#estelle blofis
ask-estelle · 3 days
Sally or paul? Favourite parent?
i love them both equally, but mom cooks waaay better. dad always burns everything. (sorry dad i still love u dw)
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soulless-angel25 · 3 days
Ghost's Romance May, Day 31 Prompt- Future @ghostsfanficevents
It wasn't unusual for Sally and Paul to watch Estelle for them since neither of them were able to be home all the time. Paul because he was a teacher and Sally because of her writing and having to do meetings to help with improving the environment.
And so, when they had asked Percy and Annabeth if they could please watch her today because they'd like to go on a date they had agreed easily. After all, they loved the little girl who beamed so happily, who should never have to worry about her future or the fear of being eaten by monsters so long as she had them to protect her.
So when Estelle had asked if they could go on a walk, they had no reason to say no to her. Percy simply gave her a piggy-back ride as he and Annabeth walked through the city, towards an ice-cream shop that was nice, especially since summer was right around the corner and it had begun to heat up in the city. This was a normal thing for them, whenver Percy and Annabeth had to watch Estelle. Depending on the time of the year they would go out to get ice-cream or go to an aquariam or soemthing else. It was normal.
What was not normal was being stopped by and older lady who remarked on how adorable Estelle was, actually-no, that wasn't the strange part. What was the strange part was her saying "Oh, what a cute daughter you have! Best you treasure these days when they're young. The grow up so quickly, you know?" before walking away. Leaving both Percy and Annabeth a bright shade of red as they looked at each other.
They both tried to brush it off, and they did for a time until on their way back to the apartment after getting ice-cream a man with a camera was offering to take pictures of families, and he called out to them, "You there! Family of three, how would you like to get a picture with your daughter? Immortalize this time?"
The blush came back in full force this time as Percy explained that she wasn't their daughter but his younger sister and they were watching her for the day, the man had remarked on how much they looked like a family but still offered them a picture, "You're still family, aren't you? Parents and child, siblings. Family all the same. Now come, I will give you a picture."
At the insistence they agreed and after being handed the picture made their way back home quick. Paul and Sally were back by then but Percy and Annabeth didn't really acknowledge that outside of handing Estelle back to them before going to sit on the couch.
Neither of them were quite sure how to begin the conversation so Percy just went straight into it, "Do you, ever want to have kids with me, Wise Girl?"
The blush had seemingly become a permanent fixture on both their faces as Annabeth linked their hands together, "One day. I think I'd like to have kids with you. Not now though, not while everything is just beginning to stabilize once more."
He nodded, "I'd like to have kids with you one day too. But before that, I agree. Right now is still too unstable."
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springmagpies · 2 months
*Paul Blofis entering the Jackson/Blofis family apartment to find Jason helping Sally wash the dishes, Nico napping on the couch, Leo and Piper playing a heated game of Battleship, Reyna reading, Frank helping Sally and Jason dry the dishes, Hazel and Will deep in conversation, and Annabeth holding Estelle on her lap while Percy tries to make both of them laugh.*
Paul: Hello, demigods!
All: Hi, Paul!
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fortunatefires · 7 months
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lilsillustration · 3 months
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Percy’s college dorm cork board 💙
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kastalani123 · 4 months
Mmmmmmmm, but what if Estelle grows up without knowing about the Greek myths being real?
What if Sally and Paul look at Percy, who's hesitant to hold his baby sister for fear of drowning her with blood-drenched hands, who eventually holds her like she's made of glass because the Destroyer is afraid of breaking her, who shoves his face into his pillow to keep his nightmares from waking her up–
What if Sally and Paul look at Percy, seventeen years old with the world resting on his shoulders since he was twelve, and ask, "Do you want her to know?"
And he wonders. He thought it'd be a given, that she'd grow up surrounded by monsters and magic, that he'd make fish made of water swim around her to make her laugh, that there would be no secrets as to his life's horror.
But he wonders. He thinks that, maybe, she won't have to grow up afraid of her own shadow. She's mortal, after all. There is no ichor in her veins. There is no guarantee she will be Clear Sighted.
There is no reason she can't live a normal life.
There is no reason she has to be woven into the Fates' tapestry beyond the barest of mentions.
He wonders, and he decides no. No, this one person, this little bundle of giggles, this reason that motivates him to learn healthy coping mechanisms, this little sister of his — she will not be forced to grow up so fast. She will not hesitate making plans for her future in fear of never making it that far. She will not suffer scars from things other than risky bike tricks and tumbling down a hill.
This one person that he can protect, for once in his life. This one person that he will protect, from both of his worlds.
Oh, it's not that she doesn't know anything. He makes sure she knows as many myths as possible, as many ways to protect herself as she can learn, as many people and places that can help her if she ever needs it. She grows up with bedtime stories about winged horses and giant dogs and a number of human-animal hybrids. She dreams of a brother with a scarred lip and a girl who loves too much and a sister who usually thinks of her sibling before herself and a boy who can tame dragons, and sometimes it's like her dreams are real, like she actually knows the characters from her brother's stories. She learns to recognize unfairness and abuse, to stand up for those who cannot stand up for themselves, to make things right even if she has to force unwilling hands to do what she wants with trickery.
She knows so much.
But she never climbs a wall flowing with lava. But she never picks up a sword and dons a set of armor. But she never learns her loved ones' scars don't come from unfortunate accidents. But she never flies through the sky on helpful wings. But she never dives into the depths of the ocean in a bubble of air. But she never gets lost in a house that's always changing its layout to suit its occupants' needs. But she never watches her home in ruin. But she never runs from an inferno consuming the world around her. But she never cradles a friend's body as the life drains from their eyes.
But she never stops being an ordinary mortal.
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percy, having a panic attack at the bottom of the river elison: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
annabeth, having tea with the river god: 🎶all the time, im grateful all the time🎶
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Estelle, curious: is stabbing someone immoral?
Jason: depends on the situation
Thalia: not at all
Percy: NO??
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softmoonlightmelody · 7 months
going insane about how the big three kids have never been and never can be complete, because bianca's death was before hazel and jason, and nico and percy will never feel like the family is complete without her, and estelle is honourary but she will grow up without jason and without bianca, and the big three kids are never complete and never can be and it's insane to think about that their family will never be full. thalia is barely around and hazel has too much responsibility and percy is trying to get out and nico is barely holding them together. do you get it? that there is no picture that has them in their entirety? that there is nothing that can fully encapsulate them? because every experience lacks someone, something?
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echo-stimmingrose · 10 months
Toddler Estelle crying and Percy using her tears to make small water creatures to calm her down.
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ask-estelle · 3 days
I am infact also, doing your mum.
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Percy: Can you come over here, princess?
Estelle: I'm too old to be a princess
Percy: What should I call you then?
Estelle: The queen
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apollosgiftofprophecy · 5 months
UPDATED 1/29/24
this was inspired by @lubble-underscore's post and I decided to expand on the iceberg and see how much I could throw on it
thanks to the Discord server for filling in on things that didn't cross my mind! :D
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feel free to save and highlight what you know :3 Links to many of these things are below - some are not tho!
Tier 1 - do we even need to SAY anything?
pathetic little meow meow
unreliable narrator
Tier 2 - surface level/easy to see
superiority/inferiority complex
bitchsexual (i mean... points to commodus)
raised chiron (see CHB Confidential)
Tier 3 - complete read-through/reread; taking first steps into fandom
breaks cycle of abuse
great with kids, actually (see Harley, Georgie, ect.)
ordered pizza to chb (see The Hidden Oracle)
domains contradict
best godly parent
still heavily affected by past lovers (see The Whole Series)
Tier 4 - digging a little deeper
love life isn't actually terrible
definitely tried to bang frey at least once (see that One throwaway line in The Hidden Oracle)
malewife malewhore manslaughter
broke up the beatles because paul jilted him (Discord)
sees the faces of primordial gods (see The Hidden Oracle)
copollo could have worked
catboy but cats are competition (See The Tyrant's Tomb; submitted by @trials-of-apollo-my-beloved)
freakishly high pain tolerance (See THE ENTIRE SERIES)
Tier 5 - holy shit we're on to something
that apollo & jesus fic (Discord)
knew hades had kids in TTC
pressured to be the perfect son
fatal flaw is love
not as close to hermes as he used to be
seahorsed kayla
patron of CHB
roman apollo au (Discord: Creator chronictheorizing)
Tier 6 - wait what. OH!
was forced to punish halcyon green
deathsong (Discord: Creator @txny-dragon) (addition)
kids are greek & roman
michael yew is most like him
brings change by being his true self and not the fake one (Submitted by @/txny-dragon)
laomedon is why he hates slavery (Discord: Creator @ukelele-boy)
intentionally made the orientation video to communicate info on the gods
Tier 7 - what the fuck did we get ourselves into
directed travis & conner to tartarus tongs
Apollo x Orion is peek hateship (Discord: Origin in Tsari's server during Eclipse)
unlocked heavenly prophecy powers during trials
dated oscar wilde and inspired the picture of dorian gray (Discord)
half-titan theory
tartarus regenerated him
imperial kids were meant to usurp the olympians
Tier 8 - we're in too deep but will never come out
knows estelle is omen of end of the world
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Dearest friends and family,
Seven years ago today (a few months ago)
my most beloved elder brother (he’s kinda ugly ngl) went to fight the war (he went to college)
Recently I have not heard from him (Im ignoring him bcs when he visited he ate the last cheetos)
I sadly think he has died on the front lines (he’s alive Im just mad at him)
I miss him more and more everyday (I WANT MY GODDAMN CHEETOS BACK)
Maybe one day he shalt return (HE IS NOT COMING BACK TILL I GET MY CHEETOS)
-Sincerely Connor (the better brother) Stoll
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little2nerdy · 2 months
kind of a follow up to my own post but i had a flashback to my sister trying to convince my mom to let her get a tattoo at 16 because i had a few and i just thought about estelle who thinks percy is so cool, trying to convince sally and paul to let her get a tattoo at 16/17 because percy had his SPQR tattoo when he was that age and them having to try and figure out how to explain why she can’t
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chasing-the-persea · 1 year
When Percy and Annabeth inevitably get married, who’s going to be part of who’s entourage?
Obviously Tyson and Grover are going to be in Percy’s (when Percy asked Grover to be his best man ((satyr?)) Grover cried for days)
Thalia would be Annabeth’s maid of honor, and happily take up the role of disrupting Hera’s interferences
Piper was thrilled when Annabeth asked her to be a bridesmaid. Most people expect Aphrodite kids to love wedding planning but Piper knew Annabeth had been planning this ever since the underwater kiss and had everything under control. She also was on standby to talk through any nerves
Everyone is unofficially introduced to the Norse side of the family as Magnus is one of the bridesmen
In a surprising turn of events Clarisse is one of Percy’s groomsmaids. She partners up with Thalia on anti-Hera patrols
Estelle is the flower girl
Leo made their rings from celestial bronze. Diamonds matching the other’s eyes are set in the rings
Mrs. O’Leary is the ring bearer, who had to be escorted by Nico last minute because she kept shadow-traveling away during the rehearsal
Percy asked Frank and Hazel but as they were still praetors they couldn't both leave Camp Jupiter. Hazel sent Frank with a generous wedding gift
Veterans of the Athena cabin who grew up with Annabeth volunteer to make sure everything goes smoothly. They know how important this is to Annabeth and will do whatever it takes to make the wedding happen
Jason would have officiated it :'( in his stead they asked Chiron
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