#Emmanuel G.
itracing · 1 year
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Schnitzer Motorsport BMW 2002 Turbo
Image by Emmanuel G. || FB
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itcars · 1 year
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BMW M1 Andy Warhol Art Car 
Image by Emmanuel G. || FB
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behindthescreamz · 5 months
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continuity photos from the set of “saw ii” (2005)
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mirroredmemoriez · 6 months
Back again! Now with the height comparisons of some of the characters in Saw 2.
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Amanda Young (Shawnee Smith) is just about 5’3 I guess? She’s 1.60m
Daniel Matthews (Erik Knudsen) is 5’6 - 1.68m
Addison Corday (Emmanuel’s Vaugier) is 5’7 - 1.70m
Laura Hunter (Beverly Mitchell) is 5’2 - 1.57m
Xavier Chavez (Franky G) is 6’0 - 1.83m
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wrongsalad · 2 months
So, I watched All Souls last night with my buddy who’s an investigator. She liked the cop bits, said they were reasonably accurate as opposed to what you normally see in movies. There’s a scene where Samuel's character disparages a confidential informant and she pointed at the screen and went “Hey, I used to work with that guy!”
I’m surprised at how much I liked the movie, considering that this is not a genre that interests me much. G-Easy as Silas was actually a stunning and rather unexpected performance and Mikey Madison and Mia Love absolutely killed it. The director, Emmanuelle Pickett, kept things dark and shaky and just right for a one night of a “the drug dealer is after me” bender. Even the side characters were well done, each with their well executed and fully owned place in the story.
Samuel plays a rather excellent “I’m bad but only a little” cop to Zach Villa’s “I’m the okay one” and it works. The opening sequence sets them both up beautifully (and very accurately) as two cops gunning for a drug dealer and the attendant consequences unfold throughout the movie, although in the end you might just think that Carcillo ain’t as bad as he’d like people to think he is.
I saw someone poke at Samuel’s American accent. Carcillo is an Italian name and if you hang out with folks who grew up in the US in homes that spoke Italian, that’s the kind of an accent you might get. Also, towards the very end, you can catch Carcillo growl a suspect into submission in a very Ghost-like fashion. Riley retired and went cop.
All in all, I think everyone did a great job and managed to make a movie about one of the most gruesome aspects of the ill-thought out and unnecessary war on drugs that one can watch with interest and on the edge of the seat.
Obligatory Carcillo shot, because he’s sure got the right to bear arms.
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seud-luachmhor · 4 months
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Catherine O'Hara heading into the Good Morning America studios, 30th January 2024.
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thecanvasofmadness · 1 year
A usted, desvergonzado ladrón:
Por medio de la presente me atrevo a hacerle saber lo que he estado sintiendo gracias a los constantes robos de los que he sido víctima, en cualesquiera de los sitios web que menciono, de su mano.
Me he visto afectado, tremendamente, por la falta, ya no de moral — porque eso parece estar ausente en usted —, sino de integridad y decencia humanas, pues ha sido capaz de tomar como propio lo que no es suyo ni lo será por más que lo intente.
Si bien es cierto que yo soy el autor, el creador y la fuente de todo lo vertido en ambos sitios web, también es verdad que usted es un vil e ignorante descerebrado, falto de alma y de espíritu, que requiere tomar lo que no es suyo para sentirse especial. Sépase que, para hacer lo que usted hace, cualquiera mueve las manos, pero, para crear contenido — quemarse las pestañas, estudiar y leer en las madrugadas, en vilo e insomne, mientras se siente en el alma el ardor de la locura, la desazón de la melancolía, la congoja de la ansiedad, el arrebato de la alegría y la osadía del amor — no cualquiera lo hace. De hecho, somos muy pocos los que nos atrevemos a salirnos de los estándares para romper los paradigmas y crear algo nuevo; algo que nadie más ha podido hacer ni hará, menos los de su linaje, obviamente, ya que usted viene de un árbol podrido, de una rama infecunda, tal es así que depende fervientemente de nosotros los creadores, porque no sólo a mí me ha robado ni me robará, lo ha hecho con otros que, al igual que yo, nos arriesgamos a producir contenido original.
¿Qué puede usted saber de eso? Definitivamente nada, porque en su casa no le enseñaron, ya no a respetar, sino a ser libre. A usted le cortaron las alas recién lo parió su madre y, conforme fue creciendo, en lugar de alimentarle el alma para hacerlo consciente del poder creativo que lleva en las entrañas, le hicieron creer que no sirve, que jamás logrará ser alguien en esta vida si no roba, si no mata, si no viola, si no arrebata de los demás lo que usted no tiene permitido crear. Tan lamentable es su vida y su existencia que es un “Don Nadie”. Su madre lo parió sólo con una finalidad: ser una copia de otros, una sanguijuela, una piraña, un ave de rapiña, un dependiente de los ganadores. Usted necesita sentirse como un ganador, pero sin hacer el mínimo esfuerzo y colgándose las medallas ajenas ¡Qué patético y mediocre es ser usted! Y ni preguntarle si no le da vergüenza tal verdad, porque sé que no la tiene, no sabe de eso, porque, insisto, no le enseñaron.
No me atrevo a decir que sea usted un ser humano, ya que un ser humano tiene la capacidad — de hecho, nace con ella — de ser creativo. Usted, simplemente, es un parásito traído al mundo por otro parásito; seres nulos de energía propia, dependientes de la energía de otros para existir o, mejor dicho, para sobrevivir, ya que lo que usted hace no es vivir y lo hace gracias al robo del aliento divino de los que creamos. ¡Qué triste es ser usted! No puede ni tiene la capacidad de darle algo de valor al mundo, porque tiene que tomarlo de otros para sentirse valioso y satisfacer su falta de espíritu. Mire que yo, como sea que me robe, si decido dejar de publicar lo que escribo, usted, definitivamente, dejará de subsistir, porque sin mí, que soy la fuente, no tendrá cómo alimentarse, mientras tanto yo, que no dependo de nadie, sino de mi propia voluntad, fuerza y motivación, seguiré creando libremente en mis libretas y, quizás, nadie más que yo pueda leerme. No importa, con tener la satisfacción de crear, me basta. Aquí es donde radica la satisfacción del creador, mientras la suya dependerá siempre de éste, a lo que me lleva a confesarle que usted no es libre, sino un esclavo de sus propias limitantes, las cuales heredó de su madre y de las que jamás se podrá deshacer. Usted está marcado por la nada, la eterna flojera, el perpetuo vacío y la inmunda ignorancia. Es cuando me topo con seres como usted que abogo por el aborto, porque, un ser que nace con el solo propósito de mamar de los otros su energía no merece respirar. No ayuda a nadie con eso, sólo quita el aliento, el aire, el respiro a los que lo necesitamos para crear, para ser, para vivir y, por consecuencia, darle algo valioso al mundo. ¿Soy duro? ¿Lo soy? Creo que sólo le hago ver la realidad de su vida (si así se le puede llamar a lo que se supone está haciendo en este mundo). Más duro es tener que alimentar a sanguijuelas como usted de manera gratuita. Se preguntará que qué me gano al decirle sus verdades si, al cabo, seguirá cometiendo la fechoría de robar. Bueno, pues, me es grata la satisfacción que me da escupirle en la cara, nada más.
Usted seguirá robando, porque ése es su destino, para eso nació y, aunque quiera cambiar, no lo hará; le es imposible hacerlo. En sus genes tiene la marca de la maldad, de la brutalidad, de la inconsciencia, de la ignorancia, de la falta de alma, y de éstas nadie se cura. Sin embargo, yo, a diferencia de usted, seguiré creando, produciendo, escribiendo y publicando porque en Mí yace la fuente de la creación. Soy el agua, la tinta, el mar, el cielo, la tierra, el fuego, el viento… el éter… la fuerza de la vida haciéndose palabra y acción en cada escrito que hago y en cada paso que doy. Usted seguirá siendo un “Don Nadie” que roba y se satisface recibiendo los aplausos de quienes, como yo, no necesitamos de eso para sentirnos satisfechos.
¡Ah, qué bien se siente decirle que usted jamás saldrá de su pocilga de mediocridad! Mientras yo, escritor nato y poeta (y sí, lo digo con todo el bendito orgullo que me da serlo), continuaré bendiciendo a mis ojos con mis creaciones a expensas de mi cansancio, mi tiempo, mi salud, mi dinero y mi vida.
Sin más por el momento, me despido con una satisfacción tremenda por decirle lo que siento y saberlo escribir, cosa que usted, en la vida, podrá experimentar ¿verdad?
Esu Emmanuel G.
Autor, Escritor, Poeta y Ser Humano.
Carta al ladrón. © 2023 by Esu Emmanuel G. is licensed under Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International. To view a copy of this license, visit Creative Commons
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soupy-sez · 8 months
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Saw II (2005)
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vitalphenomena · 8 months
@bluedprints // emmanuel
Cullen, once by Gabriela's side, has just stormed into the bathroom - either expecting to be followed by Emmanuel or truly expecting to be alone. It's hard to tell.
Gabriela looks at Emmanuel, wide-eyed.
"What the fuck?"
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handgiven · 24 days
you are emmanuel. (a little one-shot)
you begin as bright light spanning the length of the universe. you are the warmth of hope settling onto the world as it grows its limbs, seas and mountains, and as its eyes come unstuck and open as the many suns in the sky. you are the blue of the sky, the quiet of the windless cosmos, the unheard sounds within the earth's core as it is formed. the universe is young, and so are you, and still you see it age and you see it die, right before your gaze, over and over again. time is nothing but a corner to peak behind, and it all unfolds and unfurls and clashes into itself until you hurt, but there is no way to experience it because where ever does the sky feel pain? where does a planet? phantom pain of the tragic history that has not happened yet haunts you wherever you shift and all the louder do you feel the ever-present hum of something older, greater than yourself, coming from within you.
you are an angel, a being created of love, for love, a throwaway idea in the forming of the world. they will need someone to look after them. and that is who you are even if you yourself do not know it yet. even if you yourself are still learning the way through existence, even if you still wander and get lost in trying to grasp all that you know, all that you feel, all that you see. they begin as ants and they too become gods, one day you realise as you ponder the earth and for the first time overcome the sound of rubble of its mass, and overhear the first sound of life, and soon more follow. there is laughter, there are songs, there is work. small they are but still so mighty. they flash before your eyes and you can hardly focus before they expire and new ones take their place. your head would spin, but still you are no more than the sky, the lone ray of light, the rustling of leaves in the wind.
you are still that when you hear her crying. a creature still smaller than the ants you've known. a child alone in the woods. at first you cannot even find her, though the sound pierces all the way through to you, the trees do not come apart and make for a barrier stronger than the dreams and nightmares that haunt her at night when she stops stumbling and goes quiet. there is a man there, though he is no longer, her very mind charms up images of him that you can just about touch because they are as real, as physical as you, a ray of moonlight peeking at last through the overgrowth. the man you learn to know by heart, the curls of his hair, the lines around his eyes, the calm of his voice. for the first time you focus and you can see him, all of him, for the first time an ant is given a face.
you are a newborn creature, struggling to get up from the mud that gave you form by the riverside. your legs supported by bones made out of naked white roots the water has come to uncover, struggle to hold your weight for you were weightless, once. you are wet and scary looking, and still when you call and his voice comes out, the child looks up. eyes so wide, you can tell she knows something is not quite right, but when you reach your hand out, and she reaches out hers, you know she trusts you to mean well. you know there is a settlement beyond the woods, you have seen the lights. you walk together, at first silent, later talking, and when she gets tired at night, you carry her yourself and when you do, her hand settles on your chest. the imprint is an anchor. the body is yours.
you are a thing of light, sharp and white, clasped within a clump of cold damp earth. sometimes you can feel it burning through the strata at night, sometimes it spills from your eyes, from your fingertips, between your ribs. sometimes the light wants to return to the sky, yet you know more than anything they need you here, emmanuel. a thing of god among them, or at least his hand, his shoulder, brought to life by the lowly mud from the riverside. the universe still twists around you, and you still can feel it coming to life and dying with every step you take, and there is no cure for it but love. the overwhelming sense of it when you close your eyes, when you touch the earth, when you find that god speaks to you no longer but your mind carries the echo of all of them, everywhere. your ants, your humans.
you are their emmanuel. that is enough.
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itracing · 2 months
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Peugeot 9X8 Hypercar
Image by Emmanuel G.
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truehimbo · 2 months
watching kim donghyun on physical 100 is so frustrating it's like he has no honor, pride or backbone... but he talks big about himself. super nasty.
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behindthescreamz · 7 months
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emmanuelle vaugier as addison corday alongside co-star franky g as xavier chavez and director darren lynn bousman filming the “razor box” trap scene for “saw ii” (2005)
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defensivewall · 1 year
via e_dennisblessed instagram stories
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fangirlshameblog · 2 years
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me when I see a cat
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