neon-junkie · 1 year
have we really got to the point in fandoms where characters can’t have partners? and people can’t self ship, even if a character has a partner?
not to be ‘fandom old,’ or bring up the ‘good old fandom days,’ but back in my day, it was encouraged for canon characters to get partners, and self shippers to continue self shipping, even if said character has a partner.
fiction is fiction, after all. it isn’t real. and there is no harm in simply having fun - for both you, and the fictional characters alike.
characters are allowed to have partners. you are still allowed to self-ship, or even pair them up with an OC. none of this is ‘real,’ so have fun, just stop being a baby if your blorbo winds up with another blorbo
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charlottecbordeaux · 3 months
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Yeah I also like Marble Danish Cookie and made a partner for him-
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ceoofdestructix · 2 months
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Whispangle and Tumbjörn on a double date!
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... or is it a plot for the scrunklies to steal things from Whisper and Tangle???
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hansuart · 4 months
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kinda forgot to post this here but anyway, lovestruck and head-over-heels remasters! 💗😵‍💫✨
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oathofoaksart · 8 months
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taking my brother in law through YJ, the guy blasted through the entire first season and nine eps of the second in like a day. not that i ever need an excuse to draw these two, but rewatching the series always helps
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gingericywolf · 5 months
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me and my friend were browsing the natural history museum of london online shop and bumped in some cool things. Had to draw my boys, my silly boys, completely,kinda, ignoring the fact that the biggest size is 12 year old.
ref image:
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midostree-art · 10 months
195 USD to complete my goal before the month ends. I hope I can make it aaaah. Please please help me share my commissions and YCH slots!
Check them out~
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ghcstcd · 2 years
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I never shared this drawing I did for my friend of my ghoul OC Bismuth and Copia, and shame on me tbh
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nemo-in-wonderland · 1 year
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---Queued Post---
Earlier this afternoon I saw a funny meme about a relationship dynamic and it just inspired me to draw these two together for the fun of it (or is it just for the fun of it? lol with me you will never know lololol).
Luscinia is conveniently "Ardyn's boobs height" and as such, she takes fully advantage of this (and also graciously borrowing the scarf, because yes. we love women who steal from their S/O wardrobes. It's not only needed, but encouraged. Be mindful, Ardyn, because next Luscinia will be coming after your hat and coat, if she hasn't already)..
(see, Ardyn? You only needed to let them squish your boobies a little bit more, and taking over Eos would have been a piece of cake).
Now I will retreat into my own little hermit cave, drinking some tea and daydreaming some more.
I didn't want this magnificent bastard to take hold of my brain like he did.
But he did.
OH WELL. We all know by now that I have a penchant for liking magnificent bastards. Guess I will just roll with it.
Anyway, hope you will like this!
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Hiya Goose!
Question for any bloggers who has their OCs shipped with the canon. If they’re parents, which one of them are the overprotective ones? For girls or boys!
oooooooo yes hello >:)c
Ok- I'll try not to ramble as much I do normally lmao
I have a lot of ocs shipped with canon bc I don't know when to stop.
So, here goes:
Frank and Jodie: They're both equally overprotective of Ashley but for very different reasons. I think Frank probably shows it more, though. For Frank, I don't think he ever thought he would be a dad and he's been blessed with this little menace. So he's overprotective because she's his legacy, a little version of him. Whereas for Jodie, it's a very visceral feeling, almost instinctual urge to keep her safe from everything. Initially, Jodie couldn't cope with the pregnancy or idea of motherhood because of how she viewed herself (a monster) but then when she held little Ashley, she gets this fervent feeling of 'no one will ever hurt you, I won't allow it', but Jodie isn't good at showing this. She's covert in her overprotectiveness.
Simon and Franca: I haven't decided yet whether they would have a child or children - if they had them, though, it would definitely be Simon. His past would just make him want to protect them from everything and anything he's experienced. Yeah, he's gone through a lot and he wouldn't want that for his kids. Franca would also be protective, but not to the same level as Simon.
Johnny and Nanette: HA, definitely John. He will bubble wrap that little girl. She is his princess. I can't even analyse it because it's simple. Nanette just fondly rolls her eyes and reminds him that she's not fine china and she'll grow up to be just like him, headstrong and stubborn, and unbreakable.
John knows this. But that doesn't stop him.
Thank you for the ask Witch!! <3
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risaho · 2 years
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“I wish to hug you as I used to do”
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charlottecbordeaux · 6 months
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The loving parents, the spicy couple, and that one naughty santa with an elf who keeps on telling him to stop using the using the bag (that's a decoration) as a rock or something
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ceoofdestructix · 3 months
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Simian wonders how he taste like 🐵💙🐻‍❄️
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hansuart · 5 months
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cuddles 💗💜🥺
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vnynv · 1 year
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“No, no - no need! You don't need to be so formal, it's not like I'll bite." She underlines her point by prodding at you momentarily. It takes a second for her to retract her finger from your collar.
an accompanying drawing for chapter 7 of my fic. fellas is it gay to 👈
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oathofoaksart · 1 year
"coulda sworn there was a path through here..."
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i randomly decided to swing by an old series i was into in elementary/middle school and within the span of a week, i ended up reading the entire manga and in little under two weeks after that im on the fourth season of the anime
safe to say i'm rather balls deep in ranma 1/2 and ofc that means it's oc time
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