#IBS is my worst enemy
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iero · 10 months
The fact that there is no cure for IBS fucking sucks. What do you mean this is something I’m gonna have to live with for the rest of my life?
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beazt · 1 year
maybe I DO need a colonoscopy
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nationalharryleague · 2 years
I feel so sick I want to end it ♥️
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weezeryuri · 2 months
”i wouldn’t wish my disability on my worst enemy” speak for yourself motherfucker i wish i had an ibs beam that immediately made people experience the worst flare up i’ve ever had
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padawansuggest · 2 years
Anyways. PSA to anyone who has had COVID and now going to the bathroom is a traumatic and painful experience:
Okay so I was embarrassed to say this sort of thing because ew potty issues, but I have ended up hospitalized way too many times in my life to ignore my colon. It’s almost always the colon for me. My colon is hit or miss, mostly miss, and I had my first (hopefully last) colonoscopy at… idk 22?? 23 maybe.
So I recently told my GP, best GP ever who cares about both my pain levels and mental health, which is awesome, that going to the bathroom was becoming a trauma for me. Like it’s full on giving me nerves and anxiety when I feel the cramps.
She said oh no. I told her it’s been like this since I got COVID several months ago (getting worse over time I mean not me ignoring a major issue for 4 months) and it suddenly clicked in her and she had an entire list of things for me to get, and telling me about how COVID triggered a… allergy response. Like an immune response that is mainly attacking your bowels (half the trauma is because your bowels are soooooo inflamed that anything moving in there is hell) and it lingers. COVID hasn’t been around long enough for us to know how long it lingers but we know it’s at least a few months with it slowly getting worse so that’s not hopeful.
So this allergy response is attacking your bowels, the most likely place to still have traces of COVID or maybe it’s all out and your body just doesn’t know how to stop again. Either way.
- Metamucil, it’s an orange flavor fiber drink that is not made from corn fiber (my worst enemy of the past few years has been getting enough fiber and protein since I’m allergic to corn and it’s EVERYWHERE) and so far has turned my bowel movements from sharp and pointy to, in her own words, fluffy and unobtrusive. I haven’t had a cramp when it’s time to go potty rn, in days. I’ve only been using it since Wednesday this last week. I’m shooketh at the lack of cramps. Cramps has been my normal ‘go potty now’ indicator for years, and no cramps. Wow. I’m defeating IBS lmao. Can be taken up to 3 times a day. Doesn’t make your bowel movements turn liquid like miralax.
- Omega 3 fish oil. Taking daily fish oil can not only improve your focus (it’s an ADHD trick actually, if your focus can be helped with something less powerful than meth, my parents had me on it for a while as a kid and I remember being very calm) but it’s overall good for you, and it reduces inflammation.
- Turmeric. It’s used for reducing inflammation (see how she’s got me on multiple things to reduce inflammation instead of just one? Btw, she isn’t telling me to stop taking pain meds, I actually asked for help that would help me take less pain meds cause I’m taking too many of them and I can develop an allergy to them if I take too many) and I’ve been using it for joint pain for years tbh. I get inflamed joints because my craft of choice involves pinching fibers and pulling them to make yarn, which can put pressure on your joints. Also my back swells like a balloon when I get my period. It helps a lot.
- Calm & Relax, a mixture of Ashwagandha and Magnesium. These relax your muscles. Take them before bed because they help you calm down to sleep, reduce any cramping you’ll have in the night, and genuinely help you reduce movement while sleeping to actually get good sleep. Istg I have been thriving off these the past few days. I feel better.
Anyways. Take the drugs. COVID is nerfing us all directly up the ass and it’s painful, fight back with meds that aren’t just 4 ibuprofen every 8 hours, because that shit catches up with you and it hurts too. Also it just helps reduce the inflammation and pain, but doesn’t actually help your tummy function. This stuff does. I’m replacing my miralax stock with Metamucil. They also got a store brand which is only like 12$ which is great.
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celestialmango · 2 years
Hopefully you are resting and feeling better. Very totally random unrelated to anything question; what's your favorite animal? And what's your favorite color?
I was doing great till I accidentally ate something that had raw onion in it without realizing there was raw onion in it at first...... needless to say IBS is a bitch and onions are my mortal enemy that cause me the worst of pains.
My favorite animal? It's a tie between cats and snakes....and spiders.
As for a favorite color I don't actually have one, least not anymore. when I was really young my favorite color was ocean blue.
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commanderfloppy · 2 years
💗 , 🎨 & 🍵 for miss floppy?
Thank you for the ask!!!
💗 Relationships? Who are their friends, their family relations, lover(s), foes? What sort of personalities really tick them off and what others do they like? Is there anything that’d ruin a friendship for them?
As the Commander Floppy has met a lot of people good and bad, her most prominent relationship is the one she has with Dragon’s Watch, which is basically her family at this point. Especially any member under the age of 25 (they grow up so fast) who is now her kid.  
I still think most friends outside of Dragon’s Watch can be hard for her to interact with still, since she met all of them as this Godly Commander things can still be a bit…formal 
But she doesn’t really mind mostly hanging out with those she’s close too, I mean she can work in the lab with Gorrik and Taimi, talk Mesmer magic and fashion with Kasmeer, listen to Braham and Rox talk about how their lives are doing now, complain about being old with Rytlock. She’s got a pretty nice variety there already. 
Of course only interacting with your ‘family’ and people through work has definitely made her Romantic life…well completely dead.  Though that is starting to change a little with her taking a bit of a break in Cantha, a place where her reputation doesn’t precede her as much.
As Commander Floppy has so many Foes, actual ones and self-proclaimed ones, I don’t think she bothers to really keep track of them all.  That being said in terms of Foes she personally has/enemies who aren’t actively trying to kill her. She fucking HATES the Arcane Council, honestly just dealing with Asuran higher ups in general. She hates how condescending the general attitude is, the constant tearing down, she hates it so much. 
And of course Contrasting that, if you like to look beyond things like outward appearance or preconceived notions, or generally see the better in people, she likes that a bit. 
Honestly I don’t think much would ruin her friendship with you, I mean a lot of her friends have literally tried to kill her at one point. I guess if your personality did a 180, if you started being evil and it wasn’t from a magic spell or something. 
🎨 Is your OC artistic? Can they draw or paint or do they prefer another medium? Are they a writer or musician or do they do something else? Give us a quick run down of what they can get creative with!
She’s a little artistic, I like to think she is not the worst artist from a lot of years of drawing the plants and animals she saw (though she’s definitely a bit rusty now).  Another thing that could probably be artistic that she’s good at is dancing, not something she brings out often but her sense of rhythm is great. 
Otherwise I don’t know if she’s often all that creative, maybe creative at coming up with crazy plans to fight insanely strong enemies.
🍵 Are there any rumours about your OC hanging around? Nasty ones or just good humoured? Got any gossip to share about them?
Oh my gosh so many. I always imagine that the Commander is a strange mix of a Myth, a God, and a Celebrity, so there have been so many magazine articles, strange books, plays, all about her that usually get many things wrong. 
I think one of the ‘worst’ but also funniest rumors was when the topic of her lovelife became a public interest (probably thanks to a snargle book), and there were so many different pictures and articles trying to prove she was dating some random member of Dragon’s Watch. 
A picture of her hugging Braham and maybe giving him a little forehead kiss saying that ‘She’s a Cougar’ and “likes them young?”. A photo of Kasmeer excitedly holding her hand when they went shopping with the title “Lady Meade Ditches Detective! Now the Commander’s New Lover!”.  
And then of course the funniest instance which was when a photo of her and Rylock together after IBS got taken, it was snapped at a moment where their talking and hand gestures made it look like she was scratching his chin or something and that interesting framing paired with the fact they were probably chilling on a couch talking and she was maybe partially sitting on his leg (Because how the fuck else is she gonna be high enough to be in ear shot) made it a weirdly convincing but also HILLARIOUS image that everyone laughed at. Oh and this one also had some insane title about them “Recovering from hardships by finding love” or something.  Needless to say that article is framed somewhere in the Eye of the North.
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drvitaltips · 2 months
Why Is My Stomach So Sensitive Lately? Causes & Solutions
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Does your stomach feel weird lately? Maybe it's grumbling when you didn't even eat much, or you feel a bit gassy and bloated. A sensitive stomach is such a drag. It can make you uncomfortable and unsure about what to eat. If you keep asking yourself, "Why is my stomach so sensitive lately?" – don't worry, you're not alone! Let's figure out what's bothering your belly and what you can do about it. What Causes a Sensitive Stomach? There are loads of reasons your stomach might be giving you trouble. Some are easy to fix, while others need a bit more attention. Here's a look at common culprits: - Indigestion: Troublemaker #1 Everyone gets indigestion occasionally. It happens when you eat too much, too fast, or go for foods that are spicy, fatty, or hard to break down. Think of it as your stomach saying, "Whoa, slow down!" The result? Bloating, gas, and maybe even mild pain. - Food Intolerances or Sensitivities: The Sneaky Suspects Ever eaten something that made your stomach go nuts, even though it didn't bother anyone else? You might have a food intolerance. Common ones are: * Lactose intolerance: Trouble digesting dairy (hello, upset stomach after ice cream!) * Gluten sensitivity: Wheat, barley, and rye make your belly unhappy. * Other sensitivities: FODMAPs (a type of carb), fructose, eggs...the list goes on! Is it more than just food? - Stomach Infections: When Germs Attack Ugh, the dreaded stomach bug! Viruses or bacteria can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and leave your stomach super sensitive. Usually, this passes in a few days, but keep those fluids up! - Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS): The Chronic Culprit IBS is a whole different ballgame. It's a long-term condition that messes with your gut, causing pain, bloating, changes in how often you go to the bathroom. - Stress and Anxiety: Your Gut's Worst Enemy Did you know there's a strong link between your brain and your gut? When you're stressed, your digestion gets out of whack, leaving you with stomachaches and other annoying symptoms. - Medications: They Can Help AND Hurt Some meds are lifesavers, but they can have side effects – and upset stomach is a common one. Antibiotics, pain relievers like ibuprofen, and even some supplements can irritate your tummy. How to Calm a Sensitive Stomach Now that we've looked at what causes the trouble, let's get to the good stuff – solutions! Here are some ways to tame your tummy and feel better: - Dietary Changes: Listen to Your Gut If you suspect certain foods are the problem, it's elimination diet time! But don't just guess – a food diary can help. Note what you eat, how much, and any symptoms. You might pinpoint patterns to avoid in the future. - Bland is Best (For Now) When your stomach's in revolt, give it a break. Stick to gentle foods like the BRAT diet: - Bananas - Rice - Applesauce - ToastAdd other easy-to-digest goodies as you improve: yogurt, crackers, cooked veggies. - Hydration: Your Stomach's BFF Water is key for digestion, and it helps flush out stuff that might be irritating you. Aim for plenty throughout the day. Bored with plain water? Try herbal teas or add a squeeze of lemon or some cucumber slices! - Over-the-Counter Remedies: When You Need Backup - Antacids: Neutralize stomach acid for quick relief from heartburn or indigestion. - Bismuth subsalicylate (Pepto-Bismol): Coats and soothes your stomach, plus helps with diarrhea - Probiotics: "Good" bacteria for gut health (find them in yogurt or supplements) - Stress Management Techniques: Calm Mind, Calm Belly - Deep breathing: Simple but powerful! Slow, focused breaths calm your whole system. - Mindfulness: Notice your thoughts without judgment, helps break stress cycles. - Exercise: Even light walks boost mood and help things move along smoothly. - Natural Remedies: The Power of Plants - Ginger: A nausea-fighting superstar. Sip ginger tea or add grated ginger to meals. - Chamomile: This gentle herb soothes the stomach and helps promote better sleep - Peppermint: Can help with bloating and gas. Try peppermint tea or capsules When to See a Doctor Most of the time, a sensitive stomach clears up on its own with a little care. But don't ignore these red flags – they mean it's time to call your doctor: - Why is my stomach so sensitive lately, and it won't go away? Stomach troubles lasting more than a few days need professional help. - Severe pain: More than mild discomfort is a major warning sign. - Blood in your stool (black or red): This could be serious, don't wait. - Weight loss you can't explain: This points to an underlying issue. FAQs - Q: Is it normal for my stomach to be sensitive all the time? A: No, it's not normal. While occasional tummy troubles happen, persistent sensitivity might mean something else is going on. Track your symptoms and if they don't improve, talk to your doctor. - Q: What helps relieve a sensitive stomach quickly? A: Besides the tips we've covered, here are a few fast-acting ideas: * Settle nausea: Small sips of clear liquids (broth, diluted juice), bland crackers* Soothe cramping: A warm compress or heating pad on your belly works wonders. - Q: Can stress really cause a sensitive stomach? A: Absolutely! Stress messes with your hormones and digestion big time. That's why managing stress is CRUCIAL for gut health. - Q: Are there any tests to find out why my stomach is sensitive? A: Yes! Depending on your symptoms, your doctor might recommend tests like: * Food Allergy or Intolerance tests: Pinpoint problems with specific foods. * Stool tests: Check for infections, bacteria imbalances, or inflammation. * Imaging tests: X-rays, CT scans...for more detailed looks inside. Additional Tips for Managing a Sensitive Stomach Here are a few more ideas to keep your tummy happy on a regular basis: - Eat smaller meals more often: Keeps your digestion from getting overloaded. - Chew your food well: Helps break it down before it even hits your stomach. - Watch out for hidden triggers: Sugary drinks, caffeine, and alcohol can also be irritants. - Listen to your body: It knows best – if a food bothers you, avoid it, no matter what "healthy food lists" say! Fact: Did you know that your gut contains millions of neurons, making it like a "second brain?" No wonder it reacts so strongly to food and emotions! Foods to Enjoy vs. Limit Foods to EnjoyFoods to Limit or AvoidBananas, Rice, Applesauce, ToastFatty or greasy foodsPlain yogurt (if tolerated)Dairy (especially if you have lactose intolerance)Cooked vegetables (start with softer ones)Spicy foodsHerbal teasSugary drinks and sodasLean protein sources (chicken, fish)Processed snacks Note: This is a general guideline, what works for one person might not for another! Conclusion Having a sensitive stomach can be frustrating, but it doesn't have to control your life. By understanding the possible causes, making simple changes, and knowing when to seek help, you can get your gut health back on track. Remember, be patient with yourself and your body – progress, not perfection, is the goal! Do you have any other questions about sensitive stomachs that haven't been answered here? Leave a comment below! Key Takeaways - A sensitive stomach can be caused by a variety of factors, including diet, stress, and medical conditions. - Simple changes, like identifying trigger foods and managing stress, can often provide relief. - Natural remedies such ginger or chamomile tea can be soothing - Seek medical advice if your symptoms are severe or persistent. Hopefully, you now feel confident figuring out if your breath needs some attention! Most cases are easy to fix, but don't feel embarrassed to get professional help if needed. Fresh breath can improve your confidence and make everyday interactions a lot more pleasant! Disclaimer: The information provided on this website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Always consult with a qualified healthcare professional before making any decisions about your health. Read the full article
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chiriwritesstuff · 5 months
Sorry to hear you’re not feeling well. Fellow IBS sufferer here, so I know your pain. Take care of you first - we can wait for you.
Thank you so much!
IBS is the devil - I wouldn’t wish it on even my worst enemies (lol).
I am feeling loads better, so hopefully I can get back to regular programming soon!
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betbinbag · 6 months
So I'm an idiot.
I thought I had flu cos I have horrible cold symptoms AND a bad tummy. I have IBS so when I have a bad back end it can get BAD. I've been taking covonia for the cough and it's really helped, my cough is a lot better. I've been chugging that shit
... turns out I am very intolerant to a lot of the ingredients of covonia. I am now sure I have a cold, and I'm also having a bad gut reaction to the medication I'm taking for the cold.
I am my own worst enemy.
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soundscoutress · 1 year
A Little Backstory
In case anybody later asks me why I gave up a job where I made almost 100k a year, a condo with a mortgage, and essentially living a stable upper middle class life in the Midwest, they can read this post.
I had “made it” by all accounts but I was miserable. I won’t go into detail about how I ended up in this position, but I’ll at least say it was because I’ve never prioritized myself.
When I picked up some more anti-malarial drugs at the pharmacy yesterday the tech who checked me out said
I hope you find what you’re looking for.
Dear reader - this is not something I know the answer to either. I don’t think I’m looking for something specific like a place or “myself” (whatever that means). I’m doing this because I physically can at this point in time.
I have a chronic illness that’s severe for its kind. I wouldn’t wish IBS upon my worst enemy. I have far more triggers for it than the garden variety IBS, but for some reason I can eat normal food for the first time in years. Of course, there are limits and I have to be careful, but it’s better than never being able to eat out or drink at all.
It doesn’t help my vision still hasn’t stabilized at 23. I’m rocking -11 in both eyes. I’m at risk for myopic degeneration, and I even have a cataract forming in one eye.
I’m going around the world now, because I may never have the chance again.
And I’m scared out of my mind to do it too. But I refuse to find myself on my deathbed wishing I saw the world. So for me, I’m going to try.
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lunarticxenia · 3 years
Asteroid Leviathan #8813
Asteroid Leviathan #8813 deals with our inner demons and things that make life hard for us. One might apply more to you than another, also everything might not apply because this asteroid can present differently for many people. Hope you guys enjoy, and for anyone who’s sending questions I’m trying my best to answer them! My post on how to find asteroids in the natal chart is here. 
TW: Abuse, ED, S*xual assault. 
♠️ 1H/Aries: The inner demons of individuals with Leviathan in the 1H or in Aries regards their appearance, path in life, and general sense of self. Their inner demons could also regard their identity- perhaps they struggle with their sexuality or gender if they’re LGBT+. Individuals with this would likely pursue things like plastic surgery, heavy make-up, tattoos, piercings, and/or heavy working out to “fix” their appearance. They might also feel very lost with themselves as well, and don’t know who they truly are. They also might struggle with their path in life, they don’t know what they’re supposed to do and just feel lost all the time. 
♠️ 2H/Taurus: The inner demons of individuals with Leviathan in the 2H or in Taurus might regard possessions, their sense of worth, their body, and food. Individuals with this may have or had an eating disorder (myself included). These individuals might also have really low self esteem, and have a low sense of worth. They might find themselves in abusive relationships and/or friendships because their sense of worth is so low. They also might struggle with money; they might have grown up poor or grew up envying what other people had. They also might place their sense of worth based on how much money they have and/or what possessions they have.  They might feel that if they don’t have the nicest clothes that they’re just not worthy of anything. This could also manifest as a person who uses retail therapy and/or in more extreme cases someone who will do anything for money even it’s illegal or immoral. 
♠️ 3H/Gemini: The inner demons of individuals with Leviathan in the 3H or in Gemini might regard around intelligence, communication, siblings, primary and secondary education, and aunts & uncles. These individuals may have problems with communicating or learning- this could definitely manifest as an ADHD and/or a speech impediment placement. If not this extreme, the individual might just have problems with communicating in general and/or studying i.e. they can’t say how they feel, they can’t study, etc. They also might feel insecure about their intelligence and fear that they’re not smart enough.They could’ve gotten bullied in primary and/or secondary school. They could also have a strained relationship with a sibling and/or an aunt or uncle. In some cases, I’ve seen individuals with this have to take on almost a parental role with their siblings and this can cause a lot of strain on the individual. This could just mean an individual’s relationship with their sibling causes them strain. 
♠️ 4H/Cancer: The inner demons of individuals with Leviathan in the 4H or in Cancer might regard around the family, the mother, emotions, and their femininity. These individuals may have issues with their family- they might not get along with them well or they just flat out don’t like their family or certain members in it. Moreover, this could be a mommy issues placement. Individuals with this also might struggle with feeling insecure about showing their emotions and/or might struggle releasing them in a healthy way. They might be embarrassed when they cry, and no one will ever know how they feel. They tend to suffer alone. They might also struggle with their feminine side. Individuals might view their feminine side as “weak” and might associate it with showing emotions which they don’t like to do. 
♠️ 5H/Leo: The inner demons of individuals with Leviathan in the 5H or in Leo might regard love, creativity, expression, and children. These individuals may have issues with love. Not really relationships necessarily, but just how they give and receive love. These individuals might also struggle with seeing what love is and may struggle with recognizing it. They might see validation or attention as love. They also might be afraid of falling in love. They also might stay in abusive relationships because they love that person so much or they think that the abuse is a form of love. Basically just issues with love and how they see it. If not that their inner demons could center around creativity; perhaps they get absorbed in their creative works and nothing they do is ever good enough. They also might have a fear of having children and/or they might have issues with their children if they have them. For a person in the LGBT+ community I could also see this placement manifesting as being afraid to express their sexuality and gender (since this deals with love). If not that, they just struggle with expressing themselves in general. 
♠️ 6H/Virgo: The inner demons of individuals with Leviathan in the 6H or in Virgo might regard their health, employment, and sense of usefulness. These individuals might struggle with their health. While it might just be normal health problems, I’ve seen it more manifested as a person’s mental state making them have health problems, i.e. a person with anxiety gets IBS. Whatever the mental disorder or issue is, it can cause issues to the individuals physical health. This could also manifest as a mental disorder as well since it deals with inner demons. I could also see this as a person who constantly has to help people and overexert themselves because they feel like they’re never doing enough. I could also see this as a person feeling insecure at work, perhaps they feel like they’re a bad worker, and that they’re not good enough to be there.
♠️ 7H/Libra: The inner demons of individuals with Leviathan in the 7H or in Libra might regard relationships, partnerships/marriage, and enemies. These individuals may have issues with their relationships, and it doesn’t have to be just romantic relationships. They could struggle with how they maintain relationships with others; there could be a lot of arguments and/or they might struggle to upkeep the relationship. They also might have a hard time being vulnerable to others which can hinder a relationship development. These individuals can also struggle with romantic partnerships- they might find themselves dealing with toxic and/or abusive partners. Relationships in general for them can just bring them a lot of pain and trauma. The individual could also struggle with enemies as part of their inner demons as it can bring them strain. This can also be a person who’s their own worst enemy. 
♠️ 8H/Scorpio: The inner demons of individuals with Leviathan in the 8H or in Scorpio might regard sex, intimacy and vulnerability. These individuals may have issues regarding sex. In extreme cases this can manifest as sexual harassment, abuse, or assault. In less extreme cases they might have a hard time with sex because they have a hard time being that vulnerable to another person. Or this can manifest as someone who has sex a lot because they seek intimacy. These individuals regardless tend to struggle with intimacy and allowing themselves to be vulnerable to others. They tend to be more closed off around others and it takes a long time for them to open up. They enjoy their privacy and being “the lone wolf” however this can make them quite lonely because they feel that no one truly knows them. 
♠️ 9H/Sagittarius: The inner demons of individuals with Leviathan in the 9H or in Sagittarius might regard traveling, higher education, religion, and philosophy. These individuals may have issues in regards to traveling- perhaps they desire to travel but are confined by their circumstances. They also might have had something bad happened if they have traveled. They also might’ve had some trauma happen in college and/or is a big source of their mental anguish. I could also see this manifesting as religious trauma, especially in LGBT+ individuals. In more extreme cases this could indicate abuse by someone in the clergy. These individuals might struggle with being the victim of their own philosophy of life. Maybe their philosophy of life is just naturally pessimistic and this can cause them a great deal of pain. 
♠️ 10H/Capricorn: The inner demons of individuals with Leviathan in the 10H or in Capricorn might regard one’s career, reputation/public image, the father, and masculinity. These individuals tend to struggle with their career. They might feel that they’re not good enough for their career and might have a lot of anguish in deciding a career. Their career might also bring them a lot of anguish perhaps they work as a cop or a social worker and they come across a lot of really traumatizing scenarios. They also might struggle with their reputation/public image-perhaps people spread rumors about them a lot or people see them in a negative light, and this can cause them a lot of sadness. This can also be a daddy issues placement. This can also manifest as someone struggling with their masculinity or masculine side. If it’s a guy or a masculine presenting person he/they might not feel they’re being masculine enough. 
♠️ 11H/Aquarius: The inner demons of individuals with Leviathan in the 11H or in Aquarius might regard friendships, their sense of belonging, and their hopes & dreams. Individuals with this might struggle with friendships. Their friendships can bring them a lot of anguish- perhaps they tend to befriend toxic people or they just tend to have a hard time making friends at all. They also might have a lot of trauma regarding friends- perhaps something traumatic happened when they were with friends or their friends caused their trauma. In extreme circumstances this can manifest as a friend causing the person abuse. This person also might not feel like they belong anywhere. No matter what they do they feel like an outcast. They also might have big hopes and dreams and they feel like they can’t accomplish them. They might also have unrealistic hopes and dreams and this can crash and burn. 
♠️ 12H/Pisces: The inner demons of individuals with Leviathan in the 12H or in Pisces might regard spirituality, death, and one’s hidden self. Individuals with this may have a fear of death. They also might’ve been traumatized by the death of someone important to them, and they haven’t been the same. They also might have hidden parts of themselves that they resent and don’t like to show to people. These parts of themselves can cause them strain. They also might struggle with spirituality as well, they might not feel that they’re spiritual enough or they might feel lost spiritually. They might not have anything to really believe in, and they just feel lost. 
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heartofholland · 4 years
tom recs <3
hi guys! here is a fic rec list i made of all the fics i’ve loved. personally, i consider myself an avid fic reader so i have read a shit ton of fics. these are just my highlights. let me know if you want more like this! and if you do end up reading any of these please make sure you REBLOG them to spread the goodness. these writers work their ass off and deserve all the credit in the world. enjoy! <3
riding my by @worldoftom this fic is barely started but i love everything this writer puts out. very smutty, very hot. innocence kink check!
breaking curfew by @wazzupmrstark ASSHOLE TOM! my weakness. enemies to lovers but make it FWB. what I wish my summer camp was like instead of my thighs sticking to chairs and lice outbreaks.
eighteen by @angelic-holland corruption/innocence kink! basically all smut but damn do i want bad boy tom.
the situationship by @fairytelling can’t say enough about this fic. the definition of falling in love with your best friend. if my relationship isn’t like this i don’t want it.
happiness is a butterfly by @blissfulparker soft mob!tom and they’re forbidden soulmates! updates are WELL worth the wait!
i only feel you by @stuckonspidey the first time i read my watch thought i was working out for how high my heart rate was. shit keeps you on your toes. there is a sequel fic but just a heads up you will want to unstan tom on multiple occasions.
make me love you by @mrs-hollandstan frat boy player tom turned soft. mans does a whole 180. fuck dom.
perfidy by @peeterparkr couldn’t be more obsessed with this fic. they’re both so fucking stupid but too afraid to get hurt. also the social media posts are so fucking cute and crucial to the story 
eloped by @worldoftom getting married to tom in the most beautiful vacation spot? sign me the fuck up
you. by @txmhoelland i think there’s definely worse men to be set up with as a PR stunt.
erotas by @farfromparker i have definely read this fic for more days than i’ve been on this earth but every time i lose my goddamn mind
dare you to move by @starksparker-archive the best version of FWB tom is when you’re his roommate…
gone by @dahliaspidey this one… hurts. but i just know it will bounce back.
take me out by @angelic-holland warning this one is really dark. like serial killers. but it was so fascinating i am completely obsessed with the psychology of it all. jake is featured and please don’t imagine the mr. music the entire time like i did </3
single all the way by @heyhihellowhatsup0 i read this whenever i need a lil christmas pick me up
sweetener by @keepingupwiththeparkers cute awkward relationship. it is so real i feel like it could actually happen to me.
ex on the beach by @heyhihellowhatsup0 THE ANGST GIVES ME LIFE
bartender by @t-o-m-holland tom happens to own your favorite bar. your subtle flirts aren’t working. the banter between reader and the fam makes me wish i didn't have social anxiety.
siren by @rosyparkers don’t get me wrong i will scream ACAB til the day i die but police officer tom could definitely get it.
best of three by @mrs-hollandstan one of the 3000 threesome fics i have saved. imagine not getting one of the hottest men but TWO.
roommates by @hollandbaby what a coincidence we both want to fuck each other! this checks all the kinks my man. i’ve read this probably no less than 100 times.  
that was that by @moorehollandplz dom!tom but something flips and he’s never been more gentle. mans got both sides of the playing field covered.
know your enemy by @angelic-holland short but sweet. hate sex is always hotter behind the scenes.
wasabi by @angelic-holland literally everything about alice is phenomenal but this is on of my faves. when i read this it makes me feel smarter. also body shots.
say good night by @madmadmilk this writers work never fails to blow me away but this time she managed to encapsulate my entire life. (minus the execution with a very hot and experienced best friend).
buwygf-ib by @hholyholland just ignore tomdaya for a sec and take in the hottest dom!tom i’ve ever witnessed.
cocky by @sykoxartist yeah he’s an asshole but he’s your asshole. at least that’s what he thinks.
sovereign by @farfromparker sub!tom is so hot. man will beg for DAYS.
summer vacation by @kidney9-9  when is hate sex ever like…. not hot as fuck?
ride by @tomhollandsstan face riding. period.
coincidence by @starshinebucky actor!reader and tom fuck… at least they’ll have good chemistry next time.
skin by @hollandbaby dom!tom is not ok with being a sub. unless it’s for you.
you can bet on it by @kiwi-bitchez all of this writers smut makes my pussy throb. this is my fave. just wait for the twist.
a rose blooms by @cornacopicimagines prince!tom drives me wild. but wait til he finds out you’re not a virgin.
begging by @raewritesfiction tom makes you beg for it.
self reflection by @stuckonspidey this is actual proof tom has a praise kink.
minor inconvenience by @angel-spidey toms an idiot but at least he can get you off.
flesh by @starshinebucky cocky tom kills me.
keeping him nice and warm by @marvelouspeterparker mob!tom the gif itself to sends me.
after hours by @cornacopicimagines never had sexual tension with a teacher but this will do.
josslyn by @multiharlot messy situation but reader handles it like a champ. if your heart isn’t broken enough, the last line will make sure it’s unfixable for days on end.  
moral of the story by @kelieah listen to the song while you’re at it to make your cry sesh take a turn for the worst. 
cherry by @xoluvx this one hurts real bad. so does the song. 
a complicated love story by @samhollandssweaters an emotional rollercoaster for real.
he dies in the end by @allfandomxreader ignore the title and just cry your eyes out with me.
eighteen by @fancyxholland you’ll be confused why it’s in the angst category but trust me.
all the lies by @peteywillproceed getting cheated on but the girl is toms gf, how do you tell him. 
memories by @nycparkers i sob to this whenever i need a good cry. 
don’t be a fool by @nycparkers breakups that dont end messily make me so fucking jealous.
kiss currency by @madmadmilk borderline smut. confused and oblivious harrison. dialogue inspires me to talk to males.  
plank all over me by @waitimcomingtoo FILRTY TOM! THE BANTER! i really am a whore for well written dialogue. there’s additional parts but i won’t spoil.
 playing cupid by @marvelobsessedteenager you set everyone else up but wait a damn minute how did you forget about tom?
 little flirt by @webslinger-holland oh to flirt with tom while he’s sweaty from intensely dancing for the lip sync battle.
pour it out by @rhapsodyparker i don’t know what it is but famous!reader going on talk shows or having interviews and they ask the reader cheeky questions about tom might be one of my many kinks…
hubby by @t-holland2080 it’s the small things that make me want to bawl my eyes out for being so lonely.
going live by @redrebecca the dialogue makes me cry of happiness! tom doing a live (what a concept).
paddy’s crush by @tom-holland-is-spiderman jealous tom but of his younger brother.
 wannabe by @sailingintothenight the cliffhanger at the end demands a second part.
flawless by @missnxthingg  tom is a simp.
you and me by @sunshinehollandd best friend tom makes me soft.
dick appointments. web shooters. the duality of a man. by @porterporker  it gets a lil steamy but man is “web shooter” a funny name for a dick.
best day by @thollandss dad!tom gives me baby fever even though i am a virg.
 tom asks your dad by @blissfulparker can i just skip through the bad boyfriends and just marry the love of my life already.
baked chicken by @waitimcomingtoo there isn’t a category for awkward but if there was this would be in it.
lover boy by @starshinebucky  tom being so oblivious you like him that you need to call for backup.
afterglow by @wickedholland i wish someone would treat me like this when im drunk instead of leaving me to hold my own hair back.
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The World Is Ugly: Donny x Reader
*TW: Angst/Violence A/N: I AM SO SO SORRY!!!! I had this done months ago and somehow forgot to actually post it??? This was literally requested like in winter????
*based on The World is Ugly by MCR
Requested by @softhornymess
@owba-chan @war-obsessed  @inglourious-imagines @tammykelly @struggling-bee @frozenhuntress67 @kwyloz @sodapop182 @pastexistence @what-the--curtains @taikawho @spookybearlandtaco Let me know if you wanna be added to the IB or OUATIH taglists! :)
1945 "This doesn't scare ya?" Donny joined you at the edge of a steep ravine. In the horizon, beyond the towering trees, between the leaves and the stars, bursts of light and booms echoed from the distant battlefield. "No." You didn't take your eyes off the abyss. "I haven't felt scared anymore, just...a little lonely sometimes." You looked at the endlessness before your eyes. Donny nodded, "Yeah..." He knew just how you felt. You'd had a thousand small talks like that one, and each time you learned something new about each other. "Lonely," his voice was quieter than you were used to, but then again, why would he want to wake the rest of the basterds up now? Now, as his hand rested over yours. Your eyes turned to his, and the two of you smiled for a moment, before turning back to the distant bellowing engines and flashing lights. By dawn, Donny would be gone. Aldo was sending him on a mission of his own, further away from the battle field, meaning further into enemy territory. He was going alone, but that didn't worry you until days turned to weeks. So, Aldo sent the next best thing after him: you. You were interrogating a nazi. Frankly, if he didn't give you the information you wanted, you would still get an extra scalp for the debt you owed to Aldo. The nazi laughed as you threatened him with your gun. "Was ist so lustig?" 'What's so funny?' You demanded through gritted teeth, your gun pressed against his head.
"Du bist nichts ohne Donowitz hinter dir." 'You are nothing without Donowitz behind you.'
You turned to see that Donny was in fact not the one behind you. Instead, you had been surrounded by a patrol. It was a whole army to you, it took everything in you to survive it. And then you saw it. They had Donny's bat. They had taken Donny from you, you were sure of it. In that moment, nothing else mattered. They were everything that was wrong with the world, and you intended to make things right, even if it meant you never got to see another day. When you enlisted just a few short years before, you were naive. You were just some kid, looking for an adventure. You were like so many others. You thought you could change the world. But now, after all you'd come to see, you realized one thing. The world is ugly. But, for brief moments in time, during small talks between the bleakest hours and the softest sunrises, you saw a world beyond your own. You saw the endlessness of the farthest galaxies, the depths of the ocean all in Donny's eyes. He was all that was beautiful to you. You were ready to take on the entire nazi army if you had to to get even. And in that moment, it felt as though that were exactly what you were doing. *** You opened your eyes. You had made it. You took on what seemed to be an army, and you won. You lost your knife in the process, you had no more bullets. You were hurting, hungry, out of water, out of fire. Donny was there. He hovered over you, and you caught your breath. You sat up in confusion, but pain pulsed through every inch of you. "Hey, hey, stay down." Donny gently settled you back down, and waited, watching to make sure you didn't try to get up again. He shook his head, "Fuck's sake y/n," he folded up a strip of cloth he'd torn, and dipped it in his canteen. He wiped away dirt and blood from your face, following a dried trail of blood from your ear, "What has the world done to you..." He was exasperated. You scanned him, searching for answers, but even your eyes hurt. You were both quiet for a few moments, then he asked "What are you doin' out here?" "I came to find you." You confirmed his worst fear, and a pang of guilt washed over him. "I'm fine." You looked at him, and saw there wasn't even a scratch on him. "I was on my way back to you." "They had your bat. I thought that..." you trailed off, not even wanting to utter such words. "Thought that what?" "Nothing. It doesn't matter." He stopped tending to your wounds for a moment. Everything about you mattered to him. Every word, every dream, every breath. "It matters to me." His eyes were wide, searching for an answer. His hands wrapped around your forearm, clinging desperately to all he had. "I thought they got you..." You were both quiet for a moment, and then he responded. "I went back to get my bat... then I saw you here. You were holding on to it, but I thought I was..." Even the bravest of the basterds could not get through the words. "Too late." He shook his head, "Why did you do it?" He demanded. He was angry but not at you. No, he could never be angry at you. He was angry to live in a world that would not hesitate to tear you apart. Losing each other was not an option. Even if you had the right words, it would still burn to say them. One day, decades after the war had ended, you mentioned this instance for the first and last time since. You found that even then,  you and Donny still had trouble with the idea of losing each other. Why? Well...in these times, you were all that the other had. You were the only sign of hope in a cruel world to each other. Saying goodbyes was not an  option. Lucky for you, you didn't have to. No, not this time. But in war who really knew when? All you really had was the dawn as the moon fell away in the horizon, yielding to the pastel streaks of orange in the sky. You finally answered him. Yes, Aldo sent you but you were the first to volunteer to go. If anyone could find Donny, it was you. All the basterds knew that. "I just wanted a happy ending. That's all." "Happy ending... with me?" He shook his head, knowing war was no place for those words. "That's  a stupid thing to die for." His voice was low, and he turned away. Even he didn't believe himself. "What?" You wanted him to say it again, and to look you in the eyes. If he could do that, you'd believe him. He turned to you, "They did this to you because of me. No one gets a happy ending like that." You turned your head away, and your eyes raised to the farthest point. You didn't want him to see you tear up at the harsh words. But he saw anyway. And...it broke his heart. "I'm sorry..." He really didn't mean it. He knew he would have done the same for you, and in his mind, that was anything but stupid. "I just can't lose ya doll... Not in this world."
"You could never lose me," you smiled taking his hand. He smiled softly, wrapping his arms around you. The war could take basterds like Michael and Simon and wipe out entire towns, but it could never take away his love. Some day you'd be home again. The memories and nightmares of the ugliest things the world had to offer would never leave Donny, but neither would you. "I'm sorry." "Why would you be," you shook your head, and he said "Because I love you." You looked up at him. He meant every word. "Losing you is losing everything, realizing how ugly the world really is. If I had to go home without you, you'd still follow me everywhere. I'd see your ghost in the snow, in the sun, all the time, everywhere. I can't be without you. I'd let myself be haunted, just so the idea of you would stay with me. And I'm so afraid of that." "They won't keep us apart. They won't win." Donny kissed you. He was tired of being scared of losing you, and tired of being scared of having you. There was only so much a man could take after all. He dried your tears and you marched on together, your heart beating just as strong as his. It was time to go. It was time to return to the basterds, to the war, to the mission. But in that moment you both understood wherever you went, you would go together.
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pact-valkyrie · 2 years
So I've been curious about Aedira and Britta - they're together, right, so how did Aedira feel when/if she had to face Britta in Icebrood? Has Britta even participated in the events of Icebrood (your canon or Anet's canon)?
It's been in my head for AGES now and I'm just now sending an ask about it. Better late than never right?????
aaaaAAAA gettin this notification made me so happy i LOVE to talk about my favorite fucked up ladies!
to answer your questions in a very short version: 1. yes they are together, but it is a total enemies to lovers situation and they're only actually together after the icebrood saga when britta gets a little redemption arc and 2. britta is a main villain and very much involved in my canon icebrood saga, they have to fight literally so many times, she’s the worst :)
handy guide to their relationship for your viewing pleasure
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slightly more in-depth stuff under the cut bc there is a whole lot of lore and story i have shared only crumbs of. fair warning it’s a little rambley and probably not a great explanation of things lmao
me and @hawkepockets have cooked up a most delicious version of the icebrood saga that recenters norn and also makes it significantly sexier
gonna start off with some basic Britta backstory -Britta was in training to become the next Leopard havroun when she started studying corruption -bad news! her mom is a negotiator and spymaster for the norn, Britta has chronic mom-pleasing disorder, and she thinks she can infiltrate Jormag’s forces -Britta’s hand gets corrupted in a combination experiment/deal with the devil -she refuses to give up on her plan and return to Hoelbrak, so gets exiled, disappears into a forest hut for many years gets stabbed in the heart by her mother and gets more corrupted etc etc (back to icebrood saga time) -Britta presents herself as a sympathetic victim at Jora’s Keep, claiming she keeps her corruption at bay with necromancy (it’s unclear whether this is true, whether she actually believes this, or she’s just lying out of her ass) -generally working as a double agent, feeding Dragon’s Watch misinformation under the guise of an inside source on Jormag’s plans -when the Fraenir is killed, Jormag has Britta take over immediately -big reveal! the clearly evil hot witch has been evil all along! shocker
Britta and Aedira have several showdowns throughout IBS, featuring an extremely fun fire/ice motif rivalry, lots of sexual tension, and a whole lot of fucked up Jormag brand manipulation. Britta makes an appearance in each of the major story steps, including running the Frost Legion conversions during Jormag Rising. Ellie and I fully reworked the finale into a massive showdown on top of Hoelbrak, and at the end, Aedira chooses to spare Britta while (in a moment of lucidity and a deeply upsetting parallel to Trahearne) she begs for Aedira to kill her so Jormag can’t corrupt her any further to patch up the damage. When Jormag is defeated, Aurene brands over the ice corruption keeping Britta alive, and honestly! I’m not 100% sure where they all go from there. Britta’s getting a redemption arc and she and Aedira are gonna date for sure tho
ty for reading here are some britta sketches for your trouble
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