beingjellybeans · 1 month
Fabulous Asian feasts for fam and friends at Manila Ocean Park
The summer season brings with it awesome opportunities to explore the metro’s sights with your nearest and dearest while taking advantage of the myriad of delectable food choices that Manila has to offer. Take Manila Ocean Park, for example. Not only is it the Philippines’ first world-class marine theme park and premiere educational entertainment destination, it also serves up a lot of great…
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jillraggett · 4 months
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Plant of the Day
Saturday 3 February 2024
The distinctive Pelargonium gibbosum (gouty geranium, knotted geranium, arthritic pelargonium) has long stems with swollen leaf nodes and somewhat fleshy, grey-green leaves. The yellow-green flowers of the tender, mound-forming subshrub are night scented.
Jill Raggett
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tozettastone · 26 days
Piero "The Gouty" de'Medici: imagine bankrupting your dad's business buddies, facing war and unrest, having a gazillion kids, and commissioning messes of cultural artefacts, only to have such terrible gout that you must be carried from room to room even in your own home and everyone remembers you "THE GOUTY" forever.
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oldshrewsburyian · 2 years
I’m presuming that anyone not interested in a more or less minute account of my internal screaming will block ‘Persuasion reread,’ so here goes. Today’s internal screaming is provoked by the fact that we enter Volume 2 with Anne glad that she and Captain Wentworth have -- at least tacitly, at least partially -- reconciled; she’s grateful for what she takes as signs of disinterested friendship from him. She’s also fully convinced that he is going to marry Louisa, and that she will just have to cope with that. (Interestingly, Lady Russell’s ‘pleased contempt’ at this news offers further evidence of the fact that she apparently hates Wentworth’s guts, despite acknowledging that he did seem to partly appreciate Anne’s worth in ‘06. Seem to partly appreciate! I tend to concur with the critical opinion that Lady R. has a wilful blind spot around Wentworth’s sexuality. Anyway.)
There is more! in this chapter, we get some of Austen’s first hints to readers that Anne’s perception of Wentworth’s feelings is... less than accurate. We’ve already had, of course, his responses to Mr. Elliot. Now we get Anne, responding to Lady Russell’s compliments on her appearance, ‘amused’ to think that she may be afforded ‘a second spring of youth and beauty.’ A second spring, you say, Miss Austen?? Moreover, we learn from the Crofts that Frederick, in bringing them news from Lyme, has asked after Anne’s welfare. He hopes she isn’t worn out; he’s noticed her exerting herself on behalf of the Musgroves, and wants to be sure she’s all right.
For one thing, he’s the only person who does appear to have noticed this, or thought to ask after her. (The Musgroves, in their anxiety over Louisa, have a good excuse for not doing so, granted.) And I think that we have here some early suggestive evidence concerning what our favorite obtuse genius is thinking and planning.
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Medici Thoughts
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Okay first things first, abuse its bad. Don't condone it.
So I don't agree with Lorenzo hitting Piero. Like it actually shocked me and I'm surprised Clarice didn't come back to live and hand her husband his ass right then and there for what he did.
While I don't agree with it, and it honestly...felt rather out of character for Lorenzo, also historically he had a good relationship with his kids
BUT I do see why the writers put it in, because I think it represents a lot of things.
1: It represents how lost Lorenzo is without Clarice. Like, the dude was bordering on losing it while she was still alive and her death really pushed him over the edge. He lost his way, he lost himself. He felt like an animal in a trap because he knows he's dying. The thing is, is that Clarice was supposed to survive HIM, not the other way around. Lorenzo would leave the bank and his family to her, probably one of the last people he trusts. But then she died. So he is not only mourning her but he is also panicking cause now he has to adjust his plans cause now when he dies he's gonna be leaving his children in charge of a broken Florence with no protection. He's panicking, he's freaking out and his son just did something to stop his plans, in his view to protect his family.
2: I think it shows just how much Lorenzo has changed over the years, the Pazzi Conspiracy hardened him. Lorenzo de Medici died that day, Lorenzo the Magnificent was all the remained. Lorenzo has basically been in fight or flight mode for the last several years and the dude is tired. He's done and he's losing it. (not en excuse)
3: I think it shows that in the end Lorenzo becomes something so much worse than any of his precedseeors. Worse than Giovanni, Cosimo and Piero. He was the hope and the light of the family. Now he has turned into something darker. He wanted to be better than those before him and instead he turned into something so much worse.
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drelixofficial · 3 months
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What's one Napoleonic pairing you like but don't get much chance to talk about?
oh man, this is a hard question. Mostly because I will just talk about whatever it is I want to about regardless of whether people interact with the posts/me/etc lol especially when it comes to pairings and fun stuff like that
If I had to choose, I think I would go for Napoleon/Talleyrand. It's such a perfect mutual-respect-but-also-mutual-dislike To annoyed-with-each-other-still-don't-necessarily-like-each-other-mutual-respect-also-dwindling To ???? To BETRAYAL
which is a very unique set of circumstances.
also it means I can frame Talleyrand (apocryphally, allegedly) making snarky comments about Napoleon and Bourienne's close friendship as pure, unadulterated jealousy.
it really does hit all of my favourite dynamics, too. Two very smart people at odds with each other, age difference, Repression (tm), Strong Opposing Personalities, [insert relevant John le Carre quote about betrayal], both are melodramatic and Stupid, Talleyrand is a SURVIVOR and Napoleon is YEE HAWING OFF A CLIFF, mutual exasperation, oh man those insults they traded, they make each other worse! but have a slim/slight potential to make each other better but neither would take it, they're Tumblr's Favourite Mountain Goats song (N: I hope you die. T: I hope we both die) etc.
Talleyrand: babe. have you thought about.. , not? doing that?
Napoleon: t o o l a t e.
I want a story with them being forced to work together after Talleyrand's first "fuck this I'm out" leaving of Napoleon's service and it's again idk think something like el Coco but worse.
I am a sucker for things that are shaped as shadows and hunt within the shadows and vanish people (children traditionally, but let's broaden it) to eat or whatever.
Anyway, it'd be great.
My two close runner ups: Napoleon/Metternich and Talleyrand/Metternich.
You might be noticing a trend, here.
thank you for the ask!! <3 <3 <3
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theanticool · 1 year
Thibault Gouti KOs Kane Mousah in 2nd - Bellator 296
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bethanydelleman · 1 year
Lady Susan Readthrough Letters 27 & 28
Summary: Catherine tells her mother that Reginald is off, but she fears the damage has already been done. She fears her brother will follow Lady Susan to London. However, she has some victory, Lady Susan has bent to the will of her SIL and Alicia and left Frederica behind. Catherine hopes to have a very comfortable time with her niece.
Alicia writes in distress because her annoying husband is ill and cannot travel to Bath. She must nurse her husband instead of roaming town with Lady Susan. Alicia also says "De Courcy is certainly your own" which sounds like an engagement to me!
Catherine wanting to save Frederica makes me love her so much!
Here we shall in time be in peace, and our regular employments, our books and conversations, with exercise, the children, and every domestic pleasure in my power to procure her
Gold star! Best aunt ever!
And yes, Catherine, it's weird that Frederica was slighted in favour of her own mother. What a weird thing to be Lady Susan's daughter. Stacy's Mom vibes for sure.
I could not be cordial in my invitation, but if she chuses to come no want of cordiality on my part will keep her away.
This is hilarious and totally true. Catherine cannot be rude enough to keep Lady Susan from going where she wants!
I am persuaded the gout is brought on or kept off at pleasure; it was the same when I wanted to join the Hamiltons to the Lakes; and three years ago, when I had a fancy for Bath, nothing could induce him to have a gouty symptom.
This is very much in keeping with Jane Austen's hypochondriacs, who are ill when unhappy (Mrs. Bennet and Mary Musgrove). But I suspect Mr. Johnson actually is ill or he's using his illness to keep Lady Susan at bay. We never hear from Mr. Johnson so we just don't know.
Also, gout runs rampant in Austen, Mr. Allen, Admiral Croft, Mr. Jennings, Mr. Norris, Dr. Grant, John Abdy (Emma)... I think that's it. But then I believe it was a common problem at the time as it's often caused by rich diets.
he bears pain with such patience that I have not the common excuse for losing my temper.
Lol, this would be hilarious as an AITA post... I'll need to think about that.
DRAMA is forthcoming! Hold on to your hats!
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my profile is now going to be a bisexual Benjamin Fozzeklin for the rest of the month.
I am so sorry but I had to.
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fetchmearum420 · 1 year
This always makes me cackle for some reason
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cagesidepress · 13 days
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Archie Colgan Loved The Boos, Walks Away With Extra Cash
Read the full story on cagesidepress.com
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oddmanoutninja · 16 days
Bellator Champions Series Paris 2 'Precise Picks+Best Bets'
Today at 11 AM CDT Bellator Champions Series is in Paris for 10 incredible fights! Watch on ESPN+! I am bringing you every precise pick and the best bets to win that cash! By Bellator Staff – https://www.tapology.com/fightcenter/events/111171-bellator-champions-series-paris, Fair use, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?curid=76411359 Mike Shipman (15-4) vs. Steven Hill (7-0) @ Middleweight…
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Asymptomatic Hyperuricemia: Serum Uric Acid >7mg/dl (males) or >6mg/dL (pre-menopausal females) in the absence of gouty arthritis and uric acid nephrolithiasis. Acute Gouty Arthritis: Characterized by acute arthritis initially affecting the 1st MTP (podagra) followed by recurring episodes of acute monoarticular / oligoarticular arthritis. *Refer to the footnote on page 76 of the Philippine CPG on Gout for the 1977 ACR Criteria for Acute Gouty Arthritis.
Intercritical Gout Interval gout; asymptomatic periods between gouty attacks.
Chronic Tophaceous Gout Untreated gouty arthritis is characterized by persistent low-grade inflammation of joints with sporadic flares with joint deformities due to visible tophi.
GENERAL ALGORITHM (Based on Philippine CPG): In patients with hyperuricemia, first, determine if there is arthralgia and joint swelling; the absence of which points towards asymptomatic hyperuricemia. If there is arthralgia and joint swelling, determine if it is gout. If gout is confirmed, determine if there is ACUTE arthritis or if it is in an intercritical or chronic state.
Management of ACUTE Gouty Arthritis:
First identify the precipitants of the flare.
DO NOT start Allopurinol (but if already started, dont change dose)
Ice compress 20mins QID for 1 week
Start COLCHICINE 0.5mg/tab 1 tab TID-QID + NSAID + analgesic *If contraindicated to the above meds: -> Refer to Rheuma -> Prednisone 30mg single dose then 5mg OD for 7 days -> Alternative: IV/IM steroids
Reassess after 1 week! * If improving: decrease colchicine to BID, d/c other meds * If no improvement: check compliance, precipitants, refer.
Colchicine 0.5mg 1tab BID + low purine diet + >2L fluids/day + maintain normal BMI + exercise
Determine if there is a need to start ULT (allopurinol): *Indications: 1. Recurrent arthritis at least 2 ep. 2. (+) Tophaceous deposits 3. Radiographic evidence of chronic gout 4. Recurrent uric acid nephrolithiasis * Prior to starting allopurinol, ensure creatinine clearance is >80mL/min.
Allopurinol 50-100mg OD to be titrated by 50-100 mg every 2-4 weeks.
Periodic monitoring of BUA
Philippine CPG Downloadable Link: https://href.li/?https://www.rheumatologyph.org/_files/ugd/02c6de_81b9b111d65f4a538a85ed37f1f1e44a.pdf
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drelixofficial · 3 months
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𝑅𝑒𝑙𝑖𝑒𝑣𝑒 𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑝𝑎𝑖𝑛 𝑅𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑒 𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑓𝑢𝑛𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑎𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑦 𝑷𝒉𝒚𝒔𝒊𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒂𝒑𝒚 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝑳𝒐𝒘 𝑩𝒂𝒄𝒌 𝑷𝒂𝒊𝒏. #pain #backpain #lowbackpain #physiotherapy #painrelief #healing #gouty #chronic #inflammation #joints #uricacid #stiffness #swelling #ankle #jointpain #stiffjoints #knee #feet #fever #redness #fatigue #medication #treatment #physicalpain #exercise ##backpainrelief #lucknow #lucknowcity #hazratganj (at Fasana Kabir Physiotherapy) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnZl489Jjvn/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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