#I made a LOT of assumptions about Ludovica
cyandocs · 25 days
17th Century Gaydar
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With @canisalbus's characters Vasco and his QPR wife Ludovica. Consider this a Headcanon but I imagined they were likely set up as like, teens- maybe not fully arranged marriage, but marriage was heavily implied with their courtship. So here I imagine them as like 15/16 which is why they're kind of smaller and scruffier, as well as having their outfit colors a little lightened. Also Ludovica in cute ear bows moment. I THINK this is my first more or less official online artist fan art??? I hope I did them justice.
*edit forgot to color in Vascos hands consistently my bad **EDIT I CANNOT BE TRUSTED TO POST ART WITHOUT FORGETTING SOMETHING
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Today I learned that Marie actually tried to have more children after her baby daughter's death but suffered from miscarriages and couldn't have more kids. Which it's just really sad, but also DRASTICALLY different from the common assumption that she separated from Francesco after Maria Cristina died and never attempted to get pregnant again.
I asked Martina Winkelhofer what was her source and she kindly replied me that "I found the info in a letter from archduchess Sophie to Marie's mother Ludovica. She wrote how much she can understand the grief about another miscarriage". So here we have a primary source (saddly not available but I trust Winkelhofer, she has no reason to lie to me lol) that confirms that until the 1870s they were still actively trying to have a child again. I actually already suspected that their "separation" wasn't as extreme as the bad researched Wikipedia articles made it out to be because during the 1870s/1880s they still spent a lot of time together in Paris, Possenhofen, England, etc.
Trying to learn about this woman is so frustrating because the historiography about her is just so poorly researched, when will historians stop taking what Marie Larisch wrote for granted and dust off the archives looking for actual primary sources from her lifetime.
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