#Ko Chang-Seok
olivierdemangeon · 1 year
      Les forces de police coréennes rapatrient, un groupe de dangereux criminels sur un cargo spécialement affrété et conditionné. Malgré la sécurité accrue, ceux-ci parviennent à s’échapper et massacrent les forces de l’ordre ainsi que les membres de l’équipage. Toutefois, un mal bien plus profond se libère également de la soute du bateau…     “Project Wolf Hunting” est un thriller d’action…
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passionforfiction · 1 month
Today's Webtoon
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For someone that likes to read webtoons, this series was so nice to watch. It gives us a window to how webtoon creation and publication works. I like the characters: artists and the PDs. Their stories ranged from sweet to sad, but it was great to see the all reached their own happiness. Even though this series is not a romantic drama, it did have its romantic touches that made it sweeter. It leaves this subplot in the opening as they accomplish their dream as a team and move on to the next collective dream. I wonder what will happen with Oh Ma Eum's relationship with Seok Ji Hyung and Jun Yeong. But even though it leaves that question open, it doesn't leave me disappointed or wanting to know what happens. I think that it just reminds us that life continues even after one chapter of our lives ends and things will happen at their own sweet time, there is no need to force things.
Work drama that will keep you smiling and cheering for the characters. Really loved it.
Poster from SBS Contents Hub - https://programs.sbs.co.kr/special/sbscontentshub/about/74579
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korelist · 4 months
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UYARI : Yazılar genel olarak spoiler içerebilir. İçermeyedebilir.
İmdb: 8,3 Benim puanım: 9
Drama: Kill Me, Heal Me
Hangul: 킬미, 힐미
Director: Kim Jin-Man
Writer: Jin Soo-Wan
Date: 2015
Language: Korean
Country: South Korea
Cast: Ji Sung, Hwang Jung-Eum, Park Seo-Joon, Kim Yoo-Ri, Oh Min-Suk, Ko Chang-Seok, Choi Won-Young
2015 (8th) Korea Drama Awards - October 9, 2015
Best OST Award
2015 MBC Drama Awards - December 30, 2015
Grand Prize (Ji Sung)
Best Drama Award
Best Actor (mini series) (Ji Sung)
Best Actress (mini series) (Hwang Jung-Eum)
Excellent Actor (mini series) (Park Seo-Joon)
Ten Star Award (Park Seo-Joon/Hwang Jung-Eum/Ji Sung)
Best Netizen Award (Park Seo-Joon/Hwang Jung-Eum)
Best Couple Award (Ji Sung/Park Seo-Joon)
Best Actor or Actress Selected by Directors (Hwang Jung-Eum)
Dissosiyatif Kimlik Bozukluğu üzerine şahane bir dizi yapılmış. 2015 yılı için ekstra başarılı bir senaryo, bulunmaz bir oyunculuk diyebilirim. Zenginliği nesilden nesille geçen bir aileye torun kontenjanından katılan Cha Do-Hyun(Ji Sung) şirketin başına geçmek için Amerika’daki eğitimini tamamlayıp ülkesine döner. Ailesinden bile sakladığı hastalığını yalnızca asistanı ve doktoru bilmektedir. Kimlik bozukluğu olan karakterimiz kendi içinde bir sürü karakteri barındırmaktadır. Diğer yandan ise ülkesine yeni döndüğü için ailesine kendini kanıtlamak zorundadır. Bulunduğu mevki sebebiyle hastalığını kontrol altında tutması gerekir. Kendi doktorunun da tavsiyesi ile eve yatılı bir doktor almaya karar verir. Evde onu kontrol altında tutacak, şirkette de asistanı gibi rol yapacaktır. Bir şekilde ikna olup oyuna dahil olan yeni mezun doktorumuz Oh Ri-Jin(Hwang Jung-Eum) daha ilk günden Cha Do-Hyun ‘un alt karakterleri ile tanışır.
Bu noktada Cha Do-Hyun’un alt karakterlerden bahsetmek lazım. İlk kendini gösteren alt benlik Shin Se-Gi’dir. Mahallenin bıçkın delikanlısı, asi gencidir. Kural tanımaz, sert ve acımazsızdır. Aslında kızımız Do-Hyun’dan önce Se-Gi ile tanışıyor. Bu noktada diziye çok ufak da olsa fantastik durum katılmış diyebilirim. Kimliği Shin Se-Gi’ye dönüştüğü zaman boynunda bir dövme beliriyor. Aslında bu öyle abartılı fantastik bir şey değil, hatta belki de orada sadece o karakter öyle hissettiği için “varmış” gibi görünüyordu. Yani sihirli bir durumdan çok başka bir kişiliğe geçerken izleyiciye de o değişimi yaşatmak için yapılmış bir detay gibiydi.
Bir diğer kişilik Ferry Park mahallenin ayyaşı, neşelisi denilebilir. Hobi olarak patlayıcı ‘oyuncaklar’ üretiyor. 40lı yaşlarında olduğu düşünülüyor. En büyük hayali kendi isminin olduğu bir tekne sahibi olmak. Anlaşması kolay bir kişilik. Ahn Yo Sub ve Ahn Yo Na; 17 yaşında ikizler. Yo-Sub intihara meyilli depresif bir erkekken, Yo-Na ise tam tersi inanılmaz neşeli, ayran gönüllü genç bir kız. Aynı zamanda Oh Ri-Jin’in erkek kardeşi Oh Ri-On(Park Seo-Joon)’a aşık… Oh Ri-On(Park Seo-Joon) işsizmiş gibi görünen bir yazar. Omega takma adıyla kurgu romanları yazıyor ve yayınlanan bütün eserleri çok büyük bir hayran kitlesine sahip. Burada dizideki isim seçimlerine özellikle bayıldım. Kardeşlerin birinin adı Orijin diğerinin adı ise Orion gibi telaffuz ediliyor. Çok tatlı bir detay olmuş.
Bütün alt benlikleri tek tek anlatmak istemiyorum bunlar göze çarpanlardı diyebilirim. Baktığınız zaman kişilik bozukluğu üzerine bir hikaye anlatılıyormuş gibi görünse de aslında senaryo çok daha fazlasını barındırıyor. Çok daha fazlasını irdeliyor. Çocuk ihmali ve istismarı, travmalar gibi ince buz üzerinde yürüyen konular gündemde.  O yüzden dizinin türüne romantik komedi demek biraz haksızlık olur. Bu kadar ciddi ve travmatik konular etrafında dönerken bile izleyiciye kahkaha attırmayı başarıyor olması ise ayrıca ayakta alkışlanması gereken bir noktaydı. Düşündüğünüz gibi trajediden trajediye koşup sizi helak etmiyor. Yaşanmış bütün o travmaları ve trajedileri sarıp sarmalayıp içine mizah katmışlar.
Beğenmediğim şeyler olmadı mı? Oldu. Öncelikle en birinci kadın başrolü hiç beğenemedim. Abartılı, yapay bir oyunculuk sergiliyordu. Ona rağmen dizi çok iyiydi inanın. Keşke kadın oyuncu Han Ji-Min oynasaydı diye çok çok içimden geçirdim. Hwang Jung-Eum mimiksiz değil de fazla mimikli bir oyuncu, bence. İkinci beğenmediğim şey ise Hwang Jung-Eum’un karakteri Oh Ri-Jin’di maalesef 😊. Yani; henüz 1 yıllık doktor olarak her şeyi çözmesi ve kendi profesör hocasının 11 yıldır iyileştiremediği hastayı tedavi etmesi biraz manasızdı. Bir hastalık üzerine hikaye kurgulanıyor ise en azından biraz olsun çalışılmış üzerine düşünülmüş temellere dayanmasını beklerdim.
Beğenilmeyenleri konuşup çözdüysek sıra beğenilenlerde… Ji Sung !!! sen neymişsin… tek kelime ile anlatılamayacak bir şahanelik. İnanılmaz bir performans. 7 farklı karaktere bürünebilme kabiliyeti ve karakterler arası geçişlerde dahi izleyiciye hangi karakter olduğunu söylemeden anlatabilme yeteneği. Ne diyeyim bilmiyorum. Her karakterin, şivesi yaşı cinsiyeti farklı farklı olmasına rağmen, konuşmadan bakışlarıyla bile hangi karakter olduğunu anlayabiliyordunuz. Tek kişilik dev bir kadro gibiydi adeta. Buna rağmen yanına bir de oyunculuk anlamında benim takdir edip inanılmaz beğendiğim diğer bir aktörü koymasınlar mı; Park Seo-Joon. O da bence, her dizide başka karaktere bürünme konusunda bir dahi.
Bu dizinin erkek oyuncuları için farklı tercih yapılmış olsaydı, tutmasının imkanı yoktu, net. Bu yorumumu en güzel destekleyen şey ise 2015 yılı en iyi çift ödülünü Ji Sung ve Park Seo Joon ‘un canlandırdıkları Ahn Yo Na ve Oh Ri On karakterleriyle almış olmalarıdır. Ödül töreninde o kadar sevimliydiler ki açıp izlemelisiniz. Dizinin finalinde kapanış öncesi 4.duvarı yıkıp kameraya veda ettikleri bir sahne var. Orada Ji Sung’un kullandığı bütün aksan ve şiveleri ile veda etmesi ve o kısacık vedada bile pürüzsüz geçişler yapması aklımda kalan sahnelerden biriydi.
Sonuç olarak; diziyi kesin izleyin.
Lilly Mandover, Nashow - Auditory Hallucination
Raven Melus
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k-star-holic · 1 year
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Park Seo-joon X Passionless IU...Lee Byung-hun's 'Dream' will be released on April 26
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neverscreens · 8 months
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Part One, 260 Screencaps.
Part Two, 275 Screencaps.
All in GALLERY. Like or reblog if it was useful, every interaction shows us that we should keep making screencaps for y'all ♡
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stuff-diary · 10 months
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Movies watched in 2023
Dream (2023, South Korea)
Director & Writer: Lee Byeong Heon
I'm gonna be very honest: I hate football/soccer and, initially, I only wanted to watch this because I adore IU. So, color me surprised, cause I enjoyed it a lot. I should have seen it coming tbh, cause I've always liked this type of inspirational-underdog storylines. Anyway, the characters were engaging, the script was really funny and witty, and the whole cast was great. IU does steal the show, proving that she has a natural knack for fast-paced comedy and one-liners (I swear I'm not being biased here). But all the other actors do an amazing job too! My only real complain is that the movie felt a tad too long, and the final act dragged a bit. But, besides that, I had a lot of fun watching it and I would definitely recommend it!
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namjhyun · 10 months
MOVIE REVIEW | Dream (2023)
In this film about broken dreams and second chances, a professional football player finds himself in a difficult position due to a mix of bad decisions and bad luck. He also has no real support system in his mother (who is on the run for scamming people) and his agency wants him to quit the sport to become a celebrity.
Is in this moment of his life that to rehabilitate his image he is forced to become the coach of a football team conformed by homeless men that will compete on a charity tournament.
Reluctantly, he learns the reasons why these men found themselves living in the streets. Addiction, bad decisions, abandonment, grief, among other motives. What they all have in common is that through this tournament they are looking to become a better version of themselves.
To record every moment of their journey, a documentary director (deep in student debt and stress) needs to find the right angle to have this film be a success for her and them.
It’s through teamwork and sharing their problems, that this team of odd men out find -perhaps for the first time in their lives- a real support system and even a family.
Dream is a solid comedy with really touching moments that brought some tears to my eyes. The film tries to shed some light on current social issues in South Korea through the housing problem these men are going through.
Park Seo Joon gives a good performance going from disheartened to finding a new dream and people to fight for. His chemistry with IU is hilarious to watch as they play entirely platonic teammates throwing jabs at each other, even long after they start to get along.
IU’s character as the documentary director who is forced to believe in herself into success is both fun and oh, so real.
The heart of the film, however, is Heo Joon Seok, whose character never lost hope and fought from beginning to end so the team could achieve their dream. The rest of the actors bring some emotions though the respective stories that makes the comedy more grounded.
Overall, I enjoyed this film.
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The Huntresses. (movie) 7.
Story: 7
Acting: 10
Chemistry: 8
Comparable to: ?
Honestly It’s just an all right ‘meh’ kmovie. I love Ha Ji Won in practically everything she does but this was nothing great nor was it the worst either. It’s a pretty simple female focused brainless action film set in a historical setting.
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flashfuckingflesh · 1 year
EVIL Embarks with Cons and Cops in "Project Wolf Hunting" reviewed! (Well Go USA Entertainment / Blu-ray)
“Project Wolf Hunting” on Blu-ray and Available for Purchase by Clicking the Cover Art! After a disastrous Philippines-to-Korea extradition processing of criminals that resulted in an airport suicidal bombing with multiple casualties, the procedure to transport dangerous criminals moves to a decommissioned Cargo ship known as the Frontier Titan.  The 3-day journey is expected to be a safer…
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mgnifiqueyoo · 10 months
— "love at first spark."
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requested by: anon pairing: zb1 matthew x fem!reader song recommendation: dear no one (tori kelly) lowercase is intended… — a/n: y'aaaaall, i really wanted to start writing a zb1 oneshot but i actually didn't know where to start but thanks to the person who requested this, here's my first ever seok matthew oneshot! i hope you guys enjoy reading this as much as i enjoyed writing it! ^^ (btw, i am also thinking of making a masterlist for all my uploaded projects very soon!)
[ total words: 1.9k ]
click here to support me on ko-fi! ☕ click on this g.form link to request!
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“ricky, i’m fine. you don’t have to call me every hour. tell mom and dad that i’m doing just great, okay?”
it was the second week since you moved into your new dorm. flying across the country is not really what you expected at all this year. you already had your plans; just trying out an online entrance exam to a university abroad and then, not expecting anything from it. you could say that it was all “just for fun” until you received an e-mail.
and that letter basically told you that you had to move out. 
“look, i don’t trust you on your own and i’m just looking out for you,” your brother said back in defense, probably already making up an excuse for this call to even take place. “... i’m gonna miss you a lot, y/n.”
“me too.” you paused for a bit as you remembered how fun it was to be back home. with each day that passes, things are changing and you just couldn’t believe that this was the actual start of something new. out of the country and pursuing something so difficult– law. “... m’kay, i’ll text you later after i review. love you, ricky.”
“... love you, too.”
ending the call yourself, you chuckled at the way he sounded so hesitant to say those words back. ricky would refuse to admit it but there was always that soft side in him that comes out every time something completely life-changing takes place; the type of thing that doesn't really have a clear answer in the end.
to him, this was one of those things.
by the time you got back to your plans, you were already so eager to start cleaning out your desk to spend the rest of your hours with your nose stuck in a book– and, oh, suddenly, there was a knock on the door.
"huh?" you stood up straight after bending down the table, your palms still looking for that bright, vibrant blueish aqua highlighter you'd always use for notes. "... just a second!"
nonetheless, you made your way to the door even though you had no idea who else could've been behind it. and once you opened it, you were met with a guy who held a mysterious box; he had dirty blond hair and a nice set of teeth that seemed to have been covered once he saw you.
but why?
"sorry, who are you?" "here's your order… ma'am?"
he didn't even sound sure when he said that last word as you took the box in your own hands, your brows furrowed. god, you were just so confused. you didn't even buy anything!
"... there's no way you're jonathan whales, right?"
that's when things got clearer for you as the tensed muscles on your face slowly loosened up… but at what cost? this guy in front of you obviously just got ditched by some horrible customer. 
"well," your smile widens but it only made him feel a lot more unsettled, especially with those dead eyes of yours staring back at him, "i'm not a johnathan apparently."
the boy in front of you bit his bottom lip, frowning as he squinted his eyes in anxiousness and a whole lot of uncertainty. he scratches the back of his neck, confused yet curious eyes looking around your dorm room from the outside as he later lets out a defeated sigh.
"... have i been scammed?"
your shoulders slowly rose up as a grimace was plastered on your face, your head nodding hesitantly in response. the blond had every right to roll his eyes, letting out a deep breath as you quickly assumed that he didn't like the way you reacted.
but in your defense, you were just starting your weekend with a supposed two-hour long review session. you didn't expect an unpaid package and a scammed seller to come by your doorstep!
"hold on… let me check my account." he raised his pointer finger up for a bit, pulling out the phone from his hoodie's pocket. not once did he smile at the view of whatever it was on his screen. "... oh, no."
"not a good news, isn't it?" "yeah… i just got robbed."
you widen your eyes, baffled at this ridiculous situation happening right in front of you. ‘i can’t just leave him here, can’t i?’ you thought to yourself, also letting out the same deep breath he did. — well, all those things you wanted to do? they’re gonna be done tomorrow because you feel the need to help this guy.
looking down at the package you held, you noticed how neatly it was prepared and you knew that this guy wanted to impress his customer. “... what’s your name?”
“matthew... matthew seok.” he then stared at the bulletin board behind your desk, raising both of his eyebrows in what seemed like fascination. “and i think we go to the same university, miss l/n? i’m really sorry- i need to take this back.”
as he reached for the package, you frowned, pulling it away from him. for some unknown reason, you didn’t want to return to him. 
“no,” you argued shortly, causing him to tilt his head, making him even more confused than before, “i’ll pay for it.”
the blond lets out a chuckle that is obviously having a lot of feelings mixed. you couldn’t help but mentally curse yourself for refusing to return the parcel to him. “you don’t have to do that-”
“this is mine now. i’ll pay for it.” your arm covered the lid of the box in baby blue shades, your brows furrowing further as matthew seemed to not get the memo yet. was it because it’s his first time meeting someone as persistent as this? or was it because he just didn’t know what to do? anyway, you cared less enough to answer those questions.
and instead, paid attention to this weird, sudden desire of this random parcel that you didn’t even purchase. “listen, i know you want to help me but i don’t want you spending your money on this.” matthew’s growing concern didn’t fade away at all as his hands reached for the box once more, resulting in you flinching as you held it in your arms tightly. — this is the weirdest you’ve ever been.
‘why am i so obsessed with this?’ you asked yourself silently in a form of an uncertain gulp and a puzzled, blank stare at the seller, who still stood by your doorstep. “what’s inside of it?”
“... well, you don’t need to know-” “is it drugs?” “what? no!”
but no matter how many times the guy tried to stop you, your hands started tearing the tapes around the box’s lid and body. — this is the most chaotic you’ve ever been. “ma’am, calm down!” he grabbed your wrists to catch your attention and it did… in the most unusual way.
in fact, it was so unusual that your gripping hands let go of the box, letting the package fall on the floor, a loud thud and a few cracks were heard. looking down, you soon realized that it was a record player. 
'oh, what a shame,' you thought, deep into your regrets. it was like there was this rope pulling you towards it even though you didn't know what this "johnathan whales" guy bought.
and apparently, it was really pretty, sky blue record player.
“i… i told you i’d pay for it,” you blurted out, unsure of the consequences as matthew kept his head down, taking a few deep breaths. audible and full of shame. you were sure that you just made the situation worse. “i’m sorry.”
as his hands let go of your wrists, you swore that something stinging was left on your skin. no, it wasn’t an insect or the itchy feeling of your sweatshirt. it wasn’t even the wind that entered your room from the windows… it was something else.
and there were sparks of it.
in pink and are all over your arms, glowing before they faded away like nothing; like it was some smoke.
“did you just… see that?” matthew did not wait for a second to let it pass, staring right into your soul with no plans of looking somewhere else. “you saw that, right? am i just hallucinating or-”
“no, i saw it too.” you couldn’t look away from him, founding comfort in the fact that he also saw (and felt) the same thing. not to mention, it didn’t look like it was just a faint glimpse– it was like fireworks in the afternoon skies, especially the ones before the clock strikes five o’clock. 
the boy then took a step back, realizing that he still held your arms as the time-stopping ambiance slowly left the room; but it lingered as if hours had gone by. “... what do you think was it?” he rocked himself back and forth in an almost unnoticeable way, little by little. you could see the genuine curiosity in his eyes but you were left with no answer.
i mean, how does someone know the reason behind that? seeing magenta sparks? it’s already so delusional just by listening to those words. “i’m not sure about that… do you want to talk about it?” you had no idea that you opened a new path for him as he kept his head tilted, jaw slightly left hanging as he smiled with his pretty teeth. 
“are you kidding? of course! i mean, you’d never see anything like that everyday!” he joked, making you let out a chuckle that was still very much lost in the moment. 
finding yourself staring at him, you woke yourself up in the middle of it, standing by the side of the doorframe to let him walk in as he giggled, oddly settled after all that disaster earlier as you began to slowly see the bright side in it, too.
“can you give me a moment to fix this mess?" you asked, which made him nod almost immediately, later walking his way in. you expected him to sit on the solo couch to make himself at least feel at home but he only stood, looking around with his bright eyes. 
and again, it made you smile for no reason. “so, you study law, huh? that’s pretty hard, isn’t it?” his eyes were glued to the textbooks that were piled on your desk as you chuckled, shrugging right after. 
“well, it’s something that i really wanted to do,” you said back, slightly biting the tip of your tongue as you remembered the mess you’ve made off of his product. “matthew, i’m so sorry for what happened. i’ll pay for it, i promise-”
“hey, i just told you that you don’t have to! we’ll just… i don’t know? tell this to the police? maybe they could do something.” he interrupted you, still pushing his priorities over your suggestion. and even though you didn’t like that, he sure did have a point. none of this was your fault. if only the scammer was a genuine customer, this wouldn’t have taken place.
but something tells you that this was meant to happen. you’re just not sure why.
once you returned to the ruined box with the badly damaged record player, his glare followed every move you made. maybe even syncing with the rhythm of your breathing. “... would you let me help you with that?” he offered as you turned to look back at him, exerting extra effort, considering that you’re crouched to the ground with broken pieces in both of your hands. 
“that’d be great.” you laughed as he did so too before continuing to sit down next to you, willing to share the work with you at least. 
when silence was starting to take over, the blond paused for a while as he couldn’t help but stare at you and it intrigued him. was it the way you were so determined in helping him? was it because of how odd the situation was? he never had a clue. “i think it’s not just my money that was stolen.” 
you faced him in response, raising an eyebrow with eyes shining in interest. “what else was stolen, then?” you let out another laugh once more, noticing the way you felt drawn to him more and more. for a bit, he seemed like he didn’t want to say those next few words but of course, he wouldn’t let such a perfect chance pass.
“... i think you just stole my heart.”
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prbni · 2 years
My controversial Kdrama opinions
1. Ko Moon Young was just a psychologically messed up girl. She isn't the 'girlpower' or 'badass' that the Kdrama fandom likes to dub her into.
2. In 'Hotel del Luna', they could've just chucked the entire character of Gu Chansung out of the window and gave Chang Myung a rebirth/rebirths,make him go through various trials and tribulations to repent and earn Man Wol's forgiveness. Didn't have to make it unnecessarily tragic.
3. Unnecessarily tragic reminds me, the 'realistic' ending of 2521 was a JOKE. There was NO point of developing such a power couple if they were to break up for such a mundane reason.
4. Romance genre isn't Song Kang's 'thing'. He shines better as an actor in non-romance genres.
5. Had they focused on developing Ju Kyung as an individual character who finally learns how to completely take a stand for herself instead of dangling her between Suho and Seojun, 'True Beauty' would've become a more popular and appreciated drama.
6. The love line between Hwang InYeop and Seo Hyun Jin's character in 'Why her: Oh Soo Jae' was absolutely unnecessary and awkward.
7. Jo Bo Ah and Ahn Bo Hyun and an amazing chemistry in 'Military Prosecutor: Do Bae Man'. However, they could've developed a slowburn romance between them instead of abruptly putting a kiss sequence in the last episode out of nowhere.
8. In 'Snowdrop', Eun Young Ro forgiving Soo Ho later on didn't make sense. Their kiss sequence was purely fan service,nothing else.
9. Individual acting aside,Kim Hye Yoon had more chemistry with Lee Jae Wook(2nd lead) than Rowoon(main lead) in 'Extraordinary You'.
10. Writers are overusing 'Let's kill off the main character and make the show tragically memorable' trope wayyy too much.
11. As much as it physically hurts me given the chemistry of the actors,Choi Do Il and Oh In Joo not having any proper romantic sequence till the end of 'Little Women' makes sense to the storyline(the shipper me might've wanted a hug though).
12. Also the writers should stop doing the 'lets make the second lead better than the main lead'. Its annoying to see one person actually making sincere effort for the girl but the girl ends up totally ignoring their effort and like the ML. Not in just Kdramas but in all sorts of dramas. I actually saw a Chinese drama where the second lead finally turned into a villain. I LITERALLY commented 'good for him' lmao.
13. Sunho in 'Cheer Up' is problematic. Neither his sad backstory nor his sincere feelings for Haeyi changes that fact.
14. The Heirs(2013) drama wasted an opportunity to pair Young Do(Kim Woobin) with Yoo Rachel(Kim Jiwon). No, they didn't need to be 'siblings'. I'd have chosen the two heartbroken yet sassy and tough people romance over the sappy romance of the main couple in a heartbeat. And the actors would've NAILED it.
15. Jojo not ending up with Sunho in 'Love Alarm' finally broke the 'Cinderella and Prince Charming' fairytale trope of Kdramas. That girl was too messed up in the head . She didn't need the rich,fierce and impulsive lover, but the quite,patient and thoughtful one. So don't go ahead and say the ending sucked. Maybe they could've made things more coherent, but no the ending didn't suck.
16. Moon Dong Eun should have remained single, with the last episode ending with him crossing paths with Do Yeong, with Yeonjin & gang & all the revenge agenda gone, she could hv offered him a smile and a game of Go, keeping an open ending for them. Lee Do Hyun was fabulous in playing Yeojeong and their chemistry was amazing. But they could hv just been partners in crime with their teamwork without the romantic plot between them.
17. No. Ryu Shi Oh doesn't give second lead syndrome. Byun Woo Seok is a very good actor but he plays the villain in 'Strong Woman Kang Nam Soon' and not anti-hero. Lee Yoo Mi and him should be paired opposite to e/o in some other project in the future but Shi Oh and Nam Soon ain't the 'enemies to lovers' you think it is.
18. After Byun Woo Seok's popularity skyrocketed with 'Lovely Runner', many people dug up his previous works & lamented over not noticing him earlier. People even felt sad that he got his recognition late. But honestly, he wasn't very noticeable as an actor in his earlier stages imo. He kept working hard on his acting skills to get to where he is now. What I applaud about him is not giving up & putting the efforts in all right places but he didn't start from a 100.
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passionforfiction · 5 months
Dream | Official Trailer | Netflix
A soccer player that falls out of grace becomes the coach of a group of homeless men training for the Homeless World Cup that will be held in England. Is the over used plot of the underdog, we know what to expect and it doesn’t disappoint.
I liked the film even when it touches in a very superficial way how people see the homeless. Each men has a story of love and struggle and I like to see that the tournament helped them finds out and kept them together as a support system.
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korelist · 9 months
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UYARI : Yazılar genel olarak spoiler içerebilir. İçermeyedebilir.
İmdb puanı :7,4 Benim puanım:  7
Drama: Today's Webtoon
Hangul: 오늘의 웹툰
Director: Jo Soo-Won, Kim Young-Hwan
Writer: Naoko Matsuda (manga), Jo Ye-Rang, Lee Jae-Eun
Date: 2022
Language: Korean
Country: South Korea
Cast: Kim Se-Jeong, Daniel Choi, Nam Yoon-Soo, Park Ho-San, Kim Kap-Soo, Lim Chul-Soo, Ko Chang-Seok, Hwang Young-Hee, Yoon Seo-A
Webtoon uyarlaması webtoon konulu bir dizi! İsmi ve konusu bile kulağa şahane geliyor. Beni gerçekten heyecanlandıran bir diziydi. Üstelik başrolünde Kim Se-Jeong’un oynaması da ekstra bonus oldu. Gel gelelim beklentimi tam karşıladığını söyleyemeyeceğim. Evet kötü değildi, keyifle izledim ama bir şeyler eksik bir diziydi.
Dizi; Judo milli takımından geçirdiği bir sakatlık nedeni ile ayrılan On Ma-Eum(Kim Se-Jeong)’un çeşitli işlerde dikiş tutturmaya çalışmasını anlatarak başlıyor. Kızımız çizgi roman/kafe işleten bir aileye sahip. Babası On Ki-Bong(Ko Chang-Seok), annesi Hwang Mi-Ok(Hwang Young-Hee) ve kız kardeşi On Nu-Ri(Yoon Seo-A) ile beraber yaşamaktadır. Yarı zamanlı çalıştığı bir lokantada paket servis yaparken bir webtoon yayın evinde iş başvurusunda bulunur. Aileden gelen webtoon aşkı iş bulmasının sevinci ile ikiyle çarpılmış oluyor.
Sözleşmeli çalışan olarak işe alınan iki kişiden biridir ve 1 yılın sonunda 1 kişi anlaşmalı olarak kadroya katılacaktır. Yani aslında bir nevi diğer yeni başlayan Goo Jun-Yeong(Nam Yoon-Soo) ile de rekabet içindedir. Ayrıca Jun-Yeong, Ma-Eum’un aksine webtoonlardan hiç anlamaz ve ilgisini de çekmemektedir ama okul birincilikleri ve notları onu bir adım öne çıkarmaya yetmiştir. Dizinin konusu; çizerler, teslim tarihleri ve şirketin maddi durumu arasında gidip gelen bir üçgenin içinde dönmektedir. Departman müdürü Jang Man-Cheol karakteri ile Park Ho-San’ı izlemek bence diziyi izlemeye yeterli bir sebep olabilir. Diziye şahane bir hava katmıştı.
Ana çizer kadrosu ve oyuncu seçimi de bir o kadar güzel yapılmıştı. Lim Chul-Soo’u gördüğüme oldukça sevindim ve karakteri Na Gang-Nam ile inanılmaz eğlendim. Öte yandan dizinin sıkıcı kişisel gelişim kitaplarını andıran sürekli mesaj içeren dramatik bir yanının olması o kadarda tatlı değildi. Her olay bir mesaj içeriyordu, her sorun bir güzellikle bitiyordu. Sorunların çözülmesinde gidiş yolunun beklenmedik seçimleri bir tık ilginçleştirse de “hayat bize hep yeni kapılar açar” şeklinde bir kamu spotu izlemek bir süre sonra sıkıcı gelmeye başlıyor.
Ve romantizm. Yok ki 😊 beklentiye bile girmeyin. Romantik hiçbir şey yok dizide. Hiç yeltenmemişler. Yani benim diziyi izlerken “şimdi bir şey olacak” hissiyatım ve hayal kırıklığım 12.bölüme kadar devam etti. Sonra pes ettim. Böyle de izlemek yorucu valla, yapmayın. Bilin ki romantik bir şey yok. Yan rollerde dahi yok. Romantizm yerine arkadaşlıktır ne bileyim vefa borcudur, efendime söyleyeyim abiliktir, babalıktır gibi daha dostane duygulara yer verilmiş. Yani bu duygular güzel değil demiyorum. Bunlarda güzel tabi ki ama şimdi tatlı bir kalp çarpıntısı ekleselerdi daha da güzel olmaz mıydı? Bence çok da müsaitti. Dizide bolca sevgi vardı. Ofis ekibi dostluk arkadaşlık için dev örnekti. Ebeveynler sevginin kralını gösteriyordu. Kimse seni seviyorum demiyordu ama herkes birbirini çok seviyordu.
Yine de bu kadar hayat dersini bir araya toplamadan biraz daha hareketli bir dizi olsaydı güzel olurdu dedim. Ve diziyi doğru bir ruh hali ile izlemek gerektiğini düşünüyorum. Tam olmasa da “Slice of life” modunuz açıkken izlerseniz bence seversiniz.
O.When - We Know
Raven Melus
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k-star-holic · 1 year
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Jin Seon-kyu - Actor Park Bo-kyung - Ko Chang-seok - Knowing Bros.
Source: k-star-holic.blogspot.com
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I was thinking about the interview where the Crows cast played a game to find which Netflix character could be their infamous seventh Crow and this list of badasses immediately came to my mind. I have more Netflix characters in mind but this is Part 1 of the top Netflix characters who would be the seventh badass Crow.
Vincenzo Cassano
There are limits when it comes to pain. But there are none when it comes to fear.
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Hong Cha Young
To be honest, everything we did was so cruel that it was hard for me to endure. But do you know why I supported you? There's no law that can punish a monster like Jang Han-seok. And there are no other options. That's why I supported your method, the lesser evil. I thought that was the right thing to do.
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Mr. Nam
You know the saying, “Absence makes the heart grow fonder”? Your absence left a hole with a 30m diameter in my heart.
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Moon Dong - Eun
An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a fracture for a fracture. The one who inflicted the injury must suffer the same. That sounds too fair to me. Don't you think? From now on every single day will be a nightmare. They will be provocative and terrifying. You can't stop me or makee disappear. I'm playing on becoming a very old rumour of yours.
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Yeo Jeong
"I will do it. I will be your executioner, I will join the hunt. Just tell me what should I do first? What do you want to do next? Tell me who do I need to kill first?"
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Kang Hyeon-Nam
Even if you try to break me, I’m not scared of you anymore. And I will wear red lipstick.
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The Grim Reaper and the Goblin
They say God only gives us obstacles we can overcome. But if that is true, maybe he thought too highly of me.
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Lee Yeon and Lee Rang
Since the old days, my little brother couldn’t even ignore an injured puppy. I was wondering where he went, but you haven’t changed. You haven’t changed at all.
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Ko - Moon Young, Gang - Tae and Sang - Tae
the one who neglects and turns a blind eye to the abuse is worse than the abuser.”
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Kaz Brekker and the Crows would be absolutely lucky to have these beautiful badasses on their team!❤️
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oraclekleo · 2 years
List of Idols and Actors I know or follow
I strongly urge you to take all the tarot readings on this account lightly. All the posts are intended to have an entertaining nature, they are pure speculations and completely made up by me. I can never ever guarantee any of it and you should never take any of the tarot readings for granted. I would like to stress that I know no idol nor actor personally, I never met any of them and all those readings are fictional, imagins, make believe and hypothetical scenarios. Do not base any of your life decisions on a tarot reading only, always use your common sense. If you have issues with tarot cards for religious or other reasons, do not engage in reading my posts.
When you make a request take my life into consideration and be patient. I’m a responsible adult with a full time job, dog, family, friends, duties, house chores and requests from other sources. All these take my time. Also reading tarot cards requires a certain mood, vibe and concentration, it can’t be done just anytime. Count on the time delays, please. I will do my best to complete your requests.
I’m always willing to help out if you yourself consider taking on tarot cards as a hobby. Feel free to ask if you have any inquiries about it, no question is dumb. I don’t know everything but will try to help the best I can.
Tip me for my readings on ko-fi! Purely optional! All readings are for free now!
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LINK: https://ko-fi.com/oraclekleo
Requests status:
K-Pop Readings - CLOSED
List of Idols and Actors I included into my ultimate chart and into the Compatibility Calculator:
Black Pink
Block B
Golden Child
Red Velvet
Stray Kids
Super Junior
Teen Top
The Boyz
The King
The Rose
Xdinary Heroes
Actors + Soloists
Ahn Hyo-seop
Ahn Jae Hyun
Byeon Woo Seok
Do Ji Han
Eric Nam
Gao Hanyu
Gong Yoo
Ha Sungwoon
Hirose Tomoki
Hong Jong-hyun
Hyeok Geun Choe
Cha Hyunseung
Ishikawa Plowden Luke
Jasper Liu
Jay Park
Ji Chang Wook
Ji Soo
Ji Sung
Johnny Huang
Jung Il Woo
Jung Won Chang
Kang Daniel
Kang Haneul
Kim Jaewook
Kim Soo Hyun
Kim Woobin
Kinchiku Yuuki
Kwak Dong Yeon
Lai Leon Yi
Lee Dong Wook
Lee Jae-wook
Lee Jehoon
Lee Jong Suk
Lee Joon Gi
Lee Min-Ho
Lee Min-ki
Lee Soo Hyuk
Luo Yunxi
Nam Joo-hyuk
Park Bo-gum
Park Hae Jin
Park Hyung Sik
Park Seo-joon
Sakaguchi Kentaro
Satoh Takeru
Seo In Guk
Simon Dominic
Simon Gong
Song Kang
Song Weilong
Sota Fukushi
Sung Hoon
Takhon Paing
Timmy Xu
Tsao Yu Ning
Vardy Wang
Wang Rui Chang
Wi Ha Joon
Woo Do Hwan
Xiao Zhan
Xu Kaicheng
Yokohama Ryusei
Yoo Seung Ho
Yu Christian
Zhang Zhe Han
Members of the listed groups who went solo
+ You are allowed to request any idol or actor or celebrity you like as long as they are 18 years old or older. Including non-asian ones.
The K-Pop Chart and Compatibility Calculator can be found
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