#I just think it’s funny
oysters-aint-for-me · 5 months
my (very queer) friend is pregnant for the first time and she’s been on all the baby message boards (eg tiktok, facebook) and she found this tag that was like “ftm pregnancy” and she was like “oh cool! there’s whole tag for pregnant transmen!” and then was extremely confused as to why the tag was full of what appeared to be cisgender women. she was like “i mean i don’t wanna judge, maybe they are transmen but they don’t look how i expected them to, that’s okay, if they say they’re trans then they are” except she kept looking through the tag and literally NONE of them were transmen, ALL of them appeared to be ciswomen. she was VERY confused, seriously questioning what she knew about trans people (and not to be like “she has trans friends!” but literally her partner is trans, her sibling in law is trans, many of her friends are trans/nb, hell i think she’s a bit nonbinary herself, idk, we haven’t actually talked about that recently lol) and doubting reality in general.
and then she found out that, amongst a huge section of the internet to which she had never been exposed before, “ftm” stands for First Time Mom.
there’s no moral to this story i just thought it was funny
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My favorite thing about Annabeth is her wardrobe.
Cause like, Rick simplifies her clothes in a way a man would, and you can tell.
Cause in EVERY book, from The Lightning Thief to Chalice, she’s in the goddamn CHB shirt. With like some shorts or cargo pants. Nothing more, nothing less.
He’s made improvements over the years, giving her some other clothes. But he’ll always come back to old faithful.
Like, he most definitely did it on accident, but he made her so Adam Sandler and I love it
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pupvi · 1 year
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youngerfrankenstein · 5 months
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houseof1000leaves · 3 months
Lawyer reacts to Ace Attorney series are my biggest guilty pleasure rn, and most of them are either working in a very different field or are public defenders, but I finally found a criminal prosecutor reacts. The difference has me baffled. Like.
Every other lawyer: [muffled sounds of rage] THAT’S NOT—NO—WHAT?? IS THIS JUST THE “FUCK THE DEFENSE’S RIGHTS” DAY??
This one guy: Oh, haha, you could theoretically pull that off irl if you tried. No, that’s a legit objection, shut up Phoenix. Technically, the fourth amendment only applies to—
This is proof to me that Edgeworth is accurate, actually. [/j]
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star-containment · 7 months
david tennant: wears black
the entire fandom: crowley!
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caspergetspegged · 5 months
love how u can find grim’s onlyreaper account on the mc’s computer bc it not only implies they searched up “only reaper” (be it for the bit or plain curiosity) they specifically searched up grim; that is telling of how in love (obsessed) mc is
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chickenass · 28 days
Got bro feeling romantical 😭🙏🙏🙏
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Inspo btw:3
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acidbathcat · 1 month
“who cares if people are fat! it effects no one!” ok 100% you are right and you shouldn’t bother random people for it but
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“Michie Nation” and it’s like 10 of us
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hamletthedane · 6 months
Hamlet randomly being kidnapped by pirates halfway through the play - an event that happens entirely offstage and is only revealed by Horatio reading a letter out loud - has the exact same energy as “Somehow, Palpatine has returned.”
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time-for-crows · 6 months
People talking about the sex mod as if gay sex wasn’t possible on the qsmp is so funny to me. Slimeriana did NOT have canonical gay sex to clocks by coldplay for everyone to forget and try to add a sex mod!! They DIYed that shit and people are trying to take the easy way out!!!
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turnipoddity · 7 months
i have this pic as my laptop and ipad wallpaper for months now
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and then one friend borrowed my laptop and when she gave it back to me the wallpaper is mountain landscapes and im like huh.
and she’s like “i had nightmares thanks to your wallpaper. I can’t work like this so i changed it” AKSHSKSJDKDK
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jasontoddiefor · 2 years
Anyway I think it’s so funny that Shen Qingqiu apparently casually becomes a really great teacher and doesn’t mention it. Like, what we see of the disciples, they really do like him (in a decidedly normal way, Luo Binghe is an outlier and should not be counted—) and end up fairly successful too?
But like, Shen Qingqiu never actually spends much time talking about how he is running his peak and managing his disciples.
As an aspiring teacher, I can tell you it’s not fucking easy to manage a bunch of teenagers. But since he makes no comment on it, we can conclude he’s actually really great at a job he’s got not training for.
And that’s just so funny to me. He’s stressing over his impending murder, then lives as a grieving widow for a hot sec, and on the side before that he just????? Figured out how to run a peak and teach children in a couple weeks??? Where’s my forbidden administrative NPC sitting down with Shen Qingqiu and being surprised—
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fever-dreamer97 · 1 year
Izuku: Do you wanna know a random fact?
Bakugo: Hah?
Izuku: Howl’s Moving Castle lost an Academy Award to Wallace and Gromit for best animated feature.
Bakugo, looks up Wikipedia:…WHAT THE HELL?
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ellifromspace · 2 years
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just some observations
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