#I’m aware tim doesn’t canonically take antibiotics for asplenia
batfamdcposts · 1 year
I want a comic that shows how the batfam’s disabilities and/or health issues limit their efficacy and the frustration that brings. Give me all of Bab’s monitors going out, her sitting in the dark as her family fights against an unexpected or unknown weapon, and let me see the barely restrained panic. Let her stew in her helplessness, and let her rage at the inconvenience and unfairness of it all. Let her healing be nonlinear, because her incredible feats as Oracle don’t change the fact that she could rush to them right now as Batgirl.
Let Tim feel the proverbial leash of only being able to go so far for so long, because there’s a limit to how many doses of antibiotics he can carry with him. He’s blatantly defied almost every single authority figure he’s ever had, and this is what he has to obey? Let it interrupt his work, and let him obsessively wonder how much more productive he’d be if he didn’t have to spend the time counting and refilling his medications. Let Bruce coming back from a deep space mission be a reminder that there’s an extra step for him to be able to do the same. Let Tim feel the horrible, complicated, conflicting cocktail of gratitude and fury and appreciation and love and guilt when he finds out that each family member carries extra doses on them just in case they get sucked into a portal of some kind on Gotham’s whacked streets.
Let Cass feel the mosquito-bite hurt of not being able to read mission reports as quickly as her family of detectives and geniuses. Let the suggestion of a word-to-text program be offensive before it’s appreciated, because knowing something will be helpful doesn’t always mean she’s ready to accept it. Let her feel trapped by an inability to fully vent what she’s feeling because she doesn’t know the right words. Let her feel the hurt of some people not caring about what she’s trying to say because she can’t always communicate her ideas quickly or concisely enough. Let her hurt turn to rage, because if those people don’t matter then why is she so upset at their decision to disregard her? Why is there a niggling need to prove her worth and intelligence?
I’d just really love to see more of this in fics, comics, etc, because sometimes it’s hurtful even when it shouldn’t be, and sometimes it sucks in ways you never thought it would. Sometimes a disability or health issue actively impedes progress and makes you an inconvenience, and seeing these heroes deal with that would be so helpful in dealing with it.
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