#Hana Tsu
mvfm-25 · 1 month
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" Murder and mayhem interrupted by frequent dressing and undressing! "
GamePro Magazine n148 - January, 2001.
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panzerdrako · 3 months
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flowerakatsuka · 15 days
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denki!kuroba has plagued my mind for the past 24 hours so it's time to drop their design & lore. ( bonus + more lore under the cut! )
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( ya'll knew i had to find a way to shoehorn kurokara into this au SOMEHOW. )
while they don't meet during the events of six idol statues of taboo, kuroha does eventually get to meet chorosuke's recently reunited brothers afterwards. strangely enough, it seems that karatsugu knows who they are. kuroha's life before the accident was much like the one kuroba lives ; having attended college for horticulture and working at their grandfather's floral shop. karatsugu and kuroha had known each other for a long time, having become friends in high school and staying quite close into adulthood. because of this, he was absolutely devastated when they suddenly disappeared a year and a half ago while on the way to visit family in yokohama. there were no reports of any crashes or deaths, no missing people found, nothing. it was as if they were spirited away, never to be heard of again. upon learning this, kuroha is rather distraught. even though his face is so familiar to them, the past he recounts to them refuses to come back to them. something they had been keeping a secret from the others at the midorito estate was that they had begun to recollect some things, but what they remembered seemed more like strange dreams than any memories they should have. memories of traveling with mononoke, fighting in gang wars, fending off youkai, a life much like what karatsugu described but not exactly the same... and in all of those memories, the six same faces, so eerily similar yet unsettling different. the most prominent of them all being the faces just like karatsugu's. they aren't sure why these strange memories are all they can recall, perhaps they're finally losing it, but with the brothers' help, kuroha might be able to figure out the true meaning behind them and even remember their life in this universe along the way.
ALSO, a quick explanation of denki!kuroba's name!
( fair warning : my understanding of japanese is very rudimentary so i may have made some mistakes in my translation or how names are written. please let me know if that's the case and i'll correct anything i've gotten wrong! )
kuroba / クロバ -> kuroha / 黒葉 ( くろは )
kuroba's name is written in katakana while kuroha's is written in kanji ( with furigana written in hiragana. )
kuroba's first name comes from クローバー ( kurōbā ) meaning clover. when the dakuten from バ ( ba ) is removed, it becomes ハ ( ha. ) the equivalent of ハ in hiragana is は, which is used in the furigana for kuroha's name. the kanji used for kuroha is 黒 ( kuro ) meaning black and 葉 ( ha ) meaning leaf.
yotsubana / 四つ花 ( ヨツバナ ) -> shinigusa / 死に草 ( しにグサ )
yotsubana comes from 四つ葉 ( yotsuba ) meaning four-leaved, notably used in the japanese for four-leaved clover / 四つ葉のクローバー ( yotsuba no kurōbā. ) the kanji for ba in youtsuba is swapped for 花 ( hana, ) which can be read has bana like in the surname tachibana. as a result, their surname can be read as " four flowers. "
the 四 ( yo ) from yotsubana, which can also be read as shi, becomes 死 ( shi, ) meaning death. the adverbializer に ( ni ) replaces つ ( tsu. ) the kanji for hana is replaced with 花 ( kusa, ) which is lifted from a synonym for clover, 詰草 ( tsumekusa. ) kusa becomes gusa as an instance of rendaku. their surname can be roughly read as " dead(ly) grass. "
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hi hi!! can i request a non binary reader who catches their to boyfriends, hana and tsu cheating on them with nene, and they go to teru and akane for comfort? oneshot please. <3
We will always be there for you❣︎
Warnings: cheating
A/n: hello hello!!
Ngl this pushed me out of my comfort zone but I wanted to post it anyways- 
However, I did skip the cheating scene because I felt sick writing it I’m sorry 
I don’t like writing character x character stuff and I feel uncomfortable writing it so I hope you don’t mind that I skipped it
I hope you enjoy and have a great day or night<33
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You cried as you ran down the old school building halls. Your legs were weak and you would occasionally lose your balance, but you continued running. Your eyes were puffy and you wanted to scream but you knew that this wasn’t the place to do so. 
You felt sick to your stomach. 
You wanted to leave the school, you couldn’t bear the thought of seeing Tsukasa and Hanako again. You thought they loved you… 
You ran out of the building, running to the new school building. You ran out of breath, stopping for a moment to breathe. More tears ran down your eyes thinking about what you saw. 
“Y/n… what happened..?” You heard the school prince's voice, him quickly going to your side. You flinched to his touch, your body weak and your heart crushed. 
“Hanako and Tsukasa…” You tried to hold back tears “I caught them kissing Nene…!” You hugged Teru tightly, crying in his arms. You felt him hug you back, stroking your back softly. 
“I’m so sorry… ghosts aren’t the nicest creatures..” He tried to calm you down. Akane opened the door of the student council room, his heart dropping when he saw you crying. 
“What happened?” He asked as he made his way over to you. 
“She was cheated on..” Teru told Akane with a heavy sigh. You could tell they were slightly angry, however, they held it back wanting to comfort you instead. Akane placed a hand on your head, stroking your hair softly. 
“I’ll go get you some water… just try to control your breathing, okay..?” You whispered softly to you and you nodded. He left you with Teru who held you tightly. 
“I know it’s hard… but I promise as time goes on, it gets easier..” Teru wanted to comfort you. 
“I never thought they would… I never thought they would cheat on me…” You found it hard to breathe, only crying more. 
“I know, but at least for right now I need you to breathe for me…” He raised your head out of his chest so you could get more air. You tried to calm down your breathing, missing the air in your  lungs. 
“It will be okay… just focus on the sound of my voice.. I won’t ever leave you” His voice was as delicate as honey, wanting you to feel comfortable. Your breathing started to slow down as he whispered words of comfort to you. 
“I’m back” Akane held a bottle of water and a little snack from the vending machine. 
“Thank you, Akane..” You took the water and snack from him, taking a sip from the bottle. 
“I never thought that they would do something like this…” You felt more tears form in your eyes. 
“Supernaturals can be cruel…” Akane cupped your cheeks and made you look at him “But we promise, we will always be there for you no matter what”
Tagging~ @bladethrowsshade @sleepless-simp @stuckindreamland06
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Fantasy au designs and lore post!!
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So~ here are my fantasy au designs and some good old character lore!
There will be another post for plot, but here’s the link to the main worldbuilding and lore post.
Info and more characters are under the cut (it’s gonna get long):
(Can’t remember if I said smth about this but star fae have star shaped markings that these two have and hide)
So, Tsunagu is half elf, half star fae, and is an elven prince.
His father was an elven king, his mother was a star fae queen.
His father found her fleeing from the village they were destroying, had a change of heart when he saw her (fell in love ooo)
He kept her safe in the palace and tried to convince the others to stop their fae-hunting and let them live in peace but they eventually rebelled against him
They had twins, Tsunagu and his sister. His mother was said to just be a "very magical elf witch" to protect them all
One day, mother got killed and Tsu’s father found her and raised the children by himself
Over time, the king had to tell them about who they were in order for them to hide it so they stayed safe
Unfortunately, darkness took over their kingdom, a dark elf (evil one, very bad) came and killed their father, taking over the kingdom and planting himself as king
Tsunagu follows orders and goes with all the dark and cruel things he says and does in order to keep his sister safe
His sister looked after a crystal necklace, given to them by their mother. She gives it to Tsunagu one day, and tells him to find the piece that it has been split from (it was in a very certain shape, making it clear it had been forcefully split in half - they didnt know what it was) 
This means he follows orders to lead an army into a forest to find and raid one of the last big fae kingdoms
He wields incredibly strong light magic, and can summon special kinds of plants and vines in particular. Isn't great at healing, but he is learning.
His star fae marking is on his neck, which he hides with his clothes and concealing magic.
His sword holds a star beacon piece and was giften to him by his father.
He is nicknamed "the blessed prince" bc of his strong magic
Is afraid of revealing who he is because of how fast star fae (even part star fae) get hunted.
Shinya is fully Star Fae, and is the King of one of the last biggest Fae Kingdoms.
Born to the last star fae village, fled when it was destroyed. He was a small child and his parents had been captured
He got taken in by a close (regular) fae kingdom, and the king and queen protected him and raised him as their own alongside their daughter. (hana - my pink fairy sister oc)
((i should mention that he had wings. A lot of Star fae do.))
One day, when he was like- a teenager, the kingdom was attacked and the king was killed, the queen fell ill shortly after and died
Shinya lost his wings protecting his new sister, and eventually the attackers retreated
She appointed Shinya as the new king, because he had shown that he would protect their people and that is how he became king (at a young age)
Him being star fae also meant that his magic could create a protective bubble against the dark, protecting his people
He holds the other half to Tsunagu's piece of the Fallen Star crystal. It was split many many years ago, where two star fae lovers were drawn apart. They split the crystal piece into two, so that they could find each other again.
(unfortunately they never did, but ig maybe they had this chance in a new life ;) )
Naturally, he has strong light magic and can use it to heal very well and create flowers and new sprouts.
He seems incredibly cold and kinda harsh at first, but he's just very protective of his people.
His people do know that he is a Star Fae, but there is a sort of like- vow- for it to never be told to anyone else. (and they are more than happy to not say anything, shinya keeps em safe they like him lol)
Short "how they meet" and their dynamic:
Tsunagu stumbles across the kingdom and gets greeted (at knifepoint) by Shinya at the river bordering the kingdom.
Tsunagu does not want to hurt fae, but he is kinda with an army of elves searching for that very village- so he doesn't believe him.
(even though he was actually looking for the village to warn them all)
He gets knocked out and taken to the fae kingdom, and he wakes up tied to a chair in the middle of a hall like “okay- i was willing to come here why did i get knocked out :(”
Cue Shinya making his proper entrance in his regal clothes and Tsunagu maybe stops functioning for a minute bc god damn he's Hot.
Elves are approaching too close and so Tsunagu begs for him to let him go talk to them and so he (reluctantly) does.
Tsu tells them to return to camp. And so he goes off with them, leaving the fae kingdom safe
their dynamic is basically just:
"enemies to lovers" but they're only enemies because they're supposed to be and - "I don't trust you, get out." "you...you strapped me to this chair- i don't wanna kill you??"
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Aizawa is a human with no magic. He is an assassin and a ranger.
What he doesn't know, is that he has some royal blood - but he doesn't care about that when he does find out.
His mother was a maid in a small human kingdom, and she got pregnant by one of the princes in the palace she worked at. She ran away to be safe
A kind fae witch took her in and Shouta was born, but shortly after, she died of illness
The fae witch raised him enough for him to provide for himself and left him in a bigger human kingdom (it wasn't safe and his mother had asked her to do this)
He grew up not understanding why he had been abandoned and survived by scavenging and roaming around.
He met Hizashi as a kid, and they became friends, until the two kingdoms fell apart and he could no longer see him.
As he grew older, he became an assassin -not by choice- and started going on dangerous missions for the human kingdom.
(i haven't decided what his piece should be yet, but I'll figure it out soon /lh)
Since he has no magic, he fights physically very well and with short sharp weapons.
Hizashi is an elven prince, and is constantly kept inside and not allowed to leave the kingdom without close supervision
His fathers are very overprotective but caring, but he gets really bored and wants to explore
(even though he is. terrified. of the outside world.)
When he was a kid, he met Aizawa and they became best friends.
When they separated, he gave Shouta his crystal necklace as their "Promise" that they would get back to each other some day
He grows up and grows into his princely duties, but part of him still wondered if Shouta was still alive.
He wields relatively strong light magic and can use it to manipulate the breeze as his strong point
How they meet in the main plot and dynamic:
Shouta gets sent on a mission to assassinate Hizashi, basically, and he sets off knowing fully well that he could not do this, and that this was the time he runs away
He prays that he will remember him
Climbs into his window and, of course, we have a classic "who tf are you and how are you in my bedroom?????" moment
Until Shouta very quickly reveals his face, they have a short sweet reunion, and he explains they have to leave.
Mic agrees within seconds and just whips out his readily-packed-in-case-of-running-away-emergency bag, and off they go
Shouta returns the necklace in a very emotional sweet moment a few days later when they are safe, and they are now just on the run and out in the wild, happily
Childhood friends to lovers - "You came back...thank you" "I promised, didn't I?"
(aka i give them enough angst in my canon hcs and other aus they deserve this one)
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(if it's not already known, Higari gets all my favourite tropes and design elements all the time- i swear its not favouritism, i swear shush shush /lh)
Higari is half dwarf, half dragon shifter.
He is an exiled dwarven general and a blacksmith :)
His mother was a dragon shifter that got captured by his father (a dwarven warrior). He was an asshole haha a bastard, a complete awful fuck-
Anyway his mother got pregnant with him and managed to run away for a bit and entrusted him to a lovely couple that looked after her before she was captured for good.
Higari was raised as a “dwarf” by the lovely couple that owned a smithy. They told him who he was and everything. He disguised himself as a full dwarf and grew up like that.
Eventually he got into the dwarven army, becoming one of the strongest generals.
(he just claimed that he had distant fae ancestors, which was the reason for some of his non-dwarf-like features)
But, one day they wanted to send them out on a mission to capture dragon shifters to use them to look for gold.
He outright refused in front of the king, the other soldiers and everyone. He refused by basically just stepping down right then and there. Obviously he couldn't say why, but he could not take these warriors to kill/capture innocents (like his mother)
He got ridiculed for this and exiled.
He cannot enter the palace, he cannot fight, and if he leaves the kingdom he can't return
Higari is honestly fine with this, he goes back to the smithy and just lives an easy life. Being half dragon shifter makes that not so easy, but as easy as he could.
Uses very strong and particular dark magic, and can sense magic and treasures and all sorts of those things.
His axe holds a piece of the beacon and he made it himself
When he was exiled, his Axe was taken from him and was gifted to another dwarven king as a "peace" offering
Since he is both dragon shifter and dwarf, he can make The Strongest Weapons in almost no time :)
His eyes give away his dragon shifter self, and he wears those lil metal claw things to cover up dark markings on his fingertips
Is the embodiment of Identity Crisis in this au <3
The soliders that followed him and agreed with him also got exiled. (his two children- i mean, closest friends and soldiers are thirteen and cementoss)
He doesn't know how to shift into a dragon
Oh boy, here we go... /lh
Ecto is an elf, an elven prince to a lovely (and the least problematic) elven kingdom.
He used light magic and was a strong fighter and was often leading any battles that needed to be fought, but well, one day in these battles:
He died :)
They couldn’t find his body, but he did die.
Parents and kingdom are left to mourn him after the battle, and his good ol bestie snipe doesnt wanna believe that hes dead. (this is purely out of denial, he knows he is dead.)
Ecto wakes up in a dark cave-like room, very confused as to where he was and how he got there.
Turns out he got revived by a soulwatcher, but he didnt know why. The soulwatcher simply explained that a time would come where he would understand, but it was important that he was revived.
A few weeks pass and ecto finds out more about himself. 
He lost his legs, those apparently couldn't be replaced. He died, but he was now alive. He had skeletal features….
And he was now a wielder of dark magic instead of light magic. A certain type of dark magic too, one that he didn't fully understand.
The soulwatcher taught him the basics and how to conceal himself to look like how he used to. 
He was going to go back home and act like nothing happened, and that he was okay.
Snipe found him and was like “okay- man- i know i said i wasn’t believing you were dead but you literally got stabbed in front of me why are you alive???”
He explains everything to him bc….besties /lh and they return home.
Everyone rejoices and everything returns to how it was, except he pretends that his magic is weaker bc of the injury so he doesnt use it (bc haha dark magic now)
The soulwatcher gave him a staff with a certain crystal in the end of it. He simply said “it'll come in useful” and ecto has to just explain that a kind wizard healed him and gave it to him to help him get around.
His usual legs are made of wood but enchanted with dark magic to make them look and act normal. He had to explain that to his parents and they were like ????
And his face appears normal to others bc of magic
But (like in the designs) unmasked Ecto has shadow magic legs and his skeletal face <3
Since he is now a soulwatcher, he gets random visions and can interact with the dead.
How they met and dynamic:
Ecto's kingdom was visiting Higari's and Ecto's sword breaks during training but no royal blacksmiths can fix it bc it's "too difficult" (elvish and magic blade)
He ends up going for a walk and a civilian tells him about Higari's smithy so he goes in
Higari takes his sword and says it'll be an easy fix, and that he should come back in a day. Ecto is shocked but happily obliges.
Higari instantly knows that something is off and can sense the dark magic both on him and the sword
He also kinda fixes it immediately with the help of his own dark magic
They meet up the next evening when Ecto comes to pick up his sword, can't find Higari, walks into a lil training area around the back and almost gets hit by an axe that Higari threw at him on instinct
They have a slightly ??? dynamic, idk how to label it - "You've got secrets, should I trust you as much as I am right now?" "You also have secrets...let's figure them out together"
but also
"everyone thinks i kidnapped you D:" "but you didn't?? This was my idea???"
The characters get to go on their own separate journeys and adventures, and they all lead to the same point in the end! The journeys and bonds they make separately all contribute to the shared goal of saving the world from darkness :D
I wanted to do more characters (in particular: all three of mirukyubami, hawks, thirteen and cementoss) but this is already long as it is so just these guys for now!
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nagishiro · 1 year
● — finished (completed), ○ — finished (ongoing), ◎ — reading, ♡ — favorite, □ — next to read, ◇ — meh, ★ — use
100% perfect girl
24 colors - hatsukoi no palette
7th time loop: the villainess enjoys a carefree life married to her worst enemy
aaa by fukushima haruka
a hedgehog in love
ai wo kataru nara hisoyaka ni | talk about love secretly
akatsuki no yona
assassination classroom
genderless danshi ni ai sarete imasu | my androgynous boyfriend
akagami no shirayukihime | snow white with red hair
blue lock ○♡ #200
boku no hero academia | my hero academia
bokura ga ai wo sakebu toki | when we shout for love
bougyaku no kokekko | attack on cocks
charai hayama ni kyun to kita
chainsaw man
colette wa shinu koto ni shita | colette decides to die
cool na otto wo koi ni otosu houhou | how to make you cool husband fall in love
dekinai futari
dekiai yakuza ni wa amayakasarenai! | i will not be spoiled by a doting gangster! 
douse, koishite shimaunda | ○♡
fundari kettari aishetari ○
futari de koi wo suru riyuu □
gekkan shoujo nozaki-kun | monthly girls nozaki-kun
gokushufudou: the way of the house husband 
haru x kiyo
haru matsu bokura
haru to arashi
hatsu haru
hamuko to gao kun
hayaku shitai futari | let's do it already
hana to kuchizuke
hananoi kun to no amai
hajimari no niina
high school debut
henachoko kyuuketsuki wa ookami kishi no chi ga hoshii
hosaka sensei no ai no muchi
honey (meguro amu)
houkago, kare to kekkon shimasu
hoshoku sha kisumi kun
honey come honey
honnou switch
houshin shinai engi
ima, koi wo shite imasu
itazura na kiss
i have a second chance at life, so i’ll pamper my yandere boyfriend for a happy ending!
jibaku shounen hanako kun ○♡
jujutsu kaisen ○♡ #204
kaichou wa maid sama
kaichou-kun no shimobe
kabocha to mayonnaise
karen ichijou tempts him ( has a sequel too)
kantan dakedo mendokusai
kaiju no. 8 ○♡
kiyoku, yamashiku, modokashiku
kiss de fusaide, bare naide ○♡ #18
kieta hatsukoi
kimi wa girlfriend
kimi to yuriika
kimi ga inakya
kimi ga kirai na koi no hanashi
kimi ni happiness
kimi ni todoke
kokokara wa otona no jikandesu
koi ni dokubari
koi shitagari no blue
koisuru nante kiitenai
kurosaki-san no ichizuna ai ga tomaranai
kurosaki-kun no iinari ni nante naranai
kamisama hajimemashita
koisuru hetare wa itsumo bukiyou
kaguya sama: love is war
kuchi ga saketemo kimi ni wa / even if you slit my mouth ○ #28
kuzu no tadashii aishi kata
kaodake ja suki ni narimasen ○♡ #
love com
lovely complex
luce to shiro no keiyaku
megane, tokidoki, yankee-kun ○ #9
miniamaru kareshi ○
mikansei demo koi ga ii
mizutama honey boy
mindori no tomarigi
my boyfriend in orange
mellow boy friend
mousou shoujo | daydream lover
nanohana no kare
naisho ja tarinai yo
nanairo kakumei
namaikizakari | cheeky boy ○
namete, kazitte, tokidoki medete
natsuaki-kun wa kyou mo kokuhaku shitai
nisekoi doumei
nijiiro days
nidome no isekai shounen datta kare wa toshiue kishi ni nari dekiai shitekuru
omukae shibuya-kun
ookami shoujo to kuro ouji
ookamidomo no shitsukekata
ore monogatari
orange marmalade
osananajimi to no arekore
otonari complex
paperbag-kun is in love
paradise kiss
pink to habanero □ (the ml is so fucking hot & he wears glasses)
primitive boyfriend
reitetsu ouji wa dekiai no soshitu ga aru kamoshirenai
renai allergy
sakamoto days □
shikimori's not just a cutie □
special a
sono bisque doll wa koi wo suru | my dress-up darling
sorairo lemon to mayoi neko
suit no sukima
suki ni naranai yo, senpai
sukitte ii na yo
sk8 infinity □
slow jet coaster
studio cabana
tama no gohoubi
tougen anki □
tonari no kaibitsu-kun by robico
torokeru tsumugi-chan
tsukako no konkatsu death game
tusbaki chou lonely planet □
tsue to tsurugi no wistoria
tsu jk to hajin kyoushi
tsurenai kanojo no hitorijime
the story of our unlikely love ●♡
the wife who can read her husband's mind
trashiest boy-toy exorcist ren-kun
usagi-kun no shitsukekata |
uruwashi no yoi no tsuki | in the clear moonlit dusk
uso kano
unmei no hito ni deau hanashi | the story of how i met the man of my dreams
vanitas no carte
watashi wa okazu senpai ni taberaretai | i dream of being eaten by enokida
watashi no shiawasena kekkon | my happy marriage
watashi no shiiku gakari-kun
watashi to otto to otto no kareshi
watashi no ookami-kun
wotaku ni koi wa muzukashii
when we shout for love
watashi o kazatte
yamada-kun to 7-nin no majo
loving yamada kun to lv999 ○♡ #80
yubisaki to renren □
zakuro oshigiri
zettai ni tokimeite wa ikenai! | we must never fall in love
Hana Yori Dango / Hana Nochi Hare (Season 2)
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the-amazing-wonderss · 11 months
RULE + Mods introductions
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Hello students welcome to our blog! This blog was made mainly for fun and is currently being run by 2 Mods. It is targeted towards writing for Self-inserts requests only, so we won't be taking any requests under the pretence of it being: CharacterxCharacter or OCxCharacter. Thank you for your understanding and enjoy your stay!
General Rules: -We have every right to refuse certain requests that do not meet the following for rules, or it makes us uncomfortable. -Character limit for HCs: 1-5 -Character limit for Prompts/Alphabets: 1-2 -Genre of writing that is okay: Fluff, Angst -Things that are not okay to mention, send, or request: Pedophilia, Incest, Trauma dumps (Please seek professional help, we aren't and will not be your therapists), Rude/Demanding asks or requests (Be nice and wait patiently).
Optional Rules: -Specifying which Mod you'd prefer to write your request. It isn't a requirement but it'll most definitely help! [If the request doesn't mention a mod, we'll just go with the content of the requests or decide for ourselves.] -Leaving an emoji at the end of your request or asks will help us know if you're a regular or not! Again, it isn't a requirement for you to do this, but it helps us know either way! [With every emoji anon we get, we'll slowly start making tags for them. We can't guaranteed there'll be a tag instantly made for them, depending if there's already an emoji anon using the emoji or if we're too busy to add it, but it'll show up eventually!] -If there's ever something you're wondering we'll write for, please come and ask us, before or in your requests! We promise we don't bite yet -Our asks are always open for discussions, not just requesting! So please hop by and talk with one of us, or both!!
Tags: - #Discussions - #Spoiler-Discussions Anons: No ghosts here yet!
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"It's just... Whenever I look at that rock, I feel like I could go anywhere. But... I've made up my mind now, I'm not going anywhere."
Name(s): Mod Hanako, Hana chan, Hakujoudai, 👻 Pronouns: Any Birthday: October 12th
What I'll write for: - Female or GN readers only - Mostly HCs - Angst, Hurt/Comfort - Interactions (with a specified character or it'll be as Hanako)
What I won't write for: - Smut - Some spoilers
My personal tags: - #👻 (Mod Hanako's writing) - #👻-Talks (Conversation with Mod Hanako) Something about myself: - Faves: I love everyone equally, including (Looks at smudged handwriting) t...uh...un..nat...Natsuhiko. - I'm, unfortunately, caught up on the manga. - Hasn't slept for 100 years! Let's go!
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"I'm a supernatural. For the right price, I will grant the wish of whoever summons me."
Name(s): Mod Tsukasa, Tsu chan, Kokujoudai, ☠️ Pronouns: Any but usually uses She/They Birthday: July 5th
What I'll write for: - Female or GN readers only - Mostly HCs - Fluff, Crack, Hurt/Comfort - Interactions (with a specified character or it'll be as Tsukasa) - Yandere-ish themes - Suggestive themes that aren't borderline Smut
What I won't write for: - Smut - Manga Spoilers (List will be added more later on)
My personal tags: - #☠️ (Mod Tsukasa's writing) - #☠️-Talks (Conversation with Mod Tsukasa) Something about myself: - Faves: Yugi Twins, Minamoto brothers, Nene, Aoi (girl), Yokoo........... and that one guy (forgot) - Watched the TBHK Anime, but hadn't read the manga but is fine with spoilers (Even though I'm fine with seeing spoilers, I'm not sure I'll be able to incorporate it to my writing, so go ask Hana Chan instead!) - Flirts too much, must be sedated (/J)
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premieramoure · 5 months
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Hana Tsuki-Mori (or Tsu) is a kind spirited-gal from Japan who moved to America at 8 years old! She is now 17. She’s the fashionista of the school and loves meeting new people! Tsu plays the drums and favors R&B music! She loves pink everything, goes to the mall to try things on, and buys absolutely nothing. If you need shows or movie recommendations she’s the girl to ask! Most people love her, but those who don’t are bothered because she is overbearing at times, coming off as teasing when she’s just really sweet and doesn’t understand social cues. Despite this, she’s really smart and gets straight A’s! She speaks fluent English and Japanese and often takes vacations to visit her family, then comes back with gifts for her friends! (She also takes pride in being the hardest character to draw out of everyone in my story.)
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merakiui · 2 years
Riddle Masquerade Voicelines
Summon Line
交流会のことはボクに任せるといい。 学園の代表とし
Kōryū-kai no koto wa boku ni makaseru to ī. Gakuen no daihyō to shite no tadashī furumai o misete ageyou janai ka.
You should leave the exchange meeting to me.  as a representative of the school
Let me show you all the correct behavior.
Groovi Line
Dansu no kotonara shinpai iranai yo. Kimi no pātonā wa kono bokuna ndakara ne
Don't worry about dancing.
Your partner is me.
1. まだ挨拶しかしていないけれど・・・ ロロ先輩は真面目な人のようだ。 彼なら生徒会長というのも頷ける
Mada aisatsu shika shite inaikeredo Roro senpai wa majimena hito no yōda. Karenara seito kaichō to iu no mo unadzukeru
I haven't even said hello yet... Rollo-senpai seems to be a serious person.  I can agree that he is the student council president
2.  ケイトがいたら常にスマホを構えているだろうね。 様々な角度�� 『救いの鐘��を撮影する姿が目に浮かぶよ
Keitoga itara tsuneni sumaho o kamaete irudarou ne. Samazamana kakudo de “sukui no kane” o satsuei suru sugata ga me ni ukabu yo
If Cater was around, he would always have his phone at his fingertips.  I can see him filming the 'Bell of Salvation' from various angles.
3. マレウス先輩の佇まいにノーブルベルカレッジの生徒が 怯んでいた。我が校の代表に相応しい威厳だ
Mareusu senpai no tatazumai ni nōburuberukarejji no seito ga hirunde ita. Wagakō no daihyō ni fusawashī igenda
The students of Noble Bell College flinched at the appearance of Malleus-senpai.  A dignity worthy of being the representative of our school.
4. ノーブルベルカレッジは由緒正しい学校だ。 古き良き伝統を重んじる姿勢には共感できる
Nōburuberukarejji wa yuisho tadashī gakkōda. Furuki yoki dentō o omonjiru shisei ni wa kyōkan dekiru
Noble Bell College is a prestigious school.  I can sympathize with the attitude of respecting good old traditions
5. お祭りというのは、あまり馴染みがなくて・・・・・・ よその土地ならなおさらだ。 どう楽しめばいいんだろう
Omatsuri to iu no wa, amari najimi ga nakute yoso no tochinara naosarada. Dō tanoshimeba ī ndarou
Festivals are unfamiliar to me... even more so in other lands.  how should i enjoy it?
6. 『花の街』について調べてきたけれど体験すると違うところもあった。 これが旅行というものなんだね
“Hana no machi” ni tsuite shirabete kitakeredo taiken suru to chigau tokoro mo atta. Kore ga ryokō to iu monona nda ne
I've been researching "Flower Town", but there were some differences when I experienced it.  This is what travel is all about
7. 社交の場に出るのは久々だ。 ふふっ、必要以上に意気込んではいけないね。 肩の力を抜くとしよう
Shakō no ba ni deru no wa hisabisada. Fu fu~tsu, hitsuyōijō ni ikigonde wa ikenai ne. Katanochikarawonuku to shiyou
It's been a while since I've been out in public.  Fufu, don't get too enthusiastic about it.  Let's take the weight off our shoulders
8. どんな装いをしていてもボクはボク。
Don'na yosōi o shite ite mo boku wa boku. Hātsurabyuru no ryōchō to shite no furumai o kokorogakeru yo
No matter what I wear.
As the dormitory manager of Heartslabyul
I will take care of my behavior
9. この衣装は 『花の街』の晴れ着
だとか。 繊細な刺繍が美しいね。
Kono ishō wa “hana no machi” no haregida to ka. Sensaina shishū ga utsukushī ne. Shokunin no kodawari o kanjiru yo
This costume is the festive dress of "Flower Town"
It's a beautiful delicate embroidery.
I can feel the commitment of the craftsman
I'm very happy for Riddle to get to see the word outside of NRC and basically his house at the Rose Kingdom. Because you know I highly dubout his Mother let's him out of her watch especially since he came back from NRC post overblot.
Riddle deserves to have his long awaited rebel face. Let the man eat tarts while his Mother screechs in the background!
On other matters if you write more about Rollo. (Please do if you feel like it. I love how you characterize him!) Malleus said on his lines that: "Occasionally Framm is looking at me with stern eyes. Am I Behaving badly as a guest..?"
Which is funny because most of his lines are about how exited he is about being invited and wanting to leave a good impression on the other's guests. He also is all for exploring the city, he refers to the ambience as: "Mysterious and cozy" Also most of the Groovi lines seem to allude to MC dancing with the boys.
Anyhow I'm waiting for Idia's banner to come back hopefully he will be a good boy like Malleus and won't lead me into bankruptcy.
I Got all the others so if you want any more lines translated I will be happy to share them!
- 🎭 anon.
Oh, these voice lines are wonderful! Thank you so much for sharing! I'm happy Riddle is traveling and getting to see more of the world. I definitely agree that he deserves to have a rebellious phase, even if it's as small as eating a tart past bedtime. Baby steps for Riddle! :D It's nice to know he can enjoy a festival for the first time, too!
I'm glad you like my characterization of Rollo! I'm currently working on a fic with him. I'm feeling so very perfectionist with it because it's the first time writing something full-length with Rollo and I really want to write a perfect mix of gothic horror, lust vs. love, and impurity vs. purity. Rollo is a fun character to write for because of all of the religious symbolisms and gothic tropes that can be used!
Aaaa stern eyes!!!! His gaze is quite stern, isn't it? It's the type that can freeze anyone with a single glance. (/ω\) But I'm certain it isn't because of Malleus's behavior as a guest! It's actually very sweet that he was looking forward to the event and wanted to leave positive impressions. "Mysterious and cozy" atmosphere!!! I'm certain rainy days in the city would be very comfortable, especially inside a coffee shop or a pâtisserie. Coffee shop dates with Rollo... aaaaaa he would look so cute and casual in a soft turtleneck sweater and a jacket!!!! >0<
Dancing with the boys!!! I like how the groovy illustrations are framed as if the character in it is extending a hand towards the MC for a dance or is in the process of dancing!
Good luck bringing Idia home! I hope he will come home right away and won't give you any troubles! Sending you my luck!!!!
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siofreed · 10 months
I was a new student in a school where Flames are common knowledge (but not the specifics of each type), & all Flame actives are required to join in a special course. For that course, students who have orange & purple Flames (Sky & Cloud) are allowed to pick a group of at least 3 people, to be their minions for the semester, of which there are 3 per year, for a total of 9 over 3 years.
I was one of the orange Flames people, but since my dream self was tiny & nerdy looking, nobody wanted to join me until a friendly purple senior hail me over to join his group along with his rather fussy pretty boi friend. He wields a whip & his friend a blade.
Flame active Kindergartners were encouraged to do show & tells of their talents to attract seniors' attention, as it 'helps' them develop their Flames more, to be better contributors to society & all that rot. Feeling pity for the tired kids, we took in 2 young ones.
(We're suppose to change members each semester, but we just kept trading the grumbling pretty boi friend between us 2 to keep him with us, to his amusement. The kids usually don't stay for more than a semester too, since they're not full time Flame students yet.)
I mostly stayed with the 2 seniors, becoming fond of them & their circle of friends, until they graduated from school.
Second year I mostly flew solo, as I still look weak n only the little kindies still want to join my group. During then, one of the Mech teachers (yes, there's mechs too, smaller Code Geass style ones) grew fond of me (platonically okay), & decides to push me into more & more esoteric meches that have too weird abilities that nobody else wants to even try.
I eventually settle on a rose bush summoning mech, where each bush hides a special item that is only usable in specific situations. The roses correspond to each Flame type. Storm had a really 'sharp' whip, Lightning had a pair of lightsaber-ish daggers, the rest still not unlocked.
Teach got a wee bit too into mentoring me in Mech fighting, & ends up hurting me enough to knock me out. After that, he just keeps hovering like a gosh darn motherhen, to everyone else's confusion.
(He's one of those kuudere teachers)
After that, I was able to summon the bushes normally, thus stop grabbing random items to use as bludgeons & projectiles , started using thorny rose bushes for the same instead. >:D
In 3rd year, I picked up a gloomy blue hair goth guy, & a snarky red hair butch lady. Very distracting duo when they bother to dress up. Bluey was an assassin while red loves poisons. We got along pretty well, all things considered, had sleepovers & friend dates for shit n giggles.
Pretty boi from 1st year also dropped by to introduce me to his hissy little cousin who was joining the school that year. A very cute, very bulliable, pretty boi of a cousin. :3c
The dream got sort-of vague after that, but there was some war & we all died, & reincarnated into canon KHR
I was Tsu (ahahaha shit), & the canon sealing event (no dog, but it still happened somehow) triggered the return of my memories
Friendly Cloud senpai is Dino, who also awoken after he got sealed (fanon)
Fussy pretty boy is Squalo, though he doesn't remember
2 of the 1st year kindergartners are now Kyoko & Hana, who decided Tsu is their friend nao & won't take no; probably remembers?
Teach became Yamamoto senior, which, yeah free sushi? Also I got a new brother??? Sensei why, also yeah, more hugs!
No idea where blue boi is, though i suspect he's now Skull
Red butch lady is now sweet Nagi, who decided her parents are utterly useless & just showed up at my doorstep one day
Another kindagarteners is Haru, who very clearly remembers
Hissy little junior is, hilariously, Xanxus, who definitely remembers & acts like QAQ milkeh around me
Both me & Sensei came back with our Mech abilities, though his somehow became the family's cursed sword. That was a really weird conversation.
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gettatranslations · 8 months
Me 149 Days Ago!Yumigeta Ako (23.09.29)
Good evening 🌝
I'm Yumigeta Ako🛑
Thank you very much for your comments yesterday!
You all understood my buffet story〜 That made me happy😂
You all related to me〜!!!I was thrilledー!
Not just buffets but also shabu shabu all you can eat places and steak shops I always start by eating too many 「Make your own waffles」 so by the time my main meat course comes out I'm too full to eat much… I have very poor planning skills。
But it's super fun to make your own waffles right?!?!
Strawberry waffles🧇🍓 and chocolate banana waffles🧇🍫🍌 and blueberry waffles🧇🫐 and my ultimate favourite normal waffles❤️🧇
Swirling your own soft serve ice cream is fun too〜!!!
I've noticed that I often swirl some ice cream on the side of my waffle plate、and then decorate it with cereal flakes and stuff…🤣
Apparently I add too many toppings to the extent I surprised my friends when we went to an all you can eat place recently、yaーy✌️
Maybe I should show you my method sometime!I want to members to try it too💕
Also tomorrow is finally 17ki's opening day…
Time really passes so fastー。
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A photo from their Shizuoka Performance!My first time posting it!
My best friend who I went to the LIVE with took this photo for me❗️
We had so much fun〜
I was scared the Oda-san T-shirt would be sold out so I was so nervous while standing in line for goods^_^
The LIVE itself made me emotional、Sakurai-san was like a goddess who appeared to me in a vision、Nonaka-san's impersonation of Tama-chan in the MC、Ishida-san's solo dance on Utakata Saturday Night、Okamura-san's beautiful figure、Makino-san's cool face in Are you Happy?、hearing Oda-san's 「ko〜ko〜ro〜jya〜i〜i〜tsu〜mo〜sa〜kende〜iruno〜ni〜」 in person、Kitagawa-san's beauty during Hana ga Saku Taiyou Abite、hearing Ikuta-san's dialect slip out while she was talking、seeing Haga-san's beautiful dancing that even included her hair、Yokoyama-san grinning and shining all through The☆Peace!、Yamazaki-san's voice being even prettier and cuter in person compared to hearing it in videos、Fukumura-san was like a true goddess、I genuinely have no other words to describe her、seeing Fukumura-san in real life was just so overwhelming… etc etc…
I remember eveーrything so clearly!
I watched all the member-sans intently through my binoculars so when the concert was over I remember just having this dreamy look on my face for ages😂
We also are delicious curry on our way home😋
There were some people in the street carrying Nonaka-san banners o I was thinking「If I pass the audition I want to do a concert in Shizuoka too someday」!
Now having passed、while not everything is fun I learn new things every single day and I have so many productive days!
During rehearsals I caused a lot of bother to the member-sans and I don't know if I'll be able to sleep tonight and even though I have even more worries too tomorrow will still come!I want to make sure I'm in peak physical condition so that tomorrow's show goes well!
I'll try and purely enjoy the performance without thinking about it too deeply🎶 I hope that you all enjoy watching us more than eveーr!
I won't forget my own emotions from that Shizuoka Performance、and I'll treasure each and every performance💕
I won't forget the fact that I was chosen from so many people to be here、I won't forget my initial excitement and also my new responsibilities!
I won't forget that this is a new start for me、and I'll do my best‼️
I'm so excited♡
Well then it's time for today's 【Gettaa Life】✨
Today I
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I wore a hoodie for the first time this year❗️
Does this hoodie seem familiar、、、?
That's right、it's the hoodie from the Up To Boy shoot I did in a Morning Coffee-esque outfit!
They gave it to me after the shoot ended…🥹 I'm so happy because I love hoodies🥹
Today when I arrived at work Fukumura-san noticed、and said 「You're already wearing it〜」✨ ✨I'm wearing it straight away💕
At this time of year a lot of cafés and places still have their air con running so I get cold if I'm wearing short sleeves so I end up ordering a hot drink even when I really want a cold one… This type of thing happens quite often to me、so today I wore a hoodie and managed to have an iced drink!Yayー
When I had long hair I used to tuck it into my hoodie as extra protection against the cold!It really kept me warm〜❗️
It feels like actual autumn has begun!
Sweet potato desserts have also started being sold!
Everyone what's your favourite sweet potato dessert??
By the way mine is plain sweet potatoes🍠
Mama sometiーmes makes them for me during autumn〜 I wanna eat them again〜
I Getted 「Autumn Vibes」✨️
Maybe I should try making them myself…?
That's all!This has been 【Gettaa Life】!
T/N News and information has not been translated
Today、I listened to music on the train this morning〜🚃𓈒𓂂𓏸
The song I listened to was from the anime 「Angel Beats!」
Called 「My Soul,Your Beats!」🎹
I love this song、all of the songs from Angel Beats! are such good songs… I love them❤️‍🔥
Please give them a listen during your commuting time tomorrow✨
We have our LIVE tomorrow、and I'll do my best‼️‼️‼️
Well then I'll see you tomorrow!
This has been YumiGettaa Ako!Good night🐰🐰🐰
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A Fluffy Short Drabble where Hanoka helps Tsubasa choose a naughty clothing to surprise his boyfriend, please?
(I love their friendship :'3 [Bonus: Miguel is peeking
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((Hello dear, hope your well today. I think I can write something so one moment.))
Silver butterfly mun/Peahen mom
"Hmmm, maybe this one? No, this one!" Tsubasa was looking while seeing some sexy underwear he was wearing. He was seeing the knee high stockings on his legs while wearing a see through night gown.
"Uhhh, Hana? You sure Miguel might like these? I don't..." he started to ask but Hanoka shows another one but it was soft but his favorite color.
"Oh hush. He better like them since they are brand new. Second, they fit you so lovely too." she smiled to him that Tsubasa blushed hearing this. He didn't expect her to even her find some. He even looks at himself in the mirror but pouts. As Hanoka was showing a babydoll nightie she looks.
"Here, this one will be cute too. It's spider-man themed~" she sings showing him that he blushed red seeing this. It was so fluffy but it did have some fluffed scarf.
"Ohhh I like this one too.." he said but she smiled.
"Good! I got more for you to try..I'm sure even that big oaf will like one or all of them." she said happily with Tsu still blushing to look at it. However, in the hallway, Miguel was hiding behind a wall but he was covering his face. He got a nosebleed seeing the outfits. Yeah, he's going to be the death of him and his cuteness.
"señor ten piedad de mi...." he whispered to himself hoping to get strength to not pounce on that sexy cutie.
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cheshirette · 1 year
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medical monday! 🏥
every monday i'm going to attempt to draw EVERY nurse vtuber! I collected a total of 60+ vtubers with nurse designs/alt outfits, and i hope to collect as days go by! (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)
i wont be drawing these in order, but i will share my list (including ones with their twitters available and even those that are inactive and/or retired) undercut ↓
Ramune Mary (蘭夢寝めりぃ)
Kurumi Alto (紅桃あると)
Iyashino Airin (癒乃あいりん)
Hakui Chiyu (白衣 ちゆ)
Urusimi Kokoro (漆看こころ)
Sotoshina Tsukica (外科ツキカ)
Utashiro Kohaku (詩白小白)
Shirakumo Mame (白雲まめ)
Kiyoko Inu
Yakutenshi Michelle (薬天使ミシェル)
Kawa / Yuyu
Pawctor Minty
Kagome / Nai
Hana Healthy (花守へるし)
Luca Polka (ルカポルカ)
Mirutani Nia (看谷にぃあ)
Pardis / Lucy
Blood Angel
Kozuya Chill (小鳥谷 チル)
Tenshouin Himeno (天璋院ひめの)
Nekomura Kiririn
Nasu Aisuru
Matsui Muga
Sukoya Kana (健屋花那)
Natori Sana (名取さな)
Minai Karte (薬袋カルテ)
Athena Nightingale
Seshima Rui (瀬島るい)
Amane Kanata (天音かなた)
Kohanai Sii (小花衣しぃ)
Chikafuji Lisa
Shiragami Juju (死骸美 呪々)
Gao Try (雅王とらい)
Honey Bearnadette
Mimori Ume (みもりうめ)
Yanai Napika (病無なぴか)
Yuzuki Choco (癒月ちょこ)
Tsuna Inku
Tsu Xi
Nyx Nocturnale
Rin Jikimoto
Miin Myu
Tokaku Nemu (兎角ねむ)
Hakui Manami (白衣まなみ)
Yusaki Rirato (癒咲りらと)
Naosu Chiyuno (治栖ちゆの)
Hazuki Lemefeuille (葉月・ルメフィーユ)
Minai Yohira (薬袋よひら)
Kisaragi Anzu (如月 杏)
Kurenagi Eri (紅記えり)
Momohina Nano (桃雛なの)
.. and of course, myself!
the list is bound to expand if i find more vtubers! please by all means, share with me if i missed any on this list. thank you very much, i hope you look forward to it! (●'◡'●) merci beaucoup!
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voicelesshatred · 2 years
@laplacemail​ ::  ☆!~ Also give me an OC too.
Meet a New Character of Mine [meme] :: Accepting
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☆- Meet a canon character I do not currently play, am considering playing, or I have played in the past but do not play anymore
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.:OOC「 I’m willing to bet no one really recalls the Fear Effect series... But once upon a time, I did have a blog for Hana Tsu-Vachel. She didn’t last long given that she never caught any interest and I’m really sad that she hadn’t because I was amped for her. Maybe in another lifetime, I’ll give her another shot and pray for the best.
☾- Meet an OC that I do not currently play, am considering playing, or I have played in the past but do not play anymore
.:OOC「 I honestly can’t believe I even have an answer for this, given that I hate most of my OCs. But @angetoile​ and I have been at this story we call Snowdrop for... wow, a few years now. We plan to make a sort of animatic series out of it eventually. I’ve toyed with the idea of making one of the characters from it (particular individual’s name is Frederick) a blog as a sort of promo for it. I’ve nixed the idea because I feel like I’d end up going into spoiler territory for the story.
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eclipsecrowned · 1 year
also s/o to all my beloved trans muses. specify muse for a starter w any of my trans-spectrum characters on this, their big day :) this list is v. long maybe do not read more and instead view it on my blog proper soit doesn't gunk up your dash.
danielle o'the wold: fluid, a crackshot archer and outlaw from fantastical medieval england called into a quest to save the realm of magic from those who would use its power for great evil.
amalthea: nonbinary to human perception, a unicorn-turned-woman on a great quest in a fantastical world that leads her to no longer be the last of her kind, but more lonely for it.
un*hana r*tsu: agender, leader of a specialized team of shinigami focused on the healing arts -- in this life, at least, because we do not want to open the can of worms of how much brutality it took to be so soft.
pip bernadotte: trans man, a mercenary based in the 90s all the way up to the modern era via au who perceives the horrors as spouse material, actually.
kayden connors: nonbinary, daughter of a 616 mad scientist just trying to stay afloat after his incarceration largely via art and taking in wayward antiheroes.
raisa wolfe: agender, new york's first mutant elected official even if that position is only a molehill in the great machine that is east coast politics, believes magneto is right actually.
jonathan crane: trans man, supervillain and supergenius in equal measure, obsessed turning the fear that was used to beat him down in his conservative southern upbringing into everyone else's problem.
dream of the endless: agender masc, an embodiment of dreams, exactly as advertised, who has neither want nor need of human labels or gender experience. he just is.
mystery whitethorn: nonbinary, a tiefling shopkeep who is hiding an adventure-filled backstory and a number of illegal dealings in his current life.
marika corvinus: nonbinary, a lone werewolf who is slowly being domesticated into a found family pack by her elders when not found being the loudest party person at human functions.
seth plate: trans woman, a former angel of death who fell for love of a human surgeon, so in love with humanity that now she has the chance to experience it for herself.
modeste lachapelle: nonbinary, notre dame's native daughter and everyone's favorite 4'11" butch, a friend to all pigeons and outcasts that cross her socially anxious path.
claude di montoya: fluid, a 19th century agent of savoy espionage who was designed for the count of monte cristo but by the power of rp crossover is also being a sourpuss in the v*mpire chronicles.
count dracula: beyond gender per his own definition, a classic gothic horror villain on the prowl for blood, world domination, and success in his chosen field of dual-honors classy and feral villainy.
henry winter: trans man, a student of a 1980s liberal arts college whose love of the classics steps well over the line and leads to several murders, the ultimate dark academia bitch in all of fiction.
sylphrena / 'syl': agender femme, an ageless spirit of honor and oaths who just wants to have fun and learn more about the physical world alongside her clinically depressed human bestie, a menace and a baby.
hoid / wit: trans man, an immortal with a few thousand years of space-faring shenanigans under his belt, who steps into worlds where plot is happening and inserts himself into the action more often than not.
cirila montoya: agender, a shrewd heiress from 17th century spain who falls in and ou of adventures with a team of four cavaliers and the beautiful frenchwoman who opposes them.
gabrielle de lioncourt: trans masc, 18th century vampire and dilf who chucked his assigned gender in the trash the second he came into the blood, a recluse who just can't avoid his ne'er-do-well son's drama.
kris lindholm: nonbinary, florida teen thinks her older sister is on a cult centered around a local island, instead calls the irs on a pair of vampire businessmen, obsessed with 80s rock act the vampire lestat.
lyfrasir edda: nonbinary, an alien detective looks into the remains of a decades old train derailment and instead finds out the apocalyptic horrors are within their comprehension, actually.
the snow queen: agender, the winter winds care not for gender, and the freshly driven snow understands nothing of sex in the sense of male or female or other.
hel: demiwoman, jotnar society does not align to human sexuality, so this is as close as she can get to explaining her gender identity, and besides, jotnar physiology is implied to be quiet fluid.
laufey: demiwoman, same as above but in a fun milf package.
utgard-loki: demiman, same rules as his fellow jotnar relatives, except he's king over all the jotnar.
odin: genderfluid, which is actually myth-accurate if you get into some of the weirder roads that the original stories take. typically presents as a masc king of the aesir, though. due to his jotnar heritage he might be physically fluid as well.
sigyn: nonbinary, frankly queerness was all over mythology and i will sprinkle it all over at my own pleasure, especially on a certain ambassador within the aesir court.
enkidu: transmasc, was designed to act as a foil/echo to the hero-king gilgamesh, which included an assigned sex that did not align at all with his identity.
dolores gordon: genderless, an agent of a fear entity which is based around the uncanny valley, a part that the ever shapeshiftng dolores plays to perfection.
the host: INFORMATION ERROR, current gender identity unknown, but identified as a nonbinary individual in their pre-avatar life.
the mole: agender, a wee beastie that worships the dirt and is known for reverse graveobbing -- pushing the dead back aboveground so as not to tarnish the sacred world below.
catherine rice: nonbinary, the kind of person who says paranormal investigator but really means paranormal instigator because she's still looking for answers about avatar-based trauma from years before.
lothric, younger prince: agender, a lab-grown draconic abomination in their mainverse who is making the journey from sacrificial lamb to antichrist out of spite for their hellacious upbringing.
victor deshayes: trans man, newly freed from his conjoined twin who is a woman, so the math is solid that victor is not cis and is instead in your walls :)
zevran arainai: genderfluid, beautiful elvhen assassin swinging in every gender direction, gracefully, with a knife in hand and an accent their own va described as sounding like 'sexed up inigo montoya'
einmyria lavellan: nonbinary, super-femme elvhen historian is here to advise the inquisitor and occasionally flip darkspawn like a fucking pancake with her yoked af warrior strength.
taran lavellan: masc agender, over the years has forgotten his birth clan, his birth name, and even his fuckin gender. oh well, we love this roguish elf all the same and want only the best for him.
aria mahariel: nonbinary masc, has no human-defined gender in the dalish standard, but has settled comfortably into masculinity socially and in presentation. if only her baby face got the message.
cyra cross: nonbinary masc, a mad scientist in training clinging onto that last hinge of medical ethics, works for shinra but their genius level intellect says these people are idiots killing the planet and they can fix it.
ardyn lucis caelum: agender, a divinely-wrought, kin-betrayed abomination seeking to put the entire world out of his two thousand years of misery, with a cool hat thrown in for free.
master invi: trans woman, an ancient master of both magic and the in-universal super special magical blade, aligned with serpents and ever playing the pious daughter to her master.
kokoro kyriakou: nonbinary, badass normal defies the aging scala council to seek answers for what happened to a relative and his three students that went missing over a decade prior and has character development throughout.
riku: agender masc, local teen put through absolute hell, keeps pressing onward in a clear metaphor for mental illness that he refuses to let him hold him down as it once did.
julia mayfair: agender, where most people have gender, there is only trauma for this spy, but also the clear-cut knowledge that this is her identity and she is beyond more 'basic' definition.
"nikolai": queer, that's how he ids in pretty much every sense of identity, and plays with gender and roles and sex in a way that is awesome to witness.
albel nox: nonbinary masc, his clothes are his clothes and they are his prerogative and if you try to define him he will use his clawed prosthetic to carve out a nice reminder for you.
gensai shizuka: fluid, former king of the kamur0cho gay cabaret scene grows up to become the best defense attorney in town and a friend to honorable men, yet lives in a tiny closet identity-wise.
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litoperezito · 4 years
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