#I like the concept of Danny laughing like an Hyena
coolcoolcoolbutwtf · 3 months
Joker junior isn't the only kid in the joker's gang anymore.
Harley: This is your new babysitter I mean older brother, You know Mr.J and I can't just spend all our time with you Junior. Why don't you and Trixter get yourselves introduced while playing somewhere away from here, Kay bye!
Trixter(Danny): ...
Trixter(Danny): I like your nails they are pretty.
JJ: *growling and hissing*
Harley tugging the child leach with junior in it: it don't bite.
Danny: Yes it do!
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theres-a-body-here · 10 months
Ghostface with Creep!reader Part 2
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Ever since you and Danny made your little movie, it went without saying that you two were now a couple
And he's pretty clingy
Like a cat
In between trials he lays his head on your lap at the campfire
Like he owns it
Arms behind his head along with a loud content sigh
He glances to make sure the other killers are watching
"Babe, you're sooooo comfy"
The others either roll their eyes or groan
He chuckles and then rolls over to press his face into your stomach
You let him move into your realm since he never had one
(Think Haddonfield but sunny)
You give him the tour
"And this is where I filmed Jenny's death. She screamed a lot"
"That's hot babe" camera flash
You show him your home
Or at least the Entity's recreation of it
He looks around as you stand proud
There's a long pause
Silence fills the air
"Hey wolfie......your home blows ass"
You slump
siggghhhhh "I know"
Danny helps you spruce up the place while you're at a trial
"Trust me babe, I know what I'm doing. I once killed a interior home designer"
Returning from your trial, you step into the realm once more and enter your "home," the place where Danny had undertaken the task of redecorating. As you take in the changes, you're surprised to find that he's actually done a good job. Furniture has been shifted around to create a more balanced layout, and paintings adorn the walls, adding a touch of life to the otherwise eerie space. You notice it's some of Carmina's work.
You can't help but wonder if he "borrowed" the artwork, considering his........Danny-ness
However, your gaze lands on something that doesn't quite fit the rest of the decorations. A wall adorned with Polaroids depicting his past murder victims catches your attention. It's a stark contrast to the rest of the aesthetic changes he's made.
"Damn it, Danny, the composition is all wrong," you mutter with a hint of frustration, your annoyance stemming from his lack of attention to aesthetics. The Polaroids are haphazardly nailed to the wall, without any discernible pattern or arrangement.
Beside you, Danny simply shrugs and looks at you with an impish grin.
"Well, can't please everyone, can I? Besides, I thought it'd be a fun way to show off my... accomplishments," he responds with his characteristic smugness, his tone unapologetic.
Rolling your eyes at Danny's response, you can't help but mutter a teasing insult under your breath. "Moron," you scoff, your words laced with affectionate amusement.
You both go on stalking dates
Meaning you sneak around the survivor camp and record them from afar
You both giggle like schoolgirls when you throw a pebble at Dwight's head
The nervous wreck of a leader is so confused as he darts his head around
You record everything on your camcorder
"Wolfie, lemme try. Record this"
"Okay, ready"
You focus your viewfinder on Dwight, expecting another pebble
Something suddenly pierces Dwight's neck at full speed
It makes a squelching sound and then a crack as it hits bone
Dwight falls dead
Danny deadass threw his knife at Dwight
The survivor camp erupts into chaos
Danny grabs your hand as you two hightail it out of there
You're both laughing like hyenas
The Entity makes you both walk Demogorgon around the entire realm as punishment
For a whole week
Well at least you're together
As you and Danny navigate the Yamaoka estate, you hold the leash that's tethered to the Demogorgon. The creature's towering form is a stark contrast to the mundane concept of a "dog," yet here you are.
"Hey, Danny, can you hold the leash?" you inquire, a hint of mischief dancing in your voice. Danny simply shrugs and nods as he takes the leash from your hand. You watch with a faint smirk as he wraps the leash around his hand.
Taking advantage of the moment, you calmly reach down to your boot and retrieve a sliver of jerky. With a casual, nonchalant demeanor, you extend the treat towards the Demogorgon. "Here, boy, fetch," you utter, your tone tinged with amusement as you toss the jerky away from you.
In an instant, the Demogorgon reacts, its predatory instincts kicking in as it lunges after the jerky. The force of its movement catches Danny off guard, and he's practically yanked off his feet, the leash becoming a makeshift tether that tugs him along like a ragdoll.
"Asssshoooollllleee!" Danny's indignant yell carries through the air, the word drawn out as he's pulled farther away from you. His insults grow faint as the distance between you increases, his voice eventually becoming a distant echo.
A bout of genuine laughter escapes your lips. Maybe punishment wasn't so bad as long as Danny was there.
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