#I mean kind of
Husk: Hey, Angel, can you hold this?
Angel: *distracted* Hm? Yeah-
Angel: …
Angel: …this is just your hand?
Husk: Yeah.
Angel: 😳
Angel: *clutches hand tighter*
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skeetlebeetle · 10 months
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good omens/bigtop burger crossover 4 @histrionicscribbler. srry 4 bad qual
also this is my 1st time rlly trying 2 draw in the btb style so i hope i did it justice!! maybe i’ll color it in l8r who knows..
(DONT MAKE ME TAP THE SIGN!!! if yr gonna use my art [don’t repost] u gotta credit me!!)
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klmmcqueen · 1 year
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felt like drawing a plant :> nightow has a particular style when it comes to creatures but i love them, freaky biblical angel/insect/cosmic things that they are
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David Jenkins: Wow it really sucks how actors of color got treated in the Star Wars fandom, Finn's character totally got wasted.
Also @davidjenks : anyway let me just sideline Finn and Poe Oluwande and Jim so I have time to redeem and then kill Kylo Ren Izzy Hands in an attempt to please the entire fan base, who have become incredibly divided over and increasingly obsessed with this character to the detriment of characters of color who had a lot more narrative weight than him in the first 2 movies season.
I'm still on board for the third season but jfc man.
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heretherebedork · 8 months
The thing is. This is OF. Boeing hassss to sleep with someone. At this point, it isn’t going to be Top or Mew. And maaaaybe it’s Sand, but Ray would lose his shit. And I’ve given up on my hopes for a threesome at this point. So like, Boeing and Boston have to sleep together. They have to.
I really, really hope so. That would be great.
Hear me out.
He sleeps with Atom.
Look, this is just me being a little shit but imagine the mess. He sleeps with Atom and Atom, who has shown his taste in men loud and clear with Boston, is instantly in love and Boeing is thrilled.
Atom introducing Boeing to Cheum and she's ecstatic only to tell Mew who makes the most horrified face and I just... y'all. Y'all.
Boeing sleeps with Boston first and then sees how Atoms looks at Boston across the bar and he's so into it and just instantly beelines to him and realizes that this is perfect.
Atom brings Boeing to the bar and Sand is horrified but Ray, honestly, finds it mostly funny because well it does kind of make sense now that he knows the truth about what happened with Boston and Atom.
Boeing is at the bar and he sees Top and Mew and he loops his arm around Atom and grins at them with a waggle of his eyebrows and Top barely twitches but Mew just smiles back all the wider.
It would be perfect.
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meliake · 2 months
I hate the shift in modern superhero media surrounding politics, like the whole MCU has a big 'government has corrupt people in it but is overall good and does the right thing' feel about it, and with shit like Into the spiderverse where the dynamic between Miles dad and Aaron is like good influence bad influence cop v. criminal. I know they do that whole thing in with Gwens dad in the second movie but that's less a system thing and more interpersonal issues.
But like?? do you guys remember all the lefty superheroes exposing corrupt governments and running from the police?
Im watching Batman:the animated series rn and dude is constantly actively against the police department, obv Gordon is there but he's very much played as the most sensible one in a messed up system- In modern media hes just like a superhero cop. Gordon fires the signal, he goes where he tells him. what happened??
And Superman, God why does nobody like Superman? Hes the peoples hero guys, literally a journalist.
Watching JLU rn and the fact theres such ongoing beef between the US government and the JL is so amazing. Like ofc Cadmus is stupid and actively working with supervillains and cloneing people without their consent so theyd need to shut them down anyway, but its the adamant way the government is portrayed as a problem. (SUPERMAN FUCKING KILLS THE PRESIDENT)((anyways))
anyways this boils down to mcu tony stark is dumb and stupid and people should stop calling cyclops a cop.
also vigilantism is a crime anyways so theres not rly a way to work in the law there, might ad well lean in right?
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myfairkatiecat · 9 months
Ok so I know I talk ALL THE TIME about the Benedict twins from the TV version of TMBS. Because there’s just so much angst potential there and it just became an amazing obsession for me.
Katie’s mind has recently begun to have many thoughts about the twins in the bookverse. Because what about. What about the situation in the books. What if you have two brothers who never even knew the other existed, and when they find each other, like you’d think being an orphan and finding your identical twin would be a joyful thing, right? Except they’re on exact opposite sides of the same conflict. There’s so many *emotions* there.
Suddenly part of me really wants to write a fanfic about book Nicholas Benedict trying to forge a relationship with book Ledroptha Curtain? Like post-book one specifically, or during book 2 (because even though the books and tv show went completely different directions with the kidnapping thing there’s so much angsty potential when a twin kidnaps the other twin okay???)
Or even if he doesn’t want a relationship because at some point why would he, there’s always these……. *emotions* there. Because. TWINS.
(I have a good twin-bad twin obsession by the way. It’s really no surprise this became my main mini-hyperfixation within my TMBS hyperfixation.)
So I just gave myself feelings about the book Benedict/Curtain twins so. So I did that. Here have what my brain did :)
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lunathewafflelord · 5 months
this line out of context
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high-dragon-bait · 2 years
Really I think the whole "controversy" with the mages thing would work better if they still had the lore that mages are inherently more likely to get possessed due to magic and their connection to the fade but there was just... no truth to it
Because this is something that happens in real life, absolutely insane stories used by bigots to justify their bigotry towards a specific group, I won't repeat any here as that doesn't feel wholly appropriate, but it IS a real thing.
I think if the belief that mages were more likely to be possessed and become abominations was present, but false, it would make a more interesting narrative. There are multiple ways to handle this, the one I was thinking is that demonic possession is equally likely among ALL people (except maybe dwarves), with magic having nothing to do with it. If someone who is not mage is possessed, either the nearest mage is blamed or it's said that actually they WERE a mage and either way it's used as an example for the dangers of magic with no actual proof behind it.
Other ways to go about it could be demonic possessions are rare and just noticed more with mages because they're watched more, or even that demonic possessions never truly happen and are simply used an excuse to kill mages.
And you might read this and think "Well, if mages aren't inherently more likely to be possessed, why do people believe that? Why do these stories exist? It doesn't really makes sense for this belief to just spring up out of the air" and that's the thing about bigotry, it doesn't make sense
Bigotry is not based on logic and facts, it just isn't, it is oppressors hating a group they do not understand, and making up reasons to hate them, reasons that never hold up to scrutiny because they are based on nothing but hate. That is how bigotry works
Fantasy worlds, and I am certainly guilty of this myself, try to make oppressed groups have a reason for being oppressed. Because when you're building a world and putting everything in it very deliberately, the logical side of your brain turns on and asks "Well why? Why is this group oppressed? What did they to make them hated?" and you try and answer that question almost instinctively. The problem is bigotry is not logical, and unfortunately, Dragon Age is one of the many fantasy worlds that falls into the trap of trying to make it logical
What's weird is that the game kinda... flirts with the idea that mages aren't inherently more likely to be possessed? There's that whole quest in DA:2 where templar recruits are being possessed and everyone is confused as to why because they aren't mages and shouldn't be getting possessed. This would've been an excellent time to reveal the belief that mages are more likely to be possessed is untrue... but instead it turns out that a mage was behind it the entire time and the only way for a non-mage to be possessed is if a mage stuffs the demon in there first
I don't know, it frustrates me because I understand they were trying to make a nuanced topic here, but bigotry is not nuanced in the "both sides have a point" sense. It is not. I think the mage/templar thing would've been much more effective if it were handled as a commentary on the stories that are made up to demonize "the other" and how to spot them. Maybe it can still be that depending on the direction of the fourth game, but it may well be too late
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anderstrevelyan · 1 year
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Thanks to everyone who’s tagged me for some snippet sharing recently! Jumping in with a bit of dialogue between Justice and Garrett Amell (from my draft of Ch. 15 of Force of Nature)—
“I’d rather hear about you, Justice. How are you settling in? To the world, I mean, not the job.” He seems to consider. “I have been watching in the kitchens,” he says finally. “And by the blacksmith’s, observing the process of creation in this realm. It’s strange, in all its effort. Admirable.” Garrett tries not to laugh at that image, of Justice staring stone-faced in the corner as the cooks try to ignore him. “I can’t even imagine,” he admits, “what it would be like in reverse. If I suddenly found myself having to live in the Fade.”   “Yet as a mage, you understand the Fade. Am I correct?” “I’m aware of it, when I’m there in my sleep.” He turns and leans his hip against the battlement so he can look into Justice’s face.  “Apparently most mortals feel it more distantly, like a foggy memory they can scarcely interpret. I can control my surroundings when I’m there, a little. I can find my way around, if I don’t get lost in it. It’s nothing like what it was for you, I expect. It must be astounding, crafting whatever you will.” “A demon would find you to be the one worthy of envy—a vibrancy worth any restrictions.” “But you miss the Fade.” He pauses for a long while, to the point where Garrett thinks he’ll leave that to linger as truth.  But then Justice speaks, with a quiet reluctance. “I do not know. I must go back, if I can find a way, but there is beauty in it. Making your mark in such an unchanging realm.”  There is, isn’t there? Garrett thinks as he looks out at the young patches of green scattered across Ferelden’s northeast, more than there’d been just a year ago as the Blight marched its malignant path.  They stand in silence for moment, the wind on their faces, Justice’s gaze straying to the same rustling grasses stretching and growing and clambering for new life.
Tagging back/forward to @pinkfadespirit @my-dumb-obsessions @potatowitch @effelants @dismalzelenka @flashhwing and anyone else who'd like to jump in (no pressure as always).
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nutmegnautilus · 2 years
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Jonny, Aiden and I played a ton of Minecraft together back in May... we built a nice little cabin, a farm, a stable, and an aquarium in the woods... it was really relaxing, and we wound up with a ton of cats. I wanted to draw the cats because I got very attached to them and I love them very much. And then I moved, so I didn’t get to work on it for many months 😅
Their names from left to right are Molly, Thomas, and Noodles ^_^
And of course some screenshots of the beloveds
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octopus-reactivated · 2 years
My commission for @jordanstrophe !
The prompt was to draw Flower Whumpee in eerie atmosphere
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axemetaphor · 8 months
tbh john having a matrix phase is so transgender of him
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bluecatwriter · 10 months
In which Jonathan gets to kiss an old man he actually likes
I finally got down a Jonathan/Renfield scene for my rarepair challenge! Jonathan bringing news of Dracula's death to Renfield post-novel (of course in a Renfield Lives AU). Rated G, contains spoilers in that it is post-canon. Enjoy!
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i-am-megalodonna · 2 years
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Remember to hug your magma cube soulmate
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heretherebedork · 1 year
I feel like every time I see your blog I remember that lady gaga picture where it's like talented amazing etc. (Can't remember the rest but it's good . . . .I think????)
Thank you! I might not know what picture you're talking about but I'm always glad to be appreciated and complimented. Thank you, again!
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