#I want to be *excited* to grow up again
musubiki · 2 months
hello! quick question, i know this is very soon after you posted the comic of young lime trying to bully mochi, and i’m sorry if a question like this has been asked before, but when mochi sees the candy bits and is able to recognize what spells they could be used in and the effects they have, is that from studying magic a lot or is it like a natural identification ability/instinct that she has? thank you!! i hope you have a good day :)
oh thats a great question actually!!!! it comes from studying!!!!
as a kid she was already trying to be a very diligent witch-to-be!! she would spend a lot of time with her mom while she was making spells, so between reading a lot of spellbooks + hanging out when her mom was making potions + wanting to be like her mom, shes good at spotting things that could be used in spells even from an early age!!
(that being said, as a kid she still messed up a lot on the right ingredients. shed bring home random items and be like "I got us spell ingredients!!" and tiramisu would be like "Oh!! Thanks sweetie!!" and didnt have the heart to tell her that whatever she brought home was some useless piece of grass or something jkldj)
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stinkybreath · 12 days
yaaaaay I get to do extremely lgbt shit later today, the first day of pride, this is an excellent omen
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starbuck · 6 months
i have so much love in my heart it’s unreal
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moonilit · 11 months
having so much emotions over Jote and Joshua I can’t even articulate, like
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#Like I know it looks like this one side unexplored ship at first glance but once you give it a thought#Dear god#their situation is so complex and there is SO much work and healing that need to be done#Especially after you learn more about the undying and put two and two together to see what kind of environment -#- they both grew up in#They are at first glance the master and servant trope#Which isn’t so exciting imo#Until you learn that technically neither of them choose it#You can tell they are two kids who grow up together and ‘saw’ each other#Jote not wanting to let go of Joshua because she knows the burden he was forced to carry as the firebird#Knowing that this path would kill him and she want to save him save her dearest friend#While Joshua seeing how Jote was made to live a life where she have no freedom or life or future#Both wanting to save each other but were powerless against their situation#And at the first chance Joshua gets he let her go#Even though she was the only person who grew to see and love him for just him#Which is his most precious inner wish yet he give that up for her sake#Imagine when he thought for years Clive was gone the only person who saw him and believed in him as him#The loneliness of being a god and a deity and yet Jote came along and mended his heart again#Then he let her go because she deserve to be free#Im in tears#there are more layers then this but#I can’t write all of then in the tags aaaaa#Like do you understand me?? Do you??#Jote#joshua#ffxvi#Like a big theme in this game is people wanting to carry the burden with their loved ones like come one im crying here
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doveotion · 5 months
i need to make pomegranate+dark chocolate bark soon I miss it 😕
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needylittlegirl · 3 days
i really cant do anything ever i was just making my bed and i got lost in thought so now im crying
#just bc i have a fever again and my emotions always skyrocket but#just thinkin about how ready i was for college everything was going perfectly i had good scholarships n i was so excited :(#and then i had to get sick and have stupid doctors tell me i should hold off#and i know they were right cause i wouldve been too sick to do anything i wouldve had to drop out#but i was One summer away from doing what i had wanted to do since i could read#and in the couple years it took me to start to get my health back under control#everyone had told me those dreams were silly anyways and werent going to get me anywhere#got so much praise for getting the job i have and following its parh instead of doing what i wanted bc it was Unrealistic.#i watch a lot of people that have made a living out of it and have made a difference and i just cant help but get so jealous#i had a dream about it the other night and i woke up and cried my little eyes out!!!#it was such a bland and like realistic normal day dream but i was Doing what i wanted to do#its not fair why did I have to get sick why did everyone have to convince me to not do it once i got better#i feel like its always going to upset me til the day i die im never going to be able to accept that it just wasnt in the cards for me#and i feel like im never 1000% happy with my life ever and its because im not doing what i wanted#maybe its stupid and like naive of me#every kid like wants to grow up and be a fireman or something that they dont end up doing#so maybe im just dumb for not knowing how to let go of mine like i shouldve outgrown them#i just have such a vivid memory of me offhandedly asking my doctor if all the bloodwork n tests n stuff would come back before my first day#and he just waited for a minute before saying i should wait a semester or two#and then that turned into a year#and so on#and hes like a very rational doctor he has helped me so much dont get me wrong#but i just started crying right there infront of him#and i am Not ever one to cry in front of anyone#and i think i kind of knew#like everyone had already been telling me id just end up switching majors and all sorts of stuff#so i was already like fighting for things to go my way#i think i knew right then that it was just never in the cards for me#idk ill just have to keep sucking it up and dealing w it til im over it#tbd
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bootyful-seventeen · 3 months
#oMFG I REALLY GOT HIT HARD WITH THE NOSTALGIA JUST FROM THE GOD DAMN DVD MENU 😭😭😭😭#also picked up a few movies while I was there cuz that 10$ and under bin was calling my name omfg#but the old Barbie movies were hitting so hard on just the dvd menus alone I’m so excited!!!!#even popped in Barbie nutcracker cuz I forgot how it opened and I just ughhhhhhhh they were geniuses for putting stage curtains up#and I am so gonna be going back again soon cuz I saw they had a Scooby foo collection and TMNT COLLECTION TOO#LIKE BRUHHHHHHHHHHHH I LOVED WATCHING THAT ON YTV BACK IN THE DAY#my god I am never gonna ever want to leave my room once the movie collection starts to grow#and they had some collections in that bin too I was losing my shit#it was hard choosing between taking home the Batman collection and the cluesless mean girls and she’s the man feature collection#but I’ll come back again for mean girls cuz they had a few copies in that bin#my god I am going to be such an irritating person talking to people about my dvds lmao#and it’s gonna get even worse when my second copy of happily ever after comes in cuz my old one was so fucking scratched it would skip#well more like freeze and then skip at the scene where the evil queen’s brother is trying to kill Snow White by turning her into stone#and I’m def gonna be looking up more dvd discount stores in my area to find more dvds for the things I’ve liked#maybe if I’m lucky I’ll come across a movie that’s out of print!!!!!
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harmonizewithechoes · 4 months
It’s my middle child’s 3rd birthday today 🥺
3 years ago my partner was deployed overseas and couldn’t come home for the birth because the military didn’t want to spend so much time quarantining their soldiers. Fortunately I had help as my parents were watching my son (at the time just a month shy of 2) for a few days before my due date and we had moved across the street from my partner’s parents when we found out about the deployment. So I had his mom with me at the hospital holding up her phone while we got to have a rare video call with my partner as we welcomed our daughter into the world after a very quick labor. I then had two months with our two very little kids by myself before he came home. It was an incredibly hectic time and I’m still not quite sure how I was able to get through all of that but here we are with the sweetest little 3 year old (let’s call her C) we could have asked for 🥰
C loves to play dress up and she has specific characters she’ll play as where you can’t refer to her as her name or she’ll get mad. She’s not C she’s Dr C or Baby or Baby Kitty or Princess Bucket (this was her first character and yes she does put a bucket on her head as a crown). Her favorite game to play is hide and seek and she loves dance parties and drawing and she’s obsessed with her 1 year old sister. We love C so much and I’m so excited to see how she grows and changes and learns over this next year ❤️
#personal#tonight her and her little sister are sleeping in their beds in their very own room for the first time#they’ve had their beds in my bedroom since we moved in and very often just ended up in our bed#but I’ve spent the past few days getting the room we’ve used for storage ready for them#and they’re doing really well so far#I’m sure they’ll end up in my bed again at some point but this is at least a step in the right direction#our crib that we’ve used for all 3 babies turns into a toddler bed and as I was taking it apart and putting it back together in the new room#my son started crying because he didn’t want his sisters to be big girls in their own room#he wanted me to put everything back and make the 1 year old 0 again so she could keep being a baby#I should point out that he is also obsessed with his baby sister#I told him that’s not quite how it works and kids are meant to grow up#and then he asked yet again for a baby brother because he loves babies so much and then he’d have a brother just like him 😅#he’s very sweet but also…. that’s not happening lol#I’m slowly becoming a person again and being able to focus more time on hobbies#and my partner and I now have our room back#all of that would be reset again with another baby not to mention another year of nursing and diapers and sleepless nights…. pass lol#I’m emotional about my babies growing up but I’m also so excited to learn who they’ll become as time goes on#sorry for rambling I get sappy on their birthdays
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glittertimes · 4 months
My problem is that there is a very jaded smart part of me that isn’t surprised when ppl are awful and shitty this part of me fights back whenever I’m hurt.
But there’s also the naive caring part of me that just wants community and connection and I still don’t know how to be both at once so I can stand up for my boundaries but still be caring and understanding.
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asiancatboy · 1 year
it's actually comforting that time passes and things just change
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actuallyitsstar · 5 months
have u seen the top gun 3 leaks/rumors?? GOD i hope it's true 😭😭😭 i need to see miles teller bradley bradshaw again
aaaaa hi there nonnie!! omg yes i have!! i'm just a bit 50/50 on the whole idea if i'm being honest- on the one hand, i would love so so much to see our favorite old man and the daggers and ofc bradley ;) again, and there are so many things about top gun/tgm that i think can rly be expanded upon and explored!! but on the other hand, i am worried that so close together and with it seeming a bit like a studio rush due to money or contracts or bargaining, idk. it might not turn out how i'm/we're hoping and i'd almost rather keep what we have now than have something we don't like become canon as a result of something like that 😭😭 i guess we'll just have to wait and see what happens! i am excited, but mostly, i am cautious, and very very nervous lol.
everyone has varying interpretations of our current canon material, and in their own way and their own universe everyone is right- but i do fear what would happen if they made a third movie that drew the line. someone will get alienated no matter what, and who knows what they could decide to do! they could rule out or include a relationship we consider basically canon or to be an ick, or they could directly contradict a beloved fandom headcanon that we all hold dear and turn those of us already quite committed to it into au participators all at once.... etc. of course, on the other hand, they could do exactly what we hope for- you never know- we just all hope for such different things. i worry that there's no way to make as well done and well received a movie as tgm due to the loss of the nostalgia factor and the rush and the split fanbase demographics, but at the same time i am excited by the possibility of seeing the things i'd want to see! it's all quite up in the air, but we'll have to be patient i suppose!
(thanks so much for the ask, nonnie! have a lovely day!! <3)
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depresseddepot · 8 months
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charmcoin · 6 months
bought the replacement shell for my ds BTW. i did some more research and apparently a lot of replacement shells for the ds lite are really shitty so i ended up going with a more reputable brand even if they didn't have any of the colors i liked. the color i got is translucent it's supposed to be "glacier blue"... i am excited to put it together
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troutfur · 1 year
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thresholdbb · 9 months
The apparently obvious solution to the Tuvix problem seems to be “create a Tuvix transporter clone, duh!”
Tuvix is already a transporter accident. Who’s to say he can be put through the transporter again without irreparable harm? As it is, the crew is hesitant to use the transporter until they understand exactly what happened. The orchid added an unstable element to the transporter process when Neelix and Tuvok were initially beamed up. Does Tuvix even have stable DNA? Are Vulcan and Talaxian physiology comparable long term? Will Tuvok’s ailment progress more quickly as Tuvix? Tuvix also doesn’t practice the emotional restraint that Vulcans do, so would his negative emotions be difficult to handle? We know Tuvok has a thread of repressed violent tendencies, and we simply don’t know much about Talaxians beyond what Neelix shares. Also, orchids can be pretty fussy (if they’re anything like Earth orchids) and that adds another unknown into the equation. Does the plant physiology affect the humanoid in any way? There are too many variables.
Most people seem to agree it should be a Riker-style transporter clone. The TOS transporter accidents ended up with disparate personalities, and tragically the dog clones didn’t survive the reintegration. We get “good Kirk” and “evil Kirk” but neither can function as a complete person.
Can we really say that Thomas Riker doesn’t exhibit the same kind of emotional divergence that Kirk had to a lesser degree? Thomas Riker joined the Maquis, which Will Riker would never do. With Riker we can get into the argument of nature vs. nurture, since Will got out of the situation whereas Thomas was left trying to figure out how to survive on a planet alone and isolated.
Then we look at the Boimler clones, who are Riker-style transporter accidents created in the same way and even paying homage to Riker himself. We see a similar slight emotional divergence between the two Boims. William Boimler (Titan clone) seems more self assured and an edge more ruthless, and he quickly lets Brad take the fall back to ensign. Brad thought they would both try to let the other take the assignment on the Titan, but that’s not the case. With the Boimler clones, we don’t have the nature/nurture argument that happens with the Riker clones. They are immediately slightly different. Brad seems to lose some of his confidence - is it situational or because of the cloning?
Maybe the transporter clones are exact copies of the same person without inherit differences due to the process. If it were a safe process, surely someone somewhere in the Federation would have started experimenting with transporter cloning? Even if they had, it’s ethically a bit dodgy.
In conclusion, we don’t know enough about transporter cloning to waste Voyager’s precious resources on an experimental process that might not even work. It could even make the situation worse.
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trainerdawn · 1 year
every day the idea of getting bangs again taunts me
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