#Grian cosplay
pixiemage · 7 months
Eternally grateful for the friendly and wonderful Kakashi cosplayer that was willing to step in and be Etho for a very specific Limited Life photo I wanted to do at con this weekend.
You, sir, made my entire night. Thank you.
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Enacting the sword
(Also this makes the Grian-to-Etho height scale hilarious and I love it)
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fatfrogcosplay · 3 months
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will you join the mycelium resistance ?
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skygoldart · 3 months
Season 10 Cod Grian Cosplay!
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Gonna post the build soon showing how stuff was made
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bc-jpeg · 10 months
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“you smile like you know the new world has been found” [song: gold — wake owl]
grian — @mwapollo / mumbo — @bc-jpeg
ph: @mwapollo & @bc-jpeg
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fukoronoko · 4 months
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Here they are! (Fem?) Grian as Mother Spore :D
(I hope I’ll eventually get to take professional pics in this but that won’t happen for a while)
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ahllohehn · 6 days
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Budget Grian cus I don't cosplay for a reason
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aliorsboxostuff · 20 days
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Hello Hermitblr, today i give you Grian cosplay (edited and taken by my professional photographer friend) Tomorrow, who knows...
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mansa1212 · 1 year
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So hyped for Life Series Season 4!!!
Who are you rooting for? 💚💛❤️
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sierralemonade · 9 months
Been a while since I posted here but i have some brand new Ariana pics to share💕💕💕
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entertainmyfait · 2 months
just realized I finally have a place to post my grian cosplay from February:333
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I’m super proud of how it turned out bc of the fact I created the wings while being swamped with college work :3
I wanna add more but for now that is all :3
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lunamo23 · 3 months
A Grian cosplay from concept to creation
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The initial concept vs final creation
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Here are the concepts for the elytra/wings. I really wanted the, to look like a minecraft elytra from the back and then show grians signature wings underneath
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Here a a few photos from rushed photoshoot done with the cosplay (in ridiculously hot weather) Can’t wait to get to wear this thing to a con and get some better photos.
I have many more photos of make this cosplay during construction and the actual making of the wings as well as bunch of other weird and wacky photos from the shoot, cause it’s not a grian cosplay if things aren’t slightly unhinged
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pixiemage · 7 months
When your fellow Bad Boys get killed off before you and you’re the last team member standing…again 🙄
(AKA the Canary Curse and Survivor’s Curse are a bit too good together, huh?)
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fatfrogcosplay · 2 months
Sorry permit office is closed Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday…
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Friday, Saturday
And then open Sunday 2-3!
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skygoldart · 2 months
Cod Grian Cosplay Build!
The fish man himself, season 10 Grian!
Reference Sketch
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Some notes:
I always end up changing somethings from the reference when making the actual outfit, although I stayed pretty close it it this time.
I initially drew him with a handlebar mustache and goatee to mimic the whiskers of a fish, however I switched to a fluffier mustache beard to match the guy from Frozen.
I also opted for my turtleneck shirt over the red sweater+collar to go for more of a fisherman vibe
Since Grian is usually drawn with parrot wings, I wanted to call back to that with red yellow and blue feathers on the bobbers.
The tail and fins
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I wanted to lean into the “fish”er man design and gave him fish fins and a tail.
It’s design is based on a cod fish with striped fins based on the feathers of an osprey
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To make it, I drew the tail pattern on a large piece of paper, cut it out, cut each section out of the respective fabric times two, sewed the two sides together, and lastly filled it with a ton stuffing.
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The tail is heavy, but it’s fun to wack people with it.
The fins for the arms and beanie are made in a similar way, each hand sewn onto the beanie/bracers once stuffed.
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The Overalls
I had originally planned for him to be wearing waders, but wanted to make the outfit more wearable for everyday wear without overheating. So I opted for some brown corduroy overalls instead.
To add a “wet” look to each pant leg, I briefly dipped each one into some black fabric dye before rinsing and drying.
The green pixels on his skin look like they could be kelp or patches so I decided to go with the latter and dug through my scrap fabric to find these green pieces.
I embroidered the edge of each piece with a unique stitch and placed them randomly on each leg.
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The snails!
Of course we can’t forget about the snails
There are three snails for this project with two more eventually on the way (a plush pink snail, and a plush brown snail).
I made the clay blue snail first with polymer and attached tie tacks to the underside so I can use it like a pin and stick it anywhere on my clothes.
Same goes for the pink worm snail which is also made of clay.
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The blue plush snail is based on a pattern from Etsy by willowynn with some slight modifications, mainly to the eyes/feelers, and doubling the size.
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Facial hair
This was one of the parts I was the most excited about for this cosplay and the only part I didn’t do myself. I commissioned @basic-amoeba to make a custom ventilated beard, styled and everything. This part turned out so good!
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Some final notes for this project
This cosplay took from Feb 20 to March 15th to complete since I was so determined to finish it before Grian changed his skin. Haha look at me now. He still hasn’t changed it.
Not pictured (cause why can I only add 10 photos 😭) is the mending book with a fish hook I made using scrap faux leather, cardboard, and some cut printer paper. I painted in galactic the word mending and sprayed the whole thing in my “enchanting” spray paint (a blue to purple iridescent glitter spray paint)
A small fun backstory to the fishing rod:
My grandpa is an experienced fisherman and has dozens of fishing poles. When I talked about this project with him, he brought me out to his workshop and pulled down the dustiest fishing rod there. He told me he had fished this fishing rod from a lake one day with the line and bait still attached. Can’t get anymore accurate to Minecraft fishing than that lol.
Obligatory cosplay photo:
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bc-jpeg · 1 year
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sometimes I just get bored and this happens, a random cosplay
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basic-amoeba · 3 months
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Lesson learned. Don’t go fishing next to Grian before he gets a mending book.
This is was so fun to cosplay these two! Fisherman Grian cosplay by @skygoldart
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