British Columbia is proposing legal changes that would allow the government to regulate the supply of electricity to cryptocurrency miners. A statement from the Ministry of Energy says cryptocurrency miners consume large amounts of electricity to constantly run high-powered computers while creating very few jobs or economic opportunities. It says the legislative amendments would allow the government to prohibit or restrict the provision of electricity to cryptocurrency miners because “unchecked growth” of the sector could make it challenging and more costly to provide electricity to homes and other businesses.
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freeoftheground · 2 months
The investigation is a sharp turn from the government's position last week when it twice declined to investigate the company in the legislature despite calls from opposing parties.
Birds of a feather flock together...
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thearbourist · 1 month
The British Columbia NDP Government Fails to Protect Women and Girls.
  The BC NDP hate women and their rights, boundaries, and safety.  They won’t actually say that, but any legislation that is proposed that safeguards females in their province is immediately struck down.  This was the case regarding the Fairness for Women & Girls Sports Act.  The NDP and the media’s framing was unchallenged – no transgender athletes were being banned, just people and children had…
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magpiedminx · 2 years
These are some damn fine changes.
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laurastacey · 2 years
BCNDP now stands for British Columbia No Democracy Party
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raddarraddar · 2 years
The BC NDP is trying to cheat Anjali Appadurai out of her chance to make a difference.
They're assuming that most people who have joined the party are part of a hostile takeover by the Green party. Somehow thousands of more people than are even in the BC Greens are all lock and step in trying to force the BC NDP to do the right thing and address the climate crisis.
I was a member of the party for a long time when I was younger until I became disillusioned with the quality of candidates and policies put forward. Appadurai is the first person running for premier who is ACTUALLY inspiring and as progressive as the rest of the NDP claims to be.
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a-shared-experience · 2 years
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Preventable death not being prevented is manslaughter , no?
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morganeogerbc · 2 years
Politics: Why I chose to run with Mark Marissen and Progress Vancouver
“How could you be working with that person?" Thus keeps coming up from progressive friends wondering about why I am at Mark Marissen's side, running for Council with Progress Vancouver in team made up of threeNew Democrats, Liberals, and one Conservative.
This post is reprinted from an Oct 2022 op-ed I wrote for Daily Hive. Oct 2022 Daily Hive article: “Opinion: Why a well0known activist joined Mark Marissen’s Progress Vancouver Team” “How could you be working with that person?” This question keeps coming up from progressive friends wondering about why I am at Mark Marissen’s side, running for Council with Progress Vancouver. I’ve gotten to…
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soldier-poet-king · 1 year
Oh noooooo my father, the bootlicker, is whining and complaining about how Trudeau's govt has significantly reduced military spending and the size of the Canadian forces and military infrastructure, oh noOoOO whatever will we do by not copying our southern neighbour's military spending habits and instead indicating our commitment to diplomatic and peaceful solutions globally by reducing our military and redirecting spending to better purposes
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cqcandchill · 8 months
i’ve never seen an election with a liberal flop SO bad holy shit. they won a single seat. out of 57. the provincial leader just stepped down… good luck to him ever living that level of embarrassment down
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A First Nation in central British Columbia will build what the federal government says will likely be the largest off-grid solar project in Canada. Nearly $16 million in federal and provincial funding is going toward the solar farm in Anahim Lake, home to the Ulkatcho First Nation, where power is currently diesel-generated. Infrastructure Canada says in a news release that the project will reduce the need for diesel generation in the remote community by about 64 per cent, equal to 1.1 million litres less of diesel a year.
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December 6, 2022
Mr. Hunter: Mr. Speaker, given that I mentioned in my earlier question that the stretch of highway between Taber and Burdett is to be twinned and given the fact that this stretch of road will be the first of eight sections to be twinned, can the Minister of Transportation and Economic Corridors please provide this House with more information about when shovels will be in the ground on this first section?
Mr. Dreeshen: Well, Mr. Speaker, to answer the question: next spring, but not if, though, Alberta had federal NDP representatives as their provincial government. Now, the NDP want to bring in restrictive contract arrangements that will actually spark labour wars here in the province of Alberta. Look what the NDP just did in B.C. They increased the cost of provincial construction projects about 20 to 30 per cent. The NDP drastically reduced the number of bidders on these projects, cutting the number of eligible contractors, although if they are friends of the NDP with their big union bosses, they do get to bid on the contracts, but we’re never going to see that here in the province of Alberta with this government.
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islander1974 · 14 hours
BC party power play is a foolish game
Welcome to BC Politics, unfolding drama # 123243 This time it’s the seeming crash of the BC United Party as several of its candidates and MLA’s cross the floor to the upstart BC Conservative Party. Ordinarily I wouldn’t care as I support neither of these two parties, but I see a trend that should be talked about and called out. Crossing the floor happens in politics from time to time, yes..but…
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immaculatasknight · 4 months
Never again means for anyone
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coulsonlives · 6 months
wow. go bc ndp.
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we got Fall Out Boy and Sunday school songs in this year’s national day parade, I call that Range
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