#Hogwarts legacy my beloved
m0mmat0rtle · 26 days
Sebastian: you’re really campaigning for bitch of the year aren’t you?
MC: as defending champion are you nervous?
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ourunmei · 1 year
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You can't even tell me I'm wrong.
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anto-pops · 11 months
Beseech Me - Ominis Gaunt x Female! Reader
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Summary: Ominis works too much, and your neediness results in you adamantly refusing to go to bed without him. He comes up with a torturous compromise.
Alternatively summarized as Ominis tormenting you while he works until you can't take it anymore. Hot and frantic on-the-desk antics ensue.
Word Count: 3.3k
Warnings: 18+, aged up characters, explicit sexual content, rough sex on a desk, Dominis if you squint
Full fic can be found here on Ao3 as per usual !
“Please, Ominis,” you whined breathlessly, pinching your eyes shut as you fought the urge to writhe in his lap. “Please move– please.”
The man in question only chuckled under his breath, gliding his fingertips lightly up your spine as he maintained his charmed hold on his dictation quill. He made no move to heed your request, instead opting to keep working as if he weren’t buried balls deep inside of your tight heat. When you had asked him to take a break to spend time with you earlier, this was the absolute last thing you had anticipated. The only reason you’d agreed to entertain his idea was because you had convinced yourself that his restraint wouldn’t last– that he would cave and take you on top of the desk in the way you were desperate for him to– but evidently his self-control was unbreakable. 
You’d never been proven so wrong in your life. He was clearly deriving some sort of sick, twisted pleasure from toying with you in this manner, and it seemed like the more you begged, the slower his quill moved across the parchment. At this rate, you were certain you would be forced to sit on his cock until dawn. 
“You’re hardly in any position to be telling me what to do,” his warm breath ghosted over your neck, the barely there feeling of his lips against your skin making your head spin with arousal. “You were the one who couldn’t wait until I finished my work. Besides, I think this is a perfectly reasonable compromise.” 
Swallowing thickly, you dug your nails into his clothed shoulders in a bid to keep yourself still. The urge to rock down into his lap was insatiable, but you already knew that doing so would set you back irritatingly further. 
“Don’t move, or you won’t get anything from me,” were Ominis’ exact words. You didn’t doubt for a second that he would follow through on that promise if you let your impatience get the best of you. 
You wet your lips and cracked your eyes open to stare at the wall over his shoulder, trying and failing to ignore the pulsing of his shaft within your walls. “It’s just– you’re always working. There’s always more for you to get done, and I get lonely. Please take a break– please fuck me, Ominis, I’m begging you.”
The blond’s fingers skirted down your back once more before moving to squeeze at the curve of your waist, as though he were about to relent. He didn’t, though, and instead opted to press a hot, chaste kiss to your pulse. “I do so like it when you beg…” he mused thoughtfully, dragging his free hand away from the desk to grip the other side of your waist. You couldn’t see his dictation quill, but you heard the scratching of its tip against the parchment slow down some, and your heart skipped a beat as you contemplated whether or not he was finally giving in. “You make it incredibly difficult to focus on important matters, you know that?” 
You opened your mouth to reply, but the sudden feeling of Ominis’ teeth sinking into your neck stole the words from your throat. He bit fervently against your flesh, sucking a proprietary mark into your skin with a throaty hum, and your shaky moan reverberated off the walls and caused your lover’s cock to twitch enthusiastically inside of you. 
Ominis would be lying if he said teasing you this way was easy. On the contrary, when you had walked into his office to ask him to come to bed earlier, he naturally wanted to agree immediately and forgo finishing his report for the Ministry entirely. Denying you the first time was a necessary evil, but then you had come up behind him to wrap your arms around his shoulders, and he’d been made aware of the silk bathrobe you wore with presumably little underneath. That revelation had shattered the majority of his restraint, and he knew then and there that he wouldn’t be able to pay attention to a lick of his work after that. 
You’d been all too eager to take him up on his offer of warming his cock, but little did you know he’d made the suggestion more for himself than for you. Beyond the euphoric sensation of being sheathed in your clenching heat, Ominis relished in working you over the edge with little to no effort– and Merlin, had he succeeded. Your labored breathing in his ear for the past half hour was like the finest of music, and your breasts pressing against his clothed chest was as intoxicating as Firewhiskey. 
In truth, he hadn’t gotten much work done for the duration of time you’d been sitting in his lap; he didn’t need sight to know there was a series of meaningless scribbles in the corners of his report, put there entirely to play up his charade. Everything about you was that distracting, and he huffed out a sigh as his baser urges finally won out against his responsibilities. 
Ominis laved his tongue over the freshly bruised bit of skin, leaving crescent shaped marks on your hips as he held you tighter to ever-so-slightly grind up into you. The feeling had you gasping into the crook of his neck as your forehead fell against his shoulder, clinging to the fabric of his shirt as you allowed the blond to maneuver you however he pleased. 
It took every ounce of willpower in Ominis’ body to keep his voice low and controlled when he murmured, “I suppose you have been well behaved… a little needy, but that’s nothing new.” He pushed your hips back before steadily pulling them forward again, and his eyelids fluttered shut at the sheer bliss the friction offered him. “I’ll fuck you, but you have to wait to come until I say so. Understood?” 
The mere thought of having to wait a second longer for him to move had you nodding brainlessly into the crook of his shoulder, and you ardently wound your arms around his neck to hold him closer as you cautiously rocked against him. At this point, you were willing to promise him anything if it meant getting what you wanted. 
One of his hands left your waist to wind through your hair, and when he tightened his fingers around the strands to pull you away from him, you couldn’t stop the surprised yelp that tumbled from your parted lips. “Use your words, darling, or I’ll leave you waiting for another hour. Do you understand?” 
“Yes,” you gasped breathlessly, forced to address the ceiling since Ominis’ hand in your hair had your head tilted back. “I understand, I won’t come until you tell me to. Please, Ominis, I promise–”
“That’ll do,” he cut you off quickly, releasing his hold against your scalp to grip your hips once more. His lithely muscled arms held you flush to him as he stood straight, and the legs of his chair scraped loudly against the floorboards as he kicked it away to give himself more space. In one swift motion, Ominis deposited you on top of the desk and firmly pushed you down so you were draped on your back across the oak surface, his cock still inside you. His clever fingers set to undo the buttons of his shirt as the hand against your sternum trailed lower to tease around your wet folds, and a keening sound resonated from deep in your chest as he grazed his thumb over your sensitive clit. 
Much like his shallow grinding earlier, it wasn’t enough. Your voice was airy when you asked, “C-Can I touch myself?” 
His hand stilled momentarily before retreating, and he nodded down at you with a coy smirk on his face. “You’re a good girl for asking, so yes. Remember your promise though.” 
Your hand flew off the table to rub tight circles against the hyper-sensitive nub, and the relief that washed over you then was tantamount to perfection. It was the stimulation you’d been after since straddling Ominis earlier, and your eyes jumped up to watch as the blond shrugged his shirt off his shoulders and dropped the attire unceremoniously to the floor. His eyes closed momentarily when the attention you bestowed upon yourself caused your walls to tighten around his cock, and a shameless moan ripped from his throat at the same time he leaned forward to brace his arms on either side of you. 
“Fuck– you’re greedy for it, aren’t you?” 
The clipped edge to Ominis’ voice betrayed just how much he wanted this too, and your breathy laugh filtered up to him as you teased, “Am I to believe you’re not?” 
Those milky blue eyes of his narrowed as he processed your remark, and your mouth dried up when his expression shifted into something far more domineering than before. He lifted one of his hands to run the appendage up your stomach, then your chest, before eventually settling against your throat, and your eyes widened when he squeezed gently to convey his feelings on the snide comment. 
“Are you sassing me right now? Bold words from the woman who beseeched me to take her on the desk. Just for that,” he started to say, reaching between the two of you to grasp the hand you’d been using on yourself, “no more of this. You’re mine to play with now, darling.”
In a flash, Ominis pinned your hand against the rough wood above your head, holding you firmly in place by the throat with the other. You whimpered pitifully, opening your mouth to stutter out a string of apologies before he forbade you from coming entirely, but a hurried thrust of his hips interrupted your efforts. The force in the action had your shoulder blades scraping deliciously against the desk, and you moaned wantonly as Ominis worked to set a brutal pace. 
He spread his legs to accommodate his low hanging trousers before pounding himself roughly into your tight cunt. “Calling me greedy when you’re the one under me getting fucked senseless,” he growled with a gruff tone, squeezing around your windpipe to pull you harder onto his cock as he plunged in and out of you without mercy. “You couldn’t wait– didn’t want to wait. You’re as demanding and needy as they come.” 
His head tipped back and sent strands of his blond hair across his forehead as he bucked desperately into your overwhelmingly slick walls, and after being sheathed in your tight heat for so long without moving, he felt himself growing closer to his release as you clenched tellingly around him. Ominis abandoned his hold on your throat as he bent over you, raking his nails down your chest to pinch one of your nipples into a stiff peak, and your back arched off the desk for all of two seconds before the imposing man jerked your head to the side by your hair to sink his teeth into your shoulder. 
“O-Ominis, fuck–” you cried out abruptly, the combined feeling of his bite and the slap of his hips against your ass enough to make you see stars. The fire that ignited in your blood had you flushing from head to toe as you frantically sought more stimulation from him, but the whispers of your earlier promise haunted the far reaches of your mind like a ghost. You bit your lip and writhed brainlessly underneath him, fighting your looming orgasm with every ounce of restraint you could muster up. It was easier said than done; between Ominis’ frantic pace, his possessive hold on your hair, and the guttural, animalistic sounds he was making, you wanted nothing more than to finally fall over the edge into white bliss. 
Ominis knew it too, but he wasn’t about to give you what you wanted without a little more effort on your part. 
Releasing your hair to loop his arm under your rounded spine, Ominis mouthed wetly down the column of your throat before breathing his request against your sweat-slick skin, “Tell me what you want, love. Say the words.”
“I-I want to come– please let me come, Ominis, please.” Your breathless noises grew louder as Ominis licked a broad stripe along your collarbone before kissing and sucking another love-bite right below your clavicle. When he suddenly hauled your waist against him and slammed his cock up into you, your eyes crossed as you gasped for air and let your head fall back against the desk. The blond buried the cacophony of sounds falling from his lips against your skin, groaning at the way you arched hard and tightened perfectly around his throbbing member, and your thighs trembled bonelessly on either side of him. 
All you could do was let Ominis hold you, giving yourself over to him completely as he fucked incoherent pleas from your swollen lips and chased his own pleasure. Tears pricked at the corners of your eyes as you fought your climax, and when your lover turned his head to bury his face in the crook of your neck, his pace quickened immeasurably further. His thick cock nailed you perfectly, each thrust he gave you pulling out almost entirely before he stuffed you full again, and the hand he didn’t have pinned to the desk flew up to grip his bicep as your body quaked with pleasure. 
It was too much to bear– you needed to come– almost as much as you needed to breathe. The overstimulating sensations were driving you insane, and when Ominis moaned long and loud next to your ear, you almost caved without permission. 
Ominis knew you were close. He could feel you fighting your finish as you writhed and angled your hips to meet his, and he could hear your cries of his name growing louder and louder until your voice was cracking on the end of your pleas of, “Please let me come, please Ominis– can I come?” He grazed his teeth up your throat towards your ear, and his fingers dug into the bones of your wrist as his grip turned irontight. The arm he had coiled around your waist followed suit, and after a few more hurried thrusts into you, Ominis acceded to your begging. 
“Come for me, darling,” he moaned directly beside your ear. “Be a good girl and come for me, let me feel you.” 
You didn’t even give him the chance to repeat himself. 
Arching clean off the desk, your breathing stopped entirely as you tensed in Ominis’ arms, and a strangled gasp caught in his throat when your sopping wet heat clamped down on his cock to seemingly suck him in deeper. His hand on your wrist fell away in an instant to slip between your flush bodies, and those nimble fingers sought out your clit with a practiced ease that sent your composure careening into oblivion. 
The added stimulation was damn near unbearable, but you had no way to escape his unrelenting hands as he held you through your climax. Your voice was a raspy, sinful melody in his ears, and Ominis knew he wouldn’t last much longer. “Merlin, you feel so good, love. So perfect for me– I’m close–” 
“D-Don’t stop,” you stammered in between gasps, your nails clawing into the wood of the desk in a bid to find purchase. “Gods, don’t stop Ominis, cum inside– please, please–”
He was all too happy to oblige you. With a throaty groan, Ominis lowered you so you were laying across the desk once again, then slipped his hands under the bent crooks of your knees to push your legs against your chest. Still hyper-sensitive from your ebbing finish, the new angle allowed you to feel more of your lover’s cock inside of you as he began thrusting into you harder and faster. The blond’s head tipped back as he shamelessly moaned your name into the open air, and before long the sound was drowned out by the slapping of his hips against your ass as he pounded into you. 
With your thighs nearly pressed together, Ominis felt impossibly thicker as his manhood reached deeper. Everytime he pulled back, the blunt head of his cock rubbed past your sweet spot perfectly, and your toes curled as you gasped and moaned, your senses completely overwhelmed by the overstimulation. Ominis’ grip on your legs turned bruising as his pace grew rougher, steadily losing the fight to maintain his rhythm– especially when your hands flew from the desk to brainlessly claw at his forearms. 
“Fuck, darling– fuck,” he grit through his clenched teeth, and with one final thrust into your pulsing core, Ominis came with a husky cry of your name. His hands slid to the front of your legs to pull you back against his hips to better grind against your rear, milking every thick bit of cum from his twitching cock. Hot spurts of his seed painted your insides and brought you higher than before, and your nails dragged down his arms as you keened breathlessly beneath him, wriggling back into his shallow grinding the best you could. 
The two of you stayed like that for what seemed like an eternity, but realistically could only have been a handful of minutes. You blearily blinked up at Ominis when he released your thighs to brace his arms against the desk, his chest rising and falling as he sucked down deep, shaky breaths, and you brazenly wound your trembling legs around his waist to keep him exactly where he was. The wet sound of his load squelching out around his cock had him groaning unabashedly— not-so-secretly in love with the sordid noises your cunt made when it was filled to the brim with his cum— and your eyelids fluttered shut as streaks of the white fluid dripped down your ass onto the desk.
When he lifted his head to gaze down in your direction, your stomach flipped at the lustful glimmer in his hazy eyes, and his hands skirted across the oak surface beneath you in search of your face. You angled your head to the side to meet him halfway, and he followed his arm as he bent down to capture your lips in a hungry kiss that said more than words ever could. He still elected to speak, however, amusement lacing his tone as his fingers traced the outline of your jaw. 
“I suppose you’re feeling rather pleased with yourself right about now,” he murmured softly against your lips, gently rocking his hips against yours and smearing his sticky seed across your rear. Thus far he had made no move to pull out, but you weren’t about to start complaining. Your current arrangement was beyond preferable to the torturous waiting game you’d been playing with him earlier. 
You tried and failed to fight the smirk that stretched across your face, and you chuckled coyly under your breath. “What makes you say that?” 
Ominis’ eyes darkened when he pulled away, and his hands trailed higher up the desk to wind in your unruly hair once again as he gathered the strands in his fists. Your eyes widened and your breath halted as he inhaled deeply– as though he were committing your scent to memory– before he nudged his nose against yours and grinned wickedly. “Because now I have every intention of stretching this ‘break’ well into the morning,” he vowed, and the revelation had your heart soaring while your stomach simultaneously flipped on itself. “How many more times can I fill you before it gets to be too much… let’s find out, shall we?”
Swallowing around the lump in your throat, your hands splayed against his pale sternum as you cautiously asked, “Shouldn’t you sleep? You have work in the morning…”
“To hell with sleep,” Ominis tutted disapprovingly at you, tightening his hold against your scalp. “You started this after all. I’ll make sure you’re the farthest thing from lonely tonight, darling.” 
If the way his cock seemed to revive inside of you was any indication, you knew with the utmost certainty that he definitely wasn’t lying. You didn’t know whether to be excited or afraid as you realized exactly what it was you’d inadvertently signed yourself up for. 
Merlin’s balls— you were in for it now. 
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gobletoffeels · 12 days
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back with some goodies of mister platinum face card
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hollowwrites · 1 year
Pure brain rot. Not thoughts, only breathy Ominis!
MC: So how does Parseltongue work exactly?
Ominis: If I know a word in English I just instinctually know it in Parseltongue…
MC: Could you teach me some?
Ominis: I could. I don’t know why you’d want to learn. Like I’ve said, it associated with dark wizards.
MC: …I just want to say Hello to some snakes…
Ominis: Fine. Hello is Hhaaaaaaaasshhhaa
MC: …Hash?
Ominis: (rolls his eyes) No, listen, Hhaaaaaaaasshhhaa
MC: (sighs) Hhaaaaccssshhhaa
Ominis: Almost. (leans closer to her) Just a little softer. Think how snakes sound. Hhaaaaaaaasshhhaa. Again.
MC: (moves closer to him) Hhaaaaaaaasshhhaaaaaa
Ominis: Hhaaaaaaaasshhhaa (tilts his head down to her) Again
MC: (becoming increasingly breathy) Hhaaaaaaaasshhhaa (notices his eyes closing slightly)
Ominis: (becoming gruffer) HhaaaaaaaaScshhhaa
MC: (involuntary whimper)
Sebastian: What on EARTH have I walked in on?
Ominis and MC: (pulls back blinking and dazed)
MC: I wanted to see his snake. SPEAK. I wanted to SPEAK snake…I need to leave (hurriedly exits the Undercroft)
Sebastian: …
Ominis: … Not a word Sebastian
Sebastian: I haven’t said anything (smirking)
Ominis: …
Sebastian: Oh that reminds me, I was wondering…Could you teach me how to say “I’ve been madly in love with you since I shouted at you outside the Undercroft in fifth year” in Parseltongue?
Ominis: …(sighs)
Other pieces of trash! Welcome to the Garbage Pile
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subastian-swallows · 1 year
Ominis Gaunt x You
What it would be like to date Ominis Gaunt •⩊• *just a small taste...just a nibble...I could go on forever*
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Hidden touches ᯤ ᯅ ᯤ — think: asking you for support to read over notes in his textbook, while he lightly brushes his fingers against yours in class. Or, gently caressing your hand underneath your robes, when you sit next to each other in the Great Hall.
Traces your features, to feel closer to you — when you're alone, Ominis likes to trace every inch of you, EVERY INCH
Napping together — more than likely, you'll find that Ominis falls asleep faster, so you spend majority of your "naps," just watching him as he peacefully daydreams *he mumbles in his sleep, your name comes up quite a bit*
Secret baths together — it's not always sexual, just purely spending time together, supporting each other clean *however, it's not always a soft moment....*
Shy kisses *Ominis is very guarded with PDA, he prefers to have you alone — away from prying eyes*
Shares his coat — one example: when you forget yours and it started to rain, so you both huddled under his large overcoat as he complained softly, you on the other hand, used it as an excuse to cuddle against him
Stargazing/Cloud watching — Ominis loves listening to you explain what you can see, wants you to describe them, teasing you softly in the process
Potion study sessions
Caring for each other — nightmares, Ominis has a lot of them and he comes to you for comfort
Picnics — Ominis resting on your lap as you feed him strawberries and explain the latest drama unfolding with the third-years in front of you
Comfort buddies — Ominis' hands often shake when he's nervous, so you make sure to hold them, this is the only time he doesn't mind PDA in front of others
Written notes in class — "meet me at our spot x"
Ugly Christmas sweaters
Couple Halloween costumes — always something dominant in his favour, say: vampire prince and his victim, Ominis is always bashful about it
Nights in the vivarium — studying, talking, kissing, touching...
Tracing his beauty marks — he traces yours
Sweet whispers
Teasing — slow touches, that move even slower towards their destination, almost like a game
Angry make-out sessions
Best cheerleader boyfriend — supports you through everything, cheering you on, especially when you're outdoing Sebastian
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shingodzilla98 · 7 months
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RIP to Ominis’ beautiful eyes on Switch
Ominis’ eyes made him unique and special, why do they gotta do him like that? Did he really look THAT scary on the Switch without em?
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akechiguro · 1 year
Could you also do yandere headcanons for Ominis Gaunt? I loved it for Sebastian ♡
yandere ominis gaunt headcanons
headcanons / imagines
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Synopsis | a collection of headcanons for a yandere boyfriend, Ominis Gaunt.
Word Count | 622.
Content Warnings | mentions of intrusive thoughts, stalking
Author’s Note | sorry for the delay on these, anon!! i don’t have an excuse 😞 but i hope you enjoy nonetheless 🫶
✧. ┊ unlike sebastian’s primal jealousy, ominis’ comes in the form of domestic anger. he’ll be petty, with short responses and a firm refusal to talk about whatever’s bothering him if he sees you talking to another guy. he’s aware how toxic it is, but he feels there’s no words to describe his jealousy when he sees you with other people.
✧. ┊ ominis knows you need your space. he tries to respect it as much as he can, but his fear of losing you is so deep that he’s physically unable to be separated from you for more than an hour. if he doesn’t see you for any reason he worries, and is constantly needing confirmation you still like him and there’s nobody else. the years of trauma have done a number on his self-security.
✧. ┊ ordinarily, ominis is completely against the usage of dark magic. being forced to use the cruciatas curse and having it used on him completely changed his views on the magic. but if anyone were to present themselves as a threat, whether it be a physical one or a love interest who isn’t himself, he’s willing to use his apt for the dark arts to make sure nobody, nobody, comes between you and him.
✧. ┊ ominis would never hurt you. it’s almost as if he’s unable to even think about hurting you without upsetting himself. even when he’s ignoring you for speaking to someone who wasn’t himself, he feels extremely horrible about it, going as far as to beg on his knees if you desire such an apology. if he is being petty about your inner circle, he still makes sure to leave your favorite sweets from Honeydukes on your nightstand (with help from your owl if you’re not in the boys dorm), just to let you know he still cares.
✧. ┊ he’s ashamed of it, but he has stalked you before— or rather, he does. never outside of school, he wouldn’t be able to come up with a good enough reason to tell the Sallows, but he’s prone to it during the school year. nights are his most active hours, he’ll follow about 10 paces behind you just to make sure you’re getting where you need to go safely. he’s not proud of it, in fact he hates himself for resorting to such a creepy method, but he would hate to not be with you and have something happen.
✧. ┊ if you were to break up, ominis would appear as though he’s taking it well. he’d be respectful and understanding on the surface, but he would frequent the undercroft a lot more. sebastian swears he once heard anguished screams coming from it while passing by, but assumed he was hallucinating. another rumor going around says ominis has more than a couple scars from crucio. he wouldn’t be able to handle you not being with him anymore, not without some form of self-punishment.
✧. ┊ while he may give you a teasingly hard time, if you asked ominis to do your schoolwork for you, he would do it in a heartbeat. not just schoolwork, either; absolutely anything you need help with, he would do with the best of his abilities. there’s nothing he would say “no” to.
✧. ┊ losing anne and the scare of losing sebastian enhanced ominis’ already yandere-ish tendencies far beyond what he would let them be. more than a few dark thoughts cross his mind every time he sees you and you’re not by his side. he would never act on them, he wouldn’t forgive himself for, say, abducting you or doing something without your consent. but his intrusive thoughts are frequent and he doesn’t know how to deal with them.
✧. ┊ you’re his everything. he wouldn’t let himself live in peace if it weren’t for you. remember that.
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cicidarkarts · 5 months
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More Hogwarts Legacy memes, including my own character, Credence Painter
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Anne Sallow is 100% ADHD don't @ me
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Blood Defied, the fanfic that introduces Credence Painter Ominis Gaunt x Cree
The og meme thread
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rypnami · 1 month
SFW fic rec list
i don’t often reblog fics i like just because if i did it would clutter everyone’s dash CONSTANTLY. so i thought i’d make a lil list of a few of my favourite things i’ve read in this fandom- i tried to keep it short bc theres simply too much amazing work to list properly.
the value of kindness by @blueraineshadows
leander fluff- a little angsty but SWEET and i adore how she writes leander 🥹 just wonderful
in the shadow of her by @girl-named-matty i love this fic and matty is an exceptional writer so if you want a long slowburn and good writing read this and the other fics in the series fr
sunshine by @applinsandoranges OH i remember this one like yesterday, will always be possibly my favourite andrew fic. so sweet and cute
seek me by @cuffmeinblack i'm a real sucker for garreth fluff tbh and this one always makes me happy. romantic or platonic, he's 100% the guy who goes out of his way to help after someone has nightmares <3
amortentia by @applinsandoranges another classic by applin tbh. i can NEVER get enough and her seb in this fic is great. it's a somewhat quick read and 100% worth it, this is canon seb as far as i'm concerned.
(i will update this more as i remember favourites!)
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boxdstars · 4 months
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dancingbirdie · 1 year
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My headcanon is that Ominis always calls MC “my love” in the most endearing, worshipful voice.
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life-at-hogwarts · 11 months
In the shadow of death (Ominis x GN!reader)
Pairing: Ominis x reader
Warnings: angst, trauma, fluff, mentions of animal abuse,
Word count: 3.3k
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Summary: It’s the day of Noctua’s funeral. After spending the night in Ominis’ room, the two of you have to act normal in front of his family.
“I’m sorry. This was entirely inappropriate. It has just been a hard day and I needed it.”
“Glad to be of help,” you replied breathlessly, your head still spinning from the kiss
Author’s note: Oof this one took me way too long. Possibly inspired by TVD. Also after obsessively researching the Gaunt family tree I have decided I am going against headcanon and Ominis is the older brother in this one instead of Marvolo.
Part 1     Part 2
Also I finally managed to set up an AO3 account if you prefer to read it there
Your face was still flushed from the last kiss when you made your way back to your room, sneaking through the quiet corridors completely lost in thought, smiling to yourself as you relished in memories of last night. It felt like a dream, how could that have been real? Two days ago, you had just been friends and now the taste of his lips still lingered on yours. The strangest thing was that it did not feel odd at all. All you could think about was doing it again. You had almost reached your room when Sebastian blocked your way, leaning against the wall with a stern look on his face.
“I hope you know what you’re doing.”
Your cheeks were burning, and you avoided his gaze. “What are you talking about?”
“I’ve known Ominis for a long time. He doesn’t let people in. I’ve never seen him open up to anyone but Anne and myself, but for some reason he trusts you. So, for all our sakes, I hope you understand how much that means and honor it. If you do anything to hurt him…”
This took you by surprise. You had expected him to tease you and make fun of you but not this. Of course, you knew how close these two were, but you had never seen him this protective over his friend. If anything, he was usually the one who put him in danger.
“My intentions are pure, I swear,” you assured him solemnly and held his gaze.
“Good. He deserves the best. I’m putting my trust in you.”  After a short pause he added, “But be careful around his family. Don’t let them see what is going on between you two. They’ll use it to hurt him.”
“What do you mean?”
“Love is a weakness. Don’t think they won’t exploit it.”
You wanted to ask what he meant by that, but Sebastian was done talking and moved out of your way. You could feel his eyes following you when you walked down the corridor and finally disappeared into your room. That was odd, you thought to yourself, I have to find out what that is about.
Mr. and Mrs. Gaunt did not attend breakfast which made this meal more pleasant for everyone and even Ominis seemed somewhat relaxed with only his siblings around. You had seen Marvolo around in school, but Ominis avoided him as best as he could, so you did not know much about him. He was a year younger than the three of you, but no one could tell by looking at him. Marvolo took after Erebus, even some of his mannerisms were the same. You had to be careful around him. Metis on the other hand was much younger, probably around ten, and seemed like the least threatening member of the Gaunt family. You sat down next to her and gave her a little smile.
“Are you a Slytherin too?” she immediately asked.
“No. I’m not,” you started, but before you could elaborate Metis interrupted you.
“Mother said you are a half-blood. Maybe that’s why you’re not in Slytherin.”
Again with the pure blood mania. You suppressed an annoyed sigh and tried to stay polite. She was still a child after all.
“You know the sorting hat doesn’t really care about that. It’s what inside of you that counts.”
“Well, I am going to be in Slytherin like my brothers and everyone else in my family. It is the best house,” the little girl declared proudly.
Before you could answer, Marvolo chimed in, “Of course you will. You’re a Gaunt after all, our bloodline is not muddied with muggle blood.”
“Marvolo! Metis! That’s enough! Apologize right now. You are being rude to our guest,” Ominis hissed through gritted teeth, visibly irritated by his sibling’s behavior. Marvolo only glared at his brother defiantly and you could sense the tension building up between the two.
“Am I interrupting something?”
“Anne!” Sebastian exclaimed and impetuously ran to his sister pulling her into a hug. It was a welcome distraction from the tense situation. Ominis shot his brother another angry look, before getting up to greet Anne. They hugged each other affectionately, then he asked, “What are you doing here?”
“I’m here for you, of course. I’m so sorry about your aunt.”
You didn’t know Anne very well, but you liked her. She was confident and forward, and you liked the effect she had on Sebastian. When she was around, he was different, less angry. He almost looked happy. Seeing the three of them together, you caught a glimpse of the bond they shared and couldn’t help but feel a little left out. Sebastian picked up on this and quickly declared, “I’m going to show Anne around, if you don’t mind. I need some time to catch up with my sister.” With that the two of them walked towards the door. Halfway through, Sebastian turned around, made sure Ominis’ siblings weren’t watching, and wiggled his eyebrows suggestively, making you blush.
Since neither one of you particularly wanted to return to the table, you quickly followed them out of the room. “You’re cute when you’re blushing,” Ominis whispered in your ear, and you shuddered when you felt his hot breath on your neck. All you could think about were his lips on your skin, but he had already pulled back. He kept his distance on your way up to his room, and you didn’t attempt to move any closer. Whenever he moved around the house he seemed to be on edge, and you wondered if he was afraid to bump into his father again. After what you had seen last night, you understood why he kept his guard up at all times around here.
“I just love how welcoming your siblings are. Makes me feel right at home here,” you remarked dryly, as you entered his room.
“Welcome to pure blood aristocracy,” he sighed and tiredly rubbed his face.
You waited a moment, contemplating whether or not this was the right time to ask about Sebastian’s cryptic words of caution. When Ominis didn’t say anything, you went for it. “Sebastian warned me about your family. He said I should be careful around them because they’d use it to hurt you. What did he mean by that?”
“He is right. Don’t show them that you care, or they will use it against you,or more likely, against me.”
You couldn’t shake the feeling that there was something you were missing and dug deeper, “I’m afraid I don’t understand. What is this about?” As soon as the words had left your mouth his eyes darkened, and you knew that it must have been something bad. “I’m sorry. You don’t have to tell me.”
Ominis exhaled deeply and closed his eyes before answering. “No. It’s okay. You should know.”  Then he searched for your gaze, took another deep breath and started to speak, “I used to have a pet snake. Balthazar. He was my best friend and I loved him to death. My parents would use Balthazar to… incentivize me to do stuff I didn’t want to. They used my love for him to make me compliant. One day, I refused to do whatever it was they asked me to. They made me watch as they tortured and killed him. That was my punishment.”
“That is barbaric!”
“Then you know why you should be careful. I have seen them use the Unforgivables on people and I’m afraid they wouldn’t hesitate to cast them on you to teach me a lesson. My family is dangerous. I mean it,” he said in a grave voice.
“Understood. I will refrain from snogging you in front of your family then,” you responded wryly, earning yourself an exasperated sigh. “Hey. Loosen up. I will stay with Sebastian and Anne. Don’t worry, I understand that it’s not a joke,” you quickly added. You didn’t doubt that Erebus was capable of doing these things.
“Good. I would never be able to forgive myself if anything happened to you,” Ominis murmured and placed a kiss on your forehead.
Later, all of you made your way to the small graveyard at the back of the Gaunt estate. The guests started arriving soon after. There was no crying at this funeral, only grim faces and women pointedly dabbing their eyes with handkerchiefs. Even though Noctua had disappeared years ago, this felt very odd, and you uncomfortably shifted in your seat. Nothing about this felt authentic. It was all one big show for the guests. Every wizarding family of high standing had come, you recognized representatives from the Blacks, the Malfoys, the Carrows, the Lestranges and the Notts, as well as some politicians you knew from the Daily Prophet.  You doubted that any of them had known, much less cared about Noctua. The only one who was truly devastated by her loss was Ominis, but even he did not show it. Forced to sit with his family in the front row, he did an excellent job in doing what everyone expected from him, accepting condolences with a solemn nod, displaying his grief the appropriate way. It pained you that he had to go through this by himself, but you had promised to keep your distance in front of his family.
After the service people broke up into small groups, some staying to pay their respects, others already heading towards the house where the wake would take place. Ominis finally broke free of his family and joined you and Sebastian, who was in conversation with another boy your age. When he saw Ominis come towards your group, the boy sneered, “I see the prodigal son has returned.”
“I heard you managed to find Slytherin’s scriptorium. Didn’t think you had the stomach for it. You were such a pansy when it came to getting your hands dirty,” he scoffed.
“How is your bedwetting problem? Did you finally manage to get it under control? I feel sorry for your roommates,” Ominis asked loudly, a wicked smile on his face. You snorted, trying to hold back your laughter and Sebastian almost spit out his drink. The boy shot you an angry look and stormed off.
“My cousin. Always manages to push my buttons. Obnoxious little prick,” Ominis sighed, and it took all of your strength to not laugh out loud. The way Ominis could tear into someone without ever losing his composure never ceased to entertain you.
Anne joined the three of you, looking awfully pale and excused herself from the wake. Her eyes were glassy with pain and you and Sebastian quickly escorted her back to the house. Now that you saw her like this you understood Sebastian’s insane quest to cure her. It was awful seeing her trying to hide her pain and it must be even worse for Sebastian to see his twin like this. You couldn’t imagine what type of person would do this to an innocent girl. She collapsed into a soft chair and quickly sent her brother away to get a glass of water. Then she turned to you and sighed, “Sorry, you had to see me like this. Damned curse. I hate being this useless.” Not knowing how to respond to this you gave her an awkward smile and waited for her to continue. “I miss Hogwarts, you know? I miss messing around with these two dickheads. I’m glad they have you now. Someone has to keep them in check.”
“I didn’t mean to take your place. Sebastian is relentlessly searching for something to lift your curse, so there is still hope that you can come back,” you quickly replied, and couldn’t help but feel a little guilty.
“That’s what worries me. I know my brother. He doesn’t know when to stop. I’m afraid he will go down a dark path if he doesn’t accept that some things cannot be changed. Please promise me you won’t let that happen. Don’t let him loose himself. Promise me.”
“I promise I’ll do what I can. I just don’t want to take away his hope.”
“Thank you. I appreciate that you’re looking after both of them. I have never seen Ominis so smitten. You’ll be good for him, I can tell.” You froze and stared at her in terror. Were you this transparent? Did everyone know?
“Oh, come on. Did you think Seb wouldn’t tell me about this?” she laughed, the same mischievous glint that you knew so well shining in her eyes. When Sebastian came back the two of you were laughing and exchanging stories about your adventures and some color had returned to Anne’s face. Solomon was on his way to pick up Anne and bring her home and while you waited with them for the arrival of their uncle, more and more people made their way back to the house as a light rain had started to fall. After a quick chat with the headmaster Sebastian had decided to go to Feldcroft with his sister and uncle and spend the night at home, leaving you to attend the wake by yourself.
Feeling a bit lost you entered the hall where everyone had gathered for the wake and searched the room for Ominis who was nowhere to be seen. Before anyone could invite you to take a seat at the table you quickly slipped out of the room again and went looking for him.
You made your way back to the place you had last seen him and sure enough your instincts proved to be right, and you found him standing alone at the freshly dug grave. He didn’t move when he heard you approach, and you quietly took your place at his side.
“How is Anne?” Ominis asked softly.
“Better. Solomon took her and Seb home. They told me to apologize on their behalf and hope you understand.”
“Of course. I’m just glad Anne is alright. Thank you for staying,” he said, reaching for your hand and interlocking your fingers before he continued, “I’m glad I came. Despite everything, I’m glad I could be here for Noctua. I know she died a long time ago, but I needed to bring her home. Even if my father does not seem like it, I think he loved her very much. She was the only one who could challenge him, and he wouldn’t mind. I wish you’d met her. Just to see that not all Gaunts are…well you saw how they are.”
“She sounds like a great person. I’m sure she would be proud of you.”  For a moment you stood like this in silence, watching the rain fall onto the grave.
All of a sudden, the silence was broken by a clap of thunder so loud it made Ominis jump, and the sky came crashing down in a sudden downpour. Lightning cracked over your heads, painting the sky in a shade of purplish grey and the trees on the edge of the property bent over under the sheer force of the wind ripping through their branches. You tightened your grip on his hand and started to run for cover, pulling him with you. Sensing his hesitation, you slowed your pace but to your surprise he took the lead, running even faster. You weren’t running to escape the rain anymore – it was too late for that anyway – you were running just for the sake of running. The wind lashed rain painfully hard into your faces but for some reason you didn’t mind. By the time you reached the nearest building you were both soaked and out of breath, giggling like small children.
You tugged on Ominis’ arm, trying to get him to follow you inside the barn but he didn’t move. Instead, he lifted his face towards the sky and closed his eyes, looking at peace. It seemed like for a moment he had forgotten about everything that had happened the last few days and a weight was lifted from his shoulders. He stayed like this for a while and you just watched him, admiring the way his shirt clung to his body and the water dripped from his hair. When you moved closer you could see the raindrops in his long eyelashes, catching the dim light like small diamonds. Gods he was beautiful. What you would give to capture this moment in a painting to be able to hold on to it forever. If only you could make him see himself the way you did. Was this what it feels like to fall in love?
Finally, he opened his eyes.
“Stop looking at me like that,” he breathed in a ragged voice.
“I can’t help it,” you retorted, but forced yourself to back away from him only to be pulled back in with one swift movement. Ominis’ lips crashed against yours hungrily and you buried your fingers in his wet hair, all too eager to give in. There was a ferocity and desperation in the way he pressed his mouth on yours, quite literally taking your breath away for a second. You could taste the rain on his lips and deepened the kiss, taking the lead as your hand moved to his throat. He leaned against your touch, before pulling away abruptly, as if he had come back to his senses.
“I’m sorry. This was entirely inappropriate. It has just been a hard day and I needed it.”
“Glad to be of help,” you replied breathlessly, your head still spinning from the kiss. You had never felt like this before. He didn’t want to kiss you, he needed it, and you felt the same way. Every fiber in your body was longing for him, for his touch, for his taste, his smell. You wanted to lose yourself inside of him, erase all borders until you didn’t know anymore where you ended, and he began.
Ominis turned his head sharply, his entire body alert, and brought you back to reality.
“Did you hear that? Who is there? Show yourself.”
The barn door was cracked open. Ominis marched towards it, his wand in front of his face, determined to find out if anyone was in there and you quickly followed. A small silhouette emerged from the shadows and flit past Ominis running towards the house. Metis. “Well, that’s not good. Let’s not freak out, alright? No one listens to little kids; we can talk our way out of this,” you said, and to your surprise Ominis only let out a frustrated sigh and nodded. Still, on the way back to the main house he was sure to keep an appropriate distance between the two of you.
No one said anything when you returned to the wake, in fact no one even seemed to have noticed that you were gone in the first place. Ominis joined his family at the head of the table while you took a seat between Professor Black and some ministry officials, feeling aggressively out of place. Fortunately, everybody else had eaten by now and some of the guests were leaving already. You couldn’t wait to get out of there and by the looks of it, Ominis felt the same. Metis was nowhere to be seen. After another hour that felt like an eternity Professor Black was finally ready to go and insisted on escorting Marvolo, Ominis and you back to Hogwarts. You took the floo network directly to the headmaster’s office, all too eager to leave the Gaunt estate, and its inhabitants, behind.
Black quickly dismissed you with the instruction to go straight back to your respective dorms and Ominis was quick to make his way down the winding staircase. You wanted to follow him, but someone grabbed your elbow, forcing you to stay. “Hey, half-blood. Welcome to the family,” Marvolo whispered in your ear, so quietly that only you could hear. When you turned around to look at him, he gave you a vicious smile, that made the hair on the back of your neck stand up.
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fuokir · 11 months
Tumblr media
my darling 💚
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gobletoffeels · 4 days
being desperately needy for any Sebastian sallow content that you end up being excited for the new quidditch game cause you’re gonna see him canonically in another art style 🥹
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hollowwrites · 10 months
Ominis Headcanons
🔥 This is my dumpster fire of Ominis 🔥
Burn with me.
I’ll refer to MC as Evelyn throughout this cause she’s my ship with Omi. This is basically my notes page. Things my conflict. Who cares? If anything grabs you please ask about it. You guys inspire me for way too much of my stuff 💚
I’m just gonna mix NSFW stuff in with this so 🔞MINORS DNI🔞
Fifth Year Ominis is too caught up in Sebastian’s bullshit to notice if he was going too far. He clings to any niceties afforded to him. You need help finding your class? Sure you can hold onto his arm. You’re aching from the Crucio ordeal? You can lean against him and have a nap with him. You become his coping method of losing Anne and Sebastian. He can forgive himself for opening up a little too much…he’s gone through a lot.
Sixth Year Ominis is straight denial. No they’ve always been this close they had to be because of Sebastian. Not that anyone else knows that. You just showed up and you’ve both been inseparable ever since. You’re just very good friends.
Seventh Year Ominis is determined, will stop at nothing until Evelyn is his (See Blindsided for evidence!!!)
Can touch his wand to things to see colour. Found out after he fell into Sebastian one time and jabbed him in the ribs. The Olive green of his waistcoat flashed across his eyes. Only discovered it that late in his life because by the time he’d gotten his wand he’d already become estranged from his family so kept away from them.
Has advanced Proprioception, the sense of knowing where your body is in relation to it parts. It extends to people around him so when he’s sat with his friends he doesn’t always need to have his wand out to know if they’re moving around. His wand extends and enhances it
His favourite subject is Defence Against the Dark Arts. He’s ridiculously good at it. I’ve wrote about good of a duelist I think he is here but I think it extends past that. He’s overheard so much at home he knows how to combat a lot of it. Good knowledge of curse both Unforgivable and otherwise. Probably caused a lot of tension in fifth year between him and Seb. Contributing factor to their iffy relationship because let’s face it they don’t really act like best friends.
Was an UNREAL seeker in third year. Won every match because he could hear the snitch from across the pitch. Imelda banned him after matches ended too quickly. Was completely unbothered, only joined because Seb begged him to
Tallest of the boys but doesn’t look it due to his posture being awful (Seriously why does he slouch so badly) (Does mean when he fully stands up he’s HELLA TALL)
Has little crescent moon shaped scars along his palm from clenching his fists in his sleep.
Really good friends with Garreth. I’ve wrote so much for those two I just can’t help it. He reminds him of Sebastian before his sister was cursed.
Has a really good relationship with Hecat. She told him stories in First Year about Professor Black from back in Hogwarts so he wouldn’t be scared of him telling his parents things. Probably why he’s not scared to talk to him.
Only speaks Parseltongue when he can’t control himself. When he’s angry, or in Pain or…other times 👀
Only uses terms of endearment as an insult. King of the ‘Oh Sweetheart’ in a smarmy way…still kinda hot
I don’t imagine he calls anyone by anything other than their full name. Sebastian is always Sebastian Never Seb.
Except Evelyn, she is everything but her full name. Unless he’s mad at her. Eve, Ev, V, Evie.
He’ll only call her pet names if the time calls for it i.e. I saw someone’s fic where he calls her Hummingbird and I LOOOOVE that (Sorry can’t remember who that was but THANK YOU!)
‘Be honest with me, Little Hummingbird. Your heart is so fast, I know you’re lying’
Liberal use of ‘Good Girl’ in the bedroom but only after they’re comfortable with each other.
‘Be a Good Girl and get on your knees for me’
🔞 NSFW Headcanons 🔞
He’d be the best to lose your virginity to. He would absolutely be tender and sweet. I love Dominis as much as the next gal but he would be so sweet
He’s either planed the whole thing and everything perfect (Undercroft all lit up with candles and blankets and VERY STRONG locking charm on the gate) or it’s the most wonderful spontaneous event (piled up breathless on the floor of the prefects bathroom)
Speaking of one or the other, Ominis is either the sweetest most gentle man on the planet or he is absolutely insatiable ravenous filth.
Likes choking, spanking and biting. Like pulling the little gasps and moans and hisses from her.
FOREPLAY KING he cannot see! You cannot tell me he doesn’t love hearing how worked up she gets until she’s begging for him (Loves begging too)
No guy is good at fingering but…👀 he is. It just touching and fingers THATS HOW HE GETS AROUND ON A DAY TO DAY BASIS HE IS GOOD AT THAT SHIT!!
Hates whenever you have to be quiet. Almost makes it a game to see if he can force her to make a noise.
Other posts where I spout waffle about Ominis here and here and here
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