incognitopolls · 2 days
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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quibbs126 · 3 days
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Okay but it’s kind of funny how out of all the Ancients, from day one Dark Cacao was just designed to be Dark Choco’s dad
Like his original beta designs have the Oreo pads, but with a different design, he has the same star shape, they have the same eye colors, and like the Wiki says, I wouldn’t be surprised if the reason his design changed is because he looked too similar to Dark Choco, which would cause potential confusion
Like even with Hollyberry, who is the other Ancient to have had a pre-existing character be related to them, she doesn’t look identical to Princess and it’s not immediately obvious they’re related. Heck if anything, her beta design looks even less like they’re related, at least a little and at least to me
So like, why was this specifically a thing with Dark Cacao? Did one of the designers just really like Dark Choco or something? What’s going on?
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a--z--u--l · 2 days
¿Iniciarían una relación sabiendo que no tiene futuro, solo por disfrutar del presente?
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beautifulpaxiel · 2 days
I've got a question, which is related to a post I've seen doing the rounds, regarding reblogs of I/P content among the Jumblr community. It's also something I've been wondering as I sit here and scroll, and decide how I respond to all your posts . For my Jewish/Jew-adjacent (if I can use the term) followers, can I ask:
Do you see your posts ever getting a response outside of the Jumblr community?
If yes, what sort? Likes? Reblogs? Comments? Is it positive? Negative? Mixed? Difficult to tell?
The last question I have is slightly controversial, and I apologise if it causes offence. I do mean it in good faith, and am genuinely curious. If you don't want to answer this last one, don't feel you have to.
If you don't get a response from non-Jews or non-Jewish allies, or pro-Palestinians, why do you keep posting? Any and all answers are welcome.
Shalom to you all, and stay strong, as ever. ✡️
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cynthiadasorceress · 2 days
Does anybody know of songs that can be/are about an aroace person and their aroace-ness? Specifically being totally chill about it. Not a pride song, but more an 'I don't get it, but whatever floats your boat I guess' song. Kinda like the song Stupid With Love but just the part about being into math instead of love.
Songs that have an "oh, you have a partner? That's cool, I have a houseplant named Deborah" vibe If that makes sense at all
I wanna make a character playlist
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asoftgoth · 1 day
To ask my dream future self in case I ever escape the closet, how is weight stuff on HRT?
So much I try to read online is full of fatphobes drowning it in desperate weight loss / maintenance talk for such different body types. Would love to hear from a calmer voice what eating on E as a bigger girl is like, if it's actually that much easier to gain, whatever you've been noticing/feeling
I wanted to know this too before I started and there really isn’t a good resource at all for this kind of info, especially for truly obese people like me. From talking with other big trans girls like myself, I can honestly say is that a lot of it will depend on your genetics. I know that’s not what people like to hear, and it’s scary. A lot of transitioning seems like it’s kind of a dice roll. What I will say, though, is that if you look at your mother, if she’s a bigger woman, you will probably end up with a build similar to hers. For me, that was definitely the case. For example, when it comes to boob size people say that you take your mother’s cup size and go down a size, and that that’s what you’ll probably get.
As for my transition, when I actually started on estrogen, I lost quite a bit of weight. Although most of it was almost entirely muscle mass. I did some measurements throughout the process and so far I have lost about 25ish pounds overall but I’ve gained about 4.5 inches on my hips and lost about 4inches on my waist. I initially lost probably 40 pounds, but I’ve gained back another 10-15. So there was that aspect. I think what I’ve gained back has been fat. And definitely I’ve lost a ton of muscle. If you have a big upper body, don’t be super scared because most of the muscle that I lost was actually from my upper body. Like shoulders, upper tummy, that kind of stuff. I actually don’t think it’s much easier to gain weight on estrogen. Or at least it isn’t for me. Some people have said that it is but of all the trans woman that I know that are also feedists it doesn’t seem like it’s some super easy thing to gain weight on estrogen. It’s why I really really really hate the term “biological males”, because our bodies act like cis women’s bodies do in practically every way. 
Lastly, I’ll talk about medication’s. I didn’t see a ton of fat transfer while I was on estrogen. I saw some for sure, but it hasn’t been anything compared to what I’ve seen since being on progesterone. I’ve been on estrogen now for a year and 3 months. I’ve been on prog for about 3 and a half months of that, and I’ve seen more fat transfer while on progesterone then on only estrogen (and an anti-androgen which I still take too). What sucks the most I think about transitioning, is how long things take. Your body is going through a lot, and it’s really important for you to take care of it and help it along through this process. It’s why I haven’t really been actively gaining, and I’ve just been trying to make sure I’m eating decent enough food and drinking lots of water and getting the exercise that I need. I think that’s really the most important thing with all of this. Eventually, I probably will try gaining weight intentionally again, but I’m just kind of letting my body do its thing. It’s going through enough changes on its own.
I hope this helps!!
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yoruangel21 · 5 hours
Which of your TMayNT pieces were your favorites to do?
Do you have any favorite TMayNT posts you've seen from others?
Finally I can answer you… and it’s this last one, because this represent that I can still have hope on me, hope in my own art…
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And yeah!!!! The artist that I absolutely love the art made in the tmaynt is @/classy_thief (on instagram) and @/annaliearts (instagram too) they made some of my favorites
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kokelek · 10 hours
Help, I'm trying to draw fanart but I have no idea what cree cree's legs look like
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Ridiculously short + permanent socks.
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I’m a little late but our husband is a winner baby 🏆
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rave-wyvern · 11 hours
Reblog so more people can vote
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incognitopolls · 2 days
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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justrandompolls · 2 days
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agj1993 · 2 days
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jsab-ca-creator · 3 days
1. Where did we find the name Blix?
2. Why do we ship Pure X Pink?
3. Why did we make Cuda evil half the time?
4. Why did we make Lycan goofy?
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thatsbelievable · 2 months
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qirex-official · 2 months
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