#Danny was aware of the kidnapped Wayne
tanglepelt · 9 months
Dc x dp idea 113
Danny was falsely arrested. How dare the store. He may look homeless being on the run from his parents and all.
But really.
All he did was stuff the item in his pocket so he could help someone grab an item.
They didn’t even give him the chance to explain. He had the money. Sam insisted on giving him cash before he ran.
When they took his fingerprints he really didn’t mind. He was running from his parents not the government. As soon as he was left alone he’d high tail it out of Gotham.
To bad he wouldn’t be left alone. Being Bruce Wayne’s kidnapped son was not on his bingo card.
Now Bruce Wayne billionaire had never expected to have his son be found. Never for him to be found stealing food and obviously homeless.
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bucketofpaint · 6 months
Danny is Damian's clone.
He's well aware of it. He wasn't just any clone. He was the very first. That was the difference between Danny and other clones. He was made before the League started using brainwashing and stuff into their cloning process.
When Danny was fresh out of the tube, the League had sat him down and explained his the purpose of his existence, gave him some intense training, and immediately tossed him out into the world.
But the thing was, he just didn't care. He had absolutely no loyalty to his creators, and he had no desire to kill/kidnap his original. So he just started walking. The next thing he knew, he was at some orphanage in Illinois.
And then the rest was history. He got adopted by a pair of enthusiastic scientists and their red-head daughter, got his own name, and he could finally start living his own life.
Danny had put the past behind him and had barely even thought about it at all for a long time. That was unill his original showed up at his school.
Damien was annoyed. He was stuck at some random Illinois town (supposed to be the most haunted place in the world, which was a bunch of ludicrous.) On a transfer program. He tried convincing Father how illogical it would be, but Father had told him it would be good for him to meet new people.
Danny was annoyed.
"I don't understand what the big deal about him is anyways," Danny complained.
"He started being the ceo of Wayne Enterprise when he was a teenager." Sam countered.
"Ok, so, nepotism."
Sam rolled her eyes. "I still don't understand why you're so against him."
"One, billionaire. Two, Tucker is way cooler than Tim Drake.
Sam's eyes soften. " Tucker is just gone for a few weeks."
Danny's cheeks felt warm. "I never said anything about that. I just want Tucker to find a cooler role model, is all.
Sam gave him an all-knowing look. "Well, if you say so. I'm going to get in line."
Sam, all ways waited last to get in the lunch line. Claiming she didn't want to hold up line when the lunch ladies had to get the vegetarian option. Which was fine, but now that Tucker was doing the dumb transfer student program, all he could do was eat his mediocre lunch and mindlessly play on his phone.
Untill someone grabbed his arm and dragged him out of the cafeteria into the hallway. Danny turned around to face the person. He froze at the sight of his own face. Or well, a glaring rich kid version.
"Oh, it's you." Danny said nonchalant, even though he was screaming inside.
"You're not going to play dumb, clone?"
"No, why would I, The resemblance is uncanny.
"What are you doing here?" His original demanded
"You dragged me here."
His original scowled. "You know what I mean, clone. I won't hesitate to end you."
"Just trying to go to school, honest."
Original glared at him, scanning him with his eyes. The grip on Danny's arm loosened. " I'll be watching you, clone."
" Whatever you say, template."
Danny walked back to the cafeteria, blocking out the yells of rage behind him.
It was about a week of Damian watching his clone, and he was confused. At first, he thought the league sent the clone to trade places with him before he went back to Gotham, but now he wasn't sure. The Clone seemed to fit in the community to well to have show up recently, but that didn't disprove the theory entirely. It could be a long-term plan from the League. They could be responsible for putting the transfer program in place in the first place.
The other theory was that the clone escaped and made a life for himself, but that didn't explain how he got past his programming.
After the last period, Damian found his clone and pulled him aside.
"What do you want?" His clone asked, irritated.
"You're different then other clones, explain."
"I don't know. I didn't really stick around very long to find out."
"What about your programming?"
"I didn't have any?"
Damian thought about it before giving a small nod. "You don't seem to be a threat, but I'll still keep my eye on you, clone."
"I've got a name, you know." He held out his hand. "Danny Fenton, nice to make your acquaintance."
Damian heistently shook his hand. "Damian Wayne."
That started their unsaid agreement. You don't mess with me, I don’t mess with you. They interacted with each other sometimes, but not very offen. They were impartial to one another, and both sides weren't very keen on getting to know each other. And that was their relationship till the day Damian was leaving.
Damian was waiting for the bus when Danny approached him.
"What do you want, Daniel?"
"I told not to call me that, but uh, here." Danny handed a piece of paper to him. "It's my phone number if you ever need help from the League or anything."
Damian slipped the paper into his pocket. "Give me your phone." Danny handed over his phone, and Damian started typing.
"What are you doing?" Danny asked.
"I'm putting my number in. If you ever require assistance."
Danny smiled, "Thanks."
A few months later.
Tim was peeking over a corner.
"What are you doing?" Dick asked.
Tim didn't say anything and just waved him over. He walked over and stared in aw at what he saw. Damian was slouched on the couch, his hair messy, playing on his phone.
A few minutes later, Jason joined.
"Am I hallucinating?" Tim whispered.
"Nah, I don't think so... unless we're all hallucinating." Jason whispered back.
"Do you think he has brain damage or been possessed or something?" Tim asked.
Dick shook his head. "That seems unlikely."
"This is so trippy. I've never seen him wear anything that casually like ever.
"What are you imbeciles doing?"
"We're watching Damian."
All three of them froze and turned to look at a glaring Damian.
Damian walked past them and went right up to the second Damian.
"Daniel, what are you doing here?"
The causal Damian 'Daniel' pulled out a letter. "Your pops invited me, and I didn’t want to risk the chance of batman showing up at my front door."
Damian scoffed, "Of course, Father found out."
Alfred walked in. "Master Daniel, I'll be taking you to Master Bruce."
The double got up and went to Alfred.
"Cookie, Master Daniel?"
"Sure, and call me danny."
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dcxdpdabbles · 9 months
Passion for Fashion Part 3
Danny nervously twirls his thumbs as Dan paces before him, mumbling insults to the Waynes under his breath. They were supposed to go third in the walkway line, as it was supposed to be in alphabetical order, but just as the computation was going to begin, a disaster struck.
Tim Drake-Wayne had been kidnapped. In broad daylight, as the teenage CO-CEO was getting out of his limo, a group of men broke through the crowd, swinging guns around and demanding everyone to get on the ground and give them their valuables.
Of course, there were security who attempted to gain control of the situation, but it seemed that three of their newest hires were traitors and in on the heist. A shoot-out was ensured.
Drake-Wayne had been taken in the chaos, and Bruce Wayne had passed out from worry. He and the rest of his kids were on their way to a hospital- a secret location to deter further kidnappings of the remaining Waynes- and the first runway of the competition was canceled.
Danny hadn't seen anything from the model changing room, but Dan had forgotten his make-up bag in the front entry and had gone back for it while Danny changed. He had been front and center when the whole thing went down.
"Who just lets themselves get taken like that!?" Dan huffs, practically spitting fire. According to the ghost, Tim Drake-Wayne's actions were an act, and the teenager had been able to get away from his kidnappers but didn't.
Dan found his nonaction insulting since it paused his fashion show.
"Um, look around you? Situation awareness." Danny tells him, gesturing to the cage they had been shoved into. While the people had been preoccupied with Tim Drake-Wayne's kidnapping, a second group of men had gone in through the backdoor and taken all the models.
Danny had thought it was the staff moving them until he noticed a few people crying as they were placed into vans. In his defense, most people aren't used to seeing someone armed like he is, so the gun-waving hadn't tipped him off.
Dan had joined him later when he followed the coordinator- another traitor- to the vans, and his counterpart had only gotten upset when they took his make-up bag.
"Please, this is just metal." Dan rolls his eyes, bending the bars and straightening them out again to prove his point. Danny doesn't mention the electric buzz the bars release, as neither is really affected by the shock. It's more of an annoying light show. "Sides, it's not like we're human. Not like them."
He tilts his chin to where other models sob in their cages below. They are all waiting for their new owners to pick them up. At least, that's what Danny was able to gather from the men's taunts. They were taken by human traffickers, who had buyers look at the competition lineup and pick which model they wanted before the actual kidnapping.
Danny and Dan were in such high demand they would be sold at an auction that would take place while the rest of their pals kept the Bats busy. Danny had no idea who the Bats were or why they would save them instead of the police.
"Tell the whole world why don't you?" Danny hisses, twirling his thumbs more " If they found out what we are we could be turned over to this world version of the Guys In White."
"Oh no, I'm shaking in my human boots." Dan rolls his eyes. He resumes his pacing. "If the Waynes had taken this seriously, we could have been seeing the results of the judge's panel already."
"Dan, this is a little more important than your fashion Obsession."
"Excuse you, my Obsession is a medical condition," Dan huffs, sliding down the cage bars, and for a brief second, his hair flickered to white before it settled back into black. A flash of pain crosses his face. "My core is killing me."
Danny winces. "Right, sorry, that was insensitive. How about I steal you some paper and pens so you can design a ball gown?"
"I like that."
Danny turns to the bars, bending them open and closing them behind him. He carefully makes his way across the giant shipping crates, to an office at the top right corner.
They are at the docks, hidden somewhere in a warehouse among many crates that will be shipped out, and Danny is honestly a little offended they have yet to be found. Sure, the kidnappers had driven through the sewers on a strangely built road that led them here, but surely someone would have noticed the apparent fact the van disappeared at a fake dead alley?
Weren't there cameras in almost every corner of the city? Dan had warned Danny about them while doing his Obsession-driven research, and both agreed not to Go Ghost while in public due to them.
Now, they could escape, but Danny wasn't kidding about the Guys in White or whatever their equivalent was here. He would rather know what level of competence they have before he makes any rash moves.
Danny also wants to see his fellow models' buyers, and he would like to have a word with them. His ghost Obsession may not be protection- much to the shock of many- but Danny has always had a moral compass that pointed to protecting others around him.
Dan knew and respected this about him, so his counterpart was willing to sit and wait for the buyers. He's just a little angsty since it disrupted his obsession.
Danny grimly peeks into the office window when he sees the coordinator talking on a phone. There doesn't seem to be anyone else around, so he carefully opens the door and creeps up behind the man.
"-If you ever want to see your son again," The man is saying, smirking. Danny can't see it due to the man facing away from him, but he can hear it in his voice.
On the desk is a laptop that repeats what he said only, the sound sounds robotic and unrecognizable. Is that a voice changer? "I suggest you ask Batman to find your boy before it's too late."
Batman? The man they were supposed to help save his humanity?
Danny knows it's a risk, but this is too much of a chance to pass up. He carefully picks up the office chair and brings it down hard on the disgusting man's head. The coordination lets out a chocked grunt of pain, but he's out like a light when he hits the ground. His phone flies across the floor, and a voice is heard speaking urgently.
Danny ties the man to the bolted-down desk using zip ties- the same ones they had used on him and the rest earlier that day, before picking up the phone.
"Hello? Is this Batman?" Danny asks, jumping slightly when the laptop repeats him in a creepy robotic voice. "Wait hold on, I think I can get rid of this voice thingy."
"...what?" A man asks over the phone, but Danny pays him no mind as he tries to click some boxes.
"Hello, testing one two three," Danny says, wincing when the voice changer makes him sound high and unnaturally squeaky. He sounds like he's trying to audition for Alvin and the Chipmunks. "Hello? Hello? Wait, I think I got it."
"Who are you? Where is Tim?" The man asks, and Danny almost rolls his eyes. He hates it when someone interrupts him while he's working with tech.
"Wait-there it is! Can you hear me alright? Do I sound normal?"
"....I can hear you."
"Awesome! Are you Batman, and if so, have you considered the importance of mental health activities? Like hugging your kids once a day? That really boosts your serotonin and dopamine levels." Danny asks, attempting to channel Jazz as much as he can. There is muffled sound across the phone line, like someone is attempting to smother a laugh.
"No, this is Bruce Wayne." Mr. Wayne says after a moment pause, "You have my son?"
"Oh," Danny tries not to sound as disappointed as he feels, but he may have failed. "I'm sorry, Mr. Wayne I don't think your son is here. I think they were using him to distract you and the police of the missing models."
There is a strange lake of sound on the other line before Mr. Wayne responds. "Can you tell me who I am speaking to?"
"Danny Fenton. I was one of the models that was taken." Danny says, then he realizes the cops must be listening in because that always happens in movies; he lowers his voice and tries to sound in shock. "I think we're in a warehouse? I'm not sure, but I was in a cage when I woke up. They said they're going to sell us. I escaped, but there were guards everywhere, so I tried hiding in the office and heard the man you were speaking to come in. I hit him with a chair."
"Mr.Fenton," A new man says suddenly, "I know this is a terrifying situation, and I-"
"Are you Batman?"
"....No, son, I'm Commissioner Gordon"
"Do you want to speak to Batman?"
"Can I ask why?"
"I need to tell him to hug his kids."
Danny waits a few seconds for a response, but he hears nothing, not even the wind. They must have muted themselves. He leans on the desk, mindful to give the kidnapper a solid kick to make sure he's still out, and glancing over to the window to make sure there aren't any guards coming his way.
"Mr. Fenton, did they give you anything strange?" Commissioner Gordon asks
Danny thinks for a moment before humming. "They gave all of us something in a needle. I don't know what it was, but it felt funny. My brother has been acting weird since he got it."
"Okay, you're doing good. " Commissioner Gordon sounds like he is frowning but the words cause something in Danny's core to pur."Okay, son, everything is going to be alright. I need you to do something for me. Every Gotham warehouse has a serial number; you can find it in the main office on the power box. Do you see the box?"
Danny glances around until he sees the small little green box. He hurries over to it, throwing the door open. "I found it."
"Good. Can you read me the number?"
Danny reads them off as quickly as he can. Once all ten digits are within the police's hands he asks again. "Do you know if Batman partakes in his kid's interests?"
"I can ask him for you."
"Would you? That would be great. It's important to let people know you care about them by showing an interest in what they are passionate about. My brother Dan really likes making clothes, and even though I don't think I can model, I do it for him, you know?"
"You're a good brother."
"Thank you.....I'm tired Mr. Gordon." Danny says suddenly eyelids becoming heavy. He slides down the wall a lot like Dan did before.
"I'm sorry to hear that but I need you to keep talking to me, Mr. Fenton."
"Batman should tell his kids he loves them. His love language may be an act of service, but Nightwings' is words of affirmation. Nightwing needs to be told he's loved."
"Mr. Fenton! Stay awake for me! Mr.Fenton!" Danny hears someone yelling, but his core is purring even more now, and the sound is luring him to sleep. Suddenly he thinks of his counterpart in the cage waiting for his paper and pen.
"I have to go. I promised Dan I would get him some stuff so he could design some clothes. Bye-Bye."
"No! Don't hang up-!"
Danny drops the cell phone after pressing the end call button and ignores it when it rings again. He hurries over to the desk, looking for paper, but finds the table lacking. Thankfully, an open suitcase has sheets that he borrowed and a few pens.
He takes them all and runs back over the crates to where Dan is. Once he arrives, he notices many models are no longer distressed. All of them are smiling with a dazed look, and a few are even giggling. He waves at a few as he hurries back to his cage.
Dan is there, muttering under his breath and twisting his fingers in the air as if he were drawing in the sky. Danny bends the bars and holds up his prize. "I got the stuff!"
"Thank the ancients! I was never going to finish Mr. Hot scales suit without it!" Dan cheers, turning one of the sheets over to a clean side. He throws his whole body on the ground, using the smooth surface to start his ball gown.
Danny watches him for a moment before his purring core is too much. Dan reaches out to grip his leg, enclosing it in his warm palm and that's all Danny needs before he's fast asleep.
Dan continues to draw for a few more minutes before he, too, is overcome with sleep. Neither notices Red Hood or Robin bursting into the warehouse, guns and swords blazing, just as the buyers arrive. They or any of the models are unaware of the smackdown that happens until everyone involved with the scheme is behind bars.
Robin finds their cage, stepping through the bent bars and pausing at the sheets of paper scattered across the slumbering teenagers. He flips one incredibly designed ballgown only to have his eyes widen at what's written down.
"Robin to Batman," he says, staring at the paper and pressing his communicator. "I have a complete list of everyone who was buying today and past buyers. We can dismantle an entire ring with this."
"Good work, Robin."
"It wasn't I who found it. It was the Fentons."
".....Are they hurt?"
"Drugged but otherwise unharmed."
There is a pause before Nightwing speaks up "Tell me you love me B."
Danny Fenton's eyes briefly open to stare into a surprised Robin's eyes. "Tell him Batman his humanity is at risk. Says the Ghost King."
"They gave him the good shit," Spolior laughs, having heard Fenton through the coms.
Elsewhere, Tim Drake-Wayne stares at Killer Croc aka Waylon Jones who is replaying the video of Dan Fenton catcalling Waylon from his cage right after the fashion designer was dosed with high levels of morphine.
"Hey Papi, why don't you come up here and let me dress you up in the proper wrapping for a walking gift like you?"
"Hey...hey are you from the EverBurning tribe? Cause those are the hotest legs and tail I have ever seen!"
"Mr.Hot Scales, I promise Danny is the only ally of FarFrozen. I'm team EverBurning all the way! Kiss me!"
"What the actual fuck?" Tim asks, and Waylon nods.
"I have no idea, kid. The first time any of my merchandise flirts with me."
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jinjeriffic · 5 months
DC x DP prompt/ficlet
Throwing my hat in the ring with this idea that has been doing the zoomies in my brain for days. The Tim/Danny Accidental Ghost Marriage to Fake Dating to Friends to Lovers AU:
Pariah Dark was a piece of shit. Before his imprisonment, mortals would sometimes manage to bargain with the Ghost King for scraps of power. One of the "standard" deals was to send PD a "Bride" to play with and feed on (because I HC he feeds on fear and pain) and what better way than a little mortal battery that couldn't get away from him? The deal was sealed with a cursed amulet. Now in one instance, the contract was never fulfilled (maybe the petitioner died before he could complete his half) and the amulet was lost. After Pariah was imprisoned and couldn't make deals anymore the knowledge of the rituals needed was gradually forgotten since they didn't work anymore...
Eventually the amulet gets dug up by archeologists (maybe in Egypt or Mesopotamia?) and ends up in a traveling exhibit in Gotham. A Rogue robs the place (Riddler? Two-Face? doesn't really matter). When the Bats show up to foil the robbery, during the fight with the goons a drop of Red Robin's blood gets on the amulet, there's a blinding flash of green light and the amulet is suddenly glued to him.
While everyone is dazed by the ghostly magic flashbang, Fright Knight pops out of a portal, yoinks Red Robin across his saddle and jumps back through the portal before anyone can stop him. Cue the Bats trying to frantically figure out what in the multi-dimensional occult hell happened and where RR went?!
Meanwhile, Danny is disturbed to receive a ghostly missive in his college dorm to tell him that his Mail Order Bride has been delivered to his Ghost Zone Palace and is awaiting him so they can consummate their Unholy Matrimony.
Danny: Wtf I have to study I don't have time to get MARRIED
Fright Knight: I'm sorry my liege, but according to the laws of ghosts, gods and magic you already ARE
Danny: Wtf. How did this happen?
RR: I would like to know that too
Danny: Oh shit, you're a superhero. Frighty, you can't just kidnap people! Especially not SUPERHEROES!
RR: While that's good to hear, I would really like to know about this supposed marriage..?
FK: I am not aware of the exact details, I was merely summoned to retrieve the Bride of the Ghost King. There used to be standard magical contracts for this, which went into effect when the Bride bled on the King's Token...
RR: Shit
Danny: Hold on, PARIAH got married? Multiple times??
FK: ...but we can always consult the Royal Archivist, if we can dig him out from under the several thousand years worth of paperwork that piled up while there was no King actively ruling...
Danny: Oh ancients, am I gonna have to deal with that?? I have exams to prepare for, dude!
RR: ...the dead still have to do exams? And paperwork?? *horror*
Some time and explanations later...
Royal Archivist: It took some digging, but I believe I have found the contract in question. You are one Timothy Drake-Wayne, correct?
Tim: Fml
RA: Ahem. The contract was sealed with your mortal blood, as is standard procedure. Congratulations, you are officially King-Consort of the Infinite Realms! Until death do you part, and all that
Danny: Can I see that contract? ...This isn't in English
RA: Oh dear, looks like we will have to schedule your Royal Highness classes in reading cuneiform/hieroglyphics
Tim: Okay, does it say anywhere in that contract how to dissolve it? What's the procedure for a ghost divorce? Fright Knight mentioned the previous king being married multiple times
RA: Well usually, when Pariah tired of a consort he would simply devour their soul...
Danny: Ewwwww I am so not doing that
Tim: I concur. I can't imagine my soul would taste good anyway
Danny: That's what you took from that??
RA: ...but when you die and your soul passes into the Afterlife proper, the contract will be fulfilled. As long as you're not resurrected again.
Tim: Nuts, there goes that loophole
RA: Until then you are the Consort and duty-bound to fulfill his Royal Highness' every whim; ghostly, spiritual, carnal...
Danny: *sinks through the floor in embarrassment*
Tim: Can't he just... release me from the contract? Take the amulet off me or something?
RA: Not without obliterating your soul, no
Danny and Tim: Fuck
Some time later, while Danny is away consulting other ghosts on possible ways of dissolving the contract, they discover the nasty little clause that if Tim isn't in regular physical contact with Danny the amulet starts draining his life force. To prevent victims from escaping you see... Danny really really hates Pariah right now.
They eventually return to the mortal plane to explain to the Batfam what the hell is going on and that they're still trying to fix it. In the meantime, Danny can't miss any more classes (studying areospace engineering at MIT or sth) and Tim has to stick close to him because of the curse...
Alfred: Oh dear, looks like Master Timothy will have to go to college after all *unflappable British Smugness*
Bruce pulls a lot of strings to fast track Tim getting his high school diploma and let him attend classes with Danny (he's not officially enrolled yet, but Money, Dear Boy). They never know when Danny has to respond to a ghost emergency or Red Robin to a Bat emergency, so they stay pretty much joined at the hip in their civilian lives. Of course there's gonna be rumors. Why did the Wayne CEO suddenly drop everything to go to college? So they make up a story about Danny and Tim having been secret boyfriends for a while and Tim becoming so smitten that he moves with him to Boston...
Cue the fake dates, interviews with magazines, couple photoshoots to really sell the bit... and the two young men gradually becoming friends... and then "Feelings?? But what do I do?? He was forced into this?" etc.
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goinggoingghone · 1 year
dp x dc au but danny is bruce's biological kid and he knows it. his parents straight up told him as soon as he was old enough to know, and he loves his adopted parents all the same.
of course, it was a bit rocky with all that ghost business, but eventually Jack and Maddie came around to their halfa son and liminal daughter. Danny just thought it was funny they took longer to accept he was alive and dead than accepting he was in a relationship with Sam and Tucker.
So there's some ghost conference in Gotham being held by the GIW in order to get more occultists/people interested in ghosts to work for them. The Fentons go there, as published ghost scientists, to expose the GIW and prevent people from buying into their beliefs.
But while they're out, one of the Bats mistakes Danny for a younger Bruce. Of course there are some differences, but the Bat (I'm thinking Tim, who's running on like -16 hours of sleep and several cups of coffee) is convinced he's a clone or something. So he takes a DNA sample and the results come out: he's Bruce's kid.
Bruce is devastated that he couldn't be there for one of his kids, and so he tries to get more info in order to possibly get custody back. Tucker, who accidentally found the network the Batcomputer used three weeks ago while looking for the GIW's, is immediately aware they're looking into Danny.
The Fentons have a collective moment of "oh for fuck's sake" and try to come up with a plan to get Bruce Wayne, who definitely is Batman at this point, to get off their case.
While on a walk to get his thoughts in order, Danny runs into Red Hood in Crime Alley. Both of them are immediately aware of the other for vastly different reasons. Jason, for "Batman wants to adopt this kid who already has a family" and Danny, for "oh shit this guy has a fucked up core what the hell is wrong with this guy" they have a Spiderman meme moment and Red Hood, always on the lookout for an opportunity to spite Bruce, offers his help. Danny accepts, with the caveat that he takes Jason to the Realms to figure out what the fuck is up with him.
Jason is extraordinarily confused but for some reason the Pit is really quiet around this guy and he feels safe around some dumb teenager so he's like "okay?? Sure??"
Danny takes him back to the hotel the Fentons are staying in and explains the situation a bit. Jack and Maddie hook up their temporary portal (blowing the electricity of the hotel in the meantime) and get Jason to the ghost doctor, Frostbite.
He gets diagnosed with "bro your ectoplasm is fucked up" disease and his ectoplasm is cleaned. He's like a diet halfa, with a few ghost powers but no ghost form. A liminal on steroids.
Anyway, Bruce sends a Batkid to the Fentons hotel (because of course he found it) in civilian garb to explain the situation. The Fentons Are Not Having It.
So, of course, with parents Bruce believes are mad scientists, he takes it upon himself to get that child out of a home of mad ghost hunters. By kidnapping him.
Danny's just pissed off because he finally got Vlad off his case and now he's here dealing with ANOTHER billionaire with a bat-themed super persona wanting to forcefully adopt him. The irony would be funny if it weren't so infuriating.
The Batkids are so happy to have a "new brother" in the house, even if said brother really doesn't want to be there. Jason just has no fucks left to give anymore and re-kidnaps Danny.
This of course sparks a game of Who Can Kidnap Danny and it's getting to the point where Danny just hates the BatFamily more and more because he was SUPPOSED to have a date with Sam and Tucker today and now he's holed up in the Batcave getting fitted for a vigilante costume by Nightwing. Alfred and Jason are the only sane people in the mansion.
So Danny "Bad Decisions" Fenton just says "fuck it" and goes ghost in private, leaving the manor and flying back to Amity. The convention has ended by this point, so they're all back home.
Cue BatFamily freaking out.
Eventually Bruce serves the Fentons legal papers (once he finds their address). The Fentons show up to court and verbally and respectfully ream Bruce for trying to re-adopt their son who they love so much. As the evidence of Bruce being wrong adds up, he realizes what he's done and feels like shit. Jason gives him a hearty "I told you so" for his efforts.
The Fentons live happily ever after, and Danny gets a cool secondary family that he doesn't really like until they all apologize.
Heheh. Just wait until they meet Dani, he thinks.
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wolfjackle-creates · 10 months
How about Tim Drake and Danny Fenton with 7 and/ 54!
7. Trapped in a room/closet/elevator
54. Kidnapping
Well, doesn't that just give ideas. I'm going with Tim POV on this one.
Word Count: 1.6k
Tim came back to awareness with the feeling of ropes cutting into his wrists and ankles and the absence of a mask on his face. He was tied to a very uncomfortable chair.
His head hurt, but more like a hangover than physical trauma so he must've been drugged. Where had he been?
The museum, that's right. He'd been at the museum. There'd been a class of out-of-state high school students visiting and they were acting strange. Bruce sent him to check up on them, make sure they were who they'd said they were.
Without moving, he mentally checked his body. Nothing to be alarmed by. Maybe a new bruise or two and his wrists and ankles would be sore. He was wearing his shirt and pants, but his shoes and socks had been removed along with any of his possessions.
So he let himself focus on the rest of the room. An arrhythmic tapping sound was coming from just a few feet away. But his head was still foggy from whatever he'd been drugged with and he couldn't figure out what it was.
He couldn't hear anything else.
So he let himself moan slightly and shifted his weight as if he was only just waking up. He opened his eyes slightly and didn't bother hiding the wince of pain at the light from the bare bulb that hung from the ceiling.
"Hey, cool! You're awake!" exclaimed someone. They sounded young.
Tim looked over and saw a boy about his own age also tied to a chair. The tapping noise had been him rocking back and forth on his toes. The room they were in was small, more of a closet really. About five feet by five feet and shelving had clearly only been removed recently. The door had no window. No way to know how long he'd been out.
"Where are we?" asked Tim. "What happened?" Tim narrowed his eyes against the light and looked closer. The kid looked familiar, where had he seen him?
"You okay?" the kid asked.
"Killer headache. Better than a concussion, I guess, but these drugs, man. Did they not get you with them?" And then he placed the kid, he'd been part of the group he'd been following.
The boy shrugged. "Things like that usually wear off for me pretty quickly. I'm Tim. Who're you? This your first kidnapping?"
"I— What? I'm Tim."
"Huh, cool. We have the same name. They kidnapped us because my dad's Bruce Wayne and they want ransom. When they found two boys of a similar age with black hair and blue eyes in the museum, they took us both rather than waste time figuring out who was who."
And suddenly it made sense what this kid was doing. He was trying to trick them into thinking he was Tim. Perhaps so Tim could escape or just to sow confusion. Tim shook his head and winced when that just caused throbbing pain. "What are you talking about? I'm Tim Drake, adopted son of Bruce Wayne."
"Dude, why are you lying? We both know I'm Tim."
"You're the liar," he shot back. He couldn't let a civilian take the fall for him.
But before their argument could continue to cycle, the door banged open, making the pounding in Tim's head worse. Two men stood there: one holding a gun, the other a phone. Most likely he was videotaping them. Both of them wore more guns and knives openly.
"Look like Sleeping Beauty's finally awake," sneered the one holding the phone.
Tim pretended to be afraid as was protocol for civilian kidnappings. "Who are you? What do you want?"
His companion, however, did not seem to get the memo. "You'd better let us go right now or you will regret it."
"Looks like we've got a feisty one on our hands, eh?" asked Gun-kidnapper.
"Smile at the camera, boys, we'll be sending this to Daddy Wayne. Better pray he pays up. Otherwise worse'll happen."
"Worse than what?" demanded his companion. "I've been in detentions worse'n this."
"Shut up!" hissed Tim.
"You better listen to your pal, boy, because you just volunteered for our first demonstration," said Phone-kidnapper. "Hear that, Brucie? We're gonna shoot your boy, or maybe not your boy. And you'll pay us the demanded ransom if you don't want us to do it again. Every half hour you delay, we'll put another bullet in one of these boys."
Without delay, Gun-kidnapper raised his weapon and shot. But he missed as Tim's companion managed to get enough leverage to knock his chair over.
Not that it was enough to stop the kidnapper who simply shot again. And this time he didn't miss. Tim watched as blood quickly began dripping from the boy's thigh onto the floor. At least his position on the floor meant it was elevated.
The two kidnappers laughed before leaving.
"Shit, are you okay? Why'd you do that?" Tim pulled at his bonds. The other boy needed medical attention ASAP. Worth using some of his Robin Training to help out the brave, idiotic kid.
The kid chuckled through clenched teeth. "I've had worse, it's fine."
"Worse? That's a gunshot wound!"
"And last Tuesday, I was hit by a spear and lasers, bit by a vulture, and punched through a wall over the span of, like, four hours."
That gave Tim pause. If that was true, and he seemed oddly unconcerned about a bullet wound for it not to be, he was clearly not a normal teen. "Who are you?"
The boy grinned. "I told you, I'm Tim Drake! Now, do you trust me?"
"Trust you to do what?" Tim had almost gotten one hand free.
"We're getting out of here, Timbuk-two."
Before Tim could blink, the kid did...something...and all his bonds fell away. Then he lunged at Tim, pushing him out of the chair and into the wall. They came through into what looked like an average Gotham warehouse.
Tim bit his tongue as they continued flying through the wall and ended up outside. It was still daytime, but dusk was getting close.
"What the hell?" whispered Tim. "You're a meta?"
"Not exactly, but close enough. I'm Danny. I can keep us invisible and intangible, but I can't block sound. So only speak when needed. Want to figure out who these guys are or leave?"
"You need to get medical attention. Much as I want to know who these guys are, we're leaving."
"I'm fine! I've had worse."
Tim looked down from where they were floating and noted the blood dripping to the ground. "Dude, you're bleeding. We're leaving."
That seemed to knock Danny out of it. "Oops. Suppose you're right. Where should we go?"
"There's a doctor in crime alley who treats everyone. She won't talk about your meta status and she'll be able to contact Bruce for me to let him know we're out."
Danny hesitated a moment before asking, "Can you promise she won't talk? Because there're people who'd like nothing more than to strap me down and cut me open to figure out how I work."
"Fly a few buildings over and land on a roof so I can get a tourniquet on your leg. Are those the same people who hurt you last Tuesday?"
Danny did as directed. "Believe it or not, no. That guy wants me to be his son."
Once the landed, Danny let him go. "What the fuck?" Tim patted himself down hoping that the kidnappers had left him with anything useful only to sigh. He'd have to make do with his shirt.
"I know. He's a total fruitloop. Nah, it's the government that wants to vivisect me. And a few others, but I think they'd stop once they realized who I am." Danny looked him up and down. "But it looks like you might have a story or two to tell as well."
"You are going to tell me everything, Danny," said Tim as he set about tearing his shirt into strips. "Bruce would totally take you in if you need a safe place to stay. Especially after you helped me escape."
"And what can you do about it? There's laws that make experimentation on people like me legal."
That made Tim pause in what he was doing, but only for a minute. "If that's true, I happen to be friends with two very good investigative journalists who would love to do a series of articles. They've a good track record of getting unjust laws overturned."
Danny didn't say anything for a moment and Tim looked over at him. It seemed like he was actually contemplating the offer. "Really? I'll want proof before I talk. And I'll need to reach out to some friends for a second opinion."
"Only sensible. Okay, this is as good as I'm gonna get it. I'm going to bandage your leg now."
"Just do it."
Looking at the wound, Tim could see the bullet hadn't passed through Danny's thigh but had seemed to have fallen out. Perhaps when he'd density-shifted them? But then why did their clothes remain intact? He'd have to ask later. Instead, he focused on making a bandage and tourniquet out of the strips of his shirt.
"Okay, that's as good as it's going to get. How high can you fly?"
"Higher than you can breathe."
"I see. Well, fly us up a bit so I can figure out where we are in the city, then I'll give you directions to Leslie's clinic."
"Will do!"
With how well Tim knew the streets of Gotham from the sky, it was the work of moments to get his bearings and fifteen minutes later, they were using the back entrance to Leslie's clinic.
A week later, Wayne Manor had a new resident and Clark Kent and Lois Lane published their first joint article on the Anti-Ecto acts.
I honestly went into this one without a plan, something I usually hate doing. But I like how it turned out! Let me know what y'all think.
I've one more prompt to fill which should happen by the end of the week. Still accepting new ones, but the turn around will be a bit longer I'm afraid.
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dyinggirldied · 4 months
I have this dream that there is a based-on-fanfic book that is about Dead on Main that dream-me is crazy about.
I was in a bookstore and found it. The cover is super pretty too, blue and green flame with two shadow (jason and danny?) in the far distance, purple background.
By the time I'm typing this I have forgotten most of the book details but it is something like thriller/supernatural genre with jason is still the poverty kid adopted by billionaire bruce wayne and danny still the son of maniac ghost hunters.
Jason was kidnapped and killed by a serial killer known as Joker and danny was killed in a prank gone wrong.
Both boys met in a mysterious and omnious forest (afterlife?) after waking up there. At first, both were a bit distrust of the other but they eventually became friends. There is a part that I squealed was when jason, who found a small, glowing blue stone, giftwd it to danny and said something along the line of "for you, as pretty as your baby blue."
They were soon separated by the sudden white light, and i cry, legit cry and there were tear tracks on my cheeks when danny ran around calling for jason. Also, for the whole point he calls him jay, not jason, to tease him but the moment he lost his friend he calls jason and only hearing echoes.
Then, danny wakes up in the hospital. He asks why is there a kid in the room but there was none. He realizes, to his horror, that he had died for ten minutes (ten days in afterlife?) and he can see ghosts now.
He also feels like there is something he is holding in his hand and opens it to reveal the stone jason had given him.
Part 1 ends.
Part 2 takes place 13 years later, with danny now juggling 3 jobs (engineer because jobs were plenty, artist to deal with undead horrors and extra cash, paranormal detective because personal reason)
He doesn't remember jason but he is aware someone has helped him. But without recollection of face or name, he cannot find the guy. He still keeps the stone but rarely shows it to anyone.
One day, a handsome, obviously rich man comes in asking for detective fenton.
It's jason. Who also wakes up from death. Who also doesn't remember.
And it's a journey of strangers to reluctant allies to friends to lovers and to *gasp* you are the one i have been looking for all this time!
All the while, joker is still alive and murders are going strong in the city
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stealingyourbones · 1 year
Submitted Prompts #96
So not all ghosts used to be people, some are the embodiment of concepts. By that logic places could have a ghost or spirit embodying them. But cities change, they die, they grow. A spirit can not change, they can only fade away and make way for a new spirit of a city to become.
With the death of the Martha and Thomas Wayne, Gotham’s streets turned darker, more violent, and a sense of hopelessness filled the air. Her spirit current spirit knows that she no longer matches Gotham. She knows that she’ll fade soon. Knowing that the end was inevitable she looked for who will take her place.
Gotham mourns the death of Robin, but her spirit pushes though to take advantage of the opportunity. This boy was a born and raised in Gotham’s violent shadows, but he still took up arms to bring light into her shadows and to protect her. A better successor she could not ask for.
She bleeds ectoplasm at his grave. She watches his core form as her strength wanes. She expects him to rise as a ghost. She does not expect the universe to shake and to watch a him dig his way out of his grave, his core only half formed. Half her body has faded away already or she would have phased him though the dirt. Gotham’s spirit finishes fading away, watching her successor stumble out of the graveyard. She feels peace. Gotham is in good hands. A spirit may not be able to change with their city, but a halfa genius loci can.
That’s all I got. I just really love the idea that there are different types of ghosts. I couldn’t fit it in but Danny is a banshee in this. Jason obviously here is a genius loci.
Other random stuff I couldn’t include. Kidnapping a baby genius loci and taking them away from their city is a bad idea, it prevents Jason’s core from finishing forming, and weakens his connection to Gotham. Dumping him in a Lazarus pit on the other side of the planet both makes things worse and better. On one hand his connection to Gotham damaged even further as Nanda Parbat tries to steal him to be its genius loci, on the other hand his physical wounds are healed.
When Jason returns to Gotham his connection to the city starts healing. He’ll eventually have a supernatural awareness of everything that happens in the city. The various curses on Gotham also will effect him more.
Toss up if pit madness is corrupted ectoplasm, the effect of all the curses on Gotham, or Gotham bitch slapping Nanda Parbat’s hands off of its genius loci.
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the-witchhunter · 1 year
DP x DC: Stuff about Alfred Pennyworth
Just some facts about our favorite butler, Alfred Thaddeus Crane Pennyworth.
-His full name is Alfred Thaddeus Crane Pennyworth
-He’s not as old as you probably think. He’s only 20 years older than Bruce, which would make him early 60′s at most currently. He was in his mid 40′s when batman started.
-He owns a shotgun. While Bruce doesn't like guns, Alfred doesn’t have such convictions, and is entirely ready to use it. 
-Former member of MI-5. Essentially, he was special ops, has serious military training and was part of the British counterintelligence agency that combats terrorism and espionage aka he was one of the guys that stopped spies. Some continuities had it where he was MI-6 instead.
-Has killed before. Special ops, remember?
-Former actor. He had a bit of an acting career after he left MI-5. This lasted until his father, Jarvis Pennyworth, requested he serve the Wayne family on his deathbed.
-He has a daughter, Julia Pennyworth, an agent of the Special Reconnaissance Regiment. She briefly took over his duties helping the Batclan, It was a whole thing involving her not respecting him because he went from MI-5 to working as a butler for Bruce Wayne before an Identity reveal. 
- He is also highly respected by those heroes who are aware of his existence, including Superman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern and the original Teen Titans.
-Was romantically involved with Dr. Leslie Thompkins. Not much came from that aside from a few dates, but they dated.
-Proficient in emergency medical techniques, acting, mechanical and computer sciences, on top of being one hell of a butler
- While not as skilled at hand-to-hand combat as Bruce Wayne, Alfred is nearly as resourceful. Batman: Gotham Adventures 16 has him kidnapped, only to readily escape and overcome his captors without even mussing his suit. It is later mentioned that he has overcome 27 kidnapping attempts.
-Reads the Artimis Fowl novels
So yeah, Alfred is the best, he’s a hell of an actor, a resourceful former secret agent that has dated Dr. Thompkins and has a secret agent child with an unnamed woman
Why am I tagging this DP x DC? Simply fertilizing the soil. Not everyone is as familiar with the character, especially with how confusing continuity is. Me rambling on is simply an effort to both educate, and give creators in this crossover more things to work with. Maybe it inspires someone, maybe they use this information just to add a little something. Maybe they think, “huh, that’s interesting” and never have to use it
Also I’m just glad we collectively ignore the fact Alfred is dead in current continuity. If you didn’t know, Alfred is dead after Bane snapped his neck and killed off one of the best characters. So I guess we could tie it in with Danny meeting him as a ghost,
 Alfred haunting wayne manor just to get Bruce to take care of himself 
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catflowerqueen · 11 months
Had a thought today about DP x DC. I know how in most crossovers there is the sense that Danny would never reveal the secret identities of whichever hero he is interacting with, given his own secretive nature and how he knows the value in it... but that isn't entirely true to his character, given he immediately outed Valerie's secret identity to her dad when presented with the opportunity.
There were a myriad of reasons for that, sure, and the situation was unique enough that he might not be compelled to do it with anyone else... but it does make me think that he would be more willing to unmask one of the batkids in front of Alfred or Bruce Wayne if he was worried over their safety or thought they were struggling with the vigilante lifestyle. Especially if it was one of the younger ones like Damian.
Now, if he already knew Batman's secret identity he probably wouldn't bother, nor would he be likely to do it to any of the adult heroes, but...
It just seems to me like there isn't a whole lot of acknowledgement that he did, in fact, reveal at least one secret identity, and one of the options he is keeping in his backpocket if a fight goes really sour is revealing another one (i.e, it is one of the checks and balances he has going against Vlad).
And, really, I think a lot of this whole scenario really does come down to the fact that, unlike in most cases, Danny's secret identity is purely to protect himself from his loved ones--his rogues already know who he is, where he lives, and who his loved ones are (and some of them have capitalized on this fact in regard to their evil plots by kidnapping or otherwise manipulating them), but Danny doesn't have to worry about hurting them or pulling his punches on them like he would if his parents found out.
Comparatively, most other heroes have secret identities specifically so loved ones won't get targeted. ...And in a sense it also gives them some leeway to commit actus which would otherwise be more scrutinized by the court of public opinion, I guess.
But... maybe it would just come down to the possibility of being targeted by ghosts or something? Or because one of the factors in Valerie's case is that she technically was an antagonist and he was also aware that Vlad and Technus were involved? So it might have been less about "protecting" her and more about hoping her dad would remove her from the playing field the way he wishes he could with his parents sometimes so that she would stop shooting at him.
Not that it actually helped much.
I don't know. Whether he would or wouldn't, I just feel like this is a topic/incident that doesn't get explored too much in crossovers.
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tumbling-darkling · 2 years
Wayne Manor is Haunted Part 2
Bruce was anxious.
Which was a stupid observation considering he was almost always anxious. Paranoia and anxiety paired together like the moon and the tides, you couldn’t have one without the other.
But Danny, the ghostly boy haunting his mansion, had been around for over a month and Bruce had completely forgotten about the gala he was hosting three nights from now. He only learned of the boys name when Alfred told him how the boy was invited into the mansion in the first place. Which Alfred admitted he spotted him on a routine grocery run, lured him into the car with promises of baked goods, and essentially kidnapped him into the mansion. Alfred wasn’t aware of the ghostly attributes until after Dick crawled through the window for nightly snacks and the boy immediately disappeared.
Neither Alfred or Bruce had an idea of what this made Danny. If he was a meta, or maybe something supernatural. Neither pressed for answers (as much as not knowing killed Bruce), and Danny started to make himself comfortable in the mansion. He still was flighty, rarely interacting with Bruce’s other wards, not to mention the boy rarely spoke, if at all. All Bruce had heard so far was quiet laughing or silent sobbing… something he was unfortunately familiar with. Even more, Danny had these abilities that made it easy for him to disappear without a trace, and the last thing Bruce wanted to do was accidentally drive someone away that he had no hope of finding ever again.
A big, loud Gala at the Wayne manor may be the thing that could do that.
Bruce couldn’t cancel, he tried but so many parts were already in place that the only reason the Gala would be cancelled was if the Manor went up in flames (something Bruce considered before crossing it out as the point was to try and avoid scaring Danny off). So his next plan, try to let the ghostly boy know what was happening. If he could find and tell Danny that he was having a Gala on a specific night in a sectioned off part of the Manor, it could give the boy time to prepare avoiding such an event. It would let him know that Bruce cared about his well-being and personal comfort. It would hopefully keep the boy from disappearing.
The next problem was Bruce was having a hard time locating Danny to give him the heads up.
The past month gave Bruce time to get to know the ghostly boy despite his quiet and isolated tendencies. He found that any space themed items Bruce brought home would always find a way to Danny’s claimed room. He also found that he was more of a night owl than a morning bird, most of his appearances being caught in the dead of night and many mornings his bedroom door would be locked tighter than anything his wards could lock pick into. He found that Danny enjoyed silent existence when in a room with Bruce, and the weighted blanket with a galaxy pattern on it was his favourite. It was the one blanket he didn’t hoard in his room, leaving it on the sofa where Bruce would clear his mind with mindless television during late nights.
He also found that Danny hated anything that was too clean and pristine, Bruce had witnessed him batting off bottles from the counter or bumping over glasses of juice and making a mess before disappearing in the night. Never breaking anything, just causing a small mess. He also found that he loved animals, finding him curled up with Alfred the Cat or Titus (and even a green dog? Where did Damien find THAT?).
Bruce was learning a lot, but at the same time he knew nothing at all. He didn’t know the kids story, where he came from, what he was, and what kind of help he may need.
So he had ideas of where to find Danny, to try to give him a heads up, but it was like the boy disappeared in the days leading up to the Gala, causing Bruce’s gut to twist. Did he run away? Was he aware of the Gala, did he see it as a bad sign, a sign to leave?
Yet the night before, Bruce found Danny’s door locked like it was in the morning, and tried to take this as a good sign. Not wanting to wake him up, Bruce left a note (maybe like 7 highly detailed notes describing how the Gala was not a means to push Danny out and how Bruce cared for him very deeply) on the door explaining the Gala situation since he wouldn’t be sure he could spend the next day setting up AND finding his ghostly ward.
Setting up went smoothly (other than the fact that there was still no sign of Danny), and before he knew it, the Gala had begun.
Bruce tried to focus on the guests, and the event, but his mind would keep wandering back to Danny, his concern, the twisting pit in his stomach.
Until his gaze landed on a guest he didn’t expect.
Vladimir Masters.
Six months ago, the billionaire fell off the face of the planet. He had been involved everywhere, trying to set up meetings with Bruce or sending odd offers. He had a high profile in a small town he was the mayor of, he was known to be unable to buy his favourite football team, his name was everywhere.
And then it was gone. He stopped all contact with the outside world all at once.
Bruce sent invites to him anyhow, a sign of good will, but he never expected the reclusive billionaire to answer after his disappearance.
And Bruce had met the man beforehand.
Previous meeting left him with a sour taste in his mouth.
Now there was something different about him.
He didn’t have a clue as to what, maybe his posture, his suit, or the tired look to his face… maybe he just looked more… human?
Bruce couldn’t ponder any longer as he was called to the stage to make a speech. He went through the regular ramble, charities being donated to, thanking those who made them possible, and then led to handing the mic to the man he was just questioning. Originally they were going to give a quick word to how Masters couldn’t make it and that his donations are appreciated, but since he was actually present, he was given a chance to say a few words.
Bruce returned to the crowd as Masters spoke, slipping between people and generally keeping an eye on everyone.
Then his eye caught a familiar mop of raven hair in the crowd. Staring directly at Masters.
Masters glanced up and froze, eyes locking onto the ghostly ward that had been missing for the past few days. The billionaire stuttered slightly, then tried to continue his speech.
Danny stepped closer, Bruce watching his mouth move but not hearing any words.
Nobody else seemed to notice him.
Masters took another step back, eyes wide in horror.
Danny took another step forward, Masters stepped back, and then Danny’s face split into a grin.
The sound of a rope snapped.
And then colourful breakfast loops were dunked onto Masters. The man paused, blinking down at his feet, then slowly up at where the cereal had come from. The moment he looked up, a large splash of milk hit his face, completely soaking him.
Vlad was staring dumbfounded at his predicament.
Everyone was gasping.
Almost everyone.
Bruce could hear Dick failing to hold back his laughter somewhere behind him.
Everyone expected the man to blow up, to start to make angry statements, accusations.
Instead Masters gently wiped the milk from his eyes, then excused himself.
Danny was nowhere to be found.
- 0 -
“You’re alive.”
Danny sat next to his out arch nemesis on the steps of the Manor he now called home. He shrugged at the statement, staring into the darkness of the garden, eyes flashing from reflecting the light of the garden lamps.
“I thought… I thought that everyone was dead. I though you were dead.”
Danny kicked a rock a little with his shoe, then brought up his hands, making a series of hand gestures. ASL. ‘I’m not easy to kill.’
Vlad huffed, “it seems like it’s impossible to kill you at this point.” He was still soaked with milk, froot loops falling out from the folds of his clothing with every movement he made. “Was this seriously your payback? Giving me a mild heart attack with that creepy show and then dumping cereal on me?”
Danny pouted, his hands moving wildly, ‘It wasn’t easy getting all that cereal you know!’
“Of course the cereal was the hard part.”
Danny grinned, glancing back at the garden as the pair sat in silence for a few moments.
“I… really thought you were dead. Along with your entire family. All your friends…”
Danny frowned, hunching his shoulders, it wasn’t like he wanted to think about that.
“I went to try and get you when I found out what happened. I would like to say it was for good intentions, but we both know I was going to rub it in your face that I was right all along and try to manipulate you into joining me. I was too late though. The building was in ruins, bodies were everywhere…” Vlad paused, as if reliving the memory, “there were so many pieces of you scattered throughout it all…” Vlad paused again, “I removed my ghost half.”
Danny whipped his head towards Vlad, eyes wide, fearful. Vlad didn’t understand the fear, he honestly believed that the boy would have been happy about the news.
Yet he decided to explain, “we understand obsessions. A ghost purpose. The thing that pushes us to exist. The thing we die thinking about. Mine was Maddie. When I died, it was slow, and during that time I could only feel anger and hatred. My time at the hospital fuelled my obsession, made it stronger and stronger until the moment I died and came back. I wanted what Jack had. Dying twisted my blame on your father to obsessing over the idea that he stole my life from me. I wanted Maddie, and then I discovered you, and seeing how you experienced a similar accident, my obsession viewed you as something else Jack stole away. Everything… everything becomes twisted when you die full of so much anger and spite…” Vlad took a breath, “when your family died… when I thought you died, my obsession suddenly died with it. Jack was dead, that aspect was fulfilled, but so were the people that I needed to survive. The people I chased after for so long were out of my grasp. Without my obsession, my ghost half began to wither away… it began to kill me for the second time.” Vlad lifted his gaze to sky, “you know… I have spoken of immortality, how ghosts could last forever, but I realize now it’s only if your obsession can last that long. Mine was a ticking bomb. Maddie wouldn’t live forever, and nether would Jack, and my irrational desire and rage would only drive me to causing you irreversible harm, all of which would kill my obsession in one way or any other. It was never meant to last.”
Danny watched Vlad wringing his hands as he spoke again, “my ghost destabilized the moment we were separated. And the moment it was gone, it was like… a fog lifted from my mind. I could think clearly again.” He smiled to Danny, “I also realized how embarrassing childish I’ve been, harassing a teenager of all things.”
Danny opened his mouth, then closed it again before signing, ‘So now you see how much of a crazy froot loop you’ve been.’
Vlad barked out a laugh, “yeah, I guess I see it now.” He shook his head, “a shame it took you dying for me to see it.”
“… why can’t you speak?”
Dannys hand lifted to his throat, then he slowly began to sign, ‘it was how I escaped.’
“… what made you scream so hard?” Vlad whispered.
Danny glanced at his hands, holding them tightly to keep them from shaking, but he still managed to sign, ‘they shot Jazz.’
Vlad nodded, “and your… parents?”
‘They died the day they brought me to that place.’
Silence fell over the pair once again.
“So who taught you sign language? I know for a fact that you could barely speak Spanish the last time I saw you.”
Danny grinned, ‘a cool girl that likes hiding around the mansion like me. She shows me where the r-rated movies are hidden.’
“And did you even end up with Bruce Wayne of all people? I can’t believe you chose a billionaire other than myself!”
Danny raised an eyebrow, and Vlad rolled his eyes, “I guess I can believe it. Do they treat you well?”
Danny nodded enthusiastically, ‘it’s home.’
Vlad smiled, “After everything, it’s what you deserve.”
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threewaysdivided · 6 years
Why is Danny always the younger brother?
In my consumption of a truly unhealthy amount of fanfiction, I’ve read my way through most of the YJ x DP offerings on Fanfiction.net and AO3.  Among them I’ve noticed the common presence of a particular story trope: Danny Fenton being the long-lost biological twin/younger brother of (almost always season 1) Dick Grayson, adopted by the Fentons after the accident that took the Grayson parents’ lives.
Now the sibling thing by itself is actually pretty interesting.  Beyond family dynamics and themes making for interesting stories, there’s certainly enough evidence to make a decent argument in favour.  Danny and Dick are both portrayed as slim and short-ish (within the bounds of their shows’ drastically different art styles), have dark hair and blue eyes, use wordplay-based humour,  seem to favour flying/aerial techniques and there are some similarities in the way Kaufman and McCartney voice the characters (especially their laughs).  Danny having Grayson DNA even fits with things like the DP creators’ statements that no-one else would have survived the portal accident, and Jack’s ever-so-slight favouritism of Jazz.
However, where almost all of these stories stumble for me is the near-universal use of Danny as younger brother or twin to S1!Dick, which... doesn’t make much sense logistics or story-wise.
Disclaimer: this is mostly for people like me, who prefer reading and/or writing pseudo-canonical/ canon-compliant fics.  There’s nothing wrong with liking or playing the trope as-is if canon accuracy isn’t a big drawcard for you.
This starts falling apart as early as their ages.  Danny and Dick are among the only characters to have their ages explicitly stated in the canon of their respective shows: Danny is “just 14″ when he gets his powers, and Dick is “a 13-year-old kid” in S1, with his birthday on December 1st in the companion comics.  Even if they were twins, Danny Phantom’s story would have to begin just after YJS1 according to this timeframe.  To make Danny the same age or younger than S1!Dick you’d need to de-age or age-up a significant chunk of at least one cast, which would have ripple-effects on its plot.
But even assuming that someone does manage to flex the timelines well, having Danny be younger still raises a slew of questions:  
Why were the Fentons in Gotham for Haley’s performance in the first place?  
Why would Bruce Wayne not just adopt both boys?  (And if the Fentons somehow took Danny with them before he could, isn’t that basically kidnapping?)  
How does knowing he was adopted change Danny’s relationship with his family/ Sam & Tucker/ Amity Park at large?
If Dick’s used to being the older brother, why is he so comfortable playing “little brother” to the Team?
Why wasn’t Danny affected or motivated by his parents’ deaths similar to how Dick was inspired to become Robin?  
Have the two boys kept in contact since?  (If not - why not?)  Are either aware of each other’s identity?  How does this affect the plots of their shows?
Now some fics do attempt to answer some of these questions (especially the last point) but in a lot of them it’s just hand-waved.  Which is frustrating considering that the sibling trope is the whole set up for many of these stories.
To me there seems to be a pretty obvious solution:
Why not make Danny the older brother?
This fixes a lot of the logic and timeline problems with the “younger/twin” set-up.  Danny being born into the Grayson family but then adopted out to the Fentons before Dick came along would explain how the boys might not know about each other until the story starts.  It also avoids the contrivance of the Fentons being in Gotham and just happening to adopt one of a pair - Haley’s circus could have been travelling near Amity Park around the time Danny was put up for adoption.  Bruce wouldn’t need to know about him, as Batman only gets involved 9+ years later when Dick and his parents make their ill-fated trip.  Danny himself might not even know he was adopted depending on if/when Maddie and Jack decide (or remember) to say anything.  It also explains Maddie’s baby pictures of Danny in DP canon.
Basically, having Danny be the older brother allows the story to be completely canon-compliant with both shows until the fanfic plot starts.
It also makes it easier to explain why Danny was adopted out.  Maybe the circus hit a long financial rough patch right after he was conceived and they couldn’t afford to raise a child.  Maybe Danny was born with mild medical problem that would make it risky to travel/perform and Mary and John decided it was better to adopt him out to a normal family than force him to grow up in an world he could never fully be part of.  Having the Grayson parents regret needing to give their eldest away would also explain why they wouldn’t mention him to Dick.
Heck, seeing as Jack Haley would definitely know another Grayson exists and Dick goes back to the circus during Performance (Ep24), there’s even a natural starting point for a long-lost-older-brother fic built into the YJ canon.
Anyway, that’s my two cents on the matter.  What I find really weird is that no-one seems to have played the trope in this form, despite how common these sibling-stories are in DP x YJ (and other DC) crossovers.  
I’d be interested to see how it goes if anyone happens to find or write something along these lines.
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