v-thinks-on · 9 days
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kiwilittle · 2 years
Lil buddy my beloved
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Okay lemme see: Dustfinger, Fiddleford (I think???), Peet/Artham. Suffering guys that you might brush off at first glance but are actually much much more
There are many more, but yes, you're correct.
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I know I said I'd use pictures of Madia as a reward, but you mentioned Dustfinger so you get a picture of little kitten Dustfinger (from not long after he went to his new home, he's much bigger now).
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atherix0 · 2 years
Fighting between writing the next chapter and writing smol Tubbo and dad Scar <3
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abyssmalice · 2 years
"...strangers who smile at me always want something." for smol tonia ♥
lost the meme big f / Not Accepting.
"When don't they?" Tonia sniffs and mutters, though it's a bit absent-minded, a reactionary afterthought. Her eyes remain focused a little longer on the departing backsides of the researchers, their earlier courtesies and formalities to the young Harbinger already half-forgotten, rising into the sterile air and vanishing in a blink as the girl turns to the sole agent left in the room, a brief but brittle smile slipping into existence.
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"People don't have a single trustworthy bone. Adults, even less than that." There's a snort at her own commentary. She shakes her head as if to lament that fact, her expression turning towards bemusement now. "They don't get anything. They just don't. Blockheads and dummies, all of them. Right, Collei?"
A small giggle. A small but ever-so delicate part of the Eleventh Harbinger, shared only with those worthy of her impossible trust - like family. Like Collei. After sharing the nightmarish experience of being under Dottore's care alike, Tonia would be very hard-pressed to say she didn't feel a sense of sympathy and—well, not quite friendship now. But there's something there. A bond, a link. An understanding of what the world looks like after being torn away from those beloved and forced through a manmade hell.
Her smile curls a little lighter. "—But enough about stupid people and their stupid agendas. Have you been doing okay? Dottore's not treating you like complete rubbish, right? I might not be able to meddle in his work as much as I wish I could, but a Harbinger is a Harbinger, you know? I could probably put in some kind of word somewhere." A pause. "Or, I don't know. We could blow up one of his laboratories together? That'd be fun, right?"
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rubiesintherough · 2 months
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The Youngest
They talk down to you, as though you couldn’t possibly understand. They speak down to you in a language consisting only of simple, happy concepts, unaware that you hear their whispered conversations in the dark. Funnily enough, they don’t know how much they miss, that the many voices that call to you from elsewhere are standing right in front of them. They don’t see, but you do. You will make these overlooked souls into friends and they will soak up the loneliness that has seeped into your world. You miss when it was easy to spend time with those you love, when it was a given, as sure as the sun rising in the morning. But still, they think you don’t understand. How can they think that when you love them so? And after all, love is just understanding.
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pinkrose05 · 7 months
Sudden realization that we now have a Smol Cloud Quintet of kids on the Luofu.
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Warning: contains minor spoilers for version 1.5 content.
After Huohuo's debut and the recent Trailblaze Continuance + Event, I've noticed that a few recurring faces seem to parallel the good ol' High Cloud Quintet of the Luofu, be it by accident or on purpose. And if you know me, then you may have noticed I really like to connect the dots (or in some cases, make up headcanon dots for funsies), so I had to put these thoughts into words.
Going clockwise from the center, we have:
1) The High Elder of the vidyadhara, well-known for proficiency in healing arts, designated mother hen, and.... significantly shorter than everyone else in the group. Poor Bailu. At least she gets to be a short gremlin, and that's neat! Go cause mischief, queen!
2) A talented swordsman who aspires to be the Sword Champion and has an affinity for ice. And for throwing sharp objects as an attack. Kinda funny how Jing Yuan is the only one of Jingliu's disciples that doesn't do that, and yet his own apprentice picks up the habit anyway.
3) A newbie Cloud Knight of somewhat traditional upbringing, who happens to be really impressed by their superior and gets noticed by them in turn at some point (see Sushang's About Yanqing line, and the latter calling for assembly when he joins a team with her specifically).
4) A foxian who's known to be very good at her job, but gets into a lot of trouble and earns a nickname for exactly that (Cursed One for Huohuo, Starskiff Killer for Baiheng), and still miraculously scrapes by every unfortunate encounter.
5) A crafty, short-lived outlander whose home planet was destroyed in their childhood, with them being taken to the Xianzhou as a result, and then rising to fame thanks to their creativity and fiery spirit. They also befriend the aforementioned newbie Cloud Knight, except there's lots of squabbles and teasing involved.
Personally I think they should all be friends. A silly lil group that circumvents the law and gets up to shenanigans. Half of them are already besties in canon too, so it's not particularly farfetched, and the potential interactions between the rest are fun to think about!
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Oh my god, they know.
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socksandbuttons · 1 year
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Other people's baby aus interacting with mine and others here
So all first 5 images:
-@sweetvioletcandies baby eclipse and Lunar meeting my babies from their @baby-clipsy-au
-@nekojaf's baby bloodmoons bullying mine and befriending SweetVio's Eclipse
-@yukiphobia24's Baby ScarfTwins!! theyre so smol... and large eyes.
Then my Solar meeting @nekojaf gas station au!
The next ones were suppose to be Vio's Eclipse but she hadn't designed em yet so Solar it was for meeting Good Eclipse and Sun!Lunar
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v-thinks-on · 13 days
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small-but-oho · 2 months
G/t Idea: sanctuary for critically endangered tols/smols.
Like take for example that line from the Ghibli Arietty film about how the Clocks may be the last of their kind. What if that was true?
What if humans realized that tinies existed, but there's only a few hundred of them left at all? In an effort to protect them from dying out entirely, scientists put up nature reserves for them, devoid of any predators and heavily observed 24/7, to monitor the species and garantee its survival.
What if the tinies didn't even know that? They know about the fence and that rarely, giants walk through their territory, but they know to hide from them. The elders tell of a time when they had been captured by the giants, but through their cleverness and wit, they managed to escape into this safe valley. Some however, are cynical. They claim that this place they call home is no safe haven but instead a prison!
The same can also be true for giants. Their safe space would probably be an entire valley, with huge, fortified walls all around it. Signs on the outside read "Giant sanctuary - entry prohibited" and a lot of other warnings. The scientists would have to be very careful not to be spotted - not that giants are ultraviolent brutes, but one must be careful with creatures several times ones own size.
And it is important for the humans to not let the giants/tinies know about the sanctuary, since they want to preserve the species' culture and behaviour with as little human meddling as possible.
But what would happen if a giant would ever spot a human? If a tiny revealed the secret behind their safe haven? What would their reaction be? Tell all their family members? Try to escape? Despair? Maybe even befriend their keepers?
But what about the humans? Do they maybe have different goals other than species preservation? What's the opinion of the public of funding such projects? Are there documentaries about them?
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I also see your a fellow Vaggie appreciator. As am I. Tell me, in full analysis mode, why she's your fav?
she gay
devoted to gf BECAUSE of shared world view / goals
not charming in an honest and blunt kinda way
grumpy bc of worry and wanting things to go RIGHT
oh she threatens with spear <3 <3 <3
oh she do it again <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
trying to be a better person, capable of doing horrible stuff and choosing Not To Anymore thanks
would rather sing her heart out alone on a ship's mast than fucking talk about her feelings
oh she do it again
so soppy around and with her gf
cute pet names for the gf~
What's The Point Of Me I If I Can't Help The People I Love
enabler of dreams via constructive reality checks
miss "i learned how to trust ppl on the battlefield now go befriend each other or die trying"
the femme "I'll fucking kill you" energy
smol protecting her tol
she so happy when her gf hold / smooch her
grumpy one who gives hope to her sunshine gf when things get hard
low raspy voice my beloved
if she ignores her problems maybe they'll go away- oh whoops no
realized she was a monster one day and was terrified
WOULD! NOT! HURT!!! A!!!! CHILD!!!!!!!!!!!
no not EVEN if heaven itself commanded it of her
not even if that child had sharp cannibal teeth and lived in hell
permanently marked by the choices she's made
for real happier being gay down in hell
i just think she's Neat ^////^
im gay
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dark-pink-fantasy · 5 months
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twstpasta reblogs
kisses hc
pining hcs
motorcycle drive
pixie!s/o who can turn anything into sweets
mc who likes lilia's cooking
s/o that can manipulate time
malleus draconia!
pocky kiss
dragon fan!s/o
yandere hcs
gifting mc a tiara
tamagotchi playdates
tinkerbell-sized pixie!s/o
sleepover at ramshackle
s/o traveling across worlds
fem!reader is singing my immortal
s/o who teaches them roller skating
model male!s/o with a resting bitchface
s/o who is skilled in alchemy
s/o who gets scared easily
me? a master?
fem!mc is a princess
reader procrastinates a lot
mc and malleus going stargazing
🥰 + malleus + romantic
malleus + 🌸 + romantic
platonic + 🏝 + malleus
malleus + romantic + 👑
malleus + 🍙 + romantic
s/o who has freakishly long hair
nsfw heat headcannons
nsfw general hcs
sfw/nsfw albino!dragon s/o
nsfw dark fae fem!reader
nsfw with short!reader
nsfw first time hcs with a fem! reader
nsfw hcs of cockwarming
nsfw seeing fem!s/o sleeping in their underwear
lilia vanrouge!
pregnancy test?
gifting mc a tiara
quiet!s/o sneaks up on him
s/o that always apologizes
fem!mc is a princess
femme!nonbinary!mc befriending Lilia
lillia as a single dad with f!daughter
romantic + lilia + 🌧
🥀+ lilia + romantic
asking him to extend your life
fem!mc that carries around a stuffed animal
nsfw s/o who does know transformation magic
nsfw headcanons
sfw/nsfw smol dragon male!s/o
nsfw first time hcs with a fem! reader
sebek zigvolt!
comforting you after a fake confession
being kissed for the first time
mc telling them they're dating floyd
receiving homemade bentos from f!mc
mc manipulating aura
study date
small but loud s/o
me? a master?
s/o gets injured
secret admirer
sleeping curse
short but fast s/o
kissing hcs
gifting mc a tiara
pregnancy test?
me? a master?
pocky kiss
fem!mc is a princess
s/o who gets scared easily
giving silver head pats
s/o bridal carrying them
silver saves his crush
fem!mc that carries around a stuffed animal
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chaoscheebs · 1 year
You know what?  I rambled in the tags of this reblog and I’m a-gonna blather on about something that struck me when typing it.
So we know.  WE KNOW.  Seto Kaiba is a huge bundle of trauma and issues, and we all love the idea of sweet lil’ Yugi reaching out and helping him through it (with a big side of please get therapy Kaiba).  Well.  What about the other way around?
I mean, let’s look at Yugi.  Maybe he had a much, much better family situation, let’s be fuckin’ real.  But, as someone who was bullied (tho’ thankfully not the the degree this kid was), I know how much that will fuck you up in the head.  This kid was getting his ass beat by his peers on (at least) a weekly basis (and sometimes by grown-ass adults!), you better believe he has a tangled mess of issues and bottled anger compressed enough to take out a small city.
Dude has absolutely had to keep anything he thought would be subject of mockery to himself (it’s never enough, tho’) and make himself metaphorically smaller to avoid more bullying (it never works).  How much do you think his actual friends, the people he has literally trusted with his life at this point, know about him as a person, beside “smol, sweet, ride or die”?  For heaven’s sake, Anzu, the one who’s known him the longest, didn’t know if his grandpa was alive or dead in chapter-fucking-ONE of the manga!  His fucking grandpa, who runs the game store in the building where he fucking lives.
So.  Consider.  Seto actually starts to get his shit together somewhat!  Maybe he actually gets persuaded to go to fucking therapy by Mokuba’s insistence after *gestures to everything in canon*.  And maybe he actually... starts reaching out back to Yugi’s offers of friendship.  But Seto’s a sharp man.  He has had the training from hell to learn how to pick out people’s weaknesses, and he starts zeroing in on how Yugi is low-key constantly on the defensive; always offering to help or take care of or listen to others but never saying jack shit about himself or his feelings.
And, welp, he starts realizing it’s his turn to drag Yugi out of his own 500 emotional barriers kicking and screaming instead and Seto kind of hates it!  But he’s gonna.  Because he justifies it as revenge for 5,000,000 “power of friendship/heart of the cards” bullshit speeches.  YOU ARE GETTING BEFRIENDED SO FUCKING HARD IN REVENGE, YUGI; EXPECT HIM.
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moonspirit · 2 months
hello, i’m back, i was just wondering what you think eren said to the others in the paths. we saw armins and mikasas but not the other scouts/warriors. you’re pretty much the only writer on tumblr that doesn’t intimidate me so i asked you 👍 (your wife needs to be tied to a tree)
Hello again behyuu xD But please! Don't fear clouds, she's just a smol smol! Go befriend her!
But this is a really interesting question; I've thought about it a few times, and more along the likes of: "what is the kind of relationship Eren shares with these people?"
(Edit; this became incredibly long 🥲)
I think there are people Eren would and wouldn't have talked to, really. In the latter category falls Levi, imo. But that takes off on another tangent entirely, so for now we'll stick to the rest.
To Reiner, I like to believe Eren would've shown him an alternate reality of what happened in Liberio, perhaps one where he doesn't transform, and instead has a long conversation with him where both of them are offered something akin to "forgiveness" by one another.
These two are parallels to each other in that mutual sense of crippling guilt that came with carrying out the destruction of each other's homelands, not out of hatred, but simply because they needed to do it, in order to achieve something bigger. Reiner, because he wanted to fix his family and become an honorary Marleyan to rid himself of the shame. Eren, because his "peaceful world" for lack of a better word, was turned upside down and trampled upon - though in the end, it was just his selfish and violent nature that set him off on this path. Reiner and Eren understand each other in a way that others don't - neither wanted to do what they did. But they did do it, and that sin will simply be too massive to contain. But Reiner lives despite not wanting to, and Eren dies despite not wanting to, and they are split into two different worlds by the end.
Tl;dr - They talk about how, in another world, where maybe there aren't titans, Eren would've continued to admire Reiner as he did before Trost. And Reiner would cry. End of story.
With Pieck, I hc that the conversation would've been short. Pieck is a very interesting character, imo, because she's literally the most grounded of all the scouts and warriors. She owes no allegiance to Marley, nor Paradis, doesn't have an ulterior motive and is basically stuck watching the doomed world from the ground. There is no solution for her - she as an Eldian will be used by Marley and killed in Paradis - she's literally the only character who understands this from the very beginning. That said, her impression of Eren is, simply put, that of an immature child running riot (incidentally, this is also what Levi probably thinks). If we take into account the fact that her first meeting with Eren was one where she tried to fool him by channelling her (fake) solidarity with Paradis and rejecting her Marleyan upbringing, what lies between these two characters is the anger of being born on different sides of the wall. Eren's actions also resulted in Pieck losing pretty much everybody she knows. As such, I believe what could've transpired between them in the paths, would've been an apology from Eren for destroying Liberio, for killing Udo and Zofia, and telling her maybe, that had these suffocating walls between them never existed, perhaps they would've been peaceful strangers, passing by on the streets now and then.
With Jean and Connie, the conversation would've been very difficult. Sasha. How do you talk about Sasha and forgiveness in the same sentence? So Eren was tortured by his fate, by having to see everything play out as he'd seen it, without any change, and Sasha's death was one of the many terrible consequences - doesn't negate the fact that it still happened only because he "chose" this path. All the people in the 104th truly have an incredibly tight bond - it is what makes it all the more painful knowing that Eren drifted away until he had to be killed by the very same group of people. I like to imagine Jean and Connie beat him up, really. Among the many female characters in SnK, Sasha was someone with an incredibly pure soul - she cared about people and food and fun - and her death was catastrophic. Eren's selfishness caused it, there's no other way to put it. There's also the dynamic between Jean and Eren - that love-hate rivalry that was so sad to see end. And so I want to believe Jean and Connie just keep pummeling him until they're all tired and they stare at the sunset, reminiscing on all the times Eren was a reckless piece of shit.
Falco and Gabi then. The former will honestly carry the guilt of ferrying Mr. Kruger's letters to and fro, during Eren's homeless era. In this respect, I like to think that Eren will tell him not to carry it, to blame it all on him, because he's the one that lied and made him do it. What can possibly be worse than willingly inflicting guilt on a child as young as he once was? Let Eren be cool for once, and offer this reassurance. How Falco deals with it as he grows up, is another story. As for Gabi - the textbook example of brainwashing, she is a splitting image of Eren in so many ways. Eren however, did not allow himself to find the acceptance that Gabi did. And so perhaps what he tells her, is that he's glad. Glad that she joined the alliance to stop him. It's enough that there's one Eren in the world.
Who's left?
Ah. Annie.
This is honestly very interesting to me because, first of all, I just know that the minute Eren opens his mouth in Paths, Annie's knee is going to dislocate his jaw. She has not one iota of sympathy for this pathetic loser causing so much trouble, making her fight when she didn't want to, but because he dragged his dearest friend (and her future husband ffs) into the chaos. He wasn't. Letting. Her. Be. In. Peace. Oh she's going to snap a few bones and put them in a blender, I know it, I know it!
But jokes aside! Annie and Eren are also, a bit similar in some respects. Both are selfish, incredibly so, it's only that their end goals are vastly different in scale. At the same time, they are also both people who care for their loved ones, even if they don't openly show it. They see themselves as monsters, but are loved by the people around them nevertheless. Annie never really had anything like a real childhood, and the concept of having friends was something unnecessary and foreign in her terrible upbringing. I really think that it was only in Paradis that she found comfort, some warmth, what food tastes like when shared with people that treated her more or less the same as anybody else, and so learned to open up (very slightly). But still having a wall around her to keep potential threats at bay and to conserve her energy, it must've felt quite special when Eren appreciated her fighting skills and even took them to heart, making an effort to learn for himself. At a time when she probably prided herself on her strength and fighting prowess alone and nothing else, that could've been incredibly validating.
She didn't hate Eren. She thought of him as a moron, but she didn't hate him. She didn't really hate anybody, the way Eren also never "truly" hated anybody. They were just forced at each other's throats by his choice. We have to remember that Eren also didn't find it easy to accept that Annie was the FT. He did really look up to her and admire her.
I like to think he understood her dedication to sticking to her mission, not as being loyal to Marley, but for a reason more personal (not sure if he could've known about her father, post gaining his future memories..?) and that, that in itself, isn't wrong. Eren's selfishness also stems from an incredibly personal desire after all.
So what would they talk about? Maybe he'd tell her she should continue to be selfish. Because her desires, unlike his own, are harmless. And also drop hints about how his, um, his best friend Armin, is very smart and also very hot and maybe she'd like to... Um... Idk? <3
Whew 🥲
Edit2: I forgot Historia. Idk, considering she'd just given birth and was probably conked out with exhaustion, it's nice to think he'd have just watched her holding her baby, sadly, whispered "You're free" and then disappeared.
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ask-the-watch-holders · 2 months
Ok another au
Hard mode
Yo-Kai are much more hesitant at making friends and are more troublesome. Here’s how a certain few of our old friends friends change.
Nate: He’s tired all the time. Could care less about what Eddie and Bear think about him, has really, really messy hair. Cares a lot about his Yo-Kai friends, His parents, and Katie, but not much else.
Whisper:Admits when he doesn’t know Yo-Kai, Bought the Yo-Kai watch and Yo-Kai pad moments after being freed (And then returned to Nate). Has a generally Positive outlook on everything and everyone. Is more Patient with Jibanyan.
Jibanyan: More Determined to beat trucks. Has serious trust issues. Only befriends Nate after he saves him from A gang of roughraff attempting to attack him.
Hailey:Still the same geek as ever. Genuinely respects USApyon. Gets bullied for her interests.
USApyon: never goes Invader mode on Hailey. Helps Hailey because she reminds him of the Doctor.
Komasan: Smol boi. Paranoid as all hell. Addicted to Coffee. Still uses the bumpkin accent (he’s Tweek Tweak but Country)
Lord Enma: The Exact same. Struggles with the protests against human and yo-kai friendship.
Arachnus and Toadal Dude: Fighting over much bigger things. They do not show any mercy.
Hovernyan:Constantly trying to force Nathaniel to make the watch. Impatient.
Nathaniel: “Just leave me alone! I’m no hero!” Scared. Moximous Mask Superfan still.
Sgt Burly: A protester who believes Humans are not as bad as The Other Yo-Kai say they are, Leader of the Peacekeeper Blasters.
Katie: Worries about Nate. Is the only reason Nate ever even tries, stands up for Nate against Eddie And Bear, and can secretly see Yo-Kai but chooses not to say anything.
Eddie And Bear: More offensive, act like jerks for no reason, secretly think Nate is way cooler than them.
Tomnyan: Joins Nate immediately, much more trusting than any other Yo-Kai, lives with Nate, Jibanyan, and Whisper.
The final Bosses don’t change at all.
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morelikeravenbore · 13 days
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🦋 Aurélie Collins
F L U F F Y A L P H A B E T | It's about time I did one of these for my girl. SFW, all fluff.
✨ Read my Sebastian alphabets here [spicy] and here [fluffy].
✨ My Hogwarts Legacy Masterlist.
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
I recently described Aurélie as a "newly adopted cat" and I don't think I'll ever come up with a better way to describe the way she handles affection, lolol. Bit skittish and wary at first, but the more you keep at it, the more she'll start to enjoy it (but she'll pretend she doesn't.)
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Most of Aura's friendships start out with the other person being strangely persistent about befriending her until she eventually comes to accept them being a part of her life, lol. 
She likes to make her friends feel pretty (regardless of their gender). She'll braid/play with their hair, randomly buy them pretty things or expensive clothes, gift them items from her own wardrobe that she doesn't want any more, take them shopping.
She's very distrustful of anyone who shows romantic interest towards her friends and will give them the stink-eye until they prove themselves worthy ("But are you sure you like him?")
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
With Sebastian "Physical Affection" Sallow as her partner, she doesn't have much of a choice, lol. But yes, once the newly adopted cat feels comfortable in her surroundings, it's virtually impossible to pry her away from the warm cozy cuddles.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
She's a Taurus rising homebody who craves stability and love, so she definitely wants to settle down. Her house would be aesthetic af (probably somewhere in the south of France by the ocean), and she'd have a cute little garden and a bunch of smol cute doggos (and eventually some smol cute kiddos). She'd be a total domestic goddess.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Uhh, well, Sebastian is her first and only relationship and they don't technically ever break up but [redacted for possible spoilers aaahaha]
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
She never gave much thought to marriage (or romance in general) until she fell in love with Sebastian, but after that, she knew she'd never love anyone as much as she loves him and honestly gets low-key impatient waiting for him to propose.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
She might have a cute li'l French-girl temper, but she's suuuch a gentle soul underneath it all. She struggles so much with her Ancient Magic because of how destructive it is; the thought of hurting people, whether by accident or otherwise — even if it's to defend herself — is unbearable. If she could rid herself of the power, she would do it without hesitation.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
She'll give hugs if they're needed or meaningful, but she doesn't go around hugging people willy nilly. She's not comfortable with excessive physical contact, but she'll tolerate it if one of her friends is the affectionate sort (ie literally all of them including her bf lolll).
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
HAHAHAaa twenty one chapters deep into Villain and she's not even close to saying it even though she knows it. She tends to show that she loves you through actions.
J= Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they're jealous?)
Not reeeeally. If anything, she gets insecure and will genuinely wonder why anyone likes her. She carries a lot of personal guilt over the losses in her life and tends to project those feelings onto the people she loves.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Being kissed in the centre of her forehead is her absolute favourite; it immediately makes her feel calm and loved and protected. Her favourite place to kiss is the underside of Sebastian's jawline since he's so much taller than she is.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
While she's not super clucky and doe-eyed around them, she's surprisingly patient with children. As a mama, she'd be very hands on, teaching them how to garden without magic the way her Papa taught her, playing make-believe and encouraging their creative play.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Aurélie is up and at'em with the sun, fresh as a daisy, probably dragging a grumbling Sebastian out of bed to watch the sunrise, pottering around the garden, baking bread, drinking tea, walking the dogs, going for a swim in the sea aka absolutely thriving.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Night time is when she gets all soft and cuddly, which means good luck having any personal space or getting anything done because Aura is gonna cling. Newly adopted cat, remember? Wants cuddles. Needs belly rubs. Not that Sebastian ever complains about it, only he's had to learn how to read and study with a cute girl climbing all over him and falling asleep in his lap and making his legs numb because he doesn't wanna risk waking her up by moving.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
If she isn't directly asked questions, she won't willingly reveal anything about herself. She's very guarded and prefers to listen than to talk, so if she trusts you enough to tell you her secrets, you best believe you mean a lot to her.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
LOL listen. Bebe isn't known for her patience. She isn't easily angered (contrary to popular belief), but if she believes you've wronged her or behaved unacceptably, she will have no hesitation in letting you know about it — and it will be very French. She may be quiet, but she's certainly not shy.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Since she's the Queen of diverting attention away from herself, she learns a lot about the people she cares about. She's also got a fantastic memory and will likely remember things you mentioned in passing one time several years ago. Also means she'll never forget it if you offend her lol.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
Laughter! Sebastian is very good making her laugh when she least suspects it, and it's one of her favourite things about him. Aurélie is very introspective, can get stuck in her own head, and if she's gets onto a rant about something, it's hard for her to stop, so any moment when Sebastian disarms her by making her laugh is a moment she treasures.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Given what she's been through, she is pretty distrusting of new people. If her friend has a new love interest, she'll immediately dislike that person and probably try to convince her friend not to bother lolll. She doesn't give away her love easily and ia very protective of the special few who receive it.
Sebastian is insanely protective of her, of course. It's basically how he courts her HAHA.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
She's like, famous for her gifts. Since her primary love language is gift giving, she pays special attention to all your favourite things and collects little gifts whenever she finds them. Doesn't even need to be a special occasion, either — often times, she'll just gift you something simply because it reminded her of you. It's how she tells you she cares about you.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
HAHA listen, she's a perfect angel who's never done a thing wrong in her life HOWEVER she is extremely stubborn, infuriatingly closed off and would rather eat flobberworm fritters every day of her life than ever ask for help. If she isn't being constantly drawn out of her shell, she'll stay in it forever.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
I'm always wary when creating "conventionally beautiful" characters that their looks don't become their entire personality, but if you've read Villain, you'll know that Aurélie doesn't think much about her looks. And that's because, well — she's just naturally beautiful. She doesn't have to think about it. Sure, she likes to look pretty, and she loves beautiful clothes and nice things, but she doesn't actively have to try very hard to achieve it. If anything, her focus is more on how she should "behave" or "present herself". Even in early chapters, Sebastian's descriptions of her physical appearance are always based on how "elegant" she is rather than how pretty she is, because that's what Aura is focused on projecting.
For example, from chapter three:
Finally, when 'Collins, Aurélie' was called to take the stool, the new girl stepped up to the podium with all the grace of a ballerina taking to the stage, her head held high despite the clear look of anxiety on her face. Sebastian rolled his eyes again; she wouldn't last a day in Slytherin - not being as delicate as that — the snake pit would devour her alive.
She definitely has pretty privilege in that people are naturally drawn to helping her, giving her gifts or going out of their way to make her feel comfortable, but she's genuinely pretty clueless of the effect her beauty has on others.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Absolutely. Being so guarded, once she loves you, she won't ever stop. The loss of someone she loves is a pain she'll hold onto forever.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
She thinks butterbeer is the most revolting to ever exist, and the first time she tried it with Sebastian, she accused him of pranking her ("people actually drink this?!")
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn't like, either in general or in a partner?)
Being unkind to animals, and littering. And in modern au, smoking would be a huge ick.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?)
She can't sleep without a light on. It's absolutely non-negotiable; if there isn't a light source, she won't fall asleep. Lucky for her, Sebastian is a night owl and is usually awake reading long after she falls asleep, so it works for them.
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