#I usually end up literally going home and changing ASAP lol
daisynik7 · 6 months
hello darling wife<3 i’m assuming that by the time you read this it’s morning or afternoon, if that’s the case i hope you slept well and had a good fill of breakfast and fluids to start, unless you don’t eat breakfast:) i have arrived for my bi-weekly(?) delivery of love and kisses for my pretty, pretty wife 🥰
one day until friday and then we have the weekend, whether or not you have plans, i hope it’s well spent ...cuddling me, duh. and nanami.  here’s a reminder to do something extra nice for yourself today, and tomorrow, and the day after:) and of course bundle up, blankets in the dryer, and have some hot cocoa. my brain’s been kind of slow to process the change in seasons and colder weather conditions, and it’s just now starting to hit me lol. 
i hope your spirits are kept high even with the colder weather, but if not it’s okay too! <3 i’d very much appreciate it if you’d do for yourself what you wish upon others. tend to your innermost needs, spoil yourself (i will accept no counterarguments 😶), and if it doesn’t financially compromise you, just do it. with work, social life, and this hellish app:/ i hope that in the midst of everything you find yourself and your needs a priority of utmost importance 🫶🏼
my sincerest apologies if the words are not wording, this just reeks of chaos and randomness it's 5 am and my bilingual brain has been brawling with itself lately and my English is actually starting to deteriorate 🫠, i’m also sleepy (i told you your wife is a sleepy girlie, it’s literally morning lol)
anyways I’M SO LUCKY TO HAVE THE PRETTIEST, SWEETEST, WIFE with THE PRETTIEST BRAIN WITH LOTS OF GROOVES AND SQUIGGLIES (i briefly read somewhere that the more texture, the smarter??? idk 😃), i’m saying it again but im so proud of you, even if you just woke up, you’re doing well! 🥹ok bye snookums have a good day! <3 
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accurate representation of me rn, need wifey and nanami cuddles asap 😤
snookums! my precious angel, my most decadent sweet! sorry this is a late reply! I've been out all day, but I'm back now, ready for your cuddles! I usually drink iced coffee as my breakfast in the morning whenever I'm working in the office, but tomorrow I wfh, so I may treat myself to a home cooked meal of some sort :)
I treated myself today! I went out with a friend for dinner and we shared chicken karaage, okonomiyaki, and takoyaki! here's pics of it to whet your appetite 😋
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we also got boba and chatted in the car for hours, so it was very nice to catch up! I imagine this would be a typical date for you and I, indulging in delicious food, then some sort of dessert after. ♥️ and of course, snuggles to end the night!
make sure you bundle up too! it's been very cold where I am and I have finally broken out the hoodies and sweaters. don't forget your fuzzy socks and beanies (if you wear those)!
thank you for always reminding me to be kind to myself! I've been in a bit of a funk lately, but seeing you in my inbox is a huge help, more than you know. also, please never ever apologize because you are so eloquent and I'm always in awe after reading your lovely messages to me. 🥹 I hope you were able to get enough rest today (you were up early/you stayed up late!), but if not, I hope you can use this weekend to do so.
ahhhhh you are SO PRECIOUS. I'm the lucky one to have you! I love you so so much, thank you for always being so good to me, so sweet, so kind, so absolutely lovely in every possible way. going to fall asleep soon, dreaming of you and nanami, the two most precious loves in my life!! have an amazing weekend snookums!
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also this pic is very much an accurate representation of us, don't you think? 😘
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your-local-vamp · 3 years
I disappeared off of the face of the earth for a while, but I’m back ya’ll!! I need to get used to the whole writing and then posting it thing haha. Anyway! I’ve had this idea for a really long time, but was very much procrastinating on writing it. Whoops. But here it is! It’s honestly mostly focused on the whole conflict within the vampire’s mind. I like to show different sides of them. My last one was straight up a stalker, but this one is a liiiiiiitle different, you’ll see :)! I need to shut up before I spoil the entire thing out of excitement lol. Oh and also! I finally took it upon myself to research how I can write better, make it easier to read and stuff. So if there are some errors or if anyone has advice for me, please do leave a comment! Also also, I have a habit to listen to badass vibe songs while writing/reading, so if you’re interested in some recommendations, hit me up! Okay that’s really it. Have fun reading!
Again, this story contains some explicit themes (blood, character death, overall just being angsty af) so make sure to check the tags before reading!
Running From Death
I once again find myself drinking in the bar located a few blocks from my apartment. That intoxicated feeling I get after a few glasses is amazing to me. It’s pleasant to feel good for a change.
Being here also allows me to converse with the humans. Which is… Interesting to say the least. Their different personalities, lifestyles, stories. I happen to eavesdrop into conversations from time to time, which results in me hearing the most outrageous stories sometimes. May they be true or not, they interest me.
I try not to attract too much attention to myself, but I fail in doing so most of the time. Blame it on my charismatic vampire looks, I guess. Humans often strike conversations with me, but I’m not one to complain. I like talking to them when I get the opportunity.
The bell attached to the front door rings. A woman enters the bar. “Oh god, it’s her again,” someone in one of the booths behind me sighs. Hmm, must be a regular. I come here embarrassingly often, enough to call myself a regular as well, but I haven’t seen her before. She’s very handsome looking.
My hand covered with a leather glove tightens around the whiskey glass.
“Control yourself, please. You’ve practiced this many times before.”
It repeats in my head over and over again. Unfortunate things usually happen when I’m drunk. It saddens me, because I wish to not hurt anyone. I was a human once too. And I want to remember the memories from back then. Try to do ‘human’ things. But it’s hard, especially with-
“Hey, how are ya doing?” A voice interrupts my intrusive thoughts.
I look up and see the handsome woman sitting on a stool next to me. Her voice is lively and confident. But it’s probably just the liquor talking.
“Just thinking.”
Oh god. She’s totally wasted. I now notice that she can barely even sit up straight without falling over. I can’t help but smile at her actions though, it’s almost endearing in a way.
“Just contemplating life, really.”
“I came here to do the exact same thing!” the woman says.
“How so?” I ask, now completely interested in her story.
“Ugh, where do I even start? My shitty boss fired me today. And you know what the most fucked up part about it all is? The fact that I’ve been working there for years! I did so much for his company, but he decides to just fire me, because ‘he’s gotta cut some people down’. So, I came here to drink my sorrows away. Well, I may have already visited two other bars, so I’m kinda far gone already haha.” The woman keeps on rambling, without actually making eye contact with whom she’s talking to. But I happen to listen to every single word.
“Why did he have to cut people off?” I question the woman.
“Pfshh, I don’t even know. Not enough money, I guess. He could’ve fired literally anyone else, but-“ she interrupts her own sentence, while her eyes make contact with the bartender, “-Hey! Can I have uhhhh. Whatever he has?” she finishes, while she absentmindedly points at my own drink.
She seems to have forgotten what she was talking about before, she’s just staring at the bartender until her drink is ready.
“And what’s your excuse for being here?” she asks, while taking a sip of her whiskey.
“Just taking a break from drinking blood and killing people.”
Well, that’s what I should’ve said if I really wanted to be honest. But being honest isn’t my reality. Lying has become my forte over the many years I have been a vampire. I don’t exist in the eyes of humans. And it should stay that way.
“Just taking a break from life.”
Yeah, that should do it.
“I come over here to share my entire life story, and all you’ve got for me is that? Damn.”
Or not.
“My life is really not that interesting,” I quickly add, trying not to blow my cover.
She takes an observing look at me. I have never felt so uncomfortable in my entire existence. She gives me the feeling like she can look right through my lies. “Hahaha, I’m just messin’ with ya. I don’t like to pry into people’s lives like that anyway,” the woman smiles.
Phew, I barely got away with that one. I return a signature smile to her. The one that makes everyone all the more invested in me, it seems.
*a few hours later*
The handsome stranger and I have been talking for hours. I lost track of time a while ago. Talking, or rather listening to her, reminds me of my human days. I used to help my elder neighbors with chores around the house, but ended up listening to them for hours and hours. I knew that when I had finished the chores, there would be a nice hot cup of tea and cookies waiting for me. The elder couple loved to share their stories with me. I know now that most of them were of pure fantasy, but at that time they were something I would so eagerly wait for to hear.
This woman gives me that feeling of nostalgia. The excitement of finally hearing the story I have longed for. It’s odd, since I have only met her a few hours ago. But somehow I feel like I’ve known her for a really long time.
“Nghn, my head hurts…” She snaps me out of my thoughts. “Woah there, don’t fall off that stool now,” I say, while carefully taking a step towards her. “C-Can you take me home?”
I look at her with disbelief.
Did she really just ask me to walk her home?
“U-Uh, I can call a cab for you? Or ask one of your friends to come pick you up maybe? I’m sure that-“
She looks at me with eager eyes. Her intention is really for me to take her home. If only she knew what I really am. I sigh. “Let me go to the toilet first, then I’ll walk you home.” I finally surrender to the human.
The entire way to the toilet I ask myself what I’m getting myself into. I shouldn’t be doing this, I know that all too well. But I can’t just keep hiding my true feelings all the time. I want to live amongst humans. I know that we can coexist. As long as I control myself, everything will be fine.
I sigh, take my gloves off and use the toilet. My head is suddenly throbbing like hell. I can feel that my body is trying to fight the urge to kill every single soul in this bar. Everything spins.
“Hey, you ready or not? I feel like puking!” I hear the woman urgently knocking on the door. “Y-Yeah, I’ll be out in a sec!” I shout back.
I quickly finish and go back to the bar. “Let’s go,” we hurriedly exit the bar. She does so, because she needs to get home asap. And I do so, because of obvious reasons.
I can feel that I’m starting to lose control. It was a mistake drinking this much. I’m usually okay with drinking a few glasses, but this woman has a certain effect on me. And it’s not a positive one. Not while I’m drunk, at least.
The woman is currently walking behind me, laughing at her own jokes. All I want right now is to drop her off as fast as I can.
“Ah, shit!” I hear a loud thud.
I look back and see that she is now sitting on the cold concrete.
“What happened?” I ask, clearly concerned.
The woman shakes her head. “I’m so clumsy, I literally just stumbled over my own feet haha.”
God, we’re never going to get anywhere like this. “Oh nooo! My new pants! Ugh, this stuff always happens to me.”
I take a quick look at her leg and notice that the fabric is ripped open. She took a great fall apparently, otherwise that wouldn’t have happened.
“Damn, I’m bleeding too.”
That’s all she had to say to make my eyes turn red and making my fangs expose themselves. I quickly turn around, hoping that she didn’t notice my weird behavior already.
“Are you okay…?” she asks, proving my thoughts wrong. I disregard her question and return it with my own.
“Is it bad?”
I don’t know why I’m asking her that. No matter of how bad it is, the mere smell of her blood is driving me insane. All I can think about is that right at this moment.
“Uhm, no I think that I’m okay.” I can hear that she’s getting up and has started to walk towards me.
“Please, don’t come any closer.” I say this with a serious tone, hoping that she’d cease to move instantly.
“What’s wrong? It’s not even that bad.”
Fuck fuck fuck.
I can’t hold the urge back anymore. I never want to hurt humans, but I also can’t forget of who I have become. I’m a vampire. To stay alive, I need blood. Alcohol has terrible effects on me.
It’s like drinking water with salt in it. You’re drinking, but it worsens your thirst because of the salt. Alcohol only enhances my thirst for blood. I’m learning the consequences of that now.
The woman has come even closer to me. I turn around, only to see a reached out hand with blood on it. I try to fight the dark side of me with everything I have. That side of me gives in, eventually. I resist the urge and grab her wrist, only to warn her to stop.
However, this action suffers a great consequence. The woman looks at me. The white of her eyes turn dark red.
Wait… I look at my hand, having a firm hold on her wrist.
“My gloves!” is all I can utter at this moment.
I have forgotten my gloves in the toilet area. How can I be so stupid… I’m unable to touch any living being with my bare hands. If I do so, it dies. Everything I touch turns into dust. It’s a curse I have carried with me ever since I turned. It has barely posed as a problem the last few years. But I… I touched her without gloves on.
“W-Wait. No. I’m sorry, please!” I beg for my actions to reverse themselves. But what happened cannot be undone.
The woman’s eyebrows furrow and her eyes look back into mine, filled with betrayal. “H-How cou-ld y-ou,” she chokes on her own blood. She is in immense pain, I can tell. I let go of her hand, terrible guilt now washing over me.
She takes a look at her shaking hand, which gets covered with popping veins inch by inch. The sounds coming from her are agonizing. She stumbles backwards, now nearing her end. Tears roll down my cheek, as I carry her.
“I’m so sorry. I didn’t know my gloves were…” I’m unable to finish my sentence, as my non beating heart breaks seeing her mouth all covered in blood clots.
It’s ironic, really. I was barely able to resist the smell of her blood before, but now even though I’m covered with it, I don’t seem to mind.
Her body shivers uncontrollably, until it stops moving at all. I hold her limp body, watching my tears fall on her veiny cheek.
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry,” I keep repeating it, somewhere having a wishful thought that I could go back before all of this happened.
But her body stays unmoving. I scream and I scream, all of my human feelings washing over me now. This shouldn’t have happened. My ignorance allowed this to take place. And I will never forgive myself for it.
I hear sounds of a crowd nearing by. In total panic, I let go of her body and hide in a nearby alleyway. I crouch and hold my hands over my own ears, trying to ignore the screams that are coming from the spot where I just killed a human. The tears are now streaming down, my thoughts racing. What have I done? I should’ve never went to that bar in the first place.
Fuck, I need to get out of here before they find me. I try to leave the guilt there and run from myself as fast as I can. I am a monster. And no matter how hard I cling on to the little humanity I’ve got left, I will always remain one.
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notyobabygirl · 3 years
hey girl! this will be long i’m so sorry 🥺
i’ve gained weight since quarantine started which is also around the time i started dating my bf. we eat out a few days a week and i get 0 exercise now. my days consist of me waking up around 8am, babysitting until 5pm, going to my bf’s house until 1am, coming home & spending the rest of my night watching my shows and snacking until i go to bed around 2/3/4am. growing up my weight would fluctuate a lot: in elementary school i was chubby, in middle school i magically lost it all and was skinny, freshman/sophomore year of hs i was a literal twig and super unhealthily skinny, junior year i gained a little weight but was still skinny, and senior year (last year also when i first met my bf) was probably the best my body has been. it’s funny because last year i thought i was fat and was insecure but now looking back, i was literally perfect and i would kill to look like that again. i see how easy it was for me to gain weight over the years and i want to make a change in my habits so bad but with my schedule and with gyms being closed where i live it’s hard. i’m gonna try to not make excuses though lol but my issue is once i start, i want to see the results asap or i get really unmotivated. ik a girl from my school who has lost 70lbs since last year and she posted a tiktok about it and it made me feel better like i could do it. i have a weird relationship with food though. i would literally starve myself in 8,9,10th grade and now i love food and i actually have an appetite. my weight gain has also caused me to be insecure in my relationship. i’m constantly wondering if my bf is less attracted to me or if he notices it. he’s never mentioned it but i have to admit i was so much hotter when he first met me than i am now. and all his past girls that ik of are relatively skinny and i think about that too and compare myself :/ in the back of my mind i know i’m really insecure about gaining weight but i usually don’t let it get to me. but tonight i decided i wanted to ‘see what i look like from someone else’s view’ so i set up my phone using flash and the back camera and turned/posed so i could see how my body looked. i actually did a few of these videos (i was wearing a tight cropped tank top and baggy sweats). and i feel so disgusted by myself. i knew i gained weight but i looked like a whale from certain views. most of the weight i gained went to my tummy and arms sadly. from behind my arms/shoulders look so fat and my stomach is the biggest it’s ever been. most people wouldn’t consider me “fat” but i feel huge. i want to start good habits (eat better, exercise more, etc) but i don’t know where to start or how long i’ll last. i know it’ll be worth it in the end but i need motivation right now to even begin. i’m so sorry that was a literal book to read, but it would mean a lot if you had any tips on staying motivated, how i can eat healthier and exercise while having such a strict schedule? i don’t necessarily want to “diet” and the amount of information that is out there on eating habits and working out is so confusing. like everyone says different things and contradict each other that idk what i exactly should do to reach my goals. i want to lose general weight (especially in my tummy and arms) and overall be more confident and happy. thank you 🤍 sorry again for the length of this!
hi hi! well first of all I dont think your boyfriend got any less attracted to you at all! boys are also pretty oblivious. dont worry about what he thinks because its not important. he loves you for you and clearly if he has never even said anything then that proves my point even more! also wanna say I have taken self timer pictures of my body and I was mortified too lol. like I swear it made me look 10x worse than I did so dont look too much into the pictures. adding exercise into your diet will help so if you want to wake up before babysitting (I dont blame you if you dont lol) then that would be a great way to start the morning and get it over with. but If you dont then after babysitting take an hour to go to the gym or do workouts at home. to lose weight you need to be in a calorie deficient. if you do little to no activity during the day and just eat shit all day then it will catch up with you (it did to me beginning of the year). dedicate ATLEAST 30 minutes into doing something. I have been so into walking for an hour and listening to podcasts, its like my fav things. eating healthy is the most important part though, tell your boyfriend you are eating healthy and you will go with him to get food but you won't always get something or you will find the healthiest option. growing up I always thought that eating healthy means eating gross foods but eating healthy can be soooo yummy. tik toks really helped me find recipes as well as going on Pinterest or even just going to the grocery store and experimenting. buy healthy snacks, veggies, skinny pop, halo top, hummus, rice cakes and pb, fruits, frozen fruit, smoothies. that helped me start losing weight and replacing unhealthy foods with good healthy ones. the grocery store is like the first step and getting into that mindset like ok im going to eat healthy is important. you know you can do it, anyone can do it. you just have to be ok with saying no to eating out and stuff. drink sooo much water, I have a 40oz hydro flask and I think I drink close to like 2 gallons not kidding. also tea!! I love tea so much. If you dont buy the junk food then you cant eat it! I know you can do this, you got this!!!!!!
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rinnnyxr · 4 years
Unpopular opinions you agree with
**Pineapple belongs on pizza **
Oreos in milk are overrated
New Disney is better than old Disney
K-pop isn’t good 
Riverdale is overrated
Being childish isn’t a bad thing
Tarantulas are cute
Books are better than movies 
Beards on men are ugly 
Snapchat isn’t that cool 
Taylor Swift’s albums are overrated
Cooked vegetables are better than fruit 
“The Kissing Booth” movie isn’t that good 
“Money can’t buy happiness” isn’t real
Black coffee is better than all other coffee
Converses are uncomfortable 
“The Incredibles 2″ is overhyped
Soccer isn’t fun sport to watch
**Ketchup is nasty **
Donuts are gross
Cats better than dogs  
Beyoncé is overrated 
Android is better than Apple 
Sprite is better than Pepsi or Coke
Trump is a good president
Peanut butter is disgusting 
Soda tastes terrible
Tacos are gross 
**Teens use their phone too much **
Vanilla is better than chocolate
Yeezys are ugly 
Pizza is gross
School is fun
Sardines are delicious
Despacito was not a good song at all 
Croptops are ugly
Honey is disgusting
**Metal music is amazing **
Showering at night is better than showering in the morning 
It’s annoying when people say “bless you” after you sneeze and they should mind their own business
Cake is not that good
Waking up early rules
Staying friends with your exes is fine and healthy 
Concerts are not fun 
Watching a movie at home is better than watching a movie in theaters
Anything fewer than four “ha”s in a “hahahaha” text is rude
Cats just seem more human than dogs
Getting presents is more stressful than it’s worth
Strawberries get more credit than they deserve
Taking a nap is usually a bad idea
**It’s better to be hot than cold **
Vegetables are better than dessert
Christmas is not the best holiday, not by a long shot 
^Thanksgiving is the best holiday 
Karaoke is only fun if you are a good singer and love attention. It’s horrifying for the rest of us 
There’s no reason to send cards in 2020. It’s a waste of trees
**Talking on the phone is easier and better than texting **
** **
** **
Texting Slang I Use
ily | idk | wtf | ttyl | stfu | cuz | rn | kms |** lol | wth** | oml | tmr | brb | lmao | ty | smh | np |** ikr | nvm** | idgaf |** ur | btw | idc** | bc
Parties Hosted before Friends make me go Prom Only eats the food Sings along Doesn’t talk to anyone Family parties Goes at least 1 a year Went with bf/gf Made new friend(s) Never drank Hooked up with someone Sitting the whole time Dances Prefers to stay at home School dances Stayed up all night Goes with friends Invited but does not go Drank mysterious liquid Got drunk Social with everyone DJ-ed a party
My Crush boy glasses older than me stylish long hair brunette short techie smart shy girl braces blue eyes freckles red hair younger than me rich short hair popular tall book worm plays a sport brown eyes blonde
Different Types of Virgo 1, The CEOs sensitive but doesn’t show it rolling their eyes for your drama wears black clothes a lot “my time is precious” lets failures define their self-worth doesn’t give up easily 4/6 2, The Beauty Queen discounted clothes are the absolute best not gonna be anyone’s side hoe insecure with their looks perfectionist mentality congenial, tires to be kind not ashamed of their sexuality 6/6 3, The Motherly Type holds grudges makes sure you eat well underappreciated to the core tries to help you in any way possible patient but easily irritated gets excited when you ask them about something they’re a pro at 5/6 4, The Chill Intellectual thrifts clothing 4/20 friendly watched documentaries about topics has so many conspiracy theories doesn’t give a fuck, just wants to have some peace good grades without trying 2/6
When a Virgo Is Sad “I’ll joke about my pain haha” “Fuck I’m lonely” Stressing out for no reason Tries hard not to cry Still tryna be there for people “Wow, I’ve been made the bad guy again..nice” “No one appreciates me” In need of romance or just comfort?
Inside The Mind of a Virgo
**“Bruh” **| resilience | being smart af | y’all are gonna miss me when I’m gone” | being good at listening | checking up on friends because you care | not realizing how beautiful you are | :( | boss ass bitch that’s goofy | not apologizing for speaking the truth | “fuck you but fuck me” | bravery | empathy | cackling over the fact that their friends ended up hurt after they didn’t take the advice the gave | a whole Pinterest board of cute outfits | cute baby animals | hating group projects with dumb people
You as a Friend Spamming memes Giving your friends life-changing advices You’re witty Trying your best to make time for friends So nice to everyone else but hard on yourself The biggest crackhead Would literally lock friends up if they try to text their exes
Five Things That Annoy You Always feeling like you’re self-inviting yourself to an event Being behind slow walkers in busy areas Deadlines on important tasks Ignorant people who think they’re smart “Just get over it, look on the brighter side”
Things You’ve Google Searched Before What do my dream mean? Pornhub Good sleep tips WebMD am I dying? Heartbreak music People falling over
Random Lush for cash Needing therapy Masking pain Being called the “office bitch” Being the mom friend Comfort food Laughing at who your exes downgraded to Overanalyzing everything people say to you You’re helpful People have called you cute before You can’t tolerate dumb people You can either be really friendly or would put a gun to people’s heads “Existence is pain” Just wanting to get shit done You have great problem-solving skills You’re passionate and hard-working You feel uncomfortable when people are too giving with you You’re anxious You’re friendly but skeptical Expecting the worst Very frequent mood changes You’re romantic lowkey Ghosting toxic people You take good photos You’re open to constructive criticism You’d do anything for family You like to get shit done asap Sad over childhood nostalgia Being a ride or die friend Personality over looks Wanting to be a kid again highkey Wanting to be in control Kinda patient You have to deal with idiots on a regular “Why the fuck aren’t the dishes arranged in alphabetical order?” “I literally did not ask for your opinion” Stressing out over nothing important “Gosh I should’ve stayed home today”
Rate how important you think each of these is in a partner from 1-10 (1= not important/don’t care, 10=very important)
Speaking the same language   1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Living in the same city   1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Living in the same country   1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Not swearing   **1 **| 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Good hygiene   1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Similar interests as you   1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Them not living with their parents   1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Being employed/having a good job   1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
The amount of money they have   **1 **| 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Being good in bed   1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | **5 **| 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Being good with kids   1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Playfulness   1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Height   1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |** 8** | 9 | 10
Going to the same school/work   1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
How popular they are   1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Their body/built   1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Having good hair   1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
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Survey #262
WoW will probably start to take over my life again tomorrow oof so expect surveys to slow down some.
What do you wish people wouldn't call you? The only one I don't really like is Girt calling me "kid." He doesn't mean it in a derogatory way or anything like that; he's just always called me that since I was a high school freshman and he was a senior. Now as an adult that's been through things I don't believe anyone deserves, it's kinda weird but more so frustrating as, regardless of his intentions, I somewhat feel belittled. I've never said anything directly about my discomfort, though, so it's my own fault. I just don't want to make him feel bad for doing it for years lmao. What do people say about your name upon learning it for the first time? They don't say anything; my name is very ordinary. Why did you choose the hair length you have? I have a few reasons. The biggest is because I was just bored of average, long hair, and the fact I was at the time having a very hard time with self-care. My hair would get incredibly knotted to where it was hard to even brush it sometimes. Makes me shiver thinking back on it. For my own sanity and ease, it needed to be gone. Also, with how STUPID hot I get, cutting it all off helped with the weight of my hair (it's v thick) but more importantly how hot it made me it the warm months. Zero regrets chopping it all off, omg. If your hair could be ANY color, what would you pick? At this very moment, I really want silver hair. Do you wish your hair was longer or shorter than it is now? It needs a trim. Do you think you're attractive? (It's okay to say yes =P) No; I think I wouldn't look ALL to bad if I lost some more weight (I've literally been on a weight loss plateau for two fuckin years). When I was perfectly healthy, I didn't think I was very pretty even back then, but now that I look back, I feel I was decently pretty. Not gorgeous, but. What is your favorite band? Ozzy Osbourne. :') What is your favorite movie? The Lion King. The second one is like directly behind it. Finding Nemo is also very precious to me. What is your favorite book or magazine? The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton and Johnny Got His Gun by Dalton Trumbo. What is your favorite song? Ugh, this is impossible. I love way way too many. I suppose maybe... "Death Inc." by Motionless In White? Idk. What is your favorite color to wear? Black, duh. If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would you go and why? South Africa because I want to spend time with and take pictures at the Kalahari Meerkat Project and especially pet a Whiskers meerkat. I WILL cry. Meerkats literally changed my life. So many people I wouldn't know... If you got the chance and wouldn't get caught, would you cheat on a lover? NOOOOO the guilt though. Someone drops a fifty dollar bill and doesn't notice. Will you tell them? Definitely. I'd feel awful otherwise. Would you ever pierce something on your face? I already have my lip and tongue pierced, and I did have my nostril pierced, too. I want more, particularly an undereye microdermal if I can switch to contacts... which I don't like. I think it'd look pretty dumb with glasses. Are you selfish? EVERYONE should be to a degree depending on the occasion. Doing what is best for you is not a bad thing. Are you mean to people who are different from you? Wow no. I find people "different" from me interesting. Do you make fun of obese people? By the BMI definition, I am one of those people. So take a guess? Do you eat when you're upset? I have to fight that extremely hard, because I usually do experience the impulse to comfort eat when I'm very depressed. I've gotten way better at it, though. What if you had to choose between feeding yourself or feeding your pets? I honestly don't know for sure what I'd do... but I think I would prioritize my pets, honestly. It would break me to watch them suffer and lose weight. What if you saw someone being beaten on the street? YOOOO I READ THIS AS "EATEN" FIRST. But anyway I'd call the cops ASAP. There's a possibility I'd intervene if I felt myself capable of taking on the assailant. What if it was you being beaten? According to the night terrors I've had beyond count, curse like a motherfucker and fight back while calling for help. Who's the most important person to you (related)? Mom. Who's the most important person to you (non-related)? Sara. What's more important to you, happiness or success? Happiness. What's more important to you, your happiness or someone else's? Depends on the person. List the ten most important things to you: Oh, yikes. No order: 1.) My peace of mind, health, and happiness; 2.) my family; 3.) my pets; 4.) my career future; 5.) my friends; 6.) a YouTuber I've never met lmao; 7.) my pebble from my partial hospitalization program; 8.) Teddy's ashes; 9.) the Mark mug Sara gave me sobs; 10.) and the RP site I'm on. Like if it disappeared tomorrow with all the profiles and history and stuff I would break the earth in half oof. Have you ever lived in a mobile home? No. Have you ever had your bedroom in a basement? No. How many times in the past week have you eaten fast food? Hm. I don't think once. In the house - shoes, socks, slippers or bare feet? Bare feet.\ Do you consider dogs inside or outside pets? Usually indoor, depending on the breed and the time of year. What’s your favourite piece of furniture in your house? ig my bed? Have you ever had a crush on a friend’s parent? Yikes no. Do you prefer carbonated or uncarbonated drinks? Sucker for carbonated over here. Favorite thing that you can see up in the sky? A full moon. Would you rather eat at the table or in your room? I'm so used to eating in my room. Do you like the sound of birds singing when you wake up, or is it annoying? I love it. If someone gave you a kitten, would you keep it? I'd love to, but it'd really be my mom's choice. What’s your ideal activity for a rainy day? Nap oh lawd. Favorite type of cracker? Cheez-Its. Banana sandwich... yum or yuck? Only yum with peanut butter. Animal you like to watch but sort of creeps you out: Spiders. Bagels or English Muffins? Bagels. Do you like to daydream about sex? I do it sometimes. Which of your parents do you laugh more with? My dad is really funny. Have you ever been to an open casket wake or funeral? Wake, yes. Who mows the lawn at your house? A family friend. Have you ever written a story from beginning to end? When I was little and was writing that meerkat story, yes. I started on the sequel but didn't get far. What’s a big turn on for you? Being genuinely interested in what makes me me. Actually wanting to know the littlest things about me. Just show sincere interest. Are you doing anything tomorrow? I do know I'm fuckin finally getting my laptop home. Does your car have a name? N/A Do you own clothes from any celebrity clothing lines? No, but a bitch is getting a Cloak shirt or hoodie at some point. Who was the last person you ranted about? My bitch of a cousin for being a disrespectful fuck when all my dying grandmother wants is to talk as a group with the whole family. I ranted to Mom though, not in the group chat because I'm actually mature enough to not talk shit when, again, all our grandma wants is peace and love between us at the end of her life. I was SEETHING. Know any magic tricks? I don't remember any. I LOOOOOVED those magic kits as a kid, though. Is there music in your head right now? Right now "Dirty Pretty" by In This Moment is on, so does that count as "in my head?" Would you like to become a dancer? It'd be very cool, most certainly, and due to taking dance classes so long, I tend to think of potential dances in my head when I hear like... any song, lol. I'd love to be one if I had the grace and endurance + no hyperhydrosis. Name one person of the same sex as you you wouldn't mind doing: Hunny I'm bisexual, there's a lot, lmao. Dream woman? Uhhhh. Maybe my friend Alon. She was like one of my first hints I wasn't straight, lmao. But idk, I find soooo many women to be attractive. What is the most gory film you've seen? One of the Saw movies. What a surprise, ik. Ever fallen down a hole? ZOINKS no. Do you work better in a clean or messy environment? Clean, durr. Do you know any vegans? Only online. Do you like bananas? I am VERY picky with bananas. They have to be perfect. My preferred ripeness lasts only like, two days. .-. What's a film you've seen that confused you? Oh boy, idk. I don't watch many films... especially if I'm confused and the plot isn't great, I'll stop watching. WAIT!!!!!! NO!!!!!!!! I went to see Warcraft when it came out and I was so fuckin lost just because the orcs' voices are so goddamn deep that I just sat there like "uhhhh sir come again????" I didn't play Classic, and I'm not great at remembering every aspect of the plot, so. I'm to this day p confused lmao. Do you ever wear black lipstick? I really only ever wear black. What is next to your bed? I have a white shelf to my left where I put my meds, a drink, the fan... that kind of stuff. My cat's food bowl is to the right of it on the floor. Are your fingernails dirty? Nope. Have you ever fell for someone believing you could "fix" them? Not for that reason, no. Describe a picture of yourself that you hate: LASKJDLKFJAOWJE my friend took a picture of me eating a hot dog once and joked she was putting that shit on Facebook and it was funny as shit but thank Christ she was in fact joking. Would you rather play a good or an evil character in a play? While I'd love to be the evil one, I'd probably make it too cheesy because I am a BAD actress. Has anybody ever lied to you just to impress you? Story of one of my "best" friendships. What's your favourite shade of blue? Baby blue, probs. Can you remember a world before iPods? I do indeed. On rides to school when I sat in the back, I would bring one of those portable CD players with me to play discs. Where did you go on your last date? I can't remember the place's name... Lume's? Something like that? Breakfast place in Illinois. Do people find you "cute"? It happens sometimes. Who does the best remixes? Oh idk, I don't pay much attention to this. Where do you get your news? Facebook, lmao. What social stigma does society need to get over? What DOESN'T it need to get over???? What was the last photo you took? Probably something funny on Facebook to send to Sara lmao. I will get memes to her some way. What mythical creature do you wish actually existed? As badly as I want to say dragons, I don't think it'd be a great idea, heh... Maybe dryads. What are you interested in that most people aren't? As of recently, TARANTULAS. I've fallen in LOVE with them. What's the most ridiculous thing you have bought? No clue. What sounds hit you with major nostalgia every time you hear them? The gem collecting sound from Spyro. It was my text ringtone on my last phone! I need to move it over to my current one. What was the biggest realization you have had about yourself? I was possibly the bigger villain than Jason in the breakup. But idk. What topic could you spend forever talking about? Gay rights. Which way should toilet paper hang, over or under? In the original patent, it was designed as going over. GMM knowledge. Therefore I find over as correct, BUT I ultimately don't care like... at all. I don't even really notice when I go in the bathroom. Are you usually early or late? Usually slightly early. What do you wish you knew more about? Politics so I could be a more helpful member of society alksdjfka;lw What is the most annoying question you've been asked? It's not really like, annoying I guess, but the closest would be just how frequently people see my lip ring and ask if it hurt. It's incredibly sensitive skin, and even if it wasn't, a needle went all the way through it. Like... guess. News flash: being stabbed hurts, lmao. Like I always explain that it's not awful, but duh, there is pain. What is your favorite milkshake flavor? Yummm chocolate. What was the worst phase in your life? 2020 thinks it's a bad guy, but lemme tell ya, shit's got nothing on 2016. Do you like sprinkles on your ice cream? I hate sprinkles on anything. Just an annoying texture with negligible flavor. The last time you went out to eat - what did you order? It was just a milkshake. Do you have all 32 teeth? I'm missing two wisdom teeth that just never grew in. Do you know how to do the moon walk? Never tried. What is one of your favorite comedy movies? White Chicks. Has anybody ever told you that you have a good singing voice? Yeah. I don't think I do. Onion rings or french fries? Fries. Not an onion ring fan. Who is the best cook that you know? Sara's mom is great, omgggg. She's cooked things I generally don't like yet I wound up enjoying. Can you name 3 different dinosaurs? Let's see: Spinosaurus, stegosaurus, velociraptor. I was a dino kid, man, just gettin' started. *finger guns* What's the largest amount that you can juggle at one time? I can’t juggle. What was your favorite thing to go on at the playground as a kid? I'd daaaash for the swingset. Do you know how much you weighed at birth? How much? Ummm I think 6-something pounds? 7? Where do you spend most of your time at? At home. In my bed. Exciting stuff, y'know. What noise does your favorite animal make? If my memory serves me right, they have over 40 vocalizations, but I'd say barking and chirping are the most ordinary/basic. Have you ever fallen in the toilet when you were little? lol I don't think so. What is the best kind of mac & cheese? I'm a basic-ass Velveeta bitch lmao. Who is your favorite oldies band? Boy oh BOY, you're asking a classic rock/metal addict. Of course it's Ozzy tho. But I love soooo many!! What is your favorite farm animal? Pigs! Do you like to play Monopoly? I'm not a big fan, no. What is the most fun restaurant you have ever been to? I like the vibe of Buffalo Wild Wings. Or I just have good memories there. What size bra do you wear? I'm actually not sure. I haven't bought new ones in a while and I don't think the ones I currently have are the right size anyway. Do you have a ceiling fan in your room? No. Who was your favorite Sesame Street character? I don't remember too well, but I think Cookie Monster? What about Muppet? Idr. What was going through your mind during the presidential campaign? I am sadly paying no attention. What do you think of the Duggar family ( 17+ kids )? Could you handle taking care of that many children? Ew, hell no. I don't believe the number of children warranted in a family should be legally monitored, it's much more difficult than that, BUT RATHER I'm very firm about knowing when it's more than enough. Population control is a thing. NOBODY needs that many kids imo, not even close to that. So far, what is the number one, best decision you have ever made? How has it affected your life? Letting go of Jason/accepting life without him. It has made my life much, much brighter and healthier. Have you reunited with any old friends recently? Was it awkward, or just like old times? No. When was the last time you talked to your first ex? February of 2017. Wow... been a long time. How different is your online personality from your offline personality? I am MUCH more outgoing and talkative online. What are your favorite holiday-themed movies? Jim Carrey's How The Grinch Stole Christmas, Hocus Pocus, The Nightmare Before Christmas, etc... Do you listen to Christmas/winter-themed music when the season comes around? No. Is there anything that you do that’s potentially controversial? Yes. What is your most recent obsession? Most recent, whew, tarantulas. I'm really gonna try talking Mom into letting me get one when/if we move. Do you say “merry Christmas” or “happy holidays”? To you, does it really matter which one is said/you say? Do you do your best to remain politically correct? Instinctually, I say "merry Christmas;" that's what has always been said around me. I personally see zero problem in calling it whatever... Like just appreciate someone wishing you well. You get the concept, and that's all you really need imo. As for political correctness, I'm kinda... down the middle? Like I feel it's been taken way, way too far, but I see some caution in wording as wise. If you could relive one week of your life, which would it be, and why? Would you do anything differently, or keep it all the same? Ugh, my first visit at Sara's. I just loved it so, so much. I think I wouldn't change a thing. It felt perfect. Is there a part of your life you wish you could remember, but can’t? Sometimes when I take these surveys and they ask "how old were you when...", ha ha. Frustrates me. What was the last thing/event to trigger a painful memory? It was last night, actually. The Final Fantasy VII remake is out, and I started watching a YouTuber I like play it. Jason got me to play the original, playing it a lot when we spent time together, but I only got a bit beyond half-way through before my PS3 broke. Cherished memories, so it was decently triggering indeed. I loved the game though and ABSOLUTELY want to see it played out in its entirety, so I shoved past the pain and am glad I did. Now I'm anxiously awaiting the next video aljkdsjfawe Y'ALL I wanna play more FF. What do you think of people that choose not to vote? I can't say anything, seeing as I never have voted before... Are you keeping anything from the people you love? Nothing important, no. Have you ever written a suicide note, whether joking or not? Yes, and that stupid novel is one of my biggest regrets. Who the FUCK would joke about that, though. When was the last time you let something ‘go to your head’? Not even like an hour ago. This happens allllll the time. When are you most likely to show off? Maaan Guitar Hero used to be good for that shit, ha ha. I was an expert at that back in its day. I haven't played it in forever, and on the rare occasion I do, I am suuuper rusty. Which would you prefer: spectacular view of the ocean, or of the mountains? MOUNTAINS!!!!!! Do you follow any dating rules/play any dating games? No. When was the last time you felt extremely confident about something? ME????????? CONFIDENT???????????? WHAT A CONCEPT!!!!!!!!!! When was the last time you blew the seeds off of a dandelion? Wow, not a clue. Probably not since we lived at my old house and I would go on walks down the path. What was the last thing that happened that you couldn’t explain? Oh I dunno. What do you do with all of your spare change? I just keep it in my wallet. Where did you hear about your all-time favorite band? He was and still is one of my mom's favorites! How many cans of soda do you drink in a day? AHHHHHH soda is my biggest nutritional weakness. I refuse to let myself drink more than one a day now though. It's funny and disgusting, when I was HEALTHY AND SKINNY I could on a rare occasion start a fourth can in a single day. Nowadays the thought almost makes me shiver. What is the oldest thing that you own? and the newest? The oldest thing, ummm. Not sure. Probably a stuffed animal in the attic. I just got two new books today! Is there anything you wish you had never found out about? Yep. A number of things. What is something that you refuse to believe in? Astrology. What is something you wish more people believed in? Gay rights. What food is your ultimate comfort food? Ice cream. Have you ever put anything inside a time capsule? What? OMGGGG I remember doing this in elementary school as a class! I don't recall what was in it, though. Is there too much violence on tv, or are people to sensitive? Too sensitive, but also negligent. It's got a lot to do with raising, imo. Don't show kids wild shit at too young of an age, and when they are shown this kind of stuff, you make it obvious that the behavior/content is unacceptable irl. Entertainment is not responsible for someone's shitty actions made with their own volition. What is something you used to fear, but no longer do? My first huge fear was thunderstorms. Now I enjoy them lol. Do you think it’s important to know a 2nd language? Not mandatory, no. Especially depends on if you're going anywhere. Do you know anyone that’s just naturally good at almost everything? My old friend Hannia IMMEDIATELY came to mind. She was the best in class GPA-wise, first chair for flute in band, and just in general STUPID talented. Do you know anyone that’s just bad at everything? BITCH ME What is one emoticon you use often? A sarcastic :^) or <3 What is one emoticon you almost never use? A lot, particularly ones with equal signs for eyes.
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ofcloudsandstars · 4 years
God this week was one of them WEEKS but I will post about some daily adventures and pics. It was good I am just reflecting and it was a ride lol. 
I just think cause celestially there was a lot of ““disharmonious”” aspects though I don’t really like calling them that it’s more like aspects that cause a lot of tension but that could be use as gun powder for energy or if you choose to not use it it can explode in other uncontrollable ways. 
Sunday my best witch friend invited me to this performance in London (if you guys went you’d know it was hell) called ‘Black Moon Lilith in Pisces in the 4th House’ which already a foreboding enough title. It was performed by Johanna Hedva at The Forum where apparently according to my witch friends that went was an Actual non-consentual seance of this musician channeling her mother who was abusive and died from alcoholism. She also trapped the attendees in this black room?? But to say the obvious I did not go cause I had a ✧・゚Staff Party・゚:* (I am a Libra with priorities) and there was a potential for my work crush to be there so I got to partake in a ritual of one of my fave magics (glamour magic) and I wore a silver slinky gown with smokey black eyeshadow, long silver chain earrings and my selenite orb necklace. I painted my nails sheer silver too. I used glamour to make myself more alluring and ‘shiny’ to charm people/catch their eye etc. No my crush wasn’t there because that’s how life be BUT all the other managers were and they were all like Shocked at how I looked like I felt like the morningstar and the P&D manager literally gagged when she saw me cause she couldn’t find the words. The magic was sadly wasted cause my crush wasn’t there but maybe this was my guides trying to save me from shitting where I eat cause that was the evening Mars and Venus were in an intense square and we would have definitely gone home together. It was the same night another witch friend split with her wife and she had to move back home with her parents which is always unfun. 
Which leads me to Monday, I was staying at a coworkers BOUGIE house in highbury and Islington that’s a two floor apartment to babysit his cats while he and his girlfriend were away in the Philippines. I am known as a cat lover at work so he came to me to look after his place but I reached out to my friend cause I knew these aspects were trying and she asked if she could stay at the flat with me. I said yes which was.. a MISTAKE lol. Out of respect I don’t want to go into the details of her life but its more of I didn’t realize how blessed I was to be able to have a moment to rest and reflect in a nice apartment and I was trying to be nice and help out a friend but it was like the scene in titanic where there is a door they are holding on to for support and for some reason Rose gets to sit on the door and Jack is in the water and I felt like I was supporting this friend and getting sunken down myself. It’s crazy how much someone can take up space and when she wasn’t UNLOADING her drama of work and her ending marriage when I would come home from work desiring peace and quiet, she would try to change the subject but her mind is in a negative space since she is going through chaotic change so it would be always a negative or violent topic and I am like.. I need SPACE. 
The last straw was on the second night I asked if she could sleep on a sheet on the sofa since I noticed that people prefer when others sleep on bedsheets if they sleep on sofas and since it’s not my house and it doesn’t belong to a friend of mine but a coworker who is my SUPERIOR at work entrusting me with his house I want to be extra careful with his things and she said: Oh did I do something wrong?? And that question just irritated me cause it’s like no I am not implying you are dirty and will contaminate his couch its just this isn’t someone close to me and obviously this place is fucking bougie they have a Fountain for their Cats in the kitchen so you know they are uppity people like just sleep on the fucking sheet jeeze. Then she got up.. and there were Stains.. And she quickly said: Oh yeah I noticed they were there before.. Maybe they were from the cats?? 1. I was in the house days before and never saw the stains.  2. Regardless of whom it was from, even, if it was the cats, she should have said something cause its my RESPONSIBILITY to look after the house and if the cats ruined something I’d have to take care of it and if it wasn’t fixable I’d have to report it asap to my coworker and 3. upon further inspection it was chocolate.. Which means no it was not the cats, it was her, and instead of her taking responsibility for whatever she stained it with she just sat there for hours and if I wouldn’t have suggested she slept on the sheet which she was passively trying to make me feel bad for even asking her to do this then the chocolate would have had even longer to seep into the couch.  I asked her if she ate any chocolate lately and she was like: O yea, I had some cookies! In a babey voice and I was so done I just silently got the sponge and scrubbed the stains the fuck out the couch. 
That night I was literally sending energy out towards her like: You have to leave tomorrow and it will all be understood and go smoothly. The next morning the first thing she asked was: Hey how have you been feeling? Like she knew and she received the energy, and I was like yes sorry I haven’t been great and I do need space to process it alone. And an hour later she left to go back to her parents.  
Wednesday was my friend’s (this is the Scorpio witch I did DMT with and also moved here briefly from Brooklyn, she is from my NYC witch community) closing ceremony she did for her healing space in Peckham. I am sad to see her go cause she was such a fantastic friend and interesting presence in my life but she is moving on to the next chapter and is joining some community of witches in New Orleans which I am excited for her since she has also been on this journey of self love and healing trauma from her ancestral roots and its great that she is going to join a loving black spiritual community. There is also an underground movement happening in Louisiana with black radical Americans growing their own food and trying to help each other out so she is going to get involved there. She is an inspiration cause I kind of wish I could be this radical and just move from place to place and use my powers for healing but like its not easy to compare especially cause my friend went through some insane trauma that probably contributed to her taking a more dynamic path and maturing faster spiritually than I have. I mean she has an insane scorpio stellium and would do DMT often like having an ego death is just cyclical to her cause pluto is her ruler so its just another healing process for her to die again and be reborn from her ashes even though I probably could never do DMT again for at least 15 years lol. (It’s not my medicine). Her friend did a soundbath which was really nice in the space and I met up with some other witch friends there and FINALLY this illusive witch I made a yule stocking for that has been intensely hibernating since she split with her girlfriend and had to move back with her parents as well (the planets have not been kind to your relationships guys) but it was funny cause the yule cards I made for everyone were based off of oracle cards I pulled that reflected their year and winter to come and hers was literally about how she was going to hibernate and needed rest so when she apologized for not being around I was pointing to the image on the card of the person chilling in their burrow under the earth like: It’s ok that’s you!!! 
The rest of the week I have pictures for and I will post about them separately. 
I always feel bad I haven’t been on here as much as usual but my life has been eventful and full of adventure and I am in the process of figuring myself out (again.. a long ongoing process lol) so I haven’t been spending much time on the computer anyway. I used to love doing posts from magic in my personal life here but like everyday there is a lot of magic here happening in my life in london so I feel like it’s everyday and I feel like I don’t want to bombard you all with daily nonsense or drama. I also would want to be more productive with what I post like maybe use some of my knowledge I’ve been working with for years to teach people but I am somewhat unconfident in that. I am also kind of hard on myself. 
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justsomenarutobs · 6 years
Itachi Domestic Headcanons (SFW+NSFW)
Hey love so as we all know Itachi had a very depressing life never truly getting to enjoy his adult life so in these headcanons I kinda danced around any negatives also this was requested 4 times over the course of a couple days so i just had to get these out asap and the nsfw format has been changed so let me know if you dont like it all feedback is welcome anyhoo let’s get on with the show!
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 Itachi is such a devoted boyfriend this can not be stressed enough once he’s in love there’s no going back unless it’s under extreme circumstances like they cheated on him or try to turn him in as he is a wanted man but Itachi is cautious before devoted so he would have already found out everything even remotely important about his s/o so that there are no sudden surprises. In a relationship Itachi does just about anything for his s/o could ask for even if it’s something drastic like “hey Itachi I need a super rare pepper from a village 10 hours away that’s about half a million yen can you go grab it? I need it for dinner” his s/o can bet their every belonging that the pepper will be on the table that night somehow someway the only thing is that he expects that same devotion back which doesn’t even have to be to the same extent, simply making him dinner and rubbing his shoulders when he comes home or something cute like trying to learn how to make his favorite dinner will have him over the moon with ease
 Itachi doesn’t think about farthing the relationship to be completely honest, he gets stuck in the bliss of finally having a healthy relationship and if not brought up by his s/o he will never properly “pop the question” as he doesn’t see the need to since he has already decided to dedicate his life to them! He’s also not keen on having kids AT THE START of the relationship but again if brought up by his s/o Itachi will slowly warm up to either one or both of these ideas however he will definitely need an abundant amount of time to fully pick apart the pros and cons. When it comes to marriage Itachi will agree as long as his s/o compromises a bit by keeping the wedding small in guests the actual decorations or price is not a problem it’s just Itachi would rather keep everything intimate as for the kids...well in theory Itachi would love to have at least two kids but because he’s such an over thinker he’ll worry himself so much that the idea ends up getting scrap. Everything he thinks about sometimes gets brought up to his s/o therefore it really depends on who Itachi is dating because again it only takes some encouragement to get him over his own insecurities 
 After hitting a couple milestones in the relationship like a 5 month anniversary,moving in together,maybe even getting a pet together etc he strongly starts to think about leaving the Akatsuki and might even do it without telling his s/o until they specifically ask him when they notice he’s around more often to which he’ll most likely just say “There’s nothing to worry about anymore” with one of his signature small smiles. One of the main reasons for him doing this is keeping his partner safe and sound as it doesn’t take a genius to know that being in the Akatsuki brings death, the only unknown is if the death will befall their loved ones or themselves neither sounds right to Itachi as he’s in a constant state of happiness lately. No matter if he’s in the akatsuki or not Itachi prioritizes his partners life and is ALWAYS on the lookout for anything/anyone that might bring harm their way although it’s always subtle never truly showing the depth of his love because for the bigger chunk of his life he was closed up and became use to not being able to articulate his feelings while it’s not as bad as most Uchiha men cough cough Sasuke cough it’s still going to take lots of time and patience before he ever completely opens himself if ever
 THE BIGGEST CLOSET ROMANTIC ALIVE like it’s going to catch his s/o off guard the first few times when they walk into the living room only to find a big healthy bouquet of yellow roses with red tips or his other favorite lavender roses (yellow roses with red tips mean falling in love and lavender roses mean love at first sight/I love you) he doesn’t get red roses because he believes his partner is much to unique for the lovely but overall too common flower. Dates are always very chill but super romantic there’s no pressure, no feelings of needing to make conversation just basking in each other’s presence! Some examples of his dates would be very well thought out picnics at places of importance such as where they first met,first kiss or even just a place his partner enjoyed in their childhood. Other than picnics the only other times Itachi plans dates outside the house is when he feels confident that no conflict is to come from traveling, on those occurrences he takes his partner to places that stuck in his mind during his times traveling for the Akatsuki like the hot springs in Yugakure (which means “hidden village in hot water”). The bouquets are weekly represents of his love/appreciation for his partner and the dates are as often as allotted by his partners schedule but if their schedule just can’t seem to fit in little vacations Itachi has no problems making cute little dates in the comfort of their own home from movie watching to cooking dinner before they get home he does anything that could make them blush and have them feel loved
 What a pure sweetheart, Itachi is a gentle yet passion lover! He wants to pleasure his s/o to the fullest extent and the want for their happiness can almost overshadowed his own during sex so having a attentive lover will help big time that way Itachi also gets satisfied. Foreplay is one of Itachi FAVORITE parts while yes the actual penetration is mind blowing it has nothing on the heated kisses,light tugs from the hair,the taste of his partner etc it almost overwhelms him but in the best way possible as he wants to touch/taste everything he’s allowed to. For Itachi his foreplay has to include lots of oral sex because the taste and intimacy including him having his head between two warm thighs really gets him rock hard but usually the oral sex is only for his s/o unless they beg to give him a blowjob (because who wouldn’t want to lol) blowjobs with Itachi are always fun but never rough as he hates the sound of gagging (for dark reasons as well;it reminds him of someone choking on blood and the last thing they want is to trigger a panic attack)
 As for actual sex Itachi always rubs the head around their entrance as his only act of teasing because once he’s inside there’s absolutely no time waste. Is the king of hitting their g-spot/prostate without even needing a 9 inch dick because his stroke game is constant,strong and deeeeeeep. Every time he pulls out it’s slow but with no pause once the tip is right at the front then boom it’s back digging deep causing extreme ecstasy and to Itachi’s delight loud moans. Since Itachi wants to sate his s/o’s needs he has no problem switching positions at the maximum 3 times after that he gets a little annoyed but will most likely not mention, if anything he’ll began picking up his thrusts going a bit faster/rougher so they won’t have a want to switch positions all in all Itachi’s sex life motto is simply “why have sex when one could make love” 
 Let’s do some of his turn ons shall we? 
Lingerie- The things Itachi would do to see  his s/o in some super lacy/extravagant lingerie it’s also a surefire way to get him in the mood! 
Biting- Of course he’s not trying to hurt his s/o but sometimes he gets so lost in pleasure that he unconsciously bites down either on their back,under the collarbone or right near the shoulder while he feels bad when he sees it bruise something deep in him is happy they’re marked by him
Raw sex- He mostly just enjoys this because the feelings of not only the tightness but the wetness makes him wanna melt then on a more emotional level he feels honored that his s/o has trust in him to not make him put on a condom
Blindfolds/handcuffs- Not for him personally but on his s/o he likes the aspect that he can do whatever he wants and that his s/o once again trusts him so much 
Then as for positions we have his top three:
Missionary- As boring as it may sound you can’t deny that it’s an extremely intimate position as they are both wrapped in each other's arms, leg intertwined and lots of eye contact which is Itachi a favorite!
Cowgirl- So long as his partner doesn’t mind Itachi would his partner to ride him as he gets to hold their waist,nibble at their nipples and even rub their clit/give them a handjob to maximize pleasure
The Hotseat- having his partner sitting right on his dick and grinding to meet his thrust will literally have him panting in his partners ear in this position his partner has a upperhand...that is until he reaches around then starts playing with them
 Aftercare with Itachi is so sappy and cutesy a bystander could get a cavity if they watched too long. Right after sex Itachi is almost comatose;his body is just too heavy to move after sex so much so that he waits just a bit before getting up to grab a fluffy washcloth to wipe his s/o down of not only cum but their sweat/drool. Afterwards he half makes the bed (meaning he fixes the pillows and straighten ups the comforter while his s/o catches their breath) once that’s done he slips back in his boxers asking if there’s anything his s/o wants if nothing is given as a answer then he climbs back into bed gently pulling his s/o into a hug waiting for the moment they slip into sleep to whisper “I love you”
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wroteasongabouther · 6 years
I'm definitely gonna need a morning after with that best friend post
bestfriend!harry part 2 please???
Bestfriend!harry is the best consept in the whole world, I love you for writing it and PLEASE post more asap! Literally the best thing I’ve read in ages
That bestfriend!harry was amazing! Will there be a part 2?
You and your best friend did that? HOLY SHIT that’s hot af WRITE A SECOND PART PLEASEEEE
pleaseee do part 2 bestfriend!harry
I would DEFINITELY like to read a pt two of the best friend Harry one is you want to write one !!!!
Could I request a pt 2 to the bestfriend!harry??
“Holy fuck I have the worst headache,”
“Drank too much?”
“Shut up Niall this is your bloody fault and that disgusting flavoured vodka,”
“Didn’t think it was disgusting last night,”
Harry glares at the blonde haired boy while he opens the cupboard beside your fridge and grabs a single serve Keurig cup and pops it into the Keurig. Before he starts it up he grabs a mug, funny enough it’s the one he had bought you for a house warming gift. Printed on the plain white mug was a photo of him in his stupid Miley Cyrus costume, which was oh so flattering. You have a good laugh from it whenever it gets used though.
Remy and Niall start arguing about something in the living room - which was open to the kitchen - as you open the fridge and fill up your glass with more filtered water. As you’re drinking half the glass, the fridge still open and water jug still in hand, you caught Harry’s side glance at you. Your body feels like it’s burning and your head feels like it’s about to explode. Half of this could’ve been prevented if you just stopped what had happened last night. But you knew you wanted it. Question was if Harry wanted it or not.
You fill up your glass again, eyes focused on what your doing, then close the fridge. “Feeling alright?” You ask Harry as he rubs both his eyes.
“Might throw up,” he states.
“Gross,” you chuckle and walk out of the kitchen.
You weren’t going to be the one to bring up last night. Maybe he just didn’t remember, you could live with that right? Pretend that you had blacked out as well and go about your life as normal. Send Harry stupid memes and have him over alone to binge watch The 100 or make ridiculous jokes and sing along to music in his car. Things didn’t have to change because you two got a little too drunk and handsy.
“Rems, are you still gunna hang out today?” You ask while taking a seat on the couch beside Niall. Remy sat on the carpeted floor with a blanket draped over her legs.
“Yeah,” she shrugs, “my roommate had been seriously annoying lately and I like you better anyways,”
“You better,” you stick out your tongue.
“I should probably get goin’, gotta let the dogs out or me mum will freak,” Niall says while standing from the couch.
“How long are you house sitting for again?” Remy asks.
“A week,” he replied while gathering his things. The two of you nod and say goodbye. “Tell Harry goodbye for me,” he says, causing you to look around for Harry. He must’ve felt real sick, probably hugging the toilet for dear life and cursing Niall for giving him more shots after the club.
You had woken up an hour ago, Harry’s body no longer touching yours in any way. Immediately imagines of last night flooded your brain as you heard the light snores from beside you. A stinging feeling was felt in your chest as you overthought everything. Harry didn’t like you, he never did and never would. Last night he got too drunk and blacked out while his horny side took over and got you off. That was that, and now you had to live with it and ignore the hurt inside.
“Jesus, took you long enough,” Remy grumbles while getting off the floor, “first Y/N’s bed and now the loo, what’s next ya gonna steal my car to drive home too?”
“Sod off,” Harry mumbles as you watch Remy walk passed him towards the washroom. Your eyes follow Harry as he walks into the kitchen and grabs his mug full of coffee.
“Feeling any better?” You ask as he takes a seat next to you and sets his mug on the coffee table. You have to curl your legs up as he sits down, but Harry is quick to do as he usually does and grabs your ankles to let you rest your legs in his lap. It’s not out of the norm, yet after last night it felt awkward.
“Not really,” he admits, “Niall leave already?”
You nod your head, “had to let his mums dogs out,”
“Fuckin’ twat didn’t look a bit hungover,” Harry grumbles as he reaches for his coffee, taking a sip before setting it back down. His hands casually rest on your calves and your body sets fire again from his touch.
“Did you sleep alright?” you ask to fill the awkward silence between you two.
Harry nods, “did you?”
“Oh, uh, yeah,” you mumble and look away from Harry as his eyes are on you.
“Good, thanks for letting me crash in your bed,”
“No problem,” you clear your throat and meet his gaze. He had to of remembered, this can’t just be eating you alive. “But next time maybe let Remy sleep in the bed, cause if I have to hear her complain about sleeping on the floor again I’m going to go crazy,”
Harry chuckles and nods, “for sure,” he says.
“I am freaking starving,” Remy shouts while entering the living room again. You sit up striaght, taking your legs off Harry and watch Remy. “Let’s get some McDonalds and then sit and watch shit tv all day,”
“Works for me,” you say while standing up and stretching, “you gunna come along, H?”
“No, I should get home,” he states and gets up slowly from the couch. He reaches for his coffee mug and finishes it before walking into the kitchen and putting the mug into the dishwasher.
You and Remy get ready by the door and as soon as Harry joins you feel tense again. He’s not watching you more carefully than any time before, he’s not making an effort to touch you, he’s just slipping into his boots and jacket before holding open the door for you. Both Remy and Harry wait for you to lock the door then you all make your way downstairs.
“Are you even gunna make it home?” Remy asks Harry, who had to stop once outside to potentially throw up some more.
“Yeah,” Harry swallows and shakes his head, “fuck Niall, that fuck,” he mutters.
You chuckle and bump into him, “maybe I should’ve stayed up, seeing as I’ve got a bigger dick than you,” you tease. It was an inside joke. Harry sniffled during sad films and he complained more than you did. Therefore, your metaphoric dick was bigger than his.
Remy had kept walking towards your car while Harry stood up straight again and took one large step towards you. He was so close, and your breath gets caught in your throat. Flashbacks from last night flood in as you see Harry lips turn up into a smirk.
“Don’t recall you having a dick last night,” Harry says in a low voice.
Your eyes widen in shock from his words as he steps past you. He remembered. He remembered and he wasn’t going to do or say anything else about it either? You shake your head and turn around, seeing Harry step up to his car that’s parked beside yours. This was really happening. You and your best friend casually fooled around last night and were brushing it off casually too. You could do this. Taking a deep breath, you get into your car and start it up as Harry pulls away.
“What’s up with you two?” Remy asks as you drive down the street.
“Nothing,” you say with a shrug.
It was nothing. A one time drunken mistake, right? That’s the page you and Harry were on, right? Fuck this.
Hey you busy tonight?
nope just was gunna stay in tonight actually
Oh, well wanna start re-watching The 100? The new season starts next month
yeah sure! come over whenever
K, probably will be sometime after 7, just at work. There’s so many punks trying to play the guitars today it’s annoying.
show them who’s boss lol
pick up some liquor i wanna make it a drinking game lol
I’m down! You need something too?
nope im good thanks tho
Come open your door
shut up i’m coming!!!!
“Were you in the shower?” Harry asks as you answer the door with a towel in hand while drying the ends of your hair.
“Bath, actually,” you correct him. Harry closes the door behind him and you want to the couch.
“Nice,” Harry nods and walks into the kitchen. “You use one of those bath bomb things I got you for Christmas?”
“Yup, it was blue and pretty,” you smile.
“Want a mixed drink or the cooler drinks you’ve got in the fridge?”
“Cooler please,”
Harry moves around in the kitchen and you click through your smart TV to get to Netflix to start up The 100. As Harry takes a seat on the couch with you, he passes you your drink before leaning back and relaxing into the cushion he claimed as his own over the years. He once went off about how it had shaped to his bottom one drunk night - arguing with you and Niall, of course Niall was more into the discussion.
Things felt normal. Not like he had fingered your last weekend and now you hadn’t talked about it since. You made up a few starter rules for drinks, ending up chugging half pretty early. By the second episode you were resting your legs in Harry’s lap and finishing your second drink.
“Bellamy is kinda a dick in this season,” Harry states before finishing off his drink too.
“Want another?” you ask while standing up from the couch.
“Yeah, thanks,” he smiles and hands you his glass.
It was the liquor getting to you, as you pour Harry’s drink a bit too strong accidentally, you were day dreaming about dirty dirty things. Screw drunk Harry last weekend touching you like that. Now with a simple look you got even more turned on than before. Before it was a crush sorta feeling, but like you’d always love him and want him. Now you had a little taste and wanted the whole damn cake. You crack open your drink and have a long sip.
How could you do this? Friends with benefits, that is the best angle right? You ponder these things while taking your seat again and give Harry’s his glass. He grabs your ankles and brings your legs up into his lap again - a giggle escapes your lips from his action. While the show plays, you have trouble paying attention. Harry’s gently rubbing your ankles and up your calves.
“So,” Harry draws out the word, causing your head to spin as you look towards him, “are we not talking about last weekend then?” he asks.
“Uh,” you’re so thrown off, “I mean, we can, yeah, sure,”
“You didn’t like it?”
“Uh,” this was really happening, you suck in a deep breath and have a sip of your drink, “I mean, yeah I liked it,”
Harry chuckles and lets his finger tips tickle across your skin, “yeah, stupid question I guess,” he seems nervous.
“Was it a mistake?” you question, the most burning one of all.
“I don’t think so,” he shrugs and keeps brushing his fingers along your skin, “it was kinda nice,” Harry admits.
“Yeah,” you breathe out.
Harry looks up and meets your eyes now. You take this moment to have another sip of your drink. You definitely needed the liquor to get through this conversation. You catch Harry let out a low chuckle before he moves your legs from his lap. Thinking he’s getting up, you sit up some more and move out of his way - only suddenly Harry’s holding himself over top of you, his face is so close you can feel his breath.
“How nice?” Harry smirks, “do it again, kinda nice? Did you want me to get you off again, pet?”
Your eyes flutter closed and then back open again as your stomach twists and turns. “If I’m correct,” you pause and take a few seconds to look into Harry’s eyes, “I owe you one,”
Harry states down at you for a moment, as if he’s trying to figure you out. Then he smirks and moves away from you completely, sitting back in his seat and finishing off his drink. You watch him, confused by what was happening - had you said something wrong?
“As you wish then, pet,” Harry’s voice is rough but then he clears it and motions for to his pants. Your eyes fall to his crotch, and yup there’s a growing bulge against his jeans.
You lick your lips, sitting up and getting off the couch slowly. Nerves come over you as you end up between Harry’s legs. As the show continues on in the background and Harry leans back while his hooded eyes are on you, it’s obvious this night took a turn. You’d blame the alcohol. Finally you suck it up and pull out whatever sort of sex machine was inside of you and reach of the button of Harry’s jeans.
You don’t think, instead you just imagine how good this will be. Pulling down the zipper slowly, you can feel his hard cock. Swallowing hard, you push down the material and let out his pulsating cock. Without looking up you know just how much harry is controlling himself by the throaty sound that comes from him as you run your thumb over the tip of him. So many things are running through you head. But you let them fade away as you lean forward and lick all the way up his shaft before closing your lips around the top of him. You let go on him and look up to see Harry watching you, the list in his dark eyes was obvious.
“Ready for me already, huh?” You question, letting the thickness in your voice stay in hopes it sounds more sexy. Harry let’s out a groan as you flicker your tongue over his tip.
“Don’t be a tease, pet,” he grumbles.
“Not being a tease, am I?” You say jokingly, using an innocent voice while peering up at him again.
“Oh baby,” he struggles as you blow out dramatically through your mouth, only an inch from his tip. “Just put those pretty fuckin’ lips around my cock, pet,” he groans and without another second to staple you close your lips around him. Bobbing up and down on his cock, you hear him groan again and again.
You should’ve known he’d have a long thick cock, especially after last weekend with it pressed up against your bum all night. But it’s surprising as you’re sucking him off, gagging every few motions as you try to force as much of him into your mouth. You like it though. The feeling of his cock hitting the back of your throat. It’s a slutty feeling, but it’s one you’re dreamt of before. Harry whimpers and moans as you keep moving, occasionally popping his cock out of your mouth and working fast with your hand only to have it back in your mouth again.
“Fuck, let’s it, take it all,” Harry let’s out a long loud groan as you push his entire length into your mouth and stop at the base. Your eyes are watering and then you let go as you feel as though you’re about to gag.
There’s no wasting a second as you feel Harry’s hips buckle. He’s close, liking what you’re doing to him as much as you like what he had done to you. You bob up and down near the tip of his cock, lapping your tongue over the tip every few seconds. Harry moans some more and you feel his hand on your head, fingers threading into your hair.
“You like it don’t you, being on your knees in front of me, huh? Like my big cock in yeh mouth, pet?” Harry says through clenched teeth. You peer up at him through your lashes, popping him out of you mouth but working his shaft with your hand as a smile curls upon your lips.
“You like my lips around your big cock, don’t you?” You tease back. Harry cursed under his breath as you quickly suck him off instead of waiting for a response.
You work faster as you feel his throbbing in your mouth. He’s about to burst, you just know it. The hand he had in your hair tightening, guiding you down into his cock as he throws his head back and groans loudly again. His cock twitches in your mouth, any second now and he’s be filling up your mouth. You feel it hit the back of your throat suddenly, the hot salty taste causes you to sit back and stick out your tongue as he comes. It all goes into your mouth, grunts and groans with each spew. After a moment you wrap your lips around his cock, causing another string of moans, before letting his cock free and swallowing.
“Jesus fucking Christ,” Harry mumbles with an arm over his eyes and his other hand on his stomach as his chest heaves. You smile, turning around to grab your can to wash away his come.
“Now,” you pause while taking you seat on the couch again, “we’re even,” you smile.
Harry let’s out a chuckle while situating himself back into his pants again. You catch him shaking his head as you focus on the tv across from you. There’s no more words, you know you’d sucked the damn life out of Harry as he stays leaning back in the couch with his legs apart. You can’t wipe the smile from your face as his hand rests on your thigh and you two continue to watch the show and play your drinking game.
“Ha! Murphy threatened someone, drink,” you say before lifting your can to your lips. Harry drinks and pats your leg, pointing at the fact Clarke was giving some shit speech to “the people”, meaning another drink for you both.
Any more of this and you’d be passing out soon from the amount of liquor you’ve had.
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evenstevensranked · 6 years
#5: Season 3, Episode 1 - “The Kiss”
Season 3 begins with a bang -- bringing us one of the best, most memorable episodes the show has ever produced! Louis and Tawny accidentally kiss at lunch and the two decide to start dating!!! AHHHH! Everything's great until Tawny has to kiss Zack Estrada (yes, the saga continues once again) in the school play. The subplot is all about Donnie, who feels like a broken human because he never cries.
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This is it, guys. The Top 5. The home stretch. The crème de la crème. Let’s go. 
This episode was a really big moment in my childhood. I was going through some old VHS tapes I found not too long ago, and came across one with this episode on it! That’s how you know it was a major deal. The first minute or so was cut off on the recording, and this was before all of our TVs had in-depth guides at our fingertips -- so I had no idea what episode was going to be airing. All I knew was “Even Stevens is up next!” So as soon as I saw it was the kiss episode, I popped in that tape and recorded this thing ASAP. I was a tweenage hopeless romantic with a crush on Shia LaBeouf. Of course I had to record the episode where Louis gets a girlfriend. 
It opens with Louis and Tawny at lunch together being adorable, trading snacks and sides until each of their lunches are completely different from what they started with. When suddenly, Tawny ~gets something in her eye.~ The oldest cliché in the book! I love it. Louis gets reaaal close to Tawny and goes diggin’ for gold in her eye, eventually identifying the “thing” as a soy cookie crumb. That’s when some person bumps into Louis and thankfully Tawny’s lips are there to break his fall.
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The two are in absolute stunned silence once they break apart. It was a magical moment, clearly, as you can see. Ren interrupts their mutual daze by walking over with Zack Estrada and Tom in tow, reminding Tawny that she has a fitting for the school play. This does a hard cut to Louis’ room after school that day. Twitty dramatically spits out his drink when he hears the news: “DUDE! THIS IS HUGE YOU KISSED TAWNY?!?!” 
I’ve mentioned before that Even Stevens comes across as more of a ~bro show~ in comparison to the majority of Disney Channel shows which typically follow a teen girl as the lead. This is why I love rare moments like this scene between Louis and Twitty. Two guy best friends freaking out about one of them kissing a girl for the first time. I feel like we never see this on Disney Channel anymore. It feels so real and genuine too, especially for these characters. Louis isn’t entirely sure if it counts as a kiss though, so Twitty demands to get the facts straight. (“Kissing is like basketball, either the ball went in the hoop or it didn’t!”) He asks Louis how long he kissed her for and Louis guesses it was a “one-Mississippi” length. Twitty rejoices. 
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“SWISH, DUDE! You kissed her!”
Louis is elated. Both of them agree that Louis + Tawny = Beautiful. (Can’t argue there!) So much so, that Louis starts to skip around with happiness. One of my favorite parts of the whole episode is here, when Louis takes a moment to think about how Tawny might be feeling. He has a mental breakdown when he realizes “Wait, whoa. There she was... Eating her lunch... and I, like... JUMPED on her! For all I know, Tawny’s disgusted by me!” Louis Stevens is the kind of guy we all deserve. I know it’s such a small thing, but it’s something that has aged amazingly. This line stood out like a sore thumb to me given today’s political climate and the Me Too era. I’ve said a million times that this show has aged super gracefully because it really has. It’s not entirely perfect though. No show is without its blemishes. There are some things we haven’t made it to yet in the countdown that have definitely not aged very well, but we’ll get to that later. Let’s just say, this one little line shows that Louis has grown exponentially as not only a character, but a guy in general, and sets a good example. Twitty vows to go on a “fact-finding mission” for Louis to figure out how Tawny feels about the situation. 
Tawny is still back at school rehearsing for the play which was written by... you guessed it! REN STEVENS! This woman does everything. How does anyone else even have a job at LJH? Ren is in charge of everything ever. Ren’s brilliant and totally not boring play is about Abigail Adams, played by Tawny, and her relationship with John Adams, played by none other than Zack Estrada! Knowing these characters and their history, it’s clear that Zack is still into Tawny to some degree. Coach Tugnut is there because they apparently pay him $92 to be the theater advisor. I love how specific that amount is, lol. He has no problem telling Ren that her play is a pile of trash and needs to be spiced up if she wants to sell any tickets.
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I love how Tom is playing the “lowly manservant.” He’s ridiculously dedicated to staying in character at all times throughout the episode. Tom’s the best. Tawny’s pattern mixing though. A plaid dress with red and black striped tights and Docs? She was so ~alternative.~ I love it. 
Zack is trying to ask Tawny out for a root beer when Twitty crashes the rehearsal and not so subtly tries to ask Tawny about the kiss, skirting around the issue by nervously asking stupid questions instead like “where are your parents from originally?” But of course, Tawny is freaking awesome and has no time for anyone's bs as usual. She literally says “I’m gonna stop you. Because eventually, you’re going to ask me about the kiss Louis gave me today at lunch. If he wants to talk to me about it, he can talk to me without your help. Tell him to meet me at his locker 10 minutes before first period,” YAAAASSSSSS! TAWNY IS NO NONSENSE AND ONE OF THE GREATEST FEMALE CHARACTERS ON DISNEY. Praise. 
The next morning Louis is waiting for Tawny at his locker and you’ve undoubtedly seen this screenshot of when he notices her walking his way: 
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Smooth. For whatever reason this is one of the main images that comes up as a “Louis Stevens” search result, therefore nearly every single nostalgia article uses it. It’s kind of annoying. 
Louis and Tawny have a preciously awkward conversation, talking about how they both couldn’t sleep because they were up thinking about what happened. They’re also sort of skirting around the issue until Tawny puts her foot down once again: “Look, Louis, I like you. I always have. Since the first day I met you.” I am melting. Louis is so freaking happy and says “WHY DIDN’T YOU TELL ME?! WE COULD’A BEEN KISSIN’ UP A STORM!!!” Oh, wow. They immediately start dating and I’m a puddle of goo. Also, this happens. Which... yeah, lol. 95k notes. Wow. 
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The first gif tho. Louis when Tawny was saying “I like you.” HOW GENUINE IS THAT FACE?! Shia won an Emmy for this so there is justice in the world. But yeah. They are so pure. :’)
This leads into a montage that spans possibly 3 days or so, showing us Louis and Tawny interacting as a couple. I hate that this is all we get. They should’ve stretched this montage into 3 episodes instead tbh. I live for this crap. 
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“Hey, babe. Want some celery?” 
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“Only 15 more hours ‘til I see you!” 
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"Thanks for walking me to rehearsal.” “Oh, anything for my beautiful lady.” 
QUALITY CONTENT. Also, gotta love how polite Louis is being by wearing that hideous sweater Tawny knit for him. 
I love this episode because we get to see actual ~Boyfriend Louis~ for the first and pretty much only time, and man is it something. Once again this show nails the awkwardness of Junior High relationships. It’s so intense when you’re 14, right?! There’s no such thing as casually dating. You have to be all in, 24/7. It takes over your life because you’re not really equipped to mentally handle a serious relationship at 14. This is why I never get tired of watching TV teen relationships. They’re always endlessly entertaining to me. 
After watching a cheesy 1940s “Casablanca” knock-off romance movie with the fam, Ren realizes the “spice” her play needs is the passion of two people in love. She rewrites the play to make it more exciting and even adds in a passionate kiss between Abigail and John... a.k.a. Zack and Tawny... for the big finale. UH-OH! We’re introduced to Donnie’s little subplot there because Steve, Eileen, and even Beans -- bawled their eyes out at the movie but all Donnie could do was burp after stuffing his face through the whole thing. He starts to question “what’s wrong with me?!” because he felt no emotion whatsoever.  
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Ren announces the script changes at the rehearsal Louis walked Tawny to a few screenshots above. Coach Tugnut observes Louis and Tawny’s obvious couple-y vibe and tells Louis “First girlfriend? Get ready for a lifetime of pain.” Oh, god. That’s the last thing you should tell Louis Stevens. He starts freaking out and it only gets worse when he hears Ren tell everyone about the addition of the big kiss and Zack cheers “YEEEEEAHHHH!!!!!! *transitions into a cough to cover his excitement*” Because as I mentioned, it’s clear that he’s still into Tawny. I feel like if it was anyone other than Zack, Louis might be okay with the kiss. There’s just something about this guy that he absolutely cannot deal with. We first saw Louis' jealousy over Zack and Tawny way back in Season 1 with "Easy Way" and then "Strictly Ballroom." We also see Louis become super jealous over Twitty's friendship with Zack towards the end of the series. Also... I swear, I did not plan for 3 out of 4 episodes in The Zack Estrada Saga to end up in the Top 10 and be counted down in serial order. Pretty cool that it worked out that way though, haha.
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Louis feels that Ren’s rewrite is “too predictable” so he decides to write his own ending for the play and presents it to Ren at home that night. He envisions the story concluding with Abigail running to her husband and giving him a haircut. HAHAHA! Anything but a kiss! “I’ve never seen it before!” he says. Welp, he’s definitely right about his idea being unpredictable! lol. Imagine?! Of course, Ren can tell that Louis is actually just freaking out about Zack kissing Tawny and Louis is like “Are you trying to embarrass me in front of the whole school?!” -- But, would it really be that bad though? Would people taunt him like “lol ur girlfriend kissed another guy” or something? Because, like... It’s just a play. But then again, it is middle school. So. 
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Louis is super down about the whole thing and Tawny finds him sulking on a bench the next day. She’s all “Hey, Cutie Pants! I’ve been looking all over for you!” -- ‘Cutie Pants’ is a little too far, lol. She brought Louis her “Tater Slabs,” which he declines. Side note: Are those supposed to be a form of Tater Tots? Because I feel like Disney Channel has a million different names for Tater Tots. They call them Tater Slabs here. These days, they’re calling them Baby Taters on Andi Mack. It’s just a constant reminder that “Tater Tots” is a registered trademark that Disney can’t say without coughing up the cash, lol.
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Tawny asks Louis if something’s the matter and he’s like “I think you should quit the play” and pulls a bunch of bogus excuses out of his butt as for why. Tawny being Tawny cuts right to the chase: “Does this have anything to do with me kissing Zack?” I love this bit. She reassures him that all they’re doing is acting, it’s not real -- and there’s only one person she really wants to kiss. She asks Louis to promise he’ll be okay with it and Louis’ response of “Alright. I promise,” is the softest, most sincere thing I’ve ever heard this character say. It warms my heart every time. Tawny heads off to rehearsal and Louis is feeling prett-ay swaggy knowing he’s ~the only man in Tawny’s life~
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I CAN’T DEAL WITH THIS. I also never knew what he was saying here, but I think I just realized he’s mouthing to himself “I’m the only one she really wants to kiss” 
Louis was just accepting the fact that it’s ONLY ACTING until he sees the newly unveiled poster for the play that features a cozy picture from dress rehearsal. 
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CUT TO THE PLAY! It starts with a bit where Tawny/Abigail calls Tom’s character Renee “a loyal and faithful manservant.” Tom originally had a speech, but Ren cut it in her rewrite. So he milks his time on stage by saying “Thank you, thank you, thank you” repeatedly to Abigail. It’s great. Tawny and Zack are up there acting really well together! Louis’ whole family is whispering about how great their chemistry is and Louis is quaking. 
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One of John’s lines in the play is that he will think of Abigail “on two occasions... when my eyes are open, and when they are closed,” -- Is that a Babyface reference?! HAHA. Louis can’t take it anymore so he goes running backstage and I’m not sure what he was planning to do, but he ends up going completely insane. He somehow managed to steal Tom’s costume right off his back and goes running on stage demanding for John to leave before kissing his wife goodbye. It’s so cringeworthy. I can’t help but laugh though when Louis says “You must come with me at once! You gotta send her a postcard, email, or something! We gotta miss rush-hour traffic!” LOL. 
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Ren: “How did Louis get your clothes?!”
Tom: “He can be very persuasive...” 
What could Louis possibly have said to get Tom to strip?! Omg. 
Tom goes running on stage like ^ that in an attempt to save the play somehow and says “Excuse the undergarments, m’lady! I was under the cherry tree napping!” which was always one of my mom’s favorite lines, haha. Tom tries to drag Louis off stage but the entire play officially goes down in flames when Louis starts fighting Tom off of him. He goes rollin’ all over the stage, knocking down everything in his path -- completely ruining the set. It’s funny, but I also feel so bad for Tawny. Ugh. 
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After Louis destroys the whole shebang, he tries to play it off by doing this... which is truly hilarious: 
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Louis meets up with Tawny outside after the play and the two have such a dramatic conversation. I love it. Louis apologizes: “You gotta understand... I tried to be mature and cool. And the next thing I know, I’m up on stage wearing Tom’s pants! I’m really sorry.” It’s way more sincere than it sounds. Louis decides that he’s not ready for a relationship. This is actually such great character development for him. Interestingly, he’s mature enough to realize he’s NOT mature enough to seriously date someone. As upsetting and frustrating as it is to see the two break up, it’s also really satisfying to see him own up to his immaturity. This creates a true arc for when they finally get together in the series finale. It feels earned. Like they’re actually ready that time around. They decide to go back to being just friends for the time being. Before they part ways, however, Louis decides to leave Tawny with a super suave kiss?! What the heck?!
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This was the biggest kiss of my entire childhood between two TV characters aside from Lizzie and Gordo at the end of The Lizzie McGuire Movie tbh. Everyone was expecting that Lizzie/Gordo kiss though. THIS one was outta left field here! This is so weird to me! He’s super smooth with Beans’ cousin later on and here he’s kissin’ Tawny like a pro. Idk, man. 
The episode ends with Donnie finally crying over that Babyface lyric: “When his eyes are open, and when his eyes are closed......... THAT’S ALL THE TIME!”
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And that’s it! 
Gaaad, this episode is a classic. Like I said, it was a pretty big deal for 10 year old me, let me tell ya! I feel like it’s definitely one of the most memorable episodes ever. Not to mention, it technically has 3 plots (Louis/Tawny, Ren writing the play, and Donnie) and ALL OF THEM ARE INTERTWINED FLAWLESSLY! I gotta commend that. The only department I’d say this episode is lacking in is quotable dialogue. But that’s it really! It checks every box for me otherwise! This episode and the finale probably had a lot to do with Season 3 being my favorite as a kid, haha. 
What are your thoughts on this wonderful season opener?! Please add to the conversation via Disqus belowwww!
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emotionai-shawty · 3 years
folded and got on snapchat lolol just for a lil though but im done till i pop out wit a new body! i had a 10 hr and 30 min shift and still went to the gym lets talk about consistency i need to change my eating ways tho but im on my cycle soooooooooo we are going to post pone that till next week lol
work wasnt really that bad once i changed my mindset but a nigga was not working hard really was hardly working and they did not want to send me home talking bout some fake clean LMAO girl wtf and my feet dont hurt as bad as it would usually do to say i was doing hella movement and was literally on my feet all day
anyways im so ready for this semseter to end after monday im deleting canvas LMAO frfr and ima pick up some more shifts because i need a whole new closet asap i cant be all fine and still got these lame ass clothes lmao but i have work in the morning sadly but atleast my check gonna be good :) bye yall
0 notes
Issue 1: Tass
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How long have you had your store: I started officially selling clothes after I finished college in 2013 and moved back home to the suburban midwest, so I guess 5 years now! I was working at the local newspaper at the time but was looking for an extra way to kill time, not necessarily even to make money. I started with Poshmark and loved connecting with other people who liked similar clothes, which was actually kind of rare for where I lived. I loved being able to see people showcase their own style in the form of their own closets and let people “shop their closet”. I also became really interested in clothes trading, which I like doing with my irl friends, so the fact a lot of people were willing to trade items was also really cool to me and something I hadn’t seen before.
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How would you describe your shop? I think the clothes I sell are kind of more one-off like something that would be worn as a funny statement piece - I love a bright color and bold pattern, power clashing, and anything rainbow, glittery or that can incorporate faux fur in a tasteful way. It’s pretty reflective of my midwestern lifestyle and probably the clothes I consistently have the most of are windbreakers and winter coats, the main way we can express ourselves here for half of the year or more… There are a few sticker art projects I have in my store that I started doing around 2012 out of boredom when I was still in school, the most prominent one probably being the 6 foot tall Britney Spears poster that’s completely covered in (vintage) Lisa Frank stickers but never intended to actually finish or take seriously. Over the years I used sticker collaging as a way to keep my mind off things and have it be a means to add color and vibrancy to otherwise more plain posters/art.
When I first opened my shop in 2013, I made a holographic wall out of posterboards to hang my clothes on and that was my first store display on Poshmark and Etsy and always tried to have unique ways to show my clothes ever since, and to change the look of my store at least once a year. I’ve wavered between thinking having consistent “branding” is best and thinking it’s best to change as my ideas change, and have ended up going with the latter at whatever expense that has had, resulting in my store bio now being “Hi I’m Crazy Branding” lmao. The last time I re-did my store I got a mannequin from the city off Craigslist that I painted hot pink and move around my yard or put against different backdrops/bright colored walls to model the clothes. At one point I put velcro on the back of all my stuffed animals plushies and trolls and stuck them to a white wall in my apartment I was living to use as the background. I used to love to bring around solo holographic poster boards to my friends’ houses before we went out so that we could all take pictures behind them as the backdrop, portable aesthetic is essential.
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What era or year is your favorite in fashion? My favorite looks are early 90s minimalistic grunge but not too minimal - Black jeans, velvet dresses, and plain tees, all of that, but then on the flip side I love the super excessive part of those eras of fashion too, like rainbow everything and floating glitter inside plastic holographic accessories. My favorite outfit of all time is something my aunt gave me from her 80s closet, it’s a long elastic teal leopard mermaid-style skirt with a matching teal leopard flowy button down shirt, all cotton and polyester. I love outfits that are completely matching like that and have been seeing that lately in brands that I follow, so I hope that sticks.
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What item of clothing in the world are you lusting after or saving up for?
One of those new robot dresses that react to your moods or whatever lmao but if I’m being more realistic there is a designer who I really love that I found on Instagram who knits beaded sweaters using like thousands of different colored beads and completely covers them. They’re works of art and I would love to have one some day and be able to support an artist too! I’m definitely always lusting after new pairs of plain black pleather platform (but not too high anymore) shoes. I love the brand Hot Lava and I guess if I'm saving up for one thing it would be their "Barbed" rainbow matching bralette/pants combo.
Favorite clothing brand/brands and why? Since I usually only buy thrift for myself these days, my favorite brands are probably just based on design only but I love Discount Universe and other sequins-covered clothes or otherwise outlandish/tacky patterns, especially if they’re owned/designed/produced by women - Wacky Wacko, I have the Tabloid Dress they made a few years ago and it’s one of my favorite of all time even though I never wear it I also LOVE everything from Big Bud Press and YardSale666 in general.
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What music do you like, does it play a role in your personal style? The music I listen to most now is probably "experimental pop" and growing up I loved pop punk. Both of those have affected my style and stayed with me to this day, I still wear skinny jeans and slip on Van-style shoes most often no matter what else I’ve layered on top of it. I used to like to purposely wear edgy clothes and do my hair to provoke a reaction out of people when I was younger - my brother would pass down band shirts to me that said things like “What the F*** are you looking at?” (lol) and I would cut them off into a crop top and wear it with a super long high-waisted thrifted pink and purple plaid skirt. That was definitely my go-to outfit for like an entire summer straight. I’ve always liked clothes that makes a statement even if it’s in a literal way with words, clothes with a lot of text on them, and I really like the new wave of DIY embroidery, especially on thrifted or up cycled clothes. Band tee shirts were also just like a huge part of growing up for me, buying them at shows and collecting them and wearing them all the time. Also in my shop I have a guitar that I completely stickered/bejeweled which was one of my longest running projects that I really want to make more of. It was one of my brother's old acoustic guitars that he let me completely deck out and it perfectly combines the femme pop elements I love with an actual instrument. Music and fashion are so intertwined all the time I think, and clothes/accessories are something that always stuck out to me about singers and bands too! I love how fashion plays a role in music today too and can make or break an entire aesthetic or era.
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Does living in your city/state inspire you? Where are you most creative? Yes lmao living in rural suburban Illinois actually inspires me a lot and I’m probably the most happily creative here. When I lived in the city, things were a lot more stressful so it made me work on a lot of projects to distract myself, but I eventually burned out from that pretty bad. I get inspired by midwestern people but mostly in a way that most people find cringey, I mocked it more when I was younger but now try to tastefully incorporate it into my looks. State Fair Chic is inspiring to me. My mom has a lot of handpainted and iron-on sweatshirts for different holidays that are staples of my closet. Living in the midwest and being bored definitely made me thrift more and imo makes the thrifting better, it made me always be working on craft projects, and always changing my hair and style.
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What things do you love to create? I think my favorite things to create are entire rooms and looks, I like to make different aesthetics through combining colors, furniture and fabrics that all feel familiar even if it’s a little chaotic. My long term project with my bedroom was turning my walls of thrifted art (with 20-30 framed pictures) into matching colored frames that fit the whole look of the room, so I guess just really getting at the details of design. I think I’m pretty tacky so I like to stick to things that embody that and will always love stickering huge projects, painting everything plain into bright colors and incorporating anything I find thrifting or in the garbage into larger art aesthetics. My favorite thing to do is thrift and upcycle clothes, furniture, wall art, lamps, etc. anything that I see “potential” in lol.
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Who are some of your favorite artists?: There are a ton of artists I follow that inspire me every day, definitely just “regular” people or like more lowkey artists. People who thrift or collect and refurbish toys are amazing to me and I love the doll community on IG. Witches or people I’ve met through astrology who are creating more spiritual art inspire me every day with their words and presentations. I also love comedians and movies, I love John Early and Kate Berlant and recently saw they collaborated with Peggy Noland and Seth Bogart of Wacky Wacko so that was iconic to me.
I collaborate a lot with my brother who has done a lot of graphic design stuff for me over the years. He makes resin toys of his own and designs t-shirts. He’s great at painting and drawing, two skills I never was good at that I really appreciate in him that he is always willing to lend a hand to me. He is two years older than me and went to school for advertising so exchanging ideas and doing projects with him is something I like to do too. He also has more of a background in music production so we recently started trying to make music together. We both love combining fashion and music!
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What album do you recommend to pick up ASAP? Hayley Kiyoko - Expectations, hands down the vibe for summer
Follow Tass on Depop!
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drybonesawaken · 3 years
A group of people wanted to share a journal together. So this week, I've been journaling (almost) every day, and tomorrow I'm gonna be passing it onto the next person.
It was kinda fun. Bit scary to put my thoughts out there - but not that bad tbh. I figured since I am not gonna keep the journal I should transcribe my thoughts somewhere, so here they are.
Yes, the math bits were included in the journal when I wrote. Just something fun I did. You can try to figure out if it means anything if you want :)
Maple 3.27.21
I don't like journaling .-. mah handwriting sucks, and pen ink takes too long to dry. Apologies If any of this page is smudged as a result ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ And no, Maple does not use anything but pen. When mistakes are made, and trust they will definitely be made, you see a lot of bleh <- that. I also missed like three words in the previous sentence, but it's messy to try to go back and put them in :( this is the consequence of writing when brain is running at negative mph... This may be two paragraphs of nothing, but honestly that's how my day goes, usually. Right now I'm listening to this audiobook to fill up my brain and stop it from thinking. It's quite interesting. I read the book back in middle school, and it's taking me on a trip down memory lane. I was listening to this earlier while playing tetris, too. I'm joining a tetris tournament tomorrow, so I've been grinding this week. Hopefully it goes well! It's funny how I spend so much time playing this game which means so little - but somehow, I find fulfillment in the emptiness that it brings me. Breaking personal records is such a meaningless ordeal, but somehow it's something I strive so hard to do. These days, PBs come once every couple of months. It's not worth it.
Maple 3.28.21
Today felt like I did everything and nothing all at the same time. I found out I don't like tetris tournaments. I hung out with some friends. I ate a big dinner. I made some choices I highkey regretted, yet couldn't stop myself from making in the moment. I spent some time sulking over said mistakes by cuddling with roommate. Very thankful for him - I definitely make him so uncomfortable LOL but he puts up with it because he knows touch is my love language. I was debating for awhile today over what I should eat for dinner (or breakfast or lunch or whatever you want to call it :') ) and I realized what I wanted to eat most was my own cooking. Unfortunately, I wasn't feeling like cooking, so I had to settle for something else, but this was kind of a wake up call: when's the last time I cooked for myself? hmmm... It's also at the same time pretty cool because less than a year ago, I was still at a place where I strongly disliked my cooking and only ate it because I had to. Crazy how things can change in just a year - my culinary skills must have improved a lot over last summer... I really need to get my car tires fixed tomorrow. I have time tomorrow. I had better go. If I don't, my car is gonna break.
How does one stop beating themselves up for their mistakes? I don't struggle with forgiveness, but oh how I struggle with forgiving myself...
1 + 2 = 4 = 2
Maple 3.30.21
Yesterday, we had to record something for Easter that took forever. It was not fun. I kept messing up. And my perfectionist self kept blabbering about wanting to redo certain things. Everyone was tired - it went so long - some people had exams; I can only imagine how annoying it must have been to hear me complaining about doing things again, and yet - and I hate myself for this - I couldn't help but keep bringing it up. Of course, being unsatisfied with the way I played, I volunteered to patch things up in post production. *sigh*, what a mistake that ended up being. Afterwards, I was tired and wanted to go home. Yet, because someone asked, and I guess I was a bit hungry, I decided to go get food with Junshik and Bryan. My ulterior motive was to talk to Bryan about buying cars, so I guess that worked out. But yikes, I only got 7 hours of sleep last night. - Today sucked. I'm realizing more and more that part of depression is the complete dependence on sleep. When I get not enough sleep, I'm not just fatigued: my life is just hell. I straight up no-showed to a meeting and apologized for it 8 hours after the fact (my excuse was that I feel asleep. Wow, something so embarrassing most people would find an excuse for it has now become my go to excuse. Rip). Went to a meetup because I didn't want to cancel - again - so that was fun (sorry if you're reading this. I lied when I said that I was ok :/). Life group was great I wanted to die but I was leading worship so I couldn't just leave. And oh yeah I just spent the last 4 hours after life group mixing that audio clip because stupid ol' me volunteered to do it asap yesterday. Tomorrow will be fun. I have 7 meetings/meetups from 9am to 8pm. I wonder how many I'll cancel last minute, or straight up skip...? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I hate ______.
Maple 3.31.21
9am to 8pm today was rough. It's kinda crazy - when I wake up, I knew it wasn't gonna be a good day...but I really needed it to be at least an okay day. And I think I somehow willed that into existence :O I need to try this again sometime. Didn't cancel or skip a single thing today! (Praise God!!!) After my meetings all ended, I had to tutor for another 3 hours until 11:30, too. That was draining. I also pranked a friend today - told her I was dating right after midnight. Oh I love April Fools. She's the only one I can consistently troll year after year. I also spent a considerable amount of time after midnight trying to figure out how to script Audacity in Python. Useless, sure, but it could save us sound people a couple of minutes every Sunday if I figure it out. This is what my degree is for :') Sleep is going to feel so good tonight.
5 + 4 - 7 = 2 + 1 11 + 1 + 1 - 1 = 6 4 + 2 = 3 5 = 2 + 2 - 3 5 = 4 - 1 - 2
Maple 4.2.21
I think my handwriting is getting better with this almost-daily practice =) This whole week has been busy-ness from when I wake up to when I go to bed. Hung out with people yesterday for the first time this week, and it was pretty tiring. I can't say I regret it though; I had a lot of fun and learned a lot about certain people. Recently, I've been noticing that people can tell when I'm tired a lot more obviously - someone on worship team who I only interact with on Sundays literally called me out for it. I'm finding that it just sort of slips onto my face, in such a way that I don't notice and can't even recognize it: I'm shocked every time it happens. Maybe it's because I've lost the will to live, so the lack of will to hide it came alongside as well. I accidentally let it slip that I've been brain empty to worship team today, and now there are even more people worried for me, some of whom I barely know. I'm such a burden :( Brain empty is honestly such a mood though. I have too many problems and not enough will to confront them. Better to just avoid. Yeah yeah yeah this is not healthy I know. I'll save doing things the healthy way for tomorrow :')
1 + 1 = 4 + 3 + 2 + 1 8 = 7 6 - 5 = 10 + 1 1 + 2 = 1 - 1
Maple 4.3.21
Today was supposed to be a more chill day, but it really wasn't... Forced myself to get out of bed for a meetup rather than cancel it. I think if I had cancelled it, everything else I had to do today would have followed suit shortly after.... It ended up being a 2-hour meetup, straight into 2.5 hours of tutoring. As much as they might have been pretty ok tbh, I can't say I enjoyed it. I was so dead afterwards. I wanted to cancel my dinner meetup so bad. But I had already gone shopping earlier today (during the first meetup) so that I could cook for him. And I knew if I cancelled it'd be another week before I'd have a chance. The food would have gone bad. So following 2 tilt-inducing matches of tetris which were supposed to be stress relieving (they were not), commenced 2 hours of cooking, followed by a 3.5 hr meetup. It was... haha... Did I enjoy it? Yup. Did I have a hella-thick mask on the whole time? Also yup. I'm so ready for a long hot shower and an early bedtime. Tomorrow is Easter. I'm not feeling very victorious...
1 + 2 = 4 - 1 1 + 1 - 1 + 1 = 1 1 + 2 + 3 - 4 = 4 - 1 - 2 + 1
0 notes
the-expert-zone · 3 years
What Every Keto-er Needs in Their Cart! –
This post may contain affiliate links. See affiliate disclaimer here.
When is Amazon Prime Day 2020? Prime Day kicks off at midnight PT on Tuesday, October 13 and runs through Wednesday, October 14, for Prime members.
Who Can Shop? Amazon Prime Day is a perk exclusively for Prime members. If you’re looking to shop Prime Day deals and don’t have a membership, definitely signup for a free 30-day trial here ASAP, so you can access the exclusive event for free.
Support Small Businesses! I love supporting small businesses whenever possible and to be able to do that during Prime Day is amazing.Prime members can shop deals featured in the Support Small storefront, Amazon Handmade and Amazon Launchpad.
An interesting fact I learned while researching all the best deals this year is that more than half of the items sold on Amazon are from mostly small and medium-sized businesses, and last Prime Day, these sellers surpassed $2 billion in sales.
And as an added bonus for shopping small, Amazon is offering a $10 credit to use on Prime Day to members who spend $10 on items sold by select small businesses in Amazon’s store. Visit the link here to learn more about it and to start shopping!
My Picks If you have read some of my other posts, you know I am an Amazon addict so I have been scouring the site for the best deals for you guys. I’ve added my favorites below – let me know if I missed out on a good deal in the comments below!
If you follow me on Instagram, you know my obsession with my Nespresso Vertuo machine (and my excess buy of all their pumpkin spice cups). I actually bought my Nespresso machine from Amazon because of the deal I got during last year’s Prime Day – the machine came with an aerator so I can foam up cream to put in my coffee and was 30% off. This year the deal is even better with 41% off the Nespresso machine! ProTip: I bought my machine from Amazon, but it makes more sense to purchase the coffee pods from Nespresso’s website (and it still ships in just a couple of days!).
Get your Nespresso here.
Is it me, or is it easier drinking all your water if you are drinking it out of something pretty? I love these ombre water bottles that are not only gorgeous but keep me honest with my refilling time. I usually refill mine 3 times a day!
Get you ombre water bottle here.
I have been stalking the InstantPot with Airfryer lid price an Amazon waiting for the moment that it would hit a sale price. And boy it has come! This gadget seriously does it all. Now with the air fryer lid, the InstantPot air fries (obviously lol), pressure cooks, sautés, steams, slow cooks, sous vides, warms, roasts, bakes, broil and dehydrates. I mean, come on! I literally just ordered this during the Prime Day sale, and I am so excited for it to arrive – expect A LOT of healthy recipes to be filling the blog very soon!
Get your InstantPot with AirFryer lid here.
I use my blender everyday. I make smoothies, nut butters, juices, and more but I hate when I want one serving of something to dirty up the huge blender. I love this Ninja blender because it comes with small, to go cups that you can blend right in with the full power of the blender! This feature is amazing because I know what I’m blending is one serving and I only have to wash one thing.
Get your Ninja here.
Working out at home has been a total game changer for me. After saving up for a year, I bought a Peloton in March and it has been so incredible! (add me on the leaderboard: robolikes) Recently, Peloton added classes that used resistance bands and these classes are so good! Andy & Hannah teach them and they are so good and leave you feeling sore. These bands are my favorite because they are much more budget friendly and are so easy to use. I use them whenever I need extra strength workouts added to my bike riding!
Get your resistance bands here.
Also recently added on the Peloton app are barre classes! These classes are also with Hannah and OMG let me tell you they are so tough! I love adding Bala weights to my wrists and ankles to make the moves even more challenging. These weights are also great to add an arm workout while walking too! I also love a great product that was also a contestant on SharkTank but that’s just a fun factoid for me ;D
Get your Bala weights here.
I love these workout pants. They are super high waisted & have 3 pockets! They are also super breathable & always stay put during my workouts filled with pilates ab workouts, barre squats, power walks, and spin classes. They also come in a ton of awesome color and lengths and are beyond affordable.
Get your leggings here.
I am an avid meal prepper. I actually really enjoy taking a few hours on a Sunday and cooking up a storm – it’s almost like meditating to me! I love these containers to keep all of my prepped food fresh throughout the week. They are airtight and have never had one of them stain even with soups and sauces.
Get your containers here.
I love walking. I personally feel it has been instrumental in the positive changes in my body and mind. But it’s not always feasible to get in the amount of steps I want daily. Which lead me to research treadmills. Now, I live in a tiny apartment in New York City so the tread needed to be compact and hopefully something I could shove underneath my bed when necessary. Enter this little folding miracle from GoPlus! This treadmill is exactly what I wanted – it’s small and lets me get in all my steps. It should be noted that I only power walk on it and do not run so definitely look into it more if you are a runner!
Get your treadmill here.
I eat lots of salads, but get tired of making them, cutting up all the stuff, etc. Enter my new favorite kitchen tool, OXO Good Grips Salad Chopper & Bowl! With this, I just throw everything in the bowl and in only a few seconds it’s a salad!
Get your salad chopper bowl here.
Unexpected sale alert! Vital Proteins Collagen Peptides Powder is 50% off! definitely stock up on this powder now by clicking here.
Let me know what you get or if you end up getting any of my favorites below!
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You can click the LINK to start creating your 8-week plan. Simply follow the plan to achieve a successful keto diet.
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canaryatlaw · 6 years
okay, so today. all around pretty good. having a school-free day during the week is really nice. Gives me a chance to catch up on stuff I didn’t get a chance to do over the weekend. I had set my alarm for 10:55 for my 11:30 PT appointment, but I ended up waking up around 9 and couldn’t fall back asleep, so I got up and made breakfast, and just relaxed a little. I was doing the dishes and I guess I lost track of time, because the next thing I knew the clock said 11:40 and I was just like CRAP. So I called them and said I was running late but would be there ASAP, thankfully my apartment is like a 7 minute walk from them so I was able to get there pretty quickly. the session kicked my butt once again, which I’m thinking is going to be the pattern from now on, because we’re working on “strengthening exercises” and I guess that means going super hardcore. but hey, I’m not complaining, because I know working out is good and I should be doing it anyway. There was a good moment where my PT guy wanted me to do a plank on my knees and I did it and was like......I’m not getting anything from this haha and had to go back onto my feet to actually get a stretch, so that felt good. I had planned on going grocery shopping after PT because the grocery store is directly between my apartment and the PT place, so it makes sense to go there post-session. I brought my cart with me which I usually stash behind the front desk while in session. Well, I was a good amount into my shopping before I realized I left the cart at PT, so I called them again and said I’d come get it when I finished shopping. So I did the rest of my shopping, it had been like a week and a half, but I didn’t think I needed to get all that much, but somehow it added up to a lot of stuff physically at least, the 5 pound bag of flour and the 4 pound bag of sugar definitely didn’t help. so I get to the check out and end up with four plastic bags full of stuff, I figure I’ll keep them in the cart until I get to the edge of the parking lot, and then just carry it from there because the PT place is just across the street from there. Well, while I was getting ready to take the bags out of the cart, my phone rang, so I answered, and in an interesting twist of events it was one of the lawyers from the public guardian’s office, the one I had my office across from my first semester there and was very friendly with. She was like “are you busy?” and I was like “not particularly” despite the fact that I was standing in a parking lot with a cart full of groceries in 30 degree weather, because I wanted to talk to her lol. She had a question about some research she needed to do about how other states handled the issue of infants brought into care that need to have DNR’s signed because they’re just fully in failure to thrive (sadly a common occurrence in neglect of infants) or are similarly injured from abuse and look like they’re not going to make it. so she was wondering if I knew anything about how New York handled it or if I could tell her who she could contact there to find out. I didn’t know anything about it in NY because I’ve spent a relatively short amount of time actually learning New York law, but I was able to point her in the direction of several different offices that could help, so that was good. Once the phone call was over I took all the very heavy bags out of the cart and dragged them across the street, which turned into quite the feat, lol. But I got there and grabbed my cart, then had to deal with sticking all the stuff in, which is much more difficult when they’re in bags, because they can’t fit in all the space around it like things normally can, so I ended up still carrying one with a very heavy cart. So I headed out, came across a man on the sidewalk asking if I had any money to help a wounded veteran, and I sadly told him I didn’t have any cash on me (which I didn’t, of course, I don’t lie about stuff like that) and he asked if I had any change, so I checked what I had. I only ended up having one quarter because I typically take them out for laundry, but I gave that to him along with a giant handful of pennies, nickels, and dimes, and he was really happy and kept saying thank you and like.....I don’t understand why anyone would not want to do good deeds when they literally are so satisfying for you, and of course you’re helping another person which is invaluable. but yeah, that interaction made me happy. I dragged my groceries the rest of the way home, then took them up the stairs in two trips, and man, I was so dead by the time I got them there, lol. But I put them away, and then tried to start my secured transactions reading for class tomorrow night. The assignment was 60 pages, and as I’m sure you can imagine it’s not the most thrilling reading, and half of it was basically an extensive example of a terms and conditions disclaimer regarding automobile sales on credit, so that wasn’t great. But I did the rest of it and finished just in time to watch The Flash! I liked the episode overall. I was hoping for some hinting on how they’re going to get Barry out of prison, so I was a little sad that didn’t happen, but the rest of it I liked a lot. The whole storyline with Barry seeing the good will that was built up by Henry when he was there gave me a lot of dang feelings, I really liked it (and Barry kicking the bad guys asses in the end by speed-repositioning their limbs so they knock themselves out was immensely satisfying, lol). The Ralph stuff was probably better than it’s been up to this point, so that’s an improvement at least. and he did save the day in the end, even if he had to brave getting hurt to make it happen. So overall I liked it. then of course, we had Black Lightning!! which had another awesome episode. I love what they’re building up to with Jefferson coming back into being a superhero and taking back his town. like, god, he’s just SUCH a good character, his writing is impeccable, I don’t even know how else to put it. I also loved how Anissa having a girlfriend wasn’t even a plot point, it was just accepted as normal and not made into a big deal. It’s good to see where moving into having LGBT characters on tv shows where their sexuality is just part of them, not a plot for the show. And damn, that moment at the end where she’s in the drug store that’s being held up and she legit sends the guy flying over like 3 aisles was SO badass, definitely my favorite scene in the episode. I can’t wait for her powers to be developed more fully and her getting to be an actual superhero fighting alongside her dad. But yeah, very good. After it was only 9 pm so I didn't want to go to bed yet, so I started watching The Royals on a suggestion from a friend who is a big fan of it. It’s interesting so far. it’s apparently American produced, but it feels very english in tone, lol. First few episodes were enjoyable, so we’ll see where it goes from there. I do want to start Agents of Shield at some point as well as the show Mistresses which Jes McCallan (the actress who plays Ava on Legends) was in for like 3 seasons, so we’ll see where I go from there. And yeah, after watching them I started getting ready for bed and here we are. I’m tired so I’ll end it here. Goodnight babes. Stay safe and warm. 
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piratepassion · 4 years
It was my birthday, 12/12 – BIG 35!  I told joel I want a special birthday this year, a full day to myself to relax, drink wine, bake, have a bath, watch movies.  I was going to jam pack that day with ME TIME!
10am – I was baking scones when the phone rang.  Ella’s school number popped up on the screen.  I hate to admit it but inwardly I groaned… I had a full day planned!! “Ella’s had a fall and chipped a tooth” I laughed, thinking thats not so bad!  he’s such a clutz!  I actually asked if she could finish the day – being the second last week of school they always do such fun things! The voice on the phone said no, and you’d better book her in to the dentist asap. I called around, Of course I couldn’t get her into a dentist on short notice.  No biggie I thought we’ll work it out later. I jumped in the car and off I went to pick ella up.  no handbag, no water bottle, (I usually dont leave home without it) just my wallet and my phone, I told Joel I’d be back in an hour (Ella’s school is 40ks away, about half hours drive)  gave Reece a wave and off I went on what would turn out to be one of the worst days ever.
Half way there I get another call to meet them at the district hospital…  Ok? Thinking thats weird – but still not too worried. I walk in to reception, the receptionist explains that they got the tooth back in… “WHAT?!” It was serious.  she’d knocked her tooth out and damaged the other one.  I walk in to her room, she looked….  AWFUL! blood all down her front, half a tooth jutting out at an awkward angle and the other one hlaf gone.  😢 Within 5 minutes the tooth fell out again and I popped it in the milk they had ready.
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The dentist came in and told me they had called ahead to royal melbourne dental hospital (about 3 hours drive away) and we have to leave right away.  I mentioned going home (which is the oposite direction) to pack a few things, change of clothes etc and was told No, it’s really important I get there asap – to hopefully save the tooth!!  I can’t fault them, they’d organised for Ella to be seen as soon as we got there, printed a map where the nearest parking was (about a 10 minute walk from the hospital) one lady even went to her house to get Ella a change of clothes, as her uniform was wet and bloody.  So off we went! BIRTHDAY ROAD TRIP! (I guess?😂)
So we get a park, and of course Melbourne is a lot colder than home, I’m in shorts and a singlet, Ella in a summer dress, and All I had was her swim bag to carry stuff in (Including the container of milk holding her tooth)  the 10 minute walk turned into a 20 minute walk with ella, as she was tired, shivering and really not happy.  I was practically dragging her – and even carried her for as long as my back could take it.  I would have given anything for her wheelchair, and a jumper for her.  Nearly in tears myself I was working out how much cash I had on me, and seriously contemplated asking a stranger to literally buy the jumper off their back for her (of course being melbourne, and me being very country, I was also concerned about getting stabbed so I didnt do that lol)
Once at the dental hostpital I gave the refferal letter to the receptionist, told her they were expecting us and explained what was going on. she told me to take a seat and wait, and I did.   and waited, and waited.  Wrapping Ella in her damp towel (because that was all I had) She was clearly going into shock – shivering and crying.  We waited. After the first 2 hours I went and asked how much longer. “not long”
We Waited.
After another 2 hours later I complained, almost in tears, face red, shaking as I hadn’t eaten all day and I was just so bloody over everything at this point.  Different receptionist this time, she really went to bat for me, went and made sure we’d be next, was disgusted that we had waited so long, she got me the forms to make a formal complaint – and an hour after all that, sh even stopped someone else from going in as we were supposted to be next!
finally we went in – the dentist took one look at ella and said we needed to go to the royal childrens hospital.  I think I broke a little inside at this point.  It was 8pm by this stage, absolutly freezing outide at this point and getting dark.
40 minutes it took for me to get Ella back to the car.  She was crying the whole way and I tell you I wasn’t far off sitting in my gutter and doing the same!!
We Drove to the childrens (not far thankfully) Found a park straight away and in we went!  Got seen by the intake nurse in about an hour, then saw the dentist on call about an hour after that.
This detist was AMAZING! She explained that they could put her under – fix the teeth and reimplant the one that was out, they’ll put a brace on to keep it place until it fuses to the bone – but unfortuntly the tooth is dead, so it’s not a matter of ‘if’ but ‘when’ she looses that tooth again.  I sign the paperwork, surgury is booked for the following day.
I drove to my grandma’s (luckily I have family in melbourne otherwise I dont know what I would have done!) She had some pj’s for Ella, I got her into bed and then drove to Kmart to pick up a few essencials (toothbrush, deoderant, change of clothes for both of us)
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The next day could not have gone better! I got to see some family I hadn’t seen in a while – traffic back to the hospital was a dream and Ella got called in almost straight away.  Ella’s generally terrified of the face masks but We did lots of practicing ‘blowing up balloons’ and decorating the mask with stickers, plus a bit of bribary with a new hat i got her from kmart the night before – she finally got it on her face.
The chat with the dental surgeon beforehand while keeping Ella calm and entertained was hard – unfortunately the fact of the matter is the tooth won’t take. She said I had two options, she could go ahead and replace the tooth today, so the root will fuse to the bone. This means we’ll need to go back in two weeks for review, then she’ll need to be put under a general again to get the braces taken off, and then under again for a root canal, and then again after the root fuses to the bone when they’ll cut her tooth off at the gum and screw in a fake one, and As always there’s risks every time she gets put under. The other option would be to clean it up, and leave a gap – which has its own problems, the other teeth moving, trouble eating, infection etc In the end I decided to get it put back in – still not sure if I made the right call! 😬 It’s so hard to make a huge decision like that in the moment – and on very little sleep! She woke up pretty sore and upset, which is to be expected – but the braces looked adorable and she got a certificate for being so brave!
Home the next day with an appointment in two weeks to check and possibly get the braces off.  On the plus side since we actually knew about the next trip we made a family holiday of it, spent christmas with my family from melbourne, went to the zoo and got her braces off all in the same trip. (we even took our dog Lucy 😁)
So basically thats where we’re at now.  Ella needs to be careful with her teeth, semi restricted diet (no apples, buiskuits, anything crunchy) and eventually they will need to be cut off at the root and fake ones drilled in, and hope to jebus they don’t fall out (or get knocked out🤦‍♀️ ) before then! 
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  All I Want for Christmas is My Two Front Teeth! It was my birthday, 12/12 - BIG 35!  I told joel I want a special birthday this year, a full day to myself to relax, drink wine, bake, have a bath, watch movies. 
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survivormontenegro · 5 years
Episode 13: “I Feel Like It’s Time for a Classic Blindside” - Mitch
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okay so mo went home and im sad because he is my SON and I LOVE HIM. On a game level, sepearating Jones/Mo was crucial, but Mo was a goat, and Julia and Mo going back to back is bad news.
It kind of limits my options moving forwards, since I know I can't go to the end with Jones/Mitch, and don't think I can go to the end with Jason. I thought Tom would be a goat for literally self voting twice, but Jones is selling him like some big threat?
Anywho that means F3 has to be Me/Caeleb/Benj, which honestly... is all good in my back, they are my two faves on the tribe, so I'm down to clown with that.
also me clocking that caeleb is matt who won kuwait's boyfriend, i truly am the second coming of nancy drew
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okay so morning after last night's tribal. i don't regret any decisions i made, but i am a little concerned about the narrow path I now have to FTC.
I feel like I'm playing a good game, and a game better than those that I have played in the past. However, I'm also not delusional, and I know how big of a threat Jones/Mitch/Jason are at FTC, and while I don't think Tom should be a threat, apparently he is too.
What that means, is I have to angle for a F3 of Me, Caeleb and Benj. I think its do-able, but its going to be tricky.
The best way I see it happening is next vote, siding with Caeleb/Jones to vote off Jason, so that the two 'pairs' are attacked with equal force. Its definitely risky, since it means I'll be very vulnerable, but HOPEFULLY the following round I can swing it back and get Jones out.
That would then leave a F5 (which oh my GOD final five already got to SCREAM), of Me/Mitch/Caeleb/Tom/Benj. I think I would then unfortunately need to take out Mitch at F5, because he is scary scary, and I think would be such a deserving winner. That leaves a F4 of Me, Benj, Caeleb and Tom which I think is probably best case scenario, where I would vote off Tom most likely, leaving the F3 as me, Benj and Caeleb. If its a F2, I go to the end with Benj.
I think its definitely a work-able and do-able plan, its just important to get all the stages right. Thinking about it, it could be worth swapping Jason and Tom on the plan. I think Jason is more of a threat personally, but perception is reality, and if Jones is saying Tom is a threat, I can't be seen walking to the end with him.
So... I'm cautiously optimistic. I think I'm playing a strong game, I still have TWO idols, and am on track to keeping on pushing on.
If I'm voted off at seventh place, the order I would vote for the remaining players at FTC:
Mitch > Jason > Jones > Caeleb > Benj > Tom
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I knew that this could happen, and I was trying so hard to keep Mo around. I told Grandma's boys that we should vote Mitch, they said no. And then Benj let me know he was voting Mo, and since Ali and Mitch weren't responding to me anymore, I knew they were going to vote Mo instead. I told Jones to play her idol on Mo but she didn't do that either. Overall, I am sad. Because I let them tell me how I should play that round but I should've been confident in A) my gameplay and what I wanted to do, and B) my understanding of the roles in this game and who I felt was talking to who. If the last vote showed me anything it showed me that:
I have a pretty good understanding of who is running this game (Mitch and Benj)
Jones is playing a really good social game but she isn't ready to make big moves yet, or she doesn't understand which moves we should make.
Jones and I are in this together. We have to by default because I know about her idol, but also with pairs popping up everywhere its safer to have a voting buddy. Plus Jones is cool so like I could be stuck with someone I didn't like and for that I'm lucky.
Lastly, I need to be confident. I have played well, but I've lost momentum. I had it with the Alex vote, and it waned but I had it in the Jules vote. I was exposed and lost it in the Julia vote, and I was completely left out of the picture in the Mo vote. I need to regain this momentum. I know I like always make a fool of myself with my confessionals hehe because I always say I want something to happen but it never ends up happening. That's largely because so many people have their own agendas, dictating the vote is not my style. Being flexible as F*** for sure is. BUT, I will hopefully get my way next tribal. I am planning on using Jones, Me, Ali and Jason to vote Mitch. I am starting to sow the seeds in Jason and Ali, because Mitch has clearly played the best so far. He has ALWAYS voted right, and been the deciding vote for Jules, Alex, and Mo. Yet he also never was cursed. He'll win, and its my mission to vote him next. But don't keep me on my word because HELL knows things are gonna hit the fan anyways.
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also i have to confess this because its funny and i will forget otherwise, but on the call before last tribal, i said tom is too straight for me to be able to work with him long term in my host chat, because he kept saying bro and chick.
LITERALLY, and I mean LITERALLY, 5 seconds later, he shows us this picture and asks us "how fake this chick's boobs are". I am NOT going to be a straight enabler, straight pride can WAIT, this is not gonna keep happening.
With that said, I wanna go F3 with Tom probably KSADF, or no maybe F4. I definitely know Jason, Mitch and Jones need to leave sooner rather than later, and I will then figure it out from there eeeek!
I would've had a 38 POINT WORD, if he didn't snatch that Z from me, he ROBBED me of quizzical, and now he can spell frazzled which ties my current best word. EEEEEK.
okay me making fun of tom for having a sheet when i have the same... love being a crackhead...
also me getting SO pressed about Caeleb winning immunity for 0.5 seconds, before realising I didn't want to vote him out anyway, and that him winning is like... fine.
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I made this this morning:
I hate everyone KSKSKSKSKKS i want to just do something for myself so bad Bc I feel like such a follower and I wanna just die all the time but like ????? The last 12 times I try to plan moves it backfires so I just need like,,, to breathe a bit.idk??? I don’t even know if I want BENJ in the F2 with me like I said,,, anyways,,,
Best F3 scenario: me/Tom/benj
Best F2 scenario: me/literally one of those two men,,,, maybe preferably Tom? Like no offense to Tom but idt anytime on jury likes Tom rn JSJSJSJS but ya time to die and lose in immunity UwU
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I WON IMMUNITY AHHH. It means I'm guaranteed a spot in the final six, and assuming I play my idols right, F5 and then F4. I'm potentially... one round from FTC, this is CRAZY.
This round is gonna be interesting, it needs to be one of Jones, Jason or Mitch for sure, I just need to angle it so that its definitely the right one. I am immune, and can use that safety to lead a vote... whatever happens i'm so EXCITEDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
quasiconvexity carried me through
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So the game has been going well! I wanted Mo to go at F9 cuz we just didn’t have as good of connection as I do with others but that got overshadowed by Julia blowing up but we made it happen this round me Mitch and Ali wow the votes actually fell 3-3-2 exactly like we planned.
Literally 4 votes in a row now the exposed people voted wrong LOL. Anyways next up to go is Jason, we have worked together well for a few votes but him and Tom are a duo who have to be broken up now that Mo/Jones are broken. Jason has more chance to win so its got to be him.
Jones covered my vote hehe so it should go as planned we hope but idk itll prob be ruined like stuff usually is. It should be me jones mitch caeleb voting him, tom and Jason will I guess vote jones or someone, ali can vote whoever it doesn’t matter
Me and Ali have realised the Sapphire idol is more of a curse than helpful LOL so hopefully we don’t ever have to use it. We have also decided that we want to go to F4 w Tom and Caeleb, I LOVE Jones and Mitch so much but they are the biggest threats. But I wouldn’t be surprised if everyone teams up against me and Ali and realise we have lowkey been shaping the course of the game since F11 hehe.
This is one of my favourite orgs ever and Ali is one of my favourite allies ever! Ali when u see this thank u for putting up w my being cracked and listening to all my scheming and plans u make this game sm fun so just thank u sm.
Everyone left in the game are also such good people ugh it sucks to have to vote them at some point :// The hosts went off w casting…
So ya moving forward me and Ali’s goal is to make F5 and have one of us win immunity and idol the other w Budva idol and not even use the Sapphire bc apparently if its like a 3-1-1 vote they are all immune which is too scary we cant cirie ourselves out!!
Gosh I sounded so cocky just then huh... I rlly am always looking out and worried about being blindsided aswell eeeek
I just have so much hope for benjali duo ;-;
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okay so this vote... it needs to be one of Jones, Mitch and Jason. I've heard from Benj that there is a plan to vote Jason, of Mitch/Benj/Jones/Caeleb, here is the problem tho... I'm down with Jason going, but if I hop on to this plan, I'm just an add on and its not a move I can claim at an FTC resume.
So, I have to plan an alternative, and its either gonna be Me/Jason/Tom/Caeleb vote Mitch, or Me/Jason/Tom/Mitch vote Jones. I am leaning towards voting Jones right now, because like... she just told me she has heard nothing for the vote, when I know she is plotting and has sorted a plan to get Jason out. She clearly doesn't trust me, we've voted separately at basically every single tribal and she is a mega threat in the end.
I think I could convince Mitch to vote her, and it also detaches Caeleb, and it means he is stuck with me, which is good, since I'll need him to vote Jason potentially next round. Its tough because I want all three of Mitch/Jason/Jones out asap... hnnngh.
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So I have the opportunity to make a game changing move. Im almost certain I know who has the idol and i REALLY want the person out this round. Right now they are breezing by without being targeted a single time and I feel like its time for a classic blindside. The problem is, right now that specific person is not being targeted. The risk of telling the people who are being targeted that they are the target is astronomical but if it works it just might send the person who I want gone out. It's a risky plan that I don't know if it will work or not.
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okay so I think I may have already confessed this, but loving having ZERO memory. Okay so Jones is going tonight, she is definitely a major threat, has access to jury votes I couldn't even dream of getting and is SUCH an FTC risk.
I think this vote works, because then... next round we can get Mitch. I can solidify something with Caeleb and Benj, and we can then agree to get Jason at F5, that's... such smooth sailing to FTC. I'm excited.
I love voting with Mitch/Jason for a vote, and then... voting against them in literally the two votes after, loving being a mess.
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