yumeurl · 3 days
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courfee · 11 hours
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Sirius stealing his best friend's son and jacket
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glossmmi · 2 days
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jily sketches have healing properties
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theodorenmyth · 3 days
Riddle brothers who’ve always been protective and possessive over reader who is oblivious to their behavior. One time a student was trying to ask reasserting for notes when Tom and mattheo popped up with scary expressions…the poor student almost pissed their pants😕. Like literally reader has scary dog(s) privilege. Some students might say that the reader tamed snakes metaphorically.
- 🎊anon
The Snake Tamer's Privilege
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Pairings : Tom Riddle x GN! Reader x Mattheo Riddle Summary : At Hogwarts, you unknowingly wield the protection of Tom and Mattheo Riddle. Their intimidating presence keeps others at bay, leading to rumors about your ability to "tame snakes." Despite the fear they inspire, you find safety and comfort in their constant, fierce loyalty. A/n : Enjoy (⁠・⁠∀⁠・⁠) Warnings) : Nothing! Word count : 1k+
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You’ve always thought Hogwarts was an enchanting place, with its high towers, moving staircases, and halls filled with ancient magic. It’s a world where mysteries and knowledge abound, and you’ve thrown yourself into your studies with enthusiasm. You’ve made friends, found favorite spots in the library, and discovered a love for potions. Yet, amidst all this wonder, you’ve remained blissfully unaware of the storm that rages around you.
“Hey, can I borrow your notes from last week’s potions class?” The timid voice of a fellow student pulls you from your thoughts. You look up, blinking as you recognize the boy from your house. He’s standing a few feet away, shifting nervously from foot to foot.
“Of course,” you say, offering him a friendly smile. “I’ve got them right here.”
You rummage through your bag, oblivious to the growing tension around you. It isn’t until you hand over the notes that you notice the student’s eyes widen in fear. He’s not looking at you anymore but at something behind you.
“Is there a problem?” you ask, turning to see what’s causing the commotion.
Standing there are Tom and Mattheo Riddle, their expressions dark and menacing. Tom’s piercing gaze seems to bore into the poor student, while Mattheo’s more casual demeanor does nothing to lessen the threatening aura he exudes.
“Is everything alright here?” Tom’s voice is calm, but there’s an edge to it that sends a shiver down your spine.
“Y-yes, I was just borrowing some notes,” the student stammers, his face paling.
“Notes?” Mattheo steps closer, his eyes narrowing. “You’re not bothering our dear friend, are you?”
The student looks like he’s about to collapse. “N-no, not at all! I’ll just… I’ll just return these later. Sorry to bother you!” He practically sprints away, clutching your notes as if they might save him.
You turn back to the Riddle brothers, confusion written all over your face. “What was that about? He just wanted to borrow some notes.”
Tom’s gaze softens when he looks at you, a small smile playing on his lips. “We were just making sure no one’s giving you a hard time.”
“Yeah,” Mattheo adds, his tone lighter now. “You never know what some people’s intentions might be.”
You chuckle, shaking your head. “I think you two scared him half to death. He’s probably going to be too terrified to even look at me now.”
Tom steps closer, his expression sincere. “We’re just looking out for you. Hogwarts can be a dangerous place.”
“Dangerous?” You raise an eyebrow. “It’s a school, not a battlefield.”
Mattheo laughs, throwing an arm around your shoulders. “You’d be surprised. Anyway, let’s get you to class. Don’t want you being late because of that little incident.”
As you walk with the Riddle brothers, you can’t help but notice how other students part ways for you, their eyes filled with a mixture of awe and fear. You’ve heard whispers, of course. A group of first-years were whispering among themselves, casting furtive glances your way. You could hear snippets of their conversation.
"Do you think it’s true? That Y/N tamed the Riddle brothers?"
"Must be. I saw them scare off a seventh-year the other day."
Rumors about how you’ve somehow managed to “tame” the Riddle brothers, metaphorically speaking. They call you the “Snake Tamer” behind your back, not that you understand why.
“Hey, can I ask you something?” you say, glancing between the two boys.
“Sure,” Mattheo replies, his grin widening. “What’s on your mind?”
“Why do people seem so scared of you two? I mean, I get that you’re both… intense, but it’s like they think you’re going to hex them or something.”
Tom chuckles softly. “People fear what they don’t understand. And we’re not exactly the most approachable people, I suppose.”
“But with you,” Mattheo interjects, “it’s different. You see us for who we are, not just the reputation that precedes us.”
You frown, trying to process this. “So, you’re saying people are scared of me by association?”
“More or less,” Tom says, his tone gentle. “But it’s not a bad thing. It means they won’t bother you. You have… how should I put it? Scary dog privileges.”
You laugh at that, shaking your head. “Scary dog privileges? That’s one way to put it. I just hope I don’t end up isolating myself because of it.”
“You won’t,” Mattheo assures you. “We’ll make sure of that.”
The days pass, and you become more aware of the way the Riddle brothers’ presence affects those around you. Students give you a wide berth, professors watch you with a mix of curiosity and caution, and the whispers follow you everywhere. But through it all, Tom and Mattheo remain by your side, their protectiveness both endearing and bewildering.
One afternoon, you’re sitting in the library, buried in a particularly challenging potions text, when a shadow falls over your book. You look up to see another student, this time a girl, her expression hesitant.
“Hi,” she says softly. “I was wondering if you could help me with something from potions class?”
Before you can respond, the Riddle brothers appear as if from nowhere, their presence looming.
“Something wrong?” Tom asks, his voice smooth but laced with warning.
The girl swallows hard, her eyes darting between you and the brothers. “N-no, nothing’s wrong. I just… I’ll come back later.” She scurries away, leaving you staring after her in exasperation.
“Guys, really?” you say, turning to face them. “She just wanted help with potions.”
“We’re just making sure no one takes advantage of you,” Mattheo says, his tone unapologetic.
You sigh, closing your book. “I appreciate it, really, but you’re going to scare off everyone at this rate.”
Tom’s expression softens. “We’ll try to be less… intimidating. For your sake.”
You smile, touched by their concern. “Thank you. I know you’re just looking out for me.”
As you gather your things, preparing to leave the library, you can’t help but feel a surge of gratitude. Hogwarts might be full of mysteries and dangers, but with Tom and Mattheo Riddle by your side, you know you’re safe. After all, not everyone can say they’ve tamed the metaphorical snakes of the school.
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regulus-rietveld · 2 days
James potter waking up his besties in animagus form by shaking his head near the bed's curtains until it comes off and gets tangled in his antlers and he's just prancing around the room creating chaos.
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moonlightdancer26 · 3 days
Snape kneeling in Sirius’s room having a mental breakdown while surrounded with half-naked posters of Muggle women:
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moonstainn · 5 hours
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A smoke
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ladyanthony · 2 days
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Draco getting off the hogwarts express for 8th year and seeing harry for the first time since the war
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nyx-greenwood99 · 24 hours
Proposing alternative post-war Severus?
Healthier and greying, maybe two years after? Please let me know what you think, I'd love to draw more of him healthy :)
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cat-alvarez · 15 hours
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Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban (2004), dir. Alfonso Cuaron - 20 Years Anniversary, June 2004
"Mischief Managed!"
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lepra-art · 1 day
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Granger was the only one who gave Draco the second chance ❤️‍🩹
Happy Birthday to our slytherin prince!
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loz-tearsofahomo · 2 days
James: Chat, how do we feel about this?
Remus: stop calling us that.
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verderbensart · 11 hours
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I wanted something manhwa-esque, and I did it
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percesdead · 20 hours
'bitchy' james potter who lashes out at barty and evan when they try to mock him and his friends in the halls. who has to step out of classes because he's seconds away from hexing someone. who snaps at the people who swarm him asking 'what's wrong?', because he's allowed to have a bad day. who punches his walls. who isn't all sunshine and rainbows, but a real person with real emotions
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theodorenmyth · 3 days
Hello! Can I request M.R x reader x T.N. angst to fluff on where reader had always been a talkative person. Like literally love talking about funny things, but then suddenly someone like a student had snapped on them to just “shut the fuck up.” And it completely upsets them because they never wanted to be ‘annoying to others’. It just ends up with reader to stop talking a lot or just stop talking at all. And the duo both notice this when they are relaxing and reader is just staring down blankly. Soon reader reveals in sobs and the rest is your to end this request!
ok i have been fucking ITCHING to post this and my drafts. so my breaks over and im posting again!
Echoes of Silence
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Pairings : Theodore Nott x M! Reader x Mattheo Riddle Summary : When a hurtful comment shatters your talkative nature, you withdraw into silence, fearing you've become a burden to your partners, Mattheo and Theo. But as they notice the change, they rally to reassure you of your worth, showing that their love and acceptance will always drown out the echoes of negativity. A/n : Enjoy (⁠・⁠∀⁠・⁠) Warnings) : angst to fluff Word count : 1k+
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It had always been your nature to talk. You loved sharing stories, cracking jokes, and simply enjoying the company of your friends. Whether it was in the Great Hall, during classes, or in the common room, your voice was a constant presence. Among them, you were always a noticeable presence, your voice bright and lively, filling the air with stories, jokes, and observations.
The way you filled the silence with your animated chatter was something Mattheo and Theodore adored about you. They would often exchange amused glances, fondly shaking their heads as you went off on another entertaining tangent.
But today was different.
You were in the middle of an animated story about an experiment gone wrong when a student from the back of the room interrupted, voice cutting through the air like a knife.
"Would you just shut the fuck up for once?"
The room fell silent, all eyes on you. The words hit you like a physical blow, your face draining of color as you stared at the student, mouth agape. Professor Snape, who usually had a sharp retort for any disruption, said nothing, merely raising an eyebrow before returning to his notes. The laughter that followed from the other students was the final straw.
You felt a burning sensation in your chest, a mix of embarrassment and something else—hurt. You quickly closed your mouth, your eyes stinging with unshed tears. You didn't say another word for the rest of the class, your usual lively presence replaced by an uncharacteristic silence.
Days passed, and Mattheo and Theodore began to notice the change. The once vibrant conversations had dwindled to nothing, and your usual spot in the common room, where you would hold court with your stories, was now just a silent void.
One evening, the three of you were sitting in the Slytherin common room, the fire casting flickering shadows on the walls. Mattheo and Theodore were discussing the upcoming Quidditch match, but you were unusually quiet, staring blankly at the fireplace.
"Hey, baby," Mattheo nudged you gently, concern etched on his face. "You've been awfully quiet lately. What's going on?"
You blinked, tearing your gaze away from the flames. "Nothing, just tired," you muttered, forcing a small smile that didn't reach your eyes.
Theodore frowned, leaning forward. "This isn't like you. Did something happen?"
You shook your head, but the tears you'd been holding back finally spilled over. You tried to brush them away quickly, but it was too late. Both Mattheo and Theodore were at your side in an instant, their concern turning into alarm.
"Y/N, talk to us," Mattheo said softly, his hand resting on your shoulder. "Please."
You took a shaky breath, your voice trembling. "I… I just… I never wanted to be annoying to anyone. I thought… I thought people liked me talking, but…" You couldn't hold back the sobs any longer, burying your face in your hands. "Someone told me to shut up in class. They said I was annoying. And… and everyone laughed. I didn't want to be a bother, so I just stopped talking."
Mattheo’s eyes darkened with anger. “Who said that to you?”
“It doesn’t matter,” you whispered, wiping at your tears. “They were right. I need to learn to be quieter.”
The room was silent for a moment, the weight of your confession hanging in the air. Then, Theodore pulled you into a tight hug, his usually stoic demeanor breaking as he whispered, "You're not annoying, Y/N. We love hearing you talk. Don't let one idiot silence you."
Mattheo joined the hug, his arms wrapping around both you and Theodore. “Theo’s right. Don’t let some idiot’s words make you doubt yourself. You bring so much light into our lives with your stories and your laughter. Please, don’t stop being you.”
The warmth and sincerity in their voices brought fresh tears to your eyes, but these were tears of relief. You buried your face in Theodore’s shoulder, feeling the weight of your insecurities start to lift.
“I’m sorry,” you whispered. “I just… I didn’t want to be a burden.”
“You could never be a burden,” Theodore murmured, pressing a kiss to your temple.
“Exactly,” Mattheo added, his voice firm. “We love you, just the way you are. And if anyone has a problem with that, they can answer to us.”
A small smile tugged at your lips at Mattheo’s protective tone. “Thank you,” you said softly. “I’m so lucky to have you both.”
“We’re the lucky ones,” Theodore replied, his eyes shining with affection.
Mattheo nodded, squeezing your shoulder. “And don’t you ever forget it.”
You smiled through your tears, the warmth of their embrace filling the void left by the harsh words. You realized that with Mattheo and Theodore by your side, you could face anything. And slowly, you felt the spark of your old self returning, ready to shine brightly once more.
"Feel better?" Mattheo asked, his eyes soft with concern and affection.
"Yeah," you admitted, nodding. "A lot better."
"Good," Theo said, kissing your forehead gently. "Because we need your stories to keep us entertained."
"And to keep us sane," Mattheo added, ruffling your hair.
You laughed, the sound bright and unburdened. "I can definitely do that."
The three of you sat there for a while, wrapped in each other’s embrace. Slowly but surely, the tension began to drain from your body. You knew it would take time to fully shake off the sting of the Ravenclaw’s harsh words, but with Mattheo and Theo by your side, you felt stronger.
As the fire crackled and the evening wore on, you found yourself opening up again. Tentatively at first, but then with more confidence as Mattheo and Theo encouraged you with their smiles and laughter.
By the time you all headed to bed, you felt lighter, more like yourself. And as you drifted off to sleep, sandwiched between Mattheo and Theo, you knew that no matter what, you had two people who loved you unconditionally. And that made all the difference in the world.
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t1oui · 2 days
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i uh
i might've gotten an idea for another wip
this (jegulus raising harry) will probably be a small part of it but i just had this scene in my brain so i wrote it
it's a muggle high school au where harry's just transferred to a new school and is a new student along with hermione :))
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