#Jazzy Jens
cherubdulce-rbs · 8 months
main blog: @cherubdulce
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writers-potion · 12 days
Hello, so so very sorry if you don't do things like this, but I admire your blog and I was wondering if I may ask for some of your favorite masculine names starting with J ? I'm struggling to name one of my supporting novel characters, hahah. The OC himself is very whimsical, almost dazed and fairy-like, so it's been a struggle - as things like "Jason/John/Jax" don't really fit yknow? Anyways, feel free to ignore, have a wonderful day!
Male Character Names Starting With "J"
I'm going to suggest ones that I feel fits the vibe your described: whimsical, dazed, fairy-like. This makes me picture someone who "lives with the flow" with a lighthearted attitude, maybe an optimist.
You may also want to consider the age/ethnicity of your character before choosing.
Another thing I can suggest is that you pair the name with a surname with the vibe you want. Giving them a nickname is also possible.
Jacobo Hendrix feels more serious than Jacobo Fullalove/Butterfield/ Honeywell
Jayce Freshwater
Jaden Hurlingham
Juan Finchley/Elsher
Jeremiah can be Jer, Remy, Jerry, Jeremy
Jenson can be Jen, Sonny
Joby can be Job, Oby, B
Jasper can be Jas, Jazzy, Perry...
Have fun! Experiment with many names/combinations to see what fits the character, the time/space background, the worldbuilding, etc.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* . ───
💎If you like my blog, buy me a coffee☕ and find me on instagram!
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minijenn · 5 months
Jen Tortures Herself With Every Dreamworks Animated Movie Ever: Mr. Peabody and Sherman
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So let me start off by saying I have no prior knowledge of this... property? I honestly don't even know what Mr. Peabody and Sherman originally was, a show? A comic? I don't care enough to research it, because this movie was lame.
Yeah so I don't know if its because of my inpaitence for the movie I get to watch after this or because I was already in a bad mood from watching Turbo but Mr. Peabody and Sherman... just didn't do it for me, ya'll. And I think the fact that this is perhaps so very blatantly made for very small kids is a large part of the reason why.
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We focus on Mr. Peabody, a genuis dog and his adopted son, Sherman, as they travel through time using the WABAC time machine and get up to shenanigans. Throw in Sherman's classmate, bully turned love interest Penny, and we get hijinks all around various times and locales such as ancient Egypt, renissance Italy, and more.
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It's a pretty simple setup, and I'm not faulting it for that. What I am faulting this movie for is that it's just... god, it drags on. It doesn't help that the characters are... kind of fucking insufferable along the way. Mr. Peabody is... ok, kind of an annoying genuis know-it-all type but he sort of grew on me as the film went on. Sherman is an annoying kid, so I'm already not a fan of that. And Penny might just be the worst of the bunch, god I hated this annoying little bitch. Rare is it that I watch a movie and hope for a child character in it to rest in fucking pieces, but I was rooting for that to happen to Penny cause she is the worst.
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The time travel hijinks are... fun, I guess? I mean, they travel to very well known points in history and make some cute references to real world events, but even then, they're just that. Cute. Because this is a movie for babies. It skews very young with its humor, its writing, its message, and yes, even its art style and animation. Because of that, I, a tired, bitter woman in her mid/late 20s, had almost nothing to connect with here. Try as the movie might to have its emotional moments and themes about family and love, I just... felt nothing.
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As for the animation, at least this is a very nice movie to look at. The character designs are pretty fun and unique for Dreamworks, and it's boosted by a vibrant color palette that grabs the eye all the way through. The score also had some pretty fun jazzy moments in it, but even so, it was nothing really that special.
Really, that's what I can say about this movie as a whole. It's... nothing special. It didn't grab me, didn't captivate me in any meaningful way. I mean, it didn't offend me and it wasn't "bad" per say, it it was far from being anything resembling good. It's just... really, really damn mid.
Overall Rating: 4/10
Verdict: Eat a TastyKake with Marie Antionette
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Previous Review (Turbo)
Next Review (How To Train Your Dragon 2)
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frankenbridez · 28 days
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THANK U SO MUCH!! im sharing my sweet treats with you!
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pronoun-checks · 3 months
can I get some fem names that start with the letter C, J, or M? thanks!!
Sure thing!
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sunnydaleherald · 4 months
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Thursday, January 25 - Friday, January 26
Kathy: Ewww! Who left their gum here? Buffy: Gum gnome?
~~Living Conditions~~
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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fetabathwater · 5 months
Performance and Bandmates for Miss Lamb!!!
questions here!
Performance: What are they thinking and feeling while they’re performing? How do they act on stage?
LMAO a year ago I was so positive about this but now that I have simmered and sauted and caramelised this...
So, for Jen, she does love the overhead lights and people singing along, but in particular she loves the small bars, handful of people, people nodding along. Like yeah, when they start leaning on the heavier vocal stuff, watching people jump around is amazing, but Jen got a taste of being the kind of singer who is almost a crooner, not that her jazz skills were on par with anyone, and it was kind of like something clicked in her.
To combat that deep well of longing in her, however, the choreography is definitely present. Mostly, honestly, it is to work out how the song goes, keep them separated, etc. As she moves across the stage, moving from point to point, it allows her to direct attention to a guitar/piano/drum solo, move over here a little, here is the key vocal sequence, here is this - it is more of a technical control thing for her but it pays off as it's literally just her being particular about it.
Bandmates: How do they feel about the members of the band? Would they still be interested in stardom if they weren’t with that group?
Well... on some level, Jen hasn't really kind of sat down and had an honest conversation about where she's feeling as far as the band is at. For her, she kind of just almost separates it as a different entity/person, because she's still so broken over how things happened and played out. Of course she's had the fun little spirals, a la could she have done more, should she just leave, why did this happen, why didn't I see it coming? Still does, some nights. But to be able to like blame it on Someone Called Band, it's almost like holding her back from combusting. She loves Rowan, Jazzy, Iris, and Devyn, of course she does, and that probably hurts just as much if not more about still being there with them after it all, and she can't leave now, right? (because really, what else is she going to do with herself otherwise?)
If Rowan hadn't approached her post-fight, she actually might've quit and chased after Seven. If Rowan literally had taken about ten more minutes to walk outside, it could've been totally different, and she probably wouldn't be nearly as "invested" in fame as she is now - because she carries being palatable like an open wound, all because they said people wanted her more (because almost once the others joined, it went from being some fun with Seven after school to doing this for attention). Who knows what the hell she would've done with her time from there though, or if she honestly would've been happier. But it was a very real possibility.
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afrobeatsindacity · 2 years
Asake Caps A Great Year with An Stellar Debut Album: Mr. Money With The Vibe Review
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Asake's rise in 2022 has been nothing short of meteoric, and that is one of the few adjectives that can properly conceptualise his zero to hero run. "Accelerated" would be close second, but it is limited by its association with tyres and roads, and it does not have "meteoric's" effect in conveying vertical ascent in addition to horizontal displacement, or its connotation of a star, which Asake has now become. For an artist to begin a year in relative obscurity, and, 9 months in, be in pole position for artist of the year is simply unheard of. Head of Mavin music, Don Jazzy pointed out the conundrum on the hands of the Headies, Nigeria's premier music award, for next year: the next rated award, a crown given to the best emerging act of the year, and artist of the year, usually bestowed on the year's biggest and most influential artist may be won by the same individual for the very first time. Wizkid, Nigerian music royalty, took home the best artist award in 2012, only a year after his Next Rated nod, but Asake has done one better, finding room in his breakout year to assert himself as one of biggest Nigerian acts locally.
He released a four-track EP, Ololade Asake only two months into the year, seeking to test the market that "Omo Ope", his hit with Olamide had created a month prior. On the project, he offered a variety of sounds and themes. "Sungba" turned out the most loved track on the EP and quickly assumed the number 1 position on the Apple music charts, to be displaced only by the Burna Boy assisted remix a month later. Even more than chart position and numbers, the song reinforced Asake's sound, confirming what "Omo Ope" had already posited - that the Nigerian audience was in love with his unique mix of Amapiano, Fuji and contemporary Afropop. He would later stick to this blueprint for "Palazzo", "Peace Be Unto You" and most recently, 'Terminator'.
But the self-titled EP held more previews of Asakes future than 'Sungba' and its log drums. Olamide had already locked in a verse in 'Omo Ope', so to feature on another song would be overkill. Instead, he took the end of the opener, 'Trabaye', to pray for Asake and wish him well. While the childish and synth voices were still chorusing the 'Mo fe Trabaye' outro,  Olamide addressed his young padawan in a solemn tone, urging him on this journey to world relevance. Prayer is a staple in Nigerian folklore, it is a concept that cuts across, and goes beyond religion. Asake was born Muslim, but he draws inspiration from all three Nigerian religions in music. On Mr Money With The Vibe, he opens with 'Dull', beginning once more with the spiritual, which reveals a desire to commit every project into the hands of God in the opener.
"Dull" starts and ends with choir-like renditions, a trademark that will immediately be identified by any keen or even casual follower of his music. The track is less than two minutes long, and before Asake spends most of it chanting, repeatedly, "I swear I no o dull" he begins with "Oke agba ni mo gun yi o, e ma jen jabo/ Eyin agba mo be yin o, mi o shako" earnestly calling on ancestors, the deities of African traditional religion to guide his path and ensure he doesn't regress from his new found stardom. These moments of vulnerability, when Asake fears for his longevity, add a new and welcome dimension to his public personality, making a change from most of this year when he appeared as the classic gangster, with videos depicting him as the leather clad, motorbike riding and even gun sporting tough man.
And these themes of prayer and emotion run through the entire album. His songs released previously were a bold affront on the charts, and they capitalised on fast spinning beats to create music that was always dance-ready. The spaciousness an album brings allows Asake room to diversify from this somewhat, without losing his inherent style. Songs like 'Nzaza' and 'Ototo' utilize the heavy log drums and choir sounds that Asake is known for, but these are repurposed and slowed down, so that the songs can hold more spiritual, emotional value. The latter constantly digs into the spiritual, repeatedly mentioning "Oluwa" (God) as he begs for more money and blessings. More important than anything, though, he does not want to lose his quickly gotten relevance. The Nigerian music scene is highly competitive, and so many that attempt to crack national fame are not able to, and not for a want of talent. Perhaps even worse, it isn't uncommon for a new act to burst into the scene with a few hit tracks and sadly fade into the abyss forever, to be remembered only on occasions when people ask "where is X now?". This is Asake's biggest fear, and so he spends these tracks (and the opener) taking it to God in prayer.
The biggest fear of his fans, coming to this album, was not that. After releasing a series of hit tracks set in the same sonic range, many wondered how he would cram an album with enough diversity without losing a sense of who he is. It is on this point that Mr. Money With The Vibe is most successful, and elevates this body of work from very good to having a shout for album of the year. While many still believe that honour goes to Omah Lay and the sorrowful yet sexy Boy Alone, it is impossible to not credit the innovative ability of Asake and Magicsticks, who helmed production for the entire album. It is on a song like 'Dupe' that this quality shines brightest, for it borrows from Asake's formula, and is able to sound unique at the same time. Backed by a sax, Magicsticks gives the song a carnival, dancehall feel, as Asake urges you to let go of worries and be happy for where you've come so far.
On some other tracks, though, Asake sticks to the formula that has kept him visible for the best part of a year- crafting amapiano-inflected, danceable songs. 'Joha' and 'Organise' could easily have been part of his singles run this year, and expectedly they take the early lead in the chart rankings. Once more, Asake has given less attention to lyrics, leaning on Magicsticks' exquisite production to weave catchy melodies. He trades message for grooviness, so that though you may exit the songs without knowing what exactly it was about, you are sure to have had a good time listening to them. Magicsticks also flexes this ability on 'Sumonmi', which has stripped off Fuji elements from the rest of the album and doubled down on Amapiano origins. Asake gives the producer front seat in this track, his only contribution coming in the form of a simple sentence 'baby sunmo mi", repeated for its entirety, and it is left to Magicsticks to bring Amapiano to life with all the authenticity of its South African originators.
Asake's debut album is not the most cohesive unit, neither does it explore deep thematic material, but no one tuned to this album expecting much of either. The aspects you would expect, party starting music, memorable melodies and incredible (incredible!) production feature, and they are enough to push this album past mediocrity and into excellence. Asake was under massive pressure after that incredible run, but he has lived up to the billing on his first album, proving that the drive with which he began this year is very much alive.
Stream or Download: Asake - Mr Money With The Vibes
This article was written by Afrobeats City Contributor Ezema Patrick - @ezemapatrick (Twitter)
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chrancecriber · 2 years
Radio NET Bulgaria (October 05, 2022)
23:59 JESSY J - Soul Kisses (Gregg Karukas feat. Jessy J) 23:55 EVERETTE HARP - Old School 23:51 BRIAN SIMPSON - One and Only 23:47 NILS - Dance With Me 23:43 MEKIEL REUBEN - That Girl Told Me 23:39 BOBBY WELLS - She's Playful 23:35 KIM SCOTT - Emerge (Feat. Jonathan Fritzen) 23:31 DARRIUS JAMAR - Bounce Back 23:27 JULIAN VAUGHN - Time Is Now 23:23 ALTHEA RENE - Let Me Love You 23:18 DERRICK HARVIN - When You Say 23:13 ALEX FALDIN - Cold Wind 23:09 JAREZ - Lil Jazzy 23:04 BOBBY LYLE - Living In The Flow 22:58 PROJECT BLUE SUN - Ibiza Zouk (Sunny Mix) 22:52 SMOOTH DELUXE - Wonderful Micronesia 22:47 SYNTHETICSAX - Beach (Dj Rostej Remix Chillout Dreams) 22:41 RUSLAN-SET, V.RAY - The Voice of Star (Union Sense Remix) 22:37 PIANOCHOCOLATE - Les Souvenirs (Original Mix) 22:33 MENZI - Zug nach nirgendwo 22:25 EUPHONIC TRAVELLER - Crescent bay (original mix) 22:21 SOUND BEHAVIOUR - Arena 22:17 THE UNDERDOG PROJECT - Summer Jam (Unplugged) 22:12 SHAUN ESCOFFERY - Into the Blue (Mark de Clive 22:05 KITARO - A passage of life 21:59 DINKA - Magnolia (Original Mix) 21:55 THOMAS LEMMER - Through My Father's Eyes 21:51 SYLVERING - Just an Illusion 21:46 VIVIAN LACOSTE - Clair Del Mar 21:41 REUNITED - Sing It Back (Shazz Man Chill Mix) 21:39 INNA - Hot (Chill Out Remix) 21:32 COASTLINE - Adriatic Sea (Lounge Cafe Chillout Del Mar Mix) 21:27 KENNY FONTANA - U R The Sun (Toni Rivera Mix) 21:22 MICHAEL E - Promise 21:17 ANDAIN - You Once Told Me 21:11 JOSEPHINE SINCLAR - Paradise Deluxe 21:06 ALBERT ST. BARTH - Sabor Do Lounge 21:03 METAHARMONIKS - Doors 20:59 LEO ROJAS - The last ot the Mohicans 20:54 MANDALAY - Beautiful (7'' Canny mix) 20:49 MARTINIQUE LE SOUFFLEUR - El Guapo 20:45 JENS BUCHERT - Polaris (JB feat. Shine) 20:40 351 LAKE SHORE DRIVE - Summernights 20:34 JES - Heaven (Orange Project del Sol Interpretation) 20:29 BLANK & JONES - Coming Home (Afterlife Mix) 20:24 ATB - Still Here 20:18 LA CAINA - I Gotta Know Now 20:14 LAZY HAMMOCK - Star 20:09 GUENTER HAAS - Secret Diary 20:06 JAMES BUTLER - Coastline 20:00 CLAUDE CHAGALL - Sunset Buddha 19:54 ADELE - Skyfall (Skerdi M & Angelo DownTempo) 19:48 YOGEE, TWEET, MISSY ELLIOT - Thugman (Lounge remix 2011) 19:45 VINTAGE - Eva (Roman B & Vova Baggage Slow Mix) 19:40 ZETANDEL - Glowing Spots (Original Mix) 19:36 WILLIAM FITZSIMMONS - Psychasthenia 19:30 VECHIGEN - No Fear (Summer Vibes Chill Mix) 19:24 VLAD ZHUKOV - Nothing (W&D Chill Out Vocal Mix) 19:17 AMBITUS - Answers 19:13 OCEAN DRIVE, DJ ORISKA - Without You (Acoustic Version) 19:10 KATO, JON - Turn The Lights Off (Bullytrax Campfire Mix) 19:06 KIRSTY HAWKSHAW, TENISHIA - Reason To Forgive (Piano Mix) 19:02 MATT DAREY, STAN KOLEV, AELYN - Follow You (Acoustic Version) 18:57 NUAGE, N4M3 - Sunday Morning (Original Mix) 18:53 NITIN SAWHNEY - Breathing Light 18:49 LOWLAND - Children (Orchestral Version) 18:42 LERRY MULLER, ANETTA GRANT - Dreaming (Original) 18:38 LIVING ROOM - Teneriffe 07 18:35 MODJO - Lady (Acoustic Version) 18:30 MIGUEL LARA - Oblivion 18:26 MR. SPECIAL - Aren't You Clever (CJ Alex Chillout Remix) 18:23 MARIUS NEDELCU, RED HEAD - Rain (Acoustic Version) 18:19 MANDEL TURNER - Come Into My Life 18:13 LOUNGAHOLIC - Careless Whisper 18:10 MOBY - Porcelain 18:05 LUIGI LUSINI - I'll Be Home (Original Mix) 18:01 MAX MILLION - Do You Believe (Original Mix) 17:57 MARCELA MANGABEIRA - Don't Stop The Music (Lounge Version) 17:54 JOEL HIRSCH, ROXANNE EMERY - Neon Dreams (Cinematic Version) 17:50 MAKIS ABLIANITIS - Love Secret 17:46 LIULA - Sweet Dreams 17:43 MARIO BASANOV VIDIS, JAZZU - Give It A Try 17:39 MIA LEMAR - Colourful Life (Photo In Lounge Remix) 17:34 MARC PUIG, MARIA COLLADO - To Forget Me 17:28 SIMON LE GREC - Decisions (Delor Mix) 17:23 MEHMET CEMAL YESILCAY - You And I 17:19 MAZELONOSTRA - Twilight Room (Spanish Edit) 17:14 MARGA SOL - Prayer For Love (Soul Avenue's Balearic Blues Mix) 17:10 NIK LLOYD - Number 1 (Acoustic Cover) 17:06 SIMON G - Crazy (original Mix) 17:03 NURKO, AUTREY - So Far Gone 17:00 LOST FREQUENCIES, FLYNN - Recognise (Acoustic Version) 16:55 DEE LUCAS - Dollar Bill 16:51 AL DEGREGORIS - No Holding Back (Feat. Nils) 16:47 AL GOMEZ - For Sure 16:41 OLI SILK - Steppin' Out 16:37 TIM BOWMAN - Love Forever More 16:33 MARCIN NOWAKOWSKI - March On (Feat. Jeff Lorber) 16:29 SEAN U - Electrify 16:24 STEVE COLE - Looking Up 16:21 SHAWN RAIFORD - Magic Man 16:17 BOBBY WELLS - End of Summer 16:13 GREGG KARUKAS - Daylight 16:09 DARRIUS JAMAR - Heaven 16:04 NELSON RANGELL - Clutch 15:59 DERRICK HARVIN - Gone 15:54 BOBBY LYLE - What Kind Of World 15:49 BRIAN SIMPSON - From the Hip (feat. Chuck Loeb) 15:45 JEANETTE HARRIS - Groovin' 15:41 JAREZ - Its Over 15:37 BLAKE AARON - Don't You Worry 'Bout a Thing (feat. Kim Scott) 15:33 ALTHEA RENE - Inner Circle 15:29 ALEX FALDIN - Hand Claps 15:25 AL DEGREGORIS - All Over The Place (Feat. Eric Marienthal) 15:20 AL GOMEZ - Sip Thy Wine 15:16 JACKIEM JOYNER - Southside Boulevard 15:12 JULIAN VAUGHN - Ecstasy 15:08 MARCIN NOWAKOWSKI - Tonight Is the Night 15:03 TIM BOWMAN - Columbus,Ga 14:58 SKINNY HIGHTOWER - Emotions 14:54 MARION MEADOWS - Andalusian Sunset 14:49 BOBBY LYLE - Spirit Song 14:45 LOUIE FITZGERALD - Jukin' and Jivin' 14:40 DERRICK HARVIN - Another Day in Paradise 14:36 BRIAN SIMPSON - Bonita 14:32 JAREZ - Slow Motion 14:28 BOBBY WELLS - Oooh Baby 14:24 NICK COLIONNE - It's Gonna Be Alright 14:20 DARRIUS JAMAR - My Everything 14:17 DEON YATES - First Day of Summer 14:12 ADAM HAWLEY - Shuffle (Feat. Darren Rahn) 14:08 BONEY JAMES - Sunset Boulevard 14:04 ALTHEA RENE - Barbara Mae 13:59 AL DEGREGORIS - Follow Your Dreams 13:54 FREDDIE FOX - Sensual 13:50 JC SOL - Our Groove 13:46 KENNY NIGHTINGALE - My Saxophone 13:42 JULIAN VAUGHN - Ride Along 13:38 MARCIN NOWAKOWSKI - Waiting For You 13:35 ALEX FALDIN - Throwback Vacations 13:32 JUSTIN KLUNK - Dive 13:27 BOBBY LYLE - Living In The Flow 13:23 RANDY MULLER BOOM CHANG BANG - Sunnyside Up 13:20 LOUIE FITZGERALD - Through the Rain 13:15 AL GOMEZ - Catchin' a Vibe 13:11 BRIAN SIMPSON - So Many Ways 13:07 NORTH 2UNES WOODALL - Loving 2 13:02 DERRICK HARVIN - From Here 12:58 JAREZ - Mr. Sexy Saxy 12:53 JACKIEM JOYNER - Beautiful Seduction 12:48 MARION MEADOWS - Magic Men 12:45 SKINNY HIGHTOWER - Force 12:42 BOBBY WELLS - My Sweet Butterfly 12:37 STEVE COLE - Neo Sol 12:31 EUGE GROOVE - Chillaxin 12:26 GREGG KARUKAS - Believe in Me 12:21 CHRIS STANDRING - Fat Tuesday 12:17 BRAD ALEXANDER - Yearning for Your Love 12:14 AL DEGREGORIS - Sunnyside 12:09 MARCIN NOWAKOWSKI - After Hours 12:06 LOUIE FITZGERALD - Keepin' the Groove On 12:02 FREDDIE FOX - So Much Love 11:57 BRIAN SIMPSON - A Soft Touch 11:52 NORTH 2UNES WOODALL - In the Mood 11:48 MARCUS ANDERSON - Mel-Ow Mood 11:44 JULIAN VAUGHN - Sunday 11:39 DERRICK HARVIN - This Time Around 11:35 JAREZ - Around The World 11:30 THE SMOOTH JAZZ ALLEY - EBF 11:25 MARION MEADOWS - Celebration Road 11:21 SKINNY HIGHTOWER - Jubilee 11:17 CHRIS STANDRING - Living the Poetry 11:11 BOBBY WELLS - Bella's Pier 11:06 JOE MCBRIDE, THE TEXAS RHYTHM CLUB - Morning In A Distant Land 11:01 MARCIN NOWAKOWSKI - Nobody But You (Feat. Billy Mondragon Of DW3) 10:58 LOUIE FITZGERALD - Thinkin' Back on When 10:53 JEFF KASHIWA - Back To Love 10:49 BRIAN SIMPSON - When I Found You 10:42 MARCUS ANDERSON - Give Love (Feat. Anthony Saunders) 10:38 NORTH 2UNES WOODALL - On the Move 10:34 TIM BOWMAN - Flyin Away 10:29 DAVE BRADSHAW JR. - Set Me Free 10:25 PIECES OF A DREAM - Steppers ''D'' Lite 10:21 J. WHITE - Mr. Nugroove 10:17 NAJEE - Happiness (A Felicidade) 10:13 LOWELL HOPPER - See the Light 10:08 DERRICK HARVIN - Colombiana 10:04 DARREN RAHN - Duplicity 10:00 JAREZ - Together Forever 09:57 JOYCE COOLING - Coasting 09:53 NORMAN BROWN - Keep The Faith 09:49 MARCIN NOWAKOWSKI - Feelin' Good 09:45 MARION MEADOWS - Last Ticket To Somewhere 09:41 CAROL ALBERT - Love Again 09:37 LOUIE FITZGERALD - When I Look into Your Eyes 09:33 MARCUS ANDERSON - Backseat Drivers (Feat. Adam Hawley) 09:28 JULIAN VAUGHN - Waymans Way 09:23 BRIAN SIMPSON - Mystical 09:20 NORTH 2UNES WOODALL - Happy Cause I'm Going Home 09:15 PIECES OF A DREAM - Give U My Heart 09:11 NAJEE - Modern Lovers 09:07 JIM ADKINS - Turning Point 09:06 TONY SAUNDERS - Uptown Jazz 08:55 TIM BOWMAN - Friends 08:51 BOBBY WELLS - Tee It Up 08:45 CHRIS GODBER - Chips 'n' Salsa 08:42 LOWELL HOPPER - No Turning Back 08:40 MARCIN NOWAKOWSKI - Give And Take 08:30 NATE WHITE - Ducie's Groove 08:19 MARCUS ANDERSON - Let's Not Wait (Feat. Nicholas Cole) 08:19 DANNY LERMAN - You Take My Breath Away 08:04 NAJEE - Dr. Dolittle 07:59 PIECES OF A DREAM - Fired Up 07:54 NORTH 2UNES WOODALL - I Want Her 07:51 KIM SCOTT - Best Part 07:46 TIM BOWMAN - Glory to Glory 07:42 RHODA GRAHAM - Finally 07:37 SKINNY HIGHTOWER - Poppa J 07:32 DEE LUCAS - The Grady Curve 07:28 LOWELL HOPPER - Affection 07:23 JEFF KASHIWA - Hyde Park (The 'Ah, Oooh' Song) 07:19 UNDER THE LAKE - Bridgetown 07:16 WARREN HILL - Play That Funky Music (White Boy) 07:11 MARION MEADOWS - Mother Earth 07:07 OLI SILK - Meet Me In The Middle 07:03 MARCUS ANDERSON - Understanding (Feat. Brian Culbertson) 06:58 NAJEE - Savoir Faire 06:54 DONN BYNUM - Because I'm Feeling You 06:49 SEAN U - Second Wind 06:43 PIECES OF A DREAM - Feelin' Good 06:38 BRIAN SIMPSON - Sunlit Sea 06:33 NORTH 2UNES WOODALL - Susie Mae 06:30 SHAWN RAIFORD - It Feels so Nice 06:25 NELSON RANGELL - Don't You Worry 'Bout a Thing 06:21 HANK BILAL - Perfect Harmony 06:17 JEFF KASHIWA - Thanks To You 06:13 ZOLBERT - A Song for You 06:09 TIM BOWMAN - Just Another Day 06:04 KIM WATERS - Nightfall 05:59 ZACH BRIDGES - These Hands 05:54 NAJEE - Isla Hermosa 05:51 MARION MEADOWS - Dream Catcher 05:46 SKINNY HIGHTOWER - Time Marches On 05:42 MARCUS ANDERSON - Limited Edition (Feat. Steven J. Collins ) 05:38 LOWELL HOPPER - Resurgence 05:34 JEANETTE HARRIS - Night Jam 05:29 PIECES OF A DREAM - Gettin' Through It 05:25 DANIEL CHIA - Cali Style 05:21 DONN BYNUM - Mercy Mercy Me (feat. Lew Laing Jr.) 05:18 ADRIAN CRUTCHFIELD - Morning After 05:12 STEVE COLE - Toronto 05:09 BRIAN SIMPSON - Whisper To Me 05:04 JEFF KASHIWA - Show Me Love 05:00 NORTH 2UNES WOODALL - Hip Hug 04:55 EUGE GROOVE - Take You Higher 04:50 NAJEE - Bounce 04:46 GREGG KARUKAS - Coyote Party 04:42 MARCIN NOWAKOWSKI - Better Days Ahead feat. Jeff Pescetto 04:38 KIM SCOTT - I'm Every Woman (feat. Althea Rene & Ragan Whiteside) 04:34 MARION MEADOWS - Life In The Clouds 04:30 ZACH BRIDGES - Yonder 04:26 BRAD ALEXANDER - A Matter of Time 04:20 MARCUS ANDERSON - Dandelion 04:16 PIECES OF A DREAM - Going Home 04:12 ZOLBERT - On My Way 04:08 TIM BOWMAN - Heart & Soul 04:03 BALANCE9 - 110 at Night 03:59 JEFF KASHIWA - Something About You 03:54 NICK COLIONNE - Whatcha Gonna Do 03:51 JACKIEM JOYNER - Don't Make Her Wait 03:46 NAJEE - Hurricane 03:41 DONN BYNUM - Our Turn to Dance (feat. Paul Jackson Jr.) 03:37 BRIAN SIMPSON - What I'm Waiting For 03:33 LOWELL HOPPER - Ever Lasting 03:29 WALTER BEASLEY - She Can't Help It 03:24 ADAM HAWLEY - Detroit 03:20 SKINNY HIGHTOWER - Bittersweet 03:16 MARION MEADOWS - Real Time 03:12 DANIEL DOMENGE - Between Your Hands 03:08 NORTH 2UNES WOODALL - 102 Degree 03:03 BONEY JAMES - You Can Count on Me 02:59 PIECES OF A DREAM - It's A Vibe 02:54 FRANK MCCOMB - Movin' In Traffic (For Russell Ferrante and George Duke) . 02:50 MARCUS ANDERSON - Can I Come Over 02:46 JEFF KASHIWA - Mediterranean Nights 02:42 JASON PETERSON DELAIRE - Check Please (feat. Chris Camozzi) 02:39 NAJEE - Luna 02:35 DANIEL CHIA - Say You Will 02:31 MARCIN NOWAKOWSKI - Tell Me Why (Feat. Paul Brown) 02:27 BALANCE9 - Sway 02:23 MICHAEL SILVERMAN, ERIC MARIENTHAL - In These Times 02:20 ADRIAN CRUTCHFIELD - Now I See 02:16 ZOLBERT - Smile 02:12 AL DEGREGORIS - Time Sensitive 02:08 WALTER BEASLEY - Lovely Day 02:04 PHIL DENNY - Around the Block 01:59 TIM BOWMAN - Happiness Is 01:55 THREESTYLE - Missing You 01:52 FREDDIE FOX - Feelin' It 01:48 MARION MEADOWS - Invisible 01:44 FRANK MCCOMB - Cha Cha (For Ramsey Lewis) 01:40 LOWELL HOPPER - Change of Seasons 01:36 JASON PETERSON DELAIRE - After Hours 01:32 NAJEE - Bottom To The Top 01:27 JEFF KASHIWA - 3 01:22 THE SMOOTH JAZZ ALLEY - Smooth Jazz Alley 01:18 PIECES OF A DREAM - Livin' The Life 01:14 BRIAN SIMPSON - All That Matters 01:10 MARCUS ANDERSON - Will Power 01:05 JAREZ - Just Can't Wait 01:01 JAZZ IN PINK - Positivity 00:57 PHIL DENNY - Lifted 00:53 FRANK SUTTON - Its Gonna Be A Lovely Day 00:48 MARCIN NOWAKOWSKI - Huggy Bear 00:44 VANN BURCHFIELD - I'm Holding On 00:40 WALTER BEASLEY - Barack's Groove 00:36 THE SAX PACK - Back In Style 00:32 SKINNY HIGHTOWER - Now Or Never 00:29 ZOLBERT - Frappe 00:25 BLAKE AARON - Dreamland 00:21 JASON PETERSON DELAIRE - Nightcap (feat. Chris Camozzi) 00:16 NAJEE - Valentine Love 00:12 FRANK MCCOMB - Just Ride (For George Duke) 00:07 JEFF KASHIWA - The Good Life 00:03 TIM BOWMAN - Watchout
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jamieroxxartist · 1 year
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✔ Mark Your Calendars: Fri Feb 10 on 🎨#JamieRoxx’s Pop Roxx Radio 🎙️#TalkShow and 🎧#Podcast w/ Featured Guest:
#JenAsh Jen Ash Music ​(#RandB; #Trouble)
☎ Lines will be open (347) 850.8598 Call in with your Questions and Comments Live on the Air.
● Click here to Set a Reminder: http://tobtr.com/12194783
Pop Art Painter Jamie #Roxx (www.JamieRoxx.us) welcomes Jen Ash (R&B; Trouble) to the Show!
● WEB: www.jenashmusic.com ● IG: @jenashmusic ● TW: @jenashmusic ● TK: @jenashmusic ● FB: @jenashmusic
Jen Ash is a prolific musical artist known for creating soulful music by combining R&B with pop and adding some of her own signature touches. Her celebrated catalog is fast-approaching 200K Spotify streams. With her last single, “No Lover Lover” reaching the UK iTunes Top 5, Ms. Ash is now releasing a brand-new track, “Trouble,” as well as the Official Music Video for her song, “I’m Dreaming of You.”
Hitting retail on February 2nd, “Trouble” is a tribute to the late Amy Winehouse. Ms. Ash said, “I wanted to give a little Amy Winehouse vibe on this one. I’m a big fan of her music. She created an entire universe for herself. She is definitely gone too soon. The song is so jazzy and bluesy. it takes me back in time. The saxophone adds another dimension to the song, where I feel like I’m immerse in a 50/60’s black and white movie.”
● Media Inquiries: MTS Management Group/MTS Records www.mtsmanagementgroup.com
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akwardlyuncool · 2 years
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The Taste Of The South Festival 2022: Aka: A Free Lyfe Jennings Show 
Civic Center Park
2nd maybeee 3rd time seeing Lyfe Jennings.
Friend Stats:
I went with my parents (not shown) and since we go to very few shows together I can’t quite remember what number this is, but I think it’s the 3rd?
When Your Favorite Artist Does A Free Show, You Show Up:
For those of you who have been around awhile, you know that Lyfe Jennings always shows up as one of, if not, the top artist on my Spotify Wrapped every year. That’s typically because I listen to him a lot with my dad and sometimes when I just want to SING. My dad and I have a bond over Lyfe, so when I saw he was doing a free show out here I text my Dad and told him what our Friday night plans were. My mom ended up also wanting to go so this was a me and the folks adventure. I didn’t care so much about going to the entire festival and neither did they, so we planned to just show up to see him at the end of the night.
Being A City Gurl and Listening To Jazz R&B Covers:
Typical to some of the other free shows I’ve been to, (not all but some) Lyfe Jennings was late, like an hour +. This just meant that the MC’s, the DJ and the side bands all had to do a little extra to keep everyone entertained. So I’m standing there with my dad and sometimes we knew the song playing and sometimes we didn’t and then sometimes the “City Girl” song would come on and I’d have to laugh cause I couldn’t be a full mess next to my dad. Note: I don’t have the knees to be a mess like that, but I wasn’t about to sing all of “Act Up” and “Icy” like I wasn’t in mixed company.
Since Lyfe was taking so long, the band or a band, not sure, came out and played some really nice jazzy versions of some 90′s R&B which was a good way to get the crowd involved. Patience was a little thin for some people, however it was a nice and appreciated gesture.
Lyfe Jennings:
I feel like I’m always gonna show up this man, but honestly he has to be more engaged. One of my biggest concert pet peeves is when an artist doesn’t seem to trust the audience to know some basic ish. Like I know every word to every song off your first 4 out of 7 albums and even several off your last 3, so don’t play with me. I’ve been to paid shows where artists do this and you can feel how messy it is. I’m down for an audience requested track, but I’m not down for you to start a song and then say we don’t know that one, multiple times. I had a really good time and sang every word, but that part of his stage performance was just so irritating. He also dipped almost immediately after his set, no encore which also made us feel like he wasn’t all that engaged. 
All that being said, I absolutely enjoyed being able to see a staple artist in my household with my parents. Free, paid, late, on time, whatever I’d do it again in a heartbeat cause there was still a lot of joy there. Plus when he was on, he was ON.
After Party Shenanigans (Not Shown):
Apparently my sister and some cousins were also at this show and didn’t tell nobody, so instead of going home and hopping in bed like I should have, I decided that I wanted to go hang out with them. I don’t hang out with them like that too often, so I jumped at the chance. I’m also a “let’s keep the night going” type of person, which meant let’s keep things going. There was an official after party with Lyfe, however we ended up going to a different bar where a cousin of ours was DJing. Before we got there though, there was a lot of karaoke-ing in the car of the Lyfe Jennings songs that were missing from his set list. It was a fun rest of the night, but coming home at 3 is no joke when you got work in the morning. Fun night overall, even when you only got a few dance moves.
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firefoxwildfire · 1 month
These pals enjoyed their last day of golf
Asuka, Atlas, Delilah, Tracey, shenzi and rainbow bird (belong to my friend spud  ) Jazzy belong to my friend jjazzy my friend milk is her with the golf club Starly is starly Jowee!n is jowee!n Purple hair girl is my friend jen The girl with the hoodie is my friend wendigo Percy is percy The rest is mine
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specklesofdust · 2 months
3-29-2024 @ 6:33pm
Today marks my first orientation day on the actual parthenon floor 4 unit that i had today for my new nursing gig and i fucking love it thus far. Today I went to 2 different group therapy sessions with my patients and danced, played soccer, sang in the sunshine, and made art work with them and they called me "Miss Hollywood" and "Miss Jazzy" :) I had a very long emotional real raw and completely necessary conversation with reggie last night and into this morning about my habits both regarding substances and sex within the last 2 years that he and i have been falling in love with each other and I really appreciated his honesty and his concern and his input about all of it and i do trust him when he said that he has never fucked jen and has been trying to love and support me even after i fucked him over and left him for literally like 3-4 other dudes when i was involved with him. i have a wonderful feeling about my professional future and regarding whatever wonders me and reg continue to pursue together. He has truly shown me unconditional love and i am now able to recognize how rare and real that is. No matter what happens i will always love him and be forever in awe of these moments
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catstarrecordings · 3 months
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donate for catstar recordings IBAN: UA643052990262026400959343044 PayPal:[email protected] card 5168752096564490
01.Ron Carroll & Swaylo - I'm Here (Dr Packer Extended Remix) [Category 1 Music] 02.Oscar Barila - Stand Up [Cyanide] 03.The Company Soundsystem Feat. Becca J - Body Language (Sebb Junior Remix) [Nite Grooves] 04.PNGVN vs. Dj.A-Bor - The Groove (Dj.A-Bor Remix) [Catstar] 05.Both 91 - Fancy [Disco Down] 06.Joy Anonymous - JOY Up The Street (Dj.A-Bor Rmx) [Catstar] 07.Adri Block - I Want To Thank You (Block & Crown Nudisco Dubb) [Hardcopy] 08.Jamie Jones, Jazzy - We Groovin (Murchikk & D!scoman Rmx) [Catstar] 09.Disco Gurls - Stand Your Love [Guareber] 10.Hatiras, Jay Vegas - Starlight (Jay Vegas' Beam Me Up Remix) [Spacedisco] 11.Tara feat. Spankers - Dreaming (Dj.A-Bor Rmx) [Catstar] 12.Marco Giannone - Back To The Grog (Extended Mix) [House Heads] 13.Shygirl - Mr Useless (Dj.A-Bor Rmx) [Catstar] 14.Sia and Kylie Minogue - Dance Alone (Dj.A-Bor Rmx) [Catstar] 15.Moby - Mistake (Yuksek Remix) [Little Idiot] 16.Murchikk & D!scoman - Every Single Day (Skip Mix) [Catstar] 17.Sebb Junior - To My Rhythm (Extended Mix) [Phoenix Music] 18.Sophie B. Hawkins - Love Yourself (Murchikk & D!scoman Rmx) [Catstar] 19.Sean Finn - Coming Home [Tribal Kitchen] 20.Charlie Roennez - Only Human [Tiger Records] 21.Riggi & Piros, Jen - Stuck On You (Extended Mix) [Armada Music] 22.Maur - Disco Tool [Toolroom] 23.Freqish - Kick In The Door [WyldCard] 24.Litchy & Smiley - What Life's About [WyldCard] 25.Davide Mazzilli, Krispino Krs - DAY HARD [REFILL MUSIC] 26.Block & Crown, Maickel Telussa - I Love House (Murchikk & D!scoman Rmx) [Hardcopy/Catstar] 27.Freqish - Dancing On GHB [WyldCard] 28.Ango Tamarin, Hyde (OFC) - 3,6,9 (Extended Mix) [Sola]
CATSTAR RECORDINGS RADIO SHOW 229 [Miami Music Week 2024] Mixed & Compilation by:Dj A-Bor TELEGRAM CATSTAR REC ЧЕРВОНОГРАД UA https://t.me/catstar
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paskvilnet · 6 months
Paul Oakenfold - Great Wall
Klip ke skladbě Hypnotized
„Já se SARS nebojím,“ halasil dýdžej Paul Oakenfold před svým nedávným turné po Číně. Opakoval to ve všech světových médiích a aby tento chytrý marketingový tah využil i v dělším časovém horizontu, vydal teď dvojcédéčko s mixem toho, co v Číně hrál, a pojmenoval ho Velká zeď, aby bylo opravdu jasno. Paul Oakenfold bývával vlivný producent, který pomohl řadě nezávislých kapel. Oakenfold poslední doby je ale něco úplně jiného: má talent vzít něčí zajímavou hudbu, podložit ji líbivým rytmem a sladkými plochami a zpřístupnit ji mase, která chce rekreačně křepčit. A zkazit ji pro všechny ostatní. Díky němu možná zlidoví pár méně známých skladeb, ale za cenu toho, že budou nenávratně překrouceny. Tento Daniel Hůlka taneční scény to ale má dobře promyšlené: má neuvěřitelný úspěch, všude se o něm mluví a píše a to, co si myslí pár podivínů, kteří chtějí slyšet něco zajímavějšího než banality, mu může být fuk. Nevíme, jestli mu fuk opravdu jsou a jestli mu někdo vyčítá, že už léta neudělal nic zvukově zajímavého, ale kvůli nám to tak jako tak jinak dělat nezačne.
Koop - Waltz for Koop: Alternative takes
Klip ke skladbě Baby (D' Malicious Remix)
Remixová deska německé kapely Koop je z rodu těch, které se povedly. Komu se zdá produkce Koop a jejich kolegů od mnichovského labelu Compost Records moc rozplizlá a nudná až bezpohlavní, možná v tomto cédéčku pozná první důkaz, že ne 100, ale jen 99% toho, co u Compostu vyšlo, je zaměnitelný jazzy chill out, který omílá pořád to samé dokola. Remixy písniček z loňského alba Waltz for Koop zadala kapela méně známým, ale šikovným autorům. Zejména jejich nejlepší skladba Summer Sun, která je tu v jazzhouseovém mixu Markuse Enochsona a drumandbassovém přepracování od projektu Carlito, vyzní skvěle. Celkově je znát, jakou spoustu si práce si remixéři dali s tím, aby ukázali, že slavní Koop se nespletli, když jim svěřili své skladby. A povedlo se – Alternative Takes ocení i člověk, který tomuhle klubu nefandí.
The Strokes - Room on Fire
Klip ke skladbě 12:51
Co dělat, když máte rockovou kapelu a v každé druhé garáži hraje nějaká úplně stejná banda, která se od té vaši nedá sluchem odlišit? Kromě toho, že se budete snažit hrát co nejlíp a sehnat si pořádného producenta, potřebujete hlavně dobrý marketing. To znamená manažera, který médiím vysvětlí, že jste strašně drsní, zajímaví a potenciálně skandální – a který patřičně nafoukne vaše případné aférky v rámci trojúhelníku sex, drogy, rokenrol. V newyorské tuctové kytarovce Strokes zpívá syn šéfa nejslavnější modelingové agentury na světě. Nezpívá nijak oslnivě, ale slavné jméno Casablancas a nějaké ty fámy o tom, jaký je to určitě zlotřilec, když je padouch jeho papínek, slávě Strokes hodně pomohly. Začaly na ně chodit davy a protože ta kapela není VYLOŽENĚ špatná - a protože proč vlastně nejít na koncert kapely, o které se všude píše - jsou Strokes najednou obrovské hvězdy. Obě jejich desky - Is This It? a Room on Fire – mají nadšený ohlas, o kapele se pořád mluví, na jejich web chodí šílené spousty lidí, prostě americký sen se zase jednou naplnil. Vlastně, proč jim to nepřát.
Joe Strummer & The Mescaleros - Coma Girl
Klip ke skladbě Coma Girl
Ne každý, kdo byl zamlada pankáč, dokáže působit snesitelně coby strejda. Takové pokusy Sex Pistols dát se znovu dohromady skončily fiaskem a naštvaly i jejich skalní příznivce. Clash, další ohromně slavná kapela z dávné punkové vlny, se sice nikdy nedala znovu dohromady v původní sestavě, ale jejich frontman Joe Strummer byl čilý až do své letošní nečekané smrti. Měl kapelu Mescaleros, která sice netrhala hitparády, ale zároveň byla dost vidět na to, aby si ji našli hudební fajnšmekři. Taky se objevovala na nejprestižnějších hudebních festivalech, prostě – vědělo se o ní. Joe Strummer hrál v Mescaleros trochu jinou roli než v Clash, ale pořád byl díky zvláštní barvě hlasu jasně poznat. Mescaleros byli méně divoká parta než Clash, spíš než k divokosti vybízela ke smíření, a to bylo slyšet i v jejich muzice: na singlu Coma Girl jsou dvě živé nahrávky coververzí ve stylu ska a reggae a i titulní písnička má ke „skáčku“ blíž než k vypalovačkám rozhněvaných mladíků. Což neznamená, že by Clash byli lepší nebo horší než Mescaleros – je to jen dobrá ilustrace toho, že skutečně JE možné být zamlada energický a vzteklý a ve středním věku získat smíření, nadhled a hloubku – a pořád hrát tak, aby seto dalo poslouchat. Jenom škoda, že se nedovíme, jak by hrál v sedmdesáti – nějaký Strummer’s Blues Band by se světu hodil.
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pronoun-checks · 2 months
hi, could i get some j name recommendations? preferably fem, but i don’t mind any others. please and thank you!
Sure thing!
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