#Braiding hair
jazzypeeps · 5 months
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Younger daryl would not let you anywhere near his hair but older him would let you plait/braid it and put cute little bows in it.
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softpascalito · 8 months
Pedro Pascal Kinktober Day Thirteen
Playing with hair (SFW) - Joel Miller/F!Reader
Summary: Joel works in construction in Jackson. During his lunch breaks, he always comes home to you. When you notice a talent of his you hadn't known about, he opens up about the past.
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Relationships: Joel Miller x F!Reader
WC: 1000
Tags/Warnings: Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Jackson Era, Bathing/Washing, Established Relationship, Forehead Kisses, Idiots in Love, Healthy Relationship, Mentions of Death, Joel play the Guitar, Good Parent Joel, Single Parent Joel
notes: hello! today is one of the rare sfw pieces that doesn't have any kinks (unless your kink is having a soft, comforting partner and a healthy relationship).
while there isn't a specific song mentioned here, feel free to listen to future days in the joel version (if you are emotionally stable enough to).
Two decades after the outbreak Joel Miller is working in construction again. 
He prefers patrols to days on site, mostly because he prefers Infected to humans. At least he can kill the former when they get too close.
The grueling days that are filled with shoveling dirt, fixing roofs and sewing wood almost feel like they did back in Texas, the weather making them almost unbearable. Only now unbearably cold instead of hot.
Joel goes home during lunch break. The first few times, there's whistling behind him as he does, one of the men yelling after him.
“Can't go a few hours without that girl of yours, Miller?”
He clenches his jaw. He keeps walking. Joel knows better than to pick a fight.
When he finally gets home, he immediately finds you and buries his face in your hair.
It becomes a daily ritual.
He doesn't care how many comments or weird looks his colleagues throw at him. He just wants to be home. To feel at home. 
Today, he doesn't find you downstairs, where you are usually busy with one task or another. He distantly remembers that it's your day off and is just checking the laundry room when he hears a small noise from upstairs. The smell reaches him as he steps onto the upstairs landing of the wooden house and he smiles to himself as he heads straight for the ensuite bathroom you share. The air inside is warm and humid and his smile widens as he spots you in the bathtub. No other sight could relax him like this.
You put your book down as you notice him and return his smile with a gentle one of your own. Your gaze stays on him as he pulls off his jacket and boots and sits down on the edge of the tub, leaning over the water to press a gentle kiss to your lips. Automatically, his hand finds your hair and he brings you closer for a split moment before pulling back, just gazing down at you as his fingers gently brush through your hair. There is a comfortable silence between you for a while.
“We should put the record player in here. 'd be nice to have some music while taking a bath.” You hum and Joel pauses for a moment, clearly considering something before he gets up and heads back into the bedroom.
For a moment you think he is going to follow your suggestion and come back carrying the record player you spend so much time in front of. But he comes carrying something else and your heart jumps a bit as you recognize him holding his guitar. Your face softens a bit as you watch him gently close the door. Joel doesn't usually play for people, instead just strumming away on the back porch after a long day. Always the back porch. Never the front one.
He sits down next to the tub, adjusting the guitar strings for a few moments before he gently starts to play. It sounds like a song you've heard before but you're sure it must've been a long time ago. Joel's voice is low as he begins to sing and you close your eyes, sighing softly.
He helps you out of the tub afterwards, cleaning up the bathroom as you throw on one of his flannels and some sweats. You're sitting on the bed when he comes up from behind, running his hands through your hair again. He grabs a few hair ties from your bedside table, expertly wrapping them around his wrist before he gently starts pulling on your hair.
You frown, chuckling a bit: ”What are you doing?”
He just hums, gently placing one section over the other, his hands still so used to the motions. Slowly, he braids one side of your hair and then moves on to the other.
His touch is relaxing and you lean back, letting him work in silence. As he secures the last hair tie and runs his hands over the smooth braids, you finally speak up: ”I didn't know you knew how to do that.”
Joel chuckles at that, stroking your head:” I think it's the one I remember best.”
“What, you jobbed as a hairstylist before the outbreak or something?” 
He smiles a bit, his voice softening as he speaks, ”No. But I was a single dad.”
It feels like your heart leapt down into your stomach. You whisk around, the apology already on your lips. ”Joel-”
“Don't. It's- It's okay,” he mumbles, still stroking your hair as he looks down at you. ''Thought I'd forgotten how to do it. Think I did forget it for a while, actually. Then I saw the kids here in Jackson, running around. Reckon I remembered then.”
You stay quiet, simply allowing him to go on as he sits down next to you and your hand automatically finds his.
“I never wanted her to miss out on- on all that, just because her mom wasn't there to do it. For a while, I just let her wear her hair open, but she would come back home, tell me about how her friends had such pretty hairstyles. So, when she was at soccer camp, I took a- a class at the community college on a weekend. They taught me how to do the different braids and all that.” 
He pauses for a moment, ”After that, I did her hair before school while she had breakfast. We would listen to the radio. Just sit there and-” Joel shakes his head slowly, ”I don't know. It was a long time ago.”
“Thank you for telling me. And for- for braiding mine,” you whisper and you can't help but think about how much you love this man. How you'd do anything for him.
He squeezes your hand in response.
When he comes home during lunch break after that day, he still finds you, still buries his nose in your hair. Sometimes he braids it. Sometimes he remembers a new braid he thought he'd forgotten. He hadn't. He had just stored it away, waiting until he would need it again. Waiting for you.
Now you were here. The wait was over.
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fyblackwomenart · 2 years
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"tropic chill" by Blackapinaa
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manythingsinmymind · 22 days
Things on my mind:
aka personal headcanon (this time ) about Kayn , RHaast and hair
One thing that i like about the rhaayn ship is that 90% of time Rhaast loves Kayn's hair (and so do i) so here some thought i have on it:
_ Kayn has dyed his hair all the colors of his skins. Since its a modern au and that i think i've read somewhere that he likes to dye his hair, i like to believe that the differents colors of his previous skins are colors Kayn has tried.
_wether it was before or after they made the pact, Rhaast as always a say in the colors Kayn tries or has tried. "you should try this one kayn, it'll suits us", "i can't believe you had this hideous colors on your hair " something along this line
_ Kayn had long hair, like in canon, and was very proud of it. After getting kicked out and offer a second chance with Hearsteel, he decide to go with a ''new chance, new me" type of shit and to not only dye his hair but also cut them
_Rhaast was not happy about it. When Kayn comes with the idea , he tried for weeks to convince him to not cut his beautiful hair. Saddly for him, Kayn is stubborn and wasn't going to change his mind no matter the amount of pestering from Rhaast
_Rhaast was sad- no DEVASTATED. He sulked and refused to talk to Kayn for at least two weeks, making the guy worry. He finally talks to Kayn only because he promises to grow his hair back and to never cut them EVER again.
_Kayn misses his long hair sometimes. Braiding and combing them used to relax him. So he turned to Yone and asked him if he could play with his hair from time to time. Yone gladly accept because he actually sucks at braidind his hair. He tried many time but they always end up sloppy and weird, its not like it bother him that much since Yone usually have his hair up in ponytails, buns or sometimes simply down. But he is happy whenever Kayn offers to style his hair, having his fun trying different things in his . (Bonding time and stuff)
_Obviously Ezreal wants Kayn to braid his hair too, not that he minds, but he likes to deny him just for the fun of it
_Rhaast like Yone's hair too, but he will never admits it "his hair are alright, they will do for now.."
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kitsipher · 6 days
Finally! art :3
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I thought it would be cute to draw Sandy braiding Charlie's hair because he has so much..
Charlie belongs to : @i-ate-your-dog-srry
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grandpizzaeater · 1 month
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A while ago I got a request from @pink-writer-girl to draw her lovely oc Iris with caesar. So finally the time has come to show the end result. I find Iris deserves a peaceful moment. Poor girl has suffered enough. So here is Caesar braiding her hair.
If you are interested in more information about Iris or just some planet of the apes fanfic feel free to go to pink-writer-girl profile or read her stories on wattpad.
Hope you like it. 😉
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eluvianarts · 1 year
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He felt her fingers weave back and forth across his skull, shaping and folding each strand of hair into place like a song. It was extremely calming for the both of them. She often braided little plaits into his hair for practicality or for fun. Sometimes they talked and joked about life, sometimes they stayed silent and contemplated it instead, but neither mattered. It was the pattern, the rhythm, that was so meditative and soothing as though with each exhale, with each comforting chuckle, the weight of all their duties washed clean from their souls. And when her hands had finished, the lovers found themselves imparted with a fresh outlook on their individual responsibilities and a brighter spirit within with which to tackle them. Before her, he’d rarely ever reached this level of relaxation outside the fade. She’d opened his heart in more ways than one and he was unsure how he’d ever manage without her.
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azraelcreates · 11 months
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Here I am Braiding other Wally’s AUs hairs!✨
Here’s the first one! >w<
Tuathade Danann/Kells Wally belongs too:
@kimuArts on Twitter!!
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almaadst · 1 year
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"The glimpse of memory..."
I love to think about how Satsumshi remembers Seariel after she's gone. I like to imagine she's thinking about the smallest things like how she braided her hair, read a book next to her, just when she WAS here in the castle so close. She got used to her presence and never thought she will miss her someday.
Other: Commission info Redraw Satsumishi Redraw Seariel
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nomdeplumesupply · 1 month
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braiding hair / nomdeplumesupply.com
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romanovthinkver · 1 month
i wanna learn how to braid my hairs, does someone here can give me a little help? :(
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itsforeating · 10 months
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finished my braids
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gayashawol · 3 months
i wanna imagine jonghyun braiding my hair and wearing my bonnet to protect my hair i wanna CRYYYYYYYY- i am so happy
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superselected · 1 year
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Nourie Makes Natural Braiding Hair From Plants
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giuliadrawsstuff · 1 year
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Reference here.
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crush-royalty · 6 months
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