#Hades 2 Spoilers
bigolialragu · 3 days
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lazychimken · 1 day
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More Hypnos featuring his very disfunctional family
I actually like thinking about the possible dynamic Hypnos and Eris could’ve had, considering they are (supposedly) Nyx’s youngest children as well as the ones who have complicated relationships with her. Maybe they found comfort in being like the disappointments in their family and they both have a history of getting involved in things they shouldn’t be sticking their noses into (Hypnos putting Zeus to sleep twice + Eris basically causing the Trojan War). Idk I think these two would just goof around with each other knowing that the other wouldn’t get mad and be their true selves.
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wentian · 3 days
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HADES II gifs (5/?) Actually, yes. *shows up with the Aspect of Momus and Wave Flourish*
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xxcrystalinerose · 2 days
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I've been waiting for this in particular and there are some very interesting looking keepsakes so let's talk about them!
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Hecate's is just the sigil we can find on and around characters allied with the Unseen (Nemesis) or witches (Medea, Circe). So I'm going to assume the sigil itself is called the Silver Wheel.
I had to research what Odysseus' is supposed to be (because I haven't ever read the Odyssey) but it turns out this is a type of game of chance called knucklebones? Interestingly it's something taught by Palamedes to his countrymen during the Trojan War, and Palamedes was the guy whose trickery forced Odysseus into the War and Od never forgave him (in most accounts, Od also killed him later). Oof.
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I've wanted to make keepsake-based art for these, but since I don't know what they're supposed to be I was forced to speculate. But I don't need to any longer!
Nem's keepsake is... a literal evil eye charm. I don't know what I expected really! But it has a thread on it, so maybe Nem wears it on her armor? Hung on the back of her cuirass perhaps, to ward off malice directed against her back as she leaves after dealing retribution?
The skull on Moros' keepsake looks adorably polite (just like the man). I like that the 'pin' part is similar to one of those tiny sewing pins. It has the color of the Fates on it; did they give this to him? From its appearance, it's likely the Pin was supposed to be worn to fasten his sash.
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Hermes' keepsake is a vial of mercury. Also known as quicksilver. 100/100 pun game and mythological reference here, Supergiant.
Artemis' keepsake is likely a reference to the sacred hind of Artemis, which is said to have golden antlers (likely represented by the golden accessories on the antlers).
Heracles' keepsake is from the name itself without a doubt a fang from the Nemean Lion, whose pelt he is also wearing on his person (my favorite iteration of this trope by the way).
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Medea's is almost definitely the Golden Fleece, but looked like that either due to her curses, vengeance, or she just decided to singe it out of spite, as the in-game name is blackened fleece. The Medea we meet in game is likely her after enacting vengeance against Jason (can we see what's left of him? Or his shade? Please?).
I did not expect Circe's to be an ADORABLE pink crystal piggie. I wonder if SGG will discuss Circe's tendency to curse people into animals, judging by the pink sheep pigs on her island... and the entire Odysseus situation, because hoo boy.
Icarus' keepsake is a slightly modified Daedalus hammer. It doesn't look that much different, maybe to signify his doubt of his own skills and his belief that he will never escape his father's legacy and shadow? He's not yet found the courage to come into his own.
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pinkbarbiecowboy · 2 days
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brainrotwall · 2 days
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"I once created a similar arrangement with a different Spawn of Hades. He was an interesting subject. The interval since last we met grows ever-longer now. Do you know his status? Respond."
Yaaaaaay Chaoooos
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trans-zag · 12 hours
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saw this post and hyeah this is the doomwitch dynamic to me
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sistersofsilver · 2 days
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you, your son and now your daughter have a trait called death defiance i'm not entirely sure why you thought this was going to work out for you? related: I MISS ZAG SO MUUUUUUCHHHHHHH
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verndusk · 1 day
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the engraved pin stays ON!!!!!!
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galedekarios · 2 days
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fighting polyphemus is infinitely more funny if you have the knuckle bones equipped
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transmortifried · 1 day
wait a minute it just clicked for me
eris (strife) calls melinoë trouble, thus making them trouble and strife
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she's down BAD, huh?
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foundfamilyhq · 3 days
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acebender · 13 hours
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helendamnationx · 9 hours
Arachne is! A potential love interest!!!
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All aboard the good ship WeaverWitch!
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magnusbae · 19 hours
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trying to collect the boons be like: nothing or all, your choice.
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