#I’m scared of concept scout
snuize · 14 days
miss pauling!!
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Can you tell I barely draw women
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ruthytwoshakes · 11 months
Howdy everyone!! I got super inspired by @a-scary-lack-of-common-sense class swap au and wanted to try my hand at it!
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I really love these designs!! If people like them too I’ll make some full refs and make some more content with them. I probably will anyway because I have so many ideas.
Under the keep reading I added wayyy too much description if you’re interested. You are interested you will read I’m using my evil mind magic to make you want to read
(I’ll address them by their names to make it less confusing btw. Pyro and Spy are called Demonan and Soldier though. I’ll name them one day probably)
For Medic and Heavy I kinda swapped their backstories and personalities. Misha is an only child who comes from a family of, fucked up to say the least, doctors. He lost his medical license for stealing the entirety of a patient’s skin. Misha is much more of a hardass with a superiority complex. Cold and callous. He takes himself and his work very seriously,, thinks he is very scary. The other mercs don’t really give a shit, which infuriates him to no end. He cares about his teammates! somewhere deep down inside ,, like really far down. Probably. Really attached to his tools, names them like how the original Heavy names his guns. He’s pretty fluent with English.
Ludwig is much more silly and caring. He’s the youngest sibling out of his 3 sisters, and took this job because he feels obligated to pay back his family for protecting him and helping him go through college. He’s not sadistic per se, more just, really loves the blood, guts, and carnage of war, and has a very morbid curiosity. He often accompanies the Medic when he's doing operations, if he's not already the patient himself. Misha adores how fascinated he is by all of it, and gladly answers and questions he may have. Very loud and extroverted,, his laughs can be heard from miles away. He kinda scares the other mercs, but he’s trying his best to tone it down. He has a horde of pigeons that just ,, follow him around. He doesn’t really know where they came from. His favorite is named Euripides. He’s intermediate at English.
For Sniper and Scout I kinda kept their backstories the same, they just had different personalities and life circumstances that led to them taking their respective jobs. Jeremy is the older brother of 7 little sisters. His mother had him when she was 16 and going through college, leading Jeremy to have to grow up fast. He and his mom have always had to pick up odd jobs to help pay the bills. One of Jeremy’s bosses took him out onto a shooting range one day and noticed he was a natural. He encouraged him to take up predator/invasive species control to help pay the bills and helped him get started, Jeremy eventually saved up enough to move to the northwest. As he got more skilled, some shady people took note and offered him some more,,, lucrative opportunities. He’s a hick with a slight Boston accent, making him all the more awkward. Pretty introverted, the only friends he's ever had is his little siblings. He’s quick-witted when he wants to be, but usually stays quiet. He seems pretty cold tough, but will change really quickly around little kids. Drinks way too many energy drinks to compensate for his insomnia.
Mick is an only child and basically the Australian version of Scout. Which is a terrifying concept!! he scares me. He’s a pretty extroverted guy, but was still bullied for his scrawny appearance and a lack of mustache hairs when he was little, so he devoted himself to becoming the best track runner in Australia. Also he couldn’t win a fight against anyone and he tended to piss off a lot of people, so running was a necessity. He doesn’t have any siblings, but he has a lot of older friends who treat him like a little brother. He likes to paint in his free time. Took the job to help support his parents and to explore the world, or just New Mexico. Annoying jock bastard. He wears those tank tops with the holes at the sides that just go all the way down,, not even a shirt at that point. Still throws piss at people because I think its really fucking funny.
Nobody quite knows where Soldier came from, not even herself. All she knows is that she’s a General, and a damn good one at that. Although his team would like to suggest otherwise. She’s loud and erratic, missing quite a few cogs in her brain. Not lead poisoned like the original soldier, I’m leaning towards a lobotomy that really melted his brain, soupe de cerveau or somethinf. Even though she lost her mind, she kept her great commanding skills and leads the team in attacks. He can be found planning and strategizing for the next round, or hanging out with the other team’s Demo. A bit silly, a bit goofy. Comically patriotic like the original Soldier. Parleys-tu Français, DO YOU SPEAK FRRRENCH ??? Non tu ne le fais pas, you don’t? FUCK YOU
Tavish and pyros personalities are a kinda combined? I just took little bits from both of them and squashed them together. Tavish is a pyromaniac hailing from Scotland. There’s rumors that he was the cause of the fire storm that rained down on Scotland for about a week, but he’s never confirmed or denied this. His voice isn’t all that muffled, his Scottish dialect is just so thick that nobody can understand him, except for Ms Pauling and Engineer like usual. Tavish can be pretty unstable and hyperactive, but an overall happy-go-lucky guy. Drinks responsibly most of the time! Still depressed! Lots of Molotov cocktails. His favorite animal is the Pegasus, and his life's goal is to find and tame one some day.
Dell is the same personality wise, just more like spy. So a bit more stuck up lol. He also shares the same care that the original spy shows for his team, as long as it benefits him along the way. Dell comes from a long family line of Spy’s that all worked for the Mann brothers, they stole Australium for them and kept them safe from other entity's that wanted to have control over the Australium too. His goggles have all that super cool spy stuff in them, night vision, cameras, a radio. Jane helped him add some new features as of late, . I'm not sure how to incorporate Dell's fascination with trans-humanism into this Dell quite yet. Maybe something to do with his senses? Name’s Spy. Spy Gaming.
Jane is pretty much the same silly little guy,, but now with 11 phds! And he’s not lead poisoned anymore! Nobody’s quite sure where Jane comes from, every time he’s asked he always changes up his backstory. He tends to slack off more than the original soldier, "A good hard-working American always knows when to take breaks!" He's also built a variety of raccoon-themed machines that get into mischief around the base. He and the Pyro are good buddies! He likes reading their stories, and gently encouraging them to write more. He's pretty strict when it comes to safety, and will come down hard on his teammates for messing around. THAT IS NOT OSHA APPROVED HEAD-WEAR MAGGOT!
Demoman is more like Tavish backstory-wise in this. They’re a midwesterner with way too much free time who blew up their family’s corn field by accident when they were little, oh and their parents. Their bio family crawled out from the remains of the farm and took them in after they proved themselves, even with their lack of tentacles and wings. (yeah their parents are the Great Old Ones, cthulhu guys, for sillies :3 ) They still like to do creative stuff (but adult-ified because adults are insecure about having fun for some reason.) like adult coloring books, or oil painting, or having adult tea parties. Demoland is a book that they're writing, and will TOTALLY 100% work on this weekend. They hate eye contact and have never been seen without their bombsuit on, except for Scout, but he can comprehend these otherworldy horrors perfectly fine so idk maybe you have a skill issue or something.
Heavy is Medic
Medic is Heavy
Sniper is Scout
Scout is Sniper
Spy is Soldier
Demoman is Pyro
Engineer is Spy
Soldier is Engineer
Pyro is Demoman
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notes: I was thinking of making Dell Jeremy's father, but I didn't want to change up Jeremy's facial features too much, so Spy remains. Mick has that neck-mic thingy that soap from COD has because I was scrolling through soapghost on pintrest help. Soldier wasn't actually a general, I was thinking he was just somebody who knew too much. But after she got the lobotomy, I'm thinking she did something similar to soldier and tried to get into the military, and failed. Ludwig is the biggest on the team, with Misha having a more agile body type. Still a bear!! Just a bit smaller. This art is a bit old because I've been working on this since MAY?!?!??? ough. Maybe I'll swap some side characters as well! Pauling with Bidwell, Saxton with Helen, if ya want you could give me some suggestions 👁 👁 This is all Merasmus's fault some how, babygirl messes up the timeline for the sillies, the funny haha even. I love her <3333 Also sorry if the info for Jeremy is incorrect, I just thought it would be neat idk a whole lot about hunting.
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ofoceansandtombsanew · 3 months
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I Cherish You, Halcyon Days: prologue.
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“You’re gonna die, kid. In the worst way possible.”
tags: afab!reader (she/her), angst, slow burn
pairing: gojou x reader + onesided!getou x reader
summary: You’re 15 years old when you’re told you’re going to die. You’re 17 years old when you realize who your killer will be. And you’re 17 years old when you make peace with the fact you wouldn’t want it any other way.
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In the summer of 1997 when I was 7, I almost drowned at the beach.
It was one of those summers where you watch a movie and things felt whimsical because you watched one movie about a group of kids going on a life-changing adventure you’d never go on yourself. You looked for magic in your daily life because even the smallest thing could be what led to you stumbling upon a new journey. My life-changing adventure movie? Free Willy, the movie about that foster kid and an orca. My aunt, a marine biologist, who showed me the movie always said the ocean was her greatest love. I got what she meant when I saw that movie. So that summer I spent at my aunt’s place in Enoshima was the summer I decided I’d go on some sort of adventure myself.
My expectation? Freeing Mina the beluga whale and swimming on her back to wherever the beluga whales came from. I would have even taken Kukki the dugong who I sometimes fed extra fish to when no one was looking.
What I actually got? Getting caught up in an undertow at Higashihama Beach.
Yeah, not my dream summer experience.
Undertow wasn’t a concept foreign to me at that time. Auntie warned me all about itー about how sometimes the currents below and above the surface went in separate directions.
“Don’t fight it when that happens,” she told me. “You’ll tire yourself out and drown. I know it’ll be scary but if you ever get caught in undertow, don’t fight. Go with the current and once it subsides, that’s when you swim back.”
That advice was far from my mind when I actually got caught in one though.
I screamed and thrashed and fought and fought, I probably pissed in the water twice too to boot.
And yet ー and I’m not entirely sure why ー a calm suddenly fell over me and I remembered Auntie’s words.
It would be scary, but don’t fight it.
Five minutes later, I swam back to shore and cried for ten minutes while my aunt held me.
Scary was one hell of an understatement.
I swore up and down I’d never go to the beach again. I never wanted to feel that scared again, never ever. My aunt didn’t disparage me for it, though. Didn’t tell me to toughen up. She simply took me to get shaved ice when I calmed down; said when you conquer your fear and come out on top, you should always treat yourself to something nice.
“It’s okay to be scared, [First],” she smiled softly. “Some people might say otherwise, but you know something, Auntie doesn’t think fear is a bad thing. Fear can be really good sometimes. Fear is what tells you not to do something that could lead to you getting hurt. It teaches you when not to do something stupid or dangerous. Sometimes, fear is what you should listen to instead of the ‘what if things actually go right’s. Fear only becomes bad when there’s too much of it. When you let being scared rule your life so you don’t live it.
“So it’s okay to be scared. Just promise auntie that you won’t let fear stop you from moving forward. Whether it’s rejection, worries a leap of faith will lead to you falling completely on your ass or that it might not be okay to say something when you know you should.
Live like you feel it and love like you mean it.
Don’t let the fear get to you.”
It took about a week before I was diving right back into the deep blue all over again.
Name: [Full Name] ♀ D/O/B: December 9, 1989 Age: 15
Sorcerer Lineage: Non-sorcerer lineage Enrollment method: Scouted
Recruiter: Yaga Masamichi
Notes: Student was encountered May 5, 2005
Testimony of the recruiter: At the site of Tsubame High School’s test of courage, a second grade curse appeared. [Last] activated her innate technique to protect herself and her fellow students and was able to keep the curse at a standstill until sorcerers arrived on the scene to exorcize the curse. While there were students injured, none of the injuries were fatal mostly due to [Last]’s quick application of her ability. According to the student, she began being able to utilize her innate technique around the age of 10.
Student’s Innate Technique: Shields
“Rejection” Student’s abilities manifest as her cursed energy condensing into an object that rejects negative events outside of it effectively, creating shields of various sizes. This ability is one that is purely defensive and does not seem to have any offensive capabilities. As it stands, should the student make timely progress during the initial stages of her enrollment during this first year ー  should she not disenroll or meet an untimely end ー it isn’t recommended to give her solo assignments.
Notes: “Rejection” is what the student in question chooses to refer to this ability as.
Interview Question Answer: “Why I want to enroll? Because I’m scared of this curse stuff.”
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mugs-n-cans · 12 days
hey gang, how do you handle horror? Or really anything spooky in general? Just wondering (hi this is my first time asking anyone anything lowkey a little anxious I love your stuff)
Scout: I handle it fine! It’s no big deal!
Sniper: The bloke doesn’t get scared by jumpscares, he does get spooked by, er…scary situations in general, though. If that makes sense. Me, on the other hand…I bloody hate jumpscares. But in general I’m unbothered by horror as a concept.
Scout: Snipes is lyin’. I totally handle horror well.
Sniper: The way ya snuggle into me until you’re almost pushin’ me off the bloody couch begs to differ, roo.
(Hello and welcome! There’s no need to be anxious! But I’m so glad ya love my blog!)
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newtabfics · 11 months
Hey! Can you do an Adaman x reader for me, where she was raised by Zoroarks. She saves him from freezing in a blizzard and so he wants to marry her but she's a little wild so the rest of the clan is hesitant.
I kept this fic a little short because this concept deserves a full fic. I'm talking My Fair Lady/Tarzan level fic. This is going in the back burner of fics I want to write out. I do hope you enjoy this because this little snippet is the bare-bones groundwork of what I want to build off of.
"It's Mr. Adaman! It's Mr. Adaman!" One of the children called out before she screamed in fear at the monster behind him. “There’s a wild Pokemon with him!”
Irida hurried to the village gate and blinked. He just smiled and waved. Behind him was a woman with a Zoroark pelt on her. She looked like the lost child she remembers a village elder describing once before.
“Hey. Sorry i-if I worried you all,” he called out as he approached. Behind him, the woman stopped. He blinked and looked to her. “What’s wrong?” She scrunched her face before eying him. She hadn’t spoken any words back then, but it’s what made her so fascinating. Adamant smiled. “I know. There’s a lot of people but it’ll be okay. Stay near me.”
Beside him, Leafeon shivered as it spoke to the woman. She seemed to weigh these words before freezing and snarling as Irida approached. “You’re alive?! Sinnoh above, you scared everyone.”
He smiled sheepishly. “Sorry. I got off the path a bit.”
“Off the path!?” Sabi squeaked as she ran up and hugged him. “You fell and we couldn’t find you because of the blizzard and-and–” Her eyes watered as she looked up at him. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay. We had no way of knowing the storm would hit,” He assured her. “I’m just glad Braviary kept you safe.”
“Well, yeah. I’m his warden,” She huffed, wiping her face.
Irida sighed and nodded. “I’ll send out word to stop the searches…Adaman…” She nodded to the woman behind him.
“She saved me,” He said with a blush. Irida blinked at that. “I’m bringing her home so she can be among humans again, but maybe away from the pack is a good idea. They seemed to push her to leave and–”
“You spent the last three days in a Zoroark den?!” Irida asked in shock.
“Technically two. The first day we found a random cave. When the storm cleared a bit, we began to make our way back but it started to pick up again so she guided me there to ride out the remaining storm.” He smiled. “It was very warm.”
Leafeon smirked and chatted with the woman for a moment, making her cheeks flush as she blinked at the Pokemon before making small noises, almost sounding like a little Zorua.
Irida could only stare in wonder as Adaman smiled. “Adaman…I’m not saying this as the Pearl Clan leader but as your friend…You’re an idiot.”
He winced at the jab, rubbing his neck. “Don’t worry about it. She’s very nice. Plus she can talk to the Pokemon. It’d just be a matter of languages and getting used to people. All good things in time.”
She sighed, rubbing her face. “You…”
“She can stay with me. Plus, I want to see what she’ll do when she sees grass.”
Irida glanced at the woman as she sniffed the air, eyes locking onto the cooking pot on a fire. “She would be your responsibility, but you should be aware, she might be of the Pearl Clan. Many years ago, a couple went missing, the wife being pregnant, and rather recently too. They went missing in the ice fields. About 5 years later, scouts reported seeing a small human among Zorua playing, wearing Pokemon furs. Watching them was a strange colored Zoroark.”
She nodded to the woman and Adaman smiled, taking in the purple melded with white fur. “Then one mystery is solved,” He concluded. “Which is why, someday, she’ll be my wife.”
Irida let out a shriek of shock, startling the woman and Leafeon as Glaceon sighed in annoyance. “Marriage?! This wild woman!? How?! Why?!”
Adaman laughed and shook his head. “Her valor is something I admire greatly.” Irida blinked at that, recalling his connection to the lake guardian. “I hope someday in the future, I can ask that.”
The woman blinked at Leafeon, chattering out her question to it. “Is there something wrong with the male?”
“No. As I said, she’s a friend and he might want to be your mate.’ the woman’s skin bloomed at that as she looked at him with anticipation. “You’ll need to get used to other humans though. He doesn’t want that all at once.”
She nodded in agreement, straightening as she made a resolve within herself to be his mate, even though she’d decided it the moment she scented him.
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mawarimichisae · 1 year
Happiness From Love Spread Afar / Part 1 / Aira FS2
Aira Feature Scout 2 Story Translation, Part 1 | Next
Characters: Aira, Kohaku | Writer: Suika
"Eh!? T-that's not true at all!"
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Season: Winter
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Aira: O~i, Kohakucchi! Over here!
Kohaku: Pardon me for suddenly callin' you out, Love-han. I have some time on my hands until my next job so I was feelin' a bit bored.
Love-han, are ya really not busy?
Aira: It's all good. Today's work and lessons are over, and I was just thinking of heading back.
If anything, I'm happy that you called me out like this. I wanted to talk to you too ♪
Kohaku: It makes me happy as well to hear ya say so. Thank you, Love-han.
Aira: Ah, the always-popular window seat is open! Hooray, Kohakucchi ♪
Kohaku: Alrighty, then I'll grab us some drinks and snacks.
At any rate, today you're in a grand jolly mood. Did somethin' good happen?
Aira: Ehehe, you can tell? Actually, an idol group I've supported since their debut was selected for a release event!
Kohaku: Release event, as in the event they do when they release a new CD for sale?
Aira: Yep yep. It's an event we're very familiar with, huh?
So about this group, a year ago they were only known to a few enthusiasts.
But a little while ago, a short video they posted became trending on social media. From then on, they gained a lot of fans in one go - currently their popularity is booming!
So, the competition for this time's release event was supposed to be rough. I thought they might not be selected...
But when I checked my phone after filming just now, they won by a landslide!
My tiredness from work already went off and disappeared!
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Kohaku: Well, that's wonderful. When's the release event being held?
Aira: Next weekend. I'm planning to go straight there after I finish up my work scheduled for that morning.
Why can't the day come quicker ♪ I can't wait anymore.....!
Kohaku: Kohkohkoh ♪ When I see Love-han gettin' excited, I also become happy.
Aira: If watching me makes you happy, feel free to keep watching more and more ♪
I'll share the happiness that I've received with Kohakucchi as well⭐
Kohaku: Yer mood sure is great, huh. Well, it's much better than bein' down.
...Oh, if it ain't Anzu-han. Anythin' happen?
Aira: Anzu-san. You want to talk about the "Feature Live"?
Ah! Could it be my turn next!? Is that why you called out to me?
W-what should I do? Happy things keep happening one after another today - I might've used up all my luck.
Kohaku: Yer overexaggerating, Love-han. Even so, I'm glad for you.
Aira: But a "Feature Live," huh...
That means all these fans will come to the live just to see me, huh....
Anzu-san? Am I nervous? Well, of course I am. Just by imagining it I feel like my legs are trembling!
Kohaku: Don't ya think ya don't need to be that scared? For sure, bein' alone on such a huge stage might make you feel helpless.
But I think that until now, Love-han has done a great job as an idol already.
Aira: Kohakucchi....
You're right. If this was before, I might've said "Just me alone can't deliver a successful stage"
But I'm now different from those underachiever days....Yeah, Anzu-san. I'll try my best!
I'll give the best performance so that all my fans can make the best memories of their lives!
Kohaku: Kohkohkoh. That's the spirit, Love-han ♪
Anzu-han, you'll take photos for the feature live's pamphlet, yeah?
Aira: You came to discuss candid shots with me? Uwah, uwah.....! So that's what it's gonna be about after all!
I love this concept, since you can see the expressions of idols that you can't normally see when they're being idols ⭐
"Do you already have an image of what kind of candids you want to take?" you said?
As expected of Anzu-san to see through me....Actually, I've taken some pictures that I thought would be good for this concept.
Kohaku: You've gotten around to takin' photos already, that's amazin'.
Won't ya let me see them too? I might serve as a good consultant for the shooting ♪
Aira: This is kinda embarrassing but.... s-something like this!
Kohaku: Love-han spendin' time in a stylish lil' cafe. Love-han illuminated by the sunset. And this one's Love-han walkin' under the moonlight.
Aira: "Do I also have ones that aren't selfies?" Yes, actually I received help from everyone in Alkaloid.
Kohaku: Yer right. There're some photos where your unit members show up too. Looks like fun ♪
Aira: So, how do they look? I think something like this would be good.....
"They're well taken"? "Because you understand the charm of idols well, the scenes are chosen well too"?
Ehehe~ It makes me happy to be praised by Anzu-san ♪ Then let's put this one in the pamphlet...
Eh? "Please wait a moment"?
Kohaku: ....It seems Anzu-han and I have the same opinion. These photos of yers are a bit uncanny.
Aira: ....What part was no good?
Kohaku: It's not that it wasn't good. It's just, some of em' don't feel like Love-han....
Like the photo in this cafe. This store has been trendin' on the internet recently, so it's not strange for Love-han to spend time here.
But I dunno. I jus' feel like the vibe of this photo doesn't suit Love-han.
It's like I've seen this somewhere, or like some other idol took a picture like this before....
Aira: Anzu-san? Yep. I've collected everyone else's Feature Live pamphlets, of course.
...."Could it be that you adopted the same vibe of other idols' candid shots that you used as reference"?
Er, in that case, I'll retake them....! These photos should convey my image, after all.
If I retake my photos to feel similar to this, it'll work fine for the pamphlet, right!
Kohaku: ....Isn't your demeanor a bit strange, Love-han?
Aira: Eh!? T-that's not true at all!
These are the candid shots I finally get to do, I just want my fans to be happy with them...!
Kohaku: True as that may be... wait, there's already an expression that you don't show when you're an idol, right?
See, when Love-han gets fired up talking about idols....
Aira: Uwaaaaaahhh!?
Kohaku: Y-ya surprised me! What happened!?
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Aira: S-sorry! I just remembered that I have to meet up with Hiro-kun!
I've gotta go!
Kohaku: Eh, Love-han!? ....and off he goes. I wonder, did I step on some kinda landmine?
"He was acting strange"? You think so as well, Anzu-han?
He wants to hide the fact that he loves idols, huh.
But there should be fans who already know that Love-han likes idols.
I feel like there's no meaning in hidin' it at this point....is there some other reason?
Anzu-han. Could you try askin' Love-han once again?
I too am lookin' forward to Love-han's solo live. Anzu-han, I'm countin' on you.
If there's anythin' that I could help with, feel free to say so anytime. I'll lend you my strength ♪
endnotes: ik I'm inconsistent w/ how I format Kohaku's dialect but hey I think it sounds more natural this way totally not an excuse👍
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m-jelly · 2 years
The Gangster and his little bunny - helping hand.
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@kenkopanda-art thank you for this beauty <3 You goddess!
Pairing: Levi x Reader
Genre and tags: Mafia Levi, romance, love, hand job, dirty talk, lots and lots of dirty talk, cute, fluff, cleaning Levi up, aftercare.
Concept: Snippet from Ao3 chapter 5, while chatting with Levi, Eren and Connie see you walking around in Levi's shirt and a nice pair of underwear. You cuddle your lover and he sends them away so he can be with you. You sit on his lap and dirty talk with him as you give him a handjob.
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Levi’s eyes flew open when he heard knocking at his door. He looked down into his arms to see you still in them. He lifted the bedsheet and saw how naked you both were. You’d gone to bed, but couldn’t get off to sleep and ended up having passionate sex to remind each other that the other was alive and with you. He smiled and kissed your forehead making you hum a little.
Levi winced when someone was adamant with their knocking. He hushed you when you whined. “Rest, my bunny. I’ll get rid of the bad noisy people.” He got out of bed and tucked you in. He yanked on his boxers and PJ bottoms before walking from behind the screens hiding the bed and opened his front door to see Eren and Connie. “What?”
Connie gasped at seeing his boss shirtless with lovebites on him. “Fuuuuuuuuck.”
Levi frowned. “What?”
Eren gulped hard and was always a little intimidated by his boss, with his muscles and tattoos. “S-Sir.”
Levi ruffled his hair. “What do you both want? The warehouse was on fire last night and I have burns and cuts that need healing and a lot of sleep to catch up on.”
Connie slowly looked over to the bed area as Eren started talking about what they found, they’d scouted the area after the fire and found a possible. Connie’s eyes lit up when the light in the bed area went on and he say the silhouette of your body. He blushed hard and gulped as he watched you stretch a little and show off all your assets.
Eren jabbed his elbow into Connie. “Connie, you should talk.”
Connie locked eyes with his boss to see how angry he looked, which scared him of the rage he’d get if Levi knew Connie had been staring at you. “Y-Yes.”
Eren sighed and looked over to where Connie was so transfixed to see you walk out in Levi’s shirt and lace underwear. Eren went bright red as you walked to the bathroom and were there for a few minutes. He gulped hard when you left and went to the kitchen and had some water. He inhaled and choked on the air when you bent over with your bum to them as you picked up something from the floor.
Levi frowned a little and went to turn. “What are you two looking at?”
“Your room! It’s so clean.”
Levi looked back. “Of course. You know how much I push cleaning.” He jumped when he felt your arms slip around him and your lips pressed against his shoulder. “Hey, bunny. You should go back to bed.”
You rubbed his pec and pressed his abs. “Not without you.”
“Well, I have company.”
You looked over at the young lads and smiled. “Morning.” You introduced yourself. “Lovely to meet you.”
Levi squeezed your arms. “Are you two done here?”
Connie gazed at you. “You’re hot.”
You giggled. “Thank you.”
Levi gritted his teeth. “Tch, the fuck you say?”
Eren pulled Connie back. “W-We have t-to go. Sorry!”
You waved bye to them. “Bye!”
Levi walked up to the door and slammed it shut behind them and locked it. “Tch, assholes.”
You giggled. “They were just a little shocked. I mean, not every day you see your tough boss covered in lovebites with a lady in his room.”
He turned around and sighed. “Yeah.” He stared at you as you hugged yourself with one arm. “You…”
You smiled at him. “I’m kind of wearing this too. It’s my fault.”
He moaned. “Fuuuck me.” He walked up to you. “Not your fault. You look incredible.” He lifted you up making you giggle. “You look so fuckable.”
You tangled your fingers in his hair and kissed him. “No fucking. I’m going to do something special for you.”
You nodded. “Sit on the bed like a good boy and have me on your lap.”
He sat down and hummed. “Okay.” He smiled. “This is interesting.” He sat down and put you on his thighs. “What’s this idea?”
“Can I put my hand in your underwear and touch you?”
He blushed. “S-sure.”
You pushed your hand into his bottoms and boxers. “Perfect.”
Levi sighed softly. “Now what?”
You nibbled your lip. “You can touch me if you want, but no hands in my underwear.”
He whimpered at you. “Okay.”
“Be a good boy.”
He gulped hard as he locked eyes with you. “Y-Yes.”
“If you don’t want this, tell me.”
He grunted. “I want this.”
You smiled and felt his cock twitch and grow in your hand. “You always feel so good.” You moved you pulled him free and looked down. “So thick, so big, so hard.”
He sighed as he watched you caress him. “Bunny.”
You held his chin and smiled. “Look at me when I touch you.”
Levi flicked his gaze up and locked eyes with you. “Yes.”
You cupped the side of his face. “Good boy. Good bear.”
He panted and hummed. “I’m a good bear.”
You nodded as you smiled. You ran your thumb over his tip and felt precum. “Yes, you are.” You kissed him making him sigh. “Does this feel good?”
He moaned. “Yes.”
You rubbed his cheek and hummed. “Do you like me touching you?”
He gulped hard. “I do.”
“Do you want my pussy?”
He moaned your name. “Yes.”
You tapped your forehead against his. “Do you want to be deep inside me?”
He whimpered and nodded. “I do.”
“You want to feel me from the inside? Feel my pussy around you, holding you tight.”
He thrust a little against your hand. “Yes.”
You smiled. “Are you a bad boy?”
You moaned as you massaged his shoulder. “How bad are you?”
He panted. “I control most of this city.” He grunted a little. “I have the police under my control.”
You giggled. “You are a bad boy.” You pumped your hand on his cock faster. “Such a strong bad boy. You’re so sexy.”
He whimpered. “I-I’ll do a-anything for you.”
You hummed a laugh. “I know you will.” You kissed his neck and nipped as his cock twitched in your hand. “Now think about my pussy around your thick hard cock.”
He moaned. “So hot, so wet.”
You kissed the corner of his mouth. “All yours. It’s all yours and you can be deep inside it whenever you want. You get to feel it wrapped around you, squeezing you and milking you.”
He grabbed your upper arm as his breath hitched. “Y-Yes.”
You moaned. “You wanna cum inside me?”
“I d-do.”
You ran your lips up to his ear. “You wanna cum deep inside me?”
“Yes.” He gasped desperately. “I do.”
“Tell me what you want?”
He whimpered as he moved his hips. “I want to coat your walls in my cum. I want to fill you with my seed. I want to pump you so full of my cum that it’s spilling out, then I want to fuck it back into you. I want to keep you always full of me.” He choked on a moan as he came hard covering your hand and his abs in cum. “Sh-shit.”
You looked down and smiled. “That was a lot.” You kissed him. “Don’t worry, I’ll clean you up.”
He blushed a little. “I made a mess.”
You kissed him and hummed. “You were stunning.”
He smiled a little. “Really?”
You nodded and got off his lap. “I’ll clean, just lie back so it doesn’t drip down, okay?”
He flopped back and sighed. “Okay.”
You ran to the bathroom and got a warm wet cloth for Levi. You ran back over and straddled Levi. You cleaned his cock first and tucked him back in his bottoms. You hummed a song to yourself as Levi lay with his arms over his face and a hard blush. You cleaned his abs as you giggled. “You’re so cute.”
He peeked at you. “I made myself dirty, how is that cute?”
“You just are. Honestly Levi.” You stopped cleaning and sighed. “I thought all of that was the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen. You cumming on yourself and me getting to clean your abs? That’s hot shit.”
He frowned as he looked at you. “Why is it hot?”
You blushed a little and pouted. “Well, I guess it’s because girls see guys as strong big things that always take control, but all this? I was able to see you as almost soft and weak. I had all the power, I was in control of your pleasure and it feels good to make you feel good. Plus, cleaning you up is nice aftercare and I get to dote on you and I get to love you.”
He smiled a little. “Really?”
You nodded. “You were a good boy.” You leaned over and kissed him. “A very good boy.”
He blushed a little. “The best of all bears?”
He smiled. “Thank you, bunny.”
You giggled. “You’re welcome.”
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airborneice · 2 years
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so here’s my hilda ocs, mattie, harvey and arwen! aka the sketchbook kiddo and her little squad. they’re looking for a huldra
these chars have been lodged in my brain for a while so I’m rly excited to start doing stuff with them!! more about them under the cut
in the middle is Mattie, she’s Johanna & Kaisa’s daughter, and Hilda’s younger sister by about ~12 years. I figure she came along not too long after the events of Mountain King. she’s an aspiring witch who thinks the stuff her mamma and sister get up to is so cool and has a bit of a chip on her shoulder to prove she can follow in their lead. Mattie grew up surrounded by all kinds of magic and creatures, but also in a bit of a safety bubble, with two mums and an older sister to look out for her, so she has a very loose concept of consequences and tends to barrel into situations headfirst because "Hilda/mamma/[various other family members] did it and it turned out fine what's the big deal-”. at this point Johanna thinks she’s just destined to have kids that give her heart-attacks all the time
oh and Mattie is short for Matilda! she’s a trans girl and chose the name for herself when she was around 6/7 (kid’s an aspiring witch so three guesses where she got it from :) )
the boy is Harvey! he’s a fankid I made for the background couple I call the ‘black hound wlws’ bc.. them 🥺 he and Mattie met through school and joined sparrow scouts together, and have been friends for about as long as they can remember. they have a shared love of causing chaos and basically live to enable each-other’s shenanigans
and the other girl is called Arwen. Mattie befriended her more recently, after losing her familiar at a gathering and finding it with her (hopefully gonna elaborate on this at some point) and they hit it off from there. Arwen is autistic and non-speaking and talks via a mix of gestures and sign-language, depending on what will get the point across faster. she cares deeply about animals/spirits (or at least, most of them) but is also quite scared of them, which makes going on adventures with Mattie and Harvey..interesting. she’s also generally the holder of the group’s braincell lol
(she’s also an old oc of mine who I wanted to carry over and give some new life to, so if you follow me on insta you may recognise her already jkfdgf)
so yeah, hope you guys like them!! you’ll be seeing a lot more of them >:)
(also thanks @cactincactout and @nisse-room for letting me run some things by y’all before I posted!)
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lgcsaem · 4 months
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NAME: kuramoto misaki / 倉本美咲. BIRTHDAY: february 7th, 2004. BIRTH PLACE: chicago, illinois. BLOOD TYPE: o. ZODIAC SIGN: aquarius. FAVORITE MOTTO: I'm here for a good time, not a long time.
a sharp snaggletooth haver ( do not get on his bad side, he will bite you ).
despite the large amount of energy he tends to have, misaki often deals with insomnia. it's hard for him to shut his brain up, so it's not uncommon to see him with tired eyes even if he's bouncing around.
originally a classically trained ballet dancer— had he not decided to take the leap in joining legacy, he'd most likely be attending some performing arts/dance university pursuing it as his main career.
scared of the concept of bleaching his hair. his hair is too silky and soft to be ruined by going blonde for a little bit!
hates feeling physically dirty— one thing about misaki is that he is a squeaky clean boy and smells like baby powder 24/7!
do not ask misaki how he got into your dorm room at 1:30 am to ask you to play games with him . . . he is not sharing how he's so good at picking locks.
make his debut.
appear as a regular variety show guest ( he just wants to be a consistent menace on national tv ).
get taller ( this is a pipe dream, he stopped growing years ago ).
"노래BATTLE" ( youtube show guest, s1e3 ).
LGC Spring Boys.
Project Origin.
“What a Childish Cheory!” ( podcast guest, s1e4 ).
LGC Family Concert 2k23.
"Master Scout: Follow the Rookie!" ( youtube show guest, s1e3 ).
without a doubt, spring boys— more so than it being a great learning experience and source for exposure as a trainee, it was simply fun. he'd been surrounded by the majority of his fellow male trainee friends, and while some aspects weren't too far from his normal training life, for them to have all been participating in something so special is something misaki won't ever forget. in particular, their final stages were a blast ( to this day, he still believes those are the best, most fun stages he's taken part ).
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that1person-on-here · 5 months
Elixir, part I
i’m planning on doing a fanfic series with OCs and original art and stuff so here’s the first installment! i originally wrote this for school but i love the characters so so so much so i need to write this series. Please leave feedback and let me know what you want more of; i want to have fun with this and i want you, the reader, to enjoy it!
tw: implied su!c!de of a fictional person, gruesome concepts
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I used to be a city girl. Look at me now, the exact opposite. Old me would be so disappointed in me, seeing how low I’ve sunk in the hierarchy from my hard-earned social throne. She’d be proud, too, but she’d just criticize me. I miss my mom sometimes, even though she gave me no reason to when she was here.
“Osa, be safe. I don’t know what they’ll do this time. I don’t trust their humanity,” I whisper gravely.
“I know, Cari. Don’t worry about me, please. It’ll be okay,” Osa replies, her voice relaxed as she sips from her steaming glass.
“Okay. You should go; the sun will be down in a few hours, and it’s already unsafe as is.” I hesitate for a moment, whispering shakily, “I- I love you,” so quietly I’d never know if she’s heard. She nimbly springs away, not indicating what she knows; rather, what she might not.
I sit, my legs twisted and dangling. The warmth of her rapidly cooling elixir in my hands is the only thing keeping my lips in a tight line and my eyebrows from twisting in pain from the howling wind. I gaze at the bed of flowers, just a thirty-foot drop below, with my blanket draped around me. They’re still in bloom, encased in a sheer, transparent layer of ice from the frigid weather.
I know Osa will yell at me for sitting on the ledge left of my old roof. She went on a scouting trip to our rival gang. I want to sip from the cup of warmth, of the taste of home. More than that, I want the steaming liquid to still have tendrils of vapor rising when she gets back.
Staring into the rubble, my mind races. I can usually find peace in the jagged edges of the shattered material, even now, when it’s dusted in frost. It’s always like this in the Red zone. Glacial cold or scorching hot, gloomy, unsafe. I’ll take it over the absence of free will any day, even if it means forfeiting comfort and security. I really should be more concerned about the rivals, but I think between me and Osa we have them covered. It’ll all be okay.
Ginosa I stalk around Nocturne. I can’t find her, where is she? I’ve barely been here an hour, but I don’t have much time. I’ve already scouted this base - I don’t need to, though. I know it by heart. I don’t get to call it home anymore, but I wish I could. It’s in the Yellow zone, so much nicer than our barren, battered landscape in the Red zone.
Faced with the view of barren dystopia once again, I sneak onto the ledge where I see Cari sitting. As I come up to her, she raises her travel mug. I reach for it, and she tries to swat me with it. I realize she takes me to be from the other side. I sigh in exhaustion and grasp her wrist gently. I move my hand up to hers, running my fingers along the back of her palm. She whispers,
“Gods, Ginosa, you scared me.”
“I’m sorry, Cari,” I reply. Behind my back, my fingers are intertwined.
She wraps her hand around mine, holding onto it and the feeling of safety, of security. Her safety, anyway. Not mine. She doesn’t have to know that, though.
“Cari, they’re planning something. Something with the green zone. I’m scared. They said expansion…” I trail off, suddenly lost in thought. I wonder if we could move back to Nocturne; no, it’s too risky. Especially when the POLICE is there; the wretched, confusing politics that tore our lands and community into shards. The reason I left the Nocturne. Cari is silent, searching through her thoughts for one that is devoid of panic, emotion, or bias. Just like Aco used to.
“You’re not thinking about moving back to Nocturne, are you? You saw what they did to Brilliance. What they did to Aco. What they would’ve done to us, had Ryx not liked you. You seriously can’t be. Come on,” I inquire, my tone growing in disbelief and fear. I see her sigh, and a heavy blanket of malleable awkwardness settles in the air, its sheer presence almost suffocating.
“They want to expand. The city. But Nocturne wants their lands back, and Brilliance is reforming in the city,” Osa explains while tossing her knives in the air and catching them by their hilts. Wait? Brilliance? That means Aco could be… never mind. I’ll only trick myself. There’s no room for bias, doubt, or confusion. Not in matters this dire.
“Do you think… maybe we could infiltrate? The city? We have the weapons, and I know you’ll protect me,” I ponder, “Right?” my tone holds a question, and my heart stops for a moment as Osa’s eyes suddenly hold a vacancy, something I haven’t seen since what happened with Aco. I need to be rational. It’s foolish of me to entrust emotion as the conductor of my train of thought. Her hands wring themselves in her lap, leaving mine to hang with the lingering warmth of hers. The smell of leftover leather polish from when she was maintaining our sheaths tints the rose aroma of my hand cream, leaving a slightly oily sheen. Her eyes glaze over before she blinks rapidly, clearing her head.
“Cari… of course I’ll protect you. We only have each other, remember?” Osa inquires back, reminding me of that night after Ryx and Aco and that mess. We’d promised each other our trust and safety. Desperate promises mean nothing. and yet I held onto this one. She took a slow breath and cocked her head to the side.
“I think Nocturne would help if we asked them. As you said, Ryx likes me, so maybe he’d be willing to listen without drawing a spear,” Osa said. Why did she trust them so much? They did so much to hurt us, went to such great lengths to ruin it all, and here she is, driven by this… notion of confidence? She hesitates, then whispers, “…And I have other,” she pauses, “connections.” My head spins. Who else is in her life that I don’t know?
“No. Are you crazy? They hate us. Why do you think we hide from them like this?” My voice slowly gets more agitated, and I lose control of what I’m saying. Suddenly, a loud ringing goes through my head, and I hold my head in my hands, pressure on my temples in hopes of reducing the shooting pain. When I sit straight again, I say, “Actually… maybe it’s worth a shot.” I see Osa’s eyes light up. She says with a chipper smile,
“Ok, let’s get ready! We have to go as soon as we can if we want to be prepared.” Her excitement entertains me, and I grin at her. We don’t have much stuff, so it doesn’t take long for us to pack small supply pouches. Mine holds our weapons and two warm cloaks, while Osa’s holds some EnerGels, my mother’s book, and a first aid kit. I don’t think Nocturne will be easy to convince. They’ve gone out of their way to make our lives harder than they are so many times in the past; and for what? They don’t benefit, they never steal the supplies, they just wreck and dash away to their haven in the Yellow zone. They split me and Osa up every single time, and I can’t ever find her.
I want to get out of here. Out of the Red zone. Sometimes it’s all I wish for and this was one of those times. The terrain will be rough, but eventually, we’ll get to Nocturne and it’ll all be worth it. I know it’s not Nocturne I want to get to. It’s Laera. Every time I think about her, a flurry of emotions whips through my head. Confusion, doubt, guilt, and above all, love. I don’t care about Cari. But I don’t hate her enough to be as cruel as to abandon her in this world. At least, not just yet.
“Cari, we should get going. It’s a long journey to Nocturne if we don’t want to be seen,” I softly spoke while nudging her shoulder.
“I know,” she replies, and we start walking. Hours later, we’re almost at Nocturne. The ground is uneven, and the air bites at my skin. It’ll be a few miles to the road, and even that won’t be much better. We need to get there fast because the POLICE is planning on infiltrating and dissolving the remnants of Brilliance tonight. Suddenly, I hear a loud crack and a scream.
“Osa, my ankle is sprained. Get the bandages…” She grits her teeth, and her strained voice barely escapes her mouth. I sigh, looking away from her as I take the first aid kit and lay it on her lap. Then, I say,
“‘I’m sorry. I can’t lie to you anymore. I have to take the book and the EnerGels, but you should have everything else.” I stalk away, running towards Nocturne, turning at the fork in the road. I look back, and she’s nowhere in sight.
‘Did that just happen?’ is the only thought that runs through my head as I run towards the city on the Blue zone, Utopie. The jabbing pain from my ankle is the only thing breaking my stride, keeping me from flying across the now-cemented road on my long legs. I can feel the cellulite on the edges of my arms and thighs shaking as my feet hit the ground irregularly to propel my body forward in a desperate sprint, and I cringe at how familiar it’s gotten. What I remember from the before, from when I still had to run is the burn along my legs.
Fifteen minutes later, I slip past the guards into the city. Stationing myself in the main square, all I have to do now is wait for havoc to break loose. My weapons are sharp, my bandages fresh. My head throbs with the pain of confusion but that’ll have to wait until after this all happens, until after this mess can be cleaned. That’s when I hear a clanging and the yelling of a familiar voice. Of Aco.
“Let me go! I’ll stop, I swear!” I hear them exclaim. They’re as I remember them, but one side of their face is burned raw. My breath catches in my chest as I see who’s helping the POLICE bring in the Brilliance members. It’s Ryx and Nocturne. I spot earpieces in two of the Brilliance members’ ears, but it takes me a minute to recognize them. It’s Ginosa, with another girl on her arm. Traitor. Liar. A million thoughts run through my head as I see her but they’re not what fuel my actions. I send a knife flying, perfectly hitting Ryx’s bracelet and causing a loud clang.
There it is. Havoc breaking loose.
Nocturne members release Brilliance and hold Aco there, while the POLICE just strike everyone. In the chaos, I feel the most at home. It wraps its arms of familiarity around my shaken mind until I feel something strike my injured ankle and a shooting pain travels up my leg while scorching heat scalds my skin.
There’s only one person who could know my ankle was hurt and the smell of my mother’s book wafting through the smoky air as she approaches me confirms my suspicions. But what I see next makes me freeze in my tracks. Aco is holding their breath and is completely still, and the gun to their head tells me enough to keep me still too. It’s only when I look closer that their eyes plead me to listen.
“Look. It wasn’t them who hurt me. That’s my fault. Cari, please. Give yourself up. We can-” Suddenly, the gun is to my head and Osa is holding it while Laera snarls,
“Surrender and join us or this book ends up like your friend here with the half-burnt face, and you end up like your mother.”. Osa’s eyes widen, and then she laughs with Laera, adding on,
“We’ll even make you do it yourself so you can die as dishonorably as your mother did.” It’s stuff like this that makes me react. I knock the gun out of her hands and seize my book from Laera.
“You, Osa, you coward. You left me there and it hurt, more than I should’ve let it,” I say, my tone breaking a little. I inhale deeply, straightening my back, and then I turn to face Laera as well. “Here I am anyways. I refuse to give you the honor of a death at my hands, and either way, I think you’re better met with a life together in the hell you’ve created for yourself,” I spit my words at their feet with disdain.
“Cari, let’s go. I think we’re not required here anymore,” Aco’s voice was gentle, and they were smiling slightly. I walk with Aco along the road I came here alone by, their arm around my shoulder.
We reach a gorgeous house, a cottage. Around it, there are lush plants and fountains whose water runs clear as ice used to be. Inside there is a beautiful living space illuminated by the glow of the moon filtering thought the skylights and the softer lighting. There are houseplants and decorations around the place and different rooms are tucked into corners. My mother would’ve loved this cottage.
I set my book and bag of medical supplies on the table, leaving the first trace of myself in this new home. The couch looks comfortable and calls to me, but I’m starving. I walk over to the kitchen, cracking open the fridge and taking out a box of cookie dough. I roll some of the dough into spheres that fit in the palm of my hand when flattened, then lay them out on a baking sheet. Shortly after sliding the tray into the oven, the smell of cookies baking fills the little cottage, along with something else familiar.
Aco stirs a pot on the stove, then calls me over. They ask,
“So, Cari, what do you put in your elixir?” I smile, a feeling of warth rising to my heart.
“I usually add, umm, cumin, cloves, cinnamon, orange peel, ginger powder, cream, and honey to a Bharattian base,” I recite from memory. My family has always made elixir that way, and alongside the book,this elixir method is the only other thing my mother left me. Fifteen minutes later, the elixir is in three mugs on the coffee table across from the couch and the cookies are steaming on a plate. I cock my head at the extra cup, but pay it no mind otheriwse. They’re red velvet with white chocolate chips and macadamia nuts, my favorite. Community is running on the screen as I turn to Aco, saying,
“Thank you. You didn’t have to let me live with you, and if you want me gone, I-” They cut me off, placing a finger across my lips.
“No, Cari, I want you here. Seriously, it’s fine. It’d be lonely here otherwise. Oh, but I have a housemate, so you’ll have to meet her sometime.” Suddenly, the door opens, and a girl walks in, aroung my age. I recognize the fiery locks of her hair. My heart skips a beat as I see her, and she smiles at me. Why is my first love here, of all places?
“Hey, Cari. I’ve heard so much about you. Though Aco didn’t justify your beauty,” she says jokingly. Her eyes hold a secret between us as Aco sits, blissfully unaware of our past.
“Cari, this is Zin. She’s very fun and I’m sure you two will get along fine,” Aco introduces us, and Zin places her stuff down to sit next to me on the couch. “Cari, is it alright if I hold you?” Zin asks. A blush rises to my cheeks as I nestle myself into her arms. I missed her so much.
“Yeah, that sounds nice,” I answer, my head resting against her. She has the same cellulite on her arms as I do, the cellulite Osa always hated. So I hand Zin and Aco my blade of trust, and blindly hope they won’t use it to shatter my newly mended glass heart like Osa did.
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thank you so much for reading! notes and reposts appreciated and constructive criticism encouraged.
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saiyan98 · 2 years
Estelle and The Mark of Arachnid: The Trident of Poseidon (Chapter 3)
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Chapter 3: Percy fought a giant Pigeon at the Park.
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Disclaimer: The following is a non-profit, fanbase series. Percy Jackson and the Olympians; Heroes of Olympus; Trials of Apollo; Kane Chronicles and Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard are owned by Rick Riordan. Spiderman or any concept of him are owned by Marvel Comics and Sony Entertainment. Please support the official releases.
You know, I never thought my trip would be ruined like this. Museum being closed down due to a pandemic? Sure. A robbery occurred near the area? Makes sense, it is New York. But being attacked by a giant pigeon woman and my brother has to save us while holding an ancient sword? Never thought it could happen. Anyways, Sam and I manage to get out of the building and put her dad right next to his car. Outside of the entrance, police officers were blocking the civilians from entering the building and prevented any casualties from happening. One of the officers walked toward us and Sam’s dad explained the situation. Except, he didn’t tell the whole truth; all he said was that there was some crazy lunatic and that a trained specialist is dealing with the culprit. I wanted to ask why he lied, but my main concern is Percy's safety. Yeah, I was scared out of my mind with the fact that a mythological creature attacked us, and that I almost got killed by it. But right now, my brother, who’s a son, a husband and a father, is inside, fighting that creature on his own. 
“You’re okay, dad.” Sam said. “We’re safe.”
“For now,” I implied. “But I need to go back and help my brother!” 
“Don’t!” Sam’s dad yelled. “If he’s what I think he is, then you’ll just be in the way. He can get the job done.”
“I don’t care, that’s my brother out there. And not just that, he’s also a husband and a father, I’d never forgive myself if something were to happen to him!” 
Just as I was about to head back, the front entrance erupted, showing Percy being lifted by the Vulture herself. Percy was struggling to get loose, but the harpy was also wounded. Percy must’ve wounded her inside. The two flew off towards National Park. I ran off while telling Sam to watch over her dad. 
As I reach toward their location, I see Percy defending himself as the Vulture (Ugh, I really got to ask for her real name, someday.) flies down and attacks. Percy tends to roll or dodge to avoid her claws. 
“Come on, Vulture. Is that really the best you can do?”
Vulture snarled.
She dashes forwards and Percy swung his sword at her. But, she dodge it and then kicks him off the ground. Percy groans in pain after he falls. The Vulture laughs in amusement. 
“Seems age is starting to take its toll on you, Perseus Jackson.”
“And yet, you still can’t kill me.”
Percy threw his sword at her, hitting her by the leg. She snarls in pain and flies up towards the trees. Percy got up and looked into his pocket. 
I want to help him, but I have no idea how. I mean, first off, I don’t have a weapon; I have no combat experience at all (Video Games don’t count!), and what’s worse, I’m starting to heat up. Sam said the spider wasn’t poisonous, so why am I starting to catch a fever?! 
Percy took out a pen from his pocket. 
Really? A pen? He had a magical sword and now he only has a pen. What’s he gonna do, write a formal complaint? He uncapped the pen and it transformed to the same sword that Percy threw. Well, you know what they say, The pen is mightier than the sword. Especially if it’s ALSO a sword. 
“What are you doing here, Vulture? What’s your game?” 
Vulture replied, “I was simply grabbing a snack while I was scouting. Then I found your sister, and then you came along. Seems fate really is on my side today. Not only will I get a half-blood, but I also get to make you watch as I kill your sister.”
Percy frowned, “Don’t you dare touch her. Your fight is with me.”
Vulture smirked, “Exactly…”
She flies down again and tries to pin down Percy, but he dodged it and was gonna land a blow at her. But she predicted his movement and swirled around and used her wings to hit Percy.
The two were relentless, neither of them would leave an opening to attack. Seriously, where did Percy learn how to fight like that?! Never in my life have I seen this guy fight like that. At home, he’s a nice guy with some idiotic behaviors. Remember the blue food? He loves them; even his own wife makes them for him. And don’t get me started on his ADHD problems. One time, he and I were making a surprise cake for my parents' anniversary, and we ended up destroying the kitchen with dough. Don’t ask how it started, we don’t know. 
You get what I’m trying to say? My lovable idiotic brother is fighting for his life against a mythological creature who has a grudge against him. Seriously, what did he do in the past? Is there like a whole series of books I can read about that?! 
Percy starts panting as he loses his stamina just defending himself from the Vulture. The harpy on the other hand, was also losing her strength but she has the high ground. 
“It’s over, Percy Jackson,” She said.
Percy replied, “You underestimate my power!”
Really, Percy? In the middle of a life or death situation, you had to pull a Star Wars Reference? No doubt about it, he’s still my dorky brother. 
Anyways, despite what he said, he was really in trouble. He needs to find a way out of this situation and stop Vulture. 
“Oh, did I? I know your abilities, Jackson. Why do you think I cornered you in an area with no water nearby?”
Water? What does water have to do with Percy? I mean, he’s a great swimmer and loves the sea, but how is that effective in battle? 
Percy chuckled. 
“What’s so funny?” Vulture asked. 
“You idiot, did you forget how trees grow?”
Percy slammed his right hand down to the ground and everything started to shake. I was getting wobbly but I noticed that the falling leaves, the trees nearby, even the flowers and grasses, were being drained. Droppings of water started to appear around Percy and began forming into shapes. Instantly, they formed into spear-like figures, aiming toward Vulture. 
She cursed while Percy fired the water spears at her. She dodge a couple but got clipped by the third one and fell down to the ground.
I was shocked at Percy. I mean, he was able to control the water itself like a water-bender. Another thing I noticed is that Percy wasn’t even wet. Both Vulture and I got wet from the sprinkles of water.
Another thing Percy has to explain.
As the Vulture gets back up, Percy points his sword right in front of her neck. 
“It’s over,” Percy said. “You lost.”
Vulture scoffed. 
“You may have won for now, Percy Jackson. But soon, Olympus will fall. I guarantee it.”
Olympus? Like Mount Olympus? The actual home of the gods? Is that real as well? Ugh, questions just keep piling up and I still have no answers to them! Anyways, Percy summons a small orb of water and it manifests into a rope-like material and wraps itself at the Vulture.
“Now, you stay here while I call the huntresses to pick you up. I really don’t want to get involved with another world-threatening situation right now. Or ever,” Percy said as he, somehow, caps his sword back into a pen and puts it back in his pocket and then takes out his phone. 
“Also, Estelle, you’re really bad at hiding.” 
I cursed silently and walked out in the opening. 
“I thought I told you to get out of here,” He scolded. 
“Sorry, it's just, after everything that happened today, I couldn’t see you handling something like that… no offense,” I said, referring to the tied up harpy. 
The Vulture snarled at me in hatred.
“When I get out of this, sister of Percy Jackson, I’ll…”
“First off, the name’s Estelle. Estelle Blofis. And second, my brother just whooped your sorry butt. So why don’t you just be a good birdie and zip it.” 
She growled at me while Percy guided me further away from her. 
“Estelle, please don’t anger her anymore than she already is.”
“Fine, but you’re not out of the woods yet.”
I mean, technically we’re still in the park, but I meant it as an expression.
“Look, Estelle. I promise to explain everything to you soon. But right now, we need to get you home, safely.”
“What about Sam and her dad?” I asked. “That harpy creature nearly killed them!” 
“She must be a half-blood. That’s not good,” Percy mumbled. 
“What’s a half-blood?”
“Look, just go back with the Stacy’s and get home safely. I’ll deal with the Vulture and meet you back home. Okay?”
Suddenly, the Vulture started laughing. 
“What’s so funny?” Percy asked. 
“You think I was alone this whole time?” 
Suddenly, rumbling was occurring around us. Like something big was charging at us. I was starting to lose my balance, and my fever was definitely not helping.
“What is that?!” I said. 
Percy was quiet until he yelled.
“Estelle! Run!”
But it was too late, suddenly a giant tree was thrown from the air and got between me and Percy. I lost my balance and fell into a ditch. I groaned in pain as I tried to get back up. Out in the distance, I hear a loud roar and Percy fighting. As I reached the top, I hid behind the log and looked at where Percy was at. 
He was fighting a big guy, and I couldn't say who or what he was, but he was bigger than Percy, stronger even, and he was holding some giant axe. Percy has this shock look on his face, as if he knew exactly who it is. 
“How on earth are you alive?!” 
As Percy was fighting the big guy, I noticed that the Vulture was starting to break loose from her water prison. As she gets out, she flies up in the air and dives for Percy. 
“Percy, look out!” I yelled. 
Out of pure instinct, I ran toward Percy and jumped, pushing him out of the way. We both fell into a bush while the two villains collided with each other. Unfortunately, the harpy reacted quickly and got out of the big guy’s way. I got up and yelled at Percy.
“We gotta go! Now!” 
Percy nodded and got up. We both started running away from the enemies and tried to find a good place to hide. 
“What was that big guy?!” 
“No time to explain,” Percy answered. “Just another guy I fought back then.” 
“Another… How many enemies did you make?!” I yelled. “What, were you on the most wanted list for stealing something important?!” 
“Kind of?”
At this point, anything goes. Percy could be a descendant of wizards and went to Hogwart. Or he’s a half-vampire or werewolf because mom fell in love with a monster. Or maybe he’s a mutant like the X-men and all these creatures are just humans with mutations. I don’t know, I just want some answers! 
But, as you can see, we’re a bit busy trying to survive. Percy found a spot under a bridge. We ran there and hid. 
“Look, I’ll make this as simple as possible once we’re in the clear, okay?” Percy whispered. I  sighed and nodded.
“Fine, at least tell me why these guys are after you?” 
“The Vulture had siblings and I killed them to save some of my friends. I couldn’t let them get eaten. As for the big guy… well… he and I have some history together.”
“How much of a history?” I said.
“…He once took our mom and sent her to the underworld.”
Okay, that… that was unexpected. “WHAT?!” I yelled. Percy shushes me and covers my mouth. I mean, how would you feel if you found out your mom, who’s still alive, went to the underworld because of your brother?
“Look, it’s a really long story and we don’t have time. Just know that monsters are real and they love to eat humans, especially half-bloods.”
“And what’s a half-blood?!” I whispered loudly. 
Before he could answer, suddenly, the bridge collapsed. A giant figure came falling down and roared. 
“Estelle, run!” Percy yelled. I got up and ran as far as I could, but then I got pinned down from the Vulture. She swooped down from the sky and dragged me to the floor. 
“Don’t think I forgot about you, you little brat,” She snarled. 
“Ugh, brush your teeth next time you eat out,” I said, disgusted by her breath smell.
As I looked toward Percy, I noticed he was fighting the big guy. He was wearing a robe so I can’t really see his actual appearance; but, I could’ve sworn I saw hooves on his legs. I tried to get loose from the Vulture’s grip, but she is holding me tight with her claws. I couldn’t break free. 
Percy was struggling too. He can’t seem to find an opening with the big guy he’s facing. 
“Damn it! When did you get this good?!” He yelled. 
The big guy growled at him. 
“Kronos is gone! Why are you guys still here?!” 
Vulture scoffed. “Haven’t you heard the news? Our father has returned.” 
Percy replied with a shocked expression, “What? That’s impossible!” 
He kept dodging the hooded monster’s attack. 
“Enough! Best you stop now, Percy Jackson. Or your precious sister gets it.” 
Vulture lowered her wing arms near my neck and I noticed that some of her talons have sharp edges. She could cut my neck anytime she wanted to if Percy didn't hesitate. 
Percy was near the river that was under the bridge so he can probably use it to attack or something. I don’t know, I was still wondering how he did that whole water-bending technique earlier. 
“Don’t you dare go near the water, Jackson,” The Vulture replied. 
Percy was frustrated. He can’t attack or move, while the big guy gets a free pass to attack.
I hate this.
I hate being the damsel in distress. Yeah it’s nice being saved by the hero; but who’s gonna save the hero if the damsel is too weak to fight? No, I won’t be a burden to Percy, even if I am facing the supernatural. Though, not gonna lie, I’d happily be the damsel if the Winchester brothers came to save us. I mean, have you seen The Winchester brothers?! 
Anyways, since Tweety here is holding my arms down, I still have one motive I can use. It’s a dirty tactic, and really nasty, but I had no choice.
“Hey, birdbrain!” I yelled. The Vulture looks at me and I straight up spat at her eyes. Don’t ask how I got accurate aim.
The Vulture grunted in disgust and lost her grip at me. I managed to get my left arm out, grabbed a broken debris and hit the Vulture at her legs. She screamed in pain and let go of me. Percy saw and used it as an opportunity to strike at the hooded man. He put his hand on the river and summoned a huge whirlpool toward the man and pushed away and toward the harpy. I ran toward Percy and grabbed something I can use as a weapon. 
Vulture gets up as she is furious from my escape attempt. 
“You arrogant, brat. I’m gonna enjoy making you suffer,” She snarled. The big guy growled as he got up and picked up his axe. The two cornered us.
Percy has his magical sword while I have a metal rod from the bridge as I held it like a bat.
“So, Percy, think we can take these losers down?” I said with confidence. But, judging from Percy's expression, we do not have a chance.
“Sorry, Sis, but that metal bar ain’t gonna help you. These guys can’t get hurt from regular material. Only enchanted weapons can.
Thanks for telling me important information at the last second, Percy!
“Great, any more bright ideas?!” I yelled.
As if all hope was lost, our knight in shining armor appeared on his great stallion. And by stallion, I mean her dad’s police car. Jumping off from the broken bridge, Sam dad’s car came flying down and crashed down towards the monsters. As the car crashed on them, more debris from the bridge fell and piled up right on top of them. 
As the smoke clears out, Sam and her dad exit out of the car, coughing from the debris smoke. 
“Sam? Was that you?!” 
Sam replied, “I couldn’t let you handle everything, Stella.”
“…How did you get your driver’s license again?” I said in amusement. Sam shrugged.
Percy sighs in relief and says, “We gotta go, that’ll knock them out for a while, but they’ll wake up soon.”
Sam’s dad nodded, “He’s right, these creatures are resilient when it comes to their  hunger.”
“Hunger for food or vengeance?” I asked. “Cause either way, they have got to go on a diet.”
“There’s a subway station nearby. Let’s head over there and head home. I gotta get Estelle home safely and tell my wife the situation.”
“What? Can’t you just call her?” I asked Percy.
“Phone broke during my fight with the Vulture. Seems she was smart enough to stop me from calling for help.”
I groaned in annoyance.
Percy gestured us to follow him as Sam and I helped her dad walk since he’s still wounded from the harpy’s attack. Luckily, he’s not bleeding, but he definitely took a beating from her. We walked toward the subway station and managed to catch a train to the station near my apartment. 
We all sighed in relief as Mr. Stacy took out his phone. He made a quick call to the police and told them that he’s fine and taking his daughter to a safe place and will return soon. After that, he gave the phone to Percy.
“Here, my phone still works.”
Percy denied it.
“Can’t, my phone was specifically built for my kind.”
“Your kind?”
Percy sighed, “I’ll explain later, Estelle. Let just get you home and tell Annabeth the situation and-”
“Wait, Annabeth knows too?!”
It was gonna be a long trip back home for Percy.
0 notes
theshelbyclan · 2 years
Kings of Camden
Summary: Alfie dares you to be more brave, so you decide to show him just how bold you can be
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(Gif by @mensource)
A/N: I love this idea so much!! anon requested: Looking at a gif of Alfie just now I realized he has a crown tattoo on his hand and I have one on my wrist and now I can’t stop thinking about Alfie’s reaction if you ever got the same tattoo as him and surprised him w it. 😩😩I saw that you’re requests were open and just HAD to give this idea to someone. AHH I love that you have this tattoo and I’m kinda jealous and may or may not have pondered getting one myself… Anyways, I hope you like what I did with this, even though it’s short, and thank you again for being this awesome Words: 1534 ***
“Truth or dare?” He stroked his beard pensively, “There’s no such thing, though, love. Truth is such a relative concept, right, and it’s made up by people, innit? And if it’s made up by people…” You interrupted him with a sigh, “Play the fucking game, Alfie. Truth or dare?”
“Where do you even pick up these fucking games? I mean, I was in the boy scouts, just like any other decent man, and even we didn’t play fucking truth or dare…” You fixed him with a dark stare. Also, you were quite certain that Alfie Solomons had never been a boy scout, even though the thought did tickle you.
“Right,” he decided, “Dare it is.”
You clapped your hands in excitement, “I dare you to kiss Ollie!” “For fuck’s sake.” “Go on,” you urged, practically giggling with glee, “you have to!” Alfie threw his head back in mock despair, “Woman, you’ve bloody done it now, ain’t you. I’m through with you, I really fucking am, because this is no longer a game, but it has now turned into some heathen ritual of humiliation…” “Stop putting it off. Ollie’s cute and you know it.” “He is, ain’t he,” Alfie mumbled almost lovingly, “Alright then,” and he bellowed, “Ollie! Come here for a minute, mate.”
Ollie stumbled in with his usual look of bewilderment on his face, “What, Alfie?” “Come here,” Alfie motioned, “won’t hurt you, I promise, go one, come here…” It was clear that the Jewish boy grew suspicious, but still he approached. And without any warning, Alfie suddenly planted a quick kiss on his lips, and pulling away just as quick with the biggest smile on his face. Ollie, on the other hand, yelpedlike a little girl. “You can go now,” Alfie motioned with a hand. And quick as lightning, Ollie was gone. “Poor Ollie,” you laughed out loud. “He’s alright,” your smug friend commented, “should be used to it by now…”
And this what you and Alfie Solomons were like together: always playing. Except when you weren’t, when one of you was hurt or threatened, you tore down kingdoms for each other. There couldn’t be one without the other, ever since you were kids. You and him, against the world. And you had never loved anyone more than him.
On your way to the shops, you were singing a little to yourself. Your shift had ended early, because of an accident at the factory, and you had suddenly found yourself with some extra time on your hands. Alfie hated you working, didn’t think it fitting for his girl, but still he knew better than to challenge you on it.
On your way, you thought about something Alfie had said to you. Apart from playing these games with him, he said you always played it safe. That you cared too much about what other people thought. And it had irritated you that he thought so, mainly because you knew he was right. You did as people expected of you, except when you were with him. It was like you only dared to be adventurous when you were with him, and no one else was allowed to see that side of you. Maybe it was time to show the world how bold you could really be. So you whispered to yourself, “Truth or dare…” And your mind, suddenly aroused with excitement, told you: dare! And you asked the first sailor you came across, because he was bound to know. Quickly, before you could change your mind, you decided you were going to do something that really, really scared you, just to show Alfie you could be brave too. About an hour later, you were standing outside the tattoo shop again. It had taken them some convincing, but eventually the artist had agreed. Adrenaline still pumping, you looked at your new ink, shining brightly on your wrist. You smiled at yourself, proud of what you’d just done. And then you hurried to show Alfie. But on your way, fear started flooding you. What if he didn’t like it? Maybe he’d tell you’d been an idiot? And what if you two wouldn’t be together forever? Then this new tattoo would look stupid! And, most of all, what would people say? You suddenly envisioned your life as an outcast of society and it wasn’t a great image… You found Alfie at his bakery, who greeted you with his usual, “Hello, love!” You didn’t reply, because for the life of you, you couldn’t find the words. “What’s happened?” he demanded, serious at once, “I’ll fucking kill them.” “Nothing,” you stuttered, “I just think I’ve made a mistake, Alfie…” “No, you haven’t,” he seemed absolutely certain, “you’re the smart one, ain’t you, sweetheart, you think things through. You plan and scrutinize and organize and strategize…” “Not when I’m with you,” you interrupted. Alfie grinned, “And I like it that way.” You showed him your tattoo of a crown, identical to the one he had on his hand. For a moment, Alfie seemed lost for words. “I know,” you said, utterly defeated. And then he burst out laughing, loud and high-pitched, “Who the fuck are you and what the fuck have you done to my Y/N? Because this, this isn’t you, right?” “I dared myself.” “You fucking dared yourself… like the devil in de desert, yeah?” “If you’re the devil, then, yeah,” you could smile a little already. Alfie always managed to cheer you up somehow. He took your wrist in his hand and studied the tattoo, “That’s gorgeous, that is,” the verdict finally came.
“You really think so?” “Yeah!”, he called out, “That is brilliant, it really is, sweetheart, because you know what? It just so happens to be, right, that I’ve got one on my hand that is quite similar to that one. Who would’ve thought, eh?” You grinned. Alfie was silent for a bit and then said, “You’re staying with me tonight, sweetheart.” “Am I?” “Be bold,” he challenged, “you know you can now.” You knew you’d stay. You always would. “You got a tattoo of a fucking crown,” he mused out loud, “just like that. Now that shows some fucking balls, doesn’t it,” he continued talking to himself as he walked away, “and she dared herself, imagine that!” And then he called over his shoulder, “Didn’t think it possible, but I think I love you even more now, darling!”
At night, even London was quiet. When you were kids, you used to sneak out of your homes to meet up and you’d wreak havoc wherever you went. When you got a little older, you still snuck out, but tried to attract as little attention as you could. By the docks you’d find each other and in the dark, you became intertwined in every way possible. Ever since, the nights were yours. During the day, others could expect things of you and demand your attention, but at night, you’d always come back to each other. And so here you were, lying together in the dark, in a world entirely of your own.
“Truth or dare, baby,” you said, softly. “Truth.” Pausing for a moment, you asked, almost shy, “Do you really love me?” He grinned deeply, “Nah, it was my turn, wasn’t it?” “Cheat,” you grumbled, knowing he was right, “Fine, but you better answer me after mine is done.” “Truth or dare?” Alfie said triumphantly. “Truth.”
He pretended to think about it for a long time, “How about you come live with me, permanently?” You furrowed your brows, “What do you mean?”
“You know, right here, in Camden. Or we could move to someplace quiet, if that suits you better, although quiet and peaceful might be the last words I associate with you if I’m being perfectly honest… I’ve always loved the quiet little place by the name of Margate… But wherever you want, sweetheart, you tell me and I’ll make it happen. Tear down the whole of fucking London for you. Just you and me,” he waved his hands elaborately. And when you didn’t react, he added, “I’m asking you to marry me, sweetheart!” “Ooh…” your eyes widened, as you suddenly understood, “are you sure though?” “Course I am. “Wait!” you suddenly called out, “What about Edna?” Alfie frowned, “Who?” “Someone said you were married to a woman named Edna?” “Someone’s been telling fucking lies, haven’t they, because obviously I’m not married to some shikse named Edna.”
You smiled and looked deeply into the eyes of the man you loved. It was strange how he could be so terrifying, how people flinched when they heard him speak, because he sounded either mad or simply dangerous, and how people were put off by his appearance. But when you looked at him, like really looked at him, you only saw this utter and complete softness. “Yeah, I’ll marry you, Alfie.” “You can be my queen then,” he said gently, puppy-dog eyes staring at you, devoted, “with a crown to match.” You smiled cheekily, “You can be queen and I’ll be the king.” “Fine, we’ll both be kings. You and me. ”
And when you snuggled closer to him, Alfie knew you were finally satisfied.
*** Masterlist
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ruthytwoshakes · 1 year
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Here is some concept art for a tenth class!! His name is Sofia,, and I’m thinking of calling his class, ‘The Glider.’ I haven’t gotten all of his mechanics worked out yet so if anybody has any ideas I’d love to hear them! (press the keep reading ,,button for more i DARE you I dare you I bet you won’t .coward you wimp you weakling you beta,, beta bro alpha loser boy, or girl,,,, or nonbinery,,,,,,,, or another thing,,,,, swag. press it pres the butibf)
I’m thinking he could use bombs to launch himself or jump off of high structures,, he could shoot from above and also drop off some items! Like bombs,, or traps,,,, or maybe ammo and med packs,,,,,,,, I haven’t decided yet. He isn’t able to fly, but his wing suit can be upgraded by engineer to increase gliding speed and length. He can’t go faster than Scout but he’s still pretty damn fast when fully upgraded. I also thought that a fun mechanic could be a grappling hook as like a secondary weapon? He can carry along the other mercs (physics be damned) for a quick ride, or to drag the enemy team away. He could also pick up health packs and stuff that way. He’s very vulnerable when landing, leaving him open to attack, and snipers can easily shoot him out of the air if he’s not careful. He’s not very fast on the ground either, and he and the engineer would need to do a whole lot of teamwork as well. Idk I haven’t played tf2 much ,,,usually only play stardew valley and warrior cat games ,,, im not quite sure how mechanics work yet lol.
now onto personality! I based him off of a lot of fictional characters and actual weird old men I’ve met in real life!! also inspired by random autistic middle school girls I knew when I was younger shout out the them,, cooler than any other people on the planet
He’s very energetic! And a lunatic like the rest of the mercs. Autism Adhd. q. He does those incomprehensible jerma beatboxing screams when he’s scared. He is stupidly brave, kinda an idiot, and very loyal to his friends. Filled with vengeance just fulled by it actually. Short. He really likes soap . Gets spooked pretty easily, very jumpy. The most biggest eyes of the ever why are they so big who what when where and why. Can play a one man band instrument thing,, whatever it’s called. Goes all mad scientist about planes and flight suits,, does the laugh and everything . Like a puppy but weird and kinda fucked up
I have an idea in my brain for his personality but I can’t make a comprehensible sentence for some reason ,, just know that he’s a loser and hisses like a cat when provoked ,, he is 36 his birthday is May 5th ,,he’s a spaniard , not like the dog but like the guys the ,,people from Spain. His backstory will remain a secret!! That way you will come back for more,,,,, hopefully,, swag.
Thank you for reading if you’ve made it this far!! I hope you guys like him because he’s staying for a while muhahah
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islesnucks · 3 years
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It's here! once again thank u @softbarzal for inspiring this
Word Count: 3.5 k
Warning: none
Summary: your date with Mat is cut short when a friend asks you to look after her daughter, but then he tags along
Add yourself to the taglist!
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“Please, please, please. I have to stay here for like 3 more hours and I already called the babysitter and she can’t stay longer. Just put on a movie and I promise she won’t cause any trouble.” your friend basically begged you from the other side of the phone.
“It’s not that I’m worried about taking care of her, I love spending time with her, but I’m in the middle of a date Lili.” you told her, turning your head to look at Mat who was sitting back on your table. He sent a small smirk your way, probably because he saw your furrowed brows.
“Shit I forgot that was today.” There was a long silence but you knew what was coming next. “Can’t you leave early? I know I’m asking a lot and I promise I’ll make it up to you.” You could sense the desperation in her tone and you knew she wouldn’t be asking this if it wasn’t really the only option, so there wasn’t much to think about. Even if it meant leaving Mat not even halfway into the date, you had to do it.
“Ok, sure tell the nanny I’ll be there in 15.” you said and heard Lili let out a deep sigh making you smile. Being a single mom wasn’t easy and if you could help your friend in any way you most surely would.
“You are the best. Seriously. Best human being in existence.”
“I know, I know. Now get back to work before they fire you.”
“Love you, bye.”
“Love you too.”
Mat watched you talk on the phone, intrigued but trying not to be noisy. It was clear to see you were in distress and that caused him to worry. Soon you were making you way back to the table. He felt a bit of deja vu seeing you walk to the table like you had done earlier that night when you arrived at the restaurant, gorgeous as ever, taking his breath away. Only that now instead of that beautiful smiled that would appear whenever you looked at him, you had a concerned look on your face, which only made him worry more. You were just trying to come up with a way of telling him you had to leave right now without it sounding like a lame excuse to dip.
“Is everything okay?” he asked as soon as you were next to him.
“Yeah, just a little change of plans.” you started to say, without taking your seat and grabbing your coat from behind it. “I have to leave, like right now.”
“What happened?” He was genuinely preoccupied which warmed your heart. 
“Remember my friend Lili? The one that has a daughter of 5?” you asked and he nodded. You had told him about her on one of your first dates some weeks ago. “There was some problem at her office, she has to stay longer and the girl that babysits for her can’t stay the extra hours so she called me to see if I could go take care of little Amy...”
“And you said yes.” he finished the sentence for you. 
“Yes. I’m sorry. I promise I’m not making this up.” you were quick to add making him chuckle. “I really was enjoying this but she’s my best friend and Amy is like a niece. I can’t not help her.”
“Don’t worry I totally get it. We can raincheck, no big deal.” he said grabbing your hand in a reassuring manner. “Do you have a ride?”
“No, but I’ll order an uber-”
“Don’t. I’ll give you a ride.” he quickly said standing up, not letting go of your hand.
“You really don’t have to-”
“I’ll take every extra bit of time I can get with you miss.” Your cheeks turned red at his comment and he smiled down at you, loving the effect he had on you.
After making your way to the counter and failing to convince Mat to split the check for the food you weren’t even able to finish, you walked to his car hand in hand.
On the ride low music played in the background as you made conversation and Mat took advantage of every single red light to sneak a kiss or two. However the ride was shorter than you would have wanted it, in a couple minutes you were in front of Lili’s house.
“I’ll walk you to the door.” he said taking off his seat belt. You open your mouth ready to tell him he didn’t have to, but before you could Mat added: “Don’t even try to stop me, every minute counts, remember?” He leaned in to give you a final peck on the lips and then rapidly left the car to go around and open the door for you.
“Such a gentleman.” you joked taking the hand he was offering.
“I try my best.”
He closed the door behind you and gently moved your hand so it would be wrapped around his arm as you walked up to the door. Once there you rang the bell and within the second the door was opening showing you a really stressed teenager.
“Hi you must be Y/N, right?” she asked, already putting on her coat and grabbing her backpack. You nodded. “Thank you for rushing here. I really wish I could stay but I have another kid I have to babysit. Please tell Lili I’m so sorry-”
“Don’t worry she gets it.” you tried to calm her down.
“Amy is in the living room-” she started to say only to be interrupted by the 5 year old suddenly appearing down the hallway. Her eyes went wide and she smiled as she ran down the hall screaming your name.
“Aunty Y/N!” she screamed before jumping into your arms. You couldn’t help but laugh, wrapping your arms around her and positioning her on your side, resting her weight on your hip. Mat was beaming beside you, eyes full of adoration as he watched the sweet exchange.
“How’s my favorite niece doing?”
“I’m your only niece.” she remarked making you and Mat laugh once again.
“You’re getting too smart.” you joked poking her side to make her giggle.
“She already ate but there’s some food on the fridge if you get hungry, and we were about to watch Frozen 2.” the babysitter said as she crossed the door, clearly on a rush to leave.
“Wait do you have a ride or something to get to your next house? It’s already too late to be walking outside alone. I can give you a ride if you need.” Mat said before the girl could leave. You looked at him, a bit surprised by his words but at the same time not at all since you knew how gentlemanly he could get. How he could go from behaving like a kid to an adult within a second still amazed you. 
“Oh don’t worry I have my car, but thanks!” she replied, pulling out the keys to the car. “Bye Amy, see you tomorrow.” she added waving to the little girl.
“Bye!” Amy replied waving back to her. The three of you watched making sure the girl got back to get her car safely and once she was gone you closed the door and turned to look at Mat.
“That was such a dad thing to do considering she’s probably not that much younger than us” you teased him.
“I was being polite.”
“I know. I loved it.” you said giving him a wink and made your way to the living room before he could respond.
He watched you walk down the hall with the little girl in your arms and had to tell himself it was way too early in your relationship to start fantasizing about what your kids would look like, but that wasn’t enough to stop him from doing it.
“So we’re watching Frozen 2?” you asked Amy as you placed her on the couch and sat beside her.
“Who is he?” she asked referring to Mat, completely ignoring your question. You surely weren’t about to explain to a 5 year old the concept of dating and boyfriends. Plus you and Mat hadn’t talked about where your relationship stood, so you actually had to discover that yourself before telling the little girl. But as you looked for the right words Mat appeared on the living room and answered.
“I’m Mat. I’m a friend of your aunt.” he said followed by his best smile, but you could tell he was a bit nervous meeting the kid. Especially because he knew kids had no filter whatsoever so she was gonna say whatever came to her mind. He just hoped it was something good.
Amy looked him up and down, sword of examining him and Mat could have sworn he hadn’t felt that judged ever since his fitness test at the scouting years ago. You tried to hold in the giggles as you watched the grown man standing a bit awkwardly in front of you, being extremely intimidated by a 5 year old. Amy then scooted close to you and lifted herself on her knees putting her hands around her mouth and reaching your year to tell you a secret. Nevertheless she was still a loud young kid so what intended to sound like a whisper ended up being loud enough for anyone to hear.
“Is he the cute hockey player you and mom talked about?” she asked and your eyes went wide and face red. You looked at Amy surprised she had just said that and then looked at Mat, who was looking away pretending not to have heard that but the wicked smile on his face said he had.
“We really have to start being more careful with what we say around you.” you jokingly reprimanded her making her giggle. “But yes he is.” 
Your eyes went to Mat after saying that, wanting to see his reaction. Proud smile and puffed out chest, it was clear to see he liked hearing that. Mat was a man that thrived on praise, everyone knew that, but he was happy just hearing that you talked about him with your friend. It made him feel important, like he was part of your life and he loved it. He had talked about you to everyone who was willing to hear really, he actually couldn’t shut up about you sometimes and that resulted in his friends teasing him constantly, but he didn’t care. All he cared about was that apparently you were as into the relationship as he was, that couldn’t make him happier.
Amy nodded and then seemed to think about something serious for a moment before turning back to Mat.
“Are you going to watch Frozen 2 with us?” she simply asked like it was the most casual thing ever. You started panicking a bit, heart raising on your chest. This was the first time Mat met someone from your life, it didn’t matter if it was a 5 year old girl who didn’t really understand what was going on. You didn’t want to rush things only to end up scaring him away like it had happened with other guys you’d dated.
“Well Amy, Mat has other things-” you started to explain to her, trying to get out of what could turn out to be a really awkward moment.
“If you aunty is okay with it, then sure I’d love to watch Frozen 2 with you.” he replied with the sweetest grin in his face, but you still feared he just felt some kind of obligation to stay because Amy was the one asking.
“That’s sweet Mat but you really don’t have to. I’m sure there are thousand things you’d like to do rather than watching a kids movie.”
“First of all, Frozen 2 rocks, I wanna watch it. Secondly for the third time tonight, everything I’m doing is because I want to not because I feel like I have to.” he reassured you, washing away once and for all any insecurity left in you. You smiled at him, biting your bottom lips in disbelief, wondering how you had gotten so lucky. 
“Then I guess Mat is staying for movie night.” you told Amy and she stood on the couch and started clapping. “But I have to warn you, Mat eats all the popcorn.”
“That’s not true!” he replied, taking his hand to his chest in pretended offense.
“Ok Mat and I will go make some popcorn and you Amy go get your stuffed animals because we can’t watch a movie without them, right?” you said and Amy was instantly rushed to her room making both of you chuckle.
You stood up and grabbed Mats hand, dragging him across the house to the kitchen.
“Is Lili going to be fine with this? You know, she doesn’t know me and I’m hanging around her daughter, I don’t want you to get in any trouble.” Mat said leaning against the isle as you walked around the kitchen grabbing everything you needed for the popcorn.
“I’m like her second mother, Lili trusts me and I trust you to be around Amy so there won’t be any problem.” you told him as you put the bag on the microwave. Those words meant more to Mat that you would have guessed, you didn’t noticed but his cheeks went a bit red and he couldn't contain his smile. He couldn’t understand why you letting him into your life had such and effect on him, and he couldn’t quite put a name yet to the bubbling feeling you caused on him, but he would later realize it was love.
Soon you felt a pair of arms wrapping around your waist and his chest pressing against your back as he rested his chin in your shoulder.
“Thank you, it really means a lot.” he whispered into your ear, squeezing you a little. You knew the action was supposed to be cute, but his hot breath against your skin sent shivers down your spine.
“Could you be any more perfect?” you said turning around in his embrace to face him after turning on the microwave, being met with his all too familiar smug smile that made you roll your eyes and chuckle at the same time. He was about to reply something cocky surely, but you decided to erase that smile of his with a kiss.
You placed your arms around his neck, bringing him closer, as his hands stayed firmly in your waist. His lips fitted with yours in perfect rhythm, like it was meant to be. You wanted to deepen the kiss so badly but a voice inside your head kept on reminding you there was a really energetic, curious little girl around the house that run into the kitchen any second from now. And just as you were thinking that you heard her.
“I’m ready!” her voice traveled around the house from the living room to the kitchen, making you and Mat instantly stop kissing. There was a moment of silence and you looked at each other before you broke out in laughter. 
“That’s our cue.” you said freeing yourself from Mat’s embrace. Then you opened the microwave to get the popcorn out as Mat handed you the bowl you had set aside earlier. As soon as you put the popcorn in said bowl Mat’s hand was reaching to grab some.
“Don’t.” You jokingly slapped his hand which made him look at you with furrowed brows. “It’s still hot, you’ll burn yourself.”
“I already kissed you and I’m fine so...” he said with the cheekiest smile, making you roll your eyes at the cheesy comment. Then grabbed some quickly taking it to his mouth, only to start groaning in pain one second later.
“I told you it was hot Mathew. I thought I’d be babysitting one 5-year-old today, not two.”
“I didn’t think it would be that hot-” he started to defend himself but was cut off.
“When are you coming?!” Amy shouted again.
“We’re going! We’re going!” you replied between giggles, grabbing the bowl with one hand and Mat with the other and making you way back to the living room.
When you made it to the room you found 2 stuffed animals carefully placed in the couch facing the tv and Amy next to them wrapped around the Frozen blanket you had gifted her not too long ago.
“I see you have everything ready.” you said placing the bowl on the coffee table.
“Mat sits next Sammy and Eddie.” she pointed out signaling Mat to sit between a stuffed dolphin and a cat, which he instantly did. “And aunty sits with Eddie and me.”
You bit your lip trying to hold in your laughter as you took your seat between your niece and the stuffed cat she had obviously placed there intentionally so you wouldn’t be next to Mat. But the moment he looked at you lifting his eyebrows in amusement a giggle escaped your lips. 
“What’s funny?” Amy asked watching as the two of you exchanged looks.
“Nothing, nothing. Let’s watch the movie.” you replied, grabbing the control and starting the movie. Amy snuggled to your side and you could feel Mat’s arm behind your head as he stretched it on the back of the couch.
Within 20 minutes Amy was already asleep with her head in your chest and your left arm wrapped around her holding her close. That’s when you decided to put away the stuffed cat that served as a barrier. Mat looked at you confused, not wanting to do anything that could make the little girl dislike him.
“She’s asleep.” you whispered to him, he had been too focused on the movie to notice. “Sorry about Eddie the cat, she can be a little territorial.” you explained making Mat smile.
You tapped the new empty seat next to you signaling him to move closer and Mat scooted over to your side, placing his arm around you as you gently nestled into his side, trying not to wake Amy up. 
“And sorry about tonight, I know this isn’t what you had planed.” you said turning you head to face him.
“Stop apologizing Y/N. I have you by my side, that’s all I need.” he told you and even though his face was barely visible, poorly lit only by the light emitted by the tv, you could see a certain spark in his eyes that showed you how honest he was being. “Also this movie is actually great.” he added, making you laugh.
“You’re earning a lot of points tonight Barzal.” you said stretching your neck to kiss him briefly before cuddling back to his side. He then placed a kiss on the top of your head and went back to watch the movie, which he was clearly enjoying.
Lili arrived at her house over an hour later. She wasn’t surprised when she opened the door to a completely silent house, expecting you to have put Amy to bed by then. However she was surprised when she walked into her living room only to find the three of you asleep on the couch.
Amy had changed position and now was laying on the couch, still wrapped in her blanket, with her head laying on your lap as your arm was placed over her. Mat and you hadn’t moved that much, his arm still wrapped around your shoulders and your head on his chest, but now his head was resting on top of yours, moving your hair a bit with every deep breath he took.
Lili smiled to herself as he took in the scene. This was actually the first time she had seen Mat in person, but she was not mad at all, she actually found it quite cute. 
She carefully lifted her daughter in her arms, trying not to wake neither of you up. Amy’s arms instantly wrapped around her neck as she watched you unconsciously snuggle further into Mat’s chest now that Amy had left your side.
Needless to say you and Mat woke up the next morning really confused, not even remembering falling asleep the night before, and with terrible neck pain, but you woke up next to each other which was enough to make it a good morning.
hope you liked it! likes and reblogs are always appreciated!
Tagging those who asked to or seemed interested:
@spencereidbasis @2manytabsopen @spencereidbasis @bbbbruins @softbarzal @dreamer1430 @matsbarzals @hockeyandsht @barzysandmarnersbitch @shawnsreputation @glassdanse @tazeboes @barbienoturbby
Also here you can add yourself to my taglist for barzy or the other players i write for
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thetargaryenbride · 3 years
A break [Levi x Fem!Reader]
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Requested by: @emmaandemmal  Hi, I love your works! Can I request one where Levi and his fem s/o have been a couple since before they were captured by the scouts in the underground? After the deaths of Isabel and Farlan, the reader tries to convince Levi to leave the scouts with her to go and live together in a safer place, but he refuses saying that he believes in Erwin's vision of the scouts and the two begin to fight badly. The reader eventually stays in the scouts because she doesn't want to leave without him, but the relationship between Levi and the reader is getting colder and more detached. The reader begins to think that Levi is no longer interested in her after noticing his growing friendship with Petra and she decides to leave the scouts thinking it's the best decision for her and for Levi. When Levi finds out, he tries to find her, but without success. Only a few years later, he catches a glimpse of her in the crowd after the scouts have returned from an expedition and he follows her. Once they arrive at the reader's house, she and Levi make up and the reader claims that she has been selfish in the past and that she would like to return to the scouts to fight against the titans and to claim the deaths of Isabel and Farlan. Eventually the reader and Levi resume their relationship and Levi promises her that nothing would separate them again. I'm really sorry that it's so long, if you consider this idea feel free to modify it as you wish. Sorry for my English too... it’s not very good. Thank you so much, you're one of the best Levi writers I know! ❤️
I’m sorry for the delay, dear. I was struggling with a mini writer’s block and was focusing more on art but I’m slowly getting back on track! Thank you so much for the request and thank you for your kind words. This really means a lot to me! As far as modifying goes, the only thing I modified is the timeskip. Instead of a few years, I made it one year. I hope you don’t mind ^^
Words: 4.5K
Warnings: Very Brief mention of suicide, prostitution and self-harm
Hope you like it  ❤️ Feedback is deeply appreciated! ^^
Also, if Levi seems OOC, please feel free to correct me~ I accept constructive criticism ^^  
* . °•★|•°∵ ∵°•|☆•° . *
You were arguing.
You never argued.
But the situation that had befallen you made you feel all sort of ways and neither of you knew how to express those emotions, that stress, which is why it had slowly turned into a fight.
“You shouldn’t have agreed! We have no idea how the world above works! We’re going to fuck up, Levi,” you raised your voice, hands clenching into fists by your sides, levels of anger rising at Levi’s indifference at the situation. You knew that it was only a façade and that deep down Levi wasn’t indifferent. You knew he was probably worried just as much as you were. But right now you were so scared and you wanted him to just show some more emotion, fight back, shower you with words of reassurance, hug you…anything…not just stand with crossed arms, staring at you.
“So what, I should’ve let the bushy eyebrowed bastard send us in prison?” he raised an eyebrow as if challenging you to give him a good reason for your big distaste of joining the Survey Corpse. He couldn’t understand why you had exploded like that when he had agreed. It was the perfect opportunity for the fulfillment of your mission…Not that you had been very accepting of the mission either. Your paranoia and distrust always clawed at you, many a time ripping any semblance of reason and logic. But he couldn’t’ exactly blame you. He was similar in a way. He supposed that this is what living in the Underground did to you.
No. More like struggling, digging in the mud, to survive.
And the two of you had been doing this since you were kids.  
“I’d rather rot in a prison cell than a titan’s stomach. And since when do you trust nobles anyways? It’s mostly because of them that we all fester here in this dump,” you spat out and he pinched the bridge of his nose, letting out a sigh.
“If you are so against this mission, why are you even joining?” he shot back and you choked on whatever words you had the intention of spilling.
You took a deep breath as you slumped next to him on the couch, body completely slacking in defeat as your anger simmered down a bit.
“Do you even have to ask me that?” you muttered as you stared at the ceiling, the hands in your lap fiddling with your fingers. “It’s because I would never turn my back on my family…on you,” you murmured as you straightened up and turned to face him. “Even if it’s the stupidest decision which would probably result in something shitty, I’ll still stick with you. You are all I have…I love you,” you timidly uttered the last words, casting your eyes downwards as a slight blush spread over your cheeks. The man sighed before his hands went to grab yours, successfully stopping your fiddling and wringing, squeezing them reassuringly.
“Look at me,” he ushered you gently yet firmly and you lifted your head, locking eyes with his. “We’ll be fine.”
You let out another sigh before you leaned, letting his arms encircle your form as he rested his chin on the top of your head.
“I pray that you’re right,” you whispered and just when you thought you could have a moment of peace, Farlan entered the room with a constipated expression. You couldn’t blame him. You were all beaten and battered by the soldiers and your ego was bruised, even though you let them capture you. And now they were all standing in your home or surrounding it while you packed the little of your belongings, breathing down your neck.
It was suffocating.  
“We’ve packed everything. It’s time to go.”
* . °•★|•°∵ ∵°•|☆•° . *
You wanted to blame him.
You wanted to tell him – “I told you so.”
But that wouldn’t bring back Farlan and Isabel.
It wouldn’t stitch back their ripped bodies.
They were gone and the only thing you could blame was this world.
Because it was so cruel.
And the only beauty you found in it was your love for Levi and his love for you.
He had no fault. Nobody knew that things would turn out like this. That fate would decide to cackle in your faces.
The two of you stuck together like glue more than ever after that day. You even went as far as to disregard rules as you would sneak into the men’s barracks just to sleep with him because he was the only one who managed to chase away the nightmares and wipe your tears. And you knew, even without him saying it directly, that you were the only one who could comfort him when he was feeling the burden of the world crushing his shoulders. And Farlan and Isabel’s deaths really did feel like the whole world just crumbled on top of you two. The only difference was that you were more prone to emotions and didn’t find such a difficulty at expressing them unlike Levi who preferred to bottle everything inside, feign indifference and coldness and find toxic coping mechanisms like not sleeping which as time passed shaped into the ugly form of his insomnia, despite all the scolding you’ve done.
Time passed. The first weeks after Isabel and Farlan’s deaths, you had been inseparable. But that slowly began to change after the date of the next expedition was announced. Your paranoia spiked up one night after you had tried suppressing it for days and that resulted in a breakdown.
You wanted out.
You wanted to leave the Scouts.
You had even gone as far as to talk to Erwin and the Commander, literally begging them to help you with the citizenship matters and let you and Levi leave. But of course, they refused and Erwin even went to speak to Levi about this, not knowing that the man had no idea about your plans and wishes.
Levi was angry that you did something like that behind his back. He understood your fear. He understood very well because he was afraid too. He was afraid that he was going to lose you too – the only person he had left. But he didn’t appreciate that you hadn’t been straightforward with him regarding such a serious matter, only revealing everything you have done and felt at the heat of the moment.
“I’ve been dreaming about this since I was a little girl, hiding in the wardrobe, listening how man after man would use my mother every night. Dreaming about a life, safely tucked in the corner of the world, surrounded by beautiful nature, peace and quiet, alongside my beloved person... Is it so bad that I want this for us?” you had asked with trembling voice and Levi’s expression had softened, a sign that he had forgiven you for everything and that he didn’t want to argue anymore.
“As much as I want that too, we can’t have it when the titans are roaming everywhere, threatening to wipe out Humanity. If we don’t destroy them now, we are only delaying our doom,” he muttered as his hand went to softly caress your cheek, making you sigh as you leaned into his touch. “But that man, Erwin Smith, sees something that I don’t. He has a plan to save humanity and… he sees victory… That’s why I want to stay in the Survey Corps and fight,” he admitted and at that moment, you found yourself captured by that determination burning in his eyes.
His desire to fight for a better future.
Not only for the sake of you two, but for the sake of thousands of people.
And while you weren’t completely sure yet that you were ready to sacrifice your happiness and life for a bunch of people you didn’t know or care about, you knew that you were ready to sacrifice anything and everything for him.
And that’s why you stayed.
And he knew that. He knew you better than you knew yourself. But he chose not to call you out for this. Because he understood how you felt. He didn’t belittle you. He didn’t call you selfish or insensitive or a bad person just because you didn’t want to care about anyone else but him. What does selfish, insensitive or bad even mean? They are just vague concepts that are different from every person’s point of view.
And as more time passed, after every expedition, he could see why you wanted to leave. He could see why you didn’t want to fight. Every expedition, every death, left an impact on you, stealing bit by bit from your sunny personality and shaping you into a depressed, miserable person.
Even if you claimed that you didn’t care about strangers dying, deep, deep down, he knew you did. It was just the person you were, trying to convince yourself that you didn’t care about anyone but him in order to protect yourself. But on a deeper level you still cared and you were still affected and he knew that you hated feeling like this – it brought only chaos, confusion and misery to your mind and soul as you desperately tried to live up to your own expectations and build walls around yourself only for every brick to be broken as a comrade would send you a smile or compliment you or help you out with something. And after every expedition, he would gain a better understanding as to why you wanted to be selfish and leave. Why you wanted – why you tried forcing yourself – to stop caring about anything and everyone and run away with him – the one and only person who – you tried to convince yourself – mattered.
And he didn’t know why he couldn’t follow you. On many occasions, he felt the same. But somehow, for some reason, he would always find a way back to Erwin – back to the goal they shared for humanity. He didn’t know where that sudden loyalty for the blonde had come from – the same blonde who more or less had been the reason as to why Farlan and Isabel had died. But it was exactly this loyal bond that had formed between them that prevented Levi from following you and he hated himself for it because he could see how this life of soldiers was destroying you from the inside out and there were moments when he would lay at night and dark thoughts would cross his mind – of your body hanging from somewhere or him finding you drowned or with sliced wrists or a bullet stuck in the head.
It wasn’t uncommon for soldiers to turn to self-harm as a coping mechanism and some even committed suicide.
The fight against the titans wasn’t something to be underestimated and it left an irreparable damage on everyone.
And he could see you were heading that way and he hated himself for not being able to put a stop to this and just grab your hand and run away from everything – as you wanted.
That’s why he decided to distance himself from you. He thought that maybe if he started ignoring you, if he was being cold and distant, it would put a rift in your relationship. It would make you think that he didn’t love you anymore. That you were a painful reminder of the past. And once your bond was severed, nothing would be holding you back. Nothing would stop you from leaving. Because he was the only thing, the only reason, as to why you were still sticking around. And then maybe you would finally be able to find the peace and quiet you had been seeking for ages.
His conversations with you became shorter. His answers – curt. His affection and acts of service decreased. It had brought you to tears, thinking that you had done something wrong and it tore him apart when he caught you crying one night. But it was for your own good so he had to grit his teeth and bear with it never mind how much it hurt that he was causing you this suffering.
Him being promoted to a Captain helped a lot. Now he didn’t need to find reasons or excuses to not spend time with you because he was genuinely so busy all the time. The stress was making him snappy too so he tried avoiding conversations altogether, not wanting to actually say something hurtful because then he would feel even more pain and regret and that would have his resolve crumble and he would go back to being loving and affectionate which was far, far from the goal he had.
Then Oluo and Petra had entered the picture – two members fresh into the Survey Corps, graduated from the same trainee squad with incredible talent and promising skills. He had taken them into his squad but he didn’t know that this would be the final straw to put such a rift in your relationship.  
It was true that Petra was a bit clingy. Her infatuation, devotion and loyalty to him were obvious. But he thought it was a childish, fleeting crush which is why he didn’t find it necessary to confront her about it. He thought it would disappear over time, especially with how both she and Oluo seemed like an old married couple more and more with each passing day. He didn’t want to push away the members of his own squad. He wanted to embrace them. To embrace their friendship. On a subconscious level, he was trying to fill the gaps left behind from the people he lost. The gaps oozing loneliness and pain. The gaps you couldn’t fill because he wasn’t allowing you to in his haste to push you away.
And when one day he went to have lunch with Erwin, as the two needed to discuss important matters in his office, he wasn’t expecting the blonde to deliver such mortifying news to him.
“Look, Levi…I’m sorry to say this but… Y/N left the Survey Corps,” told him the Commander with a sombre tone and Levi felt his entire world shift.
Suddenly, regret flooded him, chilling him to the very last atom.
Erwin saw each and every emotion flashing in his eyes. And even if he wanted to remind his friend of the words he had told him years ago, he couldn’t.
Because there were things in this life that were impossible not to regret.
Like losing a loved one because of your or their own demons.
It was one thing to lose a loved one to death. And completely another to lose them because of your decision.
Levi didn’t utter a word, pressing his lips in a thin line as he swiftly stood up and turned on his heel, leaving the office with ebony bangs covering his eyes, shielding him from his friend’s look of pity and compassion.
He needed to think.
He needed time.
* . °•★|•°∵ ∵°•|☆•° . *
You don’t realize how much someone or something means to you until you lose them.
No, that’s not exactly it.
Levi cherished you a lot. Levi loved you a lot. You meant the world to him. That’s why he wanted you to leave. He wanted you to find peace. He wanted you to live a good life away from that misery and bloodshed.
Even if it killed him on the inside.
Because if you truly love someone, you would let them go if it was for the sake of their happiness.
But now that he’s finally gone and done it. Now that he not only pushed you away as a lover but pushed you away from his life altogether, he felt lost.
He felt lost and miserable.
As if life was drained from any sound and colour, leaving him to float in some abyss, soaking in his own negative feelings.
The sorrow, the pain, the dread, the loneliness.
If he had to list them all, he would waste all of Erwin’s expensive parchment.
And as he laid there in his bed, after thinking and reflecting on everything for hours on end, staring at the ceiling with an empty bottle of alcohol shattered into pieces against the opposite wall – alcohol that barely got him tipsy – he realized that maybe he wanted to be selfish too. That, combined with the regrets of pushing you away, burned at his soul, melting any doubts he had, like a blacksmith melting steel, and solidified his resolve to find you and bring you back, like a new sword being forged.
So next day after he had gotten all his emotions, thoughts and feelings in check and after he had taken a decision, he approached Erwin and asked for your location.
He was unpleased when his friend told him that he had no idea where you went off to. Part of Levi wanted to be angry and yell at him. Accuse him of lying. But he was so tired after the emotional and mental battle he had wielded that he just gave up on his anger and frustration and decided that instead of letting such negative emotions rule over him, he would brush them aside instead and pave way for that same scorching determination he had for the Survey Corpse’s cause, now combining it with the determination of finding you.
And he didn’t stop.
Once he started, he didn’t stop.
He would visit every town, every village, whenever he was free from his duty.
He never stopped looking for you.
It took him roughly a year to scout most of Wall Rose’s lands.
But it was during one fateful evening, after the Scouts were returning from an expedition, when he spotted you.
The sun had just set, allowing the sky to be painted in purples and blues with shimmering stars being sprinkled onto the canvas. The street lanterns shone brightly and the comforting light spewing from them had illuminated a very familiar form.
A form that Levi knew like the lines of his own palm.
He hadn’t wasted time to jump from his black mare and chase after you. He didn’t want to approach and confront you right away so he just settled for walking at a slow pace behind you, trying his best to not be noticed or come off as some creep.
He seriously couldn’t believe his luck.
Knowing your thought pattern, he believed that you had run away somewhere far. Back in the days when you lived in the Underground, whenever you had arguments – which was very rare – you would always run away from home and hide somewhere far, knowing that it would be hard for him to find you and nearly giving him heart attacks because of it. But this time you had decided to hide right under his nose – near Trost district which was not far away from the SC HQ.
He counted himself outsmarted and he didn’t know whether to be annoyed by this or proud of you.    
You looked radiant even in the dusk. The cream dress you were wearing made you look like a vision, glowing in the dark. It reached a bit past your knees, revealing some of your calves while the upper part left your collarbones in the open. He longed to run his fingers over your skin. Through your hair. To touch you. To feel you. To hold you. To tell you what an idiot he was. How he wanted you back in his life because he couldn’t exist without you by his side.
To apologize.
“Are you going to keep following me or are you going to help me carry the basket?” your voice interrupted his train of thought and he cursed lightly under his breath. You chuckled and stopped in your tracks, turning around ever so slightly, eyes finally landing on the person you were so anxious to see again but didn’t have the courage to approach.
He wordlessly took the basket from your hands and began walking next to you.
All the way to your house you stayed silent.
He didn’t even comment when you exited the District and neared the woods, only lifting an eyebrow.
Your shoes and his boots clinked against the cobblestone pathway, the little door of the wooded fence creaking under your touch as you pushed it. His eyes scanned the yard, taking notice of the freely roaming chicken, a few lambs, one cow and one horse – your horse from the Survey Corps. He could vaguely make out a garden peeking from behind the house so he supposed you also had a backyard where you were growing your food. He almost flinched when a huge dog – almost as big as you and him – came running in your direction, demanding head pats which you gladly gave.
Levi was impatient. He wanted to enter the damn house already and talk. But at the same time, a part of him was happy about the delay. He almost gulped nervously at the thought of the following confrontation.
At last, you unlocked the front door and the two took off your shoes, putting on slippers, and moved into the house. You took the basket from his hands and placed it on the kitchen counter before you grabbed a rag to wipe the table and beckoned the man to sit down. He stood there awkwardly for a moment, taking a step towards the chair before halting, looking at you rigidly, and resuming his journey until he was finally sat. You clenched and unclenched the rag before you threw it away and sat across him, fingers now playing with the soft fabric of your dress. You looked at the ground and he looked at your feet, noticing your toes curling and uncurling from nerves even through the slippers.  
You both said at the same time and you chuckled lightly at the cliché situation.
“You first,” uttered the man and you gulped, sending him a wobbly smile.
“I want to apologize-“ you took a short pause and an intake of air when you saw his eyes widening as his features twisted in a dumbstruck expression as if he was unable to process why you were apologizing. “-for leaving so suddenly without uttering a word. It was…childish,” you quieted down and he closed his eyes, sighing deeply. “You were walking further and further away from me, getting extra busy with being a Captain and…and then Petra came into the picture,” you muttered but were fast to wave your hands in defence, “Not that I ever doubted your loyalty! My trust in you would never waver but…I just thought that maybe we both needed a break. We needed to breathe and clear our heads and start thinking properly. That’s why I decided to leave and give us some space. I never truly intended on leaving the Survey Corps or abandoning you…You mean so much to me…but I’m still sorry that I-“
“Stop,” he rose to his feet and you quickly followed, anticipation and fear at his next possible words, building up inside of you, making you feel like burning. “You don’t have to apologize. You did nothing wrong.”
That calmed you down a bit, the fear leaving your mind, but instead, worry settled as you looked at the way he lowered his head and bit his lip.
“I acted wrongly…I was foolish by thinking that pushing you away would bring you the freedom and happiness you sought,” he muttered and your face softened. “I just,” he sighed as his trembling hand went through his hair in an attempt to ground himself. “I just saw how impacted you would get after every expedition…how you started losing that glow of yours, your bubbly and sunny persona…I saw how hard you were trying to force yourself to stop caring, to be selfish and leave, but you still couldn’t because…because you’re not like that… damnit,” he grit out as he tugged on a few strands before letting his hand fall and rest against his hip limply.
He kicked himself inwardly. He was never good at expressing himself. The moment he had seen you in the crowd, the moment he had set a goal to talk to you and sort everything out, he had been reciting in his head and thinking what exactly he was going to tell you and how he was going to explain himself and the reasoning behind his actions.
“I just-“
“-wanted me to be happy…So you thought that by being a dick and pushing me away, you would make me leave so I can find my peace and quiet somewhere far, far away,” you finished for him, deciding to help him out which caused him to halt in his speech and just stare at you, waiting for your next words, the terror of you rejecting him or telling him that you didn’t feel the same anymore felt like a nettle rope around his neck, getting tighter and tighter with each second, suffocating and scathing him. “Listen, while you might have been partially right, you were also wrong. Because even if I do find happiness away from all the bloodshed, it just wouldn’t be the same without you, silly,” you shook your head as you sent him a sad smile. “I’d rather endure all the pain and suffering in the world than be separated from you,” you finally took the courage to close the space between you as you laid your head on his chest, arms slowly sliding around his torso. He didn’t hesitate to return the hug, sharply bringing you closer, if that was possible, and squeezing you so hard you didn’t know whether to groan from pain or chuckle at seeing him express himself so openly and in such a sweet, boyish manner. It kind of brought back memories from the days you lived in the Underground and how he would hug you exactly like that when you would do something stupid that would put you at risk, albeit a bit more awkwardly since back when you were teenagers you both had no idea how to express your love for each other.
“Deep down I knew you were onto something. Because why would you start acting like that so suddenly? It just wasn’t in your style. But at the same time I felt…” he tightened his embrace even more and buried his face in your hair, inhaling your scent and letting it comfort his tortured mind. He had missed you so unbearably much.
“I’m sorry…I’m so sorry,” he whispered and you sighed as you ran your hands over his back in a soothing manner.
“I forgive you, Levi…I understand that you did it for my own good. But believe me when I say that I can’t find true freedom or happiness without you by my side,” you placed a kiss on his shoulder before pulling away to look him in the eyes. “Don’t ever leave. Don’t ever try to make me leave. Let’s just stick together through thick and thin as we’ve done since we were kids, ok?” you asked and he nodded, leaning hesitantly. You met his lips halfway and you kissed gently which slowly turned into a passionate, hungry, heated and desperate make out as you tried to feel one another after a whole year of being apart. When you finally broke it off, needing air, you rested your forehead against his and let yourself soak in his presence. He did the same. You just stayed like that, foreheads touching, arms around one another as you swayed ever so slightly.
“Want to help me pack?”
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minijenn · 3 years
Universe Falls (Final) Lore Dump
Alright so since UF is Officially Dead (please stop thinking it will come back someday, it Will Not) I decided to post pretty much my entire timeline of events that I wrote out for it quite some time ago. Keep in mind this is like a pretty general outline and it only goes to a certain point in UF2 (everything after that I hadn’t actually formally planned and thus will not be included here). I’ll also be including spoilery backstory stuff here because sure. So here it is, laying all my cards out on the table for one final time since this is the last time I’m really likely to talk about UF this intensively. Enjoy. 
Ancient History Pre-History • Bill Cipher and the Axolotl both come into existence • Bill destroys the second dimension and takes over the Nightmare Realm • The universe is born along with its countless lifeforms. (Humans and Gems included) Eons Ago • Under the Great Diamond Authority, the Gem race expands and cements their control over 43 planetary bodies and two star systems through colonization • Pink Diamond is created on Homeworld • Fluorite, Rhodonite, Padparadscha, and the Rutile Twins are considered "off color" by Homeworld standards and remain in hiding underground in an abandoned Kindergarten to avoid the Shattering Robonoids • At some point during the Jungle Moon's colonization, Pink Diamond demands her own colony from Yellow Diamond, but is rebuffed due to her inexperience • Pearl is given to Pink Diamond as her servant Over 6,000 years ago • Ruby, Sapphire, Bismuth, and Lapis Lazuli are created on the Gem Homeworld or one of its colonies • Gems arrive on Earth, their first scout ship crash landing in what would eventually become Gravity Falls, Oregon; the impact of their ship's landing forms a deep valley • Pink Diamond is granted access to colonize Earth; She and her Gems arrive there to begin a new colony • Nephrite and her crew members travel to Earth in the Ancient Gem Colony Ship • Gems begin to emerge in the Prime Kindergarten; Structures such as the Lunar Sea Spire, Communication Hub, Sky Spire, Moon Base, and Sea Shrine are constructed; Amethyst is formed (but does not emerge) in the Alpha Kindergarten • Pink Diamond wishes to be at the Prime Kindergarten to play with the Amethysts. In order to not be scolded by Yellow and Blue Diamond, Pearl gives Pink the idea of shapeshifting into a Rose Quartz soldier to blend in • In her Rose Quartz disguise, Pink and Pearl arrive at the Kindergarten where Pink meets the Amethysts. In order to not draw unnecessary attention, Pink and Pearl traveled off and Pink became fascinated by the beauty of Earth. She soon realizes that completing her colony would destroy all of the life she grew fond of. • Pink contacts the other Diamonds to tell them that she does not wish to complete the colony and instead wants to preserve the life on Earth; in response, Blue Diamond creates a Human Zoo for her and she along with Yellow Diamond kidnap humans from their families and stored them inside the Zoo Over 5,750 Years Ago • Pink Diamond decides to use her Rose Quartz alter-ego to make a stand that her fellow Diamonds could not ignore. She originally intended to use Rose Quartz to scare away other Gems • Pink Diamond (as Rose Quartz) and Pearl defect from Homeworld and form the Crystal Gems • The cut of Rose Quartz is thereby recognized as a threat and every Rose Quartz is removed from service, specifically from Pink Diamond's entourage • Pearl learns the human concept of being a knight at the Ancient Sky Arena • Blue Diamond and members of her court arrive on Earth and oversees the removal of the then-forming Rebellion • Sapphire is sent to Earth along with three Ruby guards at the request of Blue Diamond; after Rose and Pearl launch a direct attack, Ruby and Sapphire accidentally form Garnet for the first time • Rose tells Pearl how fascinated she is that two completely different Gems fused. Pearl attempts to fuse with Rose but fails. Rose and Pearl run into Garnet where Rose tells her to never question who she is, recruiting her to the Crystal Gems • Pink Diamond tries one more time to persuade Yellow and Blue to end colonization, this time using Rose Quartz as an excuse. The other Diamonds continued to ignore her pleas Over 5,500 Years Ago • (spoiler) Desperate to save the Earth, Pink Diamond makes a deal with Bill Cipher for his aid in chasing Gems off the planet during the upcoming war in exchange for her building a 'gate' for him once its all said and done • The Gem War officially begins; Some of the first battles in the Rebellion take place at the Ancient Sky Arena • Bismuth is recruited to Rose's cause, who outfitted the Crystal Gems with weapons; she creates Rose's Sword • (spoiler) True to his word, Bill assists the Crystal Gems' cause by possessing Homeworld Gems, using them to shatter their comrades before forcing them to shatter themselves; Rose is largely unaware of this but over time, Pearl becomes suspicious of his motives Over 5,300 Years Ago • Lapis Lazuli arrives on Earth to visit for a short time and was caught mid-war and poofed by a Bismuth-type warrior Gem • Lapis Lazuli was then collected by a Homeworld soldier and was mistaken for a rebel. She was imprisoned in a mirror to be used as a source of information • (spoiler) Pearl presents her worries about Bill to Rose; Rose attempts to contact Bill to set things straight but he refuses to answer her for unknown reasons Over 5,000 Years Ago • The Beta Kindergarten is established mid-way through the Rebellion in haste to create more troops; Jasper is created among these troops, and is rumored to have taken out 80 Crystal Gems on her first day • Bismuth presents Rose with the Breaking Point, a weapon designed to shatter Gems, specifically the Diamonds. Disagreeing, Rose poofed and bubbled Bismuth, later storing her in Lion's pocket dimension • Pink Diamond and Pearl plan a ruse to stage Pink Diamond's shattering. Pearl, shapeshifted into Rose Quartz, "shatters" Pink Diamond by poofing her after she has swallowed fake gem shards • From then on, Pink Diamond permanently identifies herself as Rose Quartz and continues leading the Crystal Gems in the Rebellion • In grief over Pink Diamond's 'shattering' the Diamond Authority (specifically Yellow Diamond) makes a deal with Bill Cipher to get revenge on the Crystal Gems and the Earth • Earth is deemed an unviable colony by Homeworld, commencing Forced Fusion experiments using the gemstone shards of fallen Crystal Gems; The Cluster is embedded in the Earth's core at some point as part of these experiments • Blue Diamond takes over Pink Diamond's Zoo in her absence • A battle occurs at the location which would later become the Strawberry Battlefield. Many Gem Warriors fall. Rose's scabbard is lost Over 4,500 Years Ago • Homeworld Gems are commanded to evacuate Earth • Lapis Lazuli's mirror is abandoned at the Galaxy Warp and her gemstone is trampled over and cracked during the evacuation. Many Homeworld Gems such as Centipeetle get left behind • A flash of light is set off by the Diamonds, corrupting all Gems caught in it; The only known Gems who were unaffected are Pink Diamond/Rose Quartz, Pearl, Garnet, Bismuth, and Lapis Lazuli • (Spoiler) Following the corrupting light, Rose begs Bill to restore the corrupted Crystal Gems; Bill rebuffs her, however, claiming that his true intentions were to drive Gems off of Earth so he could take it for himself; Bill changes the conditions of his deal with Rose and desires her gemstone instead of his 'gate'; Rose refuses to give it to him and Bill retreats for the time being, promising that he will return to take what's his eventually • The Galaxy Warp becomes inactive Unknown • Era 2 of Gem production begins on Homeworld • Amethyst is found in the Prime Kindergarten and joins the Crystal Gems • Unnatural anomalies and strange creatures begin to congregate in the area that would become Gravity Falls • Peridot is formed and receives her limb enhancers on Homeworld • Pearl finds Lapis Lazuli's mirror at the Galaxy Warp and stores it in her Gem 1000 AD • Gravity Falls' native population evacuates the valley under fear of the land being cursed following contact with Bill Cipher, leaving pottery, blankets, and remnants of their language behind 19th Century 1837 • Quentin Trembley wins the 9th Presidential Election of the United States in a literal landslide. However, his many silly and embarrassing policies lead him to be forced out of office, and William Henry Harrison is declared the 9th president of the United States 1842 • 8½th United States President Quentin Trembley discovers the valley of Gravity Falls and subsequently founds the town 1843 • Drawn to the valley due to its odd properties, the Crystal Gems arrive in Gravity Falls and begin to investigate its anomalies • The Crystal Gems construct the Gem Temple near the Floating Cliffs 1859 • Pioneer William Dewey and the settlers accompanying him on the Oregon Trail to Gravity Falls are rescued from a gem monster by the Crystal Gems; however, Dewey is falsely hailed as the town hero due to a misunderstanding 1862 • In order to cover up the fact that President Trembley founded Gravity Falls (after he freezes himself in peanut brittle), Nathaniel Northwest deemed the founder of Gravity Falls and William Dewey is dubbed its first official mayor • Dipper, Mabel, and Steven accidently transport themselves back to pioneer times briefly (as seen in Lion and Waddles) • Nathaniel Northwest tricks the lumberjacks of Gravity Falls into building Northwest Manor of the false promise of allowing them into their annual party 1863 • The first Northwest Party takes place, however Nathaniel Northwest breaks his promise and locks the townsfolk out; the Crystal Gems attempt to intervene over this injustice but are ultimately too late; the lead lumberjack is killed in the ensuing Great Flood of 1863 and vows revenge against the Northwests in his final breath 1860s-1870s • Rose Quartz begins traversing the Desert with a pride of lions • Buddy Buddwick leaves Captain Dewey's crew to begin his career as an explorer and author; he records his research of Gem locations in his book • One of Rose's lions dies and she resurrects him 1883 • To escape imprisonment, Blendin Blandin travels back in time to live as a 19th century pocket watch repairman, inadvertently instigating the Great Train Crash of '83 by distracting a passing train conductor with his time machine (journal 3) Early 20th Century 1920s • Dipper goes back in time to recover Lion and accidently meets Rose Quartz in the process (as seen in Lion and Waddles) Mid 20th Century C.1953 • Identical twins Stanford and Stanley Pines are born in Glass Shard Beach, New Jersey 1960s • Stan and Ford start rebuilding an old ship they found in a cave 1965 • Greg DeMayo (Universe) is born Late 1960s-Early 1970s • Stan dates Carla McCorkle 1972 • Stan is disowned after ruining Ford's science project, costing the family potential millions • After being rejected from West Cost Tech, Ford enrolls in Backupsmore University Late 19th Century 1972-1982 • Stan, now a solo drifter, travels in and out of the United States as a salesman and impoverished conman; he goes to prison at least 3 times 1973 • Ford is accepted into the doctoral program 3 years ahead of schedule; he receives a research grant of $100000 for any field of his choice 1975 • Ford arrives in Gravity Falls and begins documenting his research of its anomalies in Journal 1 • Ford meets Rose Quartz and the Crystal Gems; realizing their similar goals, Rose and Ford become partners in researching Gravity Falls and its anomalies Before 1981 • With the Gems' help, Ford is able to document extensive notes on Gem fusion, culture, history, biology, and weaponry • Rose takes Ford to her hidden armory under Gravity Falls' cemetery • Rose also shows Ford the remains of the crashed Gem scout ship buried underneath Gravity Falls (which he dubs Crash Site Omega) • Rose entrusts one of laser light canons with Ford, who hides it underground near his home 1981 • Rose and Ford hit a wall in their research; at this point, Ford finds the cave drawings that depict Bill Cipher and summons him, hoping he will give him the answers to the mysteries of Gravity Falls. Ford and Bill become partners and start work together; Ford keeps their partnership a secret from Rose and the other Gems • Ford begins to write Journal 3, six years since beginning his research in Gravity Falls • Bill gives Ford plans for the Universe Portal; Ford and the Gems begin construction on the portal • Ford asks Fiddleford McGucket to visit him in Gravity Falls, to help him with building the portal • Ford, Fiddleford, Rose, and the Gems journey to Crash Site Omega to salvage a hyperdrive from the ship • Disturbed by his encounter with the Gremgoblin, Fiddleford constructs the Memory Gun, much to Ford and Rose's shared concern (Crash Site Omega) • To protect their research, Ford, Fiddleford, Rose, and the Gems begin constructing an underground bunker; Rose and Ford hatch the shapeshifter and raise it as a pet, only for it to turn on them and go rouge; they are forced to freeze it in a cryogenic tube 1982 • Ford allows Bill to possess him so he can complete calculations on the portal; Rose encounters Ford in this state and becomes increasingly concerned • Fiddleford implores Ford to give up on the portal and instead publish his already existing research, but Ford is adamant; at the same time, Rose confides in the other Gems that she has worries over the portal herself • McGucket is nearly sucked into the portal and quits the project; in order to erase his mind from the horrors he's seen, he founds the Society of the Blind Eye; his mind begins to deteriorate due to extensive use of the mind erasing gun • Rose and the Gems also break off from Ford after the portal accident, all of them horrified at the danger it could pose to the earth • Ford breaks off his deal with Bill after finding out that he had been deceived; as a result, he becomes increasingly paranoid and isolated • (spoiler) Rose encounters Bill Cipher again for the first time in thousands of years; after a brief skirmish, Rose vows to stop Bill's ambitions, no matter what the cost; following this encounter, Ford confides to Rose about his ill-fated deal with Bill but Rose remains silent about her own history with him • Ford entrusts Journal 3 into Rose's care; she later hides it on the temple hill; Ford hides journal 2 near the local elementary school • Ford contacts Stan, who comes to Gravity Falls in response; Ford attempts to entrust Journal 1 to Stan, but is sucked into the universe portal and is lost in the multiverse for 30 years • Ford encounters Bill in the Nightmare Realm and makes a narrow escape along with a group of interdimensional Refugees (The Nightmare Realm) • Ford begins to travel across the various dimensions to learn all he can about Bill in the hopes of defeating him once and for all (The Nightmare Realm) • Rose resolves to make sure that the other two journals remain hidden to prevent Stan from reopening the portal, even if its for the sake of saving Ford • Stan begins running the Murder Hut, later renamed the Mystery Shack, in Ford's house • The government begins to take notice of odd readings in Gravity Falls due to the universe portal • Ford becomes an outlaw in a number of different dimensions (Adrift in the Cosmos) 1984 • Greg DeMayo drops out of community college and changes his last name to Universe to become a professional musician and tour the country under his manager Marty • Greg's family began moving away from each other leaving Andy DeMayo alone to explore the world in his plane 1986 • Greg holds a concert in Gravity Falls, and Rose Quartz is the only one who attends; Greg decides to stay in Gravity Falls with Rose and the two soon fall in love (Like a Comet) • Greg begins working at the Murder Hut under Stan • Greg learns about fusion from the Gems and unsuccessfully attempts to fuse with Rose (We Need to Talk) 1988 • (spoiler) Bill tricks Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl into allowing him to possess them so he can finally claim Rose's Gem; Rose manages to fight him out of the trio but their minds are essentially left broken as a result of his possession (Chille Tid Part 2) • (spoiler) To fix the damage done by Bill, Rose uses the memory gun to erase the Gems' memories of Bill, the portal, and even Ford (Chille Tid Part 2) 1990 • Jesus "Soos" Ramirez is born • Stan and Amethyst form an unlikely friendship and begin to go on weekly "Revenge Trips" with each other; they continue this trend for 8 years 1990s • Ford encounters the Oracle, Jheselbraum the Unswerving in Dimension 52; the two corece over their shared desire to vanquish Bill Cipher once and for all; Jheselbraum installs a metal plate into Ford's skull to prevent Bill from interfering with his mind any further (Adrift in the Cosmos) 1996-1997 • Wendy Corduroy is born • Lars Barriga is born • Sadie Miller is born • Jenny and Kiki Pizza (twins) are born • Robbie Valentino is born 1997 • To earn extra money, Greg takes up a second job babysitting with Rose's help; after this falls through, Stan helps Greg out by giving him a loan to buy the car wash 1998 • Stan and Amethyst finally get arrested on a Revenge Trip; Rose and the other Gems break them out of prison and Stan and Amethyst stop hanging out • Rose leaves her other laser light canon in Greg's storage unit • Rose writes a letter of farewell to Ford containing hints as to the location of the Gems' memories in the event of his return; she entrusts this letter with Greg • Rose leaves two tapes for her unborn child behind, one at the remains of Pink Diamond's ship and the other in Lion's mane; she also hides the Crystal Gems' lost memories there as well • Rose Quartz gives up her physical form to give birth to Steven Universe • Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl kidnap Steven and steal Greg's Van temporarily to try to find out who or what Steven is. Greg and the Gems eventually agree to help Steven grow up together 1999 • Twins Mabel and Mason "Dipper" Pines are born • Connie Mahaswaran is born • Pacifica Northwest is born Early 2000s 2002 • Gideon Gleeful is born • The Mystery Kids travel back in time to figure out why Soos dislikes his birthday; as a result of this time anomaly, 4-year-old Steven disappears and Greg frantically searches the town looking for him • Soos begins to work at the Mystery Shack Unknown • Steven moves in with the Gems after Greg completes the house in front of the temple • Gideon finds journal 2 in the schoolyard of Gravity Falls Elementary • Gideon somehow steals a telepathic Gem artifact from the Crystal Gems • Wendy starts working at the Mystery Shack • Sadie and Lars begin working at the Big Donut • Ford travels to a parallel dimension where he is given plans for a Quantum Destabilizer by a parallel version of Fiddleford (Adrift in the Cosmos) 2010s 2012 • Steven summons his shield for the first time • Steven and Connie meet and become friends • Pearl is damaged and poofed by her holographic counterpart and reforms two weeks later with a new design • Steven meets Lion, who follows him home and becomes his companion • Dipper and Mabel come to Gravity Falls for the summer to stay with their Grunkle Stan • Dipper and Mabel fend off the gnomes during their first day in Gravity Falls Universe Falls Arc 1 • Dipper and Mabel meet Steven and Connie; the four become fast friends (First Meeting) • Dipper discovers Journal 3 on the temple hill (The Journal) • The Crystal Gems defend the Mystery Shack from Centepeedles and meet the twins; Steven summons his shield once more (Gem Glow) • Pearl and Amethyst fuse into Opal to rescue Steven from a robotic lake monster (Legend of the Giant Woman) • Wax Stan and the Wax Gems are decapitated by the Gem-shard powered wax figurines; they are defeated by Steven, Dipper, Mabel, and Connie (Headhunters) • Amethyst and Garnet form Sugilite to break down the Gem communication hub (Strong in the Real Way) • A Homeworld vessel appears on Earth for the first time in 4,000 years in the form of the Red Eye (Magic and Mystery) • Steven, Dipper, and Mabel help the Crystal Gems defend Gravity Falls against the Red Eye by utilizing Rose's laser light canon (Magic and Mystery) • Bill Cipher and Yellow Diamond begin planning their final stages of their deal (Magic and Mystery) Arc 2 • Gideon develops a crush on Mabel and attempts to get rid of Dipper and Steven in order to be with her; he is subsequently defeated by Mabel; the kids return the Gem artifact Gideon stole to the Gems (Lil' Gideon) • Using a time device, Steven recruits copies of himself to form a band to preform at the Mystery Shack party; at the same time, Dipper uses a coping machine to make copies of himself in order to dance with Wendy; both of these plans backfire (Copies and Clones) • Mabel wins Waddles at the Mystery Fair (Lion and Waddles) • Steven, Connie, Dipper and Mabel encounter time traveler Blendin Blandin and use his time traveling device to accidentally cause several anomalies throughout time; Wendy and Robbie start dating (Lion and Waddles) • Steven discovers he has healing spit after Amethyst is nearly fatally cracked; he also accidentally cures Connie's eyesight (An Indirect Kiss) • Steven discovers he has the power to create sentient watermelon look alikes; Gideon nearly takes the Mystery Shack by shrinking Steven, Dipper, and Mabel, but he is ultimately thwarted; Steven sends the Watermelon Stevens off (Measure Up) • Steven uses his Gem to access Rose's Room for the first time; the Gems  discover Journal 3, and though they are bewildered by its contents and information concerning them, they allow Dipper to keep it (Gems and Journals) • Steven, Dipper, and Mabel free Lapis Lazuli from the mirror; she subsequently steals all of the water in Lake Gravity Falls in a desperate attempt to return to Homeworld (Mirror Gem) • Lapis's cracked Gem is healed by Steven and she returns to Homeworld; the lake is restored (Waterfall Gem) Arc 3 • Pioneer Day is Celebrated in Gravity Falls; Dipper, Mabel, Steven, and Connie unfreeze President Quintin Trembley from his frozen state; the Northwest coverup is revealed and the kids discover Rose's secret armory (Irrational Treasure) • Pearl, Steven, the twins, Stan, and Greg attempt to build a space ship (Space Race) • Mabel, with Dipper and Steven's aid, helps Mermando return to the ocean (The Deep End) • Garnet reveals her future vision ability and Dipper uses her intel to break Wendy and Robbie Up (Future Vision) • Amethyst takes Steven and Dipper to the Kindergarten she was made in (On the Run) • Steven befriends Centipeedle, who is ultimately poofed trying to save him; the Gems and the Pines discover a labyrinth of frozen dinosaurs beneath Gravity Falls (Land Before Swine) • Steven discovers the tape Rose left behind for him in Lion's mane (Straight to Video) • Stan and Amethyst go on a revenge trip to get even with Gideon, narrowly avoiding arrest (Revenge Trip) • Gideon summons Bill Cipher to invade Stan's mind to acquire the code to the Mystery Shack safe; Bill is defeated by Dipper, Mabel, Steven, and Soos (Dreamscapers) • Gideon takes over the Mystery Shack by force and the Pines temporarily move into the temple; the Crystal Gems fuse into Alexandrite to save Steven and the twins from Gideon's robot; Gideon exposed as a fraud by Stan and is subsequently jailed (Gideon Rises) • Ford ends up on Homeworld, where he is quickly captured by Yellow Diamond's forces (Home Away From Homeworld) Arc 4 • Government Agents Powers and Trigger come to Gravity Falls to investigate strange readings coming from the town; The Pines fend off zombies with the help of the Crystal Gems (Scary-Oke) • Peridot arrives at the Galaxy Warp on a scouting mission; the kids later confront Peridot at the Prime Kindergarten (Marble Madness) • Dipper, Mabel, Steven, Amethyst, Garnet, Soos, and Wendy investigate the author's underground bunker and refreeze the shape shifter and recover the laptop; Amethyst is poofed three times and regenerates into a new form (Into the Bunker) • Lapis arrives back on Homeworld but is soon apprehended and interrogated by Peridot; she is subsequently imprisoned and meets Ford; the two plan an escape, but they are ultimately thwarted; Lapis flees back to Earth while Ford remains a prisoner of Yellow Diamond (Home Away from Homeworld/Dipper and Lapis) • Steven and Connie fuse into Stevonnie for the first time (Alone Together) • Steven and Mabel fuse into Maven for the first time (Together Forever) • Steven and Dipper fuse into Stepper for the first time; he fends off Peridot's attack robinoids (Forever Alone) • Lion retrieves Rose's Scabbard from the Strawberry Battlefield (Rose's Scabbard) • Steven, Dipper, and Mabel attempt to throw Soos a surprise party but are apprehended by the Time Paradox Avoidance Enforcement Squardron and are defeat Blendin Blandin in Globnar (Blendin's Game) • Dipper discovers that Lapis has returned to Earth and is taking refuge in the waterfall cave; the two form a close friendship; Lapis warns the Crystal Gems that Peridot is returning with reinforcements (Dipper and Lapis) • Gravity Falls is evacuated; Stan stays behind and Dipper and Mabel return to help Steven and the Gems; Peridot and Jasper arrive on Earth and take Steven and the Crystal Gems captive; Dipper and Mabel stow away on their ship to rescue them (The Return) • Ruby and Sapphire refuse into Garnet; Garnet defeats Jasper; Peridot flees from the Crystal Gems; Lapis and Jasper fuse into Malachite; Malachite is trapped at the bottom of Lake Gravity Falls (Jailbreak) Arc 5 • The citizens of Gravity Falls begin repairing damage caused by the Gem Warship (Full Disclosure) • Steven, Dipper, Mabel, and the Cool Kids discover Peridot's escape pod, which is then apprehended by the Crystal Gems; Robbie and Tambry start dating (Joy Ride) • Mabel prepares for her sock puppet opera to impress Gabe Bensen with Steven's help; in trying to find out the password to the laptop to rescue Lapis, Dipper makes a deal with Bill Cipher and is possessed by him; Bill's plans to destroy Journal 3 are thwarted thanks to Mabel, Steven, and Connie (Sock Opera) • Dipper and Connie begin taking sword training lessons from Pearl (Do It For Them) • Ford escapes from Yellow Diamond and befriends the Off Colors; eventually, he manages to find a way off Homeworld altogether (Home Away from Homeworld) • Soos and Melody begin dating (Soos and the Real Girl) • Pearl entrusts Dipper with the Ancient Sea Blade; the Crystal Gems discover Peridot's location. After she escapes, the group happens upon a nest of forced fusions created from pieces of shattered gems (Keeping it Together) • The Mystery Kids, the Gems, Soos, and Wendy discover the Society of the Blind Eye and help McGucket recover his memories from them (Society of the Blind Eye) • The Northwests hold their annual party; Dipper and Pacifica work together to break the curse on the manor; Steven and Connie defeat a group of Gem mutants (Northwest Mansion Nightmare) • Ford goes to face Bill himself in the Nightmare Realm once more (Home Away From Homeworld) • Stan is arrested by the government agents; Dipper, Mabel, Steven, Soos and the Crystal Gems discover his shadowy past as well as the universe portal; The portal opens and Ford returns after 30 years, though he is unable to defeat Bill before he does (Not What He Seems) • Ford reunites with the Crystal Gems, who have no apparent recollection of him (A Tale of Two Stans) Arc 6 • Ford receives the letter Rose wrote to him; Steven discovers the memories that Rose took from the Crystal Gems and returns them (Lost and Found) • Garnet and Pearl fuse to form Sardonyx to destroy the Homeworld Communication Hub after Peridot rebuilds it. Amethyst and the kids learn that Pearl has been lying to Garnet about subsequent repairs to the Communication Hub, presumably done by Peridot, to keep fusing with her (Cry For Help) • Ford dismantles the universe portal, however doing so creates a rift in space and time, which Ford manages to contain   • Stan, Mabel, and Steven rescue Dipper, Ford, and Pearl from Probabilitor the Wizard; Pearl and Ford rekindle their former friendship; Ford creates the Sword of Seasons for Dipper and confides in him about the Rift (Dungeons, Dungeons, and More Dungeons) • Garnet unfuses into Ruby and Sapphire after a falling out between the two of them over Pearl's deception; the two eventually re-fuse (Evergreen Inn) • Stan runs for Mayor of Gravity Falls against Bud Gleeful and wins; however, due to Stan's extensive criminal record, Mayor Dewey ends up resuming his mayoral position (The Stanchurian Candidate) • Garnet and Pearl forgive each other and the Gems repair their friendship with Ford while trying to capture Peridot (Friend Ship) • Steven discovers his ability to venture into the dreams of others and uses this to communicate with Lapis; (spoilers) However, amidst this he's countered by Bill, who makes his intentions of taking Steven's Gem away clear to get his end of his longtime deal with Rose; The kids and the Gems detail their respective histories with Bill to each other (Chille Tid) • Mabel, Candy, Grenda, Wendy, and Pearl collect unicorn hair to protect the shack and the temple from Bill Cipher; Dipper and Steven discover Ford's history with Bill (The Last Mabelcorn) • Peridot wanders the wilds of Gravity Falls where she (spoiler) encounters Bill, who offers her a chance to get back to Homeworld in exchange for helping him take out the Crystal Gems; Peridot declines but Bill claims the offer is on the table any time (Peridot in the Wild) • In a fight against the Crystal Gems, Peridot agrees to 'fuse' with Bill to become Pyrite; Pyrite is ultimately defeated by the Gems and Peridot is poofed and bubbled (Pyrite) • Steven and Mabel free Peridot, who escapes again and takes refuge in the shack's bathroom (Catch and Release) Arc 7 • Steven, Connie, Stan, Ford, Soos, and Wendy go camping; Garnet and the twins track down an escaped Peridot while also dealing with a substantial threat from an escaped Gideon (Camping Adventure) • Peridot reveals to the kids that a massive cluster composed of millions of shattered gems is incubating below the earth and is due to form and destroy the planet (To Con a Clod) • The Crystal Gems and the Pines use Greg's family barn as a base to build a machine that can stop the cluster; Ford and McGucket reunite and reconcile (Bot Battle) • Stepper is formed again to aid in Ford's research; Stepper fuses with Mabel to form Dipevebel for the first time; Steven discovers his floating abilities (Three's a Crowd) • Steven turns 14 (Steven's Birthday) • Pacifica assists Dipper and Peridot in collecting Titan's Ore for the construction of the drill; Peridot discovers her abilities to manipulate metal; Steven, Connie, and Mabel form Mabonnven for the first time (Peridot and Pacifica) • The Crystal Gems travel to a Homeworld base on the moon where Peridot reveals the Homeworld's original plans to colonize and drain the earth of its natural resources; Peridot confronts Yellow Diamond and defects from Homeworld, becoming an official member of the Crystal Gems; the Crystal Gems and the Pines learn of Yellow Diamond's alliance with Bill Cipher (Message Received) • Dipper tags along with the Gems to confront Malachite and Rescue Lapis Lazuli; the Sword of Seasons is lost (Out Too Far) • Steven, Mabel, Peridot, and Ford use the drill to travel to the cluster, where Steven is able to contain the geoweapon (In Too Deep) Arc 8 • Steven and Dipper help Lapis adjust to life on Earth. Lapis reluctantly moves into the Barn with Peridot, but eventually warms up to her (Same Old World) • A squad of Rubies arrive on Earth to retrieve Jasper, but are tricked into leaving following a baseball game with the Crystal Gems and the Pines (Hit the Diamond) • Dipper and Pacifica start dating (Mismatched Making) • Greg becomes a millionaire and finally settles his differences with Pearl over Rose (Mr. Greg) • Steven further develops his mental powers by accidentally taking over an unwitting Stan (The New Stan) • Stevonnie, Maven, and Stepper take Kevin and his friends on in a street race (Gravity Falls Drift) • (spoiler) Yellow Diamond casts a specific corruptive strain across Gravity Falls, causing its inhabitants to undergo monstrous transformations; Steven learns more about the Gem War and reunites Centipeedle with her own kind (Monster Falls) • Jasper returns and nearly forces Lapis to fuse with her once more before being thwarted (Alone on the Lake) • Small interdimensional gaps begin forming around Gravity Falls • Steven and Dipper end up getting trapped in the Nightmare Realm and form Stepper to take on Bill; (spoiler) Bill severely cracks Stepper's Gem; Stepper makes a deal to give Bill his shield journal in exchange for returning him home (Rifts) • (spoiler) Stepper's gem his healed but his memories of Steven and Dipper are gone; Mabel attempts to restore Stepper's lost memories; the Pines and the Gems plan their stand against Bill to recover the shield journal; Ford tells the Gems about the Rift (Memories) • (spoiler) The Pines and the Gems face Bill in the Nightmare Realm; Stepper recovers Steven's half of the shield journal but Bill burns Dipper's and possesses him once more; Steven rescues Dipper and everyone escapes from the Nightmare Realm; In trying to defeat Bill, Stepper ends up tearing wider holes in the dimensional fabric that possibly lead to other parallel dimensions (Dimensions) Arc 9 • Ford details his grand unified theory of weirdness to Dipper; Steven, Mabel, and Connie discover that Jasper is amassing an army of corrupted Gems (Theories of Weirdness) • The Mystery Kids discover a dimension where Steven is Yellow Diamond's son and the twins have used magic to practically take over the town (Played in Reverse) • The Pines and the Gems travel to a dimension where the kids are adults and the adults are children (Its All Relativity) • Amethyst is poofed by Jasper, who is defeated when Steven, Dipper, and Connie fuse to form Convenper for the first time; Lapis and Peridot adopt a kitten, which they name Dippurr (Crack the Whip) • Stan and Amethyst recruit the kids and the other Gems in helping them with their most ambitious revenge scheme yet (Revenge Trap) • Steven accidentally releases Bismuth from her bubble inside Lion's mane. Bismuth reconnects with the surviving Crystal Gems and provides upgrades for their weapons. The kids learns the reason for Bismuth's imprisonment and is forced to bubble her again. Afterward, they explains her imprisonment to the Gems (Bismuth) • The kids happen into a dimension where their personality traits seem to be completely switched around and where Lapis, Peridot, and Jasper are the Crystal Gems (Opposites Attract) • Steven and Connie officially become a couple; Dipper and Pacifica nearly break up but reconcile their conflicting emotions (Double Date) • The kids, Stan, Amethyst, and Peridot track Jasper to the Beta Kindergarten. They discover Jasper's origins along with what has happened to the Corrupted Gems; Amethyst and Steven form Smoky Quartz for the first time while fighting Jasper. Jasper becomes corrupted after attempting to fuse with a Gem Monster and is subsequently defeated by Peridot (Earthlings) • The Rubies return to Earth. Amethyst (disguised as Jasper) convinces them to take herself and the other Crystal Gems and the Pines to the Moon Base. Upon arrival, Eyeball, as a firsthand witness, confirms that Rose Quartz shattered Pink Diamond. Eventually, Amethyst's deception is discovered and the Rubies attack. Sardonyx knocks the Rubies (and Steven and Mabel, by accident) into space (Back to the Moon) • Steven, Mabel, and the Rubies become stranded in deep space. Steven and Mabel fuse into Maven to survive; they find Eyeball and rescue her, eventually revealing Rose's gemstone. Believing Maven/Steven is Rose Quartz, Eyeball attempts to shatter them, forcing them to eject Eyeball back into space. After some time, Maven is saved by the Crystal Gems and the other Pines, having hijacked the Rubies' Roaming Eye ship. On the ride back to Earth, the Crystal Gems confirm and justify Rose's actions toward Pink Diamond (Bubbled) Arc 9 • Jheselbraum the Unswerving arrives in Gravity Falls and reveals to Ford an ancient prophecy that might contain the power needed to finally defeat Bill once and for all (Jheselbraum the Unswerving) • Steven, Dipper, Mabel, and Connie fuse to form Stonipbel for the first time (Mindful Education) • The kids find a largely peaceful dimension where they themselves are teenagers (The Mystery Teens) • Pearl meets Mystery Girl (Last One Out of Gravity Falls) • The Pines and the Gems find a dimension where Steven is a normal human and the twins are both half Gems (A Swap of Fate) • Steven creates Pumpkin as a pet for Lapis and Peridot; Andy DeMayo reconnects with his estranged cousin Greg over a family dinner with Steven, the Gems, and the Pines (Gem Harvest) • Steven and the twins accidentally travel both back in time and (spoiler) to an alternate dimension to right before Ford was sucked into the portal; Bill possesses Blendin Blandin (Time Tangled) • Steven attempts to "connect" with his mother inside of her room; meanwhile, Dipper and Mabel start to grow further and further apart (Storm in the Room) • Dipper, Ford, Steven, and Peridot investigate Crash Site Omega to find a sealant that can repair the cracked Rift; Mabel recruits the Gems in helping her plan for her and Dipper's upcoming birthday party (Vs. the Future Part 1) • Dipper and Mabel have an immense falling out after Dipper agrees to be Ford's apprentice and stay in Gravity Falls; Mabel unknowingly hands the rift over to a Bill-possessed Blendin; Bill breaks the Rift and Weirdmageddon commences (Vs. the Future Part 2) Arc 11 • Weirdmageddon begins as Bill easily takes over Gravity Falls; Yellow Diamond and her forces arrive to make good on the deal between the two; (spoiler) Steven is poofed but Bill disguises his Gem to keep Yellow from learning that its actually Pink Diamonds; the journals are destroyed, Ford is turned to gold and captured by Bill; Mabel is captured by Bill and kept in a dream-inducing bubble; the Crystal Gems are scattered; (spoiler) Peridot falsely switches her allegiance back to Yellow Diamond; (spoiler) Yellow Diamond secretly begins gathering members of the zodiac wheel in an attempt to take Bill down; (spoiler) the Crystal temple is destroyed and all of the bubbled Gems are set free, including Bismuth (Welcome to Weirdmageddon) • Dipper wanders the apocalyptic Gravity Falls alone for three days before being found by Lapis; (spoiler) Lapis' Gem is cracked and Dipper is partially turned to stone by eye bats; Garnet and Connie team up to (spoiler) rescue Steven from Yellow Diamond (Alone At the End) • Amethyst and a group of other survivors take refuge in the bunker where they encounter both McGucket and the shapeshifter; Dipper and Lapis run into Wendy, Soos, and Pearl and face off against Gideon and his cronies in an attempt to rescue Mabel (Out of the Bunker) • Dipper convinces Mabel to leave her self-created fantasy world behind; (spoiler) Bill uncorrupts Jasper so she can aid in their cause; Bill and Yellow Diamond realize that they are both confined to Gravity Falls thanks to a weirdness barrier/gem destabilizer trap (spoiler) Peridot helps Ruby, Sapphire, and Connie rescue Steven's Gem; Amethyst and her group make it to the Mystery Shack, where Stan has been hiding out on his own (Escape from Reality) • Dipper, Mabel, Pearl, Lapis, Soos, and Wendy reunite with Garnet, Connie, and Peridot, who have (spoiler) Steven's Gem with them; (spoiler) Steven converses with his mother inside of his Gem but is still denied the truth about Pink Diamond; the collective group arrives at the Mystery Shack and takes up refuge there; (spoiler) Steven reforms, reunites with his friends, and (spoiler) heals Lapis' Gem (Love Like You) • The survivors at the shack rally themselves to face Bill and Yellow Diamond and save the town and begin constructing a massive robot out of the shack in order to do so; Bill attempts to coerce Ford into revealing the secret behind the weirdness barrier so he can take over the entire world, (spoiler) revealing his plans to betray Yellow and Homeworld as a whole (Rise of the Resistance) • The resistance takes both the Henchmaniacs and Yellow's forces head on in a massive assault; a small group manages to sneak into the Fearamid in order to rescue Ford; the statuefied townsfolk are freed and (spoiler) Dipper is properly healed (Take Back the Falls) • In an attempt to defeat Bill, the members of the prophesied zodiac wheel gather together; their attempt is ultimately discovered by Bill, who apprehends all of its members save for the Pines and the Gems; the Mystery Kids narrowly manage to escape however, but are eventually captured by Bill and handed over to Yellow Diamond (Wheel of Destiny) • (spoiler) Bill and Yellow reveal their respective intentions to turn on one another, sparking an intense skirmish; the Gems and the Pines free their captured friends and allies, but are unable to reform the wheel as they are all separated once again (Of Diamonds and Demons) • (spoiler) Stonipbel faces Yellow Diamond in battle and narrowly defeats her, poofing her in the process; Stan tricks Bill into entering his mind, where he is ultimately defeated when Ford erases his mind; Weirdmageddon ends and Yellow Diamonds' forces retreat (The Universe Falls) • The statued remains of Bill Cipher are lost in the forest of Gravity Falls; the town begins to recover from Weirdmageddon; (spoiler) Jasper is corrupted once more and flees; The Mystery Shack gets reconstructed. Stan recovers his memories with the help of Mabel's scrapbook and old home movies of Ford and Stan's childhood. Soos finds the Journals in the woods unharmed; McGucket becomes wealthy and buys the now-ousted Northwest Mansion and (spoiler) Bismuth moves in along with him so they can begin an inventing business; (spoiler) in light of the temple being destroyed, Steven and the Crystal Gems decide to set out to find all of the lost corrupted Gems that had run off during Weirdmageddon; (spoiler) en route back to Homeworld, Yellow Diamond reforms and begins planning a new bioweapon initiative involving humans (Everything Stays) • Dipper and Mabel celebrate their 13th birthday with all of the townsfolk at the Mystery Shack, Stan Pines retires and gives ownership of the Mystery Shack to Soos. The family decides to throw the journals into the Bottomless Pit; (spoiler) Lapis and Peridot are entrusted by the Gems to take care of Gravity Falls in their absence; Dipper and Mabel leave Gravity Falls to return home to Piedmont; (spoiler) Steven, Connie, Greg, and the Gems also set off on their own year long voyage; the Mystery Kids promise to meet up again in Gravity Falls the following year Between Stories • (spoiler) Steven, Connie, and the Gems traverse the earth, defeating and capturing corrupted Gems in the hopes of healing them someday • Stan and Ford set sail to hunt down anomalies all over the world together • Dipper and Mabel return to school but largely keep the details of their summer in Gravity Falls to themselves • Yellow Diamond's human-bioweapon initiative kicks off, with humans from Pink Diamond's zoo being utilized as subjects; all of these subjects end up failing however, due to the severity of the process • Yellow Diamond commissions the creation of an Amber to oversee the biological status of humans utilized in her project; she also appoints Hessonite to serve as the supervising commander • (spoiler) Bismuth begins reconstructing the Crystal Temple with McGucket and Peridot's help • Pacifica forms a friendship with Candy and Grenda while the twins are away; due to her family recently falling out of money, she takes up a job at Greasy's Diner to pick up the slack • Soos hires Melody on at the Mystery Shack; he eventually purposes to her and the two are engaged • Steven, Connie, and the Gems visit Dipper and Mabel in Piedmont around the holidays; the Mystery Kids spend their Christmas together • (spoiler) Work on the new Crystal Temple is completed just before the next summer begins Universe Falls 2 Arc 1 • Dipper and Mabel return to Gravity Falls for the summer; (spoiler) Steven, Connie, and the Gems also return and the Mystery Kids reunite; Stan and Ford are the last to return and a celebration is held to kick off the beginning of summer • (spoiler) The Mystery Kids discover Bill's statue in the woods and report it to the Gems, who are ultimately unable to destroy it; Ford theorizes that the zodiac might be able to get rid of it for good • (spoiler) The zodiac is formed but it is done so in the wrong arrangement and instead of vanquishing Bill, it ends up releasing him, albeit with very limited power Arc 2 (SU events) • Steven investigates a strange dream he is having, despite frequent warnings from Garnet. After Blue Diamond abducts Greg and Stan in Korea, Steven, the twins, Ford and the Crystal Gems travel to Pink Diamond's Zoo to rescue them. Lapis, Peridot, and Connie are charged with protecting Earth in their stead • Despite issues with the Roaming Eye's gravity drive, the group arrives at Pink Diamond's Zoo. While Holly Blue Agate gives Sapphire, Ruby, and Pearl a tour of the facility, Steven and the twins are inserted into the Human Zoo and reunites with Greg and Stan; meanwhile, Ford goes off on his own to attempt a solo rescue • Despite a comfortable existence inside the Zoo, Greg and Stan ultimately reject the "choosening" ceremony of the other humans. Steven, the twins, Greg, and Stan are subsequently captured by the intervening Amethyst guards • Brought to the guard quarters, the group is surprised that Amethyst has quickly befriended her sisters, both for their common heritage and mutual dislike of Holly Blue Agate; not long after Ford barges in and reunites with Stan • While Holly Blue browbeats the guards into preparing for Blue Diamond's surprise return, Steven, Greg, and the Pines take refuge in a large room full of bubbled Rose Quartzes, hiding when Blue Diamond arrives to pay her respects. Yellow Diamond enters immediately after, attempting to convince Blue to move on. • The Universes and the Pines sneak back out while Sapphire stalls Holly and the Diamonds for time. Upon entering the hangar, Holly catches the humans attempting to escape. She tries to stop them, but is thwarted by Garnet and the others. The group successfully escape the Zoo Arc 3 (SU events only (mostly) • While the Gems and the Pines are away, Connie, Lapis, and Peridot protect Gravity Falls with help from Pacifica, McGucket, Soos, and Wendy, only to lead to disastrous results • The Gems and the Pines return to Earth • Navy crash-lands on Earth. Posing as a defector, she eventually steals back the Roaming Eye and escapes into space • The Mystery Kids do a stakeout with Mr. Maheswaran, though the culprit is not who they suspect • The Mystery Kids and the Gems investigate several mysterious disappearances, including Stan and Ford's; the kids encounter Aquamarine and Topaz for the first time, and Connie and Mabel are captured in the process • Stepper and the Crystal Gems confront Aquamarine and Topaz, with the former explaining their reason for visiting Earth. In order to save his friends, Steven reveals his mother's gemstone and turns himself in (spoiler) and the other Mystery Kids reveal their role in defeating Yellow Diamond last summer; though Steven manages to push Connie off the ship, he is unable to do the same for Dipper and Mabel and the trio is whisked off to Homeworld • The kids discover that Lars is still on the ship. Nevertheless, Aquamarine and Topaz escort them to Homeworld. Topaz tries to help the kids and Lars escape, but to no avail • Put on trial for Rose Quartz's crime of shattering Pink Diamond, Steven (represented by a blue defending Zircon) goes up against the Diamonds (represented by a yellow prosecuting Zircon). Steven learns that his mother may not be responsible for the shattering. Both Zircons are poofed by Yellow Diamond • Steven, Mabel, and Lars escape the Diamonds using Blue's palanquin, but Dipper is seperated from them in his attempt to keep Yellow Diamond from catching them • Steven, Mabel, and Lars  meet a group of rogue "off color" Gems (Padparadscha, the Rutile Twins, Rhodonite, and Fluorite). Lars is killed by an explosion while protecting the group from a pack of Robonoids • Steven revives Lars with his tears, causing him to turn pink and gain powers similar to Lion. Steven and Mabel use Lars' pocket dimension to return to Earth, while Lars and the Off Colors stay behind to search for an alternate way home while also promising to try and find Dipper Arc 4 (SU events (partially) • Connie gets mad at Steven for not working together to save their friends and Steven giving himself up in the fight against Aquamarine and Topaz and leaves, upset; distraught over what happened to Dipper, the Pines frantically began planning out a way to rescue him; Lion goes missing; Mayor Dewey resigns from his post, allowing Nanafua to take his place • Despite her promise to Blue to safely deposit him at the zoo, Yellow Diamond interrogates Dipper on his knowledge of Rose Quartz and has her Peridots cut his arm off, initiating him in the "process" • Dipper is placed in the care of Amber and is subjected to physical and mental torture over the course of several weeks in order to transform him into Yellow Diamond's personal assassin • To try and comfort Steven and Mabel, the Gems and the Pines take them on a brief vacation (while all the while stressing about Dipper's unknown fate) • Kevin returns and invites the Mystery Kids to his party; Mabel reunites with Gabe Bensen and harshly refutes his advances on her; Connie and Steven make amends and leave on Lion as their relationship is finally recovered • During this time, Lars and the Off Colors escape from Homeworld and become a rebel cell against the Homeworld Gems; despite searching as much of Homeworld as they could, they are ultimately unable to find and rescue Dipper • With Amber's assistance, Dipper records a farewell message for his friends and family back on Earth • Unable to resist any longer, Dipper succumbs to the brainwashing forced upon him by Yellow Diamond and becomes "Stonemason"; he is outfitted with a shapeshifting metallic arm and is sent to hunt down "Rose Quartz" and shatter her • Steven, Connie, and Mabel visit Lars and the Off Colors, only to be shot down by an Emerald while protecting Lars' new ship • The kids get stranded on an alien planet; Stevonnie learns more about Pink Diamond's past while Mabel encounters the mysterious Stonemason, who forces her to take him to "Rose Quartz"; after a brief skirmish with Stonemason, the Mystery Kids escape thanks to Lars • Stonemason arrives on earth and begins perusing Steven and the Crystal Gems • Mabonnven fights Stonemason and ends up unmasking him, revealing his true identity as Dipper; the Pines and the Gems begin plotting out how to free Dipper from Yellow Diamond's control Arc 5 (mostly original) • Yellow Diamond commands Stonemason to attack Gravity Falls in order to lure "Rose" out; he does so, damaging much of the town and harming several civilians • The Pines and the Gems receive Dipper's supposedly final message to them and are inspired to continue looking for a way to save him • Thanks to continued interactions with his friends and family, Dipper starts to break through his Stonemason conditioning and fight back against Yellow Diamond's control • After several skirmishes and fights, the Gems apprehend Stonemason; (spoiler) Steven, Mabel, and Connie venture inside his mind in an attempt to finally free Dipper once and for all; they are successful and Dipper beats Stonemason's presences in his mind back, allowing him to resume control once more • As a result of Yellow's conditioning, however, Dipper is still left in a servantile state of quiet obedience until Pearl helps him break free of it; the other Mystery Kids assist Dipper in his mental recovery Arc 6 • Steven introduces Garnet and Dipper to the Off Colors; Garnet tells Lars and the Off Colors the origins of Rose Quartz and the Rebellion • Lapis Lazuli leaves Earth once again and takes the Barn, not wanting to get caught in the middle of another war with the Diamonds; (spoiler) she nearly takes Dipper with her, but ultimately ends up leaving him behind, despite his pleas to escape from Yellow's range • Peridot, the twins, Steven, Amethyst, and Ford return to the Kindergarten to turn it into an actual garden in order to cheer Peridot up, but instead encounter a Flower Monster. Peridot gets over the fact that Lapis left her. • Garnet adopts a one-eyed stray kitten and names it "Cat Steven" • Dipper is met with resistance and anger when trying to reintegrate himself into Gravity Falls as a result of the destruction Stonemason caused; Pacifica intervenes and quells the townsfolks' anger • (spoiler) Bill guilt trips Steven into letting him possess him and he nearly manages to reawaken Stonemason inside of Dipper; Steven manages to take control of Dipper however, and (continue eventually) Arc 7 • The kids discover that Lapis has taken up refuge on the moon; they find her there and (continue when ideas are fully flashed out) • Steven goes inside Pearl to find her phone and discovers that Rose Quartz is Pink Diamond, which shocks Garnet and Amethyst, and the Pines • Garnet unfuses and Sapphire becomes mad at Ruby, saying that Rose Quartz lied to them and leaves, upset; Dipper also leaves, outraged that all of the torture he was put through was essentially for nothing; Steven, Pearl, Stan, and Ford check on Sapphire and Pearl tells Steven and Sapphire the story of how Pink Diamond became Rose Quartz; (spoiler) she also reveals the original deal Rose/Pink made with Bill, which outrages Ford; eventually, everyone returns home, only to find that Ruby and Amethyst are not here • Upset by the uselessness of their shared suffering, Dipper and Stonemason reach an agreement that they will work in conjunction with one another towards the eventual goal of shattering Yellow Diamond as revenge
And that’s all she wrote! *shrugs* Ah well. 
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