#He’s such a cutie patootie I CANT W/ HIM
ciggyy · 14 days
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Satoru is the type to give you a flower every single day. Getting down on one knee, a hand on his chest as he holds up the small but meaningful gift to you, a beaming grin on his face. “For you, my love” He’d declare, and then get all giddy when you take it from him, wrapping his arms around you and spinning you in the air. Like it was the first time you’ve ever accepted a gift from him.
When he’s not around or he doesn’t get to see you, instead of giving you the flower personally, he places it somewhere he knows you’ll find. You get hungry and open up the cupboard and there it is, waiting dutifully. You wake up and trudge your feet to the bathroom, ready to wash your face. It’s there, laying by the bathroom sink. About to drive to wherever you gotta go. You guessed it. You open the car door and see it, resting right above the dashboard. And beside it, a tiny little note with the words “for you, my love”
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beenbaanbuun · 3 months
stress w/ jongho
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words - maybe the word count is the friends we made along the way…
genre - fluff, smut
warnings - p in v, cumming inside, unprotected sex, fingering, riding, kind of dumbification but without the degrading, reader is just stressed and doesn’t want to think anymore, jongho is a cutie patootie as usual
you’re stressed
everything is piling up to the point where if you finish one thing, two more get added, and then something else for good luck
it’s no fun, having to spend all this time practically chained to your desk instead of with your boyfriend, but you tell yourself it’ll get better soon
except soon doesn’t come as soon as you’d like, and your work keeps piling up and how long has it been since you last slept? last ate?? last thought about anything that wasn’t work related???
you’re barrelling your way towards a burnout, and yet there’s nothing you can do about it except push through
but god, you wish you could just take a break…
it’s the end of the week when jongho finally decided enough is enough and shows up at your apartment
he practically breaks the door down with how hard he’s knocking, but he hasn’t heard from you in a couple of days
and yeah, he knows you’re working and he isn’t your number one priority right now, but let him be clingy in peace, dammit…
he’s missed you!
and it shows when you swing open the door and immediately get a pair of arms slung tightly around you, and a face pressed tight into your neck
he kisses at the sensitive skin a few times and you can’t help but giggle as he uses to strength to lift you up into his arms
the door gets kicked shut behind him, and before you know it, the two of you are tangled up on the couch
“jongho,” you smile as he nuzzles your neck, “i’ve missed you.”
he pulls away briefly to look you in the eyes
“maybe you should answer my texts then,” he says, only half joking, “i thought you might’ve died or something.”
you roll your eyes at his dramatics, pressing your lips to his to shut him up
“i’ve been busy,” you say as reality sinks in a little. you sigh, “i’m still busy…”
jongho frowns as he watches your face sink, and it’s only then that he really has chance to study you
the bags under your eyes are concerningly deep, and your frown lines have definitely become more prominent since he last saw you
your lips are chapped and bleeding from where he knows you’ve been chewing on them, and he doesn’t even need to look at your fingers to know your nails have received the same treatment
“you can’t take a break?” he asks with a gentle voice
“not really,” you reply with a pout, “i have double the workload that i started the week with, and that’s with me working around the clock!”
he doesn’t miss the way your voice strains as you explain your predicament
“i’ve barely fucking slept trying to get all this done,” you look fragile in his arms, so he holds you as such, “and my head hurts from how much i’m having to think.”
all he can do is watch as the tears gather along your lash line, dancing in the light until one finally falls
he’s quick to wipe it away
“baby,” he whispers, not knowing what else to say, “is there anything i can do? anything at all?”
you shake your head before desperately rubbing your hands over the fragile skin to wipe away any evidence of your upset
he pulls your hands away and holds them in his own
“i need to get back to work,” you speak through your tears, “i cant get behind.”
“baby,” he sighs
“jongho,” you interrupt
he looks at you exasperated, and you can’t help but to shrink back
“baby, this isn’t healthy,” you know he’s right, but even so you shake your head, “you’re hurting yourself and i won’t let you do that. not to my baby.”
you try and look away, but he’s quick to grab your chin and bring your gaze back to his
“i need you to tell me what i can do to make this better,” his voice is stern, and you know for a fact that there’s no way you’ll be getting any work done for the rest of the day
you’re quicker to accept that fact than you’d like to admit, letting the relief sink in as you try and ignore just how much you’ll have to catch up on tomorrow
perhaps you could ask your boss for an extension, you tell yourself
if you claim a sudden illness then he can hardly deny you one, right?
knowing him, he’d want you to work through your illness
you’d have to work on a different excuse before you-
“you’re thinking about work,” jongho snaps, “stop thinking about work.”
you try and look down again, but this time his grip against your jaw is harsher as he brings you back to him
“or so help me god, i’ll make you stop thinking about work.”
you gulp, and for the first time in weeks your mind goes blank
his face is set in stone, jaw clenching and unclenching as he holds your own firmly in place with an iron grip
his dark eyes stare into yours, almost daring you to argue
but you can’t; you don’t want to
whilst normally the idea of pushing him to ‘make you’ do anything tempted you, all you wanted now was to be good for him
and for the first time in what feels like forever, you want to feel something other than stress
“can you?” you ask, voice meek, “can you make me stop thinking?”
jongho freezes for a second or two before a kind smile takes over his expression and he nods
and where normally he would tease, call you dumb or some other degrading name, now all he can do is coo
“of course, baby,” his voice is sweet, “thank you for asking so nicely.”
his hand drops from your chin, knowing full well that he doesn’t need to force you to look at him anymore; you’ll do it because you’re good
“want to ride me?” he asks, and you respond with a nod, “yeah? does that sounds good, baby?”
you rest your hands on his shoulders for reassurance, and grind down once against the semi he’s sporting
he lets out a low moan, but still shakes his head and grabs your hips to keep them from doing it again
and when you open your mouth to complain, all he has to do it give you a look of disapproval before you’re closing it again
“let me do all the work, alright?”
before you can argue, his hand is shifting, dragging itself away from your hip, across your tummy, and down the the waistband of your shorts
it stays there for a few seconds, just dancing back and forth over the material until finally, he lets his fingers dip inside
they settle on your clit pretty quickly, honing in on it like it’s a beacon
you let out a satisfied sigh when he begins to draw circles on the sensitive bud, fingers toying with it mindlessly as he watches your face scrunch up in the cutest way
“so pretty for me,” he whispers as he begins to swipe his fingers up and down your folds, “getting so wet for me too, baby.”
you nod as he spreads your own juices around your folds, dipping his finger tips into your core every so often, just to tease you
and when he finally slips them in for real, pushing until his knuckles brush against your folds, you can’t help but let out a moan
your head falls against his shoulder as he scissors them inside of you to stretch you out, nice and ready for him to slip inside
jongho works with efficiency
because as much as he loves to tease you and reduce you down to nothing more than a moaning mess, that isn’t what you need right now
that’s why he pulls his fingers out the moment he knows you’re ready to take him, and uses them to pull his cock free from his sweats
the hand that’s on your hip let’s go for just a second to pull your shorts to the side, and before you know it he’s slipping his leaking head inside
“sit for me,” he says as he grips your hips once again, “sit nice and pretty on my dick.”
and you do, pleased to find little resistance as you push his member deeper and deeper into your heat
the two of you let out a synchronised moan as you bottom out, feeling his head kiss your cervix ever so slightly
but you barely have time to rest before his hands are picking you up and sliding you back down again
you keen as he picks up the pace, doing most of the work for you, whilst still letting you feel that tiring burn in your thighs
it’s nice, having jongho there to play with your body the way that only he knows how
to hold you in his hands so carefully as he fucks himself into you at the pace he knows you love
it doesn’t take long for you to topple into a trance of ‘jongho, jongho, jongho’ but you don’t mind it
in fact, it’s exactly what he promised you; you can’t think of anything other than him and that is perfect
his eyes flicker to where you rest on his shoulder, mouth open and panting and eyes half lidded as though you’re about to fall asleep
you turns his head to kiss your nose before using his hands to still your hips
you’re about to let out a whine of complaint until you feel his own hips thrust up to meet yours, and the complaint turns to pleasure in your throat
you realise just how much better it is this way once his dick brushes up against your g-spot a few times, turning you into a whimpering mess
he just chuckles
“see?” he grunts as he thrusts up into you, “this is where you’re supposed to be; all tired and brainless on my cock.”
you nod into his neck
“my pretty baby shouldn’t be working so hard,” his fingers find your clit once more, rubbing feverishly against it, “should be getting loved by me instead.”
he turns his head enough to press his lips to yours, capturing the moans that spill from them as he pushes you over the edge
he lets you ride it out on his fingers before he spills into you with a muffled groan
then the room turns to silence, the sound of skin hitting skin gone and replaced by heavy breathing as you pant into one another’s mouths
he pulls away first and opens his eyes just in time to see you pout and nuzzle your face into the sweater he has on
he hums out of amusement before wrapping you up in his arms
“tired baby?” he asks and you nod, “want me to slip out and get you clean?”
and you have to think about that, because on one hand it would probably be for the best, but on the other you’re just so cosy
so you shrug, and he just laughs as he squeezes you
“how about i do it for you?” he says, “then you won’t have to think, anymore.”
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z3rinn · 8 months
# #. GROCERY STORE !! pt. 2
a part 2 to my grocery store post !! This time it contains scarabia - diasomania ! ahem- going grocery shopping is usually a mundane task, boring and usual. that is until the twst boys want to join you in your outing. you just hoped nothing would go wrong this time… for once…
Sorry this took so long to get out !! I hope you all enjoy !! ♡
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Going grocery shopping with Kailm is definitely an experience. Its basically like bringing a kid to a candy store. He is ogling at everything around him. That's when you realize he's probably never even been to a grocery store-
By the way he's running around and pointing at everything- putting as many things in the cart as possible- (which you would not be able to pay for) you would like to place him in the baby seat of the cart, but alas he can't fit. So you just settle for placing him in the cart instead. Its at times like this you can imagine where Jamil is coming from. But its ok because he's a cutie patootie and i love him w all my heart- Oh! And just know that he finds the ride absolutely delightful.
Kalim tries to take turns with you when riding the cart, pushing you around the store while laughing happily. He walks into aisles youve never even seen before, showing off weird things that are fascinating to the both of you. Like that self washing cup! Or those lava lamps that costs well over 5000 thamarks !! But he could easily pay for them. You never thought grocery shopping could be so fun- and so you can't help but smile back at his amusement, joining along as the two of you ran around target.
9/10 it's a little overwhelming at first, yet going with him just makes you happy beyond words. Plus he pays!
Jamil is obviously one of the best people to go grocery shopping with. He's a food expert, and he knows exactly what to get and do while there. Plus, he is most likely tagging along with you to get some things for the Scarabian kitchens.
As I said, Jamil's a food expert, and he knows just what to buy and get while out. Like I said in my previous post, Ruggie knows how to haggle with grocery store managers- and I think Jamil does too. He knows what products are the best, yet are also the cheapest, it's not like he's paying with Kalim's money. (Although he did offer to give you his card!) Jamil is also the type to not get distracted while out, so whenever you try to but something you definitely don't need, he'll snap you back in place.
While out with him make sure not to buy any frozen food, as it'll make him think your prefer that over his fresh and healthier food. And he'll give you a judging look due to it. Oh! And he's gonna cling to you the entire time. This is one of the only moments he'll be able to hang out with you without having to worry about any of his duties and Kalim. So don't question it if he holds on to you or if he's pressed up against you the entire time.
10/10, I'd go with him any day of the week. It doesn't even have to be to the grocery store smh.
Vil is taking you to some fancy ass grocery store. Like whole foods or sprouts, maybe even the mall. Or whatever the twst equivalent is. As if he'll you just go to some random grocery store- And with him- it's not gonna be all fun and games -_-
He immediately takes you to the veggie and fruits section, piling on good enough amounts of spinach, broccoli, tomatoes. He also buys fruit for his homeade smoothies, those will make your skin glow for days afterwards. It's annoying- you just want your chips- but you cant because of the preservatives. You just want some cookies. Yet you cant. Honestly you were this close to just falling to the floor and crying your heart out like a frenchman. "I JUST WANT MY JUNK FOOD" Shopping with him just seems like a chore instead of something fun tbh.
He's right in front of the cart, dropping only the necessities into it. You were this close to running him over the cart if he slapped your hand one more time for trying to reach out to the chips. He gives you a glare, and tries to resist your puppy eyes. With a click of his tounge he eventually does calm down, dropping a bag of Cheshire Chips into the cart. He might allow it if you come over to Pomefiore to do some face masks with him.
5/10. It's like going shopping with a mom or like a weight trainer or smth. You understand why he's doing this of course- But theres no funny business with him. Zero. Sigh. Well he pays at least. I LOVE HIM I SWEAR-
When Rook notices you walking out of the broken down building you were staying in, from the tree right above your house, he obviously offered to accompany you on your endeavor! Even when you told him you were just going to the grocery store a part of him just couldn't help but be overjoyed. Oh how he just loved being out with you!
Rook is notorious for loving the smallest of details- the simplest things in life. So going to a grocery store and seeing all the beautiful people surrounding him- along with the gorgeous displays of food made his heart practically smile. You watch as he holds an apple in his hands, raising it up to the sky with a glorious smile on his face. (You're this close to just walking away-) He's humming in joy as he recites a poem of the luscious, juicy, red apple to you. Very fun !!
Meanwhile- when Rook is not being a hopeless romantic for apples, the huntsman is all fun and games !! He's straight up singing in the store, admiring anything and everything. He watches as you shop for groceries, a smile on his face. Rook lets you sit in the cart whenever you get tired, pushing you across the store while humming to himself lightly. Just don't say you're getting tired while going back. He'll carry you all the way back.
8/10- he's a bit over bearing at times. But its Rook so like what can you say about it? I love Rook yall.
Epel is tagging along for two very important reasons! Firstly, his family has branched out to stores all across twisted wonderland- and he obviously has to make sure the quality and presentation were absolutely perfect! Secondly, he gets to hang out with you!
Epel makes his way to the fruits aisle first, dragging you along with a bright smile. His excitement is slowly seeping into you, causing you to laugh yourself. The two of you make your way to the fruits section, the both of you gawking and jumping up and down happily. After that little moment its basically a normal shopping spree. He has experience in going out to the grocery store with his family- so he helps out with practically everything!
He tries to show off as much as he can. He'll help out with the water packets, and baskets carrying them if your hands get tired. He will jump up to grab the snacks you need- that might be too high for you reach. Speaking of snacks - Being out with you lets Epel get junk food and snacks that Vil would NEVER allow- so maybe the two of you can sneak them in the middle of the night.
10/10 !! One of the best to go with! He doesn't bother you whatsover and is very helpful. Guys I love Epel so much KDHDVFTSSKS
Uhhh- your more likely going to a electronics store- and then maybe stopping at the grocery store on the way back. There's NO way Idia would ever go out to a grocery store on his own. Especially if Doordash exists. But if you stop by an electronics store first, and you need a handsome firey head boy to show you around the store. How could he ever refuse??
He felt like a prince, leading you through his castle while showing off all his prized possessions. While in reality he was just walking through Best Buy or something, and was being an unemployed clerk. He probably pays for your electronics- or maybe he says he'll just make them for you! His designs are 100 times better obviously. However on your way out, he doesn't expect you to point out the whole foods or twst version is across the street.
He basically just sticks to you like a shadow while out. The poor dormleader can't help but be scared that people are gonna judge him for being blue all over. That is until you tell him this was your little shojou moment. Walking out in a supermarket together, inspecting what brand of eggs or milk you should get. It's the whole package! Well obviously now he can't complain. But now he might be just a bit too excited to be here.
6/10 Honestly if you needed groceries that badly you could've just asked him to order from online. Doordash is sooo much easier that doing it the plain (and scary) way.
Ortho probably tagged along to experience the "real" life. He's seen families on TV before- and he can't help but crave that domestic lifestyle. So when you ask if he wants to tag along- how could he ever refuse?
He's buzzing with excitement! Hovering around the grocery store with stars in his eyes. Usually he orders groceries from the comfort of his brother's dorm- it's a lot easier that way- but going outside is just so fun !! Ortho might even switch to his P.E form, as it'll make it easier for him to walk around the store like you! Although, he does want to try riding in the cart, it's something that everyone wants at least once in their lives- so how could you say no?
He's very helpful too, it's common courtesy since you took him out in the first place. He's able to reach high places and doesn't have trouble carrying the heavy things. Another plus is if your shy (like his brother) he's able to scan the store and find whatever you're looking for- without asking any employees for help! Sweetie pie fr.
10/10. He's one of the best to go with! Plus no complaints here (like his older brother)
Malleus? Why does he go??? He just wants to hang out with you. And maybe see how human grocery stores are nowadays. But its mainly the first one. Perhaps when the two of you are out on one of your nightly walks- you suddenly remember that, "Oh no! You forgot to get groceries!!" And now you have to take a menacing dragon man out with you.
Like others, Malleus tags along behind you, inspecting the many products and items in the aisles. He asks questions about products he finds interesting, he'll inspect all the different kinds of fruits (dragon fruits especially), and he'll find different products to try out. He'll always ask you for help too, asking if something is good enough to get. Like that tamagotchi in the corner !! He should get a bunch of friends for Roaring Drago...
He's so oblivious and confused it's kind of funny. Just imagine being a little kid and seeing a giant- like a literal GIANT- standing in the ice cream aisle inspecting the icecream sandwiches. Kinda silly ngl. Wait- what this- your phone is buzzing now? Who? Sebek? Wondering where Waka-sama is? Uh oh.
7/10! It's like going out w a kid whose never been to the outside world- but in a fun way. It would be higher if he told Lilia or Sebek he was tagging along tho... hopefully you don't go deaf from sebek yelling !
Did you bring him along? No! Of course not! Should you have noticed he was trailing behind you? Yes! But you didn't because he's an old fae that has experience? Right again! Does that excuse you? No. Obviously not. It's a rule by almost everyone in the dorm. Never bring Lilia grocery shopping. But your dumbass still did.
Well as long as he didn't feed you the food it was fine- right? So you'll let him tag along i guess. Lilia is the type to sit in the cart as you drag him around the store, and he only really gets out when he needs something. You guys probably stop by the spices aisle like 10 times- you feel bad for those in diasomania who are eating that mush. He tells you about the stores in Briar Valley and how he would take silver out when he was but a boy.
It's nice to listen to him as he drops another (that's 15) box of noodles into your hands- again, you feel bad for the people who are going to eat this. You guys probably bulk up on food while there- I mean it's totally not like Lilia has a butt load of money from being an old ass general right? And of course hes not gonna spoil you because your the best right? Yeah of course nottt. Just be careful at the end of your trip. As compensation for taking him with you he might offer to make you something.... and it might be a bit rude to say no....
9/10 ! It's nice listening to him talk- but uhm like many before this- you won't make it through his ...amazing... cooking skills.
Silver had spent most of his life living with fae and not many humans. Briar Valley doesnt have many grocery stores- instead being filled with various farmer markets and merchant's. Meaning he'd never been to a grocery store!! So obviously you had to invite him.
Silver is straight up just following you. He's wandering silently like a little cat, trailing from behind. He's looking around with a hint of curiosity. The store was very different from Sam’s- bigger and more luminous. It had a certain vibe to it. He liked it though, it was oddly comforting. Silver usually sticks to himself, but you can tell when something is confusing him. Take the dragon fruit for example, when he saw it a slight chuckle escaped his lips. It looked so different compared to the dragons and longs he’d met before. You couldn't help but laugh yourself- It’s fun watching him experience something new.
Silver is a very reliable man, if you ever need any help he won’t hesitate to jump in. He will help with the cart, the heavy groceries, the water jugs that weigh a mountain load. As you all know- Silver gets tired (and omg he's so pretty thats not fair) and wont hestiate to fall alseep on you if he ever gets tired. So easy solution: just put him in the cart and bury him in food. It’s easier to drag him that way. (instead of him sprawling on top of you)
There's no way in wonderland Sebek would ever go with you! He has duties to attend to! He has a beautiful, mystical, enchanting prince to protect!! Malleus was of the upmost importance, why would he ever go with a dumb human like you? You didnt matter compared to his leige-- Lilia is making him accompany you.
At first Sebek will grumble to himself, upset he couldn't stay with the majestic Malleus. Yet he soon remembers (you reminded him) that Lilia was the one to tell him to accompany you. So he immediately assumes this is a type of training for him !! Oh and now he's bragging that he got to join you on this trip instead of Silver- oh boy-
Like others, Sebek will help. Uhm. But like- loudly. As he carries the bags he will ask if you notice how strong and capable he is, a smirk on his face. And then he goes on a rant about Malleus. Whenever you need something you can't reach he will help, with a "human" comment on the tip of his tounge. And then he goes on about Malleus. It's kind of funny though not gonna lie- seeking a giant man boasting while getting groceries of all things. Very fun!
3/10. But a nine in my heart. He's so silly. Anyway. GRAAAHHH- I WANNA PULL HIS HAIR OUT (in a loving way !!)
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skullvgirl · 1 month
GLUE SONG | w/ isagi
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incl. isagi ིྀ my cutie patootie :3
warnings. fem reader, fluff on fluff on fluff
ans. just felt like writing for this song, enjoy skullheads 💝
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ive never known someone like youuu...
"yn, can i be your boyfriend?"
this wasn't just on a whim, months and months of pinning on each other had now led up to this moment, a beautiful and whole hearted confession from the boy—to you.
it was obvious what your answer was.
tangled in love stuck by you, from the glue...
and from then on out, you two were inseparable, your boyfriend especially, it seemed impossible for someone to look at another person with so much undying love and attraction—but he did, always.
dont forget to kiss me, ! o—or else you'll have to miss me
he's especially passionate about your kisses, at least 200 a day or he isn't satisfied, he believes even the worst of injuries can be fixed with kiss, by you of course, he simply cant get enough.
i guess im, stuck forever—by the glue, on you..ᡣ𐭩
there's no such thing as a break up too him, not because he's keeping you trapped, but because there isnt even a thought of leaving him, you might be the glue, but you're just as stuck as he is, after all—you're here and you love him, whats a reason to leave?
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whole-circus · 11 months
hi mavis ! <3 i got a request for u .
could u do jeff and ben w a reader that is just like ‘dokuro-chan’ ? if u don’t know who she is, she is a sweet angel that is violent and killing even when they look nice and are loving, i hope i explained that well .. take ur time and plz make the reader gn ૮꒰ྀི⊃´ ꒳ `⊂ྀི꒱ა
Jeff the Killer and BEN Drowned with 'dokuro-chan' like reader!
➥ Hi hun!! Hope I didnt mess up anything but feel free to correct me ( ´-ω-)!! Sorry that you had to wait!
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˚  ✦   . ˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚.    ✦  ˚
Jeff the Killer
You are so so sweet! No way Jeff would say it out loud ofc. I would say you are his type - all pretty and innocent yet have bad ass side. Definitely he thought you are cool when you guys first met, like okay you are cutie! But when he actually found out you kill people? Not only a cutie but you are hot, like really really hot! Jeff is madly in love with you straight at this moment. High chance that he wont believe you at first becasue you are walking sweetheart, and then bam you are psycho like him! Of course he enjoyes that you are so similar in that aspect. Its way easier because he doesnt has to explain anything to you, and he straight away knows that you will understand him and wont judge! You are quiet a couple!
BEN Drowned
Ben is pretty simple, he is head over heals with you before he knew and after he knew what are you like! He would be pretty suprised at first, not really beliving you becasue you are such a cutie patootie. He thought you were pranking him, just no matter what it was so hard for him to believe you! But bam! There you are, with your angelic lok and not so angelic hobbies. Ben is in such awe with you! Cant understand how you can be so diffrent from how you look like but he doesnt judge. He still loves you for you! Definitley finds it funny if someone will be tricked by your innocent look (well he was at first too, but lets leave that fact alone). Ben isnt perfect either and doesnt care if you kill people. You do you and he still is your adorable boyfriend!
˚  ✦   . ˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚.    ✦  ˚
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levmada · 2 months
I think it was you that mentioned that post war levi would have gardening as a hobby and be good at it and im crying at the thought. Him having a moment of peace (cant imagine its often considering everything hes been through and now has time to think about it) and him being so proud when his flowers grow pretty and bright. Gathering some to bring inside to put in a vase. Oh im sobbing
ANYWAY i need art of this so bad😭😭😭yes. in my mind he won’t even harm a fly, he sighs as he opens the nearest door, takes a feather duster and thwaps it in that direction until the fly leaves.
he is retiring to be cutie patootie mc-pookie
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cham0mil3 · 20 days
cam anon here again and i am kissing him gently on his forehead and cheeks i hope he knows i adore him and will protect him w my life (i dont even know if he's into guys im sorry if this is so forward LMAO cant believe im hyperfixatin on someone's oc im sorry 😭😭😭)
jksfgjkkjfds ITS OKKK he is cutie patootie certified after alll
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rate every hamilton ship you've seen?
i'll try my best broski
(wont be using ship names + only including the LEGAL ships)
Alexander x John L.
I love them they're so incredibly silly
one of my favorites
Alexander x Eliza
cutie patooties
they're adorable but he also cheated on her so... erm...
still very cute. prefer them in act one 100%
Alexander x Lafayette
"immigrants. we get the job done."
love them so
Alexander x Angelica
i really cant say much for this
Alexander x Maria
idk. not my thing.
Alexander x Aaron
he. erm. killed him.
it could maybe work out before the duel though? idk
Alexander x Thomas
love me some good enemies to lovers
i feel Thomas started hating Alexander less after Alex was the reason he got elected as president
hate-fucking. must i say more?
Alexander x Hercules
not much to say about it
honestly, I see it.
Eliza x Maria
i mean....
power couple? maybe? idk.
Thomas x James
okay i loved their friendship, so they can date as little treat
they back eachother up, it's cute
Phillip H. x George E.
he killed him ??
*loud incorrect buzzer*
Lafayette x Hercules
100% MY OTP.
im so normal about them *my organs are stimming*
Peggy x Lafayette
I mean it could probably be cute but....
idk. i dont see it.
King George x George W.
so fucking funny. thats all i have to say.
Aaron x Theodosia P.
Theodosia never showed up in the musical, so theyres not much i can say lmao
Phillip H. x Theodosia A.
same as the last one.
Charles x John J.
same as the last two. #crying
Charles x John. L
he shot him ?? hello ??
Martha M. x Angelica
okay i know Martha didnt show up in the musical
but i can still see it kinda
Charles x Samuel
I hate both of them, so theyre perfect for eachother
K. George x Samuel
insane power dynamic and itd probably be toxic if were being logical
John L. x Lafayette
love them
my friend wrote a quotev fic about them, it was adorbs
John. L x Hercules
my friend also wrote a quotev fic about them and i loved it
HamilGang (romantic)
i love poly ships
like fr i eat that shit up every time
okay that's all i can remember. ill reblog with more if i remember more lol
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luvring · 8 months
nia rambles abt writing REALL!!! small text bc Woah ramble. a look into my mind..
hmmm...me personally i love writing something where nothing happens. soo fun like ive been trying 2 write stuff other than Exactly what happens...small details/mundane things that make it feel more real 🤔 also domestic fluff/banter. like a lot of it. but i keep deleting my drafts bc this isnt necessarily as fun to Read as it is to write. like. Nothing Is Happening Here. she is cooking NOTHING 🔥🔥🔥
deleting everything i write bc i dont think itll do well has been Rlly ruining my vibe though. seriously. ill be like cute idea :-) ....no one would read this actually. AND THAT CAN REALLY NEGATIVELY IMPACT A GIRLS MIND AND SOUL...though writing here in general has been. ... i cant tell if the tumblr audience has just shifted even more to likes > rbs or if ive truly gotten really ass at writing LIKE AM I THE ISSUE... probably. my bad. BUT IM EMBARRASSED BY THIS THOUGHT SO I TURN OFF POST NOTIFS which Means if i get smth nice i Miss it ?1?@?@ whatever. i decided astrology bot gets 2 survive this worry and insecurity bc well. AKAASHI!!! thats my baby boo cutie patootie scrunkly wunkly honey nut cheerio bear. ..sorry. i want to do a part 2 where u go on the date but God Knows if i will. just know i love him. that post felt more ao3ish but i dont post on ao3. maybe i will write bkak. omg. anyway
Whatevah! write what u want. if someone reads it thats awesome and if they dont u can still be happy. thats what i keep telling myself. hopefully i get it 2gether and start writing again bc i do still enjoy it... thats my ramble. if ur reading this i have plans. im COOKING! (campus crush WOAH!) (late national boyfriend day post) (using silly pet names smau) (...choso fluff? been in my thoughts recently..)
theres also my gojo lipstick trend post but this shit had/has me so fucking stumped i might as well have went and stomped(?) my foot and put one hand on my hip and scratched my head with the other and said Good Golly! Gee Willikers this is a tough one! So that ideas gojover too i think. basically instead of just u covering him in lipstick he also covers U and also when ur recording he starts making out w u. yeah. that was the whole idea basically Just a Lot of banter. him going mmmwah! with every kiss kind of thing. guys im hungry as fuck. sorry. its almost 3am and im hungry as FAWWKK + i have to wake up in like 5 hours so goodnight tumblr love u all HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE MIYA TWINS!!! maybe i should skip class. ITS A SEMINAR OMFG FAWK Gn. its over
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Hi baby love u thank u for the boyf Joe Keery pics <333 LOML I cant even 🧎🏻‍♀️🧎🏻‍♀️ his soft hair his hands the moles on his face n body just wanna lick it up 🫢
also I hope work was good baby I’m sorry it’s so stressful and tiring I hope u treated urself after—u looked gorg at the Gaga concert miss u beauty queen ❤️❤️
no actually i want to lick him like a lolipop. my best friend and i are so obsessed we have gaslit ourselves into thinking hes a fictional character bc hes so perfect.
work was better today and i have tommmorow off to write and thrift with my lil cutie patootie so<33 yay me! then harry styles on weds. AND THANK YOU AWHH I ADORE YOU!! kisses baby i missed you
more boyfriend material pics
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haikyuu-tee · 4 years
Give me matchmake. U kno me beech
This is for my dear dear roommate/best friend... please enjoy.
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Koganegawa Kanji:
You’re gonna hate his hair, but hear me out this bean pole is a cutie patootie
I know your type is tall, QUIET, and dumb but kogane is like ⅔
He's a lil dumb and v v tall
He's literally so cute and so fucking optimistic
He just wants to do his best and be a good.
Can and will make friends with everyone he meets, defo an extrovert which i think would be good for you. 
I can see kogane as a bit shy when it comes to romantic feels or pursuits but he's earnest and would be the sweetest secret admirer ever. 
I also kinda headcanon that hed be a very ominous secret admirer.
He does have that big dumb energy we morosexuals looovvve!
Will get confused when someone calls you a different nickname than he chooses for you.
“Who is that?” 
… Me? 
“*pikachu meme*”
First Meeting:
You’d be at a game or maybe an upperclassman to him, maybe Futakuchi and Aone’s friend?
He’d just be like “Wow… a really pretty girl.”
He’d be a norvous and wildin mess as fuck. He’d be blushy and loud and trying to get your attention.
After “meeting” you he’d go Secret Admirer mode, probably on Futakuchi’s advice.
He’d be lowkey ominous as fuck tho as previously mentioned. He’d forget to sign off on things so you’d just get letters like “Your hair looks really nice today.” or random gifts that seem kinda weird, because the baby doesn’t know how to court.
You’d be lowkey unsettled and probably talk to your friends about it. Everytime you mention it Futakuchi cant stop laughing, and Aone just looks a little concerned.
You suspect it’s a prank after that.
How you get together:
Kanji would probably build up the courage after not seeing much reaction from you to ask you to meet him somewhere in one of the letters.
You’d be a little sus, and would ask Aone to hide nearby incase it was some creep afterall.
When you see Kogane there, you’re kinda convinced it’s a prank again.
Until he is nervously presenting you with a sandwich (that’s the best gift he could find at the cafeteria on short notice) and confessing his feelings.
I feel like you would want to start out as friends, but quickly fall for our clumsy tall boi
You’d eventually start dating, and have a really sweet relationship together, where Kogane is constantly trying to impress you, and just being a real sunshine boy.
Side note:
You are Oikawa and Iwaizumi:
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He do be being cute tho:
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Ushijima Wakatoshi:
Okay listen… I feel like he isn’t dumb, but also feel like he’s kinda like Kageyama where he seems smarter than he actually is. Like Wakatoshi is gullible as fuck, we have all seen the memes.
He’d be really hard to read, and intimidating, but I feel like he’s really sweet when you learn how to talk to him.
Which in general I think that means just talking to him and like trying. He’s a very blunt person, but he doesn’t mean it in a rude way. His personality is matter of fact.
I just think he’s the cutest thing, and I think he’s kinda high key your type of man.
He is someone you could take care of, and really build a nice relationship with, even though you’d kinda be second to the sport.
He’d defo think he’s being very obvious about flirting/his feelings, but in reality you have no clue he’s flirting until someone like Tendou points it out to you.
Literally his idea of being obvious is like asking if you’re going to the game when you’ve literally come to every game before that one.
Tendou: So? You gonna ask her out. 
Wakatoshi: I did ask her out. 
T: When? 
W: I asked her if she was coming to the game you were there. 
T: ………….. 
Reasons he wasn’t picked:
He would just be too hard to read.
Also I feel like because he prioritizes volleyball so much there is a lot more room for you to second guess the relationship, whereas Kogane wouldn’t even give you time to think about if he likes you or not. He’s just in your face and everyone else faces all the time.
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linkeai · 6 years
that’s kinda hot → wang linkai / xiao gui ( nine percent ) → summary: summer school is fun, and at first, neither is the obnoxious boy who gets seated next to you who takes a weird liking to you. → warning(s): swearing, mentions of illness, canadian school terms? idfk → genre: fluff, the teensiest bit of angst → word count: 3,751 → notes: hi i love this and it may or may not be inspired by the boy i temporarily fell in love when i went to summer school :)
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so... you suck at math
you knew you sucked at math pretty much your entire life, and you knew you were still going to suck this year when you started your grade 11 math class
but you didn’t think you sucked so bad that you would fail the class entirely
but, alas, thinking was not your strong suit
because your final mark in math 2201 was 32 :)
and you were NOT repeating a year, and you were not taking the god-awful supplementary exam, 
so summer school was pretty much the only option you had left
and your parents may as well have put a gun to your head with the way they said you had BETTER pass this time
bc summer school isn’t exactly cheap!!
so you went off with equal parts terror and determination in your heart
summer school was only a month long, and you’d already sort of done the course already
so you were feeling pretty good about your chances
until you arrived on the first day :)
the place was a janky looking middle school filled with people that divided into two groups;
group a) the ones like you who were already over it and just wanted to get your credits and get the hell out
and group b)… came in shouting at each other and being generally obnoxious and we’re treating it like they’d just arrived at the party
one boy in particular stood out to you.. not because he was probably the most obnoxious one in the bunch, but because he was kind cute even when he was screaming some nonsense
and as if it was your luck.. when you got sorted into your classes and took your seats, he plopped down right beside you
who in the name of god thought it was a good idea to have two seats pushed together in the rows in an actual summer school, you didn’t know
you just knew that when the teacher told you that these were your seats for the remainder of the month, he turned and gave you a grin that made you realize that there was, in fact, a fate better than summer school
and it was death
summer school is extremely fast paced so class started pretty much five minutes after you were seated
so you took out your notebook and your little pencil case and got ready to inject yourself with some mathematical knowledge
when this dude taps on your shoulder
you don’t even say anything you just like at him like don't you fucking dare ask for paper
and so he asks for some paper
and you’re like yeah man for sure! and tear out a few sheets and give it to him
he gives you the BIGGEST, the DUMBEST smile you have ever seen
and you would never in a hundred years admit that it made your heart do several things.
and the paper… the paper was your first mistake.
the teacher started explaining some of the topics of the first unit when he taps his pencil (thank god he at least had a pencil) on your desk
and you’re like yeah… what….
and he asks what your name is 
and you’re like???? it’s y/n
and he does the smile again and … oof
he tells you his name is linkai and you just awkwardly bob your head and turn toward the front again
and linkai has the GALL to tap on your desk again and maybe you’re being a liiittle hot-tempered but in your head, its like W H AT THE FUCK DO YO U WANT DUDE
and this boy has the audacity to look you in the eyes and say “you’re kinda cute.”
your brain short-circuits at the same time your heart goes into overdrive
and you can’t really do much else but stare at him for a long minute and just as you’re about to answer him, you hear a loud yell from the front of the classroom.
“you two! is this gonna be a problem? seriously?”
“no ma’am!” the two of you say in perfect unison
and class carries on
the classes last about four-ish hours every day
and for the ENTIRE first day
linkai is doing sometHING to test your sanity
when he’s not humming, he’s drumming a beat on the desk,
when he’s not trying to make conversation with you, he’s whispering little side comments about the lesson 
and you’re too afraid to tell him to stfu because he’s still really hot and you’re a little intimidated
and this goes on for the next three days of the first week until you snap
he turns to you and he’s like, “y/n, your hair looks really good today.”
and you slowly turn, look him dead in the face and say very slowly; “if you don’t shut the fuck up, i’m going to beat you to death with this calculator”
the next few seconds pass like several eternities, where you revel in the thinly veiled shock and terror in his eyes
until a cheeky grin slowly spreads across his face, and he says, shamelessly;
“that’s kinda hot.”
and at that moment, you turn back to the board and take a long, agonizing moment to grieve over both your two precious math credits as well as your life which your parents will inevitably soon take from you
things get so much weirder after that
you think he goes from talking to you to entertain himself to actually liking you after your feisty little outburst
and you quickly learn that when linkai likes someone he’s … extremely odd
but?? kind of adorable?
the weirdest thing he does is he starts bringing you ‘gifts’
and it's so creepy but so ridiculously endearing when he pulls a bouquet of crumpled dandelions out of his bag and hands them to you
theres a few ants crawling on them and they’re ruined from being in his backpack
he hasn't even put anything on them to hold them together
and you’re not really sure if you want to thank him or not but you do anyway because like.. c’mon man
and he’s looking at you with those puppy dog eyes
so you say “thanks, linkai. these are uh.. nice.”
theyre really not but when his eyes kinda light up a little and he turns away with red ears and hides his smile in his hoodie you’re like.. these are the most beautiful flowers i have ever seen in my entire life
and that, my friend, was your second mistake
he brings you a new gift every day
one time it was half of a cookie from the gas station mcdonalds down the road
once it was an actual fucking newt like a little lizard that he found somewhere and you literally begged him to keep it for himself
another time it was an eraser shaped like a cupcake that was very clearly used
but you kept every single present he gave you
except for the lizard because what the genuine fuck dude
he also comes up with new nicknames for you every day
and they’re even cringer than they were the day before every time without fail
he strolls into the room, plops down beside you and hands you your daily present with a “good morning, ___”
the blanks thus far include, honey, darling, sweetiepie, cupcake, pumpkin, gumdrop, cutie patootie, my cinnamon apple, munchkin
and you don't know why you look forward to seeing what he comes up with next
and even the very worst of the presents and the nicknames make your heart flutter
and you realize you are slowly becoming whipped for this weird kid
and that this is very bad because you’re literally desperate to pass this class and its hard when you spend all your time waiting for his next comment or thinking about him being next to you
but like a dummy, you don't ask to be moved and you don’t even ask him to shut up
well you do, you regularly tell him to shut up but this man takes insults like compliments and it seems to feed into this idea that you like him
which you do but that's none of his damn business
and about halfway through that short month of school, you realize you’re not going to be ready for the exam
you start losing sleep over it because this is really not good
and you also realize that this isn’t linkai’s fault, really, you can’t push the blame onto him because you didnt want to ask to be moved away from the cute boy
and that makes you feel even worse
so you come into school one day looking about as miserable as you feel
you actually get there after linkai for the first time because you were in the bathroom trying to make yourself look more alive
but it doesn't work because the second you walk in and linkai (who was previously looking a bit like a lost puppy) says “hi sugarpl- damn, you look rough.”
you give him a half-assed glare and slump into the seat beside him, not even having the energy to be sarcastic.
“wait, y/n, are you okay?”
the concern in his voice makes your stomach turn a little but you just kinda look at him and you’re like.
“i’m gonna fail. again.”
and he's surprised you actually answered him so he kinda stalls for a second
and then he's like “i can help you? if you want?”
and you almost want to laugh bc you have not seen the kid take a single note since you got here
but he's like “lets go sit at one of those tables outside after this and i’ll help you with what you don’t know.”
and you’re like yeah sure i guess bc i mean.. he's cute what are you gonna do? say no?
and then he gets his bag and pulls out a pack of colorful scrunchies and hands them to you
and you instinctively tear up bc they look super new so he definitely like.. went to a store.. saw these.. thought he should get them for you..took them off the shelf.. bought them with his own money.. and now they’re here
and by the will of god you don’t start weeping in front of him
and you feel weird walking with him outside as he greets all his loud friends and is like nah i cant go with you guys today i gotta do something
you two sit down outside and you whip out your book and he’s like so what is it? what are you having trouble with?
and, in shame, you admit that you really don’t know shit all
and he just kinda laughs and he’s like aight let's do this
and let me JUST SAY
he starts explaining the first concept to you and everything he says is making? perfect sense?
he explains things very clearly and intelligently and you immediately understand what you have to do 
he has his own way of solving problems that is faster and more efficient and literally whips through every equation.
when he finishes explaining, you just stop and stare at him in awe for a second and he's like “sorry, did that make sense?”
and in your head you’re like nothing has ever made sense more than what you just did right now
but outwardly you’re like yeah thanks so much
and he continues to explain things to you and by the time a few hours have passed and its getting late and kinda chilly, you already understand half the things you were lost on
you tell him you should get home now and he’s like, oh, yeah, sure, okay.
and you really have to ask him how he ended up in summer school? because he’s obviously extremely intelligent with how easily he understands all the concepts
and he gets a little shy
and he tells you that during the year, he had to work a lot during the school days because his mom is sick and off work so they’re not making a lot of money
and that she had a doctors appointment on the day of the final and there was no one else to take her and it was all really last minute so he missed it
and so he ended up failing math and had to go to summer school
he waits with you until your bus comes and sends you off
and you’re just like.. sitting there.. thinking
and you start to feel like the biggest piece of shit for multiple reasons
first, because you had made so many wrong assumptions about linkai
he wasn’t just some obnoxious imbecile. he was hard-working and obviously had a really big heart
he was loud, yeah but that was just his personality
and you had gone and assumed he was dumb when he was pretty much a genius
but worst of all, you realized that he actually genuinely liked you
all the little pet names, the gifts, the constant talking to you in class was because he just… liked you. it was his own little eccentric way of showing it
and you had treated him like he was some big joke. a nuisance, even.
you didn’t sleep very well that night, either.
the next day he brought you a donut and called you donut.
and you almost cried again 
he was also wearing a different red sweater he’d never worn before and his hair was kind of different and he looked so good
and so you smiled at him and said, “morning, handsome.”
and there was nothing sweeter than the way his face turned as red as his hoodie.
he helped you that day after class too,
and the next, and the next
and you exchanged numbers so you could ‘ask him questions while you were home’
but you two would start texting and having all kinds of conversations
from the most crackheadassery shit to some really deep stuff
you never knew that you could fall so hard for someones voice, the way he talks on the phone when he’s calm and tired, his voice husky and quiet
but shit, you were whipped like whip cream
there was this one time he texted you at 6 am
and it said something like “i just got home from work and i saw a cat in my mailbox blah blah”
and you were like.. pause. just got home from work?
and from there you realized that because summer school was mandatory he was going to work at night to make up for the day shifts he had to miss
and probably getting 2-3 hours of sleep if he was getting any and all
and that was kind of the deal breaker
and you realized that, in such a short span of time,
you had completely fallen in love with wang linkai
and you were determined to do something, anything you could to just.. make things better for him?
you just wanted to be his person
the two of you continued staying after school and studying for an hour or two and then texting throughout the rest of the day, right up until the final exam
the two of you had studied vigorously together, both in person and over facetime.
and the night before the exam comes and you get a text
and all it says is “y/n, something bad happened.”
your heart immediately sinks to the floor and you abandon the petty ‘wait two-three minutes before answering’ rule and just call him
he picks up and doesn’t even say hello and you’re so frightened to see such a bright creature so… burned out
he explains to you that his mom finally got an appointment with this really important specialist after months of waiting
and that it was supposed to be next week, but it got moved to tomorrow
and it’s on the other side of the city
and he’ll miss his exam
it really hurts to hear the shake in his voice, and how hopeless he sounds
and you ask him everything like are you sure theres no one else that can drive her but you? are you sure you cant have the appointment moved back?
and its all a pretty resounding no.
and so you think and think and you’re like; you know what? i have an idea.
and you run into your moms room and explain the situation to her and BEG her to do this for you and take linkai’s mom to her appointment for him
and she asks to speak to linkai for a second and you’re just twiddling your thumbs
and he kinda makes her smile and laugh a little and your heart could just BURST
and she agrees to drive her after getting his address and his moms name and the place of the appointment etc
and when she hands the phone back to you, you go back to your room and when you put the phone to your ear, you hear linkai sniffling on the other end
and you’re like “kai?? are you crying?”
and he’s like “no… fuck maybe a little bit.”
and you’re like ?? why, what else is wrong?
and he’s like “nothing.. nothing is wrong, it’s just.” and he takes a big breath. “thank you so much.”
and you kinda tear up a little bit too and you’re like.. “of course.. you don’t have to thank me.”
and he just takes a biig breath and calms down and then he starts talking in a really soft voice.
“y/n.. you know i like, really like you, right? i know you think im just bored or playing some game, but im not. i knew you were special, and im..” he kind of laughs at himself. “fuck, im really falling for you.”
and now you are crying too
and you tell him you’re so sorry and that you wish you would have just. been better from the beginning
and you tell him that you feel the same way and the both of you are just giggling and he tells you thank you a million times and that he cant wait to see you tomorrow
so the exam comes
the two of you take it and you’re kind of lost on what to do with yourselves other than studying lol
but you both feel really good about the outcome
and there's something really special about the two of you sitting outside waiting for both of your moms to come and get you
and when they do, you get in the car and your moms are like best fuckin friends already
and you’re all laughing as the four of you go to eat lunch together and linkai’s mom tells him that the specialist set up a plan for her and it looks like things are going to get better really soon.
and theres a happy kind of pain in your chest when you look over at him and see that he’s getting teary eyed
and you know exactly what he’s feeling - its that feeling like fuck, things are so good right now, everything is perfect, please don’t take it away
and so you’re a little scared but more excited when you reach over and hold his hand.
and he looks at you and you smile at him. you don’t have to say a word for him to know exactly what you’re thinking
‘i’m here. things will be okay. things will get better. let me carry this weight with you.’
and he squeezes your hand so tight it hurts
but you dont mind
a few days later, the two of you return to get your final examination results
and you’re both shaking and bickering bc you’re like “why are you nervous when you know you passed”
and the two of you take the envelopes and go stand outside by the same table you sat at everyday.
you open your cards at the same time and look at the results and you scream while linkai lets out a big huff of relief
yours reads ’84’ and his says says ’93’
your card flutters to the ground as you jump forward into his arms
and he’s laughing and holding you so so tight, swinging you around and he’s still kind of shaking but in a good way.
and you pull away from the hug and just look at him, and he’s got that look in his eyes again
the look that says he’s so happy and he’s afraid he’s going to lose it
and before you can think twice, you grab his face and kiss the thought right out of his head
and he smiles into the kiss, grabbing you the second you pull away and bringing you back for more
you two pull away and just look at each other like.. who knew?
and he kisses you again on the lips, then kisses all over your entire face
and the horn honks a few feet away from where your mother is waiting for you with a small smile on her face.
and you kiss him one last time before you walk back to the car with your hands tightly intertwined
and you are so fucking glad you suck at math
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