandem, experimentally squeezing your hips before beginning to fuss with the tie on your shirt.
He made eye contact with you as he finished unlacing your top with one dexterous hand and gripping your ribcage with the other. He pulled your unlaced shirt apart, thoughtfully, as it rested on the ground around your elbows. Before he could finish the job, he dove into your breast with his mouth, sensually nipping and sucking on your pebble while he held your other breast, toying with your nipple with his thumb.
You wanted to throw your head back in pleasure, but you couldn't take your eyes off of Astarion. The way his tongue flicked on your mound was sending waves of fire through your body, and you thought you might cum from just the sight of his reverence.
His mouth disconnected from you with a pop, a string of saliva connecting him to you. “Apologies—your body is so beautiful, I just couldn't help but have a taste,” he purred as he thumbed your now wet pebble.
Your thoughts were muddy with desire, which made speaking difficult. All you could manage was a whiney “Thank you,” as he helped you take the rest of your shirt off.
How lucky you were that the man you encountered seemed to be a gentleman. He could have easily been a brute, and in your state, you're not sure if you'd be able to resist either way. 
Astarion descended to your core with his face, licking a thick and soothing stripe through your folds and causing you to arch your back. As soon as his tongue made contact with your clit, it sent an electric pulse through your womb.
“Delicious,” he exclaimed, and you watched him intently as he grabbed your thighs and began sucking on your clit, groaning into it like a man starved of his favourite meal.
His pace on your bud was consistent, he must have been practiced because he was bringing you to your peak already—either that, or the euphorbia was working its cruel forbidden magic.
You clenched around nothing; your body felt too empty—it yearned to be filled. Fingers, cock, toys, anything to soothe the burning need that now caused you to keen in pleasure.
Astarion laughed a low rumble in his chest at your cry, continuing his work on your nub with his sinful tongue.
“Please—Astarion,” you supplicated, unable to fully express your need as his laps quickened.
He rose, replacing his tongue with two digits that rubbed taut circles—the pace matching that of his tongue. “Please, what?” He asked, a roguish grin painted on his face.
You groaned through gritted teeth at his toying, as your brows knitted together. You wished he could just read your mind as he did before, as your words were caught in your throat.
Tensing, you were close, and as if he could sense it, he slowed his pace, not allowing you to reach your end.
“Please, what?” He rasped.
The nerve.
Your vision was becoming foggy, and you felt like you might faint if you didn’t reach fulfillment soon. You tried one last time to speak, managing, “Inside,” through gasps of air, though you could only hope that he was satisfied with your plea.
He did not respond, but you could feel his fingers as they parted your lips below. This was an action that would typically embarrass you—hells, all of this was—but your logic felt irrelevant. 
All that mattered was the way his tongue felt when he continued and the way his two fingers felt as they plunged into your hole. He pumped languidly with curved digits, repeatedly hitting your sweet spot and causing you to sob with ecstasy.
The combination of his fingers fucking you and his tongue passionately playing with your bud was creating a feeling similar to falling within your body. Surges of rhapsody lanced through you as you approached your peak. Astarion growled beastially from his depths into your quim, and it was enough to push you over the edge as you quivered around his merciful fingers.
He continued his worship as you rode out your orgasm and tried to catch your breath. You couldn't help but be filled with gratitude for this man—he could have easily used your body for his own pleasure, but instead, he put yours first.
However, as soon as the fire faded, another was lit and you were aching for release once more. He removed his fingers and face from your channel and you pouted, but he grinned devilishly at your frustration.
Soon enough, he climbed atop you and between your legs. Astarion clicked his tongue. “You poor girl—if only we had at least a blanket for you to lie on,” he crooned before leaning down to kiss you. At first, his lips were closed, but then he added more passion, attempting to part your lips with his. You submitted, allowing each other to delve into one another's maws with fervour.
He groaned into your mouth as you felt his tip tease your entrance—you certainly did not care about the dirt on your back now. He kissed down your jaw to your neck as he inserted his length just enough to make you plead for more.
“Would you mind if I bit you, darling? I only need a taste—I swear,” he asked as his lips brushed your throat, his words, laced with desperation.
His words confused you—you felt too befuddled to comprehend the entire consequence of accepting his request. Additionally, if allowing him to bite you meant that you'd be speared on his hardness at last—well—you'd do anything he asked of you.
You were able to hum your assent, and his hips thrust into you, filling you fully. You weren't sure if you could even fit him entirely as he stretched you more than anyone ever had. 
Though his entry was painless, his bite was not. It took you by surprise, and you scolded yourself internally for not thinking through what he said. You knew that some people had interesting kinks, but to bite hard enough to draw blood was. . .
Not a kink, but a diet.
Astarion, the man who was fucking you oh so heavenly into the earth, was a vampire. Not only that, but also he was now draining you of your lifeblood.
But, fuck, it felt so good; the way he was slowly rutting into you as you adjusted to his size. Even the pain of his bite faded into a throbbing numbness as he brought his hand to the back of your head and pulled it towards him. 
For some reason, your vulnerability and feebleness compared to his dominance and power only served to stir your desire more. You would let yourself be completely consumed, utterly devoured just because it felt right. 
As if it wasn't enough stimulation already, Astarion’s cock was seemingly growing within you the more he imbibed. His thrusts were slow and purposeful as if he were trying not to hurt you. He would pull out nearly all the way, only to stuff you moments later repetitively. 
Rolling his hips, the stroke of his thrusts lessened, as he converted to fully sheathing himself, twirling his pelvis teasingly, and then pulling out mere centimetres before repeating these careful movements again and again. It was as if he was trying to balance his focus evenly on both his meal and his veneration.
However, the corners of your vision were becoming spotty and black, signifying your demise. You could all but choke out a moan while your arms lay limply beside you. This was it— you, a willing victim, were going to be exsanguinated by a vampire.
I'd probably turn into a mind flayer, anyway, you thought.
Whether it be by a miracle or pure chance, Astarion seized his bite, catching his breath as he stilled inside you. Moaning, he pressed the flat of his tongue against your neck as he caught his breath and tidied your wounds.
“Sorry—It seems I was over-eager,” he apologized with sincerity, still craning his head into your shoulder where he placed a few chaste kisses.
Your hands and feet tingled, accompanied by an overall weakness and lightheadedness—a feeling similar to the high of certain smokable herbs in your druidic practice. Your familiarity with these physical symptoms brought you comfort; you knew you were okay, his apology as reassurance. 
How could you feel unsafe beneath a creature who could have easily killed you, or worse, but instead, he has continuously provided sacred relief. This was no mere monster using your body, this was a man seeking his own version of mercy through you—through your ambrosia.
He lifted his torso from yours, yet he maintained your lower entanglement, gripping your bottom and hoisting your pelvis to fuck at the right angle. His body was glistening and his hair was damp with sweat. With knitted brows and crimson dripping from the side of his maw, he watched your body undulate as he speared you repeatedly—a shakey groan tearing through him.
Suddenly, Astarion sucked on his index and middle finger, coating them in his saliva before placing them on your swollen nub and rubbing taut circles while he rutted—causing you to keen once more with an arched back. 
A low and throaty chuckle seeped from him as he smirked at your response to his reverence. “Sweet girl—you want to be so full of my seed, don't you?”
Your cheeks were wet due to crying from the overwhelming drug-induced pleasure combined with Astarion's sheer skill as he worked you toward your climax.
“Uhuh,” you whined, desperate for release.
“I thought so,” he clicked his tongue, “You're doing so well—just stay still.”
You had not noticed before but you had been squirming a bit, which likely confused him, making him unsure of your needs.
How could someone make check-ins sound so—sexy?
You tried your best to relax your body, though your lower muscles tensed as he spat on your hole while he fucked into it.
“That's a good girl—cum for me.”
His words were enough to send your orgasm ripping through you like a violent quake as he rubbed your clit vehemently. You fluttered on his girth, and you felt so terribly full with him inside you. 
Astarion hummed deeply at the feeling of your climax, biting his lip to seemingly stifle an undignified moan. “Very good—now for your reward,” he praised.
Removing his hand from your folds, he cleaned your juices from his digits with closed eyes, as if savouring the flavour. His pace picked up as he removed his fingers from his mouth and effortlessly grabbed your lower cheeks for leverage. 
The daylight shone on his toned chest, refracting golden hues off of his porcelain skin, as the sun seemed significantly lower than it was when you began your tryst.
His muscles flexed as he pumped into you rapidly—wet, salacious sounds emanating off of your divine entanglement.
Your eyes met his, his brows canted up as his mouth fell agape—desperation painting his expression as his pace became ragged and uncontrolled.
At last, he spilled inside you, sheathing himself fully as he coated your womb with his essence. Huffing, his shoulders melted down as he watched your combined juices leak around him while he rocked shallowly into your swollen folds. 
His touch on your hips was cool and soothing, and you began to regain lucidity after your last orgasm—though you knew it would only be temporary.
“Your blood—it was—amazing,” he exclaimed through breaths. “I feel—happy—and curiously aroused.”
Oh, no—the euphorbia.
With your remaining clarity, you spoke, “You might be feeling—the effects of a drug I accidentally took,” you say, a huff of air breaking your sentence, “euphorbia.”
“Well,” he said before snapping his hips into you. “We might be here all night, then, won't we?” He rasped with a roguish grin and blown-out pupils before lifting you to sit on his length while he sat on his heels. “Let's hope nobody chooses this path this evening.”
You wrapped your arms around him, whining your agreement as he took you once again, though you were far past caring about being caught.
↓˖⁺‧₊˚ ˚₊‧⁺˖✮•:•☾𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬☽•:•✮˖⁺‧₊˚ ˚₊‧⁺˖↓
Notes: Firstly, I'd like to thank you all for your continued support as I take on this new, enriching hobby of writing smut LOL. I've learned a lot since my first work, and I continue to learn as I receive constructive feedback and continuously do my own research.
Secondly, I just wanted to add that under no circumstance should anyone take advantage of you, specifically sexually. This is fiction, and it's sexy because it's not real.
Also, during this work, I compare the feeling of blood loss to "smokable herbs", as a way to make "Tav" feel at ease with the symptoms. If you are experiencing the same symptoms as her after losing a bunch of blood, please dial 9-1-1 (or whatever the emergency number is in your country) IMMEDIATELY. You are probably going to die if it's that bad unless you get medical help.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy it! I tried to emphasize the respect that Astarion holds for Tav while he has sex with her; as I tried to keep everything as enthusiastic as possible, considering the involvement of aphrodisiacs.
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astarionmylife · 3 days
I'm really starting to question my obsession with sarcastic superhuman immortals (usually with trauma).
edit: i added lucifer
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froggyteehee · 3 days
Astarion is the kind of guy to give you the most grossed out look anytime you pop a joint (especially if it's loud or a bunch of pops).
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lovrspell · 3 days
Consider: letting Astarion for the first time do kinky bdsm stuff to you. Like bondage and impact play etc (consensual and talked about of course). Preferably male reader.
Of course, you don’t need to accept this request. Just a thought!
- from one trans man to another 🫀
Warnings: male reader. restraining. overstimulation. handjob. fingerfucking. a bit of body worship.
A/N: this is so late I'm sorry!! thank you for your patience🫂 hope you'll like this!
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I feel like it'd be something you would have to ask of him. Personally, I view him as a vanilla person at least for the most part: he enjoys the simple act with someone he loves and trusts deeply without adding extra spices to it; however, he wouldn't be opposed to trying out stuff that'd turn things up a notch — if it's something he thinks he'd enjoy as well/find interesting.
He's pleasingly surprised with you asking him to... Physically restrain you in some way, during the act.
For starters, he'd just tie your wrists behind your back.
After discussing boundaries and everything, I can assure you he’d have a lot of fun with it— true, genuine fun.
Picture him giggling at your helplessness as he coaxes yet another orgasm out of you, thighs shaking and hips buckling as you sloppily fuck his fist or/and ride on his fingers; you eagerly take all he gives despite the overstimulation, and he praises you for it.
It's an opportunity for him to appreciate in depths how your body reacts to the stimulus he provides; he gains satisfaction from the knowledge that he's the one causing those reactions, but above it all, he appreciates the beauty of the panorama most.
You'd have his mouth all over you — which, by the way, is not unusual during these times. It just gets ten times worse since he was free access to some parts of you where your arms can't get in the way.
The view of your body twitching and squirming around as soft cries of his name leave your lips gets to him pretty soon. He'd end up releasing you so that you can masturbate him.
Precious aftercare: he'd kiss your sore wrists and massage them gently. Would tell you his thoughts on the experience and ask if he has overstepped any line.
Probably not something he'd do too often, though. He prefers to have your hands all over him.
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must-sing · 1 day
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taki-yaki · 3 days
My prompt is Tav that's a necromancer, but she's still new and clumsy and very much an apprentice. Obviously, Tav/Astarion ship.
A necromancer Tav with astarion is already an interesting dynamic but a naive/apprentice one is cute.
Astarion x Necromancer Tav
Most necromancers were always seen as those who loved to toy with the undead and raise an entire legion of undead to ravage the living. Although that is the tale that is commonly spoken about in legends and fairy tales.
But you however were different to the tales that were told, only a fledging apprentice who got caught up in the nautiloid ship, now forced to relearn your basic incantations once more.
At first, Astarion grimaced slightly upon hearing that you were a necromancer, reminding him of those similar to his old master, the type who would try to experiment with the living dead or just use them as pawns for their own goals. But after seeing you blunder some of your reanimating spells one too many, he soon deems you naive.
This soon leads to him coming on strong towards you, being so innocent in his eyes, but at the back of his mind lies doubt about you. After your first few nights together, he wonders if you fell for him purely because he was an undead creature of the night. But the way he sees you offering up your blood without a second thought for him as the first humanoid he’s ever fed from, treating him as an equal compared to the undead you would raise soon erased most doubts about you.
Throughout your travels, apart from the occasional quip that Gale gives when you attempt to practise casting your spells, he would watch from afar, claiming that he’s just watching the show. He would focus on the way you practice your necormancy as your hands twist and concord in the air to form the spells, he would then attempt to mimic your gestures, after all, if his old master had access to such magic, then why not him?
Upon obtaining the cursed book of thay, this soon leads to a bickering match later that night at camp between you and Astarion, over the ownership of such powerful magic, with Gale purely trying to play the role of the peacemaker. Soon after you both settle on reading the book together, both furthering your knowledge and bonding together as they soon become late-night reading sessions.
But, as a vampire, he does have his talents which he uses to assist in speeding up your training, going out to provide you enemies' bodies that he has drained dry for you to reanimate easier without having to resort to grave plundering or the risk of developing diseases upon you.
Still, for a necromancer, you appear to be normal to passing outsiders at first but as time goes on, others at camp soon notice the weird habit between you both. When you would lay on his chest attempting to listen for a heart that can not beat, would bring serenity among you.
Or your excitement in familiars that are abnormal, especially when you met Squire in moonrise towers, fussing over the skeletal pup, only to be forcibly dragged away by Astarion, when guards attempted to search the room.
When you reunited with Us in the mind flayer colony, you pleaded with the group to keep them, much to the dismay of some druids within the camp, though he doesn’t mind the creature much, he does prefer it in its “kitty” form hunting rodents.
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citruswriter · 20 hours
Answered Prayers
Astarion x Reader 💛
Warnings: Spawn Astarion, Reader is an angel, Reader is wearing a dress (put on the damn dress Joe, idc if ur a man), oral (f receiving), afab reader but mostly gn.
Listen in with me! ♫♪.ılılıll|̲̅̅●̲̅̅|̲̅̅=̲̅̅|̲̅̅●̲̅̅|llılılı.♫♪
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White feathered wings stretched out, unfurling and reaching for the heavens. "I could be your guardian angel," you reasoned, voice still low as you hovered your lips over his, leaving the next move in his hands in whatever game of chess you seemed to be playing. Ruby red eyes marveled at the sight of your well kept secret. "I wouldn't offer it if I didn't mean it, I wouldn't show you if I didn't trust you". Astarion stared at you in adoration, lips meeting yours in a gentle passion. "Pray to me, my love," you spoke softly as you folded your wings lightly around the two of you. "I will always answer". Astarion kissed you, hands moving to peel the loose dress you had been wearing off your angelic body. "I guess I could give prayer another shot then, little love". He murmured, pushing you to lay down. "I believe you're supposed to bow your head, correct?" He asked, but before you could answer he ducked his head down between your legs, causing you to gasp in delight. Elvish curses you had picked up from the white haired man himself left your mouth as he ate you out, legs slung over his shoulders as he ate his meal. He whispered praises to you, pausing at times to kiss your inner thighs. Such a divine being you are, and you were all his.
Standing in the ruins of the shrine you stood in the moonlight. Breathing deeply, eyes closed, blissed out on the cold night air. This had been a special side quest. As the others camped out somewhere else, you had only taken Astarion with you to complete this personal quest of yours. "I never understood the need for gods..., " Astarion muttered. You opened your eyes slowly and turned to look over your shoulder to him, "Have you never felt drawn to the divine?" You asked, blinking in slight surprise. Astarion scoffed and walked closer to you, studying the broken marble stone, the only thing that had been left intact seemed to be what appeared as an offering table. Dried flowers and old rusty coins littered across it. "I've prayed to all of them. None of them ever answered me". He said bitterly. You drug yourself up to sit on the offering table, Astarion moving to let you only to take place between your legs, hand reaching up to brush a loc of your hair back.
"Maybe you shouldn't pray to gods then," you whispered shakily, kissing his neck softly. Something about being in the old temple, old divine energy mixed with the cool night air, seemed to intoxicate you in a sense. Astarion laughed softly and cradled your face, "Then who, or rather what, should I pray to? Hm, little love?" he questioned, sensing your almost high state of mind. "Me," was all you said before a large flash if light came from behind you.
You laid there as his tongue swirled around your pearl, causing you to jerk your hips, "Astarion! Astarion please!" You gasped out. He stopped and looked up at you, thumb taking his tongues place as he rubbed it. "Yes my treasure?" He answered. "Please, my love, please I need you. Need you in me. Stuffing me full," your tone was so loving yet so needy. How could he ever tell you, his guardian angel, no? He didn't take long to join you, skin touching skin. Soft flesh meeting cold skin as he touched you. He wasted no time burying his length into your velvet walls, wasted no time setting a solid pace in you. He relished in the noises that fell from your mouth, soft moans and cries of pleasure. Only noises he could draw from you. "Angel of my heart," he began speaking as he set a brisk pace in you, "please watch over me and guide me." Wings trembled as he continued to pray. "Protect me from my troubles and grant me victory. So be it." Reaching for your wings, he dug his fingers into the base, causing you to arch and mewl from pleasure. You gripped onto his arms in a poor attempt to ground you in reality.
"I swear," you panted, "I will guide and protect you. I will guide you, my hand in yours". Nails dug into your wings, ripping a cry of pleasure from you as you let them unfurl and drape onto the ground. "Anything for you, beloved. You deserve everything," you whispered to your lover as he held onto you, gripping onto you with utter devotion. Tangled limbs desperately holding onto each other in divine bliss, lips uttering praise like a last prayer, efforts to bring pleasure to the other as if it were an offering. Astarion's movements stuttered as he reached his end. "A-Are you close, darling? Want you to cum with me," he panted out, moaning in your ear. You nodded and let out a high pitched "Mhm", legs wrapping around his waist. He looked down at you and burned the image in his mind. You, all fucked out with sweat making your plush flesh glisten in the moonlight. White wings elegantly draped down, eyes half closed in lustful bliss, gaze filled with utter adoration. You were a sight to behold. A beautiful, messy sight to behold. Maybe the gods did hear his pleas for help. Maybe you were the answer to all of his pleading. Maybe you just needed to find him first. Astarion crashed his lips against yours as the two of you unraveled in your ecstasy.
The two of you panted, momentarily staying still in an attempt to catch your breath. Climbing off of you, he helped you stand up, wings stretching out to shake off any dust before you folded them once again. "Let's get back to camp and I'll clean you up and make you a warm drink, sound good?" He offered and you hummed, nuzzling into him. "Only if I get to clean you up back and rub your scalp". You counter offered, making the man in front of you grin as he helped you dress. "Of course, little love".
▂▃▄▅▆▇█▓▒░ BONUS ░▒▓█▇▆▅▄▃▂
"I love you so much Astarion," you hummed as you curled up into him, nuzzling his neck. "And I am loving these wings," he said back as he pet the soft fibers of the wing you had wrapped around the two of you. "Say it back or I'm taking them away," you demanded with a sleepy pout. "Oh hush up. I love you too, darling". He said back, planting a kiss on your forehead. As you slipped off into slumber, Astarion watched over you for a few more hours, marveling at the creature he had the honor of calling his lover. Drawing you closer to him, he fell asleep peacefully. Maybe the gods didn't answer him, maybe they did. But it didn't matter. Because you always would. And that's all that mattered.
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I'm very iffy on this one. Idk if I like it very much but I had already written this two other times and if I rewrite it a third time, I might just burn myself out. So enjoy, my dears. 😭
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vampiric-hunger · 2 days
⊱─ 𝕕𝕒𝕣𝕜𝕟𝕖𝕤𝕤 𝕠𝕗 𝕤𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕟 ─⊰
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➺ 𝕥𝕒𝕘𝕤: no y/n used etc, TW: mentions of childhood sexual abuse, tw: mentions of sexual abuse, mentions of sexual slavery (all of those happened in the past AA is not doing this to reader), PiV, creampie, blood drinking, smut, physical fighting, mildly dubious consent, cunnilingus, orgasm denial, dick riding, graveyard smash, light choking, threatening, grinding, choking, use of Dominate spell, asphyxiation, biting, blood and Injury
➺ 𝕤𝕦𝕞𝕞𝕒𝕣𝕪: you're skilled, driven and most importantly - ambitious. but even as someone in your position, a trained assassin and a leader of your own Guild, you still lend yourself to jobs that are of importance. even if those jobs sometimes mean attending parties. tonight - it's a masquerade and you're bored out of your mind, until the man who hired you to protect him leaves you alone, at the mercy of a stranger who suddenly took a keen interest in you.
➺ 𝕤𝕥𝕒𝕥𝕦𝕤: ongoing
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➺ Chapter 1 - lust
➺ Chapter 2 - gluttony
➺ Chapter 3 - greed
➺ Chapter 4 - sloth
➺ Chapter 5 - wrath
➺ Chapter 6 - envy
➺ Chapter 7 - pride
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itshelia · 6 months
Taking anti-depressant pills?? Seeing a therapist??? Journaling???? No need babe, my fav writer just dropped another x reader fic.
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stars-and-clouds · 8 months
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bloodsuckingfiends · 2 months
Astarion likes missionary sex. Likes being able to see his love’s face and the way their body reacts to his.
He loves being able to lace his fingers with theirs, and press their hands to the mattress. It grounds him just as much as the steady eye contact does. Doesn’t matter if he has to coax them into it, murmuring “eyes on me, darling” as he rolls his hips into theirs.
He loves the way he can hold them close to his chest as he comes with their thighs wrapped around him, completely engulfed in one another.
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