#BG3 Winter Holiday Challenge
spacebarbarianweird · 6 months
A short fluff for BG3 Winter Holiday Challenge.
Prompt: Snow&Ice
Tags: fluff, pregnancy
Read on AO3
Astarion gasps as the freezing grasp of the nightmare lets him go. He doesn't remember what exactly decided to torment his mind this time, but it wasn't anything pleasant, that's for sure.
For a few seconds, Astarion can't understand where he is. It's a dark room with a low wooden ceiling. The blizzard howls, threatening to freeze to death anyone who dares step outside.
"Hm?", he hears a sweet sleepy voice. Gentle hands wrap around his body. "Nightmares again?"
Astarion turns his face to you. The warmth of your body returns him to reality, washing away the dirt of the cruel visions.
"It's all right", he whispers back. "Sleep."
You adjust yourself to his body, intertwining your legs with his and placing your head on his chest. You are so close he can hear blood streaming through your veins.
Before, he could ask you for blood. But not now.
Your rounded belly rests on his stomach. Your half-elven body easily betrays your pregnancy - it's visible to everyone with eyes.
And Astarion is scared. That is probably what came to him in the nightmare. Something about this thing that's so natural for mortals and so unnatural for the undead.
He caresses the belly trying to concentrate on something else. On something good.
But, gods know, it's difficult.
"Astarion, you are starving. You need to go on a hunt", you whisper to him, finally opening your eyes.
"I didn't know you were so eager to become a single mother", he chuckles. "It's too cold even for me"
"Maybe you will ask someone in the town? They will gladly share animal blood with you."
"Trust me, they tolerate me only because not once in these five years I've tried to feed on something that belongs to them. Vampires can live without food for years, love. I can wait at least a day before the blizzard ends."
You sigh and tug him closer. He can see your freckles, these gorgeous sunmarks. Red hair. Half-elven ears.
He still can't fathom this idea. It's something abstract, unreal. Just a word without a meaning. Your body is changing. Sometimes you have such insane mood swings he has no idea what to do. And you feel so delicate in his arms that he is afraid to hurt you.
"Are you afraid?", you finally ask.
"Yes. I am."
A pleasant silence falls once again.
"Me too. Considering how shitty my own mother was, it's not like I have a healthy maternity example. On the bright side, I have a very clear idea of what I am not supposed to do with an innocent child."
"It will probably be a dhampir, love. Aren't you afraid of that? That it's just a monster inside you?"
"I willingly went to bed with you. What else would I expect?"
You hug him tight and he is lost in your breathing and the heartbeat. So alive. So kind. So brave.
He willingly went to bed with someone whose weapon of choice is a two-handed axe he can't even lift. Someone who could easily pet a dragon. What else did he expect? Of course you aren't afraid of monsters.
But it doesn't mean he isn't scared of the future to come.
"I am cold", you suddenly say.
"I am sorry", he tries to pull away - his cold body isn't a great source of warmth.
"Don't move!" you tighten your muscles not allowing him to go.
"I will make you colder."
"So what?"
He gives up and keeps enjoying your warmth. Does the baby have this warmth, too? Or it's more undead than mortal? It bugs Astarion that he hasn't found any information on how the pregnancy is supposed to progress if the child is a dhampir.
Does it even have a heartbeat?
It seems like you have fallen asleep once again. He smiles, studying your face in the dark.
The sound of a blizzard lulls him so is your breathing. Nothing to be afraid of. The past is past, no matter how horrible it was.
And then Astarion hears another sound.
He can't understand what this is and is surprised that your heartbeat feels so weak.
Then he hears yours, loud and stong.
And the other one, weak and hardly identified by his sharp senses.
It seems like he flinches because you are awake again.
"What is it?"
Astarion sits up and puts his hands on the belly. The tears flow down his pale face and he doesn't try to wipe them away.
"My love, what happened?" you reach out for his curls and touch the tip of the right ear.
"I-", the words are stuck in his throat. "It's the heartbeat. I can hear our child's heartbeat!"
Astarion tugs you closer for a kiss. He laughs joyfully, muttering words of gratitude in Elven as if forgetting how to speak Common all of a sudden.
You spend what looks like an eternity in each other arms. Then, you pull away a bit.
"Astarion. I am so sorry to ruin the moment but I am dying of hunger, too. Can we go downstairs? I will fetch something for myself and the baby."
He chuckles. "Don't be ridiculous, darling. You stay in the warmth under the blanket and I will cook for you."
"You?" you laugh innocently. You've been together for twenty years and Astarion rarely has to cook only if you fell so sick he has to feed you.
"Well, I suppose our child won't drink blood. So, I have a few more months to learn how to prepare food."
"At least let me help you before you burn the house", you reach out for him and he lifts you in the air. "Will you get me back on my feet?"
"No, why should I?"
You put your head on his chest. "All right, then. Carry us downstairs, my beautiful husband!"
Tag list
@tragedybunny @caitlincat-95 @tallymonster@astarion-beloved@lumienyx @fayeriess@elora-the-slutty-songstress@veillsar@astarion-imagine-archive @micropoe10 @starlight-ipomoea@herstxrgirl @theearthsfinalconfession @ashiro20 @not-so-lost-after-alll @vixstarria @wintersire @marcynomercy @tugoslovenka
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alpaca-clouds · 6 months
BG3 Winter Holiday Challenge Day 03: Reflections in the Moonlight
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Today's prompt for @justporo's BG3 Winter Holiday Challenge was "Gifts" and given that I am writing about different characters each time, I decided for this I am going with Aylin and Isobel.
Reflections in the Moonlight
Fandom: Baldur's Gate 3 Shipping: Aylin/Isobel Genre: Fluff & Romance
Aylin returns to her love, who has been waiting for her.
You can find a complete overview over my December Challenges here.
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m0thmellow · 6 months
Snow and Ice
Pairing: Astarion x Drow Male!Tav
Summary: 6 months after the defeat of the netherbrain, winters starts to come. Astarion's not as excited as he normally is, but Tav shows him the joy of ice and snow when together and free.
Rating/Warnings: Explicit | Smut | Dub-con | Mention of Astarion's past
Word Count: 3.557 words
Notes: Inspired by @justporo BG3 Winter holiday post! Had an idea for the second prompt so here it is!
Posted on AO3! Link below for the full thing :)
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Snippet below:
During their travels, Astarion had fallen in love with the drow rather quickly. Tav fell like a brick for his honeyed words and within a couple of nights Astarion managed to bed the man. All in all the plan had been going well, if not for his own uncomfortably warm feelings to act up. In return, he too fell for the drow, not as fast, but he definitely fell harder in the end.
Astarion sat back with a sigh, leaning against the soft velvet cushions of their sofa, eyes scanning along the small framed pictures on the wall. Pictures of their friends, Scratch and them littered the wooden walls, occasionally shaking when the wind brushed too hard through their shitty apartment.
Honestly? He had expected more from the city as a thanks, the shitty apartment barely held itself standing with the rest of the buildings within the lower city. Small cracks in the wall let in the cold air from outside, the rats had been a constant unpleasant reminder of his past and gods, the place reeked of smoke every single day.
He’d come to learn that the renters of the place were chain smokers, they had several pipes and refused to even think about smoking outside, let alone smoke less. Still, the place has its charm, the small decorations and ‘home’ accessories Tav added made the place feel homey. Astarion barely knew what home was, but the longer he looked around, the more it felt right to call this home.
Then, as if the gods heard his silent prayer for the first time ever, the door opened and a completely covered drow stepped onto the welcome mat with snow-covered boots. His nose was pink, as were the tips of his ears and Astarion couldn’t help the cooing noise sliding from his tongue.
“Awh darling, come here.” He tapped the seat beside him and watched as the drow kicked off his boots, a big smile on his face as he shuffled in closer. Tav settled on the couch beside him, rubbed his palms together for a moment and leaned over to gingerly press a kiss to the spawn’s cheek. 
The chill of the man’s lips sent a shiver over the spawn’s spine, followed by a small tingle in his cheek. He knew Tav had been cold, but he hadn’t realized just how cold the poor man was. “Shall I go boil us some water?”
The drow hummed, closed his red eyes for a second before taking another deep breath and shaking his head. Astarion raised his eyebrow, licking his lips before turning to the other man yet again. “You’re freezing my love, you need something warm.”
“You’re cute when you care for me.” As he shifted to get off of the couch, Astarion’s head snapped back to stare at the drow with widened red eyes. He hadn’t been surprised by the compliment, Tav often mentioned small little compliments like it to remind Astarion just how valued he was, but the comment itself, the explanation, took him off guard.
“I always care for you.” Tav chuckled softly as he watched the near offended look spread over his lover’s face, shaking his head and reaching over to press their lips together. Astarion huffed into the kiss, but melted regardless, tilting his head to the side to drag it on longer.
Satisfied with his kiss, Tav leaned back just enough to let out a soft sigh, his hand reaching up to ghost along Astarion’s face. The spawn leaned into the touch softly, frowning at the prickly clothing covering Tav’s hand before leaning over to carefully drag the fabric from the man’s fingers.
The silence around them grew thicker as red eyes watched his, fangs barely poking through the leather mixed with cloth, only for it to go limp when Tav’s fingers slid free of their confinement. The drow hummed, taking the fabric between his fingers and pulling it away from Astarion’s teeth with a smile. The spawn winked, nipping at the other’s fingers as they dared to come near his mouth.
“Astarion,” A full body shiver spread through his body, avoiding the intense look in Tav’s eyes with a heavy sigh. He hardly could look at the drow when the man used his name, ever since the shadowlands and Araj - who’s name still tasted like bile in his mouth - Astarion felt too nervous to watch the man’s eyes swirl when his name was spoken. “May I ask for a bit of your time tonight? I wish to show you something?”
He felt the drow’s arms slide over his legs, and around his waist, pulling him over until Astarion was seated in the man’s lap, his own legs wrapped around the other's waist. The spawn glanced down nervously, eyeing the small little window their apartment had. The sun was still out, barely, but it was still out and Astarion couldn’t risk that.
“We can wait a while,” Tav spoke again, tightening his hold on the vampire spawn with a small smile. “I suppose the spot is better when it's night time anyway.” 
“Oh? So I have to wait for this surprise to be worthwhile?” The drow laughed, nuzzling his nose into the spawns curls with a satisfied sigh. Astarion curled his fingers up as well, tightening his hold on Tav with his pale fingers tightening in white braids as well. “You better keep me entertained for the next couple hours then.”
Read more here!
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starlight-starwrites · 5 months
a dozen tiny suns
astarion x bard!elf!reader
summary: after the battle for baldur's gate, you and astarion have settled into a new routine in your old home. nocturnal life isn't easy, and you come up with a surprise for him to have a little sunlight.
wc: 1.4k
warnings: oh boy i got fluffy
note: written for the BG3 holiday challenge twinkling lights prompt! reader is not described or named, but is an elf bard for context (a little magic for our favorite vampire)
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“Darling, the sun’s down,” you shuffle over to the four-poster bed, flopping on the side with the open curtains. “Astarion, love?”
Darkness has fallen outside, and the few lamps lit in your apartment barely penetrate the canopy you’ve made of your bed. The mass of blankets move slightly at your intrusion, the only sign that Astarion really is in here. You catch sight of light on white hair, and you reach to pull the heavy quilt away.
“Darling, did you hear me? The sun’s gone downnn,” you sing.
He doesn’t open his eyes. His only acknowledgment is a wrinkled nose as he nestles further into the pillow. You stretch, crawling on your stomach to get close enough to press a kiss to his bare shoulder.
The action seems to appease him, his expression a pout instead. “Mmph, it’s much too early for that. Come back to bed.” You ignore him, gently pulling away the blankets before he really wakes up. One eye cracks open, and you’re fixed by his red gaze. “What are you doing? Why are you dressed?”
“It’s time to get up, you’ll waste the night.” You still can’t help but smile at the way his nose wrinkles.
“Night is not for hours.”
“Night, evening,” you wave a hand, “It’s winter, love. The sun sets earlier, so we can get up earlier. Now come on, I want to show you something.”
Astarion usually wasn’t one to laze in bed, often taking advantage of the daylight hours as well as the night. These last few months completely free of the horrors, masters, and tadpoles that haunted you since leaving Baldur’s Gate did wonders for him. His newfound freedom was only limited by the rise of the sun, and even that he rebelled against. The new curtains blanketed your rooms in darkness to accommodate him, but you often caught him pulling them back to let in a patch of light. You half expected to find him one day lying in the sunlight like a cat, if not for the fact he was still very much a vampire.
You poke a finger into his arm. “Did I really tire you out that much this morning? And here I thought you were indomitable—yeeeep!”
He’s fast. One second he’s face down and curled around the pillow, and the next he’s snatching your hand to yank you under him.
“No, no, noooo!” You wiggle, but he’s smart and he knows you. He has you pinned.
“I will smother you, darling. Don’t doubt me again.”
You pout. “I wouldn’t dream of it.” He hums, pleased, and starts to get comfortable, his nose to the column of your throat. You shift again. “No, don’t you dare, you have to get up.”
“I have a surprise for you.”
“I hate surprises.”
You laugh, hand coming to weave fingers through his hair and give a little tug. “You love my surprises. It won’t last forever. Now come on.” A second tug and his eye opens again, accompanied by a raised brow. You lean forward to press a kiss to his nose, and just like that, you slip from his grasp.
He grumbles about it, but his complaining has long since become background noise to you. It takes him a minute to rise, pulling apart the curtains on his side of the bed and stumbling out. You wait, nearly bouncing on the balls of your feet as he pulls on a robe.
“What is it?” he asks, and though he tries to sound indifferent, you can hear his curiosity.
“Do you really want me to tell you, or would you rather see it for yourself?” you ask as you slowly back to the balcony doors.
“It’s outside?” He acts put-out, but he fastens his robe quickly without hesitating to follow you. “What in the hells are you up to?”
He squints, amused now at your excitement, and when you hold out your arms, his hands take hold of yours like they have a hundred times before.
“Just…come see,” you say softly.
The balcony of your apartments isn’t large—a space for your old chair and table, and now a new lounge right beside them. Overlooking the street, the other new addition balances along the railing: night-blooming flowers grow tall, offering slightly more privacy than you had before.
In between, there was enough space for you to stand with your love. Dance, even, when you could convince him.
It was there you had arranged your little surprise, smooth rope running above your heads. It had taken longer than you wanted to admit, fastening each one from roof to roof, making sure that they would hold. Almost as long as it took to create the enchantment that holds Astarion’s attention now.
You smile at him even though his gaze is far from you. You step backwards slowly, pulling him along. His wide eyes dart above, taking it in, the hand you hold stretched in front of him. You like the way his fangs poke out with the gape of his mouth. You love the way you seem to have stolen all words from him.
Winter night air nips at your skin, but between watching him and the faint heat radiating from your enchantment, you barely notice.
The orbs had fit perfectly in the palm of your hand as you whispered your incantations, and now they hung like a dozen tiny suns above your heads.
The warm glow from the light was meant to mimic the sun itself, albeit in a much smaller and less powerful form. You let Astarion’s hand slip from yours as he turned to face each of them, let him wonder at the lights that shone on his bed-tousled hair.
“You did this?” There’s awe in his voice, though it’s careful. Perhaps not quite believing, not quite willing to reveal himself. The red of his eyes seems softer, almost orange in the light, and he looks over your decoration once more before his gaze falls to you.
You nod, smile hopeful. “I had help,” you admit, “I wanted to make sure that the spell would cause no damage—” you gesture to Astarion, “for obvious reasons. It’s meant to mimic Daylight, but in truth the incantation is closer to what I do for Dancing Lights. Just…obviously not dancing,” you laugh, “the light moves within, I don’t know, a little shield?”
It’s you who looks away this time, eyes up as you call to one of the orbs. It drifts down, and you cup it in your hands, holding it between you and Astarion. It warms your skin, brighter now that it’s so close. You have to look away.
You find him staring at you.
His hands brush over yours as he takes a step closer, the light held within your palms, your hands held within his.
He’s beautiful.
It reminds you of all the little moments on your adventures, ones that didn’t seem so significant at the time. You remember how he stood in the sun, that morning after in the woods. You remember how he laughed in camp, faced tilted up to the bright sky as you teased him over breakfast. You remember how he stared in wonder at the colorful streets of Baldur’s Gate, both weirdly relieved to be home.
“I know you miss the sun.”
His hands tighten around yours, and you watch his face as he takes hold of the orb. He doesn’t flinch, doesn’t wince, doesn’t burn. His brows raise, eyes big as he looks again from the warm light he holds to you.
“I…thank you.”
The rays from the enchantment seem stronger somehow, blazing light between strands of his hair, clearing all shadows from his face. Your other tiny suns still above you act like a halo around him.
You could almost believe the two of you stood under the real sun.
You open your mouth to respond, to wave away the gift, tell him he deserves more, deserves better. To remind him that as long as you’re together, you’ll take care of him. That you can still find another solution.
Instead, Astarion drops the orb. Though neither of you look to it, it stays floating in the space between your chests. His hands, no longer cold, come to cup your face, and his fingers trail up to the tips of your ears. You find yourself mirroring his movements, his cheeks in your palms, the edge of his pink ears under your fingertips.
“Thank you,” he whispers.
He kisses you.
And it’s warm, and it’s bright, and it feels like sunlight.
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justporo · 6 months
Sweet Things
You've been brooding all day, even Astarion is at a loss on how to pull you out of it - until he offers you a sweet treat, with lots of bickering of course.
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Author's Note: Written for the Hot Chocolate/Mulled Wine" prompt of the BG3 Winter Holiday challenge. Honestly my favourite piece I've written so far for the challenge - let's see if it will stay this way.
Pairing: Astarion/GN!Tav (You) Warnings: none Wordcount: 1,6k
You had been in a bad mood the whole day with no particular reason for it. And nothing was able to lift your mood. Not even your vampire and his usual shenanigans had been able to pull you out of your puddle of negative feelings. Especially when Astarion had suggested you come with him into the city to run some errands.
The usual excitement you felt to go outside during the crispy cold but beautiful winter weather, to walk through the snow and see the lights in the city - it was non-existent today. In fact, you had taken one look out of the tall living room window, scowled and Astarion had thrown a little fit about how ‘you made him venture forth into the perils of the winter smitten city so the two of you may yet survive the bitter cold’. But even his histrionics, little pout and round red eyes had done nothing to change your mind.
Astarjon had sighed in defeat: “Alright, my love, you go and soak in your bad mood as long as you can, I'll wrangle you out of it soon enough.” “Don't threaten me with a good time, Astarion”, you had replied dryly but the vampire had just smirked. A plan had undoubtedly been set into motion. After that he had been off to go into the city - of course not without coming over to you, cupping your face softly and pressing a kiss to your lips.
Afterwards you had tried to make your peace with your bad mood and had curled up on the couch in front of the fireplace, just staring into the flickering flames.
A while later you heard Astarion return to your shared home.
“I've returned from the hunt, my love, and I bring you some bounty”, the vampire declared. You turned around to see him standing in the doorframe with a huge grin and an inconspicuously looking bag in his hand. You saw some melting snowflakes glisten in his curls. He looked very proud of himself with how he let the bag dangle in front of you, one eyebrow lifted inquisitively.
Oh, you knew he was daring you to ask about it. This was one of his signature ways to get what he wanted: teasing you by holding the carrot in front of your face and then quickly moving it out of your reach with an “ah ah ah” and a fang-baring grin. 
And you felt how his tactic even slowly started to work now.
“A bag? Aw Astarion, you shouldn't have! Bags are my favourite!”, you gave back and felt a sassy grin grow on your face. Turning around on your knees on the plush sofa you placed your arms on the rim of the piece of furniture and then placed your cheek on top of it - basically hugging the backrest.
The vampire frowned at you, obviously unsatisfied with your insolent reaction. But he wouldn't be Astarion were he to give up because of that.
“Yes, a bag. And if you stop being such a miserable and yet so sassy little thing, you might even get what's inside of it”, he snapped back mockingly.
“You know, usually this time of year when someone threatens you with the thing they have inside their bag it's a rod to punish the naughty.”
“Well, seeing how naughty you've been to me today, who says there isn't a rod in there?” His grin had turned sultry, his gaze dropping in a way that made other than your negative feelings churn inside of you.
“I repeat myself from earlier: don't threaten me with a good time, Astarion”, you replied with a smirk. Simultaneously you noticed that your bad mood was slowly lifting. Well, he was your soulmate after all, wasn't he? He knew all the tricks.
Astarion in the meantime had put his hands on his hips in an affronted manner. You heard telltale, soft clanking sounds coming from the bag and raised your eyebrows at the vampire.
“So, are we sulking or are we trying to outwit me, eh?”, he commented with a little sneer, but you knew he was only teasing. “Can you at least decide what your mood is?”, he continued when you first made big sad puppy eyes at him and then stuck out your tongue at him. “It's getting exhausting to keep track of your whims, love.”
He quickly and easily dodged the pillow you threw at his face and grinned at you.
“That's pretty rich coming from you, love”, you answered and flipped him off. “Now tell me what's in the bag!”
The vampire clicked his tongue in disapproval: “You lost the privilege of finding out when you threw the pillow, no you'll have to wait.”
You threw another pillow with a pout but your partner had quickly turned and left the room altogether. 
Since you had no intention of losing other privileges and knew exactly that Astarion was way too greedy for praise and thus would come to you again, you just turned around and lounged on the couch once more. You closed your eyes and felt that most of your bad mood had disappeared already, so you simply relaxed to the bustling and rustling that had started coming from the kitchen.
You hadn't planned on drifting off.
But then you were awoken again by the smell of something delicious filling your nose. You opened your eyes and saw an incredibly ugly mug in the form of a boot in front of you.
But more important than its form were its contents you immediately recognised as: delicious hot chocolate with some slowly melting meringue drops on top of it.
And when you looked up you saw that Astarion was holding the cup almost directly under your nose with a smug grin on his lips.
“Something sweet for my sweet thing?”, he asked while batting his eyelashes excessively and his grin growing even broader.
“Where did you find the most hideous mug on this plane of existence?”, you replied and sat up on the sofa - also making space for Astarion to sit beside you.
The vampire sighed massively while he sat beside you and handed you the mug: “You are a ghastly little thing today, have I told you that?”
“At least with me it’s only today.”
Now even Astarion was flabbergasted.
“By the gods, love”, he said with raised eyebrows and then took a swig from his own mug you hadn’t noticed before. “You really do spend too much time in my company”, he finished after he had put down the cup again.
You peeked over at his cup and figured he must have gone for something with a little more kick than hot chocolate - mulled wine most likely.
“And now go and drink your hot chocolate which I so painstakingly made for you, love, or I’ll show you ghastly”, he said and leaned to you, narrowing his red eyes at you. You just made big innocent puppy eyes at him again.
You had every intention to comply - but first you swung your legs over his and covered the both of you with your blanket to make it extra cosy. And then after some fussing from the vampire and some readjusting you had snuggled up on the couch. Astarion kept sipping on his mulled wine and you finally tasted your hot and sweet beverage.
When the first of the rich, warm taste hit your tongue, you couldn’t help but let out a pleased moan and let your head fall back.
“It tastes amazing, love”, you moaned and let your eyes roll in delighted pleasure.
“Well then. Maybe I should introduce some hot chocolate in the bedroom if this is how you react to it”, Astarion commented. He was trying to play over it with his sultry joke but he was obviously proud of himself for having made what caused this reaction in you.
“You prepared it perfectly, Astarion, thank you”, you said now in a genuine tone and let one of your hands cover his which he had carefully placed on your blanket-covered knees.
He looked at you then with a small, sweet smile.
“Thanks for taking the time and the patience to put up with me and make this, Astarion”, you said and softly squeezed his hand. His smile grew broader.
You sat and drank and talked and joked. At some point you made Astarion try his own creation while you got a sip of his also very delicious mulled wine. He insisted he still preferred savory because he already had that one sweet thing in his life. But you saw him lick his lips after trying the chocolate.
When you had downed your beverage to the last drop, you sighed contentedly while the vampire looked fully pleased with himself.
“Feel better now?”, he asked and put his mug down on the floor. You simply nodded and watched as he leaned over to you.
“Good”, he whispered while he kept leaning in closer still. “But you still have a little something there”, he continued in a deep tone and eyed your already opened lips. You just made a silent “oh” while you expectantly awaited yet another treat from Astarion.
He softly grabbed your chin and closed the distance between you. You closed your eyes, expecting the kiss.
But then the vampire just grossly licked over and around your top lip to get rid of the remaining chocolate there.
You kicked and squealed trying to get him off you and stop torturing you with this gross procedure but he had the upper hand.
And then he had jumped up grabbing both your cups, promising to return with a refill of mulled wine for the both of you while you wiped off your mouth with the back of your hand.
“And you call me ghastly”, you screamed after Astarion but you couldn’t stop the big smile spreading over your face.
From the kitchen you only heard the vampire’s laughter in response.
Tag list: @spacebarbarianweird @sunfire-ancunin @tragedybunny @dependsonthedream @tallymonster @magazzne @micropoe10 @aoirohi @my-bunny-prince @lumienyx @fayeriess @darlingxdragon
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bg-brainrot · 6 months
Second winter fluff prompt for the BG3 Holiday Challenge!
Prompt: Ice and Snow
Featuring: Astarion x Rogue!Tav
Series: Love at First Knife, on AO3 here
Premise: Astarion is always cold, used to a nocturnal lifestyle and a distinct lack of blood in his veins. However you, the sad little mortal, are not prepared for the winter’s chill. When you experience your first snowfall together, Astarion makes it his personal mission to ensure that you’re bundled up.
Tags: Fluff, POV Second person, Gender-neutral pronouns, Post-Canon
Word count: ~1.1k
“Astarion, please,” you say, voice muffled behind a thick, knitted scarf. “You’re completely overreacting.”
The vampire tuts at you, as he deposits a fur-lined hat upon your head, and a few dangling tassels tickle your ears. “Now darling, what did I tell you about fighting me on this?”
“That you would tie me up and–”
“No, the other thing,” he interrupts, though a salacious smile comes over him at the thought.
“Oh. That you wouldn’t let me make a snow celestial…” you sound dejected, and you downcast your eyes to appear pitiable.
Astarion, for his part, only finds joy in your reaction, a delighted giggle being his only response.
“What about you?” you challenge, as he tries to shimmy another coat onto your already quite padded frame. "You were just complaining about the cold the other day!"
“I’m coldblooded, my dear. And you know I only complain for the attention,” he says, kneeling down to lace your boots for you. If you tried to bend down right now, you’re certain you’ll fall over in a pile of furs and fluff. “I shall be just fine with my current coat.” He’s currently wearing a fitted red winter coat, an embroidered pattern of roses in gold along its sleeves and collar– the epitome of a dashing man, next to your shambling mound.
“Stupid, sexy vampire,” you mutter under your breath. He only laughs and places yet another scarf around your neck.
Satisfied with his work, he takes a step back. “Would you look at that, my scary assassin is all ready to go outside,” he says, a bright smile on his face.
You level him with a murderous look, which loses some of its effect considering the scarves currently blocking your mouth. “I’ll show you scary,” you mumble, ready to attack your lover. You find that difficult now though, considering a slow shuffle is all that you can maintain.
He pays your death glares no mind, as he tucks one delicate little scarf around his own neck and declares that he’s ready to go outside as well.
You wobble after him, feeling nothing like the intimidating rogue you’re supposed to be. But you suppose if it means he won’t stop your snow celestials, some sacrifices, like your pride, must be made.
The first snowfall along the Sword Coast is always among the most beautiful and this year is no exception. Once you’ve made your way outside, you find yourself surrounded by a winter wonderland.
Pockets of snow line your roof, several inches of snow surround your house in every direction, and a light smattering of snow falls upon you now. You wish you could feel it, but between all of the layers, you only guess that it’s light and powdery– perfect for snow celestials.
Astarion peers around at the world, seeming rather unimpressed. “Well, isn’t that lovely. The ground is white.”
You ignore his lackluster response to the bounty of snow before you and make your way past him to the yard. With more of a stumble than a step, you fall into a particularly open patch of snow in front of your house. A puff of white snow explodes around you as you land, and you breathe out a single, “Oof.”
“Love, was that… on purpose?” Astarion asks, not far behind you.
“Mmhm,” you mumble into the snow. A backwards snow celestial it is. With all of the effort you can muster, you wave your arms and legs into the shape of wings and, well, whatever celestials had in place of legs. You can feel yourself overheating from the bundle of clothes surrounding you, but you’re determined to make this look good and ensure that Astarion understands that this is lovely.
After your exertions, you stop moving for a bit, just laying there in the impression of your snow celestial. Astarion, who’s likely been watching you this entire time, calls out, “Are you alright, dear?”
You raise your hand into a gloved thumbs up.
“Do you need help getting up?”
“Mhhhmmmm,” you groan into the snow. Your nose is starting to get cold and your sweat is chilling over.
“Alright then,” he responds, and you feel his legs carefully step around you, his arms tugging you onto your back and hoisting you up. Once you’re on your feet, your lover frowns at you and begins dusting you off with determination. “Darling, look at you. You’re going to get soaked to the bone with how much snow you’re covered in.”
“And whose fault is that?” you grumble at him.
“Yours, for insisting on the snow celestial,” he retorts, flicking your nose with his index finger.
That reminds you– You look down at your imprint in the snow, see what all of this unpleasant combination of cold and sweat got you. It’s a little lopsided, and both your and Astarion’s boots have left several footprints in the center, but it’s a solid attempt.
Brimming with pride at your work, you look to Astarion. “See? Look at how radiant my celestial looks.”
Astarion takes a look as well, and you can see the stifled laughter begging to come out.
“Don’t you dare laugh,” you say, pointing a stern finger at him.
He promptly defies you, as a hearty chuckle escapes him. “Sorry, dearest, but the hat you’re wearing makes it look like some kind of beholder.”
You look down to see that the tassels to your hat must have flung around as you moved, creating a crown of what could really only be described as eyestalks. “Well then. A snow aberration. I’m not picky,” you respond with a shrug.
Astarion smiles at you, open affection coloring his gaze, before he pulls you into a wide hug. “Fantastic work, love. Your talent is unmatched. And maybe– just maybe– it was worth all of the effort.”
You lean into him and his praise and say, “I suppose I should thank you for making sure I stayed warm.”
“Oh no need,” he says, squeezing you tightly. “Seeing you look like a large marshmallow is truly its own reward.” He drops his voice an octave and adds, “And somehow you still manage to look utterly enticing.”
You can barely feel his movements through the layers between you, so when he abruptly begins dragging you back to the house you give a surprised yelp. “What are you doing?”
“Your snow creature is done, now comes my favorite part– taking all of these layers off,” you catch Astarion’s quick wink before you’re ungracefully pulled after him.
There’s snow between your scarves, your toes have begun to chill, and fresh new snow is falling on your face, but somehow his words still warm you. “Was this your plan all along?”
“Naturally, my love. You know I would do anything to keep you warm,” his tone is innocent, the lidded eyes he gives you anything but. He must catch the flush covering your face because he laughs a melodic trill. “I’m starting to think I quite like wintertime.”
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littlejuicebox · 6 months
Baking Cookies
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Pairing: Astarion x GN!Reader/Tav Summary/Setting: First winter post-BG3 / You and Astarion live together and you’re trying to introduce him to “normal” traditions and things he may not have experienced before. Rating/Warnings: PG-13 / Holiday fluff / Sexual references / Maybe some mild in game spoilers Word Count: 1K Notes: This is 1/5 "Days of Star-mas!" Tried to keep this GN but please lmk if you caught something! :)
I'm also entering this into the #BG3HolidayFluffle23 challenge under the prompt "holiday spirit."
Click here to see my master list.
“Darling, this entire thing seems to be quite the mess.” Astarion huffs, flicking his gaze over the bowls, trays, baking goods, and various accoutrements strewn across the counter.
“Well, my love, that’s kind of the point! To make a mess and have a bit of fun. It’s nothing we can’t clean up.” You respond, giving the rogue a small smile and a good-natured eye roll, “Now what’s next?”
You two are in the kitchen, the delicious smells of cinnamon and nutmeg wafting through the air. Astarion is leaning over the kitchen counter and returns to reading the baking instructions aloud to you as you knead the spiced cookie dough in your hands.
“After kneading, shape the dough to ready for baking. Well… how on earth are we supposed to shape it? That’s not very specific.” The vampire murmurs with an irritated huff, nose wrinkling in frustration. He really wasn’t thrilled about participating in this new Midwinter tradition of baking treats for all your friends, but you’d managed to convince him with a heavy dose of eyelash batting and a little bit of whining.
You giggle as you take the spiced dough from the bowl and begin rolling it out with a pin, sprinkling flour about the counter as you work. You nod your head at the gingerbread molds you purchased from the market earlier this week. “With the cookie molds, my love. Or we can twist the dough with our hands… you’ll see.”
Soon enough, you’ve put Astarion to work cutting out gingerbread cookies and placing them on the baking trays while you’re twisting your portion of the dough into shapes. You watch the rogue as he works, quite intently, on forming the little beings. He’d decided to give a few of the cookies horns and tails, of course, and you’d been thrilled to see him getting into the holiday spirit in his own way, so you allowed his artistic liberties.
“That one looks like Karlach!” You exclaim, as you see Astarion pressing horns and a tail onto a gingerbread form that he’s also given massive biceps.
“Exactly the point, my dear.” Astarion grins, as he places cookie-Karlach onto the final open spot in his tray. “And this one is Gale.” He gestures to a cookie cutout he’s pulled slightly to make it taller and thinner, holding a twisted staff in its hand.
You chuckle, and having just finished your own tray, take the cookies and place them in the oven to bake. As you turn back to your love, he’s holding his hand out to you and beckoning you closer to him. You quickly oblige.
“You’ve got a bit of sugar and spice on your face, darling.” Astarion whispers, moving to kiss your cheek. His tongue laps at the powder before he aims to kiss your lips and you’re enveloped in the sweet taste of sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg, and him. The rogue grins mischievously, pulling back to look at you, white eyebrow cocked. “Hmm… looks like there might be some powder behind your ear and down your neck, as well.”
You roll your eyes at the vampire and his obvious lie as he moves to nibble your earlobe and then swirl his tongue behind it before trailing tiny kisses down your neck. When he pulls back again to admire you with scarlet eyes, you’re completely flushed.
“Are you satisfied with your little game now, my Star?” You ask, trying your best to chide the vampire and hide your smile.
Astarion turns toward the counter, and before you realize what he’s doing, he’s already dipped his long fingers into the remnants of the cookie spice mixture and turned back to you. He quickly drags his powder-coated hands down your neck, past the exposed parts of your chest, and across your arms. You’re covered in the sweet particles and staring at him, mouth open, brimming with shocked incredulity. He grins impishly and places a small boop of powder on your nose before you catch his hand in your own, scrunching your face at the rogue.
The vampire steps forward with a good-natured chuckle to kiss the spices off your nose before wrapping you in his arms. “Not satisfied quite yet, darling. And we have a bit of time to kill while those cookies bake.”
You roll your eyes at your lover, but relax your face and smile anyway, content to join the pale elf in his little game. “Hmm… I wonder what we could do with that time, my love.”
Astarion hums, feigning thinking, as his lips wander to your neck and his tongue drags a sticky trail of saliva and sweeteners back up to your ear. He whispers, voice low and gravelly in that way that makes your knees weak. “I have a few sticky and sweet ideas.”
You two spend the entire time the cookies are in the oven on the kitchen floor, creating quite the mess. Astarion is the one to stop the fun, pulling away from where his lips had been absolutely ravaging your own. “Pardon the interruption, my dear, but I think the cookies are about finished. I can smell them, and I think you might kill me if they burned."
The both of you stand and you peer into the oven. The vampire is correct, and you beam at him, placing a little loving kiss on his bloodhound nose. “That’s a wonderful hidden talent, my Star.”
You carefully remove the trays and place them on the counter to cool, admiring the efforts and handiwork that led to such beautifully browned pastries.
“Hm… those look delectable.” Astarion murmurs, cocking his head to appreciate the cookies before turning to look at you. “But you look even more delectable, my little treat. Now come here to me and let’s finish what we’ve started.”
You eagerly cross the few paces to your lover and Astarion is quickly upon you again, easily pulling you back to the kitchen floor and enveloping you in his love. And as promised, a sticky-sweet, fun mess is soon made all over the kitchen.
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ellarazen · 6 months
Together once again
Chosen Family prompt of the BG3 Winter Holiday challenge.
Pairing: Spawn Astarion/GN!Tav (You)
Wordcount: Approximately 600 words.
It’s been a while since your last reunion with everyone in Withers’ party. Karlach and Wyll finally got out of Avernus for good after finding Zariel’s secret forge, but that’s a story for another time.
You all reunited again for Christmas. Withers didn’t even have to host the event this time. Shadowheart insisted we all gathered at her new cozy cottage with her parents and the many, many animals she adopted.
When you arrive with Astarion, Karlach is already running up. “Soldier, you made it!”
She sweeps you off the ground as she announces, “Gods, I missed you”. You reply “Me too Karlach, I still can’t believe you are here”
Emotionally she declares, “Oh, I have to pinch myself sometimes, so I don’t think this is all a dream”
It’s a dream really, to be reunited with everyone, seeing Halsin try to fit himself under the kitchen roof to help Gale prepare the main course, even though the mage assured he had “all under control”.
Wyll was more than happy to share recent stories of adventures in Faerun and brought some exquisite wine, which Astarion still complained about.
Lae’zel joined but not in full flesh. The battle against Vlakith was not an easy feat, but she seemed quite happy to see us once again, even if not in an ideal form.
The warmest smile grows on your face, seeing them all together and well again.
Later on, you step outside the cottage to catch some fresh air, Halsin is sitting on the ground in awe surrounded by ducks. Karlach is making snow angels on the ground.
Turning your head just slightly, you see Astarion, who looks very moved by everything in a contained manner.
You take his hand to hold it in yours, proposing, “Penny for your thoughts?”
He quickly composes himself by pretending indignation. “A penny? Darling, you wound me”
You quickly imitate your partner’s mannerisms to jest a bit “Oh, my love, you know your thoughts are worth all the gold and treasures all Faerun, but you would have forgotten it way before the time I become the richest person in this land”
He plays along “How dare you? you’re lucky you are cute”
Lightheartedly, you reply, “I could say the same to you, but really, are you okay?”
Astarion looks at you lovingly and shares, “I am, I just feel so…blessed, how ironic I had to suffer 200 years to feel this. I’m exhilarated and frustrated at the same time…but we can explore this topic another time. I am truly glad to be here with you, among friends again. It’s a change from the usual bandits we always seem to find”
You hug your partner and as he tenderly returns it; It reminds you of your timid first hug. Astarion wasn’t used to affection in this way, but now he welcomes your embrace naturally. Gratitude fills your chest thinking about the trust he developed in your bond. You whisper, “I love you. You know you can tell me anything you wish, right?”
He felt content knowing you cared and replied, “I know, I just don’t want to spend a second in the past, not when you are here with me…and of course our dear friends awaiting us inside”
The pale elf pulls back slowly and suggests, “Now dear, shall we go inside again? The air is rather chill out here and as much as I love taking care of you, I don’t want you getting another cold”
“Of course darling, wherever you need me to be”
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lumienyx · 5 months
happy to surrender
Pairing: Astarion/m!Tav | Rating: T | Words: 1,208 | Tags: Established Relationship, Romance, Banter, Fluff, Humor, sorcery as a replacement for the tadpole mindlink, no beta we die like Dribbles
Summary: A snowflake lands on Tav’s lips, and Astarion melts it with a kiss.  “My love.” Astarion’s gaze is so tender, his voice so fragile Tav fears that it may break. “These last six months of happy memories are a counterweight to two hundred years of misery.”
A/N: inspired by a bunch of things: Astarion's epilogue confession ofc, @snowyarts' post contrasting it with his earlier much more grim dialogue, and when I finally started on the New Beginnings prompt for the BG3 Winter Holiday Challenge, I ended up with this🥺 Hope you enjoy💙
Read on AO3 or continue under the cut ↓
The canvas of the night stretches wide above them. Astarion watches it, entranced, ever in awe of each new starscape of Faerûn they uncover during their travels. 
Tav is mesmerized in turn by the subtle play of moonlight on Astarion’s skin, in his eyes. The light snowfall grazes his hair, the flakes lingering just a bit longer than usual before melting away. Tav leans closer into the one-armed embrace, pressing his lips against Astarion's neck.
“Any new constellations you can show me?” Tav follows his lover’s gaze to a messy cluster of stars.
Astarion chuckles. “Of course, my sweet. If you remember all the ones from before.”
“All of them?” Tav frowns, doubtful. “You have a lot of faith in my memory.”
“If you can quote that bawdy poor excuse of a romance novel we stole from Gale, then surely—”
“Anyway.” Tav ignores Astarion’s smirk, pointing to where he spots a familiar, blade-like pattern, tracing it with his finger. “That one. Jassa’s Dagger?”
“Oh, well, the Sword and the Dagg—”
Astarion cuts him off with an exasperated kiss, reaching out to run his hand through Tav's hair, a pleasant shiver tingling in its wake. “Try again. No daggers there, I’m afraid.”
“Ah.” Tav skips through a couple more guesses. “Well… Esetar?”
“That isn’t even visible right now, darling.” Astarion caresses his cheek then, gentle and almost placating. “Not that I don’t find this positively adorable, but do you even listen when I tell you about them?”
“I remember most of our stargazing lessons ending in me seeing stars for a very different reason.”
Astarion groans. “And I remember how I’ve told you repeatedly that your questionable attempts at wordplay leave much to be desired.”
“This one was good,” Tav insists, “one might even say stellar—”
Astarion struggles out of the embrace only half-heartedly, and Tav doesn’t catch any trace of tension on his face, so he doesn’t break the hold. “Made you smile,” he says, with no small measure of satisfaction.
“I am not,” Astarion says, “smiling,” he tries and fails to suppress it.
“But there it is.” 
Tav presses his lips to Astarion’s, feeling the grin widen. He relishes the soft, languid movement of his lover���s lips as they fall deeper into a kiss that warms Tav even more than the sphere of heat he’s keeping up around them. There’s only a hair’s breadth between them as they pull away, and Tav finds himself lost in Astarion’s eyes all over again.
“There.” Tav points to another patch in the sky, not even looking. “Mystra’s Circle.”
“Why,” Astarion gasps in mock surprise, “truly a remarkable catch! The only circular constellation out there—how did you guess?”
Tav weaves a few spheres from the heaps of snow behind Astarion, all ready to strike. They all miss, of course; Astarion leaps out of his arms to dodge them just in time, and Tav barely manages to halt the spell before the projectiles end up hitting him instead.
“Ugh.” Tav lets the spell dissipate ina burst of snowflakes. Gone is his only chance to catch Astarion off guard. “I’ll get you one of these days.”
“Darling,” Astarion laughs, “do I have to remind you of the score of our snowball fights?” He rushes back into the radius of the heating spell and into Tav's begrudging embrace, though Tav probably doesn’t look as annoyed as he’s pretending to be.
“You may win the battles,” Tav grumbles, “but you won't win the war.”
“If you ask me really nicely, I doubt I would have any choice but to concede defeat.”
“Ha! Since when are you happy to surrender?”
“I am happy with you always,” Astarion says.
And it’s those simple words that give Tav pause. 
There is no hint of jest or deceit in Astarion’s eyes. Only warmth and tenderness that Tav is still getting used to seeing there, in place of the once constant fear and pain. The bright specks of light reflected in them form constellations of their own against the ruby red. So beautiful, impossible to look away from, even as Tav feels heat rushing to his cheeks and his heart rattling his chest at an alarming rate. A reaction he hasn’t quite grown out of, even after all these months by Astarion’s side.
“I—well.” Tav blinks. A nervous chuckle follows a bashful smile. “Really?”
A snowflake lands on Tav’s lips, and Astarion steals it with a kiss before it melts. 
“My love.” Astarion’s gaze is so tender, his voice so fragile Tav fears that it may break. “These last six months of happy memories are a counterweight to two hundred years of misery.”
Tav’s heart skips a beat, perhaps a couple. He doesn’t know what to answer, doesn’t know how. He can’t quite believe it, still. The pain yet rings sharp from the words Astarion had said a longer while back—that not even Cazador’s death would make up for the all-consuming darkness, that never-ending pain.
But Astarion slides into his mind now, magic weaving itself in the familiar spell Tav spent months developing so they could both have this—mind-to-mind emotions and wordless connection—once their tadpoles were gone. Astarion’s feelings are clear as day there, somewhere in the in-between of Tav’s own tangled thoughts and emotions—
—it's as if there's a bright, simmering hearth in his chest, and it feels like home, you are home—
—Tav’s own face obscures his vision, one memory that mirrors thousands more like it, and when he sees that face smile, he feels—Astarion feels like it lights up everything around him, bringing to life something deep inside him that he thought long forgotten, and he feels his lips follow suit to mirror mine—
—touch is less like small bursts of electricity, like it used to be when they barely knew each other but knew enough to want one another and every touch sparked desire—
—now, the touch of my hand is grounding, your embrace feels like a warding spell, a Sanctuary that keeps at bay whatever danger and harm the world yet harbors, kissing you completes me like two split pieces of a whole finally joining—
There’s waves upon waves of joy radiating from Astarion’s thoughts, there's the shadow of his embrace that Tav can feel even as he’s lost in the connection—and all of a sudden, it’s too much to bear being parted, and so he closes the distance between them. They kiss deeply, softly, it’s all kinds of perfection Tav doesn’t ever want to let go. 
Tav is quite happy to surrender to Astarion, too.
Astarion’s lips are cool and yet the kiss spreads warmth all over Tav’s body. Like the familiar surge of sorcery running through his veins, only better, because Astarion’s touch is more magical than any spell Tav could ever hope to invoke. It’s all the elation of a life bound closely to his, of their life began anew. A life they get to live, against all odds, together. Their minds are still entwined, and Astarion’s coalesces into the single thought,
I love you.
And the emotion of it is strong enough, overwhelming enough to make Tav weak in the knees with how good it makes him feel, how completely it overtakes him. And Tav—
thank you for the read! I’d appreciate any comments and feedback💙
Tag list (lmk if you'd like to be added):
@spacebarbarianweird @satanicspinosaurus @tallymonster @tragedybunny @ellekhen
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icybluepenguin · 6 months
Lights in the Dark
Author's Note: I haven't written anything in a long time. I didn't realize how much I'd missed it. I'm going to try to do it more! First time writing for Baldur's Gate, this is for the BG3 Winter Holiday Challenge, based on the "twinkling lights" prompt.
Summary: Astarion doesn't like the guy you're dancing with (and neither do you) so he whisks you away to show you something special instead. On AO3 here
Pairing: Astarion x gender neutral Tav/reader
Tags/Warnings: a bit of jealous Astarion, more than a bit of fluff, SFW/rated T, word count 1,300. Canon-typical talk about stabbing. Probably not accurate title usage :)
The dance was fast, a newer one that you weren't as familiar with.  It involved the leader holding the other's waist with one hand as the pair rotated and traveled the steps, and it gave more opportunity than you liked for someone's hand to drift too far down. 
Which is exactly what you felt Lord Brandir Antalme attempting as he spun you around the dance floor. You cleared your throat loudly, tightening your grip on his shoulder until he winced and returned his hand to the proper position for the dance. 
As soon as the music stopped, you rushed through your bows, waving off his attempts to coax you into another dance.  One near-groping from a boring lord was enough, thank you.  But this was a fancy party and you weren't going to make a scene and cause trouble for Wyll.  Yet. 
Brandir followed you away from the dancing, taking two goblets of wine from a server's tray.  You took the one he offered you– why not, you were going to need something to take the edge off his company if he was going to stick to you.   The man would not stop talking about building contracts.  You raised it to your lips. 
A pale hand, wrist practically dripping with lace, snagged the goblet from you before you could even take a sip, 
“There you are, darling.” Astarion took a taste of your wine.  “I lost track of you.”  His tone was light, but his eyes were hard, staring at Brandir. 
Someone had to have manners in this situation and it clearly wasn't going to be Astarion.  “Astarion, this is Lord Brandir Antalme.  Brandir, Astarion Acunin.”   
“Ah, Saer Acunin!” Brandir gushed with courtly enthusiasm.  “Your reputation precedes you.”
“Don't believe everything you hear,” Astarion said.  His voice lowered dangerously, even as his smile remained polite.  “I'm much worse.”
Brandir giggled, his eyes widening, and turned his attention back to you– the apparently safe choice.  While your outfit had a high collar, as did Astarion's, to cover both of your bite marks, it still showed a good amount of skin elsewhere.  Which Brandir was enjoying without much subtlety. 
“You were an excellent partner, my dear.  Perhaps another dance,” he glanced at Astarion holding your cup, “since you are finished with your drink?”  Brandir gave a half bow and held out his hand to you. 
“That was a dance?” Astarion laughed, high and sharp. “I thought Tav was just keeping you from falling on your face.”
“Um, I think I will get some refreshments, that dance was a bit fast for me.  Thank you, though, my lord.  Excuse us.”  You grabbed Astarion's sleeve and dragged him with you towards the tables laid out with an incredible variety of decadent treats.
“That is one of the richest people in Baldur's Gate. And you want to be on his bad side?” 
“Oh, I know who he is.  And if he looks at you like that one more time,” he growled, “I'll rip his throat out.”  Turning so only you could see, he bared his fangs. 
You put your hands on your hips, exasperated.  “It was just a dance.”
“He tried to touch your ass, darling, I think he was after a bit more than ‘just a dance.’”
“If he'd made it that far, I would have removed his hand.”
“Oh but it's so much more fun if you let me do that for you,” he said with a bloodthirsty smirk. 
“Hm.”  You examined his face– the glint in his eyes, the curl of his lip, the general air of satisfaction.  “I think you like being jealous.”
“I have no idea what you might be talking about.” 
“You helped Wyll decide the guest list. You picked my outfit for tonight.  You insisted I wear this jewelry.”
“Do you have a point with this?” he asked airily, taking an elegant sip of wine.  “Or are you just talking to hear your own voice?  Not that I don't love your voice.” 
You narrow your eyes at him.  “I'm saying you knew exactly who would be here and exactly how they would react.  Hells, you probably planned the dances as well.”  You stepped closer to him, crowding his space.  “All so you could play the jealous lover.  It's been years, aren't you tired of that game yet?”
Astarion leaned towards you, seeming to have a quick retort ready for you, but then he straightened.  “Oh Hells, here comes Lady Steelstalker.  She won't even ask you to dance before grabbing your ass.  Come with me.”  With an arm around your waist, he hurried you out of the ballroom. 
He led you up and up until you were entirely lost and fairly out of breath, but he assured you he knew where he was going.  He opened a heavy wooden door at the top of more stairs with a flourish. 
You walked out onto a parapet, overlooking the entire city.  “Oh,” you gasped, delighted at the view.  You stepped up to the crenelation, shivering from the frigid air. 
Astarion wrapped his arms around you, pulling you back into his chest.  He wasn't much warmer than the air, but he blocked the breeze, which helped. 
“Look at the lights!”  Everywhere you looked, colorful holiday lamps shone in windows and hung between buildings on looping ropes.  Luminarias glowed on the streets and balconies.  
The lights decorating the rich houses nearby were crisp and clear.  Farther in the distance, all you could see was little soft dots blurring together, scatters of joy in the black. 
The night was so dark but the city was full of light and color, a magic landscape. 
The music from the ballroom drifted up, faint and ethereal.  Astarion swayed gently to the sound and you put your hands over his on your stomach.  
You had seen many, many sorts of nights with Astarion since he lost the ability to walk in the sun, but this was one of the most beautiful. 
“My city,” he sighed. “I love exploring the world with you, darling, but I always feel most at home here.”
You tipped your head back onto his shoulder, looking up.  The stars glittered sharply in the way they only did on very cold, clear winter nights.  You thought they would cut you, if you could touch them. 
But you could touch your own cold, sharp star, you thought with a smile.  Strong and solid behind you, holding you like he'd never let go.  He buried his nose in your neck and you reached up and back to tangle your fingers in the curls at his nape. 
“I'll never tire of it,” he said against your skin.  “I get such a thrill when I get to show the world that you chose me.  You are the best thing that ever happened to me and no matter how many years pass, I'll still be shooing away anyone who looks at you too long.  I love proving that you are mine.”  You feel his smile.  
You turned in his arms, draping your own around his neck.  “And you're mine.”  You pressed a soft kiss to his cheek, icy against your lips.  
“Maybe someday you'll finally let me stab a few of them a little.”
“Just a little?” you giggled. 
“Jealous and covered in blood is quite a good look for me.”
“Oh, absolutely it is.” 
“We should go inside, you must be freezing.”
You wiggled around to look back over the city, filled with peace and hope.  So many families, so many people of every race joining in to spread brightness in the darkest time of the year.  So much love filled your heart, for the people, for the city you'd saved, and especially for the man behind you who had worked so hard to stay with you through his pain. 
“Just a little longer, love.  Our city looks so beautiful."
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captastra · 5 months
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Chapters: 4/10 Fandom: Baldur's Gate (Video Games) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Gale/Tav (Baldur's Gate), Gale (Baldur's Gate)/Original Female Character(s) Characters: Tav (Baldur's Gate), Gale (Baldur's Gate), Morena Dekarios, Gale's Mother (Baldur's Gate), Tara (Baldur's Gate) Additional Tags: Post-Canon, Holidays, Domestic Fluff, Romance, Family Fluff, Implied Sexual Content Summary:
Gale and Everlith enjoy a sweet morning together as they plan their next steps to celebrate Wintershield.
Posted last night but here is chapter 4/Prompt 4: Ornaments for the BG3 Winter Holiday Challenge by @justporo! Thank you @kourumi for reading and editing <3!!
Taglist: @olliesaurus-rex @roofgeese @kyber-infinitygems @poetikat @confidentandgood @spaceratprodigy @darkfire1177 @carlosoliveiraa @theelderhazelnut @shegetsburned @awhellstothejoe @oh-nostalgiaa @seliviawanders @thisisrigged4 @onehornedbeast @bitchesofostwick @orionlancasterr @incognito-insomniac @amadeus-lmao @madparadoxum @gayafsatan @euryalex @mxanigel @cassieuncaged @arendaes @adelaidedrubman @marivenah @aceghosts @iobsessoverfictionalmen (click here if you want to be added to my taglist!)
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spacebarbarianweird · 5 months
headcanons or a one-shot of astarion x gn!tav baking cookies and/or doing other wintery things? thank you for the bonus prompt! i love domestic wintertime vibes 💙❄️
Hi! I fucked up with your last prompt, so here is your bonus one! And Merry Christmas!
Prompt ✶New Beginnings✶ for BG3 Winter Holiday Challenge
The pieces of the book Tav is reading are taken from Forgotten Realms Wiki.
Got inspired by this amazing piece of art by @demiesop
The Sea of Moving Ice
Synopsis: Astarion returns too early with a confession.
Tags: fluff, comfort
Read on AO3
Nestled by the fireplace, you find solace amidst the raging blizzard outside. The crackling flames cast a comforting glow, kissing your face and enveloping your arms in their gentle warmth. You slowly turn pages.
The Sea of Moving Ice is located west of Icewind Dale and northwest of the Cold Run. Almost completely uncharted, the ice masses set wide enough apart for a ship to pass.
You shiver. Well, as it wasn't cold enough. Now you can't stop thinking about the freezing hell stretching far to the north.
The domain of ice dragon and unimaginable horrors!
You wrap yourself in a fur blanket. You never had a chance to learn how to read and Astarion always teased you about that. Whenever you wanted him to read for you, he would try to sit you down and teach but you knew the dance. You would make puppy eyes and praise Astarion's voice and the vampire would give up and read any book you want.
But the end of autumn met you far in the north, in the town of Firesheer. You got sick and, by the time you fully recovered, it was already too cold and dangerous to keep travelling.
So you decided to wait until the beginning of spring. In the meantime, Astarion finally made you learn to read.
Along with seals, walruses and polar bears, the Sea of Moving Ice is also home to other dangers. Lairs of ice trolls can be found in errant shipwrecks, and white dragons often make home within larger icebergs.
White dragons! For some reason, the idea of seeing those creatures fascinates you. You turn pages further trying to find a chapter about them.
Adult white dragons have several abilities well suited to their arctic habitat: they can climb ice cliffs with ease, fly very high and fast, and are exceptional swimmers.
The door to the room opens and you see Astarion.
"I thought you wanted to walk around till sunrise?" you ask. 
He doesn't say anything and sits behind you wrapping his hands around your chest and pressing his face against the crook of your neck. 
"Astarion, is everything all right?"
He doesn't move as if frozen. You suppress a desire to stand up to hug him, to make him tell you everything. Maybe, a year ago you would have done it, but now you know better. Sometimes it's best not to pay attention.
You caress his knuckles. 
"I've read a few chapters already. Well, of course, you would have finished the whole book, but I am trying my best."
Another page. The picture of a fortress captures your attention. It looks like a giant skull adorned with a crown.
No matter how much Far North scares you, your innate desire for adventure craves to see all these places.
Astarion is silent and motionless. He wraps you tightly not allowing you to move. Maybe something triggered him? Reminded him of his recent past? Or is he just overwhelmed? He almost never spends nights inside, even if there is a snowstorm like that.
"Thank you for having patience with me", you say. "You were right. Being able to read feels so nice."
Silence. You listen up. Astarion has a very unsettling skill of being able to cry without making almost any sound.
"I love you."
The words return you to reality. Astarion holds you tightly and presses his lips against the nape of your neck. You feel as if you were submerged in warm waters. 
"I love you too, Astarion" You smile.
Expressing his feelings doesn't come easy for him. While he's become adept at discussing negative emotions, fears, and traumas with you, simple confessions are still quite rare.
"No, you don't understand," he muffles. "I love you. If I were alive, my heart would skip a beat every time I see you. You are so warm and kind, I can't believe you are real. Your sole presence is enough to wash away the nightmares from my mind. I feel new with you. I feel innocent. I feel … redeemed."
You finally set yourself free and turn to him. Tears prickle in the corners of his eyes but he smiles with this sincere goofy smile you saw on the graveyard for the first time. 
The real him.
You cup his face and kiss his forehead. Then you proceed kissing his cheeks and lips, making sure no part of his face is left untouched. 
"So, you’ve returned earlier to tell me all that?"
"Yes. You always tell me good things. How much you love me; how much you care. You bath me with affection and I just wanted to reciprocate."
You shake your head. "My love, we agreed on that. You don't need to reciprocate. You don't owe me anything…"
He sighs. No his face looks serious. "Isn't love always about a fair exchange? One-sided affection sounds awful. I owe you and you owe me. That’s the deal, isn't it?"
You reluctantly agree. Yes, if Astarion never returned any love, you would probably have lost any interest in this relationship months ago.
But, gods, he loves you!
There is so much love and care in him! Somehow, Astarion managed to conceal them deep within his undead heart that he forgot about their existence.
But yet he found access to them as if finally obtaining the key from an intricate locked box.
Ability to love.
Ability to care.
Ability to laugh and enjoy life to its fullest. 
When you wake up, the first thing you see is his eyes. He watches you sleeping with such adoration it makes your heart skip a beat. He cares about you so much; you can fully give yourself to him and not worry about anything. 
Astarion, your beloved. 
"You know... I lied"
"About what?"
"That nothing bothered me when I came back"
"Oh? What happened?"
He turns away collecting his thoughts. "You know... I've never really thought about the nature of our relationships. The very idea someone could love me the way I am seemed ridiculous. When I confessed to you, I expected you to break up with me. I couldn't understand what you are to me. My love? My partner? My significant other? I didn’t know. To this day."
The conversation takes an unexpected turn and you wait. 
"I walked around the town and bumped into a woman - she was closing her jewerly store. She started bothering me with all these stupid questions. Where we are from, where we are heading. Who you are. Who I am. Who we are to each other. And, well… I ended up buying something."
"Buying? Not stealing?"
"We are going to spend here at least two months. Wouldn’t be smart to steal from locals. Close your eyes."
You oblige and in a second you feel something cold on your palm.
Two rings.
"W-what is this, Astarion?"
"She was trying to find out if you are single. Or if I am single. She probably couldn't decide which of us she liked more. I just… threw her money saying "We are going to marry so fuck off."
"Listen... if you don’t like this idea... I..."
"I do."
You take his left hand and without hesitation put the ring on his finger. Then you kiss the knuckles and it seals the deal.
Astarion's hand is trembling as he puts on the second ring on you. "I want to see the world with you, Tav. I want to see all these weird and scary places. I want to be with you. I want to be with you in every possible form."
You lean for a kiss. "And we are going to see the Sea of Moving Ice !"
Tag List
@tugoslovenka @marcynomercy @wintersire @vixstarria @not-so-lost-after-all @ashiro20 @theearthsfinalconfession @herstxrgirl @starlight-ipomoea @micropoe10 @astarion-imagine-archive @veillsar @elora-the-slutty-songstress @fayeriess @lumienyx @astarion-beloved @tallymonster @caitlincat-95 @tragedybunny @valeprati
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alpaca-clouds · 6 months
BG3 Winter Holiday Challenge Day 07: Sparkling Wine & Honeyed Berries
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Today there is another story for @justporo's BG3 Winter Holiday Challenge. This one had the prompt Mistletoe, which I just had to do for Karlach/Shadowheart. :3 I kinda enjoy Shadowheart's PoV because she has this very dry humor.
Sparkling Wine & Honeyed Berries
Fandom: Baldur's Gate 3 Shipping: Karlach/Shadowheart Genre: Fluff & Humor
At the Midwinter Ball, Shadowheart tries her best to stay away from the dance floor. But Karlach will get her dance.
You can find a complete overview over my December Challenges here.
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silmaryel · 6 months
Frosty nights - AstarionxTav headcanons
This is written for #BG3HolidayFluffle23 challenge, check it out here =>
Prompt used:
✶Snow & Ice✶
Pairing: spawn Astarionx GN!Tav, post end-game
Warnings: none
Word Count: 600
Astarion hates being cold. As a vampire with naturally low body temperature, it makes him even more uncomfortable. You are intent on showing him snow could be fun - he’s against it. “Darling, we have a perfectly cozy and civilized setting here, there’s no need to go outside, we are not some…druids to enjoy mother nature's snowy gifts!”. You usually bribe him with a promise of a card reading session or playing chess afterwards. He loves hearing about his bright future and showing off his tactical skills, after all. Now you just need to wrap him up like a present to avoid biting frost and you venture for a stroll.
Did you think his ears would get pink only after drinking blood? Surprise, they can get almost red if he’s freezing. He refuses to wear any kind of cap (it would ruin his perfectly styled hair, you can’t be serious), so instead you opt for some furry earmuffs. It looks disarmingly cute, but you’d never tell him that.
Same goes for his hands - furry gloves are a must, but sometimes you just slide his and yours bare hands in the pocket of your thick, wool coat and walk like this for a while. Later he always calls you out on being sappy, but is suspiciously silent when the hand holding actually happens. Is he enjoying it? Bet!
Astarion was the first to start using warming cinnamon balm on his lips and hands before going out, and if you pout that it’s excessive, he’ll just sweep you up for a kiss.
You soon discover that Astarion is into fancy cashmere scarfs - the softer and more pricey the material, the better. You get a bit giggly inside seeing his nose partially hidden behind a fuzzy, crimson scarf (one of the many), which soon starts to smell like him. You constantly steal those, but he doesn’t seem to mind, especially when you repent by buying just another one.  
Both of you actually prefer admiring snowy landscapes at night - its glow much more subtle than in the scorching sun, playing along with the stars and moonlight. If there are northern lights up in the sky, Astarion would sometimes stop you and stare for several long minutes until you’d be the one to ask to go back home. 
When you first start the snowball fight, Astarion is absolutely baffled: “What in the hells do you think you are doing? Are you what, five? Stop it, dammit!” Once the initial shock passes, he easily beats you to it and soon enough he is the one to push you [consensually, sort of] into puffy snow drifts whenever he has a chance. You almost regret ever starting it…
He does not enjoy doing snow angels, that amount of cold is too much for him, but he doesn’t stop you from indulging if you wish to. He just stares at you with a smirk and judgy countenance and prompts you to go home soon afterwards. He doesn’t want you to get cold from all those shenanigans.
Once you’re back at your place, you both take off soaked and partly-frozen coats to change into something comfortable and, for Astarion, fashionable as well. You don’t think he’d enjoy fuzzy socks and worn to death oversized wool sweaters, do you? Velvet, sweeping robe with a soft lining - that’s more like him. Blankets are fine though. You make hot cocoa, and he’s sipping on a mulled wine. Maybe this walk was not such a bad idea, after all, he thinks to himself fully prepared to bully your questionable foretelling skills, observing as you pull out a deck of cards.
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coreene · 6 months
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My third offering for the BG3 Winter Holiday Challenge! This is written for the “Winter Market” prompt! Thank you  justporo & the-littlest-raindrop for the prompts!
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Treasures of a frosty day
Astarion and Tav visit the Winter Market in Baldur's Gate. It is the first time for Astarion as this is his first winter as an elf again!
It's the two of them walking hand in hand, shopping gifts for their friends and later finding surprise visitors in their house.
Lots of fluff, Post-game, Astarion is cured!
Read in Ao3
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justporo · 6 months
Stolen Kisses
Astarion is not a big fan of all these winter traditions - except one: he sneaks a mistletoe into the house, patiently and joyously waiting to pester Tav with kisses.
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Author's Note: Written for the "Mistletoe" prompt of the BG3 Winter Holiday challenge. Anything to get him kisses, hm? Ain't that right, Astarion?
Pairing: Astarion/GN!Tav (You) Warnings: none Wordcount: 1,5k
Astarion really wasn’t a big fan of winter and the cold. He also really didn’t like the whole holiday festivities and traditions that came with it. In fact, he really despised all of it. This time of year always had been an especially hurtful time when the vampire desperately realised that he was damned to stalk the streets of this city - alone and miserable.
However, things were different now. For the first time in over 200 years he wasn't alone when the Midwinter festivities rolled around and everyone was cosying up with their family or their loved ones. In fact, he never had to be alone again now, he always had you by his side. Astarion knew he could always hug you, talk to you, wrap his arms around you. And kiss you.
And even though he still wasn't overly excited about all the holiday fuss, there was one tradition he wanted to take part in: put up a mistletoe and pester you with kisses under it whenever possible. Because that was what he deserved wasn't it? To make up for all the misery he had had to experience. Kisses by his true love - he wouldn't pass up the opportunity. Just the thought already made him smile broadly - although if you’d caught him about it he would have kept insisting that this was nothing but a joke to him. 
So, one day during winter time the vampire snuck some mistletoe into the house and sneakily placed it high up on the doorframe to your living room. Of course Astarion was set on teasing you with kisses at every given opportunity. Not that he wasn’t that already but this just gave him another excuse to be insufferable.
But the vampire wasn’t as masterful about making his plans as he liked to make other people think. He’d forgotten the one thing in the equation that might ruin all of it: you.
Because you had immediately noticed the small twigs hanging high above the door frame - and had deliberately made it a point to not give the vampire a single chance to catch you with a kiss. In fact, you were enjoying yourself way too much when you noticed how the vampire’s eyes suspiciously narrowed every time you stopped exactly in front of the doorframe or just rushed through it before he could step up to you. And so you kept this game up way longer than you had initially intended to. And with this making the vampire almost scale the walls from impatience.
At first Astarion brushed off the failures as bad luck. But as you kept avoiding meeting him under the mistletoe he quickly became annoyed that his nice simple plan hadn't worked. And it became harder and harder for you to contain yourself whenever you dodged another kiss.
When this had gone on for like a week, Astarion had finally enough of the shenanigans and made it his task to lurk in the living room until he would have gotten his well deserved kiss. When you had gone out to run some errands he made himself comfortable in the window alcove with a drink, a book and a long breath to catch you; just waiting and brooding.
You had gone out to the city to grab some ingredients for a few new cooking experiments and of course knew nothing of the trap that had been laid out by the hunter. So when you came back from your trip to town you went to check on Astarion.
You went through the front door, entered the hallway and shook off some of the snow from your coat.
“Astarion?”, you called out, bags with stuff still in your hand.
“Yes, my love”, you heard him call back from the living room. He sounded kind of weird. Your brows furrowed - was something the matter? You took of your coat and boats and silently made your way through the hallway. The bags you simply left in the hallway.
Then you made it a point to stop just a bit before the doorframe and stick only your head through the doorframe with a grin. You still hadn’t given up on your little game.
 And there sat the vampire in the window alcove: arms crossed over his chest, positively brooding and glowering at you. His drink long empty and book long forgotten in his impatience. Your brows furrowed again.
“Is something wrong, love?”, you asked carefully but did not move.
“You tell me, my heart”, Astarion said in a sudden burst of losing the rest of his patience. He liked when you played hard to get - but only if you gave in by the end.
He took a deep breath. “Why don’t you step closer?”, now his tone was teasing, dripping with honey but his demeanour was still sour.
Your gestures betrayed you then, eyes flicking up to the mistletoe just for a split second. And when you looked back at Astarion you saw his victorious glint in it combined with a predatory grin now. Oh, oh.
You had been found out. Now, you had to decide - keep up the shenanigans or let the trap snap shut.
“Come, darling, indulge me, just one more step”, Astarion whispered softly, trying to lure you in now as he slowly got up from his seat and prowled closer to you. A grin so broad it showed off his pronounced canines spread over the vampire’s face. Your pulse was starting to race. As promising as he looked and sounded, your pride wouldn’t allow you to just give in.
You took a careful step closer so that you’d be standing exactly under the mistletoe and tried to give off the air of an innocent little lamb - your eyes wide, lips slightly parted as the vampire approached its prey. Astarion’s eyes were already widening in anticipation, grin growing even broader than before.
But you wouldn’t just give it to him - he’d have to catch you if he wanted kisses.
Astarion was already stretching out an arm as he kept stalking closer to you - for all his broody behaviour you saw the love for you reflect in his eyes. But you were still not above taking the piss out of your partner. In the last possible moment before he could touch you, you grinned, stuck out your tongue at him and then turned on your heel and ran. With a hysterical giggle you raced through the hallway and up the stairs. Years as a thief had made you very good at running away and getting away with it. But the vampire had two hundred years of hunting in the shadows.
Immediately, you heard Astarion chase after you with a hissed: “Come back here, you insolent little thing. Don’t make me hang up mistletoes everywhere in this house!” You just laughed as you kept running and then threw open the door to your joint bedroom. But that made you lose precious moments.
Just when you had entered the bedroom, you felt that Astarion was immediately behind you. You made for a desperate rush towards the bed but just before you could jump up on it, the vampire wrapped his arms around you and tackled you onto the bed. You squealed and writhed under him in between fits of laughter, as Astarion straddled you and turned you around to him - he was grinning victoriously.
“Come here now, love! You’ve stolen enough of my rightfully earned kisses, you little scoundrel”, Astarion said in a mocking tone and bowed down to you until his face almost met yours. He grabbed your chin with his hand while you kept snickering, trying to get him off you again.
“Don’t resist, my heart, you’ll only be punished with more kisses”, Astarion muttered to you and one of his eyebrows twitched playfully as he brought his lips almost to yours.
“Don’t threaten me with a good time, Astarion”, you replied as you felt that the mood had suddenly changed drastically.
“Oh, but this is my specialty, my love”, the vampire replied in a deep voice that made the breath catch in your throat.
You gave up trying to wiggle out of his grasp.
“Tell me then, how can I appease you for the lost kisses under the mistletoe?”, you whispered back in response and tried to crane your neck so you could press a kiss to Astarion’s lips, but the vampire moved out of your reach - very obviously payback for what you had just done. Astarion smirked his signature lop-sided grin at you.
“Well”, he answered and cocked his head, “we can start like this.” And then he leaned back down, pressing a kiss to where your pulse was thundering from the chase and now something else entirely.
Astarion kissed his way up your throat and along your jawline softly then he lifted his head up again: “And if you’ll behave now I might forgive you for stealing from me.”
And then he finally fully kissed you.
Tag list: @spacebarbarianweird @sunfire-ancunin @tragedybunny @dependsonthedream @tallymonster @magazzne @micropoe10 @aoirohi @my-bunny-prince @lumienyx @fayeriess @darlingxdragon
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