#I sat with her for over an hour yesterday evening and she smiled nearly the whole time
becca-e-barnes · 1 year
Sub Bucky and a breeding kink 💀 dead unlived it's one of my favourite things 😌
This is pretty high up there on my list of dream fantasies 🥵 these are two of my biggest weaknesses, don't even look at me rn
One of life's greatest joys is cuddling with the other person's head resting on your chest so you can play with their hair and rub their shoulders. I love that shit, having someone else's body weight on you is so comforting.
I imagine that's something Bucky would really enjoy too. It's so soft and sweet and tender and getting to feel cared for would really appeal to him.
But that's up until his hands work their way under your top, up over your bare skin so he's able to cup your breasts and bury his face between them while he's getting his hair played with. Life's pleasures don't get much simpler than that.
After a few moments he shifts slightly, tugging the neckline of your shirt out of the way to give himself space to kiss and nip your skin. All of a sudden he's desperate and it's beautiful to watch.
"Please." He whispers between frantic kisses, flicking his tongue over the stiff peak of your nipple before engulfing it with his warm, eager mouth.
"Please, what?" You tease, tugging on his hair just a little for emphasis.
He groans, frustrated by his own lack of coherence, pulling his mouth from your nipple. "Please let me put a baby in you."
That's not what you were expecting but fuck, he makes it sound pretty appealing.
"Bucky-" You begin but he cuts you off, giving your other nipple the same attention as he gave the first. God, that's distracting.
"You'd make. Such. A pretty. Mommy." He whispers, kissing his way down your body until he reaches the bottom seam of your top. From there, he pulls it off, letting it fall to the floor before removing the rest of your clothes.
"You'd look so pretty with a little baby bump." His huge hand rests on your bare tummy, imaging how your body would change.
"I want it, Buck." You mean it too. It doesn't sound like such a bad idea when he's taking his clothes off.
"I know you want it." He groans, rubbing the tip of his dick against your soaked core. "Y-you're so wet."
He presses his hips forward, sliding inside you and you can't explain it but you swear it feels different this time.
"Don't even think about pulling out." You cup his face in your hands, keeping his eyes on you and you almost worry he's going to fuck himself senseless into you. "I want you to make me a mommy. You're going to give me every single drop of cum and when it starts to drip out of me, you're going to fuck it back in."
His head falls onto your shoulder, sobbing a pathetic moan against your already hot skin. The pace of his thrusts matches his need, his hips slamming into yours and when he finally gives in, he cums inside you with your legs clamped around his waist, making sure he couldn't pull out even if he wanted to.
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Take Care of You [9]
Sugar Daddy!Joel Miller x Female!Reader
Overall Warnings: slow burn, angst/comfort, power imbalance, age gap, possessive tendencies, eventual smut, #daddyissues, independent reader learns to let go and relax, emotionally constipated Joel Miller learns to be vulnerable; (more specific warnings to be added to individual chapters if necessary)
Chapter Word Count: 9,950
Mood board and borders by @saradika
Summary: You spent your entire adult life supporting yourself and barely getting by. It’s why a life of ease offered to you by a mysterious stranger sounded so foreign and unbelievable. Joel Miller, dressed in flannels that had seen better days, didn’t look like the kind who could promise you the world on a plate, but he seemed desperate to help out. All he asks is that you let him take care of you. That wouldn’t be so hard. Would it?
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[a/n: we back, baby. and we also barely edited so if you catch a typo don't hate me. also this was supposed to end in a different spot but then i got carried away in the middle so i had to split it 🥴]
Chapter Specific Warnings: angst, heartbreak, binge drinking to ease emotional turmoil, mild violence, mentions of blood and injury
"i still haven't figured out how to sit across from you, and not be madly in love with everything you do." ⏤ william c. hannon
Three years ago, Nima tried to convince you to go skydiving with her. She begged and she pleaded, but you told her ‘no’ on account of thinking she was a crazy person for wanting to jump out of a perfectly good plane. Which was hilarious now considering you were sitting beside Joel wanting to pull open the door and dive out. The irony was not lost on you.
The only reason you hadn’t gone scrambling for the door was because Joel was forced to take a work call a few minutes into the flight. He hadn’t moved away. Joel stayed right next to you with his arm behind you as he spoke, and every few moments he’d glance at you with a silent apology and shake his head. You’d reply with a tight lipped smile and go back to mindlessly scrolling through instagram. 
Unfortunately the mindlessly scrolling was not so mindless. Since leaving Vegas, you had a high pitch ringing in the back of your mind like an endless, echoing siren. Married. A married man. Joel was⏤ Your teeth were clenched together so hard you wondered if Joel could hear them grinding against one another. Yesterday had been filled with so much anxiety, and you had managed to work through it by the end of the night. Mostly. But this was worse. This was so much worse. 
Your throat suddenly felt tight, eyes stinging with unshed tears, and you hastily undid your seatbelt and stood. Joel glanced your way and you pointed to the back of the plane and mouthed the word ‘bathroom’ to him. He nodded with a soft smile, and you spun on your heel and practically sprinted to the tiny plane bathroom. You struggled to get the folding door shut and the stewardess who sat not far away stared at you in confusion. You gave her an awkward wave and finally got it latched. 
“Fuck.” You shoved your face in your hands, leaning against the wall, and held back your tears. You were confused and frustrated, and you couldn’t even find relief in a good cry because Joel would spot it in a heartbeat no matter how much you tried to put yourself back together. The thought of confronting him about this right now was your worst nightmare. You hadn’t had the time to process any of the wild thoughts pinging around your head yet.
Your mind was at war with itself. On one hand, maybe you were being stupid and naive. For the last month and a half you’ve spent nearly every day with Joel and on the days you weren’t actively seeing him the two of you would talk either over a call or through text. You knew Yo-yo for 24 hours. Sure, she seemed nice and sincere, but what if Rosalind sent her to screw with you? For all you knew, Yo-yo had cruel intentions and was trying to drive a wedge between you and Joel. By taking her word you’d be playing right into that trap. What she said about the other sugar baby and about Joel being married? Maybe it was all fake and you’ve been stressing for no reason.
On the other hand, Joel didn’t kiss you. He didn’t kiss you because he wanted to ‘do right by you’. Joel asked for time. Was it because he needed to get a divorce? Worse. Was he married with absolutely no plans to get divorced and just buying time for something else? 
God, if you kept up this line of thought you were gonna vomit. Quickly, you turned to the sink to splash a little cold water on your face in hopes it would help you get your shit together for the next thirty minutes. Half an hour and you’d be on the ground. But then what? It would be a miracle if you kept it together for thirty minutes let alone any longer. 
You took in a long, slow breath and tried to clear your mind. When you felt steady enough, you stepped out of the bathroom. As tempting as it was to hide in there for the rest of the flight, it would probably be a red flag for Joel that something was wrong. You wandered back over to Joel and at your approach, and at the sight of you, he covered the bottom of his phone and whispered, “You alright?”
“Mhmm.” You nodded quickly and sat back down.
“I’m sorry. Jus’ another minute.” 
You waved your hands at him as nonchalantly as you could and he went back to his call. You leaned back in the seat, phone in hand, and Joel readjusted his arm on the back of the seat so he could settle his hand on your shoulder. As he always did, his thumb was tracing circles on your shoulder. An action you always loved, but now an intrusive thought slammed into you⏤ does he do this with his wife? The question was so startling, so sickening, that you couldn’t bite back the nausea that rolled through your body. You jumped up so fast you nearly stumbled over your feet, and you scrambled for the bathroom. 
Vaguely, you heard your name behind you, but you didn’t stop until you reached the toilet. You fell to your knees and threw up. The taste of acid in your mouth made you wince, but getting it all up did bring some relief. That relief was short lived though as you felt a large, warm hand settle on your back.
“Jesus, sugar.” He said in a soothing voice as he rubbed your back. “What’s goin’ on? Have you felt sick all mornin’?”
You spat into the toilet bowl, trying to get the taste of bile out of your mouth, before reaching out and flushing the toilet. You tried to stand, and Joel hooked his arm around you to help you up. He called out of the bathroom and a second later the stewardess brought in a cup of water and a ginger ale. Joel handed you the water and kept his hand rubbing up and down on your back.
“I’m⏤ I’m fine.” You shook your head and took a sip of water to swish and spit into the sink. “Really.”
“Obviously not.” Joel replied. “C’mon, let’s sit you down.”
“Joel…” You tried to argue, but he wasn’t hearing it. He kept an arm around you as he carefully led you back to the seat. He brought the bottle of ginger ale with you and the moment you finished the water he took the cup out of your hand to replace it with the soda. “I feel better now. It’s fine.”
“You’ve been off this mornin'. I was worried.” Joel lifted a hand to feel your forehead. It made sense that Joel picked up on your distress. He had always been so good at reading you. “You seemed fine when we first woke up. When exactly did you start feelin' sick?”
You took a sip of the ginger ale, “I…I don’t know. After breakfast maybe.” You lied. The sincerity in his eyes, the concern in his voice, it was both bringing you comfort and making you sick again all at once. You felt so stupid. Either you were freaking out over a lie a woman you barely knew told you or you were being tricked into feelings by a married man. Either way, you felt pathetic. “Your, um, your work call, Joel.”
Joel shook his head in response and didn’t even bother addressing the work call he stopped. He set a hand on the back of your neck and his thumb was lightly ghosting over your skin. You closed your eyes and took a slow breath in and out through your nose. “Tell me what I can do, sugar.”
“I⏤” You swallowed the lump in your throat. You forced your eyes open, finding Joel’s furrowed brow and worried gaze already on you, and it made you want to cry. You shook your head, “I, um, I think I just wanna lay down for a while. If that’s okay.”
“Course it’s okay.” He replied. 
The seat the two of you were sharing wasn’t long enough for you to lay down without laying your head on Joel’s lap. You planned on moving to the other couch seats to lay down, but Joel’s hand was still on the back of your neck and he lightly began to guide you down. Too tired to even try and move, you settled your head on his thigh and curled your body up onto the rest of the seat. 
In any other situation, this would be one of the most comfortable spots on Earth. Your head rested on his thick, firm thigh, and Joel’s hand traced where he could reach. Up and down your jawline and neck⏤ his thumb and forefinger would occasionally massage your earlobe. You tried to calm your racing thoughts. The truth was, you didn’t know the truth yet. It was a fact you kept repeating in your head in hopes it would numb the sharp pain of your worst fears, but those intrusive thoughts continued to pummel you.
“I’m so sorry, baby girl.” Joel murmured while his fingers dragged across your skin. “What a shitty way to end this weekend.” You hummed in agreement. This really was a shitty way to close out what started as one of the best weekends of your life.
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Avoiding Joel made you realize how involved in your life he was. After landing in LA, Joel tried to drag you to a doctor and only conceded when you told him it was probably a 24 hour bug and you just wanted to sleep. He called you later that night to check in on you, and you managed to talk to him for a few minutes before lying about wanting to go to bed early. Come Monday morning, you went to work despite Joel texting you that you should stay home. Trying to focus at work was physically painful. Enough so that after the nightmare Monday had been, you left midway through the day today claiming to Henry that you didn’t feel well. It wasn’t even a full blown lie. You felt like shit.
Nima threw the folder of papers onto her desk and set her hands on her hips, “I’m gonna hit him with my car.”
“Please don’t.” You mumbled with your chin resting in your palm as you leaned on the other side of her desk. After leaving work, you came directly to Nima’s office. Going home and sitting on your couch, alone with your thoughts, would only make you ten times more miserable.
“No, actually, my car isn’t big enough. I’m gonna commandeer a bus and hit him with that.”
“I haven’t confirmed anything yet. For all I know, I’m being this pathetic over nothing.”
Nima snapped her hand up and pointed at you with a glare, “No. I will not have you shit talking yourself when the only person we should be shit talking is Joel Miller and his wife.”
You groaned and let your head fall to the desk. The words ‘Joel Miller and his wife’ made you viscerally ill. The time you spent not talking to Joel Monday night you spent stalking people on social media. You reached dead ends very quickly though since Joel didn’t have any social media whatsoever. The easiest solution was to just look Joel in the eyes and ask him for the truth, but you couldn’t bring yourself to do it. You wanted to know the truth, but you were scared to actually seek it out. 
If you asked Joel for the truth, if you confronted him, then he’d give it to you.
What if the truth was something you didn’t want to hear?
“Alrighty, babe, real talk.” Nima said and you lifted your head, keeping your chin resting on the wood, and saw she had dropped down into her office chair. To meet your eye line, she held her chin on the desk across from you to mirror your position. “I can threaten and plot his demise all I want, but I know I’m not allowed to kill him until this is confirmed or denied.” She twisted her lips. “You deserve the truth.”
You pouted, “How am I supposed to ask him about this, Nima??”
Her eyebrows furrowed in concern, “If you did ask… How sure are you that he’d answer truthfully?”
You pushed up and leaned back in the chair. That was a good question, and with anyone else it would probably be a real concern. However, you weren’t worried about that. You truly, deep down, believed that if you confronted Joel about this he would give you the truth. 
“I really think he would.” You answered. “Is that naive of me?”
“You know him better than I do.”
This entire situation made you question that. Did you know him? You knew he grew up in Austin. He had a younger brother, Tommy, and it was just them and his mom for most of his childhood. You knew he attended one year in college when his mom passed away⏤ cancer. Joel dropped out of college to take care of his brother and picked up a job in construction. That’s where he got his start. His first boss saw he had a knack for more than just the manual labor and trusted him with more and more until Joel was running sites for the man. At 27, Joel’s girlfriend of three months got pregnant. They planned to make it work, but she left when Sarah was two weeks old. You knew he adopted Ellie three years later. That he earned his bachelor’s degree in business at home through online classes while raising two young girls and working a full time job. That he started Miller Construction shortly after earning that degree, and it blew up from there.
You knew despite being a tough guy, he didn’t like horror movies.
You knew his favorite whiskey was Lagavulin⏤ neat.
The one thing you didn’t know was if he was married or not.
“I am going to suggest something,” Nima began, “And I want you to listen before you call me crazy.” You shot her confused look and she continued on. “I have this cousin.” You groaned and Nima chastised you to listen. It seemed like she had a cousin available for every situation that arose, and half the people she called cousin weren’t even technically related to her by blood. Anytime you asked her about it all she’d say was ‘Korean moms’ love to talk’, as if that clarified anything for you. “Seriously. He’s dating a private eye. With one text, we can get some answers.”
You shook your head, “Nima, that’s insane.”
“Is it?”
“Yes, hiring a private investigator is insane.” 
“Look, it’ll get us reliable answers.” Nima argued. “The truth.”
You rolled the idea around in your head. It was literally the epitome of paranoid absurdity, but you were wondering if that’s the point you were at. Would it be better to find out this way? That way when you finally did confront Joel you wouldn’t be blind sided by the answer. Hell, if the answer turned out to be ‘no, he isn’t married’ then you can chalk up the last few days as time wasted and move on with your life. That being said, it did seem like an invasion of Joel’s privacy. 
“That feels…” You paused, “Illegal?”
“It’s not illegal to hire a PI.” Nima countered then tilted her head. “I think. I’m not a lawyer, but people do it on TV all the time, right?”
“Well, that logic is foolproof.” 
“I’m not gonna do it if you tell me you don’t want to do it.” Nima said firmly. She crossed her arms and gave a small little shrug. “But you have to do something. Either this or just call him right now and tell him the two of you need to talk.” There was a protective sincerity in her eyes that felt like a security blanket being settled on your shoulders. “I don’t want to see you get more attached to this guy just to be hurt. I don’t want him to lie to you.”
You knew Nima only had your best interests in mind. Technically, Joel had given you no reason not to trust him. Half the time you thought on this topic you convinced yourself you were overreacting and being a pathetic, paranoid mess. Yo-yo, as nice and fun as she had been, was a virtual stranger to you. Her word shouldn’t trump Joel’s. You knew all of that, and you wanted to trust him. However, it felt like some broken part of you was looking for something to be wrong. Joel Miller was too good to be true. Why would someone like him be interested in someone like you? There had to be something else going on. According to your ex, you hadn’t even been worthy of him and Joel Miller was ten times the man he was. 
“Okay, do it.” You blurted and hated yourself for doing so.
Nima held your gaze for a second, but you pushed to stand and crossed her office to her private bathroom. You took one of the paper towels, dampening it, and set it on the back of your neck in a poor attempt to ground yourself. For a while longer, you just stood there in front of the sink. Not staring at yourself, but staring forward at a singular spot as your thoughts raced. You needed a positive thought. Just one would do, and you were prepared to drag it out of your thick skull kicking and screaming if necessary. 
“Everything is going to be okay.” You mumbled to yourself softly. 
The whispered words did nothing for your anxiety. However, the memory of him did. You found comfort looking back at the soft moments spent with Joel and let yourself fall down that rabbit hole. The temporary peace was nice, but it didn't last. Finding strength you didn’t know you had today, you splashed your face one more time and then left the bathroom.
Your eyes immediately landed on Nima who stared back with wide eyes. Nima spoke first, “What?”
“What?” You repeated. “I didn’t say anything.”
“Oh, I thought you said something.” Nima flipped her phone over and settled her hand on top of it. You glanced from her face to her phone and back again. A look of misery flickered across her features. You tilted your head in question. “Are you hungry? I’m hungry.”
“Nima.” You crossed the room quickly. “Did they already text back??”
“No. Yes. Maybe?” Nima shook her head. “Not exactly.”
She twisted her lips and drummed her nails against the plastic case of her phone. You shot her another look and she blew out a sigh. “He sent me a response, but it’s like half an answer. Half a report. We should wait until he can⏤”
“What did he say?”
“Apparently, he’s working on a case for someone else right now and had a database right in front of him so all he had to do was type in⏤”
“Nima, please.” You blurted. It felt like your heart was caught in your throat. You couldn’t breathe and you didn't feel coherent enough to string together a thought. Her hesitance was an answer in and of itself. You rubbed your throat, your other arm wrapping around your torso in a poor attempt to hold yourself together, and gasped. “Just say it.”
“He’s married, babe.” Nima mumbled. You knew the words had been coming, but they still overwhelmed you. The air left your lungs as if someone had gut punched you and you fell back into the seat in front of her desk. “He said he’d send me the certificate when he could, but he has to finish this job first. I’m so sorry. I am so, so sorry. I⏤”
Nima stopped herself from speaking as she came around her desk and wrapped an arm around your shoulders. You sat in her embrace for as long as your shattering mind could endure and then shook your head, “I need a drink. Drinks. Plural.”
“It’s three in the afternoon, babe.” Nima mumbled in concern. You shot her a dry look and she offered you a tight lipped smile. “Drinks it is! Let’s go. We can go back to my place and⏤”
“No.” You pushed to stand. “I wanna go out.”
“Oh… kay. Where?”
“Anywhere.” You turned and began to leave.
Nima was scrambling to gather her belongings into her strawberry shaped purse before rushing out after you. “Just one drink though. I hate being the voice of reason, but we should limit ourselves to one drink.”
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One drink turned into two which turned into three which turned into twelve.
By 6 PM, you were borderline wasted. It was by no means the best decision you’ve ever made, but you couldn’t classify it as your worst considering that, for the first time since leaving Vegas, you didn’t feel sad or defeated. No, those blue emotions had turned into a burning shade of red. You had finally found your anger and all it took was copious amounts of alcohol. 
“I mean, married?” You scoffed as you stood at the bar with Nima at your side. “That’s⏤ That’s illegal.” Nima nodded in agreement as she blindly tried to find the straw in her drink with her tongue. You reached out and pushed it toward her lips. “And worse than illegal! It’s fucking rude.”
“So rude.” Nima slurped at the last of her drink and all you could hear was the rattling of ice in her glass. She pulled away to slam the cup down and pointed at you⏤ her pink hair had been let down from the braid to messily rest around her shoulders. “You should get a new sugar daddy!” You stuck your tongue out in disgust and shook your head. “No! This is such a good idea.” Nima began to look around the bar. “Let’s find you a super hot, super not married sugar daddy.”
“I don’t want a new sugar daddy. I want another drink.” You leaned on the bar and waited for the bartender to look your way. Nima and you had bounced to a few bars. The two of you, back when you were sober, decided to start drinking in an area that had multiple bars all within walking distance. The one you were in now wasn’t familiar to you⏤ it wasn’t a place you and Nima had been to before. It was a bit too upscale for your liking. Sober you would not have been a fan. Drunk you? Loving it.
Nima was tapping on your shoulder rapidly and when you looked her way she was pointing across the bar to God knows who. “He looks like he wouldn’t marry someone without your permission.”
“That’s,” You shook your head, “not my situation.”
“Isn’t it?”
“I don’t know.” You shook your head and looked back toward the bartender who was busy with a group of women further down the bar. The sound of vibrating vaguely filled the air and you leaned closer to Nima who immediately wrapped her arms around you in a hug. “You’re vibrating.”
“You’re vibrating.”
You found her purse and opened it so you could rifle through it. It dawned on you then that somewhere around bar two and drink five you had shoved your phone in her purse for safe keeping. When you finally managed to pull it out, Joel’s face was flashing on the screen and you yelped in surprise. You tossed the phone onto the bar and held your face between your hands.
“Oh, no. Oh, no, no.” You shook your head and the vibration stopped. Joel’s picture disappeared and was replaced with a notification of a missed call that joined the notification telling you that you had unread messages. Your eyes snapped to Nima who was trying to drink out of her empty cup again. “Joel.”
“Bastard man.” Nima edited.
“Dinner.” You grimaced. “At 7. I’m supposed to get dinner with Joel at 7. It’s 6:35.”
Nima shook her head and crunched the ice she had shoveled into her mouth, “Bastard man can go to dinner with his wife tonight.”
 You grimaced, “I hate all the words you just used.”
The bartender began to wander over and Nima turned to order more drinks. You picked up your phone and leaned against the bartop with your elbow. With a frown and furrowed brow, you opened your text messages. Every unread text was from Joel unsurprisingly. The first came in at 4:29 and it was a simple, ‘Hey sugar, I’m excited to see you tonight’. The next was almost exactly an hour later and it said, ‘Hope your day’s been alright. We still on for tonight?’. Finally, the most recent at 6:15, was just your name with a question mark.
You set the phone back down before the temptation to reply could overcome you. It only sat on the bartop for a second before it began to vibrate violently as another call came in. Joel’s face filled the screen and you felt a wave of sadness drag you under. The fact that you were mourning the lack of his presence to this degree was probably a sign you were doing this ‘sugar baby’ thing very wrong.
“Maybe I should answer it.” You voiced the thought aloud.
Nima caught it and gasped before slapping her hand on top of the still buzzing phone, “No, ma’am! You will not be doing that.” The bartender set two new drinks between the two of you. Nima pushed one in front of you and moved the straw to point directly at you. “Drink.”
You took a sip then spoke, “I don’t even know the whole story⏤” Nima pushed your face back to the straw so you took another long sip. “Maybe it’s a misunderstanding…” This time your lips found their way to the straw on their own accord and you took a sip that could be argued as dangerously long. ���I need to talk to him. Confront him. Demand answers.”
“Yes. To all of that. Eventually.” Nima replied with a nod. She reached forward and bopped you on the nose with her finger. “But not tonight.”
“Why not?”
“Because I know one thing in life,” Nima held up the one finger she used to bop your nose, “You do not have serious conversations while drunk.”
You shook your head with a pout, “I thought you said you don’t like being the voice of reason.”
“If it means helping you, I’ll always lean toward reason, babe.” 
The two of you went back to drinking. Your vibrating phone stopped and a few seconds passed before a notification for a voicemail popped up. You turned to Nima, “Can I listen to it? That’s not talking. That’s listening.”
Nima chewed on her straw slowly before bobbing her head in an affirmative nod, “I shall allow it.”
You picked up the phone to listen to the message he left you.
‘Hey, sugar.’ Joel’s voice rumbled over the line and you felt your chest physically ache at the sound. You closed your eyes in annoyance with yourself. If you hadn’t fallen so hard, so fast for this man you wouldn’t be in this scenario to begin with. ‘Gotta say I’m a little worried. Haven’t heard from ya all day. Gimme a call when ya get this.’
You groaned and set your head down on the bar. Guilt gnawed at you. It felt childish of you to be ghosting him like this, and that wasn’t your typical go to move. You had enough respect for the people in your life to address them when needed rather than hide behind voicemail. With the guilt was a swirling vortex of anger. You were angry at Joel for not being up front with you. You were angry at Yo-Yo for being the one to plant the initial doubt that started all this. You were angry at yourself most of all. Angry that you felt guilt at all, angry that you had foolishly placed so much trust in a man you barely knew, angry that despite everything there was still a part of you that craved his presence. You missed his touch and his voice. You missed those burning brown eyes and the way his very glance could melt you into a puddle.
“You okay, babe?” Nima’s voice asked softly. You shook your head without lifting it. “I’m sorry. I can break his knee caps if you want?”
“What?” You lifted your gaze.
“What?” She replied innocently. 
The phone began to vibrate again startling you. He had just called so you didn’t expect him to call again, but then again you were supposed to be in your apartment waiting for him to pick you up for dinner. You pictured him standing at your door dressed up and holding a bouquet of flowers. Nausea rolled over you in waves, and you grabbed your mixed drink thinking it could cure your troubles.
A few minutes passed before another voicemail was left. You snatched your phone up and shoved it back into Nima’s purse so it would be out of your line of sight⏤ not even bothering to listen to the second voicemail. Tomorrow, you decided. Tomorrow you would confront Joel and have this difficult conversation. You both finished the drinks in front of you as the lively bar continued to thrive around you.
“Why is he married?” You asked suddenly. Nima must have known it wasn’t a question you expected an actual answer to as she stayed silent. You rested your face in your hands and sighed. With your eyes closed against your hands like this you began to feel dizzy. A sure sign that you should stop drinking. Nima rubbed your back soothingly and you dropped your hands to shoot her an appreciative glance. “You’re the best best friend a girl could ask for.”
“I know, babe. And you know what else I know?” Nima squished your cheeks together with a wide grin, “You deserve the universe in a gold hand basket, and any man who can’t see that or who would play games with your big, loving heart doesn’t deserve you.”
You laughed and Nima chuckled herself before letting go of your face to pick up her empty glass. Her tongue struggled to find the straw but once it did she tried to take a big gulp only to get drops and air. Nima pulled away from her straw and furrowed her brow, “Who finished my drink?”
With another laugh, you raised your hand to order two more drinks. At this point you’ve already had so much to drink, what would one more hurt? You knew the hangover tomorrow was going to be a bad one, but a part of you was looking forward to it. There would be no mourning Joel tomorrow if your head hurt too much to even think his name. 
Nima successfully managed to distract you again as she drunkenly delved into a story you weren’t quite following, but you enjoyed the way she told it. A low whistle interrupted the moment of peace the two of you had found. You glanced past Nima to see two men in business suits wandering over. Nothing about them stood out to you. One was brunet and the other blond, but they both looked like they never grew out of the frat lifestyle on a college campus.
“We saw you two pretty ladies from over there and wanted to come and offer you our company.” The blond greeted smugly.
Nima turned in her seat to face him and waved her hand at him while taking a long sip of her drink until the ice rattled in the glass. Then she pulled the straw out of her mouth to finally speak with a shake of her head, “Sorry, we don’t speak english.”
“You just said that in English.” The blond chuckled.
“Sorry, sorry.” Nima waved her hand once more. “I don’t understand your accent.”
You snickered under your breath while chewing on your straw. The brunet stepped forward to stand side by side with the other and shook his head, “No need to be a bitch. We just wanted to talk.”
“Oh, you haven’t even begun to see bitchy yet.” Nima pointed her glass in their direction⏤ a bit of ice sloshing out with the exaggerated movement. “I can show you bitchy.” She reached back to swat at your arm. “Tell them, babe.”
“She can.” You nodded in agreement.
The blond set a hand on his friend’s shoulder and tugged him back, “Let’s just go, man.”
The brunet reluctantly let himself get dragged away, but he continued to stare at you and Nima the entire time. Nima spun in her seat and scoffed, “Where was I before I was interrupted by douchebag one and douchebag two?”
“I’m not gonna lie,” You shrugged, “I have no idea.”
“I’ll pick a place then.” Nima said and jumped into the middle of her story. “So, there I was covered head to toe in honey.”
Same as before, you really couldn’t keep track of her tale but it amused you all the same. The two of you chatted for another minute or two before a new face came across the two of you again. Nima had bounced in her seat, excited, and it knocked her strawberry shaped purse to the floor. Your phone clattered out. Before you could climb off the bar stool to grab it, a man passing knelt down and scooped it up. In one tanned hand he grabbed the purse and in the other your phone. The phone’s screen lit up and you swallowed at the sight of the multiple missed messages all from the same person. 
“Oh.” The man cleared his throat and straightened his stance. He was handsome with a kind face. Dark hair, a bit on the longer side, was messily pushed back and it matched the scruff on his upper lip and chin. The man wore a pink button up shirt, all the buttons undone, over a white t-shirt. “I suppose this is yours, miss?”
You begun to reach out, “Thanks⏤”
“Hold it!” Nima pointed at the man making his dark, brown eyes widen. “State your intentions, sir!”
“To…return your purse?” He lifted up the strawberry bag.
Nima narrowed her eyes at him and snatched it away, “Likely story.”
“Thank you.” You reached out and he handed the phone over to you. A glance down revealed four missed calls, two unheard voicemails, and five texts. You winced at the sight and set your phone face down on the bar. You were surprised to see the man still standing by your stools. “You…” You narrowed your eyes at him. “You look familiar. Have we met before?”
He chuckled and shook his head, “Afraid not, ma’am.”
It was sitting on the tip of your tongue, but your foggy brain just couldn’t quite grasp it. Nima snapped her fingers and pointed at him. “I got it. He’s that guy.” You lifted an eyebrow at her words and she nodded frantically. “Yeah, he’s that actor! You play in that one show with, like, the zombies or whatever, right?”
“Not at all.” He laughed with a shake of his head. “I ain’t no actor.”
“Well then, I’m out of guesses.” Nima grumbled. She tilted her head, looking him up and down once more, “You seem nice enough. Got a pretty face. You rich? You wanna be a sugar daddy? She’s in the market.”
You rolled your eyes, “Nima.”
“You’re in the market for a sugar daddy?” The man asked in shock. You could hardly blame the man for his confusion and disbelief. This was hardly a normal bar conversation. “Really?”
“No. She’s just drunk.”
“Irrelevant.” Nima argued.
You chuckled then introduced yourself and Nima. The man paused for a beat before nodding and offering you his hand. “Nice to meet you both. My name is Tommy.” It took a second to click, but once the name finally wormed its way through your mind your eyes widened. Tommy chuckled and answered your unspoken question, “Yeah. I am.”
Nima glanced between you two with a frown, “Hold on, I’m not following. You are what? You’ll be her new sugar daddy?”
“No way in hell.” Tommy grinned. “If I even thought 'bout it, my brother’d skin me alive.”
The look on Nima’s face stayed confused until you swallowed the lump in your throat and finally spoke, “It’s… Nima, this is Joel’s brother.”
Her face remained frozen before morphing into one of shock. She gasped, almost comically, and pointed at him. “Oh, fuck.” Her eyebrows furrowed into a glare. “You son of a bitch, your brother is a son of a bitch!”
Tommy didn’t pay her outburst any mind, but his eyes darted back to you. “I asked my brother to come out drinkin' with me tonight, but he said ‘no’ cause he had a date with you.” Tommy stuck his hands into his pockets. “Funny I’m findin' you here without him.”
“That’s because your brother is too busy with his wife to be with my girl!”
Tommy’s eyebrows furrowed in surprise and he glanced back to you, “He already told you about her?”
It was quite possibly the worst string of words you could have heard all day. Only in competition with Nima’s ‘He’s married, babe’. You felt nauseous and dizzy⏤ the breath stolen from you again. Nima was arguing with Tommy, you could hear her voice, but you couldn’t concretely understand a single word that was said. When you finally managed to get a handle on reality, you looked back to see things had fallen apart and more time than you realized had passed in your mental breakdown. 
The blond and brunet from earlier, in the suits, had come back and were somehow arguing with Tommy and Nima now. You suddenly began to regret the last two drinks you had. Maybe if you had gone with a couple glasses of water instead you’d be able to puzzle out exactly what was going on right now.
“Get the hell outta here. They ain’t interested.” Tommy snapped.
“Just curious as to why we weren’t good enough for these bitches and you were.” The brunet slurred his words. Tommy stood a step in front of Nima who had slid off her bar stool to stand in front of you with her hands on her hips. “What’s so special about you, bub?”
“Ugh. How about the two of you run off to the bathroom and jack each other off, huh? Then leave us the fuck alone.” Nima sneered.
“Shut your damn mouth!” 
The blond tried to push past Tommy toward Nima, but Tommy shoved him back immediately. He grabbed the guy by the collar. “You gonna charge at a woman like that? Fuckin' coward.” Tommy’s voice came out in a gravelly growl that reminded you so much of Joel that it was staggering. “You got a problem, you take it up with me.”
The next moment happened fast. The blond tried to swing out at Tommy so Tommy blocked it with his elbow before tackling the man to the ground. The brunet grabbed Nima and wrapped his arms around her. She howled in anger and squirmed in his arms trying to find purchase to hit him. The brunet spun so his back was to you and you slid off the stool. Without pause, without thought, you picked up your empty glass and smashed it to the back of the man’s head. He released Nima, crumpling to the ground with a groan, and any shred of a fight stopped⏤as did the entire bar.
Tommy was kneeling on the ground pinning the blond while Nima stood off to the side.
“Oh my God.” Nima squealed, amused.
“Oh my God.” Tommy blurted, impressed.
“Oh my God.” You gasped, shocked at your own action.
You were panting, damn near hyperventilating, as the brunet began to rise on shaky limbs. Other patrons nearby converged on the scene to help out and before you knew it you were being ushered off to the side where a few couches and seats sat in a lounge area. 
“You’re such a badass.” Nima gushed from beside you. "How’s your hand??”
“Hurts.” You mumbled and stared down at the white cloth wrapped around your hand. Bright red was beginning to seep through. The consequences of smashing glass against the back of someone’s skull. Police had shown up and you knew Tommy was across the room talking to them. But still, your eyes stayed glued on your hand. The cuts weren’t terrible but they stung something awful.
“Babe?” You finally looked up and met Nima’s concerned eyes. She nodded, “You alright?”
You shot her a small smile, “Yeah. Are you okay? I can’t believe he grabbed you.”
“I’m fine.” Nima peeked at your hand then stood. “I’m gonna see if this bar has a real first aid kit we can use. Be right back.”
She jumped up and jogged over to the bar. You sunk in your seat with a sigh and leaned your head against the back of the couch. There had been something very sobering about smashing the glass against that guy’s head. The adrenaline and pain cleared any lingering fog from your previous drinks right out of your head. It left room for you to think about Joel. Meeting his brother certainly didn’t help. Tommy clapped one of the officer’s on the shoulder with a smile and they went separate ways. You lifted your head when you heard his footsteps draw near.
“Well, I spoke to the police.” Tommy stuck his hands into his pockets. “You’re not gonna get in trouble for the, you know, the glass. Won’t have to go downtown with ‘em.” You breathed a sigh of relief. Tommy held your gaze for a few more seconds before scrunching his nose and bobbing his head toward you. “And Joel is, uh, on his way.”
You covered your face with your good hand and groaned, “Can I please just be arrested instead?”
“Sorry, no can do.” Tommy sat down beside you. “You know, I didn’t say it earlier, but it’s nice to finally meet you. Joel never shuts up about you.”
“Please. Don’t.” You blurted. “I can’t… I can’t talk about him right now.”
Tommy nodded, “Right. I, uh, when I called him we didn’t talk much.” He laced his fingers together and rested his arms on his knees. “I mentioned you were hurt and things kind of spiraled from there. That’s probably for the best though. I don’t wanna get in between a lover’s quarrel⏤”
“I’m not his lover.” You snapped, and you hated the way your voice cracked. You shook your head, “Not if he’s married. Not…” The adrenaline was beginning to wear off and you were exhausted to your very bones. “This is so fucked up. I never should've agreed to…
Tommy didn’t immediately reply. He sighed, “I don’t know you, and I don’t got the exact details of what’s going on right now, but… I’m glad you agreed.” He turned and met your gaze with a tight smile. “Joel’s been… He’s been better. Joel was in a rut for a long time. So long that I kind of forgot he was in one. For a while, that was just Joel.” Tommy’s smile grew as he chuckled. “But ever since the two of you met, it’s like this weight has been lifted from his shoulders. We’ve all noticed it, and we’re all thankful.”
  “He’s married.” You whispered. “And he didn’t tell me.”
Tommy rubbed the back of his neck, “I know, but it’s⏤ it’s not that simple.” He nervously chewed on his lower lip. “Can you just give him a chance to explain?” You flexed your hand and sucked in a sharp breath as pain lanced up your arm. “Consider it a favor for me.”
“A favor for you?” You snorted.
“Yeah. I kept you out of prison, remember?” Tommy joked.
You cracked a smile and Tommy’s smile widened in victory. Nima skipped back over and dropped into the seat on your other side. She pulled your hand into her lap and carefully unpeeled the cloth away. As Nima rewrapped your hand while Tommy criticized her technique and the two bickered over you. You couldn’t help but flex your hand when she finished.
“Come on, pinkie.” Tommy stood. “I’ll take you home.”
“Uh, I am not leaving my girl here alone.”
“Joel will be here soon.”
“Then I’m definitely not leaving her alone!”
You reached out to squeeze her wrist and gave her a reassuring nod, “I’ll be okay. Gotta talk to him eventually, right?”
“Yeah, but that doesn’t have to be right now.” Nima argued. You pulled her into a hug to reassure her once again. Maybe this was a bad idea, but you had just smashed a glass against a guy’s head so the degree of your bad ideas couldn't possibly get worse. Nima sighed and stood up too. “Okay. You’re sure you’re fine?”
Tommy clapped his hands. “Joel’s a few minutes away. But we can stay until he gets here if you want.”
“No.” You shook your head. The thought of being alone for a minute was kind of nice. “You guys go.” Your eyes locked onto Nima. “If you’re okay with him driving you.” You glanced at Tommy. “No offense.”
He held his hands up in surrender and shrugged nonchalantly. Nima nodded, “We survived a bar brawl together. We’re bonded.” She grinned and pulled her strawberry purse around her shoulders. “Plus, worse comes to worse, I can stab him.”
“You can what now?” Tommy questioned.
“You’ve already offered me a ride. It’s too late to back out now.”
“Fine, pinkie.” Tommy waved her to follow. 
You watched them go and sunk in your seat. The sounds of the bar was decent background noise, but it wasn’t enough to drown out the noise in your head. You picked at the edges of the gauze wrapped around your hand. Your eyes felt heavy and if you weren’t careful you were going to pass out on this bar couch surrounded by strangers. It was the sound of a crash that startled you back into the moment, and when you looked up from your hand you realized the door had been thrown open hard enough to hit the wall. Joel stood in the doorway panicked and wild eyed. He wore a suit without the tie and his shirt was unbuttoned at the top.
You stayed silent, sinking further into your seat, and watched as Joel’s wide eyes scanned the room. His gaze finally landed on you, doing a double take, and when he realized where you were you saw his shoulders slump in relief. Joel jogged across the room until he was able to kneel down in front of you. Joel’s warm hands found your face, cupping it softly, as he sighed, “Sugar, what the hell is goin' on? Are you okay?” Joel’s eyes studied your face then glanced down at your hand. “Jesus, your hand. Tommy called me. Sugar, I⏤”
“I’m okay.” You whispered, throat growing tight, “I just wanna go home, Joel.”
Joel tensed and he nodded, “Yeah. Alright. Let’s get you home.”
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The ride in the truck beside Joel may have been the most awkward and tense ride of your entire life. It was silent. The only sound coming from the road outside. Joel’s hands were white knuckled around the steering wheel. You assumed his tension had something to do with you ghosting him this evening. His truck pulled up outside your apartment complex and your alcohol soaked brain realized not only did you not have your keys but you also no longer had your phone. Both were sitting in Nima’s purse right now.
You opened the door fully prepared to sleep outside your apartment on the welcome mat like a lost dog, but Joel grasped you by the arm cautiously to hold you in place. “You got your key?” You twisted your lips knowing he wasn’t going to fall for a lie. “Where is your key?”
“With Nima.” You mumbled. “She has my phone too.”
Joel sighed and let go of you to instead grab the truck door and shut it. He buckled you back into the seat and began to drive once more. You wanted to ask where he was taking you, but none of the words would come out. You drowned in your indecision while picking at the bandage on your hand. Joel suddenly reached over and lightly pushed your hand away from the injury.
“Stop pickin' at it, sugar.”
“Where are we going?” You blurted.
Joel shifted in his seat, “My place.”
“I don’t wanna go to your place.” You mumbled.
“Don’t care.” Joel replied gruffly and you lifted your head to glare at his side profile. 
The tone of his voice stirred something inside you, and you felt the dormant anger start to reawaken. It had gotten buried under everything that happened, but now it was back full fledged. You sat up, “Take me back. I want to go home.”
“You don’t have your key.”
“I don’t care.” You snapped. “Take me home, Joel!”
“You’re comin' to my place where I know you can safely sleep it off, 'nd then tomorrow we’ll figure out how to get ya back into your apartment. Understood?”
You scoffed, “Don’t talk down to me. I’m not a child, Joel.”
“Oh, you’re not?” Joel scoffed. His tone was angry and frustrated. “Cause you’re sure as hell actin' like one.” He shot a glare in your direction before focusing back on the road. “Are you outta your goddamn mind?! Do you know how worried I was?” You crossed your arms and stared out the passenger window. “I don’ hear from you all day long. You disappear on me with no explanation 'nd then I get a call from my baby brother that you’ve been in a bar fight? And that you’re hurt?!” You stayed silent and Joel scoffed. “And now I get the silent treatment? Very mature.”
“You don’t want to argue with me on what’s mature, Joel.” You said, head whipping back to glare at him.
“What the hell is that supposed to mean??”
“You’re a hypocrite!”
“Excuse me?”
You scoffed, “It’s not very mature for a married man to pay a sugar baby for attention.” Joel hit the brakes and the seat belt caught you as the truck screeched to a stop. You glanced out the window to see his truck had reached a neighborhood and the streets were mostly void of other vehicles. When you turned back to Joel, you found him staring at you in a mix of shock and horror. You shook your head, “What was I, Joel? Some kind of midlife crisis?”
Pain could be seen through the horror, and he reached out to grab your wrist again. “No. No, that’s not…” Joel’s voice was hoarse and broken. He whispered your name. “Please. That’s not what this is.”
You tugged your arm away from his grip. “I don’t wanna talk about this right now, Joel. Either start driving again or I’m gonna get out.”
Joel kept his hands to himself as he slowly went back to driving. As if the awkward silence hadn’t been painful before it was downright agonizing now. You were pressing your thumb into the wounds of your palm just to try and keep from crying. Joel pulled into the driveway a few minutes later, and you couldn’t even get your brain to collect a single feature of the house in front of you. Joel jumped out of the truck and you stayed frozen. The passenger door opened but Joel didn’t move to pull you out. He held the top of the door frame and a foot rested on the running board so he could lean in just marginally.
“Don’t, Joel.” You said firmly. “Don’t.”
“Please just let me⏤”
“Are you married?”
Joel’s face crumpled in agony and he hung his head, “It’s… It’s not that simple. Just let me⏤”
“It’s a yes or no question.” You shrugged and tried to ignore the tears welling up in your eyes.
Joel looked like he was on the verge of a panic attack. His eyes were squeezed shut, but he still refused to answer. You whispered his name. Finally, he lifted his gaze back to you and opened his mouth. His jaw hung open silently for a second before he could speak. “...Yes.”
You felt the tears lingering at the waterline drip down your cheeks and hastily began to wipe them away with your hands. Joel gasped and began to reach out but when you flinched he held back. He shook his head, “You’re bleedin'.”
The bandage around your hand was soaked with blood, probably from digging your thumb into the wounds, and when you felt your cheek with your fingertips they came back tinted red. You must have smeared it across your face. 
“Sugar, let me… let me take you inside.” Joel murmured. “Please. I know you’re… upset, 'nd you have every reason to hate me right now, but… just let me get you inside.” His hand reached out for you once more, but he stopped himself. “You can leave in the mornin', but for tonight just⏤ just let me take care of you. Please.”
You gave a small nod. It felt weak of you, but you reassured yourself that you had little to no other option. Your hand hurt, your head ached, you were exhausted to your very being, and deep down you were torn between wanting to yell and scream or curl into a ball and cry. Joel took a few steps back to allow you to climb down yourself, but when you wavered his arms shot out to try and steady you. Joel herded you toward the front door without actually touching you. 
Your eyebrows furrowed when you studied his front porch. The entire front of his house didn’t look like the typical rich LA style you were accustomed to seeing. In fact, his porch and front door reminded you of a quaint farmhouse. Joel unlocked his front door and held it open for you to walk in. Right inside the house, the foyer had an open style with a set of stairs pressed against the wall just up ahead. It opened straight into a large living room that evolved into a dining room with a matching open kitchen to the side. The entire back wall by the kitchen and dining area was made of glass but the back porch lights were off so you couldn’t see the view. 
Joel tossed his keys into a bowl sitting on an accent table against the wall right by the door. You glanced over to a little bench built into the wall on the other side beneath a set of bay windows. The rest of his furniture from what you could see was modern and plain. You were drunk off alcohol and misery, but your brain was still able to take the time to note that Joel’s furniture didn’t match what you imagined him to have.
“C’mon.” Joel motioned you up the stairs. He followed after you and when you reached the top of the stairs he pointed to the left. You stepped into the master bedroom and Joel slid in past you moving straight toward the master bath. While he rooted around for something, you glanced around his room. There was a king sized bed sitting in the middle of the room covered in dark green sheets. A window sat on either side of the bed. The wall to the right was where the bathroom door and the closet door sat, but on the left was a single loveseat pushed against the wall. All the furniture was dark brown including the large dresser against the wall by the door and the smaller bedside drawers on either side of the bed under the windows. You drifted toward one of the bedside drawers where a photo was propped up. It was of Joel and two young girls. Joel had shown you enough pictures of Sarah and Ellie for you to recognize them, but in this photo all three of them were significantly younger. 
The sound of a throat clearing made you look up to see Joel standing there with a first aid kit in hand. “Sit down for me?” You sat on the side of the bed and Joel sat beside you. He opened the kit then carefully unwrapped your hand. When he saw the three lines haphazardly cut into your palm he let out a soft hiss. “You hurtin' much?”
“It stings some.” You mumbled. He hummed in response and used an alcohol swab to clean up the cuts. Joel did so with soft touches and his eyes flickered to your features every second or so to check in on your status. You locked your jaw to bite back any sounds of pain that tried to slip out. 
“They look bad, but I don’ think they’ll need stitches.” Joel thought out loud. 
“Good.” You said. Joel grabbed some fresh gauze and began to wrap it around your hand. You studied his features as he focused so intently on the task at hand. His warm gaze was burned into your skin as his eyebrows furrowed in concentration. You had the urge to trace your fingers through the scruff along his jawline. When he finished, he lifted his gaze and his eyes locked with yours. The two of you stared at one another in tense silence. Pain and longing filled his brown eyes, and you wondered if it could somehow just be a reflection of your own. It made no sense for you to both be so miserable right now. “Where is she?”
Joel tensed, “What?”
“Where is your wife?” You asked more firmly. 
“Are you sure you wanna get into this tonight?”
“I just want answers, Joel.” You sighed. “I need something. My mind has been a mess since we left Vegas.” Joel’s face crumpled as he closed his eyes with a sigh. “Yo-yo told me I wasn’t your first sugar baby and then she said you were married to your first sugar baby.” The words were falling out like pouring water now. “And then Nima has a cousin who has a cousin who has a friend or something that was able to find your marriage certificate⏤”
Joel murmured your name in reverence and opened his eyes. He shook his head. “I’m sorry. I should’ve told you from the start. That way there’d be no miscommunication or confusion. I meant to. But… I kept puttin' it off 'nd it got to the point where too much time had passed…” Joel hesitantly reached out for you and when you didn’t shy away he settled his hand on your arm. “I did have a sugar baby before you. It’s a… long story, but I am not married to her.” 
Your eyebrows furrowed, “You didn’t marry her?”
“No. Absolutely not. She was… Like I said, it’s a long story.” Joel squeezed your arm. “One that I promise to tell you. In the mornin', when you’re not half drunk 'nd half hungover all at once.”
“Then who the hell are you married to, Joel?”
“I… I am technically still married to Celina.” Joel finally spat the words out. You shook your head in confusion. The name was foreign to you, but Joel heaved another sigh and added, “Sarah’s mom.”
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✨J.M. Masterlist✨
728 notes · View notes
7 Minutes In Heaven | Billy Loomis
Pairing: Billy Loomis x female!reader
Word count: 5K
Warnings/contents: Strong language, mild sexual innuendos, light fluff. 
Notes: Sometimes I forget how hot Billy is when he's pissed off, and then I see this gif and I go... 😍🤤
I hope that you guys enjoy this chapter, I had a fun time trying to figure out what to do for it and I think that it ended up sort of good.
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The sofa dipped beside you as a warm arm wrapped around your shoulder and pulled you close; you were zoning out, staring at the wall behind your friends head for the past few minutes. The sudden action made you jump slightly as the man beside you let out a sigh and grinned. 
“Wasn’t this a great party?” Stu asked, looking around at the room of dwindling guests. He was right— the party had been a success and gone nearly all night long; the sun was going to start coming up before you knew it and everyone started to show up to his house around six o’clock yesterday evening. Your eyes were tired as you glanced at the man and brought your cup to your lips. 
“Yeah, it sure was.” You met Tatum’s eyes across the room and shifted awkwardly. She always knew that there was nothing going on between you and Stu— after all, you were constantly reminding her that he was like a brother— a very annoying brother. However that didn’t mean that you weren’t uncomfortable sometimes when she caught you with him like this. It was no secret that Stu had cheated on her over the summer. And that was the time she knew of. “You want anything from the kitchen?” You asked, knocking his arm off of your shoulder as you stood. 
“Nah,” before he could finish his sentence, you started to head away and walk towards the bright kitchen. Blinking hard, you refilled your half empty cup and rubbed your tired eyes carefully, though you were certain your makeup had to be smudged already. It had been on for over twenty four hours now. You had come straight from work to Stu’s party. 
The kitchen was a mess— you didn’t even want to know what the rest of the house looked like. Somehow Stu would get everything cleaned up before his parents got home, most likely with Billy’s help. 
“Hey,” you looked over and sent your friend a smile when she peeked around the kitchen doorframe. “Stu wants to play a game before everyone leaves. Want to join?” 
“Sure. What are we playing?” You asked, walking alongside Sidney to the sitting room. “Knowing Stu, probably something that ends with someone being naked.” 
“It’s probably strip truth or dare,” she snickered, playing along with your joke. “Or strip “Never have I ever.”” The two of you shared another laugh before walking towards the small group of people left and sat down in the semi-formed circle. There were a few people that you recognized from high school, but then there were a lot more unfamiliar faces. You wouldn’t have been surprised if there were over two-hundred people in this house over the course of the past twelve hours. 
“Alright everybody,” Stu started, though he tipped his head upwards and chugged the last bit of beer in a bottle that you hoped hadn’t been sitting there for too long, and sent the room a smirk. “We’re all playing seven minutes in heaven.” Tatum shot him a dirty look as you and Sidney shared a groan. 
“Maybe we’ll get someone super drunk and we can make them forget what we’re playing,” Sidney whispered hopefully into your ear. 
“Or maybe we’ll get thrown up on.” She cringed at the thought while you watched Stu set the bottle in the middle of the circle and ignored Tatum’s stare. 
“So… who’s spinning first?” Sidney asked, glancing around the room of drunk and hungover college students hunched over with their head in their hands. The thought of being shoved against one of these strangers in the small closet made your stomach churn. You had sworn you’d seen several of the people in the circle throwing up earlier in the night. 
“First to ask, first to spin.” Stu gestured to the daunting bottle on the floor. Sidney sent you a semi-timid look out of the corner of her eye, earning a huff from you. 
“I’ll go first.” You leaned in, grasping the bottle by the neck and hoping that you would end up with someone who either hadn’t thrown up tonight, or who was less drunk than some of the others. You leaned back onto your knees and watched as it came to a stop— then quickly your eyes went wide and your lip curled in disgust. “God, this night just keeps getting fucking worse.” 
“What a lucky man I am,” Stu sent you a devious smirk and stood as Tatum looked between the two of you quickly and huffed as she crossed her arms. He moved until he stood over you and offered a hand down towards you; sending Tatum a quick, apologetic look, you stood up on your own, ignoring the mans hand and starting to walk towards the small coat closet by the front door. You glanced back and saw Billy, a semi-annoyed look on his face as he followed a smirking Stu towards the closet behind you. 
“Have fun.” Billy’s tone was dull, one you didn’t hear often. He seemed less than impressed at the situation, but you weren’t entirely sure why. 
“Oh, we will—“ 
“We won’t—“ You and Stu spoke at the same time as he pulled you into the closet with him. Billy seemed to hesitate for a second before he shut the closet door. 
“Time starts… now.” Billy called through the closed door and blocked the handle with the chair. Your gut wrenched as you shimmied as far away from Stu as possible. He was so close in the closet you swore that you could feel his body heat radiating towards you even as you pushed yourself back against the wall. 
“You couldn’t have picked strip truth or dare, or something?” You grumbled in complaint at the man after a moment of silence. Stu gave a quick snicker and reached towards you for your shoulder. 
“You’d rather everybody see your boobs than just me?” With a scoff, you slapped the mans hand away as his chilly fingers traced your collarbone. 
“You are not going to be seeing my boobs tonight, Stu.” He gave a soft hum in response. 
“Yeah, y’know what? You’re right. It’s way too dark to see anything in here.” It was dark in the closet but slowly your eyes were adjusting to Stu’s outline as he spoke. 
“You know that isn’t what I meant.” You said, agitated with the man. Stu reached for you again, though this time this fingers graced your cheek before he firmly planted his palm against the side of your face. “And stop acting like you were ever going to see my boobs tonight anyways— go look at your girlfriends instead.” Stu hummed in a teasing tone, though it felt like it was only half paying attention to the words that you were saying. 
“But yours look so much better in those tight shirts that you wear.” Your face heated up quick; there was something about him that never failed to anger you. His attitude, his cocky smile, his voice— but most importantly, how little he seemed to care about one of your best friends. 
“You are such a fucking asshole— piece of shit— garbage— jerk!” Stu tilted his head to the side and slowly leaned in, quickly grabbing your hands when you reached up to plant them on his chest to keep him back. Stu held both your wrists tight in his hand, leaning in until his warm breath hit the skin beneath your lips. 
“If I’m such a fucking asshole then why would I bring you in here to do this?” Curiosity bit at you when Stu didn’t immediately go to kiss you or say anything else. 
“Do what…?” Stu gave a soft laugh— a mocking one that made your chest tighten— the smell of alcohol was lingering on his breath, but it wasn’t bothering you as much as not understanding what was going on. Stu was up to something, and for once you didn’t feel a menacing threat from him. 
“Make him mad.” You were wracking your brain trying to understand what he meant, but he spoke up again as soon as the alarm went off in the other room. “Just go with it. Trust me— just this once.” He said in an encouraging voice. Soft footsteps started to head for the closet, giving you a feeling of relief before Stu was quick to shove his knee between your legs and forced his lips against yours. 
You gasped into his mouth at the quick movements from the man, giving him the opportunity to shove his tongue into your mouth as he reached up and grasped for your neck; his fingers wrapped around the back of your neck and held you painstakingly close so that you couldn’t pull away from him. Your hands wiggled in his grasp as the door opened and the light nearly blinded you. 
With an overdramatized ‘smack,’ Stu pulled away and looked out into the sitting room with a smirk on his face. 
“Whoops. Guess we got caught.” Your face was hot, eyebrows furrowed inwards in annoyance and confusion. Stu let your wrists go, though he lingered for a moment on your neck and sent you a wink. You reached up, rubbing the spot that his thumb had been digging into your skin, wondering if his grip was enough to leave a mark. It had sure felt like he was holding you tight enough. 
Stu went back to the sitting room and sat where he originally was, but you saw Tatum scoot away so that she wasn’t as close to him. Her eyes lingered on you for a moment before she reached for the bottle. 
“I’ll go next.” You frowned, shoulders slumping as you walked back towards your spot and avoided eye contact with the group. Everybody had expected this exact scenario, but you didn’t want to meet anybody’s gaze. Especially not Stu’s. 
“Are you okay?” Sidney asked quietly as she sat next to you. “Did he assault you in there or something?” You shook your head softly. 
“He just… has really strong fingers.” Sidney raised an eyebrow at you and opened her mouth to speak, but you were quick to cut her off. “No! I mean…” You huffed and watched the bottle spin. “He was just holding onto my neck really hard.” 
When the bottle finally stopped, Tatum immediately grimaced. 
The boy that it landed on was possibly the drunkest in the circle, barely even able to stand up right let alone help her stand up. She nudged his hand away, sending Stu a quick glance with a huff before she stood. Stu seemed as if he was pretending not to see her desperate eyes as he reached for the timer from Sidney and stood up. Sidney scoffed as Stu led Tatum and the boy towards the small closet. 
“He is such a… a…” 
“Dickhead?” Sidney gave a soft chuckle and nodded. 
“Remind me— why are we friends with them?” 
“This is all because of Tatum— I didn’t even know who Stu was before she met him.” Sidney sighed and looked over as Stu headed back with the timer in hand. You saw that it hadn’t been started yet. 
“Alright— who wants to play strip truth or dare while they’re in there?” He asked, eyeing you in a way that made your stomach churn. You sent the man a dirty look that made him laugh. “What? I thought that you said you wanted me to see your boobs.” 
“I did not say that!” You seethed at the man. 
“Ooh— that’s right, you said that you’d rather the whole room see them than just me.” 
“I didn’t say that either!” 
“I distinctly remember—“ Sidney cleared her throat loudly before the two of you could get into another one of your longwinded fights. 
“Why don’t we just play normal truth or dare? Or never have I ever? Something that won’t end in a fight.” 
“With him? Unlikely.” You grumbled. 
“Well, I have a wonderful dare for you.” Stu grinned. 
“I would never choose dare from you.” You scoffed. 
“Really? Not even if I dared you to kiss me again?” Your cheeks went hot as you went to reply, nearly standing up to yell at the man before Sidney pressed you back and spoke. 
“Never have I ever hosted a party and had nobody show up.” She intervened while you glared at Stu— a look that only Billy could rival. A girl across from Sidney sighed and grabbed her drink, taking a swift shot of it and wincing. Stu laughed as he looked at her, letting you be free from his antagonizing stare for even just a second. 
The timer went off and Sidney was quick to get up to go save Tatum. 
For the moment, things were quiet, Stu looked back, watching his girlfriend nearly stumble out of the closet with her shirt ruffled. You assumed that it must’ve been some form of revenge as she expectantly looked at Stu, but he didn’t seem like he cared at all. 
“We’re playing never have I ever while other people are in the closet.” Sidney informed Tatum while she fixed her shirt. This time, Tatum moved between the two kids from your other classes rather than sit beside Stu. You expected that their fight might last about a week this time. “So… who’s spinning next?” The girl beside Tatum seemed like she was desperate to find any way out of a game that might end up with her drinking more, so she was quick to raise her hand and lean in to spin the bottle. 
It spun for what felt like forever before it finally started to slow to a stop and landed dead on Sidney— earning a perverted chuckle from Stu as if he wanted to be in the room with them when this was happening. Sidney, however, sighed and rolled her eyes in his direction. 
“Your perverted fantasies aren’t going to be coming true.” You swore that the other girl immediately sunk in relief at being in the closet with Sidney. The guys were drunk and she seemed like she trusted Sidney. Stu hopped up and headed with the girls towards the closet, leaving everybody in a bittersweet moment of silence before he came back. You missed Sidney’s presence next to you, holding you back from arguing with the man that was now seated across from you again. 
You glanced around the circle, but your eyes met another’s quickly. Billy was looking at you, and when you met his gaze, he didn’t look away immediately, you sent him a quick, small smile before turning your gaze back to Stu as he spoke up. 
“Never have I ever gotten so drunk that I’ve pissed on myself.” You were slightly surprised to see a decent number of people in the circle take a sip from their cup. You and Tatum met each others gaze with a mixture of equally disgusted looks on your face. “Never have I ever—“ 
“You don’t get to go twice,” you cut the man off quick, an uneasy feeling settling in your stomach from the devious smirk he had on his face as he eyed you down. The look on his face could only bring bad things and you weren’t in the mood for it. 
“Then you go.” You didn’t take the time to think before you spoke, dead-set on trying to embarrass the man like he had you; however, you forgot to take into consideration that Stu didn’t care about anybody in this circle outside of himself— including his girlfriend. 
“Never have I ever had sex with two people in one night— within the past two years.” Stu took a shot from his drink proudly, something that noticeably hurt Tatum. You felt bad for a moment as she stood and started for the bathroom, but you barely had the time to look at her before he spoke again. 
“Aren’t you going to take a shot?” He smirked at you. “Never have I ever sucked a dick in a dirty bathroom for some alcohol.” He shot at you, but before anybody in the circle had the chance to react, you fired back. 
“Never have I ever cheated on my girlfriend— multiple times.” 
“Never have I ever been so afraid to admit my feelings for someone that I hid in the bathroom an entire lunch period.” 
“Never have I ever been so disgusting that I want to vomit when I look in the mirror.” 
“Jokes on you, I don’t want to vomit.” 
“Looking at you makes me want to make myself vomit.” 
The front door clicking shut drew your attention away from the aggravating man. The room was empty aside from you, Stu and Billy now. 
“Good going, you chased everybody off.” Stu teased you, knowing that it was going to press your final button. 
“I swear to god, Stu—“ Before you could finish your sentence, the timer on his phone went off. He was quick to bounce up and start heading for the closet with a quick wink at you. 
“You’ll have to swear to god some other time.” 
It was clear as the women left the closet that nothing had happened. Sidney looked around the now almost empty room and frowned. 
“Where did everybody go?” 
“(y/n) chased everyone off with her off-putting personality.” 
“Shut up, Stu!” Sidney sighed as the other girl started to sneak towards the door, wanting to escape the tension of the room. Stu sighed and shook his head as the door clicked shut once more. 
“Well… I guess it’s time we end the party.” Sidney said, but Stu was quick to intervene. 
“What? No, we can’t end the party. Billy hasn’t even gone yet.” 
“Admit it, you just want to tongue Billy in the closet.” You shot at the man, but for the first time in maybe forever, you only received a frown from him. 
“Billy, spin the bottle.” The other man looked as confused as you were as he reached for the bottle; if there was one thing the three of you silently agreed on as Stu sat down in the now much smaller circle, the man was relatively unstable and he was acting weirder than usual— something that nobody wanted to push wrong. 
“Where is Tatum?” Sidney asked. “She didn’t try and drive home, did she?” 
“I’ll go check on Tatum in a minute.” Stu said as he looked at Sidney. “Just sit down.” 
“What the hell happened while I was in there?” Sidney asked quietly as she scooted closer to you. Taking a second to glance in her direction, you sighed. 
“A lot.” 
A devious chuckle left the man across from you that made the hairs on your arms stand up. You looked down at the bottle and saw it facing you perfectly. 
“Come on, lovebirds.” Stu stood, heading towards the closet as if he was happier than anybody else in the room seemed to be— maybe even more excited than anybody had been all night long. Your cheeks flushed as you glanced at Billy. He stood, extending a hand in your direction and waiting patiently for your fingers to grasp onto his. You had barely seen the man tonight— after all, you could barely spend any time around him without making a fool out of yourself on a good day. 
But you took his hand and let him help you; Sidney was quick to send you a smile and a thumbs up when you glanced backwards at her. 
Billy walked into the closet first and as you were going to step inside, Stu nudged you and made you trip. Billy was quick to catch you by the waist as you yelped. 
“Dammit, Stu!” You turned to yell at the man, only to have the door slammed in your face. 
“Seven minutes!” Stu called out from the other side as he pushed the chair beneath the door handle and walked back to the once fully formed circle with Sidney. Stu set his phone down, the timer off and phone facing down. 
“What has gotten into him lately?” You grumbled, shifting with Billy so that you weren’t fully pressed against him in the small closet. Now, you were in the same position that you were in when it was you and Stu in the closet. “He’s been more annoying than usual lately.” 
“Seems like you had fun with him in here.” Billy responded dully. You gave a soft groan in discontent. 
“No, we did not have fun.” 
“Seemed like it when the door opened.” 
“He was the one kissing me—” 
“Besides, you said you wanted him to see your boobs?” 
“I didn’t say that!” 
“Tatum probably won’t mind if you’re blowing her boyfriend anyways. I think she’s getting tired of him.” 
“I am not blowing Stu!” You said, your upper lip curling in disgust— something that Billy wouldn’t see. “I can’t even believe that you’d think— ew! You don’t really believe I’d voluntarily put his dick in my mouth do you? He’s gross.” 
“You looked pretty cozy in here.” You scoffed, going to speak, but suddenly Stu’s voice came to your mind. You hesitated for a moment before you spoke again. 
“Are you upset about that?” 
“Why should I be mad? If you wanna fuck him, it’s none of my business.” 
“I don’t know. Why are you mad?” Billy hesitated for a moment before he scoffed, taking a small step closer to you. 
“Did you ever think that maybe you can’t stand Stu so much because you’re like him?” He asked in an impatient tone. 
“Uh— offensive.” You complained. “Why the fuck does Stu think that shoving his tongue into my mouth would piss you off anyways? Thats what he said.” You were slightly hopeful in the back of your mind. Maybe he likes me. Maybe he’s jealous. Maybe Stu was trying to help after all. 
“He’s an idiot.” Was all that Billy said. You sighed and looked down; the only light that came into the room was illuminating your shoes. After what felt like forever, he finally spoke again. “Alright, maybe there’s something that I should tell you.” Billy sighed, his warm fingers gently nudging your chin up. He’d gotten closer than you thought he had, so close that you felt his breath on your face. Billy opened his mouth to speak again when all of the sudden the front door slammed shut— loudly. 
“Tatum!” Sidney called out and hurried footsteps ran towards the door. It opened again and then shut, a clear indication that both of your friends were now gone. You swore you heard an engine start and felt your heart drop. 
“No fucking way,” you groaned quietly. “There goes my ride.” Suddenly, the door opened and nearly blinded you with the light as Billy’s hand fell back to his side. Stu looked annoyed as he turned and walked away. 
“Party’s over.” You left the closet, hurrying towards the front door and pulling it open quickly. You stepped outside, noticing the car that you had arrived here in was no longer sitting outside of the house. 
“Oh, no, no, no…” You groaned, reaching up to push your hair back. “Fuck…” a cold hand was placed on your shoulder, quickly catching your attention; you met Stu’s gaze. He sent you a mischievous wink, one that didn’t match his previous demeanor. 
“You can stay here overnight. My bed has room for two.” 
“I’ll take you home.” You looked behind the tall man, catching Billy’s gaze and hesitating. 
“No, really— feel free to stay if you want. Both of you can. I have a spare bedroom, too.” Stu nudged Billy, quickly getting an elbow to the ribs in return. 
“She’s got a cat.” Was all Billy said as he reached for the coatrack and grabbed his jacket. “Come on, I’ll walk you home.” You sent a tentative glance towards Stu, who looked from Billy to you. He sent you a small smile, one that (for once in the years that you’d known him) seemed genuine. 
“It’s only a few blocks,” you said, turning to Billy and following him out the door. He held his coat over his arm, reaching around you to shut the door behind you as Stu headed in the opposite direction. “I don’t mind walking myself. You can stay with Stu.” 
“What kind of guy would I be if I let a pretty girl walk home alone in the middle of the night?” He said the words nonchalantly, but it made your face feel warm as you averted eye contact from the man and looked down. “It’s just a few blocks.” He repeated your words. You crossed your arms, rubbing them and starting to walk beside the man and towards the sidewalk. “Tonight was kind of a shit show, huh?” He said aloud, though almost to himself. Despite that, you responded anyways. 
“Yeah— I, uh… I feel bad for Tatum. I hope she isn’t too mad at me…” Gently, a coat was placed over your shoulders as you rubbed your arms, eyes concentrated on the concrete beneath your feet. You glanced at the man, shocked at the gesture. It was rare that you were alone with Billy, but every time that you were things felt different. He seemed nicer, walked closer, talked more. 
“I don’t think you need to worry too much about it. Like I said, she’s getting tired of him and I don’t think Stu is gonna keep her around much longer.” You frowned and met his gaze again. “What? Come on— do you think he wants to marry her?” 
“I just think you’re being a little crude.” 
“She isn’t here, who cares?” 
“I care.” You stopped, appalled at the man who stopped a few feet ahead of you. “She’s my best friend and I don’t like the way that your best friend treats her.” Billy looked down and sighed. 
“Alright, I’m sorry.” He said, shoving his hands into his pockets as your clammy fingers grasped onto the coat he had lent you. “You’re right.” Things were quiet for a minute between the two of you before he looked around the dark area and sighed. “Come on, let’s just get you home.” He gestured for you to follow him, and so you did. 
Regardless that you could have walked yourself and you had argued that fact, you were thankful for the man in this moment; the area wasn’t dangerous, but you weren’t completely sober and you were never out this late anymore. 
“Thanks for taking me home, Billy.” You finally spoke. “I appreciate it.” 
“It’s not a big deal. It’s late anyways. People are getting killed out here.” You nodded gently, eyes trained to the ground and missing the way that he looked down at you. “Sorry Stu’s been such a dick tonight.” He added. “And, uh… what happened in the closet…” He hesitated, stopping his slow walk and shaking his head. “Look, I’m sorry about what I said in the closet. I know you don’t like him.” 
“Why were you so mad then?” You asked, looking back at the man that sucked on his teeth and quickly averted eye contact when he met your gaze. 
“Because I wanted to be the one in the closet kissing you and he knows that.” Things went silent as your fingers loosened around the death grip that you didn’t know you had on the jacket. It smelled strong, almost as if he was right in front of you despite still being a few feet away from you. “And Stu was just trying to piss me off to get me to say it.” 
“I guess that worked, huh?” Things were quiet again as Billy sighed and looked away from you, out towards the tree line by the dead road. “Why didn’t you just… kiss me?” 
“It’s not that easy— I can’t just walk up to you and kiss you. I didn’t think you wanted to kiss me anyways. Stu thought that getting us alone together in the closet would make it easier.” Taking a small step closer to the man, you bit down on the inside of your cheek. 
“You could have just told me.” You spoke gently. “I would have, uh… I would have told you that I wanted to kiss you, too.” Billy hesitated for a moment before he finally looked at you again. You waited for a moment before you reached up, fingers pressing to his cheek. Your legs shook, your face was hot, and every inch of your body wanted to run away and never speak to the man again. But you forced yourself to stare at him and speak in a breathy tone. “Just kiss me, Billy.” 
He nodded and leaned in, closing his eyes as he reached for your waist and pulled you in to press a kiss to your lips. You gave a shaky exhale as he left you with a soft ‘smack,’ but Billy was quick to lean back in for another kiss— one that you didn’t deny. You let go of the jacket with your other hand, reaching for his shoulder and gently grasping onto his shirt. His scent was invigorating— you couldn’t remember the last time you had been so close to the man— if you ever were. 
It felt like, for a moment, you went braindead. The only thing that you could think of were the slightly chapped lips pressed snug against your own as Billy’s warm hands held onto your hips. You couldn’t think of anything in the moment— in fact, nothing mattered beside the man in front of you— not even the buzzing that started in your pocket. 
After what felt like it could never be enough, you pulled back from the man with a soft exhale and met his gaze— and there was a look in his eyes you had never seen before. Taking the opportunity that you may never come across again, you swallowed hard and glance at his lips. 
“Do you wanna come in tonight?” Billy gave a soft hum and nodded. 
“I’d like that.” You reached down, fingers intertwining with his as you stepped backwards. 
“Come on then. Let’s go.” 
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geekfanficwriter · 1 year
You’re Perfect- Steve Harrington x Reader
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Summary: Steve’s feeling insecure and you assure him he has no reason to feel that way. Words: 1.3k Warnings: SMUT (18+, minors dni), best friend!Steve, weight insecurity, oral (m!receiving)
Steve had been off since he arrived at yours. He had been quiet and wasn’t paying attention to the movie the two of you were watching. Usually, he’d be poking fun at how terrible the movie was or asking you to explain plot points but instead he was sat in silence his hands resting on your legs which were slung over his lap.
‘So how was your date yesterday?’ You ask cautiously, guessing that was the problem. You knew Steve had been trying to get this girl to go on a date with him for a while and that his silence most likely meant it didn’t go well.
‘Hmm, yeah it went fine.’ Steve responded, snapping out of his thoughts. You knew you weren’t going to get more out of him at that moment so you turned back to the movie, giving Steve time to open up to you when he wanted.
After about 15 minutes, you felt Steve poking you in the leg and you turned to face him, your heart clenching at the sad look on his face.
‘Hey, umm, do you think I look okay?’ Steve asked looking down at his hands. You could tell from his attitude that this was something serious.
‘Yeah, you look fine.’ You reply still confused as to why he was asking.
‘Just fine?’
‘Steve, what happened?’ You asked scooting closer to him so you were nearly sitting on his lap and rubbing his arm, trying to comfort him.
‘So you know that date I went on yesterday? Well, she said it was disappointing because a couple years ago I was her dream guy but now I just don’t look as good and she’s not interested because of that.’ God, you were going to kill her, you thought. ‘I get I’ve put on a few pounds but I didn’t think I look that bad but maybe she’s right. God, this is so stupid you probably don’t want to listen to me ramble.’
‘Steve,’ You say grabbing his face and sitting up so you could rest your forehead against his. ‘I’ve known you since Freshman year and you’ve gotten hotter every year since then.’ You weren’t lying. You and Steve had become friends after being paired together for a project. Even though you ran in completely different circles, you guys ended up becoming close friends. You ended up drifting a little when he started hanging around with Tommy and Carol but after his breakup with Nancy the two of you ended up becoming even closer than before. You had to admit you’d developed feelings for Steve but you’d never acted on it.
‘You don’t think I looked better when I was more toned?’ You could see from the look in his eyes that he was being completely vulnerable with you. Before you could think you moved your hands from his face, sliding them under his shirt and feeling his stomach. Steve let out a breath he had been holding as you run your hands up and down his sides.
‘No, I think you look really good.’ You suddenly realised the position you were in. Your forehead pressed to Steve’s, your hands on his stomach. Steve seemed to have also realised, both of you sitting frozen, not wanting to pull away or make a move. Time seems to move slower and you feel like your sat in that position for hours until suddenly Steve leans forward and presses his lips to yours. You immediately kiss back, your hands gripping his waist as his hands move to wrap in your hair, keeping you pressed close to him.
You kiss for a few minutes until your neck starts to hurt and you move to straddle Steve’s lap to give you a better angle. Steve pulled away and smiled at you.
‘Hey.’ He whispered, laughing slightly.
‘Hey.’ You smiled back at him as his hands moved down to your waist.
‘So, I’ve wanted to do that for a while.’ He slipped his hands under your shirt, rubbing small circles on your lower back.
‘Well, why didn’t you?’
‘You were the one who always insisted that we were just friends!’ He protested but you could tell he was joking.
‘Yeah back when you were King Steve and slept with anything with boobs!’ You quipped back.
‘Well maybe if the girl I wanted to be with didn’t keep insisting we were just friends, I wouldn’t have.’ Steve said, poking you in the side.
‘So it’s my fault you couldn’t keep it in your pants?’ You say, poking your tongue out at him.
‘Yep, all your fault. I think you should make it up to me.’ He says leaning back in, you meet him halfway, pressing your lips against his. He immediately slid his tongue into your mouth, pressing against your own. You groaned into the kiss and moved your hands down to grip the bottom of his shirt. You tugged on the bottom of his shirt and he immediately responded by pulling away from you to pull off his shirt. You do the same, pulling your own shirt off.
‘Wow.’ Steve said looking down at your body.
‘Shut up, you’ve seen me in a bikini before.’ You say, blushing and burying your head in his shoulder.
‘But this is different. I mean god, I’m so lucky.’ Steve says running his hands up and down your sides.
‘Pretty sure I’m the lucky one. You’re perfect.’ You say pressing small kisses to his shoulder. You move your lips down, pressing a kiss further and further down his chest. You eventually slide off his lap onto the floor between his legs and keep pressing kisses to his stomach.
‘This okay?’ You ask looking up at Steve while moving your hands to his belt buckle.
‘Yeah, fuck yeah.’ Steve nods and you moved to undo his belt. Once you finished with his belt, you undid his jeans, pulling them down along with his boxers to reveal his semi-hard cock to you. You felt your mouth water as you look at his cock and you lean pressing kisses to the underside. Steve lets out a small groan as you reach his tip, pulling away slightly.
‘Such a pretty cock.’ You mumble before taking the tip in your mouth, sucking gently as you pump the rest with your hand. Steve moans as one of his hands moves to wrap in your hair. You open your mouth wider as you take him further into your mouth, swirling your tongue around as you do so.
‘Fuck, that feels so good.’ Steve groans out. His words only encourage you further as you bob your head up and down. You continue at the same rhythm for a few minutes until you feel Steve’s cock start to twitch in your mouth and you can tell he’s close. You move your lips so they’re wrapped just around the tip and use your hand to pump the rest of his cock. Steve lets out a loud moan before you feel his cum pouring into your mouth. You swallow it all, slowing your hand down as you do so. Once you’ve swallowed all his cum, you pull off his cock and crawl back up to lie on the couch next to him, resting your head on his shoulder. Steve moves his arm to wrap it around you as he breathes deeply, his eyes closed.
‘So, was that good?’ You ask, smirking into his shoulder. Steve doesn’t respond verbally instead just nods and you can’t help but feel a sense of pride at the effect you’ve had on him.
‘You really are so hot.’ You say running your hand up and down his stomach. Steve hums in response, before pressing a kiss into your head.
‘Well you’re the prettiest girl around so I guess we go well together.’ Steve says smiling down at you. ‘Now come on, I want to return the favour.’ Steve says pushing you back on the couch and lying you down as you giggle.
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sollsmith · 4 months
Fire in the Flesh
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Chapter Four
Daemon Targaryen x Original Female Character
Words: 1.9K
Warnings: mentions of abuse/injury
After five years at war in the Stepstones and the death of his first wife, Daemon Targaryen returns to court embroiling himself, and his niece and heir to the throne Rhaenyra, in chaos and scandal. Daemon’s actions cause Viserys to give him the one thing he has always wanted. A Valyrian bride. Just not the one he had in mind.
“No luck?” Marra shouts over the noise of the gushing water when she hears the door to the chamber open. 
“No.” Daella shouts back, kicking her shoes off, before hiking up her skirts to remove her stockings. She had taken to wearing stockings under her dresses for warmth. She and Marra had decided back in Volantis to wait until they had arrived in Westeros to order some new dresses, as they were unsure of the style in the capital. So she had been wearing her dresses of silk and cotton for the last number of days since they arrived, learning the hard way that they were not made for the Westerosi autumn climate. 
“How many is that now? Six? Seven?”
“Only five. The one yesterday was with Rhaenyra.” Daella reminded her as she removed her necklace and rings. “And they only set up the one with her, as they thought maybe he would appear if she was there.” 
“Well at least you and the Princess seem to get along, she invited you for tea tomorrow again. Perhaps a friendship with Rhaenyra will convince him to show up before the 17th day?” Marra said, testing the water in the bath, before reaching for the oils.
Daella doesn’t answer straight away. Her meeting with the Princess had gone surprisingly well. After a couple of minutes of polite smiling and picking in silence at their cakes, the girls began slowly striking conversation with one another, by the end, they had sat for nearly three hours.
“Rhaenyra said I have nothing to worry about, that he’s just sulking, but I doubt he will even show up on the day. He does not want me.” 
“The King will have his head if he does not. He has a dragon, he would have left if he was so opposed to the match. The Princess is right, he will come around. He just needs to meet you.” Marra smiled as Daella finally came into view. She jumped to her feet, rounding the metal tub, helping Daella remove the dress they had chosen for her unsuccessful meeting with the Prince. 
“I suppose so.” Daella shrugged, dipping her fingers into the steaming bath to ensure the water was hot enough, before stepping in and sinking down into the water. It had been a long day and she was finally able to stomach food for the first time since arriving at dinner. She was cold, tired and full, and all she wanted was to be warm in her bed. Closing her eyes, she let out a satisfied sigh before opening her eyes again at the sound of Marra crouching down beside her. 
“What did you get up to while I was gone? Have you eaten?” 
“I have. I finished unpacking for Maelor, and I visited the kitchen. I asked if they had anything other than venison, they offered duck if you think that would suit you better?” 
“Perhaps, there is no harm in trying.” 
“Also your father dropped by said he visit before bed-” 
“What? Did he say why?” Daella shoots up in the bath a little. She had barely seen her father since they had arrived. She knew he was lingering on the balcony of the courtyard where her meetings with the Prince were meant to take place, watching as she sat either alone or with the King for several hours at a time. 
“No, just to prepare for him to be here.” Marra reassured as she began to watch Daella’s body with a soft cloth and soap. “He didn’t seem angry or upset.” 
“Mm, will you ensure some wine is left, I’m not sure I can face him without it” Daella leaned back again, closing her eyes and allowing Marra to continue her job. 
“Of course.” Marra smiled softly. “Oh and I saw the Queen today.” Daella’s eyes shot open again. Neither of them had seen the Queen since they arrived. Viserys had briefly spoken about her when they were lunching waiting ro Daemon to show, but she had never accompanied him and they had not been formally introduced. When she had brought the Queen up to Rhaenrya, she had reacted oddly, so Daella dropped the conversation.
“Pretty, must be your age.” 
“Really? I knew she was younger than him but I didn’t think… Viserys didn’t strike me as the type.” Daella wondered aloud, lifting her leg for Marra. 
“Mm, she was just walking by with the children. Lovely little things.” Marra hummed, moving behind her to start on Daella’s hair. Daella slid forward a little to give her room to work. 
“It’s a little odd don’t you think? That we never see her? Never attended a lunch with Viserys? Also if she was my age, wouldn’t that mean she grew up in court with Rhaenyra? They don’t seem friendly to me, Rhaenyra nearly shrivelled up when I mentioned her at lunch yesterday” 
“A little. Maybe she is just busy, and I’m starting to realise this court is very complicated and confusing. Do you want to hear what I heard about one of the Northern Lords while I was in the kitchen?” 
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“She’s very pretty.” 
Daemon rolls his eyes. They stood in the bowels of the Red Keep, the candles from Balerion's shrine a few feet away the only light. 
“She is. Prettier than any girl at court.” 
“So are many of the whores on the street of silk.” 
It was Rhaenyra's turn to roll her eyes now. Daemon had convinced her to go to tea with his betrothed, and now he will not hear any feedback she had. 
“She was sweet - 
“Sweet!” Daemon snorts. 
“Why did you insist I go if you have no intention of listening to anything I have to say?” 
“I am-” 
“No, you are not.” 
“Fine. What else? Make it quick, I’m on watch tonight.” 
“I do not understand why you do not go yourself if you are so curious. Father has given you several options; teas, lunches, dinners, walks. You have taken none of them. She would like to meet you at least once for the wedding day. She will not admit it but she is scared, Daemon.” 
“I didn’t want this.” 
“Neither did she. Or I. But you cannot and will not take me to wife-” 
“Who says I won’t?”
“If you wanted to you would have already taken me to Dragonstone and done it.” 
Daemon doesn’t have a rebuttal for her. She was right, as much has he wants do, he could not bring himself to do it. 
“I have to go.” He says coldly, wanting to be done with this conversation. It begins to stalk off into the darkness leaving Rhaenyra standing. 
“The final arrangements for your wedding are being discussed at the small council tomorrow. Go. She will be there.” She calls after him. 
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She felt foolish, knocking on the large door of Mellos’ room. She had turned her room upside down looking for the ointment that Marra gave her two years ago the first time she had seen Daella’s red cheek after returning from her father's room, but it was nowhere to be found. Not wanting to wake Marra, she seeked out the Maester herself. Maester Mellos was an old man, but kind. He had opened his door immediately for her, and asked what had happened. 
“Slipped on a wet floor, hit the bedframe on the way down.” She had meekly replied, wincing as he prodded lightly at her swelling cheek. It was not the truth of course. Her father had come, and at first the conversation was pleasant, but quickly turned sour, Daella spoke out of turn and paid the consequence for it. 
“Sit. Arnica ointment for the cheek. It will take out some swelling and colouring. I’ll mix some lint, grease, and honey for the cut as well. It will heal in no time.”
He had left the main chamber room, shuffling through an arch walkway to fetch what he needed, leaving Daella sitting alone on the small wooden stool Mellos had procured for her. It was then she finally allowed herself to cry a little, the ever growing feeling of misery finally coming to the surface.  
“Rhaenyra, what are you doing her..” 
Daella turned her head to look up at the silver haired man that had entered the room and now stopped in his tracks. He was taller than she remembered. Broader too, but that could be the bloodied and dirt clad armour he was wearing. The silky long hair she had remembered from her childhood was now cut short and his face was harder from age. 
Daella stared up at him speechless from her stool, tears still falling from her eyes. The Prince stared back, not giving much away, but Daella noticed his eyes flicking from her swollen cheek to her bloody lip. 
“Maester Mellos?” Daemon spoke first. Daella quickly wiped her eyes, and sniffled a little, straightening up in her stool. 
“Oh, he has gone to fetch me some ointment.” It came out more timid and pathetic than she had intended, her voice still shaky and hoarse from crying. Daemon continues to stare at her, before moving towards her, hand reaching out to lift her chin and turn her head. She flinched a little when he touched her. The smell of dirt, sweat and iron lingered on him, his thumb pulling gently on her bottom lip to assess the damage. 
“Mm, what happened?” 
“Fell and hit the bed frame. Wet floors.” 
“Old Mellos believed that?” He let her chin go, his rough hand softly leaving her face. Taking a few steps back, he distanced himself from her. 
“It’s what happened.” 
“You can lie to the Maesters all you like, but assume you know better than to lie to your husband.” 
“You're not my husband.” 
Daella swears she saw his lips threatening to curl up into a smirk. He continued to stare down at her, leaning back against a wooden table. Daella suddenly became aware she was just in her nightgown, arms folding over her chest. 
“Saying a couple of meaningless vows before God’s we do not believe in front of a crowd of old fat lords does not make us married. You’ve been mine from the day they made this betrothal.” 
“Well, it doesn’t feel like it.” She whispered. Daemon almost snapped back at her, but noticed the tears welling up in her eyes again, he decided to let her off, not wanting to deal with any hysterics. 
“Why are you here?” Daella sniffles. 
“I don’t believe that’s any of your business.” 
“Your health is not the business of your wife, no?” 
“Very good.” Daemon surprises her by chuckling at her remark, head turning as Mellos shuffled back into the room. 
“Oh Prince Daemon, I was locating some items for young Lady Daella, the carron oil is on the table as usual.” Mellos grabbed a small bowl from a shelf before disappearing through the door again. 
“Thank you, maester.” Daemon said almost meekly as Daella stared at him. He turned and lifted the small vial of the table. It was at that point Daella noticed the slightly raw burn marks on his neck. 
“Is it helping?” She asks softly. 
“Hm, but not quick enough.” 
“Next time ask him for a mix of honey, aloe and tannic.” 
“A maester now are we?” Daemon teased dryly. 
“No, I once burnt my fingers on a fire as a child, it’s what the healers back home used on it. Healed in three days.” 
Daemon grunted in some acknowledgement, before beginning to head towards the door, pulling it open to leave. But he stopped and turned to look at Daella. 
“Goodnight then.” 
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Tag List: @ajthefujoshi @hangmanscoming @papichulo120627
For the masterlist to this series and all my other fics click here!
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letting go ~ corpse husband
word count: 1972
request?: yes!
“Could i make a request for corpse?
Dad!corpse x reader where it’s their daughter’s first day of school of kindergarten and he is not really taking it well?”
description: on their daughter’s first day of kindergarten, he feels a whole bunch of emotions
pairing: corpse husband x female!reader
warnings: swearing
masterlist (one, two, three)
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You could remember the day your daughter was born like it was yesterday. When you held her in your arms for the first time you couldn’t believe how small she was, or the fact that she had come from your body. She had you and Corpse wrapped around your fingers from the very second she was born.
It felt like one day you were cradling the newborn girl, then you blinked, and suddenly she was a five year old little girl getting ready for her first day of school.
You were making her breakfast when you heard her footsteps thumping down the stairs. She appeared in the kitchen with a flourish, showing off her outfit for the day. Corpse came down behind her, a smile on his face as he looked at his baby girl.
“What do you think, mommy?” she asked.
“You look wonderful, baby,” you replied. “Did you pick it out yourself?”
“Daddy helped.”
That was evident by the black t-shirt with a cutesy skull on the front. Your daughter, Mia, was basically a perfect mini version of Corpse. Most days you couldn’t see a single aspect of you in her, even though Corpse swore that she was more you than him.
You plated breakfast for the three of you and put it on the table as the two of them sat down. Mia excitedly started shoveling her breakfast into her mouth.
“Hey, slow down,” you laughed. “You’re going to give yourself a bad tummy.”
“I’m excited, mommy! I want to go to school!”
“Sweetheart, we have almost an hour till we have to leave. You can take your time.”
It seemed to take a lot of control, but the young girl managed to slow here eating. You looked over at Corpse with an amused look, but he was looking intently at his own breakfast.
When she finished eating, Mia got up and ran back to her room to start packing her new backpack. You chuckled and took up the empty plates. Corpse was still sat at the table, still seeming very distant. You placed the dishes in the sink and walked back over to the table. You got Corpse’s attention by sitting on his lap and tilting his head back to look at you.
“Penny for your thoughts?” you asked.
He smiled and wrapped his arms around your waist. “I just can’t believe she starts school today.”
“I know. It feels like just yesterday she was sleeping on your chest while you were recording your horror stories.”
Corpse chuckled. “We’ll have to make sure she doesn’t repeat the bedtime stories she’s used to to any new friends.”
You kissed the top of Corpse’s head and wiggled off his lap. “I should make sure she’s not trying to pack her entire bedroom into her backpack. Do you wanna come?”
“I’ll clean up down here. We’ll regroup in time to bring Mia to school.”
You chuckled and headed up to Mia’s room.
Nearly an hour later, Mia was strapped into her car seat and ready to go to school. She had been excitedly chattering for basically the entire hour. She had her whole day planned in a number of different ways. She had even planned who she was going to become friends with despite not even knowing who her classmates were.
She was unbuckled and tugging on the door handle before you even had the car in park. You and Corpse shared an amused look before getting out of the car. Corpse helped her out and he held her hand as the three of you crossed the parking lot to the school. The classroom meant for Mia’s class was already filled with other excited kids. It was a loud and hectic setting that you were afraid would scare Mia, but she welcomed it with excitement as she immediately ran up to the first group she saw.
A sweet young lady walked up to the two of you and introduced herself as Miss. Rebecca.
“I’m (Y/N), and this is my husband, Corpse. We’re Mia’s parents,” you said as you and Corpse shook her hand.
“It’s nice to meet you two. Seems like little Mia is already settling in with her classmates.”
You smiled as you watched your daughter playing with the other kids she had undoubtably considered to be her new friends.
“She’s been looking forward to this,” you said.
Mia could only be separated from her friend group by the idea of seeing her assigned seat and her cubby, which she immediately stuffed her backpack into. As the class was being called to start, you and Corpse knelt down to hug the young girl.
“We’ll be back in a few hours to pick you up,” you assured her. “But if you want us to come back any sooner, you can as Miss. Rebecca. Okay?”
“Yeah, okay. Bye mommy, bye daddy.”
She waved you off dismissively and returned to her new table mates. You chuckled and stood to leave. With one last look, you and Corpse reluctantly pulled yourselves away from the classroom. Your heart felt heavy having to go. No matter how much you prepared for this day leading up to it, you were not ready to see your baby girl grow up.
The car ride home was extremely quiet. Not even the radio was playing. It felt like you had just left Mia somewhere for the rest of your lives and not just for a few hours. When you pulled into the driveway, you both sat in silence after turning off the car. You heard Corpse sniffle and when you looked over, you saw tears running down his cheeks.
“Oh, honey,” you said, taking his hand.
“Sorry,” he croaked. “I’m sorry.”
“You don’t have to be sorry, honey. I know this is hard.”
You ran your thumb along his knuckles as he wiped away his tears with his free hand.
“I never thought I’d ever be here,” he said. “Like with a wife and a kid. And now I have to send my little girl off into the real world and she’s still just a baby.”
“It’s the hardest part of being a parent,” you agreed. “First she’s going off to school, next she’ll be going on her first date.”
Corpse shook his head. “Absolutely not. She won’t be dating until I’m long dead.”
You chuckled and squeezed his hand. You leaned over to rest your head against his shoulder despite your seatbelt still tugging on you to sit back. You didn’t want to go into the house yet, and it was very obvious that he didn’t want to either.
“I don’t want to let go yet,” he said.
“We’re not really letting go, though,” you said. “She’s only in kindergarten. She’ll be out of the house for a couple hours on weekdays, and then she’s home all night and on weekends. We have another year until we truly have to let her go into the world.”
“But what about when she makes friends and wants to go to their houses or to the playground with them and their parents?”
“Well, then we let her go without us. After we’ve made sure the parents are nice and we trust them, obviously. But it had to happen eventually. The only friends she’s had have been her own family, or when our friends bring over their kids every now and then. Socialization will do her good. How else is she supposed to find her own little Amgops gang.”
Corpse smiled. You knew exactly how to bring him out of this funk, even if you were also feeling the same emotions he was.
“It feels like we haven’t had her long enough,” Corpse said. “Five is way too young to be letting her fly the nest.”
You giggled and shook your head. “She won’t fly the nest until she’s 18 at the earliest. We still have her for another 13 years. We just have to get used to not having a little tike running around the house 12 hours a day.”
Corpse made a noise in response, but he was once again looking off without focus. You squeezed his hand again, which drew his attention over towards you.
“We can always use this time to ourselves to try and make another baby to fill the void while Mia’s gone,” you pointed out.
A knowing grin crossed Corpse’s lips. You moved your head so that you could kiss him before the two of you took off your seatbelts and rushed to the front door to get inside.
A few hours later, you and Corpse were waiting outside the school for class to be dismissed. You weren’t the only early parents, and you certainly weren’t the only ones who were excitedly waiting to have your kid back in your arms.
When the doors opened, a flood of kindergarten kids rushed out. Most of them were still conversing with one another - showing off toys and trying to continue their playtime instead of going right to their parents. Mia was one of the last few to come out, two other young girls following her as they went. From afar you could see that there was something else on her shirt next to the skull, and the closer she got, the easier it was to make out: it was a skull sticker.
When she noticed you and Corpse stood by your car, her face lit up and she ran the rest of the way. Her little arms were outstretched to Corpse as she called, “Daddy!”
He picked her up in his arms and gave her a big kiss on her cheek. “How was your day, sweetheart?”
“It was amazing, daddy!” Mia exclaimed. “I made so many friends, but these two - ” She gestured to where the two other girls had been, but they were now with their own parents talking about their day. “ - are my best friends: Laura and Dani.”
“I’m glad you had such a good day, honey,” Corpse said. “What’s the sticker on your shirt?”
“This boy at my table had a bunch of stickers in his backpack. He wouldn’t share with anyone else, but he said this one reminded him of me because of the skull on my shirt, so he gave it to me!”
You and Corpse shared a look. You had a feeling you’d be hearing more about whoever this sticker boy was as the year went on.
Corpse put Mia in her car seat as she continued to give you both a play by play of her entire day, and about how excited she was to go back to school again tomorrow. You were almost home when she added, “But I missed you guys a lot.”
You peaked at her in the rear view mirror. “Are you sure? It sounds like you had too busy of a day to miss us.”
“Of course I missed you! I made so many new friends, but they don’t play the same as you and daddy do. They don’t like the ghost stories I tell with my dolls.”
You glanced over at Corpse, who was trying to stifle a laugh. “That’s my girl alright.”
“You’ll just have to teach them that your ghosts are friendly,” you told Mia. “But I’m sure they’ll learn to play the same way we do with you, or you’ll learn to play different with them.”
“No, I don’t want to play with the dolls the way they do. It’s boring. They just want to kiss the boy dolls and have baby dolls. They don’t even want to do scary stories about houses being haunted by scary old lady dolls.”
Corpse put a hand over his mouth to muffle his laugh. You looked over at him, an amused smile on your face.
“That’s your girl,” you said.
“That’s our girl,” he corrected.
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agendabymooner · 1 year
colour me your colour || toto w. x ofc (1)
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Summary: Tilly Marie nearly loses faith in her passion as she refuses to listen to everyone who told her to quit. Everyone but one. And it’s the man she met years ago at a racing event she didn’t want to attend. Who would have thought that her father’s partial ownership of three brands could take her to the zone of Mercedes and meet the love of her life?
Content warning: Age gap, mentions of an absence of a father figure, brief use of explicit language, mentions of nepotism. Fictional family and business involved (Hearth family and Hearth Automotives Group).
Note: I did a funny haha series. I literally just started on this yesterday. I'm writing the third part right now, hoping to work on this as much as possible. Again, I am still new to F1?? Please forgive me.
Enjoy! xx
i. what a beautiful sight that was
   It was the year 2006. The 21-year-old me did not want to attend on behalf of my father’s role to whatever this business was he was handling. I remember being extremely confident about walking up the stage to get my master's. 
I had always been told to be an intelligent girl. One that utilizes her skills in any way possible. Everyone praised me, and my maternal grandparents encouraged me to continue my education. My paternal grandparents expressed their admiration with a pat on the head and a kiss. My mother hugged me tightly and hung nearly every certificate I had captured. My father, however… he couldn’t get over the fact that he never had a son—one who would run the company someday and perhaps become a world champion. 
He lacked boys for his fatherhood experience, so he turned to me and set a list of expectations he had of me. He was still as healthy as ever. He could bench if he felt like it. But he still wanted to instill some responsibility in his companies and passed it on to me. 
But I earned my master's in Journalism and was halfway through my Bachelor's in Marketing. What did I know about motorsport? 
This didn’t mean anything to my father. He wanted me to handle the business and pass it off to the next person if needed. He just wanted his surname to remain known in the industry and public. He trusted me to handle particular areas that he thought I could do. 
But it was 2006, and I wasn’t given the responsibilities until years after. I was simply in Dubai to watch and entertain myself while cameras tried to get a glimpse of me—the Heiress. I was the next to become a shareholder in the businesses my father and grandfather (and his father) had put their money on. I was an eye candy—the strong woman of the Hearth family. And I was just in Dubai to watch men race lap after lap while they stayed there for hours, like mad men. 
And my father didn’t even tell me anything. I’ve only been exposed to observation. But my brain wasn’t made to be awake for a day, and my eyes preferred a piece of entertainment from my research paper. 
But my mind gave me a little nudge and turned my head to look at the man who’ll have me thinking for years. His helmet was on his side, his fingers tapping to keep him focused. He was tall. He was tall and handsome—a deadly combination.
The combination was too deadly, and I only realized this when he caught me looking. I hadn’t turned my head quite fast enough as I continued to examine and annotate my anecdotal record, pretending that my face wasn’t blushing.
It turned out he was just as intrigued as he was handsome. Fucking great. He sat across the chaise lounge I stiffly sat on, his smile I could barely see from my peripheral vision. 
Knowing he probably wouldn’t leave, I stopped pretending I was studying and looked up only to see his lips spread in amusement. His smile. Oh god. Couldn’t this man be the perfect man to have existed?
“You’re not here to study,” he chuckled softly, “Because you’d be in the wrong place otherwise.” 
Of course, I hadn’t passed up the chance to roll my eyes jokingly. 
The conversation lasted forever, and not once did he gloss over the screens to see how his team was doing at the track. He listened to me as I complained about the research I had to do for book publications. He wondered how I’d gotten through my master's at 21. Then he decided to guess while I provided my answer too.
“You’re gifted.”
“Generational wealth.” 
Then silence filled the atmosphere as if we could only hear the people talk in the background. My laughter after the pause made his mouth grin as he silently laughed. One of us was more biased than the other, I thought to myself. My success at school came from the high 90s that I achieved. My family's money made it easier for me to get in without any trouble with tuition. 
But the conversation didn’t last as long as I thought it would have, as someone who wore the same racing suit came barging at the door. The man frantically gestured for my company to follow him. 
He looked at me, his eyes keeping me in one place as I shifted. He could only say, “It was nice talking to you.” 
And all I could offer him was a stutter of, “Y- yeah, a pleasure to meet you. Y- your name is…” 
But his teammate beat him to it before he could utter his name. “Torger!” 
Then he looked at me again with a brief nod as he walked out of the room. 
He was a lovely man. There’s nothing nicer than an equally attractive and genuine man. I liked every single second that I spent with him. And I’ve only known him for fifteen minutes. 
And that remained as that. We’ve only known each other for fifteen minutes. When they announced the race winners, I was already on my flight back to England. I was already reporting to my father about what I saw. 
I told him about what I saw and experienced. But never once did I say to him about a driver of the winning team and how I’ve practically fallen for him. Because I haven’t fallen, he was just lovely. 
What a beautiful sight he was. 
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oneforthemunny · 1 year
Omg that cowboy!eddie angst!! Now we need a makeup blurb (only if you feel inclined)
I've let you suffer long enough (24 hours) I will be merciful just this once (I can not stand that they're sad either so this is mainly for me lmao) this is the og blurb that is angsty
The knock on your door came two days later. Long enough that your tears had dried, but eyes still puffy. You didn't expect to see him there; band tee tucked into his wranglers loosely, under his buckle. He wore his nice boots, you noted. The ones he wore when he took you out, not his work ones.
Eddie was leaning against the door, his own dark bags under his eyes that even in his shaded profile from his hat, you could see clearly. He hadn't slept much either.
"Can we talk?" Eddie rasped, eyes rounding softly when they met yours. "Please?"
You relented letting him in to your tiny town house. It felt weird staying here for the last few nights. You'd nearly moved to the ranch after the first month of dating. Eddie had begged you to not renew your lease next month, come stay with him instead, you were there so much anyways.
You sat across from him, your dining room table that he'd helped you fix when the leg got loose. Eddie's knee bounced, nervous and overwhelmed. You looked at him, arms crossed over your chest. You were angry, of course you were. Hurt and angry and overwhelmed still.
"I'm sorry." Eddie said, fingers tracing the pattern of the wood, but his eyes stayed on you. "I-I'm sorry."
"Yeah?" You raised a brow, swallowing back the familiar burn of tears. "For what part?"
Eddie flinched at your tone. He knew he deserved it but it still hurt. "All of it, baby." Eddie sighed lowly, defeated and a little sad. It made your heart lurch. "I just... I didn't think that you'd be jeal- mad about Lola."
"Why wouldn't I be?" You snapped, narrowing your eyes at him. "Seriously, Ed, she was all over you!"
Eddie took a deep breath, regulating and calming. "Because," He sighed, knee bouncing a little harder. "I don't like Lola like that. I don't give a shit about her or-or really anyone else for that matter, honey. They're not you, and I only care about you."
Your lip wobbled, tears pricking the back of your eyes. You thought you'd ran out of tears, surely, after crying yourself to sleep the night you left and most of the day yesterday. "She was all over you, Ed." You pouted, voice wobbling around the words. "She was in my seat when I got back, and she was all over you, and you were letting her."
"I know." Eddie sighed slowly. "And I'm sorry, baby, I really am. I just... My mind wasn't on her like that, and-and I shouldn't have gotten mad that you were upset, because honestly? If that was some guy talkin' to you like that and sittin' in my seat... I'd be pretty pissed off too."
Your lips curled lightly, trying to hide your warm, smug grin. Eddie caught it anyways, moving to make his way around the table, crouching next to your chair. "'m sorry, honey." He muttered, hands rubbing up and down the soft fabric of your pajama pants. "I'm real sorry."
"I'm sorry too." Your lip wobbled. "For being so... jealous." You muttered, blushing at the admission. You felt silly, really. A little juvenile for getting so worked up.
Eddie shook his head, a small smile that had his dimples creasing gently. "Don't be sorry." He muttered, cupping your cheek. "Didn't do nothing wrong, baby."
"But I did." You whimpered, lip wobbling. "I shouldn't have been so mean, and-and I'm not like that usually. I don't want you to think I'm like a controlling bitch, I just-"
"Hey, easy, darlin'." Eddie cooed, thumb gliding over your cheek bone. "I know, alright? Let's just put it to rest. I don't wanna fight anymore."
"Me either." You sighed, heavy but relaxed, like a weight had been lifted off your shoulders. "I missed you."
"I missed you." Eddie muttered, pulling you closer to him. "Sleep like shit when you're not with me, you know that?" He hummed.
You nodded, your lips barely brushing his before his mouth enveloped yours fully, kissing you hard and slow. Hands roaming each others, feet shuffling and scuffing the floor all the way back to your bedroom. Eddie collapsed on top of you gently, the bed groaning with the squeak of the springs, his hands under your shirt, his boots back under your bed.
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ginnyw-potter · 1 year
Quiet morning
Harry sat in the armchair in the common room, lost in thought. Suddenly something touched his arm and he nearly jumped off the couch. “Fuck!” He turned around only to find Ginny beside him.
She raised an eyebrow. “Good morning to you.”
He took a deep breath. “You scared the shit out of me!” he whispered loudly. He recomposed himself. “Morning.”
She stepped over the side of the armchair, forcefully taking a spot beside him, squeezed together in the seat. She kissed him softly, he eagerly leaned in.
“You’re up early,” she said when she leaned away.
He nodded, pulling her legs to lie across his lap. “Between your brother and Dean, I figured I’d get up early and avoid both of them at least for an hour or two.”
She grimaced. “Oh yeah, that’s not a great combination.”
“Not exactly.” He chuckled. “Don’t worry, I have been up against worse… Why are you up early?”
“Same reason really,” she said. She leaned her head on his shoulder.
“If you had an ex-girlfriend and a sibling of mine in your dorm, I’d be sincerely surprised,” Harry said.
She lifted her head back up and looked at him. “Well, not that. They were pestering me with questions yesterday evening and I wanted to avoid that now.”
“I’m sorry,” he told her sincerely.
She smiled at him. “It’s not your fault you’re so interesting,” she said with a mocking tone.
He leaned into her and their lips met again. They kissed slowly, taking advantage of the empty Common Room. Her tongue teased his lips and he kissed her deeper, angling his body towards her more, his arm coming around Ginny. He couldn’t get enough of kissing her, the way her hands slid across his skin, how her body curved into his so they could eliminate all space between them. It had been less than 24 hours and it was so exhilarating and comforting at the same time.
Ginny leaned away, smiling with her eyes still closed. She opened them softly. “You should always kiss me good morning like that.”
He grinned at her. “You won’t hear me object.”
She kissed his cheek. “Let’s go to breakfast before everyone else is up. I could use a quiet meal.” She stood up and held out her hand. He stood up and took it.
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around1302 · 1 year
SPARE PARTS: a series
(W) strong language, oral (male receiving)
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Cheers ring throughout the arena, thumping so loud even the floors shook. Charlie watches off stage, hands over an agape mouth as she tries to process just how proud she is – which is a pretty impossible feat. Amelia’s screams deafen her from the left, her own jumping adding to the shakes and only making her husband worry because a woman only two months from her due date definitely shouldn’t be moving like that.
(Even if she insists she knows what’s doing by the third time round).
“Oh, my God, this is going straight to his dick,” Liam laughs, whistling so loud that a few fans nearly spot them hidden behind the curtain. It was absolutely essential no one saw them – this wasn’t their night in the slightest.
“Thank you so much London!” Louis belts to the crowd one last time, trying his best to soak those emotional final few moments in before descending and joining his friends backstage.
They all scream, engulfing him in a suffocating group hug Amelia’s forced to bow out from early. Louis is clearly high on adrenaline, nearly shaking with the thrill of it all, as his former bandmates lap over each other to congratulate him.
“God, it felt so weird at first,” he pants, nodding his thanks toward the crew member who handed him a water as they all made their way to the tour buses. His tour buses, “being up there alone, but it was incredible. I just want to go out there and do it all again.”
“Good job you’ve booked a whole ass tour then,” Niall grips his shoulders, kissing the back of his sweaty head.
“Lou, you were fucking ace!” Zayn shouts over the phone Liam nearly forgot he was holding. It’s a miracle the signal and battery even held up in the 02, especially from Zayn’s hotel in Florence.
“How’s the exhibition going?” Louis responds, taking Liam’s phone to face Zayn for a minute.
The five of them climb onto the buses, each taking a minute to gasp at how different it is. Like slipping on an old cardigan, they all expected to see the red leather they were so used to and the posters they’d chosen and the always stocked mini fridge. This bus is all Louis now.
“So good,” Zayn begins to break up as the bus quickly sets off to Louis’ London apartment, “I had a buyer yesterday, meeting with him after tomorrow’s gallery opening.”
Everyone gives their congratulations, then Louis hangs up the phone before Zayn turns into nothing but a blob of pixels, handing Liam’s phone back to him.
“I’ve never seen a crowd like that,” Niall shuffles on the sofa he would never say is uncomfortable, but, well. It’s no Spare Parts tour bus. “So impressive mate.”
Amongst the pumped up conversation about Louis’ first solo show, Charlie feels her silenced phone buzzing away in her back pocket. Pulling the device out, she can’t help the small smile that makes it’s way onto her face – earning knowing groans from the others.
There’s only one person who can elicit that smile.
“Just answer it.” Louis chuckles.
“It’s just because I told him to call if there was an emergency–”
“Answer it before I do!” Amelia intercepts, throwing a cushion at Charlie. She barely catches it before it hits her face, so as she stands to take the call, she sticks her tongue out at her best friend.
And a finger.
Charlie hears a muted, “love you too!” as the door to the bunks close and she’s alone.
“Hi,” Charlie accepts the FaceTime, unable to hold back her smile as her husband comes into frame. “Everything okay?”
“Look,” he holds up a toy, specifically a 2 year old Rubik’s cube that aims to help with colour awareness. Charlie thought it was dumb, but it’s hard to argue with Harry when it comes to Reagan. “Our kid’s a genius.”
Charlie scoffs. The cube has one side completed in red, all four squares.
“Our kid’s two years old,” Charlie cocks her head, “but did she really do that?”
“Yep, we sat there for like an hour–”
“Well her fingers aren’t the strongest.”
Charlie breathes out puffy laughter.
“Who did the cube?”
A pause. Tired eyes crinkling at the seams.
“Okay, so I physically did it, but she told me where to go!”
“Rae can say, like, five words, she did not.” Charlie loudly guffaws. Then she realises Harry’s been whispering this whole time, so she quickly clamps her mouth. “Is she asleep?”
“Yes,” Harry yawns, “took fuckin’ forever.”
“Hey! No swearing with Rae in the house.”
“She doesn’t know what they mean, Char.”
“And what happens when we send her to preschool with that in her vocabulary?”
“God, I don’t know. Do we go to jail?”
Charlie rolls her eyes, Harry cracks a lazy smile.
“How was it?”
“Oh, H, it was amazing. He was so good.”
“I’m sad to have missed it,” he yawns again, “I always knew he’d kill it solo.”
“Mm,” Charlie props her chin on her palm, “go to sleep baby.”
“Not tired.” Harry lies, his fringe tickling his lashes as he shakes his head.
“You just yawned three times in five minutes.”
“I want to stay up.” He nearly sounds like a sulking child.
“I’m not going to be back till gone midnight.”
A pause. “Really?”
“Yeah,” Charlie chuckles, “we’re nearly at Louis’ apartment and I promised I’d actually stay at this party.”
“Do you have to?”
“If ready-to-burst Amelia is, I hardly have an excuse.”
Harry softly laughs, and Charlie wants to wrap herself in that laugh. In fact, she’s wanted to go back to her husband and her daughter and their dog for hours, but she can’t hide away from yet another party.
“I’ll be back at 12:30.”
“Okay babe,” Harry yawns. Again. “Have fun. Give Louis my congratulations.”
“I will,” Charlie let’s her eyes drop over Harry for a minute. After three years of marriage, the sight of him in sweats and blankets and messy curls is no less sexy than when he’s in his silk shirts and his–
“You’re pulling that face.” Harry snaps her out of it.
“Your eyes,” Harry shifts, Daisy’s fur visible in the corner of the screen as she clearly hogs her side of the bed, “you sure you don’t want to come back early?”
The door to the bunks open and Liam’s head peaks through, “Charlie, we’re here.”
“Okay, I’ll be one minute.” Charlie smiles, standing up.
“You alright, Harry?” Liam shouts.
“I’ll be one minute,” grits lilts, shooing Liam out with a smirk.
“I really need to go now,” Charlie’s attention reverts back to the screen, to Harry. “I love you. Stay up.”
“Always,” Harry has to have won some kind of world record for yawning at this point, “I love you.”
Thousands upon thousands await him, chanting and cheering for him as the final recognisable song from his (carefully curated) pre-show playlist slowly fades to a halt.
He should be jumping up and down on the spot, breathing short, sharp breaths and recounting the lyrics he always forgets (and probably will always forget). He should be hyping himself up to play his first ever stadium alone, he should be warming up or fuck, praying.
But no. He’s nowhere to be found.
He’s late.
“Fuckin’ unbelievable,” his manger, Jeff, paces over Ibrox’s backstage, about ready to quit, steam leaking from his ears - cartoon or not, his top client is always the one to make that happen.
Jeff could accept late six years ago. It was nerve wracking, opening a tour alone after a controversial departure from the band. Plus, he was well aware of his reputation, Jeff knew what he was signing on for.
But the man’s twenty-eight, for fuck’s sake. The man’s not some stupid early twenty-something who sees this whole thing as a fun little quest he gets to dictate. Over the years, and especially through the pandemic, he finally matured. He finally realised that being punctual is actually okay! And more than that, it doesn’t give your manager and crew kittens three minutes before Golden is supposed to blast to 50,000.
… except when it comes to pre-show blowjobs from his wife.
“Oh, my God, baby.”
Harry throws his head back, fingers taking turns in fisting the cushy sofa beneath him and raking through Charlie’s curls. Her tongue swirls his tip, her own insistence for punctuality urging her to make him finish as soon as possible. She looks up at him through long lashes, knowing eye contact while she mouths him like that will have him tipping over the edge in no time.
It was never even supposed to happen. She only went in his dressing room to wish him luck, see how he was doing, give him a chaste kiss if anything. And, if she was a little honest with herself, she wanted to see his outfit before the world did.
Catching him half-dressed with the hair that told her he’d been nervously messing with it for half an hour, well. Who wouldn’t drop to their knees and kiss their way to his cock in their mouth?
“Yeah, shit,” Harry pants, forcing his head to roll forward so he can watch her. “How do you just seem to get better at this?”
Charlie smiles around his prick, injecting butterflies into his stomach and–
“Harry, I’m going to ask one more time.”
“One minute!” Charlie surfaces, barely able to breathe as she shouts at Jeff this time. Jeff’s grumbles are audible from the other side of the door, as are the sound of feet shuffling away.
If there’s one person Jeff isn’t going to yell at, it’s Charlie.
Harry’s eyes widen, embarrassment heating his neck, but Charlie’s hand pumping his shaft silences him till he’s biting blood into his bottom lip and announcing,
“Baby, I’m gonna–” he doesn’t have to finish his sentence before her mouth is back on him, and he’s coming down the back of her wonderful throat.
The noises he makes as he finishes only spur her to suck him through his orgasm, all the way till he’s pulling her away and twitching with sensitivity.
“Okay, you need to go.”
Charlie stands, wiping her mouth and shanking his boxers and trousers up for him while he lays back, dazed the fuck out of his mind.
“Huh?” He barely understands a word she’s saying, let alone able to comprehend where he is and what he’s about to do.
“You have a show, H,” Charlie straddles his lap to fix his hair, styling it quickly in the way she knows he likes. Harry’s hands instinctively fly to her waist, grinning lazily as she fusses over his fucked-out appearance.
“That might’ve been your best work, sweetheart.”
“Shut up,” Charlie mumbles behind a smile. He pecks her swollen lips.
Standing up, she adjusts herself, too. Her hair that had been ragged at by a feral Harry, her lipstick that was practically cheekstick by now. Her top, that he’d messily yanked down during their initial make out session when he insisted he just had to bite at least one mark into her breasts.
“Okay, you have two minutes,” Charlie checks her phone, grabbing his white tank and jacket from his coat-rack. Coming round from the head, panic starts to set in.
“Shit,” he mutters under his breath, standing up. Charlie turns around, noticing that gone-off look in his eyes which tells her he’s either about to brush it off completely or melt into a panic attack. Neither are exactly great coping mechanisms, but Charlie really needs to prevent the latter right now.
“H, it’s nothing.”
She throws him the tank, waiting for him with the jacket. He glances at her, that postcoital glow long gone. Anxiety was starting to seep into those gaps she had managed to close just a few minutes ago, but were starting to crack at the seams.
“50,000 is not nothing.”
Charlie puts his jacket on for him, afraid he’d stand there forever if she didn’t.
“50,817.” She corrects. He scowls. “Sorry.”
“Look, of course it’s not nothing. It’s a huge deal. But I know you,” she grabs his face, forcing his eyes to still on something solid. A stray curl falls against his forehead, framing his furrowed brows. “You’re going to get on that stage, and you’re going to fucking kill it.”
Harry huffs a breath, unconvinced.
“Honey, you’ve done it before.” Charlie smiles softly, brushing away the strand.
“Yeah,” he mutters, “with you.” He nudges his nose against hers, and Charlie wants to cry at his vulnverability. It’s rare she sees a Harry like this. For as long as she’s known him, he’s remained stoic in the face of fear, and although he’s not as rigid as he used to be – he’s never one to panic so much.
Endearingly, Charlie can pinpoint when he became much more of a worrier to one day, one person.
“H,” Charlie firms up, “it’s just like that. You have your band, you have me and your friends and–”
Harry interrupts the beginning of Charlie’s pep talk by grabbing her face and kissing her, hard. As if he was pouring out all of his nerves into her mouth and something in her lips and her tongue managed to just kill them. He pulls away, pepping light kisses against her cheek and jaw, making Charlie chuckle softly as his hair tickles her face.
“Okay, okay,” she leans back, forcing him away from her skin, “round two after the show, yeah?”
Harry holds his pinkie out. Charlie rolls her eyes, and holds her pinkie out. They kiss their respective thumbs and Harry nods.
“You got this.” She scrunches her nose, and Harry swears he feels his heart drop out of his stomach, which, how? After all this time, how does she still manage to do that to him.
It needs to be studied.
As he leaves his dressing room, Charlie gives him a swift slap to the ass, laughing as he turns and playfully scowls (despite knowing full well he loves it). She says a silent prayer for her husband as she follows him toward the stage, the sound of thousands of impatient fans already deafening.
They round the corner to backstage, where the team and Jeff are minutes away from breaking down themselves. Jeff nearly drops to the floor in relief at the sight of Harry, but wastes no time in calling tech over to mic him up.
Charlie gratefully smiles at Sarah, taking a fussing Reagan from her arms. Harry turns to let the team thread his mic through his jacket, and finds his remaining anxiety instantly dissipating at the sight of his daughter wearing entirely too big headphones and fisting at Charlie’s t-shirt as she complains about said defenders.
“Hi, princess,” Harry coos, reaching out for Reagan to grab his finger with her little hand.
“Daddy, you look funny.” Reagan giggles, wiggling enough for Charlie to set her down.
“Heey,” Harry lilts, getting the go ahead from the tech man before bending to his four-year-old’s height. “You don’t think I look handsome?”
Reagan shakes her head, brown curls bouncing against her cheeks.
“You look like play-dough.”
Charlie snorts, because she kinda hit the nail on the head. Harry’s band are giggling, too, as they prepare to get on stage. Harry narrows his eyes at them all.
“Do I have to wear these?” Reagan bashes her fists against the headphones.
“Afraid so, Rae,” Harry adjusts them so they sit a little looser on her head, but she’s still unhappy. “Your ears are too little right now,” he tries to explain, but if he knows his daughter at all, he knows she’ll be upset throughout the whole show because her hairdo’s squashed.
That’s Auntie Amelia’s damning influence.
“I don’t want to interrupt, but–”
“Yeah, yeah,” Harry stands, not deaf to the chants for him outside.
He kisses Reagan’s head, then turns to his wife.
“How’s Daisy?”
“Daisy’s fine,” Charlie sighs around a smile. Of course Harry’s worried about their dog right now. “Lia and Niall texted, she’s passed out on the sofa.”
Harry nods, clearly trying to delay the inevitable. So Charlie hurries it along for him, knowing he could stand there and ask stupid questions all evening to avoid that initial opening.
“Don’t fuck it up.” She winks, pinching his chin. Harry breathes short laughter from his nose, his lips squashed as Charlie pulls him for one final good luck kiss. Reagan sticks her tongue out at the sight of her parents’ affection, to which Harry does the same back and earns a tinkling of giggles back.
Charlie lifts Raegen so she can blow a kiss to her dad, currently jumping up and down and getting a few final stretches in before the opening to Music For A Sushi Restaurant fills the stadium, the screams become deafening, and Charlie watches as her rockstar husband takes the same stage her rockstar self did last year.
@lilfreakjez @be-with-me-so-happily @sirtommyholland @tpwksm @b-reads-things @tiaamberxx @daphnesutton @mleestiles
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lynetianya · 9 months
Unspoken Tears PT.1 [ Karina X Reader ]
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Karina, an exhausted idol returning home from the relentless world of stardom, is met with a stressful and tumultuous mood. Y/N, tries to welcome her with warmth and care, but Karina's frustration takes over, leading to a heated argument.
GENRE: Angst → Fluff
TYPE: One Shot
Karina had just returned home from her exhausting job as an idol, her stress levels through the roof. The harsh glare of the paparazzi's cameras, the endless rehearsals, and the unrelenting pressure of the entertainment industry had left her drained. She was in a terrible mood, and it showed on her face. Her manager's constant demands echoed in her mind, and she couldn't shake the feeling that she was losing herself in the pursuit of stardom.
Y/N, who saw Karina's arrival, With a welcoming smile, Y/N rushed to greet Karina, but the sight of her disheveled appearance and troubled expression made them pause. "Hey, Karina," Y/N said gently, "how was your day?"
Karina, however, was in no mood for pleasantries. Karina responded curtly, not in the mood for small talk. "Long and terrible."
Y/N's smile faltered, but they pressed on, determined to make Karina's evening better. "I made your favorite dinner," they offered, "it's ready when you are."
Y/N, ever perceptive, realized that Karina had had a tough day and offered a meal. Y/N had prepared Karina's favorite dish, a homemade lasagna with a secret family recipe,
"I'm not hungry. I just want to sleep."
but Karina dismissed the offer with a brusque refusal, stating that she just wanted to sleep. Her emotions were escalating by the minute, and she couldn't control her temper.
Y/N's heart sank, but they tried to hide their disappointment. "Alright, dear. How about you take a warm shower before going to sleep?"
Karina's frustration boiled over. "Can't you see I'm not in the mood for this right now?" she snapped.
Y/N flinched at the sharpness of Karina's tone but tried to keep their composure. "I'm just trying to help. I thought that might make you feel better."
Karina's anger, however, was difficult to contain. "Well, it's not helping!" she retorted. "I just want to be left alone!"
Karina vented her frustration at Y/N for not understanding her. In a fit of anger, Karina stormed off to her room, slamming the door behind her, leaving Y/N nearly in tears.
Y/N sat alone in the kitchen, staring at the meal she had lovingly prepared for Karina. The hours of chopping vegetables, simmering the sauce, and layering the lasagna sheets felt like a waste now. Tears welled up in Y/N's eyes. Y/N wondered if you were a bad partner for not considering Karina's feelings. Y/N eventually fell asleep on the living room couch, not wanting to disturb Karina, whose room was silent.
The next day, as Karina woke up, she felt a deep sense of remorse for her harsh words and actions toward Y/N. She got up, looking for Y/N to apologize, but Y/N was nowhere to be found. In the kitchen, Karina noticed a beautifully set table with all her favorite dishes. Y/N had cooked everything with care, and the aroma filled the room.
As Karina examined the untouched dinner from the previous night, now in the trash bin, her guilt overwhelmed her. On the kitchen table, she found a small note that read, "Karina, I'm sorry for my behavior yesterday. I've prepared your favorite meal. Please eat. I love you. I'll be out for a while so you can have some time alone."
Reading Y/N's message, Karina's guilt intensified. She cried, regretting how she had treated Y/N the day before. She decided to eat the meal Y/N had prepared and waited for Y/N to return, but as hours passed, there was no sign of Y/N. Concern began to gnaw at Karina.
Suddenly, the phone rang. Karina answered it, and her world shattered. The caller informed her that Y/N had been involved in a hit-and-run accident and was in the hospital. Karina rushed to the hospital in shock.
Upon arriving at the hospital and speaking to the receptionist, Karina hurried to Y/N's room. Y/N's condition was grave, but the doctor explained that Y/N had miraculously passed the critical stage. Karina was overwhelmed with gratitude and thanked the doctor profusely.
Karina spent the entire day by Y/N's side at the hospital. Y/N didn't have close friends or family to visit, only Karina. A member of Karina's group visited upon hearing the news. Karina couldn't help but feel guilty for her actions the day before, seeing Y/N in such pain.
The next day, as Y/N woke up, Karina was by their side, relief and joy in her eyes. However, Y/N looked at her with confusion and asked.
"Who are you?"
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ashecampos · 3 months
Anyone but her 6
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Warnings - swearing, mentions of anxiety. smut (my first time writing smut may I add), ptsd/past relationship trauma, y/n and Janis being idiots.
The POV switches between reader and Janis (I use — when I change the POV)
there will be more parts to this, make sure to reblog and comment and I will get the next few parts up as soon as I can, happy reading lovelies 🫶🏼
3rd person pov <3
“It’s been two weeks and all we have been able to achieve is getting them to kiss multiple times” Damien looks at Cady and Tessa. The three have been trying and failing to get Janis and y/n together for nearly three weeks, they scheme and plot but nothing seems to stick. “Hey they have plans later, y/n is excited, this might be the night if you catch my drift” Tessa wiggles her eyebrows while nudging the boy. He makes a shocked face, leaning closer to the girl “girl spill, what plans do they have?” He smacks the girls knees repeatedly, desperate for answers. “Well I couldn’t get too much info, buttt, they are having a little ‘movie night at Janis’ house’ and y/n is panicking about what to wear” Tessa smirks knowing her best friend’s little quirks all too well. She pulls out her phone and hands it to Damien, the chat with y/n open with a multitude of messages from the girl panicking. Laughing, Damien starts typing telling y/n that the group will come over after school to help. Cady sits on her phone ignoring the chaos, replying to chats from the plastics. Cady stares at a chat from Regina about how Aaron is annoying her and how she ‘wishes she was just a lesbian’ and how she should just get with a girl and how Aaron would be so jealous of it.
The bell rings, interrupting their conversation, they all stand up from their spots under the old oak tree. Saying their goodbyes, they all go to their last few classes.
This day has been one of the longest to ever exist. And it’s all because of her. I haven’t even told Damien or Cady yet, well that’s because I haven’t seen them yet today, I haven’t seen her today. Maybe she’s avoiding me, I doubt it though. Thankfully I have this class with all of them. One by one they all walk through the doors and get to their seats. Cady is first, followed by Tessa and Damien. My eyes linger on the door a second longer to see her walk through but to my surprise she isn’t here. My eyes shoot to Tessa looking for answers “where is y/n?” I turn to Tessa who is sat next to me. “track meet, did you forget? She told you this yesterday Janis” she looks at me like she could kill me for being so stupid. Shit her track meet. I was going to buy her flowers. Too late now I guess. “Oh yeah sorry” I say looking at my phone seeing a notification from y/n. I smile, grabbing everyone’s attention, Damien looks over my shoulder, him and Tessa making kissing noises, I swat them away before opening it.
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The photo shows a few people sat on the grass with a time stamp on it, all of their backpack on the floor, Tessa looks over and speaks before the others can “they must’ve just finished, I wonder if they got to the next stage” she checks her phone and opens her text from y/n
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Tessa stretches her arm over to show me what y/n sent to her, a photo of her, showing the ground with a little bit of text saying “home time” cute. I laugh a little. “God she’s cute” I blurt out before thinking against saying it, my hand quickly covers my mouth as a blush creeps its way to my cheeks. All three of them stop what they are doing to look at me. Silence. Damien and Tessa look at each other smirking, Damien opens his mouth to say something but before he can the teacher walks in, thank god for that.
The class goes by unbearably slow, I sit staring at the wall for the better part of the hour, praying what I said wouldn’t be brought up. Tessa and Damien kept sharing knowing looks with shit eating grins. Looking up at the clock I acknowledge that there is only 15 minutes left. I quickly go back to staring at the wall. That is until my thoughts are interrupted by my phone buzzing in my pocket. I grab my phone and open the notification seeing it’s y/n again. I open the chat and smile a little “hey pretty girl, can’t wait for tonight” I save the chat and reply “can’t wait, dress comfy” I turn my phone off and wait for class to end, my mind drifting back to her.
Once class ends, we all leave and stand outside of the school, Cady waiting for Regina to pick her up, me and Damien waiting on a bus, Tessa waiting for. I actually don’t know what she’s waiting for, normally y/n drives her. As if on que a bus pulls up, not mine and Damien’s but the school bus. And out comes the track and field team. Oh that’s why we were waiting here. Out walks y/n after everyone else. She says her goodbyes and congratulations to her team mates before jogging over. Time freezes in the time it takes for her to run over. She is clad in grey Nike shorts and an oversized hoodie, the schools logo on the front reading ‘north shore lions’ I smile a little at her before snapping myself out of my daydream. She jumps into my arms, wrapping her legs around my waist, a massive smile on her face. I pull her away a little to look at her properly “hey pretty lady” I say placing my hands around the back of her thighs to keep her up and as close to me as possible. She smiles down at me “we won” she says before hugging me closer “we won” she repeats as if to convince herself that this is real.
I put her down much to my dismay, and we all walk to the bus stop so we can all catch the bus. Tessa pouts at the fact y/n didn’t bring her car because she was busy being sporty instead of being at school. Y/n just laughs at her, reminding her that she does the same when it comes to rugby, which shuts the other girl up. We all continue our conversation on the bus, we reach my stop quickly and I decide to be bold, just as I stand up, the bus stops and I lean down, kissing y/n on the cheek before saying “see you later” and getting off of the bus quicker than ever. Behind me I hear Damien and Tessa whisper shouting at the girl for freezing up. I get in the house, saying hi to my dad and running to my room.
As soon as Janis gets off of the bus I let myself breathe. Tessa and Damien shouting at me for freezing up. It feels like my whole body deflates. I allow my shoulders to drop, my leg bopping up and down. But before they can notice it I place my backpack over my legs and look at them with a smile. “What the fuck am I meant to wear?” I say my voice raising a little, they both laugh before saying “girly” at the same time. I look at the both of them in disgust, making us all burst out in laughter. Tessa hits the button to let the driver know the next stop is ours, we all grab our bags and stand up, heading to the front of the bus. Once off we walk towards my house. Opening the door we are hit with the scent of brownies. My mom must be home. We enter the kitchen, my mom dancing in her apron, once she sees us her face lights up, she lets out a little shriek, coming over and hugging all of us one by one. We introduce Damien and she welcomes him with open arms. We talk and eat the brownies for around half an hour before she tells us to shoo. We run upstairs and throw our bags to the floor. I run and jump onto my bed “oh how I have missed you” I say dramatically making the other two laugh, they come over and sit down with me. Tessa looks over to me “go shower we will pick you a few outfits for tonight” she nudges my leg. I groan while getting myself up, I grab a towel from my closet and walk towards the door. “Please nothing too girly, my body can’t handle it” I say, Tessa grabs a pillow and reads herself to throw it. I quickly make my escape, shutting the door behind me.
“Tessa she is not and I repeat NOT leaving this house in that” Damien points at a skirt and crop top combo that is more Tessa’s style than her friends “one she will quite literally freeze to death and two she would not be comfortable in that” he finishes before laying whag he’s picked on the bed. A Joan jett T-shirt with some black baggy jeans. Okay this is totally Y/N’s style but nooo, she’s having a date at Janis’ house for Christ sake” Tessa argues back and forth with the boy. “Okay how about we both grab a pair of pants and shirt then try style them together yeah?” He says, putting back the other clothes back where they found them.
Damien picks up a grey Chicago hoodie and a pair of plaid joggers. While Tessa picks a pair of green acid wash cargo pants and a cropped vest. They both look at what they have and Tessa snatches the hoodie, pointing at the boy “put the pants away this is perfect” she nearly screams as she places the outfit down “mh grab a pair of her airforces” she demands, the boy obliges grabbing some white ones to match the hoodie and vest, he brings them over placing them on the floor. They both stand there staring at the outfit they both picked before turning to eachother and high-fiving. Just then y/n walks in “aww look at you two, you didn’t murder eachother over an outfit” she says laughing, a towel wrapped around her body, her hair in a messy bun. “You’ll never guess who just walked in on me naked” y/n says looking embarrassed “what wait who” both Damien and Tessa say at the same time. “Regina, she came into the bathroom thinking Aaron was in the shower, she like just stood there staring at me before I shouted at her to leave” she says laughing “that’s messed up” Tessa says cringing at what her best friend had to go through.
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I have checked my phone at least twenty times in the past five minutes, Damien nor y/n has texted me. Which is weird. What’s even weirder is that Tessa has texted me. I open the message and see that she’s asking about what I have planned for the date, I reply telling her what my plan is and how I want to ask y/n to be my girlfriend, she takes a few seconds to reply, but eventually sends me a thumbs up emoji which I’ll take as a sign to be ahead with the plan.
Not even a minute later someone is knocking on the door, I run downstairs nearly tripping over air on the way, I open the door and look up to see her stood in my doorway, clad in cargos and a hoodie, she has a little eyeliner on, nothing else. I smile which makes her smile wider, taking the opportunity I grab her by the collar of her hoodie and pull her in for a hug. “Hey chica bonita” she says in a whisper, giving me major butterflies. I think for a second about what she even said before pulling away from the hug and slapping her shoulder playfully “hey Nuh huh no Spanish, you know im bad at it, what did you even say?” I blush a little which she laughs even harder at. She grabs my hand and I lead the way to the basement where I have laid out an impromptu cinema room, I have moved the sofas to make a makeshift bed with multiple pillows and blankets on it. She looks over, her eyes glistening, she’s smiling again, god I love to make her smile, it has to be one of the prettiest things in this universe.
How did she even know I love movies. Oh wait Tessa, goddamit tessa. I look at the basement that has been converted into a cinema room, led lights brighten the room in a red haze, a projector screens Netflix on the wall, the couches are pushed together to make a bed, blankets and pillows thrown all over the makeshift bed. I look back at Janis and smile before tackling her to the couch in a hug “omg this is soo pretty j” I shriek. She holds onto my waist and makes sure I land on top of her so she takes the blunt of the fall, I look down at her and she is already staring at me, a smirk plastered on her face. We both slowly inch closer until we are inches away, she makes the first move, lifting up a little so we are kissing, kissing turns into making out, I don’t know about her but I could do this forever. That is until we both run out of air and have to pull away. Breathing heavily and faces red we both stare at each-other. We are both pulled out of our trances when her phone starts ringing, both of us groan before looking over at her phone, we see that it’s Cady so I get off of her and we both sit cuddled into each other as she answers the FaceTime. “Hi Kaddy” she says, her husky voice rings through the room and it’s all I can focus on. I lay my head on her chest as she talks to Cady, she plays with my hair until Cady says “wait are you with y/n right now?” I look up at her and roll my eyes, tonight is all we have been talking about to her this week. “Yeah wanna say hi?” Janis asks her, Cady must’ve said yes because the phone was then lowered so Cady could see my face. “Hey caids” I say smiling, the girl waves, saying hi, she takes a few seconds looking at her phone with a puzzled expression before blurting out “oh my god im totally ruining you guys’ date night aren’t I?” She covers her mouth “I meant movie night frick” she continues to stumble her words, I look up at Janis and laugh, she smiles at me and grabs the phone “yes Kaddy you are in fact disturbing our very important date night” Janis says sarcastically “wait omg you guys are finally da-“ Cady starts to talk but is interrupted by Janis “right we are gonna go now bye” she hangs up abruptly, blushing intensely because of what Cady nearly said before she interrupted. I draw stars onto her band T-shirt with my index finger as we sit in silence for what seems like forever until she randomly blurts out. “Teach me how to dance?” I look up at her with a puzzled expression before laughing. “Sorry, Tessa told me you are a really good dancer and I just thought it would be cool to learn, y’know in preparation for the spring fling dance” she rambles on and on about why she randomly asked to dance. I roll my eyes and stand up, she whines a little until I grab her hands and pull her up with me. “How do I work your very weird projector?” I lean against the sofa a little as she hands me a remote, I quickly open Spotify and play the first song that comes up. Which happened to be ‘Looking at me’ Sabrina Carpenter, I look back to her with a confused face and laugh “how very gay of you” I wheeze out making her step closer to me, trapping me between the sofa and her body. She grabs my waist and stares at me “teach me” she replies. I blush and take her being smaller as a chance to take control, moving so we are both stood in the middle of the room. I place her hands on my waist, moving mine so they are laid over her shoulders. “okay follow the beat” I say while swaying my hips to the rhythm. She tries to mimic my actions but fails, a groan escapes her lips and she places her head in the crook of my neck, admitting defeat. “I have two left feet” she mumbles. I allow myself a second to think before tapping my hands on her shoulders “turn around” I say while spinning her so her back is against my front “this okay?” I ask before putting my hands on her waist, she nods so I continue, I make her hips move with the beat, singing along with the song.
(THIS IS YOUR FINAL WARNING, I will put another one when it’s done so just skip until you see this emoji 😇)
She places her small hands on my hips and starts moving them along with the beat of the song, not long after we are dancing, she is singing, never would I have thought dancing to a pop song would actually be fun until now. I turn on her arms and wrap my arms around her waist, pulling her closer, I look down at her lips for a brief moment, forgetting whatever we were doing. “Hey look your dancing” she says earning a smirk from me. I walk us back over to the sofa bed, pushing her down onto it, I follow after her, landing on top this time, the remote ends up falling off of the bed, turning the projector off, leaving the room a dark red colour. I look back down to stare at her, she’s looking at my lips, so I take the opportunity to kiss her again. She leans into the kiss, smiling into it before pulling away, using her teeth the drag my bottom lip with her. Oh my god I can’t with this girl. I open my eyes and clutch onto her hoodie “this off now” I say lowly. I lift her up so we are both sat looking at each other, she happily obliges and throws the hoodie off along with the vest under it, leaving her in a bra and her jeans. I let out a puff of air I didn’t know I was holding in. I have seen her in bikinis, sports bras but it always manages to take my breath away. Every goddam time.
I push her back down, my hands finding their way to her waist again, gripping onto her tighter than ever. I trail my hands up and down her torso, biting my lip before making eye contact with her. “This okay?” I ask wanting to make sure whag was about to happen is consensual and that the feelings I have aren’t just one sided. She nods slowly, a blush creeping onto her cheeks again. I make quick work of unclasping her bra before taking a second to saviour this moment. I then start aggressively kissing her with purpose, with one hand I play with the belt loop of her jeans, the other I slowly slide up until I am gently playing with her breast, I stroke my thumb over her hardened nipple earning a moan from her, I take this as a sign to go further, I trail wet kisses down from her lips to her jawline, then to her neck, I suck on parts of her neck, leaving multiple marks all over her, I quickly move to her collar bone leaving more until I am face to face with the waistline of her jeans, I look up again asking for permission before going ahead and throwing them to the floor with the rest of her clothes, her underwear then follows quickly being forgotten about.
All of my clothes are long gone and on the floor, I am naked in my longtime crush’s basement.
She grips onto my thigh while her fingers. Her magical fingers are dipping in and out of my vagina at an ungodly rate, my breath shortens, my moans getting louder “j-Janis please im so close..fuck”I breathe out, my knuckles turning white with how hard I am gripping into the soft blanket on the sofa. She starts to use her tongue to circle my clit, drawing me closer to my climax, I try to clench my thighs together but she is quicker than me and pushes them apart again, she moves her face a little “cum for me pretty girl” she mumbles against my clit, the vibrations sending me over the edge.
She comes back up, kissing me while picking me up, thank god for there being a bathroom in the basement because if not mine and her relationship would be very obvious to her family. She carries me to the bathroom and sits me on the counter. Grabbing a damp towel and cleaning me up. She gives me a few more pecks before we go back to the sofa, she wraps me in a blanket and kisses my forehead. “Wait here yeah?” She says while running up the basement stairs and going somewhere else.
I rest my head one of the many pillows, getting comfortable. My eyes start to close, until I see her stood in front of me. I smile widely, she is holding a pair of dark green plaid pyjama bottoms and a smashing pumpkins band tee. I try to keep my eyes open as she gently gets me dressed into her clothes. That’s when I realise she is also in comfy clothes, I smile and wrap my arms around her. We end up wrapped in blankets and falling asleep with not a care in the world for anyone else but the two of us.
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Heyyyyy lovers, if this part does not scream ‘A SINGLE LESBIAN WROTE THIS’ then I don’t know what does. I hope you enjoyed this, not too much obviously jk jk, see you in the next chapter😙
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yungchaeng · 2 years
One Too Many Times (Twice series: Sana)
II: Now or Never genre: angst, suggestive - word count: 2252
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You stirred. The sun shone through the drapes into your eyes fluttering open from a night of sleep. It took you a second to orient yourself and realise that this was not your bed nor was it even your house. Groggily, you stretched and yawned as memories flooded in of the night before.
Although you knew it was far from the smartest thing to do, yesterday, as you sat there crying on the floor with the bartender’s note in your hand, you decided to call her. Almost immediately after she picked up, you sobbed into the phone and nearly unintelligibly pleaded to spend the night – or at least what was left of it.
You felt pathetic, but she didn’t hesitate. She sent you her address and you trudged towards her apartment, feeling hopeless and sorry for yourself. You hoped that by the time you got there, there’d be no tears left to cry, but the moment she opened the front door, it all started over again. The girl, still dressed in her work clothing, embraced you and led you to the living room where she sat you down and listened to your many stories about the issues plaguing your relationship and how they came to a head in your argument with your girlfriend yesterday.
Yes, you being there and airing out your relationship problems to someone that was basically a stranger trying to hit on you just a few hours prior was not the most wise thing to do – you knew that, but as you sat there, whatever was the ‘wise thing to do’ was the last thing on your mind. This felt right. Finally, someone was listening to you, and you had their attention – their undivided attention.
On top of that, the girl was actually very sweet. She advised you and gave you honest insights in the situation. When you cried all the tears you could manage, your throat was too dry to speak and your eyelids started feeling heavy, she offered for you to sleep in her bed as she would sleep in her roommate’s room. It was an offer you were too tired to decline, not that you wanted to anyway. At the end of the night, you felt comforted and were happy with the choice of coming to her.
And right now, as you moved through her house towards the kitchen where the smell of breakfast awaited you, you were still more than happy with that choice.
“Good morning,” you gave her a small wave when she glanced at you over her shoulder. She smiled and motioned for you to sit at the kitchen table, and you obliged. Trying to lighten the mood, you joked. “I bet in your years of experience, you’ve never seen an emotional drunk like me, huh?”
She snickered at that “Like I said, I’ve seen my fair share.” She shrugged. “But I do admit that no one has ever before come to my house and finished my box of tissues to wipe their snotty noses.”
You playfully scoffed. “First time for everything.”
“I guess so.” She laughed and scooped some freshly fried eggs onto a plate for you. “By the way, your girlfriend, Sana was it?” you nodded, perking up at the sound of her name. “she’s been blowing up your phone all morning.” The girl said, motioning to the phone you had left in her living room the previous night.
Your heart skipped a beat at the thought of the last conversation you two had. Since you’d been together for a while, of course there had been some disagreement here and there previously…but yesterday? Yesterday felt like something more definite, like a break-up. What that what it truly was? What that was it should have been?
When you checked your phone, you saw that there had been 5 missed calls and 4 text messages from Sana, one of those in particular standing out to you.
Sana: I’m sorry for yesterday… please, come home, okay? We’ll talk about it. The right way this time.
“So?” the bartender, or at this point a newly made friend, asked you. “What are you going to do?”
“Go home, I guess.” You sighed. “I mean, I definitely can’t stay here, right? You don’t have any tissues anymore.”
She laughed again. “Okay, prankster.” She raised an eyebrow at you. “Be for real. How are you going to fix this?”
“…I don’t know.” You honestly muttered, stabbing at the eggs on your plate.
The girl hummed. “Do you want to? Fix it?”
“I don’t know.” You repeated. “Yesterday kind of felt …final. I don’t know how to go from there.”
“If there’s anything I could conclude from everything you told me yesterday, you sound like you love her a lot.” She gave you the slightest smile when she spoke. “Maybe that’s enough, and you can take it from there?”
“I hope so.” You shrugged.
“That’s a good sign,” The girl nodded. “but, uhm, how do you think your girlfriend is going to react to you staying here for the night?”
Even though nothing happened, you winced at the thought of having to tell Sana where you had spent the night. “Not too well, I think.” You snickered and scratched the back of your neck in awkwardness. “She’s not the biggest fan of you.”
The other girl grimaced and gave you an apologetic look. “Again, I’m so sorry for that…I didn’t realise the two of you were actually together, otherwise I would have never-“
“It’s okay.” You interrupted, honestly. “I believe you.”
Deciding that it was time to face the issue head on, you grabbed your phone and texted Sana you were coming back. The entire way home, the argument of the previous night replayed in your mind. There were so many things left unsaid, and you and Sana had just scratched the surface – but if yesterday already ended the way it did…would you make it through today?
As you approached your front door, you tried pushing all of those thoughts away, but your racing heart couldn’t seem to catch up with your head quick enough.
The moment you walked through the door, you were immediately engulfed into a hug from Sana. She was already crying as she muttered a string of apologies to you. With a sigh, you hugged her back. Even after all the hurt, being in her embrace was still home to you.
You guided her into the living room, and it wasn’t until she sat down that you finally got a good look at her. She looked tired, almost as if she got no sleep at all. Sana wore her pyjamas, but her make-up was still perfectly placed from the night before – although smudged from crying. You hated seeing her this way, so broken.
In your heart, you wanted to hold onto her. Apologise for everything and take it all back – pretend like yesterday never happened, but you knew that this all had to come to a head someday and it was probably going to be now or never.
So when she motioned for you to come sit next to her on the couch, you shook your head and sat as far away from her as you could – you knew that once she hugged you one more time, you’d give in.
Sana bit her lip and tried blinking away her tears as she started apologizing once more, but you halted her. “Before we start I have something to get off my chest.” You sighed. “I want to be completely honest with you…the bartender from yesterday, I spent the night there last night.”
At this, her whole demeanour changed from somewhat eager to completely defeated. In the way she hung her head, sniffed and whispered a quiet “Oh.” it seemed like you broke her spirit, like you completely broke her.
As she started to cry once more, you panicked. Forgetting (or more-so neglecting) the fact that you decided to put your foot down and keep your distance from her, you quickly moved towards her, sat down on the floor opposite her and held onto her hand. Who were you kidding? You hated seeing her like this. Maybe there was nothing that she could ever do to make you able to resist her or not feel the urge to comfort her…
And as you sat there, with her head rested on your shoulder while she cried, you were seriously doubting whether that was a good thing.
Sighing, you held onto her chin as you wanted her to at least look you in the eye to see how honest you were when you said, “Sana, nothing happened.”
“Really?” she asked, her lip quivering.
“Really.” You nodded. “We just talked a lot, or at least I talked a lot…and cried a lot.”
For a second it was quiet. Sana wiped away the tears on her cheeks with the sleeves of her sweater, cleared her throat and for the first time since you’ve met her, you couldn’t tell what she was thinking.
With a voice so soft that you wondered if she hoped you wouldn’t hear or answer her, she asked. “Did you want something to happen?”
“No, Sana.” You spoke without hesitation. “I know it was stupid to go over there, especially after our argument yesterday. I just didn’t know where else to go…”
“I’m sorry you felt that way.” She said. “And I’m sorry for everything. For the things I said yesterday, for letting you leave…all of it. When you were gone, I couldn’t sleep. The bed felt so empty without you, and I just wanted you there with me.”
You stayed quiet, feeling tears of your own brim at your eyes. Although you were glad to hear she missed you as you did her, you knew you were both beating around the bush. You were spinning circles around the true reason you both were sat in your living room – an emotional mess.
“Sana…” you sighed. “Am I not enough for you?”
Your heart broke a little more with every second of silence that filled the room. Maybe you took her by surprise, or maybe she was preparing to give you an answer you didn’t truly want to hear. Whatever it was, it made her sigh and bite her lip.
“I apologize if I sometimes don’t make you feel that way…but I really and truly want you alone.” Sana said softly. She cupped your face with both hands and you tried looking anywhere but into her eyes – you couldn’t afford to drown in her empty promises, not again anyway.
“I’ve heard that before…” You said as you tried to swallow away the lump in your throat. “Many times before, Sana.”
“Please, look at me.” She urged and reluctantly you met her worrying eyes. “And please believe me when I say that don’t care for anybody else the way that I care for you. I will never love anyone in the way that I love you.”
When you didn’t answer, she pulled you closer by your shirt. “Please, believe me.” She pleaded and planted a kiss on your cheek. Your eyes fluttered shut at her touch and you felt your defences slowly break down once she kissed your lips and whispered against them, “I want you, only you.”
“Sana…” you managed to mutter in between her kisses, although you were not quite sure how to follow it up. You felt lightheaded at how her kisses were suddenly trailing down your neck, and at how she urged you to come closer.
Your head knew that this was not the way – nothing would be resolved if this would end the way your body wanted it to…but your lips wanted hers, so maybe that’s why you couldn’t help but kiss her back. Your fingertips wanted to feel her skin, so they found their way under her shirt…and when she whimpered your name, you convinced yourself that maybe she meant it all this time.
While your head begged for you to talk it out and pleaded for your future with Sana, your heart could only focus on the here and now. With the way her arms were wrapped around you, you felt that maybe if you’d kiss her, hold her, or touch her just right…maybe then you could show her just how much you wanted her and how much you needed her fully.
So, as you had many times before, you pushed aside the hurt and pulled her closer. You held onto your love for dear life and kissed her neck as you urged her, “Say it again.”
“Baby,” she spoke. Her voice shook, breath hitched, and she hissed at the way you bit down her neck. “I only want you.” She breathily said.
When you pushed her back onto the couch and climbed on top of her, you looked down at her. Her chest was heaving, her fingers desperate to touch your skin and lip trapped between her teeth, lost in desire. For a second you looked into her eyes and searched for any hint of falsehood when you once again asked her, “Please…say it again.”
Without hesitation, she obliged. As she pulled you on top of her by the collar of your shirt, she panted that she would only ever be yours. So you kissed her, hoping that through her whimpers and moans she’d tell you one more time and that then you’d finally be able to believe that you were enough for her…that you were all she would ever need.
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laneydays · 2 years
you owe me, part 2 // billy showalter x reader
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i dont rlly like this put here u go the long awaited part 2.
part 1 here
we're gonna IGNORE the fact that i was supposed to publish this like 5 days ago im so sorry for lying i had school and family stuff and guitar lmfao
anyways school is cancelled for the rest of the week cuz of a hurricane, i might start writing another oneshot ;) maybe vance? dont know! but i hope u guys like this, felt i couldve done better but eh :)
after billy showalter had showed up by your house on his bike, your day was just a little brighter. he had really cared enough to go out of his way to deliver one more paper, just for you. he remembered, that you read the paper and kept it to make art or decorate your room with. even if reading the paper made you look like a total old man nerd, he went that extra mile for you. or in his case, a few blocks down from his route. the thought made you feel giddy and high.
you had came back in the house with a little more pep in your step, a stupid grin on your face that kept coming back whenever you looked at the flower pressing that you preserved on your dresser. the muscles in your face hurt from how good you felt. it was funny, to you. teachers would always say how one small thing a person can do can make another person's whole day. no one ever listened, including you. you thought it was bull, so it was amusing how the paper delivery boy proved you wrong. even if the flower seemed to shrivel slowly after a few hours, you couldn't help but think about it. billy showalter, of all people. he must be a goddamn saint if he can make me change my mind about him after a day, you thought. 
"holy shit," donna had blurted out from the phone when you told her. you had hushed her, even if no one was there to hear you besides your sleeping dog early in the morning.
"he totally likes you." she teased. you almost stumbled, clutching the phone in your hand a little tighter. "thats funny, donna. well, i don't like him," you scoffed.
you told her that to get her to leave you alone about it. (you doubted she would) but you would be lying if you said billy showalter didn't intrigue you with his actions toward you. nevertheless, you owed him big time. so, begrudgingly, on the monday before school, you emptied your piggy bank and counted the dollar bills and cents to pay billy back for everything he did. it was five bucks. you sighed, it was a decent amount of money to owe a boy. and it made you realize just how nice he was being to you.
you pocketed the money, getting ready to go to school. you jumped down the stairs, alerting your dog. they circled around your feet, barking and jumping excitedly. you rubbed their ears, talking to them in a high pitch.
your parents said your name, making you look up. "i thought we told you not to jump down the stairs. you'll break something," they instructed with a disappointed voice. your mother was at the table, and your father cleaning dishes at the sink. you winced slightly. "yeah, sorry."
you sat down at the table, eating the slightly burnt piece of toast your mother had set out for you. chewing on it, you watched your mother open up the paper as she sipped her coffee. you nearly choked, coughing. she was reading the paper.
she looked at you. "yeah, where did you get this? we don't get the paper," she asked. drinking your water, you tried clearing your throat before you replied. "yeah.. you know billy showalter delivers the paper, right?" you said slowly. your father chimed in, "of course. he stops by every sunday to get what we type up." your mother turned back to you, finishing for him. "but he doesn't stop by our house." 
you smiled sheepishly. "yeah. well, we're partners in class for a project. he stopped by yesterday because i told him i read the paper."
your dad looked over at you with a confused smile. "you read the paper?" he said, obviously making fun of you. your mother gave him a look before sipping her mug again. "how sweet. he's such a lovely boy. i'm glad you're becoming close," she said to you. "yes, it's about time you got a boyfriend," your father finished. you finished your toast, extremely flustered while your mother scolded him for assuming things.
you took a shy drink of water. "i have to go to his house later today. for the project." smiling, your mother held your hand. "good, that's good." 
"don't come back late," said your dad. you stood up, grabbing your backpack and slinging it over your shoulder. "yeah, don't worry." you kissed your mother on the cheek, and hugged your father goodbye. 
"be polite, and tell billy and mrs. showalter thank you," she said before you left. you agreed, closing the door. you took a breath, trying to console yourself and your embarrassment.
you walked to school. it was starting to get colder out, now. and you wished you had brought a thicker jacket. you spotted more kids walking as you got closer to school. you rubbed your arms, feeling the chill of the weather.
hearing your name being called, you turned around. gwen was jogging to catch up to you, finney following right behind her. "hey," you said to the small girl. "hi," finney finished for her, as she was catching her breath. you three walked together to school every day. it was a shame donna couldn't, her house was further away from yours. "kinda cold out, huh?" gwen said. you scoffed, "no kidding. wish i had brought a different covering."
as you got closer to school, you turned to the siblings. "i have to go to the library, i'll see you later nerds." gwen hugged you goodbye. "why the library?" finney asked. you turned away. "for a project. see you." they waved you goodbye as you entered through the double doors. there were less kids in the halls because you were a little early. 
you weren't lying to finney, you really did have to go to the library. you wanted to put effort into it the same way billy was, so you thought you'd find a book or two to help you with research.
upon entering, the library was pretty much empty. it was silent except for the pages being flipped by the librarian behind the counter. she muttered a 'good morning' under her breath as you walked in.
the isles were empty, but you saw a silhouette of a young boy. you searched through the books, in the history section. taking out many, reading the backs and then returning them to the shelf. you were impatient, and already becoming antsy. you wish you could just find a book already.
you turned the corner into the next isle, stopping when you saw the boy. it was griffin. he was reading a book, when he noticed you standing there and looked up. he was surprised to see you, you noticed. "hi, griffin," you said with a smile. "hi." he replied. you approached him, sitting next to him. "what are you reading?" griffin tilted the book so you could see the cover. it was the shining by stephen king. "stephen king? he wrote carrie. you like him?" he nodded at you. you were a bit shocked that a kid as young as him would be into that stuff. but he was smart, so it was probably okay.
"what are you doing here?" griffin asked you this time. he was right, you weren't usually in here. "i'm looking for a book. for a project."
"is it the one with billy?" he asked quickly. you almost stuttered, he was fast. you swallowed. "yeah. how'd you know?" you asked. griffin closed his book. "he told me." you smiled. "oh yeah? what else did he say?" you joked. the boy looked up at you. "he said you make him nervous sometimes."
you pressed your lips together tightly. a weird tight feeling in your stomach. "oh." griffin shook his head lightly, his curls bouncing. "but in a good way, he said. i don't know." the weird feeling was replaced by a new once, a weird kind of knot. you smiled sheepishly. 
"he likes you. you should be friends," the boy said. you looked away, trying to tame the heat in your face. "o-okay. i just need a book first," you laughed. griffin asked what type of book you needed. you told him what your project was about, and he got up enthusiastically, taking your hand and dragging you into an isle.
"this one," he said, taking out a book and holding it out to you. taking it gently from his hands, you read the back. it was great for your project. you looked back up at him, smiling. "this is perfect. thanks, griffin!" 
he smiled bashfully, his freckled cheeks rosy. you looked up at the clock, at the time. "the bells gonna ring in a minute," you looked at him. "want me to walk you to your first period?" griffin smiled wider. "okay. but its in the sixth grade hall," to which you replied that it was okay. you checked out your book, and the younger boy hung onto your hip the whole time. 
the bell had rung as you walked out the door with griffin, the book tucked into your backpack safely. griffins classroom was a little further than expected, but it was okay. you said goodbye to him and went back to yours. you kept thinking about him as you sat down, and how you really saw him as a little brother. it was a sweet feeling. 
the period was unfortunately very boring. you were learning about the layers of the earth, and honestly, you weren't really paying attention. you were just doodling all over your paper. until you felt a pinch in your back. you turned around to see robin arellano. "you free after school today?" he whispered. you shook your head. "no, i have to work on a project with billy showalter. sorry." robin's eyebrows furrowed, confused. "huh? showalter? for real?" you nodded, shrugging with a smile before turning back to your paper.
you continued drawing before a piece of wrapped gum dropped on your paper with a smiley face and an '-R' written on it messily. you turned around, blowing robin a joking kiss. he 'caught it' in the air, and held it to his chest. you held your hand to your mouth, trying to stop yourself from laughing as you unfolded the gum wrapper and placing it in your mouth. 
the bell rang, the class was over. you didn't listen to whatever your teacher was saying, and you just packed your stuff to leave, stopping by the door to wait for a slow robin. he caught up to you, and you walked together.
"so, you and billy?" he asked. he had a teasing look on his face. what was it with people joking about you and billy? "yeah, i have a project with him in civics." robin rolled his eyes, looking off. "just say you're going out with him. i've seen you giving him heart eyes across the lunchroom before." you turned to him swiftly, pushing him harshly. "shut up! i do not!" you growled, a furious heat in your cheeks.  robin held his hands up, trying to defend himself from your wrath as he giggled uncontrollably. 
you sighed angrily. "i'm serious, though... its just a project," you mumbled. robin flashed a smile. "sure, okay. i'll see you later." you were about to make him stay so you could keep defending yourself, but you just sighed once more as you watched robin head off to his next class. you would keep getting teased. and you would be lying if you said you didn't have a crush on billy showalter.
you sat down in your next class, trying console yourself. it's not like you liked him that much. maybe the reason you disliked him at first, was because you wanted an excuse. but it was hard, with his stupid smile and his stupid laugh, and his stupid hair and his stupid job. it was stupid. you were stupid. you hated having crushes.
the rest of your classes went by faster.  they mostly consisted of you laying your head on the desk and sleeping, and or ignoring anyone who tried to ask what was wrong with you. the only person you'd answer was donna.
"you're a mess," she shook her head. you peeked up at her. "no kidding." she sighed, slumping down next to you. "maybe you should just talk to him." sitting up straighter, you took a deep breath. "i will. when i see him." 
donna looked at you pitifully. she knew how much you hated these type of things. you looked back at her, reading her eyes and sighing. "don't look at me like that. i'll get over it, i always do." donna pushed your arm slightly. "but do you want to get over it? it's nice when someone likes you, yknow," she told you. you didn't reply, you only put your head in your hands and groaned.
lunch came quickly. you sat down with robin, finney, donna, and gwen, chewing on an orange slice. they were talking about whatever while you zoned off, thinking about the upcoming week and your assignments. until there were fingers snapping in front of your face. you looked up to robin leaning toward you and snapping from across the table. you smacked his hand down with a growl. he sat back with a grin. "stop daydreaming about your boyfriend," he giggled. your eyebrows furrowed and you stood up in your seat, your hands placed firmly on the table. leaning forward, you gave robin a mouthful. "he is not my boyfriend!" you exclaimed with a heated face. finney and gwen looked at you both with puzzled expressions, while donna seemed concerned.
"leave them alone, robin," she whispered. taming your outburst, you looked away shamefully. you saw griffin and billy sitting with each other. and bruce yamada, was his name? sat with them, too.
"wait, you have a boyfriend?" gwen said dumbly. you sighed with a dry chuckle. "no. it's a long story." gwen and finney looked at each other before the curly haired boy shrugged. he looked at you again. "is it billy?" he questioned innocently. you shut your eyes tightly. "ugh," you groaned, and that told the siblings what they needed to know. 
you felt the dread set in your stomach as you walked to your period after lunch. it was funny to you how people described getting butterflies as a cute fluttery feeling. you didn't get those. it was more like fuzzy worms crawling inside your organs. both of them still came from the same thing however; and it was liking someone. the someone that happens to be out of your league, and the someone you completely denied your feelings for a few days ago. you huffed, you weren't gonna be a pussy about it.
you sat down in your seat, watching as students piled in after you. you didn't care, until billy walked in. your chest tightened a little and you watched him sit down in his seat, his hair framing his face perfectly. he looked back, and caught your eye. he gave you a comforting smile, and your heart squeezed, giving him a simple wave back.  
no! don't let him seduce you with his attractive antics! you furiously told yourself, placing your fuming head in your hands.
everyone was seated, your teacher beginning to speak. "settle down. settle down," she projected. people got quieter.
she interlaced her hands together. "alright, this period will be dedicated to working on your project. i will pass out a paper to fill in information, but remember it will have to be put on a project board. you may use your notes for it aswell," your classmates got louder once again. she cleared her throat angrily. "don't think this is a free period. i will be watching you and making sure you're actually working," she snapped. they muttered words under their breath.
"thank you. now, you may join with your partner while i pass out the paper."
everyone stood up, giggling and gossiping. you pushed your chair back dramatically, making your way to billy. you made eye contact, but you immediately looked away as you sat next to him. "hey," he greeted. "hi," you replied.
he coughed awkwardly when your teacher came to you, giving you one paper. you looked up at her confusedly. "don't we need another?" she nearly rolled her eyes at you. "we're sharing," she sighed. you slumped down in your seat slightly at her annoyed tone as she walked away. 
billy looked at you again. "so, do you have any ideas?" he asked. he wanted to get you talking. he wanted you to talk to him, and hear your voice.
you perked up. "yeah! i do. i actually went to the library this morning because it felt like you were doing all the work, and you're probably smarter than me and i wanted to carry my own weight, y'know? so i got a book," you rambled, taking out the hardcover book. you mentally pinched yourself at what you said. sometimes billy made you want to talk ten times more or never talk again. the latter seemed more appealing when you looked up to see an embarrassed look on his face, his cheeks flushed. 
"i-i'm sorry," you stuttered. "i didn't mean-" you cleared your throat. just stop talking, you screamed internally.
"you're smart, too," billy mumbled. you almost crumpled the paper from how tight you gripped it. you laughed nervously, averting your eyes to the paper. you tapped your pen anxiously on the table, extremely aware of the noise it made. "so, do you still want me to come over after school? to study, i mean. you got the supplies, right?" billy nodded at you. "yeah, i did. my mom freaked out i was having a friend over."
you stopped tapping the pen. "oh, was she not expecting it? sorry," you fretted. billy shook his head. "no, no." he looked away bashfully. "it's just, erm. she- uh," the boy stuttered. he cleared his throat when he saw you blink. "nevermind," he muttered. 
it took a lot in you not to laugh at his embarrassment. and billy recalled the conversation he had the previous morning with his mother, and it made him even more embarrassed.
he had just gotten back from delivering papers, feeling extra good about the gratitude he saw on your face. his dog barged in before him, alerting his mother standing by the coffee maker.
"what took you so long?" she tapped the counter suspiciously. billy hung up his bright jacket on the hook by the door. "i delivered an extra," he replied. his mother sighed. "you know you're supposed to stick to your route, billy."
he shrugged, sliding into a chair at the table. "it was just someone from school.." he said shyly. unbeknownst to him, the woman felt a knowing switch in her mind. 
"and i hope you don't mind them coming over after school. we have a project together," he stated innocently. she folded her arms, a grin on her face. "are you two dating?" 
billy choked. "mom! no, i- they're just-" he stumbled over his words angrily, a furious flush on his face. he stood up, stomping upstairs to his room while his mother giggled. 
he shook his head back into the present. "let's just work on this," he sighed loudly. you grinned at him warmly.
the class period consisted of billy doing most of the talking. he was really serious about school. you would add on your own knowledge and he would smile excitedly and scribble it down on the note paper. it made the wormy feeling in your stomach disappear. maybe the worms actually turned into butterflies.
eventually you took out the book you had checked out after you two went through all of the notes. you opened it up to the table of contents, sliding it over between you two and letting billy read the contents. you pointed your finger at a chapter, "i thought this one had a lot of good information." he nodded, flipping the paper to the right page number and leaning towards you to read what was inside. you held your breath as you saw the details of his face, the curl of his eyelashes. he looked up at you again to find you were already staring, and he swallowed, leaning back after he saw your face close to his. 
you checked your watch awkwardly. "it's almost time to go. we can finish the notes at your house, yeah?" you asked. billy agreed. "yeah."
the teacher tried to tell everyone goodbye, but without success. the bell rung and everyone bolted. you waited for billy by the door as he got his stuff, and you two walked out together. 
the halls were crowded, you and billy pressed shoulder to shoulder to get through without running into someone. you felt a sharp tug at the back of your hood, making you step backwards and grab billy's shoulder for balance, making him stop as well. 
you turned around to see robin with a shit-eating grin on his face, looking from you to billy and back to you. huffing, you fixed your hood. "you scared the shit out of me. come on, you're crowding the halls," you snapped, taking robins hand and dragging him forward next to you and billy as you kept walking. the bandana wearing boy couldn't help but giggle at you two, and you almost pushed him into the wall telling him to shut up.
you made it out of the school, turning to robin. "fuck you," you said bluntly. he held a hand to his heart, "you make me blush." you sighed. "you make me blush too, unfortunately. tell finney and gwen i'll see them tomorrow, i'm going with billy for the project."
robin winked at you. "right, the project." you held back an angry remark, holding your breath instead and grabbing billy. "let's go.." you muttered. the blonde smiled awkwardly as he led you to the bike rack by the school. 
you stopped as you watched him put in the lock combination for the bike. he held the handlebars. "wait, i don't have a bike," you said quickly. billy hesitated. "oh, right."
he thought for a moment. "you can ride on the back. just.. hold on," he told you, swinging his leg over. you nodded slowly, stepping over and sitting down, holding onto the sides of the bike. to say this was a very awkward situation was a huge understatement. nevertheless, billy pushed onto the pedals, harder because of your extra weight. he tried very hard to not show how weird he felt in the moment. he had scooted forward so you had room to sit, but it was tight, and you were nearly pressed against his back. he didn't know if it was the sun but he felt incredibly warm in the moment.
he must have ridden over a tree root, because you both felt a bump, and you reached forward on instinct and clutched billy's shoulder so you wouldn't fall over. "sorry," you breathed onto his back. "it's fine," he said. no, it wasn't fine, he almost crashed the bike but it was okay, he didn't want you to fall.
finally, you arrived at his house. you stared up in awe at it, the front door a pretty blue color. you finally jumped off the bike, billy kicking the kickstand down by his garage. "sorry if my mom is weird," billy told you, unlocking the front door with the key in his pocket. 
he opened it, and you walked in. the inside was even prettier. you knew billy lived in a pretty white kid home, but it was still nice. until you heard barking, and saw a golden blur and felt a pressure on your chest. you were on the ground now, a golden heap of fur between your legs and barking at you. now winded, billy's dog began to lick your fingers. 
he immediately grabbed it, yelling "no," or "bad dog." you held yourself up with your hands. billy turned to you after calming his pet down, rushing to help you up and rambling nervously. "are you okay?" "i'm so sorry," "are you hurt?" he helped you up on your feet, and you patted his shoulder reassuringly. "i'm okay, don't worry." he sighed. 
"who's this?" a voice said. you turned your head, to see a woman with a striking resemblance to the boy next to you. puffy blonde hair, with pink lips and glittery blue eyeshadow. you smiled. "hi, i'm billy's friend. i came to work on a project with him, i hope you don't mind." the woman smiled, flashing her pearly white teeth. "oh, yes! billy told me about you, it's so nice to meet you!" she gushed, grabbing your hand and clasping it between her red nail painted hands. 
"would you like anything to eat, or drink?" she asked cheerfully. you shook your head. "i'm okay. thank you, ms. showalter." 
she smiled. "of course. you two hurry on up and get your work done," she ushered. you and billy looked at each other. he pointed to the stairs.
you sat down on a chair in his room, spinning and admiring the interior. the habitat of billy showalter. he had a few posters up, and a messily made bed. "cool room," you said. he sat down on his bed, opening his notes. "thanks. i have the poster board over there, so we can start working on it now," he got straight to the point. you sighed, throwing you head back as you spun. "oh, right," you groaned. 
billy stopped for a moment, watching you spin around endlessly, and then back to the binder in his hands. he looked back up. "we don't have to do this, you know." 
you stopped spinning, feeling dizzy as you turned to him. "i thought you wanted to?" you asked, confused. he sighed. "you think i actually like doing schoolwork?" you bounced your leg. "yeah, you're like, the grade golden boy," you stated, waving your hand around. billy shrugged. "i'm still a teenager."
you watched him as he put the binder back in his backpack. "then what did i come here for?" ouch. did you not want to be here? billy inhaled. "we could do teenager stuff?" 
"i don't do drugs!" you said frantically. billy stuttered in shock. "i don't either! i meant like, cards or something!" 
you blinked. oh, that was embarrassing. you couldn't ever see billy doing that stuff either. "okay, okay, good. keep being golden."
speaking of golden, billy's dog burst through the door, trotting laps around you and the boy excitedly. you ran your hands through its thick fur, it turned around to sniff and invade your personal space in reply. you laughed, it tickling your ears with its breath. "what's the name?" you asked. billy watched you carefully. he was glad you liked dogs. "cooper." you rubbed cooper's ears, staring into his big black eyes. "he's cute."
he watched you, his heart swelling. he was really, really glad you liked dogs. 
"so, you got a girlfriend?" you asked out of the blue. you were actually curious. not that you would be jealous or anything. he just looked at you, a furrow in his brow. "what? no." you looked at him in return. "a boyfriend..?" billy shook his head furiously. "i don't have anyone." you gave him an 'oh' face. he hesitated, looking away. "do you?" 
you set your hands in your lap, cooper licking your fingers. "no, i don't. do you like anyone?"
"maybe," he replied. "what about you?"
you broke eye contact sheepishly. "maybe." 
it was quiet for a few moments, neither of you looking at each other. you coughed. "so, what about those cards?" billy got up from his bed, you on the floor. he got the pack of cards from his bedside and sat down on the floor directly in front of you. "you know how to play uno?" you squinted. you had seen them in the grab 'n go, but you never cared to buy them. "no." 
he smiled at you. that god awful, perfect smile that made you want to crush him. "cool, i'll teach you then." 
he distributed the cards between you, each getting seven. you had grinned idiotically while you watched him struggle to shuffle the cards. 
"okay, so basically, you have to match the card to the one the other person puts down. so if i put down a green 8, you have to put down a green card or an 8. but there are also special cards, and they can make the other person draw more cards, or skip them. but the objective is to get rid of all your cards. you get rid of them, you win. got it?" he looked up at you from his eyelashes. you nodded. he explained it well. "okay."
he set down his card. a red 4. you looked through your cards, making sure he didn't see any as you set down a red card. he set down his, and it kept going between you. either of you would put down a plus two or plus four and the other would groan dramatically, the other laughing. billy won, eventually. so you played again, over and over. and billy beat you every time.
"you've gotta be cheating," you huffed. you were a sore loser. he squinted. "beginners.. misfortune?" he said questionably. you threw your cards up. "man, thats not even a thing, you just wanna make me feel better." he chuckled at you. "yeah." billy scratched cooper's chin. he sat next to both of you the entire time, wagging his tail when either of you got excited. 
you were interrupted when billy's mom called you and him from downstairs. "i made dinner!" she sang. you checked your watch. "ah, i didn't realize it was that time."
billy and you headed downstairs. you smelt the food she prepared, and it smelt good. "thank you for dinner, mrs. showalter. i hope you don't mind." she set down the hot plates on the table, your silverware already out and ready. "of course not! billy's father is coming home late because of work, so i really appreciate the company. and billy does, too," she winked at you, making your cheeks warm. you sat down at the table, billy across from you next to his mom. she instructed you to eat, and you started. it was delicious, noodles and cheese and bacon bits sprinkled on the top. good thing you remembered your table manners, or else you would have wolfed the whole thing down.
"so, you two. how's the project going on?" she asked you. you stopped eating for a moment, looking at billy who was already looking at you. you tried to hold back a smile. "it's, uh, going good. we have the notes ready." 
she nodded. "that's good." it was silent after that, just the sound of the forks on the plate as you ate. you looked at billy again, who was trying to hide his smile as well. you decided not to tell her that you two were just playing cards the whole time.
you all finished up, bringing your plates to the sink to wash them. "billy, would you take out the trash, please?" his mother asked over her shoulder. he nodded, pulling the trash bag out of the trashcan and leaving your view. mrs. showalter stood next to you, drying the plates you cleaned. "so, are you two dating?" she asked innocently. 
heat bloomed in your cheeks, and you scrubbed a little harder. "aha, no, it's not like that, we're just friends." whether you were trying to convince her or yourself, it didn't work. she sighed. "denial, denial. from a mother, i see how my boy looks at you. and i see how you look at him. look a little harder, okay?" she murmured sweetly. you handed her the last plate. you hated it, but she was right. 
billy came back, and told you it was getting late. almost 7:00. you went upstairs to retrieve your stuff to go home. 
you had to say something to him now. "i never got to thank you, by the way. for the newspaper," you said slowly, slinging your backpack over your shoulder. billy was sat on his bed.
he shrugged. "it's no big deal."
you sat down next to him, looking away and fiddling with your fingers. "no, it is. i don't know why you did it. but thank you."
thats why billy did it. he would never admit, but he was a sucker for praise. hearing it coming from you felt ten times better. he could have kissed you, if you were looking at him.
"you're welcome," he whispered. 
you turned to face him. his heart was beating, and he wouldn't be surprised if you could hear it. the air felt thicker and heavier than it did a minute ago, as he stared at your face, which seemed to get closer the more he looked.
his eyes were so pretty, and so brown. his skin seemed glowier than it did in school. 
you looked away again, trying to steady your breath. "christ, showalter." 
billy frowned. "what is it?"
you ran your fingers through your hair. "i don't even know. you make me feel things i don't want to," you huffed. billy's chest squeezed. reluctantly, he touched his pinkie to your hand next to his. you flinched slightly, but interlocked pinkies with the boy. a simple, innocent gesture that made you feel fuzzy. 
you inhaled sharply. "i should go home now," you said quietly.
billy stood up, holding his hand out for you to take it. fighting a smile, you slid your hand in his and got up.
"you're free to come any time," mrs. showalter said gently. "it's our pleasure having you here," she winked. you grinned faintly, thanking her for her hospitality.
"i'll walk you home," billy volunteered. you furrowed your brow, "are you sure? i know its-"
"no, i want to walk you," he insisted. you nodded, smiling at him. "okay."
he pushed the door open for you. the sun was down, the sky a beautiful mix of purple and orange. you walked silently, side by side with the delivery boy, your hands interlocked. 
you didn't want to hide your feelings from him anymore. when you did, you felt that wormy feeling. but when you were with billy, it wasn't there. mrs showalter was right, he did look at you. he saw you. he saw the way your hair rounded over your head, the curve of your brow and the dip in your nose. he saw the way you looked away when you got shy, and the way you fidgeted and held your fingers, and the way you would flinch ever so slightly when he made contact with you. and he loved every part of it.
you saw billy, not just in the halls, or on the streets. you saw the corner of his lips twitching upward into a smile, the scars on his palms, the golden glow of his brown eyes. and you were attracted to him.
your house got closer, the slightly scratched up door in your line of sight as you walked beside billy on the sidewalk.
just say it.
you breathed. "i think i like you, billy." 
both of you kept walking. you didn't hear the quickened pace of his heartbeat, or see the growing hotness in his cheeks, or feel the slight sweatiness of his palms.
"i think i like you, too."
you stopped, your front door not even 15 yards away now. you turned to him, slowly. he looked at you, from the corner of his eye. you gave him a closed-mouth smile, to which he smiled back instinctively. a pure, genuine smile. both of you laughed slightly, your hands still interlocked. 
you felt weird now, like you had just taken multiple shots of pure caffeine. but you stayed in place, your knees threatening to give way as you and billy showalter stared at each other.
you slipped a hand into your pocket. "right, i, uh. i wanted to pay you back for, everything. i owed you," you told him awkwardly, holding out the crumpled dollar bills. he frowned at you, asking if you were sure, that it was really okay and you didn't have to pay him. 
you shook your head. "no, i want to. let me do this." you flipped his hand over, sliding the money in his hand. "so we're even now." 
he closed his hand around the money, a smile growing on his face. "yeah, we are." 
you averted your eyes bashfully, looking to the ground. his converse were almost touching yours, by an inch. you stepped back, a sweet, nervous look on your face.
"i'll see you, then?" you said unsteadily, backing towards your house.
billy nodded, shuffling his feet. "yeah. you bet." 
you grinned, your fingers wrapping around your doorknob. "okay. bye, billy." 
he raised his hand in response, watching you close the door, and standing there for a second before turning around and making way back to his house. all with a stupid smile on his face.
you stood behind the door for a while, rubbing your eyes and your warm cheeks. it felt like a dream. a really good dream.
you ran immediately to your room, ignoring the yelps of your dog and your parents greeting as you dialed donna's number with shaky hands.
you liked billy showalter, a lot.
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enigmaticexplorer · 2 months
I Yearn, and so I Fear - Chapter XIV
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General Summary. Nearly a year since the Galactic Empire’s rise to power, Kazi Ennari is trying to survive. But her routine is interrupted—and life upended—when she’s forced to cohabitate with former Imperial soldiers. Clone soldiers. 
Pairing. Commander Wolffe x female!OC
General Warnings. Canon-typical violence and assault, familial struggles, terminal disease, bigotry, explicit sexual content, death. This story deals with heavy content. If you’re easily triggered, please do not read. For a more comprehensive list of tags, click here.
Fic Rating. E (explicit)/18+/Minors DNI.
Chapter Word Count. 4.7K
Beta. @starstofillmydream
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9 Yelona
The stool at the kitchen bar sat empty. 
Kazi finished her porridge, staring at the chrono on the wall. Her heart limped with disappointment. It was pathetic. Wolffe hadn’t shown the last two mornings. Why would he appear today?
The first day—the morning after the Harvest Festival—she assumed he was recovering from the firework fiasco. Yesterday she questioned his absence but rationalized that he wanted to prepare his brothers for their mission. Today she couldn’t ignore the obvious explanation.
Wolffe was avoiding her. 
The disappointment constricting her lungs was pitiful. They were nothing, hardly friends, and yet she missed him. Months of mornings spent together, even if those moments lapsed into mutual silence, had created a new dynamic in her life she appreciated. 
Realization of her predicament—realization of a new vulnerability in her life—soured her last spoonful of porridge. Her disappointment at Wolffe’s lacking presence was a problem. She spent years isolating herself, years choosing solitude in order to protect herself from eventual loneliness. When she chose solitude for herself, she was in control. And no one could hurt her—no one could abandon her—if she didn’t allow them in.
But she fucked up. 
Somehow, Wolffe had worked his way into her routine, and by extension, her life. She had carved a piece of herself open and allowed him to settle inside. 
The incipience of fear stalked the edge of her mind. A predator lurking. Awaiting the ideal moment to pounce. 
Soft footsteps snagged her attention but it wasn’t Wolffe. Bunny-eared slippers emerged from the staircase. She hid her disappointment behind a forced rictus.
Neyti wandered to the table and sipped her lemon juice—the sole evidence Wolffe maintained part of his morning routine. The juice and the lumina berries he still sliced and chunked for both her and Neyti. It didn’t make sense, and she had agonized over his contradictory actions for hours last night. 
Frustration ground her teeth and stiffened her shoulders. Frustration and annoyance with the unnamed feelings encroaching on her control. 
While Neyti ate her breakfast, Kazi cleaned the kitchen. Padded footsteps alerted her to Daria’s arrival but her sister ignored her, smiling and greeting Neyti. Daria heated water for her tea, and once it was steaming, she made her way to the sunroom, most likely to start a new embroidery project. 
Counters cleaned and floor vacuumed, Kazi washed her hands, her traitorous gaze wandering to the white bookcase. She considered rewashing the counters but a wave from Neyti caught her attention. She beckoned her closer and Kazi obliged.
Sheepishly, Neyti lifted her hairbrush, gesturing to the hair ties she had meticulously lined along the table. She pointed from the brush to Kazi. 
Kazi smiled smally. “Do you want me to do your hair?” 
With an eager nod, Neyti handed her the hairbrush. 
“What type of hairstyle are we thinking?” Kazi asked, eyeing the hair ties.
Color darkened Neyti’s cheeks and she shifted in her seat, shyly pointing to Kazi’s hair. 
“Okay.” Her throat bobbed and Kazi motioned for Neyti to spin in her chair. “We can do braids.”
Neyti clasped her hands tightly in her lap, her hair tumbling halfway down her back, softer than an owl’s feather. Usually Daria styled Neyti’s hair, her skill more adept. A curious part of Kazi wondered why Neyti asked for her help this morning. 
A part down the middle and Kazi began. The muscle movement was familiar; the rhythm returned, natural and carefree.  
When she was a little girl, she braided Daria’s hair every morning before school. They matched. Even their outfits complimented one another. Purple dress to yellow matching set. Pale blue skirt to muted orange frock. 
She missed those moments with Daria. Missed their outings to the lighthouse, their chattered stories, their gleeful wanderings on the ocean’s shores. 
Most of all, she missed their friendship. The utter faith Daria beheld within her; the pride she experienced when Daria won the six-year-old spelling bee competition; the unwavering companionship that endured the tumultuous waves of childhood. 
Kazi shook away the ache of old memories and the yearning for times long lost, tying off the two braids. Neyti patted her hair. Satisfaction brightened her features and slowly, like the sun cresting the jungle’s hills amidst the morning fog, she broke into a wide, toothy grin. Matching dimples creased her cheeks and Kazi could only stare, admiring the girl’s growing confidence. 
A muffled swish interrupted their moment. Kazi glanced over her shoulder, her heart stumbling at the sight of Wolffe. 
The smile she felt forming quickly dissipated, though, when she noticed the black suit he donned. Armored in the chest and biceps, it was the suit the men wore for their missions. Behind Wolffe, Fox and Nova wore similar attire. Cody was dressed casually in his button-down shirt and trousers. 
Wolffe held her gaze, his expression forcibly bored. 
Disregarding the pinch in her chest, Kazi nudged Neyti. “Why don’t you brush your teeth and put on your shoes, and then we’ll leave. Okay?”
Neyti nodded, collecting her hair supplies and disappearing up the stairs, a toothless smile on her face as she passed the men. 
Gathering Neyti’s dishes, Kazi approached the sink. A quick rinse gave her the time to neutralize her anger into casual disinterest, and she dried her hands on a towel, remarking, “You’re leaving.”
“Should be a quick pick-up,” Cody said, leaning against the bar, hands in his pockets. “No more than a day or two.”
“You’re not going.” The statement was aimed at Cody but her attention rested on Wolffe. 
A muscle clenched in his jaw and Cody shook his head. His eyes roved across her face, skeptical in their assessment, and he excused himself with a tight nod, aiming for the sunroom. 
Behind her, Fox and Nova were preparing a quick meal, their voices low and humored. She ignored them, setting aside the towel, rounding the corner of the bar to stand before Wolffe. Tension lined the rigid muscles of his shoulders; wariness darkened the planes of his face.
“I guess this means you won’t be hiking with Neyti and me today,” she said. 
Wolffe levelled her with an impassive look. “I have more important things to do.”
She smiled mockingly. “Sure.” 
Searching his face—searching for an explanation, a hint of the steadfast trust she had come to associate with him—she turned away and headed for the front door. A minute later and Neyti bounded down the stairs. Sunscreen smudged her forehead and nose and Kazi laughed, smoothing the smears. Neyti beamed at her. 
Kazi shouldered her small pack filled with their water and lunch, glancing once more at Wolffe. He was scowling at the kitchen bar. 
Resentment oiled her blood, thick and heavy, and she looked away, refusing to acknowledge the emotion burning the back of her throat.
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Gray, rocky mountains sculpted the interior of Ceaia’s continents. Peaked with thick blankets of snow and barren except for purple shrubbery, the mountains provided intense hiking endeavors for zealot adventurers, as well as enjoyably difficult trails for the less enthusiastic. 
Though Kazi preferred the vast expanse of the ocean, she spent lots of time hiking in the mountains with her mother and Daria. A couple hours enduring the rocky trails, the air always carrying an insatiable chill, they would stop and picnic.   
The hikes were interrupted by her mother’s interest in certain plants. Kneeling in the gravelly dirt, her mother explained the unique qualities of each flower and then showed her and Daria how to properly collect the specimen for preservation. Plant specimens brimmed their packs upon their return. 
Secluded among the rocky confines, her mother seemed happiest. She was patient with her teachings and encouraging when Kazi and Daria showed interest. 
Hiking as a trio concluded the day Kazi’s father died. 
However, on certain days when she returned from school, Kazi swore her mother had snuck out to the mountains. Windswept hair and rosy cheeks heightened her suspicions. Her mother never admitted to it. Hiking wasn’t conducive to a woman’s duty, and therefore, frowned upon. 
The humidity of Eluca’s verdant jungles slicked her skin, drawing Kazi from memories best forgotten, and she paused, tilting her head back to the sky. 
Curvaceous leaves swooned from the canopied treetops and shaded the trailhead. Every so often she and Neyti had emerged in an open clearing. The sun’s rays knifed her skin, branding her with its heat. An hour into the hike, she reapplied sunscreen to both herself and Neyti. 
Despite her strong distaste for humidity—growing up in a dry and cool climate made it difficult to acclimatize—her body felt awake. Muscles in her thighs and hamstrings stretched and hardened; her calves groaned from the unusual exertion, so used to swimming.
“We’re almost there,” Kazi said, brushing her dirty hands down her black long-sleeve.
Relying on her hands to climb atop a boulder, Neyti lifted her sweaty face. A twig protruded from a braid and Kazi wasn’t sure when or how it appeared. She plucked it away and Neyti offered her a bashful giggle.
A hundred meters later and they arrived at the outlook. 
Overlooking Hollow’s Town, with a view of the capital on the horizon, the outlook proved a popular picnicking spot for locals. A handful of faded signs lined the sheer hill’s railing. 
They spent a few minutes at the signs, Kazi explaining the outlook’s history to Neyti, before settling among a shady spot beneath a tree. 
While Kazi unpacked veggie sandwiches, washed berries, and fried crisps, Neyti pawed through the bag, eyebrows stitched in concentration. Her head disappeared in the burlap and when she reemerged, triumph glimmered in her eyes. In her hands was the daily note Kazi usually slipped into her school lunch.
Slightly embarrassed, Kazi watched Neyti peruse the note. All these months and she never knew if Neyti read the notes.
Now, she had her answer.
Today, the note was simple: One day we’ll go sailing at sea.
Neyti mused the note for a long moment. Seemingly satisfied, she folded and tucked the note into a pocket of her pink shorts, reaching for a veggie sandwich and taking a large bite.  
For a while, they ate in silence. 
Eating her food slower than usual, Neyti scanned the endless green of the horizon. Confusion frowned her features. She finished her sandwich and retrieved the note from her pocket. Another minute passed as she reread it. 
Puzzled by her confusion, Kazi set aside her second sandwich. “Do you need me to read it?”
Neyti shook her head. Adamantly. She considered the note, pointing from it to the horizon, and shrugged. 
Kazi cocked her head to the side, bemused. 
Neyti exhaled a frustrated sigh. She leaned forward and pointed at the word sea and then pointed at the horizon.
“Oh.” Kazi relaxed back on her hands. “Eluca doesn’t have any seas.”
Neyti’s slow, unimpressed blink explained she was well aware of that fact. Most likely remembering it from the field trip to the Museum of Nature and Science.
“Are you confused about the note?” Neyti nodded, and Kazi rolled a berry between her finger and thumb. “I thought maybe one day we could visit the ocean.”
The moment the words left her mouth she grimaced. Leaving Eluca to visit an ocean wasn’t possible. Travel offworld was dangerous and expensive, and a random ocean would never compare to the breathtaking beauty of Ceaia’s ninety-eight percent planetary water coverage. 
Soon, Neyti wouldn’t even live with her. 
Sometimes she forgot. She forgot Neyti would be adopted, and she forgot the Empire existed, and she forgot bad things happened, so she allowed people to get close to her. 
But sometimes she wanted to forget. If only to feel alive for just a moment.
Neyti grinned, tentative excitement brightening her features, and she slipped the folded note back into her pocket. 
Mentally berating herself, Kazi loosed a breath, tossing aside her berry. It was cruel of her to raise Neyti’s hopes, and she needed to clarify the situation. 
“Neyti,” she started. “I’m sorry, but—”
The approach of three figures interrupted and Kazi stiffened, eyeing the women. 
“Kazi Lucien, yes?” the first woman asked. Dressed in a golden pantsuit that complimented her tight curls and black umber skin, she extended a hand. “I’m Heracli. Steiner’s mom.”
Recognition flickered through Kazi—Heracli had offered her the ale at the Harvest Festival—and a quick survey of the other two women revealed they were parents of Neyti’s classmates, too. 
Pushing herself to her feet, she accepted Heracli’s handshake, aware of her sweaty hands and dirty hair. Her athletic outerwear contrasted the neatly ironed clothes Heracli and the other two women wore. She bit back a rueful chuckle at her unluck. 
“These are Mede and Eris,” Heracli said, gesturing to her two friends. “All of our younglings are in the same class as Neyti.”
Kazi nodded at the other two women. Mede, white hair cropped to the shoulders and skin a bronzed brown, managed a falsely cheerful smile. Beside her, Eris—a curvy woman with white skin and darker hair—offered a curt nod. 
Returning her attention to Heracli, Kazi caught the woman’s quick assessment. Like Heracli was gauging her in a way that belied her affable demeanor. 
“We saw you and Neyti”—Heracli waved at Neyti who narrowed her eyes—“and we thought it best to introduce ourselves. The children’s class is so tight-knit, as you know, and since they’ll all be together for the next twelve years, fostering positive relationships is important to us.”
Based on Mede and Eris’s shared look, the two women didn’t agree with Heracli’s sentiment. 
Networking events with the upper echelons had prepared Kazi for different sets of social schemes. She knew how to blend into the crowd and deliver expected responses. Her mother trained her well, in that regard. So this encounter, while an irritant, wasn’t unnavigable.
“Thank you for the introductions,” Kazi said, her smile perfunctory. 
Before she could end the conversation, Heracli leaned toward Neyti. “Steiner, Lares, and Timé are eating their lunch right over there. You should join them.”
Apprehension wrinkled Neyti’s mouth and she glanced at Kazi. 
“That’s alright,” Kazi said, keeping her voice light and friendly. “We were just about to finish—”
“Of course, of course.” Heracli turned toward a picnic table a few meters away and beckoned to the three younglings—two girls and one boy. “The children can join us, instead.”
A few minutes later and the three younglings were seated beneath the shade of the tree. Disgruntled by the move, they ate their lunches in silence, throwing one another dirty looks. Mede and Eris seemed to share their children’s discontentment, but they withheld their opinions. 
While the younglings ate, Heracli explained the school events to expect in the upcoming months—spirit week, the winter play, sporting competitions, the spring musical. Kazi listened with half an ear, keeping an eye on Neyti. The little girl ate her lunch quietly, studying her classmates with her typical shrewdness. At one point, Lares whispered something to Timé and the two younglings laughed, their gazes darting to Neyti. 
Damning false relations with Neyti’s classmates’ parents, Kazi almost intervened. But Steiner, whose wavy hair crested her shoulders, leaned toward Neyti and offered her half of her cookie. Neyti considered the cookie and then the girl. Her shoulders hunched.
“We can share.” Steiner waved the cookie emphatically. “I don’t mind.”
Suspicious, Neyti accepted the cookie, taking a small bite. She swallowed and, to Kazi’s surprise, extended her half-finished bag of crisps to Steiner. A grin revealed two front missing teeth. Kazi started to relax—
“Where exactly is Neyti’s father?”
The question jerked her back into the adults’ conversation and she stiffened at the cynical curiosity in Eris’s tone. 
“He’s not around,” Kazi said, munching on a berry.
Eris pouted. “It must be so difficult to raise a child all on your own. It’s no wonder Neyti is the way she is.” 
“Eris,” Heracli chastised, her gaze darting nervously to Kazi. But Kazi wasn’t paying attention to Heracli. 
From the corner of her eye, Neyti paused mid-bite of her cookie. A troubled expression darkened her features. Tilting her head to the side, she stared at Eris, her lips pressing in a thin line.
A quiet rage, like the receding waves of the ocean before a tsunami, shuddered through Kazi. Slowly, she levelled a disparaging glare on Eris. 
“I wouldn’t expect you to know anything about Neyti’s character”—the edge to her voice cut through the chatter of nearby groups—“unless you spend lots of time at the school. Which then begs the question: Why are you needed there so often?”
Eris’s eyes widened at the blatant innuendo. She quickly recovered, offering Kazi a patronizing smile. “It is a miracle Neyti is normal, outside of her speech impediment, considering her lack of stability.”
Kazi scoffed.
“I saw you interact with quite a few men at the Harvest Festival,” Mede added. Her nose wrinkled. “Have you considered Neyti’s well-being when introducing random, grown men into her life?”
The insinuation lacing Mede’s question was stronger than a hit of raw spice, and Kazi arched an eyebrow, holding Mede’s sneer. 
Eris and Mede could muse and gossip about her life all they wanted. She was prepared for it. As soon as Neyti was adopted, she knew the gossipmongers would leer at her. She was willing to accept the disdain and accusations so long as Neyti received the life she deserved. Received the happiness, and stability, and contentment all children deserved. 
So Kazi weathered the women’s condescension with a bland smile. 
“Perhaps we should be on our way.” Heracli released a nervous laugh, patting her curls. A sympathetic grimace crossed her features, and she whispered to Kazi, “I’m sorry.”
The moment the three mothers and their younglings left, Kazi regained her spot on the knobby ground. Beneath the shade of the trees, an uncomfortable chill cooled the sweat licking her spine. She searched Neyti’s face, trying to read the girl’s indecipherable expression. But Neyti refused to meet her gaze. Instead, she was sealing the food containers and repacking the bag.
“Neyti,” Kazi said softly. 
Neyti’s shoulders curled inwards and Kazi sighed, her heart cracking. 
“Hey.” She rested a gentle hand on Neyti’s knee and squeezed. Neyti froze, blinking rapidly. “Those women don’t know you. They’ve never met you. They’ve never talked to you. They don’t know anything about you.”
Neyti sniffled, wiping her nose on her shirt.
“But I do. I know you, and Daria knows you, and Mr. Wolffe and Mr. Cody and Mr. Fox and Mr. Nova know you, and they all like you,” Kazi said. 
Scrubbing her face, Neyti lifted her face. Tears stormed her gray eyes. Her lower lip trembled and a tear slid down her cheek. Kazi brushed it away, quietly murmuring, “Daria and I love you, okay? And I’m so, so happy to have you in my life.”
Neyti broke. A muffled sob wracked her chest and she flung herself into Kazi’s lap.
Kazi froze. Her body tensed. 
Tiny arms clung to her shoulders. Sobs whimpered into her chest. 
Slowly, she looped her arms around Neyti, holding her close. Stroking her hair. Remembering a time so long ago when her mother used to comfort her. But words evaded her.
So, in a hoarse whisper, she repeated over and over the only thing she could think of, “I’ve got you.”
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13 Yelona
The house stood silent, swallowed by Eluca’s jungle and lost to the darkness of a cloudy night.
Kazi was finishing a report for the rebel network—a pattern of increased encrypted communications between Magistrate Aro and Moff Harpy caught her attention—and she smothered a yawn with her hand. Though the night was young, her eyes were drooping. A subtle headache throbbed behind her eyes, like a child jamming a toy where it didn’t fit. She massaged her temple and looked outside the kitchen windows.
The flicker of a lantern shadowed Daria and Cody. They were seated on the porch, having pulled two chairs to the side of the house, and were enjoying the remnants of the pie Kazi and Neyti had baked yesterday evening. 
Kazi stared, envying the amiability between her sister and Cody—the simple friendship built on a shared interest in cooking. The casual ease in which they interacted. Cody had known Daria for less than a year, and yet they were closer than the sisters had been in a decade. 
Envy and bitterness bubbled inside her and Kazi rubbed at her chest, trying to quiet the internal fight. She cared about the deterioration between her and Daria. But some days she didn’t. She felt guilty, but she also resented her self-blame, believing Daria at fault, too. She wanted to mend their relationship, but she refused to take the first step.
Resting her face in her hands, Kazi heaved a heavy sigh. Daria wasn’t her only problem.
Since the hike four days ago, Neyti was quieter. Less social. She spent the last two evenings outside, leaning against one of the elder trees while she sketched. Both nights, though, she grew so frustrated with her artwork she stormed inside, crumbled the sketches, and slammed them into the bin. Her agitated stomps shook the staircase.
Kazi didn’t know how to help her. So far, her sole solution was distracting Neyti with baking—bread, cookies, pie—and reading from a book as they ate their dessert. But it wasn’t enough. 
It was never enough.
Dropping her gaze to the curtain rod sitting beside her datapad, Kazi toyed with the broken piece. The curtain collapsed atop her when she was knitting two nights ago. A greenish bruise still marred the top of her shoulder.   
She needed to replace the rod. 
She hadn’t found the energy to do so, yet. 
Paint was peeling from the baseboards of the living area. She made a mental note to fix that, as well.
And a bulb in the upstairs hallway was out. It needed to be replaced, too.
Her hands twitched and her foot started to shake—
The swish of the front door interrupted the silence and she straightened, eyeing the return of Nova, Fox, and Wolffe. A hasty search of their faces—relaxed, albeit tired features—confirmed the success of their mission. 
All three dropped duffel bags beside the bookcase. Kazi caught a brief glimpse of Wolffe’s apathetic expression as he tucked a worn notebook into his bag before focusing her attention on Fox and Nova.
“There’s leftover pie,” she said, standing from the table. “If you want any.”
“A special Ennari recipe?” Fox winked as he trudged into the kitchen. 
She smiled tiredly. “Something like that.” 
While Fox and Nova dished themselves dessert, Kazi shut off her datapad, refusing to look in Wolffe’s direction. The mere sight of him made her muscles pull taut and her teeth grit.
Fox and Nova rounded the kitchen bar, plates heaping with pie. To Kazi’s bemusement, Fox knocked his shoulder against Wolffe’s. A sharp glint of warning darkened his face. Wolffe levelled his brother with an antipathetic glare in return.  
“Thanks for the pie,” Nova said as he passed Kazi, heading for the sunroom. Fox nodded his own gratitude, a curious shrewdness wrinkling his forehead.
The sudden quiet was cold, the kitchen’s emptiness ominous. Like the dark, sinuous caves near Outlook Harbor where a handful of younglings and juveniles went missing over the years.  
Kazi glanced at the chrono. She could wash the dishes tomorrow morning. It wasn’t like Wolffe would be there, anyway. 
Making her way to the staircase, she refused to acknowledge his presence. Refused to acknowledge the fresh scar beneath his chin. 
“Ennari.” His voice was rougher, worn, and she hesitated on the first stairstep. “You’re upset with me.”
A scornful scoff grated her throat and she ascended another step.
“You’re going to ignore me?” Wolffe snickered. The derisive sound stiffened each muscle along her spine and shoulders. “I thought you were more mature than that.”
Fisting her datapad tight enough her knuckles whitened, she turned around. She looked him over, her lips pressed in disinterest. “What’s there to say?”
Disbelief arched one of his brows. “You always have opinions.”
“None that I care to share with you.”
“You’re upset I missed the hike.” Wolffe crossed his arms over his chest, shrugging. “It’s not a big deal.”
Her heart pounded against her chest; her blood churned hot.
Of course, it wasn’t a big deal. It was a fucking hike. There was no logical reason for her to feel so disappointed and defensive. So hurt. 
But he had promised. He promised to hike with her and Neyti, and his decision to dismiss them as nothing more than a convenience—his decision to tell her the morning of the hike rather than any day before—irked.
She thought he was a better man. A man who committed to his promises; a man whose word she could trust. 
Then again, she could only blame herself for her disappointment. It was her fault for letting him in, for opening herself to the thought of friendship when she knew it would only ever result in pain.    
“You’re right,” she said. Her tone was inflectionless, uncaring. “It wasn’t a big deal.”
Wolffe searched her face. “Then you have no right being upset with me.”
“I’m not.”
“Bullshit.” Wolffe took a step toward the staircase, and though she stood two full steps above him, she felt small beneath the intensity of his stare. “You know the missions are important to me. They come first.”
Chagrin coursed through her veins. Because she knew. She knew the missions were important to him, and she was aware he would choose them over her at each opportunity. 
“I know.” The fingernails of her left hand curled sharply against her palm. “You don’t have to remind me.”
“Clearly I do since you’re mad at me.” He ran his tongue along his teeth. “And don’t pretend like you’re not.”
“I’m not mad at you.” One step down the staircase and she found herself shorter than him. “I’m frustrated with myself for even thinking you would join us.”
Wolffe rolled his eyes. “There will be plenty of opportunities to hike in the future—”
“Don’t pretend like you care. It’s pathetic.”
“It was a hike, Ennari,” he hissed. “A fucking hike. I didn’t think it meant anything and you—”
“You’re right. It didn’t mean anything.” She waved a dismissive hand. “I don’t know why I even invited you.”
Wolffe worked his jaw. “You don’t mean that.”
“Don’t worry”—she patted his arm—“in the future, I won’t waste your time with invites to meaningless shit.”
“This is fucking ridiculous.” Wolffe leaned closer, his nostrils flaring. “You don’t get to be upset with me. I haven’t done anything wrong.”
Kazi breathed a mirthless chuckle. 
“Tell me what I’ve done wrong,” he demanded.
“You ignored me for three fucking mornings.”
She regretted the words immediately. Regretted the vulnerability in their truth—the truth that Wolffe meant something to her, and losing him hurt more than she cared to admit.
A muscle flexed in his jaw and he rolled his shoulders back. “Don’t tell me you’re getting attached, Ennari.”
The flippancy in his tone—the insinuating taunt—made her face heat and teeth ache from her clench. She started back up the stairs.
“Wait,” Wolffe snapped. The creak of the bottom step alerted her to his following but she ignored him, gaining two more steps. “You don’t get to walk away from our conversation—”
Kazi spun on him. He was standing too close and her palm instinctively found his chest, stalling his pursuit. Frustration darkened his eyes and tightened his mouth. 
“You are not family,” she hissed, pressing her palm harder against his unarmored chest. Hard enough the harsh beat of his heart warmed her hand. “You are not my partner. You’re not even a friend. So you don’t get to say what I can and cannot do. You are nothing to me.”
His flinch was imperceptible, but she saw it. 
Wolffe didn’t follow her as she abandoned him on the staircase.  
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Masterlist | Chapter 13 | Chapter 15
A/N: One of my favorite parts in this chapter (outside of Neyti and Kazi bonding) is the double meaning behind Wolffe’s words and actions. We’ve seen the reasons for Kazi’s frustration, but since we don’t get Wolffe’s POV, everything he does carries additional weight. It’s fun to reread (once you’ve learned everything). 
Also, just a friendly reminder of that fearful-avoidant attachment style tag. It exists for a reason. 
Next chapter release – April 11th  
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Tag: @ulchabhangorm
10 notes · View notes
angelmavmurdock · 2 years
Lock & Key: Part Five - B.B.
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A/N: I write a football scene in this and when I say football I mean American football. It physically pains me calling American football just 'football' as a Scot. But anyway, it's an American football scene and I have no clue how to play it :) enjoy!
"Good afternoon, aviators." Your Dad announced as he walked down the aisle in the classroom.
"Good afternoon, sir." Everyone replied in unison.
You were sat on the second front row by yourself, Rooster on the opposite side by himself. Hangman sat behind you, obviously trying to gain some sort of attention but you didn't even give him a glance when you walked in. You and Rooster smiled at each other as you sat down, which was as much interaction as you'd had in the classroom over the past week.
"In light of the events that occurred yesterday, I think we as a team need to work on our relationships with one another." Your Dad spoke with a smile.
You quirked your eyebrows at him, unsure of why he was in such a chirpy mood.
"I want you all at the beach by the Hard Deck Bar in an hour. Wear something comfortable you're able to move around in. This is an exercise that is essential to take part in and I expect you all to be on your A-game. This is about teamwork and I need you all to work as well with each other as you can."
You didn't know what your Dad was planning but it already sounded fun.
"Hard Deck Bar. An hour. Go get ready, I will see you there. You're dismissed."
Your Dad walked back up the aisle and out the room, leaving you all sitting in a confused silence.
"Was that...our lesson of the afternoon?" Payback asked, turning around to face everyone.
You shrugged, "He'll have something up his sleeve."
"Do you know what it is, Locket?" Hangman asked from behind you.
You turned to face him, giving him a deadpanned look.
"No, Bagman, I don't." You rolled your eyes, turning back around.
He laughed, "Someone's on their time of the month."
"Shut up, Hangman." Rooster interjected from across the room.
You looked at him and he was staring Hangman down, an unimpressed and pissed expression on his face. You smirked and stood up, pushing your chair in.
"Whatever this exercise is, Hangman," You walked around his table and sat on the edge.
He leaned back in his chair, toothpick in his mouth, staring up at you with a cocky grin.
"You will fail horribly at it. Because you have no idea what it means to be a team player." You said, leaning in to articulate your point.
His grin faded into an annoyed straight-lipped face. You smiled in triumph and slid off the table, walking down the aisle and shoving the classroom door open, catching up to Bob in front of you.
You and your Dad biked to Penny's 20 minutes ahead of schedule. You don't remember a time your Dad was ever late for something. You got off your bike and stuck the helmet away, before walking up and into Penny's with your Dad following behind. The bar was quiet, only the sound of the waves in the background and the wind chimes that sung in the wind.
You walked in, knocking on the front door to alert whoever was inside. Amelia was sitting at the bar, a pen in her hand and sheets of paper sprawled out across the surface. Her face lit up and she jumped off her barstool when she saw you.
"y/n!" She exclaimed.
You grinned, opening your arms as she ran straight into you, nearly toppling you over. When Penny and her ex split up, you and your Dad were Penny's support from across the country. She'd facetime you a lot, and when Amelia grew older, you became closer and closer, and you felt as if she was your little sister. But you had only ever met her when she was a toddler. So this was a big deal.
"Hey, you." You laughed, squeezing her tightly and rocking her side to side.
"You look amazing!" She complimented, standing back from you.
"So do you! How are you?" You asked, wrapping your arm around her shoulders.
She nodded, "Good, finishing up school work."
You groaned, "Ugh, school work. I'm so glad I'm not you."
She laughed and escaped your hold, sitting back up on her barstool.
"I actually like school, thank you very much." She giggled.
You rolled your eyes, "Of course you do, you're so smart."
You reached to the bowl of peanuts she had sitting next to her and threw a few in your mouth.
"You're a pilot, y/n, you're smart."
You grimaced at her, "Not like you, though. I didn't enjoy being smart unless it came to pilot stuff."
You sat and chatted to her for a little while, enjoying being able to actually converse with her in real life. She'd grown up so much and you couldn't believe it. She was nearly your height, too. Your Dad came in and they greeted each other more casually, clearly having seen each other prior.
"Sweetie, do you want to go a swim?" Your Dad asked you, standing by the open double doors.
You looked out to the sea and you had to admit, it looked inviting.
You turned back to Amelia, "Want a swim?"
She shook her head, "I'm nearly finished. You should go in. I'll catch you later."
You smiled and wrapped your arms around her quickly.
"Love you." You mumbled against her hair before releasing her.
She grinned, "Love you, too. Now go."
She shooed you away and you laughed, walking out to the beach with your Dad.
It was a humid day but it wasn't too hot. The sun was getting low, nearly verging onto sunset, and there was hardly a cloud in the sky. The waves lapped against the golden, Californian sand gently, and the light breeze in the air spread the salty, fresh, sea smell.
You and your Dad set out a few deck chairs and you both stripped to your swimsuits. You pulled your white cami-top over your head and took off your denim shorts and placed them on one of the seats, flipping off your sliders and leaving you in just your triangle black tied bikini top and black bikini bottoms.
You turned to your Dad and he sat his sunglasses on the chair, giving you a look you knew all too well.
"Don't say it." You shook your head with a smile.
He smirked, "Race ya,"
He raced ahead of you and you groaned, running after him. Your feet were slow on the soft, hot, sand. But once you got to the wet, firm, ground, you sped after your Dad. He may be fast - but he's not in his 20's anymore.
"On your left, Maverick!" You announced with glee as you ran past him.
"Oh, come on!" He exclaimed behind you.
You laughed into the summer air as it breezed past you, flowing your hair in the wind. You hit the water and kept going until you could successfully leap into the cool sea. You dove in, swimming a bit further out so your feet didn't touch the ground. You swam back up to get some air, wiping your eyes and looking behind you at your Dad who had left you by the shore.
"Dad!" You shouted.
He laughed, grabbing his chest, "I didn't say I was going in!"
You scoffed a laugh and shook your head, "Shame on you!"
He blew a kiss to you and started to walk back up the beach. You smiled, watching him as he walked away. You loved how happy he was here. You were scared when you first came that being back at Top Gun would remind him of Goose, especially seeing Rooster. But something about the Californian sun and the amazing people that lived here, he seemed happy. Really happy. And you were glad.
You lay flat on your back, letting your head go back and your hair float in the water. Your ears submerged and every noise was drowned out. It was silent underwater. You took deep breaths and closed your eyes, letting the water cool you down and the sun beam on you.
You floated like that for a while. Until you heard a ruckus of noise, even under the water. You sighed, knowing it was time for whatever exercise your Dad had planned. You lifted your head up and kept your legs kicking underneath you, looking to the beach to see everyone crowding around your Dad. You watched, not wanting to get out now.
They all cheered and seemed extremely happy about what was about to happen. You still had no clue.
"Locket!" Your name was shouted by Phoenix.
You waved at her and started swimming back to land.
You saw your Dad throw a football to Rooster and you cursed to yourself. Of course he picked football. You should've known. You swam far in enough so that you could walk out of the water in the least awkward way you could. And you spotted that Rooster was shirtless already.
Rooster was flipping the football up in the air and catching it, gesturing to Payback to go long and catch it. Payback ran backwards, holding his hands up and getting ready to catch the ball. Rooster lifted his arm and threw the it, Payback catching it perfectly.
Payback flipped it in his hands and went to throw it again, but someone in the water caught his eye. You. His mouth dropped open and his attention was completely averted from the game of catch with Rooster.
"Payback?" Rooster called to him.
Payback threw the ball back to Rooster, nodding his head towards the water. Rooster furrowed his brows, unsure of what he was supposed to be looking at. He held the ball in his hand and turned his head to look behind him.
He felt like a cartoon character when they see something they want: heart eyes popping from their sockets. His whole body turned to look at you as you came out of the water. You rose from the sea, sliding your hands from your roots to the ends of your soaked hair, your body in a tight, black, bikini dripping as you walked somehow effortlessly out of the water.
Rooster's heart rate rose and he knew it. He gripped the ball, his bottom lip instinctively tucking between his teeth. He probably should've worn something other than jeans, because he could feel the fabric tightening ever so slightly.
You kept your eyes on him as you came out of the water, unsure if he was gawking at you or just staring blankly. You couldn't see his eyes through his blacked out aviator glasses, so you had no clue.
He was practically drooling at you. The low sun shone a shadow on you that made your tits look amazing, and your shape look flawless. He noticed how your waist dipped in, and your hips flared out, your gorgeous legs flowing down to the sand.
You walk up to Rooster and without a second thought, you hit the ball up out of his hands and caught it in your own. He hardly reacted to it. You smirked and threw it to Hangman, who was also basically stunned at the scene unfolding in front of him. He caught it messily with a flinch and smirked at you.
"Eyes up, Rooster." You commented, a cheeky smile on your face.
You walked up the beach to the deck chair, retrieving your cami-top and shoving it on over your head.
"Alright! Everyone knows the name of the game. I'll pick two team leaders as Rooster and Hangman." Your Dad started.
You exhaled with a cringe, watching as the two men glared at each other before standing farther away.
"y/n, you're with Hangman." Your Dad nodded his head.
You rolled your eyes but nodded, walking over in the sand to stand next to one of the men you hated most.
"Dream team, Locket." Hangman nudged you with his elbow.
You couldn't help a smirk. Hopefully this would bond you two.
Your Dad had teamed you, Payback, Bob, and Fanboy in one team, with Phoenix, your Dad and the rest in Roosters.
"That's not fair, you get Maverick!" Fanboy exclaimed next to you.
Your Dad shrugged, "Can't have father and daughter in the same team, that would just be an automatic win."
You laughed and the rest of your team grimaced sarcastically at the comment. Hondo was refereeing and he got everyone to get into formation.
You passed Rooster and you gave him a comical up-and-down look. He gasped dramatically, clutching his chest. You laughed at him and he smiled back at you.
"You've grown up, by the way." He commented.
You walked slowly backwards and so did he as you spoke.
You looked down at yourself then looked to him, "Yeah...you haven't."
He nodded, licking his back teeth, "Your tits grew in, I see."
Oh, you bitch.
"And your pube-stache turned into a porn-stache." You pouted your lips and tipped your head.
"How classy." You added.
He smirked and shook his head, holding his hand up and then flipping you off. You gasped, shaking your head in disappointment at him disrespecting you like that.
He gave you a smile and a wink, lowering his sunglasses to do so and then pushing them back up with his knuckle. You smiled and winked back, biting your lip.
You couldn't help the butterflies that soared in your stomach. You swear you could feel him staring at you the whole time Hondo was explaining some extra rules for you all to follow. You didn't want to catch his eye. But it was almost painful not to. The burn of his stare penetrated your body, up and down.
The game started and your team at the beginning wasn't working well. Hangman was a ball hogger. And it was pissing you, and everyone off. You did win a few points but Jesus, he was difficult to play with.
Disappointingly, Rooster's team was winning so far. But you couldn't blame them, they had your Dad. It was just like handing them the win. They seemed to have great communication skills, which your team was lacking.
After they scored again, you called your team in for a group huddle. Everyone met in a circle and you stared down Hangman opposite you.
"Hangman, you've gotta pass the ball, okay? This is getting ridiculous." You lectured.
You couldn't help how competitive you were. It was in your blood. You wanted to win against your Dad and Rooster. You needed to. And Hangman wasn't helping.
"Hey, you guys can't keep up." He shrugged.
"That's because you just get the ball and run. We don't have a chance. They're winning because they're working as a team. They're communicating. We're not. We have to start using everyone to their assets, okay? Come on, guys, we can do this." You said to the team.
Everyone nodded and Bob put his hand in the middle, "We can't lose against the old man...no offence, Locket."
You smirked, placing your hand on top of his, "None taken. Let's beat him."
Everyone smiled, putting their hands on top of yours and Bob's. Hangman stubbornly stood, not putting his hand in the middle. You stared at him, forcing him to look at you.
"Are you gonna let Rooster beat you?" You tried.
He licked his teeth in thought, before giving up his pride and placing his hand on top. You smiled at him and he gave you a small smirk.
"Red team on three. 1, 2, 3- Red team!" You all chanted in unison, lifting your hands in the air.
You all hyped yourselves up and discussed each other's role's before getting into position. You squatted, placing the red ball between your legs. You had been chosen for centre because of the leadership and communicative skills you had. Well...that's what you told the rest of the team. You were just excited to scream at them and tell them what to do.
Phoenix squatted opposite you and you gave each other a supportive smile. You looked behind her and Rooster was getting ready to grab the ball.
You couldn't help but stare as he stood, hunched over slightly, his shoulders and collarbones looking defined and muscular, and his abs dripping with sweat. You couldn't believe how fit he had gotten. How buff he was. You didn't even realise you were biting your lip until he caught your eye behind his sunglasses. He licked his lips, pushing the glasses up his nose and running a hand through his sandy hair.
You averted your eyes, looking to Hondo for the blow of the whistle.
Everyone suddenly went quiet, staring at the whistle and just waiting for the high pitch sound to commence the game.
Suddenly, it blew, and you gripped the ball and threw it between your legs, feeding it to Hangman. You turned, watching and running up behind him and the team as Hangman fed the ball an absolute belter to Bob, who managed to catch it mid-air, before running and passing it to Fanboy who ran faster than you've ever seen him run before.
You screamed in encouragement, jumping up and down, knowing he was about to score a point. He managed to skirt past Rooster and he threw the ball past the line your Dad had drawn in the sand. Your team all jumped and cheered in joy, high-fiving each other.
Your Dad clapped and stood next to you, wrapping his arm around your shoulders.
"I'm tapping out, guys." He said, holding his hand up to the group.
"No!" Phoenix protested, everyone joining in when they realised what he said.
You squinted at your Dad next to you, the sun right in your eyes.
"Come on, Mav, one more game!" Rooster pleaded, flipping the ball in his hand.
Your Dad shook his head, "I'm out. Keep winning, blue team. Don't let her beat you." He said, tightening his grip around you.
You groaned, ripping his arm from you. He jogged away, laughing and you stood, giving him the finger behind his back. Hondo gasped, checking to see if your Dad noticed. He turned back to you in pretend shock and you held a finger to your lips. He smirked and told everyone to get back into position.
Your Dad sighed, sitting down in one of the deck chairs and watching the game commence, catching his breath. Penny walked down the beach to him, a water bottle in hand.
She came up behind him, brushing a hand over his bare shoulders and handed him the bottle. He looked up at her and smiled, thanking her and taking the water.
She sat next to him on the other chair, watching you all play the game. Penny and your Dad laughed in unison as they heard you shout at Hangman.
"She's so competitive." Penny smiled.
"Wonder who she get's it from." Your Dad commented.
They continued watching the game and both of their eyes widened as they saw Rooster run towards you and lift you, throwing you over his shoulder. You squealed and laughed, slapping his back and kicking your legs, ordering to place you down. But he wasn't.
Your Dad stayed silent, a fond smile on his face as he watched you. Penny looked next to her, trying to analyse his face.
"Might need to watch out, Pete. I think there's something there." She commented, looking back as Rooster finally placed you back on the sand.
You both hesitated before you ran towards him. He ran away from you, both of you just dropping the game completely to chase each other.
"I think there's always been something there." Your Dad told Penny.
She nodded, "I think so, too."
You chased after Rooster and he ran straight into the water. You stopped ankle-deep, not wanting to go any further. You stood, hands on hips, watching as Rooster backed into the water.
"I'm not chasing you that far." You told him, holding a hand over your brows to shield the setting sunlight.
He shrugged, "Then I win."
You cocked your head, "Win what, exactly?"
"This game."
You studied his face for a moment. His stupidly goofy smile and his quick breath. You debated for a moment going back in the water but decided against it, taking the loss.
"Fine. You win." You threw your hands up and turned on your heel, walking out of the way of the waves and up the damp sand.
You began to hear wet splashes behind you and a huge grin grew on your face as you felt him getting closer to you. You looked behind you and he was only a few yards from you. You squealed and ran away, back along the water to the rest of the team.
But he caught up to you, wrapping his arms around your waist and lifting you up. You screamed, kicking your legs and gripping onto his muscular arms. Your back was pressed against his bare chest and you cursed at the feeling of dampness seeping through your white top.
"Rooster!" You protested, unable to stop the belly laugh coming from your mouth.
He laughed into your hair, making a shiver crawl down your spine at the closeness of his mouth.
"Stop resisting," He chuckled.
He walked with you in his arms into the water and you screamed, knowing he was about to throw you in.
"Rooster! No! I swear to God, don't throw me in!" You wriggled against him but you were no match for the strength of his arms.
"Too late, Locket, we're already here." He said matter-of-factly.
You groaned, leaning your head back against his shoulder and accepting your fate.
"I hate you." You giggled.
He smiled and you could feel his cheek against yours.
"I hate you too, Mitchell."
And before you could say another word, his arms flung you into the water. You splashed and swam, coming up to the surface a few feet away, kicking your legs underneath and wiping your eyes.
"Oh, come on! That's so not fair! You have to get in, too!" You said.
He shrugged, folding his arms, "I didn't bring my trunks, so...no."
You scoffed and shook your head. A thought popped into your mind and you couldn't stop your body from executing it. You were already swimming closer to him and you noticed how the rest of the group were making their way towards you two.
"Had enough have you?" He asked, looking down at you as you swam to him.
You stood up in front of him, letting the water drain from you. You knew the white top you had on would now be see through. But you enjoyed the look Rooster gave you as he looked at you. He removed his sunglasses, placing them on top of his head like he wanted you to know he was checking you out.
You felt your breathing speed up and your chest was rising and falling embarrassingly fast. His eyes scanned down your body and then back up, but stopping on your tits. The white top - now transparent - was dripping wet and showing off the black bikini top underneath that was tiny enough that a lot of cleavage was showing.
You kept your eyes on his. His eyes had turned dark, and the bronze sun glowing across his face had made his clenched jaw seem even sharper. He finally tore his eyes from your chest and looked at you.
You smirked and so did he. You stepped closer to him, hitching a breath before placing both of your hands on his forearms. He looked down at you as you kept looking up at him. He tensed under your touch and you could tell he was trying to flex a little, too.
You let your hands glide up his smooth arms to his shoulders, where you turned him so his back was facing the knee-high sea behind him. He was so oblivious, you had to hold in a laugh. You gripped his shoulders and you could swear he gasped a little.
"Rooster?" You asked quietly.
"Y-yeah?" He stuttered.
"This is karma." You said with a smile.
His eyebrows furrowed for a second before you shoved him, sending him backwards and toppling over his feet and into the water.
You burst into laughter, the rest of the group erupting in cheers and laughter behind you, too. You left the water and joined the group, all watching as Rooster shook his head and wiped his eyes, running his fingers through his hair and looking up at everyone. He was just sitting in the sea, only his neck and head above water.
Hangman stood next to you and nudged you with his shoulder, giving you a nod of appreciation. You smiled up at him and nodded silently back.
"That was mean, Locket." Rooster said, pointing at you.
You pouted, "Aww, what a shame."
"Right, everyone! First rounds on Mav!" Hondo exclaimed to the group.
We all cheered and started walking back to the bar. You looked behind you and Rooster was getting out of the water, Payback hanging back to walk with him. You smirked at him, before squeezing the excess water from your hair and turning forward to walk back up the beach.
It felt just like old times.
Taglist:  (Names with strikethrough means I couldn’t tag you)
@mak-32​ @anolddayslover​ @alana4610​ @n3ssm0nique​ @daryldixonstorm @livychan @luckyladycreator2​ @justatiredhuman​ @surely-sherly​ @marvelsvalhalla @im-your-possession​ @honey-leclerc @wherearetheavacadosat @welpthathappened​ @edgypickles​ @kylpkfbe @lillizxzz @lilpeekabooze​ 
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