llamahearted · 1 year
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this is the single most important milfwood I have ever drawn, so... look I just wanted to make sure they had their own post ok
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foolbehavior · 4 months
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cptnleviackerman · 9 months
words: 420
characters: levi, armin, eren, mikasa
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Levi as Winter
cold finger tips, wind swept hair, readjusting your scarf to better hide your face from the cold, putting on layers upon layers of clothes before going outside, sitting on a large chair beside a window and watching the snow fall, lying in bed listening to the rainfall, watching the steam rise from your cup of tea, rubbing your palms together to create the slightest bit of warmth, frost bitten cheeks, grey skies, hazy mornings, the smell of an open fire, your face heating up as you walk inside from the cold, runny noses, harsh truths, candles burning, slippery steps, wearing two pairs of socks, pulling on a knitted jumper as soon as you step out from under your duvet
Armin as Spring
freshly picked flowers, the smell of cut grass, morning dew on the leaves, walking around lakes wrapped in a light hoodie, watching the clouds part over the hill, picnics with friends spent reading and laughing, early morning bike rides as the sun comes up, walking through fields as a shortcut, eating fruit, new beginnings, dipping your toes in the freezing lake water, listening to the rain fall through an open window, wellie walks through misty rain, spotting a rainbow, watercolour paintings, thatched roof houses, baking, starting a new book, coffee and croissant dates, trips to the park
Eren as Summer
running as fast as you can along the beach and almost face planting into the sand, freshly squeezed lemonade with super curly straws, eating watermelon and feeling the juice run down your face, finding sand in your bag and your sink and your shoes and everywhere, collecting cool rocks and shells, diving headfirst into the pool, splashing people who refuse to join you in the pool, late night adventures, windows down and music cranked up in the car, writing messages in the sand, the smell of burnt marshmallows, screaming from the cliffs, suncream, always carrying bottled water and painkillers
Mikasa as Autumn
the ground shimmering from the last rainfall, orange cats, baking with a friend while listening to soft music, warm lights, orange and red leaves littering the ground, mist covering the hills, gingerbread hot chocolate, finishing your summer project and getting to show your loved ones the results, wooden tables, the wind blowing your windows shut, walks through the forest in the late afternoon, homemade soup, lunchtime picnics being interrupted by a sudden downpour and having to run for shelter, wet feet from splashing in puddles, warm hugs, wearing a scarf inside and outside, photography shoots, pumpkin and ginger flavoured everything
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sea-of-machines · 2 months
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mind as well post this antique relic here too
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fruitmagazine · 9 months
i have tickets to twice concert
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stvivi · 11 months
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beinghumannatural 6/?
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wuntrum · 2 years
oscillating between demolition lovers mcr and i’m on fire bruce springsteen today. hashtag normal girl behavior
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bluberimufim · 4 months
My nemesis, college, has kept me from writing the ending of DoS when I am literally one scene away so, out of spite, here's a snippet of the thing (derogatory) I have to write for my history of contemporary architecture class:
Colour is an often neglected theme, but one that is undoubtedly necessary in architecture. It is intrinsically linked to the expression of a work, being, sometimes, a recognizable characteristic of a style or language of architecture (some obvious examples would be the modernist architects and their use of white or the great presence of gold in many Baroque works). It is a theme from which it is impossible to escape, even if one does not make the active choice of painting (as an example, Giorgio Grassi said to have only chosen materials which already had a colour of their own, like brick, to rid himself of the decision) - all materials have colours and textures that will, inevitably, affect the reading of an architecture project. Fernando Távora was an architect of great influence in the realm of portuguese architecture, in regards to his writings and his built projects as well. His work is marked by the search for an architecture capable of combining the best aspects of modern and traditional in a new style adequate to his ideals. Much of this search involved the use of different materials and, of course, colour. Colour, on its own, means very little. What matters is the context in which it is found: the placement, the language, the material. For example: the residential neighbourhood of Ramalde, the convent of Santa Marinha, and the tennis pavilion in Quinta da Conceição all utilize white stucco on their exterior, but it would be erroneous to claim that this colour should be read the same way in these three works - something which, of course, will be explored in the present essay.
Fuck u. I wanna write about my two codependent besties having a terrible time in a fantasy land. And you force me to write about a guy I barely care about. Why u gotta make me do this?
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earthenterran · 6 months
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Verow casts Look of Judgement
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muirneach · 1 year
words can’t describe how angry i am at my school for not offering environmental science. if i am being honest
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nanodevil · 10 months
Creation of my TMA ttrpg oneshot #1
I'd been feeling the urge to DM a game for a while, particularly after listening to some of the games hosted by Jonathan Sims on the The Magnus Archives. They occasionally run short horror themed one shots during episode hiatuses- and while listening to the Duskhollow run (episode 3), it dawned on me. I want to do this. I want to do this type of thing for a Magnus Archives setting.
So, as the hyperfixation goes, my brain went to work to figure out the bits. Now, I'm writing this halfway through the process, so the earlier details are fuzzy to me.
My main inspiration was the Duskhollow run, which ran on an adapted version of the Cthulhu hack mixed with elements of the Cthulhu hack 2e. I spent about a day researching different engines to run the game on, mostly from recommendations from friends. Most notably was Candela Obscura by Darrington Press. In the end though, I returned to what inspired me in the first place - the cthulhu hack. It's a rules-light engine, that does away with overly complicated rolls and systems present in D&D that to this day i cant always get my head around. I decided to splurge a little (seriously, like, 3 pounds) on a quick start guide to the cthulhu hack. It was mildly interesting, and gave light to the rules of the system (as well as Jonny's explanation in Duskhollow episode 1).
Now I had a system. I needed players.
The process of recruiting players and adapting the system kind of ran side by side. Of course, I knew exactly who would be interested in this sort of thing. My TMA friend, Circus, who finished the entire series before I even started it, was a big fan of the idea, and was on board immediately. My other friend, Biscuits, got wind of the idea on a group chat we share, and despite only watching up until season 3, was hooked. Lastly was Cap, who also expressed interest. Despite only having consumed a couple canon episodes, he knew a lot about certain spoilers due to online fandom osmosis. I was lucky that these 3 people were already familiar with each other enough that I wasn't too worried about any awkward chemistry - these 3 chronically online weirdos were exactly who I needed as 1. players, and 2. dedicated hypemen.
The players also affected the worldbuilding route I chose. From what I saw, I had several options.
Canon universe, with canon characters, set during the time of the podcast
Canon universe, set in the past or future (I liked the idea of new assistants working for Gertrude)
AU universe, with all new characters, villains, and statements, built in the vague shape of the TMA template
I opted for number 3 - it involved the most work, but I liked the potential and possibilities it opened up. Plus, anything set in canon would contain spoilers for players like Cap, who hadn't finished season 1, who hadnt experienced the emotional plot beats that I'd be relying on the most. Option 2 sounded interesting, but with a story set in the past, any futures of the characters would be set in some sort of stone that I didn't feel would be interesting. Option 3 allowed the most openness for the players to grow and explore, with opportunities for ME to make cool new shit. This would keep the concept fresh for players who HAD listened, such as Circus and Biscuits, and off-canon enough to not spoil anything for players like Cap (and also Biscuits).
I adapted the system itself in small ways. I changed the "sanity" stat to a "fear" stat to keep more in line with the canon. I fuddled with the flashlights stat, went back and forth between calling it the eye stat or the curiosity stat. In the end, I kept it as flashlights, and smokes as smokes. The quickstart guide I purchased didn't help a lot with character building, so I had to fudge things myself from the pre-set sheets. I ended up making my own character sheet for the players to start filling out, and this kickstarted me talking to my players about character creation.
And create they did. I genuinely cannot stress how much I love the characters they created. Before I go on to them though, I want to comment on the character sheets I made.
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I didn't like the character sheets that came with the quickstart guide. It didn't appeal to my personal tastes, so I tried to adapt it myself. I loved the idea of the character sheet being a "staff profile" for their employment. I initially was going to fill the character sheets out for my players, to instill the worldbuilding idea that it was the CEO filling it out rather than the employees themselves (to foreshadow the CEO's plans for them). However, I didn't go that route. To be totally honest, I thought it was helicopter-DMing to fill out the sheets for them. Especially so since I know a big reason everyone joined is the joys of character creation and making a lil blorbo to play around with. So I made an example sheet for them to reference and left them to it. 2/3 of my players are artists too, so I was happy for them to draw their characters as THEY saw fit.
My own critique notes: I feel like this template is a little too difficult for those without editing software to reference and edit - ideally these would be printed. The benefit of the quickstart guides character template was that it was an editable pdf. I didn't know how to make this like, well, THAT. I liked the "lofi charm" of the drawn version, but it's not as good for that kind of player interaction.
I did like adding my own adaption things, such as the skills, inventory list, background, and ??? squares, as well as a space for an "employee ID photo". However, my excitement got away from me and I forgot to add a particularly important block to the sheet which was "fears". This was a system I wanted to add to the game, to be able to roll disadvantage fear rolls to those who were predisposed to certain things on a character level. If I redo this template, the fears section will definitely be added. Currently, I have to keep it in my own little template box, and make sure the players are aware of what they chose.
Returning to the players, I was beyond excited with the characters they created. They were fun, interesting, and varied enough to not have any repeated concepts. All of my players ran with their ideas, and we had fully fledged characters in less than 4 hours after messaging them.
Those 4 hours began when I completed my homebrewed class system. The original cthulhu hack class system I found didn't really pertain to the worldbuilding of TMA - namely, a lot of them involved combat. While combat in ttrpgs is kind of classic, I didn't feel like it would be a big part of the game as my intention was to make it a mystery. Besides, the archives is an academic institution. There's no way a "ruffian" or a "bruiser" were getting jobs as archive assistants. The point is that theyre all different varieties of NERD. SO, I changed the system. The old system included the aforementioned bruiser and ruffian, as well as the philanthropist, the scholar, and the adventurer.
My classes were based on the given resources of the cthulhu hack, as well as inspired by Duskhollow. The resources, that being flashlights, smokes, sanity, and items, all have ingame uses and systems that I wanted to affect. For flashlights, I added the librarian - they had a background in the archive libraries and would have more knowledge on doing nerd-type research. For smokes, I added the rookie, a new hire to the archives who still had to get to know everybody around. Sanity had the skeptic, my personal favourite class, that had an advantage with fear rolls because of their preset disbelief in the occult. The last was the artfefactor, which is a word i absolutely just made up, who had a background in artefact storage and allowed the player to have access to more interesting items. I was very happy with the list I'd made. Unfortunately, nobody ended up choosing the skeptic, which was fine (im fine. im fine). I also ended up brewing a fifth class for one of the players circus, that was the same as the librarian in all but name (introducing the handyman). By introducing these classes, the characters chose their class and created their character around it.
Cap, as the rookie, made a new hire who was desparate to please everyone. Biscuits, as the artefactor, had a mysterious and absolutely traumatized artefact storage employee. Circus, as the handyman, made a southern country MAN who worked as a book restorationist in the institute library.
The kind of excitement and planning and love that went into these characters all bled into the hype created between these 4 people, and I began to wonder whether this one shot would STAY a oneshot. I love the idea of longer campaigns, but knowing me and my short lived passions, I had gone into this project with the mindset to start something small. The coming session is still a playtest, but plans for a longer campaign started to influence my further world building.
Because next was the writing.
The writing itself was it's own project that I was very looking forward to. The benefits of the cthulhu hack system is that it favours mystery, cosmic horror, and investigations and clue-collecting. That sounded perfect for what I was going for. However, the idea of investigations was beginning to weigh on me. Duskhollow was based around a police precinct that involved solving cases. Now a notable thing about the Magnus Archives is that not every case gets solved. In fact, most cases were just stepping stones to a greater mystery. The question of how to make this an engaging and satisfying mystery while still leaving threads open for a possible larger mystery began to form in my mind. What was the larger mystery going to be? What was the SMALLER mystery going to be?
The idea was to give them a case, a statement, with leads they all had to follow up on. That alone left me scratching my head for an entire weekend (as i procrastinated by making npcs over actual storylines). There are 15 fears in TMA, all with their own preset lore and trends and amalgamous interactions (hows that for a made up word?). The vast scope (lol) mixed with the unending pressure (lol) to make something different to established canon kind of left me stumped for a while. I made villains, but they all had an air of finality to them, something that had to be built up to rather than dealt with in a single investigation (on the players first week no less). I put a pin in this, putting the question to simmer in the back of my bind as I started other missions.
Next was the discord server. The discord server is to host the game itself, and to allow for player interactions and questions. I started off with 3 channels, a "system" channel for info on the game, an "out of character" channel for general talk, and an "in character" channel for players to roleplay in. I wasn't really sure about the last one, I was unsure if it would be used at all. I was inspired by other DM friend Louis, who is big in the LARP scene. His own servers had places for characters to talk in character, and I thought it was neat! I invited the players to chat around about the game, before introducing the purpose of the in character chat. I was not expecting them to take to it so well. I was honestly shocked at the response. The roleplay was funny, engaging, and let the characters practice their voices as they roleplayed on the "Magnus Institute Microsoft Teams Equivalent". The work group chat, essentially. It was amazing. I was beyond overjoyed to witness the players having such fun with an idea i didnt think would take very well. It was a lovely surprise.
I'll continue more of my process in post 2, as this is getting exceptionally long (and i need a break of writing lol). Important points I want to add on is: the homebrew worldbuilding how my archive and the canon archive differ the investigation the marks and encounters system the minecraft thing
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missusplum · 1 year
listen, if i was a glass half full kind of person, i would say that technically since there’s no real writing consistency between seasons, it’s possible that s3 could completely lean into armony. yknow, just to be shocking and subvert expectations 🙃
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hi, i’m rarely here but mike is the little spoon no matter who he cuddles with, thanks!
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dontwanderoff · 1 year
my pms is being such a cunt like i am doing something fun tonight and i Know i will have fun but im SO anxious about the entire evening like dudeeeeeeee
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yeowvng · 7 months
i just wanna save every single frame sukuna shows up and admire them for hours
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verstarppen · 3 months
haiii plz ignore this if your requests are closed 🙇🏻‍♀️ but I'm begging you to give us george who's totally in love with someone from the camera crew and the drivers start making fun of him for it but it's all fluff ♥️
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summary; mercedes have a strict policy regarding office romance, but that can't stop Totally Spies because they can't read
pairing; george russell x fem! camera operator! reader [ no faceclaim ]
a/n; im so sorry if this isn't as funny as usual im rusted and dusted from exam season anyway HERE WE GOOO HERE WE GOOO ON A MISSION UNDERCOVER AND WE'RE IN CONTROL HERE WE GOO HERE WE GOOO WE'RE TOTALLY SPIES SO WE'LL GET ON WITH THE SHOW
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liked by charles_leclerc, landonorris, lilymhe and 625,801 others
alex_albon He's going to look back at this post and curse my entire bloodline isn't he
view all 100,384 comments
georgerussell63 Alright then, what's all this about
alex_albon It'll all be revealed in time... georgerussell63 Your old wizard impression is serving
scuderiayummy the f1 gc must be booming rn bc what does this even mean, alexander.
charlielecunt If I see "breaking news: george russell found dead in a ditch" in 30 mins I'm gonna lose it
pierreleftsock "time to take george to football, live up the bugatti weeee"
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liked by alex_albon, landonorris, charles_leclerc and 755,105 others
georgerussell63 I won in the name of the people
view all 200,005 comments
miss.sainz55 this is better than 95% of the enemies to lovers books i've read
typicallyleclerc what happened to the original plot of the movie
applenorizz bitches be like "can't stand her fake ass" 10 minutes later "me and the bestie"
landonorris i feel the urge to bash your head in a wall
georgerussell63 Digital footprint
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liked by 36rg, britney_alex_clover and 15 others
ynusername on a mission undercover and we're in control
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36rg Alexa, play "They Don't Know About Us" by One Direction
britney_alex_clover Now all you have to do is avoid being spotted together by the public eye, your boss, all of your friends, your family and also the entire human population
britney_alex_clover also please stop flirting on promo vid sets that shit is cringe as fuck britney_alex_clover I find it adorable britney_alex_clover no one cares what u think charles britney_alex_clover Wow. britney_alex_clover Guys britney_alex_clover Sorry britney_alex_clover Hello 👋 britney_alex_clover alright who let maximilian in 36rg Who let any of you menaces in britney_alex_clover careful loverboy, i've got HR on the phone 36rg And I know what you did with the trophy after Vegas britney_alex_clover OKAYYYY LET'S ALL JUST CALM DOWN britney_alex_clover what the fuck 36rg Eyes and ears everywhere, Norris britney_alex_clover Wait, is that why I still can't get it to light up? Did you break another one??? britney_alex_clover can someone ban max off this account thank you
britney_alex_clover and while you're at it can you tell the trophy company to start making trophies that look less edible
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pic credits: instagram and pinterest
blog taglist: @coffeehurricanes @iifloweringnightsii @jsjcue @lanando4 @fastcarsandshit @christianpulisic10 @allygatcr @marshmummy @ravisinghs-wife  (happy race week everyoneee im so glad to be back)
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