#I really hate it
ars-matron · 1 year
I really need to talk for a minute about this new mobile update and how much I as a legally blind person hate whatever the hell is going on with the photos and how it's making this app nearly impossible for me to use
I'm not sure the same thing is happening on the desktop version but for those who may not know in the app whenever you tap on a photo it used to just pop up and you could double tap to enlarge it and zoom in and scroll around and all was great.
A double tap now likes the photo and it must be pinched and pulled to zoom in and out. A mild annoyance, and nothing compared to the rest of the update. If you scroll up, which I do frequently when trying to navigate an enlarged photo, it will send you to ANOTHER photo based on the tags of the post.
That's right, a completely different photo!!! A feature no one asked for and no one wants!! This isn't facebook, or instagram, and maybe tiktok but I never had that so this is a guess. When I click on the photo I only want to see that photo (or in the case of multiple photos in a post I want to be able to easily scroll side to side for those). I do not want to be taken to another post!!! Also if you scroll too far to the left you are then sent to the profile of the person who reblogged the post. I do not know why. Who wants this feature? Is it a feature at all?
As someone who only taps on a photo because I cannot see it and I need to enlarge it, this is beyond a simple annoyance. I cannot navigate the photo like I need, there's a hair trigger on whether it sends you to a new post completely or if you are sent to the profile of the reblogger. Neither, again, are things I want. this leaves me having to back track a lot, re-zoom the photo as it reverts back to normal, and hope dearly that this time I can just read the damned text before it freaks out again.
I haven't seen anyone else talk about this outside of the tags, but really this is making the app unusable for me, and I'm sure for many others.
@staff I know you guys haven't cared about your disabled community much in the past (other photo updates that stopped allowing me to zoom into gifs is proof of that) but please don't make this app unusable for me. I would rather not have to leave.
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thoodleoo · 2 months
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imagine this thing fucking running at you on all fours at full speed
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squidkidnerd · 3 months
oh my god what is wrong with this fandom sometimes. just bc we're in the second half of splatoon 3's update cycle now doesn't mean the game is dying and nintendo is horrible and all that... look, i get side order was kinda disappointing, but in all fairness i don't think people had the right expectations of it either. it was never going to be like oe because oe had way more building up to it and side order just... doesn't. and that's okay! okay, guys? okay. literally just chill out, step away from your phone, and take a walk. splatoon 3 is fine. the world is not ending. there will most certainly be a splatoon 4 because nintendo wants to make more money. relax. seriously, relax.
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maddy-ferguson · 1 year
if el turns out to be related to the byers i will hate the duffers forever
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I'm very curious....
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anotherrosesthatfell · 8 months
killermare first made - written by HP (my writing partner 💀)
[Note: this is unfortunately canon... Why do I even gave him the job to write backstories...]
Nightmare will be called by the name of Alphonse in here while Killer is Amaris.
Also, this is a short one, the full version is on wattpad but I am not sure if I really want to make this canon and publish it... 🗿
It's black, everything is black for Alphonse.
How long has it been since the wars ended? How long has it been since he killed everyone.
Alphonse got up from his king sized bed, if he were still himself, he will be so grateful everyday but now?
He just want to die and meet his family again. Can he even reunite with his family?
No.. His family are in heaven. If he die, he'll go to hell.. He deserves it.
Alphonse was never a man of religion after knowing her deceased wife done witchcraft. He used too because he devoted himself to the empire he served long time ago as a knight.
Now look at him, a sad pathetic king who can't even get himself together.
Alphonse get up and looks at the mirror. He changed so much... He was kind and caring but now he is nothing but an ugly monster.
"... I need to get out." he whispered to himself.
The outside was loud, it was a proof that he stay in too long.
He has magic now, he can travel across the world with just using magic. He didn't get a good control of it at first but after years, he manages too.
Alphonse walks around the place, it was full of trees and happy children are playing.
That two words reminds him a lot of the past.
"shit..." Alphonse sighed to himself. 'Maybe this is a bad idea, I should go to more depressing place—' "huh—?"
A girl suddenly stumbled upon him which made him startled. He didn't fall but the girl did.
Alphonse panicked and turn around to ask if the girl alright. Yet as soon as he did that, he was stunned by the girl appearance.
"U-Uhm, maaf tuan! {{U-Uhm sorry mister!}}" The girl apologized as she got up by herself.
White hair, palest skin that he ever know and two pair of black eyes. She looks exactly like his deceased wife when she was younger.
"Fiona...?" he mutters under his breath.
He was shocked indeed, part of him want to hug her so badly.
Just then, a slightly older man ran towards Fiona. Alphonse immediately fled from the scene while still panicking, he hides using his shape-shifting quirk.
"Amaris, jangan pernah lari seperti itu lagi! {{Amaris, don't ever run like that again!}}" Yelled his brother, "You have no idea how upset the doctors are right now..."
"T-Tapi Kakak, mereka akan menembakku dengan jarum lagi! {{B-But Brother, they're going to shot me with needles again!}}" she pouted. "Aku benci itu! {{!I hate that!}}"
"ini demi kebaikanmu sendiri, Amaris... ayo pergi sebelum mereka memutuskan untuk mengganti dosismu lagi. {{It's for your own good, Amaris... Let's just go before they decide to change your dose again.}}" said her brother.
Amaris frowned but she gave up in the end. She wanted to play with those kids, if she didn't stumbled on the eerie man, she would've gotten away.
Talking about Alphonse, she wonders where did he went.
"kakak, ada seorang pria menakutkan dengan penampilan berlendir {{Brother, there was a man with scary with slimy appearance.}}" she said
"apakah kamu berhalusinasi lagi, Amaris? {{Are you hallucinating again, Amaris?}}" he sighed. "tolong jangan katakan itu pada doktermu {{Please don't tell that to your doctors.}}"
Amaris's brother didn't find any concerns behind her words. They left and went back to the mental hospital.
Alphonse was still there, he stop hiding as he tried to keep his calm. No kidding, he is still surprised to see someone who look so much like his wife. As if his wife were reincarnated as Amaris.
"Amaris huh... ..." Alphonse smirked to himself as he feels his darker self is telling him horrible things he should do to get Amaris in his hand.
Alphonse snapped from his thoughts as he get himself back.
'This isn't right, she's not even Fiona and she seems like around my late daughter age...' Alphonse is trying to stay sane but it's hard to do so.
‘’then just wait for a few years, she'll be all yours once again.”
There's it again. The one who keep talking to him after those pass years, it was the consequences for committing treason and ate the forbidden apples.
"Oh God.." Alphonse hates these kind of conversations.
‘’God can't save you, this is your fate... Now you must do whatever you desire...!‘’
"Well my desire is just for you to go away!" Alphonse yelled as he covered his ears. He don't want to listen this horrid thoughts.
“WRONG. That's not your desires at all!”
"I am loyal to my wife bastard... This is just so wrong." Alphonse sighed to himself.
He left the place before he will get told by those dark thoughts again.
He is in the castle again, it was dark and he is lonely.
He need to control himself, he can't lost against someone who is part of him now.
(here I am waiting for my other friend opinion...💀)
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crmsndragonwngss · 1 month
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hey listen, you do not need to put a hazy piss filter over your video/photography to make it look warm. you don't. you do not need to do that, so like... stop it?
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gvmdisease · 2 days
the autism is about to kick my ass bc i’m so fucking tired and hungry and now i’m overstimulated but it’s not tics kicking my ass so it’s okay ig
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callixton · 28 days
my room is a DISASTER and it’s not getting cleaned until i move out which i’m dreading
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10sim · 3 months
why does the world send me so many signs about you when i need them the least
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jewish-mccoy · 3 months
I hate daylight savings because the only factor that should determine my lack of sleep and irritability should be my numerous mental health issues, not a goddamn atrocity like daylight savings
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anundyingfidelity · 3 months
last weekend i met with some friends from high school and i realised i've done fucking nothing and now i feel so bad
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crytoki · 1 year
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coulsonlives · 6 months
Can we un-manifest the word 'manifest' please
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urfavemenace · 4 months
The beautiful moment when you notice that someone else who you've never even properly talked to shares your love for Dr Who and you start off tame like "oh that's so what're your favourite characters?" but then just immediately start ranting to each other about the fucking disaster that is Chris Chibnall's writing and why you hate it
It's so beautiful
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siwym-archive · 1 year
listen, I really like hot weather, but I would like it even more if I didn't get red on my face immediately when it gets warmer than 25°C...
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